Seven Day Queen: Episode 7

That was a really long week of waiting. Why am I so torn between wanting our two lovers to reunite, and wanting them to continue their I’m-not-him-yes-you-are-no-I’m-not dance? It’s cruel and mean, but damn if it doesn’t give me butterflies. I swear it’s not just me who can’t decide though—could the universe conspire for and against two people more?



Chae-kyung throws her arms around Yeok and cries into his back, insisting that he’s the prince. He can’t stop his own tears from coming, but keeps his back to her.

From down the street, Yeok’s friend Myung-hye is hit with a pang of jealousy as she spots them. She’s also the first to spot Scarface and his men, on the hunt for Yeok. Thinking fast, she screams, bringing all the attention to herself, and Yeok grabs Chae-kyung’s hand and flees just in time.

Scarface isn’t fooled for long and chases them into the woods, and his men shoot off arrows as they close in. One grazes Chae-kyung’s arm before landing in a tree, and then the next hits Yeok right in the shoulder. Ack, not again!

They manage to hide for a moment, and Yeok snaps the shaft of the arrow in his back with a painful grunt. Chae-kyung winces and asks why they’re being chased—a familiar question for them—and he gives a familiar answer: “It’s because you got involved in someone else’s affairs.”

She reaches out to check his wound, when Yeok suddenly whirls around her to fend off an oncoming attacker. He kicks and disarms one of them, and Chae-kyung picks up the sword to fight the other one. Well that’s brave.

Yeok is alarmed to see her swinging a sword, and leaps into the air to spin-kick her attacker, landing with a loud cracking noise. Whoa, did he just snap that guy’s neck? He grabs her hand and they run all the way to the river, where he finally lets go and steps away from her. But Chae-kyung won’t have that and just marches back over to him (he looks a little scared, heh), and she grabs his hand to lead the way.

She takes them into a cave, where they have a moment to breathe. Thankfully the arrow doesn’t look too deeply embedded in Yeok’s back, and he’s able to yank it out. Chae-kyung rips her skirt to use as a bandage, and he resists her help at first, but she just glares at him and gets her way.

She asks why he lied to her about not being the prince, upset about how much she yearned for him these last few days. She amends that to years, not days, asking tearfully if he knows how hard it’s been for her, and that’s without even knowing that he was alive and well all this time.

He asks sarcastically if he really seems well to her, and shakes her off as he says that he was planning to lie to her for the rest of his life if he could help it. He adds that he wouldn’t have acknowledged her at all, muttering that she’s so reckless and nosy and fearless on top of that. He shouts that every time he’s with her, he ends up in danger.

Chae-kyung’s lip quivers and her eyes fill with tears, and she asks innocently, “Did you really not miss me?” He asks her coldly what she thinks, making her cry. He’s crying too, though he manages to hide it from her.

He finally admits that he once lived by the name Lee Yeok and was the prince, until the day he was attacked by assassins on his way to exile and died. He tells her that he was shot and stabbed and he should’ve died, but by some miracle, he lived.

Chae-kyung is shocked to hear that he was attacked, and suggests going to his brother for help. He scoffs bitterly and says that was the naïve thought that once got him killed. He tells her to go ahead and ask for help if she wants him to die, and realization seems to dawn on her face.

Meanwhile, Royal Secretary Im uses all the manpower at his disposal to hunt Yeok down, using the king’s royal authority to its full extent. More and more officers spill onto the streets, and the palace gates are kept closed until the thieves are found. Yeok’s friends watch worriedly as the number of men increases, but Yeok is still nowhere to be found.

Back in the cave, Yeok notices that Chae-kyung is injured as well, but before he can mention it, she says brightly that she’s relieved that the person she’s come to like is him. She laughs at herself and admits that she was worried she’d given her heart to some weirdo.

She asks that they stay together just until sunrise, “because it’s our last.” She vows to never call his name or miss him or wait for him again after the sun rises, and declares, “The promise to wait is invalid now.”

While Yeok rests, she makes a salve out of plants and redresses his wound, and reaches out to his face. But his words about nearly dying and coming back to life flood her thoughts, and she can’t bring herself to make contact. She tamps down her tears and pulls her hand away, and as she leaves the cave, Yeok opens his eyes, having been awake all the while.

By the time Chae-kyung picks more medicinal leaves and washes the bloody bandages in the river, it’s daybreak. She’s so busy washing that she doesn’t notice a set of boots sneaking up behind her, and it’s the sound of a sword being unsheathed that finally catches her attention.

It’s too late by then, of course, because Scarface already has a sword at her throat. He asks where her male companion is, and the men drag her away. From the trees, Yeok’s friends watch in worry and wonder if they need to gather more of their team.

Myung-hye arrives and notices the leaves and bloody bandages, and realizes that Yeok is somewhere close by. The boys wonder why Chae-kyung and Scarface are heading up towards the rock cliff then.

It’s because she’s purposely leading them as far away from Yeok as possible, which Scarface doesn’t realize until they’re standing at the edge of a cliff. He slaps her and demands to know where Yeok is.

The next thing we know, someone creeps up to Yeok in the cave with ropes. He’s caught off-guard, and they manage to gag him and throw a sack over his head.

But Yeok’s kidnappers must not have been Scarface’s men, because he reports to Secretary Im that Yeok is still at large, but they’ve captured the girl who helped him escape. He shoves Chae-kyung forward, and Secretary Im chuckles to have caught Minister Shin’s precious daughter aiding a thief.

Chae-kyung is thrown in prison, and it begins to dawn on her what Yeok meant when he said that going to his brother for help nearly cost him his life. The sight of haggard prisoners frightens her, and she huddles on the ground.

Yeonsangun is shocked to hear that Chae-kyung has been imprisoned, and Secretary Im says that she spent all night with the thief and helped him evade capture.

Yeonsangun still finds it extreme to punish her like this, so Secretary Im admits that this is the thief who stole the royal tribute, fessing up to the fact that it wasn’t a flood that interfered with the last tribute. Yeonsangun wonders if Chae-kyung unwittingly helped the thief—the thief who happens to look like Yeok—without knowing what he did, though Secretary Im says they’ll have to question her to know for sure.

Yeonsangun decides to ask her for himself, and has Chae-kyung brought to him. She’s shocked to hear Yeok being referred to as a thief, and insists that he’s a merchant, and they happened to be together by chance. Yeonsangun says that all she has to do is tell him what she knows about the thief and they’ll let her go, but says she knows nothing.

He asks her again and again, knowing that she’s lying to him. Chae-kyung is unnerved but sticks to her answer. Yeonsangun’s gaze turns steely and he asks if she’s really planning to lie to him. “Is it because of Yeok?” he asks. Her stunned expression gives her away.

Yeonsangun finds it absurd that Chae-kyung would lie to protect a thief just because he resembles Yeok. But she argues that this man could have been framed, and Yeonsangun asks why on earth someone would bother to set a trap for some thief.

It continues to bother him that a mere resemblance to Yeok would spur Chae-kyung’s devotion like this, and Secretary Im suggests announcing Chae-kyung’s capture far and wide in order to lure the thief into their hands.

But Yeonsangun suddenly gets an idea and asks how the queen dowager is doing, and goes to her palace to see her laughing and smiling as she makes charms to ward off evil spirits. He seems to sense that her cheerful demeanor is an act, and his consort Nok-soo catches on that the king is beginning to suspect that his brother is alive.

Nok-soo can also tell that the queen dowager is aware of her son’s predicament, because in any other situation, she would’ve jumped at the chance to raise a stir over Minister Shin’s daughter being arrested. But the fact that she’s remained quiet indicates that she knows this would endanger Yeok. They gather that the king has put all this together as well, which would explain his angry target practice. Yeonsangun pulls his bow and arrow so taut that the string snaps and cuts his hand, and he storms off furiously.

He goes to stare at his father’s portrait, and in Yeonsangun’s eyes, the painting morphs into an image of his father declaring that Yeok will inherit the throne.

When Secretary Im and Nok-soo come up behind him, Yeonsangun asks, “The sin of killing my brother without my command, or the sin of making my dead brother return alive… which of the two is the bigger, heavier sin?” Oh. Damn.

Their jaws drop at the king’s words, and Yeonsangun tells them that the only reason he pretended not to know years ago was because it was the first time he’d ever felt free. He shakes as he says that his father’s will, and the prejudice against him for being tainted with his mother’s blood—all of that insecurity and anger had disappeared along with his brother.

