Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Father Is Strange: It’s over and I have so many feelings and so many things to say. I may have to let them out in a bigger post (…when the fourth dimension opens up and hands me some extra time), but for now I’ll just say that I was almost obscenely happy with this show as it ended, and will miss it dearly. I would have watched it for another year, and now I feel like I’ve lost a family. *tears*

Age of Youth 2: It’s as cute as ever—or maybe even cuter this year, with a brighter vibe and a slightly more comedic bent. I love how much of a prickly pear the new housemate is, and am looking forward to seeing her softer, nicer side emerge despite her intentions. It’s kind of like those thrillers when revenge goes awry (say, the hero falls in love with his enemy’s daughter), mixed with slice-of-life storytelling and sweet everyday foibles. All things I love!

Rescue Me: I hate the cult people SO, SO much, and they make my blood boil almost so hot that I can’t stand to watch. But then Sang-mi asserts herself despite the oppression or Sang-hwan’s doggedness gives me a sliver of hope or Dong-chul breaks my heart all over again, and I can’t look away.

Criminal Minds: There are so many types of criminals in this world that it seems needlessly limiting to focus every episode on a new serial killer. It has a desensitizing effect, to the point where I get bored watching people murder and torture victims, because all the cases start to feel the same. Can we mix things up a little, people? I dunno, throw in some human traffickers or dogfighters or fraudsters?

Reunited Worlds: This show feels like it was written by a 10-year-old imagining how adults act. People say things and react to situations, and I’m thinking, “Uh, that’s not how people are!” And while I’m still pulling for Hae-sung in a general sense, it really bothers me how he swoops in with big life decisions for other people and just tells them this is how they’ll do things now, and everyone lights up happily and agrees to it (see: previous note about 10-year-old logic driving the plot). The only reason I’m not actively infuriated by his vaguely paternalistic attitude is because I see this as the fault of a weak writer and not, say, a message the drama actually intends to convey.



School 2017: This couple is even cuter when they’re apart, privately squeeing to themselves over each other. The way Eun-ho lights up when she’s in love just brings me joy, and Tae-woon’s victory dance is my new favorite thing. So embarrassing. So, so cute.

Rescue Me: Yesss, the bromance is back! I know we still have a long way to go before the broken friendship between Taec and Woo Do-hwan is truly healed, but I was just so happy that they were speaking to each other again, even if it was to exchange blows and air out their resentment. If I’ve learned anything from watching years of School, it’s that sometimes boys just need to fight it out.

Live Up to Your Name: Wait, so Kim Nam-gil actually plans to stay in the future? But… that would alter the history of medicine! Also, did he have to be so drastic and cut his hair? I mean, it’s not like I was watching this show for the mane of glory, but…

Falsify: I thought this latest case was a little too easy for the good guys, so I liked the twist that they had been set up from the start. I just hope that the drama doesn’t get too swept up in a chase for one bad guy, because at the end of the day, what I care about is how things go down at the big national newspaper and the future of journalistic integrity, not the prosecution of some corrupt dude.

Reunited Worlds: Oh, so you managed to succeed with your food truck in about a week, and now you’re just going to open a new restaurant? Just like that? This show makes me facepalm, hard. I know it’s a fantasy drama, but it’s a fantasy in ways I was not expecting.

Age of Youth 2: The laughs on this show always come from unexpected places, and I really appreciate that. The second season feels more tightly written and funnier overall, and I’m excited for romance to start complicating our girls’ lives even more.



Falsify: Yes, it has its roots in the corrupt state of the media today, so that’s relevant enough. But everything else is just too easy. Our hero started out looking for a tattoo he assumed meant something, and it does(?), though I wonder where the case would stand if the tattoo had said “Mom” with a heart around it instead. But instead of doing real sleuthing, all the heroes have to do is conveniently find this tattoo symbol in old pictures, which conveniently screams IMPORTANT EVIDENCE. Why are the villains, the secret forces behind everything, staging such an elaborate cover-up that’s alarmingly simple to trace? Tattoo removal is a thing, especially if you’re a hired assassin who needs anonymity above all things.

The King Loves: I’m so confused about whether or not we’re supposed to like and/or be rooting for Won at this stage of the game. Part of me thinks that there’s been some sort of failing, since the drama would be most effective if both romantic rivals were just that. It’s admittedly different to have the female lead start out loving the second lead, but I’m getting terrible Moon Lovers flashbacks and how badly that second lead ship crashed and burned, so I’m worried that they’re going to pull something that will make us dislike Rin, allowing Won to swoop in and steal the girl. I really, really hope that doesn’t happen.

Rescue Me: Absolute crack. I really love Sang-mi as a character, because it would be so easy for us to hate a character who’s in such a constant state of victimization were she played by an actress who couldn’t get that inner steeliness and resilience across. What I love even more is that the show’s set her up as someone who’s desperately in need of rescuing without sacrificing her as an individual, because we know who she is and how strong she is, but this situation has gone beyond what she can handle—especially if it involves a future being “married” to a creepy cult leader. C’mon, Taec, get to rescuing!

Manhole: I feel like the number one issue that plagues a story that relies on the hero to keep going back in time to fix his problems is that they eventually start running out of new and different scenarios for him to face. Pil is such a failure at life, which I still find weirdly endearing (Soo-jin’s inability to believe in his feelings without having him literally spell it out for her is a bit tougher), but I miss the absolute craziness that led to Pil coming back to the future as a gangster. Can we have more of that?

Live Up to Your Name: When the show has cute moments, they’re super cute and fun. But I’m pretty hesitant about where the story is going and how easy it was to set Im up with his new life, a process that took all of a day, since that means the end of our fish-out-of-water shenanigans. If nothing else, please don’t turn into an old-fashioned East vs. West medical drama. (*Gets Third Ward flashbacks, fails to see the meaning of life anymore*)



Three Meals a Day: Yay, another season! I love having this low-key show playing in the background while I’m cross-stitching. Seeing the swanky upgrades, including the compact car and actual refrigerator makes me think the boys have got it too easy this season. It’s nice seeing that Jackson has a family of her own, but I still feel like the goats don’t have enough space to freely roam. The idea of Lee Je-hoon sitting in a corner peeling peanuts still makes me giggle. But the highlight still rests with Mongie and Koongie, who by some unknown heathen magic, let their human dress them in little hats and adorable sunglasses.

Rescue Me: This is the only drama in this cycle I’m current watching. Summer is usually the time for dark dramas with spooks and chills, and this one is dark, eerie, and gets under my skin in such a good way. Maybe it’s the direction, maybe it’s the expertly placed music, or maybe it’s Dong-chul, whose heartache tears at my heart. Woo Do-hwan is a ready-made breakout star of 2017. Watch out, world—this kid is going places.



Currently recapping: Strongest Deliveryman

Manhole: I liked this show a lot more when it was a WTF zany comedy. Now that it’s trying to take itself seriously, my attention is seriously wavering. Now that Pil’s no longer acting like his usual frenetic mess, he’s become quite the, uh, pill. (Sorry, Jaejoong—you’re still super pretty, though!) I couldn’t believe how Pil judged Jin-sook for not delivering his letters to Soo-jin. Apparently having a magic manhole that allows Pil to alter history and do all sorts of absurd things to prevent Soo-jin from marrying the pharmacist gives him some sort of moral high ground. Soo-jin and Jin-sook should just forget Pil-the-pill and realize that they deserve someone better to love—like each other. (Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks UEE and Jung Hye-sung have incredible chemistry—they need more scenes together!)



Currently recapping: Manhole

School 2017: Hyun. Tae. [s]Woooon. ♥



Currently recapping: Falsify

The King Loves: Meep. What is happening? Who is in charge? I’m so confused… so why is Rin up for execution again? Gah, noninteresting political things keep on happening onscreen when I just want more cute Rin-So-ah moments.



Currently recapping: Live Up to Your Name

Father is Strange: Aw, it’s over! I’m going to miss this family dearly. Hye-young was a powerhouse in that courtroom scene—I loved all of the Byun/Lee clan by the end, but Hye-young is definitely my favorite. I hope this leads to another great role for Lee Yuri, because she killed it. I also loved that every couple had a satisfying, happy ending, each in the way that was suited best to them. How perfect was Joong-hee’s “simple but special” proposal, and that hug Dad gave him in the kitchen afterwards? And what better way to end this show than with the most long-overdue wedding of them all, between the mother and father whose hearts warm and shelter this entire bustling clan. I pretty much spent the last thirty minutes of the final episode bawling. That ending dance felt not just like a celebration of Mom and Dad’s marriage, but a farewell party for a cast that genuinely had a blast together for the last six months.


