Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Happy weekend, everyone! Team Dramabeans is busily planning for our 10-year anniversary bash, so I made sure to squeeze my drama-watching in early this week. I had to make time for Tomorrow With You though! It’s always nice to be excited by something new, so I’m crossing my fingers for this one. —girlfriday
Tomorrow With You: I enjoyed that the show’s structure started us off right there in that mystery with Lee Je-hoon, of wondering how on earth this relationship ever happened. It’s a clever conceit, to start at zero and skip ahead to sixty, stoking our curiosity as to what exactly happened there in the middle. Shin Mina has been having awesome chemistry with her co-stars in all her recent dramas, and I’m looking forward to watching this romance unfold.
Father, I’ll Take Care of You: After all those weeks of just kind of orbiting each other without interacting much, I much prefer Dong-hee and Sung-joon to be fighting and yelling at each other, because suddenly they seem awake again. I totally wasn’t expecting that twist with the brother reveal, which I’m glad about because it raises all sorts of interesting questions that I hadn’t expected to be asking, like how Hyun-woo is going to approach his revenge now — he started off hell-bent on destruction, then grew conflicted, then was so frustrated he was on the verge of quitting, and then came back to save the day… only to realize that his motivation may no longer be an appropriate motivation if his brother isn’t who he thought he was all along.
Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: I’ve been feeling conflicted over enjoying the backstory and feeling engrossed in Dad’s trajectory and dyyyyying to see Yoon Kyun-sang onscreen, already. Thankfully my wish has been granted and now I won’t have to feel divided anymore. Can’t wait to see Hong Gil-dong take center stage!
Introverted Boss: I’m not sure how much the reworked Episode 5 did to help the show, because while I’d been curious about unni’s backstory, it was strange to ignore the present-day stories for a whole episode. The problem for me is that even though the heroine is making her turnaround and starting to see the hero for who he really is (while everybody else still remains blind to it), and that works on paper, I feel nothing for the character. Honestly, if the show wrote Ro-woon out of the show and carried on with the boss and his quirky staff, I don’t think we’d be missing much, especially since Boss’s growth story is so rich. Yeon Woo-jin is amazing, and makes me think of a male Seo Hyun-jin. Damn, now I want to see Yeon Woo-jin and Seo Hyun-jin in a drama together.
Tomorrow With You: I love the look of this show, and the easy chemistry between the leads. The funny misunderstandings between them are such a fresh source of comedy. How can they have so many conversations where they misread each other so completely? The fact that he’s SO skeptical that he’d marry a woman like her but is always running to her side at a moment’s notice already has me invested in the romance.
Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: If Kim Sang-joong kicked off every drama, I’d be addicted to all of them and run out of hours to sleep. I was so engrossed in Dad’s transformation from a powerless slave to the fearless leader of a band of thieves that I didn’t want the childhood portion to end. But then that glimpse of Yoon Kyun-sang at the very end changed my mind about that very quickly. I can’t wait for grown-up Hong Gil-dong!
Introverted Boss: I see that they tried really hard to explain the backstory and make everyone more sympathetic with the rewrite. But learning more about the sister didn’t actually change how I felt about the heroine, so I was confused about why we spent an hour in flashbacks only to end up in the same exact place where the previous episode had ended. It made me grumpy and I didn’t want to watch Episode 6 after that. I probably will. Maybe later.
Hwarang: I don’t like how they keep using Go Ara as plot-hostage, moving her from one trap to another just to motivate Park Seo-joon to do whatever the story needs. It’s just overly simplistic (and reduces their romance to hero-and-damsel) when there could be so much more complexity to the hero’s motivations, the bromance, and the fake king protecting the real king. I actually enjoy the show when I’m watching it. I just want it to be MORE.
Currently recapping: Voice
Scene Stealer: I’ve been in a bit of a drama slump lately, so this SBS variety-meets-drama show was the perfect thing to keep me entertained without requiring much commitment. The first couple of episodes were a little rough until everyone found their footing, but overall the show gave me lots of laughs (and some tears) as these actors and comedians impressed me with their improv skills. Lee Kyu-han was my favorite due to his fearlessness in throwing his whole body into his role (whether he wanted to or not!), although my favorite guest was Shim Hyung-tak with his struggle to pretend he’s not obsessed with Doraemon. I was sad when it ended at only eight episodes, so I’m hoping that they’ll bring it back for another season (or more!).
New Journey to the West: As a fan of 1N2D since the beginning (and which I still watch!), I’ve appreciated this show because it meant the old crew was back together, but I didn’t love it as much as I felt I ought to. Somehow, though, I’ve become totally hooked on the current season and am impatiently waiting for the next episode. Perhaps it’s because there’s a fun balance of characters (I was wary of Kyuhyun and Mino’s addition at first, especially since it took me a while to warm up to Ahn Jae-hyun, but now I can’t imagine it without them), but really it’s because the games seem more ridiculous and ruthless than ever. The more embarrassing outfits (and wigs!), the better!
Currently recapping: Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People
Introverted Boss: I normally don’t jump into a drama mid-season, but I was intrigued after hearing the news that the production team boldly announced they’d be taking a week off to regroup and rewrite. So I have no knowledge of what happened in episodes 1-4, but I just assumed since they said they’d be going in a completely different direction that episode 5 might be a good place to start. I absolutely love Yeon Woo-jin’s character, perhaps even more so than his in Marriage Not Dating, although his romance/chemistry with the heroine is not as palpable. Also, I was confused as to who the lead female was because it seemed like Han Chae-ah got more screen time than Park Hye-soo. Can we also talk about the music? Personally, I thought some of the sound overlays were slightly jarring because it seemed like they were trying to force me to feel a certain way about a scene, even though I wasn’t getting those emotions from the screen. The disconnect between was off-putting, and I’m pretty sure one of the songs was a recycled one from one of the PD’s other dramas because it sounds so familiar. My grousing may just be me suffering because of my own raised expectations for this drama – I wanted it to be good because of all the quirky interesting promos that lead up to it, that when it’s not like advertised, I get disappointed.
Currently recapping: Defendant
Introverted Boss: Last week’s hiatus gave me a chance to catch up (and gnash my teeth at Ro-woon), so I’d be ready to satisfy my curiosity about how exactly they’d change the direction of the show. The good news is that it’s hard to tell what’s different — this week’s episodes fit seamlessly with the earlier ones, and I appreciated all the new information we got about what happened three years ago. It was a nice change from Ro-woon’s constant vows to exact revenge and Hwan-ki’s guilt and self-loathing, while also providing us with more context for those attitudes. It was both wonderful and heartbreaking to see a happier, more comfortable Hwan-ki and his lovely friendship with Ji-hye, because of course I knew that end was coming. And it was harder to watch than I’d imagined. At first I only saw Ji-hye’s night with Woo-il as an ill-advised one-night stand, but as I sit with episode five and think more about their interactions up to that point, and the way he constantly pressured and coerced her into things, I’m starting to think she did not consent to that encounter. What a scumbag. And how much more infuriating that Woo-il manipulated Hwan-ki into taking the fall for him — especially since the poor guy doesn’t even know what really happened, and is under the mistaken impression that Ji-hye liked that snake when she only had eyes for Hwan-ki. Ah, my heart. On the positive side, Ro-woon and Hwan-ki had some cute interactions at the office MT, even some genuinely funny ones. I’m hoping that Ro-woon soon wakes up to Woo-il’s true nature, and gets away from his slimy, grasping hands. I’d love it if she’d discover her sister’s drawing in his office, because she’s the only one who knows its true meaning, and I think she’ll be the key to exposing what really happened that night.
