School 2017: Episode 5

Gosh, what an emotional ride. Now that the setup is finally squared away, School 2017 really starts to sink its teeth into its character ties, revealing a whole new dimension of development. Though I think it had a bit of a rocky start, it’s shaping up to be a much fuller show than I gave it credit for, and I was surprised by how moved I was by this episode. Hopefully, we’ll continue this emotional run… though I don’t know if I’ll survive another scene of Dae-hwi in tears.


As Tae-woon removes his hood, Eun-ho stares at him in disbelief. This time, it’s Eun-ho’s turn to lean in reaaal close and make Tae-woon nervous… until she snorts: “You’re another impostor, aren’t you?”

Realizing that Eun-ho thinks he’s another false X, Tae-woon drags her to the warehouse to prove his identity, grumbling all the way at her accusation of being a fake. Eun-ho still refuses to believe him even as she sees the warehouse, until she sees the Principal Yang dummy-drone, and a photograph of Tae-woon, Dae-hwi, and Joon-ki.

Reluctant to accept that Tae-woon is the admirable (and handsome) hero she’s been imagining, Eun-ho asks why it had to be him, and Tae-woon argues that he totally fits the profile. She points out that he doesn’t have the wound in his side from escaping through the shattered window. Tae-woon agrees: “Because the wound isn’t on my side, it’s lower down.” When Eun-ho cranes her neck to see, Tae-woon calls her a pervert, offering to pull down his pants for her to check for herself, LOL.

Faced with such undeniable evidence, Eun-ho is filled with dread as she realizes that he’s telling the truth after all. Eun-ho shoves him, demanding to know why he did it. Tae-woon just shrugs and says: “I was annoyed and bored.”

Tae-woon starts to tease her again before realizing that Eun-ho isn’t joking anymore—she’s truly upset. She asks whether it was fun to watch her run around trying to catch the culprit: “It might have been fun for you, but I was suffering,” she says, close to tears. She tells him to leave her out of his childish pranks, and Tae-woon stares at her, perturbed by her words.

Suddenly, they’re interrupted by a loud knock on the door—it’s Officer Han and Teacher Shim! Eun-ho notes that it doesn’t matter if he gets caught and even starts to call out to them, but Tae-woon quickly reminds her that if they’re caught now, they’ll be accomplices.

Officer Han is certain that this is X’s hideout, but Teacher Shim does his best to persuade her otherwise. He insists that the warehouse is just a place to store junk, but Officer Han isn’t convinced, and hurries off to find something to break down the door with.

Eun-ho storms out as soon as they’re gone, and Tae-woon chases her out, yelling at her to report him if she wants. She snaps back that she will, noting that he must not be afraid since he’s the director’s son and the students are just his toys. Ouch.

Tae-woon tells her to watch her mouth if she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She shoots back a sarcastic apology for running her mouth, and he snaps that he’s glad she’s finally learned her place. They part ways, disappointed and furious at each other.

That night, Principal Yang visits Director Hyun at home. The director notes that the media is starting to call their school policies abusive, and orders the principal to find X and hold him legally responsible for the mess he’s caused.

Tae-woon returns home at that moment, overhearing their conversation before silently retreating to his room. Alone, he gazes at the picture of him with Dae-hwi and Joon-ki before picking up a chicken coupon for Eun-ho’s restaurant. Recalling his argument with Eun-ho, he sighs in annoyance that she doesn’t know anything.

In her own room, Eun-ho does the same, drawing a picture of an evil-looking X in her sketchbook. She sighs, shoving the drawing away in frustration.

The next morning, Dae-hwi reads a book on the bus to school when he sees Nam-joo get on. He quickly gives up his seat for her before turning back to his book, much to her annoyance—but this time, Dae-hwi notices. He sits down beside her, explaining that he needs to read a lot to get his student evaluation on par with the other kids.

Noting that it must be nice to have a consultant take care of everything for her, Dae-hwi starts to ask all sorts of questions about her own student record, noting that she probably volunteers at her father’s company. Strangely, Nam-joo looks uncomfortable at that remark.

At school, Teacher Shim hands back the students’ freshman year evaluations, telling them to fill in their records with whatever awards, certificates, and personal goals they’ve achieved in the past year. To their annoyance, he reminds them that he’s not allowed to show them their current student evaluations, but tells them to do their best to create a strong representation of themselves.

Tae-woon is totally uninterested in the whole exercise, but the kid in front of Tae-woon looks over it for him, noting that he’s been evaluated as “straightforward and honest.” The kid notes that it’s a perfect description, but Tae-woon just snorts that it’s totally inaccurate.

Officer Han finds Teacher Shim at school, asking him to explain student evaluations to her. Teacher Shim explains them as life records that college admissions officers look at, and that admissions depend on the quality of their evaluations.

At that moment, Eun-ho runs up to Teacher Shim, wailing that her evaluation needs critical help. Cut to: an unconscious Eun-ho in a hospital, being wheeled into the emergency room. Doctor-Teacher Shim yells that her student evaluation is in critical condition, while Eun-ho’s family begs Doctor-Principal Yang to save her. Lol.

Doctor Yang straps on his surgical gloves before going to treat Eun-ho. He looks over her charts, noting grimly that she’s in tier six and has a low chance of getting into college. Worse, her student evaluation is devoid of awards, volunteering, or reading. (Hilariously, the definitions for words like “student evaluation” and “experience” appear at the bottom of the screen as if they’re complex terms in a medical drama, and the monitors show numbers for her demerits and class rank, HA.)

The other doctor-teachers sigh that she’s hopeless, and Doctor Yang snaps that they should never have admitted such trash, since good student records are only for rich students. Yikes.

Back in reality, Officer Han points out that it should be a good thing that college admission doesn’t just depend on grades. Eun-ho and Teacher Shim explain, however, that having activities to put on their evaluations is actually all based on how much a student’s family can afford to pay for them. Officer Han realizes that this means you need to have money to go to college, and sighs that grades-based admissions is probably better after all.

Eun-ho meets with Teacher Shim to go over her student evaluations, and he admits that her evaluation is a mess. Still, he insists that she still has time and tells her not to give up. Eun-ho asks whether the school has any art competitions, and Teacher Shim promises to check before suggesting that Eun-ho try asking any sunbaes she knows for advice.

Cut to: Tae-woon looking miserable as Eun-ho calls Jong-geun sunbae, voice dripping with honey. Eun-ho asks if he has time to meet to talk about her student evaluations, only to hear that he’s out on a backpacking trip… with his girlfriend. Tae-woon suddenly looks less pouty, and Eun-ho quickly ends the call.

