So I like stories.. Beanies, what are the stories behind ur usernames?!
Mine’s rainbow unicorn cuz they are pretty magical awesome.. & unreal.. just like the kdrama life! The irishrah is the output of a 10 year old’s imagination on reading watership down and about the Irish potato famine (don;t ask how they are related… I dont know anymore!)
I have used this username on different forums since 2004. Before that, I went by the nickname “hundu”, which means something like a “harmless little wolf”, but I realized that it doesn´t fit my personality. For a strong-minded, outspoken and constantly nosy person who can´t stand routine a fox is more fitting, and I have red hair, so.
Ooh! I love red hair! red hair.. red fox and a outspoken woman! That’s awesome & fitting 🙂
Red foxes remind me of red pandas.. have u seen them? they are really foxy cute looking pandas.. way more than the regular b/w ones we see.
Aww.. thanks! It was a DeeDee (from Dexter’s lab) inspired name.. her obsession with unicorns is legendary! also sort enjoy the whimsical-ness of it ! 🙂
I love that ur username is K-drama with style & feel. I always think of you as Kaye.. as if it’s ur first name 🙂
Mine was inspired by Ok Da-jung, the female lead in drama “Ms Temper & Nam Jung-ki” because she was so awesome. I used to have only “Sera” but there are some viewers who also have the same username. I changed few times, i think first I had Sera In The Trap or something like that because of Now I think I won’t change it anymore lol.
Ooh that show has been on my to-watch list for a while now.. Ms Temper has a edge to it which Sera in the trap just doesnt capture! Ha! I like it.. I always imagine u with fiery flying red hair, disposing of comments & opinions on kdrama! *I have random imagination!
my first name and my favorite year. So many things happened in the world during the turn of the century. Y2K. My senior high school graduation, and also the best time of my high school Life. Once my idol, Tiger woods, winning US Open in epic fashion at Pebble Beach. 2000 Olympics. Started my college year that fall. Went to Disney World for the first time that Christmas.
Whoaa! Looks like u really had a Y2K-mania worthy year! I remember the crazy celebrations and random world-ending scares ushering the Y2K.. sure was super memorable!
Ooh Edward!! Nice! I thought drawde was an exotic Irish name or something similar to Dierde! Haha! We are trying to unscramble another beanie’s username (see comments below).. I’m no good at it.. maybe you wanna try?!
I knew its Edward! I have twin friends who’s names were spelled backwards of each other (Shirley and Yelrihs) so I’m kinda on the look-out for those things 😂 Drawde sounds so cool and unique btw. So, you’re male?
“Kudo Ran” it’s from my beloved manga : Detective Conan (aka Case Closed), it’s just my OTP = my username : male lead KUDO Shinichi & female lead MOURI Ran , basically my username screams what I wish for them : marriage and that Ran takes Shinichi’s family name, so here we go : KUDO Ran 🙂 . Sad story is that my drama addiction took me away from it, but I know that one day I’ll catch up with it (though it’s been published for more than 20 years, there are more than 90 volumes, and that the end is not going to happen soon, but do I want it to end ? No hahaha)
Hahaha! What a true fan girl – hats off to you!! Det Conan has been on my radar to watch for soo long but the number of episodes to catch up on always intimidated me..!
It was sarcasm directed at myself- you see I was judging myself for being so in love with kdramas that I was even registering myself on a kdrama site just so I could discuss dramas! Actually, not even discuss- just add my comments! The year was 2015 and the drama that made me delurk and wish to participate on DB was I Remember You, and I have never looked back..
Now the username is not just restricted to kdramas- it is my obsession with DB, kdramas, k-variety and increasingly, kpop too!
Haha! i absolutely love ur username! Gotta love a self-aware beanie 😉
My username started as something of self-satire at the whimsical-ness/ridiculousness of not just an unicorn but one which literally shits/barfs rainbows.. but it just sneakily grew on me and then i decided to own it! Lol
IRY is actually not that long ago.. pretty cool! My discovery & lurking around on DB was sometime in 2016.. gosh it’s already been an year+ !
Lol yes! One has to at least know how bad their condition is! If you know Hindi- “apni haisiyat pata honi chahiye” 😛
Ha! I always think of the origins of Powerpuff Girls when i see your icon for some reason- sugar, spice and everything nice! Also a HP fan can’t not think of Harry Potter when unicorns are mentioned! 😀
Yup, I am not a very old beanie… But I guess because I am so active, I would be considered a long time beanie..
Haha! That quote is appropriate but a tad-bit mean! I would prefer something along the lines of falling-down-a-rabbit-hole-with-eyes-wide-open! That way you can imagine urself having a grand adventure like Alice 😉
Oooh yess! Powerpuff girls was the earliest lesson in feminism for me (can be a awesomely self-sufficient feminist & still be girly & nice)! The dp reminds me of them & DeeDee too! I think it’s their big pretty unicorn eyes.. or maybe their multicoloured rainbow clothes? or bubble/DeeDee’s obsession with unicorns?!
Yeah it sure is mean! I was thinking of another but couldn’t recall it right- something about “kitne paani mein ho” but well yes… what you said is quite bang on! 🙂
Bubble was so adorable! I sometimes found DeeDee quite irritating tbh but she was quite an energetic person. Speaking of, for like my whole childhood I believed that her name was Didi cuz she IS the didi and how even Americans call sisters Didi! 😛
Omg! I was the SAME !! Duh she was Didi.. I’m still convinced that the Americans just mispelt the word cuz ask the NRI ABCDs mispronounced Didi with their accents! Lol
Aur paani toh naak ke hi nahi.. sir ke upar se big kabka ja chuka hai! 😂
Awww…! I’m sure you can.. in a very gruffly cute E.T. way… OMG! That image/voice is hilarious and is now stuck in my head!! I need someone to replicate it !!! Can u imagine ET aegyo-ing?! ala Choi Ae-ra style?!
Your username always reminds me of a happily ever after in fairy tales.
As of my story, gadis is a part of my real name, which means “girl” or “young woman”.
🙂 rainbows & unicorns have that effect.. and is pretty much the reason for me to watch kdrama.. I’m a happily-ever-after monster!
Oh thats a lovely name.. would this be in Malay? Your name along with the pretty & innocent dp.. always reminded me of a character out of the Winnie-the-pooh world.
Ooooh! I am gonna have to try this anagram (i always sucked at them but since ur name just has 5 letters.. il try!): hafit? hifah? ahift? fatiha?
Ok obviously I suck even with just 5 letters… Fatiha sounds closest if it were fatima.. hmm
I had wondered if ur name had to do the Lee Min Ho drama Faith..! excessive fangirling and all! Hehe
Oh no! Faithinme in 4 letters longer and i was already terrible with the 5 lettered faith.. sigh.. don’t hate me if i make terrible guesses! It’s gonna take a while for my noob brains to work this one..
Fatimeh? Intihan? But they don’t end up using all the letters! I’m gonna end up cheating and using an anagram solver.. beanies hello solve this mystery!!
I have great fondness for such names.. simply because that’s what we all did with our first email id’s before gmail came to rescue! but I never figured the zgs to be initials.. wondered if it was an acronym for zeitgeist !
I’m a big fan of Arashi (Jpop) and one of the members is Ninomiya Kazunari, who is known as Neen among fans so it became Neener hihihi he’s also my prof pic, baby pic xD
I am a sucker for noona romances and Duk-seon is by far my favorite kdrama character of all time. Not saying my heart won’t change, but for now it’s her. 😊 (My username was orginally deedeenoona – because Dexter’s Deedee is also one of my favorite characters of all time! Read your story about how Deedee inspired your username, love you already for that! 😊😊😊)
Noona romances are <3 … there are far too few of them around! Reply88 is one of my favourites too.. but i won't get into an OTP war with you..! I like to think that I'm a tadbit more mature these days! Lol
Mine is my dog’s name and an obsession with Ally McBeal. I loved that show. She was tiny like I was (key word: WAS) but so spunky and tenacious AND a respected professional AND the guys swooned over her. She was my alter ego. My husband likes to think it was his idea to name my dog that, little does he know!
Haha! I’m sure your still tiny compared to everyone else.. just maybe not compared to your skinny old self!
I have heard so much heart stuff about AllyMcbeal.. never for around to watching it though. You sure are your alterego! Successful Medico.. golfer.. wife.. mom.. blogger.. baker (or was that one of ur fellow kdrama watchers?) ! 🙂
When it was airing.. I was still pretty young and watching American shows back then was considered a very grown up thing and possibly corruptible! We were only allowed to watch anime and small wonder ! ?
Ooh wow.. not only do you have fellow kdrama watchers.. they are active on DB too plus can bake plus a hubby who can cook!! Gosh. I’m totally green with envy now!
