Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Episode 15

In its penultimate episode, this show has decided that it needs to murder us all via cuteness, and giggles, so that none of us are alive and sane for the final episode, and therefore cannot actually process that this show is really over. I’m in disbelief. Don’t take Bong-bong and Min-min away from me. It isn’t all fun and games though because there’s still a crazed criminal on the loose and it’s up to our heroes to stop him once and for all.

Episode 15: “Level Up”

We rewind a little back before the big explosion, so our hearts can be pummeled again as we watch Bong-soon scream out for Min-hyuk to leave her. Min-hyuk promises that they’re in this together no matter the outcome. Don’t make me live through this again!

A column of light breaks through the darkness and returns Bong-soon’s powers after she begs for the strength to save Min-hyuk. She frees herself, then runs off and whips the bomb into the air. Min-hyuk and Bong-soon hold each other as the sky lights up. Down in the crowd, Jang-hyun looks up in confusion as everyone else cheers at the light show. He puts two and two together and realizes his defeat, then leaves thwarted.

Bong-soon fusses over Min-hyuk’s injured hand, promising to buy him some new clothes when she gets paid, which he intends to hold her to. He faces her, and begins to say something but is interrupted by the sound of Bong-soon’s rumbling stomach.

He finds it super adorable, of course, and smiles, then leads her out for some well-earned udon. As they eat, she gets a text from Dad telling her to hurry home. Min-hyuk’s disappointed, but manages to hold it in, since he understands that Dad’s probably very worried. Then Bong-soon suddenly suggests she not go home tonight, and he chokes in surprise.

He can barely keep it together as excitement buzzes through him. Bong-soon notices his overreaction and scoffs as she asks what he’s imagining. He denies letting his imagination run wild, but breaks into this wiiiide grin, then gets up to flap his jacket and cool himself down from the sudden attack.

After they eat, Bong-soon offers to drive but instead of replying yea or nay, he gears up to suggest they stay together for the night, with a sincere glint in his eyes. His phones rings before he can finish his question, and he answers the call annoyed, but changes his tune immediately when he realizes it’s Bong-soon’s father.

Min-hyuk assures Dad that he’s taking Bong-soon home right away, but when he hangs up it looks as if that promise has killed a little bit of him inside. He’s resigned to his fate, and drags himself to the car like a soulless body, hehe.

They arrive outside her house, and he manages to say his goodbye without too much disappointment. But when she tells him to sleep well, he grumps to himself bitterly: If she wanted him to, then why did she say that?

She takes his hand and says with a smile, “Today was the happiest day of my life.” The weight of those words land fully on Min-hyuk and his heart swells. He waves goodbye, though clearly not wanting to leave, and realizes he’s not going to sleep at all tonight.

At home, Min-hyuk reflects on the long evening: He recalls the way Bong-soon pleaded for him to leave and save himself. And says aloud, “How can I leave?” then muses, “You were trying to save me…” He’s moved by her deep care for him, and lingers over the words.

Meanwhile, in her bed, Bong-soon is filled with similar thoughts and remembers him pledging never to leave. She thinks back to his promise from an earlier episode, where he vowed to protect her.

And then her mind drifts to their kiss on beach, where they literally joined hearts. She sits up to send him a text, but then changes her mind before she can put down any of her thoughts.

As he predicted, that night Min-hyuk can’t find sleep. Bong-soon’s proposal echoes through his mind, (seriously girl, why you gotta play us him like that?) and he jumps to his feet to let out a roar of frustration, then begins vigorously exercising to burn off the tension. HA.

He works up a sweat and manages to curtail his, uh, wishfulness, but then just as he’s in the clear, Bong-soon’s voice rings through his head again and offers not to go home for the night, and so he drops to the floor for some push-ups.

Finally, he goes back to bed, however, even after alllll of that he’s still restless. But if it’s any consolation, so is Bong-soon. They toss and turn in sync, unable to escape the spell they’ve cast on each other. Hours later, Min-hyuk wanders out to the kitchen for some water. He jolts when he hears the doorbell ring, and hurries to the door. Could it be….?

It’s Bong-soon! She stutters to explain herself, until finally she admits, “I wanted to see you.” (This better be real!) He springs forward and kisses her, lifting her onto the piano so that they are level. And they kiss soft, gentle kisses in the early morning light.

They run into each other at the entrance to AinSoft later that morning, and immediately Min-hyuk takes her hand for all the see.

In the elevator, they fawn over each other; Bong-soon examines Min-hyuk’s injury, completely unaware that Secretary Gong is in there with them. He announces himself with a loud cough, begging them to stop, and they scramble apart in shock and embarrassment.

They asks how his head is doing from when Jang-hyun knocked him out, and after Secretary Gong answers that he’s fine, Min-hyuk goes right back to cooing at Bong-soon as if they’re alone.

Apparently, Dong-pyung is at the hospital because he hurt his leg trying to escape the building. Dong-pyung walks with a crutch under his arm, and passes his doppelganger, Kwang-bok, who also sports a crutch like a perfect mirror.

They both stop in their tracks and turn at the same moment, recognizing themselves in one another. Dong-pyung gasps in horror, while Kwang-bok dribbles.

Bong-soon returns to the generator room on the rooftop where Jang-hyun had chained her. She examines the broken restraints, then makes an oath: “Kim Jang-hyun, I’m going to get you.”

All across Korea, a manhunt for Jang-hyun is underway: The police post a wanted posters for the fugitive and the entire country is put on notice. Meanwhile, Unit 3 gets up to date on Jang-hyun’s latest, and most explosive crime yet.

They understandably don’t really know what to make of the story that Min-hyuk allegedly threw the bomb into the sky (yeah great cover, guys), and are still stumped by how Jang-hyun escaped death after his car fell off the cliff. Being the only one who knows about Bong-soon’s strength, their team leader figures out that Jang-hyun’s true target is Bong-soon, and not Min-hyuk.

At AinSoft, Gook-doo meets with Bong-soon, and is alarmed to learn that Jang-hyun is aware of her superpower and that the events last night were a trap to ensnare her. Gook-doo knows that she lost her powers, but she corrects him and says that they’ve returned.

He realizes that she was the one responsible for the “fireworks.” He’s relieved though, and thinks it’s a downright miracle that everything worked out the way it did.

Bong-soon becomes thoughtful and says that she prayed for the power to save “that person,” and her powers returned. Gook-doo guesses that Min-hyuk refused to leave even after knowing that the bomb was attached to her.

He sighs as he processes the truth, then lets out a tiny smile to himself, deciding not to write a report on the incident since it’s not exactly believable. He hugs Bong-soon before he leaves, relieved that she’s safe and back to her old self.

Upstairs in his office, Min-hyuk is lost in thought as he looks over Jang-hyun’s wanted poster. Min-hyuk proposes to Secretary Gong that they could implement a pop-up window in their game with Jang-hyun’s picture, and offer a reward for any information. Min-hyuk then swears to be the one to catch him.

Before he leaves, Secretary Gong hesitantly informs Min-hyuk about Bong-soon and Gook-doo’s hug downstairs, having witnessed it from afar (he even tried to snap a photo as evidence, but failed). Min-hyuk jumps to his feet, and shouts out in disbelief. He’s radiating rage, and spews out question after question, trying to get the all the specifics. Secretary Gong fearfully ekes out his replies, but each detail enrages Min-hyuk further.

Min-hyuk then demands that Secretary Gong “simulate” exactly how Gook-doo hugged his “girlfriend” (he said girlfriend!). Secretary Gong plays the part of Gook-doo in the scenario, but points out that there should be a height difference, prompting Min-hyuk to crouch down to imitate Bong-soon. Bwahaha!

Secretary Gong demonstrates how Gook-doo held Bong-soon, and right as he’s cradling Min-hyuk to his bosom, Dong-pyung limps into the room. He screams, hitting his signature high note, then hobbles over to grab Secretary Gong by the hair and rough him up. Dong-pyung sends Secretary Gong to the ground, then immediately snuggles into Min-hyuk’s embrace, who strokes his head lovingly.

This, of course, is a daydream, so we return to reality where Dong-pyung strips off his jacket and tie, then beelines for Secretary Gong (without even limping) and tries to hit him. Secretary Gong scoops up Dong-pyung and carries him out of the office, while Min-hyuk shouts in annoyance at his Gook-doo problem.

At the walnut shop, Mom finds a letter from Dad telling her not to look for him because he wants to “live [his] life.” She’s aghast at his gall and receives a double blow when she learns that they don’t have anything left to sell at the shop. Looks like living his life means eating ramyun while camping the woods, because that’s where Dad has run off to. Tell me that isn’t the face of true contentment.

Dong-pyung grimaces from his sore wrist as a result of Bong-soon’s chopstick bracelet, and screeches out her name like a curse. He’s startled when she actually appears in response and backs away as she nears.

He asks her again who the heck she is, and she responds with her Do-bong motto, and he tells her to go back to her planet. She advises him to be nice to new employees as she fastens a second bracelet around his wrist. This time she uses a spoon, and calls it a “set,” to Dong-pyung’s shock and horror.

She walks off triumphant, then snaps her fingers, and on cue Dong-pyung topples over and passes out.

On the rooftop, Min-hyuk calls Gook-doo and, using his most intimidating voice, requests some of the detective’s time, because they gots to talk. Gook-doo agrees and informs Min-hyuk that he’ll text him the time and place before promptly hanging up. Outraged, Min-hyuk huff and puffs about being unable to like Gook-doo.

Min-hyuk runs into Bong-soon downstairs, and she grabs his hand to go get some food in the cafeteria. He stops her, still pissed, and grouches that there’s somewhere else they need to go.

He pulls her aside to scold her when suddenly she says, “Min-hyuk-sshi.” She asks if she can call him that when they’re alone. Internally, Min-hyuk coaches himself to stay strong, and under no circumstances should he be distracted by all the adorableness in front of him.

She tiptoes up to kiss him on the cheek, then asks if she can call him “Min-min,” and he turns into mush right before our eyes. He’s no match for her cuteness, and literally drops to his knees in giddiness. Someone please tell my roommates that I’m a normal person, because this show has made me into an obnoxious laughing/squealing idiot.