Chief Kim: After only two episodes, I’m impressed by how well this show balances wacky hijinks with more poignant, realistic beats. I love that we get Namgoong Min on his most entertaining setting, but I also really like how the show approaches corporate machinations. We’ve all seen countless dramas where corrupt CEOs and their minions are screwing the little guy, but usually it just becomes a yawningly repetitive power game between those villains and whatever righteous official is trying to catch them. Here, we not only have a protagonist who is a criminal, he’s actually brought in by the bad guys to clean up their mess. And the most refreshing part of it all is that we get to see the little guys who are getting the short end of the stick, and enter the story from their point of view. I really felt for Nam Sang-mi’s character when she complained to her superior that she just can’t deal anymore with the kind of dirty manipulation of numbers being forced on them by their bosses. I’m interested to see how Chief Kim will shake up this dynamic.
Answer Me 1988: I finally started this show a few days ago, well-armed with my foreknowledge of who gets the girl, and I’m watching it with my mother and grandmother. (We were going to watch Dear My Friends together, but weren’t ready to cry that many tears yet. Baby steps.) So far we’re only one and a half episodes in, because dang those things are long, but we’re loving it. I am totally okay with watching this for the parents; frankly they’re way more interesting than the kids. Deok-sun and her friends are cute, but it’s their relationships with each of their parents that really gets me in the gut, and I also just want to hang out with these ajummas for the foreseeable future.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 4, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 28, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 21, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 14, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 7, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 31, 2016)
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Answer Me 1988, Chief Kim, Hwarang, Introverted Boss, New Journey to the West, Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, Tomorrow With You, What We're Watching
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1 Miky
February 11, 2017 at 12:08 PM
My new obsession is without a doubt Chief Kim,it's an exemple of a drama and comic done right,so witty and funn,just my style...The tag game between Chief Kim and Yool is by far my most favorite part,seeing Yool having those meltdowns is soo hilarious,along with the "Lifesaver" parts...Watching Hwarang as well mainly for Park Seo Joon and how Sunwoo journey will end...The weekend comes with another jem aka Voice and ending it with Tomorrow with You...Keeping a watch on Saimdang but the drama isin't quite for me,more intrested in the present timeline rather than the main focus...Having Introverted Boss on my list but keep delaying it for some reason....Anticipating Strong Women Dong Bong Soon so badly!
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February 11, 2017 at 3:57 PM
I started Chief Kim because I read a lot of hype about NGM and I'm happy to report he's living up the hype. (When I have time, I want to find his previous works, I'm especially curious about his villain roles.) But I was also pleasantly surprised with Junho. Again, first time seeing him act in anything. He's nailing his role as well, and I agree with you that the push-and-pull between his character Seo Yul and Chief Kim is the highlight of this drama for me. They have a special chemistry lol. I'm really curious about what the endgame is for Seo Yul's character. I'm also enjoying most of the supporting characters. Kwangsookie is a delight haha.
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February 12, 2017 at 2:33 AM
Indeed special chemistry btwn seo yul and chief kim?
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2 annyeong
February 11, 2017 at 12:11 PM
been looking forward to introverted boss; i havent watched it yet, is it worth the time?
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rentenmann *SWAG*
February 11, 2017 at 12:18 PM
I looooove Hwan-ki, the male lead in Introverted Boss, I just love him! It's hard to watch what happens to him, but so far, I'm watching this for his character development.
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February 11, 2017 at 2:16 PM
I dropped this show after watching episode 5. So IMO I would say it is not worth it. I know that many people dislike the heroine in this, and I did find her annoying. However ep 5 managed to make me dislike Hwan Ki (the H), with that long flashback to what happened 3 years before, after he stupidly and illogically decides to take the fall for his shady friend (whom he knows is shady). So I would not recommend this drama.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 3:36 PM
You better start it at epi 5, and just skip epi 1-4. You won't miss a thing. I am still following this drama, because I am curious how the characters overcoming ther flaws.
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February 11, 2017 at 4:10 PM
I love it. It's the only drama I'm live watching. And I personally didn't feel a disconnect between ep 1-4 & 5-6.
But many people don't feel connected to the characters which can't make for an enjoyable watch imo.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:49 PM
It is not really disconnected on term of plot imo, but maybe by episode 5, it seems not right to use the whole episode for flashback. On the other hand, i do think if the flashback was on epi 3, maybe that will be better. First 4 episodes are a crucial time to get the viewers invested with the drama and characters, sadly this drama failed on this.
Not to mention, the leading lady character as well as the actress herself has been criticized a lot and this definitely hard to be erased from viewers' mind.
I am still watching because I do feel relatable with this drama and I dont want to look back on the earlier episodes. Park Hye Soo is not a leading material yet, but she is not the first weak actress getting leasing lady when she is still a rookie. We have many example of the similar situations. She is not the worst imo.
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3 rentenmann *SWAG*
February 11, 2017 at 12:16 PM
TWY is beautiful so far. Episode 3 left me with my mouth hanging open at the end. Where is episode 4, dramafever??? I can see this becoming a fast favorite if it keeps up this way. Still watch IB for Hwan-ki. Still watching Hwarang for PYS. Cheif Kim is quite the ride, too!
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February 11, 2017 at 12:35 PM
I am really, really enjoying Tomorrow With You. It's the crack drama I didn't know I was waiting for. Love the way it's shot, and I'm liking the believable chemistry between SMA and LJH. Sigh. After this drama, I'm definitely going to have to watch Signal. Too impatient for subs, so I'm watching it raw!
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February 11, 2017 at 1:56 PM
You will LOVE Signal!
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rentenmann *SWAG*
February 11, 2017 at 6:33 PM
I've been putting off Signal and I really don't know why. It's time!
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4 immawish
February 11, 2017 at 12:19 PM
OKAY I'm not gonna forgive Javabeans rn if Yeon Woojin x Seo Hyunjin never happen.......... Thank you for incepting such a wonderful and torturing idea (or dream) in my mind. So, dramagod, what are those offerings I need to prepare for this to happen?
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 3:40 PM
Javabeans (if I am not mistaken, or maybe it was Heads?) also incepted the idea of pairing between Lee Junki and Seo Hyun Jin ? And now with Yeon Woo Jin. And I remember somebody also incepted the idea of her pairing with Jo Jung Seok. ?
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February 11, 2017 at 4:26 PM
Seo Hyun-jin is just so shippable with every great lead male out there. If she do have a project with Jo Jung-seok in the future, I would need to worry about my computer's life. Their chemistry alone would explode my electronics.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:17 PM
Lets pray that it will really happen. I dont mind any genre, but I prefer romcom the most to see them kissing. Because-we-all-know-how-great-kisser-they-are..
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February 11, 2017 at 3:58 PM
watch his cameo on OHYA to tide you over until the pairing really happens. lol.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:18 PM
Not enough! LOL. But yes recently rewatched the scenes and I really want this pairing.
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5 missjb
February 11, 2017 at 12:29 PM
i'm obsessed with tomorrow with u right now. It's been a while I really want to watch a drama pure because of romance story.
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February 11, 2017 at 4:36 PM
I wanna be Shin Min Ah when i grow up and marry Lee Je Hoon!!!!
yes, I am that obsessed!!
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February 11, 2017 at 9:41 PM
Haha... I like Lee Jee Hoon here, he is so dashing.
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February 12, 2017 at 8:59 PM
This is the first drama of LJH I watch (I know! Don't worry, Signal is in my to-watch-soon list) and I find him soooo cute! Minah is always pretty but is it me or she's too skinny? :( I can see the chemistry I almost want to wish for Minah and Kim Wo Bin to break up in real life (my bad, sorry!).
The story is interesting too but I'm bracing myself for an unpopular ending :(
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February 11, 2017 at 5:48 PM
I'm also watching loving and completely obsessed with Tomorrow With You. I am loving the direction and cinemagraphy of the show and I am so sold on the romance. I really wish their rating would improve because man does this show deserve viewers.
