Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

I’m still bleary-eyed from our eventful week (we hope you’re enjoying the new site layout!), and I let a few shows fall by the wayside for the moment, although they’ll make it back on the list eventually. But I still managed to squeeze a few episodes in, because that’s what we do. And also because I needed a sunny spot to push me through, and thankfully I had a couple that delivered that. –javabeans



Chicago Typewriter: This is a weird show. I only watched the first episode, and I’m reminding myself that I really disliked the first episode of Kill Me, Heal Me (also from this writer) and came around later, so I intend to watch a few more. But I’m not enjoying this yet.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: This show makes me happy. There are things I don’t love about the plot or the kidnapper or some of the jokes, but the show gives me a warm glow and lifts my spirits, which was something I really needed this week.

The Liar and His Lover: Okay, so this was the show I’ve been waiting for—the kind that makes me eager to watch episode after episode, rather than feeling I have to try to keep up, and sticks in my mind even when I’m doing other things. It’s not perfect: The dialogue can get unrealistically drippy for my tastes (I cringe when it gets cheesy and push through it), I find the editing occasionally choppy, and the supporting cast is inexperienced. But despite all that, the show speaks to me with its breezy feel-good spirit; the tone, the mood, and the heart are all very engaging. And for once, I can absolutely see why everyone is fascinated with the same girl, and why they find her special. Joy is delightful.



Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: It was really hard to see Gil-dong so broken, but I know how important this is for his character—he was skating by and living large, doing good deeds and punishing the wicked, but not with any sort of conviction. And if he’s going to become the legendary hero of the people we know he’s destined to be, he has to believe in something. Now, I don’t know that they needed to practically crucify him, for pete’s sake, but I know we’ll be rewarded soon… Soon, right?

Whisper: I don’t really trust Lee Sang-yoon yet, but I started to like the show the second he was betrayed and knocked off his high horse. I really just needed him and Lee Bo-young to be on the same side, I guess, because I wasn’t really invested until that moment he was drugged in the club. Now it feels like there’s a proper balance, because our heroine has at least ONE ally in this world, even if he’s probably going to betray her every Tuesday.

Chicago Typewriter: I’m not sure I like the characters as people yet (he’s just such a diva), but the thing that sparked my interest was seeing Im Soo-jung suddenly turn into a badass sharpshooter, which was much better than her just being a fangirl stalker. The directing is certainly snazzy, but I think it’ll take some time to connect with the characters emotionally? Methinks starting with their past lives might’ve been a better way to hook me.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I love that this show makes it absolutely clear that Bong-soon is the superhero of the story and the boys are her sidekicks. I was all verklempt when she got her powers back, and it was so important to me that she went through all that to figure out just how much her strength was a part of her identity. It may be on the nose to have a strong woman take down a woman-hating man, but I love it—it’s simple, empowering, and goddamn satisfying. Now the real question is how many times I can rewatch jealous shenanigans and kissyfaces before the finale…



Mystery Queen: I was still mourning the loss of Chief Kim, so I wasn’t quite sure how I’d warm up to this new comedy when its predecessor handled comedy so darn well. And while the comedy in Mystery Queen hasn’t quite hit my funny bone (I can honestly say I’m over poop jokes in dramas lately, all of them), I can see where it’s objectively funny. Having never really warmed to Choi Kang-hee before, I’m surprised by how much I’m liking her in this role, because she does embody this sort of sad-sack ajumma with an incredibly keen intellect. I love the rapport she’s building with her Watson and his grudging acceptance of her superior sleuthing skills. Plus, the cases of the week are quite good, unlike…

Tunnel: Really? We’re going to pull a the-killer-is-someone-in-this-room? And then we’re going to advertise who the killer is with a flashing neon sign without even throwing one semi-believable red herring in? Oy. The episodic cases are so completely forgettable that all we’re left with is the overarching mystery, which is sorely lacking in mystery. I like the side characters at least (Yoon Hyun-min is life), but I really do wish I could feel more for the hero. Maybe next week, maybe never.

The Liar and His Lover: I really like how the show is giving So-rim higher and higher stakes as it progresses, because she’s just so good at portraying raw emotion. Everything you need to know is written on her face at any given moment, and while her tendency to cry at the drop of a(n admittedly important) hat could sometimes nag at me, the show does a great job of reminding me that these issues really do matter to her. She’s still a teenager at the end of the day, and with all these forces suddenly pushing and pulling at her, it’s no wonder that she finds herself at a crossroads. I’m kind of not rooting for the main couple, actually—not unless Han-gyul can learn to separate his personal feelings from his music, but then again, what kind of composer would he be if he could?

Whisper: I got behind on life and hadn’t had a chance to watch this one yet, even though I love the team behind it to bits. I’ve only just watched the first episode, and… OMG I LOVE IT NOW I CAN MARATHON THE OTHER FIVE EPISODES. GET INTO MY BRAIN FASTER.

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: Okay, if Missing 9 got sanctioned for violence, then Rebel is going to be bathing in pink slips after this week. Or do sageuk dramas get a bit of leeway? The violence is technically historically accurate, and I kind of love the permeating sense of darkness, dread, and death. I don’t know what that says about me, but it’s probably not good.



Currently recapping: Whisper

Super Family 2017: It’s been a weird and stressful week for me, but this was the first show I reached for once I had some free time. It’s my comfort drama. There’s something reassuring about spending an hour with this family, knowing that any mishaps will somehow be remedied and, no matter what, they’ll still love and support each other.

Tunnel: I’m pleased Sung-jae is starting to realize something’s fishy with his new partner, mostly because I can’t wait until he has to wrap his brain around the fact that Kwang-ho was the same guy that held him when he was a baby. I’m also loving the awkward burgeoning romance between Sung-jae and Jae-yi. Emphasis on the “awkward,” but then again even two damaged robots need someone to love and be loved in return.

Chicago Typewriter: I usually can’t connect with this writer and her dramas, and this one is no different. I want to like it, but something isn’t quite clicking for me. Even so, I’m not ready to give it up just yet. I love the brief glimpses of the 1930s so I’m hoping for more of those flashbacks to keep me hooked, plus I need to see more of Go Kyung-pyo!



Radiant Office: The only show I’ve been loving these days. I came for Go Ah-sung, and I’m staying for Go Ah-sung and Lee Dong-hwi! Someone give the bespectacled scene-stealer a lead role ASAP! I appreciate the handling of discrimination in the workplace — against rookie employees, women — as well as the depiction of office politics; it’s ugly and infuriating, but alas, it’s the truth. I recently found out that both the writer and PD are women which only makes me love the show even more. The comedic, dramatic, and humanistic elements all work, so what’s not to love?

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Zzzz…Someone wake me up when there’s actually an episode worth watching. I think I’ll stick to the bloopers and snippets of cuteness on YouTube. I managed to somehow make it through Episode 9 (trust me, it took effort to get this far), and I’m still wondering where all the hype is originating from. Sure, the main couple is cute as buttons, yes the villain played by Giant Im Si-wan is creepy, but neither of these selling points are keeping me engaged. I find myself bored and scanning through the accounts of Instagram-famous puppies on my phone for 90 percent of each episode since there’s always an inexplicably huge chunk of filler that consists of the incompetent cops who aren’t at all funny (the references to old police procedurals have yet to amuse me) and the annoying and abusive mom who just wants to marry off her daughter. For such a fun premise with so much potential, the writing is pretty horrendous which slows down the pace tremendously. To end on a positive note, I will say this — Kim Won-hae is the man!



Currently recapping: Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I’ve been playing catch up with this one. But the feminist in me is slowly tearing her hair out because this drama is SO not what she wanted it to be. Like that scene where Bong-soon was trapped with a bomb strapped to her chest, and Min-hyuk was coming to save her. Thankfully the entire cliche of prince-rescues-princess was averted because he wasn’t actually able to break through a solid steel door, BUT then she was saved via deus ex machina instead, which is almost equally as disappointing in my book. I’m literally only holding out till the end because I think Park Bo-young and Hyung-shik are absolutely adorable and beautiful together.



Currently recapping: Mystery Queen

Father Is Strange: Lee Joon continues to be adorable and/or make me laugh (as does his turtle Al), but I’m disappointed we didn’t get to see Mi-young face off against her former bully this week. Now that their future relationship has been revealed, I’m ready for Mi-young to break out the judo skills and take her revenge on Yoo-joo. Also, Hye-young is awesome in every other way, but I really wish she would tell Jung-hwan why they broke up eight years ago, because it makes absolutely no sense for her to keep this secret at this point, and hasn’t for a while.

Radiant Office: I’m a week behind, but gosh do I love this show. The glimpses we got into both Ho-won and Woo-jin’s relationships with their families were heart-tugging and illuminating. Also, how precious is Woo-jin when he jumps and squeals in fear of kittens? His unexpected weird character quirks are as hilarious as they are cute—and I have a feeling Ho-won agrees. The flickers of awareness growing between them are giving me the flutters, and I can’t wait to see what changes the big reveal will bring to their dynamic. I also vote Ki-taek for Best Oppa of 2017 and possibly ever. Because he is.



