Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

Kdrama lesson #1: If you want to be a thief and sneak into someone’s manor, don’t remove your mask as soon as the alarm bell rings. EVER.


I broke down and watched Forest of Secrets and was blown away.
K next up it\’ll be Circles in no time. I really have no will power 😫. Blame me for being such a trash for crime dramas 😱😱


    This sounds like a confession, but I really think you have achieved nirvana.


      I’m down the rabbit hole but it feels so good to be in Wonderland 😍. I’ve got to rewind continuously throughout the drama though. The dialogues are rich and it’s so easy to miss important details if I fail to pay attention for a second 😀


    Welcome to the Forest of Secrets! 😋


      I’m running headlong in, wolves and giants and beasts notwithstanding XD


    There’s nothing to feel bad about.


      Thanks 😀 I’m really enjoying the first three eps.


        I’ve got quite a lot on this week but I think I’ll try and start it next week after Circle.


My most loved humming tunes:
Still having goosebumps listening to this humming tune.
#moonlightdrawnbyclouds #hummingtune


Chae-kyung knows how to do meta, haha 😆😆😆


Nooooo. We\’re back at the never-hitting-arrows and cliff-of-almost-doom LOL.
Guess the sageuk worlds won\’t let those retire any time soon.


Nanny’s trademark eye-rolling 😂😂😂
How I wish Chae-Kyung keeps pushing Nanny’s limit. Her reaction repertoire is a whole gold mine LOL.


Be still my poor heart :'(


I love 7DQ ep 3 so much. And teen Chae-Kyung too. And the cinematography. And the music score. AND THE CRUSH.
Show, please be good until the end, will you?


    Sentiment shared! I love the child cast, the music, the cinematography, and the character building so much that I am afraid to be burnt like I have before with saeguks when the adult storyline start to unfold and become irrevocably makjang in the worst way.


      I can completely relate. I’ve been burnt more than once in the past where I was blown away by the child portion of the story only to be let down by the writing for the adult part. With 7DQ being a melodrama I’m bracing myself for the worst, since we’re doomed for angst and tears. Let’s just hope that the angst won’t be manufactured and that the writing will carry itself well, since I have trust in the cast for their acting.
      In the meantime, I still remain cautiously optimistic.


I have a thing for the underdog.
Can these two poor souls be together in their next lives 🙁 ???


    His character is the one for whom I feel the most.


      Fellow Beanie, I feel you. I have officially jumped ship from today’s ep 🙁 That line got me completely.


        And the prince’s noble idiocy does not help. I think the connection is stronger between peasant Sun and Gaeun than between Prince Sun and Gaeun.


          I usually buy love at first sight (have seen too many around me in real life) but I must say I’m now convinced with everyone’s opinion that the romance between CP and Ga-Eun is not quite believable. 🙁
          Poor peasant Sun. I feel really bad for him the moment he volunteered to be the CP’s stand-in. Boy would have never known what he let himself into.
          I’m kind of secretly hoping for a twisted ending where he and Ga Eun rode the horse off together into the sunset, but I know it’s not possible. Here’s hoping the boy can at least confess his feelings, because I sense a tragic end to his life.


            Yes, I also feel like that a tragic end is in store for him. As for your imagined ending, while it would be awesome, romantic pairings in Korean dramas are pretty much determined from the beginning.


    Omo! Is this 7DQ?


      I wish the rest of this episode were at 7DQ premier’s level XD


        Omg this!
        Where is Kim So Hyun in this drama? She barely gets any screen time.
        The more separate the leads are, the less I seem to care!


          Ikr! I stopped caring last night. It’s not even the lack of their screentime together and the lack of romance, but it’s the lack of building up to that romance, either through conflict or through understanding.


            Same! I stopped caring as well.
            And honestly, I’m actually fuming as I watch the scenes unfold.
            I want to care and be interested in what Lee sun is doing. But all the talk about copper are just flying past my head. I don’t feel the conflict to be real enough and Dae Mok also took a back seat today.
            And Hwa Gun is actually becoming more interesting to me as a character…
            But I wish I cared enough about her to root for her and the prince. But I can’t care for her either. Her obsession with the prince still makes no sense…and she even chose to help her father and ended up betraying the prince. So i really have no idea where she is standing at the moment.


