Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Episode 14

This episode left me completely in shambles, and I had to sit in a corner for a little while and regain my composure because I am not okay. I still can’t get over all the feeeeels that were inflicted onto me by our favorite pair. I love how they always, always emerge from their trials stronger and better than they were before, and more certain of their love for each other. I can’t promise tons of coherency in this recap because I was basically a tangle of emotion throughout, but I hope you cry, laugh, squee, and then somehow end up better for it.

Episode 14: “Prelude to the Battle”

We return to the chaos where the previous episode left off: Min-hyuk holds a fading Bong-soon and embraces her tightly, as she goes limp in his arms. Meanwhile, Gook-doo faces off with Jang-hyun, gun in hand. He fires a bullet that pierces through the glass and hits the kidnapper’s arm. Jang-hyun yelps in pain then steps on the gas and zooms out of the lot, but not before Gook-doo rolls out of harm’s way.

Gook-doo trails Jang-hyun closely by car as they race through the numerous winding roads. In a panic, Jang-hyun accidentally turns into the path of an oncoming car. He swerves right and flies off the side of the road, sliding downhill and flipping over into a small lake, as Gook-doo watches in helpless horror.

Sometime later, backup arrives to fish the car out of the water, but the crew still can’t find Jang-hyun’s body. Gook-doo stares thoughtfully at the water, and his team leader tells him to wipe that look off his face since the case is now finally closed.

Gook-doo gets a text from Min-hyuk, informing him that he is taking Bong-soon. He’s polite but somber in the voiceover of his message, and Gook-doo sighs.

Instead of bringing Bong-soon home, they relocate to Min-hyuk’s secret room. He watches over her as she sleeps with a worried expression in his eyes. Eventually he remembers to call Dad (who anxiously waits for his daughter to return) and notifies him that Bong-soon is with him and fast asleep. Dad picks up from the tone of Min-hyuk’s voice that something has happened.

Min-hyuk doesn’t deny it when asked, but promises that everything is fine now and offers to wake Bong-soon up so Dad can talk to her himself. Dad refuses then adds meaningfully that he trusts Min-hyuk.

Bong-ki joins Dad on the couch with a beer after the call, having overhead everything. He wonders aloud if Min-hyuk and Bong-soon are in a serious relationship, and Dad says that Min-hyuk seems like a good person. Bong-ki goes a step further and says that Min-hyuk is like a savior to their family.

Dad becomes pensive as he tells Bong-ki that since Bong-soon was young she always had to be vigilant about controlling her strength and he worries when Bong-soon isn’t home, since he’s afraid that she might attract trouble because of her strength. He’s constantly afraid that she’ll get hurt, and if not for Min-hyuk being with her today…the idea terrifies him, and he can’t complete the thought.

Dad’s honesty compels Bong-ki to divulge the reason why he decided to enroll in medical school. He explains that he wants to study their family genetics and understand why the women are born with their unusual strength. And for Bong-soon who only wants to live a normal life, he hopes he can help her in some way.

Heartbreakingly, Dad asks if Bong-soon can ever live a normal life, and Bong-ki answers back that it’ll be hard and that’s what worries him. He admits that he’s always worrying about his noona. Dad ruffles Bong-ki’s hair and says when he’s like this he seems more like the oppa, so Bong-ki smiles and replies, “I am the oppa,” which makes them laugh. Aww, these two.

Deep into the night, Bong-soon’s eyes flutter open, and she sees Min-hyuk curled up on the same couch facing her, just as he had so many episodes ago when she slept over at his house for the first time. But this time, instead of shock, the sight of him makes her well up with tears.

She reaches out to touch his face, but her hand hovers right above his cheek, before deciding against it, and withdrawing.

Bong-soon sits up to leave, but Min-hyuk, who has been awake all along, pulls her back down besides him. Her eyes widen in surprise and he whispers:

Min-hyuk: “Please look at me.”
Bong-soon: “I’m looking.”
Min-hyuk: “Please love me.”
Bong-soon: “I am in love with you.”
Min-hyuk: “You’re like a tiny peanut so I can keep you in my heart, but I don’t think I’m in your heart.”
Bong-soon: “You’re in there.”

They stare into each other’s eyes for a long moment, as tears streak across Bong-soon’s face, until Min-hyuk says finally, “I love you.” He then pulls her into his arms, and strokes her head as the turmoil of the day unleashes its tight grip over them. It’s going to be all right, guys. It’s all right now.

The next morning, Mom finds Bong-soon’s room empty and immediately breaks into the biggest smile ever. She hurries through the house to report her findings to the nearest family member and runs into Bong-ki. Already aware, Bong-ki tells Mom that Bong-soon spent the night with Min-hyuk but it seems like “something happened.”

Before Mom can badger him to clarify what he means, she’s interrupted by a call from Kyung-shim. Mom remarks on how she’s hasn’t seen of heard from Kyung-shim in a while, and Kyung-shim, who can barely get out a word, breaks down and sobs into the phone to Mom’s confusion.

Min-hyuk wakes up alone and immediately seeks out Bong-soon. She hasn’t gotten far though, and sits in the kitchen deep in thought. She picks up an apple and tries to make her signature hand-squeezed apple juice, but is unable to produce a single drop.

Min-hyuk witnesses the scene, and Bong-soon hurries to hide her weakness when she notices him. She asks how Kyung-shim is doing and Min-hyuk assures her that her friend is fine and had refused to stay at the hospital, so she’ll go to the Do house once she finishes with her treatment. Bong-soon is relieved, and Min-hyuk looks down at the apple in her hand then starts to ask a question, but after looking into her eyes, he reconsiders and chooses instead to scold her for not listening to him.

He complains that he specifically told her not to race off and meet with Jang-hyun alone, and he warns that he’s really angry, but is holding back his rage. She apologizes then says that she just wants to go home to see Kyung-shim.

He understands and then immediately cuts up an apple and symbolically juices it for her with a juicer. (That’s the sweetest thing everrrrr. Great, now I’m crying.) Then he hands her the glass and repeats what she had said to him when she made it for him, “Eating an apple in the morning keeps you healthy. That’s what you told me.”

Elsewhere, Gook-doo struggles to write up his report for Jang-hyun’s accidental death and the police still can’t find his body. His team leader voices his suspicions to Gook-doo about the story Kyung-shim told him of how Min-hyuk rescued her. Gook-doo avoids answering and promises that he’ll take care of it.

At the Do house, Mom is shocked that Bong-soon kept quiet about Kyung-shim’s kidnapping. Bong-ki defends Bong-soon and states that the kidnapper threatened to kill Kyung-shim if Bong-soon had reported it to the police. Kyung-shim arrives and immediately Mom pulls her into her arms where she cries.

After she calms down, Mom worries that Kyung-shim lost too much weight and insists on making her some nourishing soup.

Min-hyuk drops Bong-soon off at her house, but before she leaves she asks about that innocent man she injured when she protected Kyung-shim from danger. Min-hyuk says that he’ll be fine, and tells her not to worry because he’ll take care of it, and to focus only on Kyung-shim. She takes his word for it and jumps out, so he casually adds, “You should worry about me a little too!” She smiles, then agrees.

Inside, Bong-soon tearfully reunites with Kyung-shim. She frets over her friend and touches her injured face, asking how she is and if she was afraid. Kyung-shim nods in response to Bong-soon’s questions between sobs, but reassures her that she’s mentally strong. Bong-soon sweetly explains how she was going to buy Kyung-shim this dress she’s wanted, and they embrace as they weep.

Kyung-shim asks if Bong-soon is okay and inquires after her strength, and is alarmed to hear that Bong-soon’s strength disappeared. Bong-soon confesses that she had always wished that she didn’t have her powers but now that they’re gone, she feels strange inside. She shakes it off and states that nothing matters as long as Kyung-shim is safe.

Down at the breakfast table, the family watches Kyung-shim take her first bite before Mom begins berating Bong-soon for failing to tell them that Kyung-shim was in danger. She slaps Bong-soon hard on the back as she normally does, but now those blows actually hurt, and Bong-soon shouts at Mom, then flees from the table in annoyance.

Mom is stunned by Bong-soon’s outburst, and struggles to understand what she did so wrong. So Kyung-shim delivers the big news, and everyone becomes quiet as they watch Bong-soon who hangs her head in shame in the other room.

After sending Kyung-shim off safely in her police escort to Busan, Mom sits Bong-soon down for a chat. She tells her daughter that it’s okay that she lost her powers, and now she can live like everyone else. She says that at first it will be an adjustment and she’ll feel empty for a little while, but it’ll pass. Mom explains that the first thing she did when she lost her strength was to start lifting weights, beginning from the lightest and increasing slowly over time.

Mom describes that after losing her strength she continued on with her life and pretended that she was fine, and so can Bong-soon.

Tenderly, Mom promises that from now on she’ll take good care of Bong-soon. She reveals that the reason she cared so much for only Bong-ki all this time is because all the women in their family took the strength, leaving the men with little. And so she felt bad for Bong-ki, who always fell ill as a child. Wahhh, why do I keep crying today?

