Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

It never fails to amaze me how some people can stoop so low just because some others aren’t exactly fans of their oppa’s acting.


    It seems to me it is made by one person with different names lol.


      Yeah, it’s obvious that the comment is made by the same person who hides behind different aliases. Not even brave enough to own up to their offensive comments.


        Agree with you.


        Just for discussion sake, do you think these comments are from beanies who resort to unregistered aliases so that they can post anonymously and repeatedly? Or are they lurkers who don’t comment on anything else except articles which feature their bias or their bias’ drama?


          It can be either way. However judging from the upvotes some of those comments received I won’t be surprised if the subsequent insulting comments are made by an existing user posting under different unregistered usernames just so their registered account won’t be tarnished by that kind of behaviour.


            Wow! That’s so extra!! It seems like so much effort for something that’s not that important in the grand scheme of life… I really don’t understand people who go out of their way to be mean on the Internet. It seems so cowardly and they come off as very sad people


            I really hope those people would be able to reflect upon what they’ve done here and see how fruitless and meaningless such attempts are. They neither can bully others into liking their favourite actors or persuade others to take their opinions seriously. You’re so spot on, they make themselves look like very sad people.


          I was raising my eyebrows AND saying my comments on HOW those fans,I dont even want to refer to them (?) as fans, are so ridiculous and over the top in reacting just because not everyone loved Oppa’s acting.

          That actor is my Ultimate Kdrama Bias but I am well aware that criticisms are part of his profession.I mean I myself criticize him on his acting & choice of dramas.


            I agree with you. I too believe that no actors are above criticism. There are always bound to be people who love an actor’s acting and those who don’t. I do hope LJK can get to work with a strong PD and writer next time. His last two sageuks have been disappointing in the writing and/ or directing department. Ironically he said the PD in Arang reigned down his acting but I actually enjoyed his performance a lot in that one.


          I’ve never seen such abusive language in DB, so my guess is she/he is not a regular DB commenter. Definitely no actors/actresses or drama are above criticism. People are free to say their thought. However, sometime I feel too much obsessive hate or paise toward a drama can activate these type of troll and abusive behavior.




            Thank you for voicing your perspective and I really appreciate that.

            Maybe I just happen to have very different opinions of what makes for hateful comments. For me hateful comments wander into the territory of personal insults and attack, which I won’t tolerate. I actually don’t consider negative criticism hateful, if those made with elaborate reasons and in a civil manner. Would I feel hurt if they criticise my favourite dramas? Yes, I would. It’s natural and understandable. Does that make the other person hateful? I don’t think so, even though I may strongly disagree with their opinions :P.

            I personally think that when there is a dominant voice, whether positive or negative, in a comment section, it means one side is more active than the other. Yes, it might be hurtful seeing the other side take over, but if one side remains silent because they think the other side has ‘won’, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy to me. I do believe that people have the power and opportunity to balance things out. It’s up to them to take, or drop that power.

            That’s why, even though my comments might be overly critical in some threads (CM, Ruler) or majorly positive in others (FoS), I never shut the other side down.

            Anyway, I’m glad for the interesting discussion. Looking forward to hearing more about your input in the CM thread. 😉


            Definitely personal insults and attack has no justification. My point is sometimes recap environment is too positive/negative toward a drama that makes the consecutive discussion challenging. I really like it more when people criticize a drama or any other artwork by mentioning both it’s strength and weakness… I personally LOVED FOS 💙, but I welcome any discussion that critisize the weaknes of drama (because no drama is purely perfect)


    I once said that Lee Min Ho acts as Go Jun Pyo for last seven years, someone opened two accounts, followed my account and called me retarded/imbecile/slut mom on every comments I made for last month (that was a lot).
    I admit, I was disgusted AND impressed with that much dedication (how should I call it? Unhealthy love of Oppa?).


      I’m sorry to hear about your experience. Did you report the comments? I do think that behaviour like that should be banned off Dramabeans (and anywhere where healthy debate and discussion is promoted).