Tae-woon declares that he knew Jong-geun had the face of a traitor, and Eun-ho stalks up to him, calling him a hypocrite. She notes that if he weren’t in the teachers’ office that day, she wouldn’t have been framed for being X and she could definitely have gone to Hanguk University.

He snaps back that he was going to end it all that day anyway, but was forced to continue because of her: “I’d be fine if I got kicked out of school, but you… have friends and that tacky dream!” Aw. That seems to move Eun-ho a little, and she warns him that she’ll be keeping an eye on him for the rest of his life, which only makes Tae-woon grin, hee.

He asks where she’s going now, offering to go with her to make it easier for her to keep an eye on him, LOL. Eun-ho stares at him, asking if he thinks the world revolves around him. Tae-woon: “…Yes.” So cute.

So Tae-woon follows Eun-ho to the comic book store, complaining the whole time but refusing to leave. Eun-ho picks up a Batman comic, telling him that if he wants to be a hero in a mask, he should have a sense of justice or be willing to sacrifice himself. She demands to know why he did it, but Tae-woon brushes off the question again, blaming his frustration at school and his boredom.

Eun-ho sighs, throwing a comic book at him. He complains that reading comics is too childish for him, but when he starts enjoying the book way too much, Eun-ho tells him that he needs to pay for his enjoyment with labor.

So Eun-ho forces Tae-woon to help her with her part-time job handing out flyers. When he complains about the heat, Eun-ho threatens to rat him out. They start to bicker again, but soon he can’t stop staring at her with a goofy, lovestruck grin on his face.

Dae-hwi and Hee-chan arrive together for tutoring. Dae-hwi greets Eun-ho warmly, but when Tae-woon eyes him with Hee-chan, he snorts that Dae-hwi is still living “like this.” Dae-hwi glares at him before hurrying off.

Dae-hwi and Hee-chan wait for an elevator to meet a consultant. Hee-chan tells Dae-hwi that his mom is already waiting for them, before asking whether he finished his assessments. Omg, is Dae-hwi doing his homework for him? Hee-chan thanks him, but Dae-hwi just shrugs it off, noting that he’s not doing it for free.

Upstairs, an admissions consultant looks over Hee-chan’s student records while Dae-hwi stands outside, taking notes as he listens to her comments and advice. Oh gosh, is this what he meant by not doing it for free?

At the end of the session, Hee-chan’s mother hands the consultant her payment before telling her that she’s slipped in a little extra, asking for ten more minutes. She looks pointedly out at Dae-hwi, and he hurries inside for his ten minutes of consultation.

To his dismay (and Hee-chan’s hidden glee), the consultant tells him that it’ll be hard to get into Seoyul University because there’s nothing unique about him—he needs to link his awards to his personal statement, or else his application will lack impact. Before Dae-hwi can ask any questions, the ten minutes are up.

As Dae-hwi steps out, Hee-chan’s mother gives the consultant an expensive designer bag as a gift. Dae-hwi listens as the consultant assures Hee-chan’s mother that Hee-chan will get into Seoyul University since his student evaluations are so outstanding. Through the glass, Dae-hwi glowers in envy.

Principal Yang meets with some student mothers for dinner, including Hee-chan’s mom. He promises to hold some competitions before the students’ final examinations, giving them a chance to fill up their evaluations before they get too busy with studying.

The next day, Hee-chan leaves school with his grade report, dismayed to see that he’s ranked second in every subject. As they drive home, Hee-chan’s mother pressures him to beat Dae-hwi at least once, but Hee-chan snaps back that it doesn’t matter since Dae-hwi can’t get into Seoyul University anyway. Damn. Still, he agrees to study hard for the upcoming math competition.

Meanwhile, the teachers hold a conference, discussing which students to tell about the upcoming competitions. Teacher Shim insists that every student should have an equal chance to enter, but the other teachers insist that student evaluations are about selection and focus—only the best students should have the chance to improve their evaluations. Even if the lower-performing kids are given opportunities, they can’t go to college anyway. Teacher Shim listens in dismay.

Bullied student Bo-ra nervously tells the rebellious Young-gun to see Teacher Shim to discuss her student evaluations. Young-gun and her minions snap at her for being a teacher’s pet before stalking off, shoving her as they leave.

Young-gun goes to see Teacher Shim, who insists that as long as she shows improvement from student violence, she can still get into college. Young-gun hardly believes him, however, citing her poor student record and demerits. When she storms out, another teacher tells Teacher Shim to give up on her, since it’s true that she has no chance of admission.

Dae-hwi and Eun-ho sit in the library, looking up ways online to fill in their student evaluations. Dae-hwi suggests that Eun-ho turn her webtoon into a series—if it gets popular, it might help her chances of admission.

Dae-hwi, Tae-woon, and Eun-ho report to the teachers’ office to continue their cleaning punishment, when Eun-ho overhears a teacher talk with Bit-na about an art competition. Shocked, Eun-ho confronts the teacher, asking why she wasn’t notified about the competition.

When he tells her that winning competitions is only helpful if her rank is high enough for it to matter, an infuriated Eun-ho insists that every student should have equal opportunity: “Every student here desperately values their lives. The top student isn’t the only one that matters.” She storms out, and even Teacher Gu looks impressed by her words.

As Dae-hwi and Tae-woon leave the office, a teacher asks if they came to find out about the math competition. Dae-hwi is surprised by the news, but further annoyed when the teacher mentions that his father will probably tell Tae-woon soon.

When Dae-hwi bites that it must be nice to get such special treatment, Tae-woon retorts that Dae-hwi is practically Hee-chan’s servant: “Are you hoping he’ll throw some scraps your way if you hang around him?” Ouch.

Sure enough, Director Hyun enters Tae-woon’s room that evening to drop off the answers to the math competition problems. Tae-woon refuses to enter, however, calling it degrading to get the answers like this. He tells Dad to get off his case, assuring him that he won’t be causing any trouble. And even if he does, he snaps, Dad will cover it up anyway.

Telling him that he won’t let Tae-woon live as he pleases, Dad throws the answer packet on Tae-woon’s desk before storming out, knocking over the picture of Joon-ki in the process.

Furious, Tae-woon throws the packet on the floor, looking at Joon-ki’s photo as he flashes back to the accident. His father had called media outlets and newspaper reporters, naming Joon-ki a delinquent who died due to his own recklessness—he’d practically written the headlines, leaving Tae-woon clear of guilt.

Meanwhile, a traumatized Tae-woon had lain numbly in his hospital bed, seemingly trapped there. When a nurse forgot to close and lock the door behind her, however, he’d quickly snuck out to visit Joon-ki’s funeral.

Dae-hwi, meanwhile, had sat with Joon-ki’s grandmother at his lonely funeral, watching while a man delivered a money envelope to her as compensation for her grandson’s death, from Director Hyun. Oof.

