I love Korean dramas and I write about ’em. (And write about ’em. And write about ’em. You may have noticed that brevity is not my friend. I want to be ITS friend, but it shuns me regularly.)
I’ve been watching Korean dramas (on and off) as long as I can remember, for almost two decades. My first Korean drama was the 1992 hit Jealousy, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Man does that make me feel old.
I started this site because I couldn’t find a site providing meaty (or any) analysis for K-dramas, a longtime guilty pleasure of mine. I enjoy marveling at the pretty as much as anyone, but also wanted to express appreciation for quality that didn’t automatically dismiss something for being popular. Or, on the flipside of that same coin, to discuss something popular that went beyond surface discussion of the plot or hot cast. (Although, let’s be honest! Hot cast = a nice bonus.)
My underlying modus operandi: Just because it’s pop culture doesn’t mean discourse has to be shallow. I’d like to sustain a fun but hopefully substantive level of conversation, mixed with some irreverence. Because it’s not worth it if it’s no fun.
I occasionally tweet (@javabeans). And even less occasionally blog (elsewhere, that is). There’s also a Dramabeans Facebook that gets ignored a lot.

I’m 50% writer, 50% couch potato. I lean left; politically, not footwise. I like to make snap judgments, then reconsider them to a pulp. I enjoy grammar, if only to break some more rules. I’m a tv junkie, a critic, a fan, but mostly importantly, I’m a writer who likes to procrastinate by watching k-dramas. The fact that I can do both now blows my mind.
I feel very strongly that people can have thoughtful discourse on just about any topic, and that art—mass, pop, high, pulp, whatever it may be—can and should be discussed intelligently for the thing it is.
Hence, I thought Dramabeans would be a good place to exercise my brain. Or was it exorcise? That would explain the confusion.
About the name: A Girl Friday could rule the world, if she really wanted to. You know her—the best friend smartypants, the plucky assistant who always knows exactly what the private eye/cop/secret agent/superhero needs? She’s cute and clever and sassy and loyal, and pretty much smarter than everyone in the room. I mean, could Jack Bauer have saved one day, let alone eight, without Chloe O’Brien?
My favorite Girl Fridays are of course ones that break the mold. Willow Rosenberg and Veronica Mars are the contemporary evolution of the classic character, and give us all hope that the geeky outcast can and will save the world.
Just think of me as Dramabeans’ girlfriday: the Miss Moneypenny to javabeans’ Bond.
I sometimes tweet things I shouldn’t. And ramble on in a blog.
Meet the rest of the Dramabeans staff
Official Dramabeans Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dramabeans
Official Dramabeans Twitter: https://twitter.com/dramabeans
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March 30, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Im an Indian... its great to know that TV is watched with so much enthusiasm as it is done in India... we have lotsa soaps here... I'd like to know more about what kind of soaps do you have in Korea...
Btw, in India we kdramas too... but here that means... the shows starting with the letter "K".... which here are more famous than other shows which are named with other letters :P
Kind of strange... I know... but K does play a huge part in every TV loving Indian here :)
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August 10, 2010 at 10:07 PM
Please, I am desperately looking for the complete Recaps of Queen Seon Deok. AnY ideas where I could locate it?
I love reading your recaps because it fills the gaps. I hope you could make a recaps about that show. Please?
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June 21, 2013 at 1:37 AM
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August 24, 2015 at 7:42 PM
Hi Hi
I didn't know there was such a HUGE Indian Population who watch K-Drama Lol. My parents watch A LOT of Desi Serials, just listening to them is a headache with all the dramatic bg music lol.
Weirdly enough after many years of following DB I just found this comment feed
My ABSOLUTE fav dramas incl.
Kill Me Heal Me
It's Okay Its Love
Shut Up Flower Boy Band
Reply 1997/95
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
49 Days
ughh so many. but ugh so good
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February 16, 2016 at 12:03 AM
I'm also pleasantly surprised at the number of indians watching k dramas .. what up desi friends ^.^
the reply series is really good but HEART TO HEART is hands down the best thing i have ever watched ! i very strongly suggest it to everyone here!
peace and good vibes
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December 12, 2016 at 12:10 AM
omg, these many indians. i really didn't expect this! looks like not all our watching baahu and saas fighting.
i'm glad i found this website.
i'm indian too. From tamilnadu.