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February 11, 2017 at 6:48 PM
IKR ? The rating keep decreasing, I just don't understand why the viewers don't like it? It's really well written drama so far. Perhaps It's because the story won't make you awake since the tone is so calm and tender. But that's what I like about it.
I'm so scare they will re edit it like they did with Introvert Boss, That would be messy.
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February 12, 2017 at 12:47 PM
Ugh, I hope they don't re-edit it! I think the first episode was sort of messy and dramas really need to give a good first impression. I also think the calm tone has something to do with it. It straddles that weird spot between the two popular romance type dramas - rom-com and romance melodrama.
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February 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM
"Calm" was how I described it after watching the first episode too! But the more I think about it, esp the accident day, the more I feel like it's more like "calm before the storm" lol
I'm sure I read that TWY is fully pre-produced though
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February 11, 2017 at 9:28 PM
I keep also keep thinking why the rating is low when so far you got everything you need to be in a good drama. I blame the marketing noise for it especially the buzz. I think the marketing team do not put enough effort to create the buzz for it. Another possibility is maybe people watching it online. Although its sad, i prefer a good drama even with low ratings which run smoothly than high-ratings drama which story run fluctuate or draggy.
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February 11, 2017 at 6:13 PM
I know! Me and romance dramas DON'T. MIX. The last romantic melodrama I loved like this was The King 2 Hearts, and really nothing has taken it's place since.
There are only 4 episodes and I'm nervous about getting let down later on
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February 11, 2017 at 6:56 PM
All the drama I loved in 2016, the topic is not so much on the romance that intriguing me the most, Despite the drama has romance focus in it. And OHY has explosive chemistry, but it's all about the main character growth for me. But in here, the way they interact, since they first met, It's just make me butterflies. They are so tender to each other It's make me melt. And their dialogue is full of depth.
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rentenmann *SWAG*
February 11, 2017 at 6:36 PM
I just finished episode 4, and I am more than a little scared of what's coming. I wonder if we can make a drinking game out of how many times we see either of the OTP meet Trucks of Doom?
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February 11, 2017 at 6:43 PM
SPoiler: I think the obstacle will come from YSJ that too obsessed with his own future life. God, I really hope A low rating won't make them re edit the story. It's really well written so far.
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February 13, 2017 at 4:54 AM
me too! I used to watch drama only to see the romance...then there were nothing as good as my 'old' fav romance dramas in the recent years so I just tuned into the gripping plot (signal, sfd) or pure comedy (oh my ghostess, Jealousy Incarnate). but I was never obsessed with any romance story until TWY. I feel blessed lol. (downside: it is such a torture to wait the new episodes. I should keep myself busy with other things)
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6 lazielizard
February 11, 2017 at 12:30 PM
Watching Dear My Friends with my mother...and Laica, you will have to get to it someday.. :) it's just so good and I love the conversations I get to have with my mother afterwards. This was the perfect drama to watch with her..she just connects with it so well and so do I, as her daughter. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters..its about all of us and I love it. <3
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February 11, 2017 at 12:31 PM
Watching Defendant and Tomorrow With You. Episode 6 of Defendant was my favorite yet. Loving Shin Min-a's character in Tomorrow With You.
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8 panshel
February 11, 2017 at 12:32 PM
First thirty minutes of Episode 5 -- THIS is what Introverted Boss should've been. A shy boss with a crush on his friend gets helped by his secretary whom he later falls in love with. Hwan Ki and Ji Hye were adorable together. Their chemistry had me shipping him with a dead person. Pity the story went from 0 to 100 real quick. Suicide just turned the whole thing too dark. How guilty is Ro Woon going to feel for crushing on her sister's "killer"? Woo Il is unforgivable. Han Chae Ah should've been the lead, while Park Hye Soo should've been sidelined as the little sister. Now that I've got a glimpse of what could have been, I lament the wasted potential.
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February 11, 2017 at 5:50 PM
I don't watch the show, but from the summary her, I too was shipping the lead with (I sadly found out) the dead sister. That flashback is what this whole show should have been about. My girl Han Chae Ah is such a talented underrated actress. She had a tons of chemistry with Yeo and man...why wasn't this drama that story!?!??
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:40 PM
I thought Han Chae Ah will become big, or at least continue to get lead role after Gaksital. She was fabulous and yes outshined the leading lady.
Maybe she should follow steps of some actors like Nam Goong Min, to play villain in order to refresh her career. I love her, she is a good actress.
I always welcome new faces and talents, but i hope the underrated actors will be given equal chances to shine as well.
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February 11, 2017 at 8:59 PM
I'm still feeling sorry for Han Chae Ah's character in Mirae. Darn than drama is such a disaster!
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9 CatoCat
February 11, 2017 at 12:40 PM
Chief Kim was expected from Shy Boss but viewers got entourage and there is no tomorrow with Shy Boss for me. I'm dropping it now.
Favourite ongoing - Chief Kim > Missing 9 > Innocent > Gore Voice >
Chief Kim - They say he is a fraud then what are they? Accounts+Operations team are indulged in this activity from beginning. They fudge various a/cs to save the higher ups. They are the ones who harm the company.
Introverted Boss - Shrill Voices - noise pollution - Hwan-ki looks the most normal among all of them. Dumped
Missing 9 - Killing others is fun here. This show is better than W - Two worlds. Ignore HUGE no. of illogical things and you can enjoy every minute of it. Death is not the grave danger here. Life and Death both are portrayed quite lightly here
Innocent Defendant - Yuri is now getting out of her Go Ho's mode. Minho is meh. reduce the soap opera and this show becomes pretty interesting.
Voice - Too many of Gore scenes. Hard to digest this kind of negativity.
Rebel - 1st time usage of FF. That little boy gil-dong with puffed cheeks is so cute.
Tomorrow with you Introverted Boss - both are from TVN and this one is Elder Bro. of Shy Boss.
Father I'll Take Care of You - Most interested in Chang-So Ji-Hoon and Mothers Hye Joo and Hye Suk's Story. Elder Brother is in melodramatic Mode now and that 1.5 Meter Sung-Joon is in his own thoughts all day. Dong-Hee's storyline is pretty week too.
Yoo Na's Street - On Episode 37 and half - 8.5 out of 10 - @mary so far mother's story hasn't affect me as much as i had predicted after coming across various comments. I'm still enjoying the show.
One disappoint i have is lack of Chang Man and Yoo Na's scenes. They act more like neighbours and it only Chang Man is putting all efforts into the relationship. I'm not much into Hand-Holding,Looking into each others eyes, kiss, hug or any other kind of physical proximity but still i want something that will give me confidence that there is something to root for in the romantic relationship.
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10 jaderjy
February 11, 2017 at 12:42 PM
Weightlifting Fairy: This drama has my heart! This one just earned a place in my fave list. Thoughtful, well-written characters and a perfect execution of the story, it made me feel everything they were feeling - the tears, the laughter, the embarassment. And so many squeeeee worthy moments that I had to keep pausing the scenes so I can take a moment to hug something and let it out. I loved Joong Hyun and by extension, Nam Joo Hyuk - he was just right for the role. LSK was wonderful, she totally went all-out for her role, she reminds me of how Go Ara did the same in R94. Kudos to the writer for the dialogue too cos they were awesome! Most memorable ones were the "too-faced" convo with Si Ho, delivered with utter disgust and contempt - man how many times did I want to see a heroine actually have a biting retort! And that scene when JH told BJ that how can she expect someone to love her when she's ashamed of herself? Urgh. And what I think is the best kind of love is one that comes from friendship - Joon Hyung was just so sweet! And when he confessed? Gahh, I just melted! So earnest in his emotions and the more heart-warming. For something light on plot, there was nothing fluffy about it. Every mundane action/words were an enhancement to the characters' personalities. I want my own JH too!