The one thing I wanted in my partner was the ability to cool since i can’t cook either.. but does life ever go the way you want it to?! He is worse at cooking than me..i didn’t think that could be possible!
Ah–you were talking about my blogging friends being the baker! It’s actually my friend Amy, and she’s not active on this site. @michykdrama is a doctor as well, but we don’t live anywhere near each other and I just talk to her here on DB, although, if she lived near me, I’m sure we would be besties! LOL.
Oh, I like this thread — I’ll add my story to this. The first part is pretty self-explanatory (I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, there’s a reason :snark” is in my username). But I’ll add this — I never want to be mean with my snark, but I’m always going to poke fun a things I find silly even when I enjoy them.
As for the Jellyfish – I’ve always said that when I start a band, our first album will be called “Why Do Jellyfish Rule the World” after an article I read in a decade ago. Also, because jellyfish are awesome and I’m obsessed with deep sea creatures, especially jellyfish and cephalopods. I’ve also seen pretty much any Giant Squid documentary or special I can get my hands on, but snarkysquid didn’t have the same ring to it.
Haha! SnarkySquid sure doesn’t sound the same!
And jellyfish are prettier and almost ethereal looking.. could fool you into thinking they are hassles water faeries easily!
My handle is from this water fairy who is one of Tinkerbell’s friends. I loved Peter Pan as kid but always thought Tinker was a bit of a brat. Water fairy Silvermists was pretty chill though and had long black hair like me and loved water (I had a bit of a mermaid phase when all things water was super cool). And I also thought the name Silvermists was the coolest thing eva! So yeh. That’s the embarrassing story behind my name. I’m still fond of that time so I decided to keep using it.
The avatar is Hipster Little Mermaid though. I swear I’m not such a fan of Disney cartoons but again see above mention of mermaid phase. I guess I never grew out of it? I have dark redish/black hair now and wear the exact same glasses as the picture so I guess that’s me.
No I didn’t actually. Although I do draw but its usually large murals on walls and not much on paper for some reason. And mostly a lot of animal stuff and very little people. I’m terrible at drawing faces.
My real name is Geona and earthna is a nickname my Grade 7 science teacher (best teacher ever) calls me. “Geo means earth”, he says. “So you’e earthna.”
I hope so! I teach preschool and do after school care. They can be the sassiest creatures on Earth but I hope they’ll think of me fondly when they grow up.
I was teaching too and the best feeling ever is students telling stories about you (how you touched their lives, or simple funny anecdotes of their fond memories of you) to people until the stories find its way to you. So heart warming. 😊 Kudos to you, teach.
My name comes from one of my favorite shows, Moonlight Drawn by Clouds.
If I’m Ra On Ah that means Prince Yeong is mine right? …Right? …What do you mean that’s not how it works? *plugs ears and runs away* 😄
Hahahaha! If course he is all yours! And mine and all other secret Ra on’s! I like to think he can split himself into multiple clones to be with each one of us ! 😉
Hehe! It comes from the story of Hindu god Krishna who didn’t want to disappoint any of his devotees, so made multiple copies of himself to spend time with each one ! 😉
It’s short for my usual avatar name. When I was in middle school, for some reason I got it in my head to tell people to go dance the jig instead of go fly a kite. I used to go by my first name on the site but when we were able to create an account I decided to go by the nickname instead.
Mine is very self-explanatory and I’ve had some variation since high school. Librarian because it is pretty defining for who I am plus my name. It also rhymes like Marion the Librarian in Music Man 😉
My avatar is from my favorite movie character, actually the scene where the Beast decides to give Belle the library.
Libraries were always my fav place to be and librarians my fav adults! I’m so thankful to the librarian in school who introduced me to the many wonderful worlds in books 🙂
Library was heaven to me in HS. I was a wallflower then and found solace in books, had fantasies of being stuck in the library for a week and devouring books lol 😂 Me staying in the library every after school is owing a lot to the very helpful librarian we had at school back then. 😊 You are in an amazing career. Plus, Belle 😊😊😊😊
I went to the library a lot when I was in primary/ secondary school too! And there was a friendly librarian who recognised me because I was there checking out 4 books every day 😂 And now these wallflower-library-campers like us are now lurking on DB!
Dayum girl I missed this.
Okay hold up. *cracks neck*
Sicae is Latin for dagger, Sicarius meaning literally ‘dagger-man’, although usually translated to ‘hitman’ or ‘assassin’ (so if you see me saying I’m an assassin that will be why)
Why Sicarius though?
Once upon a time I wrote a poem, then a short story, then a screen play, and one day hopefully it will be a novel, about an assassin and I had to give it a title. Thus, Sicarius it was.
Then I became an admin on a facebook page and I had to pick a tag name. Thus, Sicarius it was…
Now it’s like one of my main online monikers, and also a nickname. 😛
Sometimes gets shortened to Sic which also means “thus” in Latin haha.
It is also:
A genus of six eyed sand spiders native to southern Africa
A Spacemarine Captain in the Warhammer RTS game Dawn of War
A character in the Emperor’s Edge series by Lindsey Buroker
Sicarii were “a self-defense splinter group of Hebrew zealots who opposed the Roman occupation of Judea in the decades preceding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.”
AND Apparently! The name of several saints! (Which is hilarious)
… No wonder you had to crack your neck for this lol!
My story is pretty simple: 10 years ago or so, I wanted to create a Livejournal after moving on from Blogger. Purple is my favourite colour, I wanted something quirky to add to it, and teapot sprang to mind (and I happen like tea). I’ve stuck with this handle since!
I was given a purple teapot as gift before (obsessed with purple and tea too 😂)! Sadly, its not with me anymore 😢 I think of it when I see you name @purpleteapot – plus the other purples here. I super love purple it looks yummy lol 😂
like a fluffly little bunny waiting to be hugged but who thinks it doesnt want to.. what a cute tsundere I tell you! *this may just be my fever talking.. so pls ignore once I start sounding really random!
I must have a latent sadistic streak! It was wrong on so many levels but I thoroughly enjoyed watching JY torment Jin-Kyu ! We really need a spin off on their happily..err.. tormented ever after!
In light of discovering the existence of boy beanies (guy beanies? male beanies? manly beanies? What do u prefer?) I thought I would restrict my squealing over kdrama cuties today to provide a slightly less oestrogen filled fan wall… then figured who am I kidding?! The squealing is a major part of what makes the kdrama fandom so enjoyable!
And for all I know boy beanies squeal at their fav parts too.. although I\’m sure in a sexy manly way! 😉
Woke up to an explosion on my fan wall thanks to TLAHL & guy beanie questions.. have to say it\’s a new experience!
How do the sunbae ubercool beanies.. many busy being rooftop dwellers or errand boys now.. keep up so many notifications on a regular basis?! My admiration for you all had grown even more!
Prepare a battle cry and scream it out loud- something like aja aja fighting!
Open the notification page in a new window
Open ALL the notifications in separate tabs so that you ring miss anything scrolling up and down
And then reply/upvote as needed
(JK… I don’t have a battle cry but the idea sounds nice..
I have once or twice woken up to 30 notifications but that is rare- usually after @kaybee or @sicarius come back on DB after a long time…
I usually just have 5 +/- 2 everyday…. @yuelie and @chingu and @azzo1 might have better plans)
What’s the highest I ever got from you guys… was it 40 something? I can’t remember.
I get between 5-10 every day, but at LEAST 10-20 throughout the day if I’m talking lots. More so if TLAHL is involved.
As for plans- that’s pretty much what I do as well!
Psst.. . Since we are on topic.. why do you think this post got so many likes? Is it the admiration for the sunbae beanies that all other beanies have.. or cuz it hastened to mention TLAHL?!! I love this endless spiral!! 😂😁😆
Sunbae beanies don’t get that much admiration! (I speak from experience heee)… it’s all TLAHL!
I call us Liar beanies- yes I am one of them.. @chingu coined the term Liar Ninjas which is more apt.. she kept being surprised as to why she was getting so much love for her Moorim School posts… turns out it was all TLAHL magic
(also sorry for the mannnny notifications you will be getting from me)
Hahaha! Liar ninjas couldn’t be more apt! I did wonder about the moorim school posts myself.. I was like when in the world & why did that show get so popular?! Lol
And don’t be sorry at all.. this is my new high since I’m indisposed and in bed today anyway!
40?? Are we that crazy? I mean yeah if Kaylee and I got talking on your post- that might have led to 10-12 comments from both… and then add replies from other posts and maybe 1-2 from other beanies (yeah just 1-2 because that is usually the norm) it could all add up to 40+
It’s fun right? I love it! And that’s how I spend my whole day on DB and don’t get any work done! Which- not a good thing I guess but isn’t completely messing up my life yet! 😂
Hahahaha DB is my lyfe… I’m on it more than any other social media except for maybe you tube, but even that gets beaten at times!