            I’m annoyed too, and it’s not even minor annoyance.
            Somewhere on the Internet the viewers actually have to make sense of Ga Eun’s motives and romance toward the CP by drawing details out of thin air. Much of those aren’t solidly set in the show itself, but pure speculations about her actions. One example is Ga Eun is convinced by the King’s protection and the King Consort’s kindness toward her so she had decided to lay low and put her revenge at rest.
            I don’t criticise such interpretation, though I personally find it being based on rather flimsy backdrop. I do criticise the writing and directing, because such work of making up situations to explain for the lack of characters’ motives speaks volume about the writing quality. It’s not our job as the viewers to make up details to understand the main characters for god’s sake!


        Hahaha…this was before I watched 7DQ. I love it! The vibes it gives me are very different from Ruler. Although I liked Ruler a lot when it first started, I was aware of certain things which might pose problematic. I didn’t have such issues with 7DQ, it felt so smoothly executed.

        Regarding Ruler, I have not watched this week’s episodes. From the comments at soompi, it is confusing at best. I can generally take plotholes but I can’t deal with characters who make no sense. This is the biggest issue I have with Ruler. I can’t understand GE, Queen, DM, ex King and even the CP! Forget about HG. The characters’ actions and motives are written just to fit a scene or certain direction(even that they can’t seem to find one direction and stick to it!). Looking at tonight’s ep, it ain’t getting better.


          I really like what I saw in 7DQ too. It indeed feels so different when a sageuk falls in a capable directorial hand. I really hope it will stay good until the end. The scar from Ruler is still burning ouch! so I’m trying to keep my expectation down a notch. Better be pessimistic then proven wrong than the other way round 🙁
          I’ve just read the comments on Soompi for tonight’s Ruler eps too. I must say I’m on the verge of giving up since they keep adding things to make the plot and some characters more complicated while neglecting the main focus. When it comes to Ga Eun’s plot I really don’t like what they are writing for her. Don’t even let me start on the whole poison and copper sub plots.


            Will have to wait for subs but from the comments, it seems the Queen is making use of GE to get to Lee Sun. Why does she need to do that? She hasn’t done anything for 5 years and now, she’s woken up? I think this is merely another subplot to create crisis for GE and CP. I see that some fans are happy that GE and CP have OTP moments but honestly, this couple doesn’t excite me. The so called squee worthy stuff are staged.

            I am thinking this drama has the same problem with Moon Lovers. The writer and PD are too focused on creating scenes which they think will delight fans. I don’t know about you but I was never sold on Hye Soo and Wang So’s romance.


            Comment was deleted


            Tbh I wasn’t watching ML for any of the cast XD nor for the romance. There were interesting elements in there and I kept watching for the vain hope that things would get better and prove me wrong but the whole drama failed to do so. I remember one beanie back then said something like, ML is so bad it becomes amusing to watch, and I’ve got to say I agree with them XD. I really liked the scene where Lady Hae died on her husband’s back. That scene is iconic in itself, but the show failed to create any other that had similar impact on me. Too bad, it had the potential to be epic, but it ended up no more than a teenage cosplay.
            The problem with Ruler is that the writers are too ambitious and want to create something great which has some classic feels to it but fails because they didn’t get their focus right from the get go. The Queen is someone whose motive I can’t read and she completely came out of the left field. If she really wants to counter DM’s power she should have been shown to aid the late King in one way or another. If her purpose is to get rid of DM herself then what’s her role to play in the King’s assassination? If back then she just wanted to lay low to save her life why did she reveal her claws to DM as soon as the CP was enthroned? And now she wants to get rid of the fake CP, for what? Has she got a substitute? If yes, then why haven’t we seen hide nor hair of him? Has she always wanted the throne for herself? Then she must have wasted the last 5 years for nothing as you have mentioned.

