Beanie level: Errand boy

The first 30 secs of this vid… Jaejin-ah… You okay there? LMAO 😛


So. much. PRETTY! Yoon and Jinwoo together is like being hit in the face with visual awesomeness overload lol. That end though… dork-SWAG!


    So much pretty here! How does Yoonie still carry off the weirdest styles?? Or maybe he doesn’t really and I ignore them because it is him and I am used to him wearing random clothes!


      Him, Mino, Hongki, GD and Heechul can wear literally everything – including everything at the same time LOL – and it still look amazing! O.O


        and Key! That one has been proven by variety research too 😛
        (and Hoonie but that is just my opinion because I love him and might be a little biased!)

        This is all because they all just have this attitude that says “I am sexy even if you don’t agree”


          Definitely Key too! Dunno about Hoon though, that current hair looks kind of funny 😛 I feel like going to SK just to tell the stylist to do their job properly, while at the same time feeling awed that they managed to make him look weird LOL, cause that’s no small feat!

          Oh definitely! How you wear your clothes can mean more than what you wear.


            Haha… I have heard many others commenting on how that hair style has to go but I kinda like it on him! Might be because this is how I saw him for the first time in that Dingo version so I don’t mind it as much as old fans would…

            Isn’t Key sporting something similar in Lookout- though he obviously looks cool as usual!


          Lol I was fine with the perm, though didn’t find it great either, but now it’s all straight and with the weird highlights and it just looks funny 😛

          Haha yep he is! And it suits him sooo well O.O


            Yeah I agree that the straight hair with weird highlights makes him look like an evil step-mother or something (looked good when he styled it back for that video segment on Oppa Thinking though)! His stylists really need to come up with something that suits him more!


          I mean, he’s a goodlooking guy, so it can’t be that hard to find a good hairstyle for him, right?

          Yeah, it’s mostly when he’s got it down and with the 50-50 parting lol. Part drama villainess, part 90s idol 😛


          Exactly 😉 And well, they’re the same company after all, so who knows, maybe it’s a tribute to his hyung haha 😛


    Kaybeeeeeeee NJTTW subs are out on kshow123! 😀


      I just watched it! 😀 Thanks for letting me know ^^ Did you watch it yet???


        Yes I did it and loved it! 😀 Can’t wait for more!


          What I particularly loved? Mino boasting about being good at table tennis because he is the best among his members at it and then other people’s automatic reaction that showed Mino had no chance in hell at winning.. loved the tiny glimpses of Winner members and their bad skills, and the mention of Jinwoo being incomprehensibly weird but the immediate backtracking that Mino himself is definitely the worst! Lol and Kyuhyun piping up that there is no one else like him in his group like him! Actually Kyuhyun in general- it already seems like he is going to go crazy as this is his last ‘outing’ before enlistment….

          Mino losing the bet and the whole ‘can-i-please-leave-some-hair-at-the-back-because-i-had-a tough-time-growing-it’ and the hairstyle turning out so bad! And is it just me or that green hair looked best in this show… Till now I liked it during the other appearances but the lack of the many hair products, made it look just so much better right before he got it cut! 😛

          Also that buffet and Hodong calling JiWon’s name 198 times! 😛


LOL Kwak Dongyeon failing at soccer and then me somehow managing to capture this facial expression of his right afterwards hahaha 😛


    oh what show is that?


      A new one translated to something along the lines of Our Life Academy or Life School. I’ve only been able to find half the eps subbed on DJ Pri’s dailymotion, because she subs Hongki’s parts, but that also thankfully includes some really sweet KDY moments! ^^


“Fame in fact attracts abuse and slander.”
– Kenkō, 14th century

The world may change, but even if a millenia goes by humans will stay the same.


    I was trying to think of something interesting and poignant to say regarding the truth of these statements and then ‘IS IT TRUE? YESS OKEY DOKEY YO’ came to my head… oops


    Indeed wisdom transcends times and places.. it has no due date!


      Ahh also true, but interestingly quite the opposite of what I was thinking! 🙂

      My thoughts went more to the fact that fame existed even then and that people have always been jealous and petty lol.


        Sure.. it’s human nature jealousy stems from from the deepest part of the heart and it man it’s itself in many ways. It even goes back all the way to the beginning of earth with the story of Abel and Cain


Me waiting for The Best Hit subs:
Is it here yet, is it here yet??


    Me too! Me too! I luff it so much! It’s so wacky and amazing! I love how Ji Hoon is so inherently understated as compared to larger-than-life Hyun Jae!

    And I feel like there is a birth secret in there somewhere?


