Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Has the week already gone by? Ever since we launched the redesigned site, I have no concept of time anymore. I suppose that could be a problem, but then again, it’s not like awareness of time ever helped a drama addict anyway, right? Maybe this is my chance to watch ALL OF THE DRAMAS. Who wants to race me? –girlfriday



Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Aw, it’s over. This drama was a constant pick-me-up for the past two months, and I’ll miss this awesome couple lighting up the screen and putting a silly smile on my face. I loved the romance so much that when I see interviews with the actors where they both laugh off their chemistry and talk about the romance as fictional, I want to clap my hands over my ears and go, “La la la la la, let me have my fantasy! Take your reality out of here!”

Father, I’ll Take Care of You: We’re in the final stretch, and things are happening, finally. I find Sung-joon’s place in the Great Chaebol Escape plotline pretty shoehorned in, but as it brings him back to the focus of the story and puts him in contact with Dong-hee, I’m not complaining. I have a feeling the Hyun-woo reconciliation will be weak and soppy for my tastes, but I suppose I would prefer to end the drama with him at a peaceful resolution, so okay. I did at least appreciate when Grandma told her family essentially, I hate that guy but you have to admit he has a point, and when you compare him to our trainwreck kids, he’s accomplished a lot. I just wanted somebody to acknowledge that!

Father Is Strange: Aw, Lee Joon, the idol-turned-robot-actor who doesn’t understand human emotions! I can’t imagine him actually moving in with the cozy Byun family, but I’ll enjoy watching all the shenanigans that ensue, because how could they not? And while I don’t yet get romancey vibes between him and Jung So-min, I loved watching them bond and become buddies, since he could really use a friend (and I mean a real one that isn’t a turtle). The only sibling’s storyline I really don’t care for is Ryu Hwa-young’s; I like her when she’s the bratty maknae in the family, but her workplace romance makes me yawn.

The Liar and His Lover: Yay, the mood took an upswing this week! Basically, when So-rim is happy, the drama is happy, and this week gave me a lot of feel-good moments to appreciate. Plus, I much prefer when Han-gyul is getting along with his Crude Play boys rather than fighting with them, even though I like that their conflict is layered and interesting and genuine. Just, you know, they can work that out gradually while still going on beachside MTs and drinking parties, right?



Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: It would’ve been really nice to see Bong-soon take on her role as a superhero earlier in the series, but I’m satisfied that she embraced her strength, found her purpose, rescued her prince, and got her happily ever after and then some. I really needed that triple-sugarcoated ending to help ease the pain of letting this drama go. I’ll do it… I’ll let go… someday…

Chicago Typewriter: The hero is so bipolar that I feel like I can never trust a nice moment, because he’s sure to follow it up with something assy, making me wonder why we never advance past this cycle where he puts his foot in his mouth and then reluctantly apologizes to the heroine. I still see promise in the overarching mystery with the past lives, but come on, can we go there faster?

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: I was SO confused this week, because Gil-dong was suddenly not imprisoned anymore, and I was convinced I had accidentally skipped an episode. Did the editor fall asleep on the job? Seriously, why would you make the hero’s big jailbreak happen offscreen, only to spend the rest of the week in limbo just waiting for the big fight to start? You have until Monday to make it up to me.

Whisper: On the one hand, I’m happy for the good guys finally gaining a little ground and not always being so badly beaten by sneakier bastards. Go team! On the other hand, the merry-go-round of one-upmanship is starting to get predictable, so I would like something—anything—else to happen right about now to really shake up the whole game.

Mystery Queen: I finally had some time to check this show out, and I ended up liking how breezy and watchable it is. It’s a very pleasant, lighthearted procedural reminiscent of Castle, full of just enough murder mystery to keep it technically in the genre, but mostly driven by likable characters with a lot of quirks. The banter is fun, and the non-romantic chemistry between Choi Kang-hee and Kwon Sang-woo is refreshing.

Crime Scene 3: Woohoo, Crime Scene is back! I just love the gamified Clue-as-variety-show concept of this program, and have been waiting impatiently for JTBC to bring it back. The episode they aired was only a prequel to the new season—introducing new fixed members like Jung Eun-ji and Kim Ji-hoon and first guest Song Jae-rim—but it got me all excited for a whole new batch of murder mysteries to solve. I get so nerdy when I watch this show. *finger pointed to the sky* And the culprit is…!



Currently recapping: Chicago Typewriter

Whisper: Man, I love this writer. Each word carries a gravitas that stirs my soul and makes me question the whole idea of morality. I love how each twist and turn is revealed with such precision and grace, and keeps me on my toes. Oh, and Lee Bo-young is the epitome of all badass girls.

My Secret Romance: This series is a fluff-fest, but I’m enjoying the bright colors and cheesiness. Sung Hoon is a nice tall glass of water to look at, but the man himself has great comedic timing. (If you don’t believe me, you should check out some of his interviews. He’s hilarious.)



Currently recapping: Whisper

Super Family 2017: I feel like a broken record, constantly expressing my love for this little family. But as long as this drama remains my weekly dose of comfort and joy, then a broken record I shall be.

Radiant Office: I love Ho-won and the Suicide Squad to bits and wish them all the best as they continue to figure out their various situations, but right now I’m living for those teeny-tiny moments between Kang-ho and Suk-kyung. Between this and Super Family 2017, I’m beginning to realize that I’m probably a little too invested in Hoya’s noona romances. Just a little. Maybe. (But everyone’s gonna live happily ever after, right? RIGHT?)

Chicago Typewriter: The only thing that’s got me hooked is the mystery surrounding Go Kyung-pyo’s character, which means I’ll probably keep watching for at least another week but I don’t know if it’s enough for me to stick with the show until the end.



Radiant Office: Hyun, I — against my better judgment — trusted you!!!! But no matter because I believe in the Suicide Squad, and they will prevail no matter what life throws at them. Show, just please promise that Ki-taek won’t end up with a terminal illness; that’ll be too much for my heart. Still loving this underrated gem!

Whisper: Do Bong-soon didn’t end up being the feminist super heroine that blew me away, but that’s okay, because I have Shin Young-joo. She is just 100% pure badassery. She referred to a bunch of thugs as “babies” and they still carried out her command. Ooh baby! I’m just amazed at how much gets jam-packed in each episode; it usually takes other dramas sixteen episodes to cover as much ground as Whisper does in just one.



Currently recapping: Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I guess Bong-soon kinda redeemed herself at the end, but still it makes me sad to think about the hours I spent drooling over all the promo posters and teasers, and dreaming about Ji-soo’s third painful-but-delicious noona romance (that never actually came to fruition). Gah, I spent so much time in front of my laptop, fast-forwarding through all the boring bits, rewinding once I got to the end in order to comb through it again to find something redeemable, only to realize there were no interesting parts.


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-Tunnel: Big revelation and a heck of emotional punch. I'm still reeling from all the feels.

-Chicago Typewriter: The story get more intriguing and mysterious. And there is a certain weird fantasy-like quality about this that I really dig.

-Strong Family 2017: Caught up to all 18 eps this week. In the middle of candy and chaebol that always populated dramaland, it's refreshing to watch story about ordinary people with their realistic living situation and everyday conflicts. I'm in love with this little family and root for them to live a fabulous, happy middle life.


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Tunnel's been doing great! Did you hear that episodes 13 and 14 are going to be pushed back a week? They said it's for quality reasons!


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Really?? Oh my God, how can I wait 2 weeks? But since it's for the sake of its quality, must wait (im)patiently.


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Well, hopefully, the quality of the show will be better than it is before the push back. I don't mind waiting a week for the show if it's going to be mind-blowing. HAHA..


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WHAT?!?!? No. I will not allow this. I have to wait one more week to find out answers? Please don't do this to me show.


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I was a bit... no... VERY surprised that nobody watches Tunnel. I find it to be a really, really good and entertaining drama that is very capable of keeping me on the edge.
I am a tad sad to wait one more week, but if this gives everybody a bit of a breather, I will wait patiently. Honestly, I am not sure what are those quality reasons.


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Arrgg.. the agony of waiting while watching a show realtime.. i should've waited till it's finished and binge watch. God help us


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I am watching Tunnel and CT too. Tunnel is more exciting now that the overarching mystery is ramped up, and all the cards are laid out in the open between SJ and KH, and I can't get enough of the ghostwriter and his back story in CT. Can't wait for the next episode!


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I have lot of episodes to catch upto recent week of Strong Family 2017. The only kdrama i'm watching after Mystery Queen.