Tunnel: I love how Sun-jae and Kwang-ho are slowly but surely (but mostly slowlllyyy) coming together as partners, although the revelation at the end of Episode 6 may put a wrench in that for a while. Speaking of which, my interest in young Kwang-ho’s story just upped several notches, and now I’m tapping my foot impatiently for the next episode. Can’t wait to see what twists and turns Tunnel has in store for the main mystery, ’cause the crimes of the day aren’t nearly as twisty and turny as I’d like. Although the last episode did have a good one, mostly because I’m irrationally afraid of identity theft, and so the chills were real.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I didn’t have time to watch Episode 13 on Friday, because life, and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was so angry at the writer and the show at the end of that episode, that if I had had time to stew, all my affection for the drama would have soured. Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic, but I was mucho pissed. Thankfully, I could watch the next episode immediately, and it was much, much better. I do wish that we would have stayed with super-strength-less Bong-soon for longer than an hour, but the comeback was as epic as I wanted it to be. Except for the random bomb fireworks. That was kinda weird.

Chicago Typewriter: Just a week or two ago, I was in a drama glut, but with Chicago Typewriter and Tunnel, my weekends are full of dramas to watch, so yay! I’m cautiously optimistic about Typewriter; it’s super stylish with a fantasy bent I’m digging, has interesting characters portrayed by great actors, and THAT DOG. I want him in my life, now. I think the present storyline has a lot to offer on its own, but the 1930s timeline is what I’m really here for. I mean, our heroine was a sharpshooter independence fighter—how much cooler can you get?

Mystery Queen: Kwon Sang-woo should only ever do comedy, EVER. I’ve seen him in a whole bunch of projects since Stairway to Heaven waaay back when, but I don’t think I’ve ever liked him more. His grouchy detective to Choi Kang-hee’s persistent, sassy ajumma is pretty much comedic gold, and it’s making me enjoy Mystery Queen a whole lot more than I thought I would. Also, Lee Won-geun’s hero worship of Choi Kang-hee and his budding puppy love are the most adorable things ever. Now, if only they can find a way to get her to team up with Kwon Sang-woo without her having to run home every time her in-laws call. Maybe she can be a consulting detective a la Sherlock?


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Happy weekend everyone!
I just posted on the OT thread about my latest obsession with Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. Are there perhaps any fans of the series here so I can gush about it (and YM and MC too) with? :P
I'm also loving Tunnel very much. I don't know why but I find their characterisation so endearing even though they might not be exactly the most polite or friendly bunch on earth, but I can relate to them and cannot wait to see them together solving a case. The friendship between our lead and his hoobae (now his chief) is also precious.
I'm eagerly waiting for Ruler of the Mask for KSH too. She's a fine lady in that trailer. I haven't got much to say now that the drama is not yet airing, but KSH/ KJY/ YJG in sageuk = I'm in!


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I actually haven't been able to finish the show (only went up to episode 42) but I do have to say that Eternal Love has made me love Mark Chao ever since. He's so handsome and charming. The way he looks at Bai Qian made my knees weak.


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Don't worry I haven't finished it either. I refuse to go any further than ep 49 because I'm not yet prepared to part with the drama and the leads yet :D. Mark sure is my new-found favourite. He acted the typical tsundere with heated passion and I love the smoldering fire he brought to the character. I haven't read the book and seeing from the comments floating around many still have qualms with his looks, but this is a rare case where I can overlook anything else (bad CGI, less than fitting look etc etc) because the cast's acting makes up for everything else already. Plus I find Mark very handsome, especially his side profile. Kinda reminds me of the original Scarlet Heart series where acting eventually shut down a lot of the criticism. I'm glad the drama did well. The number of views is no joke!


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I'm also glad it did well also seeing that it gave Mark some more exposure. I have to give the drama credit towards Bai Qian who stood up for herself and wasn't weak (when she wasn't Su Su). It was honestly so refreshing to see a girl in a Cdrama who wasn't all that weak and fragile. I like how she didn't take anything from anyone.


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Oh? I've always thought girls in Cdramas in general have stronger backbones than their Korean counterparts, or at least in those dramas I have seen (Scarlet Heart, Princess Wei Young and now Miles of Peach Blossoms. Eh, Love o2o comes to mind too). Is it a trend lately that Cdrama heroines takes after the damsel model too much? I admittedly don't watch as many dramas as everyone else so there might be some that I have missed.


(Idk why it won't let me reply to your previous comment) I'm not sure if it's a trend but from the dramas I've watched (Girl with the Tassel Earring, Cruel Romance, Loving, Never Forgetting, My Sunshine, I think Lady & Liar, etc.) showcased girls who were always dragged around by their male counterparts. I think Boss & Me had this also despite me liking it in the past (I can't honestly remember). On another note, I can't ever seem to get into Love O2O. No matter how many times I try to watch it, I become disinterested.


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I think Dramabeans allow a certain level of nested comments, so after 3-4 nested levels we won't be able to reply to comments directly anymore, but have to reply to one that is at a higher level. Don't worry, it doesn't break the flow of conversation one bit :D Thank you for the names of the dramas you have brought up as examples. Is Boss & Me another name for General & I? I have heard recommendations for the drama but haven't got around to watching it yet. It's a shame that lately Cdrama heroines have lost their backbones. I love the series I have watched which feature female characters with lots of wit and agency! By the way, I haven't finished Love O2O either. currently on ep 6-7 or so and am on the verge of giving up. I quite like the novel; it has a youthful feel to it. I like the movie too and thought I like the female lead there a little bit better. There's too much cutesy in the drama adaptation of the same book, admittedly more than I can connect with, so I'm browsing around for other good dramas to watch. While we're at it, I like When a snail falls in love too. Love both female characters there. Btw, are you looking forward to the movie version of Peach Blossoms? I heard it gathered 46 million views for the trailer within one hour (or one day? I can't seem to remember) of its release. Hope it does the story justice.


I liked very much Love O2O, though to tell the truth, I skipped most of the first 10 episodes. The most interesting stuff for me starts at episode 10 when the main guy and girl, till then communicating only through the online game, agree to meet in real life. From then on it was an extremely exciting ride. The main hero's caracter is very interesting to me, him being so smart and subtly manipulating those around him. Also the fact that he doesn't try to hide his feeling for the main girl is very refreshing to see. The fact that Yang Yang is so hansome (and plays his character so well) of course doesn't hurt at all:)


Thanks, Dara for your insight. I don't have problems with the slow pacing of Cdramas. I was born in a neighbouring country to China and have watched Chinese dramas alongside national dramas my whole childhood, so I'm pretty sure the pace is not the problem I have with Love O2O. I tend to have more problems with the overly cutesy acts some actors and actresses adopt in the drama. I know when a person is naturally cute and when one is trying hard to look so, that's why I cannot connect to most of the characters in the show. I still enjoy the book, though, much more than both live screen adaptations because when I replay the book in my imagination there is absolutely no overacting there :D


mimyoko, I was wondering what you were responding to because I've always thought it was much easier to find a capable Cdrama heroine than it was to find a decent Kdrama heroine (consider shows like Ode to Joy, Medical Examiner Dr. Qin, The Princess Weiyoung, General and I, When a Snail Falls in Love, Imperial Doctress, Prince of Lan Ling, Master Devil Don't Kiss Me, Hot Girl, Singing All Along, Rookie Agent Rouge, The Disguiser, Princess Jie You, Nirvana in Fire, Sound of the Desert, Legend of Lu Zhen, etc.). I have seen Cruel Romance, My Sunshine, Lady & Liar, and Boss and Me, too, so I sort of get your point, though the main actresses in those series have all played stronger characters. Of course, there are plenty of Chinese actresses who have played foolish or victimized characters, but I've often been frustrated at the lack of intelligent, accomplished Kdrama heroines, particularly in modern settings. For a while, it seemed as if all the smart women were villains.


Boss & Me and General & I are two different dramas lol. Boss & Me is an okay drama imo. I was able to fall in love with Zhao Li Ying and her beautiful smile. I've actually watched General & I but never got around to finishing the show. I haven't watched the movie for Love O2O and I'm so excited for Eternal Love's movie. The graphics look good and Yang Yang's a major cutie. I hope the story delivers and the actors can breathe some life into their characters that made everyone fall in love with them in the tv show.


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Lol the similarities in the titles are really confusing! I'm waiting for Peach Blossoms movie version too. I LOVE the terrace they make for the movie version. Very majestic-looking. It's a good thing really that they release both the movie and drama adaptations. If not to cater to different viewers' tastes, then it's always good to have more of Ye Hwa and Bai Qian haha.


Boss & Me and General & I are both such mediocre dramas. I ended up starting Legend of Chusen because of Zhao Li Ying but ended up falling for Li Yi Feng. Haven't completed that yet and it has a second season too.


I think that the issue with Cdramas is that they're too long sometimes. I'm the kind of person that likes to procrastinate and sometimes I'll watch a Cdrama and never finish it. I want to watch Nirvana in Fire but I just cant find the strength to do so. So many dramas, yet so little time.


I finished General and I before starting on Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. I liked it enough to finish it, but it didn't leave lasting impression on me like Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. Other than being visually stunning and action packed, I can't quite pinpoint the strength of the drama. That being said, I did enjoy the OTP's romance.

C-dramas are longer in episodes, but their airing time is comparably shorter than K-dramas. K-dramas would be airing for an hour, sometimes more, but C-dramas would be around 45 minutes top and that's sometimes accompanied by opening and ending songs, if you skip both, you might get just a 30 minutes show. So I find myself easier to tune in when it's shorter. I start tuning out of a drama when it's over an hour. I thought 58 episodes of C-dramas would be daunting, but now I'm starting to appreciate it, because that would mean more chance of having more of my OTP on screen.


