Open Thread #508

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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friday again
I am heading to the library in a moment but I can´t ignore Open Thread
a scary story to share from my Granny whois about to spend a month at a home by her own wish. she keeps talking how she is a burden and that she should be out of the way and we keep telling her she is no burden. But she insists staying there 1-2 months a year. Today she said last year they put some large pills next to each bed every night and refused to tell the elderlies what they were. Granny kept pressing so they said "Painkillers!" She told them she wasn´t in any pain so what for? and why did they not give her 3 out of her 7 regular pills? "You don´t need them any more!" and they were going to refuse to give them to her (although it is needed for her blood and heart), but my aunt arrived and made noise. Lots of elderly people mystically get totally bedridden when they moved fine before. I haven´t heard of deaths caused by taking unprescribed pills, but it is possible they can happen.
I read in a newspaper there was also a cameraman of a very famous local movie who was in the same home. He wasn´t taken care of at all and they had him wear the same diapers for days. The home cost 600 euros and he doesnt even get fed - just once a day, some runny porridge. Nurses are mostly russian and refuse to speak estonian to him. He feels humiliated and neglected.
There are some other stories of a great amount of "painkillers" forced on old people who have no families. Thatś just an attempt of murder, I would say.

I wish someone made a movie - fiction based on true story, cause I doubt a documentary is possible, they wouldnt allow filming there. There is this TV show though, that uncovers dirty matters that legal ways can´t handle. this is worth a horror movie. These grannies and grandpas served our country all their lives, they have all these achievements and they haven´t even deserved a warm meal? Especially people who have an input in culture and arts.

anyway I told my granny not to go there. She doesnt need to. But she sais she knows she can´t accept any strange pills and she´ll be careful. but what if they inject something?

anyway, sorry if I depressed you with these horror stories.
dramas: um really had no time, managed to finish Suspicious Partner despit feeling like crying when the minutes were ticking away from last episode. So many good and kindhearted, caring people in one drama.
I can see your voice ep 16 Jo Kwon and his friends´ Maeng Jina´s performance reminded me of Ae Ra and Dong Man (even though I didn´t watch that drama at all, but I coultn avoid the hype all around). Awesome duo.

that´s it for now... no kdrama moment this week, except that the shop where my mom is accountant has a deli counter and they get lots of leftovers and yesterday we sneaked into their office and secretly tasted from every bowl cause I wanted to know what´s worth buying. It was like when girls get hungry at night and sneak into kitchen. Glad we...


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continued: Glad we wereń´t caught.

question: if you were a serial killer in a korean drama, what would be your modus operandi? (thinking of how to get rid of those evil nurses in the retirement home. ...I am kidding.)


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Woah. That is horrifying. I hope your granny stays well and that horrible home gets shut down. It's heartbreaking that people in the nursing homes do such things, because it is a tough job, and the ones who dedicate their lives to taking care of elderly people don't deserve to be associated with these black sheep.

If I were a serial killer? Oh I'm an anesthetist by training, so believe you me, I've got many many ways at my disposal *practices my Mo Taegu smile*

I'm kidding. (Or am I? ?)


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In France there is a show that portrays real life situations with actors (mostly bad actors) and yesterday was about an old lady whose health became worse because her daughter-in-law gave her pills for headaches and scared her at night to drive her crazy. She wanted to send her away from home and wanted her money. It's not really the same story as your grandma's but show that old and weak people are easy to trick. I saw reportages about it and the “pills” are often used as a way to make people lose their mind. Your grandmother can go to another place but she and your family have to do a background check.

My modus operandi would be poison or some substance that kills someone softly and without suspicion. I would have to feed them everyday tho.


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Omg what a horrible place! I just don't understand those people who treat the elderly so horribly, I mean don't they realize that they'll get old one day? How will they feel if someone treats them that way? Huh!


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Oh my God! What a horrible place for the elderly!! I am getting so angry reading the story. Those nurses aren't human! Can't they be reported or something so police can start their investigation?? This actually reminds me a little bit of a Korean movie called "The Silenced" .. except the victims aren't elderly but children. Duh.. what a world we lived in..


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I doubt anything will happen cause this country just doesnt care. there is so much corruption and lies it is scandalous. If the big noses arent losing money they wont do anything. same thing happening with illegal logging during birds nesting season, road development approvals etc. it has gone down the drain, really, this whole country


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but I will try to keep persuading her that she doesn´t have to go. trouble is, all the other homes are much further away.
I might write to a newspaper, but I need some sort of proof first. just the story won´t cut it, I am afraid.


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Botulisme...i would grow a strain of clostridium botulinum and incorporate it in snacks given to the nurses...no one will suspect food poisening..and it's a powerfull neurotoxin..just don't grow too much of it 100 gram of the pure stuff can wipe out the entire population of earth..yup all 7 billion of em.Why any sane person would use a derivative of the stuff and inject it in their face (Botox) is beyond me..human beings are weird. anyways..am i scary enough as a serial killer? *cue evil laugh *woehahahah..uche ..cough..*hairball*


hah, I don´t understand botox either. injecting poison? what century do we live in, 17th? ugh


Good god that is horrifying, that care home sounds awful and should be shut down for neglect and possibly attempted murder. I'm glad your grandmother isn't there anymore, I'd be scared for my life if I was there.


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My goodness, that's just one of the worst things that could happen to you and/or someone--leaving your loved ones in the care of someone else, expecting they'll be well taken care of and not neglected, let alone, left to suffer in day-old diapers, etc. It's already such an important decision to leave your elderly loved ones at a nursing home, so to find out that they've been neglected and/or bullied, is just horrifying. My mom and I always say that it takes a lot to be a caretaker for the elderly, but IF you become one or are one, then PLEASE just do your job properly and TAKE PROPER CARE of these people. My goodness, people.

I hope your granny remembers to be careful around such sketchy people and I think you should consider switching homes, if she's persistent on staying in one. Best of luck to you and yours and hoping your granny stays healthy and well.


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i feel ya man! i'm looking forward to school 2017 and the king loves too but i'm not too sure about school 2017s cast...


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Hi Beanies !

I'm so excited ! In a few months I will be studying in Germany for 2 semesters. The only thing I don't have now is an accommodation and the flight tickets haha.
Why do I even bother doing a to-watch list when I don't follow it. I started Full House a long time ago and decided to pick it up again. I'm on ep 5 and find Song Hye Kyo and Rain so cute together. It's fun to watch now that they each have a significant other.

Painter of the Wind : I still have 5 episodes left and I kind wish we could have more of Moon Chae Won and Moon Geun Young interactions. I totally ship them but the relationship with the teacher/student/friend/lover is really good too. I appreciate how art is really the center of the drama and not in the background.

Father is Strange : We had the maknae couple to relieve the angst this week along with Aunt and Uncle. I want to be a judge and taste their pizzas too :p I'm sure Chul Soo won't forget his first meeting with Joon Young HAHA
I waited for the truth to be revealed and now I'm not sure if my heart can take it, if the “Byun” family will be okay or if Actor Ahn will be okay. At least we saw Al not cooked and not eaten by Grandma yet.
In family dramas, I always hate ONE character, always that one at the beginning and end up loving him/her or at least feeling sympathy.
Yu Ju is the character I hated the most at the beginning and is now the one I identify with the most. Her desire to stay at work to show to her employees, the company and herself that being pregnant doesn't make her less competent to keep her job resonates so much with me. She does go overboard and puts her work above everything like it's literally all she has. She takes proud in being a career woman and worked for it ! The problem is she neglects people who care about her. It might be because she never had anyone caring about her and had to live for herself by herself. We didn't see her interact much with other people outside and for the class reunion, the classmates said she was always busy working. Work is her life therefore that's what's making her who she is. Now she's not alone anymore and hasn't well adapted to her new situation. She can't keep living like she used. Her husband and her in-laws are worrying about her and the baby. The lack of interest regarding the baby's nickname shows that she didn't realize that she has another being inside of her, enduring her exhausting days. She needs to realize asap that hers and her baby's health is in danger before collapsing again.
I feel really weird that I'm as unsecured as like Mi Young but is a career driven woman like Yu Ju (well I'm still a student but will definitely work to reach my dream career) and want to become as awesome as Hye Young. I'm not sure about the drama's ending but I don't regret watching these lovely characters.

Happy Friday :D


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You wrote beautifully on what I thought about Father Is Strange ? LOL the first meeting between CS and future BIL was very funny! I slowly started to like this couple, maybe because JH-MY are full of angst lately.

HY must be stress with both of her in laws ? I don't know, both of them are match made in heaven, they are so stubborn! While I am mad with her FIL's lack of common sense, her MIL is also the same. Someone needs to send these two live in the country site so they will finally realize give & take in a relationship.

Min Ha and his little family are so cute, I'm rooting for the success of this family. Grandma also was admirable. ❤ That pizzas looked so yummy!

Painter of The Wind - Can we get these two Moons reunite in a good project? idc any genre. I'm seriously miss Moon Geun Young.