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OMG! I don't know why but I always feel really happy inside whenever I see that people are watching Super Family! It's such a heart-warming, relatable and comedic family drama and honestly Ik-hee and Gong Yoon are just so cute together!


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They are so cute together and look like real teenage couple. Unlike those super angsty and dramatic couple from other school dramas.


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I was feeling a bit meh about tunnel but the last two episodes really hooked me. The reveal about yeonsook broke my heart. its been a while since I cried whilst watching a drama...


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Re Chicago Typewriter: such an intrestibg story!!! yes the hero is bipolar, but 99% of real artists are like that. And that's what I love so much about this drama. The charachters are not marshmallow type like hero of SWDBS. Writer HSJ has such a real charachter! He is flawed but you still root for him regardless! And heroin is so bright, she has such prefect chemistry with all 3 men, even the psycho villain...


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You're spot on with CT! There's something not all there about it, like something out of a dream, with its wordplay on ghosts and writers and ghostwriters. There are so many layers to this story and I love the slow peeling back of each one!


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I'm currently watching Radiant Office, Perfect Wife and My Secret Romance. After SWDBS, I kind of felt lost. Any drama recommendations?


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I am watching My Secret Romance too. The story is so reminding me of the Chinese or Taiwanese rich lad-poor gal dramas, but the characters are looking good. I hope there is enough fluff to keep it going for the next ten episodes.


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Like every kdrama out there doesn't have the same theme?


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Healer's a good one to go for if you're wanting more of a plot and also the romance

If it's romantic comedy and lots of cute moments I would watch weightlifting fairy kim bok joo, shopping king louie, oh my ghost and marriage not dating


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My Secret Romance! So much like 1% of Anything. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the happy ride.


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I love 1% of Anything. If My Secret Romance is like it, I'll give it a try ?


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I think it's from the same team of 1% of anything


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Chicago Typewriter is so good. And so is YAI in it. I wish the ratings pick up. I think it has to do with the mess they are stuck in that both TLAHL and CT are suffering.

Watched Man to Man but I honestly thought that the episode was all over the place. Recently when I am holding more expectation for a show, it usually disappoints me. Well, it early enough to say that its a disappointment but I was expecting something better than what was given in the first episode.


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Oh I love Chicago Typewriter. Haven't seen Man to Man yet but hopefully it's not that bad.


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Is Man to Man that bad? I am thinking of picking up the show after DBS. Maybe I will wait for another week and marathon the 4 episodes at one go before deciding whether to drop it or not.


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I agree, Man to Man was kind of a mess. There are things that I loved, but also lots of moments that left me confused, annoyed or even a bit bored. For now I think it's mostly an editing problem, which tends to get better as the show gets along, but there are hints of writing fails as well (like his contact spilling everything to a scriptwriter - what was that??), which only tends to get worse with time. So I'm extremely cautious about the drama right now. I'm dreading another K2 disaster *shudders*


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Another K2 disaster? It can't be worse, right. I don't see how they can insert a cheesy ramyun scene or Barcelona angel in this one? Or maybe Park Hae Jin watches Park Sung Woong cooks ramyun and smiles? That will be helluva creepy!


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Just imagining that made me start giggling. Awful! I might have nightmares with ramyun all over again...


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Well we do have our star going crazy over wanting Jongro Coffee from Jongro. Seriously that ppl went long even if they meant to make it funny.


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Ha I didn't even notice it was a PPL, had no idea there's something actually called Jongro Coffee.


Oh gosh that sounds awful lol! I can just imagine PSW doing a ramyun twirl, yikes!


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Don't be too surprised if PSW twirls better than Yoona ?


Oh, I'm sure he would, no doubt about it! :P


I actually laughed at that scene. I think I finally found a comedy that suit my taste (not so cheap, not over the top, not trying too hard imo)
It basically "I can even spoil the highest level of government secret but this man (the scriptwriter) wouldn't believe me anyway" joke.


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Oh, I watched Man to Man just now. I feel like I was watching 3 different stories condensed into 1 episode. But I think Episode 2 will be better now that the leads have met, and their story lines have merged slightly.


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I watched first ten minutes and decided that it's not my cup of coffee :-) Too Hollywoodsy and reminded me of Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible.Enough of that.


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Love CT too!

Hmmm Been thinking if checking out Man to Man. Maybe I'll wait until DB starts recapping it ?


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I had high expectations for Man to Man as well, but I loved it! It's the first (or any) episode of a show in a long time where the hour just breezed by. Lately I feel like I have been repeatedly checking the clock while watching dramas to see how much time is left.

The tone of the show is very tongue in cheek, and I feel like some people were expecting (or possibly wanted) a more straight up spy show. Since I appreciated the tone they were going for, I thought the first episode was actually very smooth and very, very funny.


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Sameee. I loved the first ep. It had enough action that I wanted and Park Hae Jin is doing a great job playing the badass role and I can't wait for more interaction with the other characters.


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I am loving this show sooooo far! Park Hae Jin is beautiful. May take some time to warm up to the female protagonist.

I liked the first episode. They are clearly trying to set a lot up ... but I think that's natural with pilots! (≧∀≦)


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Man To Man wasn't that bad in my opinion but it sure has some cringy parts. Also I don't get why everyone is speaking in English when they're in non English speaking country (Italy)!


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I don't know why but I automatically fast forward whenever there's cringy English scenes. PHJ wasn't too bad though.

The worst was with Love Me If You Dare (Chinese) where the main character would be in a conference with English speaking folks and he would respond to everything they said in Chinese. The conversation would carry on like everyone understood each other. Like wait, what?


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Yeah, that was a mystery I could never solve. Honestly, I don't know what's worse.


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"The conversation would carry on like everyone understood each other."

all i know is that whatever they're taking for this magic to happen, i want it.
i wanna be able to talk to my (non)oppars dangit!


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That's exactly how I felt too. Personally, I liked it better after the international spy stuff calmed down and it took on a lighter tone. And the English thing was very weird. At first I thought I'd missed something about the location, but then I realized that nope, they are just inexplicably speaking English.


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The English speaking European locals, is that really surprising, same thing happens in Bond movies too or every other spy movie in Hollywood. I thought they did well for introducing all the key players in one episode, although the tone shifted quickly, it did the job of setting up the story quite well.


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Sorry,but it's not Italy,it's Budapest, Hungary. And sorry for my bad english,i'm from Hungary.


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Thanks for the correction, I don't know why I thought it's Italy.


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I really sad that rating goes down. This drama is very good with mystery premies and 30' set. Ost are nice too! And i think netz now seem like rom-com and light drama in weekend? Like Goblin, SWDBS and kim bok ju


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CT is not eveyone's show,it is way too complex.


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man to man: ep 2 is way more cohesive than ep 1 imho. I think it has a lot of potential


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am i the only one who's not watching whisper coz i just can't stand the typical plotholes of korean corruption legal thrillers even though i love lee sang yoon? ? burning/destroying the so-called ONLY evidences and the security issues... seems like many beanies are enjoying the drama.. think im too fussy i guess..


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I'm not watching it either. I think there so many legal & corruption-related dramas lately is due to the current political condition in Korea. Dramas depict life after all. Hopefully there will be more romcoms after the election.


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Hmm there's always legal and corruption kdramas every now and then. But yeah I definitely prefer romcoms too ☺️


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I dropped it since ep.5. I question my own drama preference since it seems like many beanie staff are enjoying the show. I think I can't stand the logic and the convenient coincidences which have been put far too many in the drama. I don't mind legal/corruption plot but this one just doesn't get me.


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I've been wanting to give it a try once it ends.. But that sounds exactly like what I try to avoid in shows like this. If it's not logical or realistic in any way, it usually just ends up being exhausting.


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Yeah I thought of watching it after I read the final recap when it's out but the logics, it doesn't really make sense..


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Same! I questioned myself too but it really depends on the viewer's preferences whether they like the drama or not. Majority/mainstream or even ratings mean nothing if you don't like the drama isn't it? ?

And agree again, I can't handle the convenient coincidences too tsk


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i made it to 6 then gave up on it for a week or two, but i took it up again because i love lee bo young and lee sang yoon so i decided to watch with brain and logic turned to very low mode and i am at 9 now. it is pretty unbelievable but i just gaze at their faces and keep thinking of how pretty they are and the hour goes by fast! i know that is pretty shallow but they are so pretty!


