Beanie level: Water maid

I heard that there’s Camp Won and Camp Rin. Pray, which camp should I be in? I ship for San to end up with Won as much as I ship her with Rin. I will still be sad if San end up with either Won or Rin, because that would mean either Rin will end up without the only love of his life or Won will end up lonely.

I’m torn.


Every time I see Won, I can’t help but think how much Jang Gu Rae’s hard work had paid off. Look at him, he was an intern back then, but now he’s the crown prince. That is one big career advancement.

We should all make an example out of Jang Gu Rae.


    They said I could be anything. So I became the crown prince! Lol he took motivation and ambition to a whole new level.


    How do we know that Jang Gu-Rae wasn’t Won in a past life and ended up where he is now in this life? Sunny was crown princess and she’s a chicken shop owner now. #goblinalloveragain


      Oh no, Won must’ve killed his general on his way to grab the throne! It could be the commander that he demoted in order to get the commander’s tag to mobilize the army for the coup.


The only thing good about Bride of Water God is Im Ju Hwan (and the cinematography). Everything else is just meh.
As for the plot, it feels like the writer forgot about it, which is very disappointing because I have high expectation from Misaeng’s writer. The plot is shallow, simple, disjointed and has too many fillers.

Characterization is severely disappointing, all the characters in the drama are completely different from the manga. It feels as if the only thing that is the same in the manhwa and the drama is the title, everthing else is different. This bring me to the question, why would they want to make an adaptation if they are going to change 99% of the source material? I would be forgiving if they ended up giving us a drama that is better than the manhwa, but this is not the case here. The manhwa dragged and is full of noble-idiots, but its setting is interesting, and well, despite being a great noble idiot, the manhwa Habaek was interesting as a character. But in the drama, everything goes downhill, the powerless Habaek is so ordinary and NJH’s lack of acting capabilities could not even help that.

I ended up watching to the end for Im Ju Hwan’s great acting, and fast forwarded all scenes except the scenes that has him, his secretary and So Ah’s assistant. Can we have a spin off with Im Ju Hwan’s Hoo Ye as the lead character? Of any drama with Im Ju Hwan as the lead?


The King Loves is good, very good. Siwan stole every scene and the cinematography was really pretty, especially the San’s family murder scenes. Who’s the kid acting as young Rin? He’s a natural. I’m off to stalk investigate him.


I saw other people posting long posts for their Fan Wall, but mine are restricted to only 200 characters each. Am I the only one with this problem?


    All you have to do is type the message out on another platform, then copy and paste it here. That’s how you beat the 200 word limit.


      Oh I see. Thank you for the tip!


      Sadly, that still did not work for me. Ah well. Not that big a deal to continue on in the comments.


        Do you use Ctrl+V? Try copying from a notepad, then right clicking and pasting. Ctrl+V used to work for me, then it stopped working, but right click still works. Also make sure you haven’t typed anything in the text box, not even a space!


          I did use Ctrl V. I’ll try right click. Thanks!


          Tried it today, and it worked! Yay! No more following the speed limit!


I think these days I watch more saguek than present-day dramas. I used to avoid sageuk like plague, but recently I even watched the 50++ episodes of Empress Ki. Should I rejoice or worry?


    I’m the same. Strangely, I feel more pull from sageuk. Most of the time, they’re more well thought of and the acting is great.


      I agree, moreover, I feel that facial expressions in sageuk is more interesting to watch as they are more complex and conveys multiple emotions in a single scene. In an era where freedom of speech is not enjoyable by many, the face tells what the mouth couldn’t say.


I logged in this morning to find that I am now a Water Maid.

Now I am hoping that my Wang So is coming to see me.


When I read the news about Song couple’s marriage:

At first I was like, “Wow, they are getting married for real?”

Next: “I wonder how the baby will look like?”

Then: “Gah, oppa is getting married!”


My weekend has been productive. I manged to convert my nieces into Park Hae Jin fan via Man to Man. One of them was skeptical at first until I told her to google him. Now she’s burned.


I’m Jang Gu Rae!

… now where’s Chief Oh?


Changed the wall picture into the banner that kumoiwa made for me.