However, now Mom says she’ll care for Bong-soon too. Bong-soon is moved by Mom’s vow, only for Mom to immediately ask about how her sleepover at Min-hyuk’s was, returning to her regular self.

On her way to work, Bong-soon is knocked over by an overly eager passenger who hurries to get on the bus. She falls to the ground and thinks to herself:

“I’m not special anymore. From now on, I have to living like a normal person. Now, I can’t go out late at night freely. Now, I can’t protect other people. I can’t help people the way I used to help them. I, Do Bong-soon, have truly become an ordinary person.”

She walks into AinSoft and sees the large poster of the female warrior character from the Chronicles of Albertan and salutes it as if to say goodbye.

She enters their office and after staring at Min-hyuk’s empty desk, she heads to her seat and settles in. She thinks of what Mom had said about continuing on with her life after she lost her powers and pretending like she was fine. She repeats Mom’s words to herself like a mantra and gets to work on her Super Bong-soon game. Oh cute, she draws in a key-shaped necklace like the one she received from Min-hyuk.

She gets a text from Min-hyuk who lets her know that the innocent man she injured is well on his way to recovery, and she exhales in relief.

Still enraged by her chopstick-bracelet stunt, Dong-pyung orders Bong-soon to retrieve ten more boxes of paper so he can expose her. He corrals Min-hyuk and Secretary Gong to show them what a freak Bong-soon is (unaware that his audience is pretty familiar with Bong-soon’s quirk), but when they poke their heads into the supply room, Bong-soon is stacking boxes one at a time.

Secretary Gong chides Dong-pyung for harassing Bong-soon, while Min-hyuk pulls her from the room, after watching her with anxious eyes.

He takes her to the roof to ask why she came to work when he told her to rest. She explains that Kyung-shim went back to Busan, so she didn’t have any reason to stay home. Now that Kyung-shim is safely home and Jang-hyun is dead, Min-hyuk expresses his desire to go on dates like a normal couple.

He complains that because his girlfriend is so special, it’s been difficult to schedule dates with her. She answers quietly that she isn’t special anymore, and he replies that he knows. He leans over, places his hands on her shoulders, and asks if she’s doing okay. She admits truthfully that she isn’t fine, but her Mom promised her that it would get better with time, so she puts on a brave face and smiles.

Min-hyuk pats her head and says that he doesn’t care if she’s special or not, because all he wants is for her to be happy. He gallantly offers to move all the heavy stuff and open all the jam lids, then even tells her to “trust this oppa.” She sneers at his usage of “oppa,” and reveals that she knows he’s the same age as her. He explodes in mock outrage at Gook-doo for exposing him, and says, “That’s why you can’t trust the police!” Hee.

Turns out she didn’t actually know, but she just guessed, and is amazed that they are actually the same age. After being duped, Min-hyuk insists that based on maturity levels he’s the oppa anyway, but Bong-soon can’t hear him and immediately begins using banmal.

Flabbergasted, Min-hyuk says, “Go ahead!” then begins walking away. With his back turned to her, she calls out to him by his first name as if they are close friends and he can’t suppress his giant smile. He pretends to be angry and chases her around as she calls out to him using his first name and a shortened, more friendly version of his title, but his big, goofy smile gives him away.

Mom and her girls meet at the walnut shop to grumble about the greenlighting of the redevelopment despite their protests. One of the ladies regrets not paying off the financial backer of Boss Tak’s construction group (which she implies is “that handsome CEO’s company”). And Mom regrets curing Boss Tak with the poop wine, but then suggests they try to win over him over to their side.

Gook-doo’s Mom enters the shop as they’re scheming, and orders some walnuts to make walnut porridge for Gook-doo. Mom regretfully informs Gook-doo’s mother that their shop will no longer sell their products to her. Dad jumps in to veto Mom’s edict and bravely proclaims that he’s the owner, then accuses Mom of never doing any actual work, but scrambles away in fear when Mom approaches.

As Min-hyuk gives Bong-soon some notes on her design for the villain in her game, they both wonder where they’ve seen that character’s face before. Then when Secretary Gong enters the office, they both gasp at the uncanny resemblance.

Bong-soon and Min-hyuk depart on their first normal date, and pick up some PPL chocolates. Min-hyuk opens his mouth for a bite, but Bong-soon playfully eats it instead at the last second. She offers him a second piece, but he isn’t appeased, so as penance he takes a kiss first before gobbling up the tasty morsel.

Down at the construction site, Boss Tak and his boys celebrate winning the redevelopment grant. Nizamuddin calls Jaws for their jjimjilbang trip, and surprisingly Boss Tak suggests they all go.

They lounge around in shorts and Boss Tak asks Jaws for the latest on Bong-soon, who reports that Bong-soon and Min-hyuk are now an item. Boss Tak expresses his shock and muses cryptically that Min-hyuk must be having a “difficult” time. Nizamuddin suddenly sits up and orders Jaws to scratch his back because the water at the jjimjilbang makes his skin atrophy flare up.

Jaws complies using his finger brace, and when he lifts up the monk’s shirt he’s shocked to see a pen drawing of a map on the monk’s back which says that Nizamuddin is actually from a remote island off the coast of Korea and not India.

The cops find Jang-hyun’s jacket on the shore of the lake, but still no body. One detective asserts that based on the height from where Jang-hyun’s car fell, there shouldn’t be a chance of survival. The team leader isn’t too concerned by the missing body, but Gook-doo can’t shake his suspicion that something is amiss.

After their disagreement at the walnut shop, Mom declares that she wants a divorce from Dad. Dad asks if she’s sure she won’t regret it and she tells him to go live with Gook-doo’s mom since he likes her so much. Bong-soon returns home at that moment and tries to break up their fighting.

Mom pushes her out of the way like nothing, and Bong-soon falls to the floor. Alarmed, Mom and Dad pause their bickering long enough to check on their daughter before using it as a reason to start fighting again.

Bong-soon sits alone in her room and looks up at her cabinet of strength booklets. She takes out her book filled only with empty pages and thinks that she won’t need to write in it now.

Min-hyuk texts her to remind her about their picnic date tomorrow, so the next morning she packs an elaborate lunchbox and goes through her entire wardrobe, searching for the right outfit.

After she’s ready, she steps outside in a pretty purple dress, and Min-hyuk gasps at her beauty. At the park, they bask in the sun and read manhwa together, totally in love. Bong-soon unveils her super-sized lunchbox, but is disappointed when the heart she made using peas has moved out of alignment.

Min-hyuk calls himself an expert at hearts (aww) and fixes it for her, he compliments her on her stellar cooking skills, and even applauds, but then jokes that he found a fish bone.

Elsewhere, a still very much alive Jang-hyun limps into a house while clutching his injured shoulder, and then he reads up on his new target: Min-hyuk. He snips off his long locks, and we flash back and see how after his car hit the water, he escaped from drowning and quickly left the scene.

Gook-doo calls Bong-soon to meet up since they haven’t seen each other in a while, and checks to see if she’s okay. She agrees, but when she hangs up, she accidentally knocks over a glass cup which shatters as it hits the ground.

Oh no! Jang-hyun goes to AinSoft dressed in a suit and pretends to be the reporter who wrote a recent article on Min-hyuk. Thankfully, Min-hyuk is too busy to meet with the fake reporter, and so Jang-hyun asks to wait inside, but is refused. Jang-hyun continues to insist, until finally he is permitted through. Crap, crap.

As he walks to the elevator, he passes Gook-doo on his way to meet with Bong-soon. They don’t recognize each other at first, but then Gook-doo stops in his tracks, turns around, and calls out to Jang-hyun. Yessss!

Gook-doo grabs Jang-hyun and flips him to the ground, but Jang-hyun slips into an open elevator and seizes a female employee, then threatens to cut her with the ID tag hanging around her neck if Gook-doo approaches. Okay, I’m sorry but just let him cut her! It’s an ID, she’s not going to die, right? Ahem, maybe I should check my priorities.

Thinking fast, Gook-doo calls Min-hyuk to tell him that Jang-hyun is on the premises and he needs to order all building exits closed.

An announcement is made to the entire building, warning of the lockdown and asking all to report any suspicious persons. Min-hyuk heads back to his office to check on Bong-soon, and lets her know that Jang-hyun has appeared again.

She isn’t surprised, but she is worried. Then suddenly Jang-hyun’s voice comes on the building’s PA system. His message is for Min-hyuk, inviting the CEO to play a game with him. The time limit is fifteen minutes, and in those fifteen minutes if Min-hyuk can’t catch him, then he’ll blow up the building. Jang-hyun’s crazed laugh rings through the halls as the game begins.

Min-hyuk tasks Secretary Gong with watching over Bong-soon, and before Min-hyuk leaves, she begs him to stay safe. He squeezes her hand and tells her not to worry, then sets a timer and runs.

Gook-doo and Min-hyuk meet up at the broadcasting room. Min-hyuk announces to his employees that the threat is real and everyone needs to evacuate the building.

When Gook-doo asks what Min-hyuk intends to do, he voices his intention to win the game. Gook-doo asks where Bong-soon is, then runs off to be with her. That’s exactly where he needed to be at that moment, because Jang-hyun comes and knocks Secretary Gong out, then takes Bong-soon.