            Then when HG helped her father and the Water Bureau official to escape, she didn’t let out a single scream but suddenly CP turned around and noticed her, when he didn’t see her before on the cliff top, and the first thing he saw was both men galloping away as soon as he arrived at the foot of the cliff. I thought his first instinct would be to chase after them, but somehow miraculously his peripheral vision was activated (what a rare thing in Kdrama!) and he noticed something that he needed to turn 180 degrees around to see.
            Sigh, at this rate I think a piece of Swiss cheese even has fewer holes than this.


WT? Female lead = 10 minutes beginning (plus flashback), 5 minutes end of an hour-long episode. Second female lead = the rest.




    Oh man! Pretty much sums it up!


      I’m glad because KSH has the screen time she deserves today, but I’m kind of sad because somehow I have lost interest in the whole story :(.


        Yea, just watched today’s ep.

        Like you said, Ga eun got the screen time she deserves. And I’m glad she did but it is sad that it came this late. At least our noble idiot finally opened his mouth! Lol. I wonder how long it will take for him to tell her he’s the crown prince?
        Probably another 6 episodes, lol.


          Lol omg … or someone would tell her before he has the chance to do so. Then another misunderstanding and time for angst and separation dun dun dun!


            You put it so
            perfectly! Hahaha
            Don’t forget a jealous second lead trying to stop Ga eun from knowing the truth and trying to keep them far away from each other as possible!


I won\’t put much hope in 7DQ. I won\’t put much hope in 7DQ. I won\’t put much hope in 7DQ. I won\’t put much hope in 7DQ. I promise … or not? 🙁


Are there really \’objective opinions\’? I beg to differ. Anything after personal interpretations or with the slightest emotion is subjective. Only facts are objective.


    Wow exactly what I was thinking today nearly word by word!


    Disclaimer: Essay ahead. Please proceed at your own risk.

    Recently I’ve seen in many forums and drama blogs where many people ask for ‘objective opinions’ and try to dismiss ‘subjective’ or ‘biased’ opinions. I feel that the concepts of subjectivity/ objectivity has been misinterpreted and in its worst case, used to silence/ oppress the voices of people of different viewpoints. I’d like to provide my insights and hope to clear this distinction up a bit for those who care.

    So far, subjectivity/ objectivity are concepts associated with arguments and reasoning, and are used the most in fields that require arguments or logical reasoning. Two of them are law and research.
    One of the main purposes for argument/ reasoning in law is to prove the truth of a premise, for example, to prove one’s innocence or guilt. Objective reasoning or arguments are based on hard facts and logic, and carry much more weight than subjective reasoning, which is often used to appeal to a listener’s emotions, thus convincing them into believing that the reasoning is ‘logical’ or ‘reasonable’ while it is not necessarily the case. The listener is then swayed into agreeing with an argument because it generally agrees with their deeply ingrained prejudices or preferences, or personal circumstances, which are obviously subjective.

    In research, especially in ‘soft’ sciences (i.e. social sciences or sciences that study human behaviour or ways of thinking, such as psychology), objectivity/ subjectivity carry a slightly different meaning. Subjectivity often means the researcher’s intervention in the data collection and analysis, which then can lead to biased data and results (we call them findings). For example, we can now call the data collection method to determine Korean show ratings outdated and the findings ‘biased’, because it does not represent the growing population of viewers who stream TV shows on touch devices, or laptop/ computer. (To be cont.)



    In ‘soft’ sciences, because the researchers often work directly with people (observe them or interview them, for example), there is a concern that their presence and proximity with the research subjects will alter their behaviours in some way (you won’t behave the same if you know you are on camera and there are people watching you, for example). That is why sciences in general aim for objectivity by removing the researcher’s influence as much as possible. Research following this way of thinking (valuing objectivity) collect numerical data (for example, rate your satisfactory with Subway PPL on a scale of 1-5) and use statistical tools to analyse them. They do not value textual data (for example, explain in details what attracts you to Korean dramas) or methods of data analysis that requires personal interpretation (for example, I might ask a few more questions to see if your preferences have any cultural or philosophical basis; most people won’t be aware of this, so as a researcher I’ll be the one to spell it out in my findings). ‘Soft’ sciences that value objectivity don’t like this, because they can’t prove the truthfulness of my interpretations. They can’t, for example, repeat (we call it replicate) my findings over 1,000 people, because how many of them are educated enough to be aware of cultural or philosophical influence in something as trivial as their Kdrama watching habits? That’s just an oversimplified example to give you a rough idea. In short, ‘soft’ sciences that follow ‘hard’ science way of thinking call this method of collecting and analysing data subjective and not reliable. (cont.)


