Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

With all the new premieres, ongoing series, and backlogged shows on my plate, I sort of feel like it’s closet-cleaning time and I’m sorting through a big pile of possessions, figuring out what to keep and what to toss, and wondering how I amassed such a collection in such a short period of time. I could’ve sworn I was all caught up a moment ago! It’s like hoarding, the K-drama version. Is the cure… just watching them all? –javabeans



Rescue Me: Ooh, I’m intrigued. For once OCN has a dark, gritty show that has nothing to do with criminals or serial killers; it’s all to do with the ugliness and cruelty of humankind. It’s an uncomfortable watch at times (often, in fact), mostly because the drama is so effective at making this insidious cult feel real and credible. I found it quite clever how, while clearly taking elements of existing religious practices, the drama has made it its own fictional thing. There’s such a feeling of terror-in-limbo in watching this cult prey on this down-on-their-luck family, and the drama plays up that agitation to full effect.

Strongest Deliveryman: Ah, so here’s how you do campy humor with a deadpan delivery. I’m a fan of the tone, because the comedy is totally over-the-top but the actors are playing it with straight faces, and it makes things funny on a meta level. Plotwise I’m not that gripped yet, so I’m not sure I’m quite ready to tackle this show—maybe a bit later, when I feel more in the mood.

Manhole: I like the loose comic sensibility, but one episode in, I’m not quite sure I’m on the hero’s side. I mean, he’s our hero and he clearly loves the girl and wants to win her over, but I’m not convinced that’s enough to get me to root for him. The guy’s kind of a whiny loser who mooches off his parents and never tackles anything with proper effort, so I want him to get his act together and prove himself worthy, and not just because a magical portal decided to give him a hand. Am I a grinch for thinking responsible, reliable leads are sexy? Am I too old for this kind of hero?

Father Is Strange: Who knew it could be so thrilling to hear Joong-hee say, “Mi-young-ah”? That confession was so low-key but satisfying just the same, and while I hate that the solution to their problems isn’t just to get over it and be happy, I appreciate how Mi-young feels trapped between the two conflicting sides of her heart. And was there ever such a heartbreaking dad as Dad? *cries for days* Actor Kim Young-chul has played a bunch of badasses and villains, but I’ll never be able to take them seriously again because of how honestly and earnestly he embodies Dad, so simple and pure-hearted.

Reunited Worlds: The more into the romantic line we get, the more nervous I get because I cannot enjoy it freely, given that I half-expect Hae-sung to leave at any moment. I’m pretty sure he won’t go before he’s fixed everything needing fixing, so it’s not like I won’t get any warning, but it makes it hard to get attached!

Criminal Minds: I feel like this drama is both too procedural and not procedural enough. Half of me—the half that doesn’t love procedurals to begin with—feels like making this drama completely procedural (at least, more procedural than K-dramas usually are) saps it of the interesting K-drama elements, since the appeal of this show is more the characters than the criminals. And I’d like for the characters to be central and pivotal and interesting without necessarily always being the focus of some victim plotline. The other half of me thinks that if procedural has to be the main angle, they should be doing a better job with the cases, which feel like they’re based on interesting ideas but wrapped up in a kind of “Eh, waves hands, magical explanation solves all” sort of way.

Bride of the Water God 2017: This drama has the weirdest cliffhangers. They’re played for the big reversal/twist/turnaround, but absolutely without any context—since the explanation comes in the next episode—so even when something shocking happens, I don’t care. A little setup goes a long way!



School 2017: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. In real life, if a boy ordered ten fried chickens just to see me ten times in one night, I would smack him over the head with a drumstick. In dramaland, it’s just about the cutest thing ever. Watching the gruff rebel try to do romance is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen in a long time. I think I watched that scene where he tries (and fails) to be smooth with the earbud move about fifteen times. My god, I love awkward teenage romance.

Rescue Me: This show is beautifully cinematic—it’s moody, suspenseful, and creepy in all the right ways. A+ for setting the perfect atmosphere in the first two episodes. That small town feels just right (sleepy, kind of scary for no reason), and the casting is spot-on. I really love the four neighborhood punks, who feel like real friends and real boys, not just drama characters. I’m terrified about where the story will go, but I don’t think I can look away.

Strongest Deliveryman: I like the tone of this show, which actually matches the hilarious teasers for once—the characters treat jajangmyun delivery like they’re out there saving lives, which is just plain funny. I don’t love it yet, but Chae Soo-bin’s character is badass and cute at the same time, and she makes me want to keep watching.

Manhole: The first episode was so manic that I hard time connecting with anyone, but the show did get cuter when the hero went back to high school. I’m just not sure I like him. He’s just SUCH a loser. I like my underdogs a little more proactive and lot less whiny, because I found myself wondering why on earth he should get the girl if he’s had 28 years to do a whole lotta nuthin’ about it.

Falsify: I enjoy this show when I’m watching, especially now that our various good guy threads are starting to come together in one common mission. After I watch it though, I almost immediately forget what’s happened. I think there’s just a limit to how much exposition my short-term memory will hold onto, and this show has a lot of it.

Reunited Worlds: Am I supposed to root for both lovelines at the same time? Because that’s kind of how it feels, except I’m incapable of doing that, which means I end up rooting for neither fully.

Three Meals a Day: Is it weird that I watch this show mostly for Yoon Kyun-sang and his cats? My mom and I will watch the same episode and she’ll be like, “Wasn’t it interesting how Eric cooked that thing that way?” and I’ll be like, “Yoon Kyun-sang got his kitties to wear fashion sunglasses, and he didn’t even lose an eye!”



Rescue Me: Ohmygod, I love it. I haven’t felt this much pervading dread since White Christmas, and I’m all about it.

Falsify: So last week, I thought the show had really picked up, though I hadn’t really fell in love with any of the characters involved. The show raises some interesting questions about the state of our news media today, regardless of location or culture. And while it’s doing that somewhat compellingly, I can’t actually feel all that compelled about watching. This week especially was twisty and turny and complicated, but it was a whole lot of talking. A whole lot.

Manhole: This drama is my new happy pill—it’s the first show in a while I’ve just laughed out loud at. Jaejoong’s comedic timing is gold because he’s just GOING FOR IT, and I have to respect when someone commits to the bit. Welcome back, Jaejoong! ♥



Currently recapping: Reunited Worlds, Bride of the Water God 2017

Seven Day Queen: Lately I’ve been taking a little break from dramas I wasn’t recapping, and I’m a little surprised that this is the show that’s re-sparked my drama watching. But I was hooked from the first few minutes, and though I’ve only seen the first few episodes, I can already tell that this is going to be a masterpiece. Yeon Woo-jin and Park Min-young are adorable and heart-wrenching as the young star-crossed lovers, and Lee Dong-gun is absolute perfection as Yeongsangun. I love nothing more than a sympathetic villain, and he couldn’t possibly be better as the tormented king who just wants to be loved.

Rescue Me: Wow. I mean, WOW. This show not only lives up to its promise to be good, but far exceeds it. It’s gritty and raw, and it’s not afraid to go to some ugly, painful places, and if this is what we’re starting out with, I’m both dreading and anticipating the depths of human depravity that will be revealed as we learn more about Father Baek and his disciples. I think I experienced every emotion possible in these first two episodes: from fear, to despair, to grief and terror, Rescue Me doesn’t shy away from the truth – that human beings are capable of visiting more horror on each other than any demon ever could.

Manhole: Even before we got to the manhole time-travel shenanigans, I was all in. Pil has got to be the saddest sack ever, and I luff him already. He’s so hapless and helpless and you just wonder how he manages to even dress himself, so it’s no wonder he has no clue how to win over his ladylove. And I love that Soo-jin is fully aware of Pil’s feelings and gives him every opportunity to confess, instead of pretending she doesn’t know. Dude, just tell her, she’s been waiting for 28 years!

The Best Hit: Yeah, I know I’m late to the party. But it was worth the wait for all the hilarity, ridiculousness, and flat-out insanity that is this show. I’m only a few episodes in, but I’m of the firm belief that Yoon Shi-yoon is made entirely of rainbows and puppies.



