Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Age of Youth 2: One thing about this season that feels like a noticeable improvement is the feeling of direction and trajectory. Season 1 was loose and breezy (in positive ways!), but certainly meandering. I see now that seeds for Ji-won’s backstory were planted last year (like the ringing in her ears), and it makes me wonder at why it wasn’t explored or set up back then, and rather left to sit there unaddressed. This season feels tighter and more planned, and I’m thrilled that Ji-won is at the center of it, because that girl is all kinds of weirdly awesome.

Rescue Me: This show is so good, but almost too real—it makes me so furious I can hardly stand to watch sometimes. I hate religious fanaticism so, so much, UGH, I want to burn that cult church down to the ground and salt the hell out of that earth.

Man Who Sets the Table: I have a Father Is Strange-shaped hole in my heart now, so I tried this new family drama just to see if it would be in a similar, heartwarming vein. (Spoiler alert: It is not.) It set my blood boiling from the first scene and I was so enraged on Sooyoung’s behalf at her having such a flaming ass of a father that I couldn’t get beyond ten minutes, so nope, this one’s a no-go.

My Golden Life: This, on the other hand, is more promising—lighter, brighter, cuter. Shin Hye-sun and her sister are charming, although I’m iffy on the two guys. I was very curious to see whether I could watch post-scandal Park Shi-hoo in a rom-com role, then found that it wasn’t the scandal that bothered me, but rather the very strong feeling that he was miscast and what the drama really needs is Jo Jung-seok. (You can’t unsee it—or un-want it—once you’ve thought it!) It feels like he’s trying too hard to be bumbly-funny, and that makes me uncomfortable.

Criminal Minds: More of the same.

Reunited Worlds: I was watching an episode with only half my attention and realized I was missing a lot of the plot logic when I couldn’t follow the events. So, I rewound and rewatched to fill in the holes, and realized that while paying attention does help, it does not, unfortunately, create plot logic out of nowhere.

Hospital Ship: I think I’ll pass. It’s not bad, but it doesn’t get me either. It sort of feels like Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim but without any of the quirkiness or compelling characters… so kind of like a regular medical drama, then.



School 2017: It didn’t go out on the same high that we were all feeling a few weeks ago, but I was satisfied with where we left our characters. True to form, School 2017’s biggest success was in being a breakout vehicle for its rookie stars, who now have a horde of loyal fans eager to see what they’ll do next. Could anything top swoony bad boy Hyun Tae-woon though? I mean, he even sings!! I wouldn’t bet on it… but in the meantime maybe I’ll go back and rewatch Jealousy Incarnate.

Rescue Me: I leapt out of my chair and fist-pumped like a fool when Dong-chul came back into the mix. I was so desperate for someone to save Sang-mi that I didn’t realize how frustrated I was by the other boys until he came back and breathed life back into everything. Now I finally feel like things are getting DONE.

Falsify: Sometimes it’s hard to notice because the drama is slickly made, but I often watch Falsify and think there are too many masterminds for one show. It lacks realism when everyone’s always got a twist up his sleeve, even though for the sake of the plot, those twists are essential. In any case, I like it when things get heisty and capery, so this week was a fun departure in that sense.

Age of Youth 2: I’m so ecstatic that Ji-won and her editor are getting their own loveline this season! Their dynamic is so cute and weird… though I guess that’s kind of how all the relationships on this show go, which is why I like Age of Youth in the first place.



Live Up to Your Name: I do love the wrenches this show throws into things, since I wasn’t expecting a trip back to Joseon so soon. Once Yeon-kyung figured out how the time traveling mechanism worked, I laughed WAY too hard when she kept “innocently” trying to kill Im to get them back to her time. And then the drama kicked in, and I was crying. Can we please just stay in Joseon?

Reunited Worlds: If they could bring a person back from the dead, can they do the same with the plot?

Manhole: Still both manning and holing.

Rescue Me: They certainly know how to keep this from getting repetitive, since the writer seems to understand how to throw the audience a bone every now and then. We knew Sang-mi couldn’t be rescued this early in the game, but by giving us that shred of hope, that fleeting moment of freedom, the show effectively raised the stakes even higher. I remember being so mad at Dong-chul for not being there during any of the rescue attempts, but now it all makes sense, since he’s the only one able to infiltrate the cult. Woo Do-hwan is giving me Kim Woo-bin vibes from White Christmas by just exuding charisma and talent left and right, so color me stoked that his role is gaining even more prominence. (As for you, Sang-hwan, what’s it going to take for you to learn that you can never trust the system?)

Falsify: Something something unrelated late-game villain, something somethi—zzzzzzzzzzzz…..



Currently recapping: Falsify

The King Loves: Yessss, Rin! He finally stepped up his game and confessed (well a kiss kinda counts as a confession right?) his love for So-ah. It’s just unfortunate that the kiss just didn’t have the best optics. It kind of made me remember the epic fail pantry kiss in Heirs. One would think that after having dated Lee Seung-gi, Yoon-ah would have learned how to smack lips with finesse. In any case, I am glad this drama isn’t going to sink my second lead ship. I read up on the novel chapter summaries this week, and to be honest, it sounds like a waay better book. I think the drama just doesn’t capture all the action and angst that’s clearly all there in the book, and I don’t know why because writer Song Ji-nah has definitely proved she can do it all before in Healer.

Hospital Ship: My luuurve Ha Ji-won. She is amazing in this as always, and her character is stellar and complex, but the problem seems to be EVERYTHING else. I like the setting, and the greenness of some of the younger actors is offset by the veteran cast members (sometimes), but I just wish that there were a clearer direction in this show. It just seems to be meandering like a ship lost at sea (hur).



Currently recapping: Age of Youth 2

Seven Day Queen: I could not handle this show. I thought I could in the beginning, but it was TOO MUCH. I mean that as the best compliment possible because the emotional levels I’d reached while watching… I didn’t even know they existed! I had to step away for a while because it was so intense, but once I gathered the courage to come back and finish it, I was happy with the ending we got. What a beautiful, bittersweet way to say goodbye to these characters. It was very Titanic-esque in bundling up so much tragedy and giving us the much needed relief at the very end. And by relief, I of course mean more tears. So many tears….

Manhole: *sees Jaejoong* … *dies* In all seriousness, I loved the crazy (bordering on psycho) energy that this show had. It felt like the perfect pick-me-up after speeding through the final episodes of Seven Day Queen. I’m a little behind since life decided to be a jerk and get in the way, but I’m not exactly sure if I want to catch up. With the quick pace that it has, I’m scared to enter an endless cycle of failed manhole trips. I’m currently paused at Pil emerging as a gangster (which is giving me some serious Triangle flashbacks ❤) and it already feels like it’s getting repetitive. Is my love for Jaejoong worth the multiple trips down memory lane? I really don’t know.


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I'm currently enjoying Strongest Deliverymen.


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yes! love this, love both couples together


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Yeah, too bad, not any of the reviewers are watching this one. It has been a while I liked all the characters of a drama.


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I tried it for a while, then it just seems to have petered out and I lost interest around episode 5 or 6. Still on my list, but I actually doubt that I will ever finish it - not cringeworthy, but that is about the best that can be said about it.


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This week's episodes got me back to being interested in Strongest Deliveryman, but only just.


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Seriously my crack right now. ^^ glad to find a fellow fan!


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It's my favourite right now and it just keeps getting better and better every episode. why aren't any of the DB writers watching it? :(


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Also for me. My favorite one. And this week we finally have a kiss!!!
So... for those saying that our first OTP have no chemistry, i hope they change their mind. I found them perfect together.
I hope she says yes... Or at least, she will think about it.
It is a very serious decision, but hey Dan ah! Where in USA are you going to find another Kang soo???????


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It's strange how "no one" seems to be watching this. Even the soompi-thread is just 25 pages long. Granted, it had a suuuuper slow start but now it is truly a crack drama with really great and unusual characters <3


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Lately I’m relying more on K-shows than dramas, nothing great (FoS ?) so I’ll pick up Rebel Thief next week and have some good sageuk on my plate ? (oh there’s Kim Jung Hyun in it ? ?)
◾◾ Dramas
◾ School 2017 ended : My summer 2017 = Swoon/Squeee 2017 + Tae Fever with other Beanies ?, goodbye my dear cool summer breeze ?, goodbye Tae Swoon ??, waiting for more Kim Jung Hyun in dramaland ?
◾ Falsify ep25-28 : I like this show but sometimes it feels a little too easy, within a week they were able to rob the bad guy, just like that ? ?
◾ Strongest Deliveryman ep9-10 : Suits ?, sunglasses ?, a new haircut ? + a cameo by Lee Yuri ?
◾ I’ve put Reunited Worlds on hold (main reason I haven’t dropped it is Ho Bang & Jin Joo, thought it was 32ep, but it is 40ep? don’t know if I’ll pick it up or drop it)


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◾◾ K-shows
◾ 1n2d Ep191: I love this 3G team ?, poor Dong Gu he was scolded several times by his hyungs but he took too much time buying ice cream ? . I still can’t believe they talked with the British ambassador ? + Dong Gu was wearing a skirt (and getting used to it ?). It was so funny how desperate they were to hear “lovely”. They’re really “culture transformer” ?
◾ It’s Dangerous Beyond The Blankets ep2 : I love this show and might relate too much to some situations ?. The danger of VR game : being ridiculous without knowing it ?, poor Xiumin
◾ Produce 101 S2 E1-5 : I shouldn’t have begun this one : panda eyes is the result ?, so far each ep gave me a new trainee to follow ? : Ong Seung Woo (ep1), Kang Daniel (ep2), Hwang Min Hyun (ep3), Park Ji Hoon (ep4), the performance of Sorry Sorry by team 2 in ep4 was awesome ? ?, Yoon Ji Sung (ep5) heartbreaking ep5 ?. I might review my drama/show schedule and finish this show asap ? ?

◾ Yoo hui yeol sketchbook E379 : I enjoyed seeing Kim Jong Wan (of NELL) & Tablo (of Epik High) singing together and making jokes like old friends do ? ?
◾ Infinite challenge Ep545 : Celeb & street fighter game : Omo omo very nice guests : Lee Si Eon, Lee Hong Gi, Jung Joon Young & the king of games ….Eun Ji Won ?. Haha short people party highlight was the basketball dunk. They were genuinely happy ? ?. National MC Yoo Jae Seok crisis – working with……children ? , the little boy was so funny “it’s a secret” ?
◾ I live alone Ep220 : Lee Si Eon and his two friends were hilarious. Without any plan, waiting at MBC station they managed to see…a raccoon ? and Wanna One ?, Wow just wow ???? . Finally Choong Jae came to Na Rae Bar ?. Na Rae was so shy she couldn’t look at Choong Jae, who was so nice while…Kian84 was trying to be the worst wingman ever ? or was he a rival ? ?. I was smiling all along ??, I loved this ep.
◾ Knowing Brother E91 : I watched it to see Yoo Jung-Sang (Seok-min Sunbae of Falsify) : he was a funny guest, the female guest Jang Yoon Jeong was nice too , it’s good to hear some trot music ? .
◾ Night goblin ep4&5 : Lee Su Geun & Jung Hyung Don ? ? ?, it’s funny to see how the Goblins change week after week, 1st ep wearing a suit, then pajama and ahjumma floral pants ?. I was craving for Anpan during ep5, that seemed so good ?.


