Mystery Queen: Episode 6

We finally understand why Seol-ok’s been so good to her in-laws this whole time, and her reasoning for hiding her dream to keep the family peace starts to make a little more sense. True to her word, Seol-ok tries to wrap up her love for mysteries once and for all — except that one particularly determined detective isn’t about to let her just give up now that he realizes her worth.


Still working at the prosecutor’s office late at night, Ho-chul picks up a call from someone called Chief Kim and agrees to find something for him. The secretary walks in to notify Ho-chul that he’ll be in charge of the Jang Do-jang case, and Ho-chul curses under his breath when he sees that Wan-seung is the detective in charge.

Meanwhile, Dong-ki, Team Leader Kwang-tae, and Wan-seung have just learned that they’re being transferred from the Gang Crimes Unit to the Violent Crimes Unit, and Kwang-tae complains that the power of Ha & Jung Law Firm sure is frightening — now, the Jang Do-jang case is completely out of their hands.

Drowning their sorrows over alcohol, Wan-seung wonders what will happen to Jang Do-jang while Dong-ki drunkenly comments that he just feels bad for Team Leader Kwang-tae — how will he keep up with the new unit when he’s old enough to be a grandpa? Ha.

Kwang-tae snaps that he’s not that old yet, and Wan-seung ponders the case, noting that Jang must have some valuable information on him if Ha & Jung Law Firm is trying so hard to get him released. Dong-ki adds that the situation is even fishier since Kim Ho-chul is the prosecutor handling Jang’s case, and Wan-seung asks indignantly why Kim Ho-chul would be put in charge when drug crimes are completely out of his jurisdiction.

The team realizes that this must mean that the prosecution’s only planning to charge Jang for breaking into the lockers, and at that, Wan-seung downs an entire bottle of soju in a fit of anger as Dong-ki and Kwang-tae try to stop him from destroying his liver.

After a night of drinking, Wan-seung heads straight for the prosecutor’s office. He finds Ho-chul at the steps and grabs the prosecutor by the collar, accusing him of being connected to Ha & Jung Law Firm. Wan-seung is just about to start a fight when Seol-ok runs in, exclaiming that everything is a misunderstanding.

She starts to explain the real reason for why she had been at the police station the other night, but Wan-seung cuts in and tells her that they’re not talking about her — they’re talking about Jang Do-jang. Confused, Ho-chul asks Seol-ok what she means, but when Seol-ok launches into her explanation again, Ho-chul just takes it as a chance to get away from Wan-seung and curtly apologizes for misunderstanding before he takes his leave.

In disbelief at what just happened, Wan-seung yells that Seol-ok always messes things up for him, and Seol-ok tells Wan-seung to let it go — she just saved him from a beating. Wan-seung asks incredulously if she means that he almost got beaten up by Ho-chul, and Seol-ok tells him cheerily that Ho-chul used to do kendo in college.

Wan-seung sarcastically thanks her, and Seol-ok suddenly recalls that Wan-seung had mentioned Jang Do-jang earlier. Curiosity piqued, she starts asking what happened before deciding against it, reminding herself that it has nothing to do with her.

Wan-seung tries to tell her that this case is actually related to her since her husband is the prosecutor, but before he can finish his sentence, Ho-chul, who came back, interrupts him. Trying to get Seol-ok away from Wan-seung, Ho-chul offers to take her out for lunch, and she agrees excitedly. From behind, Wan-seung eyes Ho-chul suspiciously, commenting that there’s definitely something fishy going on.

In jail, a man drags his foot unnaturally across the wooden floorboards as he makes his way towards Jang Do-jang. The strange man silently passes a cellphone on to Jang, who picks up a call from the mysterious Chief Kim. Chief Kim berates Jang for acting up and reminds Jang to stop pretending that he knows things. Jang responds cryptically that he would need to actually know things to be pretending that he knows things and chuckles as Chief Kim hangs up on him.

At Ha & Jung Law Firm, Ji-won briefs CEO Ha on her call with Jang Do-jang. CEO Ha doesn’t seem to be particularly interested in Jang though, and instead asks about Ji-won’s engagement. She trails off when she mentions Wan-seung and that’s all that CEO Ha needs to hear before reassuring her that he’ll take care of Wan-seung. Once Ji-won steps out of the elevator, CEO Ha pulls out his phone and makes a call.

At the restaurant, Seol-ok reflects on the burglary-turned-murder case as she talks to Ho-chul, noting pensively that she shouldn’t have acted the way she did when she didn’t have 100% of the evidence. Ho-chul is rather uninterested in the conversation though, responding monosyllabically to everything she says.

