Beanie level: Errand boy

*looks through titles on a drama site*
Normal title, normal title, normal title, Sex Phone and the Lonely Wave, normal title, normal title… Wait… What?!! That’s just… WHAT?!?! O.O


Wow. The twists in SMTM4 are no joke! P-Type got eliminated in round 2, but Vernon got through? I’m sorry, whaaatt??
And not just Mino, but Kim Min Jae and Lil Boy competed? *shoots hearts at screen*


    My trajectory of “finding” SMTM was almost the reverse of yours- I wanted to know more about Kim Min Jae (because he looked so beautiful in Because It is the First Time) and I got to know that he is a rapper who appeared in SMTM so I checked out his audition clips! 😛

    Are you watching SMTM4?


      Yep. Completed almost the entire thing yesterday lol, only a couple eps left for today.

      Have you seen more than those clips? If not, you should! 😉


        Na i haven’t.. Is it good? I did have it in my ‘to-watch’ list cuz of Mino..


          It is! But I may be biased, cause I really like K-hiphop/rap and it’s got Lil Boy from Geeks, Mino, Zico, Tablo being hilarious and lots of other stuff hehe. But no matter what, I’d say it’s worth it for Mino! It’s really interesting to see a different side to him than what we normally get in variety, while at the same time he’s still very much the same guy who’s always fun to watch. His rapping is so good and it”s fascinating to see how the other rappers both know that and are kind of afraid to go up against him, but also don’t like idol rappers so he’s up against that prejudice as well. Also him and Zico together is the best!


            I will give it a go! I just googled it with Mino’s name and seems like he was criticized a lot for just being part of YG! Quite sad!


          The whole idol-rapper thing was a big issue for a lot of hip-hop fans for ayges, because they weren’t seen as ‘true’ rappers. Till you had Zico kinda work both the underground scene and the ‘idol’ scene, followed by Bobby and Mino and others.
          There’s probably still some salty khiphop fans out there but it seems to have died down a bit.
          Oh and we don’t talk about Vernon’s SMTM4 shhhhh (I haven’t even seen it I’ve just heard it’s bad and that we don’t talk about it lmao)


            Such music snobbery *sigh* Music is music, period. Just because someone’s goodlooking enough – on top of talented – to earn lots of money as an idol and chooses to do that instead of scraping by on a daily basis does not make them less of an artist or musician or rapper or whatever. And lots of them choose to be idols to help their family out financially instead of staying underground and feeling like a burden.

            I’m glad it seems to have died down! It’s seriously ridiculous when you watch SMTM4. So. much. saltiness. And it only makes them seem afraid, jealous and like they have an inferiority complex LOL. Maybe they’re just mad they’re not pwetty enough to become idols and earn the big bucks haha 😛

            Hahahhahaha poor Vernon, not even his fans liked it XD
            Tbh he came off as quite the annoying little brat lol, but that may have something to do with Mnet’s infamous evil editing of course, who knows. The bad rapping he can’t run from though lol. Please tell me he’s somehow magically gotten better and started caring about his craft? 😛


            I don’t know where to reply to so I’ll just have to hope you see this.
            Yeah I think it’s stupid too, although I think some of it was based on the fact that sometimes idol rappers are just given their raps to sing, their are a ton of them with actual skill and writing ability and no, shouldn’t just be discounted because they’re hehe prettier and signed to a label.

            He is actually a lot better now, he even admits he’s not the best rapper in one lyric but I quite enjoy his sections in SVT songs. And lol, not an annoying brat all hahaha I’ll put that one on the editing


            I got a notification for both. From what I’ve seen, you get a notification every time someone replies on your own fan wall posts, so that at least makes things a little bit easier!

            There are some really bad idol rappers, sure, but the idol stigma gets out of hand. In the end the whole “idols can’t rap/sing/act/do anything” is a bit ridiculous, because there are plenty of famous actors who are just plain bad, same with singers and there are way too many rappers who think rapping is just talking fast while pronunciating preferably while dissing and swearing. So also lots of rappers who aren’t really rappers but have nothing to do with the idol world.

            Haha glad to hear he’s at least aware of it and has improved lol 😛


          Just beware that it’s a bit of a mess by the end lol. But Mino <3 kkk ^^


            Aish this reply-system. This was aimed at @obsessedmuch lol 😛


            Got it! I can just FF it towards the end… I have noticed and been irritated with MNET’s editing! Produce 101 is a perfect example…

            Btw have you heard of ONE? He is about to make his debut this month and earlier he was being considered as a replacement for Nam Taehyun in Winner.. he does look a somewhat similar to both Namtae and Jinwoo but thank god they decided against it.. he was in SMTM too and he was part of a 2 person group with the other guy Samuel just having missed the cut in Produce101’s ‘Wanna one’… I checked out their songs and they weren’t very good, but with YG’s training, One might have improved and I am looking forward to his debut..


            Just gonna reply here in case you don’t get the notification for the above comment…


          @obsessedmuch Yeah he was in SMTM4. I think he did fine on there, but his rapping wasn’t really memorable. I’m really glad they decided against putting him in winner, 3 rappers in a 5 member group where only one of them is a strong vocal seems a bit much. Maybe I should check out their group – was it 1Punch?


          I checked them out and you’re right, it was pretty bad lol. Not like they as people did bad, but the song/choreo and such just was off and they seemed way too young. I think they can both do really well in the industry, they just needed a few years.


            I was wondering how anyone in their right minds helped produce those songs! They just looked so juvenile and not done well at all!! But yeah I didn’t have any problem with them per se… They were young (Samuel was like 8 years younger than One- that is too young for a debut) and they both have potential! I am really looking forward to One’s debut!


          8 years!?!? Wow. That’s too big an age difference when they’re the only ones in the group lol. Also, I’ll never get why some agencies debut kids whose voice haven’t broken (is that right word?) yet. Especially since some guys don’t sing quite as well afterwards.


            I wonder why too! and yup that is the word.. I was watching an Indian singing show and a father withdrew his amazingly talented kid from the competition because he was at the age where his voice was developing and he didn’t want to ruin his son’s brilliant future for short term gains!


Okay this duet is just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 😀 Their bromance is just adorable haha ^^
(watch from about 2:00)


    There are no subs, but this is how I understood the dialogue (very roughly, so take it with a grain of salt. Also didn’t understand all of it, so there’ll be gaps):

    Kim Soo Hyun: I have a gift for Hongki.
    HK: You have a gift for me?
    KSH: Yes, I’ll try singing a song.
    Hongki: Waaaaaahhhhh! Suddenly? What are you going to sing?
    KSH: ‘Wind’ [FTIsland’s new single]
    HK: WIND?!?!?!?!
    HK: Wind’s MR (instrumental track) should be available for broadcast
    HK: Will you try doing it on your own first? Will you be okay? [I think LOL.]
    KSH: Ye-yes.
    HK: Will you just try and do it like we’re singing at karaoke?
    HK: This is awesome. Soo Hyun-ssi will be singing live. I didn’t know about it either. … Let’s listen to Kim Soo Hyun’s ‘Wind’
    Them singing the song
    HK: You did well, you did well

    KSH: something about loving the song
    HK: something about the key of the song being really high, so it’s hard to sing even for him, meaning KSH is good at singing.

    That’s about all I understood lol. In case anyone’s interested at all 😛

    KSH prepared a surprise gift for Hongki – singing FTIsland’s newest Korean single ‘Wind’. Hongki afterwards says KSH is good at singing, because the key of this song is so high that it’s hard even for himself to sing it.


    Oh, really cute! And Kim Soo Hyun’s singing is quite good!
    Lol, I hadn’t noticed your comment at first, so I watched it, tried to understand some and then read your translation to check what I had missed. 🙂
    Thank you for the translation, by the way!


      KSH could at least be good if given more training. He managed the beginning of the song surprisingly well, and like HK said, it’s a really tough one to sing, even for the composer himself haha 😛

      I should’ve mentioned it in the post, but didn’t think of trying to translate until after posting 🙂
      You’re welcome. Not sure how correct it is lol, but I thought it might at least give an indication of what’s going on ^^


        Yes, I think training would certainly help him improve, but for someone who does not sing on daily basis, it was good. I think he must have practiced this a lot. I really like his voice.
        I believe your translation must be right, because I understood things the same way :-P, but you got some more… It’s almost like a game – how much you can understand from a video based only on your knowledge from dramas and kpop.


          His voice is just… delicious LOL. I actually found out most of my favorite actors have really good voice tones that draw you in when they speak. The voice can be such a big part of someone’s charisma and charm.

          Good to know I’m not completely off-base with it hehe! ^^ Ikr and a very fun one! I love it when I’m watching something raw and then suddenly realize that I understood what’s going on anyway. It’s such a mindblowing experience since it’s not a language I’ve ever studied, but only just picked up a few words and phrases here and there. And sometimes the words I understand are really random ones like onion or something lol.