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I start to like maknae couple too. I guess I need fluff to relieve all the angst. I'm rooting for the business to be successful for Minha, Aunt, Uncle and Grandma ! HY is so done with her in-laws haha The country side is a good idea but MIL would not find it chic enough.

Moon Geun Young is really believable as a boy. Another reunion of the same type with both Moons would be perfect :)


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True, RY and future FIL are funny too! ?

You just made me put POTW in my rewatch list. ❤ I don't know when I will rewatch it, but I'll certainly do it.


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Lol because I still have a giant POTW hole in my heart I'll vent my anger here. The ending was heartbreaking. NO, really.

Anyway, I won't spoil it, but you have been warned.

I miss my Moonies as well, at least MCW has 2 upcoming projects!


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The beginning of the first episode already showed a sad ending. I'm so ready for tragedy and tears !

I anticipate MCW upcoming projects !


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Hello Beanies! Hope everyone is having a good Friday!

I've been very quiet cuz real life has sucked terribly, and not even in ways I can talk about (partially because I'm currently just trying to ignore it all and hope it goes away). And also, work, plus a kid with flu.

But I did squeeze in the Japanese movie version of Liar and his Lover: Kanojo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru.

And I must say this- Takeru Satoh is so hot. *fans self* he does the broody angsty troubled musician bit so so well! I'm in love! ?

The jmovie was very different from the kdrama in tone, and unfortunately Lee Hyun Woo didn't quite get the broody bit down as well. But he made up for it with the oodles of cute later on, which sadly the jmovie didn't have a chance to, since it was only 2 hours long. Also, the side characters didn't get fleshed out in the slightest, which made me sad, since I loved the side characters from Liar and his Lover a lot!

So, I'm currently on a Takeru Satoh marathon and am going to finally watch the Kenshin Movies (finally!) as well as the side story movie for Kanojo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru which hopefully will give more insight into the side characters like I want.

Hope everyone has a good weekend! ❤️


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Oooo I must stop by to say Hello. Satoh Takeru is my ultimate bias. He's an incredibly versatile actor - his samurai in the Kenshin movies was vastly different from his samurai in the Ryomaden. Similarly, his everyday guy is different in Bakuman from his everyday guy in Bitter Blood and again in Tonbi. Though my favourite is Tonbi, and favourite scene with Satoh Takeru is his character's dying scene in Ryomaden, he really shines in Tenno no Ryoriban. Won tons of awards for it as well. That's the one you want to watch for Satoh Takeru.


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I'm heading down the rabbit hole and have no intention of surfacing any time soon. Hehe! I'll keep an eye out for all the stuff you mentioned, so I can properly appreciate his beauty and talent! For purely academic purposes of course *cough*


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don't forget that beautifully ethereal movie about If Cats Disappeared from the World...

Real was strange, with Ayase Haruka - tho she's older than him, they made a gorgeous couple...


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I love the Kenshin movies. I love everything Kenshin, I adore that character. and Takeru Satoh is perfect casting.


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Kenshin was my first ever manga crush at the age of 14.
I will love him forever, till the day I die.


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Takeru Satoh was amazing in the Rurouni Kenshin movies! my fave would slways be the first movie. But all 3 are great.

I agree that he did broody really well in Kanojo wa Uso o Aishisugiteru. I saw that movie first before TLAHL drama. I absolutely love his Aki. All broody and handsome.


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waaaah i love takeru satoh in kenshin ??? i don't know that he was in lier and his lover japanese version


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I've been wanting to get my best friend addicted to kdramas since forever, and we finally made a deal to watch one over the summer. She's showing me Stranger Things at the moment (I'm in looooove), so I have some time to get ready. I usually watch my dramas by downloading the raw, because i don't need subtitles, but my non-Korean friend does. I was wondering if anybody here knew a good free legal (meaning no bugs or viruses) site that also has subtitles?

Also, I'm thinking of showing her Healer because everyone seems to have loved it. I've never watched it before. And I don't know what a good gateway drama would be either, because I've been watching kdramas my whole life, and I don't even remember what my first drama was. Or would something like WLFKBJ be better?


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My first four dramas were - Coffee Prince, City Hunter, Faith and Healer. I've never looked back.

(Prime Minister and I also featured somewhere in between these four, but I dropped it four episodes in)


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Go to viki.
Or if you have a good VPN go to viu, that site is great and has almost all the dramas


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I guess it depends on what kind of story your best friend likes. I mean, I LOVE Healer to bits and pieces, but I didn't even recommend it to one of my friends who asked for drama recommendation after she said she liked rom-com (even more with cooking stuff in it) better, because, well, I know that she doesn't really like action.

So I told her to try Shopping King Louis and Oh My Ghost (since, well, come on, cooking, right?) instead, and she told me she liked the former (as she hasn't watched the latter), so... yay!


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I've been thinking about this a bit lately because it is kind of lonely being the only one I know who watches Asian dramas. I think you have to pick based on the person you are introducing them to. For example, my sister likes horror and humor, so I would start her with Master's Sun. One of my friends would have to be sucked in right away, so I would show her Pinocchio because for me it has the best opening scenes of the dramas I have seen. My friend who likes action movies would like Healer best. I think you have to know your audience. It would be sad if you showed them one of your favorites and they didn't like it.


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My gateway drama was W (I resisted my sister's attempts to convert me STRENUOUSLY--but I visited her when W was airing, and she forced me to sit down and watch. And she was right and I was wrong, and I am so glad.) But--that show was written for me, as if the writer had opened my head and taken stock and picked out all my favorite things for one drama. I think it really depends on your friend's tastes. Healer is a great show full of parkour and mystery and great characters. I loved it. But if your friend is more into rom com, yeah, I'd go with maybe Shopping King Louis (which has a definite, strong plot) or even WLFKBJ (which is a little more slice of life, but still excellent.)

You can watch many, many dramas for free (legally, I mean) at both viki and dramafever. And they have subtitles, so that's not a problem. There are some shows you have to pay for, but at only $4-5 a month, it's not much (far less than the price of a single movie in the theater for me).


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Every time Healer did parkour I yelled "Parkour!" really loud. It was fun.


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Subscene as subtitle files. If you rename them the same as the raw files, it will load when you play with most media players.


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I'd highly suggest Coffee Prince ☺

It has enough Kdrama crack plots, but not as cheesy as Kim Eun Sook's drama, with burning-chemistry between the OTP.


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I got my friend hooked by showing her page turner and then full length dramas (goblin and wlfkbj).. now she's enjoying endless charms of ji Chang wook as healer; hope you find the right hook for your friend ☺. I use myasiantv.se but I'm not sure if it meets your requirement?


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Just need to get this out there:
Seven Day Queen is amazing. It has everything a perfect saguek should have: melo-dramatic, beautiful costumes (at one point, PMY and YWJ were wearing matching colours!), very high stakes. I sometimes think there are flaws like whether Yeok really married Chae Kyung for love, or like he tells people, to gain her father's alliance, but most of the time, I'm able to justify their actions myself. On the other hand,

Ruler: Master of the Mask : I loved it at the start, the whole setup was great but I dropped it awhile back, tbf it was when things started getting interesting. I just cant seem to get back into it, have just been watching snippets on instagram and reading recaps. Enough to keep up with whats happened. I feel like its scarred me because of the characters' actions that didnt make sense. and how useless Ga Eun is.


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thank god, someone agrees Ga Eun is a completely useless unnecessary character...

Why this story even needs her??


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i agree with you ....
ruler has lost my interest...even after things back to the flow...and ga eun is the first character of kim so hyun that i hate the most,,,,kim so hyun deserves better character please ?


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same feeling here about Ga-eun's character. I dearly love KSH in School 2015 and her side-character in Goblin and I'm quite disappointed in her role in Ruler. She's such a great actress but they're wasting her talents in this drama.


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Happy Friday, fellow beanies! It's been a while since I've been on the OT.

With Circle over, and none of the presently ongoing dramas catching my attention, I've been watching some classics I haven't seen yet:

My Name is Kim Sam Soon. Loved this. I'm shocked the male leads (two) displays of violence haven't come up in reviews, but largely I think they were a good pair. Kim Sam Soon was the heart and soul of the show and I can see why she's the precursor to the stronger female leads I like in current dramas.

Dal Ja's spring. Episode 8. Finally! From friends to lovers! ^^ Lee Min Ki is so adorable. And Dal J's once again, the heart and soul of the show.

Secret Garden. Next on my list.

I'm looking forward to The King Loves, and Reunited Worlds next week.


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Samsoon is my fav k-drama. So good. I still need to check out Dalja's Spring. I really liked Secret Garden, but I feel like a lot of people don't like it. It's definitely not perfect, but I remember enjoying it.


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Hahaha yay! I do see what the hype is ^^ I do recommend Dal Ja's spring as well because the leading lady is spirited and lovely, but she's also "pure" in a way that Sam Soon wasn't, and therefore feels less relatable.


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Kim Sam Soon is my heroine. Every time one of the guy treated her in a bad way I wanted to slap them. At least, she is no pushover.