Practice makes perfect.
I’m at that stage myself.. DB >>>> all other social media ! But I’m still more of a lurker.. @obsessedmuch – again, I’m afraid I’m very close to reaching that stage too.. and it’s easy to do when the work u need to complete is a monster thesis with no in sight.. ! I’m glad it’s not messing ur life yet! Haha… in my case I will soon have to take a step back.. Sigh.. not looking fwd to that
We’ll draw you out of your shell… slowly but surely hehehehehe 😛
Awww no matter! We can just have a big party when you come back and it’s all finished! What is your thesis on?
Welp. Hahahahahaha that is a… long and specialized title, but I guess that’s what happens when you write a thesis! Hahaha!
(Don’t worry I googled toxicogenomics to get a vague idea)
Oh dear!!!! Hwaiting! You can get through it though!
Oh man! I soo tempted to so scolling through ur fan wall to find this drawing! but considering it’s ur fan wall – I dare not succumb to the temptation.. I’l end up being distracted a million times & spend another hour or two easy! Post the link here pls? *puppy eyes
Oh yes I remember the recap thereads esp the last one witch was sustained for close to 2 weeks with insane enthusiasm and ended with over 2500+ posts and all the comparisons and statistics with previous dramas.. it was brilliant! (Yes I admit I’m a lurker.. don’t judge me ok!)
Hahahha… it was brilliant indeed! Everyone went a lil crazy! (Being a lurker on recap threads is like a rite of passage for every beanie! I can say it with 99.9% surety- every beanie has done it!)
You’re a dude??? I am sorry you must be surrounded by all our estrogen. Hahahahaha. And this is why I never assume gender of a Beanie. You never know 😉
Ooh! Hi @hades !! This is a good surprise.. but now that i think of it.. your posts have always been drama related and frustrations with the lame storylines than oppa mania! So glad you aren’t put off by the estrogen on the fan wall!
Oh btw I love ur display pic but it doesn’t show up in comments.. only on ur page. I think re-uploading it might fix that if u want to.. though three no pic combined with the name hades does have a poetic feel to it! Lol
Excuse a moment of pettiness & girlishness here but Gosh I’m so jealous u get to call them Hyung! Oppa is just so annoying sounding.. this random rants are probably due to my days as a crazy fan of all cross-dressing manga/drama/anime! 😀
Yes! I know Yuri – loved the anime.. saw bits of it when I was going through a figure skating craze post winter Olympics… plus who doesnt love a story about hard work conquers all and a well done yaoi?! but never got around to finishing it… I should probably go back and watch the whole thing.. considering it’s ur display pic – must be good?!
When did this happen, though? CNBlue’s last album he looked 12. 12 I say to you. And now look at him…look at that neck and that jaw line. He’s like a handsome grownup and not a pretty child. I don’t, my mind is exploded.
I probably shouldn’t admit that I like wrist grabs in dramas, probably because I know it means “Twoo Wuv”. But I would NEVER tolerate that in real life. Come to think of it, there are lots of things I’ll accept in dramas that I wouldn’t let go IRL.
Tell me about it! I would die of embarrassment/ get mad if many of the cheesy lines/ actions I go gooey over in kdrama ever happened to me in real life! We are a strange breed who live vicariously without actually wanting those things.. I’m sure psychologists would enjoy dissecting us!
i thought i wouldn’t like it if there’s noona romance involved between these two, but i think i’m wrong now! minhyuk looks so mature, AWW. i may be watching this after it ends then~ ^^
Minhyuk is super cute in this drama!! And the romance at least so far has been very low key and in a slow burn.. so the tension us sorta enjoyable without becoming cringe y yet!
Haha! Yeah it does have it’s weak points.. plus I treat the medical aspect of it as fantasy so I’m not as bothered by the inaccuracies.. but the rest of the plot is still much stronger than a lot of other popular dramas I feel. There is slow but good character growth and the struggles are real and painful.. I like it.. but that’s not the general opinion.. but I’ll also admit its not a riveting be glued to the screen kind either
The choice of death – not an easy decision or discussion.. This brings me back to the debate of Euthanasia.. Today’s episode really brought this question around for me again.
I’m enjoying Hospital Ship.. It’s a light drama (as fluffy as medical dramas can be) with beautiful sunsets, interesting character arcs/ dilemma’s.. and of course the gorgeous Ha ji-won and Kang Min Hyuk (Maaan… he is soo cute!!)
Except work, playing golf with my daughter and hubby, writing on The King Loves recaps, etc! HAHAHAHA. I really can barely do 1 live show, but if you screen shot all the loveliness and post them, I’ll just live vicariously through you! OK?
Actually – just saw last night’s episode, and I totally take it back. the show is beautiful.. the internal struggles and they way the story plays out is just so touching.. in fact the slow moments in the show in between the emergencies are (for lack of better vocabulary) simply beautiful.. watch it!
Plus I’m terrible at the screenshot thingy.. and this show is so much more about the story and it’s buildup to a moment… hardly any witty one-dialogue that a quick screenshot can capture…
Shin Hye-sun is doing such a fantastic job in MyGoldenLife! I just wish the rest of the characters & plots can catch up soon!
Also need to have a mini-rant.. how in world can the chaebols take mum\’s word at face value about which twin is theirs?!
Considering how suspicious the chaebol was about all clues leading upto her daughter.. wouldn\’t she be suspicious about which twin too? The mum can obviously lie to let her real daughter live a luxurious life.. I mean they did commit a major crime in not even reporting an abandoned child. Just feels like it\’s not consistent with the chaebol mum\’s character not to be more suspicious & get another DNA test done to confirm which is her actual daughter! After all her first thought after meeting Ji-an was how she has so much to learn about manners/dressing rather than how happy she was to see her…
Yes she is doing a great job and she is the main reason why I decided to continue watching My Golden Life.😀😀
Agree about why they did not do another DNA test just to be sure that it is their daughter.
They cannot just believe the mom without making sure she is telling the truth.
Yes, hopefully the other stories get better or else I am going to fast forward a lot of scenes. Mainly the sister’s since I am pretty much not finding myself caring for her story.
IKR!! The other twin is such annoying feather headed twat.. and we all knew that she is gonna end up being the real mixed daughter (cuz of the story premise/ the obvious love line between ji-an and the park shi-hoo)… which makes it worse.. or maybe better? Since the chaebols will be smacked in their head before ji soo ever learns proper manners or dressing!
ManWhoSetsTheTable has really creepy villains – The evil mother who let her son & DIL die.. then the super abusive father (they tried to make him redeemable by showing how he have up music for his love but…)
I get that they are showing the really rampant male chauvenism & entitlement still rampant in society.. and I do want to see them (both father & son) learn their lesson in the way they treat their wives/mother..
but the show is so overly simplistic in it\’s black & white characters.. dont think I\’m gonna stick around to watch this.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 6:24 AM
So I like stories.. Beanies, what are the stories behind ur usernames?!
Mine’s rainbow unicorn cuz they are pretty magical awesome.. & unreal.. just like the kdrama life! The irishrah is the output of a 10 year old’s imagination on reading watership down and about the Irish potato famine (don;t ask how they are related… I dont know anymore!)
September 17, 2017 at 6:34 AM
I have used this username on different forums since 2004. Before that, I went by the nickname “hundu”, which means something like a “harmless little wolf”, but I realized that it doesn´t fit my personality. For a strong-minded, outspoken and constantly nosy person who can´t stand routine a fox is more fitting, and I have red hair, so.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:21 AM
Ooh! I love red hair! red hair.. red fox and a outspoken woman! That’s awesome & fitting 🙂
Red foxes remind me of red pandas.. have u seen them? they are really foxy cute looking pandas.. way more than the regular b/w ones we see.
September 17, 2017 at 7:02 PM
Red pandas are the best pandas

September 17, 2017 at 6:34 AM
I love your username and the story behind it! I imagine dreamy stardust
things with those two words: 🌈
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:23 AM
Aww.. thanks! It was a DeeDee (from Dexter’s lab) inspired name.. her obsession with unicorns is legendary! also sort enjoy the whimsical-ness of it ! 🙂
I love that ur username is K-drama with style & feel. I always think of you as Kaye.. as if it’s ur first name 🙂
September 17, 2017 at 6:51 PM
A lot of beanies call me kaye and it IS my name! 😂❤ I love Dexter’s lab!
