Fight My Way: Episode 13

Love is a beautiful gift, but it doesn’t solve all of your problems and can even create brand new ones. As some of our villa residents are discovering, loving someone can be the very reason you can’t be together, because no amount of love can make your dreams for the future align. Thank goodness for good friends to help you drown your heartbroken sorrows.

Round 13: “Nam-il lives in Namil Villa”

Having established that they love each other, Ae-ra and Dong-man soon go back to arguing about whether he should fight Tak-soo. Ae-ra says that it’s because she loves Dong-man so much that she doesn’t want him to fight.

Dong-man counters that he’s willing to try even if he loses, otherwise he’ll just regret it for another ten years. But Ae-ra says that everyone online thinks he’ll lose, and that it won’t just be a loss, but a massacre.

Upset, Dong-man asks if Ae-ra, who knows him better than anyone, thinks he’ll lose to Tak-soo. Ae-ra says that it’s good that he’s fighting again — she only objects to him fighting Tak-soo. Almost pleading now, Dong-man tells her that his heart is finally racing after spending so many years with his head down. He asks Ae-ra to trust him, and she sighs heavily.

At their doors, Dong-man suddenly grabs Ae-ra’s wrist and pulls her into his apartment. He feeds her ddukbokki, saying that that conversation was work, and now is their personal time. Ae-ra grumbles that he’s never listened to her since they were kids, wondering out loud why he kisses her and says he loves her if he’s not going to listen.

Dong-man laughs at that and moves to stand in front of Ae-ra. She refuses to look at him, muttering that he’ll regret it and will end up singing his woes in a noraebang when she breaks up with him, heh. Dong-man just pulls her face to his and asks cutely, “Are you really going to dump me?”

He gives her little kisses while she snarls at him to get lost. She vows to teach him manners, starting with the fact that his ranking is way below hers. Dong-man just pulls her into his arms and asks if her stomach hurts, then gives her a real kiss. RAWR.

After a minute Ae-ra taps out, and Dong-man asks if he’s still “down there” (ranked below her). HA, she can barely construct a coherent sentence after that kiss.

Joo-man gets caught in the act of leaving a pink stuffed bunny on the stoop when Seol-hee arrives home from work. He awkwardly gives her the bunny, then notices the paper she’s holding. She confirms that she’s looking for a new place to live, saying that it’s awkward to live so close after dating for six years.

She adds that she’s also looking for a new job, wanting to make a clean, quick break. The news hits Joo-man hard, but all he can do is sigh her name before she goes inside.

Ae-ra and Dong-man snuggle on his bed, though Dong-man warns Ae-ra not to fall asleep, since it would be awkward if Seol-hee found out about them. Seeing that she’s falling asleep anyway, Dong-man asks Ae-ra to sing him the song she sung in Daecheon.

She remembers the song that her father sung for her when she was a child, guessing that her mother taught it to him, and her face falls. Dong-man snuggles closer to comfort Ae-ra, though she says she’s okay because it’s been a long time, and she had him and Seol-hee. Ae-ra says that she doesn’t really miss her mother since she’s never met her, though she seems wistful.

The following morning, Joo-man’s mom visits to do laundry and bring him food, though his fridge is already full of food that Seol-hee left behind. She doesn’t know about the breakup, and she mentions that Seol-hee asked for an invitation to Joo-man’s sister’s housewarming party. Joo-man yells that they probably only invited her to make her do dishes.

Downstairs, Seol-hee’s mom is also visiting, and she notices the pink bunny from Joo-man that Seol-hee has posed with its arms up. Seol-hee just says it’s being punished, ha. Mom asks if she and Joo-man had a fight, saying that men are basically the same, so Seol-hee should be contented that at least Joo-man doesn’t cheat. Ouch.

Joo-man and his mom run into Seol-hee and her mom on their way out to work, and it’s horribly awkward as the moms try to make small talk. Joo-man’s mom mentions that the families should meet, but Seol-hee’s mom says there’s no hurry. Joo-man’s mom reminds Seol-hee about the housewarming party, but Joo-man breaks in and says she’s not going. Suddenly, he blurts out, “We broke up,” and both moms gape at him.

He and his mom talk privately a bit later, and his mom says that it’s for the best, since he wasn’t really that into Seol-hee. But Joo-man says that he hadn’t married her because he couldn’t make Seol-hee live in a tiny studio apartment.

He reminds his mother that he said that he’ll never get married unless it’s to Seol-hee, but he thinks the breakup is best for Seol-hee. Sadly, he sighs that he’ll never meet another girl like her, but she’ll always be loved no matter where she goes. Mom asks why they broke up, seeming genuinely upset, but Joo-man just says, “Because I’m trash.”

As Seol-hee sees her mom off, she says that she’ll be fine. Mom realizes now why Seol-hee hadn’t mentioned Joo-man when he’s all she talks about normally, and she begs her daughter to start thinking of herself first.

Just as Mom is about to leave, Landlady Hwang drives up, and Seol-hee brings her mom over to be introduced. Landlady Hwang tries to hide behind her giant sunglasses, but Mom stares as if she recognizes her. They pretend they’re strangers, but Mom’s accidental greeting (“How have you been?”) gives away that they’ve met before.

Ae-ra did fall asleep at Dong-man’s, and he kicks her in the rear for trying to sneak out of his place. HA, he keeps saying “We didn’t do anything!” like he’s irritated by the fact. Ae-ra insists that she didn’t fall asleep, and Dong-man just wipes the drool off her chin, hee.

Landlady Hwang sees them together and fusses as usual. She starts upstairs and stumbles, so they help her to her apartment as she explains that she just had eye surgery. Ae-ra asks why Nam-il isn’t there to help her, but she snaps that she doesn’t need anyone.

They follow her inside to find that her apartment is neat, but sparsely furnished. Dong-man notes that she sure dresses fancy for someone whose home is so empty, and Landlady Hwang says cryptically that a person’s home becomes like the person. A photo catches Ae-ra’s eye, of a young Landlady Hwang holding a little boy on her lap. It seems to make Landlady Hwang nervous.

Meanwhile, Seol-hee’s mom calls Dong-man’s mom to tell her that Hwang Bok-hee is living in the villa. Dong-man’s mom asks her husband if visiting Dong-man was the real reason he recently went to Seoul. She demands to know if he saw anyone else, but he’s shocked to hear the name Hwang Bok-hee.

The boy in the photo looks familiar to Ae-ra, and curious, Dong-man goes over to see the picture. Landlady Hwang grows even more nervous when he says that a younger picture of Landlady Hwang looks familiar to him. A quick flashback shows Landlady Hwang crouching in front of young Dong-man. Oooohh… this is getting interesting.

To distract them, Landlady Hwang asks them to make her some cup ramyun before they go. Ae-ra notices the posters about breast cancer prevention on the kitchen walls. Dong-man whispers that despite her glamorous appearance, Landlady Hwang seems like a lonely old woman.

They run into Nam-il on their way downstairs. Ae-ra snaps at him to take better care of his mother instead of gallivanting around eating fried chicken, which she smells on his clothes. Nam-il retorts that he worked all night at the chicken place that he owns. Oops.