      Comment was deleted


      So true! I just hope he’ll see how hard-working Ji Hoon is and recognize his talent and coach him to epicness 😛

      Well, there’s the obvious birth secret, but other than that I try not to figure such things out. I tend to overthink it otherwise and end up not enjoying the drama, because my mind’ll be busy trying to figure everything out and entertaining a million theories at the same time haha 😛


        Yes, Ji Hoon needs to stop thinking and just let go! (but the last time he ‘let go’ he ended up at the police station so i hope Hyun Jae could coach him right!) 😀

        I really don’t know whether to ship Woo Seung with Ji Hoon or Hyun Jae! I see chemistry on both sides so I wonder what the show will do!

        Also I want Bo Hee ahjumma to appreciate Gwang Jae!


          I think Woo Seung and Hyun Jae can’t really end up together, unless HJ stays in that time. But at the same time I’m also wanting JH to be with the female trainee more and more heh, they’re fun together 🙂

          Yeah, her and GJ are so cute together! She seems an odd fit for HJ, personality-wise, but perfect for GJ ^^


            Yes! Trainie Girl and Ji Hoon are so cute! She appreciates his efforts and tries to be helpful in her own way. But I feel like WS is kind of like BoHee to GwangJae – as in she doesn’t appreciate JH and his wonderful efforts. 🙁


    I feel this gif and caption on a spiritual level ~ I’m loving the show!


      It’s just so heartwarming and funny at the same time, just like 1N2D ^^


    Who are these bobbleheads!? 😛


      Crayon Pop! I think the song this choreo is from was called “Bar bar bar”?


@obsessedmuch Happy B-day!! 😀 In case you need a laughing/exercise break from studying, here’s a short vid for ya 😉
(sorry I don’t have a funny Winner vid, you’ve seen them all lol! 😛 )


    Very motivational. Gotta love the ’80s. 🙂


    Hahha… What is this!!! I have trouble breathing from laughing so much!
    And those undies really don’t look comfortable! 😛

    Thanks a lot! This was a much needed break ^_^


      Haha glad you liked it! 😉 It’s from an 80s aerobics championship lol. They really do! Good ole spandex, how the 80s loved thee 😛 The guy who comes in at about 1:35 is just my absolute fave ahaha, this facial expressions are just unbeatable!

      Have to admit though… it always kind of makes me want to do aerobics. They look incredibly fit and flexible and by george if they don’t look as happy as if they were high on pills lol!

      How did the exam go?!?!!?!?!


        I missed this notification somehow!

        They do look unreasonably happy for people working out… I would have been huffing and puffing away! 😛

        Exam went fine 🙂 One more tomorrow! Practicing some translations today made me really I suck at Hindi more than I had previously realized, so I have no hopes for this one (other than the sad little one that hopefully others might suck at English and/or Hindi more than me and level out the playing field for me :P)


          Awwww, hwaiting!!!! Just do your best and it’ll all work out the way it’s supposed to ^^ Happy to hear that the other exam went fine! 😀


Trying to finish Mystery Queen. Then read that the ending is meant for a S2. No way I\’m gonna spend 16 hours more on a 2nd season. Should I just stop watching at ep 11? *scratches non-existing beard*


    I watched to the end and even though it was left open for a second season, it didn’t end with a cliffhanger. It was more like things didn’t get wrapped up super neatly so it left it open for a season two. Personally, I still enjoyed it and wasn’t super disappointed by the ending (especially since I had heard that it was kind of open ended and was able to prepare myself for that). If you were watching it because you wanted to know what happened in the overarching mystery you might want to drop it but if you just enjoyed watching the characters interact then I’d recommend finishing it.


      Thank you for the elaborate answer! ^^
      Think I’ll just let it be then, since I was pretty much only watching to finish what I started. Think I’d just be annoyed that I don’t even get a proper resolution and feel like I’d have to watch s2 despite not caring about the characters lol.


    I only limped to Ep 8 or 9. Her character was driving me mad.


      Tbh every single ep was a bit of a drag for me, but in the beginning I thought it might get better and then I was just so far into the show that I thought I’d finish it. But now it’s been laid to rest LOL.


Oh dear 😂


    Hahhahhahahhah… How can I unsee this now! 😛
    Though such a brilliant way to market one’s product- Shawols would definitely buy it!
    Taemin kissing the window though- such second hand embarrassment! I am guessing he was still considered ‘young’ then (Isn’t he still considered that? Will he always be considered that? :P)
    Also, Minho’s legs during the kiss! So awkward! 😀


      Ikr, it’s so cringey haha 😛 They must’ve found it so hard not to crack up during the shoot!


Bo Mi and Kyung Soo are way too adorable together, I love it! <3


    I also loved the scene, when Kyung Soo first met Bo Mi. He kept walking around to older women thinking it was her. That was funny! And the shine in his eyes when he realized Bo Mi was young and pretty!!


Okay, HOW did I not know about this? The dancing is just fab! 😛


    Well done for finding this. They’re great aren’t they. Was it some KBS show?


