Beanie level: Jang Geu-rae

Done with Lee Joon Ik’s 2006 film, “Radio Star.” Very feel-good type of movie about a washed up rock star and his manager of 20 years. Nothing new in story but acting and directing elevates it.


    Ahn Sung-ki <3. Over 100 films and still going strong.
    It's too bad I'm boycotting Kim Ki-duk or I would be watching "The Time of Humans."


Watched the animated film, “The Fake” by Yeon Sang Ho (Train to Busan) last night. A bleak story about an abusive man discovering a plot by religious leaders to scam a village. Very dark stuff.


    Interesting! I hope Yeon is not going to abandon animation films. Have you seen “Seoul Station?”
    His next film “Psychokinesis” a comedy (surprise) has a star studded cast. Can’t wait.


      I haven’t watched “Seoul Station” yet. I have it ready to watch someday though. I’ve read it’s very much like his other animated works meaning nihilistically dark and unforgiving with highly flawed anti-heroes.

      I hope he gets to keep making animated films as well. He has a distinct style that’s different from most and his films could use the larger budget. However, Korean animated films with a few exceptions, have never done well in Korea.

      I’m interested in what kind of film “Psychokinesis” will be. He only directed “Train to Busan,” he didn’t write it. However, he wrote the script for “Psychokinesis.” I’m curious if it will retain the edge of his animated film scripts or not.


Finished “Plum Blossom” a couple days ago. A coming-of-age film about two men and their complicated relationships with women. It’s alright, gets too melodramatic at the end. For mature audiences only.


    man,i watch certain mature scenes of this drama on youtube and it took time accepting kim raewon stuff after that. same with song ji hyo-jo insung famous movie 😂😂😂


Watched “Ari Ari the Korean Cinema” last night. A documentary about the history of the Korean film industry and the changing environment. Some interesting stories about female directors and actresses.


    It sounds really interesting ! I will watch it when I have time 🙂


Finished “My Name is Kim Sam Soon” a couple of days ago. One of the classics I didn’t watch until now. Not bad although I had some issues with the second half. Kim Sun Ah was lovely though.


Finished the 2004 film, “R-Point” last night. A psychological horror movie set during the Vietnam War. Not too scary but very atmospheric. Not a perfect film but a good effort for Korean horror.


    I think R rated back in the early 2000 is like today’s PG 13.
    That goes for “The Host” too. I saw R Rated and I thought I’d be scared out of my mind but that was not the case at all.

    Did you hear about Lee Chang-dong’s BURNING? I’m excited that it’s back on track.


      Yeah, “R-Point” wasn’t really scary nor was it gory except for the ending, but it had some great shots and had a creepy atmosphere to mess with the audience. I didn’t think “The Host” was scary either, mostly because it had a mix of genres like dark comedy to lighten things up like most Bong Joon Ho’s films and shorts.

      I did hear about Lee Chang Dong’s new film. I read the delays were caused by copyright issues so I’m glad it’s been settled. It’s been 7 years since Poetry so I’m excited to see what he has prepared and I hope the cast brings their A-game.


Completed a Korean animated film, “The King of Pigs” by Yeon Sang Ho (Train to Busan director) several days ago. Very dark and cynical tale about school bullying. Perhaps too cynical for its own good.


    Was it odd watching after being in KDrama land of live-action?


      This wasn’t the first Korean animated film I watched, that would be “Leafie, a Hen into the Wild,” so I wasn’t too odd for me. However, the animation style of this one was quite ugly due to the low budget it had and its subject matter so it wasn’t the easiest film to watch. At least compared to the visuals of Japanese anime.


Finally got around to watching “Age of Youth.” Binged it in a week to prepare for season 2. Very good drama as expected from Park Yeon Seon. Wish I had watched it sooner.


Finished the 2006 drama, “Golden Apple” a week ago. Written by Kim Woon Kyung (Yoo Na’s Street writer). Very solid drama. Acting could have been better, but the writing was good.


    Is it really good? I enjoyed Yoona’s Street a lot. Does it have the same feel?