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I enjoy It's Dangerous Beyond the Blankets, it is so relatable with me. Whenever they are being awkwarx with each other makes me laugh so hard until I realised "oh wait, I am like that too"??


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LOL that VR scene was sooooo funny! How come it just fit right when jo jungchi came that the opponents appeared there too lolll


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Produce 101 S2: Do you already know who made the group? I assume you know Kang Daniel from It’s Dangerous Beyond the Blankets and Ha Sung Woon from Infinity Challenge, but all your trainees to follow in ep1-5 are Wanna One members.


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I know some of the Wanna One members since I've watched the special Happy together ep out of curiosity after it aired, so that biased my watching and trainee to follow per ep BUT Ong Seung Woo really stood out for me the moment he took the 2nd rank seat in ep1 ?.


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I loved Ong Seong Woo's running commentary with Joo Hak Nyeon in ep1. "Is it OTL?" "Would a company name themselves OTL?" Since there's 11 eps, you can potentially follow all 11 members of Wanna One per ep. ?


after that, you can watch wanna one go :)


Great job on the emoticons!??


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I feel happy whenever @kudoran posted - maybe because of her emoticons' effects lol


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ㅋㅋㅋ Thank you Sunbae and @yayabean ?


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Falsify started promising but somehow in the middle it started to give the feeling of lazy writing in some parts which as a result caused me lazy to watch as well..


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I agree with you Sunbae, I watch it but I'm not as excited as I was before. Now I enjoy the comedy part more than the corruption/fighting the bad guys part ? , I always fall for unexpected scenes where the male lead wears glasses ? : this week was Namgoong Min with glasses ??


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Man with glasses made my heart weak too. lol.


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I know I know ?, then suddenly realized we haven't seen Kim Jung Hyun wearing glasses yet , omo omo omo ???


We will get to see him with glasses, soon.


Assa ?


I beg to differ. I felt that Falsify did convey what they meant by media manipulation. Somehow it reminded me of "Spotlight". It was just the drama hasn't got the appeal due to the weak main character, and also unparalleled story line. At least from my perspective it has more values and weights than overrated drama like Defendants and Whisper.

However, I agreed that the portrayal of the main character was weak in such a way that it made some disappointed with the show.


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@Kudo Ran,

"I’ll pick up Rebel Thief next week and have some good sageuk on my plate..."

Enjoy!! And if REBEL floats your boat, consider watching Writer-nim's earlier sageuk, THE KING'S DAUGHTER, SU BAEK HYANG, with Seo Hyun-jin and Jo Hyun-jae as the OTP. Don't be scared off by 108 episodes -- they're about half an hour.

Both dramas have large casts of memorable characters portrayed veteran actors who shine, and stories with heart. ;-)


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Phil shoud be with Jinsook! AHHH WHY SHOW WHYYYY!!!
but wtf with that pharmacist?
should we really call Bongsoon?


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I agree that Pil should totally be with Jin Sook!! And in every timeline Pil has visited, that pharmacist guy is always a bad guy


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Pharmacist - once a manhole, always a manhole.


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He sounds like a Pil pusher to me.


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HeadsNo2 write-ups always cracks me up!

I'm currently watching

Live Up To Your Name: Which is great (seriously. Kim Nam-gil's expressions, his wonder and joy at simple things is so enchanting!), but I really don't understand the overarching angle of the drama. It confuses me. Sigh.
Hospital Ship: Me too, am in it for Ha Ji-won, who does not disappoint. The medicine does my head in, but the character(s) study seems like it is shaping up to be interesting, what with hidden pain/family secrets in everyone's background,so I'm still here.

Age of Youth: I've heard so many good things, and then season 2 is here, so I am starting with season 1. Wish me luck!


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Kim Nam-gil's goofy expressions sometimes make me think that he is Yoon Shi-yoon's older twin brother born 5 years apart.


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What a delightful concept!

When watching Shin Dong-wook on KING OF MASK SINGER #111 and AS I SAY (both on my fan wall), I couldn't help but think that from certain angles he and Yoon Si-yoon resemble each other somewhat. I'd love to hear the two of them sing together. It would be epic. ;-)


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I'm actually enjoying Hospital Ship. Just like you, the medicine part is the boring to me. I really just want to delve further into the back stories (especially Minhyuk and his dad).
And despite popular opinion, I see the chemistry between Ha Ji Won and Kang Min Hyuk. Maybe its Ha Ji Won's impressive acting and Min Hyuk's puppy dog eyes when he gazes at her, but I do see it.


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It's definitely Ha Ji-won's acting, loooool. I don't like the way Minhyuk treats her (like when he barged into the hospital and just dragged her off to talk), but yeah, with his puppy-dog eyes when he stares at her, it is sooooo obvious that he likes her.


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Wait I mean Hyun (that's Kang Min-hyuk's character, right? Him. )


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Age of Youth 2 is really outstanding in so many ways!

The development of Sung-min and Ji-won's relationship these past few episodes was reaaally cute, I can just watch them bicker and flirt for 12 hours and not get tired doing so.

One thing that made me love the show more is the character developments! This season made me fall in love more with Ji-won, like the new housemate, Eun, squeal over the romance, laugh until my stomach hurts with the comedy, and be amazed at how the show was still so relatable! Although I still feel like Eun-jae's arc this season was underutilized unlike the first one, I'm hoping that we go onto a new direction as this season's story unfolds just like what we've seen with Ye-eun's character development and Jin-myung's discovery of what life should be all about.

All in all, the writing for this season is great! I mean, who wouldn't love a slice-of-life coming-of-age drama thrown with comedy and some mystery? I'm all in!


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I think I could watch Ji Won being inappropriate with Sung Min all day!


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Only 2 drama that I'm totally invested with - Age of Youth & The King's Woman.

Age of Youth is ❤❤❤❤❤ To the extent I found myself lazy to watch any other drama.lol

Decided to put the last 2 epi of Falsify on hold until it finished and binge watch the remaining epi. It's not a bad show, but I just think it is kind of show suitable for marathon.

School 2017- Maybe I need to put a reminder so I won't forget to watch the last 2 epi.

Still watching but not something I have to watch immediately after new epi released : Strongest Deliveryman (second leads syndrome are strong in this) and Live Up For Your Name (please make Heol-im funny until the end because that's the reason I'm watching)

On new weekend drama, I loved first two epi Man Who Sets The Table more than My Golden Life. So for now, I'll follow the former. As for latter, maybe will check out it after some more epi or when I am bored.. I don't think it will beat Father Is Strange in term of rating & popularity but it might be still too early to say. But agree Park Shi-hoo is miscast here based on what I saw.


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Sunbae ? (I'm still having too much fun using your title ?), I volunteer to randomly reply to your wall posts with a reminder about School 2017 ?.
I'm waiting to binge watch AoY S2 later, I don't want to wait for the subs every week ?.


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Yes you're welcome to remind me lol.

Waiting for the subs is the real torture. I'm waiting for Argon to be subbed as well!


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Regarding Argon, at first I was thinking of watching it while airing but I'll wait and see how Beanies react to it (guess CITT last year made me careful) , I'm hoping it'll be good because that'll be my first drama with Kim Joo Hyuk who I miss in 1n2d (Gu Taeng ?)


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??? I know why. But I think with only 8 epi, we might get a good drama until the end. I wish DB will pick up on this drama.


I'm stalking all kdrama platform available in my country to see if they have subtitle for Argon. The torture is real.


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Maybe because there is no hype for this drama internationally so the sub is late. ?


I actually like the pairing between the chaebols in Strongest Deliveryman. Maybe it's just me but I think that their story is better. Whenever that rich guy said "You're cute" or "I love you" I always died laughing

I also enjoy Man Who Sets the Table more than My Golden Life. It's more about the plot than Park Shi-hoo for me. I often watch family dramas that are mess and daily dramas so I'm used with awkward acting and exaggeration, so I don't really think much about his acting in My Golden Life. Plot however, gosh, could you please be more creative, writer? It's another birth secret? And I thought that it would be interesting *sighs*


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I think chaebols here are interesting because they are struggling to be independent and want to prove their worth to their parents..This kind of story easily moved my heart. This pairing also have better chemistry. Many drama always showing chaebols are kinda brat and spoiled kids, and made them annoying characters but not in this drama. Our deliveryman /girl are good as well, but their story feel a little plain, and their interactions are not that cute? I don't know, I like the actors but not invested with their characters. Maybe because the male lead is too nice?


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True! When I heard that there will be another chaebols I almost groaned. But then their story is actually more interesting than the main couple. I also don't feel the cuteness from the delivery pairs. I think they're better without each other lol


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"...maybe because he is too nice?"? Then he is "plain"?
OMG, i wish i could have a plain guy like that in my life. Someone who makes you feel appreciated and someone able to give love, although he himself has been alone for years. Someone who is able to have fun with you, even by working... Someone resilient and hard working.

I fear some people migh find them (kang soo and dan ah) boring, because they don´t have all these crazy angst and cliffhangers, but who from us find partners that way in the real life????


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True.. but atleast the birth secret got revealed by episode 2 and nor strung on for a million episodes! There is still hope!


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I think that there will be a twist though. I think that it's the other sister who's the rich daughter and not our heroine. If it turned out to be like that, then that would be awesome!

And yes, I'm still holding on that tiny hope haha. I watch family dramas to get rid of boredom anyway haha


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yeah.. considering the almost certain romance between her & will-be-revealed-to-be-her-brother soon.. it's almost certainly a fauxcest situation => the other twin is the daughter. bahh.. oh well.. i have nothing better to do on weekends.. so I guess I'm gonna watch this play out for a little longer!


Are you referring to the King's Woman with Dilmurat Dilrabat and Zhing Ven? I'm also crazily obsessed with that show! The director spends too much time on establishing shots, but I am totally invested in Li/Zheng pairing and the costumes are suuuper pretty


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I'm obsess with this drama too! I love this pairing, but the storyline in general also doesn't disappoint me so far.


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It's the only show I watch .. but we're only halfway and I fear it will run out of steam now that "the marriage has been consummated"


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School 2017: It's time to say goodbye to this show and send these kids and teachers to their next journey as a better person. The writing and editing could be a mess at times, but it has lots of heart and there are so many awesome characters and lovely relationships to more than make up for its flaws. Here is hoping that we'll get more of these warm and feel-good youth stories.

Three Meals a Day S3: This show is perfect for de-stressing. E-Chef's delicious food that somehow looks easy to make, Captain Seo-jin's dimple, helpful Kyung-tern and his big appetite, and the cutie Koong-Mong show. What's more do I need?


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So I don't manage to finish the whole series haha. Still pretty busy these days T.T
But I did watch until episode 8 and IT'S.SO.GOOD
Why this show is not so popular in rating I wonder? Because of the school theme? Meh, whatever, that's their loss anyway

I haven't watched the last episode yet! I need more than 24 hours in a day T.T


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wrt 3MAD, what more do you need?

plum extract, the "secret" ingredient!
; )

oh, and more Lee Je Hoon, of course... i hope the boys warm up to him in ep 5!