Sera The Ms Temper
September 17, 2017 at 6:50 AM
Mine was inspired by Ok Da-jung, the female lead in drama “Ms Temper & Nam Jung-ki” because she was so awesome. I used to have only “Sera” but there are some viewers who also have the same username. I changed few times, i think first I had Sera In The Trap or something like that because of Now I think I won’t change it anymore lol.
Kudo Ran
September 17, 2017 at 7:05 AM
I already had my confession time, I remember Sera in the trap Sunbae 😉 hahaha
Sera The Ms Temper
September 17, 2017 at 7:32 PM
Hehehehe 😌😌
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:25 AM
Ooh that show has been on my to-watch list for a while now.. Ms Temper has a edge to it which Sera in the trap just doesnt capture! Ha! I like it.. I always imagine u with fiery flying red hair, disposing of comments & opinions on kdrama! *I have random imagination!
Sera The Ms Temper
September 17, 2017 at 7:33 PM
hahahaha fiery flying red hair 😂
September 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM
I love your username Sera! Username itself has some attitude! 😊
September 17, 2017 at 6:54 AM
im usually quiet when with new people but definitely a wacky person with friends.the mary,part of my real name
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:27 AM
I wondered if it had something to do with waking up! hehe!
Glad u aint quiet on DB.. the friendly-ness here it does bring us out of our shells easy doesnt it?!
September 17, 2017 at 11:38 AM
hahaha,didn’t think of “waking up” but it does apply at times.
yes,DB brings out my chatiness. everyone’s been real friendly.
September 17, 2017 at 7:01 AM
my first name and my favorite year. So many things happened in the world during the turn of the century. Y2K. My senior high school graduation, and also the best time of my high school Life. Once my idol, Tiger woods, winning US Open in epic fashion at Pebble Beach. 2000 Olympics. Started my college year that fall. Went to Disney World for the first time that Christmas.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:28 AM
Whoaa! Looks like u really had a Y2K-mania worthy year! I remember the crazy celebrations and random world-ending scares ushering the Y2K.. sure was super memorable!
September 17, 2017 at 8:43 AM
It was both high anticipation and hugh celebration too all over the world. The y2k ended up being a flop.
I forgot to add. It’s my first name spelled backwards.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:12 PM
Ooh Edward!! Nice! I thought drawde was an exotic Irish name or something similar to Dierde! Haha! We are trying to unscramble another beanie’s username (see comments below).. I’m no good at it.. maybe you wanna try?!
September 17, 2017 at 6:59 PM
I knew its Edward! I have twin friends who’s names were spelled backwards of each other (Shirley and Yelrihs) so I’m kinda on the look-out for those things 😂 Drawde sounds so cool and unique btw. So, you’re male?
September 17, 2017 at 7:44 PM
Oh, thank you. Yes, I am.
Shirley and Yelrihs, that’s also very cool.
September 17, 2017 at 7:50 PM
Omg that’s so nice to know cause! Nice to meet you! 😊 btw I thought before 2000 was your birthyear similar to someone who commented below. 😊
Kudo Ran
September 17, 2017 at 7:01 AM
“Kudo Ran” it’s from my beloved manga : Detective Conan (aka Case Closed), it’s just my OTP = my username : male lead KUDO Shinichi & female lead MOURI Ran , basically my username screams what I wish for them : marriage and that Ran takes Shinichi’s family name, so here we go : KUDO Ran 🙂 . Sad story is that my drama addiction took me away from it, but I know that one day I’ll catch up with it (though it’s been published for more than 20 years, there are more than 90 volumes, and that the end is not going to happen soon, but do I want it to end ? No hahaha)
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:30 AM
Hahaha! What a true fan girl – hats off to you!! Det Conan has been on my radar to watch for soo long but the number of episodes to catch up on always intimidated me..!
September 17, 2017 at 7:13 AM
My name is pretty self- explanatory I guess! 😛
It was sarcasm directed at myself- you see I was judging myself for being so in love with kdramas that I was even registering myself on a kdrama site just so I could discuss dramas! Actually, not even discuss- just add my comments! The year was 2015 and the drama that made me delurk and wish to participate on DB was I Remember You, and I have never looked back..
Now the username is not just restricted to kdramas- it is my obsession with DB, kdramas, k-variety and increasingly, kpop too!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:34 AM
Haha! i absolutely love ur username! Gotta love a self-aware beanie 😉
My username started as something of self-satire at the whimsical-ness/ridiculousness of not just an unicorn but one which literally shits/barfs rainbows.. but it just sneakily grew on me and then i decided to own it! Lol
IRY is actually not that long ago.. pretty cool! My discovery & lurking around on DB was sometime in 2016.. gosh it’s already been an year+ !
September 17, 2017 at 7:48 AM
Lol yes! One has to at least know how bad their condition is! If you know Hindi- “apni haisiyat pata honi chahiye” 😛
Ha! I always think of the origins of Powerpuff Girls when i see your icon for some reason- sugar, spice and everything nice! Also a HP fan can’t not think of Harry Potter when unicorns are mentioned! 😀
Yup, I am not a very old beanie… But I guess because I am so active, I would be considered a long time beanie..
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:56 AM
Haha! That quote is appropriate but a tad-bit mean! I would prefer something along the lines of falling-down-a-rabbit-hole-with-eyes-wide-open! That way you can imagine urself having a grand adventure like Alice 😉
Oooh yess! Powerpuff girls was the earliest lesson in feminism for me (can be a awesomely self-sufficient feminist & still be girly & nice)! The dp reminds me of them & DeeDee too! I think it’s their big pretty unicorn eyes.. or maybe their multicoloured rainbow clothes? or bubble/DeeDee’s obsession with unicorns?!
September 17, 2017 at 8:05 AM
Yeah it sure is mean! I was thinking of another but couldn’t recall it right- something about “kitne paani mein ho” but well yes… what you said is quite bang on! 🙂
Bubble was so adorable! I sometimes found DeeDee quite irritating tbh but she was quite an energetic person. Speaking of, for like my whole childhood I believed that her name was Didi cuz she IS the didi and how even Americans call sisters Didi! 😛
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 8:11 AM
Omg! I was the SAME !! Duh she was Didi.. I’m still convinced that the Americans just mispelt the word cuz ask the NRI ABCDs mispronounced Didi with their accents! Lol
Aur paani toh naak ke hi nahi.. sir ke upar se big kabka ja chuka hai! 😂
September 17, 2017 at 7:15 AM
My username was ET which were my initials but the new DB didn’t allow 2 letters at first. So, I abandon Earth 🚀
Kudo Ran
September 17, 2017 at 7:26 AM
ㅋㅋㅋ you abandoned the Earth but don’t worry aliens are handsome too *cough* You from another star *cough* ㅋㅋㅋ
September 17, 2017 at 7:43 AM
Who? Woo Jin, my eternal sunshine 😍
Kudo Ran
September 17, 2017 at 7:46 AM
I was thinking of Kim Soo Hyun in You from another star 😉
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:50 AM
Kim Soo-Hyun is my personal fav.. but I gotta side with @outofthisworld on this one.. Woo Jin would be the perfect alien hiding in a human body!
September 17, 2017 at 7:54 AM
Waaaaaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭 You mean I don’t look like Byul? I may be a little green but really, you can’t see the resemblance?
Kudo Ran
September 17, 2017 at 8:04 AM
I was talking about “handsome aliens” for your boyfriend , I have no doubt that you’re as pretty as Byul 😉
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:37 AM
Aww… E.T. don’t go home!
But gotta love ur username/pic.. I always imagine ur comments being said in an ET like gruff alieny voice!
September 17, 2017 at 7:44 AM
No, no….I can aegyo, I can!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:52 AM
Awww…! I’m sure you can.. in a very gruffly cute E.T. way… OMG! That image/voice is hilarious and is now stuck in my head!! I need someone to replicate it !!! Can u imagine ET aegyo-ing?! ala Choi Ae-ra style?!
September 17, 2017 at 7:15 AM
Your username always reminds me of a happily ever after in fairy tales.
As of my story, gadis is a part of my real name, which means “girl” or “young woman”.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:40 AM
🙂 rainbows & unicorns have that effect.. and is pretty much the reason for me to watch kdrama.. I’m a happily-ever-after monster!
Oh thats a lovely name.. would this be in Malay? Your name along with the pretty & innocent dp.. always reminded me of a character out of the Winnie-the-pooh world.
September 17, 2017 at 8:22 AM
It’s Indonesian actually. As of my dp, that’s a fanart of EXO-L. I use it as a subtle way of declaring myself as one. Haha..
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:14 PM
Ohhh haha! I obviously have a long way to go when it comes to kpop.. happy fangirling.. I see from the fan wall and reply97 that its serious business!