But now… now all of it is coming back, he says, along with the misconception that he ordered his own brother’s death. He rattles with fury, and Secretary Im flinches when the king turns around to face him.

Yeonsangun puts a hand on his shoulder and says that he’ll leave Secretary Im in charge of this matter, but he warns that the second he no longer feels free, Secretary Im will lose everything. After the king leaves, Secretary Im tells Nok-soo that it’s kill or be killed.

To that end, Secretary Im has announcements plastered all over town, announcing that if the thief who stole the royal tribute doesn’t turn himself in, his accomplice Chae-kyung will be tried and punished for his crimes. Yeok’s buddies see the wanted posters and worry about what Yeok will do when he finds out, knowing that this is a blatant invitation for him to come out of hiding.

Yeok wakes up in a heavily guarded shed, bound and gagged. The yard is teeming with armed men, and he screams to be let out.

Chae-kyung’s parents come to see her in prison, and she apologizes for frightening them. Mom reassures her tearfully that she’ll be freed soon, and promises that Chae-kyung won’t have to get married because she can go down to the countryside and just live with Mom.

Dad says that she’ll have to take the fall for that thief if he doesn’t turn himself in to save her, and Chae-kyung’s eyes widen in alarm. She says that can’t happen, and panics at the idea that he’ll come here. She insists that he isn’t a thief, and that he saved her when she was danger.

Her father doesn’t understand why an innocent man would run, and why she would help hide him. Chae-kyung repeats Yeok’s words that you needn’t always do something wrong to be killed, and cries that she’s seen an innocent person chased and put to death. Mom asks what she intends to do then—die in his place? “Yes, I will take the punishment. I won’t ever let someone be hurt or die again because of me!” Chae-kyung cries.

Confused and frustrated, her parents question Chae-kyung’s nanny to find out what she’s been up to since she arrived in Hanyang on this last visit, and Nanny tells them about the crazy things Chae-kyung was rambling about—ghosts, beans, and the prince—and how she ran all over town looking for someone who resembled the prince. The mention of Yeok is all it really takes to alarm them.

They go straight to the palace to visit Minister Shin’s sister, the queen, and warn her to remain silent on this issue involving Chae-kyung because it could endanger her and her son. Minister Shin says that it’s no mere thief that the king is after and that Chae-kyung is trying to protect: It’s Yeok.

The queen doesn’t understand how, when she saw the queen dowager mourn his death with her own eyes. But Minister Shin argues that Yeok was cremated, against law, and Chae-kyung’s mother adds that the queen dowager doesn’t ever visit her son’s grave. It all supports the idea that she faked her son’s death.

At the same time, Deputy Commander Park alerts the queen dowager that Minister Shin’s side has caught wind of Yeok’s survival. She asks worriedly how Yeok is doing, and Myung-hye says that the Snail Brides are protecting him for now. Wait, so those are his own people holding him captive? Oh, that’s not going to end well.

The queen dowager takes out a small bottle and shows it to Myung-hye, explaining that it’s a poison she procured after hearing of Yeok’s death. She says that one dose will end her life, and orders Myung-hye to tell Yeok that the day he gets caught up in his childhood feelings and shows up to rescue Chae-kyung, his mother will take her own life. She tells them that she means it because she’d rather die than lose her son twice, and asks Myung-hye to remind Yeok that his life is not just his own.

Yeok struggles against his ropes and tries to bust through a weak part of the wall, to no avail. But then he discovers something in the corner: a couple of broken snail shells. Shocked, he looks out again at his captors, and that’s when he spots what looks like his buddy Gwang-oh behind a mask. You guys are so busted.

Yeok starts to saw away at his ropes against a wooden post, and by the time Seok-hee enters with a tray of food, it looks like Yeok has disappeared. Seok-hee panics, and that’s when Yeok gets the jump on him from behind and grabs him in a chokehold. Seok-hee just gasps and flails, trying to say that it’s him, and soon the other guys come rushing in.

They reveal their faces, and Yeok demands to know what happened to Chae-kyung. Finally Seo-no speaks up and tells him that Chae-kyung was arrested.

Yeok glares daggers at his men, and then storms past them to get on his horse. They race down to block his path, and Seok-hee cries that he’ll have to trample their dead bodies to get out of here, and lies down on the ground in protest.

The rest of the boys follow suit, but Yeok doesn’t slow down or change course, and just charges ahead. The boys all roll out of the way to avoid being turned into road-kill, and they chase after him on horseback.

Yeok races into the woods and then sends his horse ahead without him, and the Snail Brides chase after the horse, as he intended. He runs the rest of the way on foot, panicked and desperate.

Chae-kyung sits in her prison cell and takes out one of Yeok’s bloody bandages that she tucked into her sleeve, and she says to him in her thoughts, “Don’t come. You mustn’t come.”

Yeok goes straight for the gate that Scarface and his men are monitoring, and steals a hat to cover his face. It doesn’t do much to hide him from the crowd though, and one of the men spots him looking suspicious in the distance. As the man steps toward Yeok, the gate is opened and the crowd starts to rush through, and when the sea of people clears out, Yeok has seemingly vanished into thin air.

Minister Shin is met with judgmental eyes when he arrives at the assembly that day. Secretary Im announces that the king isn’t feeling well and that today’s session has been canceled, and makes a point of telling Minister Shin that everything will be taken care of once that thief is captured.

Minister Shin asks skeptically if he’s really going to such lengths to capture a simple thief, and warns Secretary Im that he’ll have to put his life on the line to catch him, or he’ll make sure Secretary Im gives up his life in payment. Deputy Commander Park listens in on their conversation, and he locks eyes with Minister Shin.

Myung-hye stomps into the pawnshop in a rage and screams at Seok-hee and Gwang-oh to get lost if they’re going to do things like this. They bristle at her tone and say that only Yeok gets to speak to them like that, but she argues that she is the one who brought Yeok back from the brink of death. How could anyone forget when you remind them once a day?

In flashback, we finally get to see how they first met five years ago. Myung-hye was traveling with her entourage when she stopped at the river for some water, and that’s when she came upon young Yeok, bloody and broken, but still alive. She narrates that he wanted to hang so dearly to his life that he was whistling with what strength he had left. Was it maybe Chae-kyung’s song?

She searched everywhere to find a corpse that resembled him, and when she finally found one, her men threw the body over a cliff and brought it back to the grandpa’s house where Yeok was recovering. He took off his own shoes and placed them on the body, and they sent it to the palace to fake his death.

In the present, Myung-hye asks how they’re supposed to throw away Yeok’s dream of becoming king “just for some girl,” adding that Gwang-oh and Seok-hee tossed aside their personal ambitions to run a pawnshop because they dreamed of a new Joseon.

Seo-no says he’ll set out to find Yeok, but he makes it clear that he’s not going to stop him—he’s going to help Yeok find a safer alternative.

Yeonsangun paints China roses over and over again, visibly agitated. He’s surprised when Minister Shin comes by with official business and doesn’t say a word about Chae-kyung, so he asks why he hasn’t come to plead for his daughter’s life.

Minister Shin says that there must be a reason that both Chae-kyung and Yeonsangun are acting this way, and he says that he trusts the king completely, because before they are king and servant, they’re family. His words seem to affect Yeonsangun, who looks emotional as he sends Minister Shin away.

Once he’s gone, Yeonsangun crumples his painting into a ball and asks angrily why his people have to suffer because of Yeok.

Outside the Euigeumbu where Chae-kyung is being held prisoner, Yeok approaches and hides behind a tree. He’s changed into a nobleman’s disguise, though where he found a fake beard in Joseon at this hour is beyond me.

He takes a step forward and then starts marching right up to the front doors, ready to walk into the trap. But before he gets there, his friends cut him off and rush him away.

Chae-kyung becomes increasingly weak and sick in her prison cell, and she finally notices the festering wound on her arm. She hurries to hide the wound when someone approaches her cell, but then her face falls when she realizes that it’s just the guard with her dinner.

She thinks to herself, “I must have gone crazy. I know you shouldn’t come, and yet I looked back, hoping. How can a person be this selfish?”

Yeok tries to shake off his friends, who hold him back with all their strength. He stills when he sees someone else racing to the entrance on horseback—it’s Yeonsangun.