      It has to be good! He sang so many times in Dream High and he was good there! I think he sang in MLFS too but I don’t remember clearly!

      Thanks @kaybee for the subs.. I think I understood some of the same words but it is always better to know for sure! 🙂 Their real life bromance is really cute!


        He got singing lessons from JYP. Which I don’t put much faith in, cause the guy’s own singing is pretty weak haha 😛 And autotune… I did hear him singing that one song live on yt however and he did well, except for a couple of issues here and there. This song is haaaarddd though, so it’s no wonder he couldn’t exactly sing it perfectly. Training to sing one song well doesn’t mean you can all of a sudden sing a really tough, new song perfectly ^^

        Not sure if you can know for sure with my translation haha.
        And yes, it’s so adorable! I love that they seem like such unlikely friends and met through bowling of all things 😛 Their laugh was so similar here though!


          Lol I didn’t know that but yup, I wouldn’t put much faith in it either! 😛 He is good for a non-singer. And he covers everything up with his adorable smile so everything is forgotten! 😀

          When I first heard that KSH was going for professional bowling, I was almost afraid that with that we might never get his TV comeback. And then I heard that Hongki is with him. And I just couldn’t connect them! Till then, Hongki for me was ‘that’ guy from You Are Beautiful and I was left wondering at the odd way in which relationships work in k-world. Now that I have gotten to know Hongki more, I feel like they fit perfectly well and anyway, I feel like no one can NOT be Hongki’s friend if they meet him once. He is adorable!


            Haha exactly and he KNOWS when he makes a mistake, so that’s promising!

            Agreed! He’s even earned the rep of being a good radio host, because he makes all the guests feel really comfortable.


        Dream High is still waiting on my to-watch list, but I know he sang there! I should get to it sometimes soon…


          Dream High was cute. And also a bit heartbreaking. I mean, it’s got Suzy and Taecyeon as leads, but KSH balances out their bad acting kkkk 😛


            I think it worked because they made Suzy’s bad acting as part of her character lol
            It really is a charming show. Too bad I could barely get through the first episode of Dream High 2…it just didn’t have the same heart to me.


          Haha.. exactly what kaybee said.
          It somehow worked despite having pretty mediocre actors- Suzy, Taec and that other guy from 2PM. IU was okay but quite green. On top of that there was JYP himself! Now that i think of it, HOW did it work!!!! 😛
          KSH was awesome and so was the storyline. Plus there is just something about underdogs winning that works everytime!


            Hahaha so true! I’ve been wanting to rewatch it, because now that I know so much more about Kpop as well as have seen a gazillion dramas, it’d be fun to go back and laugh at JYP basically being JYP 😛 I love that it had at least one major twist.
            Yeah, who doesn’t love an underdog?


    This is amazing, and I live for Hongki’s laughing


      Me too 😛 It’s so childlike in its uncontrolled way lol. I find it so funny that him and KSH laugh almost exactly the same way at one point in this vid!


    Aw. Thanks for posting this @kaybee I really love the song anyway but they were so cute. He made a really good attempt, I thought, for a non-singer. Hong-ki’s voice is so powerful and I love his laugh. It’s the sort of laugh that makes you laugh yourself.


Haha love that someone made a gif of this, it was hilarious!
Reminded me of It’s Okay It’s Love 😛


    Sleeping in the bath tub.


    Exactly what I told my cousin! But she still wasn’t tempted to watch!
    I didn’t think he would actually sleep in it!! And wow he moves a lot in his sleep!! Almost looks like a photo shoot or something! 😛
    Maybe an ad about a mattress- “do you feel like you are sleeping in a bathtub when you sleep on your bed? Exchange it for xyz mattress and discover what comfort is!”


      *gasps* How can anyone not be tempted to watch the awesomeness that is NJTTW?!? :O

      Haha the moment I saw that tub I literally said to myself (internally lol): “Somebody’s gonna be sleeping in the tub toniiighttt” 😛 It does look like a photoshoot! The editing on that show is brilliant. Ahahaha there’s actually a Danish TV commercial for private loans that used to run all the time, where this guy is sleeping in a tub 😛


        I know right!! I keep telling her it is awesome but she is currently suffering from kdrama saturation and is busy reading novels for the time being. I did also tell her that k-variety is the perfect antidote to kdrama saturation but she doesn’t get it..

        Speaking of kdrama saturation, I might just be on the verge of it- I really thought I would be loving all the currently airing shows, but I keep finding flaws in them! Except The Best Hit because it doesn’t take it’s own story very seriously and is focused on drawing out laughs..


          Variety is always what saves me when I’m in a dramaslump lol.

          Ahhhh same here -.- I’m loving The Best Hit and Lookout (despite its flaws), but other than that none of the currently airing shows are doing it for me. I really don’t know how I’ll be able to finish watching SP. Haven’t even gotten around to this week’s eps yet, the whole her-dad-probably-didn’t-kill-his-parents-but-he-thinks-he-did subplot that popped up last week, made me not want to keep watching. Been there done that (drama-watching-wise that is lol, not irl! 😛 ). I’m not really up for so much noble idiocy and misunderstandings and manipulations right now.


            Sadly even Lookout is not holding up for me anymore.

            I just finished watching the latest SP episodes. And maybe it was because I went in with very low expectations (I literally made myself watch it because I didn’t want to drop it now) but it surprised me by not being that bad. I just love it when I get some flashes of IRY while watching the SP and maybe that is what i am holding on to. Btw id the house the same as the one Lee Hyun used to live in.. it doesn’t look similar from the outside but in the initial few episodes, the set- up was pretty similar!


          It definitely has a lot of flaws – Key’s acting isn’t as good as in Drinking Solo (understandable as it’s a much more demanding character, but a bit disappointing nonetheless), Lee Si Young is a pretty terrible actress, the logic fails are sometimes many and WHY OH WHY does people keep talking about very secretive things in places where they could be walked in on at any moment?? That said, I still love it. I think Kwan Woo is what keeps me interested. I just love that nothing is simple when it comes to him. His moral compass is both perfect and completely malfunctioning at the same time, which is really fascinating to see in a male lead. There’s no romance between the main leads which I love so so much. Si Wan is also a really intriguing villain. So I guess the good still outweighs the bad for me, by a lot.

          The only thing that made me watch SP is the writer. I don’t much care about the story or JCW and NJH is just okay for me, not enough to make me watch an entire show. But in the beginning I had slight hopes for something as good as IRY, which were quickly tanked and then I just kept watching because now I had already begun and other people seemed to love it, so I thought maybe I’d learn to too. Did not happen 😛
          It is?? I actually saw Hyun’s house in another show, where it looked exactly the same inside. Can’t remember which one though, hmmm…


            I don’t love Lookout as much as you do and I don’t dislike SP as much as you do.. and if I had to weigh in, I would say I like SP a little bit more than Lookout. Just because I only love Key and Kim Tae Hoon (who is so under utilized there) in Lookout but I adore most of the cast in SP- all 5 from the law firm and Jung Hyun Soo (Dong Ha).. Dong Ha could very well have been the next Park Bo Gum if the show had worked as well as IRY. He is given such a meaty role for a relative newcomer.

            And yes, while I loved Key in Drinking Solo, I can see that he is not ready for this character yet. I usually like Kim Seul- gi but even she seems unprepared for this role. Plus I always hate it when she uses that whiny aegyo voice which she does a lot in this show. She is better as characters who are a lot more fun- like she was in Oh My Ghostess (another show which i didn’t love as much as beanies did) and Splish Splish Love.


          He’s the one who also played the chaebol in Chief Kim right? He’s really good! I think it was PBG’s innocent flower boy looks that shot him to fame much more than his acting though. NOT that he can’t act, but as in, there are plenty of really good actors who never make it to fame because they don’t have the trendy look. Just look at how much bigger PBG is than SIG, despite them doing a drama together (it didn’t do that well ratings-wise btw, it was R88 that made PBG really famous, though IRY was his stepping stone I think) and SIG nailing his character there.

          Seulgi’s adorable and cute and I like her, but her acting is just “okay” for me. Splash Splash Love made no longlasting impression, but didn’t watch OMG (haha!), so can’t really say too much about her acting in general. I really like her pairing with Key in this drama, but I 100% do not buy that he’s older than her. And they’re mostly just being cute. She did okay when she was holed up in the apartment, but since then her scenes haven’t left much impact.


            Yup! And I will never for the life of me understand why Seo In Guk isn’t more popular!! He is brilliant at acting and singing and he is freaking hot!! Like I know some might not consider him that good looking but man he looks good! I guess Korea loves pretty boys more than handsome ones. For me SIG is as good, if not better, than all the hallyu wave celebrities like Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Suk, Song Joong Ki, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Min Ho and Bo Gummy.

            I know about the sad state of ratings and R88 being more popular, but if there is a show which really utilized his acting skills, it is IRY. Negative and/or ambiguous characters bring out the best acting skills in my opinion.