Joon-ki’s grandmother had told Dae-hwi that Joon-ki bragged about him and Tae-woon at every moment, and would have quit school had he not met them. Joon-ki’s grandmother had pulled Dae-hwi close, lamenting her poor grandson, and Dae-hwi had begun to weep in sorrow. Oh my gosh.

Tae-woon, meanwhile, had hurried to Joon-ki’s funeral to find Dae-hwi and Grandma weeping together. Before he could approach, however, he’d spotted the compensation envelope on the floor beside her, horrified to realize what his father had done.

Later at school, Joon-ki’s grandmother had brought Joon-ki’s cremated remains to the school, begging the guards to let her take him around the school just once. The guards had refused, however, and poor Joon-ki’s grandmother had looked up and spotted Tae-woon in the crowd.

Powerless on his own, however, Tae-woon had barged into his father’s office, dropping to his knees and begging him to let Joon-ki go around the school, just once. But Dad had ignored his cries and his promises to be good from now on, leaving Tae-woon to wail in fury.

Back in the present, Tae-woon talks to Joon-ki’s photo and wonders why past or present, he’s still the same mess he always was.

Tae-woon then picks up the chicken coupon and orders delivery to his lookout spot. Eun-ho is the one to deliver the chicken, fatigued and annoyed, and guesses that the chicken is just an excuse to bother her. Hee. Noting his uncharacteristically mellow mood, Eun-ho sits down with him.

When Tae-woon notes that Eun-ho always works hard, she explains that she’s living in place of someone else, and so has to live twice as hard for his sake as well. She tells Tae-woon to do the same and stop rebelling so much: “You must think about him even more than I do.” Oh, these two.

Dae-hwi notes a bulletin for the math competition the next day at school, and immediately gets to work studying after class. Hee-chan asks whether Dae-hwi really plans to enter the competition, noting that it’ll be hard to win unless he’s specifically prepared for it. Dae-hwi just shrugs it off, saying he’s confident in math, and Hee-chan agrees.

Dae-hwi goes to the bookstore after school, picking out math workbooks and copying down the sample questions to the point that his nose begins to bleed. He just plugs up his nose and keeps working.

Hee-chan and Dae-hwi continue studying at the library the next day when a classmate comes by, asking Hee-chan whether he’s solved the competition questions yet. Shocked, Dae-hwi demands to know what they’re talking about, and the classmate takes pity on him so he doesn’t waste any more time. He explains that they have both the questions and the answers, but it doesn’t matter since first place will go to Tae-woon anyway.

Infuriated, Dae-hwi confronts Hee-chan outside. Hee-chan just notes that competitions are meant to improve certain students’ specs anyway, and tells Dae-hwi that there isn’t room for him in this situation.

Dae-hwi storms off, holding back tears in his anger, when Tae-woon passes by. Dae-hwi snorts that having a rich father makes him smart as well, storming off before Tae-woon can argue.

Tae-woon asks Hee-chan what Dae-hwi’s deal is, and Hee-chan explains that he’s mad because he studied so hard for the math competition without knowing that the winner was predetermined.

When Hee-chan smirks that Dae-hwi doesn’t know his place, Tae-woon retorts that he’s a consistent asshole. Poor Dae-hwi, meanwhile, rips up his math workbooks, tossing the pages into the trash.

Dae-hwi goes home that night to find his mother setting up a credit card account. She tells him that she needs him to be her guarantor—even though he’s young, he just needs to agree to be jointly responsible for the purchases later on.

Dae-hwi isn’t in the mood to put up with his mother’s antics today, however, and rips up the contract. When she demands to know his problem, Dae-hwi begins to weep, screaming at her to please stop acting like this. Agh.

The next morning, Teacher Shim calls Dae-hwi into his office to congratulate him: He’s won first place in the Hanguk University essay contest! Dae-hwi, however, informs him that his family can’t afford the tuition there, and he absolutely must get into Seoyul.

Teacher Shim guesses that he’s worried about his student evaluation, and tells him that he should try to win as many competitions as possible. He suggests that he try to win the upcoming math competition, clearly oblivious to the truth of the situation.

Dae-hwi can’t bring himself to say anything and starts to leave, when he notes a teacher organizing some papers in a cabinet labeled “school math competition.” Uh-oh. That night, Dae-hwi recalls Hee-chan’s words, realizing that he needs to do whatever he can to get into Seoyul. He pulls out the school’s master key and makes a decision.

Meanwhile, Eun-ho shows Tae-woon her latest comic at the school warehouse. He tells her that she hasn’t shown the hero’s psyche enough, urging her to try to empathize with the hero more and illustrate the feelings behind his actions, like why he happened to give her lemonade in this scene. Heh, that sounds familiar.

Eun-ho leans in close, wondering how to empathize, and shocks him with her proximity. “What is he feeling?” she asks innocently, while Tae-woon just wonders when she got so close to him. She tries her best to empathize, but gives up and decides to take a walk outside. As she wanders the school grounds, however, she notes a figure in a black hoodie run past her, and immediately gives chase.

The figure hurries to the teachers’ office, heading straight to the cabinet. He takes an envelope labeled “math competition questions and answers” before looking up and spotting Eun-ho.

The figure sprints out, Eun-ho hot on his trail. Tae-woon wanders outside at that moment, seeing the figure run past, before seeing Eun-ho right behind him.

Noting the direction he was heading in, Eun-ho takes a shortcut that leads her right into the hooded figure’s path, surprising him. As the envelope falls to the ground, Eun-ho gapes as the light reveals the face underneath the hood: Song Dae-hwi.


Oh no, Dae-hwi! Dae-hwi continues to be my favorite character in this show, and though we haven’t yet explored his backstory—we’ve mostly been focusing on Tae-woon’s side of the story so far—I’m pleased to see that the show gave us a strong enough foundation for his character to help us understand his motives in this episode. After being Hee-chan’s servant, picking up the crumbs of the rich despite all of his hard work, and dealing with his own mother’s constant irresponsibility, all Dae-hwi wants is to get into a good college and improve his life. Dae-hwi broke my heart more than a few times this episode, and it’s frustrating to see his innate good personality get walked all over by people like Hee-chan and his mother, but I’m also impressed with how well the show managed to balance the mystery and likability of his character. I can only hope that he’ll be able to hold onto the kindness and selflessness we’ve seen in these past few episodes, although a descent into the dark side will be interesting to explore for a while, too.

