Beanie level: Eunuch in drag

This one’s even better, omg so cute


This is so funny, bless him- he looks like he wants to be anywhere else but here


    Hahhahah… his face! He clearly doesn’t want to do this!!


      I think I feel second hand embarrassment for him but at the same time it’s too awkwardly cute haha


She’s my favourite. I’m loving her self confidence


    I miss Park Sieun and her accent. PMY seemed to have dropped the accent growing up


      Ooh I did notice that, I loved her accent when she was younger. I guess it makes sense though to have lost her accent whilst living in the palace for so long😪


“Please do a pose that best expresses your character”

YWJ you’re so precious


Finally finished exams and back on here to find that I’m now a eunuch in drag (yessss?!)


Exciting times


The power of taking stuff out of context


We all know that this is the true road to romance


I find this scene adorable and it’s hilarious how awkward she is patting him


*spoiler* The real love triangle guys


    Haha, I was having a hard time posting this photo so I gave up and just posted the link. Looks like I didn’t have to 😀 I was just saying that this should have been the poster for the show! It captures their characters so perfectly, lol!


      Love their chemistry together, JCW is so play behind the scenes with NJH😎


    haha this is LOVE with Ji Wook in the middle! eek!


Love this


    OMG! I’m currently watching Moonlight and this warms my heart…I’m on episode 14 and bracing myself for everything to go to hell haha


      This clip was actually in response to one of the presenters asking Bogum how many NGs happened for the kiss scene in moonlight lol- aw it’s a neat ending so don’t worry!


    God! He is such an excited little cutie!


    Lol! He’s cute!


This is priceless


    When did this happen?


    I replying to you here, because I think maybe @YY will keep getting notifications since we hi-jacked her thread lol! (and I love the gif, so :b)

    Ack, that’s so true. yt is a black hole in time.

    It’s basically reading and analyzing lit from various languages (like in our case we’re required to be able to read in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German and French (the last two of which we have some courses in)), but going deep enough that you have to know the politics, science, psychology theories, music, art etc of the time it’s written in. Eg this is a German Lit 1888-1908 exam and besides fiction we also read Nietzsche and Freud, Darwin’s theories, Wagner have been mentioned etc. I think the short introduction here makes much more sense than my explanation lol:

    LOL. Study-tired or just not as excited with the field of study as you thought you’d be? 😛 Can’t say it sounds like something I’d want to study, but I know a lot of people studying biochemistry and similar things and I can see why someone else would like it haha ^^


      Hahah I kept on meaning to do that too but I kept on forgetting to😛 I love it too, his laugh brings a grin to my face!

      Woahhhh so you have to pretty much know all those languages for this course? Ahh I love French, how do you find it? I never realised it could be such a broad course, that you basically have to cover more than two subjects😧 At least it’ll mean you won’t be bored that easily?

      I’ve got an excuse for you to come on here more😎 you can come and analyse dramas or evaluate the psychology behind why characters behave as noble idiots and all those hospital politics in every medical drama (this is me rambling hahaha- you should definitely stop me)

      I’m actually retaking some exams to try and get better grades😪 So all the stuff I’m doing is stuff I’ve done before, I’m just trying to revise it! I just miss being creative at times so I try to do that in my hobbies but I don’t really have that much time to do that right now


        Yep. But Norwegian is so close to Danish that reading it is hardly any difference – Swedish is supposedly the same, but I know a lot of people including myself who’d argue otherwise lol. I’m horrible at Swedish 🙈 We only have to be able to read in them, so we don’t learn pronunciation or anything. French starts the upcoming semester, can’t wait! I’ve only had a teeny tiny bit of it before, so it’ll be fun!

        With course do you mean field of study? Sometimes the English words for these kind of things confuse me, especially since the Danish, English and American educational systems are all different 😅
        Comp Lit is really broad yes, that’s part of why I love it! I have so many interests and now the only one not included in my studies is math haha.

        Lol! Believe me, I use that excuse a lot 😉 Pretty much every time I watch or read something, I’m like “it’s for my studies, I learn stuff, ’tis fine” 😂

        Eep! That sounds exhausting O.O


          Are the words slightly different or the pronunciation slightly different, is that why? It’s the same for me with Cantonese and mandarin- people say that picking up the latter is easier if you know one of them but it so wasn’t for me haha

          Oh yeah, that’s what I meant by course! It’s funny because my cousin came over from Australia and when we were talking I had to get her to explain bc I got confused and vice versa haha. I did maths last year and I think was my favourite out the three that I did!

