Fight My Way: Episode 4

With pressure coming at him from every side, Dong-man is having a rough time lately. He’s torn between dissatisfaction with his life as it is and his fear of striking out for what he wants. It doesn’t help that his feelings for Ae-ra are confusing the hell out of him, especially when she’s having some pretty puzzling feelings herself. If they can’t learn to talk instead of just arguing, they’re never going to be able to work out the truth.

Round 4: “Just go for it!”

Dong-man feels stunned and betrayed when he realizes that Coach Hwang has brought him to a fight where his old rival, Tak-soo, is competing. He asks Coach why he’s being so cruel to him, but Coach Hwang counters that it’s Dong-man who’s being cruel to himself. He points to Tak-soo currently strutting around the ring like he owns it, and says that both he and Dong-man did stupid things, but Dong-man is the only one feeling guilty.

As he watches the fight, Dong-man can’t help but remember how his own body felt when he used to execute those same moves. Tak-soo knocks out his opponent with a roundhouse kick, the very move that used to be Dong-man’s specialty.

We’re taken back to 2007, to the fight that ended Dong-man’s career. Before the match, a man tries to convince Dong-man to throw the fight. Dong-man doesn’t even acknowledge him, and the man (he’s Tak-soo’s coach, COACH CHOI) gets irritated.

He tells Dong-man to give in so that everyone wins, but with a wry laugh, Dong-man says that nobody would win. He says confidently that nobody in his family wants him to lose, vowing to win the gold, pay off his family’s debts, and even make Dong-hee healthy again.

Coach Hwang gives Dong-man a pep talk on the way to the arena, reminding him that winning this fight means a trip to the Beijing Olympics. Dong-man’s father surprises him by showing up to watch before gruffly telling his son to win, or else.

Dong-man faces Tak-soo in the ring, and Tak-soo is good, but Dong-man is better, winning point after point as his blows land solidly. But then a tiny voice calls out from the stands, “Dong-man! You can do it!” Dong-man turns to the stands and sees his mother with Dong-hee, his tiny, frail little sister. Dong-hee is obviously very sick and in a wheelchair, but she cheers her big brother with all the energy she can muster. He stares up at her pale little face, conflicted.

We hear Coach Choi’s voice saying that Dong-hee could walk if she had a certain surgery, and Dong-man makes a terrible decision. As the match continues, Tak-soo clips Dong-man’s shoulder with a kick, and Dong-man goes down.

Dong-hee cries for her oppa to get up, screaming that she’ll never speak to him again if he doesn’t. But as the referee counts to ten, Dong-man doesn’t move, though it looks as though it takes superhuman effort to stay there.

A further flash to before the match shows Dong-man’s mother angrily telling Coach Choi that they’ll pay him back for the medical bills he paid without asking. Coach Choi says that if Dong-man lets Tak-soo win the spot on the national team, Tak-soo’s father will pay off all of the family’s debts. Dong-man’s father upends the garbage over Coach Choi’s head and kicks him out of their house, while Dong-man listens from his room.

Dong-man throws the fight for his family, shaking with humiliation as he lies on the mat. Tak-soo is declared the winner, and Dong-man finally sits up, heaving great, heartbroken sobs over what he just gave up.

But the referees conclude that the tiny kick Dong-man received couldn’t possibly have knocked him out of the fight. A press conference is held to announce the discovery that the fight was rigged, and Dong-man, Tak-soo, and their coaches all wait to face the reporters.

Angry that they got caught, Tak-soo tells Dong-man to go out there and take all the blame. Coach Hwang snaps at Tak-soo for being a spoiled brat who bought his way to where he is, and for ruining the chances of someone who actually has talent.

Coach Choi explains that Tak-soo’s father has an election coming up and doesn’t want Tak-soo’s part in the rigging to be known. Tak-soo tells Dong-man that if he doesn’t shoulder the guilt alone, he’ll make him pay back the money his family has been paid.

Once alone, Dong-man finally says a shaky “I’m sorry” to Coach Hwang. Coach asks how he could do such a thing without talking to him, saying that he thought they were more than just coach and student. Dong-man says he’ll go alone so that Coach Hwang doesn’t take any of the blame and risk his teaching future. Coach Hwang slaps Dong-man, grabs him by the wrist, and leads him out to face the reporters together.

Back in the present, Dong-man waits for Coach Hwang outside the arena. But it’s Tak-soo who exits the building first, and he stops when he spots Dong-man. Bristling, he asks why Dong-man is here, accusing him of showing up because he needs money. (I can see that his personality hasn’t improved.)

Coach Choi tries to move Tak-soo along, but he seems to enjoy taunting Dong-man, and he even calls him a beggar. Dong-man just calmly asks if Tak-soo is scared, sneering that his rambling proves that he’s afraid Dong-man will make a comeback.

Tak-soo gets aggressive and shoves Dong-man while his manager warns him to remember the CCTV cameras. With a nasty smile on his face, he asks Dong-man if his sister can walk yet, and Dong-man snaps. He throws a side-kick into Tak-soo’s ribs, then executes a perfect roundhouse kick right into Tak-soo’s face. YESSS.

He screams, “If you’re going to copy my move, do it properly, you bastard!” He tells the whimpering Tak-soo that it’s too soon to be this scared, roaring that if they ever meet in the ring, Tak-soo is dead.

When Coach Hwang finally exits the building, he finds his soondae truck surrounded by reporters. They ask if his dashboard camera is working, offering to buy the footage from tonight. Coach Hwang sells them the video, which is quickly uploaded to the internet, and he watches the video of Dong-man knocking Tak-soo over with one perfect kick with his mouth hanging open.

Meanwhile, Dong-man has wandered off in a bit of a daze. He answers his phone when his work supervisor calls him, but hearing the jerk rant at him is the last straw. He thinks about that kick he landed tonight and hears Ae-ra’s breathless voice saying that people should do what they love.

He screams into the phone that he can’t do any better at his exterminator job because he hates it, then quits. He hangs up and keeps screaming, repeating that he’s going to go for it. Go Dong-man!

Coach Hwang drives back to his gym, where Dong-man races up to him, still high on adrenaline. He yells near-incoherently that he wants to do martial arts again, and after confirming that he isn’t drunk, Coach Hwang starts screaming right along with him. They’re so cute.

Ae-ra also takes steps to pursue her dream and stops on her way home to have a photo taken so that she can apply for announcer jobs. She’s taken aback when Moo-bin drives up, saying that he heard women like surprises like this, and she tells him that women most definitely do not. Moo-bin admits that he’s missed her and that he’s been waiting here for an hour, and he invites her to spend the rest of his break together.

The home shopping network goes out for a company dinner, and Seol-hee ends up sitting next to Ye-jin, feeling frumpy next to Ye-jin in her pretty clothes and manicured nails. From across the table, Joo-man carefully stills his expression as his boss insults Seol-hee, then he pours Ye-jin a drink to keep the mildly lecherous boss from doing it.

Joo-man runs into his boss in the restroom, who asks if Joo-man plans to get married. He suggests the pretty Ye-jin as a candidate, since she also happens to be the chaebol daughter of a large food manufacturer.

They head back to the dining room, where the boss jokes that Seol-hee looks like black-and-white TV next to Ye-jin’s technicolor. Joo-man doesn’t respond, but he does throw one of his boss’s shoes out of the restaurant when he’s not looking, hee.

Though Ae-ra lets Moo-bin drive her home, she admits to herself that she doesn’t like this. He plucks at her sleeve when she starts to get out of the car, and Ae-ra asks if he’s expecting her to invite him in for ramyun (code for inviting someone in for sex).

She tells Moo-bin that he’s fun to tease, because his horrified reactions are cute. He decides not to be cute and takes her by the hand, then flashes a shy little smile. Hilariously, his GPS announces that they’ve gone off course, and Ae-ra growls internally, “I know…”

As Joo-man and his coworkers wait for their cars, Ye-jin sends Joo-man flirty little smiles. His boss points out Ye-jin’s (too pricey for her job) car. Ye-jin offers Joo-man a ride home, but he says he has plans and declines.

Moo-bin stubbornly insists on staying until Ae-ra gets to her door safely, which is exactly what she doesn’t want. She lies that she lives way up at the top of the stairs, and he warns her away from the weirdo on the second floor (Dong-man, ha).

With perfect timing. Dong-man runs up calling Ae-ra’s name, and he’s so excited to tell her his news that he doesn’t notice her alarmed expression. He grabs her in a bear hug, spinning her around and telling her excitedly that he quit his job to go back to martial arts.

Ae-ra forgets all about Moo-bin as Dong-man tells her how he plans to compete again and make a good life for his family, including Coach Hwang and her. Awww. He hugs her again, which is when Moo-bin decides to confront him.

Dong-man recognizes him and wonders what he’s doing at “our house,” which makes Moo-bin blink confusedly. Ae-ra explains that they both live here in separate apartments. The guys tell Ae-ra that they went to high school together before Moo-bin takes her wrist to possessively pull her closer to him.

He tells Dong-man that he and Ae-ra are dating, ignoring her protests as he orders Dong-man not to hug her anymore. Ae-ra tells Moo-bin that she and Dong-man are best friends, but he counters that that’s just what people say when they want to keep that person near.

He tells Ae-ra to stop being friends with Dong-man, but she argues that they’re like siblings. Dong-man doesn’t seem to like her version of their relationship and says bluntly that they’re not siblings.

He tells Ae-ra that he doesn’t like the idea of her dating Moo-bin, both of them confused as to why he’s acting this way. Dong-man admits that he doesn’t understand it, but this is how he feels. There’s a long, awkward silence, then Moo-bin gets called back to work.