I particularly like that the characters in this drama feel so youthful and forgiving of each other. The School franchise has always been great at letting its characters make mistakes and learn from them, and I think this series is doing a great job at continuing that theme. I really loved Eun-ho’s line in the last episode, when she said that you can be friends with anyone at age eighteen, because it shows that not only are these kids young and full of opportunity, but always capable of forgiving each other. The adorable dynamic between Eun-ho and Tae-woon seems to show this especially well; their relationship isn’t portrayed as a clear-cut relationship that’s only loving or hating each other; they’re dynamic friends with flexible emotions. They don’t hide their feelings from themselves or from each other, and as a result, their interactions feel genuine. They’re cheeky at times, misinformed at others, and constantly navigating their understanding of each other—and as a result, it truly feels like watching two people becoming friends rather than following a script.

Certainly, I think this can be widely attributed to Eun-ho’s positive, ungrudging personality, and I found myself particularly grateful for her character when her argument with Tae-woon didn’t end up in an hour of angsty hatred. I hope this refreshing dynamic of forgiveness will appear in other characters as well.

Though it might be unwise to make this judgment so soon, this episode gave me a lot more assurance in the future trajectory of the show. By largely centering the plot on the relationships between the kids and their parents, this episode seemed to demonstrate a focused exploration of the characters, giving us a particularly touching and interesting way to frame the episode. Tae-woon’s father protects Tae-woon from anything that could stunt his chances later in life, and doesn’t seem to recognize that his attempts only hurt his son more. Hee-chan’s mother pushes Hee-chan into a pit of pressure, making me wonder if he would mean less to her if he couldn’t get into Seoyul. Dae-hwi’s mother doesn’t seem to even try to understand him, though I’d love to know if that’s because he doesn’t communicate his feelings to her or because his attempts have failed in the past. At the same time, however, they all love their children, though in different—and differently flawed—ways.

School 2017 didn’t do a seamless job in setting up its subplots early on, and seemed to me to tack them on rather than weave them together, especially in the beginning. But if the end result is a story full of heart and emotion the way this episode was, I’ll gladly withdraw that initial complaint.


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What a great episode!


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It must be really hurt to be Dae-hwi. When you are trying your hardest but it would never be enough because everyone else already decided whose name would be there. I disapprove of him stealing the math competition's answer, but I still want him to do something to show his school that they make a big mistake by casting him aside.

On the other hand, am I the only one who think Teacher Shim is highly suspicious when he tried to distract Officer Han from opening the warehouse? He was fidgeting nervously like he knew something more about X. Is he maybe the original X? Or does he know who X actually is and now trying to cover it?


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lol. So many questions about Teacher Shim. We might see a scene later on where he figures out who X is etc.

This episode does a really good jo of highlighting the effects of financial privilege. Even though he is smart himself--he's second right--that pos Hee-chan got that nice evaluation from Dae-hwi's sweat. Then he has the balls to look down on him and cast him aside!? This show also does a good job of showing that while some kids are bullies of their own making, others are the product of their environment/parents. These same people have that gaul to say that they have to toughen up kids from a young age to deal with the harsh real world when they help create the monsters that inhabit that world in school.


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I can't decide whether he actually knows something about X (yes, he was awfully insistent that there can't possibly be anything in that shed except for junk) or if he just wants to protect X since he doesn't want X to get caught (since X is a student and Teacher Shim is the type of goodhearted teacher who looks out for his students, even the bullies).


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Teacher Shim is protective of his students. He had suspicions that the individuals who broke into the teachers lounge were his students. His actions were more on finding ways that his students will not get caught and may have their future ruined.


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Love. ?

Wasn't planning to watch this at all but I saw some clips on Instagram and started reading the recaps and I was hooked.

No show can top School 2013 in terms of storytelling and acting but the leads here are doing a great job portraying their characters.

Story-wise I don't really enjoy the Mr X plot but because it keeps the 2 main leads together, I'm pretty contented. Now I really wanna see the both of them in another drama playing grown up roles. They have too much chemistry to just be playing school kids!


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But the probability of two actors partners again in a drama is close to nothing.


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I'm still genuinely enjoying School 2017. I can't wait until we can see Tae woon & Dae Hwi's repaired bromance. And of course, Eunho & Taewoon ?


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I grinning like a big ol' dork when TW & EH share the screen!


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I grin... Sheesh.


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And I laugh... At your grin


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Shipping them so hard but I still have trust issues from school 2015 ?


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Ohmygoodnessyes. I know exactly what you mean! After being burned so bad by School 2015, I'm terrified to ship T + E. ??

I've told myself if it still looks promising by episode 8 I'll let myself fully ship them.


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Haha yes maybe we should at least wait until epi 8 to find out if this ship is sailing or not. From what I see, this show is started to focus more on Dae Hwi so it means maybe there will be more time Eun Ho with Dae Hwi (although I hope not). sigh.


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I'll endure DH's interest in EH, but TW & EH needs to be the end game. And of course, we get to see jealous TW ?


I love this epi! Aside from the cuteness between Tae Woon-Eun Ho, the struggles of the students are felt more real. There are times I want to punch Hee-chan but this boy is also suffocated with his mother. I'm glad I passed my high school life without so much pressures from parents although my result wasn't that great.

My fav character is still Tae Woon ? but I started to be more understanding with Dae-hwi lately. His struggles are relatable. His so called girlfriend is clearly hiding something from him.. Both of them don't seem to fond with each other that much tho. Anyway Epi 6 is better and I love it more.

BTS - Tae woon changed his shirt from black to white in order to match with Eun Ho's clothes at the lookout's scene lol ? I think what made the relationship between these two look good because they are natural and comfortable with other, on screen & off screen.


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I must say, Eun Ho's imaginary scene that she is in the emergency room managed to crack me up.


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I couldn't remember what drama the background music came from, but it made it all the funnier!


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This is not a parody again, right? LOL. But this could be a parody of any medical drama scenes though lol. ?


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The background music's from Nice Guy. I recognised it because KBS World is having a rerun of the show so the promo is on TV like every sec


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It's an apt imagination, though. Lol.


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And I love how her imaginations are creative, including her previous imagination where it has The Wailing parody. It just shows that she has some creative mind, which suits her interest on the webtoon.


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This is my first foray into this series and I'm finding myself genuinely loving it..
I am curious, how true to life is the depiction of the nature of school/college admission for Korea? If it is really like this, I can understand more the reasons for the high suicide rates in this country and others with schooling systems as competitive as this! My heart bleeds for Dae-hwi and his struggles.
Tae-Woon, I have to admit to loving this character.. He could so easily clear up the misunderstanding that Dae-Hwi has had about what happened on the night of the accident, yet he holds onto the truth because I think he knows the devastation that it would cause.
Whilst it wasnt Dae-Hwi's fault, him calling at the time was an indirect catalyst for the accident and I'm sure, given the nature of his character that it would truly distress him to know. I'm sure the truth will come out eventually but I don't know who it will be that does clear up the misunderstanding.
Tae-Woon and Eun-Ho, their chemistry is just gorgeous to watch.. its been a slow build and I can't wait to see where it ends up!


