I can’t help but wonder if the CITT writer read this book. It’s got a love triangle with an orphaned woman and all of them being activists… http://library.klti.or.kr/node/9377
Oh look! A b-day cake! *just imagine I’m Hongki and that Muchie is Dindin* *and yes I will trick Muchie into buying you an expensive gift too* *but not underpants tho*
#Sicarius’Bday #ObsessedBee
Pffffffahaha oh the shade… Ah thanks, I appreciate it. Although hey, I wouldn’t complain if I got expensive underwear… Good underwear is hard to find ye ken.
Hello.. are you okay? You haven’t been online for a while now and I am getting a lil worried! Hope it is just the new semester keeping you busy. Take care kaybeeee <3
Hiiii! So sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you 🙁 I sort of wrote an explanation on the party planning thread, didn’t think about how you didn’t get a notification since I wrote something in reply to sic and so sorry!
But yes, it’s also partly just the new semester keeping me super busy too.
Hope you’re doing well?? *big hugs* (and thank you so much for asking if I’m okay <3)
You are here!!! I am so happy that you are okay! We missed you a LOT! Are you okay now? How are you dealing with the new sem? Was there something else bothering you? (I will go check that party thread later) Have you found a way to deal with whatever it was?
I know, so many questions! I just got excited seeing 8 notifications and knowing that it would only happen if u were back! I wake up to 2-3 from Sic- if it’s more than that, has to be you 😛
I didn’t check that thread after Sic went crazy replying to many things! 😛 You must have received a lot of notifications from there!
I am doing well, yes. *hugs you back* (but ofcourse I had to! <3)
Fair enough… *hugs you for lack of better things to do*
Hee… of course! 😀
^^ Fair enough! You don’t need to reply to everything! Nothing was that important..
I finished a level.. enrolling myself for the next one.. I am thinking of starting personal coaching classes for students who have Spanish at school level.. I know enough to teach the school kids because their syllabus is pretty basic.. At least I will have something to do while i wait for my next exams/results etc..
Happy birthday @sicarius! 😀 One year older and all the better for it! Like wine! Or cheese! 😀
Found some old MinoXBlock B stuff for ya, woo! (see below too)
One day. Winner will eventually get popular and stable- and then he can branch out and do some singles- or awesome collabs!
I am loving the first one you shared and had already heard Dear My Wife..
Yup, at ep 7 now. It’s seriously infinitely giffable, I think I need to make a rewatch one day just to make gifs out of all those moments haha. I can’t leave them ungiffed!
It indeed is! I ll be looking forward to all those gifs.. one day far in the future though- because I know u are lazy about such things 😉
How are you giffing them though? All the episodes were an hour long! Or did you search for 15 mins videos on YT?
I’m starting to feel like watching dramas again. But semester starts in a week, so I don’t want to watch something completed (because binging) but not in the mood for those airing now either. Otteoke?
Oh, that one was fun! Also Wednesday 3:30 PM, Secret Message and One Sunny Day were all pretty good. Not quite a web drama, not a long series, but still easily bingeable was Because It’s the First Time which was super sweet, with eps being like 30-40 mins, if I recall.
This reminds me so much of Dream High 2 for some reason. I like the others better and also the other one from this album, Silhouette, but that’s not to be found on yt sadly.
Yeah exactly 🙂 It’s not that I don’t like it, just that it sort of feels a bit more ordinary and pales in comparison to the other three songs which are all great heh. It’s such a shame I couldn’t share Silhouette :/
Want to, but can’t. No Spotify in India! I mean I can go the whole change-the-VPN route but I guess I will just wait for it to come on YT.. Things sooner or later have a tendency of coming there 😛
I know the struggle! We have things like Spotify and Netflix, but sort of might as well not have considering the incredibly small and poor collection they contain here.
I actually bought it on iTunes hehe. It’s pretty cheap, so once in a while I allow myself to by some of the songs I really like instead of just going on yt 😛
The genre-mix. It’s crazy and awesome and crazy awesome. I just LOVE that this is the work of someone who started out as a ballad idol. Way to break out of the box *Goliath-size thumbs up*
He composed this?? But i thought he was just a singer! I mean I haven’t really checked out much of his work- just few variety stuff and Marriage Not Dating!
He plays at least drums, guitar and piano (and bass?) and as far as I know all of his solo stuff is self composed, at least I know for certain that his first ones from 2011 are. He’s got a really high IQ, he’s super athletic, musically talented (even if he’s not a technically great singer (yet)), funny, handsome, taller than me and seriously the world is not fair, where are guys like this hiding?!?! 😭?😛
I knew about the super athletic, funny, tall and handsome part but didn’t know about the others much! 😀
Yup I did.. I mean, I started it and saw the end and many episodes in between.. might have skipped a few episodes as I used to watch it on YT and some episodes were always missing.. Oooh and now I am remembering random parts from it and feel like going back and watching it.. I have even seen him as part of the panel on WGM- with very bad hair might I add :P.. And I still remember that lady on that one episode of Maknae Rebellion.. She just looked at him and ignored others! He does have that cocky, sexually attractive thing going on! 😉
Well at least I’m in complete awe at his many talents and plus-sides lol, even though I obviously know he’s got flaws like any other person, that’s just quite a lot for just one person! I never meet people like that lol, so I’m just amazed that such a person exists 😛
Ahhh you should totally go watch the whole thing! It’s so funny how she’s the noona (on WGM), but he’s totally got the upperhand in the relationship lol, he’s got some mad player-skills hahaha 😛
And now I wanna go rewatch Idol Makbanshi lol. Him, Mir and Seunghyun were just gold and then the Shinee eps and Yoo Se Yoon, argh, wish it was still ongoing or had more eps at least. It could actually be really fun to see new maknaes mingle like that. Even though I wasn’t around for it, I really miss the 2nd gen shenanigans and how they all were on shows together and had all these friend-lines like 91’er and Kyu-line. It was so much fun. Agencies need to train their idols more for variety again, so few of them go on shows nowadays and when they do it’s mostly just when they’re promoting a song and they end up being really boring…
I could say that about many Korean celebrities! How are they so multi- talented? I have never met someone like that in real life!
I just remembered their first meeting, then his jealousy over Baro, that photo- shoot, yoga sessions, and that end.. Yup he definitely got some skills! And they made such an attractive pair!
It would be so fun if they did a Makbanshi season 2! All those ‘savage maknae’ videos should give many candidates! And yes! I would love more cross- group friendships in kpop! I read somewhere that Hoonie knows/ is friends with- not probably not close anymore- Infinite’s Hoya- he even made a video supporting Hoya when he was back in school- but he didn’t want to take his name much just in case fans thought he was trying to ride on Hoya’s popularity!
I would love more such stories to come across! But maybe the cut- throat fandoms and competition makes it hard to do that now?
I dunno, maybe you’re right. The fan wars are pretty insane at times and the gazillion groups debuting every year and everyone competing so hard probably isn’t good for these things. But then, some of the 1st gen rivalry was also insane, yet the guys are friends irl, they just didn’t show it back then and then came the 2nd gen and suddenly everyone were openly intereacting. So who knows, maybe it’ll change again?
*accepts it gratefully*
I would throw one back at you but you have already been in over FTI as a whole and Jinwoon for a long time.. anyone else who qualifies as a crush?
Don’t really think they’re crushes tbh, it’s not like I could never imagine myself dating them or anything. In fact, I’m not even sure I’d like to be friends with all of them lmao 😛
I dunno, maybe I do have a “celebrity crush” level lol, but it tends to blow over pretty quickly and I’m a bit of a realist, so even irl I distinguish between being attracted to someone and having an actual crush on them. I think it’s quite possible to be attracted to someone, yet not have a crush on them in any way. With celebs I just tend to be more fascinated or in awe or feel like “awww this person seems like such a good/funny/talented person, that’s so great” and just be appreciative of the fact that there’s someone like them able to make me happy through great skills or by just lighting up a screen with their warmth or charm. Maybe bc I tend to be hyper-aware that they’re real people, yet people whose real self I’ve never seen or met, no matter how real and honest they may be on screen, so they both feel like real people and unreal at the same time, if that make sense?
It’s also why I always try to add things like “at least judging by their interviews” etc when talking about celebs, bc in all honesty I know that I have no freaking clue and they could all be pouring lies out on screen like nobody’s business lol and that it’s also unfair and sort of weird to talk about people you don’t know as if you know them just based on their TV appearances. So I tend to feel sort of weird fangirling or talking about celebs outside of trying to analyse or just appreciate their work, but I end up doing it anyways lmao 😛
But but haven’t you ever fallen head over heels for a kdrama character? Loving him so much that you wish you found someone like him? And then loving the actor because if he was able to portray that character so well, there must be something of that character in him… Then looking at his interviews, BTS, songs, variety and falling deeper? This is Seo In Guk for me… I mean I obviously know that he is an actor and I don’t even dream of being together with him but just loving him still? Like if I go back and listen to some of his songs or some clips, I actually feel sad that I won’t be seeing anything from him for some time and literally miss him sometimes!
You are right about us not really knowing their “real” selves but a celebrity crush is anyway different from a real life crush (though seriously, I can’t even recall the last time I had a real life crush.. it has been too long. I need to go out more! :P)
Lol he does. All that “I am pretty” would probably get on my nerves but it is a very recent thing and part of his new variety image where he just accepts instead of trying to be all humble..
And I thought more, and uh I would want to friends with Hoonie! Who cares about manageable! He looks like he is the perfect mix of crazy but thoughtful. (Yes, there I go again! :P)
Not really. I do go on binges, but that’s when I find people funny. Like, I looooove Park Hyo Shin’s voice and find him to be an incredible, awe-inspiring person based on what I’ve seen/heard, but I have hardly watched anything with him, bc when he finally do make a TV appearance it’s not really funny. It’s the reason why I love using gifs of and watching vids where Seunghyun or Jinwoon, because they ALWAYS manage to make me laugh or smile with their goofiness and cheerfulness and I need that more in my life 🙂 Doesn’t mean I actually want to find someone like them irl, even if I do at times bemoan the fact that handsome, funny, smart AND creatively talented guys don’t seem to exist in my world haha 😛 Not that I don’t get attached to certain celebs, just not really in that crush like way. But I dunno, maybe I’m just fooling myself bc I feel weird about the whole celeb concept lol. And this – “but a celebrity crush is anyway different from a real life crush” is also very true, so maybe I’m just not really aware what my celebrity crushing would look like kkkkk.
(Ahahahah same!!! :P)
Yup that is what I am gonna believe in- you ARE just fooling yourself and that you are really just not aware what your celebrity crushing looks like 😛
Oh btw did you hear of the Oppa War on DB? It was pretty hilarious and one of the funniest thing to happen on DB for a while! A new beanie appeared called @mrsparkhaejin and @azzo1 declared war! All in jest but then many beanies became azzo’s soldiers, suppliers, supporters and then there were some beanies who came up with popcorns to pass around to all the others enjoying the drama. SO it was like one big DB party and poor Mrs Park Hae Jin had to retreat! 2 days of all day laughing!
Ah it did get a lil too much sometimes but I loved other beanies’ comments more… And if pacifism is your thing, you should totally check out the mini oppa war (that was not) between me and Jig then! 😛 I felt so weird staking any claim to SIG that I ended up being all “let’s share the love”- actually even saying that made me uncomfortable but we were on a “oppa war” high and just went with the flow 😛 Plus Ziggie is no oppa of mine- he is just Gukkie. I am not for calling them oppas.
Yeah, the whole oppa thing isn’t my thing either lol. I feel like that should be reserved for Koreans calling their actual oppas or boyfriends etc that (or someone not Korean with a Korean bf or something, but you get what I mean heh).
Jeong Jinwoon had a comeback of sorts this April and ohmegosh it’s awesome! He just gets better and better after leaving JYP <3
*gets ready to spam you guys with soundly awesomeness*
2AM still is, but they’re on hiatus I think and except for Jo Kwon I believe all members left JYP though on good terms. It’s really sweet actually, Jinwoon once said on RS(?) that JYP himself told him that he couldn’t be of any service to him if this is the kind of music he wanted to do and that it was okay for him to leave to pursue his music dreams, which awww ❤️ He’s with Mystic entertainment now, Yoon Jung Shin’s agency (the guy who made the song KSY made re-famous lol, Instinctively (I think, gosh my poor memory lol, overload on old interviews trying to remember all this ahahah)).
JYP is such a weird guy! I don’t think I have liked his songs/acting/dancing but he just has that kinda charm.. I dunno… like he knows what would work most of the times. So I guess an instinct. Which doesn’t work all the time (did SIG fail JYP auditions? and he had quite a lot of critical comments for Yoon while teh other judges loved him? which I guess might have helped him grow but still— eesh! just realized that Ziggy won season1 of Superstar K and Yoonie was in the top4 in season2… so SIG is like a sunbae to him! and of Roy Kim and JJY! Dude should come back and focus on his musical career along with his acting career)- sorry went off on a tangent there and now I don’t remmeber what I wanted to say about JYP… but uh yeah.. that was sweet of him!
Thing is, whenever JYP comments on singing, I can’t help but go “errmm dude, you promote “half air half sound” AND you have ZERO technique when singing yourself” hahaha.
Oh yeah and he was also sort of Seunghoon’s mentor on Kpop Star I think?
Exactly! He gives weird advice! Why is he so well- established?! Like YG makes sense most of the times!
Was he? I didn’t know.. And I was googling Kpop Star and Lee Hi was the runner up of Season 1 while Hoonie came 4th… Now I am not one for shipping people but why have I not seen fans makes Lee Hi- Seunghoon ships!?! They basically started their careers together!
I think it’s bc his songs are really catchy. He knows how to make a hit song and a hit group and establish a succesful image for a group (like 2PM as the beast idols), he’s just not that great at vocal technique lol. I think he’s more of a dancer perhaps. And likeability probably also plays a part.
His dances are pretty stupid too imo 😛 But yeah catchy songs and maybe becoming popular at a time when there was not much competition and having a business sense..
It’s not my style, but he clearly knows something about dancing, while at the same he doesn’t really seem that natural, so I dunno. But his artists generally tends to be good at it, like Rain (previously JYP), 2pm AND 2am. He talks a lot about singing, but dancing seems to be more his agency’s thing.
Sometimes it sort of seems to me like the big companies’ focus can be divided into:
YG – rapping, singing and individuality/artistry
JYP – dancing
SM – visuals, singing (like SuJu) and dancing (like EXO)
FNC – instruments and singing
Lol I just remembered him teaching dance in Dream High! And now I want to go back and watch that! What is with me and wanting to check out every thing I think of momentarily!
SM seems to have it all then! I mean that is covering almost everything! But I still prefer YG! Not that I love everyone at YG but they seem to just have that ‘awesome’ thing going for them- I mean Big Bang and 2Ne1 are legends! And I love Winner and Akmu! Oh and Black Pink seem interesting too.. Could also be because I haven’t really checked out other groups much.. How many groups does SM have? Exo, SHINee, SuJu, Red Velvet, Girl’s Gen (?) who else? But there are so many more groups- Apink, Mamamoo etc etc– I will one day look up all these things! When I have time… Which i might have soon.. Winner has ended this CB’s promotions! I guess we can wait till December now…
Ah but I think they will still be more active.. Mino as a special MC for Radio Star soon.. I really get irritated when one of my favourites comes on RS- I don’t like the show but have to watch it for them! 😛
Aarggh I feel like it’s always me having to go up and find the reply button hahaha 😛
I’ve been wanting to rewatch a lot of dramas and variety things, there are just so many things you don’t notice when you’re not in that deep yet haha 😛
For me it’s like YG at least lets their artists be artists and also just people. There really is a reason why SM has such popular groups, but they just treat them all so horribly. They also have TVXQ – or what’s left of them. That whole thing was just so tasteless and still is -.- And yes, SNSD, also f(x) and NCT and according to Wiki also TRAX (are they still a thing?) and S.E.S which I don’t believe are together anymore? They also have BoA.
Yeah it’s hard to figure out all the agencies! I’m still only sort of solid on the bigger companies and their artists. Don’t even know who Mamamoo is under despite really liking them.
LOL the same with RS! Thanks for letting me know, didn’t know about it nor that their cb cycle had ended 🙂
There you go! This should work for the next 2 comments 😛
Exactly! Specially some episodes of RM where I completely ignored the guests because I didn’t know or care who they were!
TVXQ has many fans though! Something happened to them? SM treat them badly? Oh and there is Cube Entertainment too which i know about only because Beast/ Highlight left them and started their own company and I like those boys/ ajhusshis…
They have tons of fans yes. As far as I recall, it’s something about them taking SM to court for their practically literal slave contracts that bound them for even longer than they do know and with all sorts of ridiculous clauses and stuff. I think they won or something and Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu left and became JYJ, while Changmin and Yunho stayed at SM under the original name, but SM was salty and got JYJ banned from music shows etc just by lobbyism. It was pretty bad and I believe SM was forced by law to change their contracts up a bit after that. They’ve also treated Chinese members of groups like SuJu and EXO extremely badly and most of them left due to it.
Oh yeah, Cube! There’s also Glove Ent (Park Hyo Shin), Jellyfish (previous SIG), Mystic (Jinwoon), Starship Ent (K.Will), Star Empire (ZE:A), Big Hit (BTS), AOMG (Jay Park, Simon D), HGHGRND (or something similar), Drunken Tiger’s agency (don’t remember the name), 7 Seasons (Block B) and of course Woolim and oh gosh, I knew way more than I thought I did and these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head o.O There’s also LOEN which used to just distribute, but now also have artists signed I think. A few of them are affiliates or something of the big 3 though. SuJu also have their own “label” now.
Wow! SM sounds like those big bad agencies/companies shown in all those kdramas! This just made me appreciate YG even more!
Oh wasn’t Park Hyo Shin with Jellyfish? Or he was there before.. I think I saw him and Gukkie together in something- or maybe not..
Wow! This is exactly what I meant to look up when I said “I will one day look up all these things! When I have time!” You just made it easier! 😛 But man you know a LOT! 😉
Yeah, they’ve done some pretty awful things, like forcing SuJu members on stage when they were literally in the hospital hooked to an IV and stuff O.O
He switched to Glove Ent, a year or two ago. Just looked it up and you were right, he was in Jellyfish before 🙂
Haha, it’s probably just cause I’ve been hanging around yt watching kpop vids for a year more than you, these things end up sticking with you somehow lol. I don’t really know all that much though, especially compared to what actual kpop fans do o.O
Eesh sounds horrible! And reminds me of Cindy from Producers.
Ah yeah such info does stay in the brain. I mean I have not really heard more than 3-4 Park Hyo Shin songs and don’t know much about him but his being a part of Jellyfish stayed with me. So I can see myself being all knowledgeable about kpop and related stuff an year later..
Oh gosh… The cringe… It’s massive lol. I love how he’s naturally absolutely adorable, try as he might, but the second he’s forced or asked to aegyo it’s just so cringey and awkward ahaha.
What?!?! Soooo jealous. I would love to see them live again. Their music has changed so much since the last time. I bet their concert would be even more amazing now.
Yeah, the second I saw they were going to Europe, I was like, that’s it, I’m going no matter what haha ^^ Oh cooool, you already saw them? Where was that? ^^ And yes, their music these days is vastly different from before. Tbh I don’t think I’d ever have gotten into them if they had continued with the title songs they were given by FNC.
I saw them in 2012 in LA with CN Blue, so it’s definitely been a few years lol. I still love their old stuff. I remember having “I Hope” on loop lol and “Severly” will always be a fav. But, I’m glad to see them grow and doing music they truly love.
Ooh that sounds awesome 🙂 But yes, definitely a lot has happened since then heh.
I’m more of a rock kind of person to begin with, maybe why I like the new and Japanese stuff better 🙂 There are a few pre-I Will Korean songs that I like, but they’re far between and mostly like them when they rearrange them for live performances now. And yes, it’s great that they finally seem to have creative control! Go them!
Yeah, I think it’s just all about taste and when you first got into k-pop. I got into it with “I Hope,” SNSD’s “Genie,” Super Junior’s “Sorry Sorry,” Shinee’s “Ring Ding Dong,” etc. But, now it’s hard for me to get into new groups cause I’ve seen that kind of stuff before and now I appreciate groups that do take control over their music and try new kinds of sounds/concepts, but if you’re a new kpop fan I can see how these new but formulaic groups would look so fresh and cool if that’s the only exposure you’ve had.
Not you, but just a generic you lol I just mean that I don’t mind their beginning stuff either because that’s what got me into k-pop. To me it was fresh and exciting because that was my first exposure like how people think BTS is fresh and exciting because that is their first exposure and people can argue whether that’s true or not based on what other k-pop they have listened to. Now I’m sorry that I got caught up in ranting lol
I think maybe the difference for me is that I’m not really into K-pop dance groups, except for finding it oddly fascinating as an industry and liking Winner, some random songs and some of the groups in variety. I’ve always been more of a rock/indie kind of person, so Pray and that album really made me excited heh ^^ But yes, coincidentally that album did come out the year I got into Korean music!
No worries, I got that it was a generic you. LOL I’m the master of ranting, that was nothing compared to what my rants look like haha 😛
Haha it’s not 😛 I did watch/listen to some FTI, but it’s more there live stuff, no memorizing for me just yet. Right now I’m watching their We Will live in Seoul and it’s pretty freaking awesome, although I’ve seen more free and interesting lives from them. Somehow I like their Japanese concerts better, wonder why 😉
It does, right? So I’m not completely cray for thinking that? 😛
Hahha… because they are free-r in Japan! Maybe they have to take care of what they say (to a degree only cuz well they are FTI) in Korea more! 😀
Yup! Not crazy at all! 😉
Also, I am watching half Moon Friends and it is adorable! I have seen only the first episode and I am in love! These 5 were/ are just so cute with kids and with each other!