          It’s a legit excuse hahaha😛


            Norwegian and Swedish are much more sing-songy where as Danish sounds really harsh. Even Norwegian can be a bit hard for me to understand when spoking, but when written the words are basically the same. Swedish however… man… they have some weird words sometimes haha! There’s no guessing what they’re trying to tell me 😛

            You speak cantonese and mandarin? That’s so cool!!

            Haha, guess even native English speakers get confused 😛


          I’m so sorry for my late reply, I’ve been off DB while I was finishing exams!

          Languages are so interesting to learn so I definitely want to try and pick one up over summer. I’ve already made like a summer checklist to try and make it so I’m more productive instead of staying at home watching dramas lol (as much I do love doing it)

          I think that’s a similar principle for mandarin and Cantonese then bc some words are the same but some words are totally different. Also there’s some words which sound similar but the way they’re spoken are completely different!

          How are your studies going, have you finished exams yet?😎


            No worries, I figured as much ^^ How did it go??

            Respect! I’m mostly just planning on doing lots of reading and chilling in the sun hehe. What language are you thinking of trying?

            I finished them a few weeks ago and then had lots of important, practical stuff to do, so I’m only now getting to relax a little. I feel like sleeping all the time lol, I’m so exhausted after all that exam-stress 😛

            (Lol at my typo in the previous reply btw, it was supposed to be ‘spoken’ not ‘spoking, obviously haha :b )


          I’ve definitely got mixed feelings about them lol but I can’t do anything until results days

          There’ll be days when I’m doing that too because I’ll be too tempted not to haha. I love reading but honestly haven’t read since last summer so I’m going to be getting through some books in this one😎 I think I’m going to either try Spanish or Korean. Ooh have you started French yet?

          After my exam this morning I was flailing a little lol, I just have so much time on my hands. I’m quite busy the next few days though bc I’ve got birthday cakes to bake😋 so I wish I could sleep more. Go relaaaax, and soak in those sun rays 🌞

          Hahaha I didn’t even see that typo, it sounds like a legit word though


Recently been trying to complete dramas that I started and dropped. Most of the ones that I picked up again, I realise why I dropped lol but RDTK is so so good


    yes! i was surprised at how much i loved this show. the characters were so charming!


    I’d never been able to stick with a medical drama — until I tried Doctor Kim. The off-beat atmosphere and characters I think are what charmed me and made me stay.


      I think it’s my first medical drama too, and I love it. It’s just the characters and the questions that it raises in each episode that I’m finding are really well done


I need these two in a drama please


    If Ha Neul accept Bad Guys, maybe Kim Seul Gi can play the female part in this drama? But we want to see them as OTP and being lovey dovey 😩


      I’m not sure how I would I feel if they were in a drama together but not in a relationship (I’m so selfish)

      KHN is so awkward around her so I think it would be even funnier if he played a character who was all chilled out and cool. But then we watch the bts and he’s being the cute bumbling person that he is


        LOL he is such a dork. I think he doesn’t have many girl friends among the actressess, so maybe that’s why he seems so awkward in front of stranger lol. He is more on bromance type😀 Park Shin Hye and Kim So Eun are among his close female friends that I know.


And then other times…


    He seems so suave then you see that he’s a flailing dork on shows like Running Man.


      That’s what I’m trying to say, I always get a little shocked when i see how adorably geeky irl at times


I can’t deal with how he sometimes like an adorably awkward person


Bogum being asked if he had an extra fridge and his cute reply was ‘No, do you need one?’ – why do I feel like he was genuinely contemplating whether he should give one or not?


Trying hard not to ship them (and failing) but he wrote a song for her and the lyrics are 💗


    They’re a year apart, right?


      Yep, he’s younger by a year but seriously I can’t tell whether he’s being like that bc he has a crush or if he’s just joking around


        I can see both. It’d be super cute and charming if this was his way of confessing (omo). I find him so American–it’s the way he talks and acts. He’s outspoken and is quite playful and teases a lot, so it could also just be his personality. One thing’s for sure–he really does care for her a lot and they must be really close.


          That’s the problem😪 I feel like it’s probably pretty common to joke like that in America and it doesn’t mean anything but it would be so great if that was actually a confession hidden by his joking around❣


            Yeah, it’s also the way he like, cracks up and giggles after every little sentence that makes me think he’s teasing, but I do think it’s sincere, all these things he’s saying and doing, so there’s that!

