Beanie level: Errand boy

I love both sad Rin and happy Hong Jong Hyun 😍😍😍


Rin, my heart breaks for you.




I go to sleep and wake up on the same page. Stop and get to work, girl!


I should be in bed……..


    I have yet to find good subs for this movie and yet the number of time I watched this is insane! I blame Jung So-Min for having such good chemistry with literally every co-star. I know this isn’t a romance (sort of) and yet that was my only take away. 😛


    WHERE IS THIS. asking for a friend


    omg why did I always miss your HJH posts?!
    I like Alice, the blood was overwhelming but forgave the director for those beautiful scences of JSM and HJH. Smoking hot chemistry there.


      Speaking of chemistry. I am starting to think that HJH has chemistry with all his co-stars. Hahaha…see how confidently I say this without watching all his dramas/movies? I came across reviews of few of his dramas and these reviewers were all surprised by his performance and chemistry with his co-star. I’ve never thought HJH is a good actor but reading those reviews, I think I had misjudged him.

      If TKL intended him to be the second lead who loses the girl, I think they have made a mistake in casting HJH. I know Im Si Wan is a good actor but IMO, Hong Jong Hyun stole the show. I am one of those who started because of ISW and ended up going crazy over HJH.


        You have to see Mama fix. Skip to his scenes if can’t handle all the angst. See if he’s believable for falling romantically for Song Yoona and as the reliable hyung to Yoon Chan-young.

        Oh he did steal the show. I had not seen this many praises and talking about him in DB until TKL. I hope after this DB will post special article on him.


          Thanks for the heads up! I did consider Mama but I was contemplating if I should sit through the angst. One drama I wanted to check out is Beloved or Dear You. However, its a 2012 jtbc show so there aren’t any out there which I can find. I’m surprised that at that age, HJH could pull off a noona romance and even act as a husband!

          I’ve just seen breathlesssurvival blog updates. She’s been covering lots of HJH. She just translated the BTS video of the scene where San was taking care of Rin.
          By the way, WonSan shippers are celebrating on soompi because of the conversation San had with Won. And interestingly, RinSan shippers don’t seem to be saying anything.


What on earth am I doing? Never thought I’d watch WGM…


    LOL I had to watch them that time because I watched other couples who are in the same season lol. They were quite Cute although this guy is super awkward. 😆😂 Yura’s laugh 🙉


      Which couple were you watching?

      I hardly watch reality show. Stubborn and skeptical are the worst combination. But I do think they can be very funny and entertaining.

      I don’t know who’s Yura, she must be a kpop star. Reason is because I simply love watching HJH being awkward. So any situation that makes him awkward is the best, LOL!


        WGM is a show that I refused to watch because I dislike to be delusional 😂. But I had to watch because of Kim So-eun lol. I also watched other two couples (Hong Jo-hyun & Yura and Nam Goongmin-Hong Jin-young) during the same season. They did a good job to pair all couple with different personality, Yura is quite hyperactive so might be easier for them to get along. lol. Yes Yura is an idol, from the same group of Hyeri (Girls Day). I also only know their namrs because of some variety shows I watched. 😂 He appeared in Running Man too, together with Lee Jun-ki and Kang Ha-neul if you haven’t watched it yet. Is this guy dating anyone now?


          Yup, I like to be as un-delusional as possible, hahaha.

          HJH doesn’t look like someone who’s comfortable in reality show. He’s almost always awkward and shy. I haven’t seen the RM yet but I would imagine him being in the background with Lee Jun Ki hamming it up to the max and KHN with all the aegyo.

          He’s rumored to date with Nana and I think people were shipping him with Yura. Now, there are shippers shipping him with Yoona. I’ve seen the BTS, it’s true that Yoona and HJH have very good chemistry on and off screen. However, I am not reading anything more into it. HJH seems to look good with most of his co-stars. I saw some of him with that girl from Father is Strange.


            Shippers and their delusional minds are at different I think everyone who did WGM are bound to be shipped with their partner
            and it also depends on the popularity of that couple. Except when they confirm their relationship with other person shippers have no choice to move on.I’m glad I’m easy to jump ship, I can ship for a while but after it ends, I’ll easily move on hehehe.

            I think that’s nice for him to do variety/reality shows once in a while. Nam Goongmin was also a shy and quiet type, so his partner was more active and iniated most things lol.I think that’s the only time I watched WGM. I did watched few scenes of Lee Jong-hyun & Gong Seung-yeon as well.

            -That girl from Father Is Strange? Which one?