Yeonsangun looks past the doors, and Yeok watches with bated breath. But Yeonsangun just stands there for a long moment and can’t bring himself to go in, and in the end he gets back on his horse and rides away.

He goes to the river where he first met Chae-kyung and smiles as he thinks of their recent encounters. Minister Shin’s words that they’re family weigh on him, and he asks his bodyguard if Chae-kyung has gotten into his heart because she resembles her father so much. You keep telling yourself that.

Back at Yeok’s hideout, Myung-hye shows him the bottle of poison his mother has vowed to take if he endangers himself again. She argues that they’ll all die, because they vowed to protect Yeok and die before he did. “Because you are our dream and our hope,” she says, which gives him pause.

Gwang-oh says there’s too much at stake for them to throw it all away now for one girl, and he argues that there’s no way that Chae-kyung will die, but Yeok will surely be killed if he turns himself in. Yeok doesn’t say a word in protest, but Seo-no seems to be the only one who sees his pain.

Yeok sits alone with his thoughts, mulling over his friends’ pleas not to throw away what they’ve worked so hard for. He reaches for Chae-kyung’s promise ring that’s hanging around his neck, and thinks back to her saying that she’d consider his promise invalid and stop waiting for him.

In her cell, Chae-kyung remembers that same vow and unties the bandage she’d tied around her arm, determined not to hope and wait for Yeok to come.

Yeok snaps the ring off of his neck and says aloud, “You promised, Shin Chae-kyung,” and throws it into a drawer. Aw, no!

Nok-soo warns Secretary Im that the king is softening to Minister Shin. She suggests that they force Yeok’s hand by putting Chae-kyung in more direct danger. She needles him about fearing Minister Shin, which fires up Secretary Im’s inferiority complex right on cue, and then she suggests that they tie Chae-kyung up in the street.

That night, Chae-kyung is joined in her cell by another young woman, who keeps her face hidden. Chae-kyung tries to engage her in conversation, asking how she ended up here, and she lifts her face to speak…

Crap, it’s Myung-hye. I don’t know whether to be happy or scared, because she could be here to rescue or assassinate, and they’re equally plausible scenarios. What are you going to dooooo?

Myung-hye pretends to be a poor peasant girl with a harsh life, and Chae-kyung listens earnestly and then gives Myung-hye her straw blanket to keep warm.

Myung-hye seems startled at the kind gesture, wondering how Chae-kyung can manage to smile at a time like this. Chae-kyung asks if she’s heard anything about the thief at large, hoping to hear that he hasn’t been captured yet.

Myung-hye asks why Chae-kyung doesn’t talk, because if she continues like this, she’ll surely die. Chae-kyung shocks her by replying, “Then he won’t have to come for me. I said I wouldn’t wait. I’m not going to wait. I cannot allow him to die again because of me.”

Seo-no hangs a sign outside the pawnshop that they’re closed for the time being, and then is confused to come inside and find Yeok casually playing a game with Gwang-oh like it’s some ordinary day. It upsets him so much that he knocks all the pieces off the board, and he asks incredulously, “Are you really not going to do anything? Were you always this cowardly and afraid?”

Yeok acts like this is normal for him, but Seo-no argues that he’s never seen Yeok be cowardly a day in his life, not when Yeok and Chae-kyung saved him all those years ago, and not when Yeok came back from the dead and sought him out. Seo-no says that he vowed to live for Yeok and live like him, and that the person who moved Yeok’s heart to live that way in the first place was Chae-kyung.

Yeok says that he’s right about all of it, and then says casually, “So what, all I had to do was die.” He tells Seo-no that he regrets all of it—listening to Chae-kyung that day and getting involved in Seo-no’s business, going up against his brother, and dying a criminal. Seo-no looks stricken at his words, and asks if Yeok really means it.

Yeok turns his eyes away, but he says that he does mean it, so Seo-no declares that there’s nothing more for him to do here and storms out. Noooo, not Seo-no too! Why do you make everyone cry?

Yeok says he warned the rest of the Snail Brides not to come near the pawnshop for the time being. Gwang-oh thinks that’s smart since Chae-kyung will mention the pawnshop when she’s questioned, and Yeok glares. They return to their game, and Yeok wonders which color stone is more advantageous to play with, and Gwang-oh says white because it’s the king, and the king can do anything.

Yeonsangun drinks and asks his bodyguard why Yeok has been hiding all these years, and why Chae-kyung is lying to him. The bodyguard suggests that Yeok may be hiding because he died a criminal, but Yeonsangun is positive that it means Yeok suspects his brother for ordering his death, and is determined to get revenge and claim the throne.

Yeonsangun hopes that it’s really just a thief who looks like Yeok, otherwise he’ll have to kill him with his own hands this time.

While Yeok contemplates the white stone and what it means to be king, Myung-hye gets up in her prison cell after Chae-kyung is asleep. In a flashback to an earlier conversation with her uncle, she said that this would only end if Yeok turned himself in… or if Chae-kyung died. Oh no.

She had the idea to make it appear as though Chae-kyung took her own life in prison, and in the present, Myung-hye creeps closer to her. In her sleep, Chae-kyung murmurs over and over, “Don’t come,” and Myung-hye notices her bloody arm and wonders how Chae-kyung endured in her condition.

But then she takes out the bottle of poison and says in an ice-cold voice that Chae-kyung will thank her, because this poison will end her pain. So much for sympathy.

From their respective places, Yeok and Yeonsangun steel themselves for the battle ahead.


Aw man, does Myung-hye have to be evil? I guess not eeevil evil, but she sure is murderous. Despite not liking her possessive side (saving a guy’s life once doesn’t make him yours!), I was rooting for Myung-hye not to go dark side, because I actually understand her argument earlier in the episode that everyone is pinning their hopes and dreams on Yeok, and that their cause means nothing if they don’t have a king to back. It may be an unfair burden on Yeok to have all of these people putting their lives on the line for him, but it’s the truth of his position, that he can’t just go gallivanting off to be the big ol’ hero now when he has all of these people looking to him to be their new leader.

Of course, I understand all that in theory, while I spent the hour screaming at him for being a heartless jerk who abandoned his love. Because he’s supposed to be the one who’s different from his brother, the one who doesn’t throw away the people he loves just to keep his power! I’m with Seo-no on this one, and the prince and I are on a time-out until he stops pretending not to care about Chae-kyung. I know he’s lying to himself to try and distance his emotions and make the calculating move, but he has this habit of being so cruel and biting with his words when he lies, almost like he knows he has to hurt people’s feelings to break their unwavering trust in him. I would argue that his thinking is probably simpler—he’s lying to himself above all—but even knowing that, I wanted Seo-no to sock him in the face for saying that he regretted what he and Chae-kyung did to save Seo-no and his father.

It’s a good conflict, despite the setup being so familiar in almost every historical drama ever. We know Yeok wants to save Chae-kyung and that she would rather die than let him die again to save her, and the more each of them wants to sacrifice themselves for the other, the more it rips our hearts out. It helps that it’s not a senseless sacrifice, because Yeok’s identity as the prince, and therefore his life, is on the line. I know that Chae-kyung shouldn’t feel guilty over Yeok’s first brush with death, but I’m glad she was quick to understand the situation and read between the lines now, because I was concerned she’d have blind faith in Yeonsangun and do the stupid thing a second time. In youth you could chalk it up to their innocence and trust in the king, but now it would be foolish of her to tell Yeonsangun everything and trust that he wouldn’t try to kill his brother a second time. Her loyalty to Yeok in that moment makes all the difference, and I want—no, I need—Yeok to know that she would always choose him. I’m pretty sure the damn fool even knows that, deep down.

I thought it was pretty great to have all those callbacks to their childhood moments together, even as they were running for their lives (from the same assassin, no less), bickering as they always did. I just adore Chae-kyung’s unflappable optimism and how relentless she was about uncovering Yeok’s identity, and how among all the horrible things he said to her, she found a way to be happy over the fact that she wasn’t cheating on the memory of Yeok by being attracted to him. She cracks me up, and I’m sad that we’re already done with the stage of the romance where she’s torn between the two Yeoks because she’s unsure they’re the same person. It’s okay, I’ll just wait for the bickering to resume once Yeok comes to his senses and saves her. Because I’m not accepting any other scenario, and that’s that.