Dong-man says a curt goodbye and takes Ae-ra by the wrist, but Moo-bin blurts out that he’ll accept her offer of ramyun. (Wait, that offer she didn’t make?) Dong-man looks at Ae-ra like she’s grown another head, and she stammers that it was just a joke.

Moo-bin presses the issue, and the way Ae-ra stares at him incredulously, while Dong-man stares at her incredulously, is hilarious. Dong-man actually starts to call Ae-ra’s dad to tell on her, ha.

As they bicker over whether it’s any of Dong-man’s business, Moo-bin backs down, admitting that that was ungentlemanly of him. Dong-man is all “I know right?“, but Moo-bin actually pushes him aside to ask Ae-ra to eat now. He pulls her by the wrist, but Dong-man grabs her other wrist and says that he’s hungry too.

So all three end up at a ramyun shop, Dong-man childishly ignoring the other two. Ae-ra asks Moo-bin if they were close in school, and they chime in unison, “Not at all.” Dong-man adds that he could never be friends with chirpy little jerks, and Moo-bin counters that he doesn’t like dumb jocks. Well, meow.

Moo-bin attempts to talk to Ae-ra, saying that he wanted to see her so badly today that he’s going to be late to work and may be fired. As he talks about how much he thinks of her, Dong-man laughs, heaves giant sighs, and loudly slurps his ramyun.

When Moo-bin asks Ae-ra out on a real date, Dong-man yanks her chair closer to him and away from Moo-bin. She complains, but she doesn’t scoot back over to Moo-bin, either.

Seol-hee admires a lacy dress in a shop window as she waits for Joo-man. She’s gotten ice cream all over her face, and he absently cleans her up, asking why she wears a work uniform when it’s not mandatory. She says that it’s cheaper than buying clothes, so Joo-man offers to buy some pretty outfits for her.

Seol-hee objects to spending his money, but he spots the lacy dress and pulls her inside to try it on. She looks beautiful in it, but the high price tag has her hesitating. Joo-man buys her the dress, but as they leave the store, Seol-hee objects that she has nowhere to wear it.

Joo-man suddenly blows up, yelling at her to wear it to work. He keeps going, saying that she should wear her favorite color and act girly, and to stop letting others walk all over her. Seol-hee yells back that the dress isn’t even her style, and Joo-man groans that her style is “cheap.”

Frustrated, he says that he knows she’s cheap because she’s spent six years supporting him, and that he’s grateful — but now, it feels suffocating. When Seol-hee’s face crumples, he sighs and apologizes.

Without a word, Seol-hee tosses the bag with the dress away, hails a taxi, and leaves in tears. Feeling like a jerk, Joo-man retrieves the dress and tries to get another taxi, but it’s Ye-jin (her car being driven by a designated driver) who pulls up to offer him a ride.

After they eat, Ae-ra asks Moo-bin to please leave now, while Dong-man shoots him some major stink-eye. Again he refuses to go until he sees her inside, so she and Dong-man start up the stairs together. Dong-man notices her discomfort, so he takes her by the hand and keeps going past their doors, saying that he doesn’t want Moo-bin to know where she lives.

Secretly pleased, Ae-ra agrees, but she stops every few steps to see if Moo-bin has left yet (he hasn’t), and Dong-man is highly amused, HA. Finally, he leads her all the way up to their rooftop bar.

In the car, Ye-jin notices the dress and makes a point to say that pink is her favorite color as she shows Joo-man her pink, bejeweled nails. Joo-man says they’re pretty, which starts Ye-jin simpering at him again. He asks to be let off at Seol-hee’s favorite ddukbokki restaurant, and when Ye-jin suggests they eat together, he says diplomatically that soon, he’ll treat all the interns at once.

At first, Ye-jin accepts this, but then she jumps out of the car to say that she wants to eat alone with him. We don’t see his answer, but as he walks home with ddukbokki for Seol-hee, he wonders why Ye-jin is acting like this. But then he stops at a claw machine game and wins a pink stuffed dog.

Moo-bin finally leaves, but Ae-ra doesn’t want to talk about him — she wants to know why Dong-man quit a steady job to get back into martial arts. She forbids it, worried that he’s out of shape and could get hurt, but Dong-man says that she doesn’t get to decide.

Serious now, he asks why she can apply for an announcer’s job after years of not trying, yet she thinks he won’t amount to anything. Ae-ra lists all of the injuries that MMA fighters suffer, but Dong-man protests against her assumption that he’ll lose.

Ae-ra yells that even if he wins, he still gets hit. Realizing that her anger is actually concern, Dong-man grins, then gets angry all over again when she compares it to seeing your dog get beaten up. HA.

Ae-ra orders Dong-man to get another job and starts to storm off. But he grabs her wrist and spins her into his arms, which (because he’s sitting) puts his face right in her chest. He very carefully looks anywhere else, then stammers in a hilariously low voice that he’s not finished talking.

Flustered, Ae-ra shoves Dong-man and reminds him of her “no touching” rule. He pushes her down to sit next to him and tells her to just play with him instead of going on dates with Moo-bin. Ae-ra asks why he followed them to the restaurant, but Dong-man just blinks, then says in a squeaky voice that he was hungry.

Ae-ra wants answers, asking why he cares who she dates. Dong-man blusters that it’s because they’re friends and pushes her hand away when she pinches his chin to make him look at her.

She grabs his neck and pulls his face very close, making it crystal-clear that the way he’s behaving is unacceptable. She tells him not to confuse her or she’ll kill him, but I doubt he’s heard a word she’s said, judging by the glassy look in his eyes.

Dong-man sits up all night, confused and restless, annoyed to have suddenly discovered that Ae-ra is attractive. Ae-ra can’t sleep either, wondering why Dong-man seems very masculine lately.

Joo-man convinces Seol-hee to try on the pink dress again, then groans that she can’t possibly wear it because it makes her look too gorgeous. He snuggles up to apologize, asking if she’s going to keep sleeping in her own apartment.

She wants to know exactly what he’s sorry for, so he says he’s sorry for buying the dress and for raising his voice. Seol-hee asks if that’s all, but since he has no clue, he instead exclaims over her “fiery” skin today. That wins him about two-thirds of a Good Boyfriend point.

Having somehow discovered where Dong-man lives, Hye-ran shows up on his doorstep. She asks someone in full welding gear how safe these apartments are, and the person takes off their welding mask to reveal that it’s not only a woman, but the new owner.

In a dry voice, she asks Hye-ran why someone wearing thousands of dollars in designer clothes would be interested in a place like this. Hye-ran haughtily says that she’s not, and the owner sneers that she doesn’t rent to pretty girls because they lead noisy lives.

Hye-ran protests that she lives a clean life, and that divorce is no big deal these days. The owner says that this building is quiet, wholesome, and peaceful, clearly implying that Hye-ran is none of those things. HA, I like her already.

Joo-man and Seol-hee exit his apartment, then gasp to see Hye-ran there. Seol-hee physically blocks Hye-ran from ringing Dong-man’s doorbell and yells for Ae-ra, who comes out in her raggedy sweats to face off with her enemy.

While Seol-hee and Joo-man make supportive stinkfaces at Hye-ran, Ae-ra asks if Hye-ran thinks Dong-man will take her back after the way she dumped him. Hye-ran says that she does, and Ae-ra reminds her that she hits girls. LOL.

Dong-man comes outside and finds himself face-to-face with Hye-ran, who immediately becomes all sweetness and light, cooing a soft, “Oppa…” at him. Seol-hee gasps that she’s at it again, and we see a montage of Hye-ran showing up in front of Dong-man over and over again throughout the years. All it takes is a pout and a sugary “Oppa…” to reduce him to putty in her hands.

This time, Dong-man manages to hold onto his stern expression when Hye-ran says that she’ll call him later. Ae-ra stops her from leaving, warning her that even though Dong-man may be a moron, she’s willing to go to bat for him. Seol-hee and Joo-man agree, but Hye-ran tells them all to stay out of this.

Ae-ra refuses, letting Hye-ran know that she’ll have to go through her to get to Dong-man. With a smirk, Hye-ran wishes her a hearty “Fighting!” before leaving.


Ae-ra and Dong-man split up at their doors, but Ae-ra suddenly spins around to invite Dong-man in for ramyun. Looking shocked, Dong-man shyly agrees. Rawr!

But she means actual ramyun, which they stuff into their faces while watching TV. Subtitles inform us that between friends, inviting someone in for ramyun just means inviting them in for ramyun, HA.


It all makes sense now — what happened in 2007, and why Dong-man felt that he could never go back to martial arts. He’s been nationally branded a cheat and a dirty player who threw a fight for money. I’d been hoping that whatever happened wasn’t Dong-man’s fault, so it landed hard to realize that what happened was by choice — yes, the money was tempting, but he didn’t have to take it. And no matter the reason, cheating is a stigma that could very well keep him from ever fighting again, or even teaching, even if he wanted to. So he’s been telling himself that he doesn’t want to, because it’s less painful than admitting that he’s exactly what everyone says he is.

I also understand why Dong-man carries so much resentment for his father — if he hadn’t lost his business, Dong-man wouldn’t have felt pressured to throw that fight to pay for Dong-hee’s medical bills. And seeing little Dong-hee crying for her oppa to stand up and win while he felt forced to lay there and give up for her had to have broken a part of his soul. But he can’t deny his heart forever, and the way he responded when he landed that perfect spin-kick to Tak-soo’s face was incredible. He was so thrilled, and it was like he suddenly got his life back when he realized that his talent hadn’t left him. I’m happy that he got his spark back, and can’t wait to see him fighting again.

