Beanie level: Errand boy

Ahahahaha I love BgA! 😛 😛 😛 “Behind the Scenes” lmao, FINALLY someone said it haha! It’s all I ever think when I see their name 😛 That argument in the beginning is GOLD.


    Thank you for sharing this! Had a really good laugh! Lol. I love parodies.
    I would totally stan them, but I don’t like poop jokes. 😛


      Have you seen their first one? It’s – imo – even funnier ^^

      Parodies are all the best kinds of awesome.
      The subs with that whole “*fanservice* (I can hear fans nosebleeding right now)” just had me in stitches, Justin nails that whole ridiculous tsundere fanservice thing haha 😛
      LOL guess I won’t be seeing you waving that poop-glowstick then 😉

      (also technically you should be thanking @sicarius, cuz I didn’t know they’d made a “comeback” before she told me heh)


        Yes, I watched it just now. So. Funny. And they even have a dance version! Gah, now I need to watch all those reaction videos. And I read in the comments they had even topped the iTunes? So cool.
        The glowstick, depends on their next comeback and the amount of fanservice. Lol. I might be persuaded if it’s silver. I like silver. 😛

        Oh, okay. Then thank you, @sicarius! Even if she might not notice. 😛


          The “we are sexy cold noodles” bit gets to me every time haha, it’s priceless. Their bts (lol) is so funny too.
          Yep, they sure did, pretty awesome that a parody can manage that!
          Silver is the best. Better than gold. Silver all the way. Maybe I should write them a fan-petition about only having silver glowsticks 😛


            Oh, go for it! We need to let them know. 😛 I’ll sign it.


        (I’m so glad you had subs on!! The fan service jokes were fantastic)


          (So am I! Imagine if I’d missed all those snarky comments! (also speaking of fanservice, that piano scene where Philip had his legs wrapped around David? ROFL so hard))


    Kaybee is back?! What? When? How did I miss that! Welcome back 🎊💕 how are you feeling? Better hopefully!


      Haha yes, Kaybee is back ^^ Since… Friday I think? Something like that heh. Thank you sweetie! <3 Not quite yet, but at least good enough to be back 😀 How've you been for all these weeks?


        Ooh, Friday? It’s been a few days already. Good enough is good right? Glad you’re back ❤

        Actually, I was taking a short break from DB (that’s why I missed you coming back) came back yesterday, in a deep drama-slump, can’t start anything new and can’t finish everything else! Plus, Life’s been a little hectic ?


    LMAO! I just finished re-watching this cos we were talking about it and was thinking about sharing on my wall. I think I laughed more than the first time. So good.

    What makes the BTS joke even funnier is that now BTS’ “English” group name is “Beyond The Scene”… (Idk why they had a rebrand, I’m still gonna call them Bangtan or BTS lol)


      Hahah yeah, I saw people commenting on that on yt. Hilarious.

      Have to admit that every time I see vids titled things like “BTS Goblin” or whatever, I’m like, did they make a new mv or “when did they show up in that drama??” hahaha.


        I also do a double take every time. Oh yeah didn’t you know, Goblin is the name of their new comeback! Obviously hahahaha


I love this dance! And wow… YG dance practice videos never fail to impress me, like even there the clothes, the studio, an ACTUAL camera man, everything just looks more expensive lol.


    ICs are rejoicing. Been getting Dance Practice Vids for free and not from a special DVD like before 😉


      Oh I know heh. I’m not comfortable with the whole fandom thing, but I love Winner and have been following their stuff since EXIT:E, so I’m right there rejoicing with IC 😛 It’s so weird to suddenly see and hear Winner everywhere!

      Do you perchance know how much SH contributed to the dances this time? ^^


        Oh sorry I’m not informed enough about detailed info about Winner. Just sharing what I read about DPV info in a YG fan account. Though a casual fan who enjoys their music since debut.


          Ah okay, just thought you might heh 🙂 I don’t even follow any SNS accounts for these kind of things, so I’m often hopelessly out of the loop haha.


    Yaass! I love it too! It’s so groovy yet simple! And now Love Me Love Me is gonna ring in my ears for a while, along with “wanna be with you” 😀

    I dunno if he was talking about this one or an old song but Yoonie said that this is the first time someone in YG used single-shot camera take for a whole practice video..


      It’s so nice to see them dancing more, even if they’re not as in sync as other groups, they just have such groove and energy that’s really infectious 😀

      Wasn’t that for Fool? Or am I mistaken?



        I dunno.. I think it was in one of Yoonie’s recent vlive but he might have been talking about Fool..