            Let’s just wait and see… at least we won’t be surprised if they ever do end up dating. 😄


          He’s sending her all those dimple kisses and eye smiles- how is she resisting?! Hahaha him giggling is so adorable


            I know *I* wouldn’t be able to resist his dimples and eye smiles!


    I love them 😍
    “I’ll be your song” how sweet ❤


    Aw~ They’re like a cute lil’ band. I love it!

    Omg, Sam is so cute and sweet for writing such a lovely song with such beautiful and meaningful lyrics for Jin-ah. My goodness, where can I find a guy like that? Kyyyyaaaa~ he’s so cute!! I love how they all seem like a lil’ family and I just adore how much Sam cares for Jin-ah. I can’t get over this song and the lyrics and how sweet it all is. It doesn’t help that he’s so happy and keep smiling (those dimples and that eye smile!) while singing and while the others are singing the lyrics, too.


      I knooooow, I want to hear more of them!

      His dimples are actually killing me, he keeps sneaking glances over at Jin Ah too✨ The first line of the song had me grinning so bad lol – they seem like such a close unit which also makes me pretty happy!

      I didn’t even know what eye smiles were until I came here haha, I agree he has a killer one😜


        Yes, the little glances and the eye smiles! 💕 So cute, this boy! I can see why/how him coming to her with this song made her cry–she was already going through a tough time (poor bby…), it was raining outside and this friggin’ boy comes in, guitar-in-hand, and says, “Noona, I wrote a song for you,” and the first lyrics are “When it rains, I’ll be your umbrella”! Omg. Swoon. Just, I’d cry and hug and kiss this guy! Lol, reason #225 why I can’t be a K-pop star.


          Her voice is so good, that song that they sang together is one of my faves rn- have you heard of it?

          That line is so cheesy but so swoony at the same time. Lol, I’m with you- I would be the same! I would be star struck and just all over the place if I met Sam irl


            The one above or another one? I watched a little of their videos you posted, but haven’t actually looked up more vids of them yet.

            I love cheese! Bring on the cheese, man! Haha. I need a Sam Kim in my life.


 They collaborated together and it’s soooo good🎶

          Haha I don’t mind cheesy in the life that they live in/ dramaland- the cheesier the better (especially between people who we want to ship) but irl I think I would cringe just a little bit lol


            Aw, that WAS nice! Jin-ah’s voice is sweet and lovely and Sam’s voice is just so sexy. Yas! Sam lost so much weight since K-Pop Star! He’s so cute, though. I just realized… Jin-ah kinda looks like Kim So-hyun! Kinda wish their screens collided and brought them together. Loved their voices together and haha, you watched the Antenna ep of Happy Together, right? I wonder if Yoo Hee-yeol had to come in and hug Sam and do the whole “You must be tired. Why do you want to be an artist?” to make him shed that tear!


            And haha, yeah, I’d totally cringe and would want them to cut if out, but I think I’d be all over that the first few times. Don’t give me cheese all the time, though.


          Omg I see it!! She actually does a little bit😮 I know, I watched some of their kpop star performances and he used to be a little chubby aw

          I’ve not watched the whole episode yet just a few clips- I loved all their covers though! So I can’t follow ur reference lol bc I’ve not watched it

          Who am I kidding? I think from watching too many kdramas if the cheese came, I’d probably wouldn’t think it was as bad as I used to😅


            Yeah, most contestants that make it far in the competition and end up signing with one of the three companies anyway, usually end up going through a major makeover by going on diets, losing weight and basically looking really different since the very beginning. Sam just keeps losing weight and getting thinner and thinner, but omg, do you know Katie? She FINALLY made an appearance in the last ep of the last season of K-Pop Star and omg, I had a feeling she lost a lot of weight, but I was just baffled at how STICK SKINNY she looked! It was too much. She was kinda chubby before, but she was so cute! She didn’t look that bad when I saw her as one of the panel of guests, but my goodness, she’s so thin now. Okay, I’m done rambling, but ugh, I like K-Pop, but dislike how strict and drastic their measures and standards are.

            Oh man, just check out this video: I already marked the part that I was referencing, for your convenience. Haha.


          Yeah I don’t think I realised how strict the rules, couldn’t believe them until I actually started reading more articles it. I think it’s sad how they try to get everyone to the ‘perfect’ size and the plastic surgery they sometimes get, just to fit in. I honestly couldn’t believe it when I read that they sometimes had to hand phones in etc.