September 17, 2017 at 7:28 AM
the letters in my username is close to my real name, lol. you just need to rearrange the letters to construct my real name.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:45 AM
Ooooh! I am gonna have to try this anagram (i always sucked at them but since ur name just has 5 letters.. il try!): hafit? hifah? ahift? fatiha?
Ok obviously I suck even with just 5 letters… Fatiha sounds closest if it were fatima.. hmm
I had wondered if ur name had to do the Lee Min Ho drama Faith..! excessive fangirling and all! Hehe
September 17, 2017 at 7:47 AM
close to fatiha but not close enough. 😀
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 8:05 AM
Um Hatifa?
September 17, 2017 at 8:06 AM
Fatiah? This is fun 🙂
September 17, 2017 at 8:10 AM
hehe, ok… to those who is interested, it actually my registered username, the displayed one is actually the shortened version of my name.😊
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 8:14 AM
Oh no! Faithinme in 4 letters longer and i was already terrible with the 5 lettered faith.. sigh.. don’t hate me if i make terrible guesses! It’s gonna take a while for my noob brains to work this one..
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 8:18 AM
Fatimeh? Intihan? But they don’t end up using all the letters! I’m gonna end up cheating and using an anagram solver.. beanies hello solve this mystery!!
September 17, 2017 at 10:42 AM
I keep getting stuck at Fatima cuz one of my classmate had that name!
September 17, 2017 at 7:52 AM
Wow that’s witty! 👏
September 17, 2017 at 7:30 AM
My username is basically a combination of initials for my original name – Z.G.S – plus my year of birth (1994). 😀 Very unoriginal.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 7:48 AM
I have great fondness for such names.. simply because that’s what we all did with our first email id’s before gmail came to rescue! but I never figured the zgs to be initials.. wondered if it was an acronym for zeitgeist !
September 17, 2017 at 8:28 AM
Nah, just my name. 😀
September 17, 2017 at 6:22 PM
I always read your name ‘ziggs’ when I see your comments hehe
September 17, 2017 at 8:26 AM
I’m a big fan of Arashi (Jpop) and one of the members is Ninomiya Kazunari, who is known as Neen among fans so it became Neener hihihi he’s also my prof pic, baby pic xD
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:17 PM
Ooh! Nice!
I was thinking alongg the lines those childish singsong taunts we did? Like “nana nana boo boo”.. I think those are called neener’s too
September 18, 2017 at 10:50 AM
Oh! That could be one too since this bias of mine is a manchild 😆 And I’m childish ?😂
September 17, 2017 at 8:35 AM
I am a sucker for noona romances and Duk-seon is by far my favorite kdrama character of all time. Not saying my heart won’t change, but for now it’s her. 😊 (My username was orginally deedeenoona – because Dexter’s Deedee is also one of my favorite characters of all time! Read your story about how Deedee inspired your username, love you already for that! 😊😊😊)
September 17, 2017 at 8:46 AM
And of course my DP is that of my fave OTP of all time 😍❤️
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:21 PM
Noona romances are <3 … there are far too few of them around! Reply88 is one of my favourites too.. but i won't get into an OTP war with you..! I like to think that I'm a tadbit more mature these days! Lol
September 17, 2017 at 10:20 AM
Mine is my dog’s name and an obsession with Ally McBeal. I loved that show. She was tiny like I was (key word: WAS) but so spunky and tenacious AND a respected professional AND the guys swooned over her. She was my alter ego. My husband likes to think it was his idea to name my dog that, little does he know!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:28 PM
Haha! I’m sure your still tiny compared to everyone else.. just maybe not compared to your skinny old self!
I have heard so much heart stuff about AllyMcbeal.. never for around to watching it though. You sure are your alterego! Successful Medico.. golfer.. wife.. mom.. blogger.. baker (or was that one of ur fellow kdrama watchers?) ! 🙂
When it was airing.. I was still pretty young and watching American shows back then was considered a very grown up thing and possibly corruptible! We were only allowed to watch anime and small wonder ! ?
September 17, 2017 at 4:42 PM
@michykdrama is the baker! I can’t cook worth anything. But I do like to eat good food, and good thing I married someone who can cook.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:54 PM
Ooh wow.. not only do you have fellow kdrama watchers.. they are active on DB too plus can bake plus a hubby who can cook!! Gosh. I’m totally green with envy now!
The one thing I wanted in my partner was the ability to cool since i can’t cook either.. but does life ever go the way you want it to?! He is worse at cooking than me..i didn’t think that could be possible!
September 17, 2017 at 6:32 PM
Ah–you were talking about my blogging friends being the baker! It’s actually my friend Amy, and she’s not active on this site. @michykdrama is a doctor as well, but we don’t live anywhere near each other and I just talk to her here on DB, although, if she lived near me, I’m sure we would be besties! LOL.
September 17, 2017 at 7:57 PM
Oh, and my avatar, flowers from our flower beds, with buckwheat flowers that hubby planted for me.
September 18, 2017 at 11:33 PM
Wow @ally-le Your hubby planted buckwheat for you? That is some amazing dedication. I think I’ll add that to my standard in men lol 😂
September 17, 2017 at 11:09 AM
Oh, I like this thread — I’ll add my story to this. The first part is pretty self-explanatory (I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, there’s a reason :snark” is in my username). But I’ll add this — I never want to be mean with my snark, but I’m always going to poke fun a things I find silly even when I enjoy them.
As for the Jellyfish – I’ve always said that when I start a band, our first album will be called “Why Do Jellyfish Rule the World” after an article I read in a decade ago. Also, because jellyfish are awesome and I’m obsessed with deep sea creatures, especially jellyfish and cephalopods. I’ve also seen pretty much any Giant Squid documentary or special I can get my hands on, but snarkysquid didn’t have the same ring to it.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:29 PM
Haha! SnarkySquid sure doesn’t sound the same!
And jellyfish are prettier and almost ethereal looking.. could fool you into thinking they are hassles water faeries easily!
September 17, 2017 at 5:01 PM
For sure. I love all the insane jellyfish pics in National Geographic, probably where I got obsessed with that stuff when I was a kid.
September 17, 2017 at 11:35 AM
My handle is from this water fairy who is one of Tinkerbell’s friends. I loved Peter Pan as kid but always thought Tinker was a bit of a brat. Water fairy Silvermists was pretty chill though and had long black hair like me and loved water (I had a bit of a mermaid phase when all things water was super cool). And I also thought the name Silvermists was the coolest thing eva! So yeh. That’s the embarrassing story behind my name. I’m still fond of that time so I decided to keep using it.
The avatar is Hipster Little Mermaid though. I swear I’m not such a fan of Disney cartoons but again see above mention of mermaid phase. I guess I never grew out of it? I have dark redish/black hair now and wear the exact same glasses as the picture so I guess that’s me.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:31 PM
Dreamy stuff is always awesome! And who didn’t go through a mermaid phase?! I even have one of those mermaid blankets in homage to that phase! 😀
Always wondered.. did you draw your avatar yourself?!
September 17, 2017 at 10:20 PM
No I didn’t actually. Although I do draw but its usually large murals on walls and not much on paper for some reason. And mostly a lot of animal stuff and very little people. I’m terrible at drawing faces.
September 17, 2017 at 11:52 AM
My real name is Geona and earthna is a nickname my Grade 7 science teacher (best teacher ever) calls me. “Geo means earth”, he says. “So you’e earthna.”
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:32 PM
Ooh that’s so cute and sweet! Did you end up studying geology too? Favourites teachers in school can influence so many decisions!
September 17, 2017 at 4:36 PM
Nah. I had geography class before and didn’t like it. Lol. I’m a teacher now.^^
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:55 PM
How lovely! I’m sure your students remember you just as fondly as you remember your teacher 🙂
September 17, 2017 at 5:14 PM
I hope so! I teach preschool and do after school care. They can be the sassiest creatures on Earth but I hope they’ll think of me fondly when they grow up.
September 17, 2017 at 6:23 PM
That’s adorable haha
September 17, 2017 at 7:24 PM
I was teaching too and the best feeling ever is students telling stories about you (how you touched their lives, or simple funny anecdotes of their fond memories of you) to people until the stories find its way to you. So heart warming. 😊 Kudos to you, teach.
Ra On Ah
September 17, 2017 at 12:11 PM
My name comes from one of my favorite shows, Moonlight Drawn by Clouds.