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haha! of coz they are pretty! it's not that shallow no worries bout tt! who will hate pretty actresses and handsome actors appearing on their screens? ?


I dropped it by eps 3 when I realized I couldn't care less for any of the characters. I don't know why it didn't click with me since I love Punch so much.


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Oh punch is definitely better. Kim rae won was beyond awesome in there. Best performance from him I ever seen.

I love lee sang yoon but I don't think he's the best choice for the role. ?


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I'm not watching it either. Don't feel like starting either ?


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Yes, me too. I like the cast but just don't feel like starting it!


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The storyplot is definitely full of plot holes. Just give Whisper a try but you must to put your logical brain at the small box at your brain corner when watching Whisper! Believe me, as LSY fan too since his MDSY, his acting improved a lot as DJ and his chemistry with LBY is hotter


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I only knew him from angel eyes and I totally fell for his dimples and huge eyes omg ? love him in twenty again and on the way to the airport became my favorite kdrama.

His acting is not bad but sometimes I find him having the same facial expressions when I scan thru the scenes. ? still think thr's better choices for the role. ? The only redeeming factor is their chemistry..


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I watched the first episode and knew the show wasn't for me, but I've checked out the recaps here and there, and LSY does look like he has about two facial expressions.


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precisely! i hate to admit it coz i love him but it's true... the screencaps.. and i saw some short video clips on instagram, he just keep having that same few expression... ?

i still think he's at his best in romcom and melo. corruption not for him yet.. ?


I am "sort of" watching Whisper. My problem with it mainly is how many people seem driven to do really stupid things, time after time.


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Chicago Typewriter:
It had me at episode 5! Something was a bit off for me in the past 4 eps despite loving the OST, directig style, the writing etc. But ep 5 came and I'm totally sold now. It's a weird show with overdramatic hero, but it's slowly growing on me. Plus, I like my man with integrity.

Man x Man:
Liking the first episode, loving Park Hae Jin in this role and Park Sung Woong had me in stitches. Hope it's more like Healer than K2, so I'm holding my horses.


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I love CT ost too. The whole drama has such a unique feel to it. Really love it!


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I would stay for the OST alone! cant remember the last time I'm this addicted to drama OST!


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I am sold since ep 1! Thinking this drama gonna be hit, but the reality is wth


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Exactly! The mindblowingly addictive kind of wth LOL.


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"Sung Hoon is a nice tall glass of water to look at, but the man himself has great comedic timing. (If you don’t believe me, you should check out some of his interviews. He’s hilarious.)"

Really? I will check. I enjoy the drama so far. both leads have great chemistry.


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I'm a little sad CT aint getting as much love as I'd hope but that's ok, it just means I get Yoo Ah In and Im Soo Jung alllllllllz to myselfz.

Story's picking up and I cannot wait for tonight's episode :)


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I will have Yoo please. Thanks! ??


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Me too Yoo!


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Am not gonna choose. Can I have all three of them please?


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It's a bit annoying. I usually use my phone so I've plenty of typos :S
So sometimes i end up deleting and reposting...


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Re on family drama:
I watch many of them (along with the daily drama) and I could understand why you couldn't warm up to them. They usually take too long to set the pace and in the middle there will be conflicts and everything, but family dramas are comfort zone. It's something you could watch while talking with your friends or parents and you won't miss anything important

Still, family dramas usually have good plot concerning the family (because all of the dramas I've watched are all like that) and I hope you could give them a chance :)


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Your description of Protect the Boss is half of exactly why I loved it so much, lol was never bored or annoyed, simply enjoyed seeing a unique & adorkable OT4 figure out how to get thru their lives together.. but yeah, that's not for everyone, lol. I did watch it veerry slowly tho, cuz I wanted it to ~last. Like, only two eps at a time, & just every other week or so. ^-^ http://youtu.be/Uoceq8iEOYo


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Currently watching :

- Whisper = always loving this Punch vibe. I'd say the story is more complex than Punch bcs trusts are broken so easily in this drama. But somehow Punch still won my heart and remains to be one of my all time best favorite drama

- Queen of mystery = way more interesting than i expected. Curious and excited to see our leads together again

- Chicago typewriter = Gotta admit i wasnt really feeling the first 2 eps though. Finally things are catching up in last week's eps. Because i love Yoo Ah In way too much to drop this drama.

- Man to man = first ep's impression is great. Definitely will watch the next ep. Never seen park sung woong acted in a comedy before lol and he nailed it

- Tunnel = the best one out of dramas that i currently watch

- My father is strange = never thought i'd be fallin in love with a family drama. The first family drama that i actually enjoy and havent dropped it so far


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Me too! I never thought I would fall in love with a family drama, having sat through quite a few without success, but this family drama is daebak! I love how loving the parents are, and the children are so supportive of one another. Although there is a little bit of makjang with the birth secret, which I hate, it's still bearable for now. And besides, I can't wait for Lee Joon to integrate into the warm and loving family. There will be lots of loving he has to do!


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Five Children is an excellent family drama.I normally cannot watch those but that got me absolutely hooked.No makjang,excellent acting.


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Five Children is the first family drama I finished. I was hooked from the moment the grandmother threw the flour. Everything about that drama was cute, easy watching.


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If you get the time definitely check out "What Happens to My Family" it's an amazing family drama


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Chicago Typewriter

I watched the first ep of Man To Man, but Im going to stop there. I need to put a maximum on my drama watching, because gosh dangnabit, Lessa. GETAHOLDOFYOURLYF.



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Hahah! ?


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I agree with you that radiant office is so underrated. I didn't pick it up until it was 9 episodes in and I'm so glad I did. The set up didn't really draw me in to begin with but I'm so glad I stayed with it just for the friendship between the suicide squad.

I'm finding that the more I watch dramas the more easily I'm dropping them. Is it just me? I think it's partly because I didn't watch real time dramas and watched one series at a time. The other part is that there's so many good dramas out there that if one drama loses my interest I find it hard to keep my motivation up in staying till the end.


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I do the same. Maybe it's because you get tired of the clichés more easily when you've seen so many shows that you know most of the patterns? It becomes more predictable thus more boring.


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I agree but I don't think I would mind if they're executed well. I've got so many dramas where I've only got two eps left. I feel like I've invested loads of time to them so I should finish it off but it's just so much effort


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I am a serial drama dropper. I drop them liberally and even at the very last.
I'm so loving Radiant Office now, it's quite an unique little drama.


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I think this is one drama that I'll stick with just bc I'm so invested in the characters, love them


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It's not just you. Lately I have been starting a lot of dramas, but finishing few of them. It seems like so many of them around half or 2/3 through tend to get bogged down in repetition, filler, and just kind of stagnate. There are exceptions, like Tunnel, but I seem to be dropping a lot more than I used to.


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I've heard a lot of good things about tunnel, I might pick it up if I have time.

Lol the things that I watch are majority romcoms which is probably why I drop them when there's too much filler and it's not up to my high expectations of cuteness. I like mystery/crime shows too but I hardly find ones which are really good which I why I don't usually bother bc i get disappointed by them. Any suggestions?


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I'm always starting and dropping dramas at random. Even those i like, i tend to stop at around episode 10 or so... just before the makjang hits. I often find dramas shift in the second half and/or are often way, way too long than they need to be (or that I have the attention span for) I usually find there's a point where the story feels complete enough for me. I do find lately that I keep trying out new dramas but none of them stick with me :(


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Same!! When I start a new show I find it hard to keep up with a show if it's not keeping my interest or when I've missed a week of episodes, I never catch up.


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Like you, I'm a late arrival to Radiant Office (started at episode 10, previously just read recaps). I just finished this week's episodes and they were pretty good. Ha Seok-jin is so adorable and I'm enjoying his chemistry with Go Ah-sung.


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I was reading these posts and saw it being mentioned a lot so decided to give it a go. I know, I think they're both so adorable and even cuter when they're together


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Watched first episode of Man to Man and now I can't wait for ep2. Park Hae Jin is just so awesome (I'll always say that about him) and this is my first Park Sung-woong drama but I like him so far!

I'm loving Tunnel, I know I've been talking about it almost everywhere but it's just that the drama is doing such a good job, I want people to know about it!

Caught the first episode of Chicago Typewriter, it had a mysterious and a creepy vibe and I liked it, will be watching the rest tonight, but when will Go Kyung-pyo make an appearance?


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He will make an appearance in the later episodes. But when he appears, he will just get you. I find myself glued to the screen every time he appears, eager to find out his back story and everything.