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Posting it before reading What we're watching
◾◾ Dramas
◾ Father is Strange ended ? ? ? : it was my first family drama, I loved it, seeing the family dynamic, how all the characters changed along with new relationship . Hye Young is one of a kind career woman role model, Min Ah a happy pill who didn’t let me down even once in 52 episodes ? , and many other characters ❤ ? FiS you’ll be in my heart?
◾ School 2017 ep13&14 : Kiss on the cheek ❤❤❤ & Tae Flower ❤❤❤
◾ Falsify ep21-24 : They knew it was a trap, it was obviously a trap and they still fell for it, BUT I have to admit bad guys your plan was good ! Now I’m wondering what kind of organization plans something for the next 50 years O_o !
◾ Strongest Deliveryman ep7&8 : I laughed way more than the previous week, then Hyun Soo in ep7 being able to walk after a month or more in a coma was like WTF and then in ep8 he’s in rehab : What ? pff nonsense power – kdrama logic ? .
Now we know who his mother is, I hope that won’t change the good relationship between Hyun Soo and Kang Soo , but given their personalities I think there won’t be. Poor Dan Ah, you’ve fallen hard : I was hoping she said to the gang she loved Kang Soo’s hair : what a ridiculous sight if all delivery boys in the neighborhood would have the same curly hair ?
◾ Reunited Worlds ep 25-26 : This is a drama I keep watching for the supporting characters : 2 couples Ho Bang & Jin Joo, Tae Hoon & Young In


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◾◾ K-shows
◾ It’s Dangerous Beyond The Blankets ep1 : After seeing a new show was available, I searched the concept : introvert celebrities and gave it a try, Inception time : introvert watching an introvert show. I loved the first ep and I laughed a lot ? while relating to the awkward moments. Can’t wait to see Xiumin and Daniel sharing a room with their opposite habits ㅋㅋㅋ

◾ Infinite challenge Ep544 : the Short ppl party by Haha is going to be so funny , how they all relate to ripped jeans ㅋㅋㅋ ; Producer 101 project is a good idea but will PDs be interested in Jun Ha is another problem ?
◾ I live alone Ep219 : Poor Kian84 he’s got a hole in the back of his head : but who told you to trust Henry for your haircut ??? Indeed when idiot team are gathered it’s always funny, waiting for another ep with the 3 idiots together and maybe with Hyun Min too ? . TaeYang pajama party was funny : they were like little children ㅋㅋㅋ
◾ 3 Meals a Day S4E3 : Han Ji Min was a good guest and she had good chemistry with all of them, seeing her teasing Seo Jin was hilarious ㅋㅋㅋ . RIP to the flamingo , Kyun Sang was so sad and Eric too, and Seo Jin was just laughing along ㅋㅋㅋ. Can’t wait to see Lee Je Hoon and how he will interact with the trio ?
◾ 1n2d : yes another week with 3G team vs LTE team ? : it’s so funny that Dong Gu is the only optimistic one which annoys Kim Jun Ho so much ㅋㅋㅋ. They tried to cheat during the telepathy game using only their right hand but Dong Gu ruined it : poor guy , he’s still got a long way before reaching Kim Jun Ho and Kim Jong Min cheating level ㅋㅋㅋ.
◾ Knowing Brother : I don’t watch KB on a regular basis, but this ep with Min Ho & TaeYang was very funny : Song Min Ho vs Lee Seung Gi ? Kand Ho Dong didn’t hesitate : Lee Seung Gi, like Lee Su Geun said Min Ho you aren’t on the same level as Lee Seung Gi . Tae Yang was like an innocent little boy so cute, he confessed he liked SM more than YG ㅋㅋㅋ ???
◾ HyoRi homestay ep10 : good & relaxing as usual, poor IU don’t worry it’s your style but for others you might be a fashion terrorist ?, I feel you IU ? . The couple and Dami were very nice guests ? . Next week 5 men & 4 women : O_o
◾ Night goblin ep3 : trying to be the first one to ride the biggest attraction at a water park : epic, Hong gi was the manager in charge of the members ㅋㅋㅋ


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Your list of dramas and shows are really impressive! ? ??


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? thank you Sunbae :) , but I'm waiting for some dramas to end, they're just filling my schedule (like RW) but nothing really great, School 2017 makes me fangirling too much but it lacks many things ^^' . I'm relying more on K-shows lately, I can't wait to pick up again Rebel Thief : I'm craving for sageuk ? and *cough* KJH *cough* ?


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I'm already waiting for new drama to come, so far only excited to see Temperature of Love and 20th Century Boy & Girl.

Ahh Rebel ❤ Sometimes I do re-watch some scene, just like how I do with this writer's past drama King's Daughter (lol actually I do it for some other sageuk that I loved as well?, it just gives a good feeling). You have more time to binge watch it later. I'm trying to make fmv of Rebel but god, I can take whole year just to make one fmv ??


I might check Temperature of love , 20th century Boy & Girl didn't catch my attention, I'm going to wait the post by DB to have more information and see what to begin next, but I might just fill my schedule with sageuk, I don't know ?. A Rebel fmv ? wow I don't know how to make one, I've recently begun to make gifs so fmv is still far away for me hahahaha ? , good luck Sunbae ;)


I also just recently starting to do one but I don't know if I do have enough patience to continue to do it lol.


Having read all of your drama and variety show list, I wonder: Do you have more than 24 hours/day? xD ?


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@kudoran Daebak! what ep 2d1n u watched?

I'm waiting for anyone reviewing any Variety right now since I stop any dramas.Have u seen I Live Alone Dok2 ep? His cars are too rich I can't handle lmao

I wanna watch :
-Law of the Jungle
-Celeb Bro
-Real Man
-Hyori's Homestay
-Wizard of Nowhere
-New Journey to the West (which season is the best?)
-Please Take Care of My Refrigerator
If u watch any of them, which ep u can recommend me first so I can get hooked?

-is Outragous Roommates the same Roommates s1&2?

Thank U ^^


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1n2d E190 it's the latest so I didn't write the ep ? oops.
I live alone I think I saw the ep of Dok2 but I didn't enjoy it (rap not my thing) if I remember correctly, but legendary eps were the special with Daniel Henney ? ? ? , the recent eps with 3 idiots are very funny too ;).
Law of the jungle I watched just up to 10 ep last year just for some guests.
Celeb bro , real man , wizard of nowhere, Please Take Care of My Refrigerator, Roommates I don't watch them

HyoRi's homestay : I love it but it's not the laugh out loud show,just saying
NJTTW S1 I had some difficulties to find the eps but it was funny, S2 ,S3 & S4 are all funny but so far the best one is S4 :)


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thank u so muchh for the revieww^^
I guess will start Dangerous Beyond Blanket & NJTTW4 very soon.

A lot of ppl say TCOMR is super funny, but I never start it yet. Too many good shows, and i binge SMTM from s1-s4 again.

Watch Dok2 for his car collection, his treasure is no joke haha. I watch some clip for Daniel Henney, but Im a bit confused, is his "landed house" stated in SK or L.A ? If in Korea, the price/square is ain't kidding!

I only watch roommates s1&s2, (idk if outragous rm is the same), but i really love it! its wacky, odd, & laid back.
*Not bcs I'm Jason/LeeDongWook/Bams hyung (Joon Park)/Sunny biased* wink*, but the cast are too all-stars to be passed haha..


Outragous Roommates is not the same as Roommates s1&2.


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I totally relate to the ripped jeans thing, best bet for me (us, shorties) is ripped leggings.

A bit sad to hear that there won't be new episodes of Infinity Challenge (or will it be postponed next week?) but if it means better workplace terms for the PDs then so be it, hope they get what they deserved.


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Cant believe i see It’s Dangerous Beyond The Blankets and Daniel name in dramabeans lol


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Night goblin is actually very relaxing and enjoying.. and that kid.. he is so innocent, pure and pretty.. and awkward..

the group gels in well

Variety space is really good right now.. heart signal, hyori, regular shows..

Drama: Only Rescue Me, , its beyond awesome.. superamazing.. and well when I have nothing to watch then school 2017

Manhole: Just ask the day, year next time you time travel instead of wasting 15 minutes in confusion in the next episode!

and Uee.. well.. if you are hesitating because of your friend.. then plz do not bore us and scold pil for not being vocal abt his feelings....how about you meditate and retire to the mountains


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How on earth do you have time to watch so much TV? Wow!


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@chickachunga ? wish I could upvote your post + InfiniTae ?


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Oh my God. How could you?? Are you not sleeping at all??


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Kudo Ran has some magic pills that can give her some ability that normal human being can't have, she can even watch these drama/shows while sleeping.


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Thank you Sunbae but you forgot to add ...when she's not dreaming about Kim Jung Hyun ????


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Don't dream about him so much! ?




She's truly amazing. I just watch Kim Nam Gil at weekdays and it's only 2 episodes!
In weekend I only binge watch anything but it's barely 3 episodes.


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I can no longer do drama marathon these days. Like you if I binge watch anything during weekend it will be around 3-4 epi in one day.


It's very unusual for me to have such a schedule, my usual schedule per week is : 2 ep of K-show (1n2d mandatory ㅋㅋㅋ) & 2-4 ep of dramas (with maybe up to 4 ep in the weekend)


In my opinion , Live up to your name is a very good show !! Its the only show im waiting for nowadays. Also, very sad that Father Is Strange has ended but it was such a good show and they wrapped it up so well !!


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They are the only 2 currently airing shows for the past several weeks that I've been watching too, nothing else has been able to hold my interest.


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Ditto! Live Up to Your Name and Father Is Strange are the only two dramas I'm currently watching right now. Started FIS late so I'm still somewhere in episode 30's.