Ikr, Half Moon Friends is BEYOND adorable ^^ They all seem to care genuinely about the kids and you can just tell how much the kids like them back, it’s so sweet. Normally you can tell the kids are slightly awkward around the celebs or camera, but here they’re just bouncing about happily.
Yeah, but at the same time all 5 actually seem much more relaxed and happy than I’ve ever really seen them tbh (well judging by what we see on TV obviously, so who really knows). Seems like it was the right move for all of them 🙂
True, very true! I love them now that they look so happy! I love them then when they looked like they were having fun! Basically I love them no matter what!
Did I ever thank you for posting that pic of Jinwoo- looking like across between Lee Jong Suk and Ji Chang Wook and then that video of him getting lost in Japan? That is what initially go me interested and look at me now! I don’t think I did!
So thank you for introducing me to these lovely 5 dorks- wait 4 dorks and 1 talented as hell boy cuz Namtae is no dork! <3
Awww hehe, well then I’m happy to have introduced you to someone this awesome!
I was about to say, hold up, ofc NTH’s a dork too! But then I realized he’s far behind the others on dorkiness kkkk, but then who can keep up with those dorks’ dorkiness? They’re on a pretty high level haha 😛
Hahha yeah! Their dorkiness level is unparalleled! 😛
Oh and I am now waiting for some kind Inner Circle to sub their appearance on JYP’s ‘Part People’! All the teasers are so interesting! Plus I think I read somewhere that they danced to Hoony’s original choreo of LMLM which YG changed.. Yoon sang Instinctively again, Yoon- Mino’s Fear and Hoonie’s freestyle dance!*fingers crossed*
I’ve been rewatching a bit of Winner TV today in between lots of stuff to do (I’ll reply back to alll my notifications tomorrow lol, sorry for the few answers today!) and yes, dorkiness reconfirmed 😛
Yesss hope so too! Their “Nobody” cover is on yt and goodness it’s good 😛 As expected hee.
Every time someone mention that WIN or Winner Tv, I feel like going back and checking them out but I am currently quite happy watching their dorky selves in Half moon friends 😍 (take your time… oh and we have to do that too.. I will be doing some research on it today)
I just checked out Hoon’s LMLM dance- step and now I understand why YG changed it with the simple finger hearts one! That one is a mix between cute and suggestive! 😉 And Hoon and Yoon making those sexy faces! <3
Glad you’re enjoying it too, I had so much fun watching it! (oh yes, true! If you start with a notification for me on whatever post you like?)
Oooohh will so have to find that on yt later today! Right now I’m busy watching ep 2 of Night Goblin, cuz it’s finally subbed, woooo!! 😀 Hongki is so obviously a veteran in the industry haha I love it. He’s not that much older or even any older than a lot of much newer idols, but it’s just such a different feel when he’s on shows.
Only watched half an hour of that ep, so far, and Hongki, Hyungdon and Sugeun are doing great so far, but will have to watch more to see what I really think. It’s worth it for Hongki for now at least hehe 😛
Oh! I actually did already watch that and wondered about that step haha, good thing they changed it, yes 😛 Seunghoon’s facial expressions though pffftttt… (also he looks soooo good in that getup!)
Ha.. i think I will start watching it after I am done with Badaland Chingus… Now waiting for KB subs!
Lol yes! I mean I wouldn’t have mind that step but yeah I like the finger hearts! 😛 (dude I am *this* close to crushing on him big time! He looks so frigging hot! Plus for a change, he got a lot of camera time!)
KB subs were the first thing I checked for this morning! 😛 Hope they arrive soooonnnn….
(kkkkk you’re so cute crushing on Seunghoon haha 😀 I’m pretty sure you’re already in too deep, the amount of Hoon-gushing you do is soon to rival me and Seunghyun and Sic and Zico (lol just noticed that… Zic? Sico?) haha 😛
(I just don’t want to accept it! But yeah might already be in over my head! Hahha… Sico reminds me of Saico… poor sicarius! :P- Sico might stay though… could use it for one of then bday posts)
Actually I just found it on google, but it probably took me just as long as if I’d made it kkkk.
#WasSupposedToRestYes #Can’tRelaxWhenMessIsThere #FeelsMuchBetterNow #GotTooStressedDoingNothing #LOL #SinceWhenDoIDoHashtags? #IFeelTooTrendy #INeedToStopThis #Waaaaaeeeeeeee #HashtagsAreWeird
Lol, it would probably have taken you lesser time on giphy, you had the video handy! Your google search history would be so interesting! Whenever I wish to find a gif, I use such weirdly specific keywords!
#ExhibitAofKaybeeFeelingTired- #SheStartsMakingHashtags #TrendyIsNotTrendyForUs
#YouCallWatchingRandomVideosNothing? #ItIsAnArt #WhyAmIfollowingSuit&Making#
Pffft very true! My keywords are always stuff like “overly excited kdrama gif” or “moping kpop gif” hahaha.
#YouKnowMeTooWell #HaILikeThat #TisIndeedAnArt #IDon’tKnowWhyYou’reDoingThemEither #MostTrendyThingsAreWeird
(Haha yeah, it’s been a while for sure. But I promised myself I’d take the day completely off today, so lots of DB and random vids for me hahah ^^ (not really keeping my own promise however lol, I unpacked a moving box anyways :P))
(Much deserved rest then! Share if you find something cute and new.. (haha… can’t keep your hand off clearing stuff? All the boxes must look tempting!))
Ok… he gets points because his pun actually made me laugh. And usually I just grimace slightly at most puns (sorry Punnery Sergeant).
Also, ‘got no hands to clap? That’s ok! you can just slap your own face!’… why do I feel like that’s something I would do…
Well all your incessant CHECK WINNER OUT PLS is slowly winning me over, albeit reluctantly. I don’t know why reluctantly. It’s not like there’s anything bad about it lol.
That pun is really on point! 😛 Whaaattt!?!!?!?! Noooooo!!!!! But… PUNS…. They be awesome! How can you not like them!?!?! Do you not like my puns either?! *goes to pout in corner*
Hahaha I can totally imagine you doing that.
Yassssss seee there’s fun times ahead if you watch Winner stuff! 😛 And dorky and cute and all kinds of awesome and talented stuff!
Lol I get it except I don’t get it. I mean, I get that feeling sometimes too, but I don’t get why I get it, so I get your feeling, but not why you’re feeling it, cuz I don’t get why anyone feels that way including me, but we do.
(Also I must have something with the Seungs, cause I’ve got such a soft spot for Seunghyun in FTI and Seungyoon in Winner haha 😛 (BUT HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE PEOPLE WHO DO RANDOM STUFF LIKE THAT? Tis impossible (said in French accent just cause))
I know it is! It was marvelous. Hence, it made me laugh.
I knoooooow I’m sorrrrry. Some are just so bad and not funny, and when people do it ALL THE TIME AND DON’T STOP I just want to run away hahaha (no, yours are ok I think. I don’t remember being drastically annoyed at any of them)
I really don’t know what it says about me that you can imagine me doing that hahaha
*reads last paragraph* is Kaybee tired? I think Kaybee is tired LMAO!!!
yes to all the not getting getting stuff hahaha
(You do yes. Already noticed that 😛 (Well I do like them so I guess it is impossible :P))
Definitely tired RotFL!
Her last few messages before going to sleep are always so hilarious!
A tired rambling kaybee is adorable!
(Us Seung lovers :P- I love the other Seung in Winner but yup have a soft spot for the Seung in FTI and Yoonie)
(You have a soft spot for FTI Seung too?? I think I possibly may or may not just love you a little bit lot more than ever before if that is possible :P)
(Yup I do- him and Hongki because he is so adorable, then comes Jaejin and then Minhwan and Jong-hoon! 🙂 And it is possible indeed! I am *this* close to singing Love Me Love Me! 😉 )
Good thing I don’t make puns! Would have gotten you irritated so many times if I did 😛
Though seriously that pun made me just roll my eyes at his dorkiness! (But I love when our Punnery Segeant makes an appearance 😉 )
Hehe yay! *half fist pump* And I so understand reluctance cuz I feel that too! It’s like going into an unknown zone because of someone’s assurance & insistence that it is an awesome place but all you can see is darkness ahead…
Ahaha noo I mean, I probably make me sound worse than I am. I’m not as bad as some people with puns, I’ll probably just give you a ‘really? why…’ look or an eyeroll haha
It was a clever pun though. And from a Korean. In English.
Yeahs! It is a bit like that! Also I guess me getting into them is going to be so different from everyone else I’ve got into? Like normally it’s uh… more my decision? hahah idk
Is it in English though? *just posing an intriguing question* Since he’s actually making a pun on the v being pronounced b by most Koreans and since “valet parking” is actually called “valet (parking?)” in Korean and ballet possibly also just ballet, it’s sort of both a Korean and an English pun mayhaps? Dunno, just wondering the nature of language. Again lol.
Bwhahah, it’s sort of like me and Block B, though part of my reluctance to watch their variety and such is cause I’m afraid I’ll suddenly be in too deep and have even more stuff to catch up on haha. But, yes, like @obsessedmuch said, trussssstttt usssssss (*said like Sir Hiss from Robin Hood*).
English Loan Word pun then. I guess it’d be like me making a pun out of a well known and used French phrase. I mean, it’s even more clever that he’s playing on the Korean pronunciation of the word AND the two English words.
Ahahahaaha ah yes so much assurance… I wouldn’t trust Sir Hiss at all! Ever! hahaha (although 70s DISNEY REFERENCES BLESS YOU can and will quote that whole movie haha)
Oh definitely impressive! I was just fascinated by the fluidity of language yet again haha.
(yessssss… Robin Hood is the best! (I also read like every book in existence with Robin Hood in it LOL). I never did like all Disney’s princess movies much, but Robin Hood was ma jam. And Aladdin and Peter Pan and Mulan, that sort of thing. And the incredibly underrated 80s movies that no one even remembers lol.
Now I wanna rewatch Robin Hood…. *starts humming theme song*)
(Ahahaha have you therefore read Hood by Stephen R Lawhead?
Yes man, vintage Disney was the best. I mean, I like a good Disney princess movie every now and then… I think I’m over them a bit atm though. (Frozen whyyy) Mulan is still awesome though, despite being horrifically historically inaccurate hahaha
Ehhh… not sure… It was all as a kid and that time I read like stacks of books every week lol, so I no longer recall which ones I read.
(I don’t get the hype around Frozen. At all. Or the song. It’s so grating. And it all has NOTHING to do with HC Andersen and the message is so muddled and unclear. I dunno. The movie just bugs me. And it boggles my mind how it got so much more famous than Tangled which is AMAZING (oh. a princess movie I like! Also like Brave actually, but they’re both a bit… unconventional Disney princesses lol))
Mulan doesn’t have to be historically accurate imo, bc it’s not built over history, but over the Ballad of Mulan, which is folklore. I’ve read one of the versions in translations and I think they did okay by the source material. And it’s just a freaking awesome movie with one of the best female leads they’ve ever had. She’s not really a princess either, so it’s not a princess movie 😛 I think she’s quite possibly the only female Disney lead who’s human and NOT a princess?
Oh hahaha. Idk if you’d like them now, but he did his research and set them in 12th century Wales, and I really enjoyed the series.
(Story Time. There was almost 0 promo for Frozen prior to the trailer. There were a few random concept sketches and the snow queen theme, but otherwise we literally knew nothing about it. Then the trailer dropped. And I watched it. And then the movie came out and I watched it twice because I had waited for ayges for there to be any info on this movie. And then… then the world LITERALLY blew up about Frozen. And there were millions of covers of let it go, and parodies, and fan art everywhere, and ship fighting and eventually there was just too much Frozen, and what I did like when it came out I now can’t stand. Like I actually do not think I could ever rewatch Frozen again, I have seen too much.
So I don’t really get the hype either. And it’s nowhere near the best Disney movie. Although I will say I did like the tiny little nod at the Sami they put in it. And the Danish Hymn at the beginning.
OHMYGOSH YES ANOTHER TANGLED FAN. Was gonna mention that because I love Tangled and can and will rewatch. (AND BRAVE TOO! I love Brave.)
Well, mean, no it doesn’t, but haha there’s this artist who draws the disney princesses in historically accurate clothing, and her comment on Mulan is quite interesting, cos she says they covered so many dynasties it was confusing haha.
Well, in that case then, that’s pretty cool. I mean, I don’t watch it for the history anyway. I watch it cos MULAN! and Eddie Murphy as Mushu, and the music.
She’s not a princess, but she’s included in the “Official Disney Princess Lineup” cos Disney, and yes that’s actually a thing. *sigh*
Well if you want to get picky, is a Chieftain’s daughter a princess?Haha but then you’d have to go through all the other Disney movies, and there’s tonnes of other female leads there. Jane. Esmeralda. Megara. For example…
Oh shit my Disney nerd of 3 years ago is showing…
Yay you like Tangled!!! Tbh it’s one of my favorite movies, I’ve seen it way too many times. Of newer Disney movies, also Brother Bear which I recently learned got bad reviews, though I can’t see why, because the moose brothers are just worth everything no matter what else happens in the movie and I just love it.
“Official Disney Princess Lineup” <- yep, knows it's a thing. Finds it weird. And why is Belle in there too btw, HOW is she a princess? Oh wait was he a prince? Bc then she becomes one of course. But oh yeah Esmerelda! Had forgotten about her and Jane. Megara?
And yes, I say a chieftain's daughter counts, because it's as close to princess as you get in North American Native American culture (lol that was a lot of words), I think. Unlike mulan who's just from a high class, but not part of the court or such.
Yess! Same, probably. It’s just lovely.
Mmmm Brother Bear is pretty good actually, and yes, the Canadian accent Moose are the best hahaha.
Cos Adam was a prince, yes haha.
Megara- Meg, from Hercules.
That’s true haha. Have you seen Moana? It’s not my favourite but I just like that Pacific Island culture was well represented. And they make a joke on the whole chieftain’s daughter/princess thing haha.
I’d love Disney to make an animated historic Korean movie, but uhm, they’d probably ruin it and I have Kdramas for that. So I also don’t want them to haha.
Brother Bear is actually one of the few movies I love more in Danish dub, the mooses have a Jutlandian accent and it’s so unbelievably hysterically funny that it literally has me rofl 😛 But in general Danish dubbing of Disney movies is actually really good, we’re even known for it, especially since it’s usually people who sing really well who do the songs.
Ahh yes, I thought she was probably from Hercules, but I’ve only seen it once and don’t really remember it, so wasnt sure.
I just went on yt to find a clip, cuz I got nostalgic and it’s not nearly as funny as I remembered *sigh* Guess that’s what you get for revisiting old movies! (well old and old, y’know what I mean :P)
Yeah the only thing I remember about Hercules is a “twas fine” feeling and a few images lol. That era really wasn’t their strongest…
Oh dear! And here I thought I could just Peter Pan myself and not grow old haha 😛
Tbh I don’t think I know any of the songs from that one at all lol. Shame on me 😛 On the other hand, I know almost all the ones from Spirit, so there’s that. And they’re totally unrelated, but there ya go.
I know it is haha 😛 That’s why it was super random and unrelated lol. Sometimes I love Dreamworks more than Disney tbh. Yes, I just said that. And Spirit was one of my faves as a kid, I mean, it had horses and Native Americans and a great OST and rebels, what’s not to like?
Btw, unrelated, again hah, but my friend can go to Paris for the concert! Woo! At least date-wise, now we’re trying to work out the financial stuff, because she won’t let me pay for her lol. So now I’m freaking out over whether it’ll be doable and what flight we’ll get and how she’s suggested we might be able to stay at her friend’s place, but I don’t even know the guy, but at the same time it sounds like it would be fun and lots cheaper which is nice even if I do have the money to pay for a place to stay, but aarrgghhh, I’m so confused now o.O
Sorry lol. I just needed to vent that confusion for a bit. You don’t have to answer…
Dreamworks has some solid older 90s and 2000s movies man. Prince of Egypt. Road to El Dorado. Spirit. Sinbad.
Where’d 90s Dreamworks go man?
WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! Does she listen to FTI? Or are you just like ‘wannagotoaKoreanRockConcertwithmeinPARIS?’ hahaha
Awwww hahaha.
Hey hey, don’t worry, just take deep breaths and work through all your options one by one. It’ll all come together. And just think about what kind of experience you want to make it. Does it matter staying at the friend of friend’s? Or would it be cooler to have a hotel room. *shrugs* (Like two days before my GD concert I didn’t have a ride to the airport. At 6 in the morning. And then I did. :0)
well I answered anyway hehehe praying for relief of stress for you 😛
Yesss exactly! Also Joseph King of Dreams or what it was called. SUCH GOOD MOVIES
Errm she’s never really listened to Korean music hahaha. She’s got an idea that it’s “weird” actually, but she did once say “oh that’s way better” when I shortly played Pray for like a minute (as compared to Park Hyo Shin’s Wildlower (which WHAT) and that weird sushi mv from Orange Caramel that I showed her for laughs, but then quickly regretted showing cuz now that’s her idea of Korean music lol). I kind of just said I have two tickets to a concert in Paris with my favorite band and did she wanna go hahaha 😛 She actually doesn’t know yet who the band is or that it’s a Korean one lol, she just loves France and Paris and since I plan on it being a long weekend trip, we’ll be doing other stuff too, so I’ll just wait for her to ask who it’s with or something 😛
I actually already have a hotel room booked (fully refundable so that’s not a concern), it’s just that I know it’s too expensive for her, but she won’t let me pay anything as a principle. It just suddenly was all like “how much do I transfer to you” and the staying place isn’t even planned and I didn’t have time to think it through before she got all “how much should I transfer!” which made me freak out even more lol o.O I’m not good with fast decisions, not when it involves where I’ll be sleeping and stuff… And I’ve been doing housework all day, so I’m super tired to top it off and just… not up for figuring it all out TONIGHT.
Thing is I actually do want to have a more “parisian” experience than just staying at a hotel, I’m just worried about how I’ll handle staying at someone else’s apartment and whether or not it’ll be a comfortable/clean/etc place and whether or not her friend is nice aaannnd you get the picture. And maybe we can’t even stay there who knows. But then we’ll have to find an airbnb since that’s more affordable and I dunno, I want it all fixed and set now, but I also know I’m too tired and that it’s not dependant on me anymore, so it can’t be done all at once.
And thank you <3 I needed that.
Aahahahaha. Ease her into some of their rock ballads or something. 😛
FTI is good at grabbing intl fans-who-were-not-fans-before.
Awww man, I’m so jealous, I shouldn’t be but just now I miss Paris so much and a trip like that sounds like so much fun.
Awww no I know exactly how you feel, not good with fast decisions either! You could always just be like ‘x much’ for the ticket only haha. Force your kindness onto hahaha.
If it’s not working tonight it’s not working, just sleep and think about it tomorrow in the daylight! Our rationality goes out the window when we’re tired.
Yeah, I do. Maybe ask her some constructive questions? Or just be blunt about it? You don’t want to stay in a shitey apartment building really. Plus Paris hotels can be really nice… hahaha. And very Parisian.
No it can’t. How do you eat the Elephant, as my dad says? One bite at a time.
I actually think she’d like the rock stuff more kind of, but tbh I’m just hoping them live will blow her away like all those kpop fans at KCon who said they never listen to rock, but loved it anyways ha 😛
Lol yeah except then I’d walk around feeling like I was lying, which I kind of would be even if it’s a nice lie. And I already told her how much for each way per person and she thought it could be much cheaper, but said it doesn’t matter. (so actually I have already told her how much to transfer? Now I’m just more confused at her question lol)
Maybe I should do that hehe. I was considering telling her that it’s all sort of making me worried, but I’m kinda worried she’ll think it’ll be too exhausting to travel with me, especially since she just travels w/o thinking a whole lot of it…
Pffftttt yeah, bc obviously elephants are eaten? 😛
Thanks for calming me down a bit <3 I think I'll try and get some sleep now and hopefully it'll all seem much simpler tomorrow.
Ooop, Japanese album sharing then… haha.
Yes! I hope so! Their Kcon 16 performance and everyone’s reaction to it is still one of my favourite things.
Hahaha well yes, there’s that… What’s that bible verse? Don’t let your right hand know what your left is doing? Something like that… That’s what I think of hahaha.
Ahhh she runs on a different wavelength huh. I know the kind. They’re all like ‘stop worrying. it’ll be fine, we’ll just do this!’ and you’re like BUT DETAILS. haha
Hmmm, just try explaining it to her anyway. Simple like, these are the options, xyz, this is how it’s making me feel, I know you don’t worry but I do, I’d just like some more information on your friend’s place please etc etc
I don’t even know where the phrase comes from, but it works in my head hahaha.
Oh I hope I did haha. Yes! It most likely will! 잘 자! X
I think anything but Puppy and their old stuff basically haha 😛 But yeah, thinking something along the lines of Take Me Now and Shadows.
Same! It made me so happy for them 🙂
Actually she’s a worrier too, just not when it comes to travelling lol. She’s much more spontaneous than me and stuff. I woke up this morning much more relaxed about it, bc a) not as tired lol and b) it always always always helps when I get a little time to digest. I’ve just told her to go ask her friend, we’ll see what happens!
Sorry for my anxious rant last night and thank you for being of so much help <3
Hahahaha yess, both good albums. Let me know how it goes! hehe
Ahhh… I’m either hyper organised when it comes to travel or super spontaneous… haha my two OE’s have been almost opposites of each other. The first “oh I don’t know where I’m gonna be tomorrow”, the second “every ticket possible is printed before leaving NZ” haha
Oh that’s good! I’m glad!!! Good luck!