He does tell her to stay away from Wan-seung, commenting that there are a lot of bad rumors surrounding that guy, and Seol-ok just reassures her husband that there won’t be any reason for her to get close to Wan-seung.

At the police substation, Joon-oh wonders sadly why Seol-ok isn’t picking up his calls anymore, thinking that Wan-seung must have something to do with it. Now that Joon-oh has a bone to pick with Wan-seung, he sends him off to investigate a neighborhood theft; when Wan-seung dismissively tries to get out of it, Joon-oh asserts his authority and tells Wan-seung sternly, “I’m the lieutenant here.”

At the lunchbox store, Seol-ok gets to work throwing away all her mystery-studying materials, and Kyung-mi waffles between urging Seol-ok to keep chasing after her ten-year-old dream and encouraging her to let the dream go.

Kyung-mi comments wistfully that Wan-seung was quite good-looking. Seol-ok looks up at her friend in shock, Wan-seung’s handsome face having apparently escaped her notice. Seol-ok rejects the notion and urges her friend to go out and date more, commenting that Kyung-mi’s standards have dropped to rock bottom lately, ha.

While investigating the neighborhood theft, Wan-seung complains about Joon-oh to Earnest Cop, arguing that the only reason he tried to get out of coming here was because he wanted Joon-oh to get the experience instead — Wan-seung was just looking out for the rookie cop! He adds that this is all because of Seol-ok, grumbling that she sure gets upset easily.

Suddenly, a young woman jumps out from behind the corner and cheerily greets the police officers, exclaiming excitedly that the serial theft took place at her house. Leading them to her laundry hanging on the rooftop, she explains that she preserved the “crime scene” for the officers to investigate, and Wan-seung begins to realize that he’s here to catch a petty underwear thief.

Thinking that he’s too good for a small case like this, Wan-seung tries to hand it off to Earnest Cop, but Earnest Cop just got called into an even more pressing case. Wan-seung offers to go in his stead and scoffs when Earnest Cop tries to talk him out of it… until Earnest Cop explains that the other case involves a man publicly pooping in a restaurant and refusing to leave.

Grimacing, Wan-seung agrees to stay and pityingly tells Earnest Cop that he sure is working hard. The young woman returns from her room and hands Wan-seung her magenta-pink underwear to aid his investigation, brightly explaining that the underwear thief stole one that was similar in design, and all Wan-seung can do is nod as he gingerly holds onto the woman’s panties.

Hee-chul sits alone at an empty funeral wake for his mother, terrified and lost as he stares at his mother’s portrait. When his aunt comes bursting in to comfort the poor boy, he bursts into tears, and his aunt can do nothing but lie to him, reassuring him that the police were wrong about everything.

Seol-ok watches the scene unfold from the doorway, and she’s brought back to the memory of herself at her parents’ funeral wake. Seol-ok too had been staring listlessly at her parents’ portraits before Kyung-suk had burst into the room, crying over her friend, Seol-ok’s mother.

Kyung-suk had then turned to Seol-ok and immediately embraced her, comfortingly stroking her head. In the present, as Hee-chul’s aunt tells him that she’ll take care of everything, Hee-chul glances up to see Seol-ok before she walks away.

Seol-ok returns home, and as usual, Kyung-suk nags her about all the housework they have to do. This time, though, Seol-ok thinks back to how Kyung-suk had brought her in to live with the family after Seol-ok’s parents had died — Kyung-suk had taken Seol-ok by the hand and reassured her that she would be treated like Kyung-suk’s own daughter.

After introducing her to Ho-soon and Ho-chul, Kyung-suk had even lovingly offered to make soybean noodles for Seol-ok. In the present, Seol-ok wakes her mother-in-law from her nap and sweetly offers to make the same soybean noodles for her, forever grateful to Kyung-suk for giving her a family.

At the police substation, Joon-oh comments pointedly that Seol-ok probably would’ve been able to solve the panty-thief case by now, and Wan-seung glares at him, asking if Joon-oh’s comparing him to an average housewife. As Joon-oh walks out, Wan-seung complains that Joon-oh sure holds a long grudge and shouts that he really did try to keep Seol-ok from leaving.

While Joon-oh is on patrol, he spots Seol-ok and runs up excitedly to her, telling her that he’s been worried about her. Seol-ok greets him, but she refuses to do any more mystery-solving and quickly takes her leave before Joon-oh can say something to convince her otherwise.