      It’s released on KBS’ own yt channel and I think the full title said Immortal Songs 2 🙂


        Thanks. We’ve been catching up on 2d1n this week so we’ll check it out.


    That moment when JJY dances better than Jong Min even though JM is supposed to be a dancer! 😛


      Lol I think JJY is just younger and lighter. But I was impressed, because all other dancing I’ve seen from him was like a flailing bird and just plain weird haha 😛 It cracks me up to think that he could’ve been in LED Apple or Sangmin’s 2nd Roo’ra kkkk.

      On the singing front, I was really impressed with Jongmin! He usually sounds pretty bad, but I guess Defconn was right when he said he’s good when it comes down to it and when it counts heh. Maybe he just needs the pressure of a real performance to bring out the effort required for him to sing well haha.


        Good thing he dodged that 2nd Roo’ra bullet for sure! Don’t know about LED Apple..

        I remember that Theme Song special with AKMU and others… Jongmin was embarrassingly bad there! But he really was quite good here! 🙂


          It’s a dance group/band/thing/I honestly don’t know. They’re a kpop group anyways and from what I’ve seen do some dancing in their mvs. My point being a) he doesn’t exactly scream dance-singer and b) the rocker as a kpop idol? No freaking way 😛


    I love JJY’s voice ahhh


      He’s just got such a pleasant, raw tone to it and it’s got such weight and power.


I\’m 98% the kid in the brown jacket is Choi Tae Joon (and I know he was on Masuri) – just look at that smile lol! And Hongki w/o his husky voice is so strange o.O (link below, won\’t work otherwise)


    * I’m 98% sure.

    Lol dunno where that ‘sure’ went 😛


    He really is Choi Tae Joon!-

    Tae Joon has so many random friends in the industry! He is friends with Zico, Ji Chang Wook and now Hongki!


      LOL okay this is too funny!! Had no idea about them on Hello Counselor when I found that link and posted it here! I just saw that SNL skit with CTJ as Masuri, thought he must’ve been in the show, looked it up and saw that he was and then tried to figure out which was him in the vids haha 😛

      Waitt…. whaaattt??? Like, everyone is so connected to everyone in K-ent, it’s crazy! I want to be a part of that friend group. You think they’d let me in? I’m fine with just being one the guys 😛


        Hahah… They are not a group though! Zico and CTJ are apparently school friends and they came on Happy Together once and were really pally (I was looking for Zico on YT and found that) and JCW and CTJ are neighbors (also JCW made an appearance for CTJ on We Got Married)… Also, JCW and SIG are very close friends and go to karaokes and drink together!
        So yeah everyone in K-ent IS connected for sure! It is a small industry though, so I am not very surprised!


          Lol I figured they weren’t, I just liked the idea of all those guys hanging out together at the same time 😉

          There’s no six degrees of seperation there, it’s like 2 or 3 degrees with everyone it seems lol! In Denmark it’s probably even worse though. Sometimes it feels like living in a small town instead of a country, cause we’re only 6 million people. For instance, my parents’ new neighbors just turned out to be related to one of my college professors and on top of that had an album released under my dad’s friend’s old record label lol 😛

          Btw that article… Someone commented that Hongki “definitely” had a nose job. Based on those few, low-quality pictures… Ehhhh… What? I was watching that show and thinking “wow he literally looks exactly the same, just obviously a bit older”. Some people *slow headshake*


            That would make them such an interesting group. Sexy vocal, genius rapper, scary-but-cute actor and adorable puppy- what is not to like!! 😛

            Wow! That is some coincidence even if you are a small country! That would never never ever happen in India! 😛

            I hate these “I-just-have-to-comment-something-senseless” comments! Hongki actually looks his childhood self till now! There was a post somewhere about Mino loosing his weight and one comment-er kept insisting that he had a nose job and others were trying to tell her/him that when one loses weight, one loses weight from everywhere… I just didn’t see the whole point of discussing it! Like even if he did, the post is about him losing weight, why bring another topic in it!


          Exactly 😉

          Actually that kind of thing happens more often that you’d think. Once someone I know updated their facebook relationship status and I thought “huh the new gf looks familiar” and clicked her profile… Turns out she knows THREE people I know, only two of which also know each other while the third was my childhood friend who’d been her best friend when they were teens lol!
          Hahaha yeah can’t imagine it happening in such a populated country like yours! That would be like a miracle-level of coincidence kkk 😛

          I don’t get the obsession with figuring out if they got PS or not. If it’s not obvious, then why bother trying to find out and if it’s obvious there’s really not much to figure out anyway, since it’s, well, obvious 😛
          And the whole weight-loss thing happens so much. You lose weight to look different (or be healthy, but you get the point I hope heh), so why is it such a surprise when they actually turn out to look different after losing said weight? o.O