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Auuughhhh waiting for the new episodes of this is just painful, but then they arrive and the pain gets worse!! I admit I wanted to spend much more time in that cave where she was taking care of Yeok (I also kept having flashbacks to the Hunger Games during that scene!) because the two of them are just electric together. And I find it amazing that the show is still managing to make me feel sympathy for Yeonsangun even when he's being his most manic and paranoid - his position is an unenviable one to say the least, and LDG is just so good at expressing the pain underlying the anger and hatred that he draws me in every time. Looking forward to what I assume will be the crisis point coming in tomorrow's episode!!


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Yes! I just hope that the ending won't follow the actual history QQ --- please have CK and Y to live happily together ~!!


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I have to say -- I'm enjoying this series a lot more than Ruler, although the plot slightly overlaps, I can feel the chemistry between the two mains more.


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agreed with you, as i even dropped the Ruler, their plot getting so draggy & boring.

SDQ ftw~ lol


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I really love tragic endings but this time, I just want them to be together.


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Same. I usually like tragic endings, but this show is literally tearing my heart apart since I want them to end up together so badly, after everything they endured.
As of this episode, since I know Chae Kyung doesn't die yet, seeing Myung Hee's character even considering the thought of using poison to kill Chae Kyung makes me disappointed. She doesn't possess Yeok even after physically saving his life. I think that Yeok lived for Chae Kyung during his healing time. On that topic, their sacrifices that they are willing to commit for each other is so heartbreaking that I just can't but hope that everything will end better for them, despite knowing that it probably won't happen.
Until the next episodes.


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Their historical ending is what makes their story stood out. That's why it has been told through generations even as a folktale.
Stories of great tragedy can be inspiring and heartfelt but I guess it depends on how you look at it.


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I agree. Without the history as their background story, we wouldn't feel the gravity of their situation. Granted, if they were fictional characters, we would feel for them as well, but by basing them on real historical figures, their ending is what get to us the most.


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I'll join in the chorus. It is one thing to have feels so real for fictional characters but it's a wholly different level when you realize these characters are based on real people. Their suffering is real and so is the tragedy. That's what gets me every time I watch a Chinese or Korean historical drama.


I agree! I was waiting for this episode to see how the prince would react to Chae Kyung recognizing him... but then they had to end this episode with my babygirl's life in danger yet again!! is it tomorrow already??


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I don't want the ending to come :'( All of the short, romantic moments since the beginning are so bittersweet to watch. I want them to have a happy ending, but this drama won't deliver that. Like you said, this drama is painful to watch but that's the reason I keep watching. The everything about this drama is amazing!!


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I didn't think about the hunger games until you mentioned it but omg I see it too.

This kind of show always brings such heartbreaking angst but then they dangle moments between the two leads and I'm okay (or as okay as I can be when life and death are at stake) for the rest of the episode


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LDG is handsome compared to Yeon so who cannot feel sympathy with him after all love does matter when comes to the Queen , sorry to say I dont feel happy with the Prince Jinseong wish he 's dead ! He betrayed The Queen by having his men killing her parents though he didn't about it . Same thing with the King he didn't know his men planning to kill Yeok . After all while he still give Yeok a chance to live after treason plot exposed !


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This is the time when I wish we are in the drama about reincarnation or deity or something supernatural and magical so I can see them, having another life or turn back the time to be happy as a commoner.

I understand where they come from, it just I wish I can tell them to talk without prejudice and just like girlfriday say: "in theory" they better do that.
I feel like this is too far to reconcile and I am really glad that SEO NO, finally THE SEO NO that being quite while also there when they are a child told Yeok that he is acting as if chae kyong is nothing when he knows he didn't want that.

I think staying low is the right decision but it doesn't mean yeok should not thinking what he can do to help.

Myung Hee makes me think that what she likes is not yeok but the idea of having him. The feeling of having someone to feel like she is important when she can be important without having the entirety of someone.
Seriously drama, her intention to harm chae kyung should also be known by yeok or someone, she is dangerous.


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exactly what you said... MH trying to kill ChaeKyung must not be taken lightly by the prince ,ChaeKyung or Seo Noh. and I so can see everyone just letting it slide because she "loves" Yeok


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I cringe every time she emphasizes that she saved Yeok. She is the reason he is alive. She makes it as if she owns Yeok and it drives me crazy. I was clapping when Seo-no told her Yeok survived not with just that alone but with his love for Chae-kyung.

I believe she does like Yeok but like you said, she's indeed dangerous.


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I tell you, Myung Hye must be a major reason why Chaekyung would be booted off her throne. I can already see her plotting against Chaekyung. Ugh


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Well, given that Myung Hye's character is based on Queen Janggyeong, she dies fairly young at age 23 (but was still queen consort for quite a long time before that, like seven/eight years).


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Yeah, it's a shame she died young giving birth to her 2nd child.

I don't think I can stand Myung Hye gloating when Chaekyung is deposed and she becomes queen herself ?


I have hopes that she sees how devoted CK is to Yeok and backs off. And learns that she is being harmful. Please writer-nim make her in the end a good person and supporter of Yeok. She's too one-dimensionally possessive/creepy right now, but we keep seeinh glimpses that she has compassion. I hope we see those glimpses turn into something larger. I really like how resourcefull MH is and it'll be wonderful for CK to have a badass female friend in the midst of aaaall this hostility and hatred toward her and her family.


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viu's subtitles was inaccurate for a large part of this ep (compared to other eps)... this recap is more accurate than the subtitles honestly


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Thank you thank you for the recap!

Amazing episode as always. Up until now the conflict feels logical and I can understand where everyone stands and why they do what they did. Not to mention the emotional delivery is on point. This is the first PMY drama where I love her character.

Please stay amazing, Show!


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Every episode I find myself on the brink of tears. Just another emotional moment and I find myself bawling. I can and can't wait to see how the rest of the show progresses because, just as much as you, I really hope this drama stays on top with the emotional capability and story line. Currently, everything is just fantastic. I sure hope it stays that way :)


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I'm loving this series so much; the characters are so dynamic and their seems to be always a reasonable reason to their actions. MH -- please don't kill CK!! She's nice than you think, and I won't accept you for being a character who is just plain evil.


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Compared to the other sageuks airing right now, for me, this one takes the cake. I love all the characters and don't want to see this drama end.... I don't want MH to be evil as much as you do. Like girlfriday said, just because you save a guy who was about to die, doesn't mean that his life is magically connected to yours. I really want MH to realize that CK is actually a good person (LOL) and all the reasons that Yeok fell in love with her.


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I think realisation hits her during their interaction in the prison cell. However that realisation can be overshadowed by jealousy and selfishness, as MH can delude herself into thinking she loves Yeok more. I really don't want MH to go down that path, but I can see potentially interesting conflict within MH herself if the show chooses to explore this even further. It doesn't matter where MH will end up: she can give in to her selfish reasons and completely disregards CK, or she can sympathise with CK and Yeok's love and takes a step back, or she can sympathise with CK but still choose herself above everyone else, regardless of what Yeok thinks about her. There are several possibilities where she can end up, but the journey to that specific destination would be interesting to watch.


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It's amazing how kids in the 1500s immediately recognise each other when they run into each other as adults and yet in 2037, everyone in their mother have trouble recognising one grown up brother from another from 2017.


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They are twins, twins look more alike.


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It is the smog. Smog makes it harder to see. Future air pollution is no joke yo.


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I just loved that moment when Chae Kyung picked up a sword and started to fight even if it was only for a short time. I cheered for her because she is so unlike the many heroines aka damsels in distress we see in kdramaland who just stay frozen in a fight, while the hero saves them. And the way she bore her plight with such dignity all the while suffering from a broken heart really showed her spirit and character!


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I loved that scene so much! But, it was then that she also realized that the guy she fell in love with wasn't the same one as now. Also, the way she was strong in the cell really got to me. She wanted to take the blame and everything because of how she felt about Yeok. I really don't want this drama to reach the end ??


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I like that too. She learned from her father. It is great to see a heroine fight to save her beloved.
She has dignity, brains, loyalty and strength. All good traits that will serve her well.


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Chae-kyung is the best heroine for me so far in 2017 -intelligent, brave, loyal, and carries with so much integrity. Her naivete is understandable and her cheery disposition has never become inappropriate or annoying. I do hope in her future banishment she can at least find some solace.


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They are doing such a good job with the romance. I'm so invested that I seriously have to catch my breath because my heart can't take what's happening. The foundation has been set so strong from their childhood that it just feels so organic now even with the adult counterparts.