In the cafeteria, Bong-soon hand-feeds him a bite of his sandwich, and he melts at the gesture and smiles like a fool.

Afterwards, Secretary Gong and Min-hyuk look over photos of famous models, trying to pick out someone to be the advertising face of their game. Secretary Gong suggests a certain female model that Min-hyuk is a fan of.

Bong-soon watches them with a walnut hammer in her eyes, and once Min-hyuk notices, he begins backpedaling and whacks Secretary Gong, then berates him for making up stories. Min-hyuk claims that he had insisted on using a male model for their game.

Not catching his drift, Secretary Gong argues that Min-hyuk has said he liked the model before. Min-hyuk denies it through gritted teeth and in an abnormally loud voice says that the woman’s legs are “uselessly” long, then whispers for Secretary Gong to get lost.

Meanwhile, Bong-soon texts Gook-doo asking to meet later because there’s something she wants to tell him.

Later, Min-hyuk and Gook-doo sit down for a drink (getting some flashbacks of the last time you guys drank together…). The air is combative as they stare each other down and take shots of soju. Min-hyuk says that he wants to make it clear to Gook-doo that he and Bong-soon are—

Gook-doo cuts him off to take issue with Min-hyuk’s usage of banmal, and Min-hyuk tells him to use banmal too then. Gook-doo fires back that he has manners, unlike Min-hyuk, and only uses banmal to people he’s close to.

Min-hyuk asks if he thinks that he’s using banmal because they’re close, and adds that if Gook-doo doesn’t want to be closer then why is he also using banmal? (These two knuckleheads.) They down another shot just to survive the conversation.

Gook-doo suddenly asks Min-hyuk if he likes Bong-soon. Min-hyuk is incensed that Gook-doo has the audacity to pose that question to him. He then throws down the gauntlet and warns Gook-doo, “Don’t hang around my girlfriend anymore,” then gets up to leave.

He’s not going anywhere though, because Gook-doo grabs him by the collar, and Min-hyuk returns the favor. They both accept a fight as an inevitability and prepare for war.

Bong-soon walks in before it can turn into a bloodbath. Min-hyuk is surprised to see her, so Gook-doo explains that she’s here to see him, and the boys start arguing back and forth until Bong-soon has to break them apart, pushing them back into their seats.

She joins them at the table, and announces to Gook-doo that she wants to catch Jang-hyun together. She looks over at Min-hyuk and realizes that it’s probably not the right time to discuss that so they may as well drink. In unison, the boys tell her not to, and Min-hyuk is immediately upset that Gook-doo is telling Bong-soon what to do.

Gook-doo shoots back that he’s her friend, and asks Min-hyuk who the hell he is. They begin swearing back and forth at each other as Bong-soon rolls her eyes and tries to sneak a drink, but is stopped by Min-hyuk.

She pours them drinks instead, and then later has to carry them both back to Min-hyuk’s again. Oh! This time, she puts Min-hyuk’s feet on top of Gook-doo. I love these little touches.

The next morning, Bong-soon heads out to work, but stops when Mom informs her that Dad ran away. Mom claims not to know why Dad left, and Bong-soon accuses her of hitting him. She denies it, but the twins don’t really believe her.

Min-hyuk wakes up and notices that his socks and jacket have been removed. He smiles to himself, happy as a little peach, guessing that Bong-soon did it for him. Suddenly, he remembers Gook-doo then races out to see him asleep on his couch. His pleasure at seeing Gook-doo not covered in a blanket trumps his annoyance at seeing Gook-doo in his house. Haha, remember when she left Min-hyuk on the floor? What fond memories.

Min-hyuk skips over to Bong-soon when she enters through the front door and greets her. She’s somber as she replies, and he switches over to concern, asking her what’s wrong. She tells him about Dad and Gook-doo falls off the couch, awakening.

Bong-soon fixes them some hangover soup, and Gook-doo thanks Bong-soon as she serves them. Min-hyuk gripes that Gook-doo should thank him since it’s his house. As they dig in, Bong-soon mentions her desire to catch Jang-hyun and asks for their help.

Speaking of the devil himself, Jang-hyun rages alone in his hideaway as he looks over his wanted posters and bemoans his massive failure at killing Bong-soon.

Back at Min-hyuk’s, the three reconvene in the secret room where the boys express their disapproval to her plan. Min-hyuk asks why they need Gook-doo on their team, and Gook-doo shares the sentiment, but in reverse. They start bickering and Bong-soon begs them to stop, then threatens to work alone if they can’t get along.

This catches their attention and reluctantly they agree to help out, only if she promises never to act alone. She agrees, and discuss their Jang-hyun situation. They know that Jang-hyun will target Bong-soon again, but now that there’s a nationwide arrest warrant out for him, he can’t move as easily as he did before.

Bong-soon suggests they manufacture a scenario that forces him out into the open. Gook-doo believes Jang-hyun will try to to smuggle himself out of the country via cargo ship, given his predicament as a hunted man.

Min-hyuk calls Boss Tak to cash in on the gangster’s debt. Boss Tak agrees to help out in collecting information on smugglers using cargo ships. Bong-soon also makes a call to her followers and asks them to put Jang-hyun’s picture on a popular blog they run.

Jang-hyun’s picture is everywhere, and he finds it difficult to be in public without being immediately recognized. He heads to an underground weapons seller, and purchases a sniper rifle. After he leaves, the seller immediately reports the Jang-hyun sighting to his boss, which eventually gets relayed to Boss Tak. Boss Tak tells Min-hyuk which cargo ship Jang-hyun intends to board, and the unsettling news about the gun.

A little later, someone reports a Jang-hyun sighting to AinSoft and the location lines up with the area where Jang-hyun is supposedly going to board the cargo ship. The team theorizes that Jang-hyun will try to shoot Bong-soon from afar then immediately get on the his boat; thus, he’ll try to lure Bong-soon to him.

Bong-soon thinks that they need to figure out a way to bring Jang-hyun to a place of their choosing, which would increase their chances of success. Min-hyuk comments on her fearlessness in the face of a gun threat, and she replies back confident that she’s Do Bong-soon. So he reminds her that she’s “Do Bong-soon and not Wonder Woman.”

Gook-doo advises that when Jang-hyun calls her, she needs to hurt his pride because he can’t handle being disrespected by a woman. He tells her to use that weakness to her advantage and tell Jang-hyun where to meet her, then hang up the phone promptly, setting out their bait.

Things aren’t going so well at the walnut shop, as a customer comes in to complain about the egg tarts. Mom defends her product, but the customer wants a refund. Mom accuses the customer of being a serial refunder, and prepares to fight this battle to end, until Min-hyuk walks through the door and suddenly Mom begins apologizing for the inconvenience.

Mom greets Min-hyuk and sits him down as her friends fawn over him. Min-hyuk promises Mom that he’ll bring Dad home, because Bong-soon is very worried. Mom explains that there is no need because she gave Dad “freedom.” She adds that sometimes couples need to be apart and that it’s even healthy for them.

Mom then builds up the courage and asks Min-hyuk for his birthday and time of birth. Min-hyuk guesses that she wants to get his and Bong-soon’s marital compatibility read, and encourages her to do so.

He also asks to know the results, and in the event that they aren’t compatible… the ladies lean in close, awaiting his answer. After a beat, he asks Mom to continue getting their charts read by different people until she receives a positive result. Mom and her friends leap to their feet and cheer, elated by Min-hyuk’s reaction. That’s it, he’s perfect. Swoon.

That night, Bong-soon sits down with her strength journal and records her deeds. She chronicles how she saved those three kidnapped women and Kyung-shim using her strength. Then vows to capture the man who kidnapped them.

The next morning at AinSoft, Bong-soon’s opportunity arrives when she receives a call from Jang-hyun, who lurks outside. She suggests they meet, but Jang-hyun isn’t so easily drawn in.

She utilizes Gook-doo’s advice and provokes Jang-hyun by suggesting that he’s running away scared because of a “little girl like me.” She says that he’s no match for her, and that gets him listening. Bong-soon tells him to meet her tonight at the construction site where she had lost her strength, then hangs up.

She tells Min-hyuk afterwards, and he expresses his understanding of the situation, but discomfort with the plan. He asks for some time to adjust to the idea of her putting herself in harm’s way, but she assures him that she’s going to be fine, and eventually he nods.

Finally, the time to meet with Jang-hyun arrives. Bong-soon walks into the construction site with Min-hyuk and Gook-doo in position off to the sides. They’re all connected by earpieces and Min-hyuk warns them to be careful, since Jang-hyun is likely hiding somewhere high up.

Bong-soon thinks to herself, “Kim Jang-hyun, stop hiding like a coward. Face me in a proper fight.” Jang-hyun readies his gun from high in the sky, as Bong-soon stands in on the ground right in the open.

Jang-hyun locks onto Bong-soon, aims, and then fires out a shot that hits her right in the abdomen. She falls to the ground and closes her eyes. Gook-doo spots Jang-hyun and sprints to intercept him, while Min-hyuk runs to Bong-soon.

He calls out to her, and we don’t see if Bong-soon ever wakes, but soon Min-hyuk is also running in search of Jang-hyun. The criminal escapes by car, but they know where he’s going: Incheon Port.

They relocate, and Gook-doo chases Jang-hyun down while Min-hyuk guides Gook-doo through the maze of cargo containers using his drone. Jang-hyun manages to give Gook-doo the slip, but Min-hyuk has eyes in the sky and directs Gook-doo back on the trail. At some point, Jang-hyun races ahead, and Gook-doo slows—then lets Jang-hyun fall into their trap.

Jang-hyun runs forward as a shipping container moves and blocks his exit. He turns around to go back the way he came, but another closes him in. Bong-soon leaps to the top of the container and reveals herself.

He’s confused because he’s certain he shot her. We flash back to Min-hyuk giving her a bulletproof vest to wear, and when he checked on her at the construction site, she opened her eyes and confirmed she’s A-OK, to his relief. (But if he shot her in the head… what then guys?)