            Wow! I am sure one could write a story out of that convoluted acquaintance-chart 😛

            I agree.. But I guess it also could be because we are quite chill like that (Yes, I am boasting about us… someone should :P) Others might want to get to the bottom of what they would consider a ‘mystery’ and what we would consider a ‘fact’! To each their own! 😛


Me whenever I wasn’t asleep during the last two eps of ManxMan:


    I keep seeing suspiciously negative things about the turn it took at the end and I’m like ‘I was bored in ep 10 but ep 11 looked ok… should I still finish it?’… the interest is waning but I might just out of stubbornness and the desire to sarcastically screencap and review the experience when I get home


      I loathe leaving a show unfinished, but tbh I wouldn’t recommend finishing MxM. The two last eps ruined all the small things I did like about the show (which aren’t many. Pretty much only consits of Ungwang being hilarious and PHJ being suave and dorky at the same time. But still). Just… let it be. Although sarcastic screencapping sounds awesome and now I kind of want to see that, I also don’t want to see you throw away six precious hours of your life that will make you feel like you wasted the previous ten too lol 😛


        Hmmmm yet another show to add to the list of ‘we didn’t really know where we wanted to take this in the beginning so the last half sucked’ I feel… too many of those.
        Idk, you’d be surprised at what of can make myself get through for the sake of sarcasm and finishing something hahaha
        Although I can always skimmed it.
        Either way I know I don’t have to worry about finishing it ASAP, I can wait till home. 🙂


          Yep, sadly so. Guess I was right when I kept seeing K2 parallels in the beginning, but I SO wanted it to be just my imagination. It wasn’t. And the “climax” at the end was just as wtf and anti-climactic as K2 <:( (lol it was supposed to be an angry one, but now it's just a sad smiley with a party hat pwahaha)
          You can DEFINITELY wait till you get home!

          "you’d be surprised at what of can make myself get through for the sake of sarcasm and finishing something"
          Pfffft that's so me 😛


            Also sorry for those typos it was 5:30 am when I typed that and I was on my phone with its silly auto correct.

            Idk from what I’ve seen of MXM flaws, K2 had other and different problems. K2’s climax was… idk too climatic for no character set up. Sounds like MXM just fell flat.
            Heeeee sad smiley with a party hat- I need that emoji. Totally gonna use it now haha.

            It’s what I did with Moorim School, bloody hell was that last episode hard to get through BUT I DID IT


          Didn’t even notice the typos lol, no worries.

          I dunno. The romance shoe-horned in; the hero who’s stoic and action-y and secretive, but also suddenly like a little kid in a totally random, uncharacteristic way; lots of action in the beginning, hardly any by the end; completely unrealistic, unsatisfying and random wrapping-up of the major “mystery”. I feel like it has a lot of similarities, but maybe that’s just me.

          Well, then I hereby grant you permission to use said smiley! 😛

          Thankfully I was still somewhat new to kdrama back then and was charmed by Lee Hyun Woo, so it didn’t feel as bad a show to me as it did to most. Don’t know if I’d be able to finish it now though, 80 shows or so later 😛


            Okay well when you point them out yes, they had a lot of similarities. haha
            And I guess neither of the main leads had much (any) backstory. But I felt like SW had more onscreen development than K2, who had literally none, in fact, I wasn’t quite sure why he was the main character.
            They just feel a lot tonally different in my head, MXM made me laugh. K2 was trying to be more thriller-y and exciting (and just ended up a mess)

            I didn’t watch it airing I don’t think. I also skipped to episode 6 after the first ep or something haha, and it took my friend and I almost a year to finish it all hahaha. Lee Hyun Woo was ok in it, I actually though the female leads were it’s (only) saving grace.


          I think tonally they aimed for the same, but ended up differently, maybe. MxM seemed to really try to make the mystery and spy parts thrilling, but they just felt boring most of the time, while its comedic moments saved it from complete horrendousness. The K2 on the other hand had an interesting villain that all but saved the show, while its attempts at a lighter tone always felt weird or just meh (like the ramyun twirl. What the literal f was that scene even about?).

          It’s not that I found LHW particulary impressive or anything, in fact I’m not quite as wow’ed by his acting as most beanies, but there’s just something about him that draws me in and I don’t even find him handsome. So I guess it’s his charisma?
          I thought I was the only one who liked the female leads! They were a big part of why I stuck with it. But if I hadn’t live-watched from the beginning I’m not sure I would’ve made it to the end LOL.