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I've already had SLS because of him in Jealousy Incarnate, should I expect that here too?


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I am not a fan of YAI, so I am definitely having SLS with Go Kyung Pyo's character here. You should catch the latest episode. It's a buzz!


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GKP will come and make you melt and fall in love with him ?


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GHP is like a lost puppy in there.


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I agree with you 100% on Man To Man! The overall tone is fun and the characters are interesting. :D


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GKP is a sceene stellar here! I never love him like this before until today ep (ep 6). Trust me!


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Is it weird that I havent watched the last episode of SWDBS??


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Nope. Neither do I ?


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Haha. Why not? It is hilarious in a predictable kind of way, and there are some heartwarming scenes as well.


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Nope. I kind of dropped it at 12. Just only watched the cute scenes on YT. Kind of lost interest ?


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Me too! Dropped it at 12. Might finish the rest episode later.


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*hi-fi* I didn't watch the last four episodes too! Just read the recaps.


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I dropped it with about 3 episodes left, so no not weird.


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Considered watching Drinking Solo, but now I don't think I can anymore. Chicago Typewriter is still the only show I follow. The 1930s segment is so captivating, and Im Soo-jung is both stunningly beautiful and badass. I'm really interested in what happened in the past, and how they solve it in present. Looking foward to more to come! ♥


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Reconsider Drinking Solo, its an easy watch and a fun one


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I might not be able to take the behind-the-scene issue out of my head when I watch it :( at least not for a while...


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Definitely reconsider Drinking Solo. There's a couple annoying elements (when aren't there?) but it was an amazing drama.


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I can't move on from three lives three worlds peach blossom. What to do? Mark Zhou so good, it make me doubt whether i will able to enjoy Yang Yang's acting later in the movie without comparing them.

Meanwhile, I still watching Chicago Typewriter and Tunnel - the best weekend combo. Lol.
Episode 5 Chicago typewriter finally show us who writer Yoo is, both present and past. Not a full picture but it's enough for me now to keep watching. Episode 6 will be the catalyst for me since it will need to introduce the new mystery.
Tunnel in other hand, despite the genre is crime drama, the mystery is second to the human factor in it. So as long they keep giving an attention to the relation between character, I'm still a happy watcher.


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Hi! Another fan of the peach blossoms here :D After watching it, other romance dramas pale in comparison. I just finished it and don't know what to do (**looking for other romance dramas or movies of Mark Chao at the moment**). It's being difficult to find something that catches my attention lately, I guess I will continue with my drama slump for now.


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Yeah, agree. The story itself is not that ground breaking but Mark Zhou delivery really heart wrenching. Man, when he cry i cry with him too.


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Yeah, this guy is really good. How can he manage to look so sweet and sexy at the same time? ? I also couldn't stand to watch him sad and heartbroken, but his best tears were when he cried of happiness after Qian Qian's confession, I was a puddle of goo ❤️
The story might not be the best and I hit fast forward several times, but they were a lovely OTP and I was shipping them so hard through the whole series, it's been a fun ride :)


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Peach blossoms? Move on? I'm having hard time too.. I watched four other dramas after that, still can't move on. So I decided to rewatch it.. lols.. Hopefully this will do the trick. I thought SWDBS will help me move on, but that one is not that good. It has very little story, and so many unnecessary characters. Only the OTP is super cute, and that's about it. It's just my opinion though..


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My taste is so varied but I'm a TVN girl this month. I'm loving both Liar and his Loverand Chicago Typewriter despite how different they are.

Wish they both had better ratings though.

Because in Liar- Joy and Hyun Woo are doing well and the side characters all have stories of their own. Plus no bitchy second lead! We got a back hug and sweet kiss only 10 episodes in and I'm still excited to see what will happen next.

And for Chicago- Yoo Ah In is knocking it out of the park with his quirky portrayal and I like his prickly outward but mushy inner personality so much. Plus it's so fascinating this literary world they are in and it's such a clever drama! Haven't watched Episode 5 yet but it's the first thing I'm gonna do when the kid is asleep.

Hmmm. Perhaps the common denominator would be that I like cute guys? Haha. Both Yoo Ah In and Lee Hyun Woo are totally my type ?


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TvN rating was broken bcause Goblin ?


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I'm literally falling in love with CT. I am a bit sad as not many beanie staff are not enjoying it as much as I'd thought they would. I was actually thinking about dropping CT at the end of ep. 2 since I got the creepy vibe. However, the show started to grow on me, and with each episode passing I'm falling in love with it more and more. I have no doubt why Yoo Ah-In agreed to this cast.


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Me too, I also think Chicago Typewriter is a nice project and I could totally see why Im Soo-jung decided to take this role. I've noticed over time that my taste is quite different with beanie staffs in many ways, and that's okay. Many other people enjoy CT so we're not alone ? And even if we're alone, as long as we enjoy it, I don't think anything else matters. ?


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Count me in


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I'm also in the Chicago Typewriter lovefest camp. It's the only Kdrama holding my interest right now.


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Same here. My tastes very often seem to align with DB staff. But not so much with CT.

CT hooked me with the first episode, and I can't really find too many flaws this intriguing show. I eagerly await each new episode as haven't been disappointed yet.

By contrast, Mystery Queen seems to be growing in admiration among staff, whereas each episode has gotten worse in my eyes. The premise is good as are the leads. But something in the execution is lacking for me.


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Hmmm...I tried Mystery Queen but didn't continue beyond the 1st episode. Maybe I was too bothered by the way she accosted the villain. I was like - is this her imagining? But it actually took place, I just couldn't believe it.
I meant to get over with that bit and pick it up again. But now that you've said it gets worse, I am wondering if I should.


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I think the scene at the end of Episode 1 was a misstep on the writer's part. I am not sure what the writer is trying to get at with the scene, perhaps she wants to show how divorced from reality the housewife is. However, the scenes get better and more acceptable once you get past that Episode 1 ending scene.


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Personally, I thought the mystery that started in the second episode took way too long to resolve, and I lost interest. The identity of the perp seemed pretty clear right away. I would rather have a quicker-paced case-of-the-week set up when it comes to procedurals. The pacing here just seems off. I like the characters and actors and the basic premise. (Although I am still trying to figure out how a star detective can be so clueless. And why sometimes he trusts the ajumma and other times he dismisses her.) But give it another go. Maybe I'm too harsh.


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CT is the only one I'm following, too. And some of the ones everyone else seems to adore just seem full of plot holes and irritating characters. But...I guess that's why there are lots of different dramas? So there is something for everyone? I'm intrigued by the mystery of CT and wish that more people would like it.


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I am intrigued by CT as well. I can't wait for the reveal of the 1930s scenes and how they link back to the present. Right now, I am very vested in Go Kyung Pyo's character. I think his is the most mysterious character of the trio in the show. I can't wait for the unravel of his character.


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@agoodheart @fuujin @rlg07
I'm happy to learn that some do like CT hehe.. so I'm not alone :) Good to know that.


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I'm planning to watch past korean drama and several from Japanese drama since I'm abitt in a drama slump, and J-drama called Ghostwriters start make me to enter Japanese drama world. They are usually good in a more serious staff. any recomendation about good japanese drama? Since I already has an access for free on viki thanks to viki pass from dramabeans!


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What genre of j-drama do u like? You can try We Married as a Job (romcom), Cold Case (adaptation, crime, detective), Kagi no KakattaHeya (mystery, detective), ouroboros, bitter blood, border (detective, crime). Ask me for more, I'll tell you happily ?


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I like Japanase drama with abit have more meaty and slice of life kind drama. They are usually so good at it. I'm not a japanese drama follower, But when I do watch them, I end up liking it. So far stuff I already like is Hirugao, saikou no rikon, one litre of tears. A good procedural drama will be a welcome too..


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I dunno if you like Kimutaku or medical drama, but his latest A LIFE - Itoshiki Hito is good. And it has remarkable ensemble cast : Kimutaku, Tadanobu Asano, Yuko Takeuchi and Kenichi Matsuyama.


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Is it very political? because from the synopsis it sounds like there will be power struggles


Just the usual hospital politics, but it's really more of a "Kimutaku saves the day" kind of drama.


It's not too political imo, a nice balance of things. I like Matsuken's character and his dynamics with Kimutaku and the senior nurse. :)


Tenno no ryoriban is really good :)


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I'd highly reccomend anything by NHK or WOWOW. They are very good! Especially WOWOW shows when it comes to the crime/thriller genre (marks no yama and lady joker are masterpieces) Also Sakamoto Yuji has written some excellent shows.