In the present, Bong-soon pulls out a walnut from her pocket and whips it at Jang-hyun’s leg, sending him yelping in pain. Oooh, that sound was so satisfying. She pelts more superpowered walnuts at Jang-hyun and they hit him each time. She jumps down to the ground and reminds him, “I told you that you’re no match for me,” then makes her way over to Jang-hyun squirming on the ground.

Jang-hyun limps out through another exit and comes face-to-face with Min-hyuk and Gook-doo. Min-hyuk breezily greets him, unconcerned when he runs away. Bong-soon follows after him and then tosses a large wooden crate into the air. It surrounds Jang-hyun when it lands, trapping him inside.

She thinks to herself, “Kim Jang-hyun, you try being locked up. You’ll have to live forever locked up like this.” The A-team do their glory walk as the police arrive, and Do-bong is safe again.



After crying like a baby last week, this episode made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I’m glad that we settled the score with Jang-hyun early, because I was sure they would stretch it out a little longer. Now, we have one whole final episode to bask in the glorious cuteness of our leads and figure out how to say goodbye to them.

We’ve been preparing for a Jang-hyun and Bong-soon showdown all along, but I was a little surprised that Jang-hyun didn’t have one more trick up his sleeve. It seems like once our heroes started using their brains, the villain forgot to. I guess he put all his bets on his bomb in the last episode, then started panicking. What bothered me about the whole bomb setup was that the showdown was reframed as a boy’s game. Jang-hyun is Bong-soon’s enemy but Min-hyuk played the central role in the last episode. I still felt satisfied ultimately because everything else hit all the right notes on an emotional level, but a very small part of me was disappointed that Min-hyuk was calling all the shots, and Bong-soon became a pawn.

I understand narratively why it happened that way, but in this episode, I like that Min-hyuk and Gook-doo played clearly supporting roles and it was all about Bong-soon and her wrath, because that’s what I came here for.

I find it interesting that Jang-hyun knows of Bong-soon’s strength, but still can’t recognize her as being superior to him in any way because of his hatred for women. It’s a great analogy for women in the real world that can be impressive and outstanding in their respective fields and still be unable to win against deep-seated discrimination based on their gender. It’s satisfying that Gook-doo, who has been guilty of unintended misogyny toward Bong-soon early on, points out Jang-hyun’s misogyny as his weakness, and uses it to take him down. I feel like I could blab endlessly about the small ways in which this show, despite its absurdity and imperfections, at times made me, as a woman, feel rather empowered, and I don’t think that’s a small feat. Empowerment on a micro, day-to-day level is just as important as on a macro, more abstract, policy-making level. And I enjoyed that the show attempted to grapple with that in such an unapologetic way, even if the execution sometimes missed the mark. Romance is often framed with masculine and feminine terminology, so it was nice to see the way the show subverted that, and dissolved some of the framework, while still being so damn romantic.

Ultimately this show is a romance, and, sure, the relationship between the two leads was super swoon-worthy and all kinds of adorable, but it was also built on how much they respected each other as individuals, and how willingly they were to express how much the other meant to them. I connected more to Bong-soon through her growing love story than I did in other aspects of her life, including her conflict over her strength. Her love for Min-hyuk made her more relatable and more heroic than she’d ever been before. Normally, I worry when a female’s storyline is woven so tightly with her boyfriend, but for them it’s about being equals, just like the way he lifted her up onto that piano and kissed her at eye level. They are constantly bringing each other up so that they can stand side-by-side, and that is what I take away at the end.

Besides, Min-hyuk is awesome. As we approach the end, I think back to my earliest impressions of the character, and how I couldn’t wrap my mind around how weird and contradictory he was behaving. I realize now that I was struggling because I couldn’t immediately classify him with other characters I’d seen before, and it’s mainly because he kept blossoming and impressing me as his love for Bong-soon clarified. I’m terribly sad to see this show end, but I’m thankful we get one more episode to hang out with Bong-bong and Min-min, and I can’t think of anything better than that, can you?


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This episode was the best one so far! Thanks for the speedy recap :)


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This episode gave me everything that I wanted and even moments I didn't know I wanted. So many happy feels. Will miss this drama, with all its flaws... This couple is love.


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My thoughts as well.


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True that! Best one so far indeed! After watching this episode, I realized that there are not enough good words to describe just how precious Minhyuk's character is. The way he adores BS openly and without any reservation sends my heart cartwheeling all the time. When he loves, he does it without any hesitation and is so unabashed at displaying his affections. The way he literally melted like a puddle of goo when BS kissed his cheeks was the highlight of this episode for me. It was hilarious and at the same time squeeeeeee-worthy. And I love how in this episode, BS is just as affectionate as MH is. I guess that almost-losing-him moment really opened her eyes to just how MH means to her and vise versa. While it's sad that BS' heroic arc didn't begin until the later part of the drama, I wouldn't trade the development of their romance for it. I can't believe JoonHyung and MinHyuk could exist in the same year. I'm afraid for what's left of 2017 when it comes to dramaland heroes. The bar these two had set may be too high to pass. XD


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Who is Joon hyung? What drama did I miss?


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WFKBJ, I believe?


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I feel the same way re: your Joonhyung and Minhyuk bit! So, so happy to have Minhyuk as an addition to the admittedly short list of healthy kdrama boyfriends. Both so loving and respectful of their partners' strengths and weaknesses, and just downright supportive and uplifting in a non-condescending way. That stuff is just rare in this neighborhood.


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Can I say how much I love the irony in this episode. That Jang Hyun gets defeated by one of those “little” women he looooooooves to capture and torture. Like obviously the guy’s got some mental thing going and he feels super powerful terrorizing women who are smaller than him. And then here comes this pint sized woman sending walnuts at him at intense speed, because we all know those walnuts are hitting him hard and faster than golf balls, and then she traps him in a cage?! I love the reversal! I love how the writer turned the story around. Gave power to the oppressed and had her use it to entrap the oppressor in the same way he’s been trapping women since we first met him in the drama. Anyway, now I’m ready for the cavity induced sweetness that will be episode 16. Bring it on!


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I love how he tried to shoot her with a sniper rifle and then she "shoots" him back with walnuts, heh.


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I loved the walnut part!! I really hope this has been a proper superhero show with Bong Soon and her two hot guys as sidekicks fighting crime! More walnut take downs!

Its sad the show wasted a ton of screentime on fillers when they could have done so many things here!


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I really wish this drama was all about Bong-soon being the superhero that she is, with Min-hyuk as the IT-savvy guy behind the scene ala Healer's ahjumma and Gook-doo providing legal backup and some cover-up stories for their action of vigilante.


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Yeah :(

I really hope someone writes a fanfiction!!! Thats all we can get right now.


THIS. Would have been amazing. I still like the story the show decided to run with, but the best parts by far (after the romance) are when the team works together.


I volunteer to write this fanfic! Does anyone agree?! I already write on Ao3 for mainly kpop groups, but for our strong couple I will make an exception!!


Yes, loved that detail! Adding to the irony of him being defeated by a "little" woman, he tried to use a ginormous gun and failed, but she all she had to do was use those tiny walnuts.


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I will never look at walnuts in the same way again! Love how Bong-soon took him down, and the roles Min-hyuk and Gook-doo played in this. The scene where Min-hyuk was directing Gook-doo to chase after Jang-hyun using the drone was one of my favourites. So awesome.


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I totally agree! Walnuts are now my favorite! LOL
Their teamwork, despite the hatred of the guys towards each other, are awesome! I wished they had more of this scene before this show ends. They are so good working together, beating up the bad guys. :-)


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It reminds me of her project, the character with the walnut hammer. it is so fitting since her character is based on her.


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I wished to have this game on my android phone. For real. I'll surely miss this show.


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I loved the walnuts, and the blistering impact they made ...you could see wafts of smoke billowing from his knees and thighs, and I'm like screaming, "Yes!!! Hit him where it hurts!!!!" It's so symbolic that she used tiny walnuts to bring down the psycho...it reemphasized again the immense power wielded in the small and overlooked.


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Can we talk about how good Hyungsik's body looked when he was flapping his jacket in the restaurant?


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Am glad am not the only one who replayed that part. Thought I was the weird one, hehe.

I really hope he does an action drama!


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Sorry to disappoint but he's quite a klutz in the athletic dept. have u seen him in Running Man and 2D1N?? But maybe it'll work cos it's all choreographed anyway.
I'm gonna miss Bong Bong and Min Min. I'm trying not to ship them but it's so hard. The last episode is even cuter cos it's really fan service.


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Haha I would give his chance at doing action a benefit of the doubt since he actually was the best among all the hwarangs in the action scenes and everyone commended him for his great movements. He's also at fourth stage of kendo. So I would say we can at least be hopeful lol.


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OMO really? i always think he's kinda graceful in the way he walks and moves... or maybe that's just me lol


Really?! I didn't know that! He surely is one of the super talented actors. He can sing, dance, act, even Kendo! Super W-O-W!!


Agreed on the last episode being fan service. They could play a whole hour worth of bong bong min min bts and I would be perfectly content. Writers, pleeeease don't spend too much time on gangsters, high schoolers, police squad, and mom!!! Pleeeeease!! 5 min total will do :)


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Hahah this couldn't be more true. For me, this series was about Min Min and Bong Bong. Gangsters? High schoolers? Police squad? Who are they????


Oh yes...and mum...and some random director dude (not dude?) at the office).


I'm pretty sure it will work..if you watch JCW on running man he looks like a lost puppy but when doing actions scenes he's cool so I'm betting it will work with PHS too.


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have to check that out ahahaha


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Hehe no. But it sure didn't look that way with all the training and very little fighting he did in this drama and also Hwarang. He just looks so hot and cool when he struts around trying to find the bomb or when he is fighting with the killer and especially when he was sitting on floor with his drone <3 Damn, he just looks soooo fineeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!


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You must check Hwarang, he was the best in sword fighting scenes not only in the drama but in real too the bts proved it.


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On him doing an action drama: will he be cutting folks up with his knife-thin legs? He's so thin! But still, so friggin' pretty... Okay, stop... I'm 10+ years older, and happily married. But it's so fun to pretend! Gah.