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Most times I hate dramatic irony in K-dramas, and this time it really sucks. Tae-woon is not only his own punching bag but Dae-hwi's as well.

I don't know if it Tae-woon who's in my top 10 favourite K-drama characters or if its Kim Jung-hyun who is in my top 5 favourite actors. Can't wait to see him in a "grown up" drama as the lead.


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I didn't know any of these actors nor the premise for the show going in to watching it.. I love them all, so much talent!
Kim Jung-Hyun reminds me of Lee Dong-Wook at times, not sure if I'm imagining it or not haha


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Watch Solomon's Perjury! Dong Yoon (Dae Hwi) does a great job in it!


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I used to tutor korean kids here in my country... They do study a lot and on top of that they go to an English institute, learn to play an instrument and play one particular sport. The pressure from the parents and the competition among classmates is also evident. I feel bad for the korean students. No wonder they drink so much once they reach the legal age.


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Eun-ho rocks!


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Eunho is making these boys live again!!!

I am glad she explained her true motivation for living well with a dream, out of respect for Joonki, I just wish she can save Dae Hwi as well... And soon please he looks worse off than Tae Woon right now!!! Hopefully by explaining to DH why she wants to be a webtoon artist in memory of Joonki, that he will turn his life around too and in the process save what is left of TW and DH friendship!!!

TW be like: "보고싶어 !!!"
DH be like: I miss you too, brother!


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Yea, I liked it too. She has not forgotten Joon-gi's sacrifice and trying to be worthy of it. I hope the boys realise that too!


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Dae-hwi portrays everything that is wrong with a materialistic society..The idealist in me hopes he finds his way out of this and thus provide the rest of us the strength to hold on!


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True. The drama potrayal maybe a bit more dramatic, but such problem truly exists somewhere in real life. In my time, admission system was very corrupted. Only around 10-30% seats available for fair entrance test. The rest quota was filled out by people of high authority, or people who was willing to pay donation higher (as in an auction).

So yeah, let's pray for Daehwi and all people who is in similar situation to find way out.


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Surgery metaphore is so darn hillarious. I live in a dorm, yet I couldn’t hold back from laughing out loud.. *#sorryneighbours* Credit to the show.

Taewoon x Eunho feel is everywhere in this episode. Poor replay button will be dead in no time. I love what the show is doing with the couple right now: their adorable camaraderie, and innocent flirting, and the funny bickering, and heart to heart talks, and not so angsty confrontation.

And finally they start to take supporting characters into spotlight. Somehow it feels a bit like ala j-drama character-driven directing and a bit manga-like. Which is a good thing.


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I'm still not quite understand about a group of students who we can't see their faces but they are texting each other, that we saw few times in earlier epi. What is their connection with Dae-hwi. I'm too lazy to check it back, but maybe I missed anything?


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I don't think so, the show has yet to explain that, what Kyungwoo seems to know about Daehwi, and also the first remark we see Taewoon make to Daehwi—"It'll be interesting, when the other kids find out the true face of their student president".


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I'll be interested to find it more. It seems like DH has gone for more darker path but I'm not so sure.


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That they can't trust Dae Hwi, but some think they can trust him because he is 'desperate'?

What is Dae Hwi desperate about? 1. money 2.. His class rank 3...teaching Tae Woon a lesson, which TW doesn't deserve because he also lost a friend, but TW's dad however is the worst I have seen in a long time or 4.... Could they perhaps be prank instigators to make the school look bad and other top students fall due to the stress of the sporadic pranks where only Dae Hwi, in class rank terms, is in on it and therefore less stressed. Of course these would be the pranks that TW accused DH of that DH outright wants to destroy the school instead of just teaching principal Yang and director Hyun A lesson?


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Watching for the cuteness that is Tae-woon + Eun-ho *squee!* It really brings the youth feeling, when they are frustrated with each other at one moment, and connected at another moment.
The getup is too hard to believe tho, can't believe this kind of school exists without students/parents reporting and educational board taking it down -_-'


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I'm sorry if I may offend you. But something you find hard to believe doesn't mean they dont exist in real life. This drama is only school level. In my country (during when I was student), the corrupted education system was almost on national level. Believe it or not.


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No worry, not offended, so sorry to hear about the actual corruption T_T
Found it very hard to watch that a school is totally teaching students all the wrong values to have and labelling them failure when they haven't even start yet, uughh.


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There was an exchange between the director and principal somewhere about the educational board being pissed at their tactics that was eye-roll inducing.


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Just wanted to ask beanies if this drama is recommended to watch or not ? Like is it good? Better than Sassy Go Go?


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It is good. Its a different kind of story from Sassy Go Go, but good.


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Ohh thanks...i would start watching it now !?


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I think it is better. Only because we have so many things to find out:

1. Who sent her the magazine-hangul-print-snippet message?
2. Will Eunho walk away from her final year with 2 good friends in DH and TW, or will DH never be able to forgive himself and just live which is Eunho and possibly TWs new motto, too.
3. What does Kyung Woo know about DHs true feeling?
4. Who smashed TWs watch, and how dare they make our darling mad?
5. Will Tae Woon mock his father by accepting his 'help' and not live 'recklessly'??? Are you kidding me what parent would do that?
6. What is the true pupose of the Dae Hwi texting ring?
7. Does Tae Woon rent the double-decker warehouse/outbuilding from principal Yang and the school authorities?
8. What is Han Suji's role other than being teacher Shim's foil, and is she related to Han Duk Soo..,lol
9. Who will win Sarangs heart idol Issue or cool Kyung Woo?
10. Will there be an episode which shows how Eunho got to be on that bus as a Geumdo student and how TW, JK and DH were back when they were friends? Because I would really like the latter to be explored for 45 minutes of the 1 hr show.


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Sorry for long list of questions but...don't read If you haven't watched it yet start watching and write a list of things you would like to know? I bet there will be more than these ten, see what I mean it is a mind game this one in a good way!!!


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Though this show has flaws and so many things disjointed, this show has given one of my favorite school drama couples, TaeWoon and Eun Ho, and i am terribly terribly going to miss their bickering and banters and oh so close proximity scenes which makes your heart jump and your face hot and bothered.


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Tae-woon' side-eye game, tho.


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Right on, beanie


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I liked the early eps quite a bit, so to me this is just continuing the same positive trajectory. I'm particularly impressed with the emotional depth these relatively inexperienced actors are managing to reach.


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Seriously, how much more adorable can these two get? I could watch them bicker forever. I have to replay several times during their scenes, because their expressions and reactions (especially Tae-woon's) at each other are the best.