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oh OOPS -- you're watching S3... sorry, i am referring to S4...


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Live Up To Your Name - This drama currently has me on tenterhooks. After the tear fest that was ep 8, I'm really invested in seeing how Yeon Kyung and Im deal with each other. I mean, his entire backstory (for why he is the way he is) is laid bare. Yeon Kyung cannot help but want to reach out, but I fear Im is going to hold back (as the teasers show us.) It's kind of like giving too much power to someone. He already is close to being putty in Yeon Kyung's hands. He'd be all the more wary now because I feel like if he does give her his heart wholly, then he's also giving her the power to destroy him (should she feel that and I hope she does not.). ANYWAY. SUCH A GOOD.

Reunited Worlds - When I think of this show, I cannot help but be mad at all the squandered potential. It was so promising and now I just cannot wait for it end. I'm still hanging on and watching, but my interest is fast waning, despite all of this week's revelations.

Liar Game - Kim So Eun, omg. Is it too early to say I love her? Yes, Da Jung is naive and trusts easily, but I'm not mad at the character, but rather appreciate her all the more for. And that's all due to Kim So Eun. Plus, she does not seem like a pushover, which is even more important. I'm thinking I'll end up bingeing a few episode this week!


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Nam Da-jung is such a puppy, but not a weak puppy. That's why Ha Woo-jin can't really angry with her for her naiveness ? I expected to dislike her character before the drama started, because it had a potential to be a weak character until the end. Credit to the good writing and KSE's acting, otherwise Nam Da-jung could just be a plain and boring character.


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Like, we all know she is naive but other than being naive, there's also something so earnest and trusthworthy about her. It's like, you know you can count on her. And I don't think that's just a character trait. It feel's like Kim So Eun's natural sweetness that's coming through. I find her actions understandable all the time!


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She's indeed a very likeable lead in liar game. I liked that we can rely on her completely since everyone else was manipulative. Binge watching will be hard to avoid: this drama is so addictive!


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I know right? I'm quite amazed at all the machinations. They are so headspinning. On the other hand, Da Jung feels like the stablising centre. And you were absolutely right. I did end up bingeing 4 episodes in a go, which is really unprecedented for me, considering the fact that they are 1 hour episodes!


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School 2017: I liked the middle part of the drama the best. Farewell, show.
Rescue Me: Obviously romance is the last thing on Sang Mi's mind but wow, her chemistry with Dong Chul is no joke.
Age of Youth 2: I like Eun, especially when she's trailing after Yoon Sunbae and fangirling. Not interested in Eun Jae's moping at all. Anyway, something about this show is so relaxing. It's just nice to see the Belle Epoque girls and their quirky stories.


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Completely agree with you on the Rescue Me observations. Sang-mi and Dong-chul are the ship I boarded from episode one, even though I know I'll need that life vest. Good thing I'm ready. ?


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i love how easily it was to get back into age of youth, since when has the second season of a drama actually been good? i love this writer and need more works from her asap!


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Finally picked uo my schedule again :
Falsify - I believe that NGM along with Ji Sung and Jung Kyung Ho have the ability to make me watch any thing they like to do.
If any of them gets casted as a serial killer later on , I'll go stupid like in "Girl Who Could see smells", where I was all gaga over the villain because he seems trustworthy :P
Manhole - I love Jaejoong, but that screenwriter is p'$$ing me off. Why did they have to fall in a melo?
Weekend - Catching up to Save Me. Sigh... Can anyone say to TaecYeon that he has not been the lead ever since Woo Do Hwan got on screen?
I predict an amazing career for him in the future. The female lead is great though, and I'm enjoying the 4 boys's friendship/dumbness.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal - I am 4 episodes from the end. I love the chemistry of the cast.
Tunnel - Just started. The main lead is really something here. I like :)
Age Of Youth 2 - posticipating for now.

Thinking of starting - Live up to your name.

It's dangerous beyond the blankets - I met my soulmates, or rather Kang Daniel has about 80% of them, and the rest have a ton of others. Felt bad that everyone forgot about Xiumin, at least until I saw that he forgot about them too :D


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Man Who Sets the Table: I have a different oppinion on this with javabeans. Yes the father is a very misguided, stubborn, snobbish and not a good one in every way and the reason I am intrigue is because sooyoung and her mum is getting away from him. I think it happen on ep 2 that they actually choose their own path. Sooyoong by working in the pool for her happiness even if she stil hopes for the employment and the mum for graduating the marrige.

The king loves : I really want to read the novel if I can find it somewhere cause I like it how it crafted the story. I know it's not great as in seven-day queen-esque but I really see how the characters work, it just I hope what I see is the same with what the writer intended to cause sometimes I also can see how the writer can twist it to the other way. The use of a word in this drama is so ambiguous and broad but it never a specific word. At least Rin confessed.


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EP2 - 21 to 25th minute of restaurant scene is awesome. She was still mild and talked properly unlike him getting all violent and son is same as his father. I actually like daughter-in-law.


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DIL and her mommy are my favourites so far. Both father and son take things for granted because they have nice wives, although DIL might not be the best wife but she still has nice personality so far.


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I like how the mum confronts the father and not backing down, the same with how I feel when Ruri talk to the girlfriend in the pool.

It's like a payback that comes faster and satisfying.


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Man Who Sets The Table - I hate Lee Roo-ri's father but I am also looking forward to see his character's development. I think this drama has many characters that I can love.


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suprisingly i only watch school 2017. it end nicely eventho there is loose end somewhere. and it seem i like reading recap more than watching at this point.

im trying to watch cdrama Lost Love in Times and The King's Woman. but im trying to wait until the it finish its airing. in the mean time, i will just follow the recap in forums somewhere.

Also waiting to finish airing is Code Blue season 3. the subs is a bit slow for this show.

For variety show Knowing Brothers ep 91 with Jang Yunjeong and Yoon Junsang. i am relief to have an episode without idols this time. starting this week and god knows until when, is another back to back idols. yoon junsang perform better than lee jonghyuk(lets not have someone will kim jongkook again, please. he dominate the whole ep) and jang yunjeong is funny and cheerful guest who make people laugh with her funny story and banter with Seo Rose???
the brothers act way more freely when idols is not the guest and many absurd answers kept coming out from their mouth, especially min kyunghoon LOL.


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Oh, I haven't watched any episode with no idol. Reading your comment make me want to try one :) imo Min Kyung Hoon talks lesser compare to other members, but he can be as funny as hell once he open his mouth.. plus those dimple makes him looks cute ><


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hahaha, you miss a lot of fun skipping non-idol episode. because some of this non-idol guest has connection to some of the cast, the diss and banter can be really funny. they also more comfortable as they dont have to censor themselves in case of getting hate from idol fans.
i suggest you start with this non- idols ep:
◼this is actually half idol lol( ep 18 with eunjiwon and noel kang kyung sung)
◼ep 35 (tak jaehoon and lee soo min)
◼ep 36 (kim junho and baek jiyoung)
◼ep 41 n 42 (female comedians)
◼ep65 (seo yeji and oh ji ho)
◼ep 69 (godfather Lee Kyung Kyu).
the one i listed to you is my personal favorite from non idols. please enjoy it.


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Oh I see.. fans of idol can be scary sometimes, they won't want to risk their career by getting attack from angry fans

Anyway, I'll copy your comment and keep it to my note as a reminder, I'll check them out :) Thanks !


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Seo Ye-ji is surprisingly good in variety show. I never laughed as hard watching this var show as I was when she came as a guest. Her funny stories was so unpredictable and she retelled it in serious tone which just make it even funnier.


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yeah... her story about her sister making me LOL hard. then ttakbam ???. all of their forehead, bruises all over them ?


I'm a cable-drama-girl for now

Watching passionately with all my heart and my mind : Live Up and Age of Youth S2

Still watching Criminal Minds, there're only 2 episodes left so I'll have to finish it


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I salute your dedication to Criminal Minds. I love LJK but CMK is a snooze-fest. What agitate me even more is that the drama showcased my dream pairing of LJK and MCW and they are both being wasted ?


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I feel like I can't really complain because I have had too many joyful feelings in dramaland for the first half of 2017, with my favorite actors in Rebel, Live Up, plus AoY. So I'll just consider CM as one small cursed show on my list..

Let's just hope they will re-unite in sageuk, there'll always be next time :)


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I thought Criminal Minds has 20 episodes which is the reason why I drop this drama because it seems like long way to go and I'm getting bored by each episode.


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So sad that School 2017 ended, I will surely miss all the casts, School 2017 is the first drama I streamed without sub like a champ!

So my current watch right now (the number is based on ranks):
1. Live Up to Your Name
Honestly, this show is just hilariously entertaining! But I truly didn't expect all the angst in the latest episode, seriously though I was crying a river along with Heo Im. Now that Yeon Kyung know how Heo Im has lived his life, I hope she can be a bit more understanding of him. It seems like Heo Im will pushed her away, but I truly hope she will stay beside him.

2. Age of Youth 2
Yeayyy, this show finally has english sub! I am rooting for Ji Won-Sung Min and Jo Eun-Jang Hoon this season! I am interested in how Ye Eun will fight from her trauma. I think Heimdall won't be Yoon sunbae partner this season, their relationship seems more like noona-dongsaeng, and Yoon sunbae still seems pretty lovey dovey with Chef. Eun Jae-Jong Yeol story really still doesn't leave a mark yet.

3. My Golden Life
I'm watching this drama because of Shin Hye Sun, goshh I love her in Forest of secrets. This drama has the same vibe with Father is Strange (which is good). I hope they will mantain it until the end. I am not sure if I am gonna finish it until the end, because with Father is Strange I only lasted until episode 38 (50 episodes is just too much), so I ended up watching specific characters clips.

4. Manhole
Yep, my love for this show has grown. Pil starting to become a bit more mature and less annoying. I'm gonna have to brace my heart because of our poor second lead Jin Sook, I'm totally rooting for Pil to realised that Jin Sook's love stand strong in all timeline Pil traveled too, while Soo Jin does not.

5. Hospital Ship
I'm liking the first 2 episodes (ot should I say 4?). Haven't catch up with the latest eps yet.

And I am officially dropping Reunited Worlds, the show is moving too slowly!

Also beanies, where can I watch Argon?? Whether Argon is any good??


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In Manhole, Seok-tae breaks my heart. Jaejoong is why I watch, but Baro is a close second. I have been more than a little worried for UEE for a few years, as she looks so frail. Is she okay? Granted, it's not as if I'm a physically fit person, but she looks too thin. I want one of the Reply series moms to make mounds of food for her.


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Still very much in love with strongest deliveryman. It saddens me that it doesn't get much love from you guys. It's perfect, each episode is getting better and better, and I love the 4 main leads.


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Don't be too sad.. Although I know how it feels too when my favorite show doesn't get much love that I think it should get. Especially here in Dramabeans which is the only place where I can talk about k-dramas/shows with other people

Everytime it happens, I'll just have to remind myself that not everyone has the same heart as me, so it's fine :)


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Yeah, exactly like you said. dramabeans is the only place i talk about kdramas, so i feel a bit sad that i didn't connect with the recappers this time.