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This week was kind of lacking :
Falsify - Come on we all knew it was a trap. And that lead to me being bored by this week's episodes.
Manhole - I started watching it for the funny, instead it pulled a saeguk on me.
New Journey to the west - Please have a 5th season. Please. Please.

Age of Youth 2 + Save Me - Have not watched yet. Waiting for the right moment.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal - I like this a lot. However, everytime I tried it from episode 1 it seriously was lacking, it took me to skip on episode 2 to finally get the flow going. Kinda like it's ratings that went from NR to 5th place ;)


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School 2017: Just take my heart, show. I believe you'll give us a satisfying ending.

Three Meals a Day S3: This is the perfect var show for me these days. It's slow paced and relaxing with enough heartwarming and cute moments, plus a bunch of handsome ajusshi to swoon over.


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Don't u always feel hungry while watching TMAD S3?


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Haha.. On the contrary, I always feel full watching them happily eat whatever they cook together.


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I'm watching Three Meals too! Love the interaction between the four boys. They already look so hilarious together even doing nothing lol


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No one's mentioned the best show showing right now: Strongest Deliveryman! Am loving KBS's Fri-Sat shows! With Kang Soo's huge bunch of deliveryman friends, I can see why he would start a delivery business.

Reunited Worlds : Javabeans and her 10-year-old writer comment made me lol. but its so true. Everything seems to just fall into place nicely for Hae Sung. Still watching mostly for the side stories though. I love the side characters!

Yes I'm running out of shows to watch. Planning to start School 2017 due to all the hype I've seen about the main couple.


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I too like Strongest Deliveryman. I lost interest for a while after episode 4, but I decided to keep going and now I'm liking it again. I think the reason I lost interest was because I felt it was a bit like Radiant Office in that we were going to get a really cool second chance on life, but it kinda fell flat and didn't deliver what I was expecting.

Freaking Reunited World. I dropped that about 2-3 weeks ago. I sooo get @javabeans '10 year old writer' description.

Once you know the real reason why many of us watch School 2017 is for the OTP, then I hope you can forgive the show it's flaws. Honestly, it was really tough for me to get to ep 5, but after that it was relatively smooth sailing.

I personally can't believe no one's mentioned Hospital Ship!


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Agree. Strongest deliveryman is the only show I'm watching. Have tried most of the other shows but none caught my attention enough to continue. All 4 leads are good actors.


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Strongest Deliveryman is the best show now. Honestly, "dramaly" speaking the show does not have flaws... (so far).
It has humor, bickery relationships, more or less birth secrets, or at least characters that dont know they are related, friendships, struggling situations to overcome, let it be financially or emotionally speaking, cute good looking people, and sparkle. Even Chaebols! I am very happy with it. And I really enjoy a show that makes me both cry and laugh, sometimes at the same time. I hope the show will keep up.


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We're still watching and enjoying The King in Love. Won's is a fascinating character.

We're also loving Deserving of the name, and had no intention of adding one more drama to the list but alas, looks like we have to continue watching Hospital Ship after this first week.


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...And right below my comment that no one's mentioned Hospital Ship, you have ?. With ep. 4 ending like that, we have to keep watching, right!?


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I'm loving School 2017 sooo much. To be honest I didn't expect to like it and didn't even want to start because I thought I was too cynical to watch a school-time drama... But I'm really eating my words because it's making me so happy. ?

Everything falls into place so nicely in Reunited Worlds but that makes it so nice and easy to watch. I don't even need to worry that anything bad will happen ?


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I replayed some of the funny and sweet moments in Father is Strange and I know I'm going to miss them a lot! We love long family drama if it is good! Rooting for Lee Yu-ri and Lee-joon to be bigger actors in the future.They have the ability to carry the drama.

School 2017 is about to end, but I'm not going to miss this drama that much.I'll miss some parts, but definitely kind of drama that I can easily let it go. I think now I'm staying just for Sa-rang ,Guitar Boy and Strawberry Milk Boy and just see how it ends. (I still love Mori btw). This is how easy human's heart can change, because I used to give all of my love for this drama lol.

Memory Lost : I still have some more episodes to watch. But sadly the sub is yet to be completed. Even few epi only have viet sub. Now I guess I'll have to read to novel to understand certain things.

As I'm in long vacation until next week, I still haven't catch up with some other drama like The King's Woman & Live Up For Your Name. Btw just for info you can find eng subbed Age of Youth epi 1 & 2 at fastdrama.co.


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Sera, you wonderful, wonderful person! <3
Age of Youth 2, eng subs, here I come! ^^


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Enjoy it!

The subs is also available at subscene. So for those who knows how to use it, can also use this alternative. This is translated from Indonesian's subs.

Or some people can also watch it at one apps call 'tribe' (I don't know if it is accessible to all).


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All posts in fanwall about Strongest Deliveryman made me want to pick up this drama again. I don't really know the actual reason I stopped watching after epi 3, but the dimples is keep calling for me. The good (and strange) thing is I have downloaded this drama up until last week,so maybe I can use some of my time to leisurely watching this drama.

Manhole : If Jin-sook gets a happy ending at the end with Bong-pil or other good guy, I will re-pick up on this drama.


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Pick it up, pick it up again!


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Aigoo Sunbae ㅋㅋㅋ , to be honest I'm still enjoying some moments in School 2017 , Tae culprit is Kim Jung Hyun , but the drama itself lacks on many aspects -_- ; at least it was a good way to spend the summer ^^


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Agree. Some aspects are good. But it feels so imbalance. The X plot already made me bored. Preview epi 15 also already made me decided just to watch epi 16 and skip epi 15 ?


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I liked it when the interactions that arose out of the X plot felt more organic (bringing Eunho and Taewoon closer, Daehwi stepping in to derail Heechan), but now they're over-milking both that and the main couple's cute moments, and I'm sad that it's starting to lose its magic pull on me :(

I'm probably not going to live stream this week, and just wait for both episodes to be subbed so I can watch them together and skip through the noble idiocy if it gets too much. But then again curiosity might get the better of me ?


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Awww thanks! I think I'm gonna rewatch it. Is the sub in Indonesian?


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No, it is Eng sub. There are also Indonesian subs available. I have a respect for Indonesian subbers for their efforts. I remember when I watched Night Light, when no Eng sub available I relied on their sub. Even for Age of Youth, they already subbed with their own language up to epi 2.


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They're amazing


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There you are @gummimochi???
I don't always read What We're Watching but is it just me or did you just pop out of nowhere since it's been ages I hadn't read anything from you heheh. (Was just asking for you on OT last night)


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Hi *waves*


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OMO *screams enthusiastically*


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Heads2 is back too! Hi Heads! Both were missed.


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Thank you for introducing me to "Secret Forest" in your last post. Though it tapered down during the last few episodes, still hands down best thing i've seen last couple of years.


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Weeps. I miss forest of secrets. I miss Jo seung woo. I miss bae doona.


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Actively watching and highly invested in:
The King Loves: The angst is just so real! The trio are pitiful characters and imo, San is the most pitiful character in this drama. I just want her to have a happy ending at the end. San-ah, himnae!

School 2017: I can't believe that next week is the final week for this drama! Now that I've gotten a lot of Eun Ho x Tae Woon, can I have more of Sarang x Kyung Woo? Please writer-nim?

Rescue Me: The bromance is back! Man Hee is such a gem in this drama. He just knows exactly what to do. Anyway, the whole Spiritual Mother thingy is really made me sick. I really want Father Baek, Disciple Jo and Sang Mi's dad to suffer really bad at the end!

Manhole: I can't believe that I'm highly invested in this drama. LOL, but I do. Maybe because I'm all on board for Pil and Jin Sook ship. Call me delusional, but I have my own hope. Haha

Strongest Deliveryman: Second lead couple FTW. Oh Jin Gyu is love.??

Casually watching:
Live Up to Your Name : Can we have the old Heo Im's style back? I don't like the way he is right now.

Reunited Worlds: I get that this drama is a fantasy drama, but....(read Javabeans and girlfriday's comments) *facepalm*

Solomon's Perjury: I'd finished watching this drama! It's good, but it's not the best, but I still love it.

White Christmas: I just started watching this yesterday and I'm already hooked! Ahhh, I love seeing most of the boys there are such incredible actors now.

Criminal Minds: Since this drama is more like case to case basis, I've decided to watch this drama casually.

I'm still waiting for Age of Youth 2 to have eng sub. I know some beanies pointing out fastdrama website, but when I tried to open the website, it keeps popping up weird ads and I'm afraid if my laptop gets virus from the site. I'm also still on the edge whether or not to watch Hospital Ship. Is it really worth to watch this show?


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White Christmas, I watched it just recently and realised Kim Sang-Kyung whom I loved in What Happens to My Family? is such a great actor in all fonts. It felt like he ran the show single-handedly as youngsters were newbies who were pretty green but still loved the bromance/suspense.

Yes, I too want more of School 2017, can keep watching it till ep 20 or even 24. It can bag the cutest drama of the year award.


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Kim Sang-Kyung is really versatile. Totally loved him in What Happens to My Family and he was terrifying in White Christmas.