This Week My Wife: Because I lingered so much on WFKBJ, I started this a little later than I intended. This show too is one of the best I've ever watched. First thing I noticed was how deft the directing is, so precise and efficient but never sacrificing content. And I can def see what the reviews were saying as to the PD/writer's ingenuity in the juxtaposition of humourous scenes with the angst, which surprisingly doesn't at all negate the angst as we feel what the characters are feeling. It prevents it from going into heavy melodrama territory but still retaining depth. Idk how they do it but it was really an experience watching it. It reminds me of Hwa Shin in JI, but it was deeper. Like when LSK and LSY had the whos-the-most-pitiful drinking session, I had tears cos my heart hurt for them while laughing out loud. But the PD also knows when to focus on the angst when needed. I love the execution in how parallel different scenes were in being exactly apt for HW's predicament, even the netizens comments. The characters were so compelling and were well acted. We see how Hyun Woo reacts and make seemingly bad choices or say the wrong things to SY but still understand where he's coming from. I was also drawn to So Yeon and I was amazed as to how we're not shown her thoughts at first but rather her actions which was effective in making me understand why she did what she did. Not to justify but to understand.The dialogue too isn't afraid to be direct and honest which makes it so realistic. I loved LSK and LSY in this! Esp LSY, so emotional he had enough for both him and Hyun Woo. Plus the reference to Signal and how he just became creepy in an...
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February 11, 2017 at 12:47 PM
- in an instant was awesome. The drama for me did a good job of questioning relationships, a man and esp a woman's role in marriage and society's double standards in a refreshing way.
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February 11, 2017 at 2:10 PM
I saw your list of 10 top dramas and noticed that both new dramas made your list! Awesome. I've been a long time fan of Lee Seon-kyun and he didn't disappoint here either. But LSY found a new fan in me. He is so funny. I just love all his scenes with LSK, and to me their bromance tops all other bromances last year, including the one in DOTS.
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February 11, 2017 at 3:14 PM
Yes they did! ^^
2016 was a good year for great dramas :)
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11 Evelia
February 11, 2017 at 12:56 PM
Missing 9, I like the pacing of the show. Looking forward to who survives.
Need to catch up on Voice and even though I still don't buy how the leads are coming together in Tomorrow With You, I like the chemistry between the leads.
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February 11, 2017 at 1:08 PM
Tomorrow With You:: I don't think the show is not acknowledge about how fast their relationship unfold. It's been stated it's too fast. Even Ma Ron freak out at first. We are still doesn't know fully what is the real intention make him make that decision.
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12 Serpent
February 11, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Missing 9: Man the way the story constantly gives you pieces of the whole truth is crazy in a good way even if its drives you mad. You never know what will happen next. You think things are going the way wich you predicted but suddenly things go the other way around when the truth is relieved or when more survivors enter the scene in the present.
The uninhibited island is not the greatest enemy humans are.
So sad too many people are sleeping on this one TT
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13 yrlvv
February 11, 2017 at 1:32 PM
I heard Introvert Boss is 20 episodes @.@
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14 chingu
February 11, 2017 at 1:53 PM
JUST finished Signal. Um... there's gonna be a second season, right?
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February 11, 2017 at 4:32 PM
It should be. My mind alone is not enough to imagine the epic meeting between Lee Je-hoon and Jo Jin-woong. And the potentially tear-inducing reunion for Kim Hye-soo and her Sunbae. I need those three to get a new adventure together in the same timeline.
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February 11, 2017 at 7:27 PM
Omg, ikr!? With the way it ended, the thought of the three of them reuniting again is something I'd love to see! I HAVE to see it! Can't wait for more news on it.
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15 coolgirl
February 11, 2017 at 1:57 PM
Tomorrow with you: i dismissed it at first because i was afraid that the plot would rely too much on the romance, but then fell miserably because Lee Je Hoon and time travel do that to me.
I like a lot that the show so far is as much about the sci-fi and mystery than the love story and isn't afraid to look dark at times.
Though i don't believe it will explore more those supernatural elements. I expect it to slowly let go of the twists and focus more on the characters and what seems to be the heart of the drama: how a person whose life has been influenced and transformed by tragic and brutal death can move on from grief and guilt and start anew, after being healed by love.
At this point, the time travel is for me just a symbolic representation of the mental blockage that the hero is experiencing after living such a violent trauma/shock. Something that he "created" to escape the unbearable solitude and void of his present and his incapacity to let go while wanting intensely to move on, on an unconscious level.
The best scene of the show was without doubt for me in episode 3 when Lee Je Hoon's character stated to his friend's father in the car that he would never be able to let go of the Namyeong incident. I loved the delivery: it was packed with conflicting feelings (hurt because the wound is still open despite the time passed,, commitment to never forget and despair to not be able to move on) said in the right tone.
I really love those kind of positive stories where people are allowed to change their life, so i pray that the drama will take this road and if so i'll stay even though i'm not completely convinced by the writing and acting.
Lee Je Hoon and Shin Min Ha are nailing their characters and have excellent chemistry. She's especially good at comedy and he's the most credible when he plays intense scenes. They are a perfect duo and i root for them, while not feeling very invested in the rest of the show.
Kudos too the director who is showing a lot of creativity, spoiling us with beautiful and charming scenes.
Voice: I wish that the show would have taken time to develop more the relationship between the heroine and the hero, especially after he saved her life last week, instead of jumping from one story to the other.
They barely talk to each other, and when they do it's only about work. His son has disappeared from the plot and she seems to have no social life. Is it too much to ask that the little bond they develop with difficulty doesn't rely exclusively on the pressure from work?
I still don't get how the heroine got all her informations about the kettleballs killer: where, when and why he met Dong Chul and killed him but i decided to let go of of those plotholes and accept it just like i accept that korean cops can only be incompetent or corrupted
I'm still enjoying Lee Hana's performance and the creepiness of the stories, though i wish women...
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February 11, 2017 at 2:02 PM
could have a bigger role on the resolution of the plot
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February 11, 2017 at 10:05 PM
I agree with you, the show it's not afraid to go dark. Both female and male got enough depth.
They both fed up with the same event that they are supposed to die together in that Namyeong Incident that it makes sense they are developing some connection to each other once they know they saved each other.
The show has stated, there is something human can't change no matter how hard you try, birth and death, so I don't think they will change their fate to die. But there might be something else other than death they can change.
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16 lunatic4KD
February 11, 2017 at 1:59 PM
Heading to the 10th anniversary DramaBeans party in Los Angeles tonight!! Can't wait to see what's up - and then get home to watch the latest episode of Tomorrow with You!! Is this Life imitating Art or Art imitating Life???? Answers coming later tonight!
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February 11, 2017 at 3:51 PM
Omg! It's today!? Wah~ so cool and so jelly! Have fun and can't wait to hear more about it! Hopefully you guys will talk about it on here.
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February 11, 2017 at 4:03 PM
Yay. safe travel to LA. report back soonest. i guess, in this same thread. thanks
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February 11, 2017 at 4:07 PM
Already in K-town and stopped by the venue. I'm debating writing my DB handle on the name tag.
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February 11, 2017 at 5:49 PM
I decided on writing my handle lol
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Flightey Gazelles
February 11, 2017 at 6:46 PM
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February 11, 2017 at 7:28 PM
Good choice! I said aloud, "DO IT!" and thought you should totally do it. Glad you did it! Haha.
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February 11, 2017 at 4:27 PM
Ahh, lucky! Hope y'all have fun and hope to see a recap of it somewhere here!