Wan-seung meets with Dong-ki and Kwang-tae to discuss what they’re going to do about Jang Do-jang, and Kwang-tae wonders why Wan-seung is so obsessed with Jang — to that, Wan-seung just says that it’s because Jang is a bad guy. Kwang-tae doesn’t quite buy it, but he wonders what they can do to keep Jang in prison, and suddenly, Wan-seung recalls that Jang had almost stabbed Seol-ok the night he came back for the drugs.

He realizes that they could charge Jang for violence, police assault, and even attempted murder, as long as Seol-ok testifies in their favor. The only problem, Dong-ki notes, is that she’s Ho-chul’s wife.

Wan-seung seeks Seol-ok out at Kyung-mi’s lunchbox store, and Kyung-mi tells him that Seol-ok hasn’t picked up her calls either. Kyung-mi reminds Wan-seung not to look for Seol-ok at her house, and he tells her that he understands. He takes his leave, and Kyung-mi walks back inside the store… to Seol-ok, who’s been sitting inside, just a few tables behind the door, listening to the entire conversation.

Seol-ok tries to get Kyung-mi to start dating again, but Kyung-mi just notes that Seol-ok wouldn’t know anything about that — Seol-ok only got married because she wanted a family. Seol-ok disagrees, arguing that she got married because she was in love, and Kyung-mi points out that loving someone because she got married to him isn’t exactly the same thing.

At the police substation, Joon-oh looks forlornly at the wanted posters on the bulletin board outside as he remembers how Seol-ok had once tried to take them down for herself. It was then that Seol-ok had started helping him solve his cases, and in the present, Slacker Cop comments that it looks like Joon-oh’s been dumped.

Claiming to be an expert at reading women, Slacker Cop wonders if he should give some advice to Joon-oh, and Wan-seung asks if there’s a way to change a woman’s heart. Slacker Cop tells him that the man must first buy the most expensive flowers he can find — then, at a decisive moment, he must get on his knees and apologize unhesitatingly for his wrongdoing.

To finish up, the man should then whisper lovingly to the woman that the flowers are a symbol of their everlasting love. Amazed, Wan-seung wonders if this works when asking for favors too, and Slacker Cop nods, assuring him that this method is infallible.

At the jail, Jang glances menacingly in the mirror before swaggering down the corridor — not looking the part of a frightened prisoner in the least.

Wan-seung visits a florist, and when asked about the woman’s personality, Wan-seung chuckles as he comments that she likes to brag about her education, looks down on people, and does things on a big scale — like buying five trays of eggs. The florist recommends that he buy a unique bouquet of flowers that mean “thank you,” and Wan-seung agrees that it’s perfect.

As he steps out of the shop with his flowers though, a group of suited men suddenly appear behind him and force a bag over his head before pushing him inside a black van. He’s thrown roughly on the floor of a fancy-looking house before the men take the bag off his head… revealing Ji-won, who tells him to hurry up and get dressed for their engagement ceremony.

Wan-seung asks angrily what Ji-won thinks she’s doing right now, but unfazed, she just tells him that he ought to think about what he’s doing right now. She says that her pride has been pretty damaged by him (oy vey), and she leaves him to change as he screams after her that he said very clearly that he wasn’t going to do the engagement.

At that moment, CEO Ha wordlessly walks into the room, and Wan-seung greets him hesitantly: “Father.” CEO Ha just picks up a call from Ji-won’s father, Assemblyman Jung, and reassures the assemblyman that Wan-seung is getting ready for the engagement. Wan-seung doesn’t say anything, but his glance lingers on the cellphone and car keys on a nearby table.

At Seol-ok’s home, Kyung-suk nags Ho-soon about her revealing outfit, forcing her to cover up before going out. Kyung-suk adds that all Ho-soon did while studying for her Ph.D. was chase men around and bemoans the fact that Ho-soon always gets swindled by men.

She recalls how she had to work so hard to cover up Ho-soon’s losses without Ho-chul knowing, and Ho-soon retorts that Seol-ok was the one who did all the work. Seol-ok tries to cozy up to Ho-soon as she leaves, but Ho-soon isn’t having it and tells Seol-ok that she knows that Seol-ok is just Kyung-suk’s spy.

Seol-ok points out that it’s better for Ho-soon if she’s the one keeping an eye on her and not Kyung-suk, and Ho-soon agrees to at least that much. Ho-soon adds a few spritzes of perfume and asks Seol-ok if the fragrance goes well with her — it’s called “Gone with the Wind,” she says. Before leaving, Ho-soon glances back at her mom, and then bids Seol-ok goodbye.