February 2, 2017 at 8:10 PM
I hated shut up flower boy band but I guess someone could like childish shows like that... No offense!
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November 1, 2011 at 3:13 AM
So true ... 'K' is like the most famous alphabet in Indian TV.
All the ekta kapoor serials.
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July 30, 2013 at 4:46 AM
so true!!!
but the problem is that they are soooooooooooooo long!!!
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February 15, 2014 at 9:00 PM
yes indeed ekta maa. I thought i was the only Indian. Good to have company. My first k-drama is heartstrings
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August 11, 2014 at 9:07 AM
hi iam also indian my first drama is also Heart Strings only
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Sadia Aleem
August 18, 2014 at 7:28 PM
Yeah the K thing in India, we had a long run of those soaps, didn't we? Well, now its not the hype though.
And surprisingly my first drama was Heartstrings too!! ( I do not and will not count Love Rain). And then after heartstrings I saw Lee Min Ho and Hyun Bin and decided that I will stick to K dramas forever!!
September 7, 2014 at 11:37 PM
wow....my first kdrama too was heartstrings....and that led to "you're beautiful, then "love rain", secret garden" and on n on.....
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September 21, 2014 at 11:51 AM
hey, same pinch my first drama is also heartstrings.......and i am also an INDIAN...
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December 15, 2011 at 4:41 AM
I am Indian too! But I prefer Kdramas more than the Indian soaps for a number of reasons:
1. They have a much cuter/hotter actors playing :p
2. They are less dramatic (rather than repeating the same scenes for 3 times!)
3. And more importantly, they actually finish ie have an ending after 15-20 episodes, rather than keep continuing for years at end!!!
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January 8, 2012 at 7:07 PM
Do let me add that these KDramas actually have a story that makes perfect sense and doesn't abandon you five episodes in.
And, most Korean drama actors can.actually.ACT. Period.
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August 19, 2013 at 8:08 PM
Indian soaps do whatever they can to drag it on for 1-2 yrs!
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December 14, 2013 at 11:50 AM
I agree currently that pavitra rishta and balika vadhu... they r like i-am-doing-double-role-to-touch-my-own-feet and we-just-need-useless-plots-to-drag-the-show.... duh... k-dramas are million(th) times better than u guys... !!!! :-/ :-D
afha sara
December 10, 2015 at 12:54 AM
ikr!!! k dramas are awesome!!! i hate when it gets dragged !!!!
January 21, 2013 at 1:50 PM
I So agree with you, I just accidentally dropped in Korean Drama world...I was you-tubing and hit the video of Stars Falling From the Sky and that was it...since then I'm glued to it.
Each and every point I agree...in my life I haven't once said that oh this Indian actor is hot...Oh man...I could say Korean actors are hotties...
I so wanted to brag about this and I'm glad I found the place to do so.
Love them and can't keep away from them.
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July 30, 2013 at 4:47 AM
4.k dramas sometimes make sense.......as opposed to ours!
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Florence tonsing
September 16, 2013 at 8:30 AM
I am Indian too..and like you said i prefer kdramas which are more facinating, cute and makes sense.. I've been an avid fan for almost 8years.
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Dimple Kaushal
October 14, 2013 at 1:06 PM
which is ur fav. Kdrama???? . .;)
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Dimple Kaushal
October 14, 2013 at 1:01 PM
xctly. .:)
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November 20, 2014 at 10:30 PM
wow i had no idea there were so many Indians watching Kdramas till i saw this link and just like you i also prefer the Kdramas to our saas bahus.
Kudos Kdrama for thinking out the box !! :D
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December 25, 2014 at 6:55 AM
wow i can't believe so many indians r watching kdrama....i thought i m the only one
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January 24, 2015 at 11:58 PM
WOW....its so great to see so many Indians here
Join me too...I'm from U.P.