Secret Garden is my guilty pleasure. I liked it mainly more for the memorable characters than for the plot.


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LOL there was time I wanted Sam Soon to leave both of them and live on her own. She's too awesome. Among my all time fav romcom.

SeGa - I also remember the characters, not the plot (OK who can forget about that body swapped? LOL ) I don't mind to rewatch this drama if I have time.


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Sera! Long time!

I agree, haha. I often thought, Sam Soon has terrible taste in men. SeGa - if you recommend it, its a must try in my list.


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Long time too! ❤

I often thought not only Samsoon, actually more than 50% of female leads in kdrama have terrible taste haha! ?

Try watch it, and then watch Big Bang parody for it! ?


lol.. for major part of my kdrama life, the reason i remember SeGa was Lee jeong Suk playing a very pretty gay man :)

he has never looked as pretty in any other drama...he is so skinny in this one

And yes, one o those rare shows where ha ji won was not screaming


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Right?! I thought that Sam Shik wasn't a particularly great guy either. But Sam Soon liked him, and I loved Sam Soon so I had no choice but to support them. She is indeed heroine, mine as well these days. I like many of the strong female leads these days - but Sam Soon was (supposedly) overweight, loud, frank and truly very believable.


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I am the minority who disliked the Sam Soon character, then. she annoyed me so much.


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Sometime I found her annoying, but I felt her struggles.


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Forgive me for any typos. I am traveling and typing on my phone which hates me.

Didn't progress much with Coffee Prince this week, but now that I'm on vacay that will change. I really do like the show much more than I expected. I know people rave about it, but many times dramas others love, I think are just okay.

Been watching Liar Game and it is SO good. Sort of mad I waited so long to check it out.

I need to catch up with Suspicious Partner. I will be sad when I finish. It dragged in parts, but I really do love those characters.


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I enjoyed Coffee Prince because of how it treated Gong Yoo's character's attraction to another 'man'. It was a sensitive and thoughtful portrayal. Very different from the usual take dramaland has to offer.

Were it not for that element - I wouldn't have made much progress either. I certainly found the ending boring, but would still rate it at maybe 8.5/10.


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Ready for EXO's comeback?


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wrong site i guess lmao


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Hahah this site is called dramabeans, I guess a lot of beanies are kdrama fans, but not really into kpop.


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or they don't realize that Chanyeol from Missing 9 and DO from That's OK, It's Love and Hello Monster and the movie Hyung are in the group...


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they do realize.. and still don't care..

lot of good groups out there


Hello, finally finished with exams. For NOW :(
Anyway, now that I have a free month I'm doing dramas again, and will have to pick some of the past since the new ones leave me 'meh'.

On other news, the other day opened a video on HeeChul on YouTube and now I've fallen into the trap of watching eng sub videos of him and Super Junior. Still can't care less about k-pop, but these behind-the-scenes stuff are great :)


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Heenim is my fave Suju oppa (along with leader) ?
I recall my bestie would bring her laptop over to my place during one summer break and we'd binge watch Explorers of the Human Body and roared the house ? Aww I really wanna travel back to that time.


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Haha, there is random times where I trapped into maze-K-Youtube things , sometimes in Heechul & Suju footages, RM's funny moments, radio stars/strong heart/star bell old clips that looping u back & forth in between 2nd generation idol <3


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Behind the scene stuff it's one of the best part of K-pop!! ???


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Heechul is like variety gold lol anything he does is just damn straight hilarious and mostly memorable.


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I read somewhere here that Lookout's script won a competition. How did it work? Was it a contest between the current airing drama?


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It won second place after Radiant Office for MBC script contest last year. I think every station has their own contest, but maybe only the ones which won first and second place will be made into drama.


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Wow, I just knew about this. I think it's great that MBC is exploring new writers because we never knew what newbies can do. ??


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@hannahmustafa i think it is great to explore rookie writers so far for modern drama. Radiant Office & Lookout are good for rookie writers and if they can continue to be consistent and improve some aspects, I'll definitely check their works in the future.

For sageuk - My Sassy Girl, Ruler & Seven Days Queen all are written by rookie as well.
Among these three, Ruler is the worst. My Sassy Girl is not bad, but I think this writer is burdened to put the element of sassy girl. I think she can write good romcom or comedy drama. Writer of SDQ is good & consistent, she can write a good romance melodrama but if she wants to continue to write sageuk, maybe should have more balance with historical part. Too characters-driven in sageuk not really work, it must be balanced with the plot.
Writer of Ruler by the way, should go back to writing class or try to write short drama first.


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Hahah Ruler's writer is definitely the worst. To say that she should stop writing another drama is kinda cruel, so I agree that she's to learn more before making another drama.


Since I only watched My Sassy Girl this week,I spent few days watching some special drama and also Strong Family while waiting for Friday to come.

I wanted to re-start Queen Insoo but the epi are too long & I can't commit to marathon any long drama at the moment so I'm going to save it for a bit later, especially when I'm craving for sageuk.

Waiting for new batch of drama to start, and excited as usual. There's possibility I'll drop but I'll at least check the first 2 epi.

Have a nice weekend!


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You are down to only one drama? What happened? Aren't you watching The Best Hit or FOS? Did you complete Lookout?

I saw the saeguk KBS drama special you recommended, it was hilarious! I know what you mean when you said MSG could have done something like this. I just finished the 1st episode, was it funny all the way?


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Oh no I am watching weekend shows, like FOS & TBH. hee ?

Yes, True Colors Gang & Cheol was funny for all 4 epi, although some moments are a bit serious but overall still funny. Son Hyun Joo as the King is hilarious with his deadpan faces, and his bickering with the Queen are so funny!
Oh Man Seok, Son Hyun Joo and Go Myung Hwan (OMS's friend/assistant in this drama) also acted together in Special Crime Squad.


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do you have any recommendations?
It seems i have run out of options. .. atleast to binge watch..

Chinese/japanes/korean any will do.. some kick ass thriller/mystery or twist ending...

OR some real intense romance?


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Re: Oh Man-seok

I watched the KBS2 drama specials TRUE COLORS OF KANGCHUL and SPECIAL TASK FORCE MSS last fall, and enjoyed both. KBS World TV channel on YouTube offers many dramas, including the specials, with English subtitles.

But before those shows, I marathoned MAN OF THE VINEYARD, and loved it. Musical theatre actor OMS plays the title role, and gets to sing numerous times. The OST and background music are great. (Would you believe a Korean version of "No Woman, No Cry"?)

I followed that up with cable drama HYENA, which had its raunchy moments, but also very funny and bromantic aspects as a pair of brothers their and two childhood friends (all in their 30s) traverse the minefields of dating and getting hitched. OMS is the TV producer dongsaeng who still carries a torch for The One Who Got Away in college. His hyung is a libidinous writer of trashy novels. One friend, a successful food consultant, is in the closet, while the other has just managed to leave his fiancee at the altar and fallen for a doctor who's been studying in America. She has just run out on an arranged marriage. There are some very touching interludes in amidst the bawdiness. Shin Sung-rok is terrific in his role, and sings. The OST is daebak. The use of background music is reminiscent of COFFEE PRINCE.


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Sera Watches too many shows. 1 day or other i'll find u sera and steal half of u'r time.
I need some tips on how to FF shows. Provide some easier ones @sera


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Haha, I started a lot but also dropped a lot so actually I don't watch that much. I don't know what tips I should give you on how to FF, but I think after watched many makjang drama, I mastered this skill lol!


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Queen Insoo <3 The best thing is that it'll be there when you want to watch it! This time I'm watching it with a friend, so I can't marathon it. Right now I'm fine with that, because we're still on parts I've seen before, but I'm scared I'm going to get greedy when we get past where I stopped haha.


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I suggest for you to cheat on your friend ? But you can't do that if your friend is with you 24/7 lol!


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We live together so no can do haha. They're really enjoying it so far, so hopefully they'll get as addicted as me ;)


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You should give them some drug so the effects will be faster ? Ahh it must be good to have friends who are enjoying sageuk with you. I only have one friend who is watching Forest of Secret currently, but we are not watching it together. But thankfully we can at least discuss it always after every epi. ?


Hahaha I do the cooking around here, so maybe I'll slip something into their food.

It is nice. He's a guy so I have to be careful to pick shows I think he'll enjoy (so mostly thrillers and sageuk), but it's nice not to keep my obsession bottled up all the time haha. Personally I think being able to talk about it afterwards is more important than watching it together, so that's really cool that you guys can discuss :D Plus there's always DB, for the times when real life friends have had enough of us haha.


Love In-soo and the history but I'm getting really tired of Joseon sageuks especially when we haven't had a good conventional one since Jeong Do-jeon which was mostly Goryeo.
I'm rewatching Shin Don. I'm only at the first 5 eps but it feels great not keep pausing for historical references etc because it's so well written and translated.


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I hear you. I think I read somewhere on Mr. X's site that the explosion of pre-Joseon sageuk in the mid-2000s had something to do with the politics of the era, but I wish they'd still do some once in a while. And that more of the ones they made in that period were good, so we'd have more to look back on lol.