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With Fastdrama, if you encounter with some ads, just leave the site for a while and come back later. Maybe one hour later and you're not going to see those ads again. I don't know why, but I did it few times. It seems like they set some timing lol. This is just my alternative site because sometimes this site is quite fast compared to other sites. Until now other sites like kis***ian, dramac**l
, dramaf**re, still don't have it.

I watched some spoilers on Hospital Ship, maybe will check it later. I think Live Up for Your Name is enough as a medical drama for me, for now.


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Thanks for the tips! I'll try later, but if it keeps popping weird ads, I might just wait for any other proper websites to upload AoY2 videos with sub.

I'm not really a big fan of medical drama, but I do watch some medical dramas if it's really good. Like you, Live Up to Your Name is enough for me for a medical drama for now, so I don't know if I'd need one more medical drama.


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You're welcome. ?

Ha Ji-won alone is not enough for me to stay for any drama, but if the reviews later are good, I might watch it especially if other drama are not interesting.

I just watched SD up to epi 6, by skipping some scenes lol. Second leads + Gangster Lady Boss are my favourite!


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I, too, am watching Hospital Ship for HJW; I have a girl crush on her! While I'm thrilled that she's back on TV, the show takes me out of the moments because I'm constantly either asking if this diagnosis or way to treat te case of the moment could be right IRL or laughing at the absurdity of dialogues. My poor husband has requested that I watch that show when he's not around, heh.


I am loving Ha Ji-won's portrayal of her character in Hospital Ship. By the end of episode 2 I am wholeleartedly invested in her growth and to much of my own surprise am anticipating the romance between our OTP if for nothing else just so our heroine can have all the emotional support she needs from her new community. I did not expect how much I like Min-hyuk here and is delighted to see him looking (and acting) so grown up since my memory of him was his puppy character with shaggy hair in Heartstrings.

Also the cinematography and lighting are beautiful.....so many gorgeous sunsets!


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Thanks for the review! I might check it out later when I've more time. I wonder if DB is gonna recap this drama or not


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I'm only invested in Ha Ji Won's character. It seems like she will be the most developed one but I want to have a proper development for secondary characters too.


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I've been looking forward to this over here and think I'll be spamming my wall with all the island sunsets!


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Yohoo White Christmas!! That rare little gem is a must watch masterpiece. Happy that more and more beanies are picking it.


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Rescue Me : Man Hee is the voice of reason !

I don't know why I'm invested in Manhole beside the fact that Jaejoong is one of my love. Jin Sook x Pil ship ftw.

Maybe putting your disbelief concerning medical scenes in Hospital Ship will make you enjoy it ? Or just watching for Ha Ji Won (in my case).


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Man Hee is such a cute teddy bear! When he said move and then hugged Dong Chul, my heart melt.

I love that most beanies who watch Manhole are all on board with Jin Sook x Pil ship! Second female lead syndrome is too strong in this drama!

That's what I'm worried about Hospital Ship, I'm afraid if I can't accept some medical scenes in that drama because it might not make any sense. I can accept Live Up to Your Name because the premise of the drama itself is fantasy with time-travel plot, so I don't really mind if the medical scenes in that drama don't make sense.


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Hospital Ship is a melodrama and I get the feeling that they embrace that genre wholeheartedly. I'm not watching it for the medical aspect, but more for the drama aspect--not something I thought I'd really be into. I guess it's a change of pace and will go down as a guilty pleasure.


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ManH - Jin Sook
Strongest Delieryman - 2nd leads and their interactions. Jin Gyu being Jin Gyu.
Live upto your name - Puckered Pinapple. he looked dashing and manly in light mustache and beard.

I'm about to start White Christmas too.


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SD's Jin Gyu is pretty much the only reason I'm still watching that show. I like the others in other projects, but something seems of to me, thus sucking my enthusiasm away from them. Eh, that's okay. Just keep dimple-ey Jin Gyu as a prominent part of the show andI will continue to watch.

Man-hee and Dong-chul are fabulous and the highlight of my bittersweet happy for the week.


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Really agree with you on Heo-im's style, at least his hair style and beard. I'm not liking the clean shaven and short hair look as much--he actually looks a bit older clean shaven ?. He wears a suit really well though. I thought they would have kept his hair because of the whole time travel aspect, but I guess that might be on hold for a while.


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The King Loves : I am torn apart for the ships but I am inclined to just let San start a new life because she deserves it. I can understand why she can't be with Rin, the emotional burden is just too big for her that she needs a big love and understanding if she wants him. Still, I can't picture her with Won.

The build up for her and Rin can be traced with the attraction while with Won is an indifferent act. Won is so in love with her and keep asking her to stay yet she never agree with that, give back the gift he gives her and that speaks to me that she likes him as a friend. It will be unfair for Won too to have a half heart love and they need a massive chemistry boost to make Won and San believable.

In the other hand, she gives a real no answer to Rin but little over the time, we saw her open up to Rin, she let herself lean on him, she answered to his question, she wants him to do react to her, take his advice into consideration and care for his well being. It just speaks that it's more mutual and make more sense for me if they'll be together.

Live up to your name : Kim nam gil is fine in the preview. I understand why he is afraid to go back and I think it gonna be hilarious to see him being careful of things to avoid death at the present time [if they have that kind of story line]. The drama is pleasant and I really can't wait for the next episode.

Hwang Jin Yi : I rewatch this drama and I understand it better now, the earlier part is a crying fest.


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This week I took a pause from the Korean dramas and started watching few dramas from my own country, India.

Rishton Ka Chakravyuh is an amazing one which shouldn't be missed out. Its perfect in all the technical departments and also with the pace.

I kept waiting for School 2017 throughout the week, excited for the finale.


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Thanks for mentioning the name of the drama - I am more than ready to watch a drama from India so I will save the title as a suggestion for when I have time.


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If this is your first Bollywood drama, just know that they tend to be very makjangy. This one seems pretty interesting though.


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The King Loves I asked myself if I would be sad if Rin-San isn't the end game? The answer is yes...maybe...eh...maybe not..okay, it's yes. I am sadistic - Hurt Rin hurts so good that I want more. Then I remember how I brighten up when he smiles so it's a "Yes!" afterall. Ha, fickleness.

School 2017 I'm gonna to ignore any noble idiocy red flags and potential lame ending whatever. Drama already gave me so much especially in form of Tae Swoon ????☂?????


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I hope @kudoran is doing her homeworks diligently. ?


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With her list of dramas and kshows up there, she really has NO excuse ?


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I started it but ????? so I have prepared a special farewell post that made me laugh a lot, I hope you'll enjoy it, wait and see in recap ep16 ;)


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ohhh...looking forward to it!


Hahaha yeah, Rin has a serious longing expression like everytime he is about to help San but he is too far from her or he is tied up. He reacted fast but he is not close enough.

If San will not end with Rin, I understand the reason but I also feel sad cause the chemistry is left in the air.


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Father is Strange was my first weekend drama ever and I started it because of @javabeans talking about it and I've loved every minute of it. It's been an awesome 6 months and now my "Weekend is strange" since I'm so used to catching up with this awesome family every week! I agree I can watch another year of this! The 3 girls are life goals! I want my early 20's to be like Ra Young, cheeky, and full of dreams and speaking my mind. I want to be Mi Young and find the love of my life and dance with him in weddings in my late 20s, and I want to be a sassy, don't mess with me go getter like Hye Young in my 30s and be awesome! I will miss FIS, so if you have any recommendations for a similar, not-to-makjang weekend drama I am open to suggestions.

I am probably the only person that likes The King Loves the way it is. To me it is clear that the end game is Rin-San and it has never been any different. San has always loved Rin, and her actions, whilst subtle, clearly shows her preference and awareness of him. Her caution to show this is understandable under the circumstances as their lives are intertwined and fraught with danger. Meanwhile, she loves Won as a BFF, a companion and buddy, and I interpret her tears as regret that she doesn't return his romantic love and knows that he will hurt, both because of his one sided love, and the fact that her love for Rin will hurt him further. I do enjoy reading everyone's different interpretation of the relationships though!


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Oh i'm so glad you like FIS because 52 ep is such a commitment for the first time !
I would recommend My Husband Got a Family (also called Unexpected You) and Ojakgyo Brothers. My two ever favorite family dramas !!! (or two of them, they got a little brother last week ;) )


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Ooooh thank you for the recommendations!! *runs off to watch*


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@ 16 limechilli,

In the weekend family drama department, you might enjoy LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. I totally enjoyed it -- so much that when I finished marathoning it, I immediately turned around and rewatched/skimmed it a second time. It is heartwarming. Realistic interpersonal conflicts and believable character arcs make for a satisfying watch. The Jeju Island locale is lovely. The nice thing about 63 episodes is ample time in which to delve into characters' back stories and follow their growth process.

Another family drama that I enjoyed is FIVE CHILDREN / FIVE ENOUGH. The cast is great.

I'm about to start watching OJAKGYO BROTHERS / OJAKKYO FAMILY. Joo Won, Yeon Woo-jin, and Jung Woong-In are big draws -- as is Ms. Kim Yong-Rim, who wonderfully played the formidable matriarch in LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Kim Ja-Ok is another favorite actress of mine. (She played Han-gyul's mom in COFFEE PRINCE, as well as the school principal in HIGH KICK! 2 THROUGH THE ROOF.)