            Yeah, right? I was actually gonna say something similar, or maybe like they tried each tried for the opposite of what they should’ve been/were at their core. (Oh gosh the ramyun twirl… I actually forgot about it for a minute there then remembered O.o – actually someone in the comments sparked this thought and I’ve carried with it since then, about how much better the K2 would’ve been if the villainess was a little younger and the “romantic interest” and if Anna was a young girl still, so that the K2 and Anna had a guardian/protector/almost familial relationship, and then the romance had a tragic or bittersweet ending when the villainess kinda consumes herself… that would’ve been more heart wrenching to watch, gosh can we have that drama pls)

            I’m haven’t been wowed by his acting yet either haha he’s just nice to watch 😛 Charisma would do it. Or his voice and hands. He has really nice hands… that’s more a bonus than something that would get me to watch a show though hahaha.
            Omygosh did others not?!?! They were both so badass! Some people don’t like Seo Ye Ji (like in Hwarang) but I thought she was fantastic in MS. Idk it seemed like only the female leads in MS got the good lines and character writing though haha so maybe that was it.


          Yesssss. I was rooting for him and the villainess the entire show. Just imagine the complexity and moral ambiguity and ugh, it could’ve been so good! Don’t care that she’s that much older, that just adds another layer. Their chemistry was sizzling! The rest sounds AMAZING too and now I really want that drama! I think it should’ve gone for something more like Lookout, with lots of moral ambiguity and stuff, would’ve been awesome. Or maybe that’s just my preference for that kind of thing in stories that makes me want it everywhere. I like real life people to have a steady moral compass, but fictional characters are so much more interesting when they’re not plain good or evil.

          Someone’s voice can totally make me watch their drama. Like Sung Joon. I think like half his charisma and appeal is that voice of his lol. Watching for someone’s hands though… that I’ve never done 😛 Although nice hands is always a plus!
          I loved Seo Ye Ji in MS! I was so surprised to see people talking negatively about her when she was announced for Hwarang. But maybe you’re right, maybe the writing made her stand out more positively.
          Now I want to go back and check… Except I don’t think I’ll ever want to revisit that drama, it’s better to just let it lie as a nice memory of one of my first live-watches LOL.


            It’s funny and possibly I’m the odd one out here but I actually thought their tension could’ve been /higher/, to make me feel more (my cold tsundere heart) but also it could’ve been written better? Like it could’ve been written to have more impact. The whole show could’ve actually. (Perhaps I’m just hard to move, there are very few shows that have shifted me completely emotionally)
            I’m not one for story lines with too much adultery, it’s just something in fiction or real life that just doesn’t sit well with me, even if for example, as in the K2s case, he (her husband) is a cheating asshole, that wouldn’t excuse her of the same sin. If you know what I mean. I don’t know if that’s what you meant by the moral ambiguity you wanted, I have a feeling it’s not entirely, but I thought I’d bring it up anyway.
            But with a bit of tweaking I could come up with a scenario where you would have moral ambiguity, and the age gap villainess-hero romance and the tragic ending and keep my anti-adulterer heart at ease lmao.
            Needless to say this ‘could’ve been drama’ definitely inspired me to make a story for it of my own in my head. Should write it down and send it to a broadcasting company hehe.
            I’m looking forward to THAT moral ambiguity in Lookout a lot though! Because I actually like Kim Young Kwang a lot and am invested in his character already from the snippets I’ve seen even though he’s like frikking chaotic neutral/good? very chaotic good? idk and playing three sides yikes.

            Oh boi, yes, Sung Joon’s voice. It only gets deeper too <3
            I haven't either!! I just have a thing for hands… you know how people like eyes? I notice hands.
            It's interesting that such a poorly written show plot wise nailed the female characters. I wonder who the writer was, they should only write female characters haha. Comparatively Hwarang had A LOT of issues, least of all was Ye Ji haha and she wasn't that bad. She played what she was given pretty well. Go Ara was worse. Ooops did I just say that outloud? 😉
            Hahaha noo don't go back! Just trust your first impression! lmao
            The only reason I'd revisit that drama would be to try and find that once piece of 'ai-ee-ai-ee-aii-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai' background music that STILL HAUNTS ME TO THIS DAY


          Lol yeah, not the moral ambiguity I was thinking of ^^ In fact, I’d even forgotten she was married (oops). (I don’t want characters to cheat, but I do sometimes want them to get a divorce, cause there are some seriously abusive, controlling monster-spouses in kdrama O.O) The moral ambiguity I was thinking of is more along the lines of making people flawed and the kind of people who feel like sacrificing something “small” for the sake of something “greater” or something that would save more lives along the line etc. Basically any kind of character that isn’t all good or evil – like a more nuanced writing, I guess? I like the tension and unpredictability it brings to a story.
          I know what you mean about their chemistry. When I say it was sizzling, I mean that their raw chemistry was insanely full of potential. The writing did indeed sadly fail to deliver on that potential, which is such a shame.

          I don’t think I’ll ever watch Hwarang. The combination of sageuk, cheap-looking costumes, bad writing and Minho (he just. can’t. act. at all.) kind of scares me away.
          Lol I have no idea what you’re talking about, I can’t remember any of the music from that show haha.