I think just Yang Yang alone will make me excited for the film haha. I hope he doesn't feel too much pressure and does well, both him and Liu Yi Fei were voted by fans to be the best actors/actress to play the characters.


YES! I was instantly hooked when I saw the terrace scene.. it was so captivating for me because you could see the decision she had to make was somewhat tough and jumping off a terrace like that with the wind blowing looks terrifying! So I'm really excited :) I'd love to see more of Ye Hua + Bai Qian and their adorable Ah Li. ^^ He was so cute.. The only downside for me in the show was Li Jing. His character pissed me off to no end. Words cannot describe how much I wanted him to leave the show and never return.


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waaaah this is so crazy!!! I read ten miles of peach blossoms today (free for amazon prime users to borrow! you can read on kindle cloud, the english translation). then I started watching the drama and got hooked, and then somehow I found out that Love 020 is the drama version of one of my favorite chinese novels ever!! Now 6 hours later..I'm on episode 6. Love love love! I honestly usually don't love chinese dramas but after watching love me if you dare and when a snail falls in love in december, I got hooked, not onto chinese dramas but onto chinese romance novels!! slowly now I've been watching drama adaptions. It's such a new world too to have to wait and watch for translations of the novels and dramas bc I'm so used to just watching Korean ones, but it actually makes it even more exciting. I'm hooked! Sorry this is long and I barged onto another comment thread, I just got so excited at the coincidence!


I LOVE Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms! I'm the one who always find the book is better than the drama/movie adaptation, but I can say that the drama, though I can't say better for my book lover heart can't do it, is on a par with the book, every scene and every line is exactly done by the book. The book focus more on the OTP and eliminates the unnecessary side-line story. The drama is better in putting the story in straight line for easier and better understanding, the book does many flash backs. Mark Chao is mesmerizing as Ye Hua/Mo Yuan, those cheekboes! I cried when he cried over the shattered soul-gathering lamp. LOL. But I love Bai Qian's character, she is so sassy, and somehow wise as high goddess. Sometimes and somehow I feel the drama/the book puts my life in perspective, if anything happen, bad or good, everything is just temporary, just another life-calamity, all shall pass eventually. I'll face them with patient a.k.a nurture my cultivation energy :D


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I agree! I have read elsewhere that the book has a lot of flashbacks. It doesn't matter if I have time to read it and sift through the pages from time to time to put the pieces together, but if they had taken that approach for the on-screen adaptation I can see there would have been potential problems. I'm glad the screenwriter(s) for the drama have chosen to tell the story chronologically. Honestly I'm moved by Mark's crying scenes too. When he first met Bai Qian again in ep 30 I watched those scenes and thought, 'Damn this man can cry!' I'm glad to hear that you can relate so well to the book. I haven't read it but I'm still enjoying the drama very much. And the OST too. I just looked it up on Youtube, the one that was played in ep 30 during the peach blossoms scene and I must say it's one of the songs that have absolutely beautiful and poetic lyrics! It's on my playlist now :D


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I heard the writer is finally getting around to writing Mo Yuan's story I'm eagerly waiting for that!


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Gosh really? I've always thought I'm in the minority who finds his (lack of) appearance in the drama a waste of character potential! I'm very intrigued by his past and identity, and hope that if the writer gets down to writing his part it will be adapted to the small screen because I do not speak or read Chinese, which is quite a shame.


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But if MC isn't the lead it would feel lacking somehow.


Ooh so apparently she is currently writing Lian Song's story aka third uncle, then she would write Mo Yuan's one.


Ohhh I'm interested! As long as the story flows well I'm in for another breezy ride. Mark Chao would definitely make a good reason to tune in. I love him to bits as MY/YH!


I was going to get and read the book but have seen so many things that it was plagiarized :( So I wont support the author.


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Question, how do you do this bold letter? Thanks! ?


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Hi, I use the bold HTML tag. You can put anything between these tags:
(b)Anything here(/b) and just replace the round brackets with the triangle (or pointed) ones.


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<b>your text here</b>

That closing / in the last part is important.


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Oh I completed that drama as soon as the last two episodes were subbed. I won't spoil it though. It was a great watch and I loved it to bits, its so rare to find engaging Chinese dramas.


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Haha, worry not, I admit that I couldn't contain my curiosity and took a sneak peek at the ending :P. I'm not regretting it though, but I won't see myself completing the last few episodes just yet because OMG the withdrawal is going to be so strong I sense it from miles away lol. I might complete the series after the movie is available to view/purchase online.


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I had a bad case of withdrawal after it too, I just couldn't watch anything for a long time after it.


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You are making me want to try Ten Miles again. I tried the first episode but was deterred by the CGI. It's a peculiar quirk of mine and for the same reason, I couldn't continue watching O2O. But I keep reading about how awesome this show is and it's been such a long time since I've watched Mark Chao(last saw him in TW drama Black & White) so I'm going to give it another try.


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You really should! I've learn to ignore the CGI in wuxias despite it's cringiness and focus on it's plot. I don't think you'll be disappointed in watching the show.


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Please do! I hope it will not fail your effort to bear with the terrible the CGI. Well I must say I don't like the CGI either, even for some parts of the movie to be brutally honest. In the drama it's too stiff to look real; whilst in the movie some scenes are just too fancy and heavily multicoloured it looks fake (and not even ethereal in my book). However for me particularly acting and writing are the most important factors and if they are done right and the story is well-narrated you can count me as an easy viewer who can overlook other things that might irk other people (costume, CGI, actors' look and age etc etc).


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Going by the raves, I think this is one show which I should really try to overcome my dislike for CGI. You are right about them looking far from ethereal, LOL. I am queer in that I used to avoid all Hong Kong period dramas in the past because either the palaces were too opulent(everything looked terribly golden and red) or I simply hated the garish costumes and horrendous sideburns in wuxia. You cannot imagine for relieved I was when I discovered Nirvana in Fire. Finally a Chinese period drama where the aesthetics pleased me so.


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You're right about NiF. That show was tastefully made and I think it should set the example for other shows to follow. I'm not sure if you have read the book on which Peach Blossoms is based; if you have, I think it can save you a lot of cringing to skip past the first 7-8 episodes (esp. ep 5 or 6 which I find to be the most CGI-heavy). It's a shame really when CGI fails to live up to the show's true potential, thus losing its appeal to many viewers.


I don't know how long would it take for the Chinese to improve their CGI. I mean they have been phenomenally fast in so many things so it really puzzles me why their CGI is still so yucky.
About the book, is there a online version? Better still, an English one? My reading speed drops tremendously when I read Chinese.


I think there is a pdf version floating around on the web. I have seen people passing the file via email on other drama blogs. I don't have much time to read until late summer so I haven't dug into it yet. As for the CGI, I think cost might be the problem (?) because the CGI for the movie doesn't look too bad most of the time. Are you usually fine with skipping through the story? I actually skipped to ep 10 and 11 and watched from there before resuming ep 3-9 where I left it off. By the time I was in the 20s and 30s episodes I'm too far gone so basically I just closed my eyes on the CGI haha. But I can completely understand if it (skipping) might be the problem for you because it might interfere with your enjoyment of the story.


But the difference is that Nirvana in Fire is set in a more realistic backdrop. There isn't any real magic stuff happening, alot of the subjects are easily made in real life. Ten Miles is fully
based upon mythical gods etc. There isn't a real environment for everything, although to be honest I think it's more budget if anything.


Hi outofthisworld! Here's the link to the english version of ten miles of peach blossoms! I borrowed it for free this morning on my kindle unlimited trial, then just read it in the cloud reader! Hope this helps



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Thank you!


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Give it a try! Oh and try Love O2O movie version, I was hooked on that instead of the drama version and the visual was just stunning.


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The first few episodes of Ten Miles are a bit slow but honestly the show really picks up later on. The initial episodes are crucial for understanding the rest of the story so you gotta hang tight! Love O2O is also another amazing drama, it's just cheese and sweetness. Later on in the series they move away from the wuxia stuff, so then it's all Modern.

I would say Ten Miles is that deep love which hurts so good you are addicted to it. While Love O2O is the sweet tender love which is just filled with cute and happiness.


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Don't how come my comment jumped to number 44, but it was meant to be under comment 1. Left fans of this show another review site to read and enjoy at Comment 44 below.


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I'll head over there to gush with you :D


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Boo, I wish i save what I wrote because when I log in to comment. What I wrote is gone. =( Regardless, I love Ten Miles of Peach Blossom and miss the drama. I also watched General and I and love it however, was really disappointed of the final episode. Also, the middle of was pretty boring due to father and daughter evil scheme.


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Aw I'm so sorry :'( DB is still glitchy at times; I think it might take a short while for everything to settle. Anyway, I feel it when you say you love Peach Blossoms :P It seems General and I have some mixed reviews, which is interesting. I'll spend some time checking it out when I'm less busy to see whether it will sit well with me.