Once Nam-il is gone, Dong-man asks Ae-ra if she’s told Nam-il that she has a boyfriend who’s a fighter. Ae-ra preens, bragging that Nam-il does look at her a certain way. Dong-man pretends to be offended, then points to her face, all, “Are you sure he’s looking at you?” Cheeky boy.

Dong-man’s dad hides in the bathroom to call Ae-ra’s dad about Hwang Bok-hee. Ae-ra’s dad is just as upset, and oddly, both men clench their right fists.

Upstairs, Nam-il notices Landlady Hwang’s mood and tells her to stop thinking about “that kid.” She starts to blow him off, but he says with difficulty that he knows that the real Nam-il lives in Namil Villa. She doesn’t answer.

Joo-man is a mess at work, distracted and making mistakes. He thinks to himself that the only thing missing is Seol-hee, but his whole life is falling apart.

In the meantime, Seol-hee goes to get her nails done, asking for fancy artwork and the most expensive jewels. She’s also bought a new pink phone, the latest model. She spots intern Chan-ho a few chairs away, also getting his nails done, and he shyly avoids her eyes.

Over at Tak-soo’s gym, Dong-man’s former teammate Byung-joo listens in as Tak-soo discusses Dong-man with Tae-hee and Coach Choi. Tae-hee assures Tak-soo that Dong-man is only training with Coach Hwang, so he’s probably not learning very good ground skills (wrestling on the mat).

It’s true that Dong-man has nobody to spar with besides Coach, but Coach promises to find Dong-man someone to teach him ground skills. Dong-man says not to bother, knowing it would cost a fortune. As they argue, the door to the gym opens dramatically, and a hooded figure with a suitcase walks up to them.

Tae-hee dismisses Byung-joo, then tells Tak-soo that he tried bribing the RFC’s new representative, but it didn’t work. Tak-soo says to just offer more money, and Coach Choi releases a huge, annoyed sigh. He tells Tak-soo to either win or lose, but to do it honestly.

Just as annoyed, Tak-soo reminds Coach Choi that he works for him. Coach Choi invites him to fire him if he wants, then walks away. Tae-hee thinks that Tak-soo should fire Coach Choi, but Tak-soo says that Coach Choi is irreplaceable. When Coach Hwang won a silver medal in the Olympics, it was Coach Choi who won the gold.

Coach Hwang and Dong-man stare as the mysterious man removes his hood. They see by his tattoo that he’s one of a famous family of Brazilian UFC fighters, and that he’s related to the man that Tak-soo hired to beat up Dong-man in his first fight. He hands Coach a letter from Dong-man’s former opponent, which explains that he fought that shameful fight because he was desperate for money.

Karl offers up his nephew, John (Julien Kang), to train Dong-man as a way of paying him back. John just happens to be a UFC legend, and Coach Hwang looks like he’s in the presence of a god, hee. Dong-man says to Coach with awe, “I just might win.”

Intern Chan-ho finds Seol-hee taking pictures of her new fancy nails, and he says shyly that he gets his done now and then after a fungus made him embarrassed to shake clients’ hands (“It’s all gone now!”). Seol-hee barely notices him until he asks her to pinky swear not to tell anyone, so she does.

Chan-ho tells Seol-hee that her nails are pretty. In fact, he says she’s pretty all over, and that it makes him happy that she even remembers his name. Seol-hee asks if he really thinks she’s pretty, and Chan-ho is surprised that she has no idea how pretty she is.

From a distance, Joo-man sees Chan-ho flirting with Seol-hee, as well as her pleased reaction. He wanders to the elevator, which reminds him of flirting with Seol-hee where the cameras couldn’t see them.

Ye-jin joins him and starts to apologize for that night when they got caught. Joo-man interrupts to ask her out for a drink. Noooo, Joo-man, what are you doing?

It quickly becomes clear that John is a beast who won’t go easy on Dong-man. When Dong-man tries to tap out, John yells that there’s no tapping out with him (Dong-man: “Yes tap! Owww, yes tap!” LOL). Dong-man whines that John’s going to kill him, but Coach just says to complain to John in English if it’s that bad. John tells Dong-man that he’s going to teach him to master three techniques while he’s here.

Over drinks, Ye-jin states boldly that she’s willing to wait for Joo-man. But he says that a long time from now, he may meet someone other than Seol-hee, but it won’t be her. He adds that he could never date Ye-jin because she’d only remind him of Seol-hee.

He clarifies that he was swayed by Ye-jin because of Seol-hee. He tells Ye-jin of all the times she did something that reminded him of Seol-hee, so he couldn’t just ignore her. He apologizes and says that he has no intention of dating Ye-jin, and it finally sinks in that it was never her that he liked.

After practice, Ae-ra joins Dong-man and John for dinner at Coach’s soondae cart. Adorably nervous, Dong-man tells Ae-ra that the date for his fight has been set, and that he wants to do this before he turns thirty next year. She decides to try something and unleashes her aegyo attack, whining about how much she hates the idea.

Dong-man just gives her a dead-eyed stare, then launches into a perfect imitation of Ae-ra’s cringe-worthy aegyo. He ends with a big frustrated raspberry, and OMG, John’s face is hilarious. Joo-man shows up already half drunk, so Ae-ra stomps off in a huff.

On the way home, she gets a text letting her know that she passed the second round of interviews for the KBC announcer job. She’s confused, since that’s the interview where she talked back to the interviewer.

She runs into Kyung-ku, who seems to be waiting for her. He stammers that her address was in his GPS because he was going to mail something to Dong-man, but Ae-ra informs him that Dong-man won’t go on his show. He tries to give her a basket of fruit, saying that it contains strawberries, which he knows she likes.

The gesture triggers a memory of Kyung-ku holding a styrofoam box that appears to be splattered with something red. Ae-ra says that ever since that day, she doesn’t eat strawberries. Kyung-ku says that he’s not that guy anymore, but she just retorts that she doesn’t believe people change and orders him never to come back.

After she leaves, Kyung-ku says to himself that she’s making him very mad. He calls someone and tells them to push for the broadcast, and he’ll take care of it.

Joo-man looks like he might cry, and not even Dong-man’s threats to make fun of him help. He complains that it feels like his diaphragm is gone since he can’t breathe, and Coach dramatically sympathizes. Dong-man stage whispers that Coach has never had a girlfriend and has no idea, ha.

Ae-ra ends up at Dong-man’s again that night, with him still bugging her to support him. She says that the idea of him fighting Tak-soo makes her queasy, and she can’t understand why he’s bent on fighting when he’d forgotten all about it for years.

Dong-man says that he never forgot, not for one day — he just pretended to forget. He tells Ae-ra that everywhere he went, he was in that fight, losing every time. He describes his days like going in circles in a fish tank, pretending he wasn’t thinking. He quietly begs Ae-ra to let him fight.

The next day, Ae-ra tells Seol-hee to quit her job and that she’ll take care of her, and Seol-hee says that she wishes Ae-ra were a man, hee. She tells Ae-ra that she and Dong-man shouldn’t date or they’ll become like her and Joo-man, just as Ae-ra gets a text from Dong-man telling her to hurry back to his place.