Currently recapping: Strongest Deliveryman

Manhole: I love it so muuuuuuuuuuch. At last I’ve found the perfect show to kick me out of my drama slump. Thank you, magic manhole of zany time-travel shenanigans, for reminding me how much I enjoy watching Jaejoong run. And act. And, uh… breathe. What can I say? I’ve missed his pretty face!



Seven Day Queen: Since I’d been traveling, I couldn’t catch the last 6 episodes live, so I made the rather stupid decision of watching them all in one go. I am now a mess of goo on the floor and someone will need to peel me out of the lake of tears I made for myself. This show really brought out the masochist in me, in that I knew the pain (and there was a lot of it) was coming, but I didn’t run for the hills like someone with better self-preservation instincts would have. Instead, I loyally followed our main couple as they fought tooth and nail to stay together and love as they were born to do. I relished the rare moments of happiness they had together, which sustained me through some really painful stretches of smug, evil ministers and the deaths of our couple’s loved ones. In the end, I’m just grateful to this cast and crew for giving us such a beautiful, heartrending romance that proves noble sacrifice can be devoid of idiocy, and that love really can grow stronger in the face of adversity. So. Much. Adversity.


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I'm down to 1 drama this week, which feels like a drama slump time. Fortunately School 2017 is still going strong, delivering on the cute, fun, and heart-warming.

I guess it's time to check those variety shows in my to-watch list.


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LOL same. But not that I'm in drama slump, but I just didn't have the will to catch up with Falsify as I was too busy fangirling during weekdays.

But now I'm catching up with Falsify, I ended up fangirling Yoo Jun Sang. I think my Mon-Tues are full of blessings and I'm not complaining.


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Same! Loving school 2017


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Aww what happen? I always look forward to your comment so it's kinda sad that you're watching only one show D:

Well, I'm only watching two shows at the moment though (Forest of Secrets - still stuck at episode 8 and Bride of Water God) so I don't really have any rights to complain haha


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I guess I am just exhausted after being drowned in dramas for the last 3-4 months. Tried watching the first eps of Criminal Mind and Manhole, but I don't have enough energy to finish it. Luckily I still have tons of variety shows to watch, so maybe I'll rave about them next week. Haha..


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What shows are you watching? I felt empty after Crime Scene ended. Thankfully I have 3 meals a day now :D

I haven't watched anything other than the two dramas I mentioned lol But it's mostly due to the lack of time T.T


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I also watch 3 Meals a Day. Beanies' post about the newest season spurred me to watch season 3. Besides, I love me some grumpy Seo-jinnie. ?
I also need to catch up on tons of episodes from Problematic Man.


I feel like it's less a slump and more than nothing that's on is interesting to me, as opposed to the 7 whole dramas I was watching last cycle. School 2017 is my current favorite drama of the 2 I'm keeping up with. I also like the King Loves a lot these past two weeks so my Monday is full but I find that I feel a bit empty for the rest of the week.


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Girlfrirday perfectly captured my feelings for School 2017. That ear bud scene is instant legend.


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Seems like I'm in a drama slump, too. Though i'm hoping to get out of it with the new batch of drama coming in these 2 weeks. After Forest of Secrets ended, i was left with nothing that really catches my attention. Tried watching Falsify, Bride of water God, Criminal Minds, Reunited Worlds, but can't seem to go past the first 2 episodes.

So, I'm really hoping for 'Rescue Me', 'Strongest Deliveryman' and 'Manhole' to hold up and drag me out of the slump.

I have no life outside of Kdrama world. *sigh*


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strongest deliveryman and manhole drag me out of the slump
please give a try like me ?


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Same here, sister. I could hardly bring myself to watch Save Me but it's too dark to watch late at night and I'm contemplating to just save it and binge-watch it later. When I couldn't handle it though, I could always rely on School 2017 to bring my mood back. I have a never-ending list of variety shows too and it's even harder to clear that area.


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School 2017 is the only current drama I am watching also. I really like this offering. It really feels like a "School" drama worthy of the franchise. Student problems, good/bad teachers, bullies, some romance/bromance, meddling parents and a good helping of bringing awareness to some school injustices is how I imagine what a School franchise is all about.


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Nobody watching Woman of Dignity?


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It's my crack drama :D


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Same! It's been a while since I enjoyed a good ol' makjang drama.


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I really wanna watch it!! But no time.. pls pls do public service and post the cute ah Jin and ki hi moments! I miss the recaps!


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Watching it too but way behind, I think I am at epi 9/10 at the moment as I started it late.


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Why does it matter? As long as you watch it and love it, it's all good right. :)


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i am!
; )


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This is the drama I am enjoying the most right now. I really enjoyed Ms. Perfect and I see some similarities. If anybody has recommendations for similar dramas, do share.


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Manhole : I like some scenes but not completely sold on it.

Rescue Me : I'm so invested in the cult, the family, the four friends and especially Woo Do Hwan.

Falsify : It's so goood !

Criminal Mind : Dropped. I might pick it up latter.

The King Loves : I want Rin and his sister to be happy at this point.

Reunited Worlds : Hae Sung and his friends are adorable !

Strongest Deliveryman : I'm still not fully on board. This week episodes might get me more invested.

School 2017 : I'm proud of Dae Hwi ! He's a good kid after all.

Bride of the Water God : Hu Ye's story is so compelling. I want him to have a happy ending.


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Omg do you have a Time Turner or something how do you watch so many dramas at once I'm jelly ?

Tbh though I've been in a bit of a drama rut. So many new dramas, but none are catching my eye!


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I was feeling the same way, hadn't watched anything since The Best Hit ended.
But finally got around to see Manhole and Rescue Me. Manhole's is SO extra, and Pil is such a loser. Makes me feel good about my unemployed self.
Rescue Me is super dark and right up my alley.
Maybe check them out?


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Someone here recommended me The Best Hit so I'll be checking that out!
I see the comments in this post mainly saying that Manhole's lead is such a loser that I wonder if it's worth watching, LOL. (I do hope you manage to find a job soon! Your username makes me think you're Singaporean haha.)


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Yes @lezah Try the best hit. So so good. ? As lollypip says: I’m of the firm belief that Yoon Shi-yoon is made entirely of rainbows and puppies.


Oh uess Best hit!! Ysy is every bit as awesome as that!


I have no life because it's the holidays XD
Take your time and you will find your crack drama ;)


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How can you watch 9 drama in 1 week? I'm so jealous right now


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It's the holidays power !


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Mango, you're a legend. 9 shows at once, so impressive.


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Even I think it's too much haha. TV channels added time-slots and I'm not sure I will keep up.


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Either you're a time traveler or have too much time on hands to watch 9 kdramas +i guess more content from other media.
Well, I'm also watching 9+ dramas so am in the same ship.


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Time traveler sounds good but too much time on hands is the answer :D Glad to meet someone else watching the same amount of drama !


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Posting it before reading the "what we're watching" :
- School 2017 : my crush, my love , my stolen heart (side note : there are many things left to settle but the plot goes on little by little, things I'm more curious about : the police officer and the female teacher 's past )
- Falsify like it and it's entertaining , I really appreciate the humor and it not being an all dark corruption show
- FiS : getting too makjang , maybe breast cancer is coming , waiting for happy pills Cheol Soo and RaYoung to make up :)
- Reunited Worlds & Criminal Minds : I've still have one-hour ep to watch for each (delay due to Oppa war lol) but I'm disappointed with both , reasons to keep watching RW : Ho Bang & Jin Joo + Jin Gu's smiles , reasons to keep watching CM : try not to drop another LJK drama since Two Weeks :/ + hoping it'll get better

As for variety shows :
- 1n2d : loved this week ep : scaredy cat Cha Tae Hyun and Jung Joon Young for the win
- 3meals a day : loved the S4 1st ep, then re-start watching the season 3 (so far 1st ep : Na PD evil genius they don't have a fridge x) )
- HyoRi's homestay : this show is gold <3
- NJTTW the end is near T_T , won't have KyuHyun for 2 years after that T_T


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- I live alone & Happy together : good ep
- Infinite challenge with Curry brothers : hilarious ep , the prep and Stephen reaction were priceless haha


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What is Hyori's home stay about?