I also love Dae-hwi's character and the actor is doing such a good job, especially with heavier, more poignant scenes (don't make him cry, I can't take eeet!)


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Dae Hwi's anthem should be more upbeat, right now it's really sad. I hope Dae Hwi and Tae Woon can be friends again, if only for Joong Ki's sake. Just like Eun Ho has made her "secret", well not anymore thanks to her cute scenes with TW, 'song' that she will life to the fullest as a thanks to Joon ki-yah since she was the last person he managed to save that night.


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"But if the end result is a story full of heart and emotion the way this episode was, I’ll gladly withdraw that initial complaint"

Good luck to your heart in the next episode. I cried while watching this series for the first time ?? i'm so loving the side characters arc this season


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thanks for the great recap hanshimi! :D especially loved this part:

"...their relationship isn’t portrayed as a clear-cut relationship that’s only loving or hating each other; they’re dynamic friends with flexible emotions."

and also:

"I found myself particularly grateful for her character when her argument with Tae-woon didn’t end up in an hour of angsty hatred."

it's exactly what i love about tae-woon and eun-ho's relationship too. their camaraderie is so organic and laid-back and very reminiscent of the kinds of relationships i had with my high school peers, and i really hope the writer keeps it that way. also, i LOVE how fast tae-woon's crush is growing and how stupidly transparent he is at hiding it, and how cheerily oblivious eun-ho is. that's my favourite kind of dynamic LOL.

i was actually a lot more invested in dae-hwi's arc this episode than i was in previous weeks, so i'm very happy to see this shift away from full-blown bus crash tragedy to a heavier focus on the insidious impacts of economic privilege within the school system, and the coldly unceremonious commercialisation of education that follows. it's definitely a lot more interesting and meaningful in terms of realism. i still maintain that the writing's main flaw is its glaring lack of anything resembling subtlety, but dae-hwi's raw desperation and eventual frustration with the school system's almost casual discrimination against his financial status was great (and difficult) to watch. that's the kind of stuff i like to see in my School shows LOL.


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After writing a long post for FOS, I don't think I can muster another to justify my love for this drama.

This is the only one which I am watching alongside FOS. I've never had any problems with this show from the start, be it the subplots, setup or whatsoever. It just settled into a place in my heart with likable characters, heartwarming struggles of youth and plenty of humor.

Jang Dong Yoon impressed me in Solomon's Perjury and he continues to shine in this. I have no idea with Se Jung is in the kpop world but she's so adorable and perfectly cast as Eun Ho. Kim Jung Hyun is a revelation. I knew there was more to Mori, he already left a deep impression in Rebel. He's knocking it out of the park here, effortlessly switching from smoking hot to helplessly cute.


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This is the only drama alongside FOS that I keep checking their BTS. lol.

Same with you, I had no idea who is Se Jeong as well. Then today I checked some of her info, in brief she has such an impressive resume in such a young age when she just debuted last year (if I'm not mistaken) as a group Gugudan and also as a solo singer. She has a great voice too.
Do you know Mori can sing too? I think he sang a little during their Vlive.

Everyone acts well here. I'm glad that I don't have to close my eyes for bad acting in this drama, and can enjoy the drama without bothering anyone's awkward /bad acting.


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Yes, I also agree that the acting is good. The principal is camping it up though. Well, at least he makes me laugh.


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Se Jung is indeed a nice surprise. I find her very lovable in this role :)


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Do all the kids in this school shop at the same H&M or something? Lol they all have access to the same black hoodie with oversized white string!


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Lol, I was thinking the same thing! I think I can figure this out:
1: Han Duk Soo, torso got scratched? dumps bandage in bin? Later is the first to get caught as X with 2 white-hoodie-laces.
2. Tae Woon is not seen in the hall during the drone-flight. And runs away from Eun Ho really good, considering he had been wobbling to Joon Ki's memorial a year before.
3. Although unclear the anti - fire sprinkler in the beginning is probably Dae Hwi although their is no X footage of the smoke at that point. Dae Hwi had probably not been confident with his studying hence the timing of the prank and the constant texting ring in a class setting.


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Lol x2, I just realized something, Tae Woon says it is him who got scratched. No wonder he always has a first aid kit in his bag!!! Eunho though always suspecting TW and DH and when it turns out to be just that way she gives TW a hard time but DH she says there must be a reason why saint like figure DH did what did, ... That's why we all love TW as much as you do deep down Eunho!!! Because he is always in the dog house or in the ground-floor warehouse!!!


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TaeWoon and EunHo are adorable together. And him wanting to tag along wherever she may be is just the cutest thing ever. ?
Thats what I took away from the episode.


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That's why I keep watching. They are just too cute.


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So Tae woon was X all this while. I really felt bad watching the scene where Tae woon begged his father to let Jonggi see his classmate for the last time.

I really love the way Tae woon looks at Eun ho, I can see he likes her very much.


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Is it too much for me to wish that somewhere in this world, someone has made a video compilation of all the moments Tae-woon is looking at Eun-ho? My gosh, he keeps making my heart skip a beat.


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You can check you tube, there are plenty of fanmade video and cut scenes Tae Woon-Eun Ho. ?


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Glad that the Unknown X plot took a backseat (slightly) this episode, and we got to know so much more about the characters’ stories, motives and relationships :---) And also reason#193849 why this school is a shitty school. Wtfreak it makes me so upset to see the higher-ups manipulating the student evaluation record system and the normal students (Eun-ho ;-;) suffering fqmwfiqwhmif
Tae-woon and Eun-ho were cute (as usual), and Tae-woon and Joon-gi’s story was also heartbreaking, but it was Dae-hwi who stole my attention this episode. It’s refreshing seeing the top student achieving his results not because of his innate smartness or genius, but because he’s putting a shit ton of effort into doing well. It broke my heart to see Dae-hwi being a victim of the broken education system but completely helpless to do anything to change things. His success doesn’t come easily, and I guess that’s why it’s doubly painful when others are getting so much more than him when they are doing nothing. In the end, when I saw him steal the math competition answers, I couldn’t bring myself to criticise his actions ;-;
The show might portray it in a blunter and more extreme manner, but when relating to the show comes so easily to me as a student in a similar (albeit more discreet & toned down) system, what more do we need to see to finally acknowledge the cracks in our education system? :”-)


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With every episode I am falling more and more in love with all the characters and with the overall story.
At first it seemed as a mystery-fantasy drama... sort of, but I am happy to see how the problems they portray, the experiences and feelings, are so real, and applicable to a broader context.
As Kim Sejeong's fan, I was really looking forward to see her in a drama, and I have to say that I am soo pleased with the outcome. Her acting is full of life, she expresses so many feelings that she has completely created a beautiful character that gives cohesion to the story and the relationships between all the characters.
I love love love Eun Ho and Taewoon!!! They are so sweet and unpredictable (in their own complicated way).