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I think it is receiving some attention from beanies, or maybe you meant from our recappers?


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Yup, i meant the dramabeans team. I think only odilettante watches, because she's the recappers. I'm still happy that SD still got much love from beanies :)


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Feel totally the same here. But I don´t think that much it is that the other beanies don´t love this show, but they didn´t start to watch it, and they don´t know...
There are some advocating for "Live up to your name" as well, and I haven´t watched a single scene of this drama yet... Somehow i know and i knew it was there, but haven´t been into it, and that is why I cannot sympathize. I suppose with them and SD happens exactly the same.
But.... But... But if they would start to watch it... Oh my God, I think it will happen the Chicago Typewriter effect! They won´t be able to stop.
Strongest Deliveryman is one of my favs this year... no doubt!!!!


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School 2017: I'm behind. Need to finish up but so far I've found this a well paced, enjoyable drama. Glad I gave it a few episodes to get into the groove.

Hospital Ship: Liked this weeks episodes as everything was in place now. I like the more down to earth moments. More of that and less, "if we don't do surgery, he's going to diiiiiiiiieeeee". Favorite moment of the drama is HJW's character telling all the islander patience the truth: stop drinking, stop smoking etc. It didn't go over well.

The King's Woman (c-drama): I skip all of the 2nd lead's scenes. I do like the politics in the palace especially knowing this king is the one who cobbles together China and starts the Great Wall. The main reason to stick with this drama is the leads have a sizzling chemistry together.

On my watch list, I've started Protect the Boss but have been busy so I haven't gotten past the first episode or 2. I'm hearing one of the T-dramas on Viki is good, but I just can't do an episode a week so I'll wait until it's finished.

I'd pick up more dramas but am staying away from certain buggy sites.


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I mean "patients" not "patience". Is there an edit button I don't know about?


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Haha, I wish! That way I could correct my fat-fingered typing on a cell phone keyboard mistakes.


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in Hospital Ship, I would like to see more character development and interactions between the cast and islanders, definitely would prefer much much less lingering shots on props of severed hand or whatever mangled body parts.


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Yes, I'm hoping for more of what you list in the following episodes now that we have the foundation for all the characters.


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More of that and less, "if we don't do surgery, he's going to diiiiiiiiieeeee

Definitely this. The show is quite a nice, breezy watch when it calms down and gets away from the surgery bits


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Recently completed school 2017 and father is strange both were better than I expected but I loved the cast in father is strange. Protect the boss is one of my favs because of the friendship between the ladies especially how the 2nd lead is not some evil woman. I'm on a cdrama binge since kdramas have been so lackluster lately. Just completed the eternal love, the general and l , surgeons and now The kings woman. Tdramas can be too quirky and slow with just one episode a week waiting for fated to love you the thia remake to come out hoping it good.


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protect the boss is a classic. The extended episodes didn´t do good, but the drama is very cool overall, and the first 6, 7 or 8 episodes are crack!! Super funny. I loved the heroine... (8/10)


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"Manhole: Still both manning and holing."

What does that mean exactly ? But I laughed hard, anyway.....


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I am surprised that "Live Up To Your Name" not receiving that much love. This show is brilliant and what I live for.

Rewatching "Queen Seondeok". I can't believe I am doing this just to savour on Kim Nam Gil while waiting for new episode of LUTYN.


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I know, right? I would have thought Live Up To Your Name would be more popular with beanies but I guess not. I don't know, there's just something about it that clicks for me. It's not often that I end up sticking with a drama these days. I seem to have the attention of a goldfish lately but LUTYN is entertaining enough to keep me coming back week after week. Or I/we just have different taste in dramas?


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Probably. My taste always differs from the majority. I don't like the very popular Goblin and despite the rave reviews on Forest of Secrets, I find the show extremely boring that I decided to drop it after episode 8. No drama got me interested this year until Live Up To Your Name. The plot is intriguing, love the balance between comedy and seriousness and the acting is gold. What not to love? Anyway, thanks for sharing the same love for LUTYN.


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Maybe those who were fangirling Kim Nam Gil back to several years ago already moved on and no longer into kdrama, hence no really hype for this show. I won't be surprised to see if around half of beanies never watched him in anything. I remember @juniper (or maybe someone else) said the same thing about Lee Sun-kyun. Now is the era of younger actors. I think there are many people still watching this drama, but some people only watch drama with actors they know.


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I definitely feel that the current (active) beanies are younger ones ?


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Probably some of us also only started watching kdrama within the last 5 years or after 2010. I'm also only being active here from the last 3-4 years after casually read recaps here, although already watched kdrama from 2000s.


Lol. At 35 years of age and used to have a huge crush on KNG back during his Bidam days, your comment certainly made me feel so old.


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Auch ? Don't feel bad. lol. I'm getting older too ?


Nothing has surpassed his QSD fame. I like him alot and it's good that he is back doing dramas because it's going to take a long time to be an established film actor.
I was probably one of the few who prefered General Yu-shin to Bidam. It's too bad Uhm Force screwed up his career.

I've been around since early DB before GF joined JB although I was more quiet back then lol.
I was still a teen and spoke very little English.
I can't say anyone back then would be surprised at the changes in dramaland so it is what it is.
I rarely see anyone from the old days around even bloggers like Thundie, MrX and the WITHS2 sub squad are no longer active ?.


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Any right rational mind will prefer Yushin but he is too righteous, alas boring. Guess I love bad boys in dramaland cause you can't associate with them in real life. Lol

I think KNG will be doing more movies after this and will just make occasional comeback to dramaland.

I lurked DB circa 2011 but I had not much opinion back then (still am). Probably I don't have friends to talk about k-dramas these few years and so I started commenting here.


Yes, he was kind of being neglected ever since Bidam showed up around eps 23 or so. The writers went with the fans' favorite thanks to Kim Nam-gil. Bidam went from QSD's enemy in history to being her love interest in the drama and Shilla's heroic general was more like the 2nd lead.

DB didn't recap sageuks in those days except for the 2eps of Hyang Dan Jeon if I remember correctly.
We were mostly over at Mysoju, Dramacrazy or viiki for the subs. You probably still remember those sites that got shut down after DF came around.
Epic sageuks were pretty fun to watch back then even with 50+ eps. SFD was the last of it's kind. Weeping over the end of an era.


I'm really enjoying Live Up To Your Name. The problem is that I have to watch it off an "illegal" site so there's a delay before I can watch a subbed episode. Then, the recaps for this show seem to be quite delayed as well so my train of thought has already left the station by the time I could post something about it.

Looking forward to the next episodes to hopefully see the female lead's change of heart after she discovers Im's tragic back story.


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I think it would be getting a bit more buzz if it had been picked up by DF like originally planned. Don't know what happened to that licensing deal. I really wanted to watch it but multiple dramas are out for me until they are on a site that my computer plays nicely with.


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Oh, that's right, I forgot about the subbing issue. That's likely a big reason why many aren't able to watch it.
Also, I've never watched any of Kim Nam Gil's previous projects so this is the first time I'm seeing him on screen. I do know who he is, just never got to watch him in anything. So I'm going into this drama as a new fan.


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I was not aware of those issues since I got to watch this drama on cable TV in my country but airing a day later than Korea. Never watched KNG in anything so I guess you are a young beanie?


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Actually, I've been lurking around DB for several years now. Can't remember exactly when but maybe around 8-9 years ago? Although I didn't comment much then. Not usually a fan of sageuks or heavy dramas like Shark so that's probably why I never got to watch a project of his. But now that he's on my radar, I'll probably end up seeing him more on my screen.


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If you don't mind me asking, where are you from by the way that you get TvN on cable? Do you watch them subbed already?


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Oh, I don't mind at all. I am from Malaysia. I watch via subscribed cable tv Astro. They aired each episode 24 hours after Korea's broadcast. We also get to watch all K-dramas from all Korean tv stations except JTBC and OCN the next day after Korea except for the grand pre-produced ones like Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart, My Sassy Girl and The King Loves where we got to enjoy same broadcast time as Korea.


I felt attracted to watch it (Live up to your name), but I don´t have time! :(
Also, somehow I don´t feel able for another time travelling drama. I tried the best hit and was dissappointed half way through and dropped it... so... well...
Maybe one day later...


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Currently watching:
Strongest Deliveryman - waiting for Oh Jin Kyu to join Kang-Soo's gang ...-er business
Live Up to Your Name - Kim Nam Gil, my first ever K-drama crush. Making you laugh at one scene then causing you to weep for him in the next. Can't wait for the next episodes
Rescue Me: WWDD (What Would Dong-Chul Do) Can't resist the urge to binge watch, now I'm dying waiting for the next episodes...


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Me too @xhuizini - I feel the same about those three shows.
I'm also watching
Hospital Ship - meh still trying to decide if I want to continue
The King Loves - I've watched so far with this show that I can't give it up, but seriously, I'm so confused by all the plot twists and Rin forcing a kiss (then again was that really a kiss or just the lips on lips- ugh) on San. UGH
Manhole - can't get myself to keep going with this show
Reunited Worlds - dropped weeks ago and now I just read the recaps.
My Golden Life - I'm all in for this show! I love the lead actress and am looking forward to her little sister growing up some.


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ha, I need to catch up on The King Loves, I've only watch episode . Everyone seems to be in on a game of who is best guy for the main heroine and I can't chip in coz I haven't watched it yet T_T
Putting Hospital Ship on hold, Idk if its just me or the atmosphere is really glum almost 85% of the time.

and yeah, my golden life, I'm not sure if I can watch PSH yet, my brain's not ready *sigh* lemme know if its really worth the watch


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Swoon 2017 - what a roller coaster but heartwarming and of course swoon worthy ride that was ? I will remember you fondly.

Strongest Deliveryman - really liking how JinKyu's story arc is developing.but I'd like it more when Jiyoon's on board too ?

Need to catch up on
Age of Youth 2
Live Up to Your Name

On hold
King's Woman

Reading Recaps
Rescue Me - so intense,my heart can't watch


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I need to catch up on Rescue Me's latest recaps. But I'm in need of destressing show right now, and that drama is prone to make my stress level skyrocketing in a blink.


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I am currently in dramas drought, nothing interest me anymore. There are even many dramas I havent finish watching because I am afraid I might get exhausted emotionally (eyeing Seven Days Queen) or I just simply lost interest. Never thought this day will come where I am just too exhausted with dramas. Hopefully will pass soon cuz I miss watching dramas...


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School 2017 Should I watch Jealousy Incarnate now that girlfriday has planted the idea in my head? Can someone tell me how big or rather, how small Kim Jung Hyun's role is in there?

Age of Youth 2 So much fun! I've always been skeptical about second seasons but this one got to a really good start.

Rescue Me Woo Do Hwan in ep 12 proved further how good he is. He was so convincing as a ruffian that his take on geeky college student surprised me.

The King Loves I was thinking of putting it on hold and see if things make sense. Alas, Rin pulled me back. It's definitely comforting to read DB's recap on the show because crazy stuff is being said out there. Rin can lose the girl, sacrifice himself etc but just don't become a different person. Hope that's not too much to ask.