            Lol, she definitely doesn’t look 4 years younger than him and how could she when she is just a month younger in real life 😛 They do look cute together.. And yes, I was okay when she was in her apartment but since her backstory has been resolved, there is not much for her to do..


          SIG is just so freaking charismatic that no matter how he looks he’s good-looking lol. Charisma and personality is everything to me when it comes to being attractive. But I do see that he’s not classically handsome to Koreans. I can’t compare looks though, cause someone like KSH is also really attractive, but in a completely different way. On a sidenote, I never did get the LMH or KWB craze tbh, despite having seen them in several dramas.

          Actually, IRY is the only show where PBG caught my attention. The rest of his performances were a bit bland to me, but I know I’m pretty much alone in that opinion hehe 😛


            I never got the LMH craze either but I like all the others I mentioned (though by different degrees with Song Joong Ki trailing at the far end)… But as you know already, no one trumps SIG for me 😀

            I know about your lukewarmness (if that is what it can be called) towards PBG and I completely understand where you come from (we had a discussion on him sometime back).. I am not of the same opinion but I am sure there are many who haven’t bought into what is popularly called “Bo Gummy’s magic” 😛


Kwan Woo’s facial expressions simultaneously scare the crabcake out of me and make me want to cry bitter, bitter tears for him. Was KYK’s emoting always this good?


    I kept remembering him as Do Han. Haha. What a switched identity. And KYK is good at portraying his character !


      I keep getting confused when mentioning him here. Do I call him Do Han? Fake-Do Han? Kwan Woo? So I just decided to go for his real name, especially since Priest has never been mentioned with that name, so thought it’d be the least confusing option lol.

      He really is! I never liked him as an actor before, actually kind of avoided him, but wow he’s blowing me away I’m this! I’ll definitely go back and watch more of his work now.


        Dohan and the Priest. That’s how it works.


        Do try out KYK’s D-day and web drama Go Ho’s Starry night. They are good !! I went to binge watched his past dramas lately too !!


          D-Day isn’t really my type of drama, but will try out the other one at some point, thanks! ^^


        I still can’t warm up with him, he’s the reason I’m dropping Lookout now .. sigh. His facial expressions are still weird and exaggerate, or maybe that’s just me.


          I feel like his expressions capture the intense of emotions of such traumatic experiences really well. Like when he were laugh-crying in the car. I’ve been there and it struck me right in the heart. Normally I’d prefer more subtle expressions too, but I love how he uses it to express his character in a way that makes me understand him more and feel for him. It makes him seem less of a cold creep and more of a disturbed, lonely guy who doesn’t know anything about ordinary life.


            Ditto. Even I found it a bit jarring initially but then I realised that this acting style of his goes well with his character. He has been putting up an act for so long. And like you said, it really drives home the point of him being a bit disturbing, lonely and cut off.

            I do hope he works on his diction though. He tends to mumble his dialogues at times.


            I don’t tend to notice Korean actors’ diction tbh, think my mind focuses so much on trying to both read the subs and see what happens on screen, that that part gets ignored lol. Mumbled dialogue is never good, hope he betters that. It’s probably because he wasn’t trained to be an actor, not like you need a whole lot of verbal skills in the model industry 😛


Pffffftttt “let’s fight like kids and just pretend we’re hugging when we get caught” lmao. I love that everyone in this show gets into petty jealousy fights, it’s so pathetic 😛


    Byun yo han needs to be in a good show, where is he these days?


      I think the last drama he was in was SFD. I want him as a lead again sometime soon!

      Just checked and apparently he was in two movies recently as a lead – Will You Be There (2016) and A Day (just premiered this June). Maybe this means he’ll choose a drama next? Please? Pretty please?


The saddest party people I’ve ever seen haha:


    This post makes me want to rewatch the show because I really can’t remember this scene!!


      Same here…I can’t remember that scene. But I did love Byun Yo Han in this!


        How can you not love Byun Yo Han in, well, everything? 😛 Honestly though, when everyone talks about Siwan in Misaeng or Yoo Ah In in SFD, I’m there talking about how awesome BYH was in both those shows lol.


          Have not watched SFD but I really loved BYH in Misaeng! Especially with his hair parted in the middle! I started watching Ex-Boyfriend’s club because of him and it was just too funny! I even got my sister hooked on watching it, too!


            I’m still only halfway through SFD (and it’s been like 6 months lol, me and sageuks just aren’t a good fit), but I love him in it. He’s such an underrated actor.
            Agreed, Ex-GFC is hilarious! I didn’t expect to like it this much, but I keep laughing out loud and in a pretty boisterous manner lol.


          So glad I have someone to share my love for BYH here!


            Same! ^^ I have no clue why he’s not more appreciated, at least on DB. But it seems there are trends and certain actors end up with all the beanie-fangirling haha.


    I don’t know where this is from, but they look absolutely dejected at that party.

    I kind of want to laugh though. ….. I think it’s the hats.


      It’s from Ex-Girlfriend Club and it’s supposed to be funny, so tis all good! 😉


    This show might not be so popular here on DB but I loved it, it was different and I just loved the music!


      It keeps doing something slightly different than expected, except as the ending nears, it’s getting a bit more typical. And yes, the soundtrack is awesome!
      I didn’t know it wasn’t popular on DB! But then my opinion tends to differ on a lot of shows, from the general DB consensus lol, so I tend not to pay too much attention to what shows the collective Beaniedom likes or dislikes 😛


        Yeah, it did get a review but wasn’t recapped!

        The same, I don’t pay much attention, I’ll watch shows regardless of what anyone says about them, even the ones that get so much hate, as long as I’m enjoying them, it doesn’t matter!


          Aww, that’s a shame!

          Exactly! I even sometimes get curious about the really infamous ones like Hyde, Jekyll and Me lol. And I keep watching till the end, cause you never know if you might end up liking it (tbh I actually liked that show more than most, even if not by much lol). I also loved and completely binged Gu Family Book, which everyone here keep saying is a bad show. I’ve also felt “meh” about more beloved dramas than I can count, so it seems maybe I just like being in the minority on these things haha.


            Yes, yes! Thank you! I enjoyed Gu Family Book, I loved the first part better but I loved the rest, too! And Hyde, Jekyll and Me, I watched it and didn’t hate it as much as everyone else did, LOL! I don’t know what you feel about MLFtS and Healer but I still can’t understand all the fuss about them, I watched them, (former for Oppa 😂 and latter to see what was it all about) they weren’t bad, they were just.. fine?!


          HJM definitely had its issues and sometimes made me feel like banging my head against the wall, regretting I ever started it. The love-triangle with self was particularly off-putting. But it also did some things right, which it seems most people just brush over.

          I actually really like MLFAS, but yesssss, finally someone who agrees with me on Healer!!! I had to try twice before I was able to finish it and despite it having some moments in the middle where I was feeling like I could finally love it, it ultimately disappointed me. So many potentially interesting things left in the dust and the bromance never really took off, despite how heartwrenching it could have been *sigh* Wouldn’t call it bad either, but it’s just one of those shows that are simply there and not much else.

          Other confessions (that you don’t actually have to read lol, just in case you’re curious and also because I’m curious myself to see how far this trend of mine reaches haha!):

          Didn’t live up to the hype for me: Chicago Typewriter, Marriage Not Dating, Goblin, High School King of Savvy, I Need Romance 3, King2Hearts, Let’s Eat, MDBC, Oh My Venus, My Lovely Kim Sam Soon, SUFBB, Signal, Something About 1 Percent (2016), Splash Splash Love, W

          Liked or just didn’t find that horrible, but it has a bad rep here: Dream High 2, Entertainer, Cheese in the Trap (loved it, ending and all!), Lucky Romance, Moorim School and Madame Antoine (though these last two may be because they were the first shows I live-watched lol).

          And then there are the tons of shows that just never get mentioned here, like You’re All Surrounded, Heart to Heart, Pied Piper and The Lover.

          I feel like a lot of the hyped shows are a bit overrated and some with a bad rep actually do have a few redeeming qualities that just gets ignored or bogged down by the faults. And some shows are just bad, but you enjoy them anyway 😛


            Comment was deleted


            Can I just say I’m so relieved to find another someone who didn’t really get the MNIKSS hype… Idk if we’ve had this convo before but bloody hell I couldn’t even finish it. He was so frakking annoying!!!


            MNIKISS as in Kim Sam Soon? That one’s such an awful drama imo. The male lead shows a million signs of being abusive, like punching a freaking glass frame behind her head. It scares me that so many women talk about how “romantic” that drama is. I want to yell at them to run far, far away if they ever meet a guy like that, but they’re just sitting there feeling mushy. Which is actually a common kdrama problem, this one was just extra bad.


            I just thought MLFtS was so overrated, I felt the same about LotBS (which I have yet to finish!