I’m glad that we’re finally getting a closer look into Joo-man and Seol-hee’s relationship, which seems pretty solid on the surface, but the cracks of longtime familiarity are beginning to show. Joo-man is obviously committed to Seol-hee, but he hesitates when marriage comes up, even though he should know if he wants to pull the trigger or not after six years. But seeing Ye-jin flouncing around looking like a million bucks every day is causing him to see Seol-hee in a different, unflattering light. He complains that she’s acting like his mother when she buys him a nice bag and seems embarrassed of her plain work uniform and lack of effort to look better. The problem is that he shouldn’t care how she looks (even though she’s still gorgeous), because what’s inside is what counts, and I don’t blame Seol-hee for getting upset when she realized that he’s bothered by the way she looks.

This episode was the first time I didn’t find Moo-bin adorable and disarming — his obliviousness to how women work isn’t so cute anymore, and his behavior is becoming problematic. He and Ae-ra haven’t even been on one date, yet he was being very manipulative (such as when he said he might get fired for being late to work because of her), not to mention acting possessive of her in front of Dong-man, which is just not okay with me. I’m sure that losing the girl he liked to Dong-man back in high school was contributing to his bad behavior, but that doesn’t make it acceptable for him to start dictating who Ae-ra can be friends with. Ae-ra is a person, not a belonging or something to fight over. She gets to decide which guy she wants to date, or neither, full stop.

To Dong-man’s credit, he didn’t respond like a Neanderthal. I really thought that seeing Ae-ra with another guy, even if she wasn’t into him, would cause him to get all territorial, and though he sort of did in a way, it wasn’t nearly to the extreme that I was fearing. Even though he did tell Ae-ra that he doesn’t want her dating Moo-bin, the way he phrased it felt more like a request, not an order. His childishness when they had dinner didn’t bother me either, because I don’t think he consciously knows why he’s acting this way, and nothing he’s done is directly disrespectful of Ae-ra’s wishes. Moo-bin, on the other hand, seemed to be purposely pushing her buttons and kept trying to get his way even when she was showing clear signs that she wasn’t that interested.

I think that this is just the beginning of Ae-ra and Dong-man’s friendship turning a bit rocky, because they both seem to be responding to their growing attraction by lashing out at each other. At least they’re being honest about it, with Ae-ra telling Dong-man that all this skinship is confusing her (though it cracks me up that she’s the one who keeps breaking his brain with all the closeness and the touching), and him admitting that he’s attracted to her. But it’s probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better, at least until they can tamp down their aggressive responses and have an actual talk about what’s happening between them. And talking isn’t exactly their strong suit, so I predict a lot more fighting in their near future.


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I can't take all the skinship! I love how magnetic they are and that their bodies have figured out what their minds have yet to grasp!


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Haha, what I genuinely love about them is that their own reactions to each other have made them both such fools when it comes to noticing how the other feels! Lol, I even constantly think Ae-Ra is noticing his feelings when she tells him not to touch her, but then she legit says that it makes HER confused. She never tries to figure out why he's touching her that way because she's too preoccupied with how flustered it makes her. And his brain is too shot by whatever just happened to catch that. It's hilarious and I could watch it go on forever.


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I took it more like she's trained herself not to interpret any of his actions as signs of interest because I keep remembering that scene from high school. When Dong Man won his fight in Gangnam, threw his uniform, she caught it, and then he pointed at the stands and said "from now on you tell people you have a boyfriend..." *her expression is shocked but her face is starting to light up* "...(some other girl's name)"

I get the impression that she's not as clueless about her reactions, which is why she keeps telling him that she's a simple country girl who misinterprets things and not to confuse her. Just me?


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I think so too! All this talk about not confusing her is, I think, actually a question.

She's indirectly asking him to tell her about his feelings because she doesn't want to be hurt again.


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I do actually agree with this on her side, though I was having a hard time putting it into words. I think because it feels somewhat like she likes to trick herself into believing she never had interest whenever he backtracks. So even I end up second-guessing how aware she is.

Actually, I've been thinking about the fight in high school a lot. No matter how I think about it, the extent of PSJ's feelings now makes me wonder whether he ever had feelings for Ae-ra earlier on. Maybe he actually DID mean to throw Ae-ra his shirt and confess that day, but chickened out at the last second. Haha, not sure how true it is, but it would be a cute twist!


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I'm not sure if Dong Man is self aware enough to know what he's thinking at any given time, haha. I personally don't think he's ever realized his feelings for Ae Ra, and I think she's had flickers of awareness, but kept them deliberately suppressed so as not to ruin her closest friendship. I think that it's the kind of situation where they might be perfectly happy dating other people (as with past relationships), but to really get serious with other ppl to the extent of marriage, etc. would be at the expense of their friendship. I'm not sure either one of them is willing to let the other go, so they just need to hurry up and figure out their feelings already, ya know?! ::pouts impatiently::


I think you've hit the nail on the head! I think this is exactly what she's done.


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That's the beauty of it - he initiates all this deliciously close physical contact with NO apparent clue as to why he's actually doing it (and still looking like he's short-circuiting inside when she actually ends up in close physical proximity to him as a result) while she registers it but dismisses it because she's too flustered to stop for a minute and think why he could be doing it.


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too much HUG SCENES I cant handle ???


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Lol. How convenient? There bodies just naturally find there way against each other.


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I love it when the actors are not shy of skinship, especially when it fits along with the story line.


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Every hug whisks our breath away. ^^


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Wow, the ex is such a vixen, isn't she? Well, good luck to her, because Dong Man's got it crazy for Ae Ra.

Ae Ra: He and I are like siblings.
Dong Man: We aren't siblings. I don't like it too. I don't want you to date him whether it's official or not.


Dong Man is initiating a lot of physical contact these days, and when he came from his coach and hugged Ae Ra and twirled her around, he told her that he'd do mixed martial arts again for his family, his coach, and HER. That's basically a confession right there! He's basically told her he'll be responsible for her.

Their chemistry is out of this world. I'm sure our brains will explode when they finally capture each other's lips with their own ;)


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RE: The ex being a vixen, YES, she totally is. And I'm not the only one who was annoyed we got to see DM kiss his ex before we saw him kissing AR, right? LOL! I definitely had a "get your hands off my man" Mary Sue fangirl moment at that point. That witch needs to GO.

"That's basically a confession right there!" - I feel like DM has confessed vaguely about 10 times already in this drama and AR just isn't noticing because he's probably been protective/affectionate for years without realizing what he was doing. It's interesting to see a dynamic where she seems to have been intentionally avoiding taking anything he's said seriously for years because she got burnt way back at that early tae kwon do meet. Can't wait to see what happens when she realizes he's serious!!


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But I'm glad that the ex is someone fun to hate. And that she actually not being contradicting. Usually other second female lead is decent women who somehow turn crazily possessive only in front of the male lead and become such a b**** whenever she is around the lead girl. But here, she is actually wily and the lovely front everyone see is only a public image she build for herself.

Their poisonous relationship also felt so very real no matter how much I hate it. And I applaud the writer for highlighting another unhealthy relationship that we rarely see in dramaland.


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Totally agree on how real the poisonous relationship is. I used to have a friend who's exactly like Dong Man, and we could never understand why he kept going back to his ex, regardless of what she did. He said it's the sense of familiarity, of knowing no matter how far she went, she will always come back to him. It shows that he's the one for her, and that she simply doesn't realize it yet. And that he will keep on waiting for her. Yeah, I couldn't understand the reasons too, but I think, like Dong Man, some people are too comfortable being with someone, that they are scared of losing that familiarity, and willing to stay on even though the love was long gone from them.


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I really like how Aera, Seul Hee, and Joo Man were trying to prevent her from ringing Dong Man's doorbell and their stink-eye expressions. I love how they all don't hide the fact that she is horrible and Dong Man is a dummy for falling for it time after time. If I can't reach into the screen to yell at Hye-ran, I'm happy that Aera will do it for me.


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i just can't take it with the x number of times she went back for DongMan. does she really believe that he'll happily waltz back into her arms? I love that DongMan has friends who won't tolerate that.

And how is it that the only other time that these 4 are together is during flashbacks?


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I find it interesting that sometimes our main characters feel a certain way and kinda say different things. For example, in that scene when Ae-ra was telling Dong-man NOT to do martial arts again. Omgg this scene was so good, I had to replay it like a dozen times.

AR’s concern for DM was really touching. She puts up a strong front and is usually so sassy, that it was a real contrast see this vulnerable. We have seen her cry, but there was just something so RAW about her emotions here. It’s not just casual concern, but real fear. She genuinely doesn’t want DM to get hurt in any way. As for DM, he was obviously so touched and stunned by her reaction once he found out it came from a good place. I don’t think he expected her to care about his safety in martial arts, of all things. And the way it was acted out? Perfect. KJW’s expressions were on point, PSJ’s minute expression were gold. Gosh, these two! I was already invested in them, but now I’m 100% completely sold on their romance. Deal sealed.

Talking of romance, there are these little things that AR and DM do that actually make me think that they are aware of their feelings. Like how AR keeps telling DM not to “confuse” her. Why would she be confused, unless she has feelings for him (which she thinks are unrequited) and doesn’t want him to send wrong signals? And DM basically keeps on confessing, what with his “Hang out with me”/ “Play with me”/ “We are not siblings” and all his petty acts of jealousy (LOL).

Other things on this episode: we finally get all the juice about what happened in 2007, that was heartbreaking and I love the coach even more for sticking with DM; Kim freaking Tak-su makes my blood boil; I wanna smack whatsherface Hye-ran; I love the badass landlady; and lastly, I’m glad our second leads are getting more screen time.
Thanks for the recap LollyPip!


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So many touching scenes, but the coach sticking with DM really made me tear up.