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I know! I'm always thinking that he if put on just a littttle more weight...hehe. Ok, I'll stop my fantasies. Also, I guess it isn't fair to him either. I like how he can be surprisingly masculine in some scenes despite being quite thin and way to pretty. I shouldn't push body types...


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Yes I was also quite surprised at that. He does look fit and extremely masculine. I guess its lot of working out and raising his shoulder line. That immediately gives a masculine look to most guys. That innocence and childishness of his 'Whats with this family days' is gone from his physique.


He is so tall and lean. He does looks skinny but he is also very fit. I am nearly 10 years older than him but boy...he looks too cute! *heart shaped eyes mode on*


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Lol on the noona crush, I obviously feel you!


I'm sure he'll hit the gym if he's given an action drama. Lol. That boy doesn't like working out but he'll do so if it's needed. (Like how he worked out for his role in High Society because he had a lot of shower/working out scenes) So let us hope for an action drama! *cross fingers*


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Let's do that, please. ???


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Ooooh I noticed that, too!! Black and lithe...I was like going "Flap some more..."


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I'm not ready to say goodbye. :( :( :(


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At this point, i'm only here for the couple cuteness cause they are absolutely, smooshy and cute and did i say they were cute?? so so so so cuttee!!

Cause c'mon, Bong Soon and Min Hyuk have just both been through a harrowing experience of nearly being blown up together and Min Hyuk wants to get his 'game' on?? after that trauma? ok......good for us! Not good for the plot trajectory but, yay us!


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True, it was so odd how they both have no trauma whatsover. How they both treated it as some minor thing.


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I know, I thought the same thing. They both were so calm and moved on right away, like, "Oh yeah, we almost got blown up but no big deal. Let's happily confront a psychopath with a sniper rifle!" I expected both of them or at least Bong-soon to have a moment of being visibly shaken after the entire rooftop ordeal, or at the idea of having to face another threat again.


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That didn't even really register for me until you just pointed it out... since for us it has been a week not minutes. But yeah it's totally odd especially because it was bad enough for her to beg for her strength back to save Min-hyuk. It might have actually added something to the plot even... maybe some of the gangster scenes could have been 'sacrificed' for that... because really, we just carried those around for it to not suddenly seem odd when they needed the information to catch creepy dude.


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I was scratching my head when she said that that was the happiest day of her life. Wasn't that the same day she was strapped to a bomb and both she and her bf almost died? I mean, yes, she got her powers back and they were saved, so she must have been happy, but still...?


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She felt it was the happiest day because Min-hyuk refused to leave and would stay with her until the end. That proved to her how much he loves her.


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Lol, no. It's not out of place at all. People don't always fall apart after facing trauma. Atypical reactions are actually veeeeeery common.


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hmm people deal with stress and trauma differently. from what i read, it's actually pretty common for people to crave closeness and intimacy after a life-threatening experience, to affirm they are still alive and living


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Hence the baby boomer generation in the US. So, the question is how long do we have to wait for their babies hehe. I'm like an Asian grandma: I want to see your adorable offspring!


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Haha. Does it really? Reminds me of the ending scene in Speed where the leads talked about relationships and dangerous situations.


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haha yeah i think i remember that convo about relationships that started under duress don't last long.. and they proved it to us with Speed 2 lol


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I was a little bit like 'uhm okay, you were bawling your eyes out two seconds ago but I guess near death experiences make one hungry...' but tbh... I'm not too surprised at the intimacy, because I was totally expecting them to hookup on the rooftop after almost blowing up, that's what Hollywood would've done. Instead they just built the tension nicely for us. :P


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You're right. If it were Hollywood, the leads would have been kissing each other senseless already. This is Korean drama for you.


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Of course. It's part of why I like Kdrama so much haha.


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I mean they just went through a horrible near death experience and they went for ramyon! Ahahhaha. Not sure how realistic that is. I get it that they wanted to stay close but it was very dramaland easy to get over such an experience in no time. Lol


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Buuuut...everyone knows what ramyon means in korea right ;)


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I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Firstly, thank you drama gods for fulfilling my request of more MH in ripped jeans. Secondly, this may very well be the best written episode so far, IMO. Dream team? Check. Thirdly, dayumn Hyungsik, I knew you hadn't lost that kissing ability. Also, why is the image of him sitting on the floor controlling the drone so hot? (By the way, if KJH had aimed for her head she would be dead, LOL but I shall just ignore that.)

(1) Now onto the little details. For the past few episodes I've been giving BS some flak for always being on the receiving side of the relationship. I'm so glad that she really took some initiative in this episode. (Especially going to his house in the middle of the night; thank you, BS, for doing that.) And then MH asking her if she had slept well? You sneaky thing, you. *Insert smirk face* Also, MH is just pure putty in her hands. Just a kiss on the cheeks and banmal? He can't win her, can he? Though I'll just say that jealous MH is adorable, and I also appreciated the humour in those scenes with Secretary Gong and Mr Oh. It made me laugh!

(2) Yes, DREAM TEAM. Someone mentioned in E13's recap that she'd hoped for a Healer-style team up. And I think we got that this episode. MH with the drone, GD chasing him into a corner, and then BS pushing the heavy containers? Yes, yes, yes. I really enjoyed those last few minutes. For a while I was getting frustrated that GD just couldn't catch up on him but when MH said "OK!", I went "OH!" and everything became clear. See, guys? Y'all could have caught KJH that much faster if you had bothered to team up instead of running all over the place alone! It's like the writer poured all her writing abilities into this episode.

(3) I don't have a lot to say because I just liked this episode so much that I overlook any minor faults and don't have any rants. I would go on and on about Hyungsik and his melty eyes, but I think you guys all feel the same way anyway. Honourable Mentions: Mom got some consequences for her actions and also the high schoolers/Baek Tak's gang actually had some purpose in this episode. Also, KJH's acting is spot on. He plays the psychotic criminal so well. This episode has been a saving grace. Thank you, writer-nim. I was a little disappointed that it didn't manage to hit 10% ratings though, because this might be my favourite episode so far.


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HAHA, the "did you sleep well?" thing.Totally had the same reaction. And secretary Gong's reaction when he overheard them was just the cherry on top!


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"Also, why is the image of him sitting on the floor controlling the drone so hot?" YES EXACTLY, WHY?


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Yes!!!! I don't know why this caught my eye. He like had this sexy gamer thing going on... Hadn't seen this side of Min Min before!!!


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"Sexy gamer thing." YES! Exactly! Super sexy gamer thing goin' on there.


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I have to add chewing gum made him even more sexy. Those little glimpses of his teeth peeping out were just just tantalizing.


Dudes, I JUST posted about this on my wall! Haha, it's the leather jacket, the gamer face, along with that cool/badass expression he had on that was just SO HOT.


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I really need him in an action drama! He will be too hot to handle!!
I cant believe how much this guy has grown. From tiny supporting roles to second lead to being the main lead. And all his experience shows. He is hot, talented, can act, can make us swoon, cry and flail like fifteen year olds. I really wish he gets a super awesome drama next!


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Yes! Yes! While chewing bubblegum to make it more badass. ?I squee to the max.


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I loved that bit, because he runs out of the containers and then there's this angry cop, and this big kid (who also happens to look mighty fine) on the floor with his toy going 'Lol you got caught', and I thought it summarized GD and MH's characters very well in one shot haha.


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Squeeee to all the above in agreement. It's also a lovely call back to him using the drone in an earlier episode, so his use of it here feels so organic and right. XXX


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Ecxactly. He looks so cheeky, a bit cocky, and totally hot. It's like he is saying "Even me sitting here with my toy is far superior than you" to Kim Jang-hyun.


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"Even me sitting here with my toy is far superior than you"

Hehe couldnt have put it better. Cocky guys are not my thing, but he just nailed it here.


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it should be illegal for geeks to look that hot else how am i gonna be able to resist?! XD his drone is even more drool-worthy lol


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But geeks being hot are my thing, so it just makes me super happy. I'd rather have all dorks and geeks be hot than hot guys being dorks. Its much sweeter <3


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he's like those hot nerdy guy testing his robot flying thing while chewing a gum.


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'Mom got some consequences for her actions' ---- I'd say it comes a little too late for me. I would have liked it if he had pulled something like that right after we saw her beat him up, because nobody should stay in an abusive relationship... and it might have added a belivable character developement for her then since at this point I don't think mom has changed at all from how she was in the beginning.


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Yes exactly. I don't think she even cares that he left..aside from the fact that she can't make better pies (tarts?) than him.


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In all fairness, people do stay in abusive relationships all the time. Saying that someone shouldn't stay puts the burden on the victim, not the abuser. (Of course I assume that was not your intention.)

It seems pretty legitimate to me that it takes dad this long to reach his breaking point. I'm pleased that he did at all, and that the show is following through with this storyline, showing us that the beatings were not simply dropped in for cheap laughs (because they were not funny).


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I couldn't agree more with that
Victims in abusive relationships tend to stay out of fear of further pain and uncertainty of what the future could hold should they attempt to stand up for themselves. It's a nasty way to live and so hard to break from that beaten-down mentality. I was glad he left. Min-min, keep him with you!


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No, it wasn't my intention to victim-blame. I was just talking time-wise in the episode count. Of course I'm also quite pleased that he did leave at all but I just feel like the impact of his decision would have had more weight if it had come earlier in the story... We would have felt his loss and maybe mom would too but just dropping it in like this doesn't really pay his momentous decision justice.


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Better late than never! Actually (also because I've already watched E16 which clarified the bruise/beating up), it is just my opinion that I've never felt too poorly toward Mom. They just seemed to be portrayed as a typical couple who bicker and fight a lot but don't necessarily mean to injure/harm the other party. Mom just seemed more like the typical hot tempered wife and Dad the henpecked husband. So I've never given Mom too much flak because I know it's possible for a couple to still really care for each other even though they bicker all the time! It wasn't a serious problem for me. But I still think it's good that Mom actually got to realize how much she needed Dad around and that maybe she should have treated him better.