Fallen behind in Live Up to Your Name Kim Nam Gil is the reason why I am watching this.

Does tvN have the annual awards show like the others? I remember vaguely that they did it differently. I just realize the Forest of Secrets and Live Up To Your Name are both tvN shows - if there's a Best Actor award - KNG or JSW?
It's great that tvN dramas are bringing these older but awesome actors back to small screen.


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tvN has had one award show, celebrating the ten year anniversary, but that's about it.


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Kim Jung-hyun's role in Jealousy Incarnate is quite small. He played as the heroine's prickly little brother and he has a cute love triangle with his 2 bestfriends. (His bickering scene with Jo Jung-seok over his noona is priceless.) If you are in the mood of watching romcom with lots of comedy element in it, I say go watch JI. It's worth it.


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Thank you! I will give it another shot, I did try a couple of times but I couldn't really get into the first episode.


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- continued -

@ 23 outofthisworld, @gadis,

I started watching OH MY GHOST, but got sidetracked. Will have to get back to it; JJS and Kim Seul-gi are great.


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Oops, how did this get up here?!


@ 23 outofthisworld, @gadis,

I finally got around to watching JEALOUSY INCARNATE at the end of July, and loved it. It was a much-needed knee-slapper as SEVEN DAY QUEEN concluded.

The drama is like an extended PSA on breast cancer, especially among male patients. It does a fine job of consciousness raising.

Addictive, sweet, funny, touching. Many laugh out loud moments. The supporting characters are a hoot. The entire show is a delight with lots of thoughtful interludes.

Lee Hwa-shin is not really the bastard he appears to be. He's actually a very decent guy whose way of expressing love for his hyung is not recognized by the rest of the family. He makes many self-sacrificing decisions to spare other people. On the surface, they appear to be irresponsible or selfish, but I think there's always something loving or honorable motivating him.

Hwa-shin and his buddy Jung-won, clothing designer and chaebol heir, are both very lonely people. They've known each other for ages, and are protective of each other, although they can become extremely competitive. Even so, they treasure their friendship above all else -- but the going gets rough when they both fall for weathergirl Na-ri.

There's nice footage of Bangkok in episode 1.

Hwa-shin seems to like Na-ri, despite her being the one with the heart-on-her-sleeve crush for three years. Jung-won is a real sweetie, and is apparently being married off in the usual chaebol fashion. Na-ri catches his eye, and before the engagement, etc., he lets her know he likes her, which lights a fire under Hwa-shin.

I think Hwa-shin's obliviousness to Na-ri's crush on him was at least partly his thinking he wasn't good enough for her.

Kong Hyo-Jin is terrific. She tamed Gong Yoo in STAR CANDY AND BISCUIT TEACHER, and is dynamite in her role as Na-ri, too. I just love her vibe. She's a killer noona!

Kim Jung-Hyun has a nice supporting role as Pyo Chi-yeol, Na-ri's brainiac kid brother who is first in his high school class and deserves to go to medical school. Na-ri is supporting him as it appears that their Mom has died of breast cancer, and Dad is not in the picture. Late in the show Chi-yeol turns into the overly-protective oppa who's actually a dongsaeng. Kim Jung-hyun's brotherly stinkeye is hilarious. When Na-ri marries Hwa-shin, it's Chi-yeol who walks her down the aisle. He's taller than he appeared in REBEL -- but Hwa-shin isn't anywhere near as tall as buddy Jung-won, and Yoon Kyun-sang (Hong Gil-dong) dwarfed just about everyone in the sageuk.

I like the music, and Hwa-shin dances up a storm a couple of times throughout the course of the show.

As for Jo Jung-seok, he is dandy. I love Hwa-shin! I'd seen him in ARCHITECTURE 101 last year or so, and his cameo as the merman rescue diver in LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA, which was touching as all get out. After watching JEALOUSY INCARNATE, I simply had to marathon THE KING 2HEARTS, which was another blast with a great cast. I...


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Thanks! It looks like I have to really watch it now.


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Jealousy Incarnate - Jo Jung-seok owns this drama. Kim Jung-hyun just had a small role, I liked him in this drama but I loved Jo Jung Seok and Gong Hyo-Jin. The plot is quite dragging, what more with 24 epi. But if you can get into it, you will enjoy it.


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Draggy? Oh noes! Maybe I should check recaps to see where's KJH's cuts.


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I think because I was annoyed with the plot a little bit in the middle but then got back after few epi lol. I wasn't that much interested with Mori in JI, or maybe my eyes was filled with JJS only lol. If you are looking for his scenes only, maybe better see the recap first.


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Does he ever not own any character that he portrays? He is one of those actors with a stable and thriving career in films, dramas and on stage.
2016: 1 drama, 1 movie, 1 musical and appeared in 2 variety shows.
I wish our musical veteran Oh Man-seok would at least do a full drama.


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I wish our musical veteran Oh Man-seok would at least do a full drama.

Amen, sister!

I had no idea who he was when he cameo'd in OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN, but went ape over OMS about a year ago when I watched HYENA and MAN OF THE VINEYARD (his rendition of "Chingishan" / "Dschingis Khan" is a hoot!), OUR TOWN, and a couple of short series.


How is he in sageuks?


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Aloha @PakalanaPikake

He is FANTASTIC in sageuks!

If you'd like to start with a short sageuk drama special "The True Colors of Gang and Cheol" ia subbed at KBS World.

I feel like I took this genre and the actors for granted back then. Now it's time to go back and re-watch some of it.


Aloha and mahalo, kiara!!

It doesn't surprise me that OMS is great in sageuks. I've heard raves about how good SHIN DON is. How are the other films?

I've seen the 4-part drama special TRUE COLORS OF KANGCHUL / TRUE STEEL, but had forgotten how much fun it was until I checked my log. The cast was great. Oh Man-seok, Son Hyeon-ju, and Ko Myeong-hwan reunited in 2014 for the 4-part KBS drama special SPECIAL TASK FORCE MSS, which was also great fun, aside from the heinous crimes.

In KANGCHUL, Episode 1 gets off to a good start. OMS hams it up as novelist / former crime investigator No Chul-Ki, and I love it. Son Hyeon-ju is hilarious as the king -- especially when bickering with the queen over #1 daughter's escapades. Chul-Gi's meeting with the king is equally wild as he doesn't believe the yangban was actually the king -- until his old boss, the magistrate, clues him in. Princess reams him out for writing a cliche-riddled potboiler.

The music is very good. In ep. 2, great bluesy guitar @26:45 when Chul-Gi discovers his sidekick Park Choong is perving on the princess as she bathes at the secret hideout. And then gets an eyeful himself. And it goes on from there. The outro to ep. 2 is very good! Nice flute over traditional fusion music.

Now that I think of it, the show is really "CASTLE IN JOSEON"!



I've watched a bunch of KBS World drama specials, as well as most of the 2008 season of KOREAN GHOST STORIES / HOMETOWN LEGENDS. Some of them are very good.

Re: SPECIAL TASK FORCE MSS (2014, KBS) 4 episodes

Oh Man-seok, Son Hyeon-ju, and Ko Myeong-hwan reprise their teamwork from TRUE COLORS OF KANGCHUL / TRUE STEEL. The bromance is hilarious at times. ;-)

MSS = "No Attached Unit" (They are not assigned a beat.) In the end, MSS comes to stand for "Metropolitan Special Section" task force -- Metropol for short!

The first episode opens with a foot chase. You know you're in for a wild and crazy time when a cop is nicknamed "Serial Killer."

No Chul-Gi drives his jeep to the sounds of "Basket Case" by Green Day, which might be foreshadowing. He stops at a coffee shop and in a very friendly way places his order. "Hi. The usual. A blueberry bagel with cream cheese set. Extra shot with the Americano, okay?" [OMS does a Joe Cool variation on this scene in OH HAE YOUNG AGAIN when Hoon's barista girlfriend introduces him to a regular patron and famous actor -- OMS playing himself -- so he can pitch his screenplay for “PASSIONATE BOTTLE OPENER”!]

Another officer visits MSS, and identifies a composite sketch as a killer from a new gang in Shincheon, the Sindongbang gang. Try saying that three times fast. Chul-Gi says it's not really a gang because even the rookies are university graduates who operate a big company.

LMAO at the episode 3 shampoo and backscratching scenes in the hospital; reporter gives Chul-Gi a hand -- until they're busted when Sgt. Hwang Joon Sung and MSS Team Leader Vivian Lee [Vivien Leigh of GONE WITH THE WIND?!] arrive. Chul-Gi is actually shy and nothing like the swaggering alpha stud image he projects. Rawr.

In ep. 4, I think there's a reference to A MAN CALLED GOD -- which has a spy leader named Vivian
-- who parallels MSS's single mom of 2 boys, team leader Sondeok "Vivian" Lee:

No Chul-Gi: "MSS information resources are international."
Hwang Joon Sung: "Global, in fact."
No Chul-Gi: "Even our boss's name is Vivian."

There are nice twists, and the tension is kept taut. The performances are great. It's a fun ride, with more than a little bloodshed and torture. At the end, there is social commentary on the relative leniency of legal punishment for sex offenses. There's plenty of tragedy, too.

Kim Young-jae does a nice job as the buttoned-down prosecutor who is truly jubilant to meet his childhood friend, but otherwise quietly business-like; he hides his lethal intentions well. KYJ has acted in drama specials and indie films, and portrayed King Sunimun in THE KING'S DAUGHTER. A very fine ahjussi fatale. He's very good in ONE STEP MORE TO THE SEA. [It stars Hong Jong-hyun (Wang Rin in THE KING LOVES), Park Ji-young (Queen Yu in MOON LOVERS), and Han Ye-ri (Yoon Jin-Myung in AGE OF YOUTH 1 + 2).]


As far as I know, there was only once tvN award, celebrated 10 years anniversary. So far some of tvN drama will be competed in Baeksang Awards, and I'm pretty sure at least Jo Seung-woo will be nominated for Best Actor, and Forest of Secrets might even follows the step of Signal & Dear My Friends to win Best Drama. Kim Eun Sook's Mr Sunshine is scheduled to air on May 2018 which is after Baeksang, so maybe the chances for tVN drama to win Daesang during Baeksang Awards is higher (because in both years her drama won for Daesang -DOTS & Goblin).


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Unless if Baeksang next year will be held later than May and June.


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"Rin can lose the girl, sacrifice himself etc but just don't become a different person"
I pray the same


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Have you seen the mini-drama Binggoo with Kim Jung Hyun? It's on at kissasian now. Other School 2017 actors are in it too (Officer Han and Hee Chan).


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@wishfultoki suddenly I feel proud that we have watched drama already after Rebel ended ?


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* Age of Youth: currently my drama crack!!! ❤️❤️❤️ This drama always airs in the "right" time. Last year, it was aired after I'd said good by to "Dear My Friends" and hardly move on! Now it started to air in the final week of "Father of Strange." So, I don't feel too strange without Father.

I love with everyone development except Eun-jae. Why is she so cringy? Although I could understand her, but still, I feel annoyed. But anyways, AoY always reminds me of my college days and shared house with other girls housemates. The issues we're dealing more or less are just like in AoY! Thanks writer-nim for making such a relatable drama.