I'm scared to rewatch Shin Don all the way through because it destroyed me emotionally haha. The last ten episodes are really hard, especially since Gongmin is probably my favorite kdrama character of all time ;__; Sometimes I'll go through and rewatch scenes, or the previews because I'm weird like that (I love it when the screen goes blue lol). What a beautiful show. It's so sad what's happened to Kim Jin-min's career since he did Shin Don and La Dolce Vita.

Yeah, my only hope for sageuk this year is that it won't hit the lows it reached last year. I already can't deal with the fact that The Moon Embraces the Sun is now only the second worst sageuk I've ever seen, but if some abomination comes along this year that makes it the third worse, I am giving up on life haha.


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Yea I know the feeling when it comes to the end.
It's the one show I like watching alone because my friends have too many questions and no matter how much I tried to explain it they'd rather watch Dong Yi, Dae Jang Geum, Seon Deok etc where fairytale is mixed with a bit of history.

Kim directed "A Liar and His Lover" for tvN. I guess he broke up with MBC then? Hope he'd get to direct a sageuk again.

This is the year of watching/rewatching old sageuks for me lol.


Yeah, I can't watch Shin Don with anyone either because I get too wrapped up in it and it's embarrassing how much I cry lol. If anyone started asking questions I'd snap.

Yeah, I haven't seen the last couple of dramas he's directed. I'm sure he did a great job on all of them, but his time is being wasted on fluff imo.

It seems like everyone talented is jumping ship to cable these days. I cheer for the ones that end up at jTBC, but tvN is a different story. It's definitely not a good fit for him imo.


I feel you ?That's also among the reasons why I save it for later. This year only from Rebel, Ruler to Seven Days Queen - all are Joseon. The King Loves is set in Goryeo, however it will still be love triangle story.

I'm still in the process to recollect all sageuk and other old fav drama as I lost my precious hardisk. sigh.

Anyway, happy re-watching Shin Don!


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Thanks Sera! I like the way "Rebel" portrayed the historical figures and all the historical references from the Annals of Joseon.

Song Ji-nah is a much better writer when it comes to the Occupation era than early Korea.
I think King's Love will be like "Faith" without the time travel.


@kiara Looks like Rebel will be the only sageuk I loved and enjoyed this year.

Will see how it goes for The King Loves. Song Ji Na is not the only writer right?


Right. Song Ji-nah has a couple of assistant writers.


Hello OT!

To Chanyoung X Sorim shippers out there (or any TLAHL beanie, really), Red Velvet, Joy's idol group, recently had a stage on Music Bank where Lee Seo-won is an MC. During the backstage interview, Seo-won called Joy "Sorim" and was ecstatic the whole time, looking at just her, hahaha. When he introduced the group for their stage, he wenr beyond tge script and said adorably that he has been waiting for this from the day that he was born. He got tongue-tied too and threw in a little "fighting" :)) <3 So cute!!

If you want to check it out, go to http://youtu.be/NG0xL39LnrA.
Interview at 34:46
Introduction at 1:12:29 <3


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Is anyone watching C-drama The Advisors Alliance? I saw the trailer and the production quality is awesome. How about the story telling? I haven't found anything that can come close to Nirvana In Fire and hoping this might be good.

On k-dramas, I can't muster the will to pick up and finish Lookout after I read comments that the last few episodes were frustrating.

Glad to say bye to Ruler. This got to be the most idiotic drama and most wasted talent of the year - Kim So Hyun. Poor girl sounded traumatized by the experience of acting a character who she couldn't make any sense of despite her efforts.

Looking forward to two dramas next week - Man Who Dies to Live and Reunited Worlds. With SDQ, my Wednesday-Thurs looks exciting again!

Meanwhile, D-2 to next episode of Forest of Secrets!


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Our weekdays gonna be busy again ? Or maybe only me lol!

Sigh, I still cannot get used that tvn changed time slot to Sat-Sun from Fri-Sat. I was excited to meet both fav drama today until I realised FOS's next epi is on Sat, not Fri! ??

Kim So Hyun still have a long journey, she will get many chances in the future! I'm sad for her, I hope she can move on and erase this nightmare from her memory.


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She's been acting for so long and I'm sure it's not been always a bed of roses. However, I could really sense her frustration from that interview. I can only imagine how bad it must be that she had to let it out.


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which interview? Do u hv any link for it?
I stated will re-pick this for YSH's sake since 4weeks ago, but I never did..


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Me too. I think I'm scarred from the characters' actions which make no sense.


This is the link. :)




Quite surprised by how honest she was in this interview. And I think I lost count on how many times she mentioned she had a hard time understanding her character lol. I agree...I think this drama broke her a little considering I think she mentioned she started losing confidence.


@mochi So far Soompi just translated her interview regarding her kiss scene with YSH and how YSH helped her with this scene. Sometimes Hancinema is faster to translate, and pick up article that other site doesn't translate.

We can feel her frustration from this interview. But I'm happy she let it out now.


Kim So Hyun has always been quite frank. She's open and honest about her life and career.

I really wish someone would translate her interviews properly because her voice really needs to be heard.


She's been acting for over a decade and it's never been easy for her but she's always persevered. Which probably why she is so mature. Her answers were so adult like I couldn't believe a 18 Year was the one who said it. She's really so precious.


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I can see the point of view that she has always been somewhat outspoken and that, in as much as telling the truth is a vituous thing, it is to be commended. I personally think it is a very inadvisable as she exposes her vulnerability and her lack of mature professionalism. This is an industry where the rewards for success are significant, there is a well tried system for looking after the reputational and financial interests of the industry. She needs agents who can act in her interest and protect it. This part was hardly worthy of any decent actor, let alone one with an established following, whose reputation was 'borrowed' along with her co-star to ramp up prerelease expectations.


Some fans said Ruler is a Joseon's version of CITT ?and I do agree with it.


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It really was but somehow it felt worse than CITT. I hope she's getting a lot of love from family and friends.


My heart goes out to Kim So Hyun. Reading her interviews was heartbreaking. I hope she understands none of it was her fault. She did really well despite how senseless her character got.


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Hey guys! I'm planning to finally visit South Korea for the first time ever this September, and I'm beyond excited already! Wanna ask you guys' recommendation? Things to do, places to see, food to try...

I'm gonna go with my family, so we want to avoid places which required long walks and generally places that are challenging for elders. As for myself, I like to immerse myself in the local scene, interested in the culture, love trying local snacks, and is a big fan of cute stationeries (to which, yes, I know I'm - my wallet is, to be precise - doomed already, as SK is so full with them).

Is a week is sufficient for exploring Seoul (and Incheon Chinatown) and Nami Island? Or is there any other nearby place(s) you guys recommend? Thank you so much!


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I asked this here before and collated all the answers for Seoul here in my blog


Hope it helps! I'm going to South Korea in Oct this year and I'm beyond excited too!! I'm gonna spend 3-4 days in Jeju too since my trip is for 12 days. Happy trip planning!


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Wow!! I love your attention to detail on the post!! Thank you for your OCD and the valuable consolidation!! Was looking for a handy guide like this for my planned trip! :)


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If you want the full list (in an excel spreadsheet) of all the places recommended for South Korea as a whole, I can email it to you. Just drop me a message on my blog :)


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I am also going to Seoul in September and would love some ideas. Where can I find your blog?


Found your blog. lol. Thanks for the tips.


Wow thank you, michykdrama. Instant bookmark! I'll go over your list in a bit

Oooooh 12 days, exciting. Hope I can stay longer like you next time ;D


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Can you try Jajangmeon for me?.. it looks so yummy in kdramass...


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Oh! Yes! Please let us know how it is!


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You can find it in some Korean restaurants, though I don't know if y'all have any in your areas. It's quite yummy, btw.


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I tasted Jajangmyeon at few of Korean restaurants at my place, I don't know if it's the real taste or what but I dislike it haha! I love most of Koreans foods but so far I didn't find any jajangmyeon that suited with my taste.


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Do you love tteobokki? Hehe I've tried Jajangmeon at a few Korean places here only one suits my taste; that place is own by a Korean person. Actually, everything tastes good there.

Oh and don't forget to try fried Chicken ?.. according to Kdramas my idea is that South Korea is full of fried chicken places. Perhaps fried chicken tastes super good there.


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tteobokki is my fav ??? It is like my weekly food.
I think I should learn how to make it.


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I actually made it using the recipe from Maangchi's site


It turned out to be quite good and it's pretty easy to make. I don't really like it but rabokki is my fav dish (you use Korean noodles instead of tteokbokki in the same sauce).


If you like spicy food like indian food or food from where I come from (SEA), Jajamyeong is not the right one for you. But try their Chicken (I understand why many K dramas characters are crazy about chicken), do not eat at KFC, why? You've already there! Why eat something you can eat at home? ? Or try their kimbab, I ate the imported version when I was at home, but it is different, more delicious, fuller, I don't know fresh? I even tried dried squid when I visited SK lol.