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Found this, hope it helps :) https://trakt.tv/shows/hyori-s-bed-breakfast


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The Oppa War was seriously hilarious. lmao.

You're really utilizing you time to watch kdrama / shows. ?


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Hi Sunbae ? ?, I'm enjoying my summer break ? but bitter reality is I'm in job hunting period and summer isn't the best period for that : so right now my schedule is job hunting + too much free time taken for drama/show/DB ? , I know that when I'll find my next job I won't have that much free time so I've decided to go YOLO for once ?


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Good luck for your job hunting!
Yes, use your free time as much as you could!


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Thank you :) , this weekend I'm throwing a big party with NELL spamming my wall , hope you'll enjoy it ;)


I don't know who is Nell (haha sorry I seriously have little knowledge about kpop) but I'll check your posts definitely!


Here the source of all knowledge ?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nell_(band)
NELL is a "Korean indie rock band" as they say so it's not Kpop even though I enjoy Kpop too


Enjoy your free time while you can. And of course, good luck on the job hunt!


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Thanks :)


Hey Kudo Ran, I'm also in job hunting period which is why I've so much free time watching multiple dramas and American TV shows at the same time. Anyway, good luck chingu in landing a job anytime soon! ?


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Thank you :) , good luck to you too ;)


Still not over that Epic Oppa War ?


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HAHA. Me neither!


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Ok another Beanie friend who I'm so jealous right now.a lot of shows + you were so active,I meant busy during Oppa Wars


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I'm all for variety shows these days, and they were all so funny this week! I love Cha Tae-hyun, his laughter is contagious ? I loved the horror special and Jung Joon Young wishing he wasn't a singer, LOL!

The Curry brothers were fun, too! Nam Joo-hyuk was adorable with his reaction when he saw Stephan Curry!


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*hurray* for the CTH & JJY love!


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yeah I made a post earlier this week on my wall for CTH "1+1 doesn't equal 2" & JJY regretting becoming a singer : it really was hilarious ?


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*runs to your wall to check it out*


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Manhole: one of the dramas I love in the beginning and drop them halfway. Hope I am mistaking.

Save Me: DON'T HURT SOO-AE...and Dong-Chul....I don't hate Taek's character but I feel like I'll remember his name by episode 12

Reunited Worlds: dropped it, I know everyone loves Hae-Sung but I don't want him to romance Joo-Won, he might disappear any second and it will break poor Joo Won (she sacrificed 12 years of her life grieving him, I don't believe she wouldn't do the same if they start dating)

The King Loves: Rin is love, I would hate Won if he chooses girl over his bro


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On Save Me I meant *Sang-Mi


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On Strongest Deliveryman: I HATE DAN-AH. she told guy who tried to commit suicide (10 minutes ago) to go on and die. She kicks EVERYONE who gets on her way (with or without the reason) and I have zero reasons to like her. Yes, She is independent and can protect herself, but it is more due to not having any other choice.
Sob stories also don't automatically make me like someone


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+1 on "..Sob stories also don't automatically make me like someone.."

I love tough female leads but I guess Dan-ah was extra rough and tough for me. It's still early days, more time to warm up to her character I guess, if it would be toned down a bit a long the way.


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The thing is, I don't feel like she is apologetic for her actions, Jin-Gyu at least is and in Dan-Ah's case show treats it like it is cool and bold to act that way.
As it always happens in K-dramas, violent tendencies of main character would disapear at some point, simply because their would be no need to act on them.


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I've called her Mary Sue. She sometimes looks like mild unhinged. I'm hapkido girl + narrow-minded views.
Most Kdrama heros and heroines suffer the Muh-Family-Problems or Muh-Childhood syndrome so nothing special here too.


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You will find, as you go on in life (and I'm speaking here from my perch of 60 years) that it takes awhile to figure out tough love is THE way to go in life. You can go for a certain amount of idealized time being an angel, taking care of everyone around you, constantly saying you're sorry, always putting other people's needs above you own, and the suddenly, BAM, you are faced with a situation when you fully realize that coddling someone early on has only harmed them and those around them. I was cheering Dan-Ah at every turn, praying that she would keep saying 'NO' to her mother and brother begging for money and so happy she gave the selfish rich kid a piece of her mind. It's har to understand this as a teenager, as a giving person in your twenties, as a caregiving person in your thirties, but you will learn that the nest way to be in life (and to love and be loved) is to be an example of honest self-reliance, be sweetly strong and to recognize when your actions are really helping someone or not. I apologize for preaching here - it's just life experience.


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so many typos and sent before re-reading...*sigh*


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+10000 @lunatic4kd! As another person in my em-60s - I've learned that people are all essentially broken and wounded in one way or another. We learn through living experiences how to get by and forgive ourselves and those around us. We learn to forgive them when we find out that they too are broken and wounded.
I agree, that Dan Ah is pretty rough and has some anger management issues, but they come from a LOT of pain but I think that she will learn to let go of some of it and go on with life.
That is one reason why I like kdramas - they portray people who are so broken in one way or another - but somehow learn to forgive and go on. It usually takes another person loving them or learning to love someone else.

My mother told me once that "we are here to love each other into wholeness" which I truly believe. Every time we love, and accept love from others we become a little less broken and more whole.
That is why I like all these dramas - they go through that story over and over again.

And it beats the hell out of watching/reading the depressing news of the world for me right now.


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Oh no, I didn't hate her because she cut her family. I get that if she agreed she would become a sacrifice limb her whole life.
What I hated was that she uses violence in all life situations. I am not asking for her to be saint, I just want her to be more of a.... reasonable person. I mean, am I supposed to think that she is cool for kicking poor Kwang-Soo after breaking his phone and than running away before he calls police? She also gives a shitty reasoning- "I have a hard life, so don't make it harder"...well I am sorry, but this guy works on the exact same job as you and you broke his phone so be a responsibile citizen and pay for it. She is selfish and I wouldn't want to be in the same room with someone like her.


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Thank you for your wonderful words. If I may explain, my not too warm reception to Dan-ah isnt about her estrangement with her family.I totally understand her in that area.I also get her why she needed to tough it out with customers she encounters.But,I do think she is too violent in some circumstances and not even feels apologetic about it if,when she is wrong i.e. her 1st encounter with Kangsoo.Also,I wasn't too comfortable how she bribed,offered to keep KS's secret identity when she mistakens Jiyoon's clothes in KS's room for KS.Yes,she couldnt afford a raise in her rent but did she need to use KS and her perception of KS lifestyle.


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I really like your comment. And I, on the other hand, love Dan ah to the bits. I am loving Chae Soo bin as much as I hated her at the beginning in Sassy go go, appreciating in the meantime how good actress she is, making me cry as much as making me root for her.
And I agree with you, Lunatik4kd, that loving someone also means to help them grow, although sadly, in most cases, these honest intentions often end up in misunderstandings and people distancing themselves from us. Maybe, when they are 60, they will understand it too.... but then again, some never do.


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I'm trying Strongest Deliveryman at the moment and enjoying it. Leaving Falsify a bit.

Tried the recommendation of Missing Noir M. I thought the stories were pretty good although the exposition writing was a wee bit annoying as if they didn't think much of the audience. I was more annoyed not knowing the series left off in such an unsatisfactory place though - I'd have skipped it if I'd known.

Signal next.


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School 2017: Tae Swoon, Taecoupon. I got all the love story I need in this drama. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The King Loves: Song Ji-na writer-nim is doing her best job at making all the characters so complex that viewers have to think deeply on the each characters' motivation and reasonings. The love triangle is so good in this drama and the angst I feel is just amazing.

Reunited Worlds: It has its own charm and makes my heart warm everytime I watch this drama. Hae Sung's moements with Jung Won, his siblings and his friends are always the best. ❤️

Manhole: Episode 1 is a lil bit mess and I can't seem to support Bong Pil to pursue his love toward Soo Ji as he had 20 years to confess, and he did nothing. But episode 2 is getting interesting and I'm gonna give it a try until episode 6.