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Thank you, I will watch some of Sakamoto Yuji's work


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His latest one, Quartet, is pretty interesting. Not a masterpiece, but worth watching for the acting talent on display.


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Japanese dramas I have so far watched and liked:
Doctors’ Affairs**
Second Love**
Five to Nine**
Sukina Hito ga Iru Koto**
Flowers for Algernon**
Beautiful Life**
Nobuta Wo Produce
Please Love the Useless Me
Boku to Star no 99 Nichi*

PS:Copy-pasted from my list.


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I like your list. I've watched and like some of them. Btw, may I know why do you put * and ** at the end of the titles? Did they've any meaning?


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Awww man I haven't got my free pass yet.


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Hi! I'm late but I second Sakamoto Yuji's works, mostly. I also second dramas from wowow, mostly are 5-6 episode dramas, although not all of them are good. I also second Border and Cold Case.
You can also try :
Heavier ones : Karei Naru Ichizoku, Fumo Chitai
Melow : Bara No Nai Hanaya, Tonbi, Kaze No Garden
Mistery and procedural : Gaiji Keisatsu, Kazokugari
Lighter ones : Saigo Kara Nibanme No Koi, Hataraki Man

If you don't mind with a more episodic ones you may try:
Shinya Shokudo, Mahoro Ekimae Bangaichi

There are still many J-dramas out there and I'm not good in suggesting dramas, So these ones are some that I like. So I hope you can enjoy them and also other suggestions :)


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How can I watch crime scene 3 without the adorable hong jin-ho ?. Tell me how @girlfriday *sigh*


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The real question is: How can I watch crime scene 3 without sub? I'm so envious of @girlfriday for already watching it.


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The crime scene 4, like the other series before will be subbed by no other than bumdi.
You can visit his tumblr for the latest subs (google: "bxrme") or his YouTube channel


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Yes, that is so true ?. Although I watch it live but without sub, I am lost too. Have to patiently waiting for bumdi subbed the show ( glad to know her work and makes me appreciate all subbers for kshow+kdrama)


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I'm still too much in shock over his absence. I just can't bring myself to watch it yet...


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I'm sad that I can't watch Kong there. But I'm relieved that at least they get Dir Jang Jin as one of the cast. He represents older generation, mixes well with other casts, smart, and knows how to gave fun in var show.


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My Secret Romance - It is the fluffiest of fluff and I totally agree with Gummimochi about Sung Hoonbeing a tall glass of water. But I have 2 conflicting emotions about the sex scene in episode 1: First, I really liked them showing him asking her permission and her giving it before they continued and second - seriously? The front seat? They had that nice big backseat literally at their feet and they actually moved to the awkward and uncomfortable front? ?‍♂️

TLAHL - I'm surprised how much I am enjoying this drama. It is cute and sweet with some surprising emotional growth by the characters.

Whisper - after watching Let's Fight Ghost and this drama, I wonder what Kwon Yul is like in real life. He plays creepy and troubled well. And for some reason I really like listening to Park Se Young's voice - it has such an interesting timbre.

Mystery Queen - I just love it. The lead's make me laugh with their bickering, eye-rolling, head-shaking annoyance/affection. I am very curious about Seol-Ok's husband so I am glad he has arrived.

Chicago Typewriter - I love this although it is quirky and somehow different than I expected. The first couple of episodes were a bit strange but episode 4 was solid. I'm really interested to see how the rest of it plays out and who/what Go Kyung-Pyo's character is. Oh, I can I just say I am still laughing at Yoo Ah In wearing a "cone of shame"?! I just can't even... ???


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I was wondering that too. The front seat looked so uncomfortable I was surprised they decided to film it there.


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Exactly my thoughts on the backseat! Also got bothered by real life practical worries such as that being the girl's first time and if they're sober enough (not drunk enough) to be doing that and what if all of a sudden, there comes a beach patrol? But of course this lasted for only about 3 seconds, I got distracted by Sung Hoon's hotness. I wish the scene was handled better though


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I have read somewhere Kwon Yul has a down-to-earth and nice personality and is funny too.


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Whisper: aw, now i am feeling bad for the evil couple.
Found it a bit implausible that they suddenly were ready to betray each other, but i guess they can't remain all self-sacrificing and loyal to each other when DJ is predictably unpredictable in his allegiance to Young-Joo. Despite the 17th-century document-burning stuff (really, who does that?) I really love the character interactions and the pacing. LBY is great and to my surprise, Park Se-Young is dooing great too.


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What I'm enjoying in all these shows ? :

Mystery Queen - The unexpected humour in Wan Seung running away from his engagement and getting Ji Won suspecting him of having another girl. Wait till she knows it's a married ahjumma! LOL.

The apt description of Lt Hong as broken hearted and how everyone lapped up the advice on how to win a lady's heart. Best part was Wan Seung trying to put the advice to use himself with those flowers.

The pathos of the boy Hee Chul and how Seok Ok identifies with it so well, and the interesting dynamics of her family life.

Tunnel - Good progress and character growth. The coming together of a dynamic team who are meant to become family, intelligent investigation and enough red herrings to keep us guessing.

Chicago Typewriter - The fact that it's still stylish, that new revelations and back-stories keep adding to the intrigue and mystery, and that some parts of the logic are beginning to make sense.

If after death in a past life, one looks back whilst crossing the river of oblivion, residual memories crop up in one's present life, then did our characters make a collective crossing during which they all looked back together to retain the same memories? Just that one of them somehow did not get re-born? Ah, I wonder why... still so intriguing.

My Secret Romance - Mindless fun and happy feels. Just starting this and I have not even finished the first episode... but if it eschews major angst, irritating clingy 2nd leads and sombreness, that's all I need. ?


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Oooh love your CAT analysis!


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Sorry I mean "CT" analysis


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Thanks Ash! It was one of those questions that suddenly popped up and I just raised it for fun.

*** SPOILER ***

In the Ep 4 recap, I was playing around with the idea of Yoo being a muse. And the latest Ep has that question raised by someone else.

A muse is still a muse whether alive or not. The problem is that Se Jun finds neither possible muse, amusing. ?


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Haha that's true!

Also, I was thinking. Maybe rather than retaining the same memories, they kept different parts with them. Maybe what Joen Soel kept was her regret of betraying a close one and so she remembers that part of the story. Likewise Se Joo kept his passion for writing.

It's a very interesting plot actually!


So basically, we need everyone's memories to piece the complete story back together.


I think writer Yoo is the writer Han's alter-ego and the show is really about the process of 'writing',Writers' problems,slump,rivaly etc.etc.Ghostwriter trope is the icing on the cake to make it more interesting and stylish.


Yes! I was wondering why one of the characters didn't cross over and get reincarnated like the others did. And what did he mean by he could only survive if the story got written? Did he mean his spirit or his real self?


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Maybe he has unresolved things in his past life. That's usually why a soul can't cross over to the next life - as portrayed in dramas.

So maybe, these issues can get resolved only by the story getting written fully. Maybe he needs both SJ and JS's memories to piece everything back together and see what actually happened.


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When he said he could only survive if the story was completed... it was similar to what he said before that he could survive only if Se Joo kept writing... so it got me thinking that he's a Muse ... and now, a ghostly one.

I paste here what I wrote under Ep 4 Comment 50 "I think, he's more like the writer's spirit-muse waiting in the typewriter, until Se Joo's presence in that Chicago cafe woke him up. The muse recognised the soul of his original owner or the reincarnation of the 1930s writer and set about talking to Se Joo through past voices and visions, and to move events so that he'd be reunited with him. ? (To this we add the info on the watch who was waiting to be re-united with his owner too!!) ?

The reason I thought of him as a muse is because in the fortune cookie in Ep 1, there's a reference to a muse - and that it sometimes comes like a ghost, uninvited, which is what Yoo did. And this fortune on paper, although it had been discarded, was place on the window sill, as a sign? ?

Yoo also says that Se Joo must keep writing in order for him (Yoo) to live, which are words most appropriate for a muse to say, since a muse only truly takes on life in the writer's art. ?

And since a muse is really Se Joo's inspiration, calling himself "Yoo" ie "You' is actually terribly accurate and a cute play on words. He's telling Se Joo, "I'm you" without actually saying it. ? Then that song has to rub it in "Only You", that's who I am! What do you think??? ☺ "

As for why one of the 3 only comes back as a ghost... someone was perhaps shot dead? ?