    Unfortunately, when applied to arguments/ debate in entertainment, the duo subjectivity/ objectivity have lost their fundamental meaning. You ask why?

    Because Kdramas are a form of performance arts, and in essence all forms of arts are subjective because they rely on personal interpretations.

    When you deal with something as subjective as people’s appreciations of arts (and I don’t mean technical stuff such as what kinds of lenses are used for filming, whether someone’s sageuk tone is done right etc), there is little place for objectivity. Why? Because there is no way for you or any other person for that matter to test the truthfulness of someone else’s interpretations of a piece of art. Remember, objectivity has a lot to do with testing the truthfulness of a premise or statement. You can’t prove whether, for example, someone’s opinion that Hae-Su (Moon Lovers) is a weak and stereotypical character is true or false. You can only state whether you agree or disagree with them, and quote the reasons why you think in a particular way. You may succeed in persuading many people to agree with you, but it doesn’t make you any more right and them any more wrong, in a sense. What Hae Su does is fact, but the meaning of her actions are up for interpretations, hence not fact and therefore not objective.

    ‘Biased’ opinions and why people react strongly towards them
    First, let me say that there is such a thing as a ‘biased’ opinion, but I’m amused at how it is often used to label others’ opinions and interpretations, especially when theirs do not resonate with a person.

    A quick look at the definition of the word ‘biased’ suggests that it has two distinct characteristics: (1) it is unfair treatment and (2) it is based on someone’s prejudice. Then another look at ‘prejudice’ and the dictionary defines it as ‘Dislike, hostility, or unjust behaviour deriving from preconceived and unfounded opinions’.

    So in general, there’s a lot of work for you to do before you can label someone’s opinions as ‘biased’. If that person has watched Actress A in Drama A and was not happy with her performance, and continues to not be happy with her performance in Drama B mid-way through, it is very difficult to decide whether their opinions of her as a bad actress ‘biased’. If that person has watched a few eps of Drama A and was not happy with Actress A, then go on to conclude that she is a bad actress in every single of her other projects without watching them, or some of them, you can definitely tell that they are prejudiced against the said actress. Same goes for people who think highly of an actor/ actress and is convinced that they’re talented, so they must be perfect in everything they do. Biased opinions and prejudice go both way, and are not restricted to only negative opinions. (cont.)


    Then there are other strong opinions. They can be positive, or negative. However, just because there are negative criticisms that are strongly worded, it doesn’t always mean these are ‘biased’.

    People tend to react strongly to strong opinions, and sociology and psychology can perhaps explain why:

    When you like a certain thing and/ or person, you may feel to some degree (well often, a lot) that such thing and person has emotional values to you and become part of who you are. In sort, you identify with them, and attacks on their quality suddenly feels like attacks on your quality and value as a human being. If someone identifies with Doctors, and you say it’s a pointless drama, it is very natural if they think that you, when putting Doctors down, are also mocking their taste. It is easy for them to think that they must have low standard to like a drama that so many people out there criticise.

    The thing is, there is nothing wrong with your criticism, and there is nothing wrong with them thinking Doctors is great either. The only issue is that they let your criticism hurt their ego. Very often, strong reactions to negative criticism in such cases are a form of defensive mechanism to protect one’s ego. We, after all, as human beings do not want to be associated with anything bad or to be looked down on. There is nothing wrong with wanting to defend what and who we identify with either.