If I’m Ra On Ah that means Prince Yeong is mine right? …Right? …What do you mean that’s not how it works? *plugs ears and runs away* 😄
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:33 PM
Hahahaha! If course he is all yours! And mine and all other secret Ra on’s! I like to think he can split himself into multiple clones to be with each one of us ! 😉
Ra On Ah
September 17, 2017 at 5:14 PM
I like your theory 😊
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 6:02 PM
Hehe! It comes from the story of Hindu god Krishna who didn’t want to disappoint any of his devotees, so made multiple copies of himself to spend time with each one ! 😉
September 17, 2017 at 12:31 PM
It’s short for my usual avatar name. When I was in middle school, for some reason I got it in my head to tell people to go dance the jig instead of go fly a kite. I used to go by my first name on the site but when we were able to create an account I decided to go by the nickname instead.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:34 PM
Haha! But atleast dancing a jig is a lot more fun than flying a kite! I could never get one to fly.. *frustrated off tangent me!
September 17, 2017 at 3:29 PM
Mine is very self-explanatory and I’ve had some variation since high school. Librarian because it is pretty defining for who I am plus my name. It also rhymes like Marion the Librarian in Music Man 😉
My avatar is from my favorite movie character, actually the scene where the Beast decides to give Belle the library.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 4:47 PM
Libraries were always my fav place to be and librarians my fav adults! I’m so thankful to the librarian in school who introduced me to the many wonderful worlds in books 🙂
September 17, 2017 at 7:28 PM
Library was heaven to me in HS. I was a wallflower then and found solace in books, had fantasies of being stuck in the library for a week and devouring books lol 😂 Me staying in the library every after school is owing a lot to the very helpful librarian we had at school back then. 😊 You are in an amazing career. Plus, Belle 😊😊😊😊
September 18, 2017 at 7:53 PM
I went to the library a lot when I was in primary/ secondary school too! And there was a friendly librarian who recognised me because I was there checking out 4 books every day 😂 And now these wallflower-library-campers like us are now lurking on DB!
September 18, 2017 at 11:36 PM
All these wallflower-library-campers like us are now lurking on DB +10000
Wallflower-library-campers adding kdramas and kpop to their obsession, yes 😊
September 17, 2017 at 6:16 PM
Dayum girl I missed this.
Okay hold up. *cracks neck*
Sicae is Latin for dagger, Sicarius meaning literally ‘dagger-man’, although usually translated to ‘hitman’ or ‘assassin’ (so if you see me saying I’m an assassin that will be why)
Why Sicarius though?
Once upon a time I wrote a poem, then a short story, then a screen play, and one day hopefully it will be a novel, about an assassin and I had to give it a title. Thus, Sicarius it was.
Then I became an admin on a facebook page and I had to pick a tag name. Thus, Sicarius it was…
Now it’s like one of my main online monikers, and also a nickname. 😛
Sometimes gets shortened to Sic which also means “thus” in Latin haha.
It is also:
A genus of six eyed sand spiders native to southern Africa
A Spacemarine Captain in the Warhammer RTS game Dawn of War
A character in the Emperor’s Edge series by Lindsey Buroker
Sicarii were “a self-defense splinter group of Hebrew zealots who opposed the Roman occupation of Judea in the decades preceding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.”
AND Apparently! The name of several saints! (Which is hilarious)
But those are all just bonuses 😛
September 17, 2017 at 11:58 PM
… No wonder you had to crack your neck for this lol!
My story is pretty simple: 10 years ago or so, I wanted to create a Livejournal after moving on from Blogger. Purple is my favourite colour, I wanted something quirky to add to it, and teapot sprang to mind (and I happen like tea). I’ve stuck with this handle since!
September 18, 2017 at 12:18 AM
😛 thank fully I’ve had 3 years of practice explaining it.
Hahaha very cool! I love purple and I love tea! And would love to own a purple teapot!
September 18, 2017 at 11:56 PM
I was given a purple teapot as gift before (obsessed with purple and tea too 😂)! Sadly, its not with me anymore 😢 I think of it when I see you name @purpleteapot – plus the other purples here. I super love purple it looks yummy lol 😂
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 5:57 AM
Me the one time my bff dared me to pick up a guy at a bar!
GIF didnt show the subtitles.. :-/
Simran to the cute guy: “Are you tired?
Cuz you are running in my mind”
Talk about a cheesy FAIL! 😀
September 17, 2017 at 6:56 AM
Lol… have you watched this already?
Rainbow Unicorn
September 17, 2017 at 5:43 AM
Just watched Simran.. so some fun moments…!
September 17, 2017 at 7:14 AM
Ah.. so you have.. I just scrolled down to see this..
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 8:24 PM
The many tortured faces of Oh Jin-Kyu! Who knew Dimples would just as adorably cute here as he is while smiling?!
September 15, 2017 at 11:33 PM
He is so adorbs!!!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:05 AM
like a fluffly little bunny waiting to be hugged but who thinks it doesnt want to.. what a cute tsundere I tell you! *this may just be my fever talking.. so pls ignore once I start sounding really random!
September 16, 2017 at 9:13 AM
Awww hope you get well soon!
I wanna hug this puppy 😍❤️
September 16, 2017 at 8:18 AM
Is it the one that Jin Gyu said no with the blanket wrap around him in the third photo?
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 8:25 AM
Yes yes yes!! Are you gonna do it for me???! *bright shiny excited eyes! I !! <3
September 16, 2017 at 8:37 AM
Suree! Anything for a beanie and dimples oppa! HEHE 😆
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:17 PM
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 8:19 PM
I must have a latent sadistic streak! It was wrong on so many levels but I thoroughly enjoyed watching JY torment Jin-Kyu ! We really need a spin off on their happily..err.. tormented ever after!
September 15, 2017 at 11:34 PM
LOL! Same thoughts! I know it’s totally wrong but I so enjoyed watching these two play hostage 😂
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:06 AM
The pure joy which radiates from Ji-yoon when she is tormenting him? That’s me vicariously watching! LOL
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 7:34 PM
This is soo wrong.. but so funny! LoL! Who else wished they had Jin-kyu goft wrapped at their home?!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:32 PM
In light of discovering the existence of boy beanies (guy beanies? male beanies? manly beanies? What do u prefer?) I thought I would restrict my squealing over kdrama cuties today to provide a slightly less oestrogen filled fan wall… then figured who am I kidding?! The squealing is a major part of what makes the kdrama fandom so enjoyable!
And for all I know boy beanies squeal at their fav parts too.. although I\’m sure in a sexy manly way! 😉
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:33 PM
Gah.. just re-read what this post and it sounds terribly sexist.. sigh.. but I hope u guys get what i mean!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:18 PM
Woke up to an explosion on my fan wall thanks to TLAHL & guy beanie questions.. have to say it\’s a new experience!
How do the sunbae ubercool beanies.. many busy being rooftop dwellers or errand boys now.. keep up so many notifications on a regular basis?! My admiration for you all had grown even more!
September 15, 2017 at 4:40 PM
I don’t know how @yuelie et al do it!! Hahahaha. For me it was a slow accumulation so I’ve never really been inundated with notifications.
September 15, 2017 at 8:22 PM
Get ready for the class!😎
Prepare a battle cry and scream it out loud- something like aja aja fighting!
Open the notification page in a new window
Open ALL the notifications in separate tabs so that you ring miss anything scrolling up and down
And then reply/upvote as needed
(JK… I don’t have a battle cry but the idea sounds nice..
I have once or twice woken up to 30 notifications but that is rare- usually after @kaybee or @sicarius come back on DB after a long time…
I usually just have 5 +/- 2 everyday…. @yuelie and @chingu and @azzo1 might have better plans)
September 15, 2017 at 9:52 PM
What’s the highest I ever got from you guys… was it 40 something? I can’t remember.
I get between 5-10 every day, but at LEAST 10-20 throughout the day if I’m talking lots. More so if TLAHL is involved.
As for plans- that’s pretty much what I do as well!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 10:57 PM
Oh man! You guys are awesome! I’m repeating here.. but you two need to get together abbr take over the world ala punky and the brain style!!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 10:58 PM
Psst.. . Since we are on topic.. why do you think this post got so many likes? Is it the admiration for the sunbae beanies that all other beanies have.. or cuz it hastened to mention TLAHL?!! I love this endless spiral!! 😂😁😆
September 15, 2017 at 11:20 PM
Sunbae beanies don’t get that much admiration! (I speak from experience heee)… it’s all TLAHL!
I call us Liar beanies- yes I am one of them.. @chingu coined the term Liar Ninjas which is more apt.. she kept being surprised as to why she was getting so much love for her Moorim School posts… turns out it was all TLAHL magic
(also sorry for the mannnny notifications you will be getting from me)
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 11:24 PM
Hahaha! Liar ninjas couldn’t be more apt! I did wonder about the moorim school posts myself.. I was like when in the world & why did that show get so popular?! Lol
And don’t be sorry at all.. this is my new high since I’m indisposed and in bed today anyway!