He lies on the bed all cute, arms flung out wide for Ae-ra to join him. She does, and he curls up around her before asking if Seol-hee is okay. Ae-ra says she isn’t, and they agree that they can’t tell their friends about their new love yet.

Ae-ra asks what he’s going to do about Kyung-ku, and Dong-man says sleepily that he’ll decline to be on his show. She asks about Tak-soo next, but Dong-man just kisses her then asks about her MMA announcer interview later. Ae-ra tells him not to change the subject, warning that there will be no more dating or kissing if he fights. Lucky for her, that just triggers a kiss-attack.

On her way to her interview, Nam-il surprises Ae-ra by offering her a ride. When she asks why, he says that he’s interested in her, though he admits that it’s annoying. She tells him that her boyfriend is a fighter and he just nods, but her claim that she’s a psycho makes him cough-laugh.

Ae-ra sneers that she hates handsome, rude men, and of course he’s all, “You think I’m handsome?” She says that regardless, she’s not interested, but Nam-il says cryptically that she could very well end up seeing him forever.

Joo-man lies in bed despondent, until a text from Seol-hee reminds him to pack up her things. He does, though everything reminds him of happier times with Seol-hee. Eventually, he collapses to his knees and lets himself sob, narrating that small things made Seol-hee happy, but that her sacrifice for him was anything but small.

He pounds on Seol-hee’s door later, demanding that she explain why this tiny box is all he has when she practically lived with him. He’s worked himself up to a frenzy, furious that she only wore his old clothes and used tiny sample products, which made him want to get promoted so she wouldn’t act so poor.

Seol-hee says that never mattered to her, but Joo-man bellows that it mattered to him. Joo-man says that she’s the reason he always pursued big clients with popular items, but Seol-hee just snaps that she must have been quite a burden. She asks if that’s why he delayed marrying her for six years, but Joo-man says that he knew he couldn’t give her the best, so he wanted to at least give her the average.

It’s humiliating for him to admit, but Joo-man says through gritted teeth that after six years, even a yearly lease is too difficult. He trudges heavily back upstairs, leaving Seol-hee blinking back tears.

Dong-man and Ae-ra order jjajangmyun delivery, and Ae-ra notices the empty plate outside Hye-ran’s door. The delivery guy says that Hye-ran orders delivery every day, adding that he never sees her because she pays through an app, but she hasn’t ordered anything for the past few days.

Landlady Hwang goes through a box of old photos, which include pictures of Dong-man, Ae-ra, and Seol-hee as children. She puts away the box when her doorbell rings, and she’s surprised when she opens the door to find Ae-ra’s father standing there.

He asks angrily why she’s here when she said she’d never come back. Landlady Hwang retorts that she didn’t intend to, so he can imagine how bad things must be. The doorbell rings again, and this time, it’s Dong-man’s father standing outside.

Downstairs, Ae-ra tells Dong-man that she got callbacks for the KBC job and the MMA announcing job, but both interviews are on Friday. She says that she’ll have to think about what to do as she puts together a plate of food to take to Landlady Hwang.

Landlady Hwang leads Dong-man’s father inside, where the two dads regard each other suspiciously. Before anyone can say a word, the doorbell rings a third time, and when Ae-ra calls out, they all go into panic mode.

The dads hide in the closet while Landlady Hwang tries to keep the kids out, but Dong-man barrels in with the food. They hear a noise, which Landlady Hwang blames on Nam-il, but that proves to be a lie when Nam-il walks in the front door, ha.

Dong-man shushes everyone, whispering that someone is here, then he picks up a golf club to check out the source of the noise. Everyone freezes as he slowly approaches the closet, reaching out a trembling hand to throw open the door.


The night that Ae-ra swore she never fell asleep, Dong-man was kept up all night listening to her snore, hee. She’d cuddled up to him as he complained that she should have gone home instead of sleeping here and torturing him.

Back when they were kids, Ae-ra had once fallen asleep outside, and little Dong-man had kept watch over her, swatting away the mosquitoes. He’d tried waking her up to send her home, but his efforts were unsuccessful. He’d been stuck there, protecting her from mosquito bites.


Nice reversal, Show! I’ve never felt like Landlady Hwang could be Ae-ra’s mother because it seemed too easy, but I never thought she might be Dong-man’s mom. But that certainly seems to be what the show is teasing, and if it’s true, it’s quite the surprise. Dong-man has always had the security of a family, though it was sometimes rocky, so finding out that his life may not be what he thought will be a shock — especially when it seems as though every adult involved with the three friends knows the truth.

I wonder if Dong-man’s mom’s accusations were implying that his father had an affair with Landlady Hwang, which would make him Dong-man’s biological father. And I wonder why she left, and if it had to do with the breast cancer literature in her apartment, or if that’s the reason she’s back. But mostly I’m curious if it’s Dong-man who is the real Nam-il, and if so, then who is the man everyone calls Nam-il now?

It’s strange how I’m about ten times more interested in Seol-hee and Joo-man now that they’re broken up. Their relationship was so stagnant, but I’m enjoying seeing Seol-hee trying on new things, looking at herself to see who she really is and finally putting herself first. Even if she finds out that she’s not much different than before, having that knowledge because she really tried to get to know herself will be so much more valuable than falling into it by default.

I’m not generally a proponent of jealousy as a way of getting a couple together, because it feels like the emotions are at risk of not being genuine when they’re brought about just because the guy sees the girl with someone else. But in this case, and at this point in their relationship, I think it was good for Joo-man to see that Seol-hee is a beautiful woman whom men see as attractive and desirable. He’s taken her for granted for so long that she’s become “furniture,” as someone said earlier. I think that he’s always loved Seol-hee, and that he never intended to cheat with Ye-jin, she just tugged at that same part of him that Seol-hee tugged so he couldn’t say no to her.

Maybe now with some distance and perspective, Joo-man will be able to look at Seol-hee in a new way and realize that just because she’s quiet and puts others before herself, that doesn’t mean that she’s plain and boring. Whether or not they ever get back together, it’s good for Joo-man to realize what he lost in Seol-hee. He still needs to get over his hang-up about wanting to give her material things, because all Seol-hee ever wanted was to have a family and they can do that if they just work together.

I’m a little concerned about Hye-ran’s lack of appearance after moving just to be closer to Dong-man, though it’s actually been very nice to have a few episodes without her. But it’s Kyung-ku who really concerns me and is making me actually fear for Ae-ra. He seems so whiny and ineffective, and Ae-ra does such a great job of cutting him down, that I also think it makes him easy to underestimate. But that short glimpse of him holding a box that appeared to be covered in blood? Okay, maybe it was just strawberry juice, but Kyung-ku looked downright unhinged and now I’m kind of terrified. I do hope this doesn’t lead to some scenario where Dong-man has to choose between fighting Tak-soo and rescuing Ae-ra, but I’m choosing to believe that the show will do something more creative and intelligent than that as we head towards the end of our story. Fingers crossed.


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I've got a new name for this drama: "Kiss my way"


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By the way thank you for the recap, as always!! ?
I always find myself agreeing with your take on Joo Man!
Yet another great episode! ?