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The other thing that cropped up a few times is the link between Se Joo and death. These are likely deliberate coincidences...

1) Stalker before he committed suicide claimed that Se Joo and he inspired each other by their writing, but that Se Joo already killed off his character ie killed him. He claimed that they were muses to each other, and asked if Se Joo would betray him. He also wanted Se Joo 'to taste death with his writing'. ... then he committed suicide.

2)At around the same time, the typewriter had got itself delivered and a new 'muse' appeared in the form of Yoo, who is likely 'dead' ie a ghost, as he claims.

Instead of a foreshadowing, it's perhaps a post-shadowing of something that happened in their past lives. There was reference in one of the 1930s memories that both men were writers. Was there a betrayal and did one person's writing lead to death?


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Wow! This is an absolutely amazing analysis! Very interesting. Thanks very much for sharing!


Still just watching only Radiant office, Liar and Chicago Typewriter. Didn't pick up any if the new shows. Any of the new ones didn't really appeal to me much ?

Want to check out My Secret Romance just for the fluff and an easy watch but wondering if it's cringy level of cheese ?


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I am wondering the same thing. I think I'll just give the first episode a try, I can afford to waste 1 hour ?


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Yes true, you have a point ?


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I don't think My Secret Romance is the cringy level of cheese, at least not yet anyway. It does remind me of the shows in the 90s where rich lad meets poor gal and the similar.


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Oh okay! Hmm I don't mind going back in time a little, so I will give it a try ?

Thank you! ☺️


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So far I am liking Secret Romance, but with only two episodes hard to say how it will go.


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True. I guess it's worth giving it a try and see ?


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As a Liar and Lover lover (LLL), 3 things about this post makes me happy:

- Liar and Lover picture is used as header for the post
- Javabeans is watching Liar and Lover and sharing the same opinion with mine (yes, MT and drunken parties first, fight later!)
- and Javabeans is liking it enough it's in her list of My Shows (what an honor, among all those dramas!!!)

Also watching Chicago Typewriter and Man to Man and Tunnel and Radiant Office.

but first, I have to go tackle that massive Liar and Lover recap. 400 comments to read... sigh, why do I have to be this late to the party...


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I just checked JB's profile because of you and now, I feel like a stalker. Do you think she reads the comments in the recaps also? It feels like her remark about layered conflict and all that would suggest it?


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probably cuz she said "I know...." as if she's responding to our comments.
Coincidence? It's feels weird to think that someone like JB would read our meager thoughts. always had that image of her and gf as Zeus (or maybe Hera to fit the gender or Athena for the wisdom) overlooking all of us from Mount Olymbeans.


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so, when we've been talking about drama gods, we've been referring to JB and GF all along??? gasssp.


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Mount Olymbeans pwuahahaha.

*busy trying to cast db staff as greek goddesses*

senior minions can be the big goddesses like aphrodite and junior minions more minor goddesses. I see heads as demetra for some reason (miss heads in this post). jb as hera and girlfriday as persephone.

sailorjumun can be Diana, and i'm running out of inspiration.


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lemme try

Hera: Javabeans
Demeter: Girlfriday
Aphrodite: Heads
Artemis: Gummimochi
Athena: Saya
Hestia: Lollypip

and that's the limit to my knowledge of greek mythology


Can we use gods as well...
I have this extreme urge to cast Lollypip as Hephaestus and gummimochi as Ares. girlfriday or odillante as Hades.

If we use another mythology:
Deok-hwa butterfly god: girlfriday
Kim Shin: Javabeans
Red suit samshin hottie: lollypip
Wangyeo grim reaper: whoever cries the most in DB staff. lol.


I have no knowledge about greek goddesses, so I can't add anything to the list. But this thread made me smile so much, I can only imagine what the DB staff are feeling now. :)


I want to swap Aphrodite for Girlfriday.

And I would think Javabeans is the type to cry the most among DB staff (no reason, just the image I have of her) so she can be pretty boy Wang Yeo.


I just want tineybeanie to be Daphne because she's my favorite greek deity... the rest you guys can decide.


I always pegged JB as an Athena GF = Hera. Gummimochi = Demeter HeadsNo2 = Hestia. Heads and JB can swap roles too.


This whole comment chain is hilarious! The DB team would be rolling around laughing reading this! :P


@Audreana K, I'm the exact opposite. Girlfriday should be Demeter or Athena, Javabeans would fit as Hera or Aphrodite.



Haha, ikr!? I'm losing it here. I'm sure the DB team never expected the day we'd actually start revering them as gods on the same level as the Greek deities. Hehehe, but the time has finally come.


Late but I want my piece of pie at the casting experiment. Since I'm more familiar with Roman mytho, I'll go with that.
Javabeans: Juno
Girlfriday: Diana or Venus, I can't decide
Saya: Vesta
HeadsNo2: Minerva
Gummimochi: Feronia
Lollypip: Libera
SailorJumun: Luna (of course)
festerfaster: Flora
odillante: Bellona
chickachunga: Carmenta
tineybeanie: Pomona
mary: Palatua


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She probably does read the comments for her own recap, I dunno if she reads other people's recaps though. It's a little embarrassing to think she does...


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or maybe the fact that she can tell what we say in the comments means she has magic powers and is proof that she's a "Olymbeans" deity kkkkk


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In case you're not reading all 4 hundred comments, here's a basic summary for you:
1. our resident two recappers @festerfaster and @SailorJumun decided to air their dirty laundry and bicker publicly, much to the amusement of all
2. kissing wallpaper & perverted thoughts
3. sharing first kiss stories
4. men who love rom-coms and TLAHL coming out
5. first-time viewers who marathoned all episodes in days

and to sum it up, "Squeee" and "Hallelujah"


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awww, how can you forget to mention the shihyun and sooyeon shippers. that was literally half of it....


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Hehe, yup. I wrote whole paragraphs on them...and on my crazy huge crush on SH.

@changs #4 was my favorite part of the comments! Loved hearing that there are some men who enjoy dramas like this too. I could never watch this with my brothers in the room because surface factors would have them writing it off right away. They aren't great at looking deeper, beyond the cheese and fluff, to the more complex, engaging elements of a show like this.


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thanks for the summary, I've been on a lookout for the comments to slow down and the house to empty up before I get to reading them. point numero 1 to 3 are making me curiuos....


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about point 5, I personally think this week is the perfect wk to catch up because we're at the beginning of the turning point.


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the comment section for tlahl is like fluff land.


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I'm not watching TLAHL (yet), but your comments made me curious so I checked the recap comment section. And yes! Fluff land it is! The CT comment section is more like a critical thinking class, with all the art/history references LOL.


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I love CT too, so I watch it first, and my brain gets a work-out. Then move on to The Liar because it's a good way to relax my brain without feeling like I'm dumbing myself down.


@Audreana K

Another say it is like going to the comment section for TLAHL is like spending time at the playground or attraction park or concerts where you have light fun conversation.
And going to CT comment section is like spending time at the library with friends (it's fun to me), or a book club, or a live forum.
Each has their own charm, and it depends on what mood you're in and how you want to spend your free time.


JB has less shows in her tab than I expected. I thought she would have more since she watched dramas for a long time. Even I have more drama in My show tabs. Haha.

I also love Liar and lover, my current addiction. I'm getting into Chicago typewriter and loving My secret romance.


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Doesn't it make sense tho? the more she watches, the more her taste is refined so the picker she gets?


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ikr? I'm always late to the comments for Tlahl. This time, there were 200 comments when I woke up, so I ended up not commenting again. I bet many Beanies are like that.


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Yeah, I've been like this many times. But then I'll always come back to recaps again later and regret that I didn't just comment because the comment count will have doubled.

So now I always try to remember that a recap for a show like TLAHL, that gets that many comments that quickly, will most likely still be hoppin' even after 12 hrs since posting. Everyone is just so enthusiastic over there, probably because the energy is so infectious. Which means you'd actually likely get some responses, upvotes etc. even if you posted there now. Not many dramas inspire that kind of commenting on DB these days. This has been a lot of fun!


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This was almost me! I woke up with 200+ comments and didn't want to write anything cuz everything had been said, but in the end I still added a comment (after 450+ comments had come up), and I still got replies! Like @chandler said, it really was a fun place :)


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the amount of comments in Liar&Lover recap this week is astonishing... I understand for SWDBS because duh, it's SWDBS and it's also their last episode but am surprised about Liar&Lover.