Rescue Me: After watching episode 2, I'm completely sold. This drama is so dark and I'm very curious on what more that this drama would show viewers. How far is the writer is going for this drama?

Strongest Deliveryman: I'm still warming up to all the characters in this drama. It's a fun drama to watch, but I just feel like something is missing in this drama and I can't figure out what's missing.

Bride of the Water God: I'm a bit behind with this drama as I stopped watching this 3 weeks ago. I'm right now at episode 9 and all I could say is, "leave this poor demi-god Hu Ye alone."

I haven't catch up with this week's Criminal Minds episodes. I was thinking of dropping this drama but I read some comments that this drama is getting better, so I'm gonna give it another chance til episode 6.

Anyway, I'm happy that most of DB staffs are watching Rescue Me and love it! ?


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I agree with you about Strongest Deliveryman! I don't know what it is but it's missing something! Hopefully this week's eps solve that worry for us. Lol!


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Reunited worlds gives me exact same feelings. Meaning to watch Rescue me and delivery man.


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Haha I love the love for Manhole here!

And while I know exactly what JB is saying, I'm loving Jae Joong's insanity and energy too much!


And can I just say, I cannot wait to see him as a Gangster next week!! Especially when he mentally isn't really one. I think I'm gonna die laughing! ???

Wonder what will be next?? ???


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I just watched epi 1, although the hero is such a loser, but I like the way Jae Joong's portraying it. ? I think JJ is at his best in romcom, pls do more romcom in the future. And I love his friends ? I keep loving Jung Hye Sung more and more, hope she will get her lead role next!


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Jung Hye Sung is being a reliable actress these days.

waiting until Ep 4 before I start Manhole but I do agree I hope Jaejoong does more romcom.


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He really surprised me by how good he is! It's my first time seeing him, and I'm fairly impressed!


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In 2015 we could see 7 different Ji Sung.

Perhaps this year we could see 7 different Jae Joong? ??


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OK it's official. I think I'm going to watch Strongest Deliveryman for Jin-gyu (Kim Sun-ho). He just lights up whatever scene he's in and somehow has chemistry with everyone (I'm still contemplating whether to ship him with Dan-ah, Ji-yoon, or Kang-soo). It's refreshing because he's a second lead but written in the trajectory of a first lead (what with genuinely falling for the first lead girl but having to maintain a contract relationship with the second lead girl).

I'm still watching School 2017 and I really don't know why, when the editing seriously drives me nuts. Scenes seemed to be put together without any continuity or respect for plot. I'm often confused how we get from one scene to the next. I don't care for the teachers' loveline, I mean how come the two awesome teachers were suddenly vying for the policewoman's attention? She hasn't exactly been helpful (read: the most useless character ever) and the love triangle just came out of nowhere. Kyung-woo came across as the observant, wise one but Seo Ji-hoon was so underutilised that I'm still mad. At least his scene with Sarang was kind of cute. I guess the answer is I'm only watching to see Dae-hwi and Tae-woon make up, but still the bromance wasn't as heartfelt as Kim Woo-bin and Lee Jong-seok in School 2013.

Criminal Minds episodes were a taaaadd bit better this week but there was nothing that stood out and worth mentioning.


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The policewoman could have been just another teacher character and maybe it would be more effective. Student X's pranks may be over the top and sometimes criminal,but I still get it in my head why the need for a member of the police force.


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Exactly! It's not like anyone has died or been seriously injured by X's pranks. Having a police officer just "loitering" around the school serves no purpose and she hasn't actively made any significant difference in the students' lives either. In School 2013, Jang Na-ra and Choi Daniel's characters had different approach but they sincerely cared for the students' welfare, and it showed in the character growth of the students. In here, The trio of bullies plus Bit-na still run amok, and have no redeeming quality whatsoever.


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Normally, they wouldn't have sent a police officer over, but Office Han's superior is friends with the school director.

I like seeing Officer Han on screen, but it's also jarring to have a police officer just wander on campus doing a poor job of capturing X. They really should have made her a teacher. It's depressing that we only get 1 teacher - Teacher Shim- who is really fighting for the students.


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She has only 1 purpose - romance with a teacher and that will take some minutes of every episode. Incompetent writer is at helm. What else can you expect from the show?
Terrible characters. no story and youtube videos merged together and voila we have a show.


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ditto at School 2017.


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After Seven Day Queen ended I feel kind of lost. Fortunately I have School 2017 to make me grin like stupid (ah, the earbuds girlfriday! LOL). To survive until Monday I decided to start Moorim High School (I'm clearly on a high school drama spree). Nobody tell me it goes downhill please, because four episodes in it's pretty cool!

I tried the first two episodes of Strongest Deliveryman and Manhole but they haven't gripped me. Bong Pil is hilarious in his flailing and his energy is out of this world, but I wasn't remotely interested until the ending of episode 2, when I went 'wow, that's a whole lot of time-travel mess happening so soon! Sadly UEE is doing nothing for me. I like Jung Hye Sung's character more. Probably won't continue.

Rewatched: Flower Boy Next Door. Yoon Shi Yoon really is like a sunshine fairy. He makes me smile all day.
Rewatching: School 2013. Because I need to survive until I see Mori again on Monday! And because it's just worth rewatching again and again.


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Jung Hye Sung is capable to be a scene stealer and Uee is also not doing so much for me too. Even in Night Light, she wasn't that good as well. I think I only liked her in Marriage Contract so far..


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Uee is good in Hogu's love.


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I recently watched Moorim School @wishfultoki and really enjoyed it.


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some Beanies rewatched Moorim a few weeks ago.We had Moorim Madness in the Beanie section c/o chingu

And @kayedrama & I enjoyed FBND.Enrique is just ?


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Aaah, let me know if you do another buddy watch! I rewatched FBND with my mom, and it was great fun. :)


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some Beanies rewatched Moorim a few weeks ago.We had Moorim Madness in the Beanie section c/o @chingu ;)

And @kayedrama & I enjoyed FBND.Enrique is just ?


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I recently rewatched You're Beautiful and Sungkyunkwan Scandal as part of the August Theme of the Month challenge, and there's something insanely comforting about rewatching old favourites. It's like going home after a long day.

Reunited Worlds - I'm really liking this more than I thought I would. I don't even care that the ending might be bittersweet, because Haesung and Jungwon clearly adore each other, and watching them relive their friendship is beyond cute. I just feel like HS really needs to tell her soon that his stay isn't forever, and that his death wasn't her fault - because JW clearly seems to be so happy because the fact that he's back takes away some of her guilt from "causing" his death.

Bride of the Water God - Despite the slow pace, there's something very wistful about the way this show is set up, and everything looks so pretty to me. I'm not bored by any means, but I do wish we got more answers.

Meanwhile, I'm still struggling to finish Seven Day Queen and Suspicious Partner - the former because I can't seem to steel myself for heartbreak and the latter because the show somehow lost steam for me somewhere E30.


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Even I had stopped watching suspicious partner at around ep 30. This week, I started to continue from then on. But I think I know what's coming and I don't want that angst hitting our main couple. :(


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Totally same here with Suspicious Partner. I'm stuck at episode 27. I don't know why either. I adore Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun and I think they've been really cute together and I know their chemistry gets better with all the screen caps I've seen on the internet of their steamy kisses, but for some reason I can't get back to the show... Maybe I can make it a new years resolution for 2018.


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I am loving Reunited worlds too. I love Haesung and Jung Won and friendship of high school friends and a relationship between Taehoon and Young In. I have been watching Reply 1997, now Reply 1994 on netflix. About to watch last reply series too. Suspicious partner is like Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and Hwarang. I lost interest in half way. Seven day queen was good but didnt land on my fav list.


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School 2017 ??????
Rescue Me ???????
Criminal Minds ???


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I'm with you on School 2017. It's great to be a Mori fan these days. ???


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School 2017 ????????????????????????????????????????????????

I must be crazy to keep checking the fmv, bts etc.

LOL at your how feel about CM.

Can't wait for next epi of Rescue Me.


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*LOL at how you feel about CM.