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- Yes, Min-hyuk looked so damn sexy controlling the drone and just being so damn cool (I mean, he's always cool, but y'know)
- LOL! That was also my first thought when they revealed that she wore a bulletproof vest! I was like, "Uh, okay, but what if he aimed at YOUR HEAD!?"
- I was surprised Bong-soon running to Min-hyuk's house in the middle of the night wasn't a fantasy sequence, but you're right, I always thought Min-min loved and cared for Bong-bong more, so it was so nice and sweet to see her literally melt his heart and body and soul, haha, that boy's so weak!
- Oh wow, I kinda just wrote the same thing abt how the boys should've teamed up sooner on my wall, too!
- Mom... sigh... wae umma, waaaaaeeeeeee??!
- LOVE Bong-bong's little minions and the gangsters! Even when they're super extra. Hahaha


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I guess snipers always aim for the chest instead of the head as a sure-fire means to die. I don't think the writer thought that far ahead. The whole idea is to get BS shot in the chest or stomach while she is wearing the bulletproof vest.


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I guess the chest is a larger target that's easier to hit, and the writer needed to get BS shot where she was wearing the vest, but I was wondering "gosh what if KJH had shot at her head instead", haha! It was such a dangerous situation!


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She was wearing an invisible bulletproof helmet.


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a minor quibble: i think the writer got the boys' "specialities" switched up. minhyuk should be the one coaching her on how to goad KJH out of his hiding, since he's the one with a better grasp of the criminal's psyche. and Gook doo should be the one giving her a kevlar vest because it's such a 'cop' thing to do. and the whole plan (which is more like a non-plan) is so stupid lol


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This. I was waiting for Min-hyuk to go into detail about the criminal psyche but it never came and he just ended up calling Boss Tak. I suppose it wouldn't look too out of place for it to come from Gook-doo since he's a cop after all, but it was a bit of a waste not to let Min-hyuk do a bit of profiling on Jang-hyun or something.


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Yes! This! I was expecting GD to give her the bulletproof vest, not MH. I suppose it is nice that her boyfriend is rich and can afford bulletproof vests.


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Same, was surprised it was Minhyuk who gave her the vest and not Gukdoo. But eh, a minor quibble indeed. I was more surprised that she wasn't shot in the head because it was pretty obvious she was wearing some sort of protective gear when she just wandered into the open and they all knew the guy had a sniper rifle...!


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Exactly my thoughts about the dream team! Although I needed to pause for a moment to get through the thought that KJH could have shot Bongsoon in the head, not the body, people! But other than that, MH was totally awesome sitting there nonchalantly controlling the drone. <3 him!


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Did they do it? "Did you sleep well?" She smiles. If they did it, why was she wearing a different set of clothes to work the next day? Probable reasons: 1. She went home for a change of clothes the next day. 2. She stayed up all night to sew a new set of clothes for work. After the DEED.


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seeing minhyuk's condition before she came i would say its nearly impossible for them to not do anything lol.. and her mysterious smile when he asked whether she slept well kinda confirmed it. she might've snuck back home in the early morning to change and keep up appearances


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You couldn't help a girl out could you... how do you do bold?!?!


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I don't know why Dramabeans doesn't notify me anymore when someone replies to my comment! ):
To do bold, you do before the text that you want bolded, then after. (Not sure if this will just come out bolded instead of showing what I typed, so with a b in the bracket, and then with a b after the slash, just in case lol!)


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Argh, none of it came out in the comment, LOL!
It's the little arrows that are on the same keyboard keys as "comma" and "fullstop" (you've to press the shift button)
Encase a "b" and a "/b" within the arrows, and then type whatever text you want between!


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I agree. Min min sitting on the street while controlling the drone was so hot. No idea why. It just hit me when I saw it.


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Finally finally KJH was caught. Oh my, was that satisfying! I absolutely loved DBS being so badass, and the fact they made it explicit that she's the real hero and the other guys are just her sidekicks....This episode was really hilarious, but I couldn't feel much excitement from some plotlines being resolved, since I was expecting it...Baek Tak and the gang were at least "useful" in this episode, their scenes were funny this time. That poem killed me... "because the chicken had long legs!" still not over that line, lmao...BUT everything aside, omgg that kissing scene was so fucking HOT!! I couldn't stop screaming and my replay button has probably died :') ....Also, loved seeing MH so smitten with all the cute little things DBS was doing for/to him....That re-enaction of DBS taking care of the boys when they were drunk was a good parellel to show that her heart now belongs to MH, and his reaction in the morning was just gold HAHAHAHA! Aaaaaaaagh man, I'm gonna miss this show so much :'(


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I thought it was hilarious how the only things they do when they meet is to give each other death glares and then drink til they're dead drunk, HA! I'm glad at least GD got a spot on the couch (and not on the floor like poor MH in the past)! I'm going to miss this so, so much.


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I thought MH is acting too smitten with BS to the point he seems a tad childish. I am all for smitten, but not his recent style of smitten. It's like he turns to goo and can't operate on common sense when BS charms him with her words or actions.


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The drama played it for laughs, but I do agree they could have toned it down and still show how much Min-hyuk loves Bong-soon. I keep thinking it must be tough for Ainsoft if he keeps getting jelly legs around Bong-soon, haha.


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people keeps saying that he's the girl in this relationship and i was like well that's another stereotype subverted in this drama haha.. he did overact the mush a bit i think.. but damn if him being so unabashedly adoring bongsoon doesnt make him him even more swoony <3


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I guess director just pushed him to go all out seeing fans reactions and comments.
But he did go slightly overboard especially in final episode. This episode I loved it because she was calling him Min Min/Min Hyuk-sshi and we know how much the banmal/jondaemal matters in Korean language.

But final episode went tad over the top. With no story and only fan service, I guess it was hard to write anything other than mush.


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I want a hubby like Min Min


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Don't we all ;)


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Does possess super power in real life too? I mean how could her knees not give away when he looks at her the way he does? I am all mushy here even just looking at the screencap of his melting gaze above.


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Only if I can have a wife like Park Bo Young - she doesn't even need super-powers (actually better that she doesn't)


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My expectations are ridiculously high after Min Min. I'm afraid no man in real life will be able to completely satisfy me after all my K-dramas!


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My heart is so full after this episode; I cried happy tears. I don't want it to end, guys!
-JH's face when BS escaped his bomb made me cackle.
-poor GD, nobody checks that he's okay after the bomb debacle. Not even the cameramen.
-on the topic of GD, I actually really like his and BS's friendship without the shouting and wrist grabbing. They're also really healthy and warm, and now I can see what BS saw in him.
-those disguises photoshopped on JH's wanted posters are killing me. I am literally screaming and I don't actually know if it's supposed to be funny.
-I can't handle how cute BS and MH are. I had to pause this ep so many times just to calm myself down.
-why didn't we get more of the main three together from the start? I confess, I totally fell for their fakeout plan in the final showdown with JH, but once I saw where they were going with it I was shouting and cheering them on. I love this trio together so much - my only tiny quibble was that I wanted BS to break a few of JH's bones (but maybe I'm a little too bloodthirsty after everything he's put us through). Drama gods, can we pretty pleeeeeease get a spin-off show where GD, BS, and MH all solve crimes together? I will do anything you want. Anything at all!


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I've always thought GD was a pretty decent guy! Not as sexist/misogynistic as some comments I've read in the past. I really like how sweet their friendship is; they're obviously genuinely concerned about each other. I also think it's great how he's not letting his feelings for her affect the friendship that they have. That's really mature behaviour and it shows that he cares for her because he doesn't want to let his own feelings selfishly ruin what they have. I'm Team MH all the way, but GD has a nice little place in my heart. Poor puppy!


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I didn't really like GD in the beginning of the show, but I really like him lately! I think he's grown so much as a character.


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He does seem to have mellowed out quite a bit! In the past he was just a really straitlaced police officer, and I think he saw a lot of things in black and white rather than grey, if that makes sense. That made him a lot more... harsh/blunt when speaking to BS. It wasn't a bad thing, but I like him more now that he's mellowed out. You can see the real tenderness in his character. I think that's actually pretty good character development for GD because he seems to have learnt quite a bit over the episodes.


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Yeah... I love the side of him we've been seeing. I suspected the reason for making him a little bit 2D was that there surely was a planned character development ahead, and I really really prayed for it. So glad it actually happened. PS: Am I the only one who always wondered why we never saw him interact with his mother?


I like GD as a character too, especially in the later stages of the drama. He's so mature and sweet in his own way, and I am glad he doesn't force his feelings on her, as most second leads would have done. I am a little sad she didn't get together with GD because I think GD would be good with her too.


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I really liked that aspect of this drama; I feel like once BS grew into herself, she could have worked with either of the male leads and had a healthy, functioning relationship. It wasn't necessarily that she and MH were fated to be or anything; their timing just worked out and they put effort into their relationship.


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Thank you for the recap murasakimi. I had my comment prepared this time ?.

Minus all the gangster stuff, husband abuse and abeoji running away, and annoying Oh Dong-byung stuff (basically stuff I forwarded past) this episode was very satisfying. Okay, mostly satisfying romantically. I loooved Bong-soon fussing over Min-hyuk and showering him with love in those scenes at work since she's been mostly shy and reserved thus far (which is totally okay, just happy she was finally able to open up). I was also very pleased with how Min-hyuk and Bong-soon dealt with their emotions about her having to meet the psycho this time in the rooftop scene. It was satisfying watching Bong-soon smoothly coax Min-hyuk into accepting that she HAD to do it, despite being his girl and despite the failed attempt before. Watching that part felt like they had both learned from their trials -- well, mostly Bong-soon had learned how hard it had to be for Min-hyuk to accept, but that all he really needed was a hand in doing so. And that was literally what she gave him.