Aww no it’s ok! Sometimes you just need someone to listen 🙂 You’re welcome xx
@Sicarius couldn’t find the dance practice with the tumbling move I was thinking of, but just to show that Winner actually can dance more like other current idols than what they do these days:
Maybe some of it was just all for show? I’ve wondered, after a rewatch, if it was YG’s purpose to make them underdogs, bc most people love rooting for the underdog. And Winner is much more YG than iKon, so I don’t get why some people say YG was trying to only debut iKon all along…
Ah yes we have talked about this before! 😊
YG is definitely smart and this is one of those questions for which we will never get any answer.. and I guess it doesn’t even matter as both groups have debuted now and seem to be doing okay (did u see the news about iKON fans collectively deciding on not buying iKON products cuz YG isn’t treating the group well?)
(yes I did. Seemed a bit ridiculous imo. Unlike agencies like SM, YG seems to be treating his artists as actual people. Not giving a group a lot of comebacks isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it means they’ll be healthier… And either way, boycutting seems like an ironic and not very wellthought out way to go about it)
We keep coming a full circle! 😜
(The problem is apparently making them overwork in Japan and not giving a comeback.. plus belittling ikonics’ worries by saying you shall get a comeback in Sept/oct during which time they already have stuff scheduled in Japan… but you are definitely right about YG treating it’s artists better than SM… and Winner was on a sabbatical for a long time too.. they seemed to worked upon themselves during that lull.. also yes, doesn’t sound like a very well thought out move)
Sorry to butt in..just read about this awhile ago.
While in Jap iKON topped Oricon and merch are sold out.and K-iKONICs are boycotting their merch in SoKor wouldnt that be counterproductive? At this rate,iKON might keep promoting in Japan
“and Winner was on a sabbatical for a long time too.. they seemed to worked upon themselves during that lull.. ” They seem to have come back as stronger and happier people. Not promoting a new song all the time isn’t necessarily bad. Just look at BB, they do fine without that. In a way it might even make them in more demand (eventually though, not when they’re still a new group), it’ll make them seem more exclusive. That said, I’m happy to see Winner working a lot this year, they seem happy to do it and it means more Winner for us haha ^^
Wahhhh I loveee!! Wait why were they criticized?!?!
I mean, I want to say that it’d be cool if they danced like this now but there are more than enough groups that do intense dances and they wouldn’t really be Winner I feel if they did… haha
They’re good right? And Seunghoon did the choreo! He made some really amazing ones during WIN!
Very true! I like that they don’t do such intense dances anymore, bc it’s better for their health and also they get to focus properly on singing and interacting with the audience during lives, which is awesome. They’re like Big Bang when it comes to dances lol, they have choreos, but they tend not to really do them hahaha. But sometimes I do wish that they’d show how well they can actually dance. I was a little sad when LSG and Ho Dong thought Zico was lying on KB when he said that Mino can dance well 🙁
He DID?? Wowowowow. I have mad respect for choreographers. Does he do any of their choreo now?
Yeah, I think it’s more fun anyway when they just goof around on stage. It’s really funny to watch Jaehyo in Block B perfomances because he’ll often just run out of steam by the third song and just do his own thing interacting with fans haha.
Ahhh yeah :/ I mean, I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t shown me so I understand!
Aissshhh like Zico would lie about something like that tsk tsk
He made all of their WIN ones I think and he still participates/does it all sometimes, not always sure which ones he’s been part of though. I’m not good at finding that sort of info lol. But as far as I know he did the choreo for Fool (the stage one, not really much of one for the mv hehe). You should definitely try to watch WIN, they had some pretty great dances, both from Winner and from iKon (even if I can’t remember iKon’s dances much, they were still good. I think?)
Looool I need to watch Jaehyo do that now 😛
Hahahahahaha Sicarius, ready to jump to Zico’s defense anywhere, any day – Lee Su Geun better get his shield ready I guess 😛
Ahhh that’s really cool. Yeah I’ve seen some iKons dances, like recent ones.
I want to watch WIN, but I’m also like, while I’m not into either group properly yet, I sort of dread the idea of two such adorkable groups of boys being pitted against each other. I’m sure they have no resentment but I’m like ewww competition whyyy haha.
Hahaha I’m not sure if there are any good vids of it, but I know he did it during their European Tour at the start of this year.
Me and every BBC ever. He’s been through so much shit, we can’t help it. I’m not saying he hasn’t made mistakes… just… you know.
Did Mino show them that he could, in fact, dance well??
Aww I get that. But the two groups are so supportive of each other and such good friends. And the hyungs (Winner) constantly worry about their dongsaengs which is adorable. Mostly it’s just the fans who made it into this huge fanwar thing, but otherwise it’s just normal work-competition in my eyes tbh. It’s also just a nice story about going from total lack of confidence to enjoying life 🙂 And both groups debuted, so tis all good now lol ^^
Been through much? Like the stuff with the company and the fact that he got hate for turning idol?
Not yet it seems, but I’m hoping he’ll show them when him and Taeyang are on KB next ep! It’s gonna be so much fun to watch him with the comedy-duo on another show. Minhodong is the cutest, most unexpected thing I’ve seen in a long time in a variety show lol. I just wish the other guys would be there too, especially since Seungyoon was on Flower Crew with Janghoon! And Jinwoo + Heechul would make a fun Narcissism Duo kkkkk.
Ahhhh that’s good then. That makes me want to watch it more haha. Also seeing Bobby in the MOBB bts without Mino and getting all shy without his hyung is so cute. Hee.
Pfffft do you really want me to list it all? The company yeah, turning “idol”, a bunch of backlash the group got in their first two years for stupid reasons, controversies, Seolhyun… and more. It’s still happening too. Every time he does something someone tries to make it into something bad *sighs*
Hahaha that’s good! I barely no any of those references so they’re just gonna have to go on the list… once again.
There’s a scene where all the guys eat together and their friendships are just the cutest ^^
Ugh that’s typical. So many people who don’t like people with talent or good looks or whatever and just hate on them just cause -.-
Minhodong = Mino and Ho Dong are like an unexpected father-son duo on NJTTW (where LSG is also a member) and I don’t usually like KHD, but duuuudeeee. It’s freakin adorable. Especially in the new season there was this one scene that practically had me laughing the rest of the day lol.
Flower Crew – don’t watch it. It’s bad. Like, it had potential and I liked the cast, but the form and script were such a mess. There’s a reason it got cancelled.
Other than that, yas, you should add to the list! 😛
Yeahp. It’s kind of a saying among fans actually, that Zico gets hate for even breathing. It’s frustrating. Things just get blown 100 times out of the water with reactions that are far far to brutal than necessary. It’s stupid.
I wish you and Sic could come along, it would be so much fun!
*is already wondering whether or not she’ll run into them while in Paris* *is totally fangirling* *does not like that but is at the same time way too excited to do care*
I wish I knew the setlist, I’m so gonnna cram their songs and learn all the lyrics beforehand hahahaha. I want to be able to properly sing along 😛
Ikr, I can’t believe I’m actually going! And in Paris! I’ve never done anything like this before and it took me like 5 mins to decide I was going haha. Normally it’d take me dayssssss. But it’s F T I S L A N D :O I thought I’d never get the chance to see them live!
Yes! We’ll totally do that! Maybe one day we could all meet up in SK and have a trip there and go to concerts 😀 Or Japan, cause both FTI and Winner have a lot of shows there 😉
Haha let’s hope you’re right, cuz the amount of fangirling I’m doing right now is no joke!
I have no idea what I’d do if I ran into them… I mean, I’ve met celebs before, this is teeny tiny Denmark after all, but never someone I’d been fangirling over like FTI haha. I’m secretly hoping that Hongki will post one of his “come have a drink at this bar if you can find it” instas hahahahahaha 😛 (well not so secretly anymore I guess LOL)
Or quiet-singing out of fear people will hear me and it’ll sound awful and I’ll be publicly shamed haha O.o I should scream-sing along though! *makes mental note to remember not to be too shy and just forget other people*
I know!!! I remember talking to you about FTI being the group to hear live because they seem so much more amazing live and it is coming true and I am so frigging happy for you!
Totally!! SK.. because it is the reason why we are on DB and have “met”! Japan yes- why do they love japan so much- and yes WINNER! 😀
Hehe… I am right. I know so! And you are not crazy fangirling just happy fangirling which is perfect!
Lol.. I actually thought of their random fan-bar meets when you mentioned meeting them! It would be just so amazing! But how will you talk to them? *Googles how to learn to speak fluent Korean in one month* *Am I going too far ahead?* Oh but they know English!
No no.. don’t care about other people! It will be your day!! Who are you going with? Did the friend agree?
Whew, glad it at least doesn’t seem like crazy fangirling haha!
I have no idea what you’re talking about or why you’re worrying. I know how to say “shoe” and “bread”. That will obviously be enough to carry on a proper conversation! 😛
Mmmh well, she’s agreed, except she doesn’t know until Sep when a study trip she’s going on will be and it may be at the same time. But I’m just gonna go ahead and book everything and then if she can’t go, I have another friend I could ask and if she can’t then my mom’s coming along for a mother-daughter trip ^^
Hahaha… well I wish you good luck with that shoe-bread conversation! 😛 You never know, it might just be one of the most memorable conversations of your life! Look at me already sure that you are meeting them! 😉
YESSSS *runs round in circles at the possibilities* One day we will.
Girl, don’t worry about other people, they’ll all be singing horribly anyway. Plus, you can actually sing hahaha.
Hahaha 😀 I love how excited you both are when you’re not even going kkkk ^^
Haha true, so I’ll just be one of many singing poorly 😛 Mmmmh yeah, dunno about that. I wish I could sing much better than I do. The last singing teacher was awful though. His idea of singing was literally using full volume NONSTOP no matter what the song was doing. From the first to the last note. Full power. Like. No. That’s not singing. That’s called screaming.
Hahahahahaha well you’ll definitely see me fangirling frequently right up until the concert and after too!! If I get to take some pics or vids on my phone I’ll see if I can share here 😀
*joins in the happy dancing from her bed* *yes I’m still in bed at noon okay* *has not had a single day to relax in weeks and has hardly even sat done for two weeks so I get to stay in bed today* 😛
*have to go out and get the tickets printed though* *has no printer toner left* *can’t find any anywhere which is weird* *why make printers you can’t buy toner for* *facedesk headpalm*
Ahhh whatever you said you sing, I’ve never heard you but I belif you.
LAWL WHAT. Don’t think said teacher knows how to sing though!!! ahaha
Will document all @kaybee fangirling for future proof and reference. 😉 😉
*you most certainly do and are allowed to* *enjoy yourself hehe*😛
Ahhh what? Silly printer… you have till October to get them printed though so you’ll be fine haha.
Yes! And it was awesome… cos we were both really excited to find other FTI followers. And it got long REALLY QUICKLY. Goodness it’s been about 8 months now… O.o
Ikr, that’s just awful. And he gave me a song from Jesus Christ Superstar. And I don’t like that show and it was one that was completely awful and he just didn’t care, bc all students got the same song and I’d apparently learn to love it. Not. Also, I sing more loudly once I’ve gotten the rhythm and notes right, bc then I feel more relaxed and comfortable. But he kept making me sing the same line over and over until it was loud enough, when I honestly need a few runthroughs to get into the groove of a song. And he chalked everything down to me being insecure, which no. I was insecure bc he was a poor teacher. *smh*
Ahhh yes that’s true. Maybe I’ll just print them out tomorrow, I’m so exhausted. I was farsighted enough to buy a frozen pizza yesterday kkk and ice cream weeeee, so I can just relax and be gross all day and not care 😛
You were the first FTI follower I found, we’re such a rare breed! I thought it’d been longer actually lol, I feel like I’ve known you and @obsessedmuch forever, cuz we’ve talked about so much lol.
Never seen it to be honest. (Shock horror I know haha) But he sounds useless and detrimental to your singing confidence :/
Ahahaha yes I was just about to tell you to not do anything and breathe! And you’d already planned to haha. Pizza and ice cream is a great combination. 😀 What kind of ice cream?
Wow! Yes!
I went back through and checked all my comments recently and bookmarked some of our first OT, and it was February. It feels like longer indeed! I mean, 15-20k comments between us and a lot of those will just be us three. Plus when we talk it’s either BIG paragraphs or short snippets hehe. I am glad to talk so much with you two though 😀 http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/02/open-thread-488/#comment-2714545
I know some of the plot and it’s just such a major “ugh” for me that I’ve never watched it. But I did watch clips of the song he chose. And it was just a really bad choice for me, not just musically, but also content-wise.
I realized after my last time there that I’d been so tense while there that my muscles were aching and my throat hurt :/ I never went back lol.
Errmmmm…. So…. That didn’t happen… Well the pizza part did, cuz girl gotta eat, but the resting part not so much. I finished unpacking the boxes… So yay lol! I just can’t seem to relax properly when I know how much there is to be done.
Can’t remember tbh. Cookie dough I think? Haven’t tried that before, but it was on sale and looked good.
Hahaha I just read it, our first convo and it’s all about Block B, FTI and weirdly deep shit about Life and Stuff. It’s so us it’s almost embarrassing lmao, I feel like we might be getting predictable. Are we getting predictable??
Oooh I loved going through those comments! And it all started with someone else’s kpop comment! 😛 Love that you guys are still talking about the stuff that you began with- FTI, Block B, and BTS! And I checked @kaybee‘s other comments on that OT and she is talking about Winner and variety shows! 😛 6 months for you guys and 4 months for us 3 does seem like an awfully short time for the kinda conversations we have had!
Also, I went back to my comments to find my first conversation with @kaybee and after going through like 13 pages (full of comments about SIG, his acting, his hotness, some crazy conversations with other SIG fangirls and IRY) I found it!-
The conversation really started off quite similar to our SHINee thread conversation! And I hadn’t even checked out all the songs as I had not bookmarked them! Now I have- both bookmarked and gone through those recommendations! 😀
Here is looking forward to more of our random awesome conversation!
Ughhh that’s horrible >.< Have you taken lessons with someone else since?
Oh… so THAT'S what you were talking about on your wall with @obsessedmuch hahaha. Well, if it makes you feel better then it's ok I guess.
You can't remember what ice cream flavour you got??? How and why… hahah Cookie Dough is pretty good. Depending on the brand. Sale ice cream is a win win though I hope it is tasty!
Hahahahaha I mean… maybe… that sounds like every other conversation we have. Although we've been talking for 8 months don't seem to run out of things to talk about so…
Nah, it hasn’t been that long and been really busy. Plus, don’t know if I’ll have time for it this semester and it’s hard/expensive to get a good teacher who shows you proper technique and actually teaches you stuff like, oh I don’t know, how not to ruin your voice by improper use lol.
I’m tired and busy, okay!?! 😛 I’ll save the ice cream for tomorrow, think I’ll be off to bed in jiff.
Oh that’s just the first thread. We then talked only via OT’s for a few weeks, till we started having 6 part comments each, and switched to email. (Which kekeke @kaybee you’ve never actually replied to my last email. But it was 9k words and it’s a lot easier to talk on the new site)
It does! But hey, fast friends can be made in shorter time haha. Also, when did you an I start talking? It was on the new site right? When it first began, maybe even day one… Did you initiate? I feel like you initiated…
Ahahaha oh wow! Trust Kaybee and music lists to start a convo hehehe.
Lol OTs were never my thing! I was not much into chatting with beanies earlier unless you count the IRY ep 16 thread which is all me for like the last 3-4 pages! But I know you guys enough to say that I am not surprised you guys talked so much :P.. the new site has made things so much easier! Notifications are heaven-sent 😉 If only we start getting notifications for comments now!
Yup definitely! It sometimes takes a comment to become friends for life!
Yup. 9th April. The SHINee/kpop thread. Yours was the first reply! I don’t think we ever talked before on the old site.. or we might have passed by randomly commenting on something but no discussion that I recall… Maybe kpop was the magic word all along! 😛
Neither tbh. Untill Kaybee or I needed help with something or had something to share. But It was always awkward cos it usually posted when I was asleep, so I never got to it earlier enough.
Kekeke we’re the kind of people who if you get us onto something we’re passionate about we just go and go and go…
So so much so! And yes! Looking forward to that also.
Case in point, the wedding I was a bridesmaid for in the States? I met the bride online 3 years ago haha.
Oh it WAS that thread?!? Hahah yeah I know I literally sat there all day refreshing the page waiting for the new site, and then for the next few days did nothing but dramabean. So I was probably like something I can talk about! Wee! haha
I don’t think we did either. But I also don’t really remember haha.
Well yeah, not surprising hehe.♥
Hahhaa… yes! All of us know how to keep a conversation going! 😀
Wow! Really? That is awesome! Now I know how to get you to India before you turn 80! I just have to get married and invite you! 😛 Though that might not happen either! I am not sold on the institution of marriage yet!
Yup! I didn’t do anything other than dramabean (is that a verb now? :P) for some days after the new site came up either!
Ahaha yeahp! Really Really! Got some interesting looks from older generations, when they asked how I knew the bride and if I’d met her before going over… hahaha
Hahahaha! Well no you don’t have to get married… although I think an Indian wedding would be a crazy an amazing experience to go to.
(It is a verb now yes. I just coined it. To Dramabean; stay on the site Dramabeans for copious hours, doing nothing but talk to other beanies, post on your beanie wall, and generally stalk and refresh for new posts, interactions and pictures of oppas 😉
We should add it to Urban Dictionary keke)
Hahahaha yeahp! Even some of the younger people, whilst they accepted it easier, there were still like ‘wow ok’ looks when I said I hadn’t met her irl. Lots of people thought it was cool, but different haha.
I bet!!! Plus all those saris must be gorgeous.
(Oh yes I should do that. Will make a proper thing for it this evening kekeke)
(That’s ok. I’ve been bingeing YT videos today anyway, haven’t been on much)
That’s so cool! I hope I get to see you before either of us get married though ahaha, that would be awesome 😀 I definitely definitely think the three of us should meet up in Seoul for a vacay at one point in life, preferably before we turn old and grey kkkk.
Also, ha! joke’s on you, bc I just replied to your email today! And it’s even longer than your last one I think. Is that possible? I have no idea, but I think it might be.
*tries to reply to all you guys’ comments here* *gives up* lol but it was fun to read!
And lol @obsessedmuch, of course our first longer convo was me recommending music ahahaha, now you can’t say anything when I keep spurting out recs, you knew what you were getting into! 😉 Btw, what did you think of those songs if you got around to them? ^^ Kinda curious now kk.
Hehehe.. yes! I think the first link you gave in an earlier thread was Seo In Guk’s Seasons of Heart Dingo version! Which was just ♥ and still a personal favourite!
Park Hyo Shin is one of those guys whose voice can never fail to work magic! I never reach for his song’s lyrics cuz his voice is enough to make me fall in love.
The Kyuhyun duet- you had already shared later too.. And I loved it and realized why Kyuhyun is considered the best vocalist! Still would have like to see him in the MV!
MC The Max- Hadn’t checked out this one before but it is nice. I don’t think I will be going back to it much though.. Just nice but not memorable for some reason.
K. Will “Please Don’t” The song was so good but the MV is so interesting that all I remember later is the story! And Gukkie!
Jung Yup- I am a LJS fan and it was cute but nothing that will stay with me.. good thing to go to if I am ever on a LJS binge.
Drunken Tiger’s “The Cure” has already become one of my favourite and counting this- you recommended it to me 3 times already! 😛
Loved Yim Jae Bum “love” and Hong-ki’s “In the Rain” (obviously)..
Didn’t think much of Lee Mi Ki “Becoming Dust” somehow..
I hope so too!
Ooooh yes that would be lovely. Can we do that. Let’s do that. Actually I got into a conversation with an older Korean gentleman at my church this morning (because there are quite a few Koreans at my church) and he was like ‘don’t go to Seoul, Seoul is big city, go to Jeju and Gwangju’ hahaha but I quite liked Seoul
Well… you hadn’t when i wrote that… hahaha (and yes I got it this morning, and quickly replying here. My birthday is the 31st of August not the 30th… just so you know)
Knowing us, it’s totally possible haha. Although grief… what a lot to reply to.
Yassss on Park Hyo Shin, so much! His voice is so emotionally (and technically) powerful, he just never fails to amaze me. Did you watch his Yoo Hee Yeol perf of it on the PHS special? Tears were literally streaming down his face by the end, like, there was enough to fill a bathtub o.O
Mmmh yes, Kyuhyun should’ve been in the mv! I hope he does more songs like that once he’s out of the army. And awwww, now I was reminded there’ll be no more gorgeous ballad songs or funny variety from for two years 🙁 So many talented people going to the military this year…
Aw, the MC the Max song was my first korean song outside of hearing them on dramas. I just love the mv and his voice is pretty incredible. But besides that song I actually don’t find their music that memorable and I don’t listen to it really anymore.
The K.Will one is just one of the best mv’s I’ve ever seen. I love watching reaction vids to it, bc everyone always have this “whaaaattttt OMG” reaction by the end hahaha. And yes Ziggie!! <3
I really like the Jung Yup song, but yeah, I agree, even though I have it in my brain and it starts playing if I try to remember lol, it's not all that memorable or amazing. But cute and fluffy which is nice once in a while if you need a pick-me-up ^^ Or, yes, for an LJS fix lol.
Haha sorry for that about The Cure, it's just so amazing! And yay! at it becoming a favorite <3
Im Jae Bum and Hong Ki's relationship is just so adorable. Like father and son, but even tighter and just so freaking cute. The way he looks at HK all proud always makes my heart melt lol 😀 And you can so tell that he's been an inspiration to HK, it's all over his singing style.
"Didn’t think much of Lee Mi Ki “Becoming Dust” somehow.."
But… but….. but….. *is at a loss for words* No really… It's fine… I'll be *silencing sob* be fine… Don't worry about me…
I hadn’t but I checked it out just now! And now it is playing again as I type this! His voice makes me cry!
I actually didn’t have a lot of love for Kyuhyun as such but he slowly won me over by just being so un-idol-like on NJTTW! And yup his voice!