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February 11, 2017 at 4:41 PM
Awweee Have lots of fun guys which goes without saying! Report back hihihi
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17 giegie
February 11, 2017 at 2:04 PM
Currently watching The Rebel and Saimdang, sadly, I'm moreeee into Rebel's story, and agreed that dad's story was so great! It made me cried like a baby and the cinematography also beautiful ine. Meanwhile Saimdang only made me jealous with LYA's beauty, that's it
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18 Chandler
February 11, 2017 at 2:10 PM
Looks like I'm very in tune with javabeans and girlfriday with this recent round of dramas. Loving Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People and Tomorrow with You. And currently hanging on to Introverted Boss because I love Yeon Woo-jin's character just that much. He totally is the male Seo Hyun-jin, grounding the whole show and refusing to let me go. I would love if they did a drama together. He had such good chemistry with Han Chae-ah too (when will she be the lead?!). Other than that, I rewatched the Princess's Man and was reminded why I loved it so much the first time around. I can't wait for Strong Woman Bong Soon to start!
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19 sweetsour
February 11, 2017 at 2:11 PM
Comment was deleted
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February 11, 2017 at 4:03 PM
Behind Your Smile: YT is cute when he's with LX and he has a bright smile, i think YT mother was too much in this episode it's been 12 years and she still hasn't forgiven him, it's not his fault that his father died.
I am planning on watching King Of Romance when i read that you recommend it on the OT, I read the synopsis today.
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February 11, 2017 at 4:18 PM
Happy watching :)
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20 jenn09
February 11, 2017 at 2:25 PM
So I pretty much had the same thought this week that Yeon Woojin is very similar to Seo Hyunjin for this director in that they are fabulous actors capable of carrying the entire drama. I love Hwan-Ki and am definitely watching for him mostly. In terms of ep 5 (the flashback ep), I enjoyed watching it and thought it was a good direction to head towards ep 6. Next week's episodes look promising so I shall continue to tune in :D
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21 Sunflowerdiva
February 11, 2017 at 2:31 PM
My new favorite show is Chief Kim! It's the one I run to watch every Wednesday and Thursday. Namgoong Min is just wonderful and Junho is really impressive. It's weird and funny and cracktastic.
I'm keeping up with Hwarang, though I'm honestly only in it for the bromance anymore. The main romance I don't care about. It's a messy show, but the eye candy is nice and the boys are doing what they can with the script.
I'm on the fence about continuing past episode 1 of Defendant and Tomorrow with You. Both were good and I love the actors, but I never felt the urge to watch the next episode... Anyone want to share their opinion? I haven't read the recaps or the open thread for fear of spoilers, in case I do decide to pick up these two shows.
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February 12, 2017 at 6:09 AM
I'd say, at least try the first few minutes of episode 2 from Tomorrow With You.
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22 sorrynotsorry
February 11, 2017 at 2:35 PM
Voice: For a cop k-drama, it is good which means it's really just okay. Still have to go to Western tv or J-dramas for my cop fix.
General and I: Back on track and finishes up next week.
Behind Your Smile: It brings the smexy but still too long for the story it wants to tell.
Father I'll Take Care of You: The cousins, their moms and the conflicted "bad" guy. That's what I'm watching for now but it could change week to week.
Checking out Way Way Love after catching Mike He and Rainie Yang in Devil By My Side. I think I'll be sticking with this one....only on episode 3 though.
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23 Needaname
February 11, 2017 at 2:46 PM
Just watching Hwarang right now...Yes it's that kind of show where you can see its flaws but still really enjoy watching. It's like the more I watch the more I see what's wrong with it but the more I still want to watch it. It just keeps growing on you. It's not the best but there is definitely something special about this show that just tugs at your heart. At the end of each episode I am happy and yes want more too, but am not obsessively addicted, so good balance.
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February 11, 2017 at 3:55 PM
Wow the way you feel about hwarang is same with me but i just can't describe it as good as you.
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February 11, 2017 at 6:17 PM
You are not the only one. But my ultimate reason for staying watching is Park Hyung Sik. He is just so good in here, I can't lose those hours of watching him in sageuk. I hope the final 4 episodes will do justice to Sammaekjong.
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February 12, 2017 at 4:56 PM
Me too.Jinheung needs to be King, at the very least. Loved PHS in High Society and I can't wait for his bew drama with PBY.
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24 aurorab
February 11, 2017 at 3:28 PM
I feel like my drama schedule is quite empty these days comepared to what it was a month ago. I used to have at least one new episode to watch each day of the week haha (don't judge). Now I'm only watching Tomorrow With You (which I just started), Introverted Boss and of course The Return of Superman.I watched the first two episodes of Hwarang but wasn't motivated enough to keep up with the newer episodes. Gotta step my game up lol
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25 Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 3:50 PM
When I watched Han Chae Ah cameo in Introverted Boss, I remember how awesome she was in Gaksital. I miss Rara. She should reunite with Joong Won or Park Ki Woong later. I wanr to rewatch Gaksital particularly in Han Chae Ah's scene. She was fabulous in Gaksital. Sad that it is hard for her to gain good roles.
Introverted Boss - the show should better start at epi 5. Some damage already done, so nothing can be done. Hopefully the upcoming episodes will be better and better. I like PaRk Hye Soo and want to continue to like her, so hopefully next time she can do secondary roles first until she gain the confidence and skill to be a leading lady.
Love Chief Kim and Tomorrow With You so much.
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February 11, 2017 at 5:21 PM
Han Chae-ah and Park Ki-woong did reunite together in the movie, "Made in China" in 2015. It's written and produced by Kim Ki-duk. He didn't direct it though. I believe it was Park Ki-woong's last role before he went to military. Not sure how good the movie is, never watched it. I'm not sure if it's region-locked, but it's on Amazon Prime. The raws are also floating around somewhere on the Internet as well, but no subs.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:24 PM
Oh yes I knew about that. But not sure if there is any subbed version. Almost forgot about it, will check it later. I want Han Chae Ah to more actively do drama. Hopefully she will be back soon.
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February 11, 2017 at 10:07 PM
Yes it seems there is no substittle.. so sad
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February 11, 2017 at 6:40 PM
Oh my, Rie a.k.a Lala was quite a sizzle whenever she was with Kangto. I liked the scene where she peeled off his clothes, sadly it was only the jacket sleeve. I had even hoped that Rie would soften Shunji's heart and turn him from the road of destruction. Who knows? They could have been a couple if things didn't end up the way they did.
It was funny though that Behind The Scenes, Joo Won and Park Ki Woong were having more bromance moments than with the ladies, LOL.
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26 hallie
February 11, 2017 at 3:50 PM
What i watched this past week
Hwarang: Still enjoy the show despite its flaws.
Shopping King Louie: Why i am very late recognizing this very cute and sweet show? Hmmm maybe because lately I've been developing chaebol-phobia, especially their conspiracy and politics in company. I thought SKL would be full of that so i stayed away, but i was wrong. I came to watch it after read comment on one of DB articles that it's not like that at all. I'm glad finally i watch it.
Variety show:
New Journey to the West S3 : I like it so much, it's very funny. I haven't watched the 2 seasons before it, maybe I'll watch them sometimes later. Ah back to the season 3, i really like the members, especially the same age bro Kyuhyun and Jaehyun. Their bromance is just so sweet. BTW why they are called "YB hyungdel" by Minho? What YB is mean?
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February 11, 2017 at 5:19 PM
In 2d1n, sometimes they were split into opposing teams such as ob including kang hodong, lee suguen, kim c and yb including eun jiwon, mc mong and lee seunggi. ob means old boys, yb means young boys due to the age group. The episodes of them as ob and yb are hilarious, you can watch it on kbs channel on youtube.
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rentenmann *SWAG*
February 11, 2017 at 8:10 PM
SKL is such a fun ride! Sure, it plays with the audience a bit, but it was great fun for loads of us! I'm trying to get my husband to watch that one with me. It's so fun. And then WLFKBJ followed SKL for airing, and I love both shows to pieces. I think I'll rewatch both...