    However, there is a distinction to be made when it comes to defending or expression one’s viewpoints. Strong opinions are okay, until they borderline problematic behaviour. Using profanity is one, confusing between the character and the actor that plays them is another. Just as problematic is the attack on other people who like a certain drama or character, unless they are in favour/ support of a harmful behaviour displayed by that certain character (such as killing). It is okay to say that Drama B is pointless and a waste of your time, but it’s definitely not okay to say that ‘there must be something wrong with people who like drama B because it’s such a pointless drama and a waste of time.’


    Likewise, trying to shut down opposing opinions just because they feel very strongly about one particular subject is problematic. The most common is ‘if you don’t like it then don’t watch it’ or ‘you are biased’. Trying to sell an opinion as ‘objective’ is another thing I wouldn’t support, because doing so implies that only that opinion is valid, or carries more weight than others. Remember, performance arts are all about personal interpretations. That one doesn’t feel strongly either way about an actor or a drama doesn’t make their opinion more ‘valuable’, ‘objective’ or ‘valid’. It’s their personal interpretation after all!

    So next time, if you see someone claiming to be ‘objective’ or attacking your opinion and putting it down on the basis that it is not ‘objective opinion’, don’t ever buy it. At best, they’re disagreeing with you. At worst, they’re trying to oppress your voice. Tell them there is nothing as an ‘objective opinion’ in appreciation of arts. There are only ‘mild’ and ‘strong’ opinions, ‘positive’, ‘negative’ or ‘balanced’, but none of them are ‘objective’, or ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ for that matter. There are, however, problematic behaviours that need calling out on, and they themselves are very different from opinions.

    Don’t let others silence your voice.


      Great write up!

      I’ve mostly been a silent lurker, however, things like that irked me, to say the least.

      I’m the type who moderate my own comments but I can’t be silenced.


        Thank you *hugs*
        I’ve seen this pretty often too, and I just wish I could copy and paste my thoughts on every comment where the opinion is so strong it evokes this kind of reaction among a few others, but that would be a little bit too much.


That awkward moment when you realise the potential to a character and like it but hate the actress with a passion…


    Let me guess Yoon So-hee as Hwa-goon?


      I’m so obvious haha XD


        I liked her character since episode 1, not that I hate the actress, but I stopped following the drama because I have too much on my plate and this drama is political heavy (not my cup of tea).


          I feel you. I’m considering switching to another drama if Ruler doesn’t live up to my expectation. I’ve got no problem with politics, but I do have major problems with the writing and Yoo So-Hee’s acting. I don’t even hate her in the other drama I watched that she acted in. Strangely enough something about her acting annoys me too much in this one.
          Are you watching Circle? I’ve read the recap and comments. Looks like it’s a good one.


            A friend pointed out to me it’s her voice and I have to agree, she’s a little high pitched compared to the others in this drama.

            I’m watching Man to Man, Fight My Way, and Circle, and Man to Man. Am waiting for My Sassy Girl, Seven Day Queen, Forest of Secret and Duel to premier. Planning to squeeze in Tunnel and Suspicious Partner. That said, I’m dropping whichever is a chore to watch, which Ruler was. As you can see, it’s a busy busy season for kdrama fans. XD


            Lol, I mentioned Man to Man twice. Now you know which one is my favorite.


            Lol that’s indeed a busy schedule. I’m watching SP, and have watched M2M & Fight My Way for tasters. I like what I’ve seen so far and will binge-watch them later. I’m looking forward to 7DQ too, but haven’t read much about Forest and Duel. 😀 I think I should read up on them for some idea.


            Circle is good if you like a good sci-fi mystery drama, I like it because it tapped into my emotional side very early into the drama, I like a drama that makes me feel.

            Duel is about clone. Forest of Secret is more of legal drama, I’m waiting for Bae Doo-na for that.

            Seven Day Queen has to be my most anticipated drama yet, I’ve fallen for it since I first heard of its synopsis. I like a good melodrama. And the teasers are really good so far. So that’s definitely on my to watch list.

            Fight My Way is a mindless watch, it’s mostly fluff, it should be on the same territory as Suspicious Partner. Man to Man is my crack so far, it’s not without its flaws, but I’m liking the central bromance and romance here.