I dunno how many reaction videos I have seen of ‘Please don’t’! They never fail to entertain me! Cuz they are literally me when I first watched it! 😀
The Cure is ♥ and deserves to be shared again and again!
Oh I didn’t know about their relationship! In fact I have just heard that one Im Jae Bum song!
Ooh you love Becoming Dust so much?? Maybe I checked it out at a wrong time and just wasn’t feeling it? I will check that and MC Max some time later to see if I like it then! 🙂
Kyuhyun is definitely someone who grew on me too, wasn't really that enthralled by his voice or laughing at his variety until after a while, but now I'll really miss both!
You didn't know about Im Jae Bum and Hongki? Eep! *must find link* They're so adorable! There's been joking about him being his adoptive father and stuff lol.
LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX5c-74mVeI
I love Becoming Dust, yes! <3 I head JJY and Roy Kim's cover first, maybe that'll hook you? Also, the lyrics are really good!
MC the Max's song isn't one I listen to often anymore, but it's such a gorgeous vocal effort, like it's so not easy to sing like this and he's got so much emotion, still love it 🙂
But if they don't do it for you, that's absolutely fine, music is a lot about things we can't explain and sometimes you just don't love a song, nothing wrong about that ^^
Wow! I just went and checked JJY and Roy Kim’s cover and loved it! I prefer theirs to the original!
I think I will have to check out more of their stuff together! It must be such a big thing- getting recognition from the one you look up to! That is one sign that you have succeeded in life!
Also just read the whole mail thing between you and sic.. haven’t you guys been talking about that for almost 3-4 months now? 😛 So you sent a reply after that long?? Talk about snail mail!
I really love both of them, they’re so different. I’m happy you loved the cover version at least 😀
Ikr, it’s like the ultimate career achievement! It’s hard to find yt clips with them both 🙁
Erm yeah, see, first life happened and then this thing called DB makeover happened and then life happened again and then finally I got around to it pfhahah. Keep in mind that it takes about 3-4 hrs to write a reply, even if you’re focused on it, cuz they’re so long! O.O
Which reminds me, we need to stop talking in this thread, cuz I keep having go up endlessly to find the right place to reply and it’s getting really complicated lmao.
It should be, the site I write for has liaised with them about publicity before. They regularly organise Kpop concerts, but I’ve heard they can be a bit messy.
*I may or may not have added anything FTI to that list and no longer have any control over the increasing amount of vids in it* *can’t even remember half the stuff* *but there’s some good stuff in there* *a few meh ones perhaps but mostly good ones* *I think* *O.O*
Oh I love that ep! CNB sort of just…. pale in comparison, poor babies haha. Their sunbaes are just letting themselves go completely and CNB stand there trying to look cool LOL.
They were so shy and FTI were just like ‘stand back guys, we got this, we’ve been around so long… we got this’ haha it was great. AND JH AND JJ’s SMUG AS LOOK WHEN THEY BOTH CAUGHT THE WORM tsk
Haha yes! Speaking of SH – Shinee and now CNB. Imagine if Won Bin hadn’t left and SH had debuted with CNB….. He’d be the uncontrollable maknae always getting his goody two shoes hyungs in trouble lol. It’d be such a strange fit!
JH is seriously a master at looking smug hahaha I love it 😛
Ikr, and now I want to see a Nike CF with the two of them haha 😛
The whole wordplay on Nike /Nai I Ki (?) is excellent and that dance… Song Eun Yi is a genius! 😛
Too many groups. TOO MANY OLDER groups who are good on variety!
Block B and SHINee are 6 years old. Big Bang 11. FTIsland 10.
Dude, I’m behind on BTS and SVT variety and they’re only 4 and like 2ish years respectively.
I know!! I don’t think we will ever be able to cover everything cuz so many new things! Plus not all the old things are funny today or available in HD quality!
SHINee is 9 I think and they are hilarious so I try and watch their stuff for sure!
THIS. SO MUCH. I’m having trouble just keeping up to date with what FTI and Winner are currently on lol o.O They’re the only groups where I’ve bingewatched variety etc, cuz there’s just so much stuff, so little time! Oh, and Jinwoon. And JJY. Okay…. so maybe I spend too much time on variety and on yt.
And yes, Shinee deb’ed the year after FTI, so 9 🙂 And don’t forget SuJu and their insane amount of back catalogue with their 12 years and 15 members with various shows… I’ve already given up on that… (just realized I always say SuJu like soju in my head… why does it fit them so well? :P)
hOw did I not know this existed. This is fantastic. So funny. SO MANY PARODIES.
AND YES! He should do more raps exactly like this. It fits him so well.
(I know what you meant!!!)
It’s great, they gel? bounce of each other? those are two very different metaphors there but they just, yes, have great chemistry I guess
(haha just in case ;))
They bounce of each other in a gelly way, yes. lol
It’s not like I think they have romantic chemistry or anything like that, just talking about work/music/jokester chemistry 😛
PFFFFFFFFFFT okay, yes that works hahaha
Yeah no that’s why I was trying to come up with a different way of describing it slash agreeing with you, cos yes, it’s not romantic, it’s comedic really.
The only place I’ve found for ticket purchase is mymusictaste, but I’m not sure if it’s a legit and safe site to give out all sorts of info to?? The venue is Elysée Montmartre, so I thought their own site might be a safer bet, but I don’t even understand whether or not you can buy tickets via them and if it’s even their own legit site and ticketsale starts tomorrow morning (it’s night here now!), so I don’t really have much time (esp as I should be sleeping soon lol)!
*sorry for the manic post I’m just really tired and confused and afraid I’ll miss out lol*
Thank you 🙂 I tried that site, but it’s so little of it that’s actually in English, so I got confused about whether or not they actually sell the tickets.
I’m guessing “En vente le 24 août 2017 à 9h00” means that they’re for sale from tomorrow 9am, but I honestly have no clue what “en vente” means lol nor if it would mean that it would be available from THAT site or another. *je suis tres confused* 😛
*fingers crossed* let us know if you have got tickets (and if you get stuck tmr with the ordering, i can help you out with the interpretation of french;) )
Thank you! ^^ And I’ll definitely let the entire site and world know if I get the tickets haha, I’ll be bouncing up and down so much you’ll think you’re in a Crayon Pop mv!
Hoonie looks drunk with all his exaggerated expressions! 😛
Those are punishments?? I would like to see a punishment that would embarrass these people! They really don’t care! 😉
The show is strange for sure! But they are at least trying to come up with new concepts, however weird they might be! 😀
I’m surprised those are even punishments lol. Wear a headband? Really? That’s only what 95% of all idols have done at some point during their career at fansigns lol.
I just moved…. I had 6 days from I received the offer till the move-in date…
Let’s just say it was a teeny tiny bit stressful O.O
BUT! Now I have a MUCH better apartment, woooo! 😀
Thank you sweetie! 😀 <3 I'm sorry I didn't get around to replying to your last reply on my last "I'm back post" lol, I meant to, but then the move happened and everything was chaos o.O
Errr… still got moving boxes and random bags of stuff lying around haha, so it might be a while before any housewarming can be done 😛
It’s okay, I figured you’d be busy because it was “kinda sorta back” thing, LOL!
The first few days are going to be a little hectic, just trying to get everything into place, take your time, we’re not going anywhere *demanding that housewarming party*
I may or may not have done Chandler’s victory dance on a table. (I’ll just leave you to decide whether it’s ‘may’ or ‘may not’ nwhaha :P)
Also not quite done yet. I mean, everything’s now in my new apartment, but… so much stuff 😳 Especially since I moved to one that’s a little bit smaller albeit not by much. I collect too many things…. what do I even need them for?!? Oh right…. life… survival,…. school… that sorta thing 😛 (And also entertainment but ssshhhh we don’t talk about that 😉)
What? You’re not able to figure out what my face looks like based on my profile picture and the fact that we’ve talked? I’m so disappointed in you 😛
Bhwahahaha at least entertainment is my field of study, so I can always say it’s for school kkk. Except for all my board games. Those would be hard to explain away 😛
The intelligent way to clap. I love nerds hehehe
It’s actually what a round of applause is supposed to be. At least… I think so. I don’t even know why but yeah…
(not planning to don’t worry! haha)
I still sort of, kind of want to finish P101-2 though…. But then I remember…. There’s this thing called time… And wasting it on Mnet’s evil editing and objectifying of idols is probably not a wise decision… Time isn’t exactly something you can just buy more of at the store after all….
Hee…. we love you back! And our random conversations without you have become random-er! 2 of our conversation threads have 100+ comments and both of them were initially about you! 😛
Yeah I would strongly recommend staying away from this chiefly because of the evil editing and objectification- because other than that, some of these kids were really nice and talented!
We’re gonna need those butterfly elbows now! *hs no idea what she’s saying* *is tired and busy worrying about whether I can figure out getting concert tickets*
September 17, 2017 at 11:47 AM
I can’t help but wonder if the CITT writer read this book. It’s got a love triangle with an orphaned woman and all of them being activists… http://library.klti.or.kr/node/9377
August 30, 2017 at 2:08 PM
Oh look! A b-day cake! *just imagine I’m Hongki and that Muchie is Dindin* *and yes I will trick Muchie into buying you an expensive gift too* *but not underpants tho*
#Sicarius’Bday #ObsessedBee
August 30, 2017 at 9:46 PM
*ready to be tricked*
*underpants it is though*
August 30, 2017 at 11:13 PM
Pffffffahaha oh the shade… Ah thanks, I appreciate it. Although hey, I wouldn’t complain if I got expensive underwear… Good underwear is hard to find ye ken.
September 9, 2017 at 10:37 AM
Hello.. are you okay? You haven’t been online for a while now and I am getting a lil worried! Hope it is just the new semester keeping you busy. Take care kaybeeee <3
September 12, 2017 at 1:11 PM
Hiiii! So sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you 🙁 I sort of wrote an explanation on the party planning thread, didn’t think about how you didn’t get a notification since I wrote something in reply to sic and so sorry!
But yes, it’s also partly just the new semester keeping me super busy too.
Hope you’re doing well?? *big hugs* (and thank you so much for asking if I’m okay <3)
September 12, 2017 at 7:15 PM
You are here!!! I am so happy that you are okay! We missed you a LOT! Are you okay now? How are you dealing with the new sem? Was there something else bothering you? (I will go check that party thread later) Have you found a way to deal with whatever it was?
I know, so many questions! I just got excited seeing 8 notifications and knowing that it would only happen if u were back! I wake up to 2-3 from Sic- if it’s more than that, has to be you 😛
I didn’t check that thread after Sic went crazy replying to many things! 😛 You must have received a lot of notifications from there!
I am doing well, yes. *hugs you back* (but ofcourse I had to! <3)
September 13, 2017 at 4:46 AM
Not really okay, but it’d probably be weird if I was right now, but I’ll be fine again, just need a little time.
Hehe, sorrynotsorry 😛
Oh I definitely got a lot of notifs from that thread lmao. It was a lot of fun to read kkk. Just didn’t have the energy to reply back to it all.
Glad you’re doing well! How are those Spanish(right?) courses coming along?
September 13, 2017 at 7:25 AM
Fair enough… *hugs you for lack of better things to do*
Hee… of course! 😀
^^ Fair enough! You don’t need to reply to everything! Nothing was that important..
I finished a level.. enrolling myself for the next one.. I am thinking of starting personal coaching classes for students who have Spanish at school level.. I know enough to teach the school kids because their syllabus is pretty basic.. At least I will have something to do while i wait for my next exams/results etc..
September 13, 2017 at 2:42 PM
Oohh congrats! That sounds exciting and fun! 😃
August 30, 2017 at 11:30 AM
Happy birthday @sicarius! 😀 One year older and all the better for it! Like wine! Or cheese! 😀
Found some old MinoXBlock B stuff for ya, woo! (see below too)
August 30, 2017 at 11:30 AM
Hope you have a fantabalicious day! ^^
August 30, 2017 at 11:36 AM
Ooh this is Mino? He really had to change a lot since his underground days!
August 30, 2017 at 11:39 AM
Yeah. I wish he got a chance to do more of this.
August 30, 2017 at 11:49 AM
One day. Winner will eventually get popular and stable- and then he can branch out and do some singles- or awesome collabs!
I am loving the first one you shared and had already heard Dear My Wife..
Anyway off to sleep. You have a good day/night! 🙂
August 30, 2017 at 11:31 AM
I didn’t have time to listen to them all yet, but I ASSUME they’re all good, cuz it’s Mino and Block B haha 😛
August 30, 2017 at 11:32 AM
*hoping you haven’t heard them all yet haha*
August 30, 2017 at 1:06 PM
August 30, 2017 at 1:46 PM
No rush hehe ^^ Hope you have fun working 😛
August 31, 2017 at 1:26 AM
ZICO’S RAP??? *slams the replay button* *it’s so fast dafrriik*
August 30, 2017 at 1:05 PM
Oooooh thank you!!! ❤ ♥
Hehehe exactly like wine and cheese. Both of which I love. Go figure.
August 30, 2017 at 1:48 PM
Maybe you love them because you love yourself then haha 😉
August 30, 2017 at 11:02 PM
… ahhh ok? Hahaha That’s some nice drama logic there hehe
August 29, 2017 at 1:43 PM
I couldn’t not make a gif of this moment, so here ya go, this is what walking is. Apparently.
August 29, 2017 at 11:53 PM
Hahaha! They are so happy at accomplishing that!
Are you continuing with your Winner Tv re-watch?
August 30, 2017 at 6:24 AM
Yup, at ep 7 now. It’s seriously infinitely giffable, I think I need to make a rewatch one day just to make gifs out of all those moments haha. I can’t leave them ungiffed!
August 30, 2017 at 8:31 PM
It indeed is! I ll be looking forward to all those gifs.. one day far in the future though- because I know u are lazy about such things 😉
How are you giffing them though? All the episodes were an hour long! Or did you search for 15 mins videos on YT?
August 28, 2017 at 10:22 AM
I’m starting to feel like watching dramas again. But semester starts in a week, so I don’t want to watch something completed (because binging) but not in the mood for those airing now either. Otteoke?
August 28, 2017 at 10:28 AM
Mini Drama? Web Drama? There are a few good ones lately. Easy to watch/binge with less time taken up.
August 28, 2017 at 1:45 PM
Ooh yeah^ web dramas! They can be watched in like… a day.
August 28, 2017 at 1:48 PM
Go Ho’s Starry Night! 🙌
August 28, 2017 at 1:56 PM
Oh, that one was fun! Also Wednesday 3:30 PM, Secret Message and One Sunny Day were all pretty good. Not quite a web drama, not a long series, but still easily bingeable was Because It’s the First Time which was super sweet, with eps being like 30-40 mins, if I recall.
August 28, 2017 at 2:14 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions! ^^
August 26, 2017 at 12:00 PM
This reminds me so much of Dream High 2 for some reason. I like the others better and also the other one from this album, Silhouette, but that’s not to be found on yt sadly.
August 27, 2017 at 7:52 AM
I actually like this one too! It is an easy listen… like something that could keep playing in the background without being intrusive?
August 27, 2017 at 8:52 AM
Yeah exactly 🙂 It’s not that I don’t like it, just that it sort of feels a bit more ordinary and pales in comparison to the other three songs which are all great heh. It’s such a shame I couldn’t share Silhouette :/
August 27, 2017 at 8:53 AM
It’s on Spotify if you wanna (and can) listen there!
August 27, 2017 at 9:42 AM
Want to, but can’t. No Spotify in India! I mean I can go the whole change-the-VPN route but I guess I will just wait for it to come on YT.. Things sooner or later have a tendency of coming there 😛
August 27, 2017 at 11:19 AM
I know the struggle! We have things like Spotify and Netflix, but sort of might as well not have considering the incredibly small and poor collection they contain here.
I actually bought it on iTunes hehe. It’s pretty cheap, so once in a while I allow myself to by some of the songs I really like instead of just going on yt 😛
August 28, 2017 at 3:19 AM
I like this one a lot a lot
August 28, 2017 at 4:12 AM
Yay ^^ You should really try and listen to Silhouette on spotify when you get time, it’s so good!
August 28, 2017 at 1:24 PM
Okey Dokey yooo 😛
August 26, 2017 at 11:58 AM
The genre-mix. It’s crazy and awesome and crazy awesome. I just LOVE that this is the work of someone who started out as a ballad idol. Way to break out of the box *Goliath-size thumbs up*
August 27, 2017 at 7:49 AM
He composed this?? But i thought he was just a singer! I mean I haven’t really checked out much of his work- just few variety stuff and Marriage Not Dating!
August 27, 2017 at 8:51 AM
He plays at least drums, guitar and piano (and bass?) and as far as I know all of his solo stuff is self composed, at least I know for certain that his first ones from 2011 are. He’s got a really high IQ, he’s super athletic, musically talented (even if he’s not a technically great singer (yet)), funny, handsome, taller than me and seriously the world is not fair, where are guys like this hiding?!?! 😭?😛
Have you seen his WGM yet?
August 27, 2017 at 9:48 AM
Someone is crushing on him super hard 😉
I knew about the super athletic, funny, tall and handsome part but didn’t know about the others much! 😀
Yup I did.. I mean, I started it and saw the end and many episodes in between.. might have skipped a few episodes as I used to watch it on YT and some episodes were always missing.. Oooh and now I am remembering random parts from it and feel like going back and watching it.. I have even seen him as part of the panel on WGM- with very bad hair might I add :P.. And I still remember that lady on that one episode of Maknae Rebellion.. She just looked at him and ignored others! He does have that cocky, sexually attractive thing going on! 😉
August 28, 2017 at 3:25 AM
Well at least I’m in complete awe at his many talents and plus-sides lol, even though I obviously know he’s got flaws like any other person, that’s just quite a lot for just one person! I never meet people like that lol, so I’m just amazed that such a person exists 😛
Ahhh you should totally go watch the whole thing! It’s so funny how she’s the noona (on WGM), but he’s totally got the upperhand in the relationship lol, he’s got some mad player-skills hahaha 😛
And now I wanna go rewatch Idol Makbanshi lol. Him, Mir and Seunghyun were just gold and then the Shinee eps and Yoo Se Yoon, argh, wish it was still ongoing or had more eps at least. It could actually be really fun to see new maknaes mingle like that. Even though I wasn’t around for it, I really miss the 2nd gen shenanigans and how they all were on shows together and had all these friend-lines like 91’er and Kyu-line. It was so much fun. Agencies need to train their idols more for variety again, so few of them go on shows nowadays and when they do it’s mostly just when they’re promoting a song and they end up being really boring…
August 28, 2017 at 3:58 AM
I could say that about many Korean celebrities! How are they so multi- talented? I have never met someone like that in real life!
I just remembered their first meeting, then his jealousy over Baro, that photo- shoot, yoga sessions, and that end.. Yup he definitely got some skills! And they made such an attractive pair!
It would be so fun if they did a Makbanshi season 2! All those ‘savage maknae’ videos should give many candidates! And yes! I would love more cross- group friendships in kpop! I read somewhere that Hoonie knows/ is friends with- not probably not close anymore- Infinite’s Hoya- he even made a video supporting Hoya when he was back in school- but he didn’t want to take his name much just in case fans thought he was trying to ride on Hoya’s popularity!
I would love more such stories to come across! But maybe the cut- throat fandoms and competition makes it hard to do that now?
August 28, 2017 at 5:08 AM
Very true!!
I dunno, maybe you’re right. The fan wars are pretty insane at times and the gazillion groups debuting every year and everyone competing so hard probably isn’t good for these things. But then, some of the 1st gen rivalry was also insane, yet the guys are friends irl, they just didn’t show it back then and then came the 2nd gen and suddenly everyone were openly intereacting. So who knows, maybe it’ll change again?
August 28, 2017 at 5:54 AM
Yup.. maybe! One can sure hope so!
And I just realized that I have mentioned Hoon in 3 separate conversations! I am definitely in over my head! 😛
August 28, 2017 at 6:18 AM
Hahahah that’s what I’m saying 😉 *throws life vest*
August 28, 2017 at 6:32 AM
*accepts it gratefully*
I would throw one back at you but you have already been in over FTI as a whole and Jinwoon for a long time.. anyone else who qualifies as a crush?
August 28, 2017 at 6:47 AM
Don’t really think they’re crushes tbh, it’s not like I could never imagine myself dating them or anything. In fact, I’m not even sure I’d like to be friends with all of them lmao 😛
August 28, 2017 at 7:31 AM
Lol yeah they might be too rowdy to be friends! I can be friends with Jinwoo from Winner though… he seems manageable 😛
But wait, no crushes at all?? Like I dunno SIG? Anyone else? Which other actor do you like? Lee Jong Suk I remember.. Anyone else?
August 28, 2017 at 8:11 AM
I dunno, maybe I do have a “celebrity crush” level lol, but it tends to blow over pretty quickly and I’m a bit of a realist, so even irl I distinguish between being attracted to someone and having an actual crush on them. I think it’s quite possible to be attracted to someone, yet not have a crush on them in any way. With celebs I just tend to be more fascinated or in awe or feel like “awww this person seems like such a good/funny/talented person, that’s so great” and just be appreciative of the fact that there’s someone like them able to make me happy through great skills or by just lighting up a screen with their warmth or charm. Maybe bc I tend to be hyper-aware that they’re real people, yet people whose real self I’ve never seen or met, no matter how real and honest they may be on screen, so they both feel like real people and unreal at the same time, if that make sense?