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Sure I will! I've tried it on several Korean restaurants in my city and they're yummy already, but I'm naturally curious about the authentic taste, ahaha...


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I just finished watching Suspicious Partner. I couldn't help but compare this to Strong Woman Do Bong Soon in the sense that both were rom coms with elements of mystery and villain. I actually enjoyed SP a lot more than I did SWDBS. The storyline, the characters and especially liked how the cases were there to develop the story, the characters and the main conflict. Really loved the side characters too. I am a little sad that even though it's so much better than SWDBS it didn't get as much attention nor ratings. I'm really glad I gave this show a go. And Ji Chang Wook - how can he be so good looking and be such a good actor. Hope to seem more of him in roles where he can really deliver. Will miss you show and the team of lawyers and prosecutors.


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I am going to miss Suspicious Partner too. I want Ji Chang Wook to come back from his military service and right back to this show. I would watch it forever. All of the characters are so great, but we'd need the writer to stay on too. It is so wonderfully written. Sometimes I feel like dramas are figuring it out as they go, especially toward the end, but SP was plotted very well with things you see early on tying in later.


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I love SP too ^^
I really hope JCW can scores another hit after healer, seriously his acting skill is way more than awesome ! He got so much more to offer :)

And I still can't get over the joke Old Chairman made for Bong Hee - Hey you, Ms.Lack of Evidence.. haha..


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I watched both and do find myself loving SP more than SWDBS too.

Although both dramas have a central villain that drives the plot, SWDBS was in essence a fantasy tale focusing on DBS and her journey to accepting herself for who she is.

SP on the other hand builds up a strong emotional journey for our leads (and even our villains) as they uncover the truth behind the tragic events of their past. The strong story telling also helps us to grow to love the characters.

I do find myself enjoying both dramas and will definitely rewatch both (repeatedly). But if I would name my favourite OTP in this year's dramas, Jiwook and Bonghee will be at the top spot.


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Happy OT! I skip dramas this week since its my biggest holy event in Buddhist. It feels so good when u paused for 7days and touch ur laptop today :)
I feel so excited about so many upcoming star studded project & so many comeback project from my fav stars (usually I'm living in the moment) :
-Saeguk zombie apocalypse project from Signal PD+OHY writer
-Mr.Sunshine's KES with Yoo Yeon Seok
-Battlefield with Song Joong Ki & So Ji Sub
-Outbreak with Hyun Bin & Jang Dong Gun !! I love JDG so bad
-Criminal Mind with Lee Jun Ki & Moon Chae Won
-Smart Prison Living with Jung Kyung Ho & Park Hae Soo
-HWAYUGI I miss Hong Sisters, Cha Seung Won, & PBY? I'm All In baby

Have Watched :
Suspicious Partner One question, is JCW has girlfriend now? This is emergency. And I find NJH looks so alike with Jung Eun Ji
Police Unit 38 Rewatched again lol.. is SIG served military yet?

Thats all ^^


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zombieeeeees I am exited too.

SIG is permanently exempted, I hear. and the netizens are being stupid about it. was PU38 easier to watch this time when you know the twists?


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One drama one movie are enouf for us the living dead korean version! @redfoxx

It wasss until SIG's smile at the end of every twist when he owns up the baldies? Sheet heart attack again


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What is happening with Dramafever and Biking in North America? It seems like they don't have the license for variety shows anymore. In addition, i cannot find Reunited World in their upcoming shows page.


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Viki ( I assume you mean Viki) and DramaFever seem to go through cycles where they get everything then there will be a few shows that they don't get. Idk about the variety shows because I don't recall DF getting anything other than what is there now.


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Forgot to say that Take Care of My Refrigerator and Knowing Brothers is now on Netflix. Only one season of each though. Chef and My Fridge, Men on a Mission respectively.


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I think I know what's going on now. There's a new site Kocowa, that has license deals with damn near everyone but for sure the big 3. I think DramaFever and Viki are screwed. DramaFever especially because their custoer service and subs have steadily gone down hill since they were bought out by WB last year or so. I hate this because Kocowa is more expensive than DF and they don't have a smart tv, blu ray player app. Just computer, phone and tablet. No console or Roku apps either. I watch dramas on my big tvs and occasionally on KissAsian.


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STranger aka Forest of Secrets Every other show dropped. Only showing mild interest in 2 Japanese shows. I'm craving a good romance so started to watch Proposal Daisakusen. Its music gets me. When you already know what gonna happen next you just lose interest. That's why i just can't rewatch any content. When your curiosity is satisfied what else is left there.


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Also where is ANDANTE?
Watch long preview of school 2017 and now i'm interested. Yoo-na is looking good in The King Knows too.


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try addicted/heroin chinese web series.. 20 min episodes


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Suspicious Partner was the first drama I watched as it was airing. It was kind of fun having to wait for new episodes, as up until now I have only binged older dramas. While I was waiting for new episodes I binged old shows. Because my first K-drama was Boys Over Flowers, I decided to watch all the versions so I rewatched Boys over Flowers, then Hana Yori Dango, then Comet Garden. Then after Comet Garden, my first Taiwanese drama, I started watching more T-dramas. So, now I am in love with Aaron Yan and want to watch him and talk about him, but I find that Taiwanese dramas don't have many English recaps or places to discuss them.


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hello guys !! can anyone recommend me any Jdramas that contain bromance/friendship or whatsoever like Ouroboros or Boku no Unmei no Hito Desu. thankyou instead !

I just realised that my recent top kdramas end with eul/eol like Tunnel, Signal and Circle. will start watching Duel soon and hopefully it will be on my top list too.


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Nobuta wo Produce! It's a classic. Yamapi and Kame from Boku no Unmei are in it, too.


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Attention Goblin lovers!

Here's a Canadian news article about the influx of Korean tourists to Quebec City seeking out sites from the drama (though the article refers to it as a soap opera...)

Oh, and they found the magical red ?!



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it truly is a beautiful city - i'd love to go there, also!!


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We're staying at the Fairmont Château Frontenac in Quebec City as well as in Montreal when we go this fall! I guess they'll be lots of Koreans there! But we didn't book the Goblin suite (it's over $1000.00 a night). I'll be taking pictures and posting them on my blog later though! I've been given 1/2 a day deadline by my hubby to get all the pictures with me and him as Eun Tak and Kim Shin. He doesn't want us to look like crazed fans...too late!


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Awesome! Like I said before, autumn is the best time to visit.


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Ooh how awesome. Thanks for sharing! I would love to see the red door in person. ^^ The hotel looks lovely too.


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My very first Open Thread! I'm happy that I actually have internet access for this week's.

Earlier in the week I started Forest of Secrets, and now I'm desperately trying to catch up before this weekend's episodes air. (I'm only on episode 5, so we'll see how that goes.) I'm definitely loving it so far--the characters are so well-developed and three-dimensional, and the plot keeps me intrigued--but I'm feeling very nervous for our favorite stoic prosecutor. Yeo-jin is my true fave though, she's the perfect combination of kickass and kind.

And because I've been so caught up in that story, I haven't had time to catch up on Seven Day Queen, although my hope is to do so before the finale at the very least. Of the three episodes I've seen, I've really enjoyed it. I study history so I'm often inclined to enjoy saeguks, but I think the characters are all so interesting, and I enjoy the focus on politics. Maybe I'll take a break from the stress of Forest of Secrets to watch more (although given how emotionally invested I am now, that may not work out so well.)

I have company coming over today but I woke up this morning & kind of just wanted to eat food and have feelings about fictional characters instead. Oh, well. I suppose socializing is good too


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Hi and welcome. <3

I just think this is a nice gesture since the first time I wrote something on OT some Beanies came and welcomed me too. *shy*

Btw, pls continue Forest of Secrets and join the discussions. I'm really enjoying the opposing views, theories, speculations. It's really enjoyable.


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welcome @beanmachine
and it's super sweet of you @mmmmm to be a welcomer!
have a good day, both of you!

(I'm going to start Forest of Secrets & Tunnel this weekend)


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Hehe thanks @kethysk, and have a good day you too! ☺️

Regarding the Forest of Secrets, you made the right choice. We will be waiting for your theories/speculations in the next recap's thread.


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@mmmmm I've caught up with all 12 episodes!!!
see you in the comment section of Ep. 13 & 14 !


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Welcome! The open thread is addictive, but we're glad you're here commenting!


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Happy Friday everyone. Two minutes of silence since ruler has ended I still haven't seen this week episodes since I dropped it ages ago and just following db's recaps. So waiting for the recap since I want to move on and I am a bit curious about happened. Anyway my favorite ongoing drama is 7DQ hope it keeps up without disappointing me since ruler surely did that to me really piquing my interest. My sassy girl also is really good worth the watch and I am really gonna miss our fight my way "adorable F4". I have also read Women of dignity recap and so far the drama is good though I am not that much hooked. Aish and atlast Hyun-jae and his conflicted feelings and ji-hoon finally learning the truth everyone's feelings were hit this week.