At the engagement ceremony, the workers comment on the rumors surrounding CEO Ha’s son, wondering if he’s handsome. In the meantime, that handsome son is sneaking out stealthily by jumping across rooftops, making his getaway by stealing Ji-won’s car.

While doing laundry, Seol-ok notes that there was something fishy about Ho-soon today. She thinks to herself that Ho-soon’s bag was much larger than usual, and remembers seeing a thick brown binder sticking out from it — a binder that looks exactly like the one in which Ho-chul had placed his rare stamp collection.

Seol-ok recalls all the times that valuables have gone missing in their house, and remembers how Ho-soon had asked her for money not long ago. Seol-ok rushes into Ho-soon’s room and realizes that Ho-soon’s suitcase, as well as most of her clothes and bags, are missing. Panicking, Seol-ok tries to call Ho-soon, but there’s no answer, which can only mean that Ho-soon has run away.

Right as Seol-ok is rushing out of her house, she runs into Wan-seung, and she tells him she’s too busy to talk — her sister-in-law has made off with a bunch of valuables and she has to catch her before she disappears. Wan-seung offers to give her a lift, but Seol-ok just ignores him and calls for a taxi, rushing off to Ho-soon’s workplace.

Undeterred, Wan-seung just decides to follow Seol-ok and offers to help by reporting Ho-soon as a wanted person. Seol-ok snaps that her mother-in-law would die from shock if that were to happen and asks him to stay out of it.

At Ho-soon’s workplace, Seol-ok finds out that Ho-soon had quit the job a week ago; what’s more, she had been lying to her coworkers, asking them to lend her money for a variety of made-up reasons — from getting married, to her mother’s emergency medical surgery, to going abroad. Wan-seung offers to track Ho-soon’s location for Seol-ok, and that finally gets Seol-ok cooperating with Wan-seung.

Meanwhile, Ji-won has discovered that Wan-seung’s gone missing with her car, and she calls her secretary to track him down. Ji-won recalls that Wan-seung had brought a bouquet of strange-looking flowers with him and asks the secretary to figure out another thing: who Wan-seung is with right now.

Though Seol-ok had previously rejected Wan-seung’s offer to drive her, as soon as she hears that Ho-soon’s at the airport, Seol-ok jumps into the car and tells Wan-seung to hurry it up, ha. Once they reach the airport, Seol-ok rushes inside without Wan-seung and thinks about which country Ho-soon might be going to — the only problem is, Ho-soon had no direction in life and had different plans to go all over the world.

Wan-seung meets up with his friend working at the airport’s surveillance room and spots Seol-ok through the cameras. She’s currently combing through the trashcans, dutifully examining each cigarette. Seol-ok notices that one cigarette in particular is stained with peach lip tint — the exact same shade that Seol-ok had gifted Ho-soon for her birthday.

Seol-ok runs off again, and this time, she stops at the airport pay phones, where she notices the scent of the perfume that Ho-soon had sprayed earlier in the day. Though Wan-seung tells Seol-ok that Ho-soon already passed through customs, Seol-ok insists that Ho-soon must have used the phone to cancel her flight and asks Wan-seung to report Ho-soon as missing.

Wan-seung reminds her that the police wouldn’t accept Seol-ok’s missing person report if Ho-soon’s only been gone for a few hours, but he decides he’ll do it for her, saying that he’s a detective too. From the surveillance room, Seol-ok watches as Ho-soon leaves the airport and Wan-seung argues that this was only ten minutes ago — Ho-soon doesn’t look like a missing person at all.

Seol-ok’s hands fly up to her mouth and she says slowly: “She’s going to be kidnapped.” Wan-seung rolls his eyes, and the other detective points out that Ho-soon is walking around fine — she’s not even with anyone. Seol-ok jumps up in panic and tells Wan-seung that Ho-soon will be in danger if they don’t find her soon.

Meanwhile, Ho-soon is walking by herself on a path along the river. No one else is there — with the exception of a man in his car, not too far behind Ho-soon, watching her every move.


Oh no, Ho-soon! She’s always come off as smart girl, easily catching on to Seol-ok’s little white lies even when Kyung-suk didn’t have a clue, but also one who acts and reacts pretty rashly, especially when it comes to talking back to her mother. I’m just glad that the case with Ho-soon will force Seol-ok to rely on Wan-seung and possibly bring her back to solving real mysteries. It’s been fun to watch her apply her mystery-solving skills to situations in daily life, like figuring out where the eggs discount would be, or what was off about Ho-soon that particular day, but things only start to get really exciting when Seol-ok is working on a real case — in that sense, I thought it was very clever of the show to take Seol-ok’s suspicions about Ho-soon and allow them to unravel into a real mystery.