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One of the many issues I heard about General and I is they changed the story too much from the novel, and Angelababy's acting can't save the drama. I've chosen to stay away from it since it's a long drama that needs dedication. I'll feel so ripped off when it goes downhill lol


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I want to start it. Asian Maniac Reviewer said it was great and I usually trust her taste. I'm super busy though, so not for a few weeks maybe? *Sigh*


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No worries, and I hope you're busy in a good and meaningful way :D Please check out the drama some time when you have fewer things on your plate. It might not be your cup of tea but if it happens to be, I'd be more than happy to have another Cherry viewer to gush about the drama with :D


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I am so glad they didn't screw up the novel. Then again the novel isn't an original piece, but the drama did elevated it.
Mark Chao/Zhao is absolutely terrific in this role despite the initial backlash over his looks. And YM is finally back to her lovable aura and acting! MC is a great husband in real life and I like his wife back when she was very popular <3 ohohoho~ I'm waiting for Ruler of the Mask too because both of the leads do melo so well and are meant for sageuk!!!


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Heck MC's wife is stunning! I would fall for her too if I were a man. They're both blessed to be with each other. I also heard that the novel wasn't a deep or thought-provoking piece of work and was just meant for pure entertainment and fantasy, so I came into the drama with zero expectations. I'm glad it more than delivered for me. Never regretted tuning in one bit :D. I also hope Ruler of the Mask would be a meaty sageuk. I'm in the mood for something heavy so I don't mind some melo. I like Yoo Seung-ho very much (still very impressed with his performance in Remember - not many crying scenes resonated with me that much) but KSH is my girl :P and she's at that transition stage between a child and adult actress so I'm very curious to see how the role is written for her and how she matures in it.


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Yes, the novel was angst fluff (if that was ever a genre)...
I like Yoo Seung-ho since Queen Seondeok and Kim So-hyun in Moon Embracing the Sun. They were lovely in ancient garbs.
I like 3L3W for its ancient world building with the fantasy elements. I hope the movie version comes out decent. It sucks that people were criticizing the CGI in the drama when they didn't have much of a budget than the movie version.


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I guess it's a given that movie always have more budget than drama. Plus, they run for only 2-3 hours max so while the story might be trimmed and suffer, other areas are often expected to be of higher quality than the drama versions. For this very reason I tend to be more lenient toward dramas than movies. However I guess it's because people have seen better CGI in dramas before and when you've slept on a bed it's usually difficult to adjust to sleeping on the ground, I guess. I personally don't mind the CGI in Peach Blossoms and I can understand people's disappointment but don't usually be affected by it. I guess the movie will be good. YY and LYF both have star power and popularity and they seem to invest a lot into the CGI too. I only wish that the costume would be less flamboyant. Not every fantasy movie has to look like a Final Fantasy game, imo, and the colour scheme they use for the ocean scene (bluish purple) is quite dated - I have seen it more often in the zodiac digital painting series in the early 2000s, but not too much now. But that's just my aesthetic taste.


Have you heard about the term they use for Mark's acting from this drama? One Chinese fan commented that he had plastic surgery acting skills (整容般的演技) haha. That term pretty much means that his acting skills were so good it overcame his looks which everyone hated and elevated him to fit the character.

I'm so happy he's gotten so much more fame, well deserved I would say.


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Oh no I for one don't hate his look at all XD I find him very attractive and handsome.


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Let me tell you how TMOPB nearly ruined my life. I remember watching it until I got insomnia. I 'slept' but I realized my mind kept seeing YH and BQ in my 'dream'. I remembered the third day of my insomnia, I watched the infamous terrace scene, I cried my eyes out. My head was hurting so badly and I ended up vomit. I told to myself, I need to finish this drama or this drama will end me first. Withdrawal is not an easy task. I watched every clip on youtube, subs or no subs. I pretend I can speak Chinese. I tried to move on, and endup watching (b)Novoland the Castle in the Sky(/b). However, hell.. no.. that drama is just bad. The castle in the sky doesn't mean Nine Heavens! I moved on to (b)Tomorrow with You(/b). Gahhh.. time travel to save your wife? You know.. Ye Hua gave up his soul to be with his wife. Well.. Ye Hua won! Ok.. let's watch (b)My Shy Boss(/b).. I was like.. really, dude? you're dating an annoying kid? why don't you try somebody older.. like 70,00 years older than you, maybe? Today, I was thinking to watch (b)SWDBS(/b), please be good! Since my mind has been taken by a celestial prince, who knows probably PHS can help me solving my mental problem.


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The bold letter doesn't work on me..lols..


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<b>Bold text here</b>

Take note of the / in the closing tag.


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I absolutely refuse to watch it since it is a work of blatant plagiarism. The "author" of this book openly plagiarized an online authors BL novel and made it a hetero-novel so it would be accepted in mainstream china. Then the "author" went on the attack of the person she stole from in order to protect herself from being prosecuted. I will not promote or help someone profit from theft.


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Also there is a site you can go on that shows side by side entire conversations and dialogue that is identical. She literally only changed the pronoun to make it hetero. You can't take word for word conversations and say oh it's not plagiarism I was just a fan of her work and was inspired by it. haha yeah because we all rip off our muses.


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Is it true? I just became fully aware of the drama earlier this week (Tuesday to be precise) so unfortunately I haven't followed the controversy behind the book (I haven't read the book either) closely. I have read only two or three news posts from another drama blog and where they mentioned the plagiarism at all, they said it was still controversial. What a shame if it is indeed a work of plagiarism.


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It's one hundred percent true, the original story was posted online as a BL novel called The peach blossom debt. It was published on 2008, two years before Ten miles of peach blossom. The "author" of ten miles of peach claims " she admired the author so she imitated her writing style". If you compare the two works side by side she literally stole entire paragraphs word for word! The she then starts to get popular because of her book so then she began a smear campaign against the author of peach debt. You can easily find sites and blogs that explain the whole ordeal but basically everyone knows about it but she's still allowed to continue her theft because the original author can't come after her legally since her work is technically illegal by being BL.


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I watched the drama first and was going to read the book. But then I saw the author plagiarized the book and even went on to say the original author stole from her. So I wont read this book or support this author.


What is BL and why is it illegal, if you don't mind my asking? Unfortunately I don't speak or read Chinese so there might be a lot of the conversations regarding the book out there that I have missed and will likely miss. Too bad my expectation for the movie has been ruined by this unfortunate piece of news. I obviously can't unwatch what I have watched but I'll support MC and YM by tuning in to their other projects instead. Thank you for sharing this.


BL stands for Boy Love. The original was a gay romance.


@Trinpie: Thank you for sharing. I don't know homosexuality is not allowed in mainstream Chinese media (or is it?) Too bad, it could have been great if both authors could have joined hands in a collaborative work instead, then I could have enjoyed the drama with a clean conscience. Maybe I should just looking for MC's Black and White to quench my thirst for him onscreen.


I want to gush about Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms too! This drama made me a fan of Mark Chao, Yangmi, Dilraba, Vengo and Zhang Binbin. I absolutely love everyone in this, they did great and it showed in the drama. Granted it 58 episodes long so it might feel a bit long for some, but it was a swift watch for me, nothing feel overdone or laggy. I absolutely adore Donghua and Fengjiu's storyline. Sad with their ending but at least they have happy ending in the novel.


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I agree. The acting overall is uniformly good and I have no major complaints. Now that I've learned about the plagiarism, which seems to be backed up with strong evidence, I have started to feel conflicted about finishing the show, which is a shame because I do love the characters and actors/ actresses. If you happen to know any other good dramas featuring the main cast of this show I'm willing to give them a go.


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OMG I just finished Ten Miles last week and I am bereft! This is my first Chinese Drama and I am obsessed! Even though I just finished watching it I want to go back and watch it all again. I have been trying to get my mom to watch it but she is hesitating over the length. I actually wished it were slightly longer.


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I loved Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. I was obsessed with it for a while. Rewatched the entire drama twice and from ep 30 onwards many many times. I've finally gotten over my obsession. It was a bit unhealthy, lol. I neglected kdramas just to re-watch the same thing again and again. And yes, it made me a fan of Mark Chao too. I think his looks grew on me and find him quite handsome. He looks stunning with long hair. Not many guys can pull that off. He's the second one that I've seen looking good with loose long hair. The first I saw was Peng Guan Ying as Yuwen Yong in Princess of Lanling King.


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YESSSSSSSSS!!!! I loved Ten Miles Peach Blossoms. I was intrigued by the long title and then was blown over by the absolute joyful chaos. It was the first chinese drama I watched completely.
I read the pillow book( Dong Hua& Feng Ju story) but didnt like it very much. Heard the writer had problems regarding plagiarism.
But the drama version was super. I liked how they threw in all possible drama plot devices in it. You name it and its there.


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OH MY GOD Yess!!!!!!!!!! I'm still hung up on Ten Miles of Peach Blossom so bad. Let me join in on the gushing!


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LOL I saw my name in bold and was like hang on....


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Hurray! Two people watching Liar & Lover. And not just two people, but JB and Heads, two of my favorite recappers (miss you guys recapping).
It's funny how your comments echo the comments in the recaps since a couple weeks ago as you're catching up on the show. Love.


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"Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I love that this show makes it absolutely clear that Bong-soon is the superhero of the story and the boys are her sidekicks."

Totally agree on this! I don't want to mention spoilers because the recap is not up yet but I absolutely loved the last few minutes of E15. Especially that glorious walk of victory. (Which gave me Goblin + Grim Reaper in the tunnel vibes, really. Hehe.)


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That glorious walk of victory is what I want from the very beginning of this show. And also the side epic bromance between CEO Ahn and uptight policeman Gook-doo. (I'm not the only one who see them exchanging cheeky glance after cornering Mr. Creepy Kidnapper, right?)