Min-hyuk orders all the power off in the building, then makes his way through the darkened halls. Jang-hyun takes Bong-soon to the roof and chains her to a large pipe, baiting Bong-soon to break free and use her strength like she did before. Then he beats her until she passes out. Grrrrr! I’m so tired of his shit.

Gook-doo reports Bong-soon’s kidnapping to Min-hyuk after he finds Secretary Gong unconscious on the floor. Min-hyuk tracks Bong-soon’s location and races for the rooftop, where Jang-hyun reminds an unconscious Bong-soon that she promised to marry him. And as punishment for breaking her promise, she dies.

Jang-hyun fastens his bomb to Bong-soon and chains the door handles to lock her inside, growling to himself, “This is really the end,” just as he hears Min-hyuk calling out for Bong-soon nearby.

Jang-hyun escapes and nearly walks right into Gook-doo’s path, but instead Gook-doo finds a black beeping box with green lights, which seems like another bomb.

Min-hyuk finds the chained door and desperately bangs against it, screaming for Bong-soon to answer if she’s in there. Bong-soon comes to and hears Min-hyuk calling to her, and begs him to leave while there’s still time. Oh, Bong-bong. I can’t watch this.

Meanwhile, the timer on Gook-doo’s bomb expires, but it’s a dummy.

Jang-hyun makes his way through the crowd of people outside and smirks, crowning himself the winner of the game.

After failing to break open the door, Min-hyuk slumps against it, his hand bloodied from his attempts to break it open. He says in response to Bong-soon’s pleas for him to leave, “Where would I go? I’m not going to leave you alone. Let’s leave together.” I have no more tears to give! Stop it!

He tries to stay strong for them and tells her not to cry, as tears fill his eyes. He complains that she never listens to him, as she screams for him to get away. But he doesn’t know how to listen either and says, “I won’t ever leave you alone. I’m not leaving. I’ll stay next to you. Don’t be scared. Do you understand?”

With less than ten seconds left, Bong-soon begins praying to anyone that is listening and shouts, “Please help me save that person!”

From her room, her strength book lights up, and a large light beam shoots down from the sky illuminating over her, returning her strength. YES!!

She breaks through her binds, kicks open the door and flings the bomb high into the sky where it explodes like a series of fireworks. Min-hyuk embraces Bong-soon and they hold each other reeling, as the orange light blazes through the black night.



Sometimes I find the filler and the circular plot points tiresome, but this episode just burned all of that away and left me with something so pure and lovely at the end. Min-hyuk and Bong-soon’s relationship is the heart and the almost blindingly bright spot of this show, so I don’t care if I have to watch Boss Tak wax poetic about literal shit for half the episode if the other half is as emotionally vivid and moving as those last ten minutes were. This show lives and dies on the strength of our Romeo and Juliet, and today I feel like it’s as strong as Bong-soon is — super-powered or otherwise.

I wasn’t surprised that Bong-soon got her powers back right in the nick of time, but it was so satisfying when she did. It didn’t feel contrived to me at all. I felt it was right and true that she lost her powers saving someone she loved, and regained them for nearly the same reasons. When she reflected on how her life would now be different because she no longer had her strength, the majority of her reasons were because she wouldn’t be able to help anyone anymore. In her case, her punishment from the gods turned out to be a question, asking her what this power that she never wanted means to her.

We also had some deeply moving moments between the Do family members. I loved seeing Bong-ki and Dad discuss how much they care for Bong-soon, even though they may never say it directly to her. I’m glad that Mom stepped up to be there for Bong-soon at a time when only she could understand what Bong-soon was going through. I didn’t even realize how much I was waiting for that moment between mother and daughter until it happened and I was a crying mess.

I liked that the show didn’t play Bong-soon’s loss of strength for comedy. The mood of the episode was almost solemn and contemplative. Even Min-hyuk’s modern-Hercules moment when he juiced her apple was so wonderfully done. It was a quiet moment that he did on instinct. It was his way to tell her that you don’t have be anything but who are you right now, you don’t even have to be same person you were yesterday, and I’ll love you. I love that the only person in this show who tried to diminish Bong-soon for not having her strength was the biggest asshat in the universe, Jang-hyun. Everyone else, from Mom to Bong-ki, even Gook-do, and of course Min-hyuk didn’t act like she was weak—just normal. They stepped in to be beside her when she felt vulnerable, and revealed to us how deeply she matters to them. So it make sense to me that her gift is something she gives to them, and that it comes and goes based on her burning desire to protect them.

Min-hyuk and Bong-soon showed so much maturity in this episode and I feel like they’ve come so far in terms of navigating the confusion and loneliness they’ve felt all their lives, and became better and stronger people after confronting those feelings. In each other they’ve built something solid and lasting, and I’m so grateful for it. I love that their relationship is about being vulnerable and brave, honest and thoughtful. And above all, strong and weak, but never alone.


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That last scene ripped my heart up then messily glued it back together. It hurts so good ahhh


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My heart was breaking for PBY right at the end but the firework display made me blinked back the tears and thought, "Are they for real?"

Sometimes this show is really random. XD

I STILL LOVE IT JUST FOR MINMIN ALONE <3 I legit cried when he said, "I don't think I'm in your heart."

Good thing this episode finally confirmed BS' love for MH because in the past few episodes, BS had been emotionally distant to me and MH was doing all the work. But now, I'm good. Please just give us adorable scenes for the last 2 episodes. ?


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PBY's crying made me cry ahh she's so good


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Yes. She's a reallyyyyy good actress. Her desperation at the last part was rolling off the screen it was impossible not to feel it. Dx


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I really love her! Her character from Werewolf Boy was so different from her character now, and yet she still carries that aura of someone unforgettable. <3


It felt sooo real
Big ups to her???


She is a really great actress


I actually burst out laughing when the fireworks started. But then I got a hold of myself and thought- well maybe the bomb was actually just a bunch of firecrackers. And went right back into focusing on how amazing our lovely couple looks together. The lengths I'll go to to explaining a weird scene in kdramas so as not to ruin the mood... ^^


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My heart felt like it was on a complete rollercoaster, lol! One moment I was just feeling horrible along with MH and BS and the next moment I was laughing my head off. I just wish it didn't have to be FIREWORKS... ?


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I really wish I had your self control. I just couldn't control myself, I am not even able to rewatch the scene without giggling.


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The fireworks actually really took me out of the moment to be honest haha


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I know right? Both my daughter and I just looked at each other and busted out laughing.


I was legitimately questioned If that was even really a real bomb ?

Seriously you walk around with a bomb and nobody questions you ?

Where did he even get a bomb from ?

The last scene sold it for me though.They can act my hearts to pieces...?

Just imagine If they filmed a melodrama ...


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Me too..
I forget that I was in tears a moment ago before the firework blasted. It is way too random...


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Well, about the bomb-turned-fireworks, it could be:
1. Bong Soon had regained her power. He threw it hard and far into the air, so it looked like a firework when exploding. Had BS not thrown it hard, it could destruct the building and harm everyone.
2. From the start, KJH was trolling everyone. He never put a real bomb but he said so to make everyone panic. He just put fireworks but it had been still very dangerous if it had exploded on BS's body.


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*could have destructed.
where is the space anyway?


It could harm everyone, but not a reason why it has to explode in pretty firework manners. And KJH has done his part with trolling GD. He is too obsessed to finish both BS and MH to afford another troll game. So.. the way I see it, it is just about the director doing what he always does. Trolling us in every comical sense, because he can.


Well yes, fireworks can totally make you an invalid if they explode near you. I know a lady who lost her hand because she picked up a firework in her garden, and every New Year we hear in TV of people (especially teenagers and children) who end up in the hospital, sometimes without an eye. Nowadays in my country you are not allowed to buy and use such stuff, but young people often act irresponsibly and they manage to find them anyway.


HAHA. The fireworks is really too random. Sometimes, the drama doesn't take itself seriously, even at the most critical of moments. It just inserts something random because it can.


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I love that heartfelt scene between the leads on the couch. The dialogue is so short but endearing and touching. I think the leads are so lucky to have the best dialogues in the show.


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I loved the fireworks because sometimes this show feels like a fairytales and brings the dreamy little girl out of me.
I think BS was emotionally distant to MH because of what happened to Gyeong Shim, totally understandable in my opinion.


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i had a crick in my neck from the whiplash of being emotionally distressed one moment and laughing my ass off the next at the fireworks (that was neverending and look SO FAKE like it was CG'ed from the 90's)


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The hair cutting scene was a shocker...absolutely stunning...I couldn't talk for a while after that....


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Why? I didn't think it was anything spectacular.


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The abs stunned me into silence


The hair cutting scene reminded me of the hair shaving scene in "man from nowhere" with won bin and i vaguely remember a scene from "the da vinci code"..or is that my imagination?


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What hair cutting scene?


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Oh, now I know. You mean the bad guy cutting his hair off. You don't have to reply to me :) I'm so foolish, can't even remember what happened! :')


I know! After the bomb exploded and wasn't finishing and still exploding i was
Really? Really???