      I haven’t watched Yoo Na’s Street yet so I can’t say. However, this one is a bit of a slice of life dealing with a family and their friends in the 1960’s-1980’s Korea. The characters feel very real and it doesn’t center on chaebols, just ordinary people trying to make a living. Also deals with class divide issues. The writer is known for creating characters like this. It does have a strong female lead standing up for her siblings and taking care of them while having her own flaws. There is romance, but it’s told in a very bittersweet way.

      Overall, I thought it was good but like I said, the acting could be better. Female lead is fine, but the actors playing her siblings are pretty green. It’s one of the earliest works of Kim JI Hoon and Ji Hyun Woo so their inexperience shows. The writing covers for them most of the time though since they’re well drawn out characters. It’s 30 episodes (8 episodes of childhood sections) so it’s a little shorter than Yoo Na’s Street. It was worth a watch in my opinion. I apologize for the long-winded reply.


        Thank you! I really appreciate your reply. I’m interested and will put it on my to watch list. Yoona’s Street has a similar feel. Strong heroine and a drama more focused on daily lives of people. I don’t mind the episodes. Yoona’s Street actually had 50 so 30 shouldn’t be so bad. Thanks again!


Watched a Korean animated movie, “Padak.” About fishes trying to escape a restaurant. A bit of a mix of Watership Down, Finding Nemo and Pink Floyd The Wall. Bought it on sale on Steam for $1.74.


Watched Kim Jee Woon’s “One Perfect Day,” a short film he did. It’s his first foray in rom-com. Nothing too groundbreaking, but he adds his signature touches making it worth a watch. It’s on YouTube.


Just finished Yoon Jong Chan’s 2009 film, “I Am Happy.” Story about mental illness and suffering. It was okay. Hyun Bin was definitely trying to expand his acting range around this time, he did fine.


Finished Im Kwon Taek’s 1994 film, “The Taebaek Mountains.” Adapted from a 10 volume book series by Jo Jung Rae. It was good, but suffered by packing so much into a single movie.


    The book is on the “1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die”-list… but it’s never been translated into English lol. I remember, way before getting so addicted to Kdramas, reading a discussion on Goodreads about not wanting to learn Korean just to be able to read it. And I thought “guess I’ll never get to read that book, cause I’ll probably never learn that language either”. And look at me now, understanding bits and pieces and dreaming about taking a Korean language course haha 😂

    (Sorry for the randomness, was just reminded of it by your post hehe)


      Don’t be sorry, it wasn’t random at all. I’m not much of a book reader, but it’s too bad a lot of Korean literature is left untranslated. I know there are several Korean books translated to English like “Three Generations,” “Our Twisted Hero,” “The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong,” and a couple more, but like you said, this book series is untranslated. It’s the multi-volume epics like “Land,” “Eyes of Dawn,” and this one that aren’t translated which is a shame since I hear they are fantastic and a must-read for Koreans.


        Glad you didn’t find it too random hehe ^^
        Yeah, finding translated Korean classics is not easy, nor even more modern books, so I haven’t had a chance to read any yet. I did however find a translation of Hong Gil Dong, but I don’t think the translation happened until a couple of years ago, despite how much of a cornerstone it is in Korean folklore.


Han Suk Kyu in 1997 film, “Green Fish.” Lee Chang Dong’s directorial debut. Fantastic acting. Probably my favorite acting performance from him. This is the famous “phone booth” scene from the film.


    Han Suk Kyu and anything Lee Chang Dong is worth watching!


Finished the 1960 film, “The Housemaid” by Kim Ki Young. Considered one of the best K-films, influenced Park Chan Wook and Bong Joon Ho. Great thriller about a femme fatale. Ahn Sung Ki plays the son.


Completed Jung Ji Young’s 1990 film, “North Korean Partisan in South Korea.” A Korean war film from the North’s perspective. Fantastic film if a bit exhausting. Watched it on the Korean Film Archive.


Finished the 1993 film, “To the Starry Island” a week ago. This was the last of director Lee Chang Dong’s films I needed to watch. He wrote the screenplay. Quality film as expected.


    Thank you for sharing! I’m still watching North Korean sageuk films from probably my grandparents generations lol. Very old but more interesting than the ones that are currently out.