            LOL, read it all, some of the dramas you mentioned I actually really loved, Chicago Typewriter being one of them! I don’t think it was that hyped here on DB, I mean comparing it with other more popular dramas, it was this small group of us who jist kept talking about it, LOL! I absolutely love, love, love CITT, one of my favorite dramas of all time, I’ve memorized all the lines that’s how much I’ve watched it, and it’s not only because of Oppa, everything was perfect, it’s just that ending that still hurts!

            Didn’t watch Pied Piper amd The Lover but enjoyed both Heart to Heart and You’re All Surrounded.


          That was way too long. You don’t have to read it! *hides* I tend to ramble, in case you hadn’t already noticed 😉


            Rambling you say? Where? LOL!


            You’ll have to look reeaaaallly hard, but the rambling is there, somewhere 😉


          LotBS took me aaages to finish. It was so dull and the OTP pairing was odd. MLFAS has something highly binge/squee-worthy for me, but if I were to objectively judge the story, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like it haha. It has a lot of cliches and logic fails, but the cast and the humor makes this show for me.

          Well it at least feels like every beanie and their mother recommended CT haha 😛 I loved the first two eps with a passion, just not the rest. But it had Go Kyung Pyo in it, which is always a plus. Guess I just wanted more literature/writing focus and less ghost hijinks and reincarnations, which I honestly feel like has been done many times before. It was visually stunning though! So stunning. Whoever did the scenography (or is that word only for the theater and film just uses ‘sets’ instead? Eh, who knows lol) on this is genius.

          I don’t think I’ll ever get why people didn’t like the CITT ending. Maybe because I didn’t live-watch, so it didn’t give that sometimes warped perspective of how much time/eps has passed. When you’re not live-watching, it’s only about ep 14-15 that seem odd and a tad exasperating. Or is it the very last ep?
          I agree, acting, cinematography, everything was just so well done in CITT!


            It was! I don’t even remember where I stopped, was it ep14 or 18, I’ll go back to finish it one day because I always do!

            CT is very stunning and I love the OST, I guess it’s the songs that made me love it even more and the past story-line!

            For me, it started to feel a little odd around episode 13 when the focus shifted to Baek In-ho, being an avid webtoon reader I couldn’t help but compare, I wanted more Jung, I felt frustrated to have to defend Jung’s actions and wait for the show to provide an explanation, there is so much more to him and so much more to Seol, I felt their stories were shafted, I felt betrayed and when Oppa came and talked about scenes he filmed that got cut it made me so mad, LOL! With all that, I still love it and watch it everytime someome mentions it!


          Agreed, the soundtrack for CT is really good!

          Ahh I see. I don’t read webtoons, so didn’t have that in my head while watching. I actually liked the subtle portrayal of Sunbae. It was pretty clear from early on that he’s mentally ill, but to the people around him his actions would probably be confusing, so I think it worked well. Especially since he didn’t understand himself that it was him that had an issue and not always everyone else. Maybe that’s also why I liked the end scenes – I’d been hoping all along for them not to be romantically involved until he’d gotten better (and less dangerous) and he needed to define himself away from Seol and everyone else he knew.

          Even with the odd focus on In Ho in a few eps at the end, I still felt like Jung was the main focus. His character is such a presence and in a sense the main focus of the entire story, that I didn’t feel like we were missing any scenes with him in those eps. I was mostly just annoyed by the whole “oh no my hand doesn’t work again”-cliche, not so much the lack of Jung-screentime.


Been trying all day to go through my 1070-books-long to-read list and delete the ones I\’m no longer interested in. Have only gone through 200 of them and it\’s at about 1000 books now. Neverending O.O


    Hahaha. Those are just the books you know about.


      I know. Sometimes that stresses me out lol. Thankfully a lot of the books were added years ago and I’ve now evolved as a reader and no longer want to deal with bad or mediocre books, so I’m being pretty brutal in the weeding out 😛


        Oh. You’re so tough. These days sometimes a mediocre book is ok. I don’t know how many books I own but they were very heavy last time I had to move them because there are a lot more hardbacks than when I was younger. We ended up moving them in carrier bags and wine boxes as we could actually lift those without hurting our backs. I understand about e-books but I really like the physical act of holding and reading a book.


          Thankfully this is a digital-to-read list full of book-titles rather than actual books (goodreads), otherwise I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to it! I could never throw out a book (although I did once have to do it with a box of old paperbacks because they’d gotten so damp there was a seriously weird smell to them. It’s been 10 years and I’m still moarning the loss lol.).

          I’ve been used to hauling moving boxes of books since I was a teen, so I don’t mind lol. I have no idea how many books I own. But I do tend to be pickier these days when it comes to choosing what to buy (or even just what to put on a list of wishes), probably because I spend so much time studying really good literature in-depth that I don’t want to waste any time on bad ones in my spare time. Also being a poor student without too much space is a bit of an obstacle to book hoarding 😛


          Apparently I posted an inappropriate word? *sigh*

          Short version: forgot to say I agree with e-books, physical books are so much more charming! And I have more hardbacks than before too, love them, but hard to move, not just cause of weight, but because they’re delicate and need to be wrapped in something first.


            No. Two messages arrived. It’s true that the old paperbacks aren’t so good now but they are often the classics so I don’t want to let them go. Oh for Chicago Typewriter’s shelves. We have two rooms here with built in bookcases but we still have them stacked up.


          There was a third message in between those two lol, where I had a “PS I agree with ebooks” in longer form 😛

          I think I may have finished CT purely to be able to keep looking at those bookshelves.
          TWO ROOMS WITH BUILT IN BOOKCASES???? *green with envy* I’ve always wished for built-in bookcases. It’s one of the only reasons I sometimes think it would be nice to be loaded lol. I’d instantly buy a Victorian house with built in shelves, except we don’t have Victorians here, so there’s that hurdle to get over as well 😛


            Where’s here? Our last house WAS a Victorian town house on 4 floors with the kitchen in the basement and my daughter’s room in the attic. We had some really nice original cupboards but there were no built in bookcases so when we decided to sell it we boxed up most of the books and moved them to the store so it looked more normal (boring). Of course we immediately started buying more books. LOL


          Denmark. We have lots and lots of old, beautiful buildings, but Victorians are something particularly British/American, I think?

          Except for the no bookcases part, that sounds dreamy! Lol at having to move your books, it must have been so weird living in a house with no books until it was sold! Like the quote goes: “A room without books, is like a body without a soul”. Or something like that 😛


Nam Taehyun should only ever sing 60s/70s rock-style songs, his voice sounds so much better on the lower notes and with more volume!
Also, he seems happier and the band seems good, so yay 🙂


    This is so bloody good! I loved this more than the other one he released..
    Btw did you see his latest interview? It has led some InCircles to renew their “hatred” for him & what they call his “using” Winner’s popularity for his benefit and for others to cry tears of joy…
    I dunno if all the hate was the reason or not but he deleted all his Instagram posts the same day.


      It really is! I’ve never been the biggest fan of his singing when he goes for quiet and light, but ugh, these deep notes and rock-techniques suit him so much better! I think it’s because he’s deaf on one ear and it’s easier to hear yourself over the instruments etc when you’re using more power, so he doesn’t go off pitch as much. And also he’s just got more control when he uses power, which I didn’t expect of him.

      I did see the interview! It was so heartwarming, he almost teared up when talking about hanging with Winner, which awwww. It must be tough to leave what is basically your family, even if you know it’s to improve your health and their career.

      I wish people would stop with all that nonsense. The guy clearly has mental health issues, couldn’t handle the intense pressure of being an idol, didn’t want to be artistically restricted and left for the better good of all five of them. And YG just let him go, because he realized it was for the better. Don’t see why anyone deserves such mean comments. Winner even does better now than they did at their last comeback and has been on more shows than ever before, so I really don’t get all the so called incles being all hateful.

      I was honestly suspicious when I first read the news about NTH leaving and why, but from everything I’ve seen since (and rewatched), it seems like they told the truth about why he left and I just hope they all can be succesful 🙂


        Exactly! I mean I don’t see how mentioning Winner is “using” their current popularity!! He has to talk about them. He was them. And no matter how shaky the relationship, they have a history together and it would actually have been odd if he never mentioned them!

        I am happy he met them and I hope in future they can meet often and support each other while doing their own thing! I don’t see a reunion but they are friends & almost-families! They should keep in touch.

        The problem with Incles is that the most passionate OT4 supporters have become NTH haters and they are very vocal about it. I frankly thought this was a cool fandom but the recent hate has woken me up! I will never get why in order to prove your love for one, you have to bad-mouth others!

        But fandoms have their use too. If not for them, WINNER would not be as popular. They just completed a mad-spree voting that made ‘Really Really’ the favourite song on MWave or something.. and now they are already preparing for MAMA 2017. I mean I don’t think I have the energy to do something like this but I appreciate them. Even though this is exactly what I dislike in other fandoms. Maybe I am just a little biased.


          And there’d definitely be people mad about it if he didn’t mention Winner. Probably the same people even. Because they’re not being rational, they’re just looking for some excuse to hate and thereby vent their own inner frustrations.