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Another thing...I just happend to watch some clips of real MMA fights, and they are brutal and bloody!!! I really can't blame Ae Ra for not wanting Dong Man to fight ?


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Hell yes! Loving all the skinship in this drama.


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I won't be surprise if PSJ and KJW date irl after this drama ?


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When DM started doing the aegyo, my first reaction was stare at him dumbfoundedly while wanting to reach through the screen and hit him upside the head. ?
Now I have a lot of things anticipating in the next episode:
1. Waiting for DM's reaction when he realizes its his and AeRa's fathers in that closet;
2. AeRa's reaction once they get out of the closet;
3. Nam-il's reaction for same scene above (also, I would ride that car with you if you ask me to)
4. TakSu getting beaten to a pulp. With John Karell on the scene, TS is deadmeat. Then I will see his smirk wiped out of that annoying face.
5. The reveal of the identity of Hwang Bok Hee;
6. More retail therapy/makeover for SulHee. I want to see her live out her Mom's wishes to find out what she likes and put herself first.
7. JooMan groveling some more.


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I want to see JooMan groveling but at the same time I feel bad for him. Its good that they are broken up. This way they can look at themselves and their lives at a new perspective. I just really want SH to see her worth some more and discover herself. So I am not too keen on them getting back so soon. (If ever at that, but its a possibility)


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How about another DM and AR make up Session?
This is also for me the first drama where i find it ok so many kisses....mostly is like they are teasing, it feels ok for me to watch... he he


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I meant "make out" session, LOL


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They do kiss a lot. So I no longer anticipate it. Its a given they will kiss as they please.


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Your reaction to DM's aegyo seems the same as DM's reaction to AE's aegyo.


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I feel like they do aegyo just to torture everyone, especially Coach.


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So true.


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Maybe you're right. I didnt mind AR's aegyo but for DM seems so surreal. Lol


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When Dong man did the aegyo I was hitting the pillows so hard, it burts ?


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I am a little shocked to admit that I am "enjoying" Joo Man's suffering. He is hurting and it hurts me to see him with all the memories of Seol Hee but dang it hurts so good!


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I know right. Its like getting a good massage after running a marathon. It hurts so good :D


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Me too! And I'm not even sad about it. Let him suffer a bit. He deserves it


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I've enjoyed this drama so far, but I thought this was an exceptionally well-written episode. Looks like the writer is going to finish in fine style, and I'm excited.


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QwQ And there's only one more week until this show finishes --- I'm feeling ambivalent about it!

One part of me can't wait to see everyone reach their potentials and their dreams, but the other part is sad seeing my favourite couple on screen every week is coming to an end qqq


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Whaaa I totally forgot it's finishing soon!


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I swear, this show just keeps getting better and better. There are so many layers to it but manages to stay true to being a rom-com. *my heart*
1) The skinship between Dong-man and Ae-ra is getting real, guys. ? Just waiting for that hardcore makeout scene ???
(Okay but wait. I didn't know PSJ had aegyo... ? Don't know whether to swoon, laugh, or run for the hills...)
2) So proud of Joo-man right now! I wanted to spear him when he invited Ye-jin biatch to eat but then his confession...ASJKL. He finally realizes how much he loves Seol-hee ?
3) Julien Kang!!!!! Who remembers him from High Kick??? ? Oh, the memories!!
4) Okay two theories: Lady Hwang-bok is Ae-ra's mom and Nam-Il is her long-lost brother, hence why he offered her a car ride asking for more info of her)...(But then whenever we saw flashbacks of HB, they were with DM ?)...OR, Lady Hwang-bok is DM's mom but had him when she was young and immature so DM's current parents adopted him???? Hmm, but then how do both the dad's know her?? ?


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Couldn't agree more! This show keeps getting better and better.


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I'm thinking laugh AND run for the hills ??


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Will be the option that I'll take, too ???


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Kiss and run for the hills?


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I'm still curious about Lady Landlord Hwang! I'm glad that it may be reveal tomorrow? I've been debating myself with the possiblity of Dong Man or Ae Ra being her child.

And I love how JM rejected YJ. Yasss! Oh oh, I can't wait to see the match between DM and TS!


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That rejection was so so satisfying. It didn't fully redeem JM in my eyes, but it was definitely a step in the right direction for him.


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Yes yes yes. It's heeeeere! Thanks for the recap.

Honestly, I was hating Joo Man wo much for "cheating" wihh Ye Jin. But now, I'm torn apart seeing Joo Man like that. I think they both still in love with each other. True that they need to distance themselves to know what they're missing when they're not together.

Good job, Show! I'm liking you again and again every week. Lovve.


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Another HyeRan-less episode is a lovely episode. Haha
But there were a few things I've loved about today's episode:
> Dong Man being so true to what he said when they started dating "I'll do it whenever I feel like it..." (something like that"
> The scene where Joo Man was packing Seol Hee's stuff made me cry.. his world is crumbling without her and I can't wait for him to admit it in front of Seol Hee.
> The Landlady's mystery is finally starting to unravel.. right now, she looks like she's confused by whom her child really is.
But I doubt it's Dong Man and Nam Il's comment to Ae Ra "we might end up seeing each other forever" kind of back up this thought

Maybe HyeRan is really trying to gain weight so that she can go to Dong Man's gym and sign up for a course? Haha
I don't know.. I just wish HyeRan was out of the plot already.
There are still many things to resolve and there are only 3 episodes left and her "addition" to the story is in reality a "minus".
If they'd take her out of the story right now with an explanation like "Announcer Hye Ran decided to leave the country.." I'd be fine with that. Hahah


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I think Hye-Ran has something to do with the KBS interview. It would be just like her to try and humiliate Ae-Ra by doing a fake second interview.


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I hope not. I really hope that Ae Ra got the second interview because of the event she hosted and someone uploaded the video. I don't want her to be torn apart to choose which interview to go and end up being played by Hye Ran if she chooses to go KBS interview instead of RFC. It's time for Ae Ra to make her dream come true just like Dong Man's pursuing his dream.


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But I also hope in the end she'll do the MC job rather than the KBS because it will suit her more. I'm sure something will happen and she will turn away from the KBS job.


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Or, just maybe Kreepy Kyung Ku. But, considering that HR has been so noticeably absent, she is probably up to no good. Poor Ae-Ra - not another disappointment, I hope!


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With the mothers' reaction it seems as much she doesn't know who the dad of her kid actually is - which fits with the obsession for them not to sleep together.


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OMG, I never thought of this one. It'd be a total mindblown. Lol


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Wouldn't she at the very least know the gender of the child she gave birth to?


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How is it possible that this just keeps getting better and better?

Aera and Dong-man's cuteness together will be the death of me.
But I was cackling at DM's aegyo and failed attempt to communicate with John Karrel. HAHAHA

Anyways, I can't for the reveal of Lady Hwang's ID because it's been killing me.
And I want to see Tak-su finally get the beating he deserves.

JM should suffer just a little bit more, I'm enjoying it (too much)


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Ae-ra : You can die in this type of fights
Well, mmh...MMA or aegyo ?