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When Dong-Man kicks Tak-Su, YESSS was my reaction too! I can't remember the last time I had such a visceral response to a drama scene - heart thudding et al☺️


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Gosh, that was SO satisfying!!
Can you imagine what it would be like if they actually met in the ring? I hope this happens
I'm so glad DM got back his motivation to do martial arts.


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Satisfying was a great choice of word. I was cheering a little too enthusiastically when Dong man was sorta KO ing Kim Tak su. I thought that it's all in Dong man's imagination. Same with when Ae ra kicked the side mirrors too. Then I found out that they weren't! Haha. Dong man and Ae ra sure are feisty and they suit each other so well.


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Reminded me of my first love, the Karate Kid! Come to think of it, PSJ kind of looks like Ralph Macchio, and Taksu looks like the blond mean guy.


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machio was my first love that movie came out years before I was born and who cares that I was all of 5 when I first saw it, I KNEW I was in love with him and for the next ten years I held Karate Kid summer night marathons (I , II and III- I don't acknowledge any others). My mom knew what I meant when I told her that it felt like a KK night night :P


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I can't wait for them to finally face off in the ring! Hopefully we don't have too wait until the second to last episode to see it.


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i had to replay that scene for a couple of times, it was so satisfying to see :D


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More roundhouse kicks please!


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Can't wait for them to realize their feelings for each other! Like, what is stopping you???
I hate the intern and the boss, why is he so nosy?
Besides that, I LOVE THEM ALL!


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as of now im fine with the intern because she thinks joo man is single so she is trying to get him to notice her, but if she were to know that he has a GF but still try to pursue him then i would dislike her.


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That annoyed the hell out of me, why can't he say "I have a girlfriend and the lace dress in this bag is a gift for her"? Even his boss thinks he should be married or have a gf by now, he doesn't have to say who the gf is. Because he's not ready to let the workplace know that he's taken? Yechhh. But he did try to shut Intern down in a professional manner, and it's none of the workplace's business (haha, except that this is Korea).
And then again, hey Intern, read some clues why don't you? She's a strong one. I'd admire that kind of aggressiveness in a heroine, probably ?


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I think the intern knows that Joo-man is shutting down her advance. She was clearly disappointed with his respond. But since he didn't say anything about him having a girlfriend, she must think it's a fair game for her to try winning his heart. I wonder why he didn't tell other that he is taken, even if he doesn't reveal his GF's identity.


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>why can't he say "I have a girlfriend and the lace dress in this bag is a gift for her"?

Because the workplace is a jungle filled with parasites lol. Co-workers won't stop pestering someone ones they know they are dating. It won't stop with the admission that he has a GF. They will try to dig up his private life until he fess up, which makes for a more complicated scenario because he's dating his co-worker (even if they've been long-time friends).


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Is people being "nosey" really that big of a problem when letting people know you are dating at work? WHY is this a secret? I don't know if this is a trope or a real thing in Korea, but either way I don't understand it at all! It's been six years!.... What!?
There doesn't seem to be a company policy about dating coworkers as evidenced by the intern's blatant pursuit of Joo-man, and the boss's encouragement of it. Please tell me, is this even a real thing or just an annoying drama plot point?!


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she totally knows that he has a girlfriend, she noticed that the clothes in the bag were pink and were for a girl. And she became even more aggressive in her approach.


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Yup, I'm not buying that "She thinks he's single, so he's fair game". (Even if he were single... girl, it's pretty obvious he's not interested in you.) My guess is she's going to see Seol-hee in the dress, recognise the fabric and than start sabotaging her and flirting even more blatantly.

But I think Joo-man also needs to just own up and make clear at work that he as a girlfriend and is not interested in any matchmaking because HE'S HAPPILY TAKEN!!! (He does not need to say who it is of course.)


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These 2's chemistry is so awesome! ♥ Their friendship is so heartwarming too, I can't wait for the realizations to come! I can just watch Dong Man and Ae-ra without any plot - they're just so great together.

I'm wondering though how in allll the years they've been friends that it's only now that there are inklings of something else. Was there never a time any one of them gave it a thought but dismissed? Hmmm


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maybe.. at this point in life, all their friends are busy getting on with their life/dreams, while both of them are not even at their starting points. to have someone else sharing the same situation should intensify their appreciation and need for each other?


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i really really really love the interactions between dongman & aera. who didn't squeak when he said he didn't know & just hated the idea of her dating other guys? awwwwwwwwwww these two bffs haha

& who didn't laugh like a silly kid when dongman pulled her close on the rooftop & when she warned him about 'no touching' again?

& that star wars chewbacca reference HAHAHA

i wonder what will make them admit & confess their feelings to one another? must they face a dangerous situation or a life & death moment before we can see it happening?


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That rooftop scene! I love how it went from solemn to funny. And his reason for pulling her close is "Lets talk some more" HAHAHA.


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I was cracking up at that scene! He didn't seem like he had any plan on what to do after grabbing her and pulling her close, and his awkward monotone stutter was the best thing ever.


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He looks like he's short-circuiting inside every time he gets close to her, even when he's the one initiating contact lol.


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I could watch PSJ do stuff like that and @russe's monotone stutter all night ?


This show may break me with the cute. It's also got a lot of Bottom of the 9th vibes in terms of Ae-ra and Dong-man's relationship, which can only be a good thing. But what I also like is that it's got younger, less successful characters who are still trying to figure life out and that they're doing that together.

I'm also glad it's not the case that one has been pining for the other for most of their lives because that has been done a million times. (And successfully I might add -- I love the Answer Me series and the Taiwanese In Time With You, which do that trope well.) But watching them both realize they're in love is so much more satisfying in a way, because we start at this place where it's so obvious to everyone but them. Plus, the skinship is fun to watch -- especially as it's Ae-ra who makes Dong-man all hot and bothered. I loved their simultaneous late-night freak outs. So cute!


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I really like that, too. It doesn't look like we're in for a review of one long series of 'oops! she's dating that other guy while he's free-and-vice-versa' like the shows you mentioned. Shows where the only reason they never got together is that one or both of them was always involved with someone else. We hope (lookin' at you, Hye Ran ?).


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Ae-ra needs to knock Hye-ran out ASAP (literally and/or figuratively).

And yes to everything else -- I like that they both clearly have experience in relationships with other people, but that's not what deterred them from getting together.


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<This episode was the first time I didn’t find Moo-bin adorable and disarming — his obliviousness to how women work isn’t so cute anymore, and his behavior is becoming problematic.

I'm glad you're saying that because I was fuming about Moo-bin in this episode. And, to be honest, I actually didn't think he was a cute, squishy puppy in the previous episodes either. Buying someone you don't know shoes (which I'm sure weren't cheap) is quite creepy. He's behaviour is all red flags – he's declaring they're in a relationship and doesn't care about Ae-ra's feelings at all. He's being manipulative and possessive, and just because he then smiles sweetly doesn't make it ok at all.

To be honest, I don't get why Ae-ra didn't tell him her mind when he said he wouldn't accept her friendship with Dong-man. It's not like she has a crush on Moo-bin and is thus blinded by love, she doesn't know that guy and is at this point only wondering if he's cute or stalkerish – and then that guy asks her to drop her life-long friendship? How could you do anything other than say "Go to hell but I'm not dropping my most meaningful friend for someone who's essentially a stranger (and watching me way too closely)?"

I wasn't fond of Dong-man and Moo-bin both pulling her like she's an object either... seriously, with the basis of the friendship we have been Dong-man/Ae-ra, couldn't the writer have come up with something new and refreshing there?

Which, truth be told, actually goes for all the love rivals – I'm already bored of Dong-man's ex and also the intern that's so blantantly after Joo-man. The conflicts portrayed are meaningful (Dong-man's/Ae-ra's/Joo-man's/Seol-hee's) but is there really no other way for kdrama writers to expose and develop those issues that these characters need to (individually and also together) deal with than with obnoxious love rivals?

Best things about the drama: still Dong-man's and Ae-ra's friendship and coach is quite endearing as well.


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yes to this.


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yeah, I wasn't a fan of the stupid old chestnut wrist-grab either, though I might let it slide because they played it for comedy and not for drama or 'look how cool the wrist-grabbers are' romance.

Moo-bin is what, in Internet parlance, would be called a Nice Guy i.e. toxic masculinity in a less obviously obnoxious package than his colleagues who targeted Ae-ra at the wedding..... but still entitled toxic masculinity nonetheless.

(I wonder if Ae-ra even properly registered his 'no touching' orders to Dong-man, because she clearly didn't bother with it at all, which is exactly what one should do with people who try to tell your friends how to interact with you).


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I can let the wrist-grab slide on Dong-man's side, precisely because we know his personality – he'd grab the last tteokbokki out of Ae-ra's hand. He doesn't know how to express himself in words, so he uses his hands, feet, etc. (whether that's pulling Ae-ra into a hug or kicking Tak-su). But the thing is, if Moo-bin really was the love of Ae-ra's life, we know Dong-man – no matter how much noise he's making now – would step back, b/c he wants his best friend to be happy. With Moo-bin, we have no such assurance at all and he's too serious that I can't see his side of the wrist-grab as comedy – he actually means it and that's quite scary.

<Nice Guy i.e. toxic masculinity

He's showing all the signs of an abuser. He's obsessed and creepy... I'm not sure he's any less problematic than his colleagues. They'd use her for a one-night stand and drop her... he'd stalk her long-term.


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actually, you're right - I can let it slide from Dong-man's end, but Moo-bin was the one who grabbed first, and with intention - it was Dong-man's grab that turned the situation rather cartoonish. (and like you said, he'd step back if she actually liked Moo-bin, he was on good terms with Ae-ra's cheating ex until he found out about the cheating so it's not as if he's the type who's incapable of letting her live her life).