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yes to the bromance (they promised!) and crime-fighting trio.. i felt cheated :(


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You are not the only one who saw cheeky glances. Hee!


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the cheeky glance


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Yes! This! The walk of victory is indeed epic and glorious. Love the way the recent episodes end. So epic and dramatic.


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Totally adored the teamwork and the adorably petty jealousy preceding it! I wish we'd had more time to see the three of them together as friends, instead of having Gook Doo being a bit (mostly MORE than a bit) of a jerk to Bong Soon (guy can't handle his feelings) for so long. I'm madly in love with how cute the main couple is together--reminds me of the honesty and chemistry of Bok Joo and Joon Hyung--though seeing the reviews from Team Dramabeans makes me think I might just have my newly-acquired Park Hyungshik goggles on. ?

Super sad it's ending tonight! ?


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Yes awesome closing scene. The 3 heroes working together: tech, strength and badge.


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the walk of victory


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-Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Final week. It gave me mixed feelings. I get what I hope for this drama, but why so late??

-Tunnel: I don't mind the weekly case since they always managed to nicely tied it in with character growth or the overarching mystery or illuminate our leads struggle. Well done.

-Chicago Typewriter: So far, the writer handles genre mesh in a tasteful way, so I'm hopeful that it'll stay good till the end. And also, more mysteries and heaetfelt connection is always a good thing.


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I'm enjoying Chicago typewriter as well..that one and Tunnel are the two dramas that I follow.. regularly..


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Me too.


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CT is stylish, and the cinematography is fantastic. I love it! Still warming up to the plot though. I am slowly getting there.


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I am also having mixed feelings about DBS ending this week. No more Bong bong and Min min after this week.

Love Tunnel as well. I love the characters, and the subtle gestures they portray. The cases of the week are not that strong, but I am quite invested in the overarching mystery. So far, so good.


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Those weekly cases weren't as twisty as I want it to be, but I'm really invested in all the characters that I didn't really mind it. Also, so far, the overarching mystery is good.


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Aside: How did you get paragraphs? Html?


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Apparently the DB team already fixed it. I only saw the update from Mary's wall.


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Yey for JB for also liking TLAHL!
What she pointed out is exactly my basic criteria for watching a show. The show should keep me engaged in the story and should always makes me excited for the next episode! All other highly technical matters are just secondary (acting, directing, writing etc.)


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The acting, directing, and writing in this drama isn't even bad. Not stellar, but good.

One thing I've really appreciated about this drama is the music. For once, a music-themed drama which makes me glad that the drama is a music-themed drama. Other music-themed dramas before it made me like the soundtrack, the music, the setting, but this one in particularly really showed me how the theme of music not only enrich the story, but is so much part of the story and its character, it cannot be removed.


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Same here. I love the soundtrack, but it's not the best soundtrack ever. It's not the reason I love the drama, even if the reason is music, if ya know what I mean. When we say we love the music, we love it even when there's no music, not just music scenes, but also when the characters talk about music. :DD


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Hahaha @chickachunga's 'Giant Si Won' comment! So accurate! Also, yes the show would be almost horrible if it weren't for the leads- which make like 10 minutes of the episode worth watching. I just fast forward the other parts. ....... But I gotta say Episode 15 was the first episode where I loved almost every thing! I am now wondering what they will fill in the last episode- lots of watchable cuteness and unwatchable comedy (mainly the gangsters)...... And a big yes to everything that @Javabeans said about The Lover and His Liar. Finally a show where I do not have to fast forward anything and where I eagerly wait for the next episode!


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I play bejeweled through 90% of Strong Woman. I put down my phone to watch the adorable scenes with the leads but as soon as they are off my screen, back to bejeweled I go.

I am truly confused about the obsession with the show. The writing is atrocious and the comedy is not funny and makes me cringe. I have nothing against people who really like the show but I am just confused why.


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I haven't started watching whisper but I agree to what girlfriday said, especially "...because our heroine has at least ONE ally in this world, even if he’s probably going to betray her every Tuesday." ??


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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: I finished ep. 15 and I was highly disappointed on how they dealt with the planning of catching the antagonist all the way towards finally capturing him. I have to agree with chickachunga and tineybeanie with the way the writer paced the plot and the constant filler. I really wanted to like this drama because I enjoy watching PBY and PHS.
Chicago Typewriter: I'm actually enjoying this show. With Yoo Ah In's amazing acting and Go Kyung Pyo's undeniable cuteness, I can't wait for ep. 4. The more the show goes back into the 1930s, the more I want to see how the story unfolds. I also have to give credit to the 1930s Jeon Seol who always looks so badass when she makes her appearance.


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Chicago Typewriter : 1930s is a cool character. If the story only happened in the past, I would only have eyes for her (sorry Yoo Ah In).


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Yes! It was just stupid - that plan of theirs to catch the serial kidnapper. More I will say, on the actual recap page.

I too, am really enjoying Chicago Typewriter. I love it when female leads are well written, and this one appears to be just that. Plus Yoo Ah In - this show is almost guaranteed to go right just because YAI has chosen it.


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Don't forget Fashion King... Never forget.


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Never saw it, lucky me! ?


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I'd like to believe that at that point in his career YAI did not have the freedom to choose as he does now. All his recent works have been stellar.

Though most of the time I pretend that Fashion King never happened.


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OMG! YES! The plan was so stupid! I don't wanna spoil it for anyone but I was so upset and disappointed in how the writer try to write up this half-baked scene without any sense of logic at all. It's like s/he just wrote this drama in their sleep without any thought or planning. :/ Also, Yoo Ah In is bae. From the way he looks at Jeon Seol to the way he acts all diva-like, I just squeal in delight seeing him on my screen.


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This writer does not have a very complicated writing style, so naturally, the plot to catch the kidnapper won't be that satisfying to begin with. With all the recurring poop jokes and not so funny scenes, I have come to expect something simplistic and not so satisfying plot to capture the kidnapper.


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You're right about that. I shouldn't have had my hopes up deeming that the last 14 episodes that I wasted 3 days to watch just went down the gutter.


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Thanks for reminding me about GKP's cuteness. Time to watch CT then!


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I feel empty on the weekend after dropping SWDBS weeks ago.
Now I'm looking forward Wed-Thru the most to watch Radiant Office, gosh where's next week preview :(
Watching Whisper too, but the show doesn't really make me "can't wait for monday" yet


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I recently found out that both the writer and PD are women which only makes me love the show even more.

I was surprised when I saw the female PD in the BTS. I like that the show doesn't go melodramatic even in the sad scenes. When Woo Jin was persuading Ho Won to go to the hospital, you could see tears brimming in his eyes. Ho Won cried many times but it wasn't always like the dam opened. When she turned and cried into the pillow, I felt it more than if she cried openly. I like how the drama balances perfectly humor and poignancy and I think it's due to the PD. Besides, the acting of the entire cast is superb.
I also love the writing so far but I won't say more until the show ends. I'll see if the focus does a major shift this coming week.


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Where did you watch the BTS clip?


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I didn't see the video, just some photos of the BTS.


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Yes agree! that moment when she cried into the pillow really spoke to me too.


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I'm crying over how underrated Radiant Office is! It's a shame because it is such a good show. The story inside and outside the workplace are so balanced, I can't skip a scene. Not to mention, is there a cuter trio than Eun Jang Do? Can't wait for the romance to finally bloom and make me squeal all through the week!
Now that the weekend is here, I can't wait to watch Father is Strange and finally see Miyoung confront the bully and make her future sister-in-law's life as miserable as hers was.


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I don't think Miyoung will make her life miserable but the others two are more likely. If it weren't for the baby, they could end up breaking up after everyone learns about Yuju and Miyoung's past.


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Will they break up? The brother seems like a henpecked coward. I don't think he dares to make the first move to do anything. Everything has to be done by the woman. Yucks! I can't wait for everyone to find out Miyoung has been bullied by her in the company. I want to know how her family will stand up for her, and her brother too.


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Maybe temporarily break up. But yeah can't wait to see the family's reaction.


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I agree. I can't see the brother breaking up with her (at least not long-term). I can't wait to see how the family (especially the other two sisters) react though once they find out. I would also love Mi Young to use it as an opportunity to stand up for herself and move forward. She has let her past hold her back for too long and it breaks my heart.


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Mi Young probably will keep quiet and only be uncomfortable with it. He and the eldest have a bit similar personality - easy to be bullied. I am lookong forward to see what other two will do.


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Because I usually love the underdog dramas, I'm now off to binge-watch Radiant Office. Thanks @invixxible! :)


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Eun Jang Do Fighting!


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So far, I agree. I put off starting Radiant for quite a while, mainly because the description sounded so cheesy. But so far (only up to ep3) better than I expected.


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I totally love Radiant Office. Some people found it boring, but I am perfectly fine with its tone. Looking forward to next week.


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I'm keeping my eye on that one! Definitely planning to marathon it soon ;)


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My week is quite full these days - I'm equally in love with Liar and his lover,Radiant office and Chicago typewriter. And the best thing is in all three dramas, I'm most enthralled by the female leads!

*Liar and his lover* - such a breezy watch and this "And for once, I can absolutely see why everyone is fascinated with the same girl, and why they find her special. Joy is delightful." Joy is now my girl crush :D. I'm okay with the juvenile feel of the drama and the inexperienced actors. I think the well-written story kind of compensates for that.