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27 gadis
February 11, 2017 at 3:58 PM
Hwarang: Dear writer-nim. I don't know why I still stubbornly hold out hope that this drama would do something great. I know it was futile now that we only have 4 eps left. Now, I only hope that you will write a finale that makes sense. Please don't make me regret those 20 hours I've spent with your characters. Sincerely, Dissappointed yet hopeful viewer.
Tomorrow with You: It's melancholic, yet still managed to be heart warming and also a bit funny. Love it.
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28 WishfulToki
February 11, 2017 at 4:03 PM
Hwarang: I promised to drop this and then that cliffhanger ending happened. Dang it.
Chief Kim : I hope dramabeans will be recapping this! It seems to be a lighthearted drama yet there are several layers to our antihero Kim and the arrogant Seo Yul. It's farcical, it's hilarious, it's refreshing. Junho got himself a new fan (of his acting, I don't like kpop).
Rebel: If these four episodes are anything to judge by, this has the makings of a great drama. It is grounded in human characters and interactions that sweep aside cliches. If you like solid sageuks you should check this out. Period.
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February 11, 2017 at 4:40 PM
DB already recapped Chief Kim, though. You can click the tag under In Progress series at the bottom of the page if you were in Dekstop mode.
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February 11, 2017 at 5:00 PM
I haven't seen recaps for episodes 5-6 though? So I was suddently worried it will no longer be recapped. Maybe I'm being too impatient lol
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February 13, 2017 at 12:19 AM
Agree with you about Hwarang and Rebel. I actually think Rebel is more than just a "solid" sageuk (I can't seem to get through too many sageuks, even the ones people love) in that it is faster paced and there's a sense of adventure going on. OST is great and wow the actor who played Ah Mo Gae the dad is terrific. I think he's the same actor who played City Hunter's dad and he was great in that too. Rebel is the only show right now that I can't wait to see from week to week. Although I for one am also enjoying Introverted Boss. I don't mind the girl at all so that probably explains it.
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29 Anabella
February 11, 2017 at 4:09 PM
The only K-Drama that I'm watching is "Tomorrow with you" but for me is J-Dramas that are capturing my attention. After a long Hiatus "6 years" of leaving J-Dramas because they became outdated for my taste they are Back and Stronger than ever. In-fact they are the source of my Current "Crack Drama Obsession"!!!
If you want to Jump into the Awesome "Crack Drama Obsession" Train with me I recommend watching following Titles:
1. "Totsuzen Desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu"/
Even Though It's Sudden, We're Getting Married Tomorrow
2. "Tokyo Tarareba Musume" / Tokyo "What If" Woman
3. "From Five to Nine"
4. "Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu" / We Married as a Job
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February 11, 2017 at 7:17 PM
Ohhhh I agree J Drama's are starting to kick off lately, and you've mentioned the best ones so far. I might check out What if, while waiting for new episodes of "Even though it's Sudden". My only worry is that most of them start off really well, but fizzle out towards the end.
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February 13, 2017 at 5:06 AM
Where do you watch raw? All the usual sites are too slow in uploading the new episodes.. even raw gets uploaded after weeks. Currently i can't find tokyo tarareba anywhere
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30 Grapes
February 11, 2017 at 4:23 PM
Chief Kim: is an entertaining show i love everything about it the writing is brilliant and the dialogues are perfect.
I love it whenever NGM and Yul are in one scene, also I started to like the female lead she has strong character.
Voice: love it despite the plot holes.
Father I'll take care of You: i still don't like Jeong Eun character despite that they toned her down a bit but still she's childish. Her mom meeting the possible father was funny.
Introverted Boss: i HATE WI never hated a second male lead this much, WR still not convincing as the love interest, i wish it had been the secretary.
Defendat: my favorite show i love JS, can't wait for him to run out of prison.
Missing 9: it's getting better i am impressed with choi tae joon's brilliant acting.
Tomorrow with you: i like LJH here more than Signal.
Starry Night, Starry Sea: starting on this Chinese drama about a merman the plot is good but the female lead is acting silly.
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31 anon
February 11, 2017 at 4:48 PM
I'm still not watching any drama...YES!! I have more free time now but I'm now digging some old and new gong yoo's movies and repeat watching my favorite goblin scenes
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32 Greenfields
February 11, 2017 at 4:49 PM
Only Chief Kim and Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People for me.
Defendant is great, but not the kind of show I can pick up whenever it's out, regardless of my mood. I've put it n hold for when I feel like watching a good mystery.
I've dropped Missing 9 and Saimdang as I just couldn't sustain the excitement through the week. Maybe if I want to binge watch? I'm more interested in the present storyline in Saimdang.
I also dropped Hwarang and Introverted Boss for the lack of quality.
Tomorrow with you, undecided.
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33 zaradeamor143
February 11, 2017 at 4:54 PM
Voice: i love this drama so much, and i dont get why this drama has a lower ratings.
Defendant: This is the must drama i should watch on Mon-Tue. i'll be regret if i missed it LOL
Missing 9: Even CTJ's charactor as an annoying psychopath, he successfully brightener up his character for SM's drama. lol
Tomorrow with you: It so sad that LJH drama this time not getting any hit, as the drama getting a lower rating compare to his previous drama, Signal. what a pity.
Hwarang: 4 more episodes to go, If Sunwoo endup be the king, the drama gonna be tragic af.
Lastly bout Cheif Kim, i dont find its interesting at all, boring af... i dropped it after ep1 LOL
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February 12, 2017 at 1:34 AM
Voice has high ratings for a cable tv thriller. It's very popular is South Korea.
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34 Krisspa
February 11, 2017 at 5:24 PM
running man cos im a fan since it started, 7012!
New journey to the west- 2d1n fan
Innocent defendent - jisung acting is top notch, the drama is really thrilling, cant wait to know what happens next.
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35 Trina
February 11, 2017 at 5:32 PM
Watching: General and I, 10 Miles Peach Blossom. (Dramafever, why are you so slow in episodes.)
I will start watching Chief Kim tonight to see if I like it. Pass Missing 9 and dropped TWY. I might watch Voice and Defendant later. I will wait until they finished all episodes so I can marathon it.
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February 12, 2017 at 6:28 AM
I think it is the licensing agreement...they have to delay it. That is what someone posted on DF so grain of salt and all that.
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36 witheachnewmorning
February 11, 2017 at 5:39 PM
watching missing 9 (defendant too but im a little behind on the episodes) rn and it's so captivating/appropriately frustrating, it really highlights how scary humans can be (ok just one human tbh) in comparison to normally scary natural situations i.e tidal waves and deserted islands, really sad to watch at times but im waiting for the baddie to get his comeuppance (he has to!!!!)
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37 Flightey Gazelles
February 11, 2017 at 6:03 PM
Let's Fight, Ghost:
Can Kim So Hyun get any cuter? This is my first time watching her and now I get the hype. There's this bratty unseriousness that her voice takes when she's being genuinely sad that STILL touches my heart because I can tell she's doing it on purpose and that the tears will be aflowing when she finally let's it go. They are the definition of Endless Bickering. They just bicker and bicker but I love it cause she lacks the ability to stay angry at him for too long. The end of episode 8 had me so smiley.
Mirror Of The Witch: 4 eps in
Wow, that tiger was amazing. The Screechy Shadow From Hell will always be frightful, scary effective.
My first Kim Sae Ron( and Yoon Shi Yoon) viewing. She has that pouty baby face that at emotional scenes I just expect myself to just be uttering "per for the course" under my breath... until she opens her mouth to speak. She has GREAT vocal intonation. Her face could be frozen in mud and the emotions will still be conveyed as long as she speaks. I always think I won't be moved but then she speaks and I feel her terror, her sadness and longing. She should keep her voice, its an asset. That blonde guy in American series, Quantico should come to her for classes, bless his heart!