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Forest of Secrets, my one and only.

The Forest is still calling.. Beanies who haven't should enter it asap. Discussions are on fire.

Oh.. luv u Shi Mok *happy sigh*


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Happy Friday! I'm so happy it's Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend!

Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Only 2 episodes left! I personally am really liking this drama. It has its flaws but they have been easily overlooked for the overarching epic story. I never saw the original Chinese version so I don't have that to compare it to. I think I remember a lot of beanies seemed to not like the drama and I never delved too deeply to see why. But I personally am invested in the lives of these characters. I'm excited to see where things will go as the happily ever after I was expecting doesn't seem as sure as I thought it was.

I Can Hear Your Voice Watching this for the 3rd time because its one of my favorites, and some of the posts keep bringing this up, so I had to watch it again.


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No worries, this beanie likes Scarlet Heart:Ryeo! It gives me a whole roler coaster ride on my emotion. It also made me doing my own research on the Goryeo and the Kings. I took Korean Culture class for my last semester in college and I scored high on the quiz about the Three Kingdoms just because I was so interested on learning the history when I watched SH:R.


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I actually went and read up on the princes and kings while watching this show. I waited until near the end of the drama just because I didn't want to spoil myself to some events. I always hated history but watching historical dramas makes me interested in it haha.


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It's been a while since I've been in OT, but I just had to pop back in to note my love for Fight My Way in the week it ended.

Honestly, I'm just so happy it's been successful and drawn good reviews for both its leads - I've been rooting for Kim Ji-won (so talented, so versatile, so sidelined until KES and DotS) since 2013 so I'm thanking the drama gods she's now finally VERY firmly on the leading lady map. And yay for proof that a good cast and a good script can beat hype! (not a single one of the four main leads was an idol or an A-lister, good acting >>>>>>>>>>>> publicity stunts or 'buzz'). I hope the cast and writer all get the opportunities they deserve now, they've more than earned it.

In a weird way, I'm starting to feel like 2017 is shaping up as a year of 'dark horse' dramas - dramas that start airing with hardly any hype and proceed to kill it by being really, really good and getting the ratings to match - first there was Rebel, then there was Chief Kim, now there's Fight My Way, all dramas that have equalled if not surpassed the ratings of much more hyped dramas airing around the same time. I like this trend, keep it up!


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Watching 7 Day Queen and Secret Forest. Both shows are full of twists.

Will be working a jazz festival the next two nights, looking forward to hearing the music. Very hot here though, heat index of 100+.


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Does anyone know where I an stream Woman of Dignity? Its not on Dramfever or Viki.


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It's on ondemandkorea.
I don't watch it, but I know it's there :P


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kiss asian - but beware, the site is acting weird... try on drama nice?


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Happy Friday everyone! I cleared the two dramas I was watching just in time for the new crop of dramas ^^ What shows are you guys going to catch next? I have my eye on School 2017 and Reunited Worlds!

Weightlifting Fairy: I was never quite head over heels in love with this drama like many Beanies were, but it was so sweet and uplifting. I loved the way the relationship developed gradually, with nary a cliche (or perhaps a reverse cliche, in how little Bokjoo caught Joonhyung as he fell) and tons of honesty and heart.
The only perceivable weakness of the show was how it sped up Siho's recovery. All the essential elements of her story arc were there, but the process felt truncated, with some glaring gaps like Kiseok suddenly going missing. It was just so rare to have a drama zooming in on eating disorders that I wished the recovery were portrayed more realistically.

Fight My Way: Another drama with winning characters, and great characterisation for the female leads (this is so rare). The ultimate episode lacked the punch of some earlier episodes, but I liked how ordinary it was for a change, ending with the friends spending time together and teasing Aera. It just seemed a very calm and appropriate place to leave these characters who are so ordinary and relatable, yet have their moments of quiet heroism.

Individualist Ms Jiyoung: Watched this after coming across various mentions on DB! It was an amazing, tightly-written drama special, with characters so flawed yet so real. The best thing about the plot is that the romance wasn't a crutch for Jiyoung to rely on to heal; it just gave her the little push she needed to reach a moment of self-realisation that she needs to help herself.


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WFKBJ: the thing with this drama was almost like you say - can´t find any mistakes. Might not be raving about it, but it never took any missteps. about recovering from an eating disorder: it does take years to get over all the after-effects, but the initial rebouncing can be fast if you´r e in front of a choice of organ failure or getting a grip of yourself.


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I was watching Suspicious Partner this week and there's a scene where Bong Hee looked annoyed at Rep Byun because he's sleeping at work.
My instant reaction was “oh poor granpa, give him a break, he is suffering from Alzheimer's alone” before I remembered that I was thinking about his Best Hit's character and not SP's.


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Is Dramabeans holding a panel at KCON LA 2017?


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Hi Beanies,

I actually never talk about my personal life and this is my first time doing it. It's my 4th week of unemployment since I graduated, and I'm starting to feel pressure about finding a job. I got an interview next Wednesday, but it's not really something that I wanna do in my life. However, I still say to them that I'm interested in coming to the interview because the salary that they stated is kinda huge for a fresh grad like me. A lot of people around me keep on saying good luck to me, but I don't really feel excited about it. Hmmm


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I used to be unemployed like half a year.. though it's not something I'm proud of it's not a stigma either. I think everyone has their own chances.

I'm also starting my new job in three days. I used to work there for a couple of months three years ago and they just offered me this job like last week. This is not my dream job to be honest ( I want to be a university lecturer) but it's not too far off from it either. Let's don't forget our own desires even while we're working something we don't really like then!


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Thank you for your advice! Thank you for telling me to take my chances, but never forget my desire. Anyway, good luck on your new job! ??


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Try your best for the interview and keep an open mind to the job! The first job that you get isn't always the one you like the most, but maybe you can learn useful things from it, or at least accumulate a good amount of savings. You don't have to pretend to be extremely enthusiastic, but you can try to show interest in finding out more about the work scope and the firm's working environment.


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Thank you for your advice! Sometimes I do need other people pov to do some thinking. Thank you for reminding me to keep an open mind about it, which is something I forgot to do as I was so focused on telling myself that it's not the job that I want. Thank you @purpleteapot! ??


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I don't know what kind of advice I should give you. Half of me want to just give a cliche advice - just go for it, for the sake of interview experience.

Sometimes in life we can never be sure about our future. We can plan, but not everything will work out as our plan. Knowing your own circumstances will help you a lot to decide - such as your financial state. If you have something you love to do, just start it now. Talking from my own experiences, beside full time working, I also started my small business and pursuing my passion for writing at the same time. Business and writing have been always my passion, but I also need my financial assurance since business can go down anytime.


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Thank you for the advice! What you're doing with your life is inspiring. Thank you for reminding me to think about my circumstances and passion at the same time. ??


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Yes, think of it as a stepping stone. Most people do not get their dream job right out of school. Do your best and make connections while you're there, even at the interview, get people's names and remember them. They may help you get other jobs down the line. Even the other interviewees may be contacts some day. You never know! My husband has never stayed at the same job for more than 3 years since medical school. He's had about 5 different bosses! But every job he's taken is better than the last. Good luck!


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Thank you for your advice! I didn't think about connection and networking at all. It's an eye-opener to me to think about the good things that I'll gain from the interview. ??


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You seem very sweet! Think you have a bright future ahead of you!


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I get what you mean, and thank you for sharing your experience to me. The solely reason for me to actually be interested in coming to the interview is the salary that they proposed to me. If not, I wouldn't even bother to go as it's not something that I'm interested in. My family doesn't come from a very wealthy family, we're just mid-class family who has enough money to live, so I need a well-paid job to take care of myself. When I was in college, I got scholarship which includes monthly allowance so I never had to think about money or asking my parents for money. After graduation, now that it's been a month that I live with my family again, I kinda feel desperate to get a job so that I won't have to trouble my parents. So I kinda feel contemplated between grabbing every opportunity of job offer regardless my interest or pursuing for my dream job.


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Thank you for sharing a lot of your personal experience! I really appreciate it. It's true that mental healthcare is something that I need to think about as well. Good luck to you too as well, I hope you'll too firgure out what's the best for your life. ?


Everyone has given you great advice already. My only addition is - there's possible gain and no loss in sitting for that interview; but only possible loss in not sitting for it. Ask them for more details about the position. You may find it suits you more than you originally thought. Or you may not even get the job, but walk away with more interview experience. You may get it, but you can always reject it if something better comes along. You can quit a year later.

My experience has been that it is easier to get more offers if you already have one, or are already working.


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Thank you for your advice! It's true that there's no harm in walking to an interview! Thank you for opening my eyes to look on the positive side of it. ??


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To be frank, I still have no concrete idea what I wanna do with my life even after working for a number of years. I do admire people who have the passion and courage to pursue them.
That being said, I think it is important to know what are your strengths and your interests (what did u enjoy or do well in school). It's easier to work on what you do best! (And it's easier to get a good pay if you have talent in a field. After all, pay is also important.)
Also, from my experience, having a good boss and colleagues who make good friends will also help to motivate you to continue working. So look out to see what or where your friends are applying for too!
All the best!