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Same for School 2017 ? and CM ? (Rescue Me isn't on my already too long drama/k-show list )


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I'm down to one show per week now. School 2017 that is.
Haven't managed to find the time for Rescue Me. Glad it receives lots of attention here judging from the comments :D


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Totally agree on your emoticons

? School 2017
? to watch Rescue Me
and not even LJG Oppa can make me stay with CM ? but for my sanity


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Rescue Me ✝️✝️✝️⛪⛪✝️✝️✝️ let's eradicate them. I believe. I believe. I believe.


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Oh, and thank you @outofthisworld for the link regarding the religion census in South Korea. The cult link was fascinating too.

Those were very good info. I can at least understand where the writers are getting their ideas. Or that there's some truths, albeit disturbing, to what's happening on screen.


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You are welcome.

The topic of cult has never been dealt with before in kdramas, I hope they will do a good job of it. Topics like this can easily be exploited and made into a farce.


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I am finally on the mend :P
On Mon-Tue - Falsify. Can't find any character more naive that SoRa. Probably won't. And I can't be the only one noticing the air is changing. A kiss is coming :P

Wed-Thu. Man who dies to live. OMG. This week's episodes were great and soo funny. And at the same time they were heartbreaking :( However the Count made me cheer him when he wanted to kill the son-in-law ;)
Manhole - Soo amazing having a drama where I can shut down my mind, however I'm thinking the drama would be better if he ends up falling in love with second female lead. I just can't feel Uee in here at all :(

Sat-Sun. Save Me - The creepy. The creepy...
Just do it OCN. I'm with you all the way. Finally someone is showing the real side of humanity without hiding behind killers and corruption.

Still waiting for Age Of Youth 2. They'd better not make any changes just because Onew was drunk and mistook a woman for a wall.


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It seems like you got your wish about people dying here and being dark and ominous.

Father Baek would say, this is what happens when you pray and believe in salvation. Wishes are granted. Now, would you like some tea?


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Still in a drama slump so watching a lot of variety shows!

2D1N: watched the episode last night and laughed so much, especially when they brought the ghost and made her wait for Cha Tae-hyun, when his legs gave in and he just dropped himself on PD Lee Il-young, I died laughing!

I am so happy for Running man, the last few episodes were so so funny and the ratings are good again, so YAY!

Watching Win: who is next, was supposed to finish it 2 days ago but got caught up in the Oppa War (LOL) so will be finishing it tonight! Though I already know the winners but I still get excited and just root for everyone, they're so talented!

Infinity Challenge: The Curry brothers' special was fun, the props were crazy and their baffled reactions to that were gold!

NJTTW: sad that Kyu has to go to the army but also excited that Lee Seung-gi is going to be back soon, I want him back with the crazy gang and want to see all the interactions!


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Love K-varieties!

So glad Kyu got to film NJTTW before he left.and I hope by 2019, we get the complete NJTTW cast with everyone.


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and the Oppa War was epic

Fangirl right here of Azzo & her Oppa love ?


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It's you guys who made it EPIC, still laughing at the CRAZY!!

*blushes* thank you ?? didn't know my Oppa Love is fangirling worthy! LOL!


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Legendary OTP here in DB ☺


Where are you watching all these? I am currently watching 2D1N on youtube (on a 2 week delay.)


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I watch them on Kshowonline! That's the online site available in my country (as far as I know) for variety shows!


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There is another site- kshow123.. It has fewer ads and sometimes the subs come in earlier than kshowonline!

And I am still in a drama slump to! I didn't even watch any variety for the last 2 days! Feel so useless :P (I blame it on @sicarius and her Block B videos)


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I am with javabeans and girlfriday on manhole. Though, I watched only one episode. Before watching the drama, I thought it would be like UEE wouldn't know jaejoong likes her because he never told her. But, then it was shown that everybody in the neighborhood knows how he felt about her along with soo jin herself. But, if she still chose to marry another man, that means she probably doesn't like pil that way? Or maybe she got tired of waiting for him to confess his feelings? I do feel a little sorry for him, though, If only he would confess, he would know whether she likes him or not and move on. Will watch the second episode and decide whether to keep watching or not.

I liked the second episode of strongest deliveryman better. I think I ll keep watching this one. I do want to start school 2017 because of all the good reviews but these days it feels like, I need to make more effort than usual to start a drama, so going to wait till that feeling goes. Also, looking forward to age of youth season 2!

And LollyPip, enjoy seven day queen! Just don't forget to keep a box of tissues and water bottles nearby.

In the end, I’m just grateful to this cast and crew for giving us such a beautiful, heartrending romance that proves noble sacrifice can be devoid of idiocy, and that love really can grow stronger in the face of adversity. So. Much. Adversity.

Aww, tipsymocha, ❤.


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>>I do feel a little sorry for him, though, If only he would confess, he would know whether she likes him or not and move on.
Same advice can be applied to heroine too. Why didn't she confessed? Even new born babies know that the Ultra Hyper guy loves the heroine. And we are stuck all this nonsense. From what angle they looked like high school kids?
This show is just for some mindless timepass.


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Wait until you watch the 3rd and the 4th! Oh my... this drama has me crying in every scene where true friendship is depicted, or how you even start one! Loyalty, hard work, compassion are few of the themes and principles in this drama. Could it be something better?


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FiS - really drama going the extra angst with only a few more episodes

School 2017 - ?????

Strongest Deliveryman - still interested but not yet invested

CM - dropped; 1st and hopefully last time I'll drop Oppa's drama ?


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@wakimary, I suggest you to watch ep 6 before dropping the drama completely. I was about to drop it but the show improved in 6th ep in many ways.


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Hi @persianrose! Thank you for the suggestion.I feel kind of unsettled since dropping CMK; 1st time to drop LJG's drama since My Girl.

Will check Ep 5-6. Hopefully, I'll find something,other than LJG,to keep me interested.


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Currently watching and loving school 2017 and game of thrones.
Finished rewatching school 2013-it's still so good.
Dropped- bride if the water God and reunited worlds
May try rescue me and strongest delivery man
Had a hard time getting into manhole. I found Pil SUPER annoying. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it lol. But I'm glad y'all enjoy it.
I think I may go back and try Chicago typewriter. I dropped it after the first episode but I remember a lot of you loved it so I may give it another try


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On Chicago Typewriter - Things will get better once the story of their past lives been revealed little by little. The first 2-4 epi are kind of set up to show how Writer Han ended up being in a slump. A slow burn story & romance, but it worth your patience and time.


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I also share javabeans' and girlfriday's opinion regarding Manhole. ...... I watched the first episode with the best of intentions. I'm afraid I wasn't all that impressed.

Nevertheless, I decided to watch episode 2. ...... I tried and tried to get through the episode but I only got halfway through it before I had to stop watching.

It's unfortunate really, because the one positive thing I can say about it is that Jung Hye-sung is the one who shines in comedy. However, she's not the protagonist of this show.


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Manhole seems to be a hit or miss show. I personally can't stand Bong Pil. Such a baby. However, since I like Jaejoong I watched the first two episodes to give it a chance. I'll watch 3 and 4, but if I still don't like Bong Pil I'm saying bye until the show gets done. I'll read everyone's opinion then to determine if I'm willing to finish it. Sorry that you guys will have to be the guinea pigs.


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Haha, I'll do the same. That's why I love 'what we're watching'. It helps me decide which shows I might enjoy watching live. We we get to be guinea pigs and see what the other hamsters are up to.


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We are enjoying King in Love.


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You are not alone there, based on the upvotes. Keep them coming.


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Spouses watching dramas together?? ???? #goals


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School 2017: Not bad while I'm watching it but not that memorable. I love Taewoon though. He reminds me of the actor who played the grown up version of Yeo Jin Goo's brother in Circle.

Save me: Very interesting. I love the creepy feel of the show. The way it's been shot it feels like I'm watching a movie.

Strongest deliveryman: I like this show so far. It's light and breezy. I might be biased since I like the leads.

Criminal minds, bride of habaek, king in love: Dropped.

Manhole: I love jaejoong. He's so beautiful. Just wish his character would calm down a bit.

Reunited world: I want to try this. Just need to have some time.