Eeeeee Myung-hee, whyyyyyy! I was thinking Chae-kyung would move her and make her understand why Yeok cannot move on from loving her. I know there's no way Chae-kyung would die now but damn, Myung-hee! I was starting to feel for you.

I'm glad Seo-no stands up for his beliefs. He's the only one who understands what Yeok and Chae-kyung mean to each other. He knows that Yeok is lying to himself and he voiced his opinions out. I had doubts with Chansung but he's doing a really good job. Now, I can't wait until he meets Chae-kyung too and they can be happy three friends again.

Crazy. I haven't watched raw stuff for a long time now but with SDQ, I just can't help myself. Thanks for recaps!


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I feel like this shows keeps making me hold my breath for the entirety of the episode.

When I saw MH show some shock at CK being her pure self, I was really hoping that she would see why CK wasn't the one to be targeted.

When I saw Yeok playing that game, I thought it was going to be one of those scenes where he pretends to do nothing and then sneaks out later on. I still don't think he's just going to leave CK but I feel like he was seriously contemplating it because of the responsibility he had for everyone else.


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I don't usually write comments but this drama has seriously taken my heart... so it hurts so much to see ChaeKyung in pain... longing and waiting for the prince but at the same trying to protect him. and I just can't forgive neither the king nor the prince for not doing anything to save her. I understand Yeok's situation, and I don't want him to risk everything he's worked for just for a girl, but dude survived a sure death, he can surely think of a plan to save her while lowering the probabilities of dying right? how can he live with the fact that she might be in pain while he was playing chess?? (clearly it wasn't chess but the name of the game doesn't matter)
and the King... I was rooting for him until this episode... how can he not be glad that his little brother is alive? how can he have known all this time that he was assassinated by the deputy and turned a blind eye to it, even be relieved someone did it for him??? he's such a coward , he can't even have the bravery to kill him himself this second time. I can't hate him because I can see why he is like that, but I won't forgive him either.
finally, I just need ChaeKyung to be happy and not cry. she was heartbroken when the prince said all those ugly things in the cave to her yet, (like someone said before) find something happy of it. Let's go fighting to the end Chae Kyung-ah!!


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I know Yeonsangun is supposed to be evil but I was really surprised with that scene. I can't believe that his first reaction to knowing his brother is alive is to be threatened. Like dude, your brother is alive but you're wishing him to be dead? He's paranoid and the people around him are not helping at all. Only Chae-kyung can neutralize his evil side but now, he won't even do something to save her from death.


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I was so surprised when he went to the jail and just walked, well rode, away. I mean, come on! You care for the girl but you won't do anything to help her? All because you feel threatened by your brother who you haven't seen in years. Yep, makes total sense.


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Story of Yeonsangun's life. He is capable of love but his paranoia will always blind him to it.


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Just to elaborate: Yeonsangun has lived a comfortable life without the threat that his brother would take the throne from him these last five years. As much as he loved Yeok, his paranoia and jealousy were always paramount when they were younger. Yeok was better off to Yeonsangun as a fond memory than an actual living, breathing person who probably has a grudge against him. I'm not surprised he didn't take the news that Yeok is alive well.


It's obvious that Yeonsangun is happier with Yeok dead than alive. He loved his brother yet he hated him at the same time. So as long as Yeok is alive, he'd conflicted and tormented. He wasn't the one who ordered the murder of Yeok but he has now tasted the 'goodness' which existed when he thought Yeok was no longer in this world. Now, he will kill Yeok himself if he has to, there's no turning back. He has also reasoned correctly that Yeok is back for revenge.

His demons are too many and too huge for Chae Kyung to overcome. I am not surprised that he didn't do anything to save her. While I don't think he wants her dead, he is willing to let her be used as a bait to rid of the thorn in his flesh - Yeok.


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Why doesn't he hate his father, who after all was the rout of his problem?


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It is regretful that Yeonsangun favors Nok-soo instead of his Queen who seems to be good and kind who possibly can have the kind of effect Chae-kyung does on the King.


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The queen seems good-hearted and genuine in her affection for the Yeonsangun, but she sadly doesn't have Chae-kyung's forceful personality to enable her to break down her husband's walls.


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Amazing as always. I really have no words for this drama. I'm saying the same thing over and over, but I can't stop saying it. All the emotion packed into each episode of this drama is hard to handle. The pain in the main characters is what makes this drama what it is (obviously). I wanted Myung-hye to be nice and everything. I sincerely wanted Myung-hye to realize why Yeok fell in love with Chae-kyung. She's right by what she said to Yeok. All of his friends rely on him for their hopes and dreams and if he dies, everything of their's goes down the drain. I just wished she didn't have to turn. Last thing I'm going to say, Yeok you better save your girl. You should know that deep down you're the only guy Chae-kyung loves and will ever love. So. next episode I better see you going after the love of your life. Speaking of, does he still think that Chae-kyung and Yeonsangun are a thing?


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"Speaking of, does he still think that Chae-kyung and Yeonsangun are a thing?"

You know what, I feel like the writers failed to explore that part. We never got a follow up on that, what's with that? Chaekyung is obviously not married as proven by her hairstyle, and Yeok should know that?? Or not...


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I hope that it gets answered later on in the series because it was a big part in why Yeok ignored Chae-kyung. If it's not answered, I think I found the one and only "bad" thing about this drama LOL


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For some reason I think they won't bring this up again... Yeok seems to completely forgot about it (but I hope they do because it's just bad writing if they don't). I'm so confused on why Yeok thinks she's married to the King, as the royal consort does he really think she can leave the palace whenever she wants... Yeonsan also called Chaekyung "wife" (bu-yin) which basically means official wife, which is Chaekyung's aunt! So confusing seriously.

Really hope the writers would explain this, or else I'd be pretty disappointed.


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I don't think Yeok considered them to be officially married, per se. Just that Chae-kyung is Yeonsangun's lover and they were intimate enough for him to call her "wife" despite the unofficial nature of their relationship.


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Yeah maybe, I wish they would address this again though. It's odd to call your lover "wife" though (the term is reserved for your official wife - the queen)


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Idk. It's not something that bothers me. Besides, at least in the sageuks I've seen, the king usually calls his queen by title (jungjeon) instead of "wife". Yeok prolly interpreted this as a term of endearment rather than an actual confirmation that Chae-kyung is married, and that that bonding in the inn was an assignation between secret lovers.


Oh maybe yeah. Although I remember in that scene right before the kiss Yeok said she's a married woman. Now I'm even more confused ?


He prolly didn't mean it literally. He said it as a reminder that she has a lover she considers a "husband". At least that's how I interpret it.


I agree with Elle, I do think he said it out of jealousy and spite rather than actually buying that she's married. If he did buy that she's a married woman he wouldn't spend the day out with her in ep 6. During the scene where Yeonsangun came out of the room and called CK 'wife', Yeok said 'go be loyal to your new lover', which I think pretty much sums up what he truly interpreted their relationship then: as lovers.

It might also have to do with terms of endearment back in the day. I don't recall hearing someone call the person they love 'my sweetheart' or 'my love' in a sageuk before, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Considering people in ancient times married young, very often through arranged marriage and not usually through love, 'byun' might be the most (if not only) readily available term of endearment to suggest that the other person is in a solid relationship. I really can't picture Yeonsangun saying out loud, 'What's going on, my lover?' in that situation (or any situation).


They were outside and king pretended to be normal man, that is why he called a wife, perhaps?


@urnaa Yeonsangun called her "wife" to drive away the stranger in black (Yeok) and protect her by making said stranger think her husband was with her. He thought she wouldn't mind because she's not interested in getting married anyway.


@elle i know. That is why he called wife not chunjeon.


She was not Yeonsangun's lover,they were just friends.


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I think Yeok's jealousy stem from the fact that while he was away the king and Chae Kyung were spending more time together and saw that they are pretty close not necessarily romantically close. For the king to be able to talk about some sensitive issues to Chae Kyung is sign how much they trust each other and trust is something that is build overtime.


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Ugh, so much angst already and we're only episode 7, not even half way!! How can we survive...

Obviously Chaekyung won't be poisoned next episode, but I can't believe Myung Hye already has such murderous thoughts about her it really concerns me. Talk about obsessiveness! The guy clearly isn't into you and yet you insist he is yours, okaaaaaay. I really wonder how the heck does Yeok and Chaekyung manage to get married in the future with so many obstacles, Yeok's mother would be furious and probably threaten to kill herself.