As for THE KING IN LOVE, I'm still watching, although Palace Politics Fatigue is becoming acute. I'm not certain whether the writing is iffy or the subtitles are not so hot, or both. At times I feel like I'm missing the boat. Maybe it's me feeling not quite up to snuff... or is the show exhibiting malaise of its own? Thank God for the DB recaps!


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> Father is Strange: is it really over now??? ????. This drama is the only drama which can make me be home by 6PM in my timezone so I can join the live streaming. I don't care who I'm meeting or what I'm doing, I just need to go home! I love how this drama didn't rush the ending, and everybody has their own happy ending. Hye-Young character grew on me and I want to have a big sister like her FIS will be missed dearly!!!!

Age of Youth 2: this is my new crack drama after FIS ended. The running scene between Eun-jae and Eun was so hilarious. I think the girls are still like a year ago when they lose in their own thoughts and misunderstanding.

Midnight Runners: used my lunchtime to its best!: skipped to the cinema and watched MR. Seo-ju and Ha-Neul friendships are GOLD! It's like a typical Kdrama or movies when bestfriends fight over something. But their friendship was just too strong to take down the human traffickers! This movie is hilarious, and additionally I was super entertained with SJ's abs! ????

As I didn't feel like watching the currently airing, I picked "Heart to Heart". It's surprisingly soooo goooood, and I'm loving it (currently in ep 8). Chun Jung-myung is so natural with his role, and his chemistry with Choi Kang-hee is off-chart. I like their interactions. Though sounded like "a player", as character Yi Seok is so honest and straightforward. In addition, I was so surprise to see Hong Do is so comfortable talking to him even in the earliest episodes and she's honest with her feelings as well.

Put on hold: School 2017 (13&14) and Save Me (ep8).


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Heart to Heart is really good. It went a bit makjang in later episodes but the main couple was adorable and the best thing ever.


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While waiting for ep 7 of Live Up to Your Name I watch The Master's Sun for 2nd time and found that annoying doctor who trying becomes YeonKyung's rival was there as Tae GongShil's sister boyfriend. He's annoying everywhere lol.


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School 2017: How am I behind again, when I'm having the time of my life? I love how the show keeps bringing back plot lines I was convinced it had forgotten.

Hospital Ship: Need mooooooore.

Strongest Deliveryman: No, not the hair! ANYTHING BUT THE HAIR!

Age of Youth 2: I could talk about how much I love Ji-won's story (and how fantastic Park Eun-bin's acting was in her fainting scene), but instead I'm just going to pat myself on the back for understanding everything.

Hwang Jin-yi: I was swept up in a way I never expected.


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I put Hwang Jin Yi on hold for now since I don't have a lot of time. On which episode are you ?


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Episode five so far. Even the backstory was interesting, and I'm usually too impatient to sit through that.


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Tae wooni ❤ School 2017 ❤ enough said !
I'm really excited for the final episode and also very sad because it's ending and i'll miss this drama very much !


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i'm so in love with age of youth 2 right now that all other dramas have fallen to the wayside. ? every episode feels like i'm coming home to a bunch of familiar old faces, and i'm so fond of jo-eun already. i feel like i might even prefer this second season to the first, if it keeps this up. ?


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Live Up to Your Name - my current major source of excitement and joy in watching k-dramas. A little bit disappointed on hero's make over part, but it won't reduce my love for Kim Nam Gil and his current drama character.

Criminal Minds - sure it's not flawless, but at least this drama is able to get my interest each week

Age of Youth S2 - I finally got the subtitles, so I'll start watching it tonight, although unfortunately it means I won't be able to participate in their recap on time.

I'm still trying to find any motivation and catching up to latest episodes of other dramas (School, The King Loves, Manhole, Save Me, Deliveryman) but also has another plan to keep them in the hard disk and binge watch them if I ever had a drama drought season in the future time..


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And I think I fall in love with another ahjusshi. After I watched Vanishing Time : A Boy who Returned , I found my self obsessively looking for other Kang Dong Won's movies. I have watched
My Brilliant Life and The Priest , and will continue to watch him in
Master and Violent Prosecutor . Now I have this (almost impossible) wish to see him in a drama. I mean, will he ever come back to dramaland?

I have heard about his drama "Something about 1%" and plan to watch it. But I'm afraid that watching this drama might change my perspective about his acting (it's an old drama after all..)

Any suggestion whether I should watch it or not?


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it's a good family drama and the heroine is awesome but I don't think KDW acting is good there, he is so green and ehm... Idk how to put it better but don't have a high hope if you want to watch it for his acting.

Watch for the story and the heroine,
not a good watch for Kang Dong Won's acting.


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His acting in Something about 1% isn't bad. I actually really like him in it. There are some aspects of the drama that don't quite hold up given how old it is, and the female lead can be annoying as hell, but it's still a good drama. If you haven't seen the remake with Ha Seok-jin, I would recommend you watch the old one and then watch the remake.


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If you're surveying Kang Dong Won's filmography, you might want to check out DUELIST (2005). The cinematography and choreography are gorgeous. I was first tipped off to the movie in a viewer's comments on the Kdrama BICHEONMU, which has beautiful martial arts sequences with swirling fabric and battles in the tops of the bamboo. KDW and Ha Ji-won as Nam-soon the policewoman are phenomenal as they "tango with swords," to quote Thundie's turn of phrase.


Both DUELIST and the drama DAMO: THE LEGENDARY POLICE WOMAN are based on the manhwa Damo Namsoon by Bang Hak-gi. I recently got around to watching DAMO after initially being turned off by the anachronistic rock soundtrack and wire-fu in the early days of my Kdrama watching. Since then I've seen CHUNO and come to appreciate certain non-traditional music in sageuks. (Manseh, MC Sniper! Ditto, An Ye Eun for "If Spring Comes" in the REBEL OST.) And I've gotten hooked on martial arts and swordfighting, especially when dished out by KDW, Jang Hyuk, and Lee Joon-gi, to name a few of my faves who do their own action and stunts.

I watched SOMETHING ABOUT 1 PERCENT specifically to see the original version. It is kind of dated, but I was still glad to see some of KDW's earlier work. VANISHING TIME was very good, and I enjoyed it a lot. I found MY BRILLIANT LIFE to be very touching.


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I'm so envious of those being able to watch multiple dramas per week. Perhaps I'm losing my ability to multitask (or in this case multiwatch) due to my age and workload and perhaps it's the ease of watching short clips on Instagram too that made me loose interest in watching multiple shows. There's a long list of great dramas (e.g. Forest of Secret, Rescue Me) that I'm hoping to marathon. Probably it's a sign for me to take a long break and go on a Kdrama holiday


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I'm currently watching The King Loves, Reunited Worlds and Manhole at the same time. (Plus Knowing Brothers during the two weeks that SNSD guested.) It is the most that I have watched at one time. I really envy those who can watch more.


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Reunited World's: I've been along for the ride so far despite Yeo Jin Goo's cuteness, I wish this drama would get over faster. On a side note, the Min Joon /Hae Sung bromance is cuuuteeee.

Live Up To Your Name - I'm liking it well enough but I don't want the time traveling to stop! And I do miss Heo Im's beard and stache.

Liar Game - I literally just began to this yesterday and I'm intrigued. Shin Sung Rok is creeepy. Lettuce see how I fare with the rest 11 episodes.


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Oooh, thanks for the reminder! I want to watch Lair Game, but have trou le finding it. I see the Japanese version, but not the Korean remake. Dang. *Off to look again*


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KBS Drama Special : I had Father is Strange withdrawal so I began with those with the 3 sisters.
Pinocchio's Nose with Lee Yuri : There is a lot of plot holes but basically it's about a daughter who doubts of her father after her mother went missing.
The Red Teacher with Jung Somin : This is the birth of fanfiction that's it LOL Besides that I enjoy the historical background and Lee Daehwi as a teacher.
Disqualify Laughter with Ryu Hwayoung : It's actually about the main guy finding himself and talking about humour. I didn't laugh at jokes like him in the drama.
A Dance from afar : I don't know what to think of the story. It's about a man who committed suicide and his friend (a writer) tries to finish a play they both work together on. She tries to understand him and he was actually depressive. There's a metaphor in the play and we get to see some interesting scenes with cyborgs. Interesting but a second watch might be needed.
20 dollars to Pyongyang : It's interesting to see this type of romance or “coming-of-age” story of a “priest”.
Summer Dream : The little girl is soo cute. I actually want a second episode to see the father, daughter and woman reunite.
My Happy Home : I want Lee Sang Yeob as a cybirg too. The story was good !
Noodle House Girl : I don't feel for the man at the end. The sceneries were beautiful tho.

Age of Youth 2 : It's the final week already ! I'm not ready to say goodbye to our family, Unnie, Actor, cutie Minah and let's not forget Al !

Hospital Ship: I enjoyed the first episode but in the 2nd one there were too many overdramatic medical scenes. I have said enough about it on fan walls.

Manhole : SLS is strong here. Jin Sook did wrong intercepting Pil's letters so it's still something bad but I can't help rooting for her.

Rescue Me : Muji F4 is back !

Falsify : I wonder how our reporters will take the Chairman down.

The King Loves : I begin to dislike Won. He has to accept that San doesn't love him.