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I know.. hearing Bong Soon screaming like that and frantically telling Min Hyuk to leave... sniff... sniff...

Kudos to Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik for their emotional performances in this episode.


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This drama occasionally feels like it has commercial breaks... the concept of which is to have some unexplained gangsters promote.. I have no idea. Temple stays? Poop? Hospital fashion?


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The odd music choices also do not help.


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all of the above? ;)


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And like commercial breaks, I can't help but skip over them...


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I think the actor who plays the main gangster is very appreciated by Korean netizens if I read correctly netizendrama.... I guess it secured his time plot.


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I also liked him in Romantic Doctor Kim. But this doesn't explain why the writers wrote such an un-funny and un-interesting plot for him and his gang.


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where did all these ninjas chopping onions come from??


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This episode was so greedy for my ugly tears. T_T


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Sad tears, happy tears, you-tug-at-my-heart tears, cute-puppy-love-first-date- kiss-stealing tears, loyal-till-death tears, gangster-shit-bored-me-to-tears and then wham, so-proud-of-you-two-oh-my-god-so-in-love tears. All of those in this episode.


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SO DID I. I was a mess when Min Min said he wasn't going anywhere on the rooftop. A streaming, blubbering mess. That last scene was absolutely beautiful. ... And then came the fireworks, pwaha!


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May I say thank you for not leaving us with a cliffhanger ending in this episode!

It was great to see her regain her powers the way she did and save the day at the last second.

The fact that she the gods answered her when she asked for help to save MH... ahhh the feels.

And the episode 15 preview... squeee!!!


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They can't leave us with a cliffhanger when they wanted to show BS regain her powers. If they had stopped at the scene where BS was crying out to MH to leave, and the bomb counting down to 0, we would feel cheated when we watch the next episode to see her regain her powers miraculously. It would somehow be anticlimactic. The ending scene was done just right because it increased the dramatic tension of the scene.


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Thanks murasakimi for the recap! I agree that the drama dealt with her power less in a contemplative way that I really appreciated. It's easy with the way that the drama has been treating her super-human strength as a comic device for a lot of the beginning episodes, to forget what her strength really mean to Bong Soon. When she lost her strength, I also felt like a huge part of her personality also left with it. I mean, this is something a bit superficial, but her sass and ability to always be a bit irreverent sort of disappears because she no longer has this hidden ability that she can wield. But at the same time, there are certain things that stay the same- the people who love her, or her desire to create this super-hero video game. I loved that she showed up to work and saluted that super hero like it was any old day.

For some reason, mom's conversation with Bong Soon bothered me. I get that she was treating the siblings differently because Bong Soon had so much power, but I'm just wondering why this was communicated for the first time once she lost her power. I think I'm also just annoyed with mom's character in general, so I have a hard time buying into that scene...


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Me too. I couldn't buy into Mom's explanation about treating BK better because he was weaker. As if that was a valid justification. If she had wanted to, she could have taken care of both BS and BK just the same without letting either of the kids feel uncared for because they are her children. :(


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Agreed. Mom's explanation rang hollow for me and is not in line with how she's always treated Bong-soon. I always got the feeling that Mom never quite made peace with her loss of strength, as evident in her saying she "pretended" to be okay instead of actually coming to terms with it. I feel she projected this onto Bong-soon, whom she's always hitting and venting her anger on for no good reason. It's like Mom resented Bong-soon a little for having that strength while she lost it (but still pretended she was so mighty by lording it over her husband and friends), but now that Bong-soon has lost her own powers, she is on "equal footing" with Mom. I dunno, I understand favouritism in a family and that Mom does love Bong-soon in her own way, but she was just going overboard with her previous treatment of Bong-soon.


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Right on about Mom. The way she continues to use physical violence on Dad and intimidate him at every turn shows just how she really misses having super strength. Bad example, Mom. The more I was thrilled for Dad when he talked back and no longer flinched in her presence.


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EXACTLY!! I really don't like her mom. It felt more like an act of pity rather than love.


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Yeah, but the Mom character is selfish and self-centered. That, I think, is intended by the writer That is why she lost power. It would be inconsistent for her to have been a thug (shown in first episode or so) and then be this wonderful mom.


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I don't buy Mom's explanation one bit. What does she mean she treats the weaker sibling better because the other is stronger physically? What about BS's emotional needs? You mean stronger people do not need love in their lives? Mom is just trying to justify her favoritism. I rather she admit her biasedness than spin a stupid justification for her behavior. Only BS will believe her.


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Yeah, I had that thought too. Perhaps it was also a result of seeing herself in BongSoon and not wanting her to get ahead of her and her powers like she did? Or maybe I'm trying too hard to justify the show's logic.

But then again, this writer also did that contrived BongSoon / MinHyuk break up so...


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It's strange reading all these comments, I must be the only one thinking that it was quite heartwarming!

Generally when one child always falls ill and sick, I think it's very normal for parents to spend more time on that kid. Though of course mom might definitely have been biased toward him as well.

I thought it was a nice scene that made Mom a lot more tender than she usually is, haha!


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But in bong soon's adult life, she was the one who arguably needed more attention from mom. She didn't have a stable job and just appeared to perpetually be relegated to the corner. Whereas bong gi was a doctor. But we saw mom continually only showing love for bong gi and lots of yelling and ordering around of bong soon. Where was her attention then?


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I supposed that by the time they were adults, it was more of Mum seeing BK in a more favourable light than BS (especially since he is so successful and she isn't) - they both didn't need any "attention" from her any more, at 26 years old. BS clearly needed to find her own way in life, and since she was jobless/bumming around, I guess Mom just saw fit to boss her around and yell at her to do something with her life. I'm not saying that that's 100% correct, but that Mom's behaviour is not out of the ordinary or really something that should be shot down! Maybe that's why I felt that Mom's sudden "talk" with BS was all the more heartwarming. She acknowledged that she had neglected BS a lot and promised to take more care of her. Plus, I think having a Mom's comforting words said out loud to her really helped her feel better.


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Spending more time with the kid, sure. Yelling at the other kid all the time? Not normal.


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Maybe I just speak from personal experience, hah! As a kid, my mum always yelled at me and punished me way more than she ever did to my sister. Personally, I've always felt that because I'm the older one, they had more expectations for me. Even if both of us did something wrong, I was scolded more harshly. And on hindsight, I was the more rebellious kid that refused to listen, so I guess I can see why I got scolded more, LOL! But I've never doubted that my mum loved us both equally. Perhaps this is why I don't feel so poorly toward Mom's behaviour in this episode.


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You make a good point- there's definitely some tough love involved. I do think the director/writer could have done little things to show that mom loved bongsoon all along. Kinda like in Reply 1988 with Duksoon's dad. He's always screaming at his kids, but then you see little things here and there that tug at your heart to show he loves them more than anything...


I am a mother too, but sorry, I don't think what you're saying applies in this situation.
The boy wasn't sick or needy, he was just normal. Normal doesn't mean lacking. Actually the girl's abnormal strength was something that got her into trouble so, if anything, she needed guidance and reassurance of not being a freak etc. from the exact person who knew exactly how she felt because she presumably felt the same when she was growing up.
Is it the coincidence that the child shown favoritism is the male child, the son, who has a prestigious job and is the "pride" of the family? Hmmm...


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Actually in the episode she said since BS was given all the strength so BK was always sick as a child. If you look even at BS relationship with BK she voluntarily cooks or carries food for him and worries over his health almost as much as the mom. Most likely he had a weak immune system as a child which created a habit for the mom to foster more attention and care on BK. It's hard to break habits so it may not have been until BS called her on it that she finally noticed.


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I love your avatar


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haha..I do too:)


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Bo gummy all the wayy!!?


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yes...but what about hyung sik oppa? ;)
how about bo gummy and hyung sik all the way?


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Min min And bo gummy all the way lol


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I'm pretty sure that my TV would explode from all the pretty and cute if they were in a drama together. But I would also watch the hell outta said show.


Hot damn, Min-hyuk! Can you be anymore perfect?

I love how Min-hyuk stepped up in these two episodes to do whatever he could to protect Bong-soon in all ways. That apple juicing thing was so sweet and so natural for him to do, as was his understanding of her inner turmoil about losing her powers. That couch scene got me good, it was so heartbreaking when Min-hyuk said he didn't think she had him in her heart, but I was so glad that Bong-soon said otherwise, and that he didn't press her to say she loved him.

The date scenes were so adorable! Love the chocolate scene - Royce chocolates are divine! I wonder if Park Hyung-shik ad-libbed the kiss? Hehe. The picnic was so sweet, how Bong-soon wanted to shield Min-hyuk from the sun, but he said he didn't want her to hurt her arm holding it up for too long. And how she teased him when he cried reading a comic book. I was grinning so hard.

Also loved Dad's quiet moment with Bong-ki, and how they have so much love for Bong-soon.

As for how Bong-soon regained her powers... I was a bit meh about it initially, but could see the reason for it and ultimately was okay with it. I really hope she gets to reading her grandmother's books after all this. Surely there's something in there that will help with ensuring she doesn't lose her strength again.

Thanks murasakimi for the recap! Love your closing thoughts on the episode.