          Tbh I don’t even care. It was so sad to hear that NTH left, because I was used to them being five and they sounded good together. But they’re just people and most people don’t work the same job for all eternity. Why should musicians be any different? Maybe I’m just so used to it, because I knew a lot of guys who would form bands and break them up again in a million different constellations over the years, but I don’t get what the fuzz is about. The most important thing is that Winner and NTH are happy with their lives and making good music, while hopefully being succesful.

          Tbh even if it’s a group I like, I still get annoyed at the “vote for XX at XX” and the streaming on loop. But the Korean music industry is so based on popularity and, if not for hallyu, has a more limited audience and buyer-base, so I get why the fans do that. I just wish it didn’t make them feel so entitled at least and that it didn’t mean they often tear down other artists in an attempt to promote their own faves.


            True, very true.

            I understand, but I think the Korean music industry works a little differently. I mean, perception and popularity are very important there. So not everyone can just decide what they want to do without thinking of the possible fallout. But yes, all 5 seem happy now and that is what counts.

            Yup, the entitlement is what sucks! and the sexualization of idols. But I guess that is not gonna change anytime soon.


          The fact that it’s so different is simultaneously what fascinates me and annoys me about the Korean music industry lol. It’s hard to not think of these things with my own culture as comparison, but at the same time I do get and respect that it works very differently. When it generates hateful comments etc however, I tend to end up on the annoyed side of things.


I got an A on my written exam!!!!!!! 😀

And finished the finance stuff!!

*celebrates with sushi, Sapporo and dramas* I’m living the wild life, baby!


    Congrats! And happy binge-watching kdramas!


    Awesome! You did well! 🙂


      Aw thanks ^^ Are you still waiting for your results?


        Yup! They will take time.. Maybe a month or so..


          I waited almost a month for these too, it’s one of the reasons I like oral exams so much more lol – no waiting 😛


            Oh yeah! Oral exams are the best! 😀
            Btw 2nd episode of NJTTW is even funnier than the 1st! How is this season already so awesome?!?


            Gosh I had forgotten about F I R S T being an inappropriate word and it took me 5 tries to figure it out all over again!


          I saw it and laughed from start to finish haha! 😀 It really is even funnier! I think it helps that the newbies are all acquainted now, especially Mino seems more comfortable and Kyuhyun’s making more jokes. When he swore I just cracked up, the others really didn’t expect that from a serious SM-balladeer-idol LOL 😛 Also, pretty sure Mino didn’t whisper “I love you” to Ho Dong, probably just him being a good hyung and salvaging the idol’s image kkkkk. He was an underground rapper after all, I’d be surprised if he didn’t know quite a lot of swearwords HD doesn’t! 😉

          F i r s t is an inappropriate word???? But… why???? *suddenly understands why several of my posts got sentenced to the void* That’s such a weird word to make inappropriate!


            Oh I am sure he knows his swear words better than others! He is not as innocent as he looks but on the other hand, he is not as bad-ass as he thinks he is!

            I was pleasantly surprised at how much Kyuhyun was speaking! Didn’t expect it! And Mino and his all-powerful finger literally brought Na PD on his knees! Not bad for an almost rookie!! I tried turning 15 times and then trying to locate something but ended too dizzy after 8 to actually even finish them! 😛

            And yes.. I am sure 1st is an inappropriate word to stop beanies doing that but it seems it is still working on comments and only disabled on fan wall posts… Hope it stops working there too!


          Oooohhhh wait… NOW I get it. It’s so that there’ll be no annyoing “f i r s t !”-comments on recaps etc.


          Well, Kyuhyun is the original “evil maknae” lol, so I’m not surprised at all! It just seems pretty fifty-fifty whether he’ll be talkative or not and it seems like the more he knows people the funnier/talkative he is on shows.

          LOL I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ll have to at some point, I want to know just how hard it is! I love that they managed to hit the “porsche” and “lamborghini” haha. If I was Na PD I’d have just bought them model-cars, cause it’s still a lamb and a porsche, just not a real-size, functioning one 😛

          That’s true, I noticed someone using the word on a recap not too long ago. So guess there’s something glitchy with the system!


    Congrats on the written exam!

    Have fun!


    YASSS GO YOU!! Somehow I am not even surprised. 😛


      Haha aww thank you ^^ I was so scared to look at the grade I actually closed my eyes when I pressed the button LOL.


        Awww! But you did so well and that’s awesome and all your hard word payed off, so yay. Proud of you 😛


Okay, this is beyond awesome. Maybe I should start listening to N.Flying, but the only songs of theirs I’ve heard weren’t that… rock? Any suggestions? =)


Me trying to work out some financial stuff:


    I’ve had many moments like this over the years.


      Can’t we just pay each other in sea shells or sticks or something?


        I can pay with baskets and garden produce!


          Deal! If you give me five baskets and a cucumber, I’ll get you… erhhh…. a reorganization of your closet? An amateurish drawing? An analysis of the book you’re reading? 😛


            I haven’t got any cucumbers but there will be some squash. I’ve got raspberries, blackcurrants, peas, mizuna, pak choi. You can have some baskets too. I’ve just started re-reading Case Histories by Kate Atkinson.


          Oooh, have yet to read anything by her, but have heard lots of good things. How is it? I’m guessing good since you’re re-reading hehe.


            It’s the first in a series of four books about Jackson Brodie. He’s a private investigator who sort of collects missing people. There was a television adaptation also called Case Histories which was well done. She was involved so they are fairly faithful except in the way that it is a different medium so sometimes the order of events is changed.


          Sounds intriguing!


            He has lost people himself. His wife has divorced him and remarried so His daughter now has a second father and he struggles with that. We find out he lost family when he was younger. I will go back and re-read the earlier books too as it’s a long time since I read them and I think I will notice more themes that continue on in her writing.


          Tbh I can’t remember the last time I re-read a book when it wasn’t for uni. So little time, so many books!


    This is literally me right now!


      Azzo!! You’re back!!! Hi!!! ^^

      Let’s join hands and we’ll get through this together haha 😛


        Yes, I am! Happy to be back!

        I’m going broke and I need all the help I can get so if joining hands is going to work, let’s do it! LOL!


          *the poor student immediately grabs your hand* I can definitely use all the help I can get too LOL 😛


      Welcome back friend! We’ve all missed you.


Kind of random, but is \”aesthetic\” the new it-word? I keep seeing it in youtube comments and it doesn\’t really seem like people even understand what it means LOL.


    exactly. i wonder if they even know what they are talking about lol


      Someone called a singer’s voice aesthetic. Pretty sure they don’t know what it means 😂


    Oh you are such an aesthete.


    They probably think they sound educated when they say it lol 😂


    Lol, my lil’ sister uses it all the time. A lot of things and people are her “aesthetic.” For the most part, she uses it correctly. But it’s become such a mainstream and popular term that people are using it to describe pretty much anything that they like and possibly want to achieve for themselves and/or gives them a sense of pleasure. It’s how the majority of the Millennials talk nowadays. I only know and have learned all the current slang and lingos because of my younger siblings. Man, I graduated high school in ’13 and I used to be in the know and was hip with all these terms (see, this is where she’ll make fun of me for saying words like “in the know” and “hip”) back then, but like, you don’t really come across people that uses the word “aesthetic,” whip/nae nae, or dabs out in the workforce, y’know? At least I haven’t.


      More slang terms that my sisters reminded me about: savage, lit, salty roast, and extra (this is my youngest sister’s middle name. She real extra. Lol).

      Oh, I wanted to also add that it’s funny that when you google “aesthetic” now, the images that pop up will be mostly pastels, graphics, lines, and minimalist words and phrases. That seems to be the general “aesthetic,” but it’s still really whatever you find pleasing to your eye.
      Why I’m writing an essay on this is beyond me. 😅


        Haha imagine how I’d feel then, you graduated high school later than me 😛 Not by much, but still. And English isn’t an official language here, so the only place I’m exposed to its slang is online. I have no idea what whip/nae nae or dabs means LOL. Savage, lit, salty, roast (though not the two together) and extra I all know though – thank you YT! 😉

        I love reading random essays on DB! And that’s really interesting. I wonder why certain kinds of aesthetics have almost become the definition of the word?


    But, it is a good word even if it is being overused by the masses. I would use it a lot in my film classes. It was common to use it when discussing the look of a film or a director’s style etc.


      It’s definitely a good word! Literature studies have a lot to do with that word too and there’s even a movement called aestheticism. That’s why I found it so weird to see it thrown around in random YT comments lol.


Hahaha now even NJTTW knows how poor all of Winner’s sportskills are 😛 Poor Mino, he shouldn’t have based his confidence in playing against poor players lol!


Me: Oooh, Ji Ah is cool as a cucumber, I like her!
*Ji Ah sneaks into Myung Soo’s bedroom on a trip she wasn’t invited to*
Me: Girl be cray cray o.O

Well, they’re all crazy 😛


    Haha.. I never fall in love with a bunch of “crazy” characters like these people from Ex-GF Club. They’re such a hoot.