            He was such a charmer with his pro archery skills in RM. You have to watch him on Law of the Jungle! I loved his reflective moments there! (Excuse me while I like all of your HJH posts heh)


            @autumnlights Thank you!

            Please feed my obsession. Where is the best place to watch all these variety shows with subs? I am a total noob.


          @seralovestteobokki Jung So-min in Alice. I like her and HJH there.


    HJH is another level of cuteness..look at his smile and shy smile when caught like deer in front of headlight…
    now i know i have found a khero to sqeal and swoon for rest of my life…


I was always one step behind you…
That way i could watch you from far.
If i looked away for a second, i was afraid that you would disappear.
You have been always insecure like that.
Now it is time for me to leave you….
I am sorry, my friend’

Rin’s love for Won and his loyalty supersedes his love for San. The only thing he couldn’t compromise was San’s freedom.


    Gah! He’s beautiful!


      It’s one of the most perfect casting I’ve seen. It is not just about how handsome Rin is but I feel that Hong Jong Hyun encapsulates everything that is Rin.


        I feel the same way. He’s doing an absolutely amazing job here. I’m tempted to watch MLSHR just to see the difference in his characterization of that prince.


          MLSHR irritated me so much, haha. The annoyance overshadowed everything including HJH. If I can go back and watch the show, that will be the epitome of fangirling for me.


            Haha! I can see you just fast forwarding all the scenes until you get to HJH! I’m not into guy-liner AT.ALL. So it would be akin to torture for me to see him like that for 20? episodes–but then again…save me…I’ve fallen…and only HJH can get me up. 😝😳


            @allly I think I should try to rewatch the show, just HJH’s scenes.

            I think guy-liner has no place in dramas. I don’t know whose bright idea it is to have the guys don eyeliner. Everything about the drama was over the top, the story, the acting, the directing and camerawork. *shudders*

            I think I might try Alice: Boy in Wonderland first if I can get subs.


            Alice…is on Viki with Viki pass. (I only know b/c it keeps popping up on my FB feed–even FB knows I’m obsessed!)


            hahaha i am late to this HJH discussion his journey from Wang Yo to Wang Rin…i watches ML for only LJGand hardly paid any attention to HJH still i hated him (more than anything i hated in my life then)
            and now as Wang Rin i can proudly say i love, swoon over him more than any of my previous k crushes…
            his eyes with liner in ML was to give his character that evil look that he as an individual does not hav( as wang rin his eyes do all talking an loving).
            i hav to say he is A Fan actor.. who could act poles apart character as Yo and Rin that too with perfection.

            sorry for such long reply on ur wall… just cant stop writing when it’s abt HJH…


          I hate him so much on Moon Lovers. It is interesting though, to see him shift 180 degrees from Wang Yo to Wang Rin.

          Amen King Loves for giving him such beautiful mane of glory. I’m jealous


            Mane of glory! Yassss! This is the best display of Mane of Glory ever since dramas like Hwarang and even Moon Lovers(remember the dead crow?) messed it up.

            Thank god for no hanbok too! The shapeless thing would have done great injustice to HJH’s frame.


    when you want to cry and scream for ur most loved character being slashed but you end up staring at screen without letting any tear well up to spoil the view… cause its HJH who is there…
    he is gorgeous, handsome and swoonworthy….




    Watched the finale only a couple of hours ago and I already miss these two 😭


I think more than a Rin-San shipper, I enjoy the trio in their happier times. Thus, I am hoping that the drama will end well.
My wish for The King Loves
1. No one dies
2. No betrayal.
It’s alright to fight for your love, be this from Won or Rin but don’t betray each other.
3. True love triumphs.
Whether San loves Won or Rin, may the true pair prevail and be happy.


Eh…bloodbath in drama and forums?


Isn’t it funny or rather tragic that Mom has a clearer mind despite being drugged all this time compared to Dimwit Dad?


    Because Dad has been drinking that special Living Water. LOL


      Talk about that, they have not shown the tea or water for some time. I don’t think there is anything special about it as in there’s no drugs.


        Oh it comes up again. They even tell us why it’s “special”


Whatever the ending of TKL may be, I demand a swordfighting saeguk set in Goryeo(mane!) for Hong Jong Hyun) ⚔


I should be in bed but…




      It’s from his instagram. Isn’t he a sweetie?

      I must admit I don’t follow actors and am wary about inferring too much from what’s put out there on social media. It’s also fashionable to pose with babies because it always make fans go “awww”. But HJH seems to be genuinely fond of babies and animals.