And as for Moo-bin, in this week's episodes he really doesn't come across as someone who'd be at all well-adjusted in a relationship, and that is an understatement. I like that this drama let us think he was the typical adorable second male lead with no game, and then lets it drop that he's not actually as unadulteratedly sweet as he looks and is a bit of an entitled obsessive. That's a nice subversion of the usual.


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I feel like Moo Bin, nerd that he is, learned all his "moves" from old school kdramas, not realizing that it's 2017 now.


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I love this comment. That whole scene felt like it was from an older show, somehow. I kept wondering what Ae Ra was thinking to let Moo Bin get away with that nonsense.


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Ha. Ae Ra is probably finding him cute in the beginning, but probably realised how weird he really is. He's ticking all the kdrama tropes, but it does come across as aggressive and manipulative. Kdrama makes them look so sweet, but in real life - erm, not so much.


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I might be one of the rare few who doesn't really hate Moo Bin. If he's the hero of his own drama, he's probably the awkward deer in the headlights kind of hero, who's a dork and has no experience with women. Thus I agree with you that he probably learned all his moves from old school kdramas - complete with all the cheesy pick up lines and cliches. Things he did to Ae-ra was straight up from typical rom-com : waiting for the girl to go inside her house, surprising her with gifts and popping up in front of her out of nowhere, showering her with praises etc.. he would probably looks adorable doing it. But the thing is, Ae-ra is not on the same page with him, plus, this is 2017 like you said @mushmush , thus what he did can be seen as annoying and manipulative. They just don't fit each other.


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So true! And I like how Aera doesn't like those moves and finds them burdensome. It's as if the writer was telling us "aren't those kdrama moves annoying? Who wants to be stalked and surprised like that when they're trying to get home?" I loved Moo Bin in the previous episode, but I really hated him in this one because he was being really aggressive and you could tell Aera was uncomfortable and annoyed and just not romantically interested at all.


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Agree with all the comments on Moobin and I'm glad that the show has established from earlier on how upfront yet possessive he can be when confessing to a girl. I pitied him back in the first episode when the girl rejected him for DM but now that I've seen how he is all grown up, he certainly has a lot of issues.

And one more thing, I'm very happy to see that our main characters did not fall for the romantic moves that are the usual tropes of a kdrama (i.e. Moobin's surprises and that intern's flirting with JM). Especially that moment when AR asked whether Moobin was stalking her. I'm hoping that his character won't stay for too long. They can use up the screentime for a long hug/stare game between AR and DM instead and I will even watch that on repeat!


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I think at least part of his motivation for dating AeRa is DongMan. He denied knowing him at the game show even though it was clear he remembered him. And then DM shows up to support AR during the douchebags' scene, so he knows they're close. I really didn't like him this episode for all the reasons @lollypip pointed out. If he's in until episode 7, I think he's going to get even worse.........


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What I found odd was how MB acted like he didn't know DM and AR are close friends. I mean he saw how DM beat up his friends for hitting AR and was present during the incident at the police station.


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About Moo-bin, he lost Ae-ra's brownie points already when he told her to be careful of the strange ajusshi living in second floor. I have a different interpretation to Lollypip. I don't think he was referring to Dong-man. He was referring to the owner of the red shirts hung to dry in the balcony, which Ae-ra always wears to sleep. Those same shirts were also worn by Ae-ra's dad and friends when they were drinking together, so he must have sent some to her (could be some football club shirts because it says "Golden Foot"). She was bewildered when he threw that comment, and said "Why would you assume that the one living in second floor was an ajusshi?" Our girl Ae-ra can wear whatever she wants at home, thank you very much.


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Totally agree! That was my interpretation too :)


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I missed that the first time! Thanks ?


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I think Ae-ra was put off because of Moo-bin's stalking to the point of knowing who might be living in second floor. She was taken aback with him waiting outside her workplace, but knowing the people in her neighborhood is at a different level. That's why DM was all, let's walk up to th rooftop so he won't know where you actually live.


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I thought someone said that Moo Bin was just a cameo...has he been extended?


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yep! Choi Woo Shik's in for an extended cameo until the 7th episode...so we gonna have to put up with his behaviour lmao but it does seem like it's enough to jeopardise/catalyse our OTP so let's hope for the best ??


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Their chemistry is off the charts. It's so good to see Park Seo Joon with a compatible leading lady again. <3 God know Hwarang became the Ah-Ro Train Wreck because of that sloppy pairing.


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I'm amazed at the difference a good leading lady makes. I was so annoyed at PSJ and GAR in Hwarang, and had zero investment in their romance. I didn't think he was that attractive either. But here I absolutely love him (and can't help but admire his long legs and proportion whenever the director takes a full body shot of him).


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I think he had much better chemistry with the princess then with AhRo in Hwarang. Although I mostly blame the writer for turning the strong AhRo we see in the beginning episodes into a weak and whiney AhRo.


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I second that!


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Thanks for the recap!

-Dang, DM broke my heart with that final taekwondo match. I'm glad we found out what happened so quickly though, rather than drawing out the mystery forever.
-Okay, from seeing how much of a jerk Tak-Soo was, I was already looking forward to sweet retribution but I didn't imagine it would come so quickly...and damn was that kick satisfying. I was cheering so loud. Ultimately, I think that's what makes this show so watchable for me - the ways in which our underdogs are able to stand up for themselves when it really counts.
-I'm ever so slightly annoyed/confused that AR is so dense when it comes to DM's feelings. He's basically confessed at least twice now and she's still somehow clueless?
-Wow, YJ and HR are both so annoying. I'm not sure if I'll like having two clingy second leads, so to speak, when I can barely handle one...
-I love how they all stand up to HR though. That was my first moment when I really started to see their longstanding group friendship come through.


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re: Dong-man, Ae-ra and confessions - I don't think Dong-man himself has actually figured out what his actions (confession-wise) actually mean, or even the fact that he felt the urge to do that in the first place. I'm not surprised at Ae-ra not getting it either, how can she when he hasn't?

Agreed on the gang standing up to HR though. Their closing ranks around Dong-man to drive off Hye-ran was the first time I saw a group dynamic that actually made it believable that these four were old friends.


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I also support AR not getting it because DM hasn't gotten it yet himself. Just about every time he says something that sounds like a confession to us, he manages to backpedal or undercut it almost immediately.

I loved the gang ganging up on HR, esp because it gave us that awesome Oppa Chorus which was HILARIOUS. (from them and all the versions from her), I loved it and seeing what a sucker DM had been over the years.


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Totally agree on your points pogo and @bbstl!


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Remember the tae-kwondo match in the first episode though, where she thought he was confessing to her and then he said some other girls' name? I think AR is just afraid to trust anything that's not explicit.


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Thank youu for this Recap~
Dongman rocks this episode today. I felt so sad for him during the flashback, the sacrifice he had to make to protect his sister was just so heartbreaking when a big part of him definitely wanted to win that match. But I'm glad he's going back to doing what he really wants.
Unto the romance, Dongman yet again, has seemingly confessed to Aera in an indirect way. Yet, he's also confused at the same time. It makes me feel sad that he hasn't figured out how he truly feels yet, and that all he knows is that he doesn't want Aera to date Moobin. The dialogue in that scene was definitely my favorite.
Lastly, I really do hope that Dongman won't go back to that fox girlfriend of his. She annoys me so much.
P.S. I need more of the dumb fantastic four moments; the scenes at the last part despite how little showed so much chemistry between the four


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I didn't sleep last night binging this. they're so cute!!!


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The relationship between Ae Ra and Dong Man is so darn adorable. They obviously both care for the other deeply and always show signs of concern when something is going to change. That moment when Ae Ra calls her and Dong Man siblings was just lol though. And then, she proceeds to call him a puppy getting kicked. I love how they joke around with each other, but are always there for each other when needed. As for the second pair of interrupting lovers (Moon Bin and Hye Ran), I don't really want them to get in a full loving relationship with our main leads, but with them there, it really helps bring out Ae Ra and Dong Man's support for each other. Finally, we know what really happened during that match which led Dong Man to stop tae kwon do. Ugh, it's so unfair for him when he is actually better, but needs to follow the other coach's orders because of his family. That's why I happy that not him and Ae Ra have decided to pursue their own dreams to get out of this third rate lives. Hwaiting!


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I'm honestly thankful we've got Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won for leads, they make Dong-man and Ae-ra's relationship for me.

And while I loved Moo-bin's poor dorky puppy face at first, this episode showed he wasn't quite as immune to the influence of his colleagues' toxic masculinity as he seemed last week - he's not a jerk, but he's certainly acting quite entitled to Ae-ra's time and attention, even when she didn't ask him for anything or hint at an interest in him. (also, where does he get off telling Dong-man not to touch Ae-ra because he'd decided to date her?)

But yeah, it's like you said - Dong-man and Ae-ra goof around so naturally but sticking up for each other is their nature too. I loved that Ae-ra told Dong-man that he had no need to be ashamed of his present self in ep 2, it really speaks to how they accept each other just the way they are.


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I wanna vomit bloods every time the ex say 'oppa oppa' LMAO


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What I want to know is WHY Dong-man took her back time and again when the ex dumped him repeatedly and then came scurrying back whenever she pleased. They say men are weak to the magic word, but surely she's not the only girl in the world who calls him "oppa"? I do hope he comes to his senses this time and kicks her out of his life for good.


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They better explain why he kept falling for that! Of course she is gorgeous and looks like a very willing (ahem) kisser.


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I wonder if she was his first gf. Kdrama guys have a weakspot for the first loves.


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I'm pretty sure she was his first love.