Regarding the battle scene, it felt good to watch Bong-soon shoot walnut bullets at psycho. I like how she didnt have to beat him to a pulp, but rather more subtle things, like belittling him over the phone and trapping him in a cage like he did the other girls were what destroyed him. Might I add though that I thought it was extremely stupid of team Bong-soon not to formulate a more elaborate plan (like maybe with police backup) to catch psycho? I was kind of disappointed that despite knowing psycho had purchased a sniper rifle and would be perched somewhere ready to shoot at Bong-soon, all they could come up with was a bullet-proof jacket for Bong-soon to wear while standing in the middle of the opening. I mean, what if psycho had chosen to aim at Bong-soon's head? Two words: Game Over.

But thats all good. Who's watching this for anything other than the romance anyway? On that note, I just thought of another satisfying thing: I'm so glad the "epic battle" ended with this episode! I was totally expecting it to go on until well into halfway through the final episode, leaving us with limited time to showcase and tie it off with the kitten couple. But now we have one whoooole episode to focus on the OTP ?.

Finally, ohh myy @.@: that single tear on Min-hyuk's cheek when kissing Bong-soon...


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' I mean, what if psycho had chosen to aim at Bong-soon's head?' --- Was it mentioned somewhere before that he had sniper training... because for me that came totally out of left-field and felt a little odd to be honest. I mean, we shouldn't really question the logic behind most of the stuff in this show but this was one thing that stood really out to me.


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If you're a big baddie in a kdrama, then its a given you've got sniper training. LOL


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Is that an official rule? *snicker* I shall remember this for future kdrama-watching. *thumbs up*


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Lol, yeah should be added to our lists of villain tropes!


I was thinking the same...what kind of sniper does not aim for the head! ahahah lol...but that would be out of dramaland logic. I am also surprised that now she can also jump à la jessica jones. and Min Min using his drone was a nice touch to get him involved. loved the ending scene with them walking off into the night.


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Lol about those jump scenes I know! I had no idea she had the agility of vampires!

And true. I loved how both Min Min and Jisoo were involved, as her awesometastic sidekicks of all time!


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I don't think the writer thought that far ahead. She just wanted BS shot anywhere in the chest or stomach because of the bulletproof vest she is wearing, and the fact that she is lead, so she can't die. The thought that BS can be shot in the head must not have crossed her mind.


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Chyeaaa ?, I totally concur with you there. When I think about the potential this drama had, it makes me upset. Even parts of the final episode, which I won't elaborate upon here, rubbed me the wrong way.

But then I remind myself that it introduced me to the awesomeness that is Park Hyung-shik, and then *poof*, I just don't care anymore! *turnsonPHSsong*


goodness i had a drool moment with that drone and its geeky (yet hot) master lol.. i want minhyuk and all his toys! (..no, not that kind of toys get ur mind outta the gutter XD)


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LOL! I think what did it for me was when he literally melted in front of Bong-soon when she kissed his cheek. I rewatched that scene way too many times.


He probably had already done his mandatory military service where he learned to use weapons.


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True true


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But he was exempted from MS for psychological issues, right?


@galen, perhaps he picked up the trade before he got kicked ahaa


he was exempted for psychological disorder


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he must be the most jack-of-all-trades criminal ever in kdrama- he could fix cars, install spycams, make bombs, rise from the dead and now a sharpshooter on top of it all


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I don't think he made a bomb. Maybe he mistakenly got a fireworks display, thinking it can work as a bomb. That's why the bomb flowers into fireworks when it is thrown into the air.


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So I've read a lot of comments regarding that, and sciency people in their sciency comments mentioned that he probably just made a fireworks bomb: a bunch of fireworks taped together with a timer and battery and BAM! Fireworks bomb!

But I totally agree with siesta, I think kdrama villains in general tend to be epic all-rounders. Seriously, this conversation makes me think it would be great if the beanies put together a list of villain tropes!


...and he takes time to work out in spite of his busy criminal commitments. Those abs are no joke!


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gotta look good for all the shirtless brooding scenes! or on a more morbid thought, muscles needed to carry females down to his lair *shudders*


Oh my.... I thought I was the only one who noticed that single tear. I replayed it a couple of times, but I didn't see him shed the tear, just it on his cheek as he kissed Bong-soon.


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This is such an old comment, but YEAH! I'm sure we can't be the only ones who've noticed since he's a big shot now. But DAMN can he act!


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I saw it slide down his cheek; I definitely think he shed it, which is mindblowing. It makes me proud to see such young Korean actors excel and surpass Western actors. They are setting the bar high.


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Oh goodness what am I going to do when this drama is over?? PHS & PBY brighten my weekend every week; their adorable-ness is going to hard to top, can they just not act with any other partners after this? Also, like someone mentioned before, I love that our two boys are just sidekicks to our heroine, especially that ending shot of their walk of glory :D


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And now that the villian is out of the way, the last episode better be full of cuteness and squeal-worthy amazing-ness~ ♡


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First, I think I am having drama withdrawals for this show already and the finale hasn't even come out here yet. And I know that at times this show can get weighted down by the side characters, but I don't care!

Does anyone else whish they would make a second season where the boys quit there jobs, start their own investigation agency with Bong-soon and just go out and kick ass? Min-hyuk is the genius rich tech guy and Gook-do is the down to earth detective partners that argue all the time and Bong-soon is the level headed muscle that keeps the ship running. *sigh* MAKE THIS HAPPEN DRAMA GODS!!

This episode is so much more of what I wanted the whole series to be. I wish they would have brought all the side characters together sooner to work against the bad guy. It would have made for a much more interesting story.

All in all this gave me everything I wanted in an episode, swoons, laughs and justice!


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I need this spin-off so badly.


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all i want in life is a second season with all the original leads but a better writer *sigh* i feel like i've said this exact same thing when Hwarang ended. why do all hyungshik's drama turned out like this.. pick a better writer next time, boy!


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At least with Park Hyung-sik joining new agency, we can hope for a better future projects for him. I want a remake for both Hwarang and Do Bong-soon. Both have a good premise that got wasted by a mediocre writer.


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SO TRUE @.@. Umm, we can add High Society to that list as well! *sobs*. As SWDBS has been the only drama I've been watching, I've tried going back and watching all of PHS's stuff, but the dramas all sucked so I ended up skipping past scenes and watching only those which had PHS in it...such traagedyyyyyy


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I agree! Though if you had the time and patience, you could enjoy quite a bit of hyung-sik in "What's wrong with my family".

I watched Hwarang for PHS and the much-awaited theme on 'flower knights', but was quite disappointed by the plot holes.

I initially watched High Society for Sung Joon, but I eventually preferred Hyung-Sik and Im Ji-yeon's loveline, even if it eventually went the usual makjang route.

So I really hope he will get a better script and role next time. And if its not too much to ask for, if he can show his acting chops in a non-chaebol/rich/spoilt kid role???


is it confirmed already that he's joining a new agency? last i heard he's postponing any decision until after the drama ends. which agency?


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It's confirmed earlier this week that he officially signed contract with UAA, the company managing Song Hye Gyo and Yoo Ah In.


@peachtea ooh seems like he's in good hands then! hope he'll get better (and moarrr) projects.. i would love to see him work with established good writers like my fave park hye ryun


Hyungsik is a marvelous actor. He's been doing wonders with mediocre writers -- imagine what he could do with a superb writer! *munches popcorn and waits for Hyungsik's next drama*


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So true! If only they had shown Bong-soon using her strength earlier on, she would have made her mistakes and learned earlier on, and we would have had team Bong-soon earlier on! Gahhh whyyyy???!


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*using her strength productively earlier on...


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This episode had at least two scenes I had to rewind several times. First the kiss (awesome) and than his reaction when she asked him if she could call him Min Min (adorable).


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After I saw that piano kiss I actually had to fan myself, it was so hot.


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I know! How cute was Min Hyuk´s shyness accompanied with that meow? Replayed like 20 times.


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Lol I know it was perfect!


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Yes! One redeeming part about this show (plot holes, silly meadering pointless sidekicks and all) for me was the funny sound effects were played to cue for maximum comedic portrayal. The meows, the dagger swooshes as Bong Soon stared with "dagger-eyes", or the audible "blink-blink" sounds when BongSoon is feigning innocence/ignorance. And of course Bong Soon's theme-song "the superpower girl"....

Reminded me of how I loved Jealousy Incarnate


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The meow had me in stitches. And his facial expression. But the meow was one of the best timed and most perfect sound effects in this show so far!


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Omooo same! ☺️


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I'm kinda worried about Min-hyuk now that Bong-soon has her powers back. They get it on, she gets a little too enthusiastic... Squish.

For how it works the other way around google "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" by Larry Niven.


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HAH! This somehow reminded me of Twilight and the whole Edward and Bella bruises on her body thing.


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This is why I had hoped her strength would come back but conditionally (meaning only when she is in a desperate situation). Anyways everything worked out fine, given how happy they were the morning after :)


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Omg, ahaha, I thought I was the only one w/ the dirty mind to have thought that, too. ???


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If you have read your Niven, you can't NOT think of it.


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i guess after being willing to die with her by a bomb set by a psychopath, death by pleasure doesn't seem all that scary to him XD she would need nerves of steel to control her strength when dealing with a guy that hot tho, i would have trouble even thinking straight with those eyes focused on me like that


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OMG, hahaha... Death by pleasure! Is that a thing now??


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LOL! I am dying! I nominate this conversation for beans of wisdom!


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I loved this episode, the best so far, even the gang and the high school kids served a purpose! I don't know if anyone had said this in the previous recap because I didn't read it but I just love that it was her dessperation to save the person she loves that got her her powers back, she didn't want him to get hurt and he wouldn't leave her alone no matter how much she begged him, that guy.. he's a keeper! I was expecting Jang-hyun to be smarter than this, I didnt know he'd fall for their trap this easily but it was still satisfying seeing him panicking in that cage. Now all I want is for Min-hyuk and Gook-doo to be friends because along with Bong-soon they make one hell of a team! Maybe they need to get drunk together for a third time for it to work, they say third time is the charm! Thanks murasakimi for the recap.


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And yes, the piano should only be used like that!


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Best use of a musical instrument! Also, I really appreciate that Park Hyung-shik doesn't do the dead-fish lip press and did a proper and very sexy kiss.


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Pianos around the world, LEARN!