            Divorce I’m ok with. haha
            Yeah I kinda figured that’s what you meant /after/ I’d typed up my spiel so I just left it in haha. She was already pretty deep as a character but they could’ve played on that so much more, have that the centre point of the show. Is she the heroine or the villain? And he could’ve been the one to sway that throne of hers with yes, that raw chemistry they definitely had which wasn’t pushed far enough AHHH I WANNA WRITE THIS NOW.

            Hahahahaha re. Minho. He also wasn’t the worst part of that show. It’s more like lots of tiny little things just added together to make it rather average. Although his character was cheesy and jerky it kinda worked… sometimes…?
            Let’s just say Key, and even Onew is the better actor from SHINee pfffffffft. And I wouldn’t recommend Hwarang really to anyone so yeah.


          Exactly! So many interesting things they could’ve done with the villainess and their chemistry.

          Lol EVERYONE in Shinee is probably a better actor than Minho hahahaha 😛 I did make it through the entirity of To the Beautiful You and was pleasantly surprised at him not being quite as embarrassingly bad as I thought he’d be, but since I expected the absolute worst, that’s not saying a lot 😛


I can actually imagine Minhwan in a dance group (just look up his rainism haha) and Seunghyun is clearly enjoying himself way too much lol, but I dunno… kinda get why they became a band 😉


    Oh my gosh. I don’t know whether to laugh, or enjoy this or hide from second hand embarrassment hahaha


      Jonghoon kinda looks like he wants to die though…


        JH is so not the type of person to do this 😛 Jaejin’s having fun, Hongki… not so sure about him either lol. So basically the kids are having fun while the hyungs are suffering mwhahah.


          So true so true hahaha Hongki just has that grimace smile of his going on.


      I’m always busy doing all three at the same time whenever I watch anything FTI related. No need to choose, these guys give you everything at once 😛


    I feel like Hong Ki decided to throw away his mind a little as well as a bit of his soul.


    This looks like it took a lot of practice 😉 Not bad but dancing is clearly not their thing! 😀
    Like sicarius, I was in parts laughing, enjoying and then wanting to look away! 😛


@sicarius, @obsessedmuch, @jig, The link won\’t work in the preview, but FTI are just so cute and fun here on the new YHY Sketchbook, so check out the link in the reply, it\’s so worth it!!!! 😀


    Jaejin finally overcame his nervousness at singing on TV! And him laughing, Seunghyun checking on Minhwan and Hongki getting confused is just adorable kkk ^^


      Currently watching Jonghoon’s episodes on LOTJ because I’m sick. Have you seen them?
      Will watch this now though 🙂 Although, is there eng subs anywhere?


        I’ve seen the first two (?), but then forgot about it during exams and now I’m just trying to keep up with all the live-watching of dramas in between real-life lol. I really should finish soon though! The clip of him wanting to get the right angle for his muscles cracked me up so much I rewatched it three times in a row hahaha 😛

        I hope you feel better really soon! ^^

        dramanice still subs it, it used to be subbed by the channel on yt, but they stopped sometime last year or something 🙁 But anyway, yes, it’s the newest ep and should be on said site.


          Ahhh just about finished the 2nd ep with his group now 🙂
          I mean… I’m not complaining if he wants to show them off. Not complaining at all.
          I was gonna say though I got kinda annoyed that they kept asking the boys (JH and Shin from Cross Gene mainly) what they thought of Boa, and who was prettier etc etc, like, no need to force some silly crush angst with editing guys, just let them be! I know it’s variety but still. Plus I have major issues with the whole ‘ideal type’ thing that Korea has. Dunno if we’ve had that convo yet…

          I really hope so too! I wanna enjoy Colorado!

          Ah ok. It wasn’t super necessary at the end cos they just played haha but good to know they’re out there.


            They ALWAYS do that on LOTJ. It’s part of the reason I only watch it when someone I really love on variety is on.
            I don’t get the ideal type thing. In the end people fall in love with the personality anyways, so it’s not like it matters. But maybe it’s because the more business-like approach to marriage still seems to be flourishing more than in the West? Like your genes and schooling etc seems to matter a lot when it comes to marriage, at least in some circles or to some people, whereas here most people couldn’t care less. Dunno if that’s a skewed perspective from drama-watching though hah.


          Ugh waaaeee. Yeah well I’m only watching this for JH, and kinda Shin now that I know he’s on there, and I actually really like Boa, but I just wish it wasn’t there it’d be so much more enjoyable to watch.

          It’s definitely a cultural thing for sure. Like it’s normal to talk about your ideal type.. and I’m just like, that’s such an unhealthy view on romance. And to go around asking if x person is more your ‘ideal’ type than another? Like what? Do they just want to breed ship wars? I think to a certain extent everyone thinks about what they’d like in a SO, but preying on that for variety comedy must be so emotionally tiring.
          It’s refreshing when I find someone (KR) who isn’t specific about it other than ‘likes music’ or ‘I have to like their personality’ or just flat out refuses to answer the question.