It’s also why I always try to add things like “at least judging by their interviews” etc when talking about celebs, bc in all honesty I know that I have no freaking clue and they could all be pouring lies out on screen like nobody’s business lol and that it’s also unfair and sort of weird to talk about people you don’t know as if you know them just based on their TV appearances. So I tend to feel sort of weird fangirling or talking about celebs outside of trying to analyse or just appreciate their work, but I end up doing it anyways lmao 😛
Well that was long… Again LOL 😛
August 28, 2017 at 8:28 AM
But but haven’t you ever fallen head over heels for a kdrama character? Loving him so much that you wish you found someone like him? And then loving the actor because if he was able to portray that character so well, there must be something of that character in him… Then looking at his interviews, BTS, songs, variety and falling deeper? This is Seo In Guk for me… I mean I obviously know that he is an actor and I don’t even dream of being together with him but just loving him still? Like if I go back and listen to some of his songs or some clips, I actually feel sad that I won’t be seeing anything from him for some time and literally miss him sometimes!
You are right about us not really knowing their “real” selves but a celebrity crush is anyway different from a real life crush (though seriously, I can’t even recall the last time I had a real life crush.. it has been too long. I need to go out more! :P)
August 28, 2017 at 8:12 AM
“he seems manageable” ahahahahahahahahahahaha rofl 😛
August 28, 2017 at 8:30 AM
Lol he does. All that “I am pretty” would probably get on my nerves but it is a very recent thing and part of his new variety image where he just accepts instead of trying to be all humble..
And I thought more, and uh I would want to friends with Hoonie! Who cares about manageable! He looks like he is the perfect mix of crazy but thoughtful. (Yes, there I go again! :P)
August 28, 2017 at 10:08 AM
Not really. I do go on binges, but that’s when I find people funny. Like, I looooove Park Hyo Shin’s voice and find him to be an incredible, awe-inspiring person based on what I’ve seen/heard, but I have hardly watched anything with him, bc when he finally do make a TV appearance it’s not really funny. It’s the reason why I love using gifs of and watching vids where Seunghyun or Jinwoon, because they ALWAYS manage to make me laugh or smile with their goofiness and cheerfulness and I need that more in my life 🙂 Doesn’t mean I actually want to find someone like them irl, even if I do at times bemoan the fact that handsome, funny, smart AND creatively talented guys don’t seem to exist in my world haha 😛 Not that I don’t get attached to certain celebs, just not really in that crush like way. But I dunno, maybe I’m just fooling myself bc I feel weird about the whole celeb concept lol. And this – “but a celebrity crush is anyway different from a real life crush” is also very true, so maybe I’m just not really aware what my celebrity crushing would look like kkkkk.
(Ahahahah same!!! :P)
Pfffttahhahaha you and Hoon hahahah 😛
August 28, 2017 at 10:40 AM
Yup that is what I am gonna believe in- you ARE just fooling yourself and that you are really just not aware what your celebrity crushing looks like 😛
Oh btw did you hear of the Oppa War on DB? It was pretty hilarious and one of the funniest thing to happen on DB for a while! A new beanie appeared called @mrsparkhaejin and @azzo1 declared war! All in jest but then many beanies became azzo’s soldiers, suppliers, supporters and then there were some beanies who came up with popcorns to pass around to all the others enjoying the drama. SO it was like one big DB party and poor Mrs Park Hae Jin had to retreat! 2 days of all day laughing!
August 28, 2017 at 2:31 PM
Yeah and I tried to read some of it afterwards, but I guess I’m just too much of a pacifist, cuz it didn’t really make me that amused lol 😛
August 28, 2017 at 10:02 PM
Ah it did get a lil too much sometimes but I loved other beanies’ comments more… And if pacifism is your thing, you should totally check out the mini oppa war (that was not) between me and Jig then! 😛 I felt so weird staking any claim to SIG that I ended up being all “let’s share the love”- actually even saying that made me uncomfortable but we were on a “oppa war” high and just went with the flow 😛 Plus Ziggie is no oppa of mine- he is just Gukkie. I am not for calling them oppas.
August 29, 2017 at 2:20 AM
Yeah, the whole oppa thing isn’t my thing either lol. I feel like that should be reserved for Koreans calling their actual oppas or boyfriends etc that (or someone not Korean with a Korean bf or something, but you get what I mean heh).
August 26, 2017 at 11:55 AM
Jeong Jinwoon had a comeback of sorts this April and ohmegosh it’s awesome! He just gets better and better after leaving JYP <3
*gets ready to spam you guys with soundly awesomeness*
August 27, 2017 at 7:46 AM
He left JYP? 2AM is no more? Wow! I didn’t even know! But why?
And this IS good!
August 27, 2017 at 8:40 AM
2AM still is, but they’re on hiatus I think and except for Jo Kwon I believe all members left JYP though on good terms. It’s really sweet actually, Jinwoon once said on RS(?) that JYP himself told him that he couldn’t be of any service to him if this is the kind of music he wanted to do and that it was okay for him to leave to pursue his music dreams, which awww ❤️ He’s with Mystic entertainment now, Yoon Jung Shin’s agency (the guy who made the song KSY made re-famous lol, Instinctively (I think, gosh my poor memory lol, overload on old interviews trying to remember all this ahahah)).
August 27, 2017 at 9:57 AM
JYP is such a weird guy! I don’t think I have liked his songs/acting/dancing but he just has that kinda charm.. I dunno… like he knows what would work most of the times. So I guess an instinct. Which doesn’t work all the time (did SIG fail JYP auditions? and he had quite a lot of critical comments for Yoon while teh other judges loved him? which I guess might have helped him grow but still— eesh! just realized that Ziggy won season1 of Superstar K and Yoonie was in the top4 in season2… so SIG is like a sunbae to him! and of Roy Kim and JJY! Dude should come back and focus on his musical career along with his acting career)- sorry went off on a tangent there and now I don’t remmeber what I wanted to say about JYP… but uh yeah.. that was sweet of him!
August 28, 2017 at 3:20 AM
Thing is, whenever JYP comments on singing, I can’t help but go “errmm dude, you promote “half air half sound” AND you have ZERO technique when singing yourself” hahaha.
Oh yeah and he was also sort of Seunghoon’s mentor on Kpop Star I think?
August 28, 2017 at 3:41 AM
Exactly! He gives weird advice! Why is he so well- established?! Like YG makes sense most of the times!
Was he? I didn’t know.. And I was googling Kpop Star and Lee Hi was the runner up of Season 1 while Hoonie came 4th… Now I am not one for shipping people but why have I not seen fans makes Lee Hi- Seunghoon ships!?! They basically started their careers together!
August 28, 2017 at 5:15 AM
I think it’s bc his songs are really catchy. He knows how to make a hit song and a hit group and establish a succesful image for a group (like 2PM as the beast idols), he’s just not that great at vocal technique lol. I think he’s more of a dancer perhaps. And likeability probably also plays a part.
Lol didn’t know about Lee Hi!
August 28, 2017 at 5:52 AM
His dances are pretty stupid too imo 😛 But yeah catchy songs and maybe becoming popular at a time when there was not much competition and having a business sense..
August 28, 2017 at 6:35 AM
It’s not my style, but he clearly knows something about dancing, while at the same he doesn’t really seem that natural, so I dunno. But his artists generally tends to be good at it, like Rain (previously JYP), 2pm AND 2am. He talks a lot about singing, but dancing seems to be more his agency’s thing.
Sometimes it sort of seems to me like the big companies’ focus can be divided into:
YG – rapping, singing and individuality/artistry
JYP – dancing
SM – visuals, singing (like SuJu) and dancing (like EXO)
FNC – instruments and singing
August 28, 2017 at 7:53 AM
Lol I just remembered him teaching dance in Dream High! And now I want to go back and watch that! What is with me and wanting to check out every thing I think of momentarily!
SM seems to have it all then! I mean that is covering almost everything! But I still prefer YG! Not that I love everyone at YG but they seem to just have that ‘awesome’ thing going for them- I mean Big Bang and 2Ne1 are legends! And I love Winner and Akmu! Oh and Black Pink seem interesting too.. Could also be because I haven’t really checked out other groups much.. How many groups does SM have? Exo, SHINee, SuJu, Red Velvet, Girl’s Gen (?) who else? But there are so many more groups- Apink, Mamamoo etc etc– I will one day look up all these things! When I have time… Which i might have soon.. Winner has ended this CB’s promotions! I guess we can wait till December now…
Ah but I think they will still be more active.. Mino as a special MC for Radio Star soon.. I really get irritated when one of my favourites comes on RS- I don’t like the show but have to watch it for them! 😛
August 28, 2017 at 7:57 AM
That was a lot of stream of consciousness speak, so ignore it 😛
August 28, 2017 at 10:16 AM
Aarggh I feel like it’s always me having to go up and find the reply button hahaha 😛
I’ve been wanting to rewatch a lot of dramas and variety things, there are just so many things you don’t notice when you’re not in that deep yet haha 😛
For me it’s like YG at least lets their artists be artists and also just people. There really is a reason why SM has such popular groups, but they just treat them all so horribly. They also have TVXQ – or what’s left of them. That whole thing was just so tasteless and still is -.- And yes, SNSD, also f(x) and NCT and according to Wiki also TRAX (are they still a thing?) and S.E.S which I don’t believe are together anymore? They also have BoA.
Yeah it’s hard to figure out all the agencies! I’m still only sort of solid on the bigger companies and their artists. Don’t even know who Mamamoo is under despite really liking them.
LOL the same with RS! Thanks for letting me know, didn’t know about it nor that their cb cycle had ended 🙂
August 28, 2017 at 10:32 AM
There you go! This should work for the next 2 comments 😛
Exactly! Specially some episodes of RM where I completely ignored the guests because I didn’t know or care who they were!
TVXQ has many fans though! Something happened to them? SM treat them badly? Oh and there is Cube Entertainment too which i know about only because Beast/ Highlight left them and started their own company and I like those boys/ ajhusshis…
August 28, 2017 at 2:28 PM
Haha thanks 😛
They have tons of fans yes. As far as I recall, it’s something about them taking SM to court for their practically literal slave contracts that bound them for even longer than they do know and with all sorts of ridiculous clauses and stuff. I think they won or something and Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu left and became JYJ, while Changmin and Yunho stayed at SM under the original name, but SM was salty and got JYJ banned from music shows etc just by lobbyism. It was pretty bad and I believe SM was forced by law to change their contracts up a bit after that. They’ve also treated Chinese members of groups like SuJu and EXO extremely badly and most of them left due to it.
Oh yeah, Cube! There’s also Glove Ent (Park Hyo Shin), Jellyfish (previous SIG), Mystic (Jinwoon), Starship Ent (K.Will), Star Empire (ZE:A), Big Hit (BTS), AOMG (Jay Park, Simon D), HGHGRND (or something similar), Drunken Tiger’s agency (don’t remember the name), 7 Seasons (Block B) and of course Woolim and oh gosh, I knew way more than I thought I did and these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head o.O There’s also LOEN which used to just distribute, but now also have artists signed I think. A few of them are affiliates or something of the big 3 though. SuJu also have their own “label” now.
August 28, 2017 at 10:26 PM
Wow! SM sounds like those big bad agencies/companies shown in all those kdramas! This just made me appreciate YG even more!
Oh wasn’t Park Hyo Shin with Jellyfish? Or he was there before.. I think I saw him and Gukkie together in something- or maybe not..
Wow! This is exactly what I meant to look up when I said “I will one day look up all these things! When I have time!” You just made it easier! 😛 But man you know a LOT! 😉
August 29, 2017 at 2:18 AM
Yeah, they’ve done some pretty awful things, like forcing SuJu members on stage when they were literally in the hospital hooked to an IV and stuff O.O
He switched to Glove Ent, a year or two ago. Just looked it up and you were right, he was in Jellyfish before 🙂
Haha, it’s probably just cause I’ve been hanging around yt watching kpop vids for a year more than you, these things end up sticking with you somehow lol. I don’t really know all that much though, especially compared to what actual kpop fans do o.O
August 29, 2017 at 2:54 AM
Eesh sounds horrible! And reminds me of Cindy from Producers.
Ah yeah such info does stay in the brain. I mean I have not really heard more than 3-4 Park Hyo Shin songs and don’t know much about him but his being a part of Jellyfish stayed with me. So I can see myself being all knowledgeable about kpop and related stuff an year later..
August 24, 2017 at 2:16 PM
Don’t think too much, JUST DO IT! 😉
August 24, 2017 at 2:18 PM
I will never be over this bass line
August 24, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Saaaaaame! It’s a huge part of why I love this song so much. It’s just so freaking good.
August 24, 2017 at 3:07 PM
Have you seen this? He’s so adorable. I just can’t. https://youtu.be/daC971eXgg8
August 26, 2017 at 11:15 AM
Oh gosh… The cringe… It’s massive lol. I love how he’s naturally absolutely adorable, try as he might, but the second he’s forced or asked to aegyo it’s just so cringey and awkward ahaha.
August 26, 2017 at 11:28 AM
So true. His aegyo about not wanting to do aegyo is more adorable than the actual aegyo lol
August 26, 2017 at 11:48 AM
True dat haha. Did you see btw, I’ll be going to their Paris concert this October? 😀
August 26, 2017 at 11:52 AM
What?!?! Soooo jealous. I would love to see them live again. Their music has changed so much since the last time. I bet their concert would be even more amazing now.
August 26, 2017 at 12:22 PM
Yeah, the second I saw they were going to Europe, I was like, that’s it, I’m going no matter what haha ^^ Oh cooool, you already saw them? Where was that? ^^ And yes, their music these days is vastly different from before. Tbh I don’t think I’d ever have gotten into them if they had continued with the title songs they were given by FNC.
August 26, 2017 at 12:51 PM
I saw them in 2012 in LA with CN Blue, so it’s definitely been a few years lol. I still love their old stuff. I remember having “I Hope” on loop lol and “Severly” will always be a fav. But, I’m glad to see them grow and doing music they truly love.
August 26, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Ooh that sounds awesome 🙂 But yes, definitely a lot has happened since then heh.
I’m more of a rock kind of person to begin with, maybe why I like the new and Japanese stuff better 🙂 There are a few pre-I Will Korean songs that I like, but they’re far between and mostly like them when they rearrange them for live performances now. And yes, it’s great that they finally seem to have creative control! Go them!
August 26, 2017 at 3:22 PM
Yeah, I think it’s just all about taste and when you first got into k-pop. I got into it with “I Hope,” SNSD’s “Genie,” Super Junior’s “Sorry Sorry,” Shinee’s “Ring Ding Dong,” etc. But, now it’s hard for me to get into new groups cause I’ve seen that kind of stuff before and now I appreciate groups that do take control over their music and try new kinds of sounds/concepts, but if you’re a new kpop fan I can see how these new but formulaic groups would look so fresh and cool if that’s the only exposure you’ve had.
August 26, 2017 at 3:27 PM
Not you, but just a generic you lol I just mean that I don’t mind their beginning stuff either because that’s what got me into k-pop. To me it was fresh and exciting because that was my first exposure like how people think BTS is fresh and exciting because that is their first exposure and people can argue whether that’s true or not based on what other k-pop they have listened to. Now I’m sorry that I got caught up in ranting lol
August 28, 2017 at 2:37 AM
I think maybe the difference for me is that I’m not really into K-pop dance groups, except for finding it oddly fascinating as an industry and liking Winner, some random songs and some of the groups in variety. I’ve always been more of a rock/indie kind of person, so Pray and that album really made me excited heh ^^ But yes, coincidentally that album did come out the year I got into Korean music!
No worries, I got that it was a generic you. LOL I’m the master of ranting, that was nothing compared to what my rants look like haha 😛
August 25, 2017 at 12:00 AM
How is the memorizing songs coming along? 😀
Also the stage sometimes does remind of Elysee Montmarte a bit!
August 26, 2017 at 11:14 AM
Haha it’s not 😛 I did watch/listen to some FTI, but it’s more there live stuff, no memorizing for me just yet. Right now I’m watching their We Will live in Seoul and it’s pretty freaking awesome, although I’ve seen more free and interesting lives from them. Somehow I like their Japanese concerts better, wonder why 😉
It does, right? So I’m not completely cray for thinking that? 😛
August 26, 2017 at 11:23 AM
Hahha… because they are free-r in Japan! Maybe they have to take care of what they say (to a degree only cuz well they are FTI) in Korea more! 😀
Yup! Not crazy at all! 😉
Also, I am watching half Moon Friends and it is adorable! I have seen only the first episode and I am in love! These 5 were/ are just so cute with kids and with each other!
August 26, 2017 at 11:52 AM
Exactly what I was thinking 😉
Ikr, Half Moon Friends is BEYOND adorable ^^ They all seem to care genuinely about the kids and you can just tell how much the kids like them back, it’s so sweet. Normally you can tell the kids are slightly awkward around the celebs or camera, but here they’re just bouncing about happily.
August 26, 2017 at 12:18 PM
Let’s hope they can let loose in Paris then! 😀
I am missing OT5 and Namtae after watching it though! He brings so much to the table just by being there and not even saying much!
August 26, 2017 at 12:33 PM
Yeah, but at the same time all 5 actually seem much more relaxed and happy than I’ve ever really seen them tbh (well judging by what we see on TV obviously, so who really knows). Seems like it was the right move for all of them 🙂
August 26, 2017 at 12:39 PM
True, very true! I love them now that they look so happy! I love them then when they looked like they were having fun! Basically I love them no matter what!
Did I ever thank you for posting that pic of Jinwoo- looking like across between Lee Jong Suk and Ji Chang Wook and then that video of him getting lost in Japan? That is what initially go me interested and look at me now! I don’t think I did!
So thank you for introducing me to these lovely 5 dorks- wait 4 dorks and 1 talented as hell boy cuz Namtae is no dork! <3
August 26, 2017 at 2:38 PM
Awww hehe, well then I’m happy to have introduced you to someone this awesome!
I was about to say, hold up, ofc NTH’s a dork too! But then I realized he’s far behind the others on dorkiness kkkk, but then who can keep up with those dorks’ dorkiness? They’re on a pretty high level haha 😛
August 27, 2017 at 6:47 AM
Hahha yeah! Their dorkiness level is unparalleled! 😛
Oh and I am now waiting for some kind Inner Circle to sub their appearance on JYP’s ‘Part People’! All the teasers are so interesting! Plus I think I read somewhere that they danced to Hoony’s original choreo of LMLM which YG changed.. Yoon sang Instinctively again, Yoon- Mino’s Fear and Hoonie’s freestyle dance!*fingers crossed*
August 27, 2017 at 1:47 PM
I’ve been rewatching a bit of Winner TV today in between lots of stuff to do (I’ll reply back to alll my notifications tomorrow lol, sorry for the few answers today!) and yes, dorkiness reconfirmed 😛
Yesss hope so too! Their “Nobody” cover is on yt and goodness it’s good 😛 As expected hee.
August 27, 2017 at 6:41 PM
Every time someone mention that WIN or Winner Tv, I feel like going back and checking them out but I am currently quite happy watching their dorky selves in Half moon friends 😍 (take your time… oh and we have to do that too.. I will be doing some research on it today)
August 27, 2017 at 8:54 PM
I just checked out Hoon’s LMLM dance- step and now I understand why YG changed it with the simple finger hearts one! That one is a mix between cute and suggestive! 😉 And Hoon and Yoon making those sexy faces! <3
August 28, 2017 at 2:43 AM
Glad you’re enjoying it too, I had so much fun watching it! (oh yes, true! If you start with a notification for me on whatever post you like?)
Oooohh will so have to find that on yt later today! Right now I’m busy watching ep 2 of Night Goblin, cuz it’s finally subbed, woooo!! 😀 Hongki is so obviously a veteran in the industry haha I love it. He’s not that much older or even any older than a lot of much newer idols, but it’s just such a different feel when he’s on shows.
August 28, 2017 at 3:12 AM
(I will just go to one of your old posts then)
Is the show good? I saw some Beanies’ reviews here and they were pretty average.. But I think I will end up watching it for Hong-ki 😀
And here you go.. the step comes towards the end-
August 28, 2017 at 4:09 AM
Only watched half an hour of that ep, so far, and Hongki, Hyungdon and Sugeun are doing great so far, but will have to watch more to see what I really think. It’s worth it for Hongki for now at least hehe 😛
Oh! I actually did already watch that and wondered about that step haha, good thing they changed it, yes 😛 Seunghoon’s facial expressions though pffftttt… (also he looks soooo good in that getup!)
August 28, 2017 at 4:19 AM
Ha.. i think I will start watching it after I am done with Badaland Chingus… Now waiting for KB subs!
Lol yes! I mean I wouldn’t have mind that step but yeah I like the finger hearts! 😛 (dude I am *this* close to crushing on him big time! He looks so frigging hot! Plus for a change, he got a lot of camera time!)
August 28, 2017 at 5:17 AM
KB subs were the first thing I checked for this morning! 😛 Hope they arrive soooonnnn….
(kkkkk you’re so cute crushing on Seunghoon haha 😀 I’m pretty sure you’re already in too deep, the amount of Hoon-gushing you do is soon to rival me and Seunghyun and Sic and Zico (lol just noticed that… Zic? Sico?) haha 😛
August 28, 2017 at 5:50 AM
Lol me too!
(I just don’t want to accept it! But yeah might already be in over my head! Hahha… Sico reminds me of Saico… poor sicarius! :P- Sico might stay though… could use it for one of then bday posts)
August 24, 2017 at 12:09 PM
I finished unpacking the last seven moving boxes in just a couple hours! #TheGreatnessThatIsKaybee #FeelingPrettyFreakingAwesomeRightNow
August 24, 2017 at 12:12 PM
Heeee you made a gif on top of all of that!
#TheGreatnessOfKaybeeApproved #WerentYouSupposedToRest?
August 24, 2017 at 12:24 PM
Actually I just found it on google, but it probably took me just as long as if I’d made it kkkk.
#WasSupposedToRestYes #Can’tRelaxWhenMessIsThere #FeelsMuchBetterNow #GotTooStressedDoingNothing #LOL #SinceWhenDoIDoHashtags? #IFeelTooTrendy #INeedToStopThis #Waaaaaeeeeeeee #HashtagsAreWeird
August 24, 2017 at 9:15 PM
Lol, it would probably have taken you lesser time on giphy, you had the video handy! Your google search history would be so interesting! Whenever I wish to find a gif, I use such weirdly specific keywords!