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Dong Man's insistent "YES TAP" killed me dead lmaooo


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Also, Dong Man and Ae Ra continue to make me go :D :D :D They're just so good as a couple, and it's so great how them getting together did not change their dynamic all too much -- it just added a new layer to their relationship. They're still bickering besties, except that now there's those moments when the new facet of their romance comes up. Like when AR's ranting about how he never listens to her, and then DM just kisses her (what a kiss) and her brain's shot (don't blame her at all).

Despite taking their time getting to the Next Step of their relationship, I love how unrestrained they are with their physical affection and skinship. It's not made a big deal of, but I love those scenes when they're just walking and holding hands. And of course, not to mention ALL THE KISSES. I love every single one of them. Dong Man's such a kiss and cuddle maniac when he's with Ae Ra, and I'm all for it! I'm hoping for some kisses and cuddles initiated by Ae Ra too though <3

+1: ITA with everyone about how I find SH and JM so much more interesting now that they've broken up. This episode made me understand and empathize with him more than I did before. I think it's inevitable that SH and JM will find their way back to each other, imo, but even with all this exposition, I'd be fine if they don't get back together romantically.


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Oh yes, I really love that consistency in Ae-ra and Dong-man's relationship. They might fighting in aegyo mode now, holding hand all the times, and generally being lovey dovey with each other, but they still have the same honest and straightforward conversation as always. They still bicker like besties and always stand as an equal even in this brand new romantic territory.


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Another crazy theory about Hwang Lady xD

She was just a pretty model and good friend among SH's Mom, DM's Mom, DM's Dad, AR's Dad, and Coach Hwang. Because she was pretty, everyone liked her, so DM's Mom was a bit jealous to her. Then, due to breast cancer, she went to Japan for medical treatments. Before going to Japan, she kept the kids' photos and considered the kids as her own son and daughters since she just loved them (but she loved Dong Man the most since he was the only boy. She then personally used "Namil" as DM's nickname).

However, she never told anyone about the real reason of going to Japan. She just said she wanted to pursue her career as a model and wouldn't come back---- She was afraid that the treatment failed and she could die in the end, so she said that---- and it angered the whole gank. In Japan, she accidentally met Coach Hwang once during the Olympiad period. She underwent a near-death experience and the coach knew that, they probably sat together for a small talk. Then, she was cured from cancer and became a famous figure but she never gave any news to her buddies in Korea. She then changed her name into Kanako Hwang in order not to get noticed by the buddies. She was really famous and becoming a significant figure that she could help Coach Hwang from the 2007 incident (well, as DM's coach, he was slightly involved and it could affect his career for a bit). That's why the coach is really thankful of her.

Omooo I read fanfic too much. hahaha


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Whoa! That's a very detailed hypothesis :)


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But I recall seeing the Landlady in earlier episode dressed up and berating the shopping mall manager (where Ae-Ra used to work) about staff being fired for catching a thief i.e. the bitchy lady who is the shopping mall owner's mistress that made Ae-Ra kneel down.
My crazy theory from beginning was that she may be Ae-Ra's mum who left her and his father in pursuit of ambition or to marry someone rich. The baby in the pic does not have much hair so it could be either a boy or girl. Ae-Ra has curly hair as a kid and looks like a tomboy.
By the way, I wonder if Namil Villa is named after Nam Il? Is Nam Il supposed to be only a boy's name?


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This drama kills me.
The baby voice fight, the intense makeout sesh... I'm either laughing or having a heart attack!

Thank you for the recap! I was completely confused as to who Kyung Ku was when he showed up, but that look at the end was definitely a bit manic and creepy.


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Thanks Lollypip for the recap....

Why is everybody so oposed of DM fighting?
I liked this episode although i had the feeling it is a filler...
I am curious about Kyung-ku, and i wonder why he has to wave around DM so much?
I am also relieved having a couple of episodes without Hye ran... when i realised she has been ordering food (and it seems maybe recently not eating it), i thought maybe she ordered in advance and then killed herself! LOL
I agree with you, now really wanting to follow JM and Seol-hee now that they broke up. Now it is interesting!!! LOL
And the landlady has also turned to be interesting...


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I also agree about JM and SH being so interesting now! While I absolutely love our main couple to pieces, I find myself having much more to say about JM and SH in recent episodes, because they're making so much interesting character growth.


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Tak Su is not a fair fighter. He is a thug. So Aera is aware of his attitude but Dongman was blinded by revenage and hurt that the past incident destroyed his dignity and dream. It was the only thing he is passionate about and just gave it up. He tried to do several odd jobs but kept returning to Tak Su and his superior talent.


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But DM could keep on fighting in regular tournaments, without having to face this thug. Of course, I kind of understand his struggle with pride and all that, but this drama makes it look as if he need to face Tak su, in order to make himself a name, and that is not true.
Now I already watch the next episode, and I won't add any spoiler, just that, I am now also opposed to him fighting. We will see what happens. He should have gone to college and do business! LOL


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for some reason, Baek Tae Min suddenly became hot for me because of that tattoo.. ?


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KSY looked mighty fine here, but damn I still can't unsee Baek Tae Min ? I think it was the eyes, he still had that Tae Min's eyes. When I saw him in Mirror of the Witch he didn't look like that.


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I missed the childhood glimpses in the past few episodes but I was happy seeing it today.


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Me too! Love the childhood flashbacks.


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Wow! What a cliffhanger. I can't even imagine what'll happen if Dong-man discovers the fathers hideout.
The two fathers are so angry at Landlady Hwang which makes me wonder if Dong-man is really Nam-il? I still think it's Ae-ra.


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Yeah, me too. The scene with Dong Man was probably a fake-out (she wanted him to continue taking care of AR maybe).

And, the current Nam-il saying that they will continue seeing each other forever is a bit of a give-away that he might be a sibling.


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I agree about Nam-il. He may be a kid that the landlady adopted because she missed her child. Even if AR isn't the child and DM is the child, then AR may still continue to see him since AR and DM will likely get married and "Nam-il" will end up an in-law.


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I think so too, so far Landlady Hwang's actions show that she was protecting Ae-ra. And the night young Dong-man spent protecting Ae-ra might be the same day he met with landlady Hwang. (i think)


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I dearly hope they are siblings. Now everyone including myself is confused whether Dongman or Aera is real Namil. The currrent Namil is interesting character. He never said he is Namil. Aera just pointed out and he went along with it since he is aware of the situation. It is such a good drama series!!! It is going to be another six more days to find out!!! I love Dongman and Aera dynamics!!!


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I mean I hope the currrent Namil and Aera are siblings. I love Dongman and Aera relationship dynamics. Their new argument especially aeygo battle is wonderfully epic and lovely.


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Urgh! The quiet ones always terrify me because usually they always keep their thoughts and feelings and actions to themselves until they explode and completely lose their mind. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Kyung-Ku doesn't hurt Ae-Ra, but something also tells me that just as Kyung-Ku believes that he's no longer the doormat from years past, Ae-Ra is also not the girl he dated back in school. Now she punches and can break an MMA fighter's nose. I love the thought of Dong-Man coming to her rescue but what I love even more is the girl beating the crap out of the man who thinks he can terrorize her. So please Ae-Ra, beat the ever loving ... out of him!