Since Ruler’s OST (‘Even a Little While’) didn’t quite wow me as much as I expected, let me bask in the awesomeness of my fav OST again. Even if the drama disappointed, this song hasn’t.


    Ooh. Thanks for posting this @maskros It was what stopped me going crazy every time they let Lee In-jwa go free.


      You’re welcome. I love this song and ‘I Miss You’ from the same drama too. The plot was ridiculous the further the drama went but I enjoyed the music and the veteran cast very much.


Looks like I\’m going to have serious second-hand jealousy tonight (or tomorrow\’s night). Why does that creepy girl get to experience every \’first\’ thing with CP? Now she even holds him on horseback!!


An enlightening read on what constitutes \’good\’ and \’bad\’ acting, from a director\’s viewpoint:


    That was really interesting. Thanks for sharing.


      You’re welcome and thank you for dropping by too. 😀 I really love his answer. It literally reads my mind and at the same time open my eyes to new things.


    I love that first answer. It’s everything (and more) that I’ve ever wanted to say about acting. I even agree with all his actor-examples. Thanks for sharing this, it was a really fascinating and fun read!

    (The two comparison vids of Keanu Reeves and Tommy Lee Jones were on point, they made me laugh so much for very different reasons!)


      I was scatterbrained so I didn’t include that in my post, but you’re spot on! XD It was actually the first post that I was (trying) to refer to :D.
      His definition of a ‘good’ actor resonates with me so much. There is also an answer far down below that states an objective ‘standard’ for what constitutes a ‘bad’ actor, which is self-consciousness. I also agree with that observation.


5-minute trailer for Ruler. Anyone seen this? And why do I like the gold mask better than the silver one we’ve got right now? Anyway, looks like the show has a lot in store for us next week.


    Normally I prefer silver over guild, but there’s something regal about the gold mask. The silver one looks like a toy/costume next to the gold one.


      Hi @daydee! 😀 Nice to see you here!
      I think the silver one goes well with the regal blue garb, but for the red one I like the gilded one much better. I’m not sure though that it’s really gilded, or it’s just got that tint from reflecting all the gold furniture in the court room.


    Did I miss this? Omg! Peasant Sun takes the poison 😱😱😱 Does this mean he will have to follow Pyunsoowe? In a way, it means Prince Sun is not harmed but on the flip side, Pyunsoowe controls Peasant Sun. Doesn’t look good either.


      That’s why I wrote in one of my replies to another user’s comment that I sensed more trouble to peasant Sun than to our CP.
      I don’t like the fact that in becoming the CP’s doppelganger, he becomes the sacrifice. That scene in the trailer is so hard to watch, because it’s so tragic and cruel to peasant Sun :(.


        I checked out soompi and I was blown away! Better not to go if you don’t want to be spoiled. Someone wrote a major plot upheaval.

        If the all the stars are aligned -writing , directing and L! this gonna be huge!


          Please don’t worry I don’t mind being spoiled; that won’t affect my anticipation for the drama one bit. I must admit I gave in to my impulse and checked and OMG.
          No please don’t let it happen!


            If it’s true, I can’t imagine what watching this drama is going to do to us 😨


            I wish L the best. His role has so much depth and complexity. If done right, I can see how it will elevate his status as an actor.
            More than ever I pray for a happy ending. It would be heart-wrenching if there isn’t one for any of the characters :'(


    I am wondering who in the prince’s clothes and mask is killing ga eun’s dad? The angst is definitely going to be hard to watch.


      Yeah that’s a big mystery unsolved 😛 I’m just fairly certain (only fairly, I can still be wrong though) that the executor is not our prince. I just posted a boring analysis of Yoo Seung-Ho’s and the executor’s facial bone structure on Soompi to prove my point, ha 😛 ^o^


    OMG! Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun are already making me cry! T _ T


I don’t know why but I feel strangely attracted to Prince Sun in this particular scene. That look in his eyes and his swallowing hard, ugh looks like boy is about to do something against his will 🙁