I Hear Your Voice:
Having previously seen Lee Bo Young( and loving her badass self) in GG:14 days, I couldn't imaging her in a romcom. She's so airy with her nonchalant attitude her prideful and bitchyness, I love her practical honesty. She's so jaded, she cuts right to the chase.
Yoo Sang Hyun reminds me of Nam Jung Gi but he's more naive( but self aware), hopelessly optimistic and his so dorky, I love it when they team up. I'm also loving the small moments when she crushes on him. He's so good and positive, plus smart, I don't blame her
This is my first Lee Jun Seok outing too. Hmmmmn, those pouty lips *ponders seriously*. I thought Ji Soo had a crushing puppy dog face in the hopeless noona-love department, ashay, I hadn't seen Lee Jun Seok. Wow, he has an absolutely beautiful smile, caught a glimpse of it WFKBJ stills but I have it here in all its glory..Gets me every time!
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February 11, 2017 at 6:15 PM
I loved "I Hear Your Voice". The music is very nice too, I still have them in my car. I don't think Lee Jun Seok is versatile actor but he sure can be darn charming and cute. Especially when he smiles.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:32 PM
Lee Bo Young was the main reason I loved I Hear Your Voice. Cannot wait for her comeback this year.
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Flightey Gazelles
February 11, 2017 at 6:54 PM
continued...I Hear Your Voice
I had seen Dream High and I've decided I like Writer Park Hye Run.
Am only 4 and half ep in, love not knowing where or how the lovelines will be headed. Could go either way and I'll be contented because, wow happy feeling, the assurance of character development.
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February 11, 2017 at 10:33 PM
I Hear Your Voice is my top favorite drama till now, no drama can take over that spot yet. I love the story so much. The plot pace is perfect that made me verry addicted. The hero and the heroine have equal strength as a character that isn't overshadowed by each other. Suha's crush on Hyesung is so cute. I can't count how many times I watch IHYV, but it's definitely the drama I most re-watched and I still will re-watch it someday for sure.
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February 12, 2017 at 12:28 PM
Thanks for bringing up Let's Fight, Ghost! Need to move it up on my list. I've always know KSH to be a good actress. Then in Goblin, she wowed me. And now your description has me even more interested.
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38 Lin
February 11, 2017 at 6:10 PM
Tomorrow With You: This is my new drama crack. I would not describe it as a rom-com at all (though it does have its moments of funny and episodes 3 and 4 had moments of cracking me up). I would describe it as a melancholy romance that still has lightness and bright spots to it. I am loving what both Lee Je Hoon and Shin Min Ah are bring to their roles and truly adore their characters and chemistry. I am so invested in the romance as well as the time travel. The cinematography and OST are on point. Please drama gods let the rating improve because boy do I think this show deserves it.
Solomon's Perjury: Why didn't anyone tell me this drama was so good. I love it to bits and pieces. I adore every single one of those kids and want nothing more than for them to finish the trial, find the truth, and remain a group of Scooby Doo musketeers group of friends and BFFs forever. As much as everyone of those kids are my bb, I am in love with Seo Yeon and Joon Young. My heart bleeds so my much for bb Joon Young who needs all the love and protection from that god awful mother. I need these kids to unveil the truth and bring down Kyung Moon (I swear Cho Jae Hyun is the best at playing villains).
The Shinning Eun Soo, Love is Drop by Drop, and I'm Sorry Nam Kang Joon. I am daily drama trash. I live for the frustrating over the top drama and mess.
I plan to start Rebel and Defendant.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 11, 2017 at 6:29 PM
"I am daily drama trash. I live for the frustrating over the top drama and mess."
LOL same. Even though i am not following each episode religiously. Add me one more, weekend drama trash. Sometimes because the story is so predictable, i can watch without so much worry or expectation on anything. lol.
Btw, the last daily drama that I really followed each episodes was Heaven's Promise. The current daily drama that I am loving is Love is Drop by Drop (love Wang Ji Hye so much in this drama).
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February 11, 2017 at 7:56 PM
So glad that you found Solomon's Perjury and love it that much. That was definitely one underrated gem this year. Happy watching. You won't regret it. :-)
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February 11, 2017 at 8:01 PM
Oh trust me, Solomon's Perjury has made it to my top 10 ;) and JiHoon/SeoWoo/Joonyoung will forever be cuddled in my heart lolll
That last scene still bring tears to my eyes
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February 11, 2017 at 8:48 PM
I love everything about Tomorrow With You. It's such a beautiful drama, I'm sad the ratings are decreasing.
Episode 4 was funny, bittersweet and so romantic. I can listen to LJH's voice all day long.
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February 11, 2017 at 11:42 PM
Sadly the rating dived so bad. It didn't even reach 2% at the last epi, CMIIW.
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39 ET
February 11, 2017 at 6:29 PM
Am I the only one who can't get into Chief Kim? I thoroughly enjoyed Nam Goong Min in Beautiful Gong Shim so I don't quite understand my problem with this one. I even tried reading recaps to overcome the inertia because I just couldn't finish the first episode.
On the other hand, I was totally swept away by Rebel. Truth be told, I thought this was going to be a disappointment when I saw the trailers and stills. Maybe these days, the opposite is true. Remember Moon Lovers and Introverted Boss? I was so excited by the pre show stuff and so disappointed thereafter. I don't always like Kim Sang Joong, like I disliked him in Bad Guys but gosh, I just love him in this one! I don't watch saeguks much and I find the music here very interesting. It's got a folksy beat to it, very appropriate for the show. Sometimes saeguks have the best Osts and then there are those who can't get it right most of the time, like Moon Lovers.
I just started Defendant but it is not an easy watch. I kept switching screen because I was on the edge, fearful for the protagonist. I always have this problem watching shows of injustice. Hopefully, Ji Sung's character get some light soon otherwise it will be too painful to watch.
Missing Nine is still intriguing me. Whatever plotholes have flown over my head, I am just curious to find out what exactly happened.
Going to watch Voice now :D
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Flightey Gazelles
February 11, 2017 at 6:43 PM
With shows like Chief Kim, I have found that it has more to do with taste or your mood...or even current headspace. Don't force yourself. Give it time, maybe one day, you'll stumble upon it and have an absolutely wild time wondering what was wrong with you before... or you may not. Its fine, still plenty of fun in other places like Rebel!
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February 12, 2017 at 12:25 PM
I feel like Chief Kim has a very quirky style that doesn't feel completely grounded in reality, so it may be hard to connect with. It's strange and surreal. I don't so much connect with the characters but enjoy watching them and admiring all the unique touches.
I actually didn't get into it until the second episode was ending. I was expecting a more grounded style and didn't get into the rhythm until later on. Chief Kim isn't a guy who just happens to do odd, funny things. Odd, funny situations seem to follow him around.
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February 11, 2017 at 8:08 PM
You're not alone. I tried to get into it, but it reminds me soo much (too much) of Gong Shim (which for one reason or another I never finished). NGM has the habbit of type casting himself in whatever role that has brought him attention. It feels like I am watching the same character and it is the same actor so I just can't get into it (some things feel way too hijinks and just *side eye this ish would never pass in real life and is too much for even a drama* for me. I tried to force myself through episode 1, thrice and have now just given up.
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February 11, 2017 at 8:55 PM
Does he? I didn't know that but I totally felt like I was seeing Ahn Dan Tae when NGM appeared in ep 1. It irked me a little but I was game because I really have a low bar when it comes to entertainment and comedy. As long as it makes me laugh and it's enjoyable, I can take a lot of things.