            “Do they just want to breed ship wars?”
            I’m guessing yes, LOL.

            I’ve read some good answers like someone who can think for themselves and stuff, but it’s mostly in written interviews. TV makes them say a name half the time *eyeroll*


      Awwww! I love it! They all switched instruments! And didn’t do too shabbily either hee


        You could tell Jaejin was nervous and slightly ahead of the beat in the beginning, but he still sounded really good and it’s so nice to see him overcome that fear! I think the guitar line did best otherwise, but yeah, in general, it sounded… listenable? LOL. I just love how cute they were about it, like some kids having fun playing around with older siblings’ instruments in their parents basement hahah 😛

        In the full clip YHY actually said that he’s the one that asked them for it, which is just awesome, because it means he’s got faith in their musical and variety skills! Apparently they worked on it while touring in Japan, so considering how little practice they must’ve gotten, they did well! Have you seen the older clip of a concert where they switched too? Seunghyun was singing and they were all in costumes, if I remember correctly.


          Yess you so could. But he kinda got more comfortable as it went on and after he laughed.
          Did you notice JJ through JH a weird as look for something he did on the bass? I don’t know why but it made me chuckle. Although, knowing several guitarists who can play bass, I bet JH can actually play.
          Very listenable indeed! So true, and how relaxed they were.

          Oh gosh no, I don’t think I have. But I’ll find it, sounds like a blast.


            Lol no didn’t notice that, will have to look for it next time. Yep, he does play the bass. He was also the one playing in the other clip and he did well. Seunghyun also does play piano/keyboard and has done it for solo stages. I’ve seen old clips of him teaching Minhwan guitar, so he’s been learning for a while too and Hongki learnt some drumming for You’re Beautiful (WHY do I know all this stuff??? O.O ). So they all can do at least a little of those instruments beforehand, I think it’s just mostly that it’s their first time playing them on TV + it must feel suuuper weird because it’s such a rare setup for them.

            I wish I could give you the link, but I can’t remember anything about the name of the vid :/ It was pre-Pray though and at an outside venue.


            OMO! Found it haha! 😛

            Seunghyun has gotten so much at singing since then LOL.


            *much better
            sorry lol


          I mean, I can’t say I was surprised at them knowing how to play other stuff? My little brother is a guitarist and can play bass, drums and bits on the piano so… Musicians man, musicians.
          I knew Hongki could play drums, for YB and also for that really sad movie he was in I can’t remember the name of.
          (The same reason I know random facts about bands and also everything)

          Yeah they did look really awkward haha but a good awkward.
          oH YAY! Thank you!!


            Lol yeah, musicians… Have you seen the clip of Henry on Real Men? He just picked up a sax, played around with it for a few seconds and freaking found Mary Had a Little Lamb! And he’d never tried the sax before O.O Me? Jealous? Noooooooo


          Oh gosh no not one of them! Dunno if you know of Kurt Hugo Schneider, he’s a youtube musician and producer, but he TAUGHT himself everything he knows about music, and he play pretty much anything he picks up and I’m just like ffffffffffffffft


            YESSS!!! I love that guy! Him and his friend’s “you got served”-weird-instruments-that-aren’t-really-instruments battle was my jam in high school haha! That and him and Sam Tsui’s covers.


          Yayay! Another KHS fan! Omo yes that you-got-served series was incredible and so well done… I wish they kept it up tbh haha
          Yeah, I haven’t see much of his latest stuff but generally speaking, if he makes a cover of something I prefer it to the original haha


            I haven’t seen any vids of his in a while too. I still listen to their covers of Stay With Me and Thinking Out Loud/I’m Not the Only One though, they’re gorgeouuuussssss.
            And yes haha, loads of the songs they’ve covered I find boring or even bad, but then they cover it and I’m in love LOL


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      Oh they don’t sound bad! Actually they sound almost quite good despite looking a little nervous! Hongki at the end! Ha! So cute! 🙂 I think I will watch it again when subs are available or just watch the whole episode 😀


        Oh and isn’t Jaejin a vocalist too? For their sub-unit- FT Triple? His voice is quite nice!


        Hongki not knowing how to end the song was so adorable haha 😛
        dramanice I think is the only site that subs YHY’s Sketchbook, they have the whole ep 🙂

        Jaejin was actually supposed to be their vocalist until Hongki came in. He sings a lot when it comes to their Japanese stuff (including, yes, being the main vocal for FT Triple) and both him and Seunghyun are considered FTI’s subvocals ^^ But he’s mentioned a lot how he gets really nervous when singing on radio or TV instead of at concerts and you can usually hear how sings with less power or slightly off because of that. It’s why he’s said he won’t go on King of Mask despite tons of fan-requests, but I hope this helped him overcome it so much that he’ll go on the show! That would be awesome 😀 I really want people to see that the rest of FTI are talented too.