    Oooh, this drama, sometimes made my cheekbones ache because of laughing too much! Absolutely love the OST they have for each character appearance, especially the one from Psycho ^^


    Omgosh you’re watching ExGFC… hahaha it’s so silly but such a blast. (I did end up skimming the last two reps but I still enjoyed it)
    Also I may know most of the words to the theme song… you know how I recommended the band Jannabi? That’s them…


      I’m really enjoying it so far! Lots of laughs and also it’s Byun Yo Han, so there’s that. Have to admit it’s beginning to drag a teensy bit though. I was watching ep 7 last night and actually quit midway to do something else.


        Yeah it does drag a bit- hence the skimming, and I found the second male lead’s character direction unnecessary when it could’ve been more interesting but since it was never a super smart show it lived up to what I was expecting it to be, which admittedly wasn’t much, just a bit of fun really


          I wish he wasn’t part of the lovelines. It’d be much more interesting if there was a career-subplot for the female lead.

          How did the flight go??


            Ugh same. I wanted more Fox development. She was great.
            Better than expected! Except I felt like passing out in Frankfurt D:


          Yeah, me too, I love how honest she is, like when she said that she wanted Myung Soo to be happy with someone.. once she herself had gotten married and had a kid haha 😛

          :O Glad you still managed to arrive in one piece!


      Also, I really should get on that. Still haven’t really listened to Jannabi, tsk tsk.


Even your most brilliant smile can’t save you when you’re being this much of a jerk, Myung Soo!


With all the posts about Fight My Way I can\’t decide whether I now feel like I don\’t even need to watch it or if it\’s making me want to watch it more LOL 😛 What\’s good/bad about the show?


    I don´t actually watch that show, I already have 3 and it is enough. But sometimes the recaps do make me want to take a peek.


    I was just thinking that! Waiting for someone to answer your question. 🙂


      *pulls out chair for you and hands over a glass of freshly squeezed juice* Let’s wait together then! 🙂


    – The main couple, their history, their relationship and chemistry, and also them as characters, together and individually, are just fantabulous
    – Shenanigans
    – The epilogues
    – Tertiary characters
    – Background music
    – fight scenes lol
    – relatively good handling of flashbacks to build character development

    – Some of the passing of time and choices of scenes to show when is a bit jerky? Like it jumps between times and scenes sometimes too abruptly imo, and doesn’t flesh out or finish a scene completely (usually with everyone but our mcs) It doesn’t affect the overall story, it’s just kinda more annoying as a viewing experience. ((But it could be a stylistic choice of editing, one I clearly don’t seem to prefer haha))
    – I need more on the secondary couple to really love them. They gave us a bit more this week but their scenes can get boring, and as much as I love the second lead I want to shove a hot rod up her spine at times.
    – Hye Ran is a bitch. And kinda seems to be there just to be annoying and get in our OTP’s way at the moment… which yeah.
    – I’m realising there is still a lot of resolution and story to be covered and or uncovered and I’m hoping they have enough time for it all. But they’ve done ok with that side of the pacing so far so.
    – That’s all I can think of for now


      Thank you!! 😀 That’s a really big help!

      Nothing really screams at me to watch it, based on this. Like the cons aren’t the kind that are usually enough to make me not be bored by a show. Maybe I’ll wait until it’s finished and hear the final beanie-verdict, unless I end up caving anyway out of boredom 😛


        I don’t know if it’s really anything revolutionary, but the main couple is a blast to watch, and their dynamic is refreshing to me at least. I’d say put on your to-watch list but don’t worry if you don’t watch it right away or understand our hype lol
        I don’t think I’m gonna be around for the finale :/


          I just don’t tend to be good at shows that mostly work because of the main couple/romance. I tend to end up bored.


          LOL I actually tried, but quit after two eps cause of the creepy villain. Then I saw the later comments about it and realized it’d been a wise decision 😛 (Also quit because I just can’t root for a heroine who won’t use her powers when a man is being beaten up, but will do it when they break her phone. Like no.)

          Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, is also one I’ve tentatively put on my to-watch lol, cause all everyone talks about is the chemistry/relationship.


            Heh… I liked the villain, except he had no backstory, so I also didn’t like him, but he was acted well. (Yeah… the story is a mess. The only saving grace is the OTP’s chemistry and for some that’s enough, and for others *me* it’s really not)
            Ohhhh WFKBJ is beautiful, and not just because of the relationship, like that’s great and I adore them together so much, but it’s also about their careers and college friendships as well, and just lyfe in general? and it’s so sweet. Although I will say it took be till about episode 4 to be completely hooked. And it still had it’s controversies (everything seems to though)


            You HAVE to watch WLFKBJ. It has a wonderfully uplifting story. Yes, the OTP chemistry is off the charts, but the storyline and character development from everyone is phenomenal. It tackles real life problems so well. A great little show.


          Okey dokey guys, you’ve got me convinced, it stays on the to-watch, don’t worry! 😛
          It might take me a little while to get to (or not), but I’ll get around to it one day then ^^


      Thank you! I am allergic to second leads who exist just to annoy the main leads and poison their relationship… I think I might wait and see, just like kaybee.


        Thankfully. it seems like dramaland has started to move away from the evil second leads, generally speaking. They always drive me up the wall o.O


    I personally love it. The characters are grounded and the writing is solid; there’s little callbacks and small details in each episode that I love. The OST is awesome and I’ve bought several of the songs featured that aren’t even OST!
    It’s a solid romance with a fairly realistic view of life and how to chase your dreams against the odds. It very very strongly reminds me of how “Bottom of the Ninth, Two Outs” made me feel, which is my absolute favorite drama ever.
    There isn’t much bad, except for some of the characters being horrible people. I’m not noticing bad acting or a bunch of weird cuts or flashback overuse, etc.
    For me, it’s a must watch over “Lookout” because I really want happy and laid-back in my life, though I watch “Lookout” on Fridays 🙂 Quality-wise though I consider them equals.
    It also features Park Seo Joon shirtless, so there’s that ….
    I recommend watching it at some point. The recaps are great, but you do miss a lot of the little details sprinkled by the writer. And the feels aren’t quite the same.


      Thank you so much for the detailed answer! ^^

      I never did manage to get very far in Bottom of the Ninth, I think romance driven shows are kind of my krytonite, kdrama-wise lol. I’ll keep it as a maybe though! Sometimes we all just need a happy show and it’s good to have one set aside for that 🙂 (What? Park Seo Joon shirtless plays a part in why I’ll keep it as a maybe? Noooooooo-oo– Absolutely not! *sideways glance*)

      I only read recaps if I want to make sure I catch references or want to join the discussion, so if I don’t watch the show, I won’t be reading the recaps either ^^


        Oh, I wonder if that could be a theme of the month: what’s your kryptonite? The answers may be even better than the catnips!


    I think I have seen almost every scene of the show despite (mostly) avoiding fan wall posts!
    I think I will marathon it once it is over now… I have many others to catch up on! 😀

    Also, off-topic, but ICSYV FTI episode has been subbed… Though I have a feeling that you might have already watched it! 😛


      Yessssssssss I have seen it!! And it’s so funny!!! Did you see it yet? 😀


        Started it even though it is 2:30am here! Will sleep after watching a little more… And yes, it is already funny! 😀


          Haha before you know it’ll be 4am and you’re still not asleep 😛


            So.. umm… it is 3:30 now.. You were right! and I am literally shaking from trying to control my laughter! This episode was so funny!!!!
            Hongki looked like a cute little kid most of the time! And how did they get so many wrong!?! Kinda expected them to be wrong but this was on a whole another level! 😛

            Okay I really should sleep now! 🙂


          Hahaha I knew it! And yes he looked adorable. I was really happy to see Seunghyun getting just as much screentime as him almost, I need the two of them in a variety show together, or just SH alone would be fine lol, his reactions and stuff are perfect for variety!

          I laughed so hard at all the things they got wrong, they were SO certain about everything and ended up with an epic fail haha 😀


          “and we deserve their screen time!”
          Haha so true! 😛

          I may be weird, but whenever I see games like banana-snapping, it always makes me wonder what they do with them afterwards? I know on 1N2D they give these things to the huge staff, but when there isn’t one I’m kind of worried they’re just throwing it away, which makes me sad because there are so many people who don’t have anything to eat :/ Like, don’t play with food lol!


            Not weird at all! I wondered about that too! I have a feeling that in this case they might just eat it! They look like boys with huge diet 😛

            I actually found it funny that Hoony underestimated Yoon and Jinwoo so much that he didn’t bring enough bananas! I can see why people were complaining about their WinWinTv being boring! 😛 I wonder if bananas are still considered a rare thing in Korea like they showed in Answer Me 1988..


          LOL let’s hope so! 😛

          Yep can definitely see that too. Even though they were actually doing something, it ended up more boring than FTI’s V-live which consists mostly of them simply talking alone to the camera one by one hahah 😛 Let’s hope Winner’s recent activities will make people see how fun and funny they can be!