I love love how jealous Joo-Man is getting. I know they usually say you don't know the value of what you have until you lose it, and it applies so well in his situation. Sul-Hee is stunning, loyal, devoted, kind, nurturing and with such a big heart that I really want him to feel the pain of losing her. She's worth way more than 1000 of Ye-Jin's and that's a face and the funny thing is Joo-Man knows that. Every single time he sees Ye-Jin, he will be reminded of who he lost and I get some perverse satisfaction in having Sul-Hee's warning to Ye-Jin come to past, that her relationship with Joo-Man will be haunted by Joo-Man's memories of Sul-Hee. It's absolutely perfect!

Initially, the whole is she or isn't she mystery of landlady Hwang seemed to drag but now that we're racing towards the ending and the secrets are spilling forth, I am hooked. I need everyone to find out the truth so we can move on to the more important parts of the story for me: Dong-Man beating the crap out of Tak-Sun, Ae-Ra landing her announcer job, Sul-Hee being happy, Joo-Man finally earning her forgiveness and our four friends living their lives to the fullest.


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These are exactly my thoughts on this drama at the moment - thanks for putting it all in words so well!

I am so invested in SH and JM's relationship - it's just so real (I have lost count of the number of times I've said - and heard - this here!). I am still rooting for the two of them to get back together, with a better understanding of each other. Fingers crossed! But, before that, yes JM needs to grovel some more. There was a whiff of victimhood in his suggestion that he worked to the bone because of his love for SH. It was annoying, but also felt - there we go again - REAL. To want a secure and comfortable life for your loved ones is something we all aspire for, but JM seems to have messed up the priorities. I liked how SH set him right on that count. Fortunately, JM is beginning to realise that small joys of togetherness are also important.

While I'd love for DM to show TS his place, I wonder if his constant refrain that he wants to enjoy the fight and is ok with defeat is supposed to signpost a different kind of ending. It was good to see Byung Joo looking unimpressed with TS and his manager's machinations. And, I hope that the entire Tigers team defects!


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Iam desperately rooting for those two to get back together quickly especially now that Dong-man and Ae-ra are an item, simply because i want for Ae-ra and Dong-man's relationship to be in the open, and for the four of them to go out as couples and best friends.

I hate that Kyung-kyu. Eesh!


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I don't think JM was trying to play the victim tho, I can understand that his priorities might seem skewed, but for men providing is their duty, and to feel like he can only ever really offer her mediocre must sting a whole lot. I think it sucks, I am happy he gets to reflect and hope that they will find each other again.


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Yes, let's hope so!!


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I don't think Kyung Ku and Ae-Ra used to date. He's more of a creepy stalker and his attention was unwanted. During earlier episode, Ae-Ra was insisting to her former classmate that she didn't steal her then boyfriend (or another friend's boyfriend). I suspect that is Kyung Ku who has one-sided obsession to her.


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out of topic, but can someone tell me how to see the drama ratings in here? since the layout change i can't find it anymore. i want to watch some oldies drama, so wanna take a look which drama get nice review here.


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thanks for the reply, but it's not the 1 i look for actually.
u know the thing that girlfriday and javabeans did, they give star to each drama and their short review abt it.
been desperately looking for it.


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This sounds like some end of year drama review of sorts...I've read them in the past but I'm not sure how you could find them...if this is indeed what you are looking for...otherwise I don't know :)


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hmm not that one though. the old layout got the ratings button, that was the one i'm looking.
it got all drama javabeans and girlfriday watch from a to z, they give their review and give star as well. ( they give 2 kind of stars, 1 based on how they rate it and the other based on how they enjoy it)
other beanies can help maybe?


Is this what you were looking for? http://www.dramabeans.com/ratings/

If it is, then all you need to do is go to 'recaps' on the menu, then you'll see 3 tabs on the top: recaps, master list, and ratings.


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Here is the link for all shows, I also used this ranking to decide which old drama should I watch



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Ae-Ra’s lack of progress to pursue his dream seems to be running in circles, all we have are just mentions about her dreams, and some interviews to time to time, I thought that in episode 13 we could already have something more, something more concrete.

I didn’t like Ae-Ra to be so firmly opposed to Dong-Man’s fight against Tak-Soo, she obviously can express her opinion and her fears, but the way she did were a little immature. And even after Dong-Man finally told her the pain he feels all these years, she still continues to demand that he don't fight.

I always thought it was the fault of the end of the relationship between Joo-Man and Seol-He is on both. The problem between the two was always lack of communication about what both wants and expects from the relationship. but this is episode they're finally talking, even if the conversation is painful. Joo-Man don't have to get over his obsession with giving material things to Seol-Hee, they just need to meet in the middle.
I found this episode a bit boring, aside from the secondary couple nothing seemed to happened


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There are so many things that this drama is getting right and really nailing in recent weeks - landlady mystery, AR+DM's relationship, DM+SH's relationship, SH and DM finding themselves, having Nam-il Village really feel like a village these days, but the career portion has floundered for me. I'm a little tired of Tak-soo's existence - the scenes he is in and AR opposing DM's fight with him. I feel like we're spending a disportionate amount of time on DM's career and his training and barely any on AR's. If we could have cut creepy-stalker-ex out, we could have repurposed that airtime for an announcer interview or training.


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I had also felt that the drama focused (lot) more on DM's career than on AR's dream.
And to be honest, since DM and AR got together I feel like something is off with them, something like the relationship has stagnated.


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I agree with you that Aera persistence not letting Dongman to pursue his dream. But she was right for not fighting against Tak Su. She said it is okay with others but not Tak Su. She knew very well that he is a thug. He will do anything to destroy Dongman's rising career and superior talent. I believe the writer is trying to make it more realistic as possible. I remembered watching Return of Superman on Choo Sung hoon and Yano Shiho bickering in a good nature way that she wanted him to retire. She encouraged him to get check up and all. She refused to go see the fight live even though she can have Sarang babysit by someone. She just watched from TV and cried. It was hard on her. I think it relates to all wives of MMA fighters around the world. Aera represents their love and pain. It is very hard on Aera than Dongman.


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Your comment is on point!!


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Though to be truthful, it's more realistic that Ae-Ra has to wait between interviews. Speaking jobs aren't sprouting up like dandelions and she has to wait for interviews to be scheduled. And showing her practicing isn't really dramatic nor does it show much character growth, whereas showing Dong-Man practicing does.


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The aegyo attacks from both Ae-ra and Dong-man were hilarious; they clearly know how to one-up the other. I'm glad that Joo-man and Seol-hee are at least getting their honest thoughts out in the open, rather than trying to keep quiet for nobody's sake.


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I'm so happy Seol-hee is flourishing on her own! I hope she finds her strength and confidence without Joo-man.

I'm also incredibly curious on who the landlady is - is she actually Dong-man's mother and not Ae-ra as we intially pegged her to be? I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode!