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She seems pretty sure of herself regarding DM, I wonder if she has something over him?! This is a very far stretched thought, but could she have helped him financially too in the past? Not saying that he was a gigolo, but what if they did have some kind of agreement?! Hence he always had to be there for her. Maybe with her marriage, their agreement ended, but she is now back. The way DM avoided her at the mall, it was almost out of fear or distaste...rather than hurt or lost love. Hoping this is not it, but it could explain why he always had to be there for her in the past and why she is back and expecting the same. Unless he used her before and feels guilty about it? Anyways, hoping to see the end of their association! Sooner rather than later!


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This is exactly why I FREAKING LOVE 'BESTFRIENDS TURNED LOVERS' themes so much!!! It's so fun to see them start realizing that they're starting to feel weird for their bestfriend, the jealousy, and the best part is the fact that they practically know EVERYTHING about each other that they can drag each other but still have each other's backs when it counts.

It's just so much fun and so much butterflies for my stomach!!!! <3


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At first I think it's only a light drama, but I was wrong. After watching this week episodes, many emotions hit me hard. Especially symphaty and sadness.

I'm very grateful to anyone who chose PSJ, KJW, AJH, SHY and KSH as leads. They acted wonderfully. So perfect!

It's clear that the relationship of each couple will be disrupted. Hopefully, writer doesn't make the plot too cliche, go to noble idiot route and annoying. Personally, I've been boiled by DM-ex gf behaviour. Uurrgghh!

I'm looking forward to how the dynamics between four leads will change after the new employee and ex-gf entered their life. I hope their characters remain same and likable troughout the show.


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I don't mind DM's ex interfering and annoying, but he had better not get back with her!!!


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I love this drama so much already, I'm just worried about how it's going to stay this good for the next 12 eps (I will kick something if Fancy Ex hangs around for too long, though).

I love that our protagonists are of average means and best friends - it's so nice to see a drama without chaebol or geeeenius heroes. Dong-man and Ae-ra are really good at what they love and have pretty great skills, but it's all too realistic that their past and lack of resources have got in the way of them being able to do it professionally, in a way that's actually painful to both them and us.

On the upside, though, this drama is actually selling the hell out of Dong-man and Ae-ra's friendship being an actual friendship and not just the preliminary condition for a romance. Most dramas that try the friends-to-lovers angle just look try-hard, that silly Ha Ji-won drama was especially bad at it because she and Lee Jin-wook didn't look like friends at all. But this drama is more in the vein of Answer Me 1997 when it comes to the friendship - as in, it is 100 percent believable that these two have been bffs since childhood, and the much like Seo In-gook and Jung Eun-ji, Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won are convincing as friends (albeit friends who might take a while to figure out they're actually attracted to each other).


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I really like what you said about the leads being of average means - it really rings true that they missed opportunities, or encountered bad circumstances, and all of a sudden they're in their late twenties and nowhere near achieving their dreams. I love how realistic their small steps towards those dreams are - this doesn't strike me as a drama that will let the leads just magically stumble upon a rich chaebol with connections that lets them suddenly get their dream job (*cough*SWDBS*cough*), but instead they are going to have to fight for it. That will make the resolution so much more satisfying, too! I can't wait.


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I actually like that they're average and not dirt poor/being chased by loan sharks or some other ridiculous OTT circumstance - they started off the drama with full-time jobs, albeit soul-sucking ones that don't pay too well but still keep them in rent. And way too many of us have either been or known people who've been held back by bad luck or circumstances from pursuing things they know they would have been great at or at least really loved.

I'm honestly wondering about the plot going forward - I loved the setup, but I hope they can sustain the interest through the rest of the story as Dong-man and Ae-ra start taking steps out of the rut they're in.


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"Who fell in love first?" (AR & DM)

After the watching the first 4 eps, clearly the writer is giving us hints on how deep AeRa and Dong Man friendship is which can it translate that they like each other more than friends? Since when? who will be the one to confess first? Before they knew it, we will see more fight in the future!
PS: their chemistry is soo believable ??? Pls don't give us false hope.

As for our second couple, I think my heart will break for these two. They are starting to have a rocky relationship tho they manage to rekindle after but the spoiler I read makes me sad ? I really like this couple ❤️

PPS: Did you guys notice the RED AND GREEN STARS on the screen during epilogue? Every episode another star is appearing. Wew <<<


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thanks for pointing out the stars. i rewatched the epilogues for that. i think it depicts their attraction level. It seems AR already had a crush on DM in high school and by the 4th episode, they're now both 2 star levels. can't wait to see thelm grow. Squeeeee!


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omg thank you for pointing it out- you're so observant! it's interesting how Aera always has one more star than Dong Man in the first and third epilogue (didn't see the stars in the second epilogue)...I agree with quite a number of people's theory about how she did like him at that Taekwondo match (hence that 1 star) which is why her face fell when his confession was a false alarm...at least they're on par for the fourth epilogue! I wonder if we'll get a kiss scene once all the stars are lighted up ? (a girl can wish)


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aaah i love this show much. everyone has already said it—the chemistry is sooo good. i love it. and i'm looking forward to the day that dong-man puts his ex and kim tak-sun in their places. eeeeeeeps. so good. i do wonder what will happen with the new owner. it's sorta been thrown in our faces that she's significant and i'm wondering how that'll play out.


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I hope it's something dynamic and super interesting and not just to match up with Coach ? But that she doesn't cause our Failing Four too much angst.


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dong man and his ex definitely have that toxic on and off again relationship, i wonder why dong man keeps giving in to hye ran, i wonder if he will again. but i loved how ae ra, seol hee and joo man were his protection squad ready fight and it was cute seeing them in college as well, seolhee is too cute and joo man is a nice guy. i definitely understand why seolhee got angry at him but also understand his point of view of it being suffocating and the fact she doesnt treat herself but only treats him. i dont think the intern is bad or anything thus far, she just likes joo man and is going for it under assumption that his single. moo bin was definitely problematic compared to how is was back in high school, thinking the way he is acting now will definitely get him the girl unlike his passive and timid self back then, he really lacks perspective and understanding . hopefully him and dong man get whatever beef they have off their chest and grow up a little more. i also liked how ae ra told dong man not to act like that again very firmly because she didnt like it and im glad she did, but when she pulled his face, i have to say, my heart skipped a little and along when he pulled her. the sexual tension, the whole no touch rule she gave dong man, you just know its gonna come back when dong man is more aware of his feeling and will be more confident or flirtatious around her, well im hoping. but im really liking the slow burn and building up to it part, its always the fav part of romances. looks like though seolhee and joo man's relationship is gonna start to break and i wonder how that will affect the friendship.


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Moo-bin really strikes me as the sort of person who never knew how to talk to girls when he was a teenager, and then likely went through a succession of male-dominated environments where he was even less likely to learn how to interact with women (he's not like the nasty colleagues whose mirrors Ae-ra destroyed, but if those are the influences he's exposed to, I'm not surprised by him in this episode).

No surprise then, that he approaches Ae-ra like something out of a silly romance manual - the shoes (wrong size), the "event" (which is awkward for her since she doesn't like being put on the spot), the telling Dong-man - her oldest friend - not to touch her, when he himself isn't even dating her (and that should be her call to make, not his).

I'm rather sad about the likely breakup of Seol-hee and Joo-man's relationship. But I love that they all rally around Dong-man the way they do when Fancy Ex comes around, with both Seol-hee and Joo-man yelling for Ae-ra and flat-out saying they've got Dong-man's back against Hye-ran.


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I have a cousin who is just like Seol Hee, I went to the same high school with her for 2 years and sometimes her niceness frustrates me, like I just want to tell her to stop being too nice or people will step on you! It's prob my protectiveness being the older one and I can sympathize with Joo Man in a way that I just can't hurt her feelings by telling her off - when does being too nice become a sin?


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'She used to look like Chewbacca'. XD


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I cackled @that line, and not just because it tickles me to death to see a Star Wars reference in a kdrama.


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I must admit I didn't understand what a Chewbacca is so I had to google it; gave me a good belly laugh when the search page came up. Dong-man, you meanie! But it's extra funny because I keep picturing Ae-ra's morning bedhair look and Chewbacca side by side, and I sort of get why he's calling her that.


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When Dong-man told Ae ra how he wants to make a good life for his family and her, I was screaming, 'What are you, a married couple? A husband who wants to take care of his family? ' He already considers Ae ra as a part of his family! Sheesh!! These two!!


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Yes. I realised that indirectly they are already treating each other like a married couple. For example, she being worried that he will get beaten and ordering him to get a proper job! LOL


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What surprises me about this show is PSJ's character here is really similar to his character in Hwarang but I found him annoying in Hwarang and dropped the drama. Whereas in FMW, I find him so endearing and his "simple-ness" is just so cute. Maybe it was because I had major second lead syndrome with PHS in that drama. Anyway, FMW keep doing what you are doing! Fighting!


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I think his character was written with more nuance here. In Hwarang, I feel like he was more bullheaded and while I enjoyed Hwarang, the writing there was a mess. Sunwoo felt more of a jock than Dong Man and barrels into situations. Dong Man is more relatable. Soul-sucking job. Lost dreams. The promos sort of advertised him as a jock and several people have called him that, but you can tell he actually has a lot of thoughts and is actually quite a sensitive guy.


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I love love love this pair. I can't wait for them to wake up one day (like right now) and just start dating. Oooo how beautiful that scenes would be. So excited.


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I love this expression that you use, LollyPip: break his brain. It cracks me up every time I see it, and it fits so perfectly. Poor Dong-man cannot wrap his head around these strange feelings, the only thing he can do is stop breathing and stare blankly. He's hilarious.