If I had watched this scene without context or any knowledge whatsoever, I would have thought this is one in which the man and woman have just made love for the first time.
As a woman, there’s NO way I would look at guy like this if I like him in anyway less than a lover. So if it does end up with Won-San, I’d take it that San
– loves both men but chooses Won for some reason.
– loves Rin but ends up with Won for some reason other than love.
– loves Won but wants to have fun with Rin.


    Hi! I came to your fanwall after reading your comment about this scene on the recap post.

    I liked the swoony scene, their chemistry is off the charts! But your comment made me recounted the novel’s story line — and yes, at this point in the novel, RinSan confessed to each other and made love for the first time. Heh.

    Now I wonder if the PD/writer settled for the intense longing gaze instead of a love scene… since it will be too much of a “betrayal” for drama-Won who is not as twisted as novel-Won.


      “and yes, at this point in the novel, RinSan confessed to each other and made love for the first time. Heh.”

      Jinjia? Ommmmmmgggg!!!

      If writer is going to troll us in the end, I’m just going to ignore the ending and write my own fanfic, hahaha.

      Thank you 😘

      Btw, Won in the novel is horrid. I don’t think the drama is going anywhere near that. Poor poor Rin and San!


        Lol yeah, if the writer trolled us… Then I’ll just pretend the drama ends just like in the novel.

        Please do share if you write a fanfic, or found a fanfic! With couple of episodes left, I’m pretty sure I’ll get a major TKL withdrawal 😩


          *sigh* did you just read @Queen’s comment in the latest recap? It’s all the way at the end. I hate to admit it but although I am sure it’s Rin-San, I still cannot dismiss the possibility that it can be Won-San. It’s true that the drama is ambiguous.

          I can’t write so my fanfic is all in the head only. I may need it badly after all.


            Right. I’m all aboard on the RinSan ship, but the show is indeed ambiguous.

            Honestly, at first I thought that the drama’s romance will be different from the novel, since the earlier promos (poster, trailers) were heavily focused on WonSan. The drama intro on tv literally had Won closing in to kiss San, while Rin is looking from afar (my mom still insists WonSan will be the endgame due to that intro clip alone). But as the drama goes, I feel like it’s obvious which guy she likes romantically…

            And every other characters in the drama also assumed RinSan is the OTP (on the international version, at least… Since MBC suspiciously cut most of the talks about RinSan). I guess San really should spelled out whom she loves to make it clear. Halfway in the drama she already told Won that Lady San has another man in her heart, though.

            Despite bracing myself for the possible twist, I will seriously feel trolled if it’s not Rin whom she loves 🙃


My latest girl crush, favorite character in AOY2.
I think I am entering a sort of drama slump so thank goodness for this show.


Anyone watching Argon?
I have not but the ratings rose to an impressive 2.9% for a show with no hype except the controversial PD.
Now where to find subbed?


Draw your abs???!!!!!!!! ppppfffffffftttt
There’s a long line of aspiring artists who can’t wait to get their hands on the sexiest canvas.


    Aspiring artists who will use nothing but their hands 😆
    They really shouldn’t have made this part of the School series. Everything is just waaay too sexy


      I’ve not seen the other dramas in the School series. What’s the hotness in those like?


Goodbye School 2017
Thank you for :
Tae Swoon and spawning one thousand Tae monikers
Eun Ho whose effervescence touched and changed so many
Reminding us that friends are as important as lovers
Reminding us that family is the most important.
Telling us why we should dream even if not all our dreams can come true
Showing us why we need to stand up for what we believe in before we lose ourselves
Showing why owning up to our mistakes is never too late.
And most of all, thank you for being a show that’s full of heart ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Have not watched the latest episode but the lyrics for the song is so beautiful and apt.
Kim Dong Ryul – Like A Child
When you tell me that you love me and accept me
I say to myself confidently that I have nothing else that I need
Although I feel ashamed with my growing greed,
I think about you all day again
and I feel fidgety.
I have a lot of envy (like a child)
I have a lot of fears (like a fool)
I can’t believe that right now you are near me smiling
I’m so happy that it’s so unbearable to me
I fear that when I open my eyes, every thing will disappear
So I can’t fall asleep.

I want to give to you (my every thing)
I want to receive from you (your heart)
Everything that everyone else does, I want to share with you
But because my heart is too hasty and too narrow-minded,
I fear that I might ruin everything
So I grow uneasy.

For making me smile (like a child)
For making me cry (like a fool)
For allowing me to feel this flutter in my heart one more time
For letting me trust you, for being a strength to me
So the first thing I’ll say when I open my eyes
Thanks so much.
For coming to me
For letting me dream
For giving me the present “Us”
I love you


Tae Serenade