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Thank you @hanshimi always a great recap.

Joon ki was about 17 when he died, I think, I could cry. But TW and DH are doing a good job at that themselves emoting this - 'Can't we go back to before?' , theme for me at least.

And Eunho and her gradual understanding of Tae Woon, super cute!!! He likes her so much he calls her when he wants to cheer up, so sweet!!! I love their jibes they bowl back and forth and that TW actually shuts up and listens for once when she speaks about Joonki. I think he needs to know that from her, if Joonki was in fear or pain as a result of his motorcycle distraction and if he had any hesitation in saving her because that would mean that he didn't fear that the bus would blow up.


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Daehwi broke my heart this episode. His family's financial situation has always weighed heavily on him and influenced how doggedly he studies, but this character setup is even more compelling with what Taewoon's dad did after Joonggi's death. It was probably more crushing than any other piece of evidence DH has seen to prove that the society he lives in privileges the rich and crushes the poor.

It makes a lot of sense that he would seriously consider and execute something that isn't ethical because there wasn't such a thing as fair game in the first place. DH reminds me of Lee Jongsuk's character in I Hear Your Voice: we don't want them to cross over into morally murky waters, but they have every reason to, and in the end it's more fulfilling to see them overcome their struggles, rather than unrealistically remain unswayed by the darker forces operating around and on them.


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This cut throat competition exists even in real life....
maybe parents are not that influential, but being rich means to be able to enter those costly universities that others can't afford. Its so unfair :-(


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Everytime Taewoon calls Eunho a dimwit it cracks me up! She's so clueless. I just love this stage of romance. This part is the SQUEE part I enjoy very much.

On a serious note I wonder how Korea is responding to this drama. This drama is very bold in addressing the educational issues and i can imagine student x might be stirring some trouble in the real schools. It's a tough life whether you're a student or working. I am trying to connect this drama with Fight My Way and boy do I feel bad for these people.


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The comic store scene is gold.


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I laughed so much, Tae Woon, getting caught being cutesy enjoying the comic and laughing like a big kid, and Eunho catching him a bit happy for once and not anxious over Joonki's death or DaeHwi's enmity for him. And what I mean by JKs death is that both TW and DH but especially TW must think about if JK was in any pain before he died and if he was scared before he died like if he knew the bus was about to blow up. What torment for Tae Woon?


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The school system greatly confuses me - so Hanguk is a private university with higher fees and Seoyul is a public university, but somehow all the super rich kids still choose Seoyul, maybe because it's the most prestigious (?) but in that case how will EunHo afford Hanguk's fees

Also, Hee Chan and his mother still wonder why Hee Chan cannot beat DaeHwi - how about he try doing his own homework for starters. Currently DaeHwi is doing it twice , of course he's going to know it inside out

But most of the time I overlook the vexing school stuff and focus on TaeWoon and EunHo - please let them kiss even though it's a school drama ! They allude to the possibility of kissing all the time - so I will have hope ??


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I love how Eunho wants to get into Hanguk but because her grades are bad she was not even informed if the art competition that Bitna discussed with that teacher. But what I liked more is how in a trans TW was with her when she tells that teacher to care about all the students, not just the top students. And how DH could only serve him a look of resentment. That was one of the things that got to DH, all the down-trodden were being stepped. So why should he try to go to Hanguk when Seoyul is more realistic.


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Haha I agree that DaeHwi should still strive towards going to Seoyul and not let anyone tell him he's not good enough when he is, especially if 1) it is a better university and 2) the school fees are cheaper because it is a public university , compared to Hanguk university which is revealed to be a private university.
What I mean is , how is EunHo supposed to go to Hanguk if indeed she manages to clean her school record and get in the webtoon department ? Her parents don't have much money either because of her father's debt so I don't think they can afford private university fees (?)


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I was wondering about that too. I mean, it does look like Eunho's family is at least better off than Daehwi and his mum, but EH's mum said that they are still paying rental instead of being able to afford their own house because of the loan her dad co-signed as guarantor, suggesting they are still paying back the debt.


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I think the main reason why she wanted to go to Hanguk is because of her dream of becoming campus couple with her joongeun oppa but now that he's taken she prolly wont be as desperate anymore.


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It is what made me confused as well. This school seems to be a private school, so I also don't understand how some students from more ordinary / poor families can afford to send their kids to this school. Maybe this is half public/ half private which also confused me if such system can be implemented and the reasons why these rich kids are sent to this school so their parents can be part of the committee or whatever it is called and it is easier to control the principal & school.

Aside from that, is Seoyul University is Seoul University? If it is right, so no wonder they all want to go this university, because only top students go there and yes because of the prestige as well. Since DH is also top student, his chance to get the scholarship will be higher and it will be great financial assistance for him. EH chose to go to Hanguk, at first because she wanted to follow her sunbae, but now maybe by winning the contest set up by Hanguk will make her path to go to college is easier. Sure she can't dream to go to more prestige university since her students' record is not that good, so she is focusing to chase her dream. Hanguk is private, but maybe the prize of winning the contest come with some scholarship or any financial assistance as well? I wish this drama gave us a a bit more explanations about their school etc.


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I tried to watch this show, but made it about 7 minutes into the first episode, and of course yet another cliche of "Korean girls can't ride bikes". Apparently Koreans are not that thrilled with it either - despite a lot of hype by KBS, it is even losing to some of the pay cable shows.


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There is a riff, from the word refrain as a possible origin, for that it is called 'Riding a bicycle' by Sungha Jung and although I would like KBS to get the rights for Kyung Woo to play the song for Sarang I doubt he will play it finger-style and probably go with a guitar pluck. But why was there a guitar or a guitar-case in Tae Woon's warehouse, just wondering or did the drone start hovering? ^^~ nah it would be too noisy. The point is the bicycle had nothing to do with anything in this drama, I actually think her bike's chain got done in by the kids who blamed her for getting caught with contraband after she tried to get her sketch book back. Which leads to another question, thanks, was it TW that eventually returned it mysteriously to her or was it DH? The only thing the bike served was that: to break down, and not to show Ra Eunho as a bad judge of depth and perception. Because she clearly was the only heroine despite Han Suji's fighting prowess that had enough sense of mind to go after X and actually come the closest to catch up with him several times.


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The first 2 episodes are shaky, to say the least.. But, I feel like they get their acts together with ep 3, and up to ep 6 it's been a very enjoyable watch (meaning I cry, smile, laugh, get angry while watching).