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phil hickson
April 10, 2015 at 5:46 AM
Did you know this new Korean drama site recently launched in India? it's called cool2vu, it's free to watch, it's formatted for mobile, multilingual and expertly subtitled. Hundreds of series. I see many of these comments were made 1-2 years ago but I recommend this site to you and your friends if you love K-drama and K-pop etc! It's got everything. Cheers!
September 5, 2012 at 7:40 AM
i m also Indian n i find kdrama very addicting..i m big fan of k-drama in all form.....Day N Night i m watching dramas..and i prefer korean than indian becaz of their simplicity & no unwanted twist n turn like Ekta's k-drama....
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January 19, 2013 at 11:50 PM
wow cant believe so many east indian ppl are actaully watching kdramas too.. i thought i was the only one.
GOOOOOOO kdramas!!!!!!!
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July 30, 2013 at 4:50 AM
same here!!
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September 6, 2013 at 3:02 AM
I am South Indian!!
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September 26, 2013 at 11:59 AM
Me too.. From tamilnadu. a very big fan of KDramas. Especially, addicted to 'Full House'.
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January 18, 2014 at 9:33 AM
I am also a South Indian..My friend introduced me to the world of K-Dramas..Boys over flowers was my first drama..after that there has been no looking back..:)
February 15, 2014 at 9:01 PM
Me too. I am from chennai.
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Florence tonsing
September 16, 2013 at 8:34 AM
Same here I'm east Indian:) who stays at Bangalore
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afha sara
December 10, 2015 at 12:57 AM
i am from karnataka...!! addicted to k drama
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March 23, 2013 at 2:54 AM
lol i liked your 'kdrama' comment :D same name but VERY different in content, acting, everything xD
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June 21, 2013 at 12:50 AM
im not korean and i get pissed when kdramas dont have subtitles
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June 21, 2013 at 1:40 AM
and i realised that there's no "f" in the hangul alphabet
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September 6, 2013 at 3:00 AM
I am Indian too and get bored with the nonsense we get on TV here. My sis who lives in London and I am hooked to K-dramas. What has Korea and Korean Dramas done to us! We are addicts.
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Indian girl
October 29, 2013 at 6:03 PM
I am an Indian too and I love K ( Korean ones kind of more than the indian ones :p) Dramas!!
I have watched a ton of them till now and they are really nice!!!
My favorites are listed below
Full house
My girlfriend is a Gumiho
Coffee prince
secret garden
You are beautiful
personal preference
The greatest love
My Girl
shining inheritance
A love story in Harvard
And the list never ends!!
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November 7, 2013 at 7:59 AM
fuckkkkkk your kkkkkkkkkk bitch fuckkkkkkkkkkk
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December 14, 2013 at 11:43 AM
I am an indian too... you page helps me so much..with my k-drama obsession.... i am a huge addict... in india v generally have some boring, few intresting(negligible) daily soaps... but its korean drama which lets me through to the tortures... i am thankfull i found this site...
Please keep on recaping .... till the very end...
Kamsahamnida... ;-) :-D
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February 12, 2014 at 11:38 PM
ahh so many indians! makes me so happy.
But I absolutely hate Indian soaps (sorry ajji!). Especially *shudder* Kannada soaps. The music is so awkwardly dramatic, and I just kinda want to puke all over the ugly actors' faces.
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May 26, 2014 at 11:42 PM
I am suprised with the huge volume of indian k drama addicts. I am also Indian who was hooked to the k dramas since I first watched Boys over Flowers. And I really love dramabeans. Its great platform for getting to know dramas and read the recaps. Great job both girlfriday and javabeans and all other dramabeans staff.
