Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

Spoilerish alert! OMG It’s finally happening! Hahahahaha!
Don’t you love Jin-Kyu’s delighted expression?!?!


One of my favouritest dramas! Kim Bok-joo & Joon-hyung are to die for!! Soo real, so sweet AND sOOoo funny!!


This looks like fun! Which books do you want everyone to read?!
I did go around telling (annoying!) people to read Kite Runner back in school.. and more recently The Hungry Tide.. been a while since I read a book which induced the need to make others read it too! Does buying my fav books for kids for their birthdays count?


    Any and every book by Mitch Albom and Paulo Coelho. I was the one pestered to death by friends obsessed with Harry Potter and Twilight (I did read ’em and didn’t regret it). Though it’s been awhile since I’ve read too. 😊


      Turns out I’ve not read any Mitch Albom! Surprising..! I love Paulo Coelho and Alchemist is generally the book I suggest for new readers or anyone looking to get back into the reading game. although technically is books are all about giving hope and optimism.. if i read too many Coelho’s in a row, I kinda feel depressed. It’s very weird. Is it just me or happens with u too?!


        I think I know what you feel. After I read Coelho, the world feels weird and empty but it’s also empowering when you read it. Hm. With Albom, start with either Tuesdays with Morrie or Five people you meet in Heaven.


          Yess exactly! World feels empty and perhaps as if you arent doing enough with ur lives.. I feel empowered if I stop at one book at a time.. too many in a row, I begin to question how i have been living my life a bit too intensely i suppose!

          Will definitely check those out 🙂


    I’m a huge fan of Kelley Armstrong (yes, I’m a fantasy story girl), but the only book that I want to recommend to everyone is Jodi Picoult’s Nineteen Minutes. I don’t know why I like it so much since it was quite a depressing tale, but everything about its characters just strike a chord with me.


      I love fantasy fiction esp with a strong female characters! I have so far been reading Tamora Pierce, LOTR, brandon sanderston types.. never heard of Kelley Armstrong but her books look like just the type which would appeal to me!

      19 mins seriously sounds rather depressing.. I’m all for depressing tales if they end with a ray of hope in the horizon. Does that happen?


        Armstrong’s novels always have strong, capable heroine which is why I love it so much. And it is also a bit dark, exactly how I like my fantasy fiction these days. I’ll recommend Women of The Otherworld if you want to start reading her work.

        There is rays of hope in 19 Minutes, but the overall tone of the story is more sobering. It’s like a cautionary tale about how impactful what we did or didn’t do could be for those around us.


    @isthatacorner – has the tagging thing begun to work?! Hope it has cuz I really would like to hear from u – from ur moving out posts, I gather that ur something of a crazy book worm!


I actually had to google female Chaebol’s in kdramas.. & turns out I’ve only seen two, and neither were impressive – My Fair Lady & K2.
So I’m just gonna wish to be a Doppleganger of Cheon Song-yi! She is the Chaebol of the acting world!
Yayy for level up! 🙂


What a beautiful homage to Mothers.. we really do take them for granted.. had me in tears and calling up my mum to just chat!


Although she is talking about kids, it is so much true-r about Mothers – they never let their children know that they are not OK. So beautiful


Train-wrecks I\’ve watched are BoF, Hwarang, Time we were not in love (ugh).. What\’s up fox. Yours?


    Oh how did I forget “To the beautiful you” !


    how about Heirs?


      Oh gosh yes. But despite my Lee Min Ho fangirling I dropped that drama post episode 6 or so.. so didnt count it on my list!


    Oh my gosh. I watched so many questionable dramas when I was a baby dramawatcher. I was distracted by all of those pretty people and those fish kisses, wrist grabs, back hugs, and piggy back rides. By the time I realuzed the show may be crack!drama at best train wreck at worst the show was over and I was heading for the next drama.
    Off top I think bof was a train wreck. Whats up fox (the beginning was so charming. And hilarious. I want a strong one who can give it to me hard….! After all those fish kisses I was shocked. That could be what kept ne there until the end) Lucky Romance. My Perfect Boyfriend….I could be mixing up dramas I didnt particularly like with dramas that were messy.


      Oh yess! lucky romance! how did i forget that mess!
      Like u said.. I’m sure (and I hope) that the reason why I continued watching those dramas was cuz I was a newbie just transfixed by the tropes and pretty ppl! Lol

      but I still havent figured out how to get myself out of it..I’m much better but I still have watched terrible stuff even recently like My secret romance or Princess hours.. I keep hoping they will get better..!


        My secret romance was SO BAD. It was nothing like they promised. Its a good thing the lead was so smoking hot that show had literally nothing else going for it.


          Soo true..I couldn’t even abide the female lead.. i have never met ppl that dumb and “innocent” and passive and plain stupid. Even if they were trying to emulate fifty shades of grey.. wasnt Anna slightly more spunky in it?! (havent seen the movie..only seen the trailers to judge from)


            Is that what they were going for?! I would have rather they tried their hand at twilight. I’ve never seen (or read 50 shades either) but that had to hsve been better.