    It’s my second fav after circle right now. Sp is wildly overrated and lookout is collapsing under it’s lack of logic.

    Pro: if you watch, you will understand all my jokes, particularly my TakSu trolling.


      Definitely agree on SP! I keep postponing watching last week’s eps lol, but now this week’s eps are here and I probably should get on it before the show is suddenly finished haha.


    I generally don’t like it. I dropped after few epi. I can only love youthful drama if it is not mainly on the romance. WFKBJ – I love first half of drama but after second half I started to dislike it. Romcom is no longer my thing, if these drama were my very first drama, probably I’ll be excited. It’s also a bit loud for my taste. There are characters that I like such as the Coach.

    It’s about taste and preference anyway, I just don’t find it compelling enough to con’t to watch it even I like both leads. I did saw spoilers here and there so I know what happened without having to fully watch each epi.


      Romcom used to be my favorite escapism, but these days I really do need more than just the main relationship to be satisfied. I just started Ex-Girlfriend Club and enjoying it, because there’s focus on other emotions than just being in love.


        Ex gf club was a fun show. I love it, especially those female characters are interesting in their own.


          Yes I’m really loving it so far, tvn really knows how to make good dramas 😀


        (Scrolled down and found a mention of Ex GF Club… Just had to comment)

        I loved Ex- GF Club, though I haven’t heard many people talk about it! It was a fun little show and the 12 episodes were the perfect length! It wasn’t a show to write much about I guess but it was time well spent!


          Apparently I posted an inappropriate word and have no idea what LOL. Let’s try again, short version:

          Premise for Ex GF Club is awesome. Thinking of shortening to-watch list by finally getting around to the shorter 12 ep shows on there. Found out I have 7 of those on there! Really no excuse not to have watched such short shows yet 😉


            7? Which ones? I don’t remember many 12 episode shows except Sassy Go Go and Ex GF Club..

            Is one of them Surplus Princess? That too wasn’t brilliant but fun in its randomness… It was cut down so it seemed like they didn’t spend a lot of time on the main love line but still a good way to pass time.. Plus Kim Seulgi and house-sharing which is an interesting concept (I really need to watch We Broke Up)


          Already seen Sassy Go Go and Surplus Princess. Let’s see though…

          1. this one
          2. Liar Game (I know, I know lol)
          3. Three Musketeers
          4. Solomon’s Perjury
          5. Awl
          6. Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit
          7. This Week My Wife’s Having an Affair

          I think they’re actually all cable shows lol, JTBC or TvN. A good 12 ep show I’ve seen is The Lover, that was loads of fun!
          And yes do watch We Broke Up! It’s super super quick and easy to watch and I love the OST. One of the best webdramas I’ve seen ^^


            2. You better get a move on! 😛
            4. Quite good… The feel is a lil White Christmasy but not THAT crazy…. add a little Shut Up Flower Boy Band feel (nothing to do with music here though, so I dunno why I feel that way)
            7. Not as amazing as JB and GF maintain but it really is quite good.. Like I was bored of the first 4 episodes

            I haven’t actually watched 3, 5 and 6 and out of these I don’t think I want to watch 5… it sounds a little boring (I didn’t love Misaeng as much as others did)… I saw some episodes of The Lover but somehow left it midway… My dropped or on-hold is longer than I have actually kept a record of! I should update my records!


          2. I actually tried the first ep, but quit pretty quickly because there were already some logic fails LOL. Plus not a fan of its cinemtographic style. But it’s SO famous and people love it, so I’ll definitely watch it…. someday 😛
          4. I haven’t seen White Christmas yet. I’m not really good at watching plots with bullying, at least as it is now, which is also the reason I have gotten around to Solomon’s yet. They both look good though, so I do want to watch them.
          7. I often disagree with JB and GF (sssshhhhh, don’t tell anyone!! :b), so I’m not expecting too much, especially cause I’m no SJH fan (as you know). Mostly want to watch it for the male lead heh 😛

          I love “boring” shows like these, so I’m really looking forward to 5, but if you didn’t like Misaeng I can see why you’re not dying to watch this one haha 😛 (Also, don’t ever watch the American show Newsroom then, you probably would be just as bored ^^)

          The Lover is a certain brand of humor that definitely doesn’t suit everyone’s taste, so I’m not surprised 🙂

          My dropped/onhold list is getting shorter and shorter, I’ve been weeding out in it for the past months lol, slowly but surely 😛 And I decided that ones I only watched 1 or 2 eps of don’t count as dropped, because it’s just like having an apetitizer before deciding whether to dig into the main meal.


            2. The logic fails were a lil too many in the first 2 episodes… But it became quite brilliant once Shin Sung Rok started taking more of a centre stage.. Basically once they reached the game arena- it just became a ‘what-the-hell-will-happen-next’ kinda drama…

            4. White Christmas doesn’t have bullying as a theme as far as I remember.. and again, the show takes its sweet time to get to the point of what in hell is happening.. Give or take 2 episodes..

            7. SJH didn’t have to act much in it.. The camera angles took care of most of it.. She did look amazingly beautiful though. Lee Sun Gyun has an amazing voice and does quite well in dry humour.. Also it is very ‘his’ kind of show. I don’t know how to explain it but he suits the role to a tee… You might actually like the secondary couple too..

            I actually didn’t dislike the humour in The Lover (reminded me a little of Coupling- a BBC show) but it had a sort of low-budget feel which wasn’t too pleasing to the eyes…

            I don’t think I will ever be able to shorten my list.. There are way too many new shows to go back to everything I left midway…


          same here – have to comment on ex-gf club! there’s isnt as much love for it as there should be!
          the soundtrack they used everything the ex’s banded together to do something crazy was my crack for a long long time! Sooo funny! #RosesOfSharon
          The track would start and i would be in splits just in anticipation b4 anything happened on the screen!


            I loved the track and yup, laughed every time it was played in anticipation of what is going to happen next.. I also really loved that promotional scene (I don’t know what it should be called) that played at the beginning of every episode- the one with him running and them chasing him…


          Yeeaahh! Tom’s & Jerry at its best!


          2. Okay, now I’m back to being curious about it! Mission accomplished I guess hahah 😉
          4. Oh cool! I just remember trying to watch the first ep and one of the kids were bullied, so I thought it might be the main thing, but happy to hear it’s not! 😀
          7. “The camera angles took care of most of it” LOL! Now I’m looking more forward to it (based on the rest of what you said too haha, not just this!).

          Ahhh, okay. I actually didn’t mind the low budget look. The stories and jokes are just so different, realistic and relatable that I was too busy having fun to notice haha. Also… Jung Joon Young.. Nuff said 😉

          I tend to be picky about which new shows I watch and I like to watch completed ones on the side of live-watching, so that helps. Even with this current batch of dramas there’s only 3 I’ve ended up actually watching. I think I’ve gotten pickier. I cleared up my to-watch too, there’s “only” about 50 dramas on there now.


            Mission accomplished on all 3 shows actually! 😁

            I have realised that I had more time to give to kdrama-related stuff while studying… now that I don’t have the excuse to study I have to do real life stuff!

            Right now the priority is cleaning out my full list of watched, on – hold, dropped and to-watch list…

            Did you send out any catnip? I was pondering over what my catnip is and I couldn’t pin point what works for me everytime without fail… it isn’t one single thing I guess.. if I succeed in pointing one out, I will try and write something..


          Awwww, poor you 😉

          Nope, didn’t send in anything for catnip, maybe I’ll try next month’s theme? Tbh I’m tired of writing after that written exam lol. Also not sure what my catnip is either. I mean, one of my major ones is when characters have trauma or messed up families. Cause I can relate LOL 😛 That pretty much describes every single kdrama though, so that would mean kdrama in general is my catnip haha. So I dunno…

          Maybe psychological dramas? Psychology is so intriguing and fascinating and it always means the show’s really character-driven, which I love, because it makes you feel their highs and lows so much more, as if they’re real people heh ^^

          Also… Music. If there’s going to be music as a big theme in the show, I’m sold haha. I even started (and finished) She’s So Lovable despite knowing its bad rep!

          What are some of the things that generally capture your interest, even if it’s not without fail?


            That really is every kdrama ever! If I had a rupee for every time I heard ‘trauma’ in kdramas, I would be rich indeed! 😛 I literally laughed out loud when in Who is Next, Seungyoon said he has some sort of trauma because of JYP! I was like- OMG I am almost watching a kdrama with Yoonie as the male lead! 😀

            Psychological dramas for sure! I love when a show goes deep into the mindset behind a character’s actions.. Just gives it a much needed depth! I Remember You and Liar Game being ones which instantly come to mind..

            On almost a complete opposite end of this genre, I also love watching high school dramas. I am a sucker for school based stories.. If I ever do end up writing a novel, it would be based on school life (or at least a part of it would be)… I think I always give a try to school based shows..