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Thank you for your advice! It's true, good company culture is another factor that is important to motivate oneself. I remember back in my college life, I enjoyed working at campus dining hall because of great colleagues that I had though it's a tiring job to prepare/serve food, to clean up tables etc. Thank you for reminding me that I'd do best job in what I'm interested in. I think I'd try to understand and learn more about the position, who knows if it's something that I may have an interest in it.


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I'm going to say just go for it for the experience. As much as getting a job is important, having experience with job interview is also needed. Maybe you will get the job, maybe you won't, but at least it will give you knowledge on how job interview supposed to work.

Not many people can get their dream job instantly, some will get it later. Now, I don't mean to undervalue you or anything ,but maybe by doing something else for a while will make you more prepared to conquer your dream job?

I find that after doing jobs that is not my dream job, it makes me think clearer about many things. About people, how some of them I can tolerate or not, about my skill, how I used to think highly of myself but then I got reality check, and I'm grateful for that.

All in all, I wish you all the best no matter what your decision is. Fighting!


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"I find that after doing jobs that is not my dream job, it makes me think clearer about many things. About people, how some of them I can tolerate or not, about my skill, how I used to think highly of myself but then I got reality check, and I'm grateful for that."
Thank you for reminding me that other skills might be gained and those will actually help me to prepare to achieve my dream job. ??


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Now that I've read a lot of opinions and advices about this. I kinda feel that I was a little bit foolish and immatured about this whole thing. I told my family about my concern, but they just say, just go for it, grab any opportunity that I can without giving me any explanation. I'm grateful that I share about this here and all the replies are just great to open my eyes on the bright side of things and life altogether. Thank you beanies for being so supportive about this and thank you so much for all the insights. Have a blessed weekend! ??


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Anyone going to KCON LA next month??

I'm ridiculously excited. The only group I really want to see is KARD. I was super stoked when I found out they would be performing. :)

KCON Veterans: Any convention spot recommendations that are must-see/visit?? ?


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i love KARD! am excited for their official debut, Rumor is my fav song of theirs at the moment, love that it's a different style than the usual


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I plan on going to the convention, still debating about going to the concert. If I do go, it will be to see KARD.


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I've gone for the past couple of years and every time it's different. Last year there were a lot more people than 2015.


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hey everyone! hope you are having a great day :)
been watching american scifi lately :
* american gods, this is one well-made series, i was completely drawn in and enjoyed it much, especially love their depiction of old and new gods
* killjoys, this is just fun to watch, it has a decent story but is lighter than american gods, almost through season 2 and still enjoying it

picking up korean drama's after this, have a neverending watchlist it seems :)


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Happy weekend, Beanies.

Just wondering, is there any Beanies here watching thai drama lakorn?

I'm in search of good lakorn but I find that I can't truly dive into it because there are few things that glaringly disturbing me.

Is it just me that thought lakorn hasn't evolve too much? The slap-kiss trope is still the main ingredient. I totally can't accept how much forced skinship and abuse/near violence are being normalized in lakorn. Not to mention lack of consent where the hero will always forced-hug/kiss the heroin despite the protest. I wish lakorn writer will stop using this trope but I guess that's what bring the ratings.

One more thing, too much unplanned pregnancy and attempted rape. In this day and age, I believe these kind of things should be emphasized as a big moral/social concern, not being romanticized. I don't get it why the unplanned pregnancy (with consent or not, yep, that's how it is in lakorn) trope is used as redemption scene for the hero to be remorseful for his past actions and starts to realize his true feeling for the heroin. I mean, really? Having a baby is not the solution for all conflicts, heck, it can make the situation worsen.

But ironically, funny thing is, I learn a lot from lakorn, it makes me think what is not love, what you should not do when in a relationship, toxic people should be cut down early (the villains in lakorn is another level of psychoness + that annoying high pitch voice), sex education is very very important, respect and good communicatian are the basic for good relationship. Thing is, I always keep mumbling "No, that's not love" or "That's not how relationship supposed to work" while watching lakorn.

But it does make me worry, I know the viewers nowadays are clever and smart, but there are certain people that can take wrong output from the show, and think that abuse and lack of consent as the normal thing in relationship especially among young generation. I believe the lakorn is aired on national tv (channel 3 and 7, correct me if I'm wrong) and available freely on internet, thus making it as easy access to anyone to watch. I also did try to watch teens lakorn but nope, it sugarcoats so many things and wrong in so many level. But maybe because I'm too old for that.

Can anyone recommend me good lakorn with good pra'ek/n'ek that the relationship starts/ is based on mutual respect and less makjang?


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Omg, I accidentally typed in bold, I meant to bold the thai/lakorn only, I'm sorry, should've check before posting this. *deep bow


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It's ok. Actually Thai lakorns have been seriously criticized for its use of certain immoral and old-fashion tropes like what you have said. In fact, Thai viewers nowadays are watching more series from Korea, US, England or even Norway as the younger generation thinks those dramas/series make more sense and are perceived to be rational and many times teach good lessons.

Sadly, though I'm not a fan of Thai dramas in general, I can see that many Thai dramas on streaming sites such as dramanice mostly have those Thai dramas having those outdated and unethical tropes. This actually does not reflect the trend which is now changing in Thailand. Nowadays, people especially younger ones don't tolerate those tropes anymore, and the major TV broadcasters are now adapting to the changing trend. So hopefully, you can see the trend in TV watching in Thailand in a new light.

I actually feel embarrassed when I see those dramas on those streaming sites.. and I wonder like why these dramas? Do international fans like these?


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I think I should add this too: a number of Thai teenage dramas are pretty .. how can I say.. violent in certain ways? Like we can see the protagonists dealing with drugs, women, all kinds of strange behaviors even when they are still in high schools in certain teenage dramas. However, these are in cable channels and only draw certain groups of audience. It's another issue being discussed here too that should we tolerate this? Producers always say that they want to reflect the society, but we think that it's only their excuse as these dramas tend to draw young people and they get the money from producing such dramas you know.


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Hormone series comes to my mind when you mention this.

Yes, I do get what you're saying about "should this be tolerated?" I do know these things are real because school nowadays is really on another level in social issue, but somehow I want the plot to be more warm? It doesn't have to be fluffy or oversugarcoat but if it wants to be dark, I want it to give solution too, if you get what I mean. Because it seems like the show wants to be dark for the sake of being entertaining, not trying to make viewer get something valuable/moral lesson from it.


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Oh and Thai netizens nowadays normally show their disproval of those tropes and lakorn production in general to those of Korea. Haha I think that's pretty much the reason why the trend is now changing: more Thai people watch Korean dramas and compare those to Thai lakorns which results in lower ratings for Thai lakorns and they finally realized that they had to do something about it. Hahaha how funny.


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I'm glad there is a realization among viewers about how wrong some of the lakorn is.

It makes me sad thinking about how great some lakorn can be if only it doesn't follow the old-fashion trope. And yes, I can't wait to see the new lakorn that will use refreshing tropes, hopefully soon.


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OT week 23! I'm really late today, but teaching med students trumps dramabeans, sorry!

This week was a blur. I felt like I was just going through the motions and not really living in the moment, which is unusual for me. Nothing too crazy happened, just really busy, I guess.

I finished "Lookout." As to not put any spoilers out there (although I noticed there are quite a few on the last recap), I'll just say that the other title for this show should be: "Lookout: A cautionary tale about revenge consuming a person, or three." My husband also was watching peripherally--not really paying attention, and said sarcastically, "Another great ending to a kdrama!" I was just really disappointed in my strong women being reduced to emotional wrecks, but the last scene was nice between Su-ji and the priest.

Otherwise, he started Let's Eat 2 last night, and I heard him guffawing in the living room from my bedroom where I was talking to his sister about visiting her this weekend. I think we finally found something to watch together! And I'm replacing one "Su-ji" from Lookout, with another "Su-ji" from Let's Eat 2!

And speaking of his sister, we had this conversation by text this week after her husband got into some poison ivy.

SIL: *Sends two pictures of her husbands arm and leg with a red raised rash*
Is this poison ivy?

Me: Looks like it, exposure? Put a steroid cream on it.

SIL: Is it contagious. *My SIL is a germa-phobe and wants to know if everything is contagious, usually!

Me: No, but if the oil from the plan is still on the skin, you could transfer it. Wash the skin thoroughly, and again, put a steroid cream on it.

SIL: So, you're telling me I need to get a new husband? Is this one broken?

Me: Yep, that one might be. I have a couple I can recommend. Hold on.... *goes to dramabeans site to fine screen shots of Shin Dong-Wook, and Kim Young Kwang*

SIL: Is the pus contagious?

Me: No.

SIL: So...still need a new husband?

Me: *Sends picture of Shin Dong Wook in his priestly attire outside under a tree, looking so thoughtful*
He's good husband material, but too bad he's a priest right now.

SIL: He's pretty.