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That apple scene was so good. I like how he just quietly did that, and didn't forced Bong-soon to talk about her feelings. He just knew that she would need more time to organize her thought and process everything that has happened.


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Yes, I respect Min-hyuk for not pressing her then. He understood she wasn't in the frame of mind to share, and waited until she was ready. And when she was, all it took was a simple question for him and she answered him honestly.


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That's what I love most about MH's character. He never pushes BS, but always always waits for her to make up her own mind. I love when they give us these sobering and quite moments of him, it's so good at showing us a mature side of him...under all that cuteness and playfulness. And Park Hyung-Sik portrays him SO WELL, he can flip between these sides without missing a beat. I truly believe that this character found the rightful actor. Can't imagine anyone else in that role tbh.


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THIS. What a beautiful person Min-hyuk was for juicing her apple and not asking questions. I love the quieter moments between him and Bong-soon. Usually they're so chatty and snarky with each other. It was a nice change to see them interacting like that. Just sipping some juice and respecting each other. That's true friendship.


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It's totally true that the asides with the gangsters and the "monk" feel tonally out of place, but I'm getting a notion that they're attempts to parse out the tension of the dramatic/killer/kidnapper storyline. I'm not necessarily saying it works (many times it doesn't) (by which I mean most times) but it looks to me like they usually happen in the moments where it's almost imperative to almost take a collective breather from the crying in the corner that I know I, for one, was definitely doing.
My goodness these two. If i could could cover them in bubble wrap and butterflies and have them on a perpetual picnic in an idillic meadow somewhere, I would. They're so good for each other it's insane. These two actors are absolutely killing it.
I actually starting cheering and fist-pumping the air when Bong Soon got her powers back. It was SO satisfying.


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Agreed. I'm actually not that annoyed with the gangsters as much anymore. I understand the need to add some random comic relief (especially given the manhwa-like feel that this drama is trying to achieve). I will say that it also helps with the appearance of Kwon Hyuk Soo as the monk. He's really killing it in that role. Whereas Kim Won Hae's (who I usually LOVE)portrayal of Oh Dong Bbyo has gotten old for me, so I have less patience for it.


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What's up with the map on the monk's back? Despite my misgivings about the gangsters' appearance, I am quite amused by the monk. The way he speaks, and the secular way he lives his life... so not enlightened.


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I think it was a map of Korea that showed his birthplace. I guess it was to show that he was not actually from India.


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I know, right? His insistence on using his coupons to go to the bathhouse killed me. And yep- it was a map of Korea. Anyone find it amusing it was first done in red pen and then black pen over it? Also there's the whole riff on tattoos. In korea, only gangsters have tattoos- and the stereotype is that you see them only at bathhouses... So I think this scene was a twist on that...


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Admittedly I tune out when the scenes would switch to the Boss Tak and gang storyline. Haha!


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I do, too, but I think the gangsters and the kiddie-gangsters will play a role in the final episode. They had to keep them fresh throughout in order for their involvement at the end to not be random. Just a thought.


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I hope so. But i doubt it. Now that she has her powers back, she can really take over the world if she wants it!
What i mean is: there would be a need of a very smart development of the plot for that to happen. A situation in which she needs sidekicks, but she only has one enemy... and the writing is not that good to wrap everything together :/


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Oh wow I never thought of that! If the writers could pull that one off it would be genius. Maybe tied in with the construction/development storyline that keeps coming back for some weird reason?


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I agree with you, that redevelopment is related to Min Hyuk's dad company, isn't it?
I wonder if they will bring that issue towards the end...

Oh I can't believe it is almost the end. ? next week... !
As much as I love Bong Bong and Min Min couple, I am also looking forward to Park Hae Jin's Man to Man ... Yay...? !!

Thank you recappers, you are the lifeline of my kdrama life.
Stay healthy and keep writing..


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Comic relief was needed, but it was so heavy handed and gross that it made the drama sink very low. Most of the time it was cringe-worthy rather than funny.
(Not to mention that the portrayal of the monk is offensive to every Indian out there. Make fun of your own Korean monks, if you like/dare).


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They made me cried messily on that last scene and made me wondered why I cried when after the bomb exploded, it continued to be fireworks exploding. I was like...Was it a production joke or a storyline that the psycho character is completely sick? As in Bong Soon's death is something worth celebrating *hurr


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Hahaha I never thought of it that way.
The Psycho must have thought to include some fireworks to the time bomb so if ever his plan fails, he contributed something to the sweet after-moment of BS & MH LOL. Kidding aside, the fireworks really stops my tears from shredding & I'm annoyed because I'm emotionally invested to the sequence of events prior the fireworks. I'll just take it as the show's comedic approach amidst the dramatic ambiance.


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It seriously stopped me from crying rite thay instant. Like my tearducts' switch is turned off and I was like "what the..." ?? Then again, I've stopped using my logic when watching it since they used the superpower as their story base ??


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If someone could edit this show into something like the new 1% of Anything: aka 30 to 40 minute episodes with only the main couple. We would have such a solid show. Last ten minutes: classic. It's a trope that has been done so many times, but the high caliber acting chops of our couple took it the next level. Bong Bong and Min Min Fighting!


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"If someone could edit this show into something like the new 1% of Anything: aka 30 to 40 minute episodes with only the main couple"
--> I will definitely watch it ! Even their bts are my must watch list while I'm waiting for Friday and for sure when this drama end ?


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"1% of Anything" is one of the role models out there in kdramaland for "How to smoothly make the Main Leads meet, fight, fall in love, break up AND make up like normal adults would".
Take note, KDrama Writers! Take Note !


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if i am truly honest with myself, i was hoping that she would regain her powers next episode rather than squeezed in at the end. i just love this drama so much and want it to be perfect! can't believe it will wrap up next week ... what are we all going to do with ourselves?!
( ´Д`)y━・~~


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It just sink-in that it is our last week with Min Min & Bong Bong. Can we have ep 15/16 all about our couple? their family, their gf-bf relationship & perhaps getting married? (am I too greedy? LOL) Because I seriously can't get enough of these two.


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I'm really selfishly hoping for a special or an extension! I feel soooooo loyal to Min Min and Bong Bong! I feel like they can do no wrong.
As an a side, I am hoping something comes of the side characters archs to warrant all the excess screen time! Maybe that's just me haha (o^^o)


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I vote for special eps, especially with all their off-the-chart chemistry behind the scenes. Those 2-3 minutes bts video isn't enough.


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The behind the scenes videos are to die for. The ad-libs are hilarious and the cast just goofing around together is so warming. I vote for special eps, too, but I honestly wouldn't mind an extension if it just meant more Min Min and Bong Bong with heart eyes.


I would love to see them with little peanut-sized Bong-soon. That would be the best ending for me :)


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When he said he is expert at heart reminded me of the kiss scene in BTS when he couldn't draw the heart properly. Hee


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I sense that particular meta moment too. Min-hyuk looks so smug while saying it. (Or is Park Hyung-sik?)


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lmao, i totally thought it was PHS too. That meta was simply gold. I love when dramas drop sneaky little things like this.


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Heh, I thought of that too! Their bickering about who could draw a heart better in the BTS, and then MH smugly saying "I'm an expert at it".


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Honestly, this was the best episode of this drama. Minor annoyances notwithstanding.
There wasn't much I didn't like except the usual gap in logic, like how Kim Jang-Hyun was miraculously healthy after being shot, well enough to have the energy to kill...or why secretary Gong couldn't just turn off the lights, shut the blinds and lock the door instead of going out.

BUT this episode wrecked me with all those heartwarming and cute moments. That intimate scene when they confessed their feelings( PBY's single tear!! OMO), that husky "Saranghamnida", DBS teasing MH for being the same age, that stolen kiss, him in her lap, etc.
I loved that heart-to-heart moment with BK and his father as well. Truly touching.
I find that Gok Doo's character is 2D, but he was kinda cool in this episode.

AND finally, I knew that plot-twist was coming, but oh boy was it intense! I could feel MH's desperation on a cellular level. What this episode left me with was a sense that, if this show had done this whole "gamer vs killer" catch-me-if-you-can thing...it could've been amazing.(I got slight W-Two worlds vibes). But maybe then, it wouldn't have been the cute rom-com that we have.


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When KJH appeared alive again my first thought was "woah he dug the bullet out of himself and then managed to come back?". I mean, wouldn't a doctor or hospital have gotten suspicious if he turned up with a bullet lodged in him? Still... plot gaps in logics are best ignored in this show I guess, lol!

Agree with you on the gamer vs killer thing! They should have spent more time on it instead of having more filler scenes, AND still include the cute rom-com scenes.


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He was barely shot in the left arm. I don't think it was that difficult to remove the bullet.


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Or how come he did not sustain broken bones and bruises when his car flipped by the riverbanks. I rewatched that scene and it is imposible not to sustain more injuries. Anyway, I will be rewatching only Minmin and bongbong scenes in the future.


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add the lack of security personnel in that huge Ainsoft building to that line of logical lapses. I mean, it was basically just MH and GD chasing after JH. Not a single guard stayed with them. But because that led to the scene with Min-Min and Bong-Bong tried to sacrifice themselves for the other, we willingly skipped sense. Kudos to the impossibly charming leads for making me not care as much.