They went to Copenhagen!!!!! Lmao at the height-thing, so funny 😛
Their pronunciation is actually pretty good, my theory has been confirmed! *fist bump w. self*

‘Havn’ means harbor/port though lol


    The background music in variety shows always cracks me up…
    (oh gosh this is making me hungry… should probs go have breakfast)


      Same, they have such good music directors in SK!
      (the way they were eating the smørrebrød though… Like, no we don’t have huge mouths, we just don’t cut the bread in half and then stuff all that in lol)


        It’s the best when I recognise most of it too haha
        (hahaha that bit cracked me … they were just like one-shotting the sandwich lmao)


          Lol true! 😉
          (Ikr haha (Danes would never call it a sandwich btw, smørrebrød is something completely different. Very important :P))


            (my bad… should’ve known that 😛 I want smørrebrød now though)


          (haha not at all 😛 I don’t know what I’d do in a country without ryebread (so like any other country than Denmark basically lol), it’s literally what I eat for lunch every day and it tastes soooo good. And wheat bread literally has zero taste, so that’s not a proper substitute… I don’t get fancy toppings like those though lol)


            (apparently Finland loves its dark rye. So you’d probably be alright in Finland. haha
            But fancy toppings are delishymo and now I’m really craving salmon whyyy)


          (Oh Germany and Sweden have versions of it too, but it’s not the sameeeee. Like Germany has pumpernikkel but it’s soooo bitter and has no seeds in it at all. And Sweden’s is the polar opposite with waaaay too much syrup in it. The best rye bread is one w/o sugar and with lots of sunflower/sesame/poppy/pumpkin/whatever seeds. Those be delish.
          Salmon is often found on my bread. Salmon is everything when it comes to lunch. It’s so good. Mmmmhhhhh… salmon…..)


            (hahahahaha I love that you have analysed the different country’s rye breads. That is fantastic. I do the same with ice cream, fruit and veggies.
            Salmon is expensive but yes it is everything and so good)


          (I analyze everything… You know that 😛 )


          (oh I know you do 😛 )


    Lol that height thing! I relate so much! I recently bought a bike for my day so that his knee gets the exercise it needs (mum had a knee replacement done so we were being extra cautious)… I tried riding it once but haven’t since then- the seat was too high and uncomfortable for me! 😛

    What theory though? That Koreans would speak Danish well?


      So my theory was that it would be easier for Danes to speak Korean and vice versa than for Koreans to speak English and vice versa. Reason being that both Danish and Korean have some similar vowel sounds like æ/ø/å and ㅓ/ㅐ, that don’t exist in English and are really hard to learn if you’re not used to them. Plus somee other similarities in sound that I can’t remember at the moment.

      So it made me really excited to see them being able to pronounce the words so well hehe ☺️


        Interesting! I always thought Koreans will be able to speak Bengali and some South Indian languages easily because of some pronunciation similarities.. So I guess Danish might be somewhat similar too!


@sicarius Look what randomly started playing on yt while I had the auto-play on! Woo! ^^


Drug Restaurant’s back! 😀
Love this song already and yay for passable English in a Korean song hehe ^^


    You know that Sic’s wall post where we have been chatting a lot- the one that starts with
    “Awwwww yisss (see @obsessedmuch!? I NEED MY @KAYBEE FOR THESE THINGS)”
    she had actually posted Drug Restaurant’s comeback teaser.. I dunno where it has gone now..

    The English is not the best but I like it! But I like their ‘Mistake’ the best..


      Ahhh I was wondering what was up with that post!

      I know, but at least it’s better than a lot of the stuff you hear in Korean songs. So I’ll count it as a win heh. It’s at least listenable without sounding completely akward.

      Their first album is still my fave, not so much the title, but the rest of it. British rock was my first music love. I think Mistake was a bit too plain, but this one I really like, kind of back to the brit-rock feel.


        Yup. Definitely.

        So when I say I like Mistake the best, it might be because I have not heard a lot of their songs… I have listened to JJY’s other songs but not them as a group.. Which one was their first album?

        Also going to sleep now.. Almost 3am here! 😛


          Sigh… accidentally used the word Frst with an i in it. -.-

          Album: Escape to Hangover
          My faves on there: Sunset, Alibi, Lizard

          They might be under JJY Band instead of Drug Restaurant, cause their agency forced them to be called that when they debuted, which yikes, can understand they changed it.

          Nighty night, don’t let the bed sharks bite!
          And don’t mind Kaybee replying to your other posts and just go to sleep 😛


    Gah I just love his voice.


The most hilarious answer ever to the boring “Ideal type” question 😛


    @obsessedmuch This is the one I was talking about where it’s all bleeped out kkkkk. Will reply to all our replies in a lil bit, just in the middle of something rn and wanted to share this for your amusement meanwhile 😛


      Hahhahha! I seem to remember watching this! I think it was when I was watching ‘Coming Out’ and you mentioned it! Or did you share it? Regardless, hilarious! And they knew it will be bleeped out! 😛
      Also this is the video I saw.. I know the title is a bit click-bait but had me lmao-

      Take your time in replying… I have 2 to get back to too (:P).. and check out my latest post!