          No I’ve not watched it but I can imagine the change. It stresses me out how talent is valued less than beauty at times!

          Haha aw, they’re so funny teasing each other like that. I love how it wasn’t the anger that got them crying but that one question


            Yep. I understand that they have to “look the part” for whatever concept they’re going for, so I understand the dieting and exercise, but please, can’t they be healthy about it!? And unless they truly need it for health reasons, just stop with the ps. Ps is just so common in SK, but sometimes it’s a gateway for more unnecessary procedures and then they end up looking so unnatural and fake. Talent > unrealistic + ridiculous beauty standards, please!

            And yes, that one question was all it took! Haha.


            I also love that the AKMU siblings detested to ps before they signed their contract with YG. I think the company brought something up and the duo was like, “Please don’t make us get plastic surgery!” Thank goodness they didn’t. I hope they stand by that because their natural features add on to their uniqueness.


          I’m running out of reply threads lol😜

          Agree with you on everything. AKMU have produced some of my favourite songs and I think the way they look really adds to their uniqueness too, so to change that would be so sad.

          Healthy eating and exercise is all good but when they try to lose the weight quickly I bet they don’t always stick to the way they should do it.

          I watched a video the other day on YT and a YouTuber had paid for her mum to get PS- I thought that was incredibly sad bc ageing is just part of life and it’s not something that you should try and avoid or shy away from


            Also I was going to tag you in this the other day but I forgot to. Look at the way they look at each other!!


            Aha! Let’s just go where the wind takes us~~~

            AKMU is so talented, I can’t even. So happy that they’ve made it and have become successful! Good for them.

            Oh yeah, definitely. K-Pop is known for unhealthy diets, brah. It’s sad, but it’s the norm.

            True, but y’know what? In the end, if they’ve got money and they’re not hurting anyone, but getting work done like ps on themselves makes them feel better about themselves, then it is what it is… ?🏻‍♀️

            OMG THAT’S SO CUTE AND SO GOOD! I just saw it and I love that song and their cover was fab. 👌🏼👏🏼👍🏼💖 Gah, these two! I took a few screenshots of the vid and I’m gonna post it and tag you! You got me on this ship, man!


          I can never judge how successful artists in Korea are. I feel like AKMU is well known to international fans but they’re even more popular in Korea? Do you know what I mean

          I know, it’s really sad that it’s normal to them. Stuff like their education system too, it seems so hard to me but it’s what they’re used too.

          Yassss, got you onboard the ship haha😛 Only wish that the cover was the full length but more than satisfied with their gazes at each other lols


            Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m glad AKMU’s recognized for their talents! I’m also glad that since they mostly make their own music, they actually get paid and aren’t really cheated by their companies, like most idols.

            I think the education system in Asia are generally much harder than the US. I definitely wouldn’t be able to keep up w/ all the studies. Nope. No can do.

            Would’ve loved to hear more of them singing that song! Pooey.


          I don’t know tonnes about the way that idols are paid but that’s really surprising😧

          I think they just get put under way more pressure too and it’s seen as more of a failure if they’re not that academically gifted. You hear about all these students getting only 5/6 hours sleep and working till crazy hours and going to cram school after their usual school☹️

          Oh do you live in the US then chingu? I’ve always thought that living there sounds like so much fun.

          Samesies, their voices harmonise so beautifully


            Yeah, I don’t know details, but it was always known that idol life isn’t a glamorous one. On the contrary, they’re often neglected in terms of their pay, their diet, and even their personal lives. They’re restricted to a lot of things and have to follow their contract rules to a T. They’ve often used the term, “slave contract” when referring to idol contracts, too, which of course doesn’t apply to all companies. ANYWAYS…

            Yes, there’s a lot of pressure to not only succeed, but EXCEL, so it’s really tough. I’ve never studied that hard in my life, so needless to say, I probably would last very long in the asian school systems. I mean, unless I born and raised into it or just really wanted to succeed, of course.

            I do live in the US! Haha, it’s pretty fun for the most part, but I think every place has its charms! Where do you live?


          It sounds pretty terrible tbh but it’s upsetting that this is the price to pay for becoming successful and to follow their dreams. I feel like the rules aren’t as strict the longer they’re with the company right? Stuff like they’re allowed to have mobile phones later on?

          It’s hard to think that excelling at something is the average. For the students who work hard, to make something exceptional seem normal is really unfair.