Huge applause from the Indian fans
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Sanchita Suman
July 10, 2014 at 11:59 AM
it seems m the last indian to join this bandwagon but certainly not the least! i have had alwez a thing for japanese anime since childhood n animax was like a holy pilgrimage 4 me but then once i discovered an episode of we got married global n voila! m hooked to k drmas now honestly i felt like a discovered a treasure that keeps me happy throughout no matter how hectic or drastic my day has been!
n m glad tht my fellow indians too appreciate this awsum stuff! honestly the nxt big thing tht can bind a culturally diverse nation like india wud be kdrama! he he!! :P
p.s: m 4m calcutta!
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August 1, 2014 at 6:04 AM
i am an Indian too and i love k drama.... just like yu...thank god..i thought i was the only one
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October 26, 2014 at 12:45 PM
we Indians rock everywhere
me tooo a kdrama addict
I watch indian soaps too bt dey r lengthy
still IPKKND, saraswathichandra n YHM r my fav
my frst korean dramas was BBF
my fav are
Playfull Kiss
Youare beautiful
Coffee Prince
Dream High
Answer me 1997
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December 9, 2014 at 10:47 AM
Indian and K-drama's are two words I never imagined anyone other than me will ever use.
Glad to know you exist.
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December 9, 2014 at 10:55 AM
It would be a dream come true if all the indian kdrama fans would just make a group somewhere. i'm dying to spazz abouttt my k-drama addiction with every other indian who upto this moment believed, "DAMN I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY INDIAN K-DRAMA FAN".
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April 23, 2017 at 7:08 AM
There's also kdrama amino app if you want to make tons of international & Indian friends who love kdramas, kpop, etc.
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January 21, 2015 at 1:26 AM
hello i'm an indian as well and an overly kdrama obsessed girl also!!
i want to spread more of kdrama in india so please like my Fb page:
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March 29, 2015 at 10:12 PM
HEY!!! More Indians! and I thought I was the only one... We're truly everywhere. I see a lot of peopel from the south here. I'm North Indian. An Indori NRI for that matter. I adore K-dramas and I started with The Heirs last year and it still remains my favorite.
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September 10, 2015 at 12:56 AM
Hi...,guys i am indian too! i just love kdrama. i almost watched every kdrama, so recently start watching some chinese dramas and they are great too.
one of the chinese drama like most is "Boss and me" you guys should watch it, its Really very good drama. i am sure you guys going to LOVE it. The main leads are too cute. i already watch it 4-5 times.
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April 23, 2017 at 7:06 AM
Same here I have watched a lot kdramas and shifted to other dramas too If you liked Boss & me try watching LoveO2O. Also have you heard about mydramalist.com ? You can keep track of asian dramas you have watched using that. And there's also kdrama amino app if you want to make tons of international & Indian friends who love kdramas, kpop, etc.
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January 7, 2017 at 9:36 PM
Happily shocked that the first thread here is about Indian fans of K-dramas! I am a lawyer in Mumbai and K-dramas are how I beat all that stress of my everyday life.
I'd probably have an alcohol addiction otherwise or maybe a boyfriend and a life? ^^ Not sure, could go either way.
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April 20, 2017 at 4:06 AM
all us indian fans should have a meet up where we gush about our fav k-dramas
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April 23, 2017 at 7:03 AM
I can't wait to meet a kdrama fan randomly somehwere in India and fangirl about all kdramas, kpop etc.
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April 23, 2017 at 7:01 AM
Hi! I am Indian too. I have been watching kdramas since last year. If you don't know if you know about Exciting India. Watch it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szdx3WOUF9w
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April 3, 2007 at 5:41 AM
I'm a pretty new blogger myself and was browsing around when I saw yours. A fellow drama addict leaving you a reply. I am currently watching Lovers in Paris right now. Much love to asian dramas!
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April 5, 2007 at 12:11 PM
i recently discovered your blog and will definitely be following along with you. i like your writing style and the information a lot ^^
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April 8, 2007 at 12:19 PM
I think we need more people like you! :D Thanks for all your summaries! Very entertianing.