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Yeah...Min-Bong makes you forgive and forget all the nonsense. PBY got nominated for Paeksang awards as Best Actress for this role, I'm really rooting for her.


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I love that your praises don't discount all the illogical things that happen in this drama (despite that we have our original premise as a herculean peanut size woman). I do too, totally enjoy this episode; but have to really turn down the dial on my logic.


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Oh what could have been... I like your idea of the show having been more of a crazy game when it came to the killer/thriller aspect. The writer definitely lost some steam in the middle of the show and the different tones of the various arcs are really jarring. The show does the adorable romance and tense thriller parts very well, so it is possible we might have lost some of the squee moments if the show had been more of a thriller. I just wish the bumbling gangs had been cut if they weren't going to actually service the plot. :-/


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gosh, the gangs, so annoying -.- I at least hope they serve some purpose in the end.


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Gaps in logic, that is the main problem. I still don't get why she lost her powers in the first place. She didn't mean to hurt an innocent person. She was trying to save her friend. Was she supposed to let her friend die? But now because she wanted her powers back to save the man that she loved her powers came back. The logic behinds this baffles me.


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Yeah, it doesn't make sense at all. She supposedly lost her powers bcs she hurt someone, BUT she was trying to save her friend. Yet she regains them, precisely bcs she was ALSO trying to save someone. Why did the gods take it away if the reason in both circumstances was the same?


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Comment was deleted


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Gosh, my internet connection is so bad rn! It keeps posting twice and I keep deleting it :(


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I was so grateful for the return of the cute in this episode - BS and MH are the ultimate OTP - but I had a hard time connecting to the big climactic scene. I did feel a flash of that fist-pumping excitement when BS regained her powers, but I felt like the rest of that scene veered a little towards the overdramatic. A part of me wishes she'd lost her strength for longer than one episode so that she could regain it in the final showdown with JH, but I'm still okay with how things played out just slightly disappointed. I can't believe there's only two more episodes - what will we do without our weekly dose of Min-Min and Bong-Bong?


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I thought we'd get a cliffhanger and end the episode at where Bong-soon screams for someone to save Min-hyuk, so I wasn't expecting her to regain her powers like that. Maybe she needs to finally work with Min-hyuk to take down Jang-hyun.


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I would 100% love that. BS and MH as the ultimate crime-fighting duo would be my favorite thing ever.


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i was so afraid they would make it a cliffhanger then so glad they didn't. the wait would be brutal otherwise lol. i think this episode even ran overtime to accommodate the ending. i can't believe we're looking at finale week already T__T i'm not ready to let go of minmin noooooo *clings*


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The sad thing is, me being cynical drama viewer, knew that there's still 2 hours of drama left and we couldn't possibly be left with no leads. I couldn't really buy into the seriousness of the bomb. Sigh. Though I'm totally clueless how that could be overcome.


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But I buy into all those emotions and tears from BS & MH!! Their conversation behind the door had so much feel! Kudos to PBY & PHS!


That's exactly how I felt! I knew they weren't going to die, so I wasn't as caught up in the moment as I wanted to be. PBY and PHS still killed it with their performances though, they are so talented and even better together, ugh.


Same! I was watching it with a friend and my comments to her alternated between "Oh god what's going to happen no please don't harm my MH and BS" and "Ah, they're not going to die anyway it's fine, it's fine". But PHS and PBY's acting really killed it for me. Even though I knew they were going to be just fine, I was screaming along with them internally.


First comment I found that I agree with! It might be the veteran kdrama viewer in me but I just couldn't buy it either! I love the leads they did a wonderful job at trying to sell me on what I feel is a slapped together resolution the writers gave them. It'll be interesting to see if the last two episodes will just be fanservice or not.


I know, Jang-hyung is STILL out there! My guess is the next episode will be our heroes finally catching the creep, and the finale will wrap up the story and our lovey couple. I'm not even going to list the things I hope the writer wraps up, plot points that were brought up way back when and seem to have died or at best taken a very very very long hike.


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Cry. Just cry. And rewatch old episodes. ?.


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I guarantee that is what I will be doing. We may need to start a support group.


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I mean park bo young she is so mind blowing I literally cried
And not to forget hyung shik performance was really touchy-feely he was also soo good on showing his emotions!!!!
Finally I was shouting throughout the last part (arrival of Kim jang hung) "Gook du-ah Gook du-ah" catch him and so he did but surely he'll catch him in the coming episodes!!Ji soo too did amazing ? what I'll do after this drama ends *sigh*


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They need to just get rid of all the ganster plot, it served its purpose in the beginning by showing her strength and it served will as comedy but now its just stupid. I skip all the scenes with them in it, they are just taking it too far. Instead of the boring nonsense ganster scenes why couldn't we have more Bonki? I would have loved if they explored his feelings about his sisters powers. Was he ever jealous of them? What about when she saved them from the kidnapping? Why were they kidnapped as kids? It was such a weird thing they just threw in and never spoke of again. Why not focus more on gook do and bonki instead of the insanely boring gangster plots. I swear this writer has no idea what story they wanted other than bong soon and Minhyuk. Everyother side story or character is just blah. I understood the kidnapping line and knew it would effect her powers but why not lose them earlier instead of losing and regaining in less than 24 hours. I didn't really feel the loss when it happened so quickly. This show has the right parts but its like an unsolved puzzle and sadly the writer can only form the outline.


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I agree with you. I started to skip their scene when Bos Tak went to the temple. Because it's just so totally random and useless. Unless they're going to be back to help Bongsun in the end


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Even if they are going to be back to help Bok Sun in the end, it doesn't excuse the sloppy, cringe-worthy writing of these useless scenes. If these characters will be needed, great, write good stuff for them during the whole drama. The pity is that two of them are excellent actors (the manager from "Romantic Doctor Kim" and the Accounting Team Leader from "Chief Kim") and could have really raised the show's quality if they had roles they could bite into.


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I think this is one of those situations where the director or writer is going off of the chemistry on set and on screen to lead the screen time. Like if you watch some of the bts- you can def tell they're having a great time whenever Kim won hae is on set, even though his character(s) really offer very little to any plot development and if anything, is just slapstick comedy. I'm not saying this excuses the rambling and random storylines... I just think that could be a reason why they're taking up so much screen time. It feels sort of like they're focus on these random story lines is an inside joke amongst the production team that the rest of the audience isn't really in on...


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It still offers nothing to the story and if the writer knew the story they wanted to tell we wouldn't have these issues. You can always tell when a writer had the drama and story done before and when they are winging it. This is a drama imo that the writer only had the idea of Bongsoon. They thought hey wouldn't it be funny to have a strong girl and weak guys? haha and that was it. No more thought was brought it. Yes, the romance between Bongsoon and minhyuk is wonderful and my sole reason for watching but you need more than a swoon inducing male lead to have a story. Beside the love story this drama is a mess and thats a shame because the back story and myth of power is very interesting and could fill the drama. If she had lost her powers early on and had to struggle in excepting herself and learning to be strong on her own and then get them back in the critical moment it would have been a more powerful scene. To me I just rolled my eyes when she only lost her powers for ONE DAY! Bongki is her twin but we barely see him, what about his life and how it felt to have a sister like bongsoon? We know the mom "favored" Bongki so what about that dynamic as siblings? ARG haha I just see what could have been and it's frustrating that the writer is so lacking.


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mmm you make good points, there is a lot of what could have been, i like the love story but i lean more towards less sweet,fluffy romance and somewhere in between, so the story in that case has to be strong, however there is a lot of missed opportunities. for one what you mentioned with her brothers dynamic, the mythics behind her power, and really i thought they would have made her lose her power a bit earlier and given her more then one day to deal without it. that would have been a great character arc especially how she refers to other women that do not have her strength as weak. im surprised they didnt do that. also the kidnapper could have had a backstory or have some insight to why his doing this and could ave been juxtaposed with minhyuk and bongsoon backstory, with him having this pseudo relationship her without meeting or meeting and contrasted with her and minhyuks real relationship, genuine relationship, they could also do more with gook du.


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Agree totally with you. If they would have focus more in the family relationships. The meaning behind having such an "unique" family member... MH dating and marrying such a unique creature, the struggles of BS to understand the scope of her powers... etc... even without the kidnapper or gansters, the drama would have been way way way better...
But hey! At least we have had Min min and bong bong for a little bit every chapter....


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there are so many fun things to play with bongsoon's power! like BS and MH getting heated and MH accidentally getting squished lol. it's logical. or BS terrorizing MH's family


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Me too. it's getting quite old and boring.


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I wish the writer would read this whole entire thread! I agree with all the suggestions, what coulda been, I guess. There are so many plot holes that are scattered away, like the Min's family that disappeared and no longer being mentioned, unrelated fights between the high school gangs and the gangsters, how about Bonki and Gook Doo's ex gf? Also, I still miss grandma.


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i was just thinking about some plot lines that were dropped - like MH's family - abusive dad "taking him in" (what was that all about?) and his inheritance of the conglomerate, trying to make it legitimate. GD's ex-girlfriend and her relationship with BongKi. Boss Tak owing a favor to MH - why? The neighborhood development plan with the gangster backers - does it lead back to MH's dad?