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I like the clanging of the piano as he sat her on top...so sexy...the last time I saw such a scene being used as part of a love scene was in Pretty Woman in that sizzling scene between Richard Gere and Julia Roberts where they did it ON TOP of the piano. For a moment there, I was thinking, omo, are they going to reprise that scene? But why did they zoom out of that hot kiss when he grabbed her and devoured her lips? The beginning of the kiss...I caught a glimpse of their heads and part of their faces but no lips.


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I've only ever caught bits of Pretty Woman, it was always on TV but I never got to watch it, I guess I'll have to now!

They want us to keep wondering, did they..?


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Folk a certain age group and above will know that Pretty Woman pretty much made grand pianos hot. It was a quinessential scene because it was when a cardinal rule was broken for Julia Roberts' hooker character - no kissing on the lips. The piano scene was when she and Richard Gere locked lips by the piano, making it a double impact scene.


When Min-hyuk refused to leave Bong-soon and was dead (hur) set on being there with her and dying with her if he had to, omg, my heart! What a great man! ??????
I was like ??? when Creepy McCreep fell hook, line and sinker for Bong-soon's trap bc it was exactly like how Gook-doo had predicted!


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I know! He had that smile on his face while his eyes were filled with tears, UGH, it broke my heart real bad for him! and yes, it was a little too easy for McCreepy to fall like that!


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Agree with you..best episode so far. I didn't fast forward a single scene, even the normally unfunny scenes were funny this episode and I actually laughed. I like how the gangsters and schoolkids came together in a cohesive hold to help bring down the gangster.


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Yeah, and I'm just glad that the stupid fake monk didn't make an appearance this episode!


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bring down the killer* not gangster LOL


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Okay. I predicted correctly that the last two episodes were basically going to be fanservice which I'm not mad at. I just wish we were going into episode 16 with plot. If there's one critique for this impeccable kdrama it's pacing. Again this has been such a fun drama and in my top favorites but it could've been SO much more. I'm excited about what then end will bring.


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My absolute favorite part of this episode was Momma Bong and Min Hyuk bonding over finding out the couple's compatibility. So friggin cute!


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Lol, Mom's so lucky. Not only is her ideal son-in-law dating her daughter, but she found someone that hardcore ships the two as much as she does–and it's him! Lawl. He's so smitten, it's adorable.


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Mom freaking won the lottery! lol


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this whole drama is fanservice imo


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What a satisfying episode! This was what I'm waiting for! Min min and Bong bong just need to get married and have babies ;) if ya know what I mean! ;) ;)


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"I can't let her win"
Minhyuk game face on.

Bongsoon:" Min Min...."
Minmin melts into a puddle❤️

In some part of the world a fangirl goes into cardiac arrest due to overdose of BongMin.


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He is the definition of jelly legs, lol. I love how he literally melted down to the floor.


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He literally has no chill when it comes to Bong-soon. Everything about her is too cute to handle for him! Haha.


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no chill indeed. i get so embarrassed by him sometimes lol


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Exactly, me too lol.

And I love how Bong Soon never makes fun of him for that. Like he never makes fun of her for mispronouncing all the English words. They just accept each other.


Just finish the final episode, still not ready.

SWDBS has many lows but the highs are always great. Thanks SWDBS bring us PHS. This is the stamp in his career. And thanks goodness it happens right after Hwarang. Park Bo Young is amazing as always. There are very few actress that has almost no negative. This drama is a comic, stay true to fantasy. If you were a kid, wouldnt you love DBS so much?

Bong Bong & Min Min IS the best couple of the first quarter 2017. Im watching the wrap party, still miss them so much.


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Agreed. This has been quite the roller coaster ride, with its ups and downs. But mostly the good memories will stay with me, because people DO have selective memories! It's hard to let go of our Min-min and Bong-bong. I'm drowning myself in the OSTs!


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Such a great episode. I loved how they finally caught him with that awesome teamwork! This is what I hoped for the whole series. Bong Soon and her two sidekicks serving out some justice. I like how she stayed true to the walnut (as her origin and also as a metaphor) and used it as a weapon. I hope he is going to stay in a cage now forever.

Also the piano scene...there was some serious hanky panky going on. Those two just have an amazing chemistry. This show...it is not the greatest, but it definitely makes you feel warm and giddy inside and leaves you grinning for a few hours. And now I have to go and rewatch all the cuteness again.


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Someone definitely HAVE to tell my family I don't need to see a shrink because I have been squealing like a crazy person. Thanks murasakimi for the recap, it was an enjoyable read, reminding me how hilarious the drama is and more.


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I am not ready to say goodbye to Min-min and Bong-bong ???
Still in denial


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Oh, the fluff. *star eyes*


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Min-hyuk's attempts to cool his 'jets' were hilarious. As was the face he made when he realised that despite tiring himself out with all the excercise, all he needed was Bong Soon's voice to set him off once again.

I love that Bong Soon came to him. I'm sure she likes him but I had a little trouble believing it because it seemed like Min-Hyuk was sending more hearteyes her way than she was to him. To me, this kind of solidified the deal so to speak.

Also, I love that he lifted her up to put her on the piano. It put them on equal footing, but personally, I also figured that Min Hyuk can't keep bending down to her level, not without getting a crick in his back and neck. :D

I may have skipped through a little of the episode. The fighting between the boys seemed tired and I was not all that invested.

I loved that Bong Soon cornered Kim Jang-Hyun and brought him down with walnuts! It definitely must have been satisfying for her to do that. I was satisfying for me to watch. And that walk at the end, YES, GET IT GIRL. I loved that Bong Soon was at the centre, striding like a Boss while the boys follow.

P.S - i'm glad Min Hyuk had the good sense to put a vest on Bong Soon. It's the kind of measure I would expect from Gook Do, what with he being in law enforcement and all and being allowed to legally operate a gun and all, but never mind. The show seems to cut him down, which is a little sad cause once you took away his romance storyline, his story about learning to work in a team was pretty neat.

I'm so glad that twin's dad ran away. If Min Hyuk wants his father-in-law to support him, he would leave him right where he is, instead of bringing him back! Let the man live in peace!


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Min Hyuk trying to fall asleep was hilarious, but I was so confused with the whole beginning of the episode - our couple just had a near death experience, and neither of them are shocked? Also, still cannot believe that both Min Hyuk and Gook Doo agreed to go for such risk and let Bong Soon be shot - she could have been targeted in the head! Min Hyuk has consistently been super protective of her, and there are so many things that could have gone wrong...


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I guess because this is supposed to be a romantic comedy drama. I just want to have fun and be happy with Bongmin couple. I got tired of watching the rest of the cast. I stopped finding faults in this drama... I just skipped to the good parts.?


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Yes. A rom-com's gotta do what a rom-com's gotta do.
The possibility of a headshot isn't the worst hole. Since they decided in advance to lure the bad guy to a spot they chose, they should have told the police *BEFORE* they even told the bad guy. Then they are waiting to scoop him him when he thinks he's getting there early to set up his ambush.


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But if you want realism, can you realistically expect the police to use a girl a sniper bait?


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If they knew in advance, they'ed nail the baddie when he showed up. Bong-soon wouldn't even have to come -- just stay at Min-hyuk's and watch the action on his drone-cam.


A very careless piece of writing, that is. You are right. They could have informed the police first about where they have agreed to meet the perp, but that would take all the satisfaction of BS capturing the perp away. After all, this show is about BS, not the police.


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You are right about the risk of being sht in the head! And where are the cops??? They were on some plan to catch Kim Jang Hyun right???


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Yes! I was surprised that only the trio was present at the scene to catch the perp. The police were nowhere to be found until much later. I thought the police were staking out at some harbor somewhere to prevent the perp from taking the boat?


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Exactly. I was like, Where are the cops? Where is your BACKUP?! TV logic for you...


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Logically speaking, you are 100% correct, but I think it is because the writer wanted to show Bong Soon being the hero, while Min Hyuk and Gook Du have her back. There is no way Min Hyuk would come up with such a simplistic plan. Anyways I can overlook this plot-hole, because my main focus here is the romantic plot and cuteness.


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The writer might have wanted to wrap up the perp plot line quickly, hence the simplistic scene. Besides, she doesn't have a complicated nor twisty style of writing, it's not surprising her way of capturing the perp is simplistic and not as well thought out. Given the recurrent poop jokes and unfunny humor, can we expect more from the writer?


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It's generally proven that aiming for the head is a lot harder than the body. Hence the existence of bulletproof jackets.


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I was resigned to love this show just for the cuteness. Just for the main leads and their sparkling chemistry. And their BTS.

But then this episode happened! Why didn't we have more of this!? A tiny woman with super strength with a hot billionaire eccentric playboy gamer and a uptight pain in the ass police officer as sidekicks fighting crime together!??? THIS COULD HAVE BEEN THAT SHOW.
And how glorious it would have been.

Instead we get episode after episode of cheap jokes and poop humor, hours of useless filler footage! Why Why Why.

Why show, why would you do that when you could have had a crime fighting trio! You could have even had a super villain! Oh the possibilities!! It makes me sad and mad :(


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i knooow right! where was the Avengers team i was promised at the start?? and the bromance?? we could've had it alllll TT this writer sucked at action, they should've brought in another writer to do the superhero parts.. i want a remake with a better writer and original cast!


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Season 2 with them still working as a team will be awesome. And they having to juggle babies and fighting crime. How fantastic it would be.


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Don't plant ideas in my brain, it will never happen :'(


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Yessss :(

Will they do a drama special? I mean JTBC can make more money and all 3 leads wouldn't mind coming back - they are not such extreme level popular stars?


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Exactly! Oh the possibilities! I could totally imagine that superwoman show with her sidekicks, with both the developing romance and bromance possibilities!


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I want bromance this time. Somehow I feel Guk Doo and Min Hyuk would make great friends. They both are reckless and lonely. They don't really have friends. They could become this reluctant brothers and I can see in far off future with Bong Soon feeling like a third wheel!