It's making me sane again from all that waiting. XD
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April 9, 2007 at 6:40 AM
I was searching for a Dal Ja's Spring review and accidentally came into your site. I am an avid k-drama watcher myself, and very very appreciate all the stuff you have put here! I simply love the songs you posted, I get so attached to the OSTs when I watch dramas and now I can hear them anytime. Also, your writing style is very cool and inspiring. Keep up doing the great work (^_^)
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April 9, 2007 at 8:58 AM
that's very vague. What are your dreams? sorry for being nosy. :)
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April 10, 2007 at 8:10 PM
i just began watching hello, miss! and found your site...i'm looking forward to reading more from you, thanks! :)
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April 10, 2007 at 10:00 PM
Hi there. I just want to say that your website is fantastic and I think you are somewhat witty. Good to find fellow drama fanatics. Its great being able to watch japanese and korean dramas back here in Australia, my housemate got me hooked on them while I lived in Japan. Just wish I could speak Japanese and Korean so I don't need the subs!
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December 12, 2010 at 7:21 AM
omg same.sadly i'm a major addict now
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April 16, 2007 at 9:11 PM
Just found your site. What a great idea!
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April 17, 2007 at 1:19 PM
I love ur blog. Not only is the content entertaining and insightful. But I also love ur site. Its one of the best put together sites I have seen to date.
Aja Aja Fighting!!!
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April 18, 2007 at 6:03 AM
I want to encourage you to continue this good work, it takes a lot of heart and time, and you are doing a great job!
I am also a big fan and always looking for a great site that can recommend me what to watch, so here it is - a review site written by a fan...can anything better than this?
Keep up!
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Catherine Morgan
April 18, 2007 at 4:58 PM
I like your site...it's a lot of fun. Good luck with your endeavors.
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April 22, 2007 at 12:47 AM
Hey cool new layout!!!!
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April 22, 2007 at 9:54 AM
kip up the g0od w0rk!!!
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April 26, 2007 at 12:45 AM
You are a wonderful writer! I thoroughly enjoy your summaries and choice of music. Thank you for all your hard work. So glad I found you!!
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April 26, 2007 at 6:42 AM
Thank you for your dedication in writing these wonderful summaries! Keep up the good work ;)
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April 26, 2007 at 3:54 PM
Thanks so much for all the positive comments, everyone! I love reading what you all have to say, especially in the episode discussions :D I'm just thrilled to see there are so many other (k)drama freaks like me out in the world.
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April 29, 2007 at 9:16 PM
Hey there! I really appreciate your blog, and I enjoy reading through all of it. Good luck with "the career of your dreams."
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April 29, 2007 at 10:41 PM
I'm curious, are you ethnic Korean?
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April 30, 2007 at 1:07 AM
Will you post recaps of Bambino!! Japanese drama or show
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April 30, 2007 at 1:07 PM
@catinmyfridge, yup, and i dig your screenname
@jxbeaucp, nope, not planning to cover bambino as my japanese is not nearly good enough to do translations! i believe there's a group fansubbing them though, which you can find on d-addicts
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May 1, 2007 at 1:47 AM
i love your site! your recaps/summaries are so wonderful! they're very well written
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May 3, 2007 at 7:28 PM
you are good! thanks for sharing your talents to us non-korean speaking korean drama lovers. you wouldn't know how MUCH you are appreciated! cause even if you try to imagine, there is no way you'd be able to count us all! wish you well!
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August 11, 2013 at 2:21 AM
my sentiments exactly. witty, funny and gives attention to syntax, semantics and cultural context with a dose of drama from time to time. thanks much!
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May 8, 2007 at 8:17 AM
Hey i really enjoy reading your summaries too! and i believe in your reviews, certainly full house was absolutely overrated. Am now watching witch's amusement and stumbled onto your site. Hope you can give the final 2 reviews as well! by the way, are you korean?> just curious..
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secret admirer
May 10, 2007 at 9:30 PM
you're one talented writer... luv your honest-in-the face twisted sene of humour (kinda like mine). good luck in pursuing your dreams.
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April 18, 2017 at 1:33 AM
"Goodluck with pursuing your dreams" not sure if you have any idea how this has become a reality! i guess it came true....10 years of DB and a new world for JB it is! And us kdrama addicts!