> Falsify: why do I get "Whisper" vibe? Only it's using big media company rather than law firm????


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School 2017: I somehow still haven't watched the finale, and magically haven't encountered spoilers. This one will be hard to let go of.

Hospital Ship: I'm enjoying this - it's easy to just float along with this show's current and not think about anything.

Strongest Deliveryman: No, I haven't watched this week's episode yet, but I'm still petitioning for 'the hair' to come back.

Age of Youth 2: Jang-hoon and Eun! I need moreeeeee!


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"float along with this shows current"

Haha I see what you did there ?


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Re: the hair. Seriously. That was just so perfect for Kang Soo. I will accept it if he really want this new 'do.... but that perm will forever be my favorite.


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All dramas need Jo Jung Suk, just sayin.


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Though I'm still hoping for a different leading lady in his upcoming drama.


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Is Hyeri confirmed? Last time I heard she was still considering.


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As far as I know, there is still no news about that. That's why I'm still hoping and hoping she'll decline and they'll cast a better actress. Even if they want someone much younger than JJS to portray a feisty rookie character, I'm sure there are many other choices out there.


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This casting worries me too - this happens few times before this year, whenever an idol actress / actor get an offer and netizens don't like it, there never seemed to be a follow-up news then suddenly we get photos of script reading with the idol casts in them.


As I am. I was so sure I'm gonna be watching the drama when it airs but after the Hyeri news, my skepticism for her is more than my love for JJS. Nothing against Hyeri, just not a fan of her acting. So I'm also hoping she's not yet confirmed


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HeadsNo2:One would think that after having dated Lee Seung-gi, Yoon-ah would have learned how to smack lips with finesse.

Giggling while picturing Lee Seung-gi as the master trainer of lip action bootcamp. Cannot wait to see how he interpret monkey kisses if he takes on Hwayugi ??


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Maybe she never had the chance to kiss him when they were still dating? So she never got a proper kissing lesson?


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She had muuuch better kiss scenes before!

I was rather disappointed by the RinSan kiss, considering their amazing chemistry and knowing that both of them had proper kissing scenes before. I even went to check the BTS, they're cute as usual, but the camera director said, "I'm sorry Rin-ah, could your lips actually touch hers?" -- to which Yoona and HJH bursted out laughing at her request. I wonder why HJH didn't kiss her properly lol. I demand a better encore!


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I can't wait to tell the world I'm currently watching Reply 1994 lol. I'm only on episode 5, and am having a huge crush on Garbage Oppa, how can I nottt? He's cool and also swoony, and I'm glad he's not Na Jeong's real brother. That would be too weird to ship, really. I'm ready for Chil Bong, though. I'm saving a Chil Bong-shaped space in the corner of my heart.


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Enjoy! It's my fave of all Reply series! ^^


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R94 is also my favorite #foreverteamgarbage


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I'm currently watching Hospital Ship and Save Me on DF; and I'm enjoying both dramas immensely- and on Viki, The King Loves. I couldn't bring myself to watch the last two episodes of School 2017, there were not enough realistic problems to hold my interest, I guess.


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I've seriously made serious attempts to watch some dramas, but life is more serious about getting in the way. I'm too much of a coward or one to avoid investing high fear levels, therefore I did not continue watching Rescue Me ... I may marathon and skip watch all the suspenseful/scary parts though, now that more hope is in sight.

Still I did manage ...
The King Loves- I'm still enjoying it. It's good that the guys are stepping up their game and using as much non-lethal means as they can in getting their way, however I wish the girl had more to do than just react or do as she's told. I (too) found that voiceovers which could be very useful are strangely lacking. In their absence I'm left wondering and not knowing what to anticipate. I'm hoping Teacher Lee also gets utilised more (I miss good ol' Ahjumma in Healer when I consider his wasted potential) and maybe bring the kids around to discern and differentiate the truth from the lies. I was thinking Teacher Lee should have his own quiet, secret army of students to be on call. How awesome if he does and could provide the network of support to help San, and by connection, Rin and Won.

I'm waiting for the next episode to see how Won reacts to the pristine kiss. I'm hoping to be surprised. (Come on Won, don't be like every other shocked and betrayed protagonist, suggest a double wedding or something! LOL)

The Strongest Deliveryman- This show delights me. It gives me all sorts of good feels, or just deep feels, and burst out loud laughter and I find myself smiling stupidly at Jin Gyu's niceness and crying over Kang Soo's anguish and cringing at Dan Ah's antics (did she take a leaf from Soon Ae on accosting one's gf/bf?). I like that there are a lot of interesting female characters who are not wall flowers or overly weak. It's great that Dan Ah and Ji Yoon never became imbeciles when the guys are around and others like Grandma, Yeon Ji, Soon Ae and even the cameo character Yoon Hwa Yong have personalities and quirks.

I expect that everyone is going to be gathered together by Kang Soo to fight for one common cause and in the process, he will get the chance to lay his own demons to rest and get to own and be owned by his blood/half-blood 'family'. How he goes about bringing down our Hye Ran will be the stuff that I wait for with bated breath. :)

Age of Youth 2- I did not watch AoY1 at the time it was airing but I did watch enough of it later on to know a bit of history for AoY2. It's such a joy to watch. Being a character driven show, it becomes apparent if not every actor and actress is up for it, but so far everyone is doing a wonderful job in enlivening their characters. They've each made their character's story engaging, weirdly cute and relatable. I find myself invested in everyone's trajectory and growth, as if they live around the corner and I'm mentoring them and could check up on them from time to time. Currently I...


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... Currently I kind of want to knock Ji Won on the head for not noticing what a jewel she has in Sung Min. I guess her forgotten past has something to do with why she's a 'lying drama queen'. I'm thinking that Shin Se Hwi, who plays Ye Ji, and whom somehow sticks in my memory, should try non bratty roles. It's her 3rd outing, I believe and she's been typecast as the 'unpleasant' kid. Looking forward to dating shenanigans coming up!

Hospital Ship- Just trying out this one. Not compelling as yet but I want to see if it ever gets to be more than just a romance at sea while doctoring show.


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I like your comment on SD. This week I found a little bit too fast and relatively irrealistic that Soon ae and Dan ah were trying to resue the chef Jang from the gansters by themselves!!! Oh my! They were very foolish. It could definitively ended badly.


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Finished watching:
School 2017 / Swoon 2017: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Actively watching and highly invested in:
The King Loves : Wang Rin. ?
Strongest Deliveryman : Oh Jin Gyu. ?
Rescue Me: #SafeSangMi
Age of Youth 2: Watch it for Song sunbae! (And Eun)
Live Up to Your Name: Emotional roller coaster ride. ?->?

Casually watching:
Manhole: Jaejoong ~ ?
Reunited Worlds: Tell me again, why am I watching this?
White Christmas: Deep.

Criminal Minds: See you in the next project, Lee Jun Ki oppa.


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Just wanna comment, how could anyone casually watch White Christmas ? That drama was too intense ?


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By casually, I mean that I'm not binge-watching it for old drama and not watching the episode as soon as possible as the sub is out for on going drama. White Christmas is indeed intense, which is why I need proper time when I watch it. I can't really binge-watching it because too much information and clues that I need to consume in one episode.


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I'm on hold with White Christmas as well. Watched the first four in succession, and needed a break for my raw, on-edge, jump-at-a-door-squeak, nerves.


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Ready to drop almost every KDrama.

Code Blue 3 - Seijima's miscarriage was emotional event and good acting. Seijima the nurse + Aizawa the surgeon team is top class.

Korean -

Strongest Delieveryman - 2nd leads are cute. dialogues are crisp and romantic tic-tac-toe of couples is acceptable. +VE impact. Weak and typical plot. 7/10. 50min episodes another +ve

Hospital Ship - 6/10. What crap it is? Seriously, the level of heroship is the biggest headache here.
Live Upto Your Name - 7/10. fun, entertaining and interesting. Still female Lead deserves much more. Rest is typical Korean Medical Drama.

Falsify - Dropped. 6.5 . Still better than softcore porn.
The King Loves - Dropped - 6.5. better than softcore and falsify

Resuce Me - about to drop. 7/10 . Didn't watch last week. This dragged nonsense can't keep you interested. Acting is as usual.

ARGON - 8 episodes deserve a big +1


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The Man Who Sets The Table - Ep 2 21-25min and 47-50min and last 2 minutes. Must watch. You want to see female lead taking stand and voicing her rights? then 21-25min scene is the best one. 7/10

My Golden Life - Typical Korean Family Drama. Cheobal, poor girl facing hardships, 3+ kids Family in a korean society breaking Low-Birth's records. As per 015 - Birth rate is just 1.24, A close childhood or school friend, Love triangle right off the bat and few other things. 7/10

AGE OF YOUTH 2 - Korean to Indo to English translation. 7/10

1st episode felt like a filler. A way to say good bye to tall- beautiful controversy girl. Discovery Channel is back but felt a bit off. The slideshow or PPT chosen mixed visuals.

2nd 1st episode and it felt like a completely new show. Not much dependent upon 1st season. Then we had extra stretched Car Scene - this was a big Car Advert, isn't it? That scene was too long to be played as a joke. Then we move to a convenient cartoon scenario played numerous times earlier in tv media. All the bickering was fun but everything felt forced. The enthusiasm, the excitement and mostly importantly the 4th wall break and the inner thoughts of characters felt out of character.

There are few other things to nitpick but i will stop here as few think i'm under obligation to cater their needs.


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<1st episode felt like a filler.

That's kind of true... the whole serial murderer twist was a bit much.

<Then we had extra stretched Car Scene - this was a big Car Advert, isn't it? That scene was too long to be played as a joke.

Yeah, I couldn't quite figure that one out. None of the others drive? And even if they don't, do they all value their life so little? They should have had her pull over after 10 minutes max, and they definitely shouldn't have gotten in the car again coming back from the airport. That just crossed the line a bit too much.

But other than that, I'm rather enjoying this. It's probably as close to slice of life as kdrama gets, though there's some not-so-credible twists (like Eun Jo moving into the house because of a random letter??? though I really like her character otherwise). Still, it definitely feels more down to earth than 99% of other kdramas and that hits a spot for me.

The only other thing I'm totally not convinced about is the fashionista wardrobe they all have – they never wear the same thing either. How can they afford all those nice clothes? (And indeed, as much as I like their home... it looks more expensive than someone their age would be able to afford on their own?)


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As harsh as you are with your reviews, I read every one, just to see if anything at all impresses you. Then I'm going to watch that! ?


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Sadly, as "mean" as your reviews are - I agree with most. The one show that I am still watching - "Rescue Me" - seems to have stalled in mid-crazy fanaticism and needs to make some real progress. I am still watching Hospital Ship, but that is mainly just to see what crazy scenario they come up with next, not because I care about any of the characters.

It's not that any of the shows are really BAD - it's that so few are really good enough to hold my interest. Watching a couple of the Taiwan/Japanese shows but not much else.