        Ha! I might have. I love this clip. It’s just brill 😛

        Ahhh…. I’d avoided looking at that link tbh, made me feel weird clicking on it, so I just didn’t. It’s worth watching though?


          Yeah I wasn’t too keen on clicking it and not proud about it but yeah pretty worth it.. and apparently just taken from 2 concerts… Imagine what nonsense they spout in all of their concerts..


            I watched it… Not proud of it LOL and may or may not have deleted it from my yt history afterwards hahaha 😛

            It was worth it though, so funny 😛

            It’s funny though, cause the word “perverted” when translated from the Korean and thus also when Kpop/Kvariety fans use it, is just so different from the usual definition. Like pervy normally means something really abnormal and wrong, but in the Korean usage it seems to be more just basically kind of talking about sex etc openly. Pretty huge difference lol. I once used the Korean definition of the word when talking to a friend and only realized it afterwards and can’t help but wonder what she thought ahahahahah 😛


          Hee… so did I! 😛 But yes, told you- it was worth it!

          Exactly! This was not ‘perverted’! This was them being adults and talking about things 😛 And I wonder if watching too many Korean things is changing my language skills- like ‘service’ and ‘fighting’ have acquired new meanings!


            Precisely! Tbh in my country lots of people even share really intimate details about these kind of things, so this was hardly shocking. It’s just young people being young 😛

            Haha same! “One shot”, “skinship”, “sense”… So many words and phrases that just sound so English, but when you think about it, they’re purely Korean lol. Have you seen this short vid about it?
            Really funny and a good reminder haha 😛


          Lol yes! I have heard and talked about a lot more than this so not shocking at all.. but quite surprising cuz never would have imagined a k-pop group talking like that!

          Haha that video was sure funny! I didn’t know/ hadn’t heard half of those things.. but seriously ‘Man to Man’? That doesn’t even make sense! Now I wonder if ManxMan was named so because of a reference to sweatshirt! (clearly I haven’t watched ManxMan)


            I’ve actually come to expect this of FTI haha. I guess it’s just definitive proof that they’re no longer a k-pop group, but 100% a rock band lol!

            Ikr, Man to Man had me laughing so hard. And yes! I also thought of ManxMan! Tbh I watched the whole show and I still don’t see any reason behind the title at all. So I really racked my brain to see if the sweater-thing could make sense. It doesn’t. So I still don’t know why they named it that ha. And good for you having avoided that trainwreck!!


    Jaejin’s ‘Hei’ at the end… I’ve seen this before but it’s still great.


      It never gets old. Despite the fact that I have no clue what they’re actually saying, except for random words like “he” and “likes”. I mean, I can imagine it, but that might not prove a healthy excercise haha.


    This reminds me when they were in The Show on April’s Fools Day and they were asked to tell lies. They were coming up with conventional lies until they got to Jonghoon and he said, “I’m actually gay.” Not missing a beat, Hongki added, “I know, he’s actually my ex boyfriend.”


      I love that interview, messy and akward as it is with that green interviewer who speaks less Chinese than Seunghyun haha 😛


I’m sort of a little bit back heh ^^
Thanks so much for all the sweet well-wishes! <3 <3 I've missed you!!!!


Have come down with a flu or something and don’t have a lot of energy for DB atm, so just wanted to say that I might a bit out of reach for a little while.


    Get well soon 😊💕


    Take care and rest well, DB isn’t going anywhere, we’ll be waiting too ❤


    Feel better! Be sure to rest


    Oh noes! Take care and get well soon! Watch a lot of K-dramas??? 😬 Stay healthy, kaybee!


    Hope you feel better soon!




    Sorry to hear you are ill. Sending you some virtual porridge and a cool towel for fevered brow. Get well soon.


Just released today and it’s all kinds of awesome!


    How many things is Zico doing at the same time?? Does he even take rest??

    Btw did you watch the first ep of SMTM6? I saw it was subbed on kshow123..


      Ikr, the dude needs to chill! He’s doing both this, his solo comeback, Block B’s comeback, SMTM and who knows what else. Reminds me of when they talked about it on Happy Together – CTJ said Zico hates being away from his studio and he himself said that he thinks this is his golden time and won’t be this inspired forever, so he’s trying to make the most of it now. I hope he takes care of his health though O.O

      Not yet. Still missing ep 9 (and 10?) of S5 and don’t want to start the new season before that.

      Did you listen to One’s debut? Have to say I’m not that impressed. I liked him in SMTM as an underdog who had more to show than he was able to, but it’s pretty clear that he should be an idol-rapper in a group and not a solo artist. Being solo requires much more than he’s currently capable of imo.


        I was really impressed by how self- aware he came across as in that episode of HT! When you think about it, he is quite young to have that kind of maturity!