#ExhibitAofKaybeeFeelingTired- #SheStartsMakingHashtags #TrendyIsNotTrendyForUs
#YouCallWatchingRandomVideosNothing? #ItIsAnArt #WhyAmIfollowingSuit&Making#
August 26, 2017 at 10:31 AM
Pffft very true! My keywords are always stuff like “overly excited kdrama gif” or “moping kpop gif” hahaha.
#YouKnowMeTooWell #HaILikeThat #TisIndeedAnArt #IDon’tKnowWhyYou’reDoingThemEither #MostTrendyThingsAreWeird
August 24, 2017 at 12:14 PM
Also, off to sleep now! Catch you tomorrow?
August 24, 2017 at 12:25 PM
Si senorita ^^ Nighty night, don’t let the bed sharks bite!
August 24, 2017 at 5:29 AM
The beginning of this vid is so me today. All day today.
August 24, 2017 at 6:05 AM
I dunno how many times I have seen this one! It’s so GIF worthy! 😆 The short time when Yoon was just the maknae and Mino had so much responsibility!
(I am getting a kick out of seeing you on DB for so long today! 😊 I can’t even remember the last time this happened!)
August 24, 2017 at 6:05 AM
August 24, 2017 at 7:14 AM
Let’s hope we see more of Goofy Yoon on YOF 😛
(Haha yeah, it’s been a while for sure. But I promised myself I’d take the day completely off today, so lots of DB and random vids for me hahah ^^ (not really keeping my own promise however lol, I unpacked a moving box anyways :P))
August 24, 2017 at 7:40 AM
*fingers crossed*
(Much deserved rest then! Share if you find something cute and new.. (haha… can’t keep your hand off clearing stuff? All the boxes must look tempting!))
August 24, 2017 at 8:25 AM
(Hehe I will ^^ (lol yes very! I just get so annoyed if my stuff’s not in order. But I neeeeedddddd ressssttttt muustttt ressssiiiiissstttttttt :P)
August 24, 2017 at 12:52 PM
Ok… he gets points because his pun actually made me laugh. And usually I just grimace slightly at most puns (sorry Punnery Sergeant).
Also, ‘got no hands to clap? That’s ok! you can just slap your own face!’… why do I feel like that’s something I would do…
Well all your incessant CHECK WINNER OUT PLS is slowly winning me over, albeit reluctantly. I don’t know why reluctantly. It’s not like there’s anything bad about it lol.
August 24, 2017 at 1:42 PM
That pun is really on point! 😛 Whaaattt!?!!?!?! Noooooo!!!!! But… PUNS…. They be awesome! How can you not like them!?!?! Do you not like my puns either?! *goes to pout in corner*
Hahaha I can totally imagine you doing that.
Yassssss seee there’s fun times ahead if you watch Winner stuff! 😛 And dorky and cute and all kinds of awesome and talented stuff!
Lol I get it except I don’t get it. I mean, I get that feeling sometimes too, but I don’t get why I get it, so I get your feeling, but not why you’re feeling it, cuz I don’t get why anyone feels that way including me, but we do.
(Also I must have something with the Seungs, cause I’ve got such a soft spot for Seunghyun in FTI and Seungyoon in Winner haha 😛 (BUT HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE PEOPLE WHO DO RANDOM STUFF LIKE THAT? Tis impossible (said in French accent just cause))
August 24, 2017 at 2:27 PM
I know it is! It was marvelous. Hence, it made me laugh.
I knoooooow I’m sorrrrry. Some are just so bad and not funny, and when people do it ALL THE TIME AND DON’T STOP I just want to run away hahaha (no, yours are ok I think. I don’t remember being drastically annoyed at any of them)
I really don’t know what it says about me that you can imagine me doing that hahaha
*reads last paragraph* is Kaybee tired? I think Kaybee is tired LMAO!!!
yes to all the not getting getting stuff hahaha
(You do yes. Already noticed that 😛 (Well I do like them so I guess it is impossible :P))
August 24, 2017 at 2:39 PM
“no, yours are ok I think. I don’t remember being drastically annoyed at any of them” How comforting 😛
That you’re delightfully weird, unpredictable and likes to think outside of the box?
Noooo, not tired at aaaaalllll. I have no idea why you’d think that. *props up eyelids with matches*
August 24, 2017 at 3:00 PM
Hahaha … >.> 미안… it is kinda a compliment though. Idk, I don’t hate people who make puns I just kinda groan if they’re really bad haha.
\^-^/ I’ll claim that hahahaha
😛 (go sleep if you aren’t already)
August 24, 2017 at 10:50 PM
Definitely tired RotFL!
Her last few messages before going to sleep are always so hilarious!
A tired rambling kaybee is adorable!
(Us Seung lovers :P- I love the other Seung in Winner but yup have a soft spot for the Seung in FTI and Yoonie)
August 25, 2017 at 12:20 AM
Oh I love rambly kaybee hahaha it’s the best. Because it’s understandable but in a really roundabout way and it’s hilarious haha.
August 26, 2017 at 11:25 AM
(You have a soft spot for FTI Seung too?? I think I possibly may or may not just love you a little bit lot more than ever before if that is possible :P)
August 26, 2017 at 11:43 AM
(Yup I do- him and Hongki because he is so adorable, then comes Jaejin and then Minhwan and Jong-hoon! 🙂 And it is possible indeed! I am *this* close to singing Love Me Love Me! 😉 )
August 26, 2017 at 11:24 AM
Pfhfhfahaha well I’m just here for miladies’ entertainment, ain’t I? 😛
August 24, 2017 at 10:44 PM
Good thing I don’t make puns! Would have gotten you irritated so many times if I did 😛
Though seriously that pun made me just roll my eyes at his dorkiness! (But I love when our Punnery Segeant makes an appearance 😉 )
Hehe yay! *half fist pump* And I so understand reluctance cuz I feel that too! It’s like going into an unknown zone because of someone’s assurance & insistence that it is an awesome place but all you can see is darkness ahead…
August 25, 2017 at 12:22 AM
Ahaha noo I mean, I probably make me sound worse than I am. I’m not as bad as some people with puns, I’ll probably just give you a ‘really? why…’ look or an eyeroll haha
It was a clever pun though. And from a Korean. In English.
Yeahs! It is a bit like that! Also I guess me getting into them is going to be so different from everyone else I’ve got into? Like normally it’s uh… more my decision? hahah idk
August 25, 2017 at 12:36 AM
Hee I understand! And no you are not making yourself sound bad 😉
Lol yeah! But trust us! 😀
August 26, 2017 at 11:29 AM
Is it in English though? *just posing an intriguing question* Since he’s actually making a pun on the v being pronounced b by most Koreans and since “valet parking” is actually called “valet (parking?)” in Korean and ballet possibly also just ballet, it’s sort of both a Korean and an English pun mayhaps? Dunno, just wondering the nature of language. Again lol.
Bwhahah, it’s sort of like me and Block B, though part of my reluctance to watch their variety and such is cause I’m afraid I’ll suddenly be in too deep and have even more stuff to catch up on haha. But, yes, like @obsessedmuch said, trussssstttt usssssss (*said like Sir Hiss from Robin Hood*).
August 26, 2017 at 6:15 PM
English Loan Word pun then. I guess it’d be like me making a pun out of a well known and used French phrase. I mean, it’s even more clever that he’s playing on the Korean pronunciation of the word AND the two English words.
Ahahahaaha ah yes so much assurance… I wouldn’t trust Sir Hiss at all! Ever! hahaha (although 70s DISNEY REFERENCES BLESS YOU can and will quote that whole movie haha)
August 28, 2017 at 3:10 AM
Oh definitely impressive! I was just fascinated by the fluidity of language yet again haha.
(yessssss… Robin Hood is the best! (I also read like every book in existence with Robin Hood in it LOL). I never did like all Disney’s princess movies much, but Robin Hood was ma jam. And Aladdin and Peter Pan and Mulan, that sort of thing. And the incredibly underrated 80s movies that no one even remembers lol.
Now I wanna rewatch Robin Hood…. *starts humming theme song*)
August 28, 2017 at 3:15 AM
(Ahahaha have you therefore read Hood by Stephen R Lawhead?
Yes man, vintage Disney was the best. I mean, I like a good Disney princess movie every now and then… I think I’m over them a bit atm though. (Frozen whyyy) Mulan is still awesome though, despite being horrifically historically inaccurate hahaha
Oodellally oodellally golly what a day…)
August 28, 2017 at 3:44 AM
Ehhh… not sure… It was all as a kid and that time I read like stacks of books every week lol, so I no longer recall which ones I read.
(I don’t get the hype around Frozen. At all. Or the song. It’s so grating. And it all has NOTHING to do with HC Andersen and the message is so muddled and unclear. I dunno. The movie just bugs me. And it boggles my mind how it got so much more famous than Tangled which is AMAZING (oh. a princess movie I like! Also like Brave actually, but they’re both a bit… unconventional Disney princesses lol))
Mulan doesn’t have to be historically accurate imo, bc it’s not built over history, but over the Ballad of Mulan, which is folklore. I’ve read one of the versions in translations and I think they did okay by the source material. And it’s just a freaking awesome movie with one of the best female leads they’ve ever had. She’s not really a princess either, so it’s not a princess movie 😛 I think she’s quite possibly the only female Disney lead who’s human and NOT a princess?
August 28, 2017 at 2:04 PM
Oh hahaha. Idk if you’d like them now, but he did his research and set them in 12th century Wales, and I really enjoyed the series.
(Story Time. There was almost 0 promo for Frozen prior to the trailer. There were a few random concept sketches and the snow queen theme, but otherwise we literally knew nothing about it. Then the trailer dropped. And I watched it. And then the movie came out and I watched it twice because I had waited for ayges for there to be any info on this movie. And then… then the world LITERALLY blew up about Frozen. And there were millions of covers of let it go, and parodies, and fan art everywhere, and ship fighting and eventually there was just too much Frozen, and what I did like when it came out I now can’t stand. Like I actually do not think I could ever rewatch Frozen again, I have seen too much.
So I don’t really get the hype either. And it’s nowhere near the best Disney movie. Although I will say I did like the tiny little nod at the Sami they put in it. And the Danish Hymn at the beginning.
OHMYGOSH YES ANOTHER TANGLED FAN. Was gonna mention that because I love Tangled and can and will rewatch. (AND BRAVE TOO! I love Brave.)
Well, mean, no it doesn’t, but haha there’s this artist who draws the disney princesses in historically accurate clothing, and her comment on Mulan is quite interesting, cos she says they covered so many dynasties it was confusing haha.
Well, in that case then, that’s pretty cool. I mean, I don’t watch it for the history anyway. I watch it cos MULAN! and Eddie Murphy as Mushu, and the music.
She’s not a princess, but she’s included in the “Official Disney Princess Lineup” cos Disney, and yes that’s actually a thing. *sigh*
Well if you want to get picky, is a Chieftain’s daughter a princess?Haha but then you’d have to go through all the other Disney movies, and there’s tonnes of other female leads there. Jane. Esmeralda. Megara. For example…
Oh shit my Disney nerd of 3 years ago is showing…
August 28, 2017 at 3:12 PM
About to go to bed, so short reply:
Yay you like Tangled!!! Tbh it’s one of my favorite movies, I’ve seen it way too many times. Of newer Disney movies, also Brother Bear which I recently learned got bad reviews, though I can’t see why, because the moose brothers are just worth everything no matter what else happens in the movie and I just love it.
“Official Disney Princess Lineup” <- yep, knows it's a thing. Finds it weird. And why is Belle in there too btw, HOW is she a princess? Oh wait was he a prince? Bc then she becomes one of course. But oh yeah Esmerelda! Had forgotten about her and Jane. Megara?
And yes, I say a chieftain's daughter counts, because it's as close to princess as you get in North American Native American culture (lol that was a lot of words), I think. Unlike mulan who's just from a high class, but not part of the court or such.
August 28, 2017 at 3:50 PM
Yess! Same, probably. It’s just lovely.
Mmmm Brother Bear is pretty good actually, and yes, the Canadian accent Moose are the best hahaha.
Cos Adam was a prince, yes haha.
Megara- Meg, from Hercules.
That’s true haha. Have you seen Moana? It’s not my favourite but I just like that Pacific Island culture was well represented. And they make a joke on the whole chieftain’s daughter/princess thing haha.
I’d love Disney to make an animated historic Korean movie, but uhm, they’d probably ruin it and I have Kdramas for that. So I also don’t want them to haha.
August 29, 2017 at 2:24 AM
Brother Bear is actually one of the few movies I love more in Danish dub, the mooses have a Jutlandian accent and it’s so unbelievably hysterically funny that it literally has me rofl 😛 But in general Danish dubbing of Disney movies is actually really good, we’re even known for it, especially since it’s usually people who sing really well who do the songs.
Ahh yes, I thought she was probably from Hercules, but I’ve only seen it once and don’t really remember it, so wasnt sure.
Not yet. I really want to, but errr time lol.
August 29, 2017 at 3:21 AM
Omygosh hahahaha that’s amazing!
Oh that’s cool… except I don’t speak Danish so dubs would do nothing for me lol
Ah ok. Yeah. Hercules. Good music. Everything else I’m just like eh.
Haha fair enough. It’s not going anywhere
August 29, 2017 at 9:17 AM
I just went on yt to find a clip, cuz I got nostalgic and it’s not nearly as funny as I remembered *sigh* Guess that’s what you get for revisiting old movies! (well old and old, y’know what I mean :P)
Yeah the only thing I remember about Hercules is a “twas fine” feeling and a few images lol. That era really wasn’t their strongest…
August 29, 2017 at 12:38 PM
I believe that is what is called “growing up” yes hahaha alas.
Mmmm pretty much yes. I do love “I won’t say I’m in Love” and “I will go the Distance” though.
August 29, 2017 at 1:37 PM
Oh dear! And here I thought I could just Peter Pan myself and not grow old haha 😛
Tbh I don’t think I know any of the songs from that one at all lol. Shame on me 😛 On the other hand, I know almost all the ones from Spirit, so there’s that. And they’re totally unrelated, but there ya go.
August 29, 2017 at 2:28 PM
I wish haha. Or maybe not.
SPIRIT! That’s Dreamworks. But great music. And animation. Good movie.
August 29, 2017 at 2:58 PM
I’m thinking not heh.
I know it is haha 😛 That’s why it was super random and unrelated lol. Sometimes I love Dreamworks more than Disney tbh. Yes, I just said that. And Spirit was one of my faves as a kid, I mean, it had horses and Native Americans and a great OST and rebels, what’s not to like?
Btw, unrelated, again hah, but my friend can go to Paris for the concert! Woo! At least date-wise, now we’re trying to work out the financial stuff, because she won’t let me pay for her lol. So now I’m freaking out over whether it’ll be doable and what flight we’ll get and how she’s suggested we might be able to stay at her friend’s place, but I don’t even know the guy, but at the same time it sounds like it would be fun and lots cheaper which is nice even if I do have the money to pay for a place to stay, but aarrgghhh, I’m so confused now o.O
Sorry lol. I just needed to vent that confusion for a bit. You don’t have to answer…
August 29, 2017 at 3:08 PM
Dreamworks has some solid older 90s and 2000s movies man. Prince of Egypt. Road to El Dorado. Spirit. Sinbad.
Where’d 90s Dreamworks go man?
WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! Does she listen to FTI? Or are you just like ‘wannagotoaKoreanRockConcertwithmeinPARIS?’ hahaha
Awwww hahaha.
Hey hey, don’t worry, just take deep breaths and work through all your options one by one. It’ll all come together. And just think about what kind of experience you want to make it. Does it matter staying at the friend of friend’s? Or would it be cooler to have a hotel room. *shrugs* (Like two days before my GD concert I didn’t have a ride to the airport. At 6 in the morning. And then I did. :0)
well I answered anyway hehehe praying for relief of stress for you 😛
August 29, 2017 at 3:26 PM
Yesss exactly! Also Joseph King of Dreams or what it was called. SUCH GOOD MOVIES
Errm she’s never really listened to Korean music hahaha. She’s got an idea that it’s “weird” actually, but she did once say “oh that’s way better” when I shortly played Pray for like a minute (as compared to Park Hyo Shin’s Wildlower (which WHAT) and that weird sushi mv from Orange Caramel that I showed her for laughs, but then quickly regretted showing cuz now that’s her idea of Korean music lol). I kind of just said I have two tickets to a concert in Paris with my favorite band and did she wanna go hahaha 😛 She actually doesn’t know yet who the band is or that it’s a Korean one lol, she just loves France and Paris and since I plan on it being a long weekend trip, we’ll be doing other stuff too, so I’ll just wait for her to ask who it’s with or something 😛
I actually already have a hotel room booked (fully refundable so that’s not a concern), it’s just that I know it’s too expensive for her, but she won’t let me pay anything as a principle. It just suddenly was all like “how much do I transfer to you” and the staying place isn’t even planned and I didn’t have time to think it through before she got all “how much should I transfer!” which made me freak out even more lol o.O I’m not good with fast decisions, not when it involves where I’ll be sleeping and stuff… And I’ve been doing housework all day, so I’m super tired to top it off and just… not up for figuring it all out TONIGHT.
Thing is I actually do want to have a more “parisian” experience than just staying at a hotel, I’m just worried about how I’ll handle staying at someone else’s apartment and whether or not it’ll be a comfortable/clean/etc place and whether or not her friend is nice aaannnd you get the picture. And maybe we can’t even stay there who knows. But then we’ll have to find an airbnb since that’s more affordable and I dunno, I want it all fixed and set now, but I also know I’m too tired and that it’s not dependant on me anymore, so it can’t be done all at once.
And thank you <3 I needed that.
August 29, 2017 at 3:33 PM
Yes that too!! Ahhh man, childhood.
Aahahahaha. Ease her into some of their rock ballads or something. 😛
FTI is good at grabbing intl fans-who-were-not-fans-before.
Awww man, I’m so jealous, I shouldn’t be but just now I miss Paris so much and a trip like that sounds like so much fun.
Awww no I know exactly how you feel, not good with fast decisions either! You could always just be like ‘x much’ for the ticket only haha. Force your kindness onto hahaha.
If it’s not working tonight it’s not working, just sleep and think about it tomorrow in the daylight! Our rationality goes out the window when we’re tired.
Yeah, I do. Maybe ask her some constructive questions? Or just be blunt about it? You don’t want to stay in a shitey apartment building really. Plus Paris hotels can be really nice… hahaha. And very Parisian.
No it can’t. How do you eat the Elephant, as my dad says? One bite at a time.
August 29, 2017 at 3:57 PM
I actually think she’d like the rock stuff more kind of, but tbh I’m just hoping them live will blow her away like all those kpop fans at KCon who said they never listen to rock, but loved it anyways ha 😛
Lol yeah except then I’d walk around feeling like I was lying, which I kind of would be even if it’s a nice lie. And I already told her how much for each way per person and she thought it could be much cheaper, but said it doesn’t matter. (so actually I have already told her how much to transfer? Now I’m just more confused at her question lol)
Maybe I should do that hehe. I was considering telling her that it’s all sort of making me worried, but I’m kinda worried she’ll think it’ll be too exhausting to travel with me, especially since she just travels w/o thinking a whole lot of it…
Pffftttt yeah, bc obviously elephants are eaten? 😛
Thanks for calming me down a bit <3 I think I'll try and get some sleep now and hopefully it'll all seem much simpler tomorrow.
August 29, 2017 at 4:12 PM
Ooop, Japanese album sharing then… haha.
Yes! I hope so! Their Kcon 16 performance and everyone’s reaction to it is still one of my favourite things.
Hahaha well yes, there’s that… What’s that bible verse? Don’t let your right hand know what your left is doing? Something like that… That’s what I think of hahaha.
Ahhh she runs on a different wavelength huh. I know the kind. They’re all like ‘stop worrying. it’ll be fine, we’ll just do this!’ and you’re like BUT DETAILS. haha
Hmmm, just try explaining it to her anyway. Simple like, these are the options, xyz, this is how it’s making me feel, I know you don’t worry but I do, I’d just like some more information on your friend’s place please etc etc
I don’t even know where the phrase comes from, but it works in my head hahaha.
Oh I hope I did haha. Yes! It most likely will! 잘 자! X
August 30, 2017 at 6:31 AM
I think anything but Puppy and their old stuff basically haha 😛 But yeah, thinking something along the lines of Take Me Now and Shadows.
Same! It made me so happy for them 🙂
Actually she’s a worrier too, just not when it comes to travelling lol. She’s much more spontaneous than me and stuff. I woke up this morning much more relaxed about it, bc a) not as tired lol and b) it always always always helps when I get a little time to digest. I’ve just told her to go ask her friend, we’ll see what happens!
Sorry for my anxious rant last night and thank you for being of so much help <3
August 30, 2017 at 12:38 PM
Hahahaha yess, both good albums. Let me know how it goes! hehe
Ahhh… I’m either hyper organised when it comes to travel or super spontaneous… haha my two OE’s have been almost opposites of each other. The first “oh I don’t know where I’m gonna be tomorrow”, the second “every ticket possible is printed before leaving NZ” haha
Oh that’s good! I’m glad!!! Good luck!