Me: *Sends picture of Kim Young Kwang looking very prosecuter-y leaning forward at the interrogation.*
He's good too, but is a prosecutor hell-bent on revenge, so probably not the best husband material at the moment.

SIL: He looks tired from carrying emotional baggage.

Me: OMG, you're good, lots of baggage with that one. But he's 6 ft, 2 in, and has a swimmer's body, so I can overlook that ;)!

Me: Gotta go! *watch the finale of Lookout* Talk to you later?

SIL: Yes, I will tell you about this Korean mom I met at story time...

Me: Uhh, ok? Sounds interesting...


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Moral of the Story: Still looking for a new husband for my sister-in-law, since one is a priest and the other is... ;-(

Second Moral: Yay! Can't wait to watch Let's Eat 2 with the hubby!

Third Moral: Korean mom at story time story is what you would expect.


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Hi Everyone! ..... I hope you are all doing well today!

Late to OT today as I'm running around doing this and that.

Found out some family members are vacationing in my area and they want to drop by unannounced and perhaps even spend time here! What?? Who does this without an invitation?! ..... I'm sorry, but I just find it rude and bad manners. My family only found out about their vacationing because a different family member called to let us know. Needless to say, I'm very annoyed.

Drama-related, this week:

Lookout - Just watched episode 3.

Suspicious Partner - Half-way through!

Fight My Way - So sad to see the four friends go. Loved them all together even though I'm still not quite on board with Seol-hee and Joo-man getting back together.

Seven Day Queen - Wow, this is one good drama. I definitely look forward to each and every episode.

That's all for now. ..... Take care everyone and have a great Friday!


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your family matters remind me of the story a tourguide told us in Germany: that following 1991, many estonians eagerly travelled to visit their german friends out of the blue, who didnt let them inside the house, but just brought half a glass of beer to the gate and come evening they said: well, I guess you better start going if you want to be home by nightfall." and that left behind a saying: comes unannounced like an estonian. You should also just put some chairs at the door and just wordlessly go inside and close the blinds when clock hits 18pm


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I may have to borrow that phrase from the saying because it just may apply!

I'm so annoyed at the whole possibility of having unannounced visitors that your suggestion of wordlessly going inside and closing the door actually sounds like a good idea! ..... Better yet, if I see them coming, it's probably just better to not even open the door! *laughing*


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or you could tape up your door with the police tape like Cha Ji An


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I totally feel you about unannounced visit stuff. I also think it is really rude to come visit without saying anything especially by extended relatives, not to mention if they are planning to stay. Now, if it is my siblings, I still can tolerate but extended relatives? Nope. It makes me think, where are your manner, I think it is a basic knowledge to give a heads up of you plan to visit someone.


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I'm going to my first kpop concert tonight (Monsta X) and I'm so nervous but excited at the same time!! This will be the first time I'm going to a concert by myself so wish me luck!!

I started working at a summer camp on Monday and I didn't realize how difficult but cute little kids can be. Some of them are quick to talk back and others just want to hold your hand all the time. It's been 5 days and I've never felt this exhausted after work. When I get Home all I want to do is just sleep. I don't even have the urger to watch kdramas just sleep.


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AHHH~!!! How exciting! Where's the concert? How much were tickets? Congrats and good luck to you! Have a blast and wear comfortable shoes and clothes! I remember my first K-pop concert was SMTOWN in LA @ the Staples Center and it was like, in 2010-11 or something, but it was SO SURREAL. I felt totally out of it before, during, and after. Haha. I'd love to go to one of them KCONs, though, because it's like a mix of K-pop and K-dramas, right?

and others just want to hold your hand all the time. Aw. But man, I can imagine how much work it is having to take care of little kids, so all the power to ya! You know you're tired and exhausted when you don't even wanna watch K-dramas and just wanna sleep, so it's okay, just sleep. Watch when you can. Good luck with your job, too! Hehe.


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Happy weekend, all!

Last week I watched Wednesday 3:30 for something light and sweet. It was better than I expected from a mini drama. Quite adorable.

This week I finished Fight My Way and this weekend I will possibly catch up on the past almost month of Suspicious Partner, which I loved but had to take a break from because of work, and now want to hurry up and finish since it's already over, so I can join in on the closing conversation if possible! I remember thinking that the end airing date seemed so far away when it began. I can't believe it's already mid July!

Since Fight My Way is over, I have a question. Would anyone like to share a favorite leading lady/ main character who starred opposite Park Seo Joon? :)


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Yay! Another Wednesday watcher! Haha. I now have a better appreciation for Jin Ki-joo because she's so darn cute and her smile is oh my gosh adorable! Hongbin was pretty good in it, too. In fact, I thought he was so cute that I'm actually checking out Moorim School for him. Then I find out that Lee Hyun-woo is in it too, along with Seo Ye-ji (I've actually only seen her in Potato Star, but I really like her speaking voice), so definitely gonna stick around for 'em.

As for Park Seo-joon, I actually haven't seen much of his works, so will have to do that sometime.


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he was really great opposite Han Groo in Word from Warm Heart! he's great with any of his leading ladies, as he was in Witch's Romance, also.


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Park Seo-joon AND Han Groo??? No way! THAT I HAVE to see!


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Uhm Jung-hwa! I really, really loved her as Ban Ji-yeon, and Witch's Romance was just a really cute/fun romcom in general. Except for the angst, but you know how that goes.


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Happy Friday, y'all! Hoping you guys are having a good one.

My mama cut my hair short (chin-level) last week and I'm surprisingly still lovin' it. I used to go through that terrible cycle of "I want a change!" *gets haircut* A DAY OR TWO LATER "Omg, I miss my old hair so much!" But I'm happy to report that I didn't do all that this time around. The new shorter 'do is good for me since we've got crazy heat and plus, now it's a breeze to wash my hair, which is SUCH a good thing. Short hair, don't care~

Anyone watching the American show, Younger? It's so good, but now I have to wait until Wednesday for the next ep. GAH.

I've finished 1/3 finales of my K-dramas this week, so I'm ready to just dive right in and finish and start on a couple new shows. I've finished Fight My Way (such an awesome show from start to finish, although I thought the birth secrets were dragging on for way too long and was kinda annoyed that they didn't reveal it sooner) and I've got like, maybe 10-15 minutes left of Lookout because I kept pausing and venting on my Fall Wall about the absurdity of it all. Will most likely get to Ruler this weekend and finish that, too.

Started on Moorim School to check out Hongbin and found out that the entire main cast is pretty solid, with actors that I actually am quite fond of, so will continue w/ that and see where it takes me.


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i love younger :) i binged through the seasons a few months back, have only seen the season premiere but will pick it up when the season has ended,


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Yayyayyay! It's so much fun to watch and I've grown to really appreciate shorter-length episodes, but this is one of those shows where I wish it was just a tad bit longer.

That's a good idea to pick it up when it ends because then you won't have to wait and just watch it all! Haha. Kinda wish that was the case for me because I'm just dying to see more!


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lol :) i just got caught up thank to you ;) now i will wait again, i agree, i sometimes wish it was a bit longer but it's one of the better comedy shows in a long time :)


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Rant - The Best Hits hasn't been showing where I live and why does KBS delete scenes? If it is because they are adding commercials just make it longer.


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Hi beanies,

Can you please recommend me girl friendship dramas? I watched Tokyo Tarareba Musume and i LOVED it, except for the last few episodes. I don't mind korean / japanese.

Thank you beanies!


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Age of Youth. ?


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Yes to Age of Youth :D


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Ah yes I LOVED AOY! forgot to mention that, is there any drama alike to AOY?


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@Jojo try
Ex -Girlfriends Club. The friendship are nice and quite hilarious lol.

A bit heavier drama 'Night Light' - both female leads have an interesting friendship.

That's all I recall for now ?


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G-Dragon concert this weekend...SO EXCITED!!!


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To fellow Fight My Way fans!
...a few pictures and a video to ease our withdrawal symptoms!! ?


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Anyone who still haven't watched Seven Day Queen?? Because I'm telling you, you're missing a lot. It's so far the best sageuk ever (ok, for me at least). But really, it's so well-written guys.


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I don´t cause I hear it is weepy and I hate cryfests.


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You can watch it with something intensely fluffy. Haha. I watched it alongside Suspicious Partner. :)


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no, thank you.


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Enjoying it. Love the acting by most. Love the men's hanbok. Truly handsome costuming in this one.
It's teary appropriately not extravagantly, as befits story line.


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I like it, too. ^_^ Makes me wonder how the ending will play out. I mean, based on history, it's supposed to be sad. Then again, the writer can always invoke their artistic freedom... Then again, makes me wonder how it can still be happy with all the complications surrounding Yeok, Chae Kyung, and everybody else. *sighs*


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The King Loves - Wow! Only got half way through the first episode before the subtitles vanished in a puff of smoke but this is so beautiful. The feeling of being in the air along with the perigreen falkon is amazing, as is the cinematography and the costumes. Yoonah's character is fiesty, convincingly kickass. If it continues in this vein it's going to be a winner!


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