*Radiant office* - Go Ah Sung. She's just sooo good!

*Chicago typewriter* - I was so mesmerized by the first two eps. I really love Joen Soel - specifically her past life of an independence fighter. So very cool!

Other than the K-dramas, watching 13 reasons why these days. Read the book and loved it. Didn't expect the show to be that good, but man was I wrong!


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Dramas these days offer such good female characters and new girl crushes !


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Yes, very refreshing!


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The more I watch this drama, the more Joy's casting makes sense. When she's on stage, I believe that she's a singer. Because she is one. Actors could imitate the stage manners and presence of a singer, but watching Joy act in her stage scenes showed me it would be something hard to re-create so convincingly. She's displaying an energy and presence when Sorim is on stage which doesn't give doubt that Sorim is indeed a singer made to sing on stage. Don't get me wrong, I've seen actors portraying singers in a perfectly serviceable way that I wasn't distracted by their scenes, or had to suspend disbelief. But I've not, as far as I remember, seen actors in music-themed dramas make me feel like they were genuinely singers the way Joy is doing with Sorim.


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So true! Her portrayal of the character feels very real!


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Exactly what I was talking about when people were so against Joy and said that the production team should have casted an actress instead because they could lipsync the singing scenes but not with acting scenes.

Now, not only Joy can act out the acting scenes very well, she also levels up the singing scenes since those aren't lipsynced. Her voice is real, her singing is real. As much as an actress can imitate, it will never beat the real one.

Like Tamaki Hiroshi in Nodame Cantabile. His acting is undeniably great, he has taken piano lesson for the series and is musician in real life as well. However, it can't hide the fact he made piano fingering mistakes (as pointer out by some real pianist watchers--not me). It's not big matter. It just lost a little tiny bit realism and magical charm once you knew the scenes were faked.


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Yay for some love for The Liar and His Lover ?, Chicago Typewriter ?and Radiant Office ?. They may not be the rating winner in their respective time slots but they sure are deliver week in and week out.


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SWDBS - Its weird that I am liking this show more and more as it closes to the finale. And its weird that I am putting this among my favorite shows category despite not having watched any whole episodes for last 4 weeks?! I have been skipping so much. And I didnt really mind how much filler they use or how problematic the characters are, because the leads were so good. But now in finale week, am so mad at the show for wasting so much screen time on useless stuff when they could have actually had a crime fighting trio!

I am so sad for what this show might have been. It has all the ingredients but none of them mixed right. *sigh* Why show, why.

I still love parts of you, though. And I am sad to see you go.


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Yes! I just realised how much potential was wasted - instead of the non-Indian monk, and the gay/sexual identity jokes, they could have had an awesome crime fighting trio and some bromine!


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gotta agree with green + saturtle.. the drama had so much potential and it wasted itself on filler, uncomfortable gay/sexuality jokes, and abusive parenting. I also didn't find it funny how the mom tried to condone rape. The writer could've done so much better. :(


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I, for one, didn't mind the fillers in the early episodes because it is still a light show at the beginning. However, as the story progresses to a darker tone, they should have toned down the unfunny fillers and focus on the darker tension to even out the overall tone of the show. They do not do that, and makes the entire show seem so choppy and uneven. Yes, the writer could have done so much better, hopefully with the next drama, Woman of Dignity.


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Yes, this is kind of my feeling about the drama and why I'm stuck being 5 episodes behind. I will finish it but it is a big "it could have been" in my book.


Skip every scene that does not have the leads in them. Trust me, you will not miss anything!


'it has all the ingredients but none of them mixed right' -- exactly! When it gets good it really does, but sometimes it just completely drops the ball. Imagining what could have been makes me sad.


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I'm up to episode 9, but I'm only pushing through because I want to watch something light. SWDBS seems to be missing the 'crack factor' and I really don't like the mom and her abusive attitude.


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Imagine if the writer od Weightlifting Fairy is the writer writing Strong Woman...ohh, the posibilities..


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Man if she was, I'd tune in every week to watch Bong Bong and Min Min along with Gook Doo as the third wheel.


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That would have been so good! Now am extra sad!


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SAAAAAAAAAAAAME MAN, SAME. That scene when they caught the bad guy pissed me off as much as it delighted me, because all I could think of was all the episodes and time wasted when we could've had our crime fighting trio kicking ass and taking names in exactly that awesome style (with Bong Soon and Min Hyuk being adorable on the side, of course!)

I feel like just two changes to the story could've helped things go so much smoother - i) if the story was more episodic and concentrating on napping bad guys, and ii) in that same vein, if the love triangle hadn't been dragged out so much.

I mean, we could've had the main power couple get together early on, Gook Du in on the secret earlier on, Gook Du and Min Hyuk could've actually built up a sorta snarky friendship instead of their HEAVY on the grudging respect situation, we'd have dozens of mini plotlines with them taking down baddies and covering for Bong Soon's shows of strength (which would've worked so well, e.g Min Hyuk and Gook Du both lifting up the edge of a car together sounds so much more plausible than just Min Hyuk taking the blame all the time) all throughout the series - we could've had more training sequences, more friendship, more lovey dovey couple scenes, and just plain more badassery.

Not to mention how it would've opened up a much more natural avenue to themes like using her strength to help people, Min-Min getting used to her being in danger, Gook Du learning to work together with them and then with his police team, Min Hyuk learning to trust the police - and taking out all the gag plotlines could've also left room for more on everyone's backstories because I swear that felt the most lacking!

Ughhhhhhhs honestly we had such good casting and such a good concept and just... [breathes deeply and therapeutically listens to Rolling in the Deep].


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I have nothing much to add but to nod vigorously to every one of your points.

Even a drama special is a far fetched fantasy right now, so all I hope is someone writes kickass fanfictions. I will patiently wait for it!


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You MUST watch this. It's amazing to see how he has transformed.



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Oh, I've seen it. His reactions are so cute in a cringed way, ha. My YouTube suggestions are full of PHS and some loop now...


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Yes I really love all the ZE:A videos on random shows, especially immortal songs. They are a very talented group. Its sad they have broken up!


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One of my favorite videos of PHS. His array of expressions are so on point.


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The first time I saw this, I was way too shocked to react and had to hide my face in secondhand embarrassment, lol.
But overtime it has become my favorite. He is such a dork! I can see how he tells Ahn Min Hyuk is me and am Ahn Min Hyuk. He is exactly as dorky and crazy-out-there in real life as well!

I really hope he goes places, he definitely deserves the hallyu fame.


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The way this writer writes mystery connects with me. I like how its not enough mind boggling that I will have to think hard over it and neither is it that easy that every thing is predictable. Hence, I am currently enjoying Chicago Typewriter especially the 1930's setting.


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Not everything is predictable and that's what I like too !


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What randomsupergirl is watching this week:

The Liar and His Lover: So Rim is wonderful. I can't seem to say the same about Han Gyul, who for some reason still can't win me over. I just don't find his actions and intentions all that sincere -- YET (although he is slowly getting there. I just hope he gets there sooner than later). I am LOVING the OST though and it's the only one I've been listening to the whole week!

Tunnel: I am kinda 2 episodes behind with this one, but I am loving the tone so far. Instead of intense and suspenseful heart thumping scenes we usually get from mystery thrillers, I love the kind of poignant vibe we get, from a hero that's been thrown away into a far away place and separated from the love of his life. I am also keeping my eyes open for a possible bromance betwee Sung Jae and Kwang Ho.

Radiant Office: I quite like this a lot more than I initially expected to. I'm usually iffy about office dramas especially if the romance involves constant bickering between a mean bully boss and a usually incompetent and low-level employee -- but I just LOVE how Ho Won and Woo Jin's relationship progresses so naturally on this one. I am super excited for the ship to sail next week. Finally! I can't wait!

Mystery Queen: I am loving this sassy ajumma detective story. This kind of premise isn't usually my cup of tea, but I was sold with the light and comedic tone of the whole show.

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: I AM SO SAD ABOUT THIS DRAMA ENDING THIS WEEK :(((((( This is my favorite currently airing drama so far and I am just so sad about it ending :(( I could probably watch about a 100 more episodes of my Bongbong and Minmin couple, but I guess there is no such thing as forever :( That aside, I am so ready to see Bongsoon kick some ass and finally catch that psychopath killer!

Chicago Typewriter: I have been looking forward to this drama ever since it was announced, and I was not disappointed. It's so weird and retro but I LOVE IT. Yoo Ah In is so charismatic I can't take my eyes off him. It's still a bit too early to judge and I don't want to hype myself up that much, but tbh I REALLY AM LOVING THIS SO FAR. I've never felt this excited about a drama in so long. I want to see more of the 1930s and get to know more about Gu Kyung Pyo's character -- is he really a ghostwriter or is he a ghost? Show, please surprise me.


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It is probably because they changed so much Aki (Hangyul)'s character compared to the original manga. Riko (Sorim)'s character remained the same, I liked her very much in the manga and I like her as much in the drama. I also liked very much Aki in the manga, despite some of his character traits being extremely frustrating (but I could explain it as genius quirks, plus they were adding to the drama and angst in the manga). Aki in the manga was a very memorable character. I could relate to his depression, I could understand the actions that were motivated by it, I knew that before entering the music industry, he was, as Shiniya (CY) put it, so pure that it hurt looking at him. He changed as a reaction to the realities in the showbiz, and his producer's manipulations, but basicly deep down he remained the same adorkable, good hearted boy, though more mature now and with a less rosy view of life. Han gyul was stripped of so much of what made Aki a powerful character that I have trouble relating to him. It was probably designed to make the drama more fluffy and appropriate for the younger audience, but it stripped Han Gyul of the crack factor he had in the manga, which was no less than Riko's.