        Not yet! I will check it out soon.. Currently watching KB- Zico episode! 😀


          True 🙂

          Ooh looking forward to hear what you think about it afterwards ^^


            God I loved it!! Su- geun and Hee-chul (he is a genius) killed it in this episode! They were at their funny-best! Best moments:

            -Zico mentioning Mino’s dance and HD and SG dancing like him. (HD is smitten with Mino, isn’t he?) Plus Okey- dokey was played so many times!! (Now I have it playing in my head again!) Also, Heechul’s fart guess and other guesses to okey dokey! 😛

            -Heechul hugging Yong Hwa when he impersonated Hong-Gi!

            -Was that a rolex?? and Zico’s face! he lost by 2 seconds but man his expressions were priceless!

            -God! The innuendos throughout the episode but mostly at one of Zico’s question!

            -Lol @ ‘almost paradise’ playing in the background when the pretty ones are being narcissictic!

            -YH’s stories and HoD’s increasinlgly worried face! Hahaha… you can’t do anything HD, YH seems to have come here deciding to play a role (I still don’t ‘get’ him)

            -That last mustache battle! and Zico trying to not play! So hilarious!!

            The whole episode was brilliant imo! I really liked Zico in his ‘innocent boy’ hairstyle! He is really pushing the “I don’t go to club” bit, isn’t he? 😛


          – Mino – I loooooved seeing them mention him! Too bad they don’t know how well he can actually dance lol. Did you see the recent NJTTW ep? Mino was like the main and Minhodong is so adorable, the room-search scene was so unexpected and cute! Also I really want Winner to come on KB even more now, if that’s even possible.

          – I may or may not have found the entire getting-lost story the most relatable variety moment ever. I think I need to reflect on my inner self now instead of my outer hahaha 😛

          – I still don’t get YH either. But I think this was probably the funniest I’ve seen him, because he didn’t seem constantly worried about his image. I have no idea what he was thinking though, it’s an odd and sudden shift in variety persona! Ho Dong getting so worried was hilarious.

          – The moustache scene, the watch thing, everything Zico was just hilarious. And then Heemi choosing him because “handsome trumps everything” LMAO.

          Haha he really is! It’s been awhile since I saw that RS ep where JJY mentioned the clubbing, but as far as I remember it didn’t seem like him clubbing was that rare 😉


            Yes to wanting Winner on KB! I am gonna hope for that with their next album promotions!

            There was a getting lost story? Why did I not notice!?

            Oh YH was funny but it was something weird! Like, he was drunk or just in a “f**k it all” mode.. when the episode began, I thought zico might be left out because of the YH- ho dong love but he shined more!

            Heemi/Hercule is brilliant! Like the others couldn’t even think before he named the song and the year of release! Plus yes, looks trump all! 😂

            Are Heechul and zico friends? Cuz heechul said that be took zico to club “once”… there were some comments about the girl zico is dating/has dated being friends with Hercule, so that might be it!


            Heechul, not Hercule! 😆


    Ahhh yes, this, Zico was teasing this on his instagram. Will go listen now 🙂


Pfffftttt Hongki and Ssam D bickering, teasing and secret-spilling is the reason Oh! My School is funny 😛


They gave Woo Seung a makeover? Like… why??? What\’s so wrong with jeans and boots? o.O
And they gave Ji Hoon a new haircut, but all he needs is to wear his shirts differently *sigh*


    But I like that Ji-hoon tucks in his shirts like the nerd that he is and he must have got it from Gwang-jae because he does it too! I saw his new haircut and somehow it’s worse, it looks weird because it completely covers his eyebrows.


      I’m just talking about if he wants to be an idol 🙂 No idol could get away with those clothes, not even Heechul lol. Otherwise I’m not usually a fan of makeovers in dramas, I like to see the characters’ clothes reflect their personality and be more individual.
      Completely agree about the new haircut! I thought it might just be me being weird, but that hairstyle really doesn’t suit him. The old hair was cute! Also liked Hyun Jae better with his old hair and clothes tbh, was so sad to see all of that go!


        I beg to differ. Heechul can rock any style because he will just be all sassy and say- I still look pretty yo! (or was that Key :P)

        That aside, now I just don’t want to catch the latest episodes! I can see that they are pushing with the Hyun Jae- Woo Seung romance and I am not ready for it! And yes Ji Hoon’s hairstyle looks plain weird!


          LOL right, we did agree to that! Both him and Key and a couple others hehe. But the buttoned up shirts tucked into pants that are too short with a pair of random trainers to round it off.. Not sure any idol would be allowed to walk around like that. Although Winner’s and FTI’s stylists have been doing all sorts of weird stuff lately, so who knows LOL.