Aww no it’s ok! Sometimes you just need someone to listen 🙂 You’re welcome xx
August 26, 2017 at 11:29 AM
Haha at least someone loves my puns kkkk ^^
August 24, 2017 at 4:26 AM
@Sicarius couldn’t find the dance practice with the tumbling move I was thinking of, but just to show that Winner actually can dance more like other current idols than what they do these days:
August 24, 2017 at 4:28 AM
I still wonder at the fact that they were criticized after this performance! This was good! (Though, yeah iKON’s dance was good too)
August 24, 2017 at 4:43 AM
Maybe some of it was just all for show? I’ve wondered, after a rewatch, if it was YG’s purpose to make them underdogs, bc most people love rooting for the underdog. And Winner is much more YG than iKon, so I don’t get why some people say YG was trying to only debut iKon all along…
August 24, 2017 at 6:00 AM
Ah yes we have talked about this before! 😊
YG is definitely smart and this is one of those questions for which we will never get any answer.. and I guess it doesn’t even matter as both groups have debuted now and seem to be doing okay (did u see the news about iKON fans collectively deciding on not buying iKON products cuz YG isn’t treating the group well?)
August 24, 2017 at 6:05 AM
Oh yeah, we did haha .
(yes I did. Seemed a bit ridiculous imo. Unlike agencies like SM, YG seems to be treating his artists as actual people. Not giving a group a lot of comebacks isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it means they’ll be healthier… And either way, boycutting seems like an ironic and not very wellthought out way to go about it)
August 24, 2017 at 6:14 AM
We keep coming a full circle! 😜
(The problem is apparently making them overwork in Japan and not giving a comeback.. plus belittling ikonics’ worries by saying you shall get a comeback in Sept/oct during which time they already have stuff scheduled in Japan… but you are definitely right about YG treating it’s artists better than SM… and Winner was on a sabbatical for a long time too.. they seemed to worked upon themselves during that lull.. also yes, doesn’t sound like a very well thought out move)
August 24, 2017 at 6:20 AM
Sorry to butt in..just read about this awhile ago.
While in Jap iKON topped Oricon and merch are sold out.and K-iKONICs are boycotting their merch in SoKor wouldnt that be counterproductive? At this rate,iKON might keep promoting in Japan
August 24, 2017 at 7:18 AM
It really does seem counterproductive!
“and Winner was on a sabbatical for a long time too.. they seemed to worked upon themselves during that lull.. ” They seem to have come back as stronger and happier people. Not promoting a new song all the time isn’t necessarily bad. Just look at BB, they do fine without that. In a way it might even make them in more demand (eventually though, not when they’re still a new group), it’ll make them seem more exclusive. That said, I’m happy to see Winner working a lot this year, they seem happy to do it and it means more Winner for us haha ^^
August 24, 2017 at 4:34 AM
Wahhhh I loveee!! Wait why were they criticized?!?!
I mean, I want to say that it’d be cool if they danced like this now but there are more than enough groups that do intense dances and they wouldn’t really be Winner I feel if they did… haha
August 24, 2017 at 4:37 AM
They’re good right? And Seunghoon did the choreo! He made some really amazing ones during WIN!
Very true! I like that they don’t do such intense dances anymore, bc it’s better for their health and also they get to focus properly on singing and interacting with the audience during lives, which is awesome. They’re like Big Bang when it comes to dances lol, they have choreos, but they tend not to really do them hahaha. But sometimes I do wish that they’d show how well they can actually dance. I was a little sad when LSG and Ho Dong thought Zico was lying on KB when he said that Mino can dance well 🙁
August 24, 2017 at 1:20 PM
He DID?? Wowowowow. I have mad respect for choreographers. Does he do any of their choreo now?
Yeah, I think it’s more fun anyway when they just goof around on stage. It’s really funny to watch Jaehyo in Block B perfomances because he’ll often just run out of steam by the third song and just do his own thing interacting with fans haha.
Ahhh yeah :/ I mean, I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t shown me so I understand!
Aissshhh like Zico would lie about something like that tsk tsk
August 24, 2017 at 1:28 PM
He made all of their WIN ones I think and he still participates/does it all sometimes, not always sure which ones he’s been part of though. I’m not good at finding that sort of info lol. But as far as I know he did the choreo for Fool (the stage one, not really much of one for the mv hehe). You should definitely try to watch WIN, they had some pretty great dances, both from Winner and from iKon (even if I can’t remember iKon’s dances much, they were still good. I think?)
Looool I need to watch Jaehyo do that now 😛
Hahahahahaha Sicarius, ready to jump to Zico’s defense anywhere, any day – Lee Su Geun better get his shield ready I guess 😛
August 24, 2017 at 1:38 PM
Ahhh that’s really cool. Yeah I’ve seen some iKons dances, like recent ones.
I want to watch WIN, but I’m also like, while I’m not into either group properly yet, I sort of dread the idea of two such adorkable groups of boys being pitted against each other. I’m sure they have no resentment but I’m like ewww competition whyyy haha.
Hahaha I’m not sure if there are any good vids of it, but I know he did it during their European Tour at the start of this year.
Me and every BBC ever. He’s been through so much shit, we can’t help it. I’m not saying he hasn’t made mistakes… just… you know.
Did Mino show them that he could, in fact, dance well??
August 24, 2017 at 1:55 PM
Aww I get that. But the two groups are so supportive of each other and such good friends. And the hyungs (Winner) constantly worry about their dongsaengs which is adorable. Mostly it’s just the fans who made it into this huge fanwar thing, but otherwise it’s just normal work-competition in my eyes tbh. It’s also just a nice story about going from total lack of confidence to enjoying life 🙂 And both groups debuted, so tis all good now lol ^^
Been through much? Like the stuff with the company and the fact that he got hate for turning idol?
Not yet it seems, but I’m hoping he’ll show them when him and Taeyang are on KB next ep! It’s gonna be so much fun to watch him with the comedy-duo on another show. Minhodong is the cutest, most unexpected thing I’ve seen in a long time in a variety show lol. I just wish the other guys would be there too, especially since Seungyoon was on Flower Crew with Janghoon! And Jinwoo + Heechul would make a fun Narcissism Duo kkkkk.
August 24, 2017 at 2:08 PM
Ahhhh that’s good then. That makes me want to watch it more haha. Also seeing Bobby in the MOBB bts without Mino and getting all shy without his hyung is so cute. Hee.
Pfffft do you really want me to list it all? The company yeah, turning “idol”, a bunch of backlash the group got in their first two years for stupid reasons, controversies, Seolhyun… and more. It’s still happening too. Every time he does something someone tries to make it into something bad *sighs*
Hahaha that’s good! I barely no any of those references so they’re just gonna have to go on the list… once again.
August 24, 2017 at 2:27 PM
There’s a scene where all the guys eat together and their friendships are just the cutest ^^
Ugh that’s typical. So many people who don’t like people with talent or good looks or whatever and just hate on them just cause -.-
Minhodong = Mino and Ho Dong are like an unexpected father-son duo on NJTTW (where LSG is also a member) and I don’t usually like KHD, but duuuudeeee. It’s freakin adorable. Especially in the new season there was this one scene that practically had me laughing the rest of the day lol.
Flower Crew – don’t watch it. It’s bad. Like, it had potential and I liked the cast, but the form and script were such a mess. There’s a reason it got cancelled.
Other than that, yas, you should add to the list! 😛
August 24, 2017 at 2:57 PM
Awwww ❤ I bet.
Yeahp. It’s kind of a saying among fans actually, that Zico gets hate for even breathing. It’s frustrating. Things just get blown 100 times out of the water with reactions that are far far to brutal than necessary. It’s stupid.
Ahhh okay! Yeah NJTTW is already on the list so 😀
August 24, 2017 at 1:20 AM
I got the tickets!!!!!! I’m going to see FT Island in Paris!!!!!!!!!!
August 24, 2017 at 1:29 AM
haha…congrats. have fun!!
August 24, 2017 at 1:38 AM
Thank you 😀
August 24, 2017 at 1:30 AM
August 24, 2017 at 1:40 AM
I wish you and Sic could come along, it would be so much fun!
*is already wondering whether or not she’ll run into them while in Paris* *is totally fangirling* *does not like that but is at the same time way too excited to do care*
I wish I knew the setlist, I’m so gonnna cram their songs and learn all the lyrics beforehand hahahaha. I want to be able to properly sing along 😛
August 24, 2017 at 1:44 AM
Gosh i am so excited for you! Even more than I was for @sicarius‘ GD concert because this is FTI! We have been talking about them for like forever!
I so wish I could come too! One day, one day we will all go to a FTI concert together!
Fangirl away! Sometimes fangirling is good for your health! And what if you might actually run into them? That would be so awesome!
Hee… I am sure you will be scream-singing along with them!
August 24, 2017 at 1:55 AM
Ikr, I can’t believe I’m actually going! And in Paris! I’ve never done anything like this before and it took me like 5 mins to decide I was going haha. Normally it’d take me dayssssss. But it’s F T I S L A N D :O I thought I’d never get the chance to see them live!
Yes! We’ll totally do that! Maybe one day we could all meet up in SK and have a trip there and go to concerts 😀 Or Japan, cause both FTI and Winner have a lot of shows there 😉
Haha let’s hope you’re right, cuz the amount of fangirling I’m doing right now is no joke!
I have no idea what I’d do if I ran into them… I mean, I’ve met celebs before, this is teeny tiny Denmark after all, but never someone I’d been fangirling over like FTI haha. I’m secretly hoping that Hongki will post one of his “come have a drink at this bar if you can find it” instas hahahahahaha 😛 (well not so secretly anymore I guess LOL)
Or quiet-singing out of fear people will hear me and it’ll sound awful and I’ll be publicly shamed haha O.o I should scream-sing along though! *makes mental note to remember not to be too shy and just forget other people*
August 24, 2017 at 2:07 AM
I know!!! I remember talking to you about FTI being the group to hear live because they seem so much more amazing live and it is coming true and I am so frigging happy for you!
Totally!! SK.. because it is the reason why we are on DB and have “met”! Japan yes- why do they love japan so much- and yes WINNER! 😀
Hehe… I am right. I know so! And you are not crazy fangirling just happy fangirling which is perfect!
Lol.. I actually thought of their random fan-bar meets when you mentioned meeting them! It would be just so amazing! But how will you talk to them? *Googles how to learn to speak fluent Korean in one month* *Am I going too far ahead?* Oh but they know English!
No no.. don’t care about other people! It will be your day!! Who are you going with? Did the friend agree?
August 24, 2017 at 2:35 AM
Aww haha thank you 😀
Whew, glad it at least doesn’t seem like crazy fangirling haha!
I have no idea what you’re talking about or why you’re worrying. I know how to say “shoe” and “bread”. That will obviously be enough to carry on a proper conversation! 😛
Mmmh well, she’s agreed, except she doesn’t know until Sep when a study trip she’s going on will be and it may be at the same time. But I’m just gonna go ahead and book everything and then if she can’t go, I have another friend I could ask and if she can’t then my mom’s coming along for a mother-daughter trip ^^
August 24, 2017 at 2:45 AM
Hahaha… well I wish you good luck with that shoe-bread conversation! 😛 You never know, it might just be one of the most memorable conversations of your life! Look at me already sure that you are meeting them! 😉
Yay for backups! And awesome mothers! 😀
August 24, 2017 at 2:43 AM
YESSSS *runs round in circles at the possibilities* One day we will.
Girl, don’t worry about other people, they’ll all be singing horribly anyway. Plus, you can actually sing hahaha.
*more happy dancing in her chair*
August 24, 2017 at 2:44 AM
(and also well… FTI is the reason Kaybee and I started talking in the first place!!!!)
August 24, 2017 at 3:29 AM
Hahaha 😀 I love how excited you both are when you’re not even going kkkk ^^
Haha true, so I’ll just be one of many singing poorly 😛 Mmmmh yeah, dunno about that. I wish I could sing much better than I do. The last singing teacher was awful though. His idea of singing was literally using full volume NONSTOP no matter what the song was doing. From the first to the last note. Full power. Like. No. That’s not singing. That’s called screaming.
Hahahahahaha well you’ll definitely see me fangirling frequently right up until the concert and after too!! If I get to take some pics or vids on my phone I’ll see if I can share here 😀
*joins in the happy dancing from her bed* *yes I’m still in bed at noon okay* *has not had a single day to relax in weeks and has hardly even sat done for two weeks so I get to stay in bed today* 😛
*have to go out and get the tickets printed though* *has no printer toner left* *can’t find any anywhere which is weird* *why make printers you can’t buy toner for* *facedesk headpalm*
TRUE! We did start talking cuz of FTI!
August 24, 2017 at 4:11 AM
Well. IT’s YOU. + FTI. How could we not be hehe.
Ahhh whatever you said you sing, I’ve never heard you but I belif you.
LAWL WHAT. Don’t think said teacher knows how to sing though!!! ahaha
Will document all @kaybee fangirling for future proof and reference. 😉 😉
*you most certainly do and are allowed to* *enjoy yourself hehe*😛
Ahhh what? Silly printer… you have till October to get them printed though so you’ll be fine haha.
Yes! And it was awesome… cos we were both really excited to find other FTI followers. And it got long REALLY QUICKLY. Goodness it’s been about 8 months now… O.o
August 24, 2017 at 4:34 AM
Ikr, that’s just awful. And he gave me a song from Jesus Christ Superstar. And I don’t like that show and it was one that was completely awful and he just didn’t care, bc all students got the same song and I’d apparently learn to love it. Not. Also, I sing more loudly once I’ve gotten the rhythm and notes right, bc then I feel more relaxed and comfortable. But he kept making me sing the same line over and over until it was loud enough, when I honestly need a few runthroughs to get into the groove of a song. And he chalked everything down to me being insecure, which no. I was insecure bc he was a poor teacher. *smh*
Ahhh yes that’s true. Maybe I’ll just print them out tomorrow, I’m so exhausted. I was farsighted enough to buy a frozen pizza yesterday kkk and ice cream weeeee, so I can just relax and be gross all day and not care 😛
You were the first FTI follower I found, we’re such a rare breed! I thought it’d been longer actually lol, I feel like I’ve known you and @obsessedmuch forever, cuz we’ve talked about so much lol.
August 24, 2017 at 1:12 PM
Never seen it to be honest. (Shock horror I know haha) But he sounds useless and detrimental to your singing confidence :/
Ahahaha yes I was just about to tell you to not do anything and breathe! And you’d already planned to haha. Pizza and ice cream is a great combination. 😀 What kind of ice cream?
Wow! Yes!
I went back through and checked all my comments recently and bookmarked some of our first OT, and it was February. It feels like longer indeed! I mean, 15-20k comments between us and a lot of those will just be us three. Plus when we talk it’s either BIG paragraphs or short snippets hehe. I am glad to talk so much with you two though 😀
August 24, 2017 at 1:36 PM
I know some of the plot and it’s just such a major “ugh” for me that I’ve never watched it. But I did watch clips of the song he chose. And it was just a really bad choice for me, not just musically, but also content-wise.
I realized after my last time there that I’d been so tense while there that my muscles were aching and my throat hurt :/ I never went back lol.
Errmmmm…. So…. That didn’t happen… Well the pizza part did, cuz girl gotta eat, but the resting part not so much. I finished unpacking the boxes… So yay lol! I just can’t seem to relax properly when I know how much there is to be done.
Can’t remember tbh. Cookie dough I think? Haven’t tried that before, but it was on sale and looked good.
Hahaha I just read it, our first convo and it’s all about Block B, FTI and weirdly deep shit about Life and Stuff. It’s so us it’s almost embarrassing lmao, I feel like we might be getting predictable. Are we getting predictable??
August 24, 2017 at 10:30 PM
Oooh I loved going through those comments! And it all started with someone else’s kpop comment! 😛 Love that you guys are still talking about the stuff that you began with- FTI, Block B, and BTS! And I checked @kaybee‘s other comments on that OT and she is talking about Winner and variety shows! 😛 6 months for you guys and 4 months for us 3 does seem like an awfully short time for the kinda conversations we have had!
Also, I went back to my comments to find my first conversation with @kaybee and after going through like 13 pages (full of comments about SIG, his acting, his hotness, some crazy conversations with other SIG fangirls and IRY) I found it!-
The conversation really started off quite similar to our SHINee thread conversation! And I hadn’t even checked out all the songs as I had not bookmarked them! Now I have- both bookmarked and gone through those recommendations! 😀
Here is looking forward to more of our random awesome conversation!
August 24, 2017 at 1:52 PM
Ughhh that’s horrible >.< Have you taken lessons with someone else since?
Oh… so THAT'S what you were talking about on your wall with @obsessedmuch hahaha. Well, if it makes you feel better then it's ok I guess.
You can't remember what ice cream flavour you got??? How and why… hahah Cookie Dough is pretty good. Depending on the brand. Sale ice cream is a win win though I hope it is tasty!
Hahahahaha I mean… maybe… that sounds like every other conversation we have. Although we've been talking for 8 months don't seem to run out of things to talk about so…
August 24, 2017 at 2:29 PM
Nah, it hasn’t been that long and been really busy. Plus, don’t know if I’ll have time for it this semester and it’s hard/expensive to get a good teacher who shows you proper technique and actually teaches you stuff like, oh I don’t know, how not to ruin your voice by improper use lol.
I’m tired and busy, okay!?! 😛 I’ll save the ice cream for tomorrow, think I’ll be off to bed in jiff.
True dat m8 *fistbump*
August 24, 2017 at 3:08 PM
Hahaha understandable. Praying you find one eventually then hmm.
I know you are haha I’m just teasing. 😛 Oooh a treat. Good idea.
Here’s to all the future conversations!
August 25, 2017 at 12:26 AM
Oh that’s just the first thread. We then talked only via OT’s for a few weeks, till we started having 6 part comments each, and switched to email. (Which kekeke @kaybee you’ve never actually replied to my last email. But it was 9k words and it’s a lot easier to talk on the new site)
It does! But hey, fast friends can be made in shorter time haha. Also, when did you an I start talking? It was on the new site right? When it first began, maybe even day one… Did you initiate? I feel like you initiated…
Ahahaha oh wow! Trust Kaybee and music lists to start a convo hehehe.
To infinity and beyond!
August 25, 2017 at 12:34 AM
Lol OTs were never my thing! I was not much into chatting with beanies earlier unless you count the IRY ep 16 thread which is all me for like the last 3-4 pages! But I know you guys enough to say that I am not surprised you guys talked so much :P.. the new site has made things so much easier! Notifications are heaven-sent 😉 If only we start getting notifications for comments now!
Yup definitely! It sometimes takes a comment to become friends for life!
Yup. 9th April. The SHINee/kpop thread. Yours was the first reply! I don’t think we ever talked before on the old site.. or we might have passed by randomly commenting on something but no discussion that I recall… Maybe kpop was the magic word all along! 😛
August 25, 2017 at 12:47 AM
Neither tbh. Untill Kaybee or I needed help with something or had something to share. But It was always awkward cos it usually posted when I was asleep, so I never got to it earlier enough.
Kekeke we’re the kind of people who if you get us onto something we’re passionate about we just go and go and go…
So so much so! And yes! Looking forward to that also.
Case in point, the wedding I was a bridesmaid for in the States? I met the bride online 3 years ago haha.
Oh it WAS that thread?!? Hahah yeah I know I literally sat there all day refreshing the page waiting for the new site, and then for the next few days did nothing but dramabean. So I was probably like something I can talk about! Wee! haha
I don’t think we did either. But I also don’t really remember haha.
Well yeah, not surprising hehe.♥
August 25, 2017 at 12:56 AM
Hahhaa… yes! All of us know how to keep a conversation going! 😀
Wow! Really? That is awesome! Now I know how to get you to India before you turn 80! I just have to get married and invite you! 😛 Though that might not happen either! I am not sold on the institution of marriage yet!
Yup! I didn’t do anything other than dramabean (is that a verb now? :P) for some days after the new site came up either!
August 25, 2017 at 2:19 PM
Ahaha yeahp! Really Really! Got some interesting looks from older generations, when they asked how I knew the bride and if I’d met her before going over… hahaha
Hahahaha! Well no you don’t have to get married… although I think an Indian wedding would be a crazy an amazing experience to go to.
(It is a verb now yes. I just coined it. To Dramabean; stay on the site Dramabeans for copious hours, doing nothing but talk to other beanies, post on your beanie wall, and generally stalk and refresh for new posts, interactions and pictures of oppas 😉
We should add it to Urban Dictionary keke)
August 25, 2017 at 10:08 PM
Hehehe… I can imagine the look of surprise on their faces… tsk tsk this young generation!😂
Yeah Indian weddings are fun if you are not too involved and just go as a guest! 😆
(Sounds legit. Make a post about it on DB first? We can think of UD later 😛)
(Also unable to access the site from my laptop today so might not be lurking around as I usually am)
August 25, 2017 at 11:45 PM
Hahahaha yeahp! Even some of the younger people, whilst they accepted it easier, there were still like ‘wow ok’ looks when I said I hadn’t met her irl. Lots of people thought it was cool, but different haha.
I bet!!! Plus all those saris must be gorgeous.
(Oh yes I should do that. Will make a proper thing for it this evening kekeke)
(That’s ok. I’ve been bingeing YT videos today anyway, haven’t been on much)
August 26, 2017 at 11:42 AM
That’s so cool! I hope I get to see you before either of us get married though ahaha, that would be awesome 😀 I definitely definitely think the three of us should meet up in Seoul for a vacay at one point in life, preferably before we turn old and grey kkkk.
August 26, 2017 at 11:45 AM
Also, ha! joke’s on you, bc I just replied to your email today! And it’s even longer than your last one I think. Is that possible? I have no idea, but I think it might be.
August 26, 2017 at 11:44 AM
*tries to reply to all you guys’ comments here* *gives up* lol but it was fun to read!
And lol @obsessedmuch, of course our first longer convo was me recommending music ahahaha, now you can’t say anything when I keep spurting out recs, you knew what you were getting into! 😉 Btw, what did you think of those songs if you got around to them? ^^ Kinda curious now kk.
August 26, 2017 at 12:08 PM
Hehehe.. yes! I think the first link you gave in an earlier thread was Seo In Guk’s Seasons of Heart Dingo version! Which was just ♥ and still a personal favourite!