Reunited Worlds : Finally a normal reaction to Hae Sung's comeback from the dead.

Strongest Deliveryman : Mr. Dimple makes me weak.

School 2017 : Tae Swoon is strinking again. Nobody can stop him.

Live Up To Your Name : I miss Km Nam Gil's facial hair.


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I wrote Age of Youth instead of Father is Strange LOL
So for Age of Youth 2 : I'm sad thats Kang Unni left but the new girl is interesting. I liked to see that the other Belle Epoque girls changed in the past months.


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Among all of Drama Specials in your list, My Happy Home is my favourite. The story is weird but it is good & interesting. The female lead is kinda psycho. This drama got highest rating among other drama specials if I'm not mistaken and that's what made this PD reunite with Lee Sang Yeob with other drama special this year. I hope if this one also get high rating, KBS will give this PD to direct full length drama and have Lee Sang Yeob as the male lead.

I love Summer Dream too.


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Interesting. I didn't like some close-ups so I hope it will be better in the PD's upcoming drama special and hopefully full length dramas.
I can see Summer Dream working as a mini-series.


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I loved "The Red Teacher"! It's on my list to rewatch if I need a distraction while waiting for new episodes of airing dramas.


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Shows I'm loving: The King Loves; Rescue Me and Hospital Ship.

Hospital Ship is surprisingly good; and the age difference between Ha Ji Won and the guys is apparent, but acceptable. It's obvious that the boys are rookie doctors and she's the most experienced one. I was very delighted by the first few episodes which reminded me a lot of Romantic Teacher Doctor Kim; and I hope things continue in the same vein.

Shows I won't mind when it's finished: School 2017. For me the best drama of the series remains School 2013 because of the lack of romance. Surprisingly, the romance aspect turned me off this drama when I loved it in Sassy Go Go. I don't know why, maybe because it feels kind of forced and not organic to the drama?

I will miss Father Is Strange. It was a gem of a family drama and ended on a high note.


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School 2013 reigns supreme in my heart too. Too much of a good thing can be bad, and I think School 2017 has given us (gasp, how can I say this? sorry Mori!) too much of Eun Ho and Tae Woon. I like how their high school romance is portrayed, don't get me wrong, but I would have preferred it to tease us with romantic bits here and there, and focus on the student and teacher stories: What happened to Dae Hwi's epic struggle to get into college? Eun Ho's drawing scholarship? Sa-Rang's exams? Is Hee Chan already a psychopath killing people in another drama? Where is Teacher Gu? Will Teacher Jang realise her mistaken ways or continue to be an awful teacher? Will Teacher Shim ever get the students to talk to him or will he misguidedly 'protect' them to the end? Honestly I don't care for the 'Eun Ho will be expelled' set up for the finale so I hope they resolve that quickly. C'mon School, give me a satisfying ending!


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Totally agree. There's a lot to be said for an understated romance. The viewers would be curious and eagerly anticipate it instead of being sick of it. I too, wish they had dealt more on real life issues and less on this matter of X, but with only 2 episodes left, I wonder if they can bring it to a satisfying conclusion.


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You speak my mind. I do enjoyed Tae-swoon before but when it is too much, it becomes so cheesy. Yes I started for Kim Jung-hyun but I rather see him busy to improve his score or think about future rather than spending time too much as hero & win girl's heart. lol. The writer also made the teachers and school too incompetent. This is quite similar with Sassy Go Go, but SGG worked better because it just had 12 epi, and there were some satisfying parts. I also didn't care about the romance part between the leads after second half and cared more on secondary characters so I guess it's the same for this drama.


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That's the thing. Tae Woon has never shown concern about his future, and Eun Ho has not tried to study to improve her score at all. If it weren't for Dae Hwi tutoring them, I don't think we'd see them holding books at any point. I know they have a final year left at school, but I won't be 100% satisfied if the drama finishes with 'and our intention for next year is to study hard and fight for our dreams'. :'(


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This! I really loved the main couple up till Episode 13 but they ruined it in Episode 14 by force-feeding us the cute instead of working in plot or character development through the main couple's scenes.

And I can't believe they are circling back to the Eunho-expulsion storyline after all we went through in the first few episodes. I want to see the storylines you talked about, plus development between Kyungwoo and Sarang (we keep seeing what he does for her, but how about what she does for him?) and lastly, will Issue/Hyunil ever get past his prickliness and befriend these two??


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@adal1 That's my main beef with the show, while I love tae yoon, but he doesn't look like a school boy to me at times, and it's hard to internalize since I know now he's 27 years old in real life, and like you said the school this time focuses too much on romance. I love all the supporting characters and want to see their story lot more, like school 2013 did, highlighted all the bullies, girl nerds, teachers, long lost bromance, frenemies, and ultimately you could tell it was school. There was no cheesiness, no over the top storylines, and everything seemed so real. I even empathized with the girl for whom the study was everything, and these small real life events give you the sense that this is actually what happens in schools. Not giving tiffins based on school rankings, or playing drones to be a rebel. The school series unfortunately only ever had a surprise hit with 2013 version, and as I haven't watched all the previous seasons, can't tell either if there ever was anything better.


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So glad to see so many of the reviewers enjoying Rescue Me! It's a show that could benefit a lot from more viewers and their opinions. I hope it gets more popular here.
Also started watching Hospital Ship this week and I really liked it. I'm not a fan of the exaggerated medical situations and the staff incompetence, but I'm intrigued by the characters and where they will go. HJW is just amazing, and I'm impressed by the calm and gentle demeanour KMH is showing. It reminded me of parts of yong pal and rdtk. Also the direction and scene transition is really nice. Was waiting to speak more about the show on its recaps but will it not be done here?


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From the recappers standpoints, it seems that the two standout dramas are School 2017 and Rescue Me. I have not watched both so I have absolutely now idea how good they are.

"Live Up To Your Name" seems to get mixed reviews from DB Team but I am loving it so so much until they decided to murder the Pornstache ?.

Dropped "Criminal Minds" despite how much I love Lee Jun Ki. The cases are getting boring and I strongly feel the lack of surprise elements is what making this show moving without momentum. I hope my dear LJK will stop doing remake after this and branch out of his comfort zone with totally different genre just like Kim Nam Gil.

Tried watching the much raved "Forest of Secret" but down to episode 8, I still could not feel the magic that people raved about. The pacing is too slow and somewhat feel draggy that I have a strong itch to give up by now.


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Hahaha...pornstache.....I rather like to think of it as Joseon hipster goattee!


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Regarding Forest of Secret, I understand what you mean. There is a little winning time for the good guy in the earlier part of the show.
Sometimes the twist or the pay off didn't feel enough for all the discovery that they made.
I do like the show myself but I see that it's hard to read and to trust as a show in the earlier ep.

So if you feel like you got bored, it's okay to drop it.
I think the payoff of the show is more prevalent the later episode.


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Korean -

Save Me aka Rescue Me - Rescue the audience from terrible writing. Idiot characters and seriously, Heroine now is acting like Damsel in danger. 7/10

Hospital Ship - That low-grade Yacht is a hospital? They don't even requisite medical equipment. More like 1st aid center or low-grade ambulance. Don't talk about hero worship at all. 7/10

Live upto your Name - Another illogical time-travel and nonsensical doctor drama. Remember Acupuncture can even cure cancer/tumor. 7/10. Female character isn't low-key assistance of Hero. She deserves much more. Hero Worship is strong in this one.

I'm a kind person so generously giving this pathetic shows a score of 7. These all shows deserve less than 6.

ManH - Jin Sook. Writer don't follow the typical path. Bullet Train left already now you can't act all emotional.

School 2017 - softcore porn.
The King Loves - A terrible drama. Still far better than School softcore.

Falsify - I'm saying it from the start of the show. This one is one heck of a terrible drama. Here characters literally act as brainless identities.


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STRONGEST DELIVERYMAN - a bit predictable but best of the lot for its positivity. It certainly has ethical and moral issues but if you can tolerate all the wrong-portrayed-as-right then you will board the enjoyable ride. 7.5/10


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You rate most of those shows higher than I would, except Rescue Me. This seems to be a really terrible season for k-dramas.


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I'm just rating them high. In my opinion 7 is average. So score might differ but feelings are same.
In whole 9 months i have seen only 1 good show - Stranger. Resuce Me's writing doesn't encourages me. Director and Music alone can't carry a show.

Million Yen Woman easily beats Rescue Me.


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Rescue me started out good, but then the actual rescue just got way too dragged out. Too much filler stuff of people repeating the same scene over and over of chanting away.


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Stranger was probably a 1-in-five-years kind of drama. *sigh*

I'd put Circle and Radiant Office down as worthwhile watches from this year, but everything else I dropped fairly quickly. (I have not seen Chicago Typewriter, which I suspect I might enjoy as well.) Personally I just need better writing and solid leading and supporting cast than most kdramas offer these days – but then I'm not sure the season is worse than any other.

I'm waiting for a No Hee-Kyung drama or a drama with Gong Hyo-Jin to come around, as these normally work for me.


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Million Yen Women was so goooooood.