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May 11, 2007 at 9:36 PM
funny, your qualified rating for WYH is higher than your rating for QSS (solid A vs. A-)... or should i read that as ironic?
keep up the good work, javabeans.
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May 12, 2007 at 10:06 AM
gail -- my "real" grade for WYH is B-... the A is totally with irony. that is, it's an A series to watch if you intend primarily to enjoy for the mock factor.
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May 16, 2007 at 12:02 AM
hi...javabeans...i love to wtach K Drama & J Drama too..love to read all your review...My everlasting fave All About Eve ang Goong....nice to meet you....
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May 20, 2007 at 3:20 PM
love your site banner
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May 28, 2007 at 12:55 PM
no javabeans here, go figure...
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marie s
May 31, 2007 at 8:37 AM
my all time favorites are full house, goong and goong s. so i actually surprised myself by actually agreeing that full house is a bit overrated. i think the reason is both because rain and song hye kyo are so popular individually, and because their team-up was so widely accepted.
clearly, the hype has its own foundations, because of the two reasons i mentioned in the first paragraph. did you know that it garnered a 50+ ratings both in the philippines and thailand, which is such a feat.
the premise in itself sparks many questions. i am often asked by my kdrama friends that full house's story can NOT really happen in real life...how can dong wook sell the house without ji eun's signature? i just figured that since dong wook works in a bank, he may know ji eun's safety deposit box number where the deed may be kept.
i like full house because of its script and pacing. it is just so damn funny and cute at the same time, with no boring moment passing by.
the actors not only act well, but they do have some kind of strong chemistry, especially rain and hye kyo.
the characters have a good heart. this is one of the few kdramas and dramas in general where i find that no one is sooo "sinister", which is a reality in life. not all characters are like kim tae hee in stairway to heaven. i mean, the second leads were doing something bad but not sinister, and they only did so because of love.
and last but not the least, i think nobody would contradict me in saying that full house is highly "rewatchable". there are kdramas that when you watch them, they're very good. but come re-run, you just can't seem to get yourself as glued or even glued as you were before.
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marie s
May 31, 2007 at 8:50 AM
the same goes with goong and goong s.
i couldnt say that the actors acted well, especially for kim jung hoon. yoon eun hye and song ji hyo were fine but not great. ju ji hoon was tolerable. he was so stiff, but i guess that's fine since he's portraying a stiff character anyway. (the same approach he does his oh seung hwa character in the devil. m beginning to wonder if he has an acting range.) there's also no denying that eun hye and ji hoon definitely have chemistry.
the premise was magnificent and creative. who would have thought of modern monarchy in korea? i agree that goong was a bit draggy. but i think it was because it was extended during the latter part due to its high ratings.
i also like the conflicts of the story. it's very deep. min hyo rin and lee shin being first loves. lee shin falling in love with shin chae gyung unexpectedly, the past happening again...shin and yul's father falling in love with yul's mother at the same time. lee yul, who is shin's cousin, falling in love with her sister-in-law chae gyung, who was supposedly his bride had his father not died, the struggle for the crown prince position between shin and yul, the similarity between yul's mother and hyo rin as being ambitious, the parallelism of hyo rin's character with camilla, the dilemmas o not being able to follow or even have your own dreams because as a royalty, you were destined and duty-bound to your country. there are just so many aspects and conflicts that were expounded so nicely.
and this is highly re-watchable too.