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Dara you voiced my mind perfectly! As much as I love kdrama version, I can barely accept Hangyul's character. Particularly speaking, this drama and the manga may have same situation, but somehow both leave different impression. Han-gyul seems more capable of hurting others verbally. Meanwhile, Aki is more passive. If I recall correctly, Aki never says mean things towards his friends. This is the impression I got from those two. Please cmiiw since I haven't read for a long time.

Anyway I love Takeru Sato portrayal more. Aside from that, I love everything in the kdrama version, especially Shi-hyun x Soo-yeon pair and Han-gyul x Chan-young bounding obstacles.


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I just binge watching Missing Noir M. It's a gem! Better late than never I guess! Season 2 please!!?


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Oohh, a mention of Missing Noir M. Deserves a like and a reply. Missing Noir M, the reason I don't watch many police procedural dramas. They just fail in comparison.
You going to watch Circle? The lead actor is going to be in it.


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Haha..You must be a big fan of Missing Noir M....or Kim Kang Woo?? It's a shame that it just 10 ep. Have you watched I Remember You? Another gem for me! Circle is sci-fi right? I will give it a try. You know we're talking about Kim Kang Woo.hehehe. I love him in Golden Cross too. Ok2. I will stop here?


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Haven't started watching Whisper yet, but totally looking forward to it! .......

I agree with chickachunga regarding Kim Won-hae. Still can't believe he's the same actor who also appeared in Chief Kim!


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augh when will i get out of this drama slump?? i'm in the mood for something light and romantic yet the only thing that keeps my interest is SWDBS- of which i skipped so much that i ended up with only like, 20 minutes of enjoyment. finally got through 2nd ep of TLAHL and i thought the story was finally picking up a little, but then struggled again to get through ep 3. the whole thing is just so..juvenile (which is ironic coming from SWDBS lol). i'm really getting desperate here lol.. when wil LJS' drama come out??


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I miss LJS, too. I also miss Kim Soo-hyun. Please come back to dramaland?


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Ikr. Watching the teaser of IU's MV (Ending scene) made me realise how much I miss Kim Soo Hyun.


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me, too ! Still in drama slump, I mean. I don't even know what mood I'm in for. I tried I Remember You, but only got to ep 1. At least I'm following Mystery Queen at KBS World, although I have a difficult time keeping my eyes open in the 2nd half of an episode.


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Have you watched Mystery Queen? This drama is finally the one that pulled me out of my slump. The tone is very similar to Castle / The Mentalist - it's as light as SWDBS but with better writing and less comical jokes. Also, no annoying supporting characters and filler plots as yet!


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I don't like to be too optimistic about a drama but Chicago Typewriter has conquered my heart. There is everything I love : part of the plot set in the 1930s (add the music and the fashion), an eccentric writer who is the Korean Stephen King played by Yoo Ah In, lots of books, cute animals, a fangirl who was a sharpshooter in her past life.


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I forgot to add : I loved Lee Donghwi in Reply 1988 and now in Radiant Office. He always plays the good friend character so well than I'm rooting more for him than for any other characters. He always takes care of others but neglects himself.


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He was in a drama short a few years ago set in the 1980's where he's a teacher who pushes and secretly supports a budding female writer student to do more works which I found heart warming. I find that I look for his acting skills in the dramas he chooses.


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Loving everything in Chicago Typewriter so far.


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Loving this drama. Somehow remind me to start writing again.


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Yup me too! The only drama on weekends that I enjoy and looking forward to. I love every character so far and the plot is just very intriguing.


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I always love reading the What We're Watching post. Fascinated at how not everyone on the DB team are the same when it comes to liking or not liking a show. Loving the diversity! Thanks Team DB, you are all daebak!


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In love with Tunnel and Chicago typewriter ?


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I don't really get the hype about Strong Women Dong Bong Soon. The pair are adorable but then I feel like this drama could have ended like in 10th episode or so. What's the story? Why so many characters and fillers? And my puppy Ji Soo is just being as a poor second lead. Not digging it at all.
Chicago Typewriter. Loving it so far. And not predictable so it's making me kinda guess what's everyones relationship with the other. And Im Soo Jung's character being the level headed independent heroine in drama land along with Radiant Office's Ho Won! Dramas doing it right.


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Although I love SWDBS, honestly, other than the two main leads and their cute chemistry, there's not much too watch.


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I am SO GLAD hat everyone is loving The Liar and his Lover! ^^


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I didn't expect what we are watching to come out so soon. But, glad its here. Thank you guys for all your hard work regarding the new site, I am thoroughly enjoying it. Don't forget to take care of your health and eat well too. And so happy that javabeans and heads are watching liar and his lover and liking it! Its the only currently airing drama I am watching and its super fun for me. I have the same problem with han gyul that heads' has. I want him to choose music as well as the people concerned instead of choosing music over them and hurting them in the process but I am hoping that so rim will help him achieve that balance so I am still rooting for them. Also watching misaeng , just finished episode 11 and there was a particularly funny scene in it (SPOILER) where young yi tells geu rae that his fly is open to make him bow his head and he ll be fooled. Twice! Haha. I can't imagine myself saying that to anyone and definitely not with the straight face she had. Ahn young yi is just awesome!


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Ahn Young Yi is one of my favorite female characters in dramaland. She is amazing and I always hope we get to see more such characters and that they do get enough screen time because AYY got less when I wanted to see more of her, even if Jang Geu Rae was my favorite.


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Ahn Young Yi is awesome and that made Kang Sora one of my girl crush. More of screen couldn't have hurt.


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I wanted a bit more for her story also. Such a great character.

I'm missing Kang Sora! Hopefully she does a drama within the year...


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Misaeng and Weightlifting Fairy made me bawled at the last 10 minutes, because I knew it was the last 10 minutes of characters I wanted in my life forever. I love shows like that!


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At this point, the only reason I'm only rooting for Hangyul and Sorim to get together because that's what Sorim wants, and Hangyul can be sweet, and they can be cute together. Ok, so it's more than one reason, but what I mean is, I don't love love them together yet. I'm not feeling bad about it though, because I believe when Hangyul will stop being so confusing with his actions with Sorim, and start behaving with her the way he is on dates with her more consistently, I will be on board the ship.


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This is how I feel too. They're a work-in-progress couple that I find sweet. I root for them individually and, ultimately, together, but I also need a lot of personal growth to happen. I think they have the potential to become more as they mature. The writing has been pretty solid so far, so I could see myself rooting for them quite a bit if their struggles take them to even more satisfying places together.


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Right now I'm just watching SWDBS and while the fireworks bomb was ridiculous, I love how last night's episode showed who the boss here really is. :)

Watching some JDoramas as recommended by @sorrynotsorry from open thread last week and I've gotten so hooked with (I'm pretty sure is) the long lost brother of Lee Seojin and Ha Seokjin - Shun Oguri - that I completed all 11 eps plus SP of Rich Man, Poor Woman in one day! The title made me really hesitant to start it but when I did, I fell in love because it was far from a CinderellaCandy story. <3 It does feel like a Kdrama romcom, only faster pace and more intriguing office problems so I'm glad I found it.


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Oh Oguri Shun <3 I had a huge crush on him in Hana Yori Dango (japanese BOF). Rich Man, Poor Woman is really good. I even liked the second female lead and that's a plus for me. You watch Ouroboros. It's a great police drama and the other male lead is Ikuta Toma. They were together in Hana Kimi (japanese To The Beautiful You and highly recommanded). It's a fun show with WTF characters but it's not one of Oguri Shun best role in my opinion.


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I swooned at everything he did. Even when he was being super insensitive to the girl in the SP, I felt that it was true to his character. Will try and find some more time to watch more of his works especially Hana Kimi because while I liked the Taiwanese version, I didn't get past one ep of the K one. :)


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Yeah, sometimes I wanted to slap him but it's Oguri Shun. A classmate actually recommended me the korean version and it was a torture to watch till the end. I plan to watch the Taiwanese one.


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I watched most of the drama that all writers watching ?????
1. To chase away my monday blues, i got the liar and his lover which i love so much (full of cute bandmates n young producer), with the dark WHISPER and of course saeguk Rebel and also Ms Perfect so basically i watched all the monday tuesday drama ??????
2. For mid week, i got Radiant office, i love eun ho won, do ki taek n also jang kang ho friendship, they're just so cute together, also my ahjussi crush Song Seung Hoon in Saimdang n if u lucky, u can get a glimpse of YANG SE JONG ????? while another puppy police n cop ahjussi n ahjumma start making my mid week more interesting also in Mistery Queen.
3. I've got FULLY BOOKED for weekend with minmin couple Strong woman do bong soon (i love gook doo n the villain also) and quirky writer Han Se Ju In Chigago typewriter, he's such "a puppy" (esp in ep.3) ?????? i've got my hand also in 50 eps of 2 weekend drama, blame it on Lee tae hwan (Father,i'll take care of u) and Lee Joon n his turtle (father is strange)????? not to mention 2d1n and also at least 2 other reality show every week, no wonder i spent SO MUCH on my internet bill ??????