And I can't believe I'm saying this but Kwak Si Yang does the mysterious cameo so well! I saw him on CT and I hated his character there, but I'm enjoying his visuals on FMW haha.


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TOO MANY KISSES! GYAA. They're just so perfect for each other. And watching their dynamics change is so beautiful!

Also, as heartbreaking as SH and JM's break up is, they need this. Time for a little growth in their relationship!

But I'M REALLY CURIOUS ABOUT THE LANDLADY. WHO IS SHE!? I've always been more certain she was AR's mom but why is DM's dad just as interested? And all the adults know her! Her reason for showing up is intriguing, but I'm more anxious to find out why she left!


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I'm thinking both dads wanted to see and confront Landlady for themselves. But it's still a confusing situation.


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What a KOREAN CRAP....!!!


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I'm just waiting for Julien Kang to bust out his flawless Korean.

I agree, LollyPip, Jooman and Seol are now watchable where before I had to skip their scenes. I think it's because I had friends that were like Seol before the breakup, and it made me so frustrated for them. Seol now is so awesome.


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Dong Man's aegyo made me laugh so hard when he blew that big raspberry at the end!
Landlady Hwang is quite the mystery - I know several surmised that she was Ae Ra's mom, but I never got that feeling either. But the whole thing with BOTH dad's showing up makes me very curious. It's almost hinting that DM and AR are siblings, but we KNOW the show wouldn't do that to us!
Hye Ran's absence wasn't felt at all. In fact I had forgotten about her because she's disappeared. It wasn't until I read the recap that I remembered she had moved in. I could honestly not care less about her and hope she doesn't reappear (but that would sort of feel like lazy writing to just have her gone with no word, especially after how aggressive she was). I agree that the KBS interview may be a fake out, though. Either by Hye Ran or the stalkery guy. I am curious what the back story is on him as well. What exactly did he DO to Ae Ra???
I hope she goes to the RFC interview simply because she is in her element as an MC. She seems so natural at it, that I think that is her real calling.
And, finally, Joo Man and Seol Hee. I'm glad they broke up for now. I think it was much needed for Joo Man to stop taking her for granted and realize what he has in her. I never doubted he loved her. He just couldn't see the forest for the trees, so to speak. I think the break up will bring growth to both of them, and as someone else mentioned - they really are both more interesting now.
And I'll just reiterate the recapper's RAWR! for the skinship between Dong Man and Ae Ra. I feel a little greedy wanting more of that since we are getting so much already. ;)


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About the jealousy thing: I really loved how before JM had seen SH with Chan-Ho, he had told his mom that he will never meet another girl like SH and that SH will be loved wherever she goes. He knows that she is desirable and a huge catch even before seeing her with another man.

I'm really glad they talked and how JM's insecurities were not just things guys say ("like what guy wouldn't say they want to provide their future fiancee the best"), but they were really debilitating.

It seems like I'm more interested in JM and SH's relationship, but I really love AR and DM's for the adorable skinship (*waggles eyebrows*) and how well they work together and the comedy they bring to the series.

I felt like this episode really made Nam-Il's Villa feel like a village. You start the series with the 4. Then landlady moves in. Then "Nam-il" and Hye-ran too. I have a horrible thought that Hye-ran may make a play for Nam-il. I hope to see him just shut her down. And then all the parents show up and then they end up calling each other.


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I still hope that Joo man and Ae Ra can come back together after they've both take some off for growth and self reflection, to realize what went wrong in their relationship, how they can fix it and avoid the same behaviors in future. I think they should both learn to communicate better and align their priorities together.

I'm glad that Aera is using this time to take care of and pamper herself. Their breakup seems to affect Jooman more deeply than her, partly because she initiated it, so she'd had time to think things through and come to a level of closure that he hadn't; and also because Joo man, quite frankly, messed up, so I think a level of guilt is probably eating away at him.

I hope this drama serves as some kind of social commentary about how hard it is for most singles in Seoul to have their start at married life, to not be able to lease an apartment after working for 6 years is really tragic, and I hope that steps are taken by their government to address this.

Although I love all four leads, I'm mostly vested in Joo man's and Ae ra's relationsip. Maybe because I'm an old married woman, ha ha, but I find it fascinating that a romcom deals with lives of an already established couple.


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Lol?. It is not Ae ra who broke up with Joo man, but Seol hee...
Ae ra is happily in love with Dong man...


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Sorry. Thanks for the correction. Lol. I got their names mixed up!


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Thanks for the recap! DM and AR continue to have such a realistic, refreshing romance, while our other two leads are continuing to grow into themselves in a satisfying way.

-I'm glad JM is taking responsibility for his actions. He still has a ways to go to redeem himself in my eyes, but I like where he's headed so far. Also I may be biased because his smackdown of YJ was so satisfying.
-The scene with AR's scary-aegyo and DM trying to out-aegyo her literally made me snort from laughter. The reactions were so great, I couldn't handle it.
-I'm not sure how I feel about NI saying he's interested in AR? It seems pretty late in the game to introduce a potential love triangle...Actually, overall it seems pretty late in the game for a lot of subplots to be addressed (where HR is, what the creepy PD's deal is, DM's fight with TS, who the landlady is, who NI is, where SH and JM will go from here, what sort of future AR has in announcing...). I'm crossing my fingers and praying we get a satisfying resolution to everything. Or even just most everything! I'm willing to compromise!


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Right? I've been so distracted by how awesome DM & Ae-ra are I didn't realize how close to them we've come without any other questions being answered. I'm interested to see how the writers pull of this trick.


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I think that flashback of Landlady Hwang with Dongman was just a red-herring. Something along the lines of "Our Dongman, please take care of our Aera."
i'm putting my money on Landlady Hwang being Aera's mom.


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This is possible theory. Candy can be used as a bribe. Haha. But she touched Dongman like her own child. It feels like he is her son. But she called him Dongman. Maybe Namil is Aera.


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What is landlady up too? The two dads in the closet should be hilarious once DM and AR find them.

And all of the kissing scenes make up for all of the aegyo.


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"I’m choosing to believe that the show will do something more creative and intelligent than that as we head towards the end of our story", wait what? It's ep 13 already! No... I'm not ready for the end.. With all these dramas with twice the numbering we're used to its caught me totally off guard! What'm I gonna do?! I'm loving the progression of our main quartet, it's going to be hard sayin goodbye to Ae ra and Dong man :-/


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I was surprised too to remember that it has been 13 episodes already after I finished watching the last epi. To be honest, I just wish the drama would continue until epi 20. I think I can watch it and think I love it that much.


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I actually don't think that JooMan saw Seolhee as plain and boring. He just felt guilty and inadequate every time she put him first, depriving herself. He wanted to take care of her and give her a home and an average life, but he couldn't manage. After six years he became increasingly frustrated that he couldn't accomplish what he set out to do. I think that the break up is the perfect opportunity for him to realize that the material aspect of their relationship is not as important as he thinks he is. As for Seolhee, she has to treat herself better and not be a mother to JooMan all the time.


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Couldn't agree more!!