          I want everyone to know how talented they are even though I am still in the process of “discovering” their talents myself!
          I just listened to a FT Triple song and Jaejin is really good there!


            I still haven’t listened to much of their old stuff, including FT Triple. What? Noooo…. It’s got nothing to do with the fact that Seunghyun isn’t a part of the subunit *cough* *ahem* *cough* *sideglance* 😛

            Mostly though it’s just because they’ve got over 500 songs and how am I supposed to fit that in when there’s so many other good artists to listen to too? :O I think the closest I’ve ever come to listening to someone’s complete catalogue is Beatles, unless I’ve been “there” since the first album. Oh, and Amy Winehouse. But she’s only got like two albums LOL.


          I saw that post abot 50 songs a year and I was like- no, thankyou, I love FTI but that is a lot to cover! And there are just so many new songs to discover and like!

          Haven’t you listened to Winner’s complete songs though? I don’t think they have many anyway! 😛 I sometimes miss their version of “I’m Officially Missing You” from WIN… not their best song but I liked the idea behind it 🙂


    Yes, they were adorably awkward. They kept just staring at each other as if asking if they were doing this right. lol


      Ikr, it’s just so cute haha ^^ It must be so weird to see someone else playing your instrument on stage and hearing all they’re doing wrong hahaha.


Seems like Mino isn’t the only one who likes long belts lmao 😛


    Lol, her face! I’d make the same face if a guy stretched out his long belt at me like that, too. There is NO innuendo in that sentence! I repeat, there is NO innuendo!!


    THIS! I was thinking the exact same thing! And I was also waiting for him to start wearing safetypins and keys as earrings to completely declare him a YG artist! 😛 Also, whenever anyone called his style bad (which it is), I was all like- but my Winner boys wear the same thing! Specially Seungyoon and Mino! 😛

    Oh and that chairman, aka the other guy of J2 reminds me so much of Yang Hyun Suk 😛


      Bwahaha maybe PD Yu is a YG fan kkkkk 😛

      And yes! The outfit he’s wearing in that scene is pretty much what Winner wears these days. Not that I think it’s particularly good fashion, but it’s not untrendy LOL.


Best PD-team ever haha 😀 And the fact that Cha Taehyun’s called PD Ra on set is just awesome lol!


Lol at them not remembering all their songs themselves and starting to write the same song without realizing it haha! 😛 It’s understandable though, 50 songs a year is A LOT O.O


Even though I’m not usually into sugary sweet pop, I have to admit I kinda love this song. The mv really hasn’t aged well though haha. What’s with the kittens and the shaving? 😛


    cause in one of the verses changmin sang ‘i would like to be your cat for one day’


      Ah well, that makes sense. Still cringey, but at least makes sense haha 😛


*deep sigh* I really want to love CT and I really LOVED the first two eps. But I don\’t think I\’ll finish it. Maybe I\’m in a drama slump or something, but it just has too many clichés -.-


    Tbh CT started to become interesting after epi 4. I don’t about too many cliches but first two epi wasn’t really manage to make me drawn to the drama.


      For me it’s the opposite: was so in love with the first two, but now I’ve seen up to ep 7 and none of the other eps have really interested me.


    maybe you can try it at a later time /??


      I generally, eventually, finish all the shows I start lol, so I’ll probably do that, but it might take me a while 😛 I think it’s because it’s now all about ghost hijinks and reincarnations and that doesn’t really do much for me.


That’s it. I’m melted and CT has scooped me up in a vintage tea cup and put me in the hand of Writer-nim sitting in his room full of books. I never want to leave.


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      Tries desperately not to read your comment, because I’ve only seen one ep so far and have been trying like crazy to avoid spoilers all these past months O:


        ooops! I am sorry, I didn´t know!


          Please tell me that what you wrote was not about the end, I don’t even care if it’s true or not heh, I just want to calm my mind and trick it into forgetting I read a spoiler 😛

          I did manage to divert my eyes before reading all of it, but would you mind deleting it, before I read the entire thing? 😛 I know I sound crazy right now lol, I’m sorry! Spoilers are just a really big part of how much I enjoy a show, so I always try my utmost to avoid them and is basically going in blind with this show ^^

          (And I should have clarified it in the post that I just started watching, so it’s also my own fault. Guess I just forgot because I wrote it in the first CT post *facepalm*)


          Thank you thank you thank you!!

          (and again, sorry for being crazy about spoilers *hides head in shame* I try not to be, but sometimes I fail completely heh)


            for some reason I had the impression you had 90% watched the drama sorry sorry