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I love these two so much ?


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I don't have enough tears left in my tear ducts... I am all cried out. I rarely see in any stories nowadays a love so pure and selfless as the one AMH and DBS have for each other. They are each other's halves...

*continues to cry in a corner*


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This episode made up for E13 in so many ways. I loved it. Min-hyuk in love is a beautiful thing!!! My only complaint would be that i feel like her regaining her powers so soon was a missed opportunity. It was only a few days and I really would have liked to see more of how Bong-soon overcome losing her powers.


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Agreed. I wish it was sooner so we could see more of her struggle, and how she comes to term with it.


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"In her case, her punishment from the gods turned out to be a question, asking her what this power that she never wanted means to her."

THIS! I also believed the same way. I never understood why she lost her powers despite her intention of saving. But then you see how she sees her strength, she saw herself as a monster. She knew she was capable of saving people but she always wanted to be normal. I guess when she finally hurt someone innocent the gods thought, "well, let see how she'll do without her powers."

And well, she felt like she was missing a part of her. So maybe, just maybe when she begged the gods to give back her powers to save Min-hyuk, they believed that she'll accept it better this time.

It's my own way of coming to terms with what SWDBS has given us by providing some sense to all this confusion the story has thrown at us.


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I hope this is what the show really wanted to convey because it is more logical, deep and acceptable. And it is much much better if they showed it & not just let the viewers interpret on their own. The rule of losing your power because of hurting an innocent person is so absurd because we've seen BS did it a lot of time. (accidentally & intentionally)


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This is one of the things I hate about Korean dramas. They have good concepts but usually they don't execute or build it up well. It can be they reveal all the details in one scene (flashbacks included), they don't show it but they say this happened, or they don't show us anything and let the viewers create their own logical reason. Or they muddle up the rules they've set up themselves. *coughs* W *coughs*


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THIS! I wish they would put more thoughts the logic within the realm of the dramas...I actually dropped W because of what you mentioned.


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I love this explanation! The whole "losing her powers while trying to save KS because she hurt someone innocent in the process" didn't sit quite right with me. When I watched E14, I thought it was because she was desperately begging for her power back to save someone else (aka MH), and wanting something back that she'd never wanted, just to help someone was a true sacrifice on her part - which was why the gods gave it back to her.


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I never ate up the thing with losing her powers by hurting an innocent person. Who is innocent anyways. This guy she hurt, could have been innocent in her case, having anything to do with her life, but it could have been an abusive husband beating up his wife everyday, or a pervert abusing teenager girls, or it could have been this guy who wanted to kill Lee Bo Young in "I hear your voice", and then, BS actually did the society a favor.
Innocent ver sus evil is not a black and white thing. This drama should have established better the rules so that we believe it and feel the impact of the different climax (es).... ?
It is a lot of lazy writing and poor execusion, like we have already discussed enough...

I hope the end wont be sooooo dragging.... :/


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And didn't her mom bully people for quite a while before her powers were taken away? Bong Soon losing her powers instantly after accidentally hurting an innocent person one time made absolutely no sense to me. I want to love this show, but ultimately I just love the couple. I do love them a lot though and the fun atmosphere on set is contagious.


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It's quite sad she has all this power, but she saw herself as a monster, as if she were not human. I am glad she realizes what her strength means to her now, and hopefully, she will accept herself with super powers than see herself as a monster.


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Fireworks, well I love that little 5 sec power regain moment!


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so fluffy, i luff it


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I had goosebumps while watching the last 10 minutes. Sure there were flaws but I was willing to overlook everything for this couple. I guess that's love, accepting and loving the good (romance) and bad (gangsters). Finale week coming up and I don't think I'm ready for it!!!


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This episode was done right at so many levels! Our OTP's sacrificial love for each other broke me into pieces T.T


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I'm gonna put this episode on hold because that means I only have three more episode before I say goodbye to our OTP ?


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My favourite episode so far!! Ohhh the feels. By the way, did anyone noticed the new ballad playing in the background? It's Hyungshik's OST. It's so beautiful & tear inducing too T.T


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Aw I thought she was going to eat a Subway sandwich and get her powers back...too bad...but the fireworks were an original idea. No more of that "green wire vs. blue wire" nonsense...just launch it into space (does she lose points for destroying the ozone layer though?).

But honestly, I feel like this show is about two puppies falling in love with some random guest appearances by all our favorite villains; chaebols, mobsters, evil psycho who had a traumatic childhood, etc...but in the end puppy love prevails over all. <3


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This reminds me: I thought, like I seriously thought that the bomb explosion would somehow chemically restructure Bong-soon's cells (kind of the DC's Flash with the particle excelerator), causing her to regain her powers. And she would barely be able to save Min-hyuk. I was already covering my mouth at that thought and assumption, and was marvelling at how this drama had become so...insane o.0


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Oow! Does that mean BS is going to lose her strength again for destroying ozone layer, cause that means she's harming A LOT of "innocent" people with her strength :P


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I loved the whole couch scene- It was perfect.
But the fireworks bomb? Pffffft! LOL!


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On one of the Korean news articles someone commented "Professional party planner Kim Jang Hyun"...I died...


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he should plan the proposal event too then XD nothing says "I love you" than almost dying with your gf


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I have so much love for this show right now.
First, props and thanks to Park Bo-young and Park Hyung-shik for FANTASTIC acting and stealing our hearts with these amazing characters. Those final moments of this episode were so tense and painful, yet so beautiful. Bong-soon's desperation to save Min-hyuk, as well as, Min-hyuk' resolute refusal to leave the woman he loved alone. Both of them felt completely unable to save the other, yet in that terror and seeming hopelessness, the audience can't help, but sit back and see how in love these two people are. It is beautiful. I know we're not done with our villain yet... but I truly believe these two can overcome anything and anyone with that amount of love and willingness to sacrifice. This show is truly special.


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"Please look at me. I am looking."
"Please love me. I am."
"I don't think i'm in your heart. You are there."
"I love you."

GOODBYE WORLD. consider me properly KO'd in 0.001 s. let me sit in my corner and weep from all the FEELS.
that has got to be the most brutal heart workout i've felt in a while. the emotional beats were so intense, so real. writer, i'll give you a pass for all the shit (pun intended) you put us through but you are a MASTER at heart-wrenchingly romantic scenes.


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Hahaha yes. The writer can't deliver a cohesive & logical plot but she/he is best in creating meaningful short-moments with squee-worthy one liners. Sometimes I wonder if it was made by the ame writer or it has multiple writers. LOL


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That was one of the best heart-to-heart conversation between lovers. Their honesty is so refreshing.


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I knowwwww... T_T For all the crap we've been sending the writer's way for her poor tying in of the kidnap plot/holes in her logic... she is fantastic at writing these emotional gut-wrenching scenes. That scene made me feel like someone had dug a hole into my chest.


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I think the writer only mastered in romance department and that lines become more fantastic because of the stares!


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I may have a love-hate relationship wih this show, but I'm glad that at least it gives me Ahn Min Hyuk.


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As someone said on the recap page of an earlier episode: only thing in getting from this show is that every girl needs a Min Hyuk in her life.


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no one gonna comment on the lopsided rice heart? XD i love how PHS' inability to draw a proper heart becomes the running gag in this show, even claiming himself an 'expert at hearts' lol


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Lol!! In the ep 12 kiss BTS, PHS thinks he can draw the better heart, as PBY failed in her first few attempts. But she ended up drawing the more proper heart during actual shooting. I don't mind the lopsided heart jokes, but what do I do with my heart? They are messing with my heart!!


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I legit giggled out when he made that comment, the meta from the BTS was gold.


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Min hyuk's smitten face when Bong soon shows up in the pastel dress >>> I jump for joy.


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It was awesome. I can only imagine what Ahn Min Hyuk's face will be like when he sees love-of-his-life Bong Soon walking down the aisle towards him.


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Omg yes!!! I died. Also the face he makes when she starts using banmal. It's like this slightly crazed look filled with so much love!!!!!


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Can anybody tell Park Boyoung to stop crying in any of her project ever again because I will always ended up with bloated eyes the next day.


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Aft being a draining ep13. I felt revived n whipped with ep14. Mh and bs does best in 2 things: Suck you in stares. Cute and teasing. Both were out in spades here. N thugs other businesses were kept to a minimum just the way i prefer. GD also redeemed himself a tad for being able to tell straight off its KJH aft that dismayal shooting in ep13 (aimed for headshot next tymm.. Lol sorry for being bloodthristy).
Best scene of ep14: couch confession n love renewal, date-royce n picnic, romeo and juliet ish last moments.


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By the way, i hope we have at least one more romeo and juliett dream before the show ends.


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minhyuk died and went to heaven when bongsoon showed up in that dress lol. he even had a mini flaily moment as she climbed up haha.. now he knows how we feel looking at hism


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my husband was laughing cringely at the fireworks. lmao!
and best part is, it was CGI lol


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The show has my heart. I cried buckets of tears. Their love is so amazing


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This couple makes me feel so complete. Grand gestures don't usually do anything for me, but that scene at the end just tugged at my heart. My emotions were all over the place. I have so many new favourite scenes each time a new episode comes out but the apple juice scene is also another strong contender.