          I thought the first 30 min ep was okay. But I don’t like how little time they spend on Ji Hoon. The main attraction to me was a) the comedy, b) the 1N2D references and c) the idol/music stuff (/Kim Min Jae hehe). But now it seems like the main focus is on HJ+WS and I’m not really that interested in either of them on their own anyways, so don’t care about them as a maybe-couple either. Ji Hoon fits better with the trainee anyway though, kind of hope he’ll be with her instead, but most of all I just want to see him be awesome as an idol-rapper. And now… ugh… I saw it coming, but don’t like where they’re going with his storyline, but I may be alone in that.


            Winner stylists are definitely going crazy even now! They are channeling 90s hip-hop spirit it seems! FTI seems alright though, definitely better if compared to Winner (they are still carrying it off because it is them! :P)

            That last line is making me curious enough to watch the episodes! But yeah I am not pro any love line that doesn’t involve Ji Hoon! or MJ. because he is stupidly funny in the one scene he gets every episode.


          Haha that’s true! FTI can just wear anything and still be badass somehow. Maybe it’s because they’re so settled in the industry and have that “I know who I am” feel.

          Pffffft for a second there I thought you meant you were only pro-loveline if it involved Ji Hoon AND MJ. As in them being a couple. Ain’t gonna lie, I kinda really wanna see that plot twist now. Would instantly improve my thoughts on the show, because they’ve just been so cliched this latter half.
          Either way lol, I agree, Cha Eunwoo is surprisingly awesome. He seems to have a knack for comedy.


            Lol I meant that WInner are still somehow carrying it off and that i actually like what FTI are wearing- or just that the big loose shirts suit them!

            Hahhahha… now that would really be funny and something that will pull me back in!


          Haha aaah okay 😛 I think they pull it off most of the time, just once in a while one or two outfits make me go “what was the stylist thinking??” lol. I think FTI’s stylist makes some weird choices too. Especially wondering why they don’t get rid of SH’s red hair and hawaii-like shirts, it’s just…. no 😛


            Oh I had forgotten those shirts and was talking with the recent Thinking Oppa episode on mind! 😀


    There was nothing wrong with Woo Seung’s outfits, she looked just fine. Hopefully, she goes back to her own style.


      Thank you! That’s just what I was thinking. I love her usual style.


I still can’t believe this guy….


… and this guy used to be a duo. Like oil and water.


    Wow! I got goosebumps! Who is he?


      Ah okay.. just saw the other video.. He was a duo with Simon D?


        Me too, with the goosebumps, every single time I listen. His lyrics are so relatable and good, so freaking good.

        Yep. They were called Supreme Duo I think. I just can’t (w)rap my head around him and Ssam D being a group, they seem sooo different.


    Wow throw back to when I was a Supreme Duo fan !


      Ooooh do you have any songs of theirs, group or solo, that you’d recommend? 😃 I’ve mostly just listened to E-Sens, have no idea where to start with their duo or Ssam D lol.


        I mean Supreme Team (I mixed their name and Dynamc Duo ^^”)


        My personal favorites of Supreme Team :
        Dang, Dang, Dang
        Then, Then, Then
        Respect My Money
        Super Magic
        나만 모르게
        그대로 있어도 돼 (their last song together)


        E-Sens :
        Where to Go ? (Supreme Team area)
        Back in Time
        Next Level
        Unknown Verses
        Writer’s Block
        You can check out the “Control” diss he did against Gaeko. Simon D and Choiza did it too. Everybody went crazy at the time !


      Simon D :
      Money don’t lie
      Where U At ?
      Stay Cool
      and basically everything he released under AOMG


        Thank you so much for all the recs!! 😁 I’ll definitely try and give them all a listen today ^^

        And lol i called them Supreme Duo before you did haha, so no worries 😉


        I listened to the Simon D recs now, think I’ll wait with the rest till tomorrow, so I don’t end up mixing everything together in my head haha ^^

        For some reason Ssam D’s music doesn’t really seem to be my thing. I like him in variety and as a rapper his tone is really good, but his lyrics and beats never really capture me. Maybe because he’s from the flashier side of hiphop, like most of AOMG. They tend to be more trendy and pop-py, which I sometimes dig, but a lot of the time it doesn’t really speak to me. Kind of like Big Bang.

        I think the only Ssam D song that’s really stuck with me so far is the ‘Simon Dominic’ part of the Simon Dominic song that I posted yesterday lol. Have to give it to him, that’s a pretty brilliant move – you’ll never forget his name, because you’ll be singing it for all eternity 😛

        I’m really curious to see how he and E-Sens blended together!


          Oh and will definitely let you know what I think of the other recs when I’ve listened to them tomorrow! 😀


            I agree with what you pointed out about their characteristic. They complete each other in a sense. I like E-Sens lyrics more especially after his drug scandal. It seems like he reflected a lot. Simon D is about hype that’s why he’s in AOMG I guess 🙂


          I like his voice so that “Simon Dominic” part is my favorite too. Their individual styles are different but together they had a diversity of song. Hope you enjoy 🙂


            I’ve got some flu or something, so it might be a bit before I finish listening to these, but finished the E Sens recs too, except for all of the “Control”s. I think Simon D makes better tracks, but E Sens’ flow is so much more me. I love his tone and style, it’s so good. And in general his lyrics also speak more to me, I think.