And Ae-ra... Damn, she does not play around with him (and with anyone, for that matter), I love it. When she grabbed his neck and pulled him clooose, I almost squealed.


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I'm kind of sad Jooman isn't weirder. I loved the actor in Reply and was looking forward to his character the most, but his character is just meh here. So far his only interesting scene was his freaking out about separating cherries from yogurt.


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I feel like he's so tightly coiled here, he can't be who he really is at work and he has a dream that isn't near being realized either. Food is his gift but this corporate setting isn't giving him the way to express it or get recognition for his talent. The salaryman role is tamping down the real him as I see it and he's about to die of frustration with his job and his boss. He needs his own startup for his soul, but how to earn enough money to marry SH while taking on a risky entrepreneurial situation? Especially with a girl who doesn't seem like she'd embrace him leaving a large, secure conglomerate but seems more like an anti-risk taker type.


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It's a tough spot for Joo Man. Seol Hee supported him for 6 years. They're 29 now, so he must have only been at his job for about a year. It must have been difficult to get that job in the first place. And you hear about how dire the job market is now in SK.


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I think the cherry/yogurt thing might be Seol Hee's allergy?

Who would have guessed huh, it turned out his character is the normal one out of the group LOL


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Despite all its comedic hjinks, the characters' life struggles are so realistic that gives the show a serious side that the average person can relate to. I know the show is now focused on DM's redemption/second chance... but what I can't really wait to see is whether AR will be able to rise above her situation and realise her full potential, because she clearly is talented and has passion for broadcasting.

I see that Hye-ran is building up to be an annoying Ex gf, which in general I don't like in dramas - but on the other hand I find it realistic that she represents the one bad girl that DM cannot resist when she comes back for comfort. It seems that in real life most guys have a girl like that who they will keep yielding to. Until the right one comes along, or in this case when he realises the right one is beside him all along!


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I love your recap LollyPip, thank you!

I have another view on Joo-man and Seol-hee. I think he is ashamed that he isn't rich enough to marry her and that she is always putting his needs before hers (eg the expensive bag for him when she is carrying a fake leather one). So in his own weird way he wanted to buy her the dress so she can be as pretty to anyone (the boss) as he sees her. But then, they haven't shown that much of the couple (which doesn't bother me because the more I see of the Dong Man/Ae Re-chemistry the better <3)


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I agree with your take on JM's action because going into the show I was expecting him to show signs of boredom and start flirting with his colleagues. But I'm glad to see that he cares deeply for SH and I think as a man, he wants to show that he can support SH with his own money and buy her things. I do hope they can talk it out and not have misunderstandings or start yelling at each other.


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I agree with you on Joo-man and Seol-hee. I think it's coming from him feeling inadequate.


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I'm so glad you said this!! I definitely agree, mostly because you could see it on her face how much she wanted that dress, but there she goes to buy JM an expensive bag he doesn't even want jsut because she thinks she should put him before her, which in turn makes him feel like he's put her in a place where she always thinks of him first. He said that she had to support him for a while, but now that he makes a lot more money, it must annoy him to see her wear clothes that are way older than they could be if she only allowed him to buy her one dang dress, because he knows how much she loves the color pink, and cute things, so for her to reject these things for him even tho he doesn't need to be supported anymore must break his heart a little.


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Yes, this is also my viewpoint regarding JM & SH relationship too


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Yes, very agree with this view. It's very frustrating when you hear your loved one getting mocked by other people, I actually can relate to JM frustration on SH and hoping that SH can love and taking care of herself more rather than always putting JM on top of her needs. Just like how SH wants JM to looks good at the front of his peers in the office (hence buying him an expensive bag), JM also wants SH to looks good, not for his sake, but for SH so she won't be looked down by her peers too.


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I agree with this interpretation. I guess JM feels inadequate in that he can't repay the sacrifices that SH has so far made for him. He loves her much and it's pretty much evident how much he desires to provide for her and do something for her too. We'll probably get to know more about their backstory in the succeeding episodes.


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I think I've seen every single thing Park Seo Joon has ever been in and I've loved him every time - but this drama takes the cake! He is so multi-dimensional here - so brilliantly talented in his ability to convey every day emotions and reactions. PSJ is really bringing it here and his leading lady is FINALLY a match for him in acting ability and chemistry!


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Friendshipzone is the most confusing territory, especially for Ae-ra and Dong-man who've known each other since they're 7. I bet it's hard to sorting things out when you get used to almost everything.

I wonder why DM was so stiffen with Hye-ran and he couldn't say No when she wanted to get back though it's clear that he left DM several times.

I was laughing hard at Moo-bin's cheesy lines like "I can't do anything because I'd thought of you. I'd thought of you like 50 times today...." ?????

And I know Coach Hwang is a good coach all along, and always be there for DM. And I'm happy that DM gave TS that kick. He deserved it! TS' face is punchable!


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There are so many small moments to enjoy and love in this eps. The ramyun eating scene told so much about why our leads's previous relationship doomed from the beginning. At first Ae-ra sat straight with clear uncomfortableness while talking to Moo-bin, but then after Dong-man pulled her chair closer to him, she relaxed and finally started eating and she didn't even tried to put her chair back to its place. Those two clearly have too strong of a bond to be ignored by their girl/boyfriend.

I also love how in tune Dong-man was with Ae-ra's feelings. She didn't say anything, but he just knew that she didn't want to reveal her living place to Moo-bin just yet. And without words, he just told her to go way up together with him.

And it's super cute how Ae-ra disagreed with Dong-man being a MMA fighter because she didn't want him to get hit, no matter whether he win or lose. That must stem from childhood years spent as his knight in shining armor, chasing away bullies who bother him. I love how he couldn't stop grinning the moment he knew that Ae-ra is worried about him.


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Love your comment! I would add one more scene in the ramyun place where Ae-ra was expecting Dong-man, and not Moo-bin, to hand her the chopsticks even when she was sitting closer to Moo-bin. And she was clearly disappointed when he just obliviously started eating his ramyun.


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The Ramyun scene is one of my fav so far, all the little things say so much about their relationship.


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Oohh!! I didn't notice this. Thanks for pointing it out.
And for giving me a reason to rewatch (as if I needed one in the first place LOL)


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That scene where Dong-man was crossing the street and was left behind by the other commuters - what a poignant way of showing how he's stuck in the past and the world has moved on without him. Love the way that was interpreted!

And I know I've said over and over, but ahhhh Dong-man and Ae-ra are too cute for words.


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And then he turns around, screams that he quits his hateful job, and charges back into his life. That is how road-crossing scenes should be done! No need for ToD or dramatic near death experiences for someone to make a life-changing decision; this moment is only about Dong-Man's inner struggle. The directing is so good in this scene that it focuses our full attention on Dong-Man and allows us to cheer him on. Also, PSJ nailed it. Bravo! :)


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Yes! I was almost clapping at that scene, hah. This is my first drama with PSJ and I'm amazed by the little cues/expressions in his acting. KJW too!


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And I was thinking "what, is no one going to recognise the guy beside you as you're still watching him on your mobiles" but all are busy digging their heads in their mobiles and that's how you miss the guy who's right in front of your eyes.


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I really like this episode and being more attracted to this drama than before. The chemistry is so good from the beginning but in this episode I begin to know more about their past (especially Dong-man) which leads me into knowing more about the character.

My favorite scene was the Dong-man, Ae-ra, and Moo-bin scene. I can't imagine being in Ae-ra position tho lmao. The she-used-to-be-chewbacca scene got me dead lol.

I'm looking forward for the next episode and totally rooting for this drama. Fighting!


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The scene where Joo-Man told his boss that he can't make female workers pour his drinks - wow this WOKE King #progress. I need some of these men to stay in their lane, as in PLEASE stop treating women as objects/trophy to be won and grab/pulled at! The whole scene of Dong-man and Moo-Bin pulling Ae-Ra like it's their last meal or something was just so childish but good thing Ae-ra told them that. I'm going to let it pass since they both seem to be inexperience with girls and I hope our girl Ae-Ra will continue to tell them off if they continue to be problematic, which she's so good at! Love a strong and sassy female character!! ⭐️?


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I can't believe I still see these kinds of bosses in dramas. He deserved to lose both shoes! It is none of his business if his workers date or not (right? I understand 'no dating' rules in a company, but telling him whom to date is way too much). I wish the Pink Intern would say something, but she just simpers at the compliments and thus perpetuates this kind of workplace harassment.

And the girl is a bit too much herself: offers Joo-Man a ride, shows up to offer a ride again, invites herself to tteokbokki, and says she wants a dinner date. WHAT!

Please please drama don't go overboard with invasive and persistent second leads... Moo Bin is near the edge, Hye-Ran is a pest, and Pink Intern has an awfully nasal voice.


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i'm liking this drama! didnt plan to watch it while its ongoing but the poster and teasers were so inviting ?. i like the yellow background poster.

i appreciate that the main characters in this drama are wearing normal looking clothes that actually suit their lifestyle. usually in kdramas the characters are clad in designer brands that look expensive regardless their social status. imo, its awkward when the character is supposed to be poor but dressed to the nines.


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It boggles my mind when Park Kwang Ho's (then) girlfriend showed up with Hermes Constance bag ? and this was set in the 70s? I just watched Tunnel yesterday so it's fresh off my mind.


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It's nice to see some clarification for DM's past, but omfg can Hye-Ran please GTFO. I know it's to heighten some conflict but I've never been so annoyed at a character before ): < just when Ae-ra and DM were starting to get an inch closer to catch some feelings she comes in. DM -- please don't fall into her foxy ways and hurt Ae-ra in he process! ~

Also, it's finally nice to see some more foursome action! Flashbacks to the past were funny, and it's nice to finally see the other two characters SEEM like they're main characters of some sort. (after some friendly dose of it in episode 3)

Wow, all I can say is the quality in the romance department of kdramas have improved! I'm enjoying all the other series such as Suspcious Partner, that have cute interactions and tinges comedy!