September 15, 2017 at 11:38 PM
Aww… take care! But good to know that we are keeping you entertained😁😁
September 16, 2017 at 12:08 AM
It’s definitely the mention of TLAHL … it always is…
September 15, 2017 at 11:14 PM
40?? Are we that crazy? I mean yeah if Kaylee and I got talking on your post- that might have led to 10-12 comments from both… and then add replies from other posts and maybe 1-2 from other beanies (yeah just 1-2 because that is usually the norm) it could all add up to 40+
Also HI5! 🙋
September 15, 2017 at 11:15 PM
My auto-correct didn’t identify her name!! How did that happen!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 11:18 PM
Oh yes! You are that crazy! I can vouch for that! 😉😂:-P
September 15, 2017 at 11:37 PM
Haha…. good to know that we are certified! 😎
September 16, 2017 at 12:07 AM
Oop double certified now whoohoo! :{P
September 16, 2017 at 12:07 AM
I don’t know if it was 40 but it was A LOT. hahaha I posted about it too but I can’t remember when it was so I’d have to scrooooool.
And yes we are crazy, @kaybee and I established this on like week 2 of knowing each other hhahaha
September 15, 2017 at 9:53 PM
… I have a really quick ‘open in a new tab’ finger… 😛
September 15, 2017 at 9:59 PM
Oh… and refresh as often as possible so as not to miss any.
September 15, 2017 at 11:16 PM
Oh yes.. sometimes refreshing leads to 2-3 more notifications… it could get very confusing then!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 11:19 PM
Like right now?! Haha! I’m enjoying this too much.. i can see how you guys did this so often!
September 15, 2017 at 11:48 PM
It’s fun right? I love it! And that’s how I spend my whole day on DB and don’t get any work done! Which- not a good thing I guess but isn’t completely messing up my life yet! 😂
September 16, 2017 at 12:04 AM
*reminding me once again that I have not made that DB verb post* *need to get onto that*
September 16, 2017 at 12:04 AM
Hahahaha DB is my lyfe… I’m on it more than any other social media except for maybe you tube, but even that gets beaten at times!
Practice makes perfect.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 12:53 AM
I’m at that stage myself.. DB >>>> all other social media ! But I’m still more of a lurker.. @obsessedmuch – again, I’m afraid I’m very close to reaching that stage too.. and it’s easy to do when the work u need to complete is a monster thesis with no in sight.. ! I’m glad it’s not messing ur life yet! Haha… in my case I will soon have to take a step back.. Sigh.. not looking fwd to that
September 16, 2017 at 1:58 AM
We’ll draw you out of your shell… slowly but surely hehehehehe 😛
Awww no matter! We can just have a big party when you come back and it’s all finished! What is your thesis on?
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 7:36 AM
Comment was deleted
September 16, 2017 at 11:15 PM
Eyyyhhh sorry for late reply.
Welp. Hahahahahaha that is a… long and specialized title, but I guess that’s what happens when you write a thesis! Hahaha!
(Don’t worry I googled toxicogenomics to get a vague idea)
Oh dear!!!! Hwaiting! You can get through it though!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 3:08 AM
Curious: are beanies all girls or we have brave boys amongst us?!
P.S. the TLAHL craziness on the fan wall is just brilliant!! Way to go beanies! I really need to watch this craze inducing drama now!
September 15, 2017 at 3:14 AM
That’s how I ended up watching TLAHL! The buzz is just so overwhelming.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 3:58 PM
Will get onto it as soon as I get one more chapter of thesis done! Lol
September 15, 2017 at 4:24 PM
Good luck with the thesis then! 🙂
September 15, 2017 at 3:35 AM
There are boys amongst us! Some of them have even said hello.
It’s always great to hear from the guys ….. but I think we don’t hear from them too often unfortunately.
Guys! Where are you? *looking around*
September 15, 2017 at 3:58 AM
Definitely some boys.. They come out sometimes.. There were some on TLAHL recaps too- ajhussi and Pianoman come to mind..
I hope you like TLAHL when you watch it! The TLAHL craze is not just because of the show though.. For us, it was the show plus recap threads..
September 15, 2017 at 5:46 AM
Yeah, and @umbrellaman
September 15, 2017 at 6:06 AM
Umbrellaman is a girl 😊😊
September 15, 2017 at 7:27 AM
I be a girl!!! 💁 Don’t be fooled by the name!!!
September 15, 2017 at 8:11 AM
September 15, 2017 at 11:28 AM
😀 ohhh. sorry about that. T_____T :’)
September 15, 2017 at 11:36 AM
No worries. I am Ambiguous UmbrellaMan! ?
September 15, 2017 at 11:38 AM
I just honestly always thought you were a guy 😀 😀
September 15, 2017 at 11:44 AM
Hahahahahaha ?😂
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:00 PM
Aww @umbrellaman – ur a rockstar nevertheless! I have had the similar confusion over my name on some other forums! Lol
September 15, 2017 at 4:10 PM
Aww shucks
September 16, 2017 at 1:50 AM
Replying to you here so you get the notif- hehehehe ahh the magic of my wall… 😛 😛
Will do if I can find it!
September 16, 2017 at 2:53 AM
September 15, 2017 at 6:30 PM
September 15, 2017 at 7:35 PM
I made a comic book character about you over this very topic on another post lolol. Funny that it should come up again.
September 15, 2017 at 7:43 PM
I totally thought of it and your clever drawing!!! 😁
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:09 AM
Oh man! I soo tempted to so scolling through ur fan wall to find this drawing! but considering it’s ur fan wall – I dare not succumb to the temptation.. I’l end up being distracted a million times & spend another hour or two easy! Post the link here pls? *puppy eyes
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 7:36 AM
<3 <3 for the post!!
September 15, 2017 at 8:05 PM
Heee this post actually inspired me to start doodling you again
September 15, 2017 at 8:05 PM
September 15, 2017 at 8:26 PM
I have to get your design down, you see.
September 15, 2017 at 7:48 AM
I remember this! But I have a feeling the Beanies who are active on the fan wall are 99.999% female
September 15, 2017 at 7:53 AM
Lol yeah looking at most of the posts, I would guess so too!
But good to know that we have some boys in the mix 🙂
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:00 PM
Haha! The oppa mania on the fan wall probably is too intense for most! 😂
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:03 PM
Oh yes I remember the recap thereads esp the last one witch was sustained for close to 2 weeks with insane enthusiasm and ended with over 2500+ posts and all the comparisons and statistics with previous dramas.. it was brilliant! (Yes I admit I’m a lurker.. don’t judge me ok!)
September 15, 2017 at 7:17 PM
Hahahha… it was brilliant indeed! Everyone went a lil crazy! (Being a lurker on recap threads is like a rite of passage for every beanie! I can say it with 99.9% surety- every beanie has done it!)
September 15, 2017 at 5:15 AM
Looks around. Nervously raises hand.
September 15, 2017 at 5:45 AM
Gosh I didn’t know you are a guy! I did assume that most beanies will be female but I wont be able to tell who are the boys too. Argh. So sorry!
Now I’m curious. Where are you from? 😁 *waves hi vigorously* 👋👋
September 15, 2017 at 3:05 PM
👋👋 Haha, yup, I’m a dude. It would be difficult to tell people’s gender without context, or better yet without asking like here.
September 15, 2017 at 5:33 PM
September 15, 2017 at 7:02 AM
I didn’t know you’re a guy too! 😊 Nice to know there’s some Y chromosome in the mix. 😊
September 15, 2017 at 3:07 PM
September 15, 2017 at 7:28 AM
You’re a dude??? I am sorry you must be surrounded by all our estrogen. Hahahahaha. And this is why I never assume gender of a Beanie. You never know 😉
September 15, 2017 at 2:55 PM
lol. Being around so many ladies hasn’t been an issue really. I think its because we pretty much have a lot in common with dramas and such. 😉
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 4:11 PM
Ooh! Hi @hades !! This is a good surprise.. but now that i think of it.. your posts have always been drama related and frustrations with the lame storylines than oppa mania! So glad you aren’t put off by the estrogen on the fan wall!
Oh btw I love ur display pic but it doesn’t show up in comments.. only on ur page. I think re-uploading it might fix that if u want to.. though three no pic combined with the name hades does have a poetic feel to it! Lol
September 15, 2017 at 6:24 PM
Thx for the tip on the display pic. For some reason I thought it didn’t show up for users on their own posts kinda thing. Do you know Yuri btw?