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I love you for this comment ♡♡ you said everything I was thinking! I actually got really pissy that SH's mom pretty much said "men are all the same, you should be happy if they don't at least cheat on you" I hate that kinda thinking, if men are all the same, women are all the same. Both incorrect and neither solve anything.


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"If men are all the same, women are all the same." In other words, people are all the same. If that was true, the world would be an incredibly boring place.


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I ADORE this drama. I keep saying that and every week it rings more and more true. I need to keep an eye out for more dramas from this writer.
JM and SH's relationship is such a great study of societal roles in patriarchal society: they are both products of traditional upbringing and under capitalism, it makes them both unhappy. JM - because he fails to be the sole breadwinner, SH - because she's constantly underrated.


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thankyouuuu. yes this is the one i mean!


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I love this show so much! That is all.


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??? Dongman's aegyo!!! Hahaha

One thing I really love and appreciate about this drama is that none of them are successful and it's such a meaningful show about never giving up and following your dreams!
It isn't like a typical k-drama where the guy is some rich handsome arrogant cold chaebol and the girl is some poor lovable kind candy (although I also love k-dramas like that)! Fight my way is such a refreshing show!


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I am all in for the kiss attacks from Dong Man to Ae Ra. So cute.


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I really want to see her initiate some kisses, he deserves it.


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I find myself also more interested in Joo-Man and Seol Hee's relationship now than our main characters and still also torn between wanting Seol to date other man and getting back with Joo Man although i guess i'm leaning a little bit towards the reunion a tiny bit. I thought Joo Man wouldn't not be redeemable but seeing things from his point of view a little makes it easier to sorta sympathize with him. I loved that he told Ye Jin that he wasn't swayed by her but by the fact she reminded him of seol hee. Like that just proved to me he really really loves her and their relationship is mendable once they communicate more.

That said, Park Seo Joon has been getting more and more sexier in these past few episodes, like he's just the right kind of buff--not too buff and not lanky. Aside from the shower of kisses, i love when they cuddle together and he wraps Ae-ra under his forearm. Like he just has really nice forearms and now i want a man with that to hold me the way he holds Ae-ra. Is that too much to ask for??????? lol


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sorry about allllll the typos!


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Huh? There was typos? You mentioned PSJ forearms and I completely blanked. :)


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Thank you @lollypip for this episode recap.

First of all, let us all say RAWR for all those kisses. RAWR haha

There are so many things I like about FMW. So I'll just sum up that I LOVE this show. And that's it.

Many funny and convenient circumstances made me laugh. For some dramas which I don't like this much (e.g. Whisper), I found these things very annoying and shows bad writing. My bias for this show just makes me giggle when that super fighter from Brazil appeared and offered DM to teach him ground-fighting skills, Hye Ran disappeared from the story for the whole episode and Ae Ra's dream-chasing process hasn't been so much focused. I mean.. well who cares haha *smiling*, if the show is this good I don't mind these convenient coincidences at all. OK, just not make it too many, then that might be another thing.

I just cracked when DM started to make aegyo acts and those reactions from the people there.. whoa.. that's priceless. I loled so hard.

Have a bad feeling about that man Kyung Kyu. I have a feeling that he looks dangerous. I just don't like him. I don't like him at all.

My first thought when I learned that Hye Ran has ordered food everyday but the delivery man didn't meet her at all was that I was a bit surprised. I think this concerns me as well because the way Ae Ra passed the interview when she shouldn't have (you know, she wasn't very nice toward the interviewers and she shouldn't have passed naturally) bugs me for some reasons. At first I thought Hye Ran might decide to help her, but can't find any reasons to support that hypothesis. Then, somebody here suggests that she might try to embarrass Ae Ra.. I think that might be the case as well since I think Ae Ra will end up being the MMA stage announcer instead of her long-wanting a TV announcer position.

About that landlady, I also think that she's Ae Ra's mom solely because of Nam Il's words that 'you know you might end up being with me forever'. I think he implies that they share the same mother, so they are actually siblings. So I'm waiting to see who the landlady really is.

And LOVE the songs in this drama.. the right songs with the right speed and at the right times. Kudo to the producing team.


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???? big YES for the OST


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ALSO, i wish they didn't go in the direction they did with the landlady. I was hoping she was just a silly landlady/some mature role model for the guys so I'm not too invested in her mystery especially when the drama is almost over.


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Me too! I really don't care too much for her. The other older actress on the show gave back more to the show....so far I guess we will see.


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Wait they are all good actresses I meant character wise and plot.


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Is Kwak Si-yang tattoo real? o.O


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this ep was worth staying up for and watching with subs at 2:30am. what a surprise about land lady hwang.

i wouldn't mind the plot hole if hye ran does not appear anymore in the next episodes.

loving seol hee's singleness.go girl!


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omg, sooo funny, this episode!! everyone appears at the landlady's door...


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Usually my enthusiasm and pleasure for each episode steadily increases making the anticipation for the next killer but I'd say this episode was a bit of plateau for me. Of course I still had a good time watching it (Team FMW 4eva) but I wonder why. I think maybe I'm not totally on board with the landlady storyline or that it's been dragging too long especially since I was to see Ae-ra MC already, DM fight and some more exploration of JM & SH.
Also no more creepy stalker guy. -_-
Highlights <3
Aegyo battle!
JM and the bunny on the bed. (Did he buy a 2nd rabbit?)
Ahn Jae-Hong's amazing crying skills. He is reaching deep. Respect.
SH's showering herself with gems.
Ye-Jin getting told AGAIN.
Nam-il or whatever his name really is because he's a cutie & I like his character's attitude.
Of course all scenes with Ae-ra and DM being adorable.


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I don't find Seol-hee to be a healthy character at all, and it gives me hives just pondering about her. To have a dream to be a mom (and/or a wife) is just as valid as every other dream, but to put EVERYTHING in one person to the extent that she's subsumed by him, and is really nothing apart from him, is....just no. Not good for him, and not good for her.

And I am not too hopeful about the show's trajectory for her neither.


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I think that's the point the show's been making; not that it's a bad dream, but to silence yourself and try and force that one person to be your dream come true isn't healthy. I feel like even if they get back together, she'll be in a better place.
I mean, if it were my dream to be a wife/mother, I wouldn't be waiting around for a guy for six years with no proposal in sight. If she'd have had it out with Joo-Man years ago they'd be a healthier place altogether.


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I really love how natural DM and AeRa's kisses and how affectionate they are with each other in general. I've always found that kisses in kdramas almost always feel mechanic and sorta painful to watch, but PSJ and KJW do a great job with making it feel real. Also, Kwak Si-Yang ??? he could be offering me ride to the bottom of the ocean and I would be in that car in a heartbeat.


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Oh please don't go hehe. You'll be drown to dead unless you're the bride of the water god.


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If Dongman loses the match with Kim Tak Su just to save Aera from the creeper stalker, I will throw things at my screen! I think that storyline is unnecessary...


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But...who is Kyung-ku, and what does he have to do with Ae-ra?


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Let's count the "on the top of the bed scene" :D


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Haha so many people have asked for a bed scene, but they've been lying in bed for episodes now kissing and hugging and k-dramas don't show anything more, so I think we've gotten plenty of bed scenes until now.


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