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I don't think it is really hyped by KBS, because I believe KBS doesn't target this drama to be a hit especially knowing it will go against more stronger competitiors. KBS also seems not to hype their shows this year as much as they did last year.

Well I saw some recent netizens' comments, they are started to like this show more now. The lead guy Kim Jung Hyun also started to receive more photoshoots now and gain more popularity despite of the lowest rating of this drama.


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Block-quoting would have really come in handy now...

Does anybody know what Tae Woon meant here, sorry if I am the only one that missed it...here goes:

Hanshimi writes:

"Tae-woon asks Hee-chan what Dae-hwi’s deal is, and Hee-chan explains that he’s mad because he studied so hard for the math competition without knowing that the winner was predetermined.

When Hee-chan smirks that Dae-hwi doesn’t know his place, Tae-woon retorts that he’s a consistent asshole. Poor Dae-hwi, meanwhile, rips up his math workbooks, tossing the pages into the trash."

When Tae Woon 'retorts that he's a consistent asshole', he is referring to Hee-Chan...right? But Hee-Chan thinks TW is referring to Dae Hwi...right?

If it is like that it means that TW would still like to repair his relationship with Dae Hwi, hence he has not blocked out DHs face on their bro-trio-mance photo in his warehouse?


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So. Tae Woon and Dae Hwi have an interesting relationship. Tae Woon, still clearly cares about Dae Hwi. The only reason he acts like a jerk in front of him, is to keep his pride (he doesn't like to appear too soft, especially if he's being attacked). Whenever Dae Hwi and Tae Woon fight, when TW turns around you can see that he is hurt. He doesn't like fighting with his best friend. Remember, he was really close with Dae Hwi, one does not get rid of close feelings of friendship so easily. So when Tae Woon tells Hee Chan (and the full conversation is more like this)
TW: Wow you're so consistent
HC: Consistent in what?
TW: You're consistently an asshole.

Tae Woon is defending Dae Hwi, secretly, because Tae Woon still really cares. He hasn't cut out the photo, because he does hope that somehow he can makeup with Dae Hwi some day. The reason he doesn't just clear things up right away with what happened is because he probably thinks there's some truth to what Dae Hwi says (calling him a coward, he probably secretly agrees with DH), and he doesn't want Dae Hwi to know that it was his call, that caused the accident. Tae Woon really does care about Dae Hwi, and imo hopes to repair their friendship one day. I just think he doesn't know how, cuz he feels guilty and doesn't want Dae Hwi to have self-blame for the accident (which is honestly an awful thing to go through). I don't know if this clears things up, but i hope I helped


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Thank you.

It does, for a moment there, actually since Monday I thought about that, if TW was humoring HC but secretly hoping to make up with DH. Or if he dish out what HC deserved to be humiliated for thinking that he is better than DH, just because DH is not backed by any wealth.

What really got me in the gut right now is what you are saying about why TW is letting DH take it out his anger on him, because he doesn't want DH to feel guilty about the phone call.


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Yah, he was definitely dishing HC, for insulting DH, who he secretly still cares for and probably wants to be friends with again.

Well, if one experiences self blame due to any horrible incident, they won't want others to feel the same way. It's such an awful feeling, and since Tae Woon was friends with Dae Hwi, I'm sure he doesn't want his friend to feel an ounce of what he's feeling. So he takes Dae Hwi's insults, and maybe even encourages them, because he doesn't want any chance of Dae Hwi finding out that it was HIS call, that caused the accident. The thing is, since this is a kdrama, Dae Hwi will eventually find out. When he finds out Dae Hwi will feel awful. It's already awful to break things off with your best friend, but it's even more awful, to break things off saying it was their fault, and realize that YOU were the one in the wrong all along. It's even worse, when you know your friend was going through such a hard time all this time, and you weren't there to help, or worse, were part of that hard time. Dae Hwi's heading into some rough times, and I hope he can find it in himself to forgive himself, and be friends with Tae Woon again :)


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That is why theses two boys are lucky to have a heroine like EH, and she is played so well. I am glad from the get go she displayed such an upbeat vibe!!! Hopefully it will rub off on Dae Hwi as she is now poised between the to to me their mediator per say. When the time comes for the truth to be revealed, what ever elements that may entail, let's hope DH and TW can make up before it is too late.


He is definitely still seeing DH as his best friend, and caring for him. The ass hole - he is clearly referring to HC. But the way he said it could make HC misunderstand that he is referring to DH, because it is more on indirect way.


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Yah that is what I got from that whole conversation.

Even though he insults HeeChan calling him an asshole and a persistent one at that. Dae Hwi's proximity to Tae Woon and HeeChan at that point was such that DaeHwi couldn't hear what that pat on the back from TW to HC was all about. So us as the audience including DH thinks TW is cheering HC on in psychologically bullying TW.

And HC being a shallow rich boy would actually take what TW said as a compliment. So even though TW says that HC is a consistent asshole, HC thinks that acting like an asshole to someone like DH will be supported by wealthy status holders like TW and those further up.

However TW means what he says and knows that HC will eventually destroy himself so he doesn't care about his 'rich-peer group' but rather he only cares about his true friends which he hopes one day will still include DH.


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* psychologically bullying DH


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I like this show a lot. I think that Eun Ho does a great job being a pervert, LOL. If she can't do art contests she should do singing and dancing contests, she's good at that, especially singing. Oh wait, that's someone else, oops!


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I really really felt for Dae Hwi in this episode - being subject to humiliation by his richer "friends" and their disgusting parents, working so hard and yet not seeing the desired fruit of it etc... - it was really heartbreaking when he had that break down in front of his mum. And also the Taewoon and Daehwi's back story - it's evident just how much they are broken and grieving over their best friend's death. And it just sucks to see the adults around them ignorant to their suffering.

Anyway the show is really really picking up and I'm so glad I'm watching it!


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Looked up Jang Dong Yoon (the actor portraying Dae Hwi) and found out that he studied at Hanyang University with an economics and finance degree! I wonder why he pursued an acting career?
But I must say that he's doing really well in portraying Dae Hwi!


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I watched this episode after watching the last episode of 7DQ, I don't know if I just got carried away by my unstable emotions, my eyes were actually teared up when Dae Hwi cried after knowing the truth about the math competition. I know that I'm one of the minority that actually interested in Dae Hwi's character, maybe because I can personal relate to his situation a lil bit when I was in high school. I'm satisfied that this writer gives more backstory behind the bromance and how Dae Hwi was there with Joon Gi's family.

Anyway, I'm happy with the growing chemistry between Eun Ho and Tae Woon. Their moments are so precious. I just hope that Eun Ho will be the mediator to the conflict between Dae Hwi and Tae Woon.


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