My mr.mermaid: I don't know why I'm still watching this. It's quite boring for me since I have no interest in swimming and the drama is filled with it. I guess the leads are cute.

Fox fall in love: finally the subs are finished so need to watch the last few episodes. S1 was better though.

Memory Lost: I'm so behind. But glad I can marathon it someday since waiting for 1 episode felt like torture.

Eternal love: I like it. It's a cute show.

The king's woman: the wait is almost over! My girl dilraba is coming back!!!

Father is Strange: I marathoned 30 episodes in 2 days. Waiting for it to finish so I can marathon the second half.


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That's a lot of food for one person.


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Since I'm in a slump too only one I'm currently watching is Manhole. I can't wait to see the growth of Bong Pil, he's too loud and such a kid, but he's not hopeless, there are many moments in the drama that make you anticipate more from him. Side characters are all awesome, Seoktae is a weirdo and I'm curious about him, Baro said on vlive that he has a cold heart, Jung Hyesung's character's so lovely too. Although first ep was a mess there are many moments that moved my heart, made me smile. Second episode was better, there are no actor holes and I trust the writer so I expect more from this drama. I hope it'll have better ratings!


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Ok then, I'm counting on you for an honest opinion when the show gets done, since I'm not so sure I'll continue watching. If Bong Pil calms down a bit, I may continue.


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Thanks for this. I haven't had the chance to see this yet and wasn't sure what to make of the harsh opinions on the main because, I admit, Operation Proposal already had me expecting an idiot with a lot of growth ahead.

Lol, maybe because the manhole time travel mechanism always gives me the image of Bong-pil hitting rock bottom before he's forced to climb himself out of the mess he makes.

I just needed to hear that he isn't hopeless and that there are hints of possible growth in the future.


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The king loves : I feel like the show is on the opposite spectrum of Seven Day Queen.
In seven day queen, every ep is loud, impactful and everyone is a fighter and in this drama, it's so quiet, impactful and everyone is sacrificing themselves.
We know why it happens but it fascinating to see when people start out with what seems to be good relationship while holding a secret, everyone is holding a secret.
This is drama is satisfying for me because it's beautiful, use a very good camera work and the way the director hints a little thing [I thought it just me who feels like they literally make us see those glances] and even if it's not as intense as Seven Day Queen, it's satisfying to see people explore their love in their own way.

Criminal Minds : ep is a little bit better but I haven't watch ep 6, I do remember the filming case in the OG. It is a good ep in the OG but I still have a low bar for CM KR.


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The King Loves ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I wish more beanies love this drama as much as I do. I know a lot of people doubt Yoona as an actress, and she actually manages to impress me and prove me wrong on her acting skill. She has improved a lot. I love this drama not because of its visual (Siwan, Yoona & Hong Jong Hyun are all good-looking and beatiful), but simply because this drama is beautifully written. I can't wait for the next episode!


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I'm only on Ep 6, and Yoona is actually holding her own here. I hated her in The K2 and thought she would be hopeless here. But she is doing fine. Now her character, I wish is more chill about getting revenge or be smart on doing so not just sneaking up on his murderer everytime she get the chance. She is giving me heart attacks when she does that, because it leads to more chaos everytime.


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I like this drama. The fact that this is pre-produced helps. The cinemtagrophy is beautiful. The costumes and set pieces feels more like we are in a Chinese historical drama. Visually, this is more epic than the normal sageuks.

And yes, the writing. We have so many characters here, and as a result we have so many moving pieces. I just wish though that the good guys will be as smart as the bad guys. The letter is one of the most stupidest thing I've seen.


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Oh yeah, I completely forgot that this drama is pre-produced. I forgot that Siwan has long gone to the military. Like you, I'm glad that it's pre-produced as wel. It helps in terms of the storyline. MBC wouldn't ruin the storyline by making our writer Song Ji-na to be in the favor of viewers' ship war just to increase the ratings.


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Just finished Ep 6 and now on 7. I might have to take the good things I mentioned about the writing. Why can't these people be smart? Why all of a sudden she became a damsel? Why did Rin all of a sudden decide to go up against his brother. You know you're not going to win there. That's not how conflict is won. Aggghhh!!!! Be smart. Like Forest of Secrets smart. ?????


@drawde2000 If you watch further, she's not really the damsel in distress kind of girl. She never asks for anyone to help her.



I think they can't be like the modern drama, the appeal with saeguk for me is the opposite of the modern drama, they have the setting and the era when they can't have any more resources to help themselves but always willing to show loyalty in a way it's acceptable in the era.

They are not a person who can go far when running away or even protest and get people on their side right away.

I see Rin go up against his brother as character's growth and how that marriage will just anger Won's more. Won is the crown prince and he can make Rin's family in a bad situation if something is taken from him.
Rin doesn't need to win, he wants other people to be safe.
The ideal and hierarchy in the era is something that made the machination will be much different than the modern day.
Also, they are all still teenagers if I am not wrong.



I am also fascinated with the lack of immediate resources in sageuks. It is something we take for granted in current times. I just wish it is executed properly. It's okay for bad guys to be smart. But show us that the good guys are doing the same thing. Balance it. Instead, The writers decided to make us kicking and screaming instead. Aggghhh.

The Queen did much better than San's family. She knows what's coming. So she prevented something to happen by thinking logically. It's politics 101, and in those times that's what you have to do. Protect what you have, and do so rationally.

Still I will be watching next week. And will probably finish the drama.


I also feel there's a sudden change of tone to dumb & dumber. Can't believe I was cursing at the screen & have to zen myself that it's only a drama...


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I was kicking and screaming while watching as well. If this was any other drama, i would have stop immediately. I just wouldn't torture myself for a TV show.

Fortunately for the show (haha), I did finish Ep 7 and continue with 8. That was much better. Crown Prince is smart. He knows and trusts his friend. This makes the angst and lack of communication bearable.


@drawde2000 I have read the synopsis of the novel, so it does feel like the writer is going to make it a standalone version, cause it's nothing like the book. Just that as long as the story does not suffer I would be happy. I wish it follows the course of the book since the credit goes to the original writer in the first place.


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I agree. I don't know why many adapt something, but completely change everything. It discredits the original writer. Shame. I would have liked the love triangle portion in the book and all the implications that comes with it. Besides Won's love of both his friend and woman, I read they also have same last names. And in those times, Won put a ban on marriage with same last names. So, even Rin and San can never marry each other. Shame. This would have been wonderful to dive into.


Gahh.. I like The King Loves so much, but I don't even know why. I wish more people would like it too. It's so beautiful..


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Criminal Mind : dropped. I wonder what is the point to take a show about a team and to make from this a drama about one cop running around. They had to call it Criminal Runner.


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Manhole - funny but I'm not liking the guy with the main girl.

Forest of Secrets - I know I'm late but Bae Doona is <3

Bad Thief, Good Thief - This dram reminds me of those early kdramas aired in local tv where the protagonist is suffering for 10 or more episodes to get revenge on the later episodes or so...

Might watch Strongest Deliveryman because its highly recommended here


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Reunited Worlds: I eagerly await this drama every week but also dread it because who knows what fresh pain it is going to bring this time? Every time Yeo Jin Goo or Lee Yeon Hee cry, I want to cry myself. I'm also on tenterhooks about the ending lovelines and as a result, I want the drama to end fast so that I can know and RELAX but at the same time I don't want it end and miss out on all the friends and family shenanigans.

Bad Guys: I finally finished watching! Don't judge me pls. I'm a slow watcher. Anyhow, wow, I did not expect that twist in the final few episodes. This gave us a lot of hints, but a lot of hints were open to so much interpretation. Normally, that would have made me mad, but as it is, I really enjoyed the drama. I loved how they ended on a cliffhanger, and we are getting another season but the line up is not the same!! :'( What I wouldn't give for the original Team Crazy Dogs to return!


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Why isn't anyone watching The King Loves? I think it's doing well so far, aside from the visual party of both actors and cinematography, the multi-perspective story-telling, and directing are both well executed. Give it a try!


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Am I a grinch for thinking responsible, reliable leads are sexy? Am I too old for this kind of hero?