MH is just always there for BS unconditionally, even if they're fighting, she's always placed first. That's why I'm so glad that she's fully reciprocated his feelings because it always pained me when MH thought it was onesided or when it seemed like he loved BS more than she loved him. PHS nailed those raw, insecure gazes.

This villain is one of a kind. The past few episodes, he's always been one step ahead of everyone else. I would've been so annoyed if GD didn't recognise him when he cut his hair short. Yet he still let JH escape when threatened with a card against the girls neck. Like she's any safer being in an elevator alone with that psycho. Come on good guys, you've so got this.

Park bo young, you are an incredible actress. In all the crying scenes that she did, I was so close to tears myself. Her reuniting with kyung shim made me actually cry. I just think they have such a great friendship.


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When the fireworks came out, I was just confused! Hahaha a bomb can produced fireworks? Hahaha well happy that she got her strength back and it was all because she wanted to save his life! They are the cutest couple ever!


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Yes, I was drowning in tears for a long time, and then the fireworks came out which left me laughing out loud. The k netz's top comment for ep 14 was basically: Kim Jang hyun is truly a professional party planner.


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The couch scene got me RIGHT IN THE FEELS


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Wounded guy falls into a river (guaranteed to heal him - it's a Korean river) and the head detective says the case is closed!? Has he never seen a kdrama? Oh wait, he must have seen that one he keeps talking about. Darn!


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This had me laughing so hard!!


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I need to jump into Korean rivers...


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They are better than hospitals. Cheaper too.


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I know that it's not supposed to be like this but when Jang hyun put the chain on the door, it was so loose that Minhyuk probably could have unwind it instead of pulling on it. LOL found it kind of funny.
Bong Bong and Min Min are so sweet, they make my tooth ache heheheheh


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Even the lock is loose, I don't think he can unwind it. The door is made of metal not the one who can easily be banged and the chain is wrapped doubled or tripled times which makes it even harder. Min Hyuk is just too desperate to open it by pulling the chain although he knows its impossible.


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Honestly i didnt cry, because i knew the could not possibly die. Yet, i was almost about it.... almost.... because of such good acting. Even though it was illogical, they made it look sooooo real!
On the other hand. Also... i was really touched that he was trying so hard he even hurt his hands and were bleeding.
Oh my! My heart was bleeding with him.


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I was wondering if the area he was in had climbable walls. It didn't look like the area had a roof! In a panicky moment, though, I'm not sure if I could think about alternative routes. Still made for a great scene until the fireworks bomb, HAHAHA.


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I was thinking the same thing, esp during one of those close up shots of him with his bleeding hand. I thought the chain was quite loose on the right hand side. But then I remembered.....most of the scenarios in this drama does NOT make any logical sense, anyway....


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Favorite episode, so far, even with the gangster fillers which I could do without.


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Tip of the day: when lifting "heavy" boxes, at least wrap your fingers under the bottom, instead of just pressing your hands against the sides. Bong-soon knows this, Secretary Gong doesn't. Guess that's why Park Bo-Young is the lead and Jun Suk-Ho is supporting :)


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Thanks murasakimi for a more than coherent recap! I feel that you've noted correctly how the care and love between the characters informs what the true strength is. It's heartwarming to know that despite being weak compared to his bully-wife, Bong Soon's dad is strong in giving, and that despite mis-using her strength and her 'beauty' to bully others, Bong Soon's mum could still step up to the role of supporting her daughter. And for all that Kyung Shim was the victim and the bait, she remained resolute in trying to keep Bong Soon safe. My tears flowed more over the exchange between these 2 girls than even over our OTP. It was the sweetest, most disinterested kind of love that they have for each other.


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Violence and intimidation was a game to Jang Hyuk. However the strongest strength (as we can see) when Min Hyuk chose to remain with Bong Soon, is always the strength of love. And ultimately, although in a less dramatic fashion in real life, that strength determines the true winner in the game of life.


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Fake monk being Korean explains a lot, like that fact that he doesn't look Indian. And the "mistake" with the Hindu monk having a Muslim-sounding name is now fake-monk's mistake, not the writer's.


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Actually the monk could easily have been Indian. The people of northeast India (from states like manipur, nagaland, mizoram) have features similar to people of other east asian countries. I know that they don't fall under the international perspective of "indian". But India is a very big and diverse country. Just like its diversity in religion, culture, language, and customs, its people also come in all colors and shapes. They face major discrimination from other indians for basically not looking indian enough or looking like foreigners. So yeah, hopefully that changes soon.


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Ehem. Is there something going on between Park Hyun Sik and Park Bo Young? I can't. They act so well together that I am skeptical of what this relationship is in real life.


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Have you seen any of the behind the scenes videos? I posted some on my shiny new fan wall. And I swear they are cute not filming as they are when they are filming. Park Hyun Sik just stares and stares at Park Bo Young!


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Their moment in bts are as good as the drama it self.. Sometimes I wonder if they are still filming or not. It's hard not to ship them in real life.. ??


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IKR!!!! Must be more than just chemistry <3 <3 <3


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i don't trust these professional actors lol.. it's basically their job to fake it XD i think they're both just friendly/outgoing individuals. besides PHS has said multiple times before that he tends to stay in character all the time since it's hard for him to simply turn on the switch when they're actually filming


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Thanks for the recap murasakimi. You know, you're right, this couple is the only reason I'm currently sticking with this show. The last scene moved me so much and was so beautifully done that I watched it over a couple times (I know...totally weird). I reimagined that ending scene with a load of other actors and actresses, and I don't believe anyone could have done it as well as Hyung-shik and Bo-young. Damn. And I was so blinded by emotion that it was only after watching it over a couple times that several realizations belatedly occured to me: a) where the hell where the police and SWAT team!? HUH? Also, b) did our smarty-hotsipants Min hyuk ever think to pick the lock? I am going to use all of my brainly imaginashuns to believe that he had tried that already and that we just didnt get to see it. Hem. Crazy good acting acting and character arcs really go a long way.


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My thoughts almost exactly. I was wondering how come Min Hyuk did not exhaust all other ways of breaking through the chains without just hurting his hands and shoulder. I confess I was thinking of the rooftop-to-lift rescue in Healer, where the resourcefulness of the rescuer got him a fire hosereel, and maybe could have got him an axe, to break through the chains with.

I guess the writing was more intent on the couple moments than on the rescue per se, because Bong Soon was supposed to get back her strength and be superwoman again.


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Yes I agree, I think the writing was indeed focused on the emotional heft shared between the OTP. Erm, also, I guess at that point they only had three minutes left. Not much one can do cognitively in such little time save for focus on the most direct means, and for Min hyuk it meant tearing down that door. Poor Min-min ?


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He was running out time to try anything else fancy, and also losing his mind over Bong-soon being tied up there with a ticking bomb. It's a nice parallel to when Bong-soon was too distraught and frantic over Kyung-shim to think straight, and Min-hyuk is now put in a similar situation.


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Am I the only one thinking he could have climbed the walls on either side of that door? It looked like there was no roof, but I could be wrong. Hmmm, now I need rooftop schematics to see how it all looks...


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LOL! That would actually make sense...but I think they showed that place to be like some type of electric generator room thingy on the roof. Well either way, for our sanity, that place definitely needed to have a roof for our poor Min-min to be wasted trying to break open the door!


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Totally agree!! PBY and PHS are so good that they make up for what the show is lacking otherwise. Was also waiting for the police to come at least by helicopter, which never happened. Also, I was totally yelling at GD when he was trying to break open the door. I didn't expect AMH to know, but at least cops should know that there is a better chance by kicking the door instead of using their shoulders? C'mon, police!


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I was expecting a helicopter too! But I guess they needed the clear sky for the fireworks bomb. Also, I believe they did try with their legs first no? Or perhaps Guk-doo did not? Perhaps you gotta have super leg muscles to continuously pounce with your legs though...


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I love the character of Min-hyuk, but I have been kind of confused with his actions in the last 2 episodes. He just doesn't seem like the type to just sit back and let things happen. I was expecting him to do...more? Be more proactive? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. That doesn't stop all the great feels I get from this show. It's so close to being done. This whole show has just flown by too quick! As son as the show is done I am going back and marathoning the whole series...twice!


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At first I think like that. Why minhyuk is behaving like that. And his answer in library scene "I didn't know I love you this much" make me understand about his behaviour lately


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That answer as well why he is always trying to keep her nex to him, and gave her the tracking thing in the chain, and hey! It took him a night to download the satellital programm to track her up...
We have all agree it is because of how much he loves her


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umm, what else could he have done, really? he's just a businessman, not a cop. he tracked down GS, put a tracker on BS, fought the culprit face to face, took care of the victims, evacuate his entire office during a bomb threat and still have the time to romance his girl and put us all in a sugar high coma in the middle of it all. he's a busy, busy man lol


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I love this episode so much in a way words can't explain.
It hurts to realize that we only have two more to go.


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