      I often tell myself that in the end it is their time they waste with that much unhealthy obsession but I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same as you do if that happened to me. I don’t even understand what has fed into their belief that everyone should feel the same about their oppa or there’s something wrong with those who don’t.


      I agree with you about Lee Min Ho 😜 Oooops!

      Got to also agree that it’s a very unhealthy obsession.


    I just read the comments and your reply. Thank you for speaking up.

    When I wrote my comments in that thread, I was well aware that I am speaking a minority voice. In any case, that person misinterpreted my statement but I didn’t think it’s worth my time to correct her.


      Good thing you didn’t. I don’t think it’s worth your time doing that too. It’s just that there are so many comments in that part which are borderline personal insults, bully, mockery and harassment I feel I need to speak up. I personally think that that kind of behaviour should be called out and dissuaded.


        I agree that we should never descend to using abusive language and profanities even if we are extremely annoyed or disagree wholeheartedly.


      I read your comment and that person clearly misinterpreted your statement and bluntly called you blind and deaf. I’m so sorry that it’s happening to you. I’m a fan of LJG and I’m ashamed that you were attacked by obsessive LJG fans. Everyone has their own taste, preference and bias, so everyone should be respectful to others.


        Thank you but no need to apologize on behalf. I know many soompiers who are LJG’s fans and I know they will never respond the way that person did. I’d actually expect them to put up a case and oppose my views if they feel a need to respond.


        You don’t need to feel ashamed for the behaviour of that person. You can still be a proud LJK fan because I’m sure we know that person is not representative of all LJK fans, and that same person is not representative of LJK himself. By choosing to do so they bring shame upon no one but themselves. As drama watchers I know our tastes differ in many ways and sometimes we do not agree with another’s person interpretation or assessment of certain actors or dramas at all, but I think we can just agree to disagree and move on. I often tell myself not to hold grudges against any other person (well, unless they resort to insulting which I’m totally against) because chances are they will like something that I like in the future, and I need allies and people to gush about the same thing together, so hating on them just because their taste does not align with mine in certain aspects only does myself no good first and foremost.


Dear FoS, you will be sorely missed. Thank you for being awesome until the very end ❤❤❤


    very well written and acted show. It will be missed indeed.


Man, I literally cried watching that interrogation scene between Shi-mok and Yoon. Lee Kyu-Hyung did an *excellent* job conveying the emotions of a suffering father/ criminal in that scene.


    I agree. The dialogue was quite impactful and well thought out. It appeals to human compassion. And the actors themselves were so subtle and subdued, which is what makes the scene even better.


      Wasn’t it awesome! I love it even better when the fact that we know beforehand that he lost his child didn’t take away one bit from the emotional impact of the scene. Watching him cry like that twisted my gut. It’s just so sad that he ended up making the wrong choice by following down this path. I don’t feel for him as a criminal but I feel so much for him as a father.


Gone for a couple days and downvote is not a thing anymore? :O


    You missed the dramabeans drama apparently. Lucky you! 🍀


      Please kindly link me to the drama. I’d love to catch up 😛 (j/k).
      On a more serious note, I’d love to hear staff’s insight about this change, so if there’s anywhere I can read please do share with me 😀 Thank you very much.


        I haven’t seen any comment by DB about why they did it, but I assume it was getting out of hand. Lots of comments against it. People were actually threatening or actually stopped coming to the site.


I can’t process FOS ep 13. Someone please help T__T
Why does it hurt so much omg T_T


    IDR! So shocking! I had to rewind to make sure it’s the coat she was wearing. I just couldn’t believe it was her.


      I had to rewind to check her face.
      Why must it be this way? I get it that her Dad needs a strong motive to reveals what he knows, but why must the show go to this extent?


        I love it! I mean not that she died but that the show is unpredictable.


          I agree! I can’t ever predict anything with this show. At first I thought it was to scare us and to give false alarm (like how they did with Ga-young) but then when I watched the preview all hope was lost. That was so traumatic.