I'm getting tired of the cold faced Yeok, he's even mean to his best friend Seo Noo, what the heck.

PD-nim enough with the angst, save those for the later episodes, give us some romance already TT___TT


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i am just absolutely LOVING this drama -- they are breaking my heart, and they're going to totally destroy it by the end (based upon the title and premise of the story)....

waaaaahhhhhh.... but i love it so......

yeon woo jin is so FABULOUS (and can i say HANDSOME?) in this role, as he was in Marriage Not Dating -- and he SHOULD have been in that last drama, had the writing not sucked...

<3 him, Yeon Woo Jin...


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I just want to hit Yeok in the head for saying horrible things. I know he is resisting from caring too much. He is lying to himself because we all know that he still cares. And I know that Yeok will find a way to save Chae Kyung.. right?! He has to.

This show just has a way of making you understand and care for the main trio. Yes even the mean Yeonsangun. I feel sorry for Yeok and ChaeKyung for being born and falling for the other in the midst of this political climate. They have to pull through and I just want to see them happy for however long that may be.


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The way he lashes out at the people who love him is so mean and cruel. I realise that he is torn between his duty and his love but driving away people who have known, loved and supported him all through his life is just not the way to go about things. I was hoping that Seo No would be the voice of reason since he understands Yeok the best and was delighted that he spoke in favour of Chae Kyung when others were just addressing her as 'the girl'!! I hope he got through to Yeok and got him motivated to save her.


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Yes, I love Seo No for that. He knows Yeok's heart best even if Yeok is too blind or proud to admit it.


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Part of the reason why SN spoke up in CK's defence, in my humble opinion, is that, as the witness to Y's growth, obviously no one understands CK's importance in awakening Yeok to his motivation as SN, and no one understands her kindness as he (among Yeok's comrades). The other guys and MH only think of CK as someone Yeok loved, and reasonably think he was too swallowed up in a lost love. They didn't know CK was the one to encourage Y to step out of the confinement he'd been putting up for himself around and for the sake of Yeonsangun, and to be his self who is concerned about the well-being of the people. SN experienced it first-hand because he was also a part of Yeok's first growth in the past, and he owes CK more than just his life.

I can't really blame Yeok's other friends because they haven't known CK as a person; while for MH, I think their encounter in prison has opened her eyes to CK's selflessness, even if she chooses to let jealousy and possessiveness blind her later on. Having said that, I'm also glad SN will be the voice of reason for Yeok; and that besides Yeok there will always be someone who understands and is willing to help CK.


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Beautifully worded! Can't agree with you more about Seo No. He was one of the three who went through that life changing ordeal, something which the others would never understand.

About Myung Hye, I'm glad that the child actress conveyed the same sense of single-mindedness. I won't be surprised if seeing how good a person CK is, MH is even more determined to get rid of her. In her warped mind, no one who deserves Yeok better than herself.


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And it doesn't help because the QD actually allows MH's obsession over her son and sort of confirms that she deserves Yeok more than anyone else.

As soon as I see realisation hits MH that CK is as willing to sacrifice for Yeok as MH would, I was almost ready to sympathise with her. Now I'm curious where the show would take her from here and how it would quench the last glimmer of hope I've got for her to redeem herself later on in the story.


I give much props to the writer to create a character like SN who provides a different perspective to the relationship between our couple with more depth and continuity.


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Okay, I'm ginna stray away from the main plot and subplot and what not and just say that, YWJ really does look like the younger brother to LDG's older bro character in the drama. Mainly because LDG is taller than YWJ aha (right?) Also, maybe it's their acting skills but I do see LDG as the more mature thing going on (face wise) whereas YWJ, despite all the pouty puckering I'm-hurt-and-want-revenge kind of expression, I do see the boyish charm ehe.

Just like Pinocchio's Ki Hamyung and his hyung! ???


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Woah! That's a very quick recap. Thanks @girlfriday I'm really in love with this drama and reading this helps me get through the hella-like waiting game for me to get my next dose of this painful yet very satisfying drama. Thank you!


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It still ep 7 but I already praying with all of my heart for a happy ending, is it so much to ask? Or I will only watching until they become king and queen tho?
And I really love how soe noh acts, he's the only one who understands what chae gyung means to yeok.


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we're one with you. I don't mind even having our 2 main leads being reincarnated at the end just so to satisfy my craving for a happy ending waaaahhhhh


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Haha, so many of us here love our leads so much that maybe we should petition the writers to morph this historical drama into a historical/fantasy/mystery fusion saguek.

Maybe a little time traveling so they live happily in the modern time Chicago Typewriter style, you know, love each other "for the country"?


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I love Chae Kyung in this episode, she's everything I want my female character to be.

I was a little worried last week when I wasn't sure if Chae Kyung has situational awareness and she came across as a little too naive. Thankfully she prove me wrong. She's so quick on the uptake that the King and Yeok are enemies although she's not given the full picture at all. She is also very fast to realize that Yeok is a changed man, scarred by the terrible things that had happened to him and somehow he blames her for it. Although her heart might never be ready, she was resolute to make a total break with him. As if these aren't enough, she is actually ready to die so that he won't.

Noble idiocy and sacrifice are all familiar tropes but here, I totally understand why Chae Kyung does what she does. This episode showed up more of Yeok's faults and while he made me angry, I am glad with how this is going. We must remember that this is the future king who will agree to depose his queen no matter how much he loved her. I love it when shows are consistent with their characters. They don't just change overnight. We are given glimpses to the little idiosyncrasies, both weaknesses and strengths so that we understand them better.

I am even fine with Myung Hye being more evil than I expected. From the moment, she said Yeok's body belong to her, I mark her as obsessed. She further fueled by the annoying queen dowager who calls her future daughter-in-law and has the audacity to give the rights of her son's body to MH. It's fairly certain that these people will be instrumental in Chae Kyung's fate and sadly, they will win.

After a horribly frustrating show like Ruler whose heroine is used as a plot device, I am so happy to find Chae Kyung. This show is about the Seven Day Queen, not Yeonsangun, Prince Jinseong and their toy. Please continue to be awesome!


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(Furiously nodding my head with everything you said so beautifully)

I love watching a dramatic story unfold where I can understand everyone's motivations and the actions in consequence. How rare it is for me to understand the noble idiocy of our heroes, and embrace the "villainous" second leads in both an insane King and scheming future 2nd Queen. This world feels real and this journey rewarding.


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Very eloquently put. I just have to nod in agreement. If I could like a comment a million times, I would. Sadly, liking something is just a one-time thing. :)


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Word couldn't describe my love for this drama. I'm gonna say it again THIS IS MY FAVOURITE SAGEUK right now.

I understand MyungHee motif, desire and I had always "try to make sense" her behaviour. But nooo why would you kill CK. It rather jealousy than "trying to save" Yeok. There are sooo many other ways than killing CK.

Finally SeoNo speaks! He is the only one who understands Yeok's yearning and feeling. I need SeoNo to beat the hell out of other 'snail wives' gang. Dont you understand, while MH heal Yeok wound, CK is the reason Yeok still alive!!!

This drama promises heartbreaking romance and it delivers! Not like other drama *ehem*


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I don't know how this will end but I hope it's a good one. I want to travel to the future to watch the last episode lol. This drama is painfully satisfying!


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Yes, you coin it! This one is really 'painfully satisfying'.

I'm happy even with a sad ending. I don't mind it actually, as long as all the conflicts are built and resolved in a satisfying manner. Who are we to go against history? Well at least even if we don't have a happy ending I am comforted knowing that in real life she lived until old age, and from the folklore it sounds like they still thought of each other despite being torn apart.


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I want underground tunnels between the Palace and her residence so they can have secret rendezvous for the rest of their lives!! Writer-nim, you can at least console the devoted fans with that in the ending, right?


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Haha, maybe they'll have Seo-No and Yeok's two best friends digging a secret tunnel for the two of them to meet each other occasionally.


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Yay, and the nanny will be the messenger to help them set up the meets! Okay, even if this does not happen in the show, I will make it happen in my head.


One word to describe this episode~ " Intense"


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The highlight of this episode to me is when the Yeonsangun interrogated CK. I loved to see LDG silently emoted his emotions while staring (or was it glaring) deeply at PMY. I saw how he doubted himself, her (explanation), disappointment, expectation, hurt and... love. *sigh* If only a girl can have 2 men in her life... *wistful thinking*

LDG kept showing his stellar performance in this drama, and I'm not a bit disappointed. I'm waiting for YWJ to wow me now, in his prince regalia. I'm so ready to swoon over him again... ^^

Thanks for the quick recap, @girlfriday!