            I especially liked Where To Go and Writer’s Block, they were so good!

            Random, but the last title reminded me of British hiphop artist Just Jack’s song “Writer’s Block” lol.


The birth of Clown Cho haha! 😛


    Laughed so hard this episode, gonna keep it in my phone for not-so-good days! LOL!


      I’m laughing out loud so much through the entire season so far, this is the best variety-chemistry imo since 1N2D OT6 lol 😛 Kyu and Mino are just brilliant, brilliant additions!

      Just wishing that Kyuhyun wasn’t off for military soon! *yet prays he doesn’t get exempted due to medical stuff or anything cause way too many already suffering from that backlash*


        Yesss!!! This season is just so much fun!

        I know but I can’t wait for Seung-gi to be back, I miss him and want to see them together!


          I just wish we could have all 7 of them together!
          Actually can’t wait to see Seunggi adjust to Mino lol. And Jaehyun! Suddenly SG’s not the cute maknae anymore, but one of the hyungs 😛


            I want to see that casting too. 😁


            Yes, why can’t we get the 7 of them together? 😢

            Ho-dong loves Seung-gi so I want to see how having him around will change him, LOL!


    Ep 2 was my favorite episode but today’s episode is already beating it and I still have half an hour to go!! My laptop keeps slipping away because I am shaking from laughter!!


      Hahaha I can just picture it!
      The cone game’s one of my favorites, it looks like so much fun. Those shorts *tears of laughter*


        I actually posted about the shorts because that was where I just couldn’t continue watching on account of laughing so much!


      I paused everg 15mins or so to calm myself. Gosh, this season is killing me, with laughter


    Ahhh I really have to watch this episode but I have work T.T


One of the most beautiful songs I know <3 And the lyrics are so comforting ^^


    Btw, @obsessedmuch, turns out I was wrong (this song made me confused lol), Bizzy’s never been in Drunken Tiger, but he and Tiger JK formed a group called MFBTY with Yoon Mirae a few years back.


    Oh I love this one! You had once given me this link when I had talked about not liking Bermuda Triangle cuz it was too hip-hop for me and that I prefer something lyrical.. The reggae feel is what i loved about it! And Yoon Mirae’s voice is so soothing!


      I did?!? Lol I don’t even remember. Glad you listened to it and liked it! ^^ Yes that reggae feel and Mirae’s voice are just so calming.


    I love this song. It’s sweet that the laughter at the end is by Tiger JK and Yoon Mirae’s son.


Aaaarhhh be still my hearteu! 😛


    No, there is camera.. do it later! 😀


      I just love these two. And I love that Infinite is a group that’s so comfortable with the idea of different sexualities. Idols are usually all over each other for fan service, but it’s a bold move for an idol to actually portray a gay character.


        Oh that is true! And I am happy that the character didn’t become something that others in the industry keep making fun of. Hoya was appreciated for his role but then it was done and dusted!


The way he plays around with rhythm in this song is just brilliant! And that chorus is love!


    Oh he is good! Now it just seems weird that he made that mistake on stage on SMTM4! Overconfidence perhaps? But his call to teach the producers real rapping fell flat there!


      Ikr, imagine my surprise when I know of him like this and then sees him turn up on SMTM, just to forget his lyrics twice and fail LOL. It was sort of like pride leads to fall 😛 He’s coming out again on the new season as far as I know, so I’m a bit excited to see the first ep subbed, I wonder how it’ll go this time. Honestly he should be a producer there instead though. I’m impressed they got Tiger JK and Bizzy to join!!


        I haven’t heard Tiger yet.. and haven’t even heard of Bizzy… you posted a song by Tiger on your wall right? I will check it out… but NJTTW new ep has been subbed so gotta watch it 1st! 😁


          Haha I’m gonna watch that in a minute too! 😀

          Definitely check that out! Also been thinking of sharing another from Drunken Tiger (the group they’re in), which is even just gorgeous, I think you’d like it ^^


          Done! It’s up on the wall now 😀


Have no idea what the lyrics mean, but LMAO this unofficial mv is hilarious! 😛


    Oh God this was hilarious!! And Taehyun trying to control his laughter might just be my new favorite thing! Is this even unofficial? This seems like something that they themselves have done! It should be considered the official MV.. Also is that Yoonie who is not facing the camera? I am guessing that he is sniggering away easily while Namtae has to act all uninterested! 😀


      Same! And at the end when Mino kept dancing around him kkk. Yeah, thought that was Yoon too, lucky him lol, he gets to laugh 😛
      I have no idea actually, I think it’s just a song Mino wrote and they made that video. Just called it unofficial because it’s not a mv-mv if you know what I mean? It’s not a song you can buy anywhere or anything.