    I know people love this drama but one of the worst dramas I’ve watched was Can You Hear My Heart. I almost want to rewatch because if everyone loved it so much maybe it’s not as bad as I remember, but I don’t think I could do that to myself.


      I have never heard of this drama before.. looking at it’s description it sounds like a typical sob story makjang… not my kinda dramas.. Are u sure u want to revisit a train wreck?! I still cringe to myself that I didnt drop those dramas and watched them till the end.. such a waste of hours when u could be watching something awesome!


        That’s what’s stopping me lol I have too many old and new dramas still to watch and awesome dramas that I would love to rewatch.


    Boys Over Flowers was a complete mess and Hwarang comes close. My Secret Romance pitched an interesting premise that didn’t deliver in anyway. Other dramas that haven’t been mentioned already that I think are train wrecks are: The K2, although an argument could be made that it never even started on the tracks to begin with; and Across the Ocean to See You, there is a reason why I fast forwarded half that damn drama.

    I’ve encountered a lot more near train wrecks though: Cinderella and the Four Knights, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, Rush to the Dead Summer, and Moorim School to name a few.

    I guess I ended up conflating the two different types of train wrecks the author mentioned in that article.


      I have to agree with all your dramas too (dunno bout the cDramas u mentioned)! Although I’l admit to watching Strong woman till the end cuz Hyung-shik was soo cute! Ok – this is probably the reason I ended up watching all the above till the end (except K2 which even jiwookie couldnt salvage for me!)

      Damn.. didnt realise I was such a shallow girl! All I can say is fangirling is important business!
      Pssst.. I would only ever admit to this on dramabeans under my Unicorn superhero identity.. I dont who u are or what u are talking about if u ever happen to bump into me in real life ! 😀


      Oh. My. Gosh. I couldn’t make it past the firstvfes eps of Moorim School. People LOVE it and I have NO IDEA WHY. Its so, so, bad.


        Yeah.. i was surprised by the amt of love it received on the fan wall buddy watch too! but then i think it might have to do with fangirling the actors.. I mean I had such expectations from the premise of the plot & was looking forward to another Hogwarts like story with Harry Potter & Malfoy bromance! but it was so……. nevermind – it’s not something I would like to revisit!


          Now, im a shallow gal. My infatuation with the young Jackson Wang and my appreciation of the abs on the actor from My Secret Romance: well documented. But I COULD NOT and I was so looking forward to it for thevrwadons you mentioned.

          And speaking of the hotness. Jung. Yong. Hwa. I love that man. Lord knows I live that man. But that drama he was I where the actress travels back in time to convince herself nnit to marry her husband? Train Wreck. Marry Him If You Dare.


    Doctor Stranger and W – for the love of LJS. Crossing my fingers While You Were Sleeping will slay (Suzy aside).


      W was pretty decent.. the 2nd half sucked but it was still better than a lotta shows out there.
      Doctor stranger… oh god.. this thread is really making me realise just how many terrible train wrecks I’ve watched!


        I was frustrated with W. So. Much. Promise. Same with Dr Stranger. LJS was the only ray of light in both. And the villains were good. In more recent memory, I’m grieving Bride of the Water God, The Best Hit, My Sassy Girl, Ruler, the list goes on.. 😆


          Yup.. LJS was why i sustained through the torture too! Really crossing my fingers amour while you are sleeping.. it’s the only show of my fav actors on for the rest of year!
          You didn’t like best hit??! The weird father son fighting for girl bit put you off? Admittedly the ending was also lame.. but but ysy totally stole that show for me!


            I loved the best hit! 😊 I watched all YSY drama after that bec of withdrawal. 😆 The love triangle was ok. What was upsetting was the premise of young people reaching there dreams. What happened to that? They didn’t show KMJ and hia sidekick performing! And Alba girl was Alba girl til the end. 😢


          Oh yeah.. you are right. I was so taken by ysy that I totally forgot what the show was supposed to be about! Haha.. well I guess they have a happy ending in the agency with GJ.. and alba girl also joins them at some point.. the cons of a 16 episode format I guess.. but i doubt they could have sustained the story for longer though.. it has started fizzling out within the 16 episodes itself


            I was smitten with YSY too that when I watch I just go with it but everytime the recaps were out, people point out the gap between what was promised and what actually happended in the show so I was constantly reminded. 😆 I think it’s not the 16-ep format but the fact that they banked too much on YSY’s charm (thinking it will draw ratings) so they focused on the romance part than the reaching-your-dream aspect. But! All’s well that ends well. I had such warm fuzzy feels in that show and weekends were so much brighter back then. I don’t regret watching. 😊😊😊


    Awww Hwarang I still like it very much though. My train wreck is Scarlet Heart definitely.


      I had such great expectations of Hwarang but…
      Scarlet Heart I couldnt get through past ep 3… :'(


        I zipped thru all but the last ep of Scarlet. I figured it better to play in my head the ending that the actual ep based on ppl’s reaction. 😂


Baek Ki in Misaeng was such a real character.. and someone I could empathise with too. Growing up we’ve slogged our butts off to get our qualifications & be the “best-out-there”.. and then the real world specs really don’t matter as much..
So many other factors come into play.. passion, luck, perseverance, correct team/project combination.. so on.