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CK doesn't want him though (if you mean in a romantic sense). Never has. Never will. Especially not now she has finally wised up and realised he was complicit in his brother's "murder".


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This episode continues to tug at my heartstrings and I love it so much. I actually like this one better than ep 6. Does that make me a masochist? XD

Like everyone I'm glad Yeok has SN as his comrade, friend, and voice of reason. However, I think SN understands more than just Yeok. He's the only person in the bunch (aside Yeok, of course) who understands CK for who she is, rather than a ghost of a lost love as everybody else is assuming her to be. Just like Yeok, he experienced first-hand her selflessness and kindness, and knew CK brought out the best of Yeok, inspiring him to shred the indifference that he wore on himself for the sake of Yeonsangun and his own safety. I'm glad there's always SN to bridge the distance between Yeok and CK, and to remind Yeok of the root of his motivation. He'll likely the one to come to CK's rescue if Yeok for any reason decides to stay out of the matter, because CK is as important to him as she is to Yeok, though not necessarily in a romantic sense.

CK continues to surprise me this episode and I'm in love with her just as I'm in love with teen CK. Yes she's almost clueless to the politics of the palace because daddy has kept her sheltered and out of it for the longest of time, but the girl knows how to put two and two together and makes the best decision out of the very little she was let on to. She's got a long way to go, but I'm happy with the growth she underwent in this episode. Up until this point the writer truly makes this show about her, because I adore her more than any other characters, and I'm more ready to sympathise with her than with any other leads.

Having said that, I must say that other characters, even some side characters, are not overshadowed and dumbed down to a plot device. I love it when every character tries to read into their enemies' behaviour to read their mind, and no one is completely safe from any other. Just as CK tries to read into Yeonsangun's motives, Yeonsangun also breaks down every little defence she puts up for Yeok's safety. Yeonsangun tries to read into the Queen Dowager's way of doing things, while she's also making effort to catch on to what he knows. Same goes for CK's parents and the evil Minister and Nok-soo. I also like it that their suspicion is grounded in past knowledge. The conversation between CK's dad and the Queen explains why Yeok's (fake) tomb was so deserted and hardly a soul was spotted around it: it's because the Queen Dowager doesn't bother to fake grievance beyond the public confirmation of his death.

The least explained character up to now is Nok-Soo, and I'm not sure if the show will explain where she comes from this late in the game.

Still, ep 7 is a satisfying watch for me, and I can't wait to see the next one and have my slim hope confirmed that MH will come to redeem herself in this particular situation we're left at.


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Chae-kyung conducted herself like a queen. She's so proactive and resourceful despite her sheltered upbringing, and so dignified in her suffering. One of my contenders for heroine of the year.


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You named it all! I love her so much for that. She'll have more room to grow, but I hope her growth trajectory will be amazing until the end.


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Okay. I understand King's pain as much as i root for Yeok. I read wikipedia for Goryeo. Chances of king being on the throne for a lifetime is nil. From 2 years till 10 years being a king is milestone. Seems they are very very power hungry people and seems being king is unfortune for the person than giving power.


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Joseon kings tend to rule longer than the late Goryeo kings though (Yeok dies after almost four decades of kingship). There were some coups, poisonings, etc., especially during the early years of the dynasty, but for the most part the Joseon kings ruled for decades before dying.


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"It’s a good conflict, despite the setup being so familiar in almost every historical drama ever"
Exactly, I too don't get what is making me stick to this sageuk when the story is so typical. Is it the execution, the actors or the way the story is told? Whatever it is, it's working like magic. Never have I been able to watch a sageuk completely but I am so invested in this one.


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Thanks again, Girlfriday, for another recap!!! It's not really complete without a recap because merely watching this drama (or any other dramas for that matter) with subtitles just wouldn't do! There are a lot of things missed though the interpretation, to be honest.

Yes, six days sure was a long wait! Am I so glad to watch another episode but my oh my, why should Chae-gyung have to be caught? Scar-faced should have been killed before being thrown off that boat. I mean the good guys pushed the bad guys off the boat when they were not far off the shore. Remembering that scene just gives me a headache.

Why do I have the feeling that Seo-no will save the day? I don't think I can rely entirely on Yeok for now. I do know that he knows (or I'd like to think that he knows) that Chae-gyung will not betray him..."I’m pretty sure the damn fool even knows that, deep down." Hahahaha! Damn fool he really is! I mean I was appalled by Yeok in that scene when Chae-gyung asked, "Didn't you really miss me?" and he answered with scathing words. I know he didn't mean it and was even crying but he really is like that, even during his younger days and Chae-gyung should have seen through him. But on second thought, after what had transpired years ago and well, after witnessing that kiss, I couldn't really blame her for falling for it hook, line and sinker. Although when Chae-gyung told Yeok to stay with her until sunrise as it is "their last" and after that she will no longer say his name or miss him and that promise to wait is now void, well, that look in his face, as if that's the last thing he'd want to hear, was priceless (another City Hunter dae ja vu for me!) and I was like, oh now you go burn!

If I didn't read about Yeonsangun, I would be surprised that he didn't even visit Chae-gyung in prison. Although I'm not really surprised that he didn't, I'm still really hoping for him to do something...I just desperately want him to be good or be caring or be jealous of Chae-gyung's affections. I knew he didn't plan the assassination (rather, I was hoping he didn't) because I know that in his core, he loves his brother and I know where he's coming from when he admitted that he turned a blind eye because of the freedom he felt. But well, I reckon, now that he knows that his power is really at stake with Yeok being alive and now avenging his "death", well, Yeonsangun is now back in his paranoid-hallucinating mess that he was once in.

I have read about Myung-hye, historically, which is a bum! I reckon she'll go full evil on us since she's the other woman and this is a drama, which is a bum! Unless the writers go Moonlight-Drawn-by-the-Clouds on us, we'll have a great ending but then we already saw the ending on the first ep, which is a bum! Gee, why am I still watching with the great tragedy ahead? Well, let's just cross the bridge when we get there, shall we? Good thing I'm with other beanies with this...


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>>Scar-faced should have been killed before being thrown off that boat. I mean the good guys pushed the bad guys off the boat when they were not far off the shore. Remembering that scene just gives me a headache.<<

This made me laugh so hard because at that scene I said to the screen (very sarcastically),"oh why don't you just wait until you're all the way TO shore to kick them off the boat?" ?


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Thank goodness Chae-kyung grew up this episode. Unfortunately, the results of her naivety, nosiness and persistence in the last episode exposed Yeok's cover with all that that means. While I love her spirit and that she did her best to make up for her mistake part of me wishes her mother had been able to keep her in the countryside.


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A huge part of Chae-kyung's appeal as a heroine is how proactive she is. Yes she is naive and sheltered, but I disagree with your assessment that she is "nosy," and I definitely don't think her persistence is a negative. The only part where her actions actually endangered Yeok last episode was when she confided in Yeonsangun, a mistake she will never make again.

I love how she forces Yeok into confronting her instead of retreating into the shell he's built for himself even if the results are a mixed bag. Chae-kyung has a gift for drawing people out. Her faith in people is a beacon of hope in this increasingly sad show, and I love that she acts on that hope. There's still a long way for her to develop as a character, but so far I'm loving what I'm seeing.

And nope, she was never meant to be hidden away in the countryside like some old shame. There's no scenario in which I'd want that for her, even if being involved in politics brings her harm. I want her to keep on doing what she always has: taking her fate into her own hands.

Lol sorry for the long reply. I just love this girl so much! It's so rare that we get to see a heroine in a romance sageuk who feels like a hero in her own right. Chae-kyung, flaws and all, is one of the well-written ones.


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Not a fan of seguek nor of melo, i starte d watching this show recently after reading positive comments. So glad i did!
Sunch well written show and so pretty tpo. LDG is brilliant in every scean managing to potray his anger and fear just with his eyes n expressions. But my fav is PMY. She is perfectly cast as CK. I love how pluky and smart she is with the perfect amount of underlying strength and dignity. When her voice broke as she asks Y if he never missed her, i teared up!
she's so quick on the uptake that the King and Yeok are enemies, not as naive as i thought she was initially. Loved it when she picked up the sword n fought!..
So glad i decided tp follow this show.