        Ah okay! Sounds like a funny song.. I wish there were lyrics!


        Unrelated.. but did you hear about Jinwoo being part of a travel show called “Wizards of Nowhere”? He sounds so perfect for the show! Imagine our international lost Boy actually dropped on foreign land with no information and made to mingle with natives! I fear that we won’t get subs but I am happy he got to do something on his own!


          He’s on that show now? Or going to be? Cause there are already four eps translated on kshow 😀 Thanks for the tip!!!
          And LMAO I can’t wait to see him get lost kkkk 😛


            Not now.. The season with him will premiere by the end of this month I think! I think they went to Georgia and he had fans there! 😛 There are stills of him dancing and signing autographs and being stupid while drinking I think! 😀


          Ooooh now I’m so excited!! 😀 *jumps up and down clapping*
          Maybe this means we’ll be seeing more from all the guys on variety? *dares to be slightly hopeful*

          Btw did you see Mino and Zico on the Hiphop History special of IC? I’m only missing the last of the eps, I’m usually not into IC, but this special has been good so far. Just don’t really like how the teacher uses so much pathos to invoke patriotism/nationalism. It seemed like he was manipulating a bit too much.


            I sure hope so too! They are the opening act for Taeyang’s Japan concert and also performing at some national sports competition… they have been working their asses off! I need more Hoonie! He is the only one I have not heard about! Yoon and mino keep updating their instagram accounts so that works..

            I didn’t see all the 3 episodes! Just checked out the one with all the performances! Zico was the finale and Mino was the opening! Both were brilliant!


          I hope they’re not too hard on themselves, but so happy to see them doing lots of stuff 😀

          LOL you’ve seen the one ep I didn’t see haha 😛 I’m looking forward to seeing their performances!


Love these kind of hiphop songs! Drunken Tiger’s the best <3
(there's a link to the lyrics down below in case anyone's interested)


So I finished SMTM4… Such messy editing, writing and producing. I\’m not even sure what it wants to be now, the beginning and the end are so different…


    Just go back and watch the Okey Dokey Yo performance again to cleanse the mess haha


      Lol. I’m listening to Zico’s Gallery now, need something to get rid of that weird mood it put me in!


    Where did you watch it? It isn’t working on both Kshowonline and Kshow123!


      dramanice, I think? ^^


      Are you gonna watch it now??? 😀 If so, can’t wait to her your thoughts on it!!!


        Found it on this site called newasiantv 🙂
        I did watch the first 2 episodes and found it really interesting!

        Mino was clearly being used by Mnet right from the start! I mean dropping his name and giving glimpses of him but actually stretching his audition clip to the next episode! Smart move that- made me start the 2nd episode!
        About his first line “Flaming charisma Mino”- umm.. I hated it! Mainly because it reminded me of SHINee’s Minho’s infamous rap! The look Zico gave on hearing it (or from wherever Mnet edited it) was so meme-worthy! 😛 But man, his actual rap later was good! and needless to say, I adore Mino… How he goes from this guy with loads of attitude to a giggling kid- I will never understand!! Both his personas suit him! 🙂 The second performance was good too! But why did Jay Park press the “fail” button… jealous much? 😛 Looks like a lot of rap-lyrics will be directed against him in the next few episodes!

        Vernon- how did he actually clear!! It was so funny when Zico said he doesn’t understand it either because Vernon was quite bad!

        One- He wasn’t bad but not very good either.

        Ravi from Vixx- he wasn’t that bad in my opinion.. but I guess I don’t know that much about rapping. Same with Kim Min Jae. But here I might just be biased for his baritone! I found his second performance quite good!

        And that guy that Jong Min supported! The guy who made the famous 1+1= gwiyomi song? As soon as Jong Min asked him to be cute whatever he did, I almost screamed- “don’t be cute, that won’t work here” and I was right!! 😛

        I don’t remember the other performances that well, but so many idol rappers were rejected right from the start! Plus, there are not many female rappers in the competition! It would have been good if there were more!


          Glad you found it!

          Exactly! It’s like they sort of made him the main character. And even the other rappers mentioning him. Like, be original dude LOL.

          Ahaha I think the flaming charisma part was on purpose because they have the same name, but yeah.. I wasn’t a fan of that either. He raps so well though and I’ve heard from Korean speakers that he’s an excellent lyricist because he can not only make really deep and meaningful songs, but also plays around a lot with the language, like using homophones and puns.
          LOL I wouldn’t be surprised if Jay was jealous 😉 Tbh in my eyes he’s not much of a rapper, nor a singer. He’s mostly just good at putting on a performance.