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I'm still dying laughing at the sound effects while min hyuk was working off his tension..(ruler sound you guys, Rly!? I can't laugh out loud at 1am). Yes, it was fan service and some plot holes (what if he didn't aim for her side? What if he shot MH or GD instead? She can leap from tall heights now, are you sure she isn't wonder woman? Why didn't they make mom admit it's her fault the dad left and she should stop beating him?) but its the end and I need closure. Lol I don't even want to watch last episode yet, I hate the feeling I get when shows end.


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LOL @ the sound effect! Ikr!? I was like ??? OMG, show!!!


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And the accompanying glance down ?


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At that point, I was laughing hysterically while covering my eyes in secondhand embarrasment.


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The icing on the cake. Heh. Heh. ;)


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That was the highlight! Lol, must be another one of PHS adlibs!


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i love how her voice gets slower and more seductive the more he imagines it XD nice touch.. and the spring sound before he glanced down at himself- i died


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The show almost moved up from PG rating, ha!


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At least the gangs served a purpose? I celebrated with mom when Min Hyuk sorta confirmed he likes Bong Soon. Giddy mushy heart-eyed Min Hyuk is my favorite. ??? Sad to say goodbye to Min Min and Bong Bong ?


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Frankly, you don't need the gangs to appear repeatedly in every episode just so that they can make an appearance in this episode. They are just fillers. It's like the writer can't make up enough stuff for a 60-minute show and decides to include all the fillers to make up for the entire show.


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I love this show but at the same time i hate its attempt at trying to make every unnecessary character Necessary! Or trying to make us believe that!
BTW..Now that we're on to the last episode I guess we would get a scene where Guk doo and his mom are together..finally! Hee!


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I don't think it's a spoiler, but anyway, I just watched the last episode, and sorry to rain on your parade, there is no scene with GD and his mom together. It makes no sense right? Even the gangsters get some filler time, but not GD and his mom.


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I just don't understand how there's never any screen time with GD and his mom, LOL! She's always talking about her son in the walnut pie shop, and obviously it's a small neighbourhood so everyone knows everybody else... but it's just so strange that they're never seen together. It makes it seem like his mom was just stuck into the plot to antagonize BS's mom, lol!


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I justlove this episode. I just wish it had come sooner. And I didn't skip the gangster scenes this time because they finally served a purpose! (Though all the did was making phonecalls LOL. Show! You should have gone this route sooner! I love love love the Bong Soon and her side kick story! The ridiculousness and illogical plots aside, the show should be all that from the beginning and I'll be a happy camper. But I'll take what i can get, even though this happened at ep 15.


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This episode was amazing and I can't believe there is only 1 left *internally cries and dies* But before that happens MIN MIN AND BONG BONG FOREVER LOL their interactions are the cutest things I've ever seen in a drama (then again that's not saying much since I started watching dramas last December) all the little touches and ironies in this show is hilarious and I've turned into a squealing/crazy/smiley idiot trying not to wake everyone up since I tend to watch dramas in the middle of the night which tends to be a bad idea when watching scarier dramas heh


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Such a sweet, satisfying episode. Glad the JH issue was finally resolved so we can just focus on our OTP for our last episode! (And no, we won't even think about her getting shot anywhere but where the bullet-proof vest covered.) It's our last chance to squee and swoon and squee some more over how sugary-sweet they are. SO cute together! The way they look at each other... Loved all the tossing and turning and that split screen where they were both just laying there, thinking about each other... And when she asked if she could call him Min Min and how Min Min reacted (((I was grinning like a total idiot on my sofa - heavy sigh)))... can't wait to see what ep 16 has in store for us! (But also super bummed that this is over... waaahhh...) SO going to miss this show next week... = ((


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And I have to admit - I'm kinda glad BS's dad ran away, even though we know he'll go home. He needs his "freedom" and to escape BS's mom once in a while. Maybe a little absence will make her realize that he's not such a bad guy after all and appreciate him just a little more... just sayin' omma...


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I really loved the final showdown perhaps because of the fact that it was a team effort. Though I wish that they had spent more time showing Bong Soon and the Boys taking down Bad Guys like a badass crime fighting trio rather than wasting time on the irrelevant side characters or the filler material. *le sigh.
Maybe they are planning to leave that for season 2? O.o


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when i watch a couple being lovey dovey in a drama i squeel,
but when i see a couple being lovey dovey in real life my reaction be like= Sec.Gong in the elevator scene.?


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amen to that.


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i feel u. i've been the third wheel often enough to know it's not a happy place to be.


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I like how they show us BS and MH all lovey dovey in the elevator, then BS moves to reveal Sec Gong. OMG! How embarrassed he must have been to be there, at that time. I know I would be. Haha. I suppose Sec Gong is us whenever we witness a similar scene in public.


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His face when he saw Bong-soon and Guk-doo in the cafe and then when he tried to not-so-subtly take a picture of them!


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I agree that bong bong and min min are cute to the fullness but the storywise is not so satisfying..


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Thank you for the recap!


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I don't want this show to end. I want more bong-bong & min-min!! ??? even reading the recap made me a gooey mess. Let's all just forget the villain at this point & concentrate on dying from the cuteness overload of our leads ???


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ugh that piano kiss was so sexy. they left in the random notes it banged out when he plopped her up there, which i loovedd. how is this show so cute even with a serial kidnapper crazy person on the loose. dang


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That single tear that Minhyuk shed while kissing Bong Soon... :') My soul has been cleansed you guys.


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"He works up a sweat and manages to curtail his, uh, wishfulness, but then just as he’s in the clear, Bong-soon’s voice rings through his head again and offers not to go home for the night, and so he drops to the floor for some push-ups."

Is no one going to mention that when Min Hyuk remembered what Bong Soon said, he suddenly glanced down at himself (ahem), then groaned desperately and hurled himself down on the floor for push-ups? That might have been a K-drama first!


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I guess this is a plus when dramas are aired on Cable Network instead of the big 3. Yes, that moment goes by in a second if you miss it. It was hilarious, but our Min-min sure was frustrated...


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Oh, of course, cable! That makes perfect sense now!


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you could totally see the moment his mind slid back down into the gutter lol


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I actually questioned my own mind for sliding down into the gutter, it went by so fast: *Did I really just see that? Am I making it up?*


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When a scene makes us question our own sanity and morals, lol.


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A K-drama first for me, too! I had to go back and rewatch it because I thought, Did I just see what I think I saw?! Min Min is just totally LOST when it comes to thinking about his Bong Bong!


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Most guys will melt just like how Min Min did if you pull out all the aegyo stops when they're mad hahahahaha ? With my bf, when he's mad at me for something, I'll usually just attack hug him, give him a quick kiss, calls him his cute name, and he's a goner. Tbh, most guys tryna be tough like Gook Doo but we girls all know they're all a big soft teddy bear like Min hyuk inside ?


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Anyone a little confused about how gook doo is like 3 episodes behind in iterms of relationship development? I thought we were wayyyyy past jealousy hijinks!! Although I suppose Gook Doo was meeting with Min Hyuk to let him know that he approves and he better take good care of Bong Bong for the rest of his like. Also I shouldn't complain because I found the jealousy so so so adorbs!! Basically this show is Bong Soon and I am Minkyuk. Show confuses me with badly written plot and then it puts on the cutest and most charming act a la scenes with Minhyuk and then I melt and I'm like I lurrrrrrv you!! Heart bbyong bbyong!! Just like how Minhyuk melts when Bong Soon puts on her aegyo show, hehehe


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when he asked minhyuk "do you like bongsoon" i was like... errr. boyyy where have you been, under a rock?? get with the program already! lol


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He is cooped up in the precinct all day long, and doesn't have the luxury to hang around MH and BS all day. I can forgive him for not being privy to their relationship, although I suspect he has an inkling into their relationship. I think it's a miracle he even asked the question because he has been so thick headed for so many years about BS's liking for him that he would not have noticed MH's interest in BS.


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you're right, props to Gook Doo for asking! I forgot I thought he was a brick at the beginning of the drama (albeit REALLY good looking brick)


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My heart has been aching for days at the thought that this show is ending. I'm not ready for it to end. I need more vitamin PARK HYUNG SIK in my life ?


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me too! in a way, i'm dreading the final episode. i feel like i loved THIS episode so much that if i just.don't.watch the next one, there will always be a little bit more Bong Bong and Min Min waiting for me. <3 <3 <3


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PHS playing the piano in bts was really cool for me hahaha


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Gosh, that glorious last scene!!

Finally we met our trio avengers. Cheeky, IT-savvy chaebol, Ahn Min-hyuk. Excellent strategist, uptight policeman, In Gook-doo. Peanut-sized, sassy supergirl, Do Bong-soon.

Why did we only get that scene now?? I want to watch our avengers going around solving cases, meting out justice, and bonding together as a tightknit group. (Of course with a side bonus of bromance, man-woman friendship, and romance). Dang it, now I want that drama.


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It was the most satisfying slow-motion walk of glory, ever!


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Satisfying for sure! There have been plenty of walks of glory, but this one just felt so great to finally see!


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Hello folks, I'm your random anon who usually reads the the reviews after watching the episodes and only because I'm done with mock exams that I sit through 4 episodes of SWDBS till episode 15 (it is now close to 4am)

Regardless, I appreciate how we can see Bong Soon and Min Hyuk's relationship developed (am I the only one who squealed, hugged my pillow, kicked my legs towards the air and touched my cheeks because I WAS SO GIDDY AND EMBARRASSED AT MYSELF)

I love the fanservice and I love how this drama made me feel after a sorta terrible week. Dreading and looking forward to ep16.

So gonna miss my Bong Bong and Min Min


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lol every week i visit dramabeans and scroll down the blog:

it`s too cute and we`re all dying"


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SOOO satisfying and super BADASS.
That last shot of The Three Musketeers was spot on;)


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Goblin parody! I burst out laughing, but I was so happy for the ending as well.


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Oh my Gosh. And i havent even watched the whole chapter because i wanted to watch them both together. 15 & 16...
But what i watched, i laughed and loved it totally..... ?

Soooo.... that means i will join the discussion tomorrow sunday. Plus, here is already 10pm and i am totally exhausted. Going to bed. Talk to you tomorrow, beanies!
Have fun today! ?


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