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Dongman: He is stupid! Do something before Aera is taken by the cute guy.

Aera:Dont confuse me! She keeps saying that means he had her confused many times before and that happened right before he takes his ex again and again. Just like what's happening right now. I think everytime he treated Aera like a girl he likes, he got himself a b***ch girlfriend .

Seolhui: Isn't she is a drop dead gorgeous! I am a girl but if I am guy I think she is my type and I am sounds so weird right now. She should treat and love herself better if he wants Juman to stay.

Juman: If you want ur girlfriend to love herself u should show it.Don't tell her to buy things, you do it yourself. Clearly, just like you said, she got used to cheap and holding back from buying things for herself.


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Im glad that admin didnt screen cap tge scene of Dongman and that B*tchy girl doing on the past. Aaiisshh!!!

Cant wait more jealous scene bet DongMan and Aera.??


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Woah, things got awkward real fast once DM saw AR and MB together. I'm just laughing my head off at all the ramyun jokes floating around these a days! First MxM, now FMW. (It makes me really want to eat ramyun, though. Real ramyun.) Also, ugh, Park Hye Ran, that two-faced thing.

On Dong Man: Jealous DM is cute and all that, but something about how immature his actions were didn't sit right with me - you don't get to do all that and still use a reason of "we're friends, why wouldn't I be concerned?", so I'm actually really glad that AR called him out on his actions. (If he wasn't going to take responsibility for his actions, he shouldn't confuse her. But look at those reactions when they have skinship! Boy's got it baaad for her, he just needs to own up to it. They both do.)

But beyond that, more importantly, my heart broke for DM and his backstory. The fact that he gave up his dream to protect his family was completely heartbreaking. Taksu obviously speaks like someone who's never been hard up for money. Having money doesn't entitle you to jerk-titude, and that's me putting it lightly. When he mocked DM for being a beggar, he made me feel like crud. It was totally satisfying to seem him knocked out, and you can bet I'm rooting for DM's future success in the ring.

On Ae Ra: I find it fresh that AR finds all the things that "prince charming" does annoying, because those are cliche "swoony" moves that all of us swoon at in dramas (We can all agree that MooBin is a 100% adorable, right?) even though we know it's completely unrealistic and it adds another level of realism to her. It sort of makes her more relatable.

On Joo Man & Seol Hee: Poor JM - he probably feels so sorry that SH has had to live a raggedy life and sacrificed so much for him, even though on her end it was completely consensual. Being unable to stand up for her at work, plus seeing her getting compared to the flashy rich intern probably accumulated and made him lash out at her even though he knew it wasn't her fault at all. But I like how their fight wasn't unnecessarily dragged out; he apologized because he knew he had been wrong and they made up. It felt realistic and very human. I'm glad they got more screen time this episode, though I'll say that AR and DM continue to steal the show.


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The best ramyun joke in recent dramas is Lee Min Ho getting jealous of himself in Legend of the Blue Sea. Ramyun Guy? XD

I agree that Moo Bin is 100% adorable, although judging by Lollypip's comments he's veering into obnoxious second-lead territory. However, I think the Prince Charming allusion still holds - he's doing everything a prince would do but it's just not the right shoe size for Ae Ra. I think he took the ramyun invitation literally by the way, because he said it was too soon to go into her house so they can just eat out. I don't think he meant anything naughty by it - and honestly, everyone would be squeeing hard if it were Dong-Man holding Ae-Ra's hand and coming up with an excuse to eat with her... but if it's Moo Bin they say he's being manipulative. Give the guy a break! His little squishy heart is going to break anyway.

I'd like to see more of Joo Man and Seol Hee too, although every moment with Ae Ra and Dong Man is gold. I actually understand Joo Man saying he wants her to be his girlfriend, not his mother. Seol Hee has a way of putting everyone and Joo Man before her, in a real mothering way, but it means she gets trampled by Pink Interns and Lecherous Bosses. Ugh. I can't believe some of Ae Ra's confidence hasn't rubbed off on her after all these years!


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I think you guys are right about JooMan but I honestly think it's also that he wants SH to be more of a person in and of herself. I think part of him wants her to assert herself, see herself more as separate from him and have an identity so that it's not a push to . . . have a work wardrobe, for example. The comments about living with his Mom are a red flag in a romantic relationship.


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<everyone would be squeeing hard if it were Dong-Man holding Ae-Ra's hand and coming up with an excuse to eat with her... but if it's Moo Bin they say he's being manipulative.

There's a massive difference. Dong-man and Ae-ra have known each other for 20 something years. He cares about her feelings and knows her so well, that he can tell from the tone of her voice if something is wrong even when she's smiling at him and pretending otherwise. Moo-bin met her once, then starting going after her. He's met her three times now, doesn't know her or anything about her at all, is ready to declare they are dating and that she should drop her friends for him – he doesn't consider her feelings at all. That's why he's being manipulative. Read harmonyfb's comment at 57 if you need a full breakdown.


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>. But I like how their fight wasn't unnecessarily dragged out; he apologized because he knew he had been wrong and they made up.

I like the simplicity of the morning backhug to mean that they have moved on from their spat the other night. It's so realistic with no drama to resolve a minor misunderstanding.


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Who will be chosen by Dong-man,Ae-ra or Park Hyeran(Ep 4)???The episode of this drama getting best...


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Actually,who Dong-man like,Ae-ra or Park Hyeran???The episodes of this drama getting best...


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This episode was great. Thought it was better than the previous one, which had felt a little slower.

So Joo Man doesn't realize that Ye Jin has a crush on him yet? Really....
Still don't know much about him, but I do like his affection and protectiveness towards Seol Hee. I chuckled when he tossed his boss's shoe away after his boss said that mean joke about her too. He did good there. Still curious about their relationship and the trials they will go through.

Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won are awesome in their roles!! I've already been a fan of PSJ, but I'm really liking KJW here. Love all her expressions. His intense stares at her slayyyyyed me.
I love their tons of natural skinship too. So cute and funny~ And hot when they get real close. Rawr.


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KJW is really killing it here. And I agree, her little expressions make Ae Ra all the more great as you can really feel her spunk, sass and vulnerability. Her Ae Ra is already turning out to be one of my favorite k-drama heroines in years, alongside that LBY in I Hear Your Voive, JJH in My Love from the Star and IU in The Producer.
PSJ wasn't really an actor that I followed alot but his turn as Dong Man has now put him on my must watch list. That scene of him looking at Dong Hee while intentionally losing the match on her behalf really broke my heart.


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I look forward to the episode where they would interact with each other's families. I mean as childhood bestfriends, they would surely be close with each other's parents, right? That'd be so adorable!


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Why do I get a feeling that DM came to the dept store because her dad called him to check on her?


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Moobin told her to stay away from HER house, incorrectly assuming she was some weirdo man, not Dong Man's. I wonder if there are translational errors because there seem to be inconsistencies.


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I think Jooman's frustration is layered and much more believable, because he's not actually angry at his girlfriend, as much as the way other people speak of her. Of course, it's easy for that anger to be directed a different way, and for him to be attracted something new and shiny as time goes on. I liked how he dealt with the situation in the car actually; he was polite and firm in his speech.

What I also like about the typical love triangle between our leads is that Dongman, unlike a lot of other male leads, actually keeps saying out loud how he feels, and his confessions are direct. He's not doing one thing and saying another (even if that too, is obvious ... we're looking at you, Suspicious Prosecutor). However, if Aera still keeps seeing Moobin, both Aera and Dongman have to do the 'right' thing, otherwise they'll both be stringing Moobin along. I mean, it's obvious to everyone, but if Aera says yes to dating, she shouldn't let her male friend sulk in the corner on every date, that's just bad manners.


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I think Joo Man may have also been angry about Seol Hee being such an easy target for ridicule (and not trying hard enough to avoid ridicule), not knowing that Seol Hee doesn't really care as long as she has Joo Man because what he thinks of her is the only thing that really matters to her.


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"Would you like to come in to eat some raymun?" If it's one thing this episodes taught me, it's how to pick up a man if I ever go to South Korea...I guess every country has there own "Netflix and chill." Lol!!!


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It's a very old pick-up line though, and while some youngsters might be aware of its underlying meaning, I don't think they are still using it now. That's why it's hilarious that Ae Rae used it without any meaning to it. She didn't mean it to pick up Moobin eheee


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I think when Moobin said to be careful of the neighbor living in second floor, he was reffering to the bad ahjusi that he thought living in Ae Ra's home because of Ae Ra's house clothes that hanging on the balcony. That's why Ae Ra feels very uncomfortable to show Moobin that she lives on the apartment that Moobin said to be careful to. It's going to be so awkward once he knows that it is actually Ae Ra who lives in the house that he so called Ae Ra to be careful to.


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Yep it's her apartment, in that last scene you can see Ae Ra wearing that red tshirt to bed.


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You know a show is drama crack when you start counting down to next Monday as soon as Tuesday's show ends, you rewatch portions of (or entire) episodes in the time between, and you start searching youtube for behind the scenes videos. It is nice to have a show like this again.

I blame it on the chemistry between the leads (although the other parts are awesome too.) ???


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This is also my new crack! Mystery Queen kept me going through drama drought but it doesn't make my heart flutters like it does while watching this couple. This episode seals the deals and I am counting the days to next Tuesday!


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I enjoyed Mystery Queen too - it was a good, dependable drama. But this one is heart-fluttering indeed. :)


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