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And my typing skills let me down again. Sorry for all the typos!


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So do I, hate melo too but this one is a winner! Really glad I gave it a try. I love all the cast and writer Choi Jin Young is amazing and of course no doubt about the ability of PD Lee Jung Sub to deliver an excellent drama.


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I swear, this show wants me to die from lack of breath! I seriously have a hard time catching it watching these episodes!

I have so many things to declare love for this episode, especially Chae-kyung's growth as she showed her ability to catch on quick! This simply proves how capable she has been all this time and it makes me wonder how impressive she could have been already if they'd simply educated and prepared her for all she'd have to face.

I'm honestly just desperate for the next episode at this point, so I'll probably just upvote all these awesome comments already voicing my feelings!

Thanks for the recap, GF :)


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My vision is fine, but I so want to get my hands on Scarface’s eye patch with cool stitching to maybe go with Yeok’s weaved conical hat.
Joseon accessories rule!


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I love all the "showing not telling" in this episode -- the whistling, the China roses, the brothers at the jail gate, the festering wound, etc. Everything feels so alive & layered. Hooray for writing/directing that appreciates a smart viewer (versus Ruler where every.little.thing is spelled out).

I was especially caught off guard by the whistling scene & teared up -- I had been waiting for whistling to show up again but didn't expect it in that context.


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You mean his whistling when he was hanging on to dear life? I find it beautiful too, just to show show how strong their bond is. Something MH will never understand.


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Yes, that scene. I recognized the tune right away & it broke my heart (he's afraid, he misses her). Ack, I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. I so rarely cry during shows but this one has set up residence in my heart.


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I recognised it too. As soon as he came into view I thought, 'Wait, he's humming that tune'. It almost felt like CK was there with him too.


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I was waiting for the whistling to come back into the story, and the writer did it in such a painfully satisfying way. Of course Yeok was thinking about CK and how she used whistling to calm herself during moments of crisis when slowly dying.....tears....


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Gosh yes that's exactly her words that I remembered when that scene was played. She used to tell him she often hummed the tune when she was scared. It must come back to him during that moment of utter despair. I think it was the thought of her and the comfort of the tune that helped him survive longer in that condition. I think MH misinterpreted it as his call for help, unaware of the deeper meaning of that tune.


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I agree. What is not said can be more powerful than what is.


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This is the only Im really focused and not touching my smartphone while watching... hahaha... This is so intense, lots of logic and very sensible... They really drive my emotions effectively!!... Now YWJ is my new "boyfriend" now... He is so knightly & princely on this drama... Just so sad that he needs revenge on his brother, But Im seeing a lovely union for this two royal brothers..
And knowing how fast DB did the recaps, really very quick.. Obviously excited hahaha... I can feel you!!


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You recapped this soo fast you are amazing @girlfriday!! I read this right after I watched the episode.

I'm loving that everyone keeps reminding Yeok that he has to think before acting because he is their only hope to overthrow Yeonsangun, but also not just sit idly by while people around him do the scheming and acting. That last shot of him holding the white game piece (what game was that anyway?) makes me sooo impatient for today to see what decision he comes up with. He's obviously going to start actively challenging Yeonsangun but hoooow? Why cant we just have all the episides noooow *whines ineffectively*

I agree about MH. Why is she sooo possessive over Yeok? Why. Is her motivation to help Yeok fueled only by her belief that he should worship her after all she's done for him? Please be less drama trope-y than that. Or at least grow up. I mean I love the queen dowager, and understand completely why she hates the shin family and if I didnt love CK so much I'll be going "yaas queen. You tell them" but MH right now is just this murderous girl that I'm not sure if I should be afraid or annoyed with. I mean Nok Soo and Evil McSecretary...I accept are just going to be generic greedy villains, but MH...idk why. Maybe it's bc I want her to become CK's one ally with any sort of power against Queen Dowager when CK gets deposed later on.

Back to Yeok: I LOVE that Seo No is the one to call him out on his BS and remind him that he needs to have courage to be king and CK is basically the source of his courage. Go Seo No. where do I get myself a friend like Seo No?


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Loved your comments, girlfriday. I am having a time out with yeok too. I was angry at him all episode. I agree, that he had been through a lot of agony and pain to survive. But, that doesn't mean chae kyung has been living happily all this while, though she has no physical scars to show it, I would argue that she was the one in more pain. All along, she has been thinking he died because of her, unable to move on, waiting for him and missing him (even when he was supposedly dead). Years later, she recognizes him the second she sees him but he makes her believe that she is cheating on the memory of the prince and when he finally accepts that he is yeok, he tells her he hadn't missed her at all, breaking her already broken heart.

I love how seo noh quietly seems to root for chae kyung though, which makes me believe that he is still keeping their vow to be loyal and best friends. And now, thinking of that scene is just making me sad. sigh.

Also,I think, the whistling was definitely chae kyung's song because she told she will do that whenever she is scared. 


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This episode just reminds me that some loves, just are not meant to be. Two people can love each other so much, but circumstances drive them apart. It is tragic. But happens all the time in real life.


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I really appreciated that this episode cemented for me the reason why Yeok loves Chaekyung to this day and vice versa. To be honest sometimes I watch shows like this and am like, "Hero, there are other fish in the sea that are less life risking to get to." and even if the show is hitting me over the head with DESTINY and FATE sometimes I just don't buy it. But this actually gave me a reason to believe that Yeok and Chaekyung are actually soul mates. Chaekyung makes Yeok a better person, as was already stated in the previous episodes, but aside from that his entire life philosophy is from her. Like its like the skeletal structure of his moral belief was formed by her, and that's deep. And for Chaekyung, Yeok is the one that is constantly opening her eyes to the ways of the world. She's so sheltered and everyone that cares for her is constantly trying to protect her by not letting her see. Except for Yeok. He refuses to let her be ignorant and he makes her a better person also.


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It surprised me the king doesn't really care about Yeok's life anymore. He is mad smart tho, I love it.
The queen dowager still rubs me in the wrong way. Now it is clear she is the one who is actively poisoning Myung Hye.
Yeon Woo Jin's eyelids are really unique. I believe one of them is double while the other one is monolid <3


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Glad I gave this up I find the plot too contrived but also childish.


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That's the reality.. Sometimes the age doesn't say you are mature enough cause you're on the 20's or something.... All the characters are believable.... All people do act childish sometimes..... But the plot really makes this moving, different kind of situations & circumstances.... Acceptance of the situation is what this drama wants to convey...


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I actually wanted the: it's you, no it's not, no it's you.. story line. It was angsty and funny at the same time. Having said that, slow clap to the two main lead's out of this world chemistry! Park Min Young, you slay!


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Thanks @girlfriday for the recap. I want to say that, even though I know every recapper has its own style, I love yours and jv a little bit better because you put your thoughts into the recaps, or what you think while watching the scenes and I love to see when we agree or thought the same. For example, that scene when Yeok's is whistling and about the beard I thought I missed something.

It's crazy to wait next episode, because with last's week preview I thought it was happening in ep 7, now I have to wait for 8th. Seriously I just spend the last weeks waiting for new ep and subtitles, it's a good thing the three dramas I'm watching live share timeslot.

So, Who else wants to punch Yeok in the face? he drives me crazy. Why treating bad Seo no? Why? He'd better run after him and apologize or I'll put him on a black list. I want to see how he rescues Chae Kyung, These characters are great, even when it comes to evil ones, like the King. He surely has a soft spot when it comes to Chae Kyung, you can see he's trying so hard to not let her free, and Yeok does too. In some way she glues them. I can't wait to see that reunion.


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!

I got a bit of whiplash from the scene at the pawnshop when Yeok was playing the board game and wondered which piece to use. The white stone (baek dol) stands for the king. In REBEL, Yeonsangun revealed that "Baek-dol" was his mother's prenatal name for him. Hmmm.


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Damn silly, shot in the shoulder blade by a barbed arrow it imbeds in the bone not the flesh: no way would you pull it out! That apart a nice episode but its also teaching me I don't care to much for fusion-sageuk.


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So... I'm loving the modern soundtrack to Seven Day Queen, but isn't the silky pink "backpack" that CK is wearing a little TOO modern-looking?? haha...

A'way, just a small comment. I'm loving this drama! Esp. these past few episodes!


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