No you're not. Maybe.

I love your description of Rescue Me. The show is one of the few Asian Dramas that reminds me of a well set Western Drama of the same genre. Also loving School 2017.


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School 2017: In love with all the non-bully characters! Tae-woon is just so freaking adorable and hot at the same time. Poor Teacher Shim. The trouble is always coming from his class. I really hope someone helps Bora. She seems to be teetering on the edge.

Bride of the Water God: I'm really watching this more for So-Ah and Hu-Ye and answers! Glad we got to see how the whole Nak-bin thing went down, but still so many questions. And they keep sticking these throwaway references to how things were or worked in the god world!

Criminal Minds: Only watched episode 5 this week. The drama does feel sort of cobbled togeher, so the natural progression of thoughts, decisions, and dialogue is messy. I like procedurals; I like the characters; I like LJK and MCW; so sticking with it for now.

Busy week so I skipped out on the Father is Strange episodes last weekend. I wanted to savor them. I'm so sad that our time with the Byun family and Ahn Joong Hee is about to end. I totally agree with @javabeans thoughts about Papa Byun and Kim Young Chul (whom I also get to see in Criminal Minds)


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@tipsymocha, I read your first line as "since I've been timetraveling. . ." and I thought, "lucky girl!" before I realized A.) that's not what you wrote and B.) it isn't possible. (Or is it?)


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CODE BLUE 3 - This is what you call a real Medical Drama and this is what a Competent FANSUB does. A+ Grade
A Girl and 3 Sweethearts - I kept it hold but now picked up and ahh Kiritani Mirei is cute cute cute. Annoying KENTooooooo. Mr. Hero take a break from every kind of media especially from manga-to-liveAction adaptations
Pride - Boring but it does have complex romance
My Loser Husband - This is what we call J-dorama Variety


Attention Love - Cliche. Too Cliche. 6/10


Strongest Deliveryman - I have bitterly learned my lesson. Never ever give any romance kdrama much score. So i'm in criticize mode from the 1st episode itself. Overall a fun 1 time watch. 7/10

School 2017 - 6/10. The show literally is C grade. A few passable scenes between Tae-woon and Eun-Ho are saving grace. 6.5/10

Save Me or Rescue Me - This one has Good Potential. 7.5/10

Falsify - Dumb characters. 6/10


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I forgot to add ManHole - The crazy drama provides crazy hero with over-the-top acts. Worth a watch for comedy and see how much Hero screws up his and everyone else life any given time. It also provides The Actor an opportunity to show his acting skills. From A Loser to a school guy to a Thug.

And look at the Praise REscue me is getting.

I will write it short - Mother and Father are the a depressing end so they will easily take the hand of Cult and that's where real troubles of our Pure, pale skin beautiful heroine's troubles start. They will target her family to get her - Indirect mode. They will attack her directly to get her. I believe Heroine isn't actually a Damsel in Danger but will act like one due to a lot external factors.


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I wanted to say this in the recap but I somehow forgot. I never saw Sang Mi as a damsel in distress. It would be absolutely foolhardy to fight against the bullies on her own. Naturally when faced with danger, she turned to her only 'allies', Sang Hwan and Dong Chul who had shown they were willing to help.

Shows that try too hard to make women look tough and strong are just as bad as those who make them look weak or play to stereotypes. In Criminal Minds, there was a scene where Moon Chae Won's character tackled a suspect and Lee Jun Ki looked too much in awe. She's trained policewoman for goodness sake!


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Violent Heroines are praised(by audience) as Badass strong characters completing ignoring their mental aptitude. Even though writers are wrong to push hard these stereotypes, audiences have to take fair share of blame too.


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I was in the middle of typing this comment and lost everything so apologies if it's a repeat:
I'm watching Bride of the Water God and Reunited Worlds and trying to decide what, if any, new shows to watch. I'm working my way through Lee Hyun-woo dramas at the moment and this week I've been watching The Equator Man from 2012. LHW plays younger Kim Sun-woo and Siwan plays younger Lee Jang-il and I thought both were very good. It has the same director as White Christmas (Kim Yong-soo) so there is some amazing cinematography. I'm enjoying it but the music is distracting especially in the early episodes! Oh for a desk to keep the dialogue and remove the music. Unfortunately most of episode 2 was missing but luckily I found HeadsNo2's recap out in the ether to help make up for the missing section.
Oh and I've started Age of Youth Series 1


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School 2017: What's weird is that, although I really like it, I watch patches of it on and off. So there are gaps in my knowledge, but I'm not particularly fussed. I do really like it, though.

Reunited Worlds: I'm slightly behind, but still cute. I feel a massive pull to this show (mostly thanks to Yeo Jin-gu, since Lee Yeon-hee isn't anywhere near as captivating as she was in Miss Korea) but I'm surprised by how many moments fall flat. "My brother's alive? I'm so happy, I won't question this whatsoever!"

Manhole: Oof. Okay, the manhole/water slide thing had me in stitches, but I don't like a single one of the characters. They're crazy in a stupid way.

Strongest Deliveryman: Pure greatness.


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Yes. totally agree on Strongest Deliveryman. I don't want to raise my expectations prematurely, but I think this will be one fun ride. ^^


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I also watch 3MAD to see Kyunsang and his kitties! I can't cook so I can't relate with Eric but I do want to eat anything he cooks.
I couldn't finished ep 1 Manhole because I didn't like Jaejoong's character so much, I think I won't come back.
I want to watch Rescue Me (for Taec - fangirl wanna see if he's improving) but I'm kinda scared to watch depressing drama because I'm easily affected with it.


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School 2017: Is it Monday yet? I can't even start or catch up on new things because of you, show. Taewoon and Eunho are too adorable for words I just want them to kiss already. And Mr. Shim, you cutie.

Reunited Worlds: Semi-dropping this bc idk, I really can't get into the main couple so I might just watch for Yeo Jingoo's scenes with Kwak Dongyeon (and his adorable daughter <3)

Strongest Deliveryman: Gonna start this one soon~ It's been a while since Chae Soobin and Go Kyungpyo graced my screen in their previous dramas (which ended up being my favorite dramas of 2017 so far). Wishing this one would be really good.


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I think you will love that one more than any other.


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Somehow I'm now watching 9 dramas. I don't even know how that's possible. Last time I checked there was only 6. Somehow I may have convinced myself to check out all the new premiers...and now I've got my plate full. So here's my list:

Bride of the Water God- ?
I'm mostly focused on Hu-ye's story and I want to know why all the other gods are bugging him. What did he do in his past (that he doesn't even remember) that he's being harassed for? I've boarded the Hu-ye + Happiness ship and those of you who have as well understand that he better have his happy ending. Or we'll have some words, Show!

School 2017- ????
Tae Swoon + Eun Ho. 'Nuff said.

Criminal Minds- ?
Watched only the first two episodes. It was ok. But it didn't hook me. Somehow I've delayed watching the other eps. Might pick this up after it's done.

Rescue Me- ?
Oh wow! I'm hooked! First two episodes really sucked me it with it's creepy town and an even creepier cult behind it. I'm totally in love with the four boys and their friendship and so ready to learn more about Father Baek. One complaint..which is not really a complaint. But: scare me, Show! I'm all yours!

Reunited Worlds- ?
This just gets me in the heart every ep. Especially the recent ones. Sooooo funny!

Strongest Deliveryman- ?
Still confused about this one. I like it, but I agree with @hannahmustafa. It's missing something... will keep watching to find out what that is exactly.

Father is Strange- ?
Interesting...it's cheeky and fun and everyday! Don't have to watch out for any serial killers, or psychopaths...lol!
Only saw the first 4 eps..will take my time with this.

Forest of Secrets- ?
I'm so sorrrry. I had to put you on pause at ep 10 because of all the other new shows. Don't worry, I still ❤ you! I'll be with you shortly.

Suspicious Partner- ?
Pffft. Don't even ask.
But I'm almost there though...


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Feeling left out cause I don't have a drama to squee over lol.

Anyone watching anything interesting that's not Korean? Like some old Chinese or Japanese historical dramas or films? Something epic like the mainland production of "The Romance of the 3 Kingdoms."