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I attribute it to enthusiastic commenters. My girlfriend practically lives on that page: she says it's her happy place. She checks her phone constantly and smiles more looking @ the screen reading comments than she smiles when looking at me. lol. I'm just waiting for the drama to be over so I get my girlfriend back. Not a bad drama tho. I'm watching it with her and unlike some dramas she made me watch, this one is watchable because of Joy and the music.


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pffft, 3 more weeks. Poor you, hang in there.


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my theory = The Liar and his Lover are the most delayed of all recaps. Unlike other recapped dramas, they come at nearly a week later = the wait increases the thirst.


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See, sometimes this happens. But, other times, (for dramas less cracky) it has the opposite effect of making it hard to write about because it isn't fresh in our minds anymore. That's why I'm definitely impressed by this little show for stirring up such a response.


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Yup! This drama is cracktastic!


Oddly enough on almost every other drama watching site I visit the general sentiment towards liar is pretty mixed. I had no interest in it but I'll try to check it out just in case it clicks with me. I would love a cute, fluff drama to enjoy right Now!


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Whisper is the only currently show that I watch.. and not that good.. I prefer Punch much more..


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Currently watching :

Punch : finally getting to it, up to ep 7. Ruthless and cold bastard Park Jung-hwan is awesome.

Mystery Queen : it's getting interesting. I found the first couple of episodes a bit boring, but now it's quite enjoyable.

CRISIS (J-dorama) : let's just say Shun Oguri looks better and cooler as he gets older.

Youn's Kitchen : gah, everything is perfect !


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I'm partly sad that SWDBS ended (will never be able to get enough of them) but also glad because the plot had long outlived itself and was turning draggy. I'll miss CEO Ahn and Bong Soon! :'(

I also caught the first 2 episodes of My Secret Romance and I wish it were recapped here! I would love to read recaps on it. Currently watching TLAHL now and I really appreciate how smoothly the script flows. It's nothing too overly spectacular for me, but I enjoy it and I like the characters. I can't wait to get started on Man To Man! I hope it's going to be recapped here!


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Did you say Song Jae Rim @girlfriday?? Where is the resident fangirl @mary ? :P
Also, I read Castle and my ears stood up! I wasn't gonna watch Mystery Queen but now I am intrigued.


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He looks so good with graying hair. ?

p.s. I admit defeat and watch it raw because of @girlfriday comment.


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Tunnel is my drama of the moment. It's a delicious breath of fresh air for me and the drama I anticipate watching now that Strong Woman Do Bong Soon's over. Whisper is way too tense, the chess games and back & forth action is fatiguing. None of the other dramas really pack a punch for me, although I enjoy them to various extents: I'm really liking The Liar and His Lover, mildly liking Father Is Strange and My Secret Romance (too cheesy for my tastes so far), and waiting for Rebel The Thief Who Stole The People to end (It's not bad but I had higher expectations for it). I tried hard but find I can't like Chicago Typewriter despite my intense love for Yoo Ah In, partly due to the choppy editing and the plot which seems all over the place. I guess I can't wait for the newer dramas to start.


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Chicago Typewriter : for me the cinematography and music carrying the drama. When the scene get something real to do, the show is a decent to watch. Especially when they revealed Tae Min facade as a character (Baek Si Yang is so good in episode 5). Finally, there is someone who show depth and real feeling into the character from the young actor. It's a second time Nam Hye Sung and Kim Chul Kyu work together after My beautiful Bride, and it's a pity they get a lackluster writers this time haha

Whisper : I'm on hold in this kind of drama, because I need something good but doesn't make me think too much. Because really, My work make depress as of late haha


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I feel proud for knowing the exact scene that picture of Hyunwoo smiling on the bus came from. lol


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Episode 5! After meeting Sorim's grandma! *Oh god I have it bad for this drama*


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pshhhh. and taking off the phone case right after. *wink*


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SWDBS while not perfect was enjoyable. Like @javabeans I prefer to live in the world of superpowered chemistry and refuse to be dragged into reality. haha I love that they got their version of a happy ending but in my mind, I was thinking of them more of partners in both crime fighting and child rearing instead of 2 almost separated stories of the cutest avenger flying solo and a helpless househusband.

Secret Romance - same producers as 1% of Anything, right? I've been putting off seeing the 2nd episode for days now having no real motivation to watch it so I feel sad because I was really hoping it could be my weekly fluff. I wish I liked the female lead more and I wish their chemistry would be at least 60% of the 1% couple, but I guess we really don't always get what we wanted.


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I agree with you about Secret Romance. I think I may have made a mistake by going to rewatch 1% of Anything recently. I had been crazy for Jealousy Incarnate around the time it aired, so even though I enjoyed it at the time, I felt like I never got to truly appreciate it. When I rewatched it recently, I fell for the leads much more than I had the first time around.

Because of this, though, I couldn't help but have my expectations disappointed a bit for My Secret Romance. Some of it has to do with the sound effects being overdone, something I don't remember happening at all in 1%. I also don't find the acting or editing to be as good, though Sung Hoon is certainly charismatic. That said, I'm trying to remember that I didn't fall for 1% until a few episodes in.


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I wish I could watch dramas after dramas like before I got promoted but my schedule has become tight this past month. I need more hours for my beloved dramas.

THE LIAR AND HIS LOVER - This drama may be one of the reason why I can't watch as much dramas as I liked. I kept rewatching the episodes as I wait for the next episode. Heh. This week was my favorite yet, lots of development, conflict resolutions and soooo much cute from our puppies. I can't wait for the next installment! *SMASHES KEYBOARD*

CHICAGO TYPEWRITER - I'm loving the mystery so much. I get so many questtions after I watch an episode so I am eager to watch the next. YAI is very charismatic on screen. ISJ is gorgeous. But both of them together onscreen is just ♡♡♡. I can't explain.

MY SECRET ROMANCE - Watched the first 2 eps and enjoyed it so much. Is the team behind this drama, the same as 1% of anything? I get the same vibe from the opening, and the lead actress for 1% had a cameo scene? *googles*

COMEBACK, AHJUSSI - I'm on episode 10 and I still look forward for more Honey Lee and Oh Yeonseo scenes.

I planned to start RADIANT OFFICE and TUNNEL this week. I guess I have to push back.


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Just accept the rewatching of LaHL. It's too cute, it's worth it! I think I watch each episode 3xs by the end of it all (but then again I'm recapping it on my own site).


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Haha, I managed to catch up with Radiant Office, despite my new-found TLAHL obsession and I definitely don't regret it. It's worth the watch.

Now I'm finally hoping to get caught up to Tunnel tonight (if I can stop checking the TLAHL recap, that is)!


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Perfect Wife: Jae Bok and Bong-gu are still awesome-ing all over the place. Jung Hee keeps reaching new heights of stupidity. Eun Hee has proven she can't escape being Eun Kyung. And Poor Nami!

Radiant Office: I'm worried about the Hyun storyline, which seems to be taking away screen time from further exploring our 3 underdogs. I want to spend as much time with them as we can. I love how Woo-jin watches over them. While Hyun is trying to buy loyalty, Woo Jin inspires it.

Father is Strange. Lee Joon is killing it. I've been wondering if the "bad former-idol actor who just screams out the emotional lines/obsessed with doing a miniseries/jealous of a more talented peer/conceited guy who can barely pretend to be humble" is based on someone. I love Joong Hee and Mi Young's drinking session and their vow to enact revenge. The oldest brother - Joon Young- does make me want throw water in his face. How could he be asking his parents for money to get a house when they were so stressed out about the rent increase earlier in the series.

Mystery Queen: Love love love this series. Seol Ok and Wan Sung are such a great team. I'm surprised by how many episodes the domestic violence case spanned since I'm used to the American and OCN procedurals, but I get it and do enjoy how the series spends time exploring our characters, delving into their personal tragedies that led them to where they are today, and in depicting some of the emotional aftermath of the people involved in the cases. How great was Seol Ok is calling out people who let domestic violence slide by!

Chicago Typewriter: I went from "Eh." to "Eh?!!" after last week's episodes. Took some time, but now I'm totally into the drama. I needed that confrontation between Se Joo and the mysterious Mr.Yoo at the end of ep 3.


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Oooh, I love what you wrote -

While Hyun is trying to buy loyalty, Woo Jin inspires it.