Maybe I’m in the minority who is not convinced and enamoured by Reunited Worlds. On the other hand School 2017 is sometimes cringe-inducing and choppy but I enjoy it more than I thought I would.


    I love both! Have you checked out the other two new dramas? The King Loves and The Man Who Dies To Live? I haven’t watched TKL but the latter was disappointing. *sigh* I wanted it to be good.


      I only checked out TKL. Sad to hear that TMWDTL (that’s a mouthful of a title, even for abbreviation! Gosh.) is not good. I want it to be awesome because Choi Min-Soo *cries*
      I watched TKL raw, and still understand roughly what’s going on in the drama without understanding like 99% of what’s being said. Perhaps that would give you an idea of how it is (reads: full of common tropes and narrative devices). It’s too early on to make judgement but I’m not head over heels in love with it.
      I’ll watch RW again for a better judgement. Maybe I jumped to conclusions too quick 😀


      Btw, how is it going with Bride? Is it still good? Well the story is getting more interesting than the beginning, but I don’t know why I still feel ambivalent, and it’s not because of the leads.


      I love both as well. 😀 *highfive* I watched the first ep of TKL and I like it so far even though I had a few things that I’m not sure about with that one. TMWDTL (there comes a point where abbreviations are simply ridiculous) is bad hu? I already heard lots of disappointment from it, haven’t seen it yet.


    I did like Reunited Worlds, but I don’t like it as much as I wish I did, if that makes any sense lol. I wish I was feeling the same love as many as our fellow beanies are. Sweep me away, show! ;_;


      That makes perfect sense to me! There’s something in the way the story is told that hasn’t pulled me completely in, but I’m willing to give it a few more episodes to see how it goes. It’s kind of weird because time-travelling is one of my catnips so I really want the show to blow me away 😀


      No, I understand you. I really like it but at the same time it feels like there isn’t happening that much right now. Just a bunch of people getting shocked at the boy’s reappearance and him almost meeting the girl but then not but then almost meeting her again! But then not. But then….meeting her! That was exciting to me. But then also not. ^^ Still am really liking it though. Maybe also cause I love time travel stuff.


      I like certain aspects of it, but I’m also not enamored with it. I might watch a few more episodes before deciding whether or not to stick with it.


FOS ep 12 is all sorts of mind-blowing okay? 😱😱😱
Okay 😱😱


‘Penny likes to get away
And drown her pain in lemonade
Penny dreams of rainy days
And nights up late by the fireplace
And aimless conversations about better days’


My intuition wins over my rationality. The pot indeed resurfaces in ep 17 instead of ep. 15. Well, I lost to myself but I also won in a sense. A treat to chicken drumsticks with Habaek, yes? XD LOL.


    It’s so mind blowing, right?


      I really don’t know how I should feel about these writers anymore XD


        I can’t recall a worse writing than this. We couldn’t even predict the level of stupidity. HG didn’t even die to advance the plot. It’s almost as if they don’t know how to sacrifice her. I can’t tell but it looks like YSH didn’t have to act much in her last scene 😜


          Yeah, as if they remembered right there and then, ‘Oops, but she’s the second lead so let’s kill her off’.
          Another writing which can rival this particular killing off of the second lead in terms of stupidity:
          Grand Prince (brother): ‘Oh, there shouldn’t be two suns living in the same sky, so let me kill myself by standing in the way of a staggering soldier attempting to throw a spear.’ Everyone else: ‘Oh there’s someone on the enemy side who is still alive. He’s about to throw a spear. Let’s watch this!’
          Then the next minute the Grand Prince died and everyone standing nearby was bawling. During the last moment he thought of his unrequited love before passing in the arms of his family member. His love interest was oblivious to this and didn’t shed a tear for him.

          Makes me think these writers are fans of Moon-Sun’s ending or something.



            OMG, this is so funny! I didn’t watch Moon-Sun. I thought it was highly rated show?


            Yeah, highly rated but completely stupid right at the end. The last ep was exceptionally funny in all the wrong ways, except for the death of the second female lead. I don’t recommend it to you, though haha.