            Similar, but not compulsorily related- I like it when the leads or any pair met or knew each other as children… Like IRY again or Producers.. Many examples can come here..


          Honestly speaking though, it sometimes bugs me the way Koreans throw around the word trauma lol. Like every single little bad thing in life suddenly becomes one. “I spilled milk on the floor and my mom got mad! Oh no! Trauma! I can never drink milk again!” 😛

          High school dramas have never really done anything for me. Maybe because my school experience is so different from the way Koreans seem to have to slave away? Like, the one that got closest was SUFFB and even that ended up boring me, maybe because I’ve known too many guys like that and how annyoing they can be irl haha 😛 Don’t think I have a single high school drama in my favorite-list. Not that I avoid them or haven’t somewhat enjoyed some of them, they’re just kind of… there? I guess. I did enjoy both Dream Highs though, but that’s cause MUSIC lol. And Kim Soo Hyun and Jinwoon :b I also liked Sassy Go Go and the way they treated Ji Soo’s story, most of the time, but I’m not sure I’d ever rewatch it. What are your favorite high school dramas?

          Haha that’s almost every drama in existence too 😛 Someone on viki even made a list for dramas where the leads HAVEN’T met before and even with the help of others it’s still not very long kkk.


            I couldn’t think of even one typical high school drama when you asked me my favourite! 😛 It is just that I enjoy them as shows but they never climb up to become my most loved ones… School 2013 does come to mind but that is a little different from what I mean by high- school dramas… I am mostly talking about the cute romances.. Answer Me 1997 is there but as a genre it belongs to something else altogether… Sassy Go Go, Dream High, Page Turner, Adolescence Medley, School 2015 (except that end) were good but I won’t call them my favorites.. It’s just that I will watch a show if it is based on school life.. Doesn’t mean I will love it 😛

            Also school life is never what they show in shows anyway… I did personally have a beautiful high school romance and it was full of all that they show- innocence, butterflies in stomach and the whole fairy-tale feel… So any school setting kinda draws me in for the nostalgia I experience I guess..

            I should go check out that list! ;P


            I wonder if you noticed but this conversation made me write a catnip post and it was posted some days back 🙂


          *hoping I found the right reply-button* LOL

          Oh! I didn’t see that! I don’t really read many of the catnip-posts since most of them haven’t been ones I was particularly interested in and I’ve missed a lot of them too, since so many have been posted. Will have a look then ^^


          Read it! ^^ It really is cute and tugs at the heartstrings when there are those childhood parts. Though I honestly love when leads don’t have any sort of connection before they meet, makes it exciting to see them try and figure each other out lol.


            I love it that we are sometimes so alike in our choices (Seo in Guk, Winner, FTI) and sometimes just so different (RM, Healer, Bo Gum)! 😀


          Definitely makes for some interesting discussions! ^^


    I love this show! The soundtrack is so fun! Sometimes the characters are a little whacky and over-the-top, but there’s a freshness to the dialogue and the themes that the show is trying to grapple with. I like that there’s an underlying melancholy as the characters try to navigate the unfulfilling aspects of their lives and what it means to overcome them, but also this high energy and underdog spirit. Most of all, I like that the characters aren’t guarded or afraid to be vulnerable and put their most inner thoughts out there for all to see. Also, the main love line is wonderful. If you tune in just for them, then it’s worth it.


      Comment was deleted


      Thanks for the answer! Some of these things definitely sound intriguing, like fresh dialogue and vulnerabillity. I feel like I’m getting swayed by all the answers, first to the one side, then to the other lol!


    Haha! I like this thread! FMW is basically a light rom-com to watch for laughs. There isnt a poignant storyline or intense anything.. it’s like how u need to watch chickflicks/chick lit at times for fluff? but quality fluff 🙂

    and u HAVE to watch weightlifting fairy! OMG! that was just gorgeous and amazing.. it was a really good slice of life drama with bonus points of lead pair chemistry.


      Best Hit is even better for the laughs though – i love a good show which can make me laugh while having a decent storyline. #modestExpectations 😀


      I do like fluff, at least when rl is busy or stressful. So maybe I’ll end up watching it when classes start again LOL.

      I love The Best Hit! It’s my current fave and probably my favorite 2017 show so far 😀 I almost don’t care about the storyline, all the random 1N2D-esque jokes just make my day lol.


        Agreed! Best Hit doesnt really even need a storyline.. I’m quite happy watching their antics and ridiculous-saw-it-from-a-mile-away-but-still-hilarous set ups! And Hyun Jae’s hair do just brings back my teenage years squealing! 😀


Yay finished Chicago Typewriter! It wasn’t at all what I’d hoped it to be, but it was really beautifully made and it had Go Kyung Pyo, plus Yoo Ah In with his best hairstyle ever, so tis all good 😉


    It was a very sophisticated and elegantne drama


    The plotline, Yoo Ah In’s acting in both eras were breathtakingly beautiful. It was really refreshing to watch a drama which circulated around camaraderie, emotions, and patriotism.

    BTW, if you ever get an info where they sell wigs like Hui Young’s, Please contact me here in DB.


      Maybe it’s from the same place that sold KDY’s from Moonlight Drawn By Clouds? 😛


    And the bookcases were stunning.


      I was so in love with the bookcases! How did everyone manage to get their own personal library? *not jealous at all*


        It was interesting how they’d styled the studies too. Bake Tae-min’s seemed sterile somehow. All the white walls and shelves.


          Agreed, I really loved how they reflected people’s personalities.
          Taemin’s also had lots of books with white backs that made it look like they were mostly non-fiction, which contributed to that sterile feel. Se Ju’s, on the other hand, were a glorious mix of colors and textures with lots of Penguins thrown in (yes I’m geeky enough to notice even the publisher lol). Coupled with the darker tones of the bookcases and the lighting in some of them, it really emphasized how he’s a serious man who has a passion for literature, with it also being his profession.


            I think my first reply faded into the ether. Mr Baek’s study also seemed more mixed. Yay for Penguins. A friend of mine has a collection of old penguins, pelicans etc.


          It did, his study was really cozy.
          I have quite a few penguins and I really like their notes, but it’s mostly works originally written in English. Their translations seem to be so stiff compared to Oxford’s.


        My reader personality wanted to push jeon seol out of the picture and put myself in her place just cause of the library. That two-story bookshelf will be mine (of course with real books) even if I ain’t a millionaire in the future LOL!


          Ikr, who needs YAI when you can have that library? 😛

          “That two-story bookshelf will be mine”
          Expect a visit from me when it’s done!

          My favorite though, is that window seat surrounded by bookshelves. That just tugged on all my heartstrings all at once, I almost wanted to cry. It’s just so beautiful and serene O.O


            I won’t mind a YAI though but I know my limits so yeah… Give me the library and wig, and I shall be happy!

            true, the window seat was really beautiful. Hats off to the set designer.


So was it calling Jin Oh from Chicago Typewriter funny or was it calling the guys from Produce 101 pretty, that made me deserve a downvote? 😛 Apparently compliments are bad LMAO 😛


    Yay! You have the same as me now! *cheers*
    I think by now I have stopped trying to figure out why people give out downvotes for no reason at all! They just do because they do. People are weird, period.


      Wise words! I just find it so funny that none of the posts I thought would get downvotes got any, but the one I definitely didn’t expect to get one got one kkkk 😛


    Don’t express sympathy either.


      *takes notes* You’re probably right, sounds like it’d attract lots of downvotes! 😛


    I take downvotes as disagreement. and I´ve never had so FEW people disagree with me. That is actually sort of alarming. I must be either getting dangerously close to the gray mass or just that my weird is normal on Dramabeans .


      Lol your comment just made my day, love it! 😛

      Most people who disagree with me here tend to verbalize it in actual replies and most downvotes I see are either used wisely (as in aimed at people who are being really rude/offensive) or they’re used in a seemingly random fashion on posts where actors or shows are complimented. The latter of which I find highly amusing as I imagine you have to be quite the Cap’n Grumpypants to dislike such positive posts haha 😛


      Your weird IS normal on DB, redfox. Your OT comments on the old side made my week man. 😛 Or maybe your weird is just my weird therefore I think it’s normal…


Managed to get back to Chicago Typewriter and Jin Oh\’s comment while watching Produce 101 made me practically fall from my bed laughing lol! We know Jin Oh, they\’re aaaallll pretty 😛


    I think I would have found them all pretty if Mnet did not keep zooming and repeating every person’s expressions for like the millionth time. Like, dear Mnet I know you want me to think he looked cute/sexy here but did you have to play the same move 11000 times!


      I still haven’t resumed watching it and I’m not sure I ever will. The eps are just waaaaay too long *exhausted sigh* I’m not really sure I feel like the pay-off is worth it lol.

      I’ve noticed a lot of variety shows do editing in a weird way like that. Getting to see a certain facial expression three times in a row just to show different reactions etc just isn’t very entertaining, so I wonder why they do that…