I am fine with them showing Hyun's power campaign. So far, this show never fails to deliver on insights so I am sure there's something interesting in Hyun's story and his outcome. I just hope they dedicate enough time for Ho Won and Woo Jin.


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I'm currently watching The Liar and His Lover and Man to Man.

The Liar and His Lover is a true guilty pleasure because I have so many complaints after each episode (the characters, the script, the editing, etc) and yet I keep coming back. The saccharine and angsty mix is addictive! (And Lee Hyun Woo is a qtpie)

Man To Man, on the other hand, took me by surprise. I didn't even know that it was coming and the first episode got me intrigued. I like the overall tone of it - reminds me a bit of Kingsman in its tongue-in-cheek way of approaching the typical spy tropes. They were trying to accomplish a lot in sixty minutes, which made it feel uneven and the editing felt a little choppy. But hopefully the following episodes will be less so now that they've introduced us to all the main characters.

I've heard some not-so-fun things about Chicago Typewriter - mainly how the cinematography and music are saving the drama but the story itself is meh. What do you guys think about that? I love Go Kyung Pyo and I'd like to watch his work, buuuut... a girl only has so much time for drama in her week (though I wish I have infinitely more).


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I am watching the first episode of My secret romance and it's nice enough. But they should really dial down the funny sound effects. It's too much and it feels like they have no sense when's the right time to use them.


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This weekend has felt a little empty without Min Hyuk and Bong Soon, how sad, taking a phrase from Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, not Romeo Min Min and Juliet Bong Bong) "Ay me! Sad hours seem long." But I believe that with a little luck I will find, sooner or later (I hope sooner), something that entertains me as much as they did, at the moment I don’t feel that it’s possible, but hey, I will accept any medicine that, at least, initiate my recovery.


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I have serious withdrawal syndrome after SWDBS ended, I feel empty. I really miss Bong-bong and Min-min

Only watch TLAHL right now. I love this adaptation.
BTW, is Man to Man good?


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I am not a fan of YAI, so I am definitely having SLS with Go Kyung Pyo's character here. You should catch the latest episode. It's a buzz!


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Chicago Typewriter makes me very happy, and I'm actually fine with the fact that the protagonist isn't especially likable. Trauma rarely makes people nicer, but it can make them interesting. I'd much prefer a complex character study to a standard romance and I hope that's the direction that the show takes.


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Totally agree! Se Jo is a total weirdo, and an overdramatic diva, but I think fits the character and I'm liking it so far.


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1. The Liar and his lover. Totally fall over this drama and Lee Hyun Woo.
2. Finished Strong woman Do Bong Soon. First half was good, second half was so so for me. At least happy ending which is a good thing.
3. Checking out and fast forwarding Father I'll take care of you. I dont like Lee Soo-Kyung character. Voice, hair and style sucks. I feel sorry that i am feeling like that i feel like Kim Jae Won is different league than her. I loved her in Loving You a Thousand Times. Here i dont know.


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I'm not sure that BongSoo recused her prince since now he's stuck at home with no babysitter getting beat up by twin babies... poor MinHyuk!!


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TUNNNNEL!!!!!!! This drama has been so emotionally rich and satisfying. Can’t wait to watch it today! ?

My Secret Romance: I haven’t watched a straight-up romance drama in a while so I wanted this one to be good. First episode felt very dated and cheesy. The final scene was pretty good though. I was still curious enough about the plot so I moved on to the 2nd episode, which was much better. Still cheesy, but a lot funnier. The leads are cute and I’m in the mood for a fluffy, sweet romance so I’ll keep watching for now. And so excited to see Kim Jae Young in this! ?

Man to Man: First episode was captivating. A good introductory peek into the lives of the male leads. The spy/thriller scenes were cool, but moved by too fast. Park Hae Jin looks so handsome and smooth.

Whisper: I’m still watching this. I’m engaged while the show is on, but I don’t want to analyze it after watching due to all the layers of twists and many people involved in backstabbing.

Chicago Typewriter: Haven’t watched this week’s episodes yet. Not sure if it’s that popular since English subs weren’t available yet last night.

Mystery Queen: Still enjoying this show. EP 5 was better than EP 6. EP 6 perhaps was a bit slower than I’d like. I want more scenes of the two leads together.


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I'm still in SWDBS withdrawal... I miss the cast and I'm glad that things ended sweetly for our main couple. Hope they are having fun in Bali.

I'll probably wait to till May to start new k-dramas. Might catch up on old shows or watch a c-drama.


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My dramas
Rebel - ?
Chicago Typewriter ?
Mystery Queen ?
Tunnel - ???
Radiant Office - ?????????


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Just picked up Liar and his Lover since everyone here seems to be going gaga over it. The show is cute and enjoyable.


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Just like its cast, the show itself is more charm than skill. It's not the best executed show, but the mood it sets vibes with people. Charm goes a long way. And good writing, which it also has.


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I agree, what makes it shine is first of all, the good writing, second, the fresh cast, third, the music in that order.

I encourage those who want to know more about the drama before watching it to read this comment 3 by @namedx It has over 50 upvotes for a good cause, and contains no spoiler.


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Thanks. Great comment. I am only on episode 5, but this show balances everything so nicely. Just the kind of light and satisfying watch I need after a long day at work.


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- Tunnel: I love the show, for me it has the perfect recipe that I want from a mystery drama.
I still think yoonseok not dead in car accident though. Why the old Ms. Kim who raised the young Kwangho is nagging my mind as the actual yoonseok.
- Rebel: Still in love with this saeguk which I started because my love for Yoon Kyunsang. Glad finally who-rini mystery is over and I'm satisfied with the reveal (maybe because I wish that girl as the actual Eorini). I'm ready for the next blood bath.
- Strong Woman Do Bongsoon: I know I don't like the plot and the execution of this drama, can't stomach the comedy (too cheap imo), and the romance are too cheesy and sweet for my taste. Yet I watched it anyway with the help of fast forward button. My loyalty for Park Hyungshik are too strong to drop this drama behind. Sigh. Glad its over.
- Chicago's Typewriter: Strange drama that strangely get me invested. Maybe for the fresh concept?
- Man to Man: I like it. Finally find comedy that really suit my taste. Not too cheap, not trying too hard and the actors are great at delivering their lines. And I love all the metas and parodies.
Yes editing is a bit messy and choppy, here hoping it will get better in the next episodes.

- Whisper at episode 3: I can't get behind this drama. I feel like it is trying too hard?
- The Liar and His Lover: Yes, I love Joy. I'm glad she get praised in this drama by beanies. I'm also glad this drama also get praised. I just feel like I don't have time to watch this drama. I just read the recap and being proud by the praise Joy get from you guys.


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The Perfect Match - This show has some nonsense but overall a pretty solid show.
Love, Timeless - ahem that bedroom scene. Story concept is pretty cliche and i want to beat hero and his rival and pity both girls, But i'm all into it. This show has emotional impact.


Liar - Meh - Fast Forward. This show has a few interesting characters but it just stuck there at the 1st step itself.

Mystery Queen - Don't expect logic from Kdramas but the show is good entertainment and strongest point of the show is its Music.

Family 2017 - This is what a proper show must be. Good writing to acting to direction.

Thai Dramas

Wow hero being villain - kidnapping the heroine, Forcing himself on her and a few romantic dramas include rape by male lead too. Reminded me of those shoujo mangas. Extreme stuff. Dropped several shows.

BunLang Dok Mai - Typical rich rude and abusive guy and normal girl trying to change him. Heroine is the star of the show.

Watching - 9 Japanese dramas.


Sarabhai vs Sarabhai 2nd season webseries - The only indian show i ever watched.


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It will be a sweet and sour show. It has
Childfriend vs collage beautiful girl.
Male rival to friend. and good side character friends.


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I am watching only one show and that's Man to Man. I am watching it for Park Hae jin. There, I've said it. I'm an Agent Oppa Fangirl and proud of it. What do I like about the show?

1. Agent Oppa is so incredibly handsome in every take, every scene. He dons multiple disguises and looks incredibly handsome in each. Heck, he even looks handsome in his orange prison jumpsuit.

2. Agent Oppa is so incredibly charming. He has this little quirk at the corner of his lip that gives him a wickedly crooked but oh so charming smile.

3. Agent Oppa speaks very good English. He speaks fluently and naturally and I LOVE IT.

4. Agent Oppa is still hugging that lovely hug of his...everybody say it now: #nobodyhugslike parkhaejin

5. Agent Oppa is chaste.

6. Agent Oppa is lonely.


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