    What’s inside the pot? Lol.


I\’m so excited to know that my beloved childhood joy of a show Journey to the West is getting an adaptation. For those curious about the original story, please look at the comment :D.


    For anyone who is curious about the story, I think the 1986 TV series is an excellent adaptation and to me it’s always been the best one. If you can excuse the bad CGI and sometimes tacky sets and costumes (but because the series was made in 1986), and don’t expect some super complex characterisations (please do treat this as a fairy tale, sort of) there are other enjoyable elements in store. I absolutely adore the heaven realm settings and personally find it, though simple, much pleasantly looking than recent fancy wuxias or fantasy sageuks. Keep an eye out for the ladies in this series, though. They’re gorgeous and it’s a treat to the eyes to just see them on screen.

    Somehow the video quality of the EngSub version is very bad, so please bear with it. Link to the series is below. Beware! There’re 118 videos so it’ll take some commitment but if you enjoy the story it won’t feel that long to get through.


      Wow! Thank you for this I am basically have no knwledge about this show..


        For some reason I can’t post the link to the full list (DB says I posted some bad words) so if you don’t mind you can look up Journey to the West 1986 and I think the list will be among one of the top results. The video quality is very bad though, which is a shame. I’ll try to find if there are any other Eng Sub version.


          Was there an earlier television version? I seem to remember a Japanese series.


            I’ve just looked on Wikipedia and on their list this one looks like the oldest/ earliest TV series adapted from the novel 😀 . I’m not very familiar with adaptations done by other countries such as the variety show in Korea or other versions by Japan except for the manga Dragon Ball which I used to own and read to tatters as a kid XD.


            I’ll let you know how I get on.


          I’m sure I’ve got a book somewhere, too. It’s such a good story. I’ll have a look at the 1986 version. Thanks for the post.


            Thanks for tuning in too. It’s always good to have someone to share the same interest, even if you might end up thinking you like the book better :D. There are other adaptations made in 1996 and 2011. I’m pretty sure there are other versions in other years too if you’d like to have a look, just in case the 1986 isn’t exactly your taste. The 1986 version is so old the ones available online sometimes have a good chunk of the original scenes missing, so that might disrupt the flow of the story.


FoS preview ep 9 😀
Yeo-Jin: ‘Do you think you can trust me?’
Shi-mok: ‘Yes’

translation credit: soompi


No one understands madam better than Yeo-jin 😆


    I so love Bae Doona in this drama. She look and act like a normal detective. She is there to solve crimes and chase after criminals.


      She’s like my biggest girl crush right now :D. I’m so glad the offer for this role went to Bae Doona and she accepted it. There’s something very modest about the character but it doesn’t turn her into a damsel to be easily intimidated, which makes Yeo-jin relatable, approachable and interesting to me. I’ll make a mental note to check out her other works after FoS ends. 😀


    I like how she wasn’t exactly confrontational about it, but clearly knows which button to push to make the madam cooperative.


      Definitely agree! I can’t help laughing when the next scene was Shi-mok asking her how she could do it when he didn’t even have a chance. I thought, lol, why, because she’s smart and understands women XD


My girl crush and friendship goal.
Reminds me so much of me and my male bestie at college. It’s always so good to live good times twice XD.


    Yay! The sub is out early today too.


      I just finished it! Now waiting (im)patiently for the recap XD. That ending was both satisfying and completely took me aback :O


So-Hyun in Page Turner – aka the Brat
Cha-Sik (JS) is trying to apologize to Yoo Seul (KSH) for making her angry.
Link to full scene in comment <3

Reversed gender CITT in the making.
Please just kill off Ga-Eun and let KSH join another drama where her talent will be properly recognised. She is no stepping stool/ wallpaper for anyone.


    IMO, this drama is bad for all the actors. Of course, none beats KSH. I’ve read the recent comments -At best Ga Eun is terribly written. At worst, they have kinda done a CITT on KSH. I can’t be sure of the latter because I actually think the writers are that dumb to think they made Ga Eun a likable character.