          Zico saying that about Vernon cracked me up! Savage 😛 I still don’t get how he made it through. He was simply awful and his attitude was kind of grating too (again who knows, maybe evil editing was involved).

          One didn’t make much of an impression on me, but I think he was decent. Apparently he joined the next season too.

          I think Ravi was pretty bad. Definitely not the worst idol-rapper I’ve heard, but he wasn’t very good compared to many others. His flow was a bit .. unexisting? and the lyrics weren’t that great either. It seemed to me that he was all fake-swag and attitude.

          Kim Min Jae did good! I was surprised to see him eliminated so early tbh. He probably would’ve been cut in round 3, but I feel like he should have made it past round 2. He makes good lyrics and has a very distinct style that’s nice to listen to. Even the judges seemed to feel like they were a bit too harsh afterwards.

          LOL same, I was almost screaming at the screen “noooo Jong Min!!!! Don’t say that!! Horrible advice, horrible!” 😛

          I remember P-Type failing sooo clearly lol. He’s an awesome rapper, but his plan of coming there to tell them off completely backfired which was pretty hilarious haha 😛 (I’ll share a link to one of his really good songs on my wall in a minute btw)

          I think that’s why they made Unpretty Rapstar, which is the same concept I think, just only for women. Jessi got famous through that show.


            I wish I knew Korean so that i understood all the references that are lost in translation! Funny you mentioned Jessi because I watched 2 more episodes and Mino mentioned her for a good part of his one-on-one competition. It’s sad that the other guy was not that great because I wanted an epic battle like the one between – I have forgotten the names now but- Lil Boy and Basick (?) and one or two more battles.. It was really commendable that he chose an opponent who had better grade than him.

            Funny you say that about Jay Park. I think I first saw him in one of my Seo In Guk related searches on YT and SIG completely overpowered him in almost everything-
            I found him to be completely uninspiring. After that I actually went and watched some of his songs and didn’t like him much. Just like you said, good performance but nothing to write home about!

            Zico’s performance though- wow! No wonder he got 18/24 votes! But it was funny how so many of the contestants rejected the offer to be on his team!! Perhaps because of possible competition within the team itself?And Tablo’s team getting 1 vote! Hahaha! I like him though.. he seems quite approachable…

            The SnoopDog bit… Now that was a mess! I really liked how Mino was just patiently waiting next to the girl with that encouraging/sweet smile! She forgot her own lyrics but just-oh-so-naturally called out his name in her rap! 😛 And how Mnet edited that scene was funny too- everything slowed down and the girl looking at Mino’s soft smile! I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had added flying hearts in that tiny moment! 😛

            Oh and I liked that guy from Monsta X… Not a lot but he was not bad! By the end of it all, I actually felt a tiny bit sad for Vernon… Coming on this show is a huge risk that idol rappers take! They really shouldn’t come out if they aren’t brilliant! They will pretty much be chewed out and it might just affect their idol career if they are the rappers of their group! They should be at the level of Mino or Bobby I guess!

            I have seen some clips of Jessi’s stint in Unpretty Rapstar (thanks to her appearance in RM) and she is funny and fierce!


          It’s funny you should mention it, because when I was watching them pick out their opponents, I felt like the good rappers should kind of be ashamed to pick the really bad ones. Like they don’t have enough confidence in themselves to pick strong opponents. I was so happy to see Mino choose someone with stronger rating than himself!
          I loved that he was left alone right till his card was drawn, only the strongest rappers were left, because everyone were afraid to go up against them haha 😀 It really proves that despite them trying to put him down so much, they know he’s really good.

          Oooh I’ll be watching that link in a minute! Thanks! And yes, Jay Park is a classic case of having gotten famous because he can perform more than because of his skills. Nothing wrong with that though, it just felt kind of odd to me to have him as a producer.

          It was such a “in your face” moment when him and paloalto got all the votes lol. It didn’t take him long to prove to all the haters that he’s more than “just an idol-rapper”. I wondered at that too. Maybe it’s to do with the idol stigma? Like the underground rappers didn’t want to get their share of the hate? One and Mino are idols themselves and Ja Mezz seems like he’s too cool to care about that sort of stuff, but I can imagine some of the others worrying about the stigma.

          Absolute mess. I was happy to see him patiently waiting the entire time, because it was like secondhand embarrasment to see them all basically fighting over the mic. It was so cute how he was just standing there smiling and that editing was hilarious 😛

          Joo Heon from Monsta X definitely showed some potential. Agreed, I feel like if you’re already famous (whether an idol or not) you really need to think twice before joining. However in Vernon’s case I think it’s his agency who made him join, which kind of does make me feel a bit bad for him, because he was so clearly not just out of his league, but also in the wrong neighborhood lol. Poor kid’s got no swag 😛

          Jessi is awesome, I love her. One of the only female Korean non-comedienne celebs who dares to let go and be herself.