I only checked this out because it's number one in the time slot. I reasoned that it must be at least an entertaining watch so I really didn't expect not to get it.
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 12, 2017 at 1:51 AM
I dont know if he is really has the same habit for each role he has acted since I just started to pay attention with him during Girl Who Sees Smell. But yes some may dislike his way of acting in romcom, tbh I dont think i find both AhDanTe in BG as well as Chief Kim is similar person. I think his approach is something unique and make him different from other actor. Just like some viewers dislike Jang Hyuk and his overacting but I love him. I rather see actors have their own habit in acting as long as it works for me, rather than the bland ones and just show us their handsome or beautiful faces only.
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February 12, 2017 at 6:50 AM
Interesting that I also thought of Jang Hyuk. He's like marmite, you either love him or hate him. (I love him.)
NGM has never played the same type of character for me. I was terrified of him in Girl who Sees Smells. Then I could not believe his transformation into wacky and innocent Ahn Dan Tae. Then came Doctors Crush, where the best thing was NGM's cameo that made all our hearts bleed. Now he's showing his wacky side again, but this time I see it as a facade hiding his disenchantment with the world. He's streetwise and super witty, unlike Ahn Dan Tae.
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40 lostmysanity
February 11, 2017 at 6:39 PM
Was happy to see variety shows mentioned hehe and out of the currently airing ones, my favourite New Journey to the West :)
Currently airing ones that I watch: 1N2D, NJTTW, Knowing Brother and WGM
1N2D most recent episode was a little less funny (maybe because the event weren't that interesting, maybe the PD and writers should step up a bit with the planning?) but I still stick by it out of loyalty for the cast (JJY is back yay), though honestly I miss Yoo PD :(
Knowing Brother's enjoyment fluctuates at times depending on the chemistry between the guest and the cast, but with the cast around I can always count on having hilarious moments even if the guests aren't that interesting :) Which is why I stick around the watch it every week heh
Out of all NJTTW really stole my heart :) Started it out of curiosity since 2 Knowing Brother's cast are inside and I knew Kyuhyun and heard the original 1N2D cast were hilarious and definitely was not disappointed. Really became a fan of Na PD's work after this and after watching the first few episodes (Even the special prologue episode) I went on to watch the first 2 seasons of NJTTW and looked around other Na PD's works too
The current cast is amazing, the games are hilarious, and Na PD makes everything 200% more funny I'm glad there's such a gem and saddened that it's only once a week (I NEED MORE)
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41 lindl
February 11, 2017 at 6:40 PM
"Tomorrow With You" is absolute crack. I did not expect to be so hooked. I couldn't finish "Signal" but always liked Lee Je-hoon. To see him play an actual romantic lead, in such a romantic show, is killing me.
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February 11, 2017 at 8:48 PM
I agree with you about "Signal", it is so hyped here and I tried to watch it, but I couldn't really get into it and ended up dropping it. However I am completely into "Tomorrow With You", and while it is not addictive status for me yet, I give it props for the daring twist of having the H/h get married so early in the show. I also am seeing good chemistry between SMA and LJH especially in ep 4, which is something I didn't expect (since initially I felt that the male lead was a bit miscast). I am hoping for the best with this show.
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February 11, 2017 at 9:12 PM
I can see why some people call Tomorrow with You at times boring and others not get hooked yet., It's doesn't have event or plot that make you awake or feel addict. It's not a plot driven drama. But the story is well though out and full of depth. Every dialogue is full of meaning and seems led to a strong message. Didn't expect it from the writers who write dream High 2 LOL
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Sera The Ms Temper
February 12, 2017 at 1:53 AM
Why did you think Lee Jee Hoon was miscast at the first place? Interesting to know.
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February 12, 2017 at 6:21 AM
I'm surprised to hear that too since LJH has a warm aura that fits the character/story/tone, but I guess some of these things are not obvious until they're seen combined together in action.
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42 matcha and the beer
February 12, 2017 at 12:15 AM
Watching some episode of
-weighlifting fairy
But still haven't any desire to finish it
And watched
-Lie to me (reminiscing those old days, but kang jihwan cuter in monster)
-drinking solo (i didnt expect that it was so fun!)
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43 Mimosa
February 12, 2017 at 1:43 AM
I have tried Voice and Weightlifting for 2 eps, but decided not to continue, maybe will come back later. I have to choose only 2 dramas to watch, and that are:
Rebel-Hong Gil Dong, 4 eps and i already love this show, the back story was so good. Actually, I'm here because of Yoon kyung Sang, but I really don't mind if they extend the back story.. Kim Sang Joon nailed it, and that little Gil Dong was so cute.
Tomorrow With You, I was a little bit confused about the time traveling thing at the beginning, but after ep 4, I can catch up with the story. I Agree that Shin Min Ah always has a great chemistry with her co-star. Can't wait for the next episodes..
Other Dramas in my plan to watch are: Six Flying Dragon and Signal, I really should make time for this...
Want to check Defendant, Chef Kim, and Missing Nine, but not sure when I be able to do that.
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44 hanadulset
February 12, 2017 at 2:28 AM
eeeeep yesung in the thumbnail!!!
sorry cant help it! cloud/elf here. :)
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45 korfan
February 12, 2017 at 4:34 AM
Add me to the list of new fans of Junho!
Currently watching Chief Kim and I keep on being impressed with Junho's performance.
On a different note, hope everyone had fun at the Anniversary Bash!!
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February 12, 2017 at 7:21 PM
Junho has really impressed a lot with his acting. I am a fan of his as a singer/idol though I was a bit anxious when I first saw him in the teasers. Will marathon watch Chief Kim when it's all done.
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46 Shari
February 12, 2017 at 9:11 AM
Enjoying Chief Kim, Tomorrow with You, Saimdang and Defendant. I think I listed them in reverse order of how much I like them. I dropped Hwarang and Missing You. Seems like I'm leaning more towards stories with more mature characters. It's too bad Dramabeans isn't recapping Saimdang but I guess they can't do them all.
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47 ar
February 12, 2017 at 12:06 PM
Chief Kim - LOL funny. My feel-good drama of the week.
Tomorrow with you - heart-stirring romance.
Hwarang - just a lot of fun. Hoping for more fight scenes. Wish there was a good way to track fight scene choreographers from drama to drama.
Introverted Boss - watched it while doing other stuff and while my mom was watching it. Wish I can like it, but I just don't.
Father I'll Take Care of You - took a break from it. It was fun when I binged the first 15 episodes. Actually one of the few who loved the Jung Eun and Hyun Woo couple. But watching it by its real airing schedule is difficult.
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48 inna
February 12, 2017 at 6:07 PM
Damn it!!!
Thank's to javabeans... Now I wish to see the pairing of Yeon Woo-jin and Seo Hyun-jin, too. And, bring forward E-Hottie-Ric Mun in between them.
That's art of Rom-Com^.^
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February 12, 2017 at 7:46 PM
I love all three actors you mentioned, but to see Yeon Woo Jin and Eric fighting for Seo Hyun Jin won't be good for me. I won't be able to choose which pair to root for. This is crisis, my brain might crash.
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49 wakimary
February 12, 2017 at 7:19 PM
Hwarang : still hanging in here all because I totally love PHS. Can he please be the King in the end? Gave up on the bromance storyline and the others taking off now with only 4 episodes left. IMO, these had so much potential with the back stories of the 6 main Hwarangs, but sadly that wasn't the case.
*My week is too empty. Mid 2016, I had 1 drama 7 days of the week. Still in drama slump, still on the fence about Introverted Boss and Tomorrow with You.
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50 transient
February 12, 2017 at 7:42 PM
Damn, now I want to see Yeon Woo-jin and Seo Hyun-jin in a drama together.
I want this for christmas, please. I'll be a good girl.
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