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I've started Love Lost in Times, but I'm only halfway through the third episode. It definitely has potential though... they've embraced the fantasy element (which I always appreciate whenever there's wirefu). The set up seems interesting so far, and the plot moves quickly.


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Thank you!
I'll check it out :).


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I agree with them all on theur views about Rescue me...the storyline is amazing so far...it gives off the scary vibe but you just can't wait for the next episode...Truly there are people psychopathic behaviours and like Lollypip said, there are humans who behave far worse than demons.


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The only thing I'm watching right now is Njttw, which is a variety program and not a drama and to be honest I feel like I'm over the Kdrama... I only completed chief Kim and Secret forest this year.
I tried watching other dramas but ended up dropping them or fast forward all the episodes.
I also noticed something while watching njttw, korean seems to love watching movies so much. All the members know so many movies, not only that they also remember the (best scenes?) in every one!
They made me want to try K-movies. Any recommendations? I want something amazing that makes me understand why the members are this obsessed over movies :))


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NJTTW is so good,
it's my source for the biggest laugh every week


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They are so adorable, all of them. I watch this season and then went back and watched all the previous seasons. "Big Shame" thing in season 3 was my favorite!!!
I laughed when they were complaining how Na PD makes them do all sort of things while he does not ask anything from Three meals a day members!


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I finished Seven Day Queen last week and have been pretty apathetic towards all other shows since. 7DQ took all my feelings with it when it ended. Since I didn't get to write my take on the ending last week, all I really wanted to say was I thought the show gave me a LaLaLand + The Notebook combined ending lol.

My Only Love Song - I started this on Netflix and have like 4 eps left. It is short and funny. I would prob care about this more if I was not rebounding from 7DQ and other period dramas currently pale in comparison.

School 2017 - this may be igniting a small spark. I am a couple episodes behind. But I already love Taewoon's gruff cuteness. It's like he doesn't know he care but it comes out subconsciously (sorry I am on my psych rotation right now). Like he's bickering, then randomly asks her to go out with him. It is like it just comes out but he doesn't realize it did. This is my favorite stage of romance. This could go on for a couple more glorious episodes.


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Lolol it's a bit scary how many I'm watching. Something will have to give, it'll probably be Criminal Minds, since I'm not sure I can handle that much gritty in all my dramas right now, and it has the highest death count.

Criminal Minds: Like I said, gritty. LJK is beautiful, but the show is gritty and I watch it with a sinking pit in my stomach--and not a good one like in Bad Guys. I'm on the fence.

Falsify: I think GirlFriday said it well, I enjoy the show once I'm watching, but... it's a bit hard to get me to click play on time I'll give it another week though, since I like the setup.

Reunited Worlds: My heart. Is breaking. I can't. Gaaaaah! No matter how I look at it, I just can't ship Jung Won with Min-Joon. There's just something so... off about him, and regardless of how earnest and kind he seems with regards to her it just doesn't sit right with me (not in a "he's secretly a creepy murderer" way, just a "he's totally not right for her" way). It also will feel totally wrong to me if she only sees MJ as a sort of "backup love" because HS had to return to heaven. And then I'm nearly totally on board with the JWXHS ship, except then I remember he's dead and I cry all over again. Can't they just have a happy ending, please?

Save Me: Oof. I was expecting dark and gritty, but I was expecting it to mostly come from the cult. Not in the form of sexual harassment by classmates. It's a hard one to watch--I don't like to see people being so cruel to each other, regardless of whether or not they're 'capable' of it. It's also a hard watch as a very religious person myself--not that religious people are the only ones who espouse charity and giving to those in need or anything, just that it is a major part of religion, as well as blessing the sick etc., and it's difficult to see it all twisted for some creepy cult man's desires.

School 2017: definitely my solace in the midst of all these other dark and gritty shows. Not that watching the school violence hearing against Bo-Mi doesn't make my blood boil, it does, but nobody has died... yet. It's a lighter tone, but still deals with some major issues--relatable ones--all served with a large helping of cute. Love!

Strongest Deliveryman: This quickly shot to be one of my favorite shows of the week--the deadpan comedy, the minor undertone of "but life like this does exist for some people", the fact that our crazy rich playboy who "has it all" is also the one who tried to commit suicide... it all just says 'watch me! I'll help you laugh and learn some things and fall even harder for GKP while we're at it'! to me. I only hope his friend doesn't die, because that would super suck for both the guys and they're grudgingly growing friendship.

Late Night Restaurant: I told you I'm watching too many dramas!! But I just couldn't help myself. There's so much delicious looking food, and the...


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oh, I didn't realize they'd reinstated a limit for comments! Basically I just said I love Late Night Restaurant (the directing style and stories make this show work for me so much more than Let's Eat), I also watched and finished Last, but it was only ok, not fantastic like I was hoping. ^^ And then I said have a great day, everyone!


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I am with you on strongest deliveryman... I am even liking the person he is becoming by doing deliveries..


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Rescue Me is the scariest kdrama I've ever watched and it's disturbing on so many levels yet I can't look away. I feel it's scarier than crime procedurals because it really could happen to anyone. I hope this drama keeps it up and I'm in for the long haul.


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I love your comments about the various shows... I am surprised that non of you are watching Woman of Dignity which is so good... That and Save Me are actually my favorite drama right now.


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They're my two favorite too !


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This week went by so fast I'm behind on other dramas but i did find time for...

School 2017 ???
Strongest Deliveryman, I love Chae Soo Bin's character, she is so cool and down to earth


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I'm rewatching Misaeng and falling in love all over again with the characters. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I wish the subtitles aren't so bad. Even Netflix is doing a poor job...


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If you're in the US, try Viki. They usually have the best subtitles. Please note Misaeng is listed as "Incomplete Life".


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School 2017 - not great, not bad. But I like the lead couple. So cute.
Bride of the Water God - liking the demigod. That's it. I just want to see how things turn out for him.
The King Loves - on hold. cheating with recaps.
Reunited Worlds - loving everything about it. Regardless of the age gap, I'm loving the lead couple.
The Man Who Lives to Die - watched the first two episodes, was turn off by veiled, bikini clad girls. But I recently found subbed episodes for this week and I was curious enough to watch. Thank God, no offensive content. I actually liked how the daughter disliked her dad, who was absent all her life and just thought that by coming back with gifts she would like him. Also, she is giving hell to the cheating husband. I'm curious for next week.
Strongest Deliverymen - loving it. Hints of a broken bromance coming up. ?
Save Me - wow.


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School 2017 is the only thing I'm watching now because I can't get myself to watch 7 Day Queen. What happened to tipsymocha is exactly what I DONT want to happen to me hence the last 6 episodes of 7DQ has been put on hold. I am bracing myself because I know I will be a mess.


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Good morning Beanies Unnis and dongsengs. Tonight, will be my mom surprise 60th birthday party. (August 7 is her birthday.) Yay to stress to get everything ready!!??? Rescue Me is only drama I will keep watching. However, damn I so wish Dong Chul is main lead because he is great. I feel his emotions better than Taecyeon (ducks head). I am need to caught up with Lost in Love Time and Princess Agent. Other than that,I am in drama slump. I guess that is good thing due to I got millions things to do in real life.???


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Save Me - WOW! Love the way it is shot, the cinematography and the directing is top-notched movie-class entertainment. A bit too creepy for me, I am scared... but still want to continue watching...
Reunited Worlds - I so wish for a happy romantic ending of the two main leads but I know I am asking for too much. Please please... magic please
Bride of the Water God - I am dropping this drama, stupidest god with no superpower... boring... Hu-Ye should have a spin-off drama like the Grim Reaper
Aishitetattle Himitsu - anyone watching this J-drama? It is not bad, feeling happy to watch Fukushi Sota again... hehehehehe...
Code Blue 3 - I am also rewatching Code Blue 1... my mom is happy that I am picking up on my Japanese again...
Manhole? - maybe I should start after reading all the comments... thank you!


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I've been on a BTS kick lately because this drama cycle is doing way less for me than I'd hoped. Oh well, they can't all be Seven Day Queen.


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