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Ooh, what Taiwanese shows? I'm always up for a change. ^^


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I took your advice and decreased their ratings. I follow simple logic of "if you have the right to praise it then you have the right to criticize it". These shows take audience for granted and they deserve Criticism for being lazy. They shouldn't take generosity of audience for granted.

I can count the characters i care about. Rest of them cry or die isn't even worth pondering.

I'm already moving back to J-Doramas and The Current 2 ongoing Taiwanese dramas are also pretty annoying. Memory Love and Attention Love.


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Since you're watching J-Doramas, did you watch Akira to Akira? If not, I highly recommend it! It seems the Japanese are just so good at making business dramas thrilling. The drama just ended so binge watching is easy, not to mention the 2 hot male leads. Great bromance!


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Thank you for this info. I planned to watch after this drama is ended.There's another J-drama that I'm eyeing as well, also waiting for it to end.


Yes, It's from Jun Ikeido's novel and the production team was the one behind some good dramas in my opinion, like Marks no Yama, Lady Joker, and Soratobu Taiya. So it can be expected that it's at least watchable. :)
Personally, I also really enjoyed it. :)


K-dramas seem to run in cycles - a few good or great ones, then a long string of recycled tropes and insipid pablum with ratings based more on the Idol Factor than on quality. Right now I think we are at the bottom of the barrel.


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Hmm, where do I start?
- School 2017: It's been an enjoyable journey and I will surely remember EunHo cringeworthy aegyo in the last episode. I'm just not satisfied that they didn't solve Heechan and Bitna issues.
- Manhole: Sorry Jaejoong, I've decided to drop it, saw a glimpse of Pil and Jinsook for a wedding shoot , I don't know what happened, but it isn't tempting enough for me to tune in.
- My golden life: Hyesung is so likable, but *sigh* another birth secret @@ really? After such a great show like Father is strange, I'm so disappointed. I will continue a few more eps before decide to drop it or not.
- Live up to your name: I keep rewatching ep 8 like a thousand times for YeonKyung's hilarious ways to kill Im (feat. Skinship) and get teary at the end for that brutal scene, my heart breaks as the raw emotion flashes in Im's eyes.


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K show

Infinity Challenge : despite it's popularity..I don't remember if I ever watch the show? I'm watching for Wanna One and I end up loving Yang Se Hyung street fighter corner, it was pretty fun even for a non gamer me.

Hello : yup, watching because of Wanna One and boohoo Tae Joonie left the show! I'll miss him.

Dangerous outside blanket : seen parts of it...I don't think it is a type of show I would wait for. Love both Kang daniel and Xiumin but not enough for me. I'll watch another episode this week.


School 2017 : have yet to see the last episodes.

Hospital Ship : for once, I'm going to ignore the medical part, too extra..might as well be fantasy. I'm more interested about the island life and how Jiwon going to back..

Age of youth 2 : I miss Park hye soo and Hwayoung like especially because FIS is over too. I miss Yoon Park too! I'm liking Joeun too so I'm stil watching.

Ahh looks like no family drama can replace Father is strange. I saw Hyejung unnie is cameo on strong deliverymen? I might start the drama.

Live up to Name : not feeling it.. might binge when finish


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Sailorjumons thoughts on seven day queen reminds me that I still haven't finished Damo...I had to take a break cos it was too devastating (I was spending the majority of the episodes sobbing...) and never got the courage to go back to it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sometimes has to take breaks for getting too invested in things. Likewise I've stopped watching Save Me, the cult is just too realistically awful and the drama overall too grim I can't handle it right now. One day I'll get the courage to finish it...


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@ emily,

I finally got around to watching DAMO in the last month or so. Interestingly, the film DUELIST is based on the same manhwa, with Ha Ji-won playing Nam-soon. Her opponent is Sad Eyes (Kang Dong-won). It is gorgeous. The choreography is wonderful, the cinematography stunning. And Sad Eyes and Nam-soon live to tango with swords another day. ;-)


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Only have weekends shows Rescue Me and Live Up to Your Name right now so I'm rewatching Dragons on weekdays.


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Not watching much these days - Rescue Me, Hospital Ship (for the laughs at the ridiculous editing and plots) and a couple of J and T dramas. There are a couple of other shows I might be interested in, but this whole Kocowa/Viki/DramaFever fiasco makes it hard to find some of the shows. Yeah, I know most are on one of the pirate sites, but get tired of the continual warnings about malware and the fact a pain to watch them on the big screen TV unless I go through that whole HDMI laptop to TV cable setup thing.


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What's this? I've never heard of Kocowa until I just visited their site just now. Are they a new streaming platform? What's the fiasco? This sounds serious for my drama watching. ^^


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Kocowa now has the licenses for the 3 major broadcast networks (not cable). But their initial rollout really sucked - the site is hard to use, totally not intuitive, and no smart TV or ROKU capability until next year.. maybe. That means that many of the shows that used to be on Viki and DramaFever are now Kocowa only.


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Wait, so if Kocowa now has the licences for the major 3 (I'm assuming SBS, KBS and MBC), and I heard that dramafever has the licences for tvN, then... viki just has... jtbc? That's lame for them. And I did check out the site--it did look a bit unfinished/not super user friendly. Too bad! I hope this all gets smoothed out soon.


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Viki does now have a deal with kocowa where you can watch kocowa stuff on viki but you have to pay more ?


AGE OF YOUTHHHH <3 oh my god Ji Won ahh i love youuuu.
Seriously i love Park Eun Bin in this character so much, it feels like it's her own life. So real so fun! Whether it's bc of her great acting skills or her personality, I don't care, I just love her!
Other than Eun Jae, I love other characters too. But it seems like this season's characters are not that mysterious anymore. In ss1, everyone seems to have dark secrets. This season, almost everyone's happy haha.


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Last year I got my roomate and #package hooked on Kdramas (now she's giving me new kpop songs, I feel my work is complete). This year we're not roommates, but she has a goal... turn her new roomie! I believe in her. ^^

Strongest Deliveryman: this show just continues to be top notch. I'm enjoying the reaaally little man vs. chaebol plot, the characters that don't feel like the usual kdrama stock ones, and humor that continues to be off the wall but still laugh out loud hilarious (plus the music just makes me want to dance). Favorite scenes this week: watching Kang-Soo be a gem of a human being while Dan-Ah was drunk (10/10 would date this man), and his showdown at the end with Jung CEO-- who, as someone remarked a few weeks ago (don't recall who) you can't even really hate. She's a hard, fastdealing business woman trying to protect her empire, and while I don't like her, I can still empathize with her. It's fantastic. ♥️♥️

School 2017: *sniff* I'll miss you all! I'm glad everyone got their own little bit of resolution, and even though it was rather tidy for Tae-Swoon's dad to just change, I'll take it. I do wish the "time jump" had been to after graduation, that they had montaged through their senior visits and ended with a reunion at University. That would have been cute, and resolved some of her dream more.

Save Me: I'm still skimming through this one, barely, but I'm not invested. It feels a bit circular (or maybe just stagnant?), saving her only for her to go back of her own free will at the end of the episode. I'd like to see them all together to take down the cult from the outside (rescue her mom now!). Really, it's watching Taec, her, and Dong-Chul interact together that's keeping me in there, I don't care much about anybody else (except maybe that lady fanatic with the daughter--I'm interested to see what she does now). Oh, that and the fact Dong-Chul in glasses lookes like Park Bong Soo.

Reunited Worlds:I had such high hopes for this series. Even after it started disappointing me I thought it would be cute enough to compensate. Then I found out it's actually 20 episodes, not 16, and now I feel betrayed. D...dropped. :'(

Good Doctor: I realized about halfway through it was written by Chief Kim's writer, and just had to stop and smile. You can totally tell, even though this one's way less wacky. Loved the characters, the subtle developments, the actors did a great job (especially Park Si-on), and I was happy to find I made it easily to the end (normally an impossibility for me and medical dramas).


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I am watching:
Age of Youth 2 (the main thing I don't like about season 2 so far, is that the males - Ji Won's prospective boyfriend and Eun Jae's ex-boyfriend - wear heavy makeup that shows. I find that distracting. What are their makeup artists thinking? They should be wearing very light and natural looking makeup, and yet that lipstick...). Other than that, I am enjoying this second season, although not as much as the first season so far.

Downton Abbey (I am watching this, and I find it inconsistent. Some episodes are interesting from beginning to end, and some episodes are boring and plodding that I end up fast-forwarding through them. I want more Mary and Matthew! There are not enough scenes of them. My favorite character so far is lady Granthem, I love her one liners. I am at season 2 now, and pushing on, but we'll see).


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Five Enough: I also have a Father is Strange-shaped hole, but since that was the first family drama I watched, I'm filling it with older shows :) So far, the two second-loves have confessed to each other, and their awkward "how do I do this again" moments where they try to figure out how to date are beyond adorable. I'm enjoying most of the characters, and it's fun to see the actress who was the rich, snobby and clueless m-i-l in FiS be a rich former-gangster (and still sorta clueless) m-i-l in this one. The two inlaws crack me up.

Man Who Sets the Table: The father is pretty awful, but what's saving this drama at this point is that we come into the story at the moment his wife decides to divorce him (I mean, baring the little back story with the daughter). So, his behaviour is basically never presented as acceptable. This show seems like it's potentially going to be exploring gender relations in a critical way, so I can be there for that. The tone switches between the goofy comedy pool-side and the divorce are a little weird, though. I'm going to continue watching for now.

My Golden Life: There seems to be a lot of potential here. I'm a little confused about how a 3-5 year old gets convinced that some random child her parents brought home is, in fact, her deceased twin sister. But handwavehandwavehandwave, it's not that important I guess :)

Strongest Deliveryman: I'm a few episodes behind on this one, but planning to catch up. It feels like every episode just gets better, and I watch with a perpetual smile.

Live Up To Your Name: I like this show, but I've got it on indefinite hold. I think it's one I'm just going to enjoy more binge watching than waiting each week.


The King's Woman: I gotta say, for all the lead up to them finally being in a mutual relationship, that was a bit of a let down. I wanted to linger in the moment a little more, one way or another (which is to say, I'm not saying more kissing necessarily, just more *something*--looking? conversing? It just felt lacking).

The Sound of the Desert: This show has so many things I've wished for in the past: a more realistic view of heartbreak (like, recover, move on), a story that doesn't happen among royalty, lots of humour. Basically I love it.


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AAAAnnnnddd I got halfway through Man Who Sets the Table episode 3 and dropped it. The tone is going in a more soap opera direction, slapping wigs on actors in their 60s and pretending they're teens took me way out of the moment, and the one family that felt like it might develop a really cozy, happy vibe to balance out the drama just got infused with angsty drama. Bleh.


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Yes! Girlfriday Yes! Having Dong-chul back in the mix definitely feels like finding the missing piece of the puzzle.


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watching Strongest Delivery man, Hospital ship.... both going strong.
As for family drama Man who sets the Table seems much more catchy than Golden Life. It started off like strongly(Spoiler Alert :I mean the feelings and both leads together already in 3rd episode) but I'm sure there's gonna be renaissance and they won't push the climax( or important developments) till the send of series. As for Golden Life the summary which I read seems nostalgic.


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blockquote>Reunited Worlds: If they could bring a person back from the dead, can they do the same with the plot?
@headsno2 Best thing I've read is a long time. ?