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marie s
May 31, 2007 at 9:16 AM
goong s for the most part shares similar plots and conflicts with goong, except for the reverse of the main lead. shin chae gyung's counterpart here is se7en. but i can see a little bit of chae gyung in both hoo and soon ae, as their both from out the palace and they're both always committing mistakes. i can see both shin and yul in joon. shin because he's stiff, and yul because he led a damned hard life psychologically. min hyo rin's character is manifested in shin sae ryung.
the premise is the same and strong, but the pacing and character development were not. for one, and in my opinion, the dragging part was mostly in the middle, during the contest for the crown prince position. the preparation and the contest itself was so lengthy, and the story was just stagnant and going nowhere.
i was surprised to find out though that se7en's acting wasn't bad at all, like most of the internet sites are saying. hey, hands down, he was better than ji hoon and jung hoon. and even showed some nuances. heo yi jae was the kim jung hoon of goong s. she was such an amateur. but i still like both of them. they're both good-looking people.
the main difference, which i liked though, was that hoo is more romantic and showy than shin. there were a lot of lovey-dovey scenes between hoo and soon ae, and their love for each other was not merely kept to themselves but was explicitly agreed between the two, unlike shin and chae gyung, it's all so implicit.
the conflicts were not as strong in that the foundations were not laid very well. the love quadrangle was not as convincing as goong's. for one, hoo was never in love with sae ryung. it was just infatuation. so how can you build a tension between the triangle soon ae-hoo-sae ryung? goong's was very effective and deeply embedded because shin was totally in love with hyo rin and they had a relationship, not just a mutual understanding. secondly, joon and soon ae are not really as good friends as chae gyung and yul. in fact and if i remember correctly, there was even a scene in either episodes 5, 6 or 7 where soon ae tells joon to stop flirting with her. while yul fell in love with chae gyung during the formation of their friendship. the bottomline is, it was really a no brainer to conclude that hoo and soon ae would much rather choose each other than sae ryung and joon respectively. this was not the case with goong, as there is the "possibility" that they might choose the second leads, even though they are the ones in love.
as with goong, i loved the rivalry between hoo and joon in both love and the crown, as i did with shin and yul. in fact, i think this conflict may par with my liking of the love aspect of the story.
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marie s
May 31, 2007 at 9:17 AM
too add to full house character analyzation: Rain and Song hye kyo's interpretation of their characters were so natural it's like its their second skin. In fact, I think I started to like them as actors because of their characters.
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marie s
May 31, 2007 at 9:24 AM
my girl??? i watched it in fast forward mode. i think the story is fine, and so are the characters. but it was hard for me to watch lee da hae's "slapstick"antics. it was just too much of an exagerration on yoo rin's character. had she not done so and acted just naturally, maybe i would have watched and rewatched it. (i mean, lee dong wook is so handsome!!!)
another thing is i can't seem to watch park shi yeon for a long time as well. her face, in filipino terms, looks or is "retokada", meaning, she has undergone a lot of plastic surgery. it was just too obvious that it's hard to watch her on tv.
i enjoyed hello miss though. i've read on some sites that they see yoo rin and su ha's character as the same. to some extent yes, because lee da hae's acting range is not that wide. she can not interpret a character in a unique way. though being su ha, the exagerration way much lessened.
i'd love to read a thorough critique of my girl. coz i'm really curious as to why many people like it. there really must be something in it i am not seeing.
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June 2, 2007 at 11:49 PM
hey javebeans,
thanks for all the recaps of eps. i have to agree I really like watching soulmate. At first i was a little hesitant to watch because there was so many couple, but towards the end of season 1 i started to really enjoy it. Do you know if there will be season two of soulmate?? thanks
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June 3, 2007 at 1:09 PM
Hi Javabeans, This is Cayabunga I have been previewing some of the other Blogs since I am new to Wordpress and wanted to see who some of my other neighbors are. I am not familiar with your subject matter but at least I enjoyed some of your sounds while I was here. I like the fact you have audio on your site as it lends a different dimension to your blog. In addition you have some graphics and pictures of people which brings a different visual focus to your site. By the other comments in your site you also have a nice following. Well I have taken up enough of your time. So till later have an "AWESOME" day.
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Mohamed Ezeddin
June 4, 2007 at 10:43 AM
hi javabeans I thout your blog is about a programming java programming language but it seems to me defferent however i like it
I want to ask u way did you hose this name for your blog
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June 5, 2007 at 8:37 PM
I love yous site! Keep it up :)
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June 9, 2007 at 10:32 PM
hi! i've a number of things to tell you but let me start with your name... JAVABEANS... it caught my attention simply because I love jelly belly beans!