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Han Se Ju was surprisingly cute in ep 3 haha. Lee Joon and his turtle kill me every time.


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What's with Lee Joon and his turtle? But I agree they are very cute together. Hye Young is another that has captured my attention. I can't wait for the reveal of her relationship. How is her mother going to take to the in-law?


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I wish people around the parents will be greatly influenced.


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Finally! Thanks chickachunga for stating that about SWDBS... I'm seriously bored with that show. Trust me guys, I feel the chemistry, but I always end up just watching the behind the scenes than watching the actual show.

The shows I'm currently watching now are The Liar and Chicago... that's it. I just hope it's may already so we can finally have our most anticipated rom-coms of the year and hopefully lived up to its hype.

For now, I'm planning to watch the japanese remake of Misaeng, I've read some good reviews. Anyone here who watched it? Is it worth it?


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what?? japanese remake of misaeng?? first time i heard about it.. what's the title? i think I'll hesitant to watch it tho, since i'm so attached to siwan's jang geurae XD


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The Japanese remake of Misaeng is called Hope. I think it is a really good remake. It is short (9 episodes) which I appreciated.


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The Liar and His Lover: Okay, so this was the show I’ve been waiting for—the kind that makes me eager to watch episode after episode, rather than feeling I have to try to keep up, and sticks in my mind even when I’m doing other things.

Yes! Liar doesn't have suspenseful cliffhangers to be honest. Yet, I still look forward to the next episode because as I start caring about all the characters, I want to know what happens to everyone.


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Except for Do Bong-soon, I'm following the same dramas tipsymocha is currently watching. And, we share the same thoughts about them. I just learned yesterday that Chicago has the same writee as KMHM. While the plot described the show as a reincarnation story, episode 3 made me believe that the 1930s scenes and some present-day scenes were just figment of Yoo Ah-in's imagination--at least that's what I would want the story to turn out. And 100 percent with your thoughts on Kwon Sang-woo. I can only remember his face doing depressing dramas, but this time around he's fun.


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Drama slump continues... SWDBS is ending this week and I guess I will try out man to man when it comes out. But honestly, nothing is interesting me.


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Yay, JB and HeadsNo2 liking TLAHL! For me, the start was not that addicting but by episode 4 hit, it became my crack. I actually livestream it now, especially after the cliffhanger in episode 6 (which was so rewarding by the way! I am so in love with the performance and the OST of Your Days!). The angst though! I wish we had just one more episode of fluff before basically dropping the house down on poor Hangyul.

I am also very much enjoying CHICAGO TYPEWRITER. I suspect it'll be my next crack.

I just saw the subbed episode of SWDBS this afternoon and my goodness, MinMin and BongBong! The kiss! *swoon* I love them! I just wish we had more of the crimefighting trio instead of the gangster plotline...and I dunno if its just me, but I am not enjoying the scenes wasted on Mr. Oh and his delusions.

I may have to just stick to recaps of Whisper. The lapse in logic over destroying the files completely instead of creating a copy just turned me off. Maybe its because of my actual profession as a prosecutor, but its frustrating for me to have to sit through the angst and the drama that could have easily been resolved...but again, I love LBY so I may just grit my teeth and just watch.

Oh, I am watching WGM's GongMyung and Hyesung right now. There are so adorable! And I just watched Knowing Bros, my goodness, its so funny!!!


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I take back what I said in my comment about cliffhangers. End of episode 6 had me screaming for the next one because I. NEEDED. to. hear. her sing. NOW.


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I'm only reading the recaps, but Strong Woman Bong-soon has not impressed me either. I don't think the logic of her strength was consistent. They told us the rules, but in practice, the rules happened at the convenience of the plot. The abuse and pushiness of the mother never sat well with me either, and the humor never really hit the right spot for me.

I feel like I'm raining on everyone's parade, but while I was just as excited at the beginning, I've had to force myself to keep up with it. I should just drop it, but now I am just curious how it'll wrap up.


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To add on to that, the drama really didn't address if she was content with being super strong despite her insecurities. The mom's behavior has gotten out of hand. She isn't amusing in the least and idk how people put up with her on the show.


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I have saved myself the torture and have quit the show long ago. Not even PBY can save it for me XD


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Wow, how is it that I am having the exact opposite viewing experience as DB? I have tried and dropped a number of the shows the people here seem to have glowing reviews of. Meanwhile, I am really loving Chicago Typewriter. I guess it just means that there are all kinds of shows for all kinds of people, and this way we all get to find something we like.


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I prepared a thank you gift for the new site
Hope you'll like it


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Among the show I am watching, I really like that The Liar and His Lover just so lovely.

The one thing that stands out from Radiant Office is how I strangely gets the feeling that Jin Ha Rim is so mean. I know that Kim Dong Wook is playing both characters differently. Yet, when he's cute I get flashes of Jin Ha Rim so bad that when he's doing his evil deeds, I am absolutely crushed.

I want the last of Do Bong Soon episode just the two actors cuddling and making lovey dovey faces. I don't care about the villain at all.


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Dramas that Im currently watching (in anticipation order):

1. Queen of Mystery
Just like HeadsNo2, i never really like Choi Kang Hee before but Im loving her interpretation of Seol Ok. Kwon Sang Woo is also doing good as the detective.

2. Chicago Typewriter
Han Se Joo's hairstyle that I find funny at first seems to suit him well now. I like Im Soo Jung's character and to me she's more badass than Bong Soon.

3. Radiant Office
Im super loving the relationship between Ho Won and Ki Taek.

4. The Liar and his Lover
Joy is not bad for her first acting experience. I think she delivers her emotion quite well


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The only show I'm watching right now is Chicago Typewriter. "Engaging" would be the word I would use to describe it. I've just finished watching ep 3 and so looking forward to the next! Im Soo-jung is brilliant, her Seol has the inner strength that I really admire. The show's music is very nice, too. ♥


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Can I say I was surprised by most DB recappers' comments about CT? Because those comments are what I have in mind lately, and I thought I was the weird one who haven't invested in the show yet. Also, I'm not really eager to catch up on the newest episodes which will be a bummer when I stumble on spoilers lol. The story is quite intriguing, but the characters hold me back to fully enjoy the ride. Let see if the ep. 3-4 could hold my interest.


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me too and the mystery in the show is weird..haha


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For fans of Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms... here's something from the Fangirl Verdict. Enjoy!



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Gaaawwd! I I laughed so hard when I saw the first picture under "Managing Expectations"! Exactly what I was talking about in my reply to Hye Mi in comment#1
Thank you :)


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Whew I feel hot all over just reading the review of Ye Hwa XD. Gotta go and relive those moments in the drama! Thank you!


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That review is EXACTLY how I felt on the show. The romance was SOOO good and I loved both the main characters, separately and together as a couple. But the show did have its issues. The CGI is just bad and the timeline is ridiculous and would confuse me. Considering 1 day in the celestial realm is 1 year in the human realm made no sense. If 70,000 years has passed in the Celestial realm I can't comprehend how many years that would be on Earth. We are talking million of years. But the actors, characters and swoony romance let me look past all the flaws and forgive them.


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So excited for Tunnel’s new episode today!!! :D Always been my favorite drama of the week. I feel like today’s episode will be intense. Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Finished EP 15, which was entertaining mostly due to the main couple and finally the trio’s teamwork! Bong Soon and Min Hyuk is the cutest and have great chemistry, but I’m not satisfied with the writing/story. This drama had way too much filler and unnecessary side stories. Whisper: My weekly dose of darkness. The convoluted plot devices and twists sometimes boggled my mind, but have left me wanting to know more. I want justice for Young Joo and Dong Joon, but I really, really want comeuppance for the villains. I feel like this drama will be able to satisfy me with the good writing and hopefully, a good ending. Mystery Queen EP 4 was great. Love the investigative style. Easy, light watch. I don’t have to stress about it while watching. Can’t wait for the rough, dogged cop and the smart, bright heroine to start working together as a team! Chicago Typewriter: Only caught the first two episodes. Love the cinematography and the bits of mystery with the present story is intriguing. Excited to see Yoo Ah In in this. ____________ I feel like I’m watching a bunch of dramas now, but there’s a whole lot more in May. :D xD


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I'm only watching Whisper right now and it's making my life!! this is my 1st time watching Lee Sang Yoon and I'm officially a fan now!!


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The only drama that keeps me hooked right now is Radiant Office. Thank God that this drama is totally worth watching. Others are just totally meh especially Strong Woman in which I motivate myself to watch for the sake of finishing it (yes, 2 episodes left!). It's unfortunate that this season for dramas is really dull. Hope the next batch are so much better.


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I'm really loving Radiant Office and I'm sad that it's only 16 episodes! More, please!


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Both time travel shows are a bit off.
Mystery Queen is going well.
Rebel, why hasn't Gil Dong's sister recognized him?
Also watching Queen Insoo.
Watching J drama Quartet with Mitsushima Hikari ❤️


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Oooohhh. I watched Queen Insoo quite a while ago. I thought it was good.


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Yes, the whole double amnesiac Eorini plot line in Rebel confuses me. I have no idea what it's supposed to accomplish right now, but maybe there will be some sort of payoff down the road? I'm also watching Queen Insoo, but it can get quite heavy so I've been taking a break recently. I plan to go back to it soon though.


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quartet is cute... i have to go back to it, now that you have mentioned it... thanks!


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