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It seems like all dramas are pathetic in your eyes, aren't they? Of course, the dramas may have their pitfalls, but I think it would be more healthy for both the readers and writer of the comment above to criticise the shows less and focus on the positive things instead of using terrible and vulgar words. There MUST be something good about a show. Like, you aren't watching a drama which you can describe as nice and fluffy, or an acceptable rom com . Honestly, your comment spoilt my mood. And I must say, your comment showed you are 180 degrees away from kind. Try writing or directing a show first and see if it is not PATHETIC.


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For @gummimochi summer 'is usually the time for dark dramas with spooks and chills'. For me it's the time for pseudo medical dramas. I tried Doctors last year (which was an epic bore except for the OST and Namgoong Min), and now Hospital Ship. So far, I think I'm seeing a repeat of Ha Ji Won's characters in previous dramas, and enjoying the the views of sunsets, sea, and Kang Min Hyuk. That ending of episode 4 though... talk about impossibly dramatic medical procedures! I think we'll have to be blind to the medical stuff in order to enjoy this, but I will keep watching because it's a breezy way to pass the time.

I am faithfully going to finish School 2017 but it's a bit of an editorial mess. A disjointed mess with a lot of heart, and the most amazing victory dance.

I've been seeing very very good reviews of The King Loves and frankly, I'm intrigued. I don't usually like dramas with a predominantly romantic narrative and gah, there is a love triangle! But a friend of mine is raving so hard about it, that I'm tempted... Is it any good fellow beanies?


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This might be unpopular opinion, I think I have said it before in this site or elsewhere, with Ha Ji-won I often think - do I love her as an actress or is it because I love most of her roles that not many actresses can get to do. I think it is her roles that I love more. Not that she is not a good actress, but I don't think she is that good, at least in my book. She gave a mediocre performance in her previous drama that I better don't mention it here so I think she only suit to act as a strong and cold woman, not as someone who has some friendly& cheerful vibe, or comedic characters. I enjoyed most of her drama nevertheless.


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Ha Ji Won is my favorite actress because she portrays strong female characters really well. Her acting is not the best but she suits these characters like you said. There's no problem at doing what you're best at. Actually I cringe every time she's trying to be cute and feminine (basically her character in her latest movie).


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Agree. Same goes to Lee Yo-won as well. I still love them, but I will cringe if everytime they do something cute because it looks weird. lol. It's good that they know what is the strength of their acting, and producers also seem to know about it as well.


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Oh yes, I have no problem with the strong, cold characters she plays, but after a while it becomes a bit hard for me to distinguish her characters. (I kind of have the same issue with Lee Min Ho - he is always 'Lee Min Ho' in the dramas, not the character). For me she's weakest when it comes to expressing emotions (like love), but in K2H or Secret Garden she had good male leads. Anyway, I hope Hospital Ship doesn't go into romantic waters too much.


I would agree with you. I think she's an average good actress, who does quite well in essentially one kind of role – the kickass, cold woman. I say quite well, because, for me, someone like Bae Doona, does kickass amazingly in a way I can't see HJW do it (this is not to put HJW down – Bae Doona is one of those one-in-a-generation kind of actresses).

I do think HJW is somehow likeable (I think both as a person and as her characters), so some of her success comes down to that. I find her watchable, but at this point I wouldn't watch a drama for her – especially not if the story itself isn't that great.


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Han Yeo-jin in Forest of Secrets would just be a plain and boring character in the hand of average actress, but Bae Doo-na made it memorable. A cool, smart and tough female lead is always easier to be memorable, but it is not so often an ordinary character can be memorable.


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Yes, Bae Doo-na always brings warmth to her roles that elevates them as real persons on screen. For example, her character in Gloria as a lowly small time singer can't be more different from Yeo-Jin in FoS. True, one-in-generation type of actress.


I didnt want to watch TKL at the beginning for the same reason as you... I don't like love triangle especially after watching some clips from earlier eps where HJH's character broods alone and looks like a lost puppy.
But..... After I try watching 1 episode (just because curiousity), I was hooked!! Now I am obsessing and even get into shipping wars in social media which I never did before!!! This show... really!! Now I was kinda regret getting into this show, maybe I should just wait to watch it until I can confirm that my Wang Rin is happy and safe... LOL


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Wow, now I'm thinking I should just wait until it ends... and somehow avoid spoilers haha


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I enjoy The King Loves for the costume detail and the character building.
I feel like they make use see the character and how they developed, the bromance is strong, the relationship between each character is fleshed out, even to the bodyguard.

I can't say the drama is great but it satisfies me who want to see the character interaction and learning about themselves each episode. How loyalty, friendship and love are defined.
My experience is that I grow fond of it each episode because I know and understand them more and they just such a good and nice character.


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Thank you for your comment. Character development is very important for me so this is a point in favour of watching it. Lovely costumes are a real plus. :)


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Rather than romantic love triangle The King Loves weighs more toward the beautiful friendship between our leads trio. Won, the Crown Prince in his quest for love needs more power to protect the two people he cares most Rin and San. Rin, the noble man and Won's very best friend is the selfless one. He never like seriously never put him self first. And lady San the wonderful, brave bears so much since the tragedy that killed her mother when she's 12. She met Rin and Won again as adult and they become good friends.


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Strong friendship is something I can get behind more than love triangles. Good to know thanks!


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Queuing my place in line to rave about The King Loves. It's just lovely to watch--costumes, colors, cinematography, choreography, character development, (I've run out of alliterations), just what I wanted at the end of the summer.


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Also, you should really watch Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. No medical drama ever captured my heart and attention as that medical drama. I was expecting "pseudo-medical drama" for this one as well. I could tell you how accurate their surgeries were, or how much heart the staff and ancillary characters had, and how good Han Suk Kyu, Yoo Yeon Seuk, Yang Sejong, Seo Hyun Jin, and even Kim Min Jae were, or that it breathed back life into a genre that I had written off as absolutely ridiculous. I've started Hospital Ship, hoping for the same accuracy and heart, but I can tell already that it won't be as good. ?Sorry, Chan Young, you should have stayed a bass player. I'd almost tell you to skip Hospital Ship and watch RDTK instead, if you had to choose!


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Thanks for your comments! I will put TKL on my to-watch list. Hopefully it'll be good for binge watching. :)

Haha, I agree that Chan Young rocked the bass player role, while he's a bit redundant on that hospital ship as an acupuncturist. But hey, at least he expresses the opinion that surgeons are way too drastic and like to cut people up LOL.

My sister has been raving about RDTK for months now, so I might just watch it. I don't often watch medical dramas, but I wanted to see something not set in Seoul (and I love the sea), so that's why I'm giving Hospital Ship a chance.


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RDTK is not set in Seoul! Yay, it's a sign!


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I love The King Loves so much that I have started commenting all over the place, and defending it from haters who criticize w/o clearly having watched the drama--not here though!

I would say that the romance is a big part, but the core is love itself--how it manifests through friendship, family, and nation, and how it is rooted in identity and experience, as well as how it can be pure and corrupted, selfless and selfish.


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I initially watched as I was more interested in the power politics, the brewing rebellion, and how it will affect the lives of our three leads, who are not only good friends but are starting to develop feelings for each other. I liked the cute scenes in the initial episodes, where we saw the beautiful friendship among the three and got to know their emotional baggage, then loved it more once it got heavier and we see the sacrifices that the three leads are starting to make for each other. It has a predominantly romantic narrative, yes, but the love triangle is just one of the most beautifully written, at least to me, in kdrama in years. You can't help but feel for them and their struggles.

I also love that this is from the POV of Won, the Crown Prince, considered to be the main lead but could easily be portrayed as the annoying second lead in other dramas, and how he could possibly not end up with San, the selfless woman who carries a lot of pain her heart that Won has loved more than himself, and how it transforms him for the bad (and/or the good) and how it affects his relationship with both San and his childhood friend, the loyal Rin, who he trusts more than he trusts himself and who always put Won's well-being first despite personal costs and sufferings, but who, unfortunately for Won, also develops feelings for San. It is just so tragic but so beautiful that I am hooked. (I obviously love this show so much and the leads, most especially Hong Jonghyun, who portrays Rin.)


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I only watch The King in Love... Just for Rin. I am Sad when he is sad, I am smiling when he is smiling. Oh Rin.... I wish the show would do you justice. I don't know if I can bare watching you suffer.. ??

There is a C-drama that I want to wacth: Lost Love in Time! The male lead, Yuan Ling is so charming.. I love when he smiles... Are there any site where I can watch if free with eng sub?


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they uploaded Lost Love in Time [the one with Liu shi shi] free on the youtube channel,
you can search "Lost love in time youtube ep 1 eng sub" and choose the one from this youtube channel

I think it's the official youtube channel for foreign audience


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Owhhh..... Thank you, chingu!!! ??


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Dramafever has english subs for it as well


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Father is strange My 1st 50 episodes drama after a very long, long time. It was the only drama that I stalked every weekend and watched a few unsub (before watching it subbed).

Love that every couple had a happy ending and Joong Hee had a family photo!!! I prob would have been a tad bit upset if he wasn't in a family photo (of any kind) at the end! Love Mom's wish about flashing the new IDs, hahah!

Still watching Criminal, Delivery, and Save Me...and slowly trying to catch up on Reunited and Best Hit. If not, i'm dropping the last two.