I discovered your website just last night when I was searching for episode artworks of DJS. After I was done copying the artworks I read your posts about Dal Ja's and really, I was so impressed with all the works that you've put in to do a review of the said series. I am a die-hard fan of Dal Ja's Spring and I even reached the point where I'm trying to immitate DJ's looks. :) What I did last night was added your site to My Favorites list because I want to read more about your works.
This afternoon when I woke up I opened your site again and voila! I found out that you're not only doing reviews/recap of DJS but also of other K-series. Now I'm really, really awed by your dedication and energy in doing these things. :)
Just before I did this comment I was reading your review about "Flowers for my..." and I immediately decided to start watching the series... while I'm waiting for upcoming episodes of RRLY. :)
Javabeans, You simply rock! ^_^
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June 9, 2007 at 11:43 PM
jxbeaucp, sorry to say Soulmate 2 won't be happening. I'd be much sadder if I didn't feel the first season was wonderful as it is, but I'm satisfied with the ending so I can live with that.
Mohamed, it's just an online handle i've been using, completely unaware of (or forgetting) the computer programming suggestion.
cacs and everyone, i'm glad you like the site! thanks for all the support.
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June 11, 2007 at 2:10 PM
You are a very talented writer. I enjoy reading your reviews, analysis, and so on. You don't use fancy words and yet, the whole thing becomes fancy and meaty. Thank you for your hard work. I also follow your recommendations before buying my DVD sets. Btw, how many different languages do you speak? Just want you to know that I appreciate your work.
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June 11, 2007 at 8:38 PM
Thanks a lot again! I'm non-Korean. I just want to tell you that I'm a Korean addict! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is a Korean addict too! lol... When I wake up in the morning at 6:30 before I go to school, I turn on my computer to watch Korean dramas and when I get home from school, I also watch Korean dramas. Sometimes, I even stayed up to 6:30 in the morning finishing a drama even though the ending is so obvious! lol. Thanks again! I just wish I can speak all the languages in the world! That would be so COOL! Thanks again!
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June 15, 2007 at 12:45 AM
Hello Javabean,
I just discovered your blogsite and am totally awed by you! Your interpretation and evaluation of each drama is so concise and perceptive. Your blog is so well-written that reading it is a joy unto itself.
You are better than the professional critics in the mass media.
I so appreciate all the work that the various fansubbers do for our enjoyment. And, since I don't have the skills to help out, I do and will continue to donate to support everyone's efforts.
Thank you so very much!
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April 18, 2017 at 1:30 AM
It is kind of great to see people who discoveted DB since it's inception still going strong here. As for.me, i found DB in 2011 and been hooked forever. I wish i knew kdrama and DB since 2007 like you did! A teeny tiny bit jealous of lucky peeps like you!
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June 15, 2007 at 10:37 AM
thanks guys! and pandapop, aside from korean i speak some japanese. not enough to watch dramas raw and understand them completely, but enough to get by.
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May 25, 2017 at 11:31 PM
JB is unregistered! lol
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June 15, 2007 at 10:45 AM
hi there
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June 15, 2007 at 10:48 AM
I really enjoyed your blogs and love your opinions..I was just wondering if you are currently living in the U.S.?
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June 15, 2007 at 10:52 AM
Do you know why Soulmate II is not going to happen? I've been waiting because I too love Soulmate I to the max.
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June 15, 2007 at 2:14 PM
SarangCandee, yes I'm in the States, and no, I don't know why Soulmate 2 isn't happening. All they said was that the production fell through. I can just guess that the first season didn't do strong enough ratings for them to justify it. It didn't have poor ratings, if I recall it had around 10%-15%, but it wasn't a hit.
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June 15, 2007 at 8:18 PM
It's so weird how series that has low ratings in Korea or not a hit seems to be a big hit for us over here ...i'm very sad that production fell through..I thought Soulmate was a very clever sitcom..what a waste of a good production!
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