I’ve been there & felt those pangs of jealousy (& also feeling ashamed about having these jealousy pangs) seeing colleagues who don’t know squat about the subject but doing so well & going places.. while I seemed to have not moved at all!
So glad he learnt to take it in his stride & work at his pace 🙂


#Misaeng – Hope we all always have stars in our eyes like uri Geu-rae and never stop dreaming & working zealousy for the dream – for a road will be made 🙂 #Hwaighting! #Assaa!


And our awesome Newbies deserve an appreciation post after all their hardwork! 🙂


Just finished watching *Misaeng*.. what a wonderful and absolutely charming show! so brutally honest yet full of hope about humanity… so much nuance… How did I miss this show earlier?!
I could go on! Soo lovely! Cannot recommend it enough! (don’t be put off by the drab sounding show description!)
Yayyy for Uri Jang Geu Rae & Sales Team 3 & Awesome4some Newbies! 🙂 🙂


    I actually put on hold to this drama and I’m still stuck in episode 5. Maybe because that time when I watched this drama, I was not into this deep and nuance drama. I know Misaeng is a really good drama, so I’m planning on picking it up soon. Maybe when I’m in the mood for this such drama.


      Oh well.. it is tad-bit slow.. not much ‘action’ & it’s humour is not the regular kdrama lite type.. but it showcases work life so humanely and realistically (well there are some hero-wins-the-day moments..but we need those!) but i was hooked! the actors do so well to portray nuanced feelings with looks..

      Perhaps it’s a drama for a phase? or u need to have gone through that stage of working/looking for jobs.. etc?

      Do give it shot though.. i loved it!


        I watched it when I was in college, maybe that time I didn’t really appreciate the working life in office kind of drama, but I just landed my first job after graduation and will start working soon. Maybe at the moment, I will appreciate this drama even more! I do plan on picking up this drama again soon.


    This is such a good show. I watched it earlier this year and loved it even when I was crying along with the characters.


    When I watched this I had never set foot into corporate world and still I could relate TOO much. Every episode was like watching my life with life lessons and experiences that were too real on a personal level. It’s one of the very few dramas that made cry regularily and I don’t think it will be easy for another drama to replace that #1 spot in my heart ❤️


Kim Nam Gil looked soo much cuter with long hair! Why do they need to cut it short to modernise them?!? It\’s BestHit YSY hair pains all over again! Sigh.. #LiveUpToYourName


    I loved his long hair!! I don’t mind his shortish hair in episode 5 since it still looks good in a ponytail. Don’t tell me he cut it off some more????


      Just watched ep 6 and gahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Where is the hair??? I hate this new haircut and clean shaved look. It looks super weird.


        It does right??! Forget about looking adorable.. the new hair cut makes him look like a totally new person and sorta those evil cunning chaebol types..

        We need to start a new petition #BringBacktheStubble&longHair


          Ugh Yes!! He doesn’t even look like himself anymore. Like you know that face he has? That kind and sweet smile he does when he succeeds in treating a patient that is part sheepish and part pride and almost always directed at Yeon Kyung? I can’t see him making the same face anymore! He looks like a chaebol hero’s evil third cousin or something. Gah!!!


    Agree! I normally don’t like scruffy looking guys but Kim Nam Gil rock that look esply after I saw the makeover. Hopefully it gets better, oh who am I kidding! Bring back his scruffy look, stat!


      Agreed fully!! He dorkiness is lost in the new do.. And your line sounds much better for the petition! #BringBacktheScruffyLook


    ikr!! *cries forever*
    He looks so evil now.


Kyung Soo\’s mum was a fair surprise. I was so dead sure that the Jung Food Corp CEO was totally set up to be his mum.. nice to be surprised!


These two are so cutely adorable! They need to get together asap!


    I have a simple solution for Ji-yoon’s lack of deposit money for a house. I’m sure Jin-gyu has a spare room in his spiffy apartment. Cohabitation hijinks here we come!!


      Oooh along with contract dating + enemies-turned-reluctant-friends-turned-lovers?!! It’s the perfect idea!! I’m all in for this!!


I just absolutely love this guy!! Soo cute!! 🙂
Even Kang Soo think he’s cute!


Kdrama watching has turned me into a Lovemon ala SkipBeat’s Lory.. I’m willing to ignore plotholes as long as its a squeal worthy interaction!


My two most favourite smugly self-satisfied grin-ners ! Do-Han from Lookout & Actor Ahn from Father is Strange .., and a bonus of Do-han’s smugness… cuz well he is just so awesomely smug!


When your caught by your mum sneaking around ! Uh-Oh


The many adorable faces of Ahn bae-nim 🙂


I’ve absolutely fallen in love with Lee Joon’s Ahn bae-nim character! Sorry for the upcoming spam! #FatherisStrange