          I’m from the UK and I would say the same haha. There are some good parts about it but definitely some negatives too lol🙄


            It’s definitely upsetting and you’re right about it being “the price to pay,” which sucks because like you said, they just wanna follow and live their dreams. I totally agree with you in regards to the companies being more lenient on older groups. Seniority rules in K-pop, too, I guess.

            My sister told me this funny “joke” about how Asian parents react when their kid(s) get a ‘B’ on their report card:
            “You’re A-sian, not B-sian.” Lol.
            Jokes aside, every culture’s different. It’s not just Asians that prioritize their education. Even though I’m Asian, myself, my parents aren’t the stereotypical Asian parents and was never really hard on me in regards to my studies. They were just happy that I was passing. 😅

            That’s cool that you’re from the UK! What’s one of the best things about where you live?


          I know it’s not much of a consolation but at least we know that the road would only get better for them. Have you watched the roommate episode where Jackson saw his parents, I was sobbing for him seriously.

          Hahah, I’ve heard that joke from my sister too actually!

          I think it is slowly changing with the newer generations, but many still associate academia as the only way to success. There are so many ways to become successful w/o having to go down the whole university route now.

          We have a lot of green over here, like mountains and rivers I guess😂 I love London so so much but I guess I would love it even more if I didn’t go there a lot. How about America, I’ve always been curious to what the American life is like!


            I didn’t watch the ep, but I did watch that clip, and it was definitely very sad and touching.

            I agree. YouTube is one of those ways. There are so many YouTubers that have become successful and have made a living off of YouTube.

            Aw, haha. Maybe you should visit and stay somewhere far from home so when you come back, you’ll have a deeper appreciation and love for your hometown. 🙂
            Now that you’re asking me the same question, I realize how difficult of a question it is. 😅 Well, America’s nice. I’m living in Florida, so I can talk a little about that. We’ve got theme parks here (home of Disney World, heyo~!), nice beaches, good food, and blazin’ hot weather, which is not very nice, but it is what it is.


Grinning to myself from 2:55 bc they are just too CUTEEE


    I like hippo 😆😆😆


      I’ve never grinned so hard at someone being called hippo hahahah


    Omg! No more before I start shipping these two hard! Haha. This boy is a major tease. He admitted to thinking they look good together and if his response to why he called Jin-ah a hippo is because he “loves hippos” doesn’t mean he ~lurves~ her, then idk what is. Is this a green light? Yes, I think it is!


      It’s so funny seeing someone react the same way that I did😛 Too late for me, I’m already on board that ship!

      She looked so uncomfortable though, bless her. Even if it means nothing, I hope they still stay friends like they are now☺️ If it does actually mean the green light though fjxisnrofsnejcksndi💞


        Ahaha, I love that feeling–having someone share the same sentiments as you on something you feel passionate about and then squealing and fangirling about it together. 👌🏼 I’ll probably start looking up more videos of these two later on and I’ll be tagging you with my new finds! 😛

        Yeah, she’s just like, “Heh heh, alright, cut it out.” Such a noona! Y’know, a big part of me already ship these two, but another part of me kinda hope they just stay close friends because I’d hate for them to break up and that put a damper on their friendship.


          Yassss, we can overanalyse and squeal at every interaction that they have lol.

          I know right, she’s like Sam can u pls grow up. That would be the worst, if they actually became really awkward around each other😪

          As if we’ve already talked about them dating, not dating and then splitting up like it’s all going to happen hahaha


            Haha, yyyyaaaaasssss! 👍🏼

            Oh, I would hate for that to happen to them! But haha, you’re right, I’m getting way too ahead of myself. 😅 I’ll just happily watch their interactions as close friends now and go with the flow. 👍🏼


          Sameeee, may their friendship stay the same but can they continue their adorable bickering and jokes bc it’s so cute to watch ✨


I need a place to share bc I might be squealing just a little bit over these two


    Will check this out in a little bit and come back to squeal with you!! Thanks for sharing!


      Yayyy, come fangirl with me once you’ve watched it bc they’re both so adorable


        Deal! Haha, I saw a glimpse of them together in Happy Together and I thought the Antenna gang was so cute together.


          Same, I watched that episode too and they were so talented!! That cover of pick me up made me laugh though, even Seunghwan started couldn’t control his laughing at the end haha


            Yes! He really CAN turn any song into a sad ballad! Haha, poor guy couldn’t hold it in and ended laughing at the end, losing his pork set!