Park Hyo Shin is one of those guys whose voice can never fail to work magic! I never reach for his song’s lyrics cuz his voice is enough to make me fall in love.
The Kyuhyun duet- you had already shared later too.. And I loved it and realized why Kyuhyun is considered the best vocalist! Still would have like to see him in the MV!
MC The Max- Hadn’t checked out this one before but it is nice. I don’t think I will be going back to it much though.. Just nice but not memorable for some reason.
K. Will “Please Don’t” The song was so good but the MV is so interesting that all I remember later is the story! And Gukkie!
Jung Yup- I am a LJS fan and it was cute but nothing that will stay with me.. good thing to go to if I am ever on a LJS binge.
Drunken Tiger’s “The Cure” has already become one of my favourite and counting this- you recommended it to me 3 times already! 😛
Loved Yim Jae Bum “love” and Hong-ki’s “In the Rain” (obviously)..
Didn’t think much of Lee Mi Ki “Becoming Dust” somehow..
August 26, 2017 at 6:19 PM
I hope so too!
Ooooh yes that would be lovely. Can we do that. Let’s do that. Actually I got into a conversation with an older Korean gentleman at my church this morning (because there are quite a few Koreans at my church) and he was like ‘don’t go to Seoul, Seoul is big city, go to Jeju and Gwangju’ hahaha but I quite liked Seoul
Well… you hadn’t when i wrote that… hahaha (and yes I got it this morning, and quickly replying here. My birthday is the 31st of August not the 30th… just so you know)
Knowing us, it’s totally possible haha. Although grief… what a lot to reply to.
August 26, 2017 at 2:54 PM
Yassss on Park Hyo Shin, so much! His voice is so emotionally (and technically) powerful, he just never fails to amaze me. Did you watch his Yoo Hee Yeol perf of it on the PHS special? Tears were literally streaming down his face by the end, like, there was enough to fill a bathtub o.O
Mmmh yes, Kyuhyun should’ve been in the mv! I hope he does more songs like that once he’s out of the army. And awwww, now I was reminded there’ll be no more gorgeous ballad songs or funny variety from for two years 🙁 So many talented people going to the military this year…
Aw, the MC the Max song was my first korean song outside of hearing them on dramas. I just love the mv and his voice is pretty incredible. But besides that song I actually don’t find their music that memorable and I don’t listen to it really anymore.
The K.Will one is just one of the best mv’s I’ve ever seen. I love watching reaction vids to it, bc everyone always have this “whaaaattttt OMG” reaction by the end hahaha. And yes Ziggie!! <3
I really like the Jung Yup song, but yeah, I agree, even though I have it in my brain and it starts playing if I try to remember lol, it's not all that memorable or amazing. But cute and fluffy which is nice once in a while if you need a pick-me-up ^^ Or, yes, for an LJS fix lol.
Haha sorry for that about The Cure, it's just so amazing! And yay! at it becoming a favorite <3
Im Jae Bum and Hong Ki's relationship is just so adorable. Like father and son, but even tighter and just so freaking cute. The way he looks at HK all proud always makes my heart melt lol 😀 And you can so tell that he's been an inspiration to HK, it's all over his singing style.
"Didn’t think much of Lee Mi Ki “Becoming Dust” somehow.."
But… but….. but….. *is at a loss for words* No really… It's fine… I'll be *silencing sob* be fine… Don't worry about me…
August 27, 2017 at 7:23 AM
I hadn’t but I checked it out just now! And now it is playing again as I type this! His voice makes me cry!
I actually didn’t have a lot of love for Kyuhyun as such but he slowly won me over by just being so un-idol-like on NJTTW! And yup his voice!
I dunno how many reaction videos I have seen of ‘Please don’t’! They never fail to entertain me! Cuz they are literally me when I first watched it! 😀
The Cure is ♥ and deserves to be shared again and again!
Oh I didn’t know about their relationship! In fact I have just heard that one Im Jae Bum song!
Ooh you love Becoming Dust so much?? Maybe I checked it out at a wrong time and just wasn’t feeling it? I will check that and MC Max some time later to see if I like it then! 🙂
August 28, 2017 at 4:21 AM
On PHS, Please Don’t and The Cure – Yep!! <3
Kyuhyun is definitely someone who grew on me too, wasn't really that enthralled by his voice or laughing at his variety until after a while, but now I'll really miss both!
You didn't know about Im Jae Bum and Hongki? Eep! *must find link* They're so adorable! There's been joking about him being his adoptive father and stuff lol.
LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX5c-74mVeI
I love Becoming Dust, yes! <3 I head JJY and Roy Kim's cover first, maybe that'll hook you? Also, the lyrics are really good!
MC the Max's song isn't one I listen to often anymore, but it's such a gorgeous vocal effort, like it's so not easy to sing like this and he's got so much emotion, still love it 🙂
But if they don't do it for you, that's absolutely fine, music is a lot about things we can't explain and sometimes you just don't love a song, nothing wrong about that ^^
August 28, 2017 at 4:24 AM
More IJB and HK 😀
August 28, 2017 at 8:14 AM
Wow! I just went and checked JJY and Roy Kim’s cover and loved it! I prefer theirs to the original!
I think I will have to check out more of their stuff together! It must be such a big thing- getting recognition from the one you look up to! That is one sign that you have succeeded in life!
Also just read the whole mail thing between you and sic.. haven’t you guys been talking about that for almost 3-4 months now? 😛 So you sent a reply after that long?? Talk about snail mail!
August 28, 2017 at 9:39 AM
I really love both of them, they’re so different. I’m happy you loved the cover version at least 😀
Ikr, it’s like the ultimate career achievement! It’s hard to find yt clips with them both 🙁
Erm yeah, see, first life happened and then this thing called DB makeover happened and then life happened again and then finally I got around to it pfhahah. Keep in mind that it takes about 3-4 hrs to write a reply, even if you’re focused on it, cuz they’re so long! O.O
Which reminds me, we need to stop talking in this thread, cuz I keep having go up endlessly to find the right place to reply and it’s getting really complicated lmao.
August 28, 2017 at 10:03 AM
Lol! 3-4 hours is huge! But then again, I have had days where the first half was spent chatting with Sic and the next half chatting with you! 😛
God we having separate conversations in 4 or more threads! Goodbye to this one! 😀
August 24, 2017 at 2:39 AM
Appropriate vid is appropriate ahaha
August 24, 2017 at 2:41 AM
Haha ikr, it’s so me right now 😛
August 24, 2017 at 2:44 AM
Me internally too, cos if I did that out loud my family would freak out ahaha
August 24, 2017 at 2:46 AM
Lmao yup also internally, cuz neighbors 😛
August 24, 2017 at 3:16 AM
Yay, tickets! Congratulations!
August 24, 2017 at 3:52 AM
Thank you 😀
August 24, 2017 at 3:50 AM
jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej! have fun!!!
August 24, 2017 at 3:53 AM
Thanks sweetie and thank you for the help yesterday! ^^
August 24, 2017 at 6:40 AM
anytime 😉 😀
August 24, 2017 at 12:05 AM
Anyone know if mymusictaste is a legit and safe site to purchase tickets from???
August 24, 2017 at 12:59 AM
It should be, the site I write for has liaised with them about publicity before. They regularly organise Kpop concerts, but I’ve heard they can be a bit messy.
August 24, 2017 at 1:16 AM
Thank you! The official venue site thankfully ended up working, so got them there instead – seems like that was a good thing if mmt can get messy 🙊
August 23, 2017 at 11:45 PM
\”The connection has timed out\”
*prays for ticket site to work properly in time for FTI ticket sale to start in just 15 mins* 😨
August 24, 2017 at 12:40 AM
August 24, 2017 at 1:15 AM
August 23, 2017 at 3:10 PM
@Sicarius cuz you need to see this, they’re so funny together 😛
“we must be a match for them” 😂
August 23, 2017 at 3:16 PM
Is he not on more variety WHY
August 23, 2017 at 3:26 PM
August 23, 2017 at 3:27 PM
I know. I’m just more aware of it right now haha
August 23, 2017 at 3:36 PM
You need to watch more FTI interviews. And Coming Out. And Idol Makbanshi.
August 23, 2017 at 3:37 PM
Guess what I’m doing right now… *just gonna click through all the FTI things YT coughs up at me*
August 23, 2017 at 3:39 PM
Victory! 😛
*there’s also this:
just in case 😉 *
August 23, 2017 at 3:41 PM
Ahhh thank you haha
August 23, 2017 at 3:46 PM
*I may or may not have added anything FTI to that list and no longer have any control over the increasing amount of vids in it* *can’t even remember half the stuff* *but there’s some good stuff in there* *a few meh ones perhaps but mostly good ones* *I think* *O.O*
August 23, 2017 at 3:50 PM
*am currently watching SH, JH and JJ along with CNB and AOA on WI, and Jaejin dying of laughter at the back is me @ everything. I’ve missed FTI… *
August 23, 2017 at 3:52 PM
Oh I love that ep! CNB sort of just…. pale in comparison, poor babies haha. Their sunbaes are just letting themselves go completely and CNB stand there trying to look cool LOL.
August 23, 2017 at 4:05 PM
They were so shy and FTI were just like ‘stand back guys, we got this, we’ve been around so long… we got this’ haha it was great. AND JH AND JJ’s SMUG AS LOOK WHEN THEY BOTH CAUGHT THE WORM tsk
August 23, 2017 at 4:19 PM
Haha yes! Speaking of SH – Shinee and now CNB. Imagine if Won Bin hadn’t left and SH had debuted with CNB….. He’d be the uncontrollable maknae always getting his goody two shoes hyungs in trouble lol. It’d be such a strange fit!
JH is seriously a master at looking smug hahaha I love it 😛
August 23, 2017 at 4:30 PM
So much so!!! haha That would be a funny dynamic to see though.
Hahaha yes, hey you know, at least he’s confident!
August 24, 2017 at 1:35 AM
Well he is known for his baseless confidence hahaha 😛
August 23, 2017 at 3:19 PM
“we didn’t write this for a Nike CF”
my stomach hurts I’m laughing so hard
August 23, 2017 at 3:35 PM
Ikr, and now I want to see a Nike CF with the two of them haha 😛
The whole wordplay on Nike /Nai I Ki (?) is excellent and that dance… Song Eun Yi is a genius! 😛
August 23, 2017 at 3:39 PM
“Don’t give us CF”
*Seunghyun’s face*
“NO do!”
Or something to that effect.
Yes! A spoof CF, I think it’d be a hit haha
August 24, 2017 at 12:32 AM
He is hilarious! And that mischievous smile! So cute!
I am surprised @sicarius has not seen so much FTI variety! Also secretly glad! I am behind on their music, she is behind on their variety! 😀
August 24, 2017 at 12:44 AM
I have… sort of! Well no, I am behind haha. Idk there is ten years worth of stuff to get through ok! And I just haven’t binged it in a while!
August 24, 2017 at 12:57 AM
Lol I understand! They have done just too much for us to be able to catch up now!
August 24, 2017 at 1:01 AM
Too many groups. TOO MANY OLDER groups who are good on variety!
Block B and SHINee are 6 years old. Big Bang 11. FTIsland 10.
Dude, I’m behind on BTS and SVT variety and they’re only 4 and like 2ish years respectively.
August 24, 2017 at 1:04 AM
I know!! I don’t think we will ever be able to cover everything cuz so many new things! Plus not all the old things are funny today or available in HD quality!
SHINee is 9 I think and they are hilarious so I try and watch their stuff for sure!
August 24, 2017 at 2:00 AM
THIS. SO MUCH. I’m having trouble just keeping up to date with what FTI and Winner are currently on lol o.O They’re the only groups where I’ve bingewatched variety etc, cuz there’s just so much stuff, so little time! Oh, and Jinwoon. And JJY. Okay…. so maybe I spend too much time on variety and on yt.
And yes, Shinee deb’ed the year after FTI, so 9 🙂 And don’t forget SuJu and their insane amount of back catalogue with their 12 years and 15 members with various shows… I’ve already given up on that… (just realized I always say SuJu like soju in my head… why does it fit them so well? :P)
August 24, 2017 at 1:07 AM
Correct there, you are. Yeah and some of it’s hard to find at all!
Oh gosh so they are… why’d I think 6… oh I think EXO is 6… SEE TOO MANY GROUPS
August 24, 2017 at 1:57 AM
His smile gets me every time, it’s just too adorable and cheeky haha.
August 23, 2017 at 2:40 PM
How many k-pop parodies can you spot? 😛
*longing for a Two Song Place comeback* *has got to be the only time an idol collabed with a comedian*
(if you want the lyrics, check the reply ^^)
August 23, 2017 at 2:41 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNVRT29ABWo – with Eng lyrics 🙂
August 23, 2017 at 3:00 PM
hOw did I not know this existed. This is fantastic. So funny. SO MANY PARODIES.
AND YES! He should do more raps exactly like this. It fits him so well.
August 23, 2017 at 3:04 PM
Ikr!?!?! It’s brilliant and hilarious and you should see their bts (not BTS LOL) vids, they’ve got fantastic chemistry ahaha 😛
August 23, 2017 at 3:24 PM
(I know what you meant!!!)
It’s great, they gel? bounce of each other? those are two very different metaphors there but they just, yes, have great chemistry I guess
August 23, 2017 at 3:38 PM
(haha just in case ;))
They bounce of each other in a gelly way, yes. lol
It’s not like I think they have romantic chemistry or anything like that, just talking about work/music/jokester chemistry 😛
August 23, 2017 at 3:41 PM
PFFFFFFFFFFT okay, yes that works hahaha
Yeah no that’s why I was trying to come up with a different way of describing it slash agreeing with you, cos yes, it’s not romantic, it’s comedic really.
August 23, 2017 at 12:51 PM
HELP!! Anyone know French really well? I need help figuring out if FT Island concert tickets can be bought via the link from this site\’s post: https://www.facebook.com/elyseemontmartreofficiel/
August 23, 2017 at 12:54 PM
The only place I’ve found for ticket purchase is mymusictaste, but I’m not sure if it’s a legit and safe site to give out all sorts of info to?? The venue is Elysée Montmartre, so I thought their own site might be a safer bet, but I don’t even understand whether or not you can buy tickets via them and if it’s even their own legit site and ticketsale starts tomorrow morning (it’s night here now!), so I don’t really have much time (esp as I should be sleeping soon lol)!
*sorry for the manic post I’m just really tired and confused and afraid I’ll miss out lol*
August 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM
I am not French, but this is what I figured out:
I pushed the EN button, so it’s partially in English. You should be able to get a ticket from that site.
Hope you’ll get your ticket. 🙂
August 23, 2017 at 1:07 PM
Thank you 🙂 I tried that site, but it’s so little of it that’s actually in English, so I got confused about whether or not they actually sell the tickets.
August 23, 2017 at 1:08 PM
I think they do. They wrote it on their FB. And you’re welcome. 🙂
August 23, 2017 at 1:20 PM
Thank you so much! ^^
August 23, 2017 at 1:09 PM
I’m guessing “En vente le 24 août 2017 à 9h00” means that they’re for sale from tomorrow 9am, but I honestly have no clue what “en vente” means lol nor if it would mean that it would be available from THAT site or another. *je suis tres confused* 😛
August 23, 2017 at 1:11 PM
en vente = on sale 🙂 (from what i remember from my french classes)
August 23, 2017 at 1:21 PM
That’s what I sort of gathered too (going by the English “vendor” haha), good to know that someone else thinks the same!
And thank you! I think it does seem really legit, at least more so than the other ^^
And yes, very cool haha! 😀 I really hope I’ll be able to get tickets, they’re supposed to be incredible live!
August 23, 2017 at 1:29 PM
*fingers crossed* let us know if you have got tickets (and if you get stuck tmr with the ordering, i can help you out with the interpretation of french;) )
August 23, 2017 at 1:39 PM
Thank you! ^^ And I’ll definitely let the entire site and world know if I get the tickets haha, I’ll be bouncing up and down so much you’ll think you’re in a Crayon Pop mv!
August 23, 2017 at 1:15 PM
it’s legit site i think 🙂 and FT island concert! cooool!
August 22, 2017 at 8:39 AM
“Because I’m old”, “okay you’re not” hahaahahahahaha 😂 Kim Jinwoo, master in team-kills and self-goals!
I’m still not sure what on earth this show is though. Tis a strange world we live in.
August 22, 2017 at 10:54 AM
God! I watched it again just now!
Hoonie looks drunk with all his exaggerated expressions! 😛
Those are punishments?? I would like to see a punishment that would embarrass these people! They really don’t care! 😉
The show is strange for sure! But they are at least trying to come up with new concepts, however weird they might be! 😀
August 23, 2017 at 1:34 PM
I’m surprised those are even punishments lol. Wear a headband? Really? That’s only what 95% of all idols have done at some point during their career at fansigns lol.
True, props for creativity 😛
August 23, 2017 at 11:12 PM
And what WINNER do at EVERY fansign!
August 22, 2017 at 6:31 AM
I just moved…. I had 6 days from I received the offer till the move-in date…
Let’s just say it was a teeny tiny bit stressful O.O
BUT! Now I have a MUCH better apartment, woooo! 😀
August 22, 2017 at 7:35 AM
New, better apartment! Yay! ☺ 🏢
August 22, 2017 at 7:40 AM
*waves pom poms in your face out of insane amount of excitement* 😛
August 22, 2017 at 8:01 AM
Congrats on the new apartment! Now forget about the stress amd enjoy! And yeah.. when is the house warming party?! LOL!
August 22, 2017 at 8:07 AM
Thank you sweetie! 😀 <3 I'm sorry I didn't get around to replying to your last reply on my last "I'm back post" lol, I meant to, but then the move happened and everything was chaos o.O
Errr… still got moving boxes and random bags of stuff lying around haha, so it might be a while before any housewarming can be done 😛
August 23, 2017 at 1:49 AM
It’s okay, I figured you’d be busy because it was “kinda sorta back” thing, LOL!
The first few days are going to be a little hectic, just trying to get everything into place, take your time, we’re not going anywhere *demanding that housewarming party*
August 23, 2017 at 12:57 PM
Haha don’t worry, you’ll get your housewarming party! It might be an online one, but I’ll make sure there’s appropriate snacks 😉
August 23, 2017 at 1:26 PM
LOL, will be looking forward to it then 😀
August 22, 2017 at 10:41 AM
That gif! 😀 Makes me want to copy it!
Did you do a dance of victory once you were done with all the shifting??
August 23, 2017 at 1:04 AM
I may or may not have done Chandler’s victory dance on a table. (I’ll just leave you to decide whether it’s ‘may’ or ‘may not’ nwhaha :P)
Also not quite done yet. I mean, everything’s now in my new apartment, but… so much stuff 😳 Especially since I moved to one that’s a little bit smaller albeit not by much. I collect too many things…. what do I even need them for?!? Oh right…. life… survival,…. school… that sorta thing 😛 (And also entertainment but ssshhhh we don’t talk about that 😉)
August 23, 2017 at 1:20 AM
I totally imagined you (the face was all blurry obviously :P) dancing like Chandler! 😀
Lol.. I think you messed up the order there.. Shouldn’t entertainment come first? Before even life? 😉
August 23, 2017 at 12:58 PM
What? You’re not able to figure out what my face looks like based on my profile picture and the fact that we’ve talked? I’m so disappointed in you 😛
Bhwahahaha at least entertainment is my field of study, so I can always say it’s for school kkk. Except for all my board games. Those would be hard to explain away 😛
August 23, 2017 at 11:04 PM
I know right! I should do better! *Tsk tsk* 😉
Say to whom? Yourself? 😛
Board games? What kind?
August 22, 2017 at 2:40 PM
*happy claps*
August 23, 2017 at 1:05 AM
*happy clap hi5*
*does not know if that’s a thing* *or how it’d even work* *does it anyway*
August 23, 2017 at 1:24 AM
*well it works now I suppose* *hahahaha*
August 23, 2017 at 2:37 AM
Didn’t find any happy clap Hi5 but found a group happy clapping- so close?
The google searches I do for a conversation that I wasn’t even a part of! *SMH*
August 23, 2017 at 2:43 AM
You are always welcome in our convos hahaha
The guy at the front right aggressively doing the round of applause though…
August 23, 2017 at 2:56 AM
I think he is Nu’est’s Kim Jong Hyun, though not sure….

All of them are actually copying this guy-
Yes I know, you didn’t need that information. I gave it anyway.
And yes, I watched Produce 101 season 2. Don’t watch it! 😛
August 23, 2017 at 2:58 AM
The intelligent way to clap. I love nerds hehehe
It’s actually what a round of applause is supposed to be. At least… I think so. I don’t even know why but yeah…
(not planning to don’t worry! haha)
August 23, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Pffftt I love you guys and your random convos 😛
I still sort of, kind of want to finish P101-2 though…. But then I remember…. There’s this thing called time… And wasting it on Mnet’s evil editing and objectifying of idols is probably not a wise decision… Time isn’t exactly something you can just buy more of at the store after all….
August 23, 2017 at 11:10 PM
Hee…. we love you back! And our random conversations without you have become random-er! 2 of our conversation threads have 100+ comments and both of them were initially about you! 😛
Yeah I would strongly recommend staying away from this chiefly because of the evil editing and objectification- because other than that, some of these kids were really nice and talented!
August 23, 2017 at 11:42 PM
Haha! And here I thought it was possible for them to get any more random. Silly me 😛
August 23, 2017 at 12:59 PM
*tries it* *hey!* *it DOES work*
August 23, 2017 at 1:32 PM
Probably not a wise decision no haha
*hi5 happy clapping can be our thing then*
August 23, 2017 at 1:36 PM
We’re gonna need those butterfly elbows now! *hs no idea what she’s saying* *is tired and busy worrying about whether I can figure out getting concert tickets*