School 2017: Was a bumpy as hell ride but I found my way to the end. Can't wait to see what's next for Kim Jung-hyun.

Strongest Deliveryman: Sometimes I love it, sometimes I dislike it. It's kinda funny because many people love our two chaebols more that our leads, whereas I dislike them more. Well, I dislike Ji-yoon. Jin-gyu is human. Saint Gang-soo is absolutely cute, or is the Gyung-pyo? At least we're moving forward with the establishment of the business.

Live Up to Your Name: Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, the absolutely amazing, Kim Nam-gil.

Hospital Ship: I love the character development in that we get to understand our characters through the backstories we are provided. Misperceptions are being corrected and new perceptions are being formed. All that is well and good but it still feels like the show has a broken rudder. Our leads need to get together stat because tsundere Dr. Choi and us the viewers need to get some.


Together with Me: This Thai BL drama is freaking awesome. It's not the most well acted drama, but I'm loving it. It's funny, packed with innuendo, and our two leads are sexy. What's also really interesting is that while this headlines a gay couple, it also has side gay and straight couples. Anyways, I needed some good BL in my life and I think I found it.


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OK, so together with me sounds awesome. I've been burned by Thai BLs before (make it right i'm looking at you -_-) but I'm still intrigued and constantly amazed by how...open thai dramas are (or atleast appear) about different sexualities.

May i ask where you are watching together with me?


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Times like these that I wish DB had a PM feature. You can find the series on YouTube easy enough. Some of the translations are quite bad. I personally prefer LazySubber's. He/she adds their own commentary from time to time at the top, kinda like Viki, and it's both hysterical and informative. If the vids got taken down, let me know and I can try to help.

I haven't seen Make it Right. Are you referencing both seasons? Did season 2 not make it right? ?


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Thank you. Gonna check it out. I like it when subbers take the time to make notes to explain things. :)
yes, probably. Haha. Season 1 of make it right had some decent moments, but season 2 was just a mess. And the acting was...not good. ? It tried to be lovesick 2 and failed (then again, lovesick got super annoying in the second season too. Sigh...) (have you seen SOTUS btw? It's pretty cute. I did like that one ?)


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Nope, haven't seen either Lovesick or SOTUS. I've heard a lot about SOTUS. Will check it out soon. I tend to watch more Japanese, Chinese, or Taiwanese BL--apparently I like to torture myself. Have you seen Heroin/Addicted?

You should let me know if you like Together with Me or not. I forgot to say, it's a currently airing drama. Its at ep 5 I believe.


Yes. I watched Addicted. Loved it though sad that it got banned. So sad how China sensors their BL. Advanced Bravely can't even air now, even with all the BL bits cut out :( I started Together with me. its not bad. i'm grateful for the non-annoying female characters - Yihwa is brilliant. The stoy feels very typical but its easy to watch. (I can't believe they actually slept together though. How very 0 to 100. I'm really not convinced Knock is into Korn so not quite sure he could get that way even when drunk. It also annoyed me how knock pushed all the responsiblity onto Korn even though they were both drunk. Basically, knock annoys me haha I like that this one is a bit more mature and slightly better acted than some I've seen. Yes to actual kisses. ) (Also the teacher/student thing is a bit icky)


thank you for letting me know about Together with me though. Its been great marathoning it this weekend, or to marathon whats already aired :)


Season 2 of Addicted would have been so good and done so well too. Sigh. Yeah, it does suck how these shows are getting the censor hammer. What's awesome though is that people are still producing BL content. I just hope it gets better over time. ?

When you said "its not bad" I read that as you being surprised that its not bad. ?

Yeah, Knock is a bit annoying, especially when he put all the responsibility for the hookup on Korn. I do love that it's an easy to watch show as you said, but also it has few cringe worthy scenes. Knock's gf needs to find the door fast though. She not a very nice person.


and that's awesome that you liked it enough to marathon it. Looks like I have a watching buddy with this show now?


I'm glad it doesn't or I would have missed out on the LazySubber recommendation, and s/he is great! I'm really liking the show too, it's very fun. So if you need another watching buddy... :)


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YAY! Glad you found the show and like it. The more the merrier!


Our leads need to get together stat because tsundere Dr. Choi and us the viewers need to get some.

It's comments like these which make me scroll dramabeans like a drug addict. I was eating and nearly choked, it was so funny! Thanks, @hades!


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Lol, I would say anytime, but I wouldn't want you having another near choking accident. ?


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<many people love our two chaebols more that our leads, whereas I dislike them more. Well, I dislike Ji-yoon. Jin-gyu is human

I find them sort of boring, particularly Ji-yoon. Her life seems to be working in a café (which has taken the backseat) plus pursuing a guy or dating a guy. And for someone who supposedly now is at the bottom of society, she's having a very easy time. I know some people will excuse this with her cheerful nature, but what hardships is she actually experiencing? She might have triangle kimbap lunches, but she doesn't now what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck, scraping for money when you're ill, live in run-down accommodation etc. She experienced that for three days, and since then her life has been smooth-sailing.

Also, her putting watching over JG 24h/day is not cute, it's creepy and obsessive. I guess she thinks it's a normal thing b/c her parents have done the same to her, but she should know better b/c she didn't like it either. And, no matter how you spin it, it's not funny or cute.

As for JG, I just found his whole trajectory (his restaurant managing) not that believable.


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Well, you have to consider that since the drama started, it has been less than three months, from which Jiyoon spent some time back at home. She hasn´t have enough time in the world to really experience other problems related with poverty (Hello.... "poverty", which is not totally. Even someone in a part-time job is not totally materially poor).
On the other hand, she is a second lead character, the show doesn´t give us more time of her lifespan, so that we understand her fully.
And the 24/h surveillance was set for comedy aspects, in this regard I will blame the writer more than the character. I don´t think she would come up with such an idea, or even falling in love with him so quickly, but the writer and production team knows they won´t have much time to wrap up all the stories and I feel that is why they are acelerating Ji-yoon - Jin-kyu romance, in order to give us another "promised" pairing.
I don´t like the rush, because it doesn´t feel real, but I think the actors are doing the best they can.
Ji-yoon is kind of naive, but fun. I don´t love her to bits, but I don´t dislike her at all.


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Last month i didnt have time because i watched so many dramas, and now, im bored, because the ones airing i dont enjoy them, and with School 2017 over, i only have Reunited Worlds and Hospital Ship, because i like medical dramas very much, and because of the dreamy Kang Min Hyuk..

But this month have some promises
i cant wait for Andante,we get to watch Kai...no eyeliner but we cant get everything we want.
-While you were sleeping
-Temperature of love


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I started to watch Man Who Sets the Table and was actually able to finish the first two episodes. Yes, there are characters who make my blood boil. Not just the father but also the brother of Sooyoung's character. Both deserve to get their ass kicked. But I thought this is a kind of drama I can just drop if it gets too annoying and doing that won't bother me. So I will just keep on watching for now. It's currently the only k-drama I'm watching.


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I am so loving Rescue Me! My first k-drama of a non-romantic nature, and a genre I generally stay away from, and I'm more enthralled and impressed than ever! It's a completely different viewing experience. The weird vibes the church gives is something I have seen in real life, so that's crazy, although the extreme cultyness and violence take it to a whole new level. But @headsno2, how could you ever be angry with Dong Chul?! He's the best. :D Woo Do Hwan has blown me away with this one.


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i am only watching hospital ship. not really interested in the other ongoing k-dramas. hospital ship is a healing drama for me. not really interested in the plot. rather trying to understand the characters and their motivations and their different viewpoints is what makes it interesting to me. i can see how some might it feel it as too boring. but after tiring days at school it kinda relaxes my mind and i like that.


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Life suddenly got crazy busy, so I've barely had time for keeping up with dramas and lurking a bit on the recaps, let alone commenting lately.

I have been making time to watch Age of Youth 2 multiple times over though. I'm even more obsessed than before! Also watching live now, because it isn't worth it to watch raw from some sketchy site now that it's finally getting subbed on a site that works well for me. Lol, my advice for fellow obsessed fans is to check for JTBC drama youtube clips. They are getting eng subs pretty quickly, usually before subs for the ep come out, so I've been dwelling there while I wait.

I'm weirdly feeling enveloped in the general slumpish energy despite the fact that I'm enjoying 5 dramas quite a bit right now. It's just that I only enjoy a few of them unreservedly. For some shows, it feels like I'm watching more for the acting, for some, the chemistry. Mainly Strongest Deliveryman on both those. I loveee watching the characters interact, but something about the plot machinations bother me. Like many, I've fallen completely for Kim Sun-ho, perhaps because his performance has that sad-funny vibe that made me fall for Jo Jung-seok's role in JI.

The King Loves...is perplexing. I really love it for many reasons, but it definitely hasn't been as decisive with the direction it wants to take its characters as I expected. I think it has a lot going for it in terms of compelling relationships though and it has a chance to finish strongly. I might marathon the last 4/8 eps all together.

If Age of Youth is my heart and soul, Live Up to Your Name is becoming my crack after episode 8. Definitely the game-changer ep for me. Hopefully, the show only gets better from here now that the relationship between the leads has gotten more complicated. I'm expecting a reversal in their dynamic after the hardship Heo Im re-experienced and I can't wait.

Save Me, on the other hand, is my nightmare. I can only take it in small doses so I'm a bit behind. But, after reading all the comments here, I really want to get caught up quickly!


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I agree with you on The King Loves in that it hasn't been that decisive when it comes to the direction that it wants to take. It chickened out on following the darker turns of the novel that it is being adapted from, which is too bad. Maybe it would have been darker and the political drama more compelling if it was on tvN or OCN. It is still my current crack drama though and HJH's Rin is making me forgive a lot of this drama's faults and I do hope that we get a strong ending.


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Been a weird few weeks for me, and my drama-watching is all over the place.

Age of Youth: Just finished ep. 3. I was a little apprehensive of having an outsider (Eun) join the group, but now I look forward to Eun becoming a part of their tight-knit group.

Criminal Minds: Just finished ep.13. I'm glad we've finally returned to the Nadeul case. The drama is easy to watch. Acting is good when the characters are given something to do. But so many poor writing and directing choices.

Father is Strange: Just finished. I watched that last episode like 3 times. Shed happy tears each time (especially when Joon-Young gave them their IDs *bawls*). The parents are the ultimate OTP and I'm so glad that we ended with their long overdue and well-deserved wedding. I already love the song, "Marry You", but I don't think I can ever listen to it again without remembering the kids' awesome tribute and the swell of emotion I felt. I love this drama so much and I'm so sad to say goodbye.

Live Up to Your Name: Just randomly tuned in to ep. 7 and 8. It's not one of those dramas that make me devour episode after episode, but I totally get why it has good ratings. It's solid on every front, and our OTP has a great chemistry.

On Pause:
School 2017: I love this drama, but I had a recent, mini existential crisis that made it hard for me to watch a drama about students with their entire future ahead of them.

I also watched a little of Golden Life while my mom was watching it: I couldn't help but notice how weirdly close in age Park Shi Hoo's character and his character's dad looks.


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