Just like almost everyone else here, I have my oppa moments–or should I say hyung moments. ☺️
September 15, 2017 at 8:27 PM
Do you have your noona moments like I’m sure we have eonnie moments too? 😛
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:22 AM
Excuse a moment of pettiness & girlishness here but Gosh I’m so jealous u get to call them Hyung! Oppa is just so annoying sounding.. this random rants are probably due to my days as a crazy fan of all cross-dressing manga/drama/anime! 😀
Yes! I know Yuri – loved the anime.. saw bits of it when I was going through a figure skating craze post winter Olympics… plus who doesnt love a story about hard work conquers all and a well done yaoi?! but never got around to finishing it… I should probably go back and watch the whole thing.. considering it’s ur display pic – must be good?!
September 15, 2017 at 11:39 AM
Hellow @hades ! Don’t be nervous! 😀
September 15, 2017 at 3:06 PM
Thx! ☺️
September 15, 2017 at 4:11 PM
Wahhh 진짜?! Cool! I sometimes try and guess from syntax, but clearly I failed here!
September 15, 2017 at 6:28 PM
Haha, it seems like I pretty much surprised everyone. Hmmm…I think I need to work on my machismo. 🙃
September 15, 2017 at 7:31 PM
Haha see it makes sense now that you’ve said it but hindsight is 20/20 vision, right?
September 15, 2017 at 4:52 PM
You are not alone…(well not me but you got it!) 🎶
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:27 PM
And one last image cuz Kang Min-Hyuk be so pretty!
September 14, 2017 at 8:19 PM
When did this happen, though? CNBlue’s last album he looked 12. 12 I say to you. And now look at him…look at that neck and that jaw line. He’s like a handsome grownup and not a pretty child. I don’t, my mind is exploded.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 8:37 PM
Yes yes yes!! So pretty and grown up! how fast they grow up (let’s not go to how fast we age..! Lol)
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:26 PM
I wish I had such amazing grocery shopping skills! Kang Min-Hyuk expression of incredulity is me!
I hate buying grocery cuz I’m totally intimidated by the number of choices there & takes forever!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:23 PM
Onto cuter lighter stuff: She totally has the awesome wifely skills of huffing, ultimatum-giving & frustration-inducing bit down pat! 😉
September 17, 2017 at 8:59 AM
Love that last screen shot!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:19 PM
I’m usually not a fan of wrist-grab hugs.. but she really needed & deserved that hug!
PS – @ally-le if i get abused by beanies about the HospitalShip spam.. it’s on u!
September 15, 2017 at 8:18 AM
I probably shouldn’t admit that I like wrist grabs in dramas, probably because I know it means “Twoo Wuv”. But I would NEVER tolerate that in real life. Come to think of it, there are lots of things I’ll accept in dramas that I wouldn’t let go IRL.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 3:54 PM
Tell me about it! I would die of embarrassment/ get mad if many of the cheesy lines/ actions I go gooey over in kdrama ever happened to me in real life! We are a strange breed who live vicariously without actually wanting those things.. I’m sure psychologists would enjoy dissecting us!
September 15, 2017 at 9:07 AM
i thought i wouldn’t like it if there’s noona romance involved between these two, but i think i’m wrong now! minhyuk looks so mature, AWW. i may be watching this after it ends then~ ^^
Rainbow Unicorn
September 15, 2017 at 3:56 PM
Minhyuk is super cute in this drama!! And the romance at least so far has been very low key and in a slow burn.. so the tension us sorta enjoyable without becoming cringe y yet!
September 16, 2017 at 9:21 AM
i see! but i heard complaints regarding the plot.. 🙊 how u finding it?
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:53 PM
Haha! Yeah it does have it’s weak points.. plus I treat the medical aspect of it as fantasy so I’m not as bothered by the inaccuracies.. but the rest of the plot is still much stronger than a lot of other popular dramas I feel. There is slow but good character growth and the struggles are real and painful.. I like it.. but that’s not the general opinion.. but I’ll also admit its not a riveting be glued to the screen kind either
September 17, 2017 at 8:58 AM
Thank you! I can’t bring myself to watch this, but appreciate the pretty!! Lol!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:16 PM
Such tenacity!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:10 PM
This screencap cuz compassion & empathy with patience does go a long way + Kang Min-Hyuk eyes really are gorgeous! <3 <3
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 7:05 PM
The choice of death – not an easy decision or discussion.. This brings me back to the debate of Euthanasia.. Today’s episode really brought this question around for me again.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 13, 2017 at 1:54 PM
I’m enjoying Hospital Ship.. It’s a light drama (as fluffy as medical dramas can be) with beautiful sunsets, interesting character arcs/ dilemma’s.. and of course the gorgeous Ha ji-won and Kang Min Hyuk (Maaan… he is soo cute!!)
September 13, 2017 at 6:36 PM
Ahhh, don’t pull me back in–I was happy sitting this one out!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 5:16 PM
Hahaha! Well.. if it helps.. is definitely not a riveting drama which you just can’t miss out on.
More of a good light watch without needing any commitment.. esp since nothing good is airing during those two days
September 14, 2017 at 5:54 PM
Except work, playing golf with my daughter and hubby, writing on The King Loves recaps, etc! HAHAHAHA. I really can barely do 1 live show, but if you screen shot all the loveliness and post them, I’ll just live vicariously through you! OK?
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 6:41 PM
Actually – just saw last night’s episode, and I totally take it back. the show is beautiful.. the internal struggles and they way the story plays out is just so touching.. in fact the slow moments in the show in between the emergencies are (for lack of better vocabulary) simply beautiful.. watch it!
Plus I’m terrible at the screenshot thingy.. and this show is so much more about the story and it’s buildup to a moment… hardly any witty one-dialogue that a quick screenshot can capture…
September 14, 2017 at 6:49 PM
Evil, (almostdoctor) Rainbow Unicorn! Must.Resist.Tempation.
September 14, 2017 at 7:26 PM
Comment was deleted
Rainbow Unicorn
September 14, 2017 at 6:56 PM
Hahaha! I love you too! <3
I'l try posting some screenshots for you especially!
September 14, 2017 at 7:27 PM
*Doing happy dance in my bedroom office* Kamsahamida!
September 16, 2017 at 10:07 AM
I have decided that I’m a little bit in love! <3 😀
Rainbow Unicorn
September 16, 2017 at 1:23 PM
Yoss!! I need more company!!! <3
Rainbow Unicorn
September 10, 2017 at 8:49 PM
Shin Hye-sun is doing such a fantastic job in MyGoldenLife! I just wish the rest of the characters & plots can catch up soon!
Also need to have a mini-rant.. how in world can the chaebols take mum\’s word at face value about which twin is theirs?!
Considering how suspicious the chaebol was about all clues leading upto her daughter.. wouldn\’t she be suspicious about which twin too? The mum can obviously lie to let her real daughter live a luxurious life.. I mean they did commit a major crime in not even reporting an abandoned child. Just feels like it\’s not consistent with the chaebol mum\’s character not to be more suspicious & get another DNA test done to confirm which is her actual daughter! After all her first thought after meeting Ji-an was how she has so much to learn about manners/dressing rather than how happy she was to see her…
September 10, 2017 at 9:09 PM
Yes she is doing a great job and she is the main reason why I decided to continue watching My Golden Life.😀😀
Agree about why they did not do another DNA test just to be sure that it is their daughter.
They cannot just believe the mom without making sure she is telling the truth.
Yes, hopefully the other stories get better or else I am going to fast forward a lot of scenes. Mainly the sister’s since I am pretty much not finding myself caring for her story.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 11, 2017 at 3:08 AM
IKR!! The other twin is such annoying feather headed twat.. and we all knew that she is gonna end up being the real mixed daughter (cuz of the story premise/ the obvious love line between ji-an and the park shi-hoo)… which makes it worse.. or maybe better? Since the chaebols will be smacked in their head before ji soo ever learns proper manners or dressing!
Rainbow Unicorn
September 10, 2017 at 8:44 PM
ManWhoSetsTheTable has really creepy villains – The evil mother who let her son & DIL die.. then the super abusive father (they tried to make him redeemable by showing how he have up music for his love but…)
I get that they are showing the really rampant male chauvenism & entitlement still rampant in society.. and I do want to see them (both father & son) learn their lesson in the way they treat their wives/mother..
but the show is so overly simplistic in it\’s black & white characters.. dont think I\’m gonna stick around to watch this.
Rainbow Unicorn
September 9, 2017 at 4:25 PM
I hope these screenshots arent too spoilery & can convey they expression bonaza in these scenes w/o giving the story away!
Ji-yoon’s self satisfied smugness is GOLD!! Hahaha! Sadism fully unleashed! Lol!
Jin-kyu is a smart man to be wary..!
September 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM
I love how much she learned from her 1st love experience. 😂😂 She’s made precautionary measures.