    Even the Crown Prince is pathetic, he’s practically useless. KSH does nothing but look puzzled, shocked, sad and cries and YSH isn’t better, he just looks pained, hurt and cries. YSH’s crying face is not helping either.

    While we think this is utter rubbish, I won’t be surprised if the writers thought it was the best way to serve fans.


      My goodness I heard many of the forums in SK are in flames. If they think Ruler trending on Naver alone is a sign of a well-written drama then yes, they are right.

      This drama is a disservice to everyone except Yoon So-Hee. I didn’t hate her before and probably won’t in another of her projects, but tbh and call me a hater and whatnot, just seeing her in this drama makes me sick. I have never felt strongly as this about an actress since Jin Se-Yeon in Gaksital.


        Because of this drama, I have a very low opinion of YSH’s acting. Previously I was neutral.

        I am glad I stopped watching. Honestly, it was affecting my opinion of KSH too! That’s the problem of a badly written character. As much as we all know actor and character are different, some negativity does spill over. I don’t hate villains, I actually like actors who play villains well. The characters I hate most are the dumb ones.


          I really can’t blame anyone for doubting KSH’s acting. I would have felt the same had I not seen her previous works and performance. True she’s not the best one out there and still has room to grow as an actress, but of all of her roles so far Ga-Eun is the worst one can think of. The poor girl’s face is swollen from all the excessive crying and she has to write a message apologizing to her fans because she’s made to cry so much and she still has to cry even more towards the end of the drama.

          I’m still following the recaps but perhaps I should stop doing that too. This may sound harsh but I’m disgusted at the writing of this show.


Not very fond of Moon Lovers but absolutely adore this song ❤❤❤


Can’t get through the first hour of Inside Men due to the violence so I watched Marathon again. Yes let’s cry the second time 😭😭😭


Meanwhile, selfie Josean style, complete with status (which is as expected unrelated to the selfie), likes and comments from minions =))
(repost because the photo was lost for some odd reason 🙁 )


    Hahaha….I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me when I saw this repost.


      I tried editing the post and adding some parts but then the photo was deleted :'(. Guess I should never edit a post with photos again XD.


        I recall having problems editing a post. First the pictures don’t appear in the box, only the words do. There was also once when I couldn’t edit the words too. So I just delete an entire post if I ever want to edit anything. Usually I do it almost immediately after posting.


          Yup, I usually just delete the post but thought I might as well try it out today. Looks like the edit option is not ready yet XD.


Is there a thing called third lead syndrome? Because I’m having it okay? 😂😂😂


    Also, must get this off my chest: I do hope we’ll get to the meat of the story and have characters’ development fleshed out more. I think we can now benefit from less of the constant falling in danger, being agitated and saving. Please bring back the goodness of ep 1-5 + 7, pretty please, show?


    Awww me too!


    Me too!!


    He loves them both.


As if it didn’t hurt me enough every time that humming tune plays in the background, now they have to twist the blade a little bit more by having him whistle that darn tune near his death 😭😭😭


    Yikes! I don’t think I am prepared for this, so fast?


      Don’t be alarmed XD It’s just a reminiscence of his past. It’s just that that tune gets me every.single.time. :'(


        Hahaha…thank goodness! Yup, that tune wrecks my heart.


          The rating dips even lower 🙁 I’m so sad for the cast and crew :'(


            I just want to give the cast and crew a big old hug and let them know their drama is loved. T_T


            Me too 🙁
            I want it to rise so bad just for their sake. At this rate there’s only hope of some increase after SP and Ruler end. Yet with Yeo Jin-Gu’s rom-com coming up next after SP I’m not so sure. The boy is super talented and is well-loved in Korea too.


            At this point, I am looking at the ratings more with bewilderment than anything. I am not even angry anymore.

            I don’t think Ruler or SP matters. Ruler no matter how absurd is the kind of melodrama that ahjummas love and SP is just middling. That the ratings for this drama have been dropping, I really want to ask people in Korea “Why?” Just curious, very curious.