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Father is Strange: Oh, I loved the ending so much. It was completely perfect. I'm sad it's over, but also happy because I introduced it to my sister and am going to rewatch it at a slow pace with her and squeal together over every awesome moment. Yay!

Manhole: Haven't watched the two most recent episodes... I'm feeling my interest flagging.

Deserving of the Name: I still like the characters, and many of the individual scenes, but still having trouble investing in the overall plot.

Strongest Delivery Man: Loving this. They charge through each plot point that has the potential to drag down the story and move to the next thing. It's a good balance of humour and seriousness, and the writers seem genuinely invested in exploring the "shades of grey" between right and wrong (or the ways that different starting points can legitimately create differences in where people draw their right/wrong lines). At this point I'm trusting the unfolding story with Kang-Soo's mother to shake up his world view and force him to reassess some of his assumptions about people and life. I'm looking forward to it.

Hospital Ship: Long ago (it seems), I read the Fangirl's Verdict review of My Love from Another Star, and she said that the show was great if you put your reality lens on a very soft focus. I think that Hospital Ship is going to be the same. If you focus on the likelihood of any of the medical or ship-focused situations, it's not going to be good. But the actors so far are bringing some great stuff to the characters and relationships, so if you can let the specifics wash over you, the show has the potential to be really engaging on that front.

The King's Woman: A distressing reduction in the King's screentime this week is made up for by the fact that this is going to be the turning point in their relationship (not just romantically, but in every way--she has committed to staying and she has genuinely ended things with the second lead at this point). Looking forward to girl heroics and long, smoldery looks next week.

It isn't Easy Being King: This is a main-land Chinese drama, but it reminds me of the campy fun of a Taiwanese drama. The body swap plot is a loose excuse for hijinks, and the two actors do a great job of impersonating each other. Especially hilarious is every time the girl-in-boy king catches sight of her crush, a guard. Zhang Yi Jie's goofy gazes and clasped hands are hysterical.


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Not really watching much of anything except Save Me. Giving Hospital Farce.. er Ship one more chance. So many of the current dramas just seem like formula tropes from 100 other similar dramas with minor changes kind of smooshed together.

I am also "sort of" watching "Sister is Alive" - not because it is good, but because it JUST SO FREAKING BAD. One of those weekend dramas filled with universally stupid evil people, really bad editing and writing, and enough plot holes to fill 5 of the 7 seas. I don't know how they managed to come up with a show where NOT ONE character has enough redeeming qualities to be allowed to live.


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Your comments about sister is alive made me laugh


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No time for dramas so I can only wistfully hope and watch one at any given time. Finished Forest of Secrets last night. Solid A+ for that masterpiece. Now to catch up on Criminal Minds which I found enjoyable where I left it.

So many new dramas I'd like to try but alas....gone are those days. 1N2D is my only constant.


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I've been so ridiculously behind on the more recent crop of dramas (thanks rl) that I had to resort to marathoning during my days off. I say that like it's a bad thing. Needless to say, I've been having a complete blast these past couple of weeks catching up on dramas late in the night (thought those days were behind me - apparently not!)

Father is Strange - I marathoned this in week! I admit, I did skip over some parts, but that was more to do with time constraints than anything else. It was such a great family drama. I don't think I've enjoyed a weekender this much since Smile, You. The characters were consistently great, the romance from all angles was delightful, the parent's relationship with each other and their children was absolutely heartwarming, and the eldest sister was comedic gold! Nicely done!

Forest of Secrets - marathoned it in three days, would have done it in two had it not blown my mind at each point. I was completely drained by the end of it, but I would happily sit through it all over again. A solid production from start to finish - left me feeling completely satisfied, so much so that I was left yearning for more as soon as it ended. Surely, a season two is in the works? I could watch this crime squad solve mysteries for multiple seasons! Make it happen, drama gods!

School 2017 - I gave this another go last week having dropped it after the first episode the week it aired. And I'm so glad I did. Like everyone else, I fell in love with Tae-(s)woon and the bubbly Eun-ho, it's just that it took me three episodes to settle in. Despite the shaky start, I think the series got better with each episode. There are still some elements which I find lacklustre, like the teacher trajectory, but on the whole, I find myself enjoying the character interactions and the classroom dynamics. The central plot-point of X is also surprisingly engaging, and I appreciate how they've turned it into more than just your typical "whodunnit" scenario. The idea that X becomes a symbol of power and justice so that it's not longer one person's fight, is pretty damn cool. I don't think any school series will ever match 2013 for me, but as a familiar franchise, I'm thoroughly enjoying this one. The romance front is definitely giving me cavities, but it's also getting rid of the sour taste that school2015 left behind.

Right, what else have I missed!?


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I recommend Save Me


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Circle and Lookout!


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Yes, I've heard great things about Circle - definitely next on my list of things to watch! Thank you for the recommendations, @Ally & @katrina


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Circle. Yes, that's a show that had me on the edge of my seat. Good stuff!


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Comment was deleted


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Currently watching:
- School 2017 - Tae Woon ♥. Daehwi is also good looking haa.
- Law of the Jungle Mongolia
- Return of Superman - Steven Yeun!!
- Running Man

I happened to watch Battleship Island on cinema. So Ji Sub is gorgeous even with all that dirt in his body. The movie is great! Some scenes are stressful haha!


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For now, I'm only watching Strongest Deliveryman.


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I'm in that pathetic crush state that dictates squeals and smiles whenever anyone says anything positive (anything at all) about said crush -Save Me-


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Okay finally finished these:
My shy boss: didn't enjoy it from the beginning, but the ending was really cute.
My secret romance: it's been long I have watched a female lead that is always nervous and dense, but the male lead is hot
Seven days Queen: after crying my whole tears, all I could say is,; it was beautiful, both happiness and sadness were all beautiful.
Still watching manhole ep2
School 2017: its love, it brings back all the school feel make me wanna re-watch sassy go go.
Doctors: park shin hye did a great job, but it wanna makes me rewatch romantic doctor


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I love Hyun Tae-(s)woon, he's such a cutie in love.

I'm very happy about the ending of Father Is Strange.

I also find it funny that in so many dramas with Taecyeon as lead, some unknown/not well known actor steals the show from under his nose - Kim Soo-hyun in Dream High, now Woo Do Hwan here. But then looking at Taec's acting, it's not hard to see why that happens.


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What javabeans said about Criminal Minds: "It has a desensitizing effect, to the point where I get bored watching people murder and torture victims, because all the cases start to feel the same.", is exactly why I stopped watching the original American version.


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This is why I stopped watching American TV.


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Me too!!!


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I think a lot of us are that way. Nearly all American (and most European) shows are all in 1 hour'ish segments, where everything is solved in one or max of two episodes. One of the things I like about most Asian dramas is that the story is a continual path, not chopped up episodes with no relation to the last one.


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How are Manhole watchers still on team Jinsook? How is she getting a pass on withholding Pil's letters from Soojin? And you're giving her a pat on the back for not deleting the confession video? What about leaving the camera on a bench for anyone to take? That's the same as deleting the video--except by making the camera go away.

Jinsook's flashback and the epilogue in ep7 shows that Pil has been taking care of her just as much as she takes care of him. (The subs were wrong in the flashback: it wasn't just a neighborhood old lady collecting paper recycling; it was Jisook's own grandmother and Pil was helping her.)

Soojin has been holding herself back because she knows how Jisook feels abut Pil. Soojin outright said so in the hospital scene, and Soojin's concern over Jisook was again shown at the end of ep8.

So people are taking care of Jisook as much as she takes care of them. Enough already with the victim/martyr/more deserving pedestal.

And while Pil is getting criticized for taking so long to confess his feelings, Jisook has stayed silent about hers. Why is she getting a pass? I just don't get it.


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Someone here that feels like me about these girls!
If you read my comment on ep 7 of Manhole I said pretty much the same. Crazy how people don't understand the level of betrayal of Jin Sook's actions to both Pil and Soo Jin and demand so much from both of them. I also talked about SJ's reasons for not confessing and waiting for Pil. This is such a misunderstood story.


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"Trot Lovers", here!


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Hye-young... <3<3<3.
That's all.


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Right now only reunited worlds and strongest deliveryman. Of course, again, i must say that i like SD the best.
I agree with the beanies that mentioned Reunited worlds is somehow "inmature", like it was written by a child or a teenager. That is not good. ?


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not watching anything at the moment


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Ongoing Dramas:
School 2017 - I love every second of this show! I can't believe it's coming to an end soon. ?
Reunited Worlds - Was watching it casually but the latest episodes got interesting, so now I'm looking forward to upcoming episodes. ?
Living up to your name - I love this drama solely because of Dr. Heo. He is so hilarious. ?
Strongest Deliveryman- I did some catching up and I wondered why I almost dropped this drama.. it's sooo good. ?
Hospital Ship - Started the pilot episodes but still deciding whether I should drop this or not. I have mixed feelings about this. ?

Old dramas:
I Hear Your Voice - Finally able to squeeze this during weekends after putting this off my To Watch list. ?

Binggoo - For the love of Kim Jung Hyun ❤❤❤. My love for him keeps getting stronger because of this short drama. He is sooo adorable indeed!! ?


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