As much as Seol-ok has resisted from using her sleuthing skills for a real case, now she has to if she wants to save her beloved sister-in-law, and by extension, her family. Now, it finally makes sense why Seol-ok’s been so subservient and loyal to her mother-in-law even despite being constantly taken for granted — Kyung-suk gave Seol-ok a new family at a time when Seol-ok had no family. Kyung-suk has never been the caricature evil mother-in-law, but the drastic difference between how kindly she had treated Seol-ok then, and how nitpicky she is now, was quite shocking; does time really change relationships that much? It also does make me wonder if Seol-ok truly loves Ho-chul, or if she loves him because marrying him was a way of joining the family permanently.

In the same vein, I also wonder if Ho-chul loves Seol-ok. It seemed that when they had met as teenagers, they had liked each other, but despite the concern that Ho-chul shows for Seol-ok at times, he also seems quite negligent as a husband. It was a little sad to watch how distracted Ho-chul was while Seol-ok poured her feelings out to him over lunch. Seol-ok definitely doesn’t know about Ho-chul’s shady dealings either, so it’s certainly worrying that she puts so much trust in him and that he puts none in her — not that it would be good for Seol-ok to be involved in this anyway. Moreover, the show still hasn’t revealed why Ho-chul had been thought to be a bachelor by Kwang-tae and the other detectives — is it just a mistake on their part, or is Ho-chul hiding his marriage with Seol-ok?

Speaking of possibly dysfunctional relationships, it’s high time I mention Ji-won’s attachment to Wan-seung. I thought it was funny last week when she had reacted so nonchalantly to Wan-seung exclaiming that he would never get married to her, but abducting Wan-seung and then thinking that she has the right to be angry at him over her “hurt pride” really says something about how entitled she must be as a person. Perhaps part of the problem is due to CEO Ha and Assemblyman Jung letting her think that Wan-seung belongs to her, but it’s a bit frightening how she plows forwards with her plans without any consideration for Wan-seung’s objections.

I imagine that’s probably the way Wan-seung has also been treated by CEO Ha all his life, and it makes me wonder if CEO Ha has some connection to what happened to Wan-seung’s Eun-soo noona — did he force the young couple to break up? We know that Jang Do-jang is linked to what happened to Eun-soo, and we also know that Ha & Jung Law Firm must be pulling strings behind the scenes for Jang — does this mean that CEO Ha had something to do with Wan-seung’s traumatic memory of Eun-soo lying on the floor, almost bleeding to death? Is Wan-seung aware of it? How deep does this story go?


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Finally I caught up to this drama. I enjoy it the most compare to other wed-thurs dramas. The only thing that has been bothering me is their spooky background music at the river murdering scene and when it was being played at the end of this episode. it felt like I was watching a horror movie..


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I agree it is spooky, but it has a haunting kind of beauty to it. I'm guessing whenever they play that tune, the viewer can safely assume that something horrible will happen. I hope the heroine's sister-in-law will be safe, she seems flighty, and the tune playing doesn't bode well at all.


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I like that background music. I don't think it is eerie or anything. I thought it fitted the river scene very well, what with the cinematography and her imminent danger status.


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For some reason the music at the end was really unsettling becaude it made me think of God's Gift - 14 Days (which is still dead to me). X(


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Does this melody not remind you of the little game they sometimes play in kdrama? Where one person is leaning against a tree or a wall, hiding their face in their arms and singing/saying something in a particular tune while another person approaches from behind. When the person is finished with the verse they quickly turn around and the other person stands still in whatever position they were in just then.


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That Music also scared me little bit. Oh Hae Young's husband is working overtime. And the SIL going a long walk. It clearly shouts danger ahead.


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Anyone knows who played young Seol-ok? Her face looks familiar to me, but I can't remember where I saw her....


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She was in Woman with a suitcase


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Thanks! I remember her now, she's Mi-na in "Woman with A Suitcase." :)


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Comment was deleted


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Was it just me or did she seem way taller than present-day Seol-ok?


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Anyone knows who played the young ho chul?


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Episode 6 makes me more craving to watch the next episode!
Can't wait to know why Seol Ok makes conclusion that this case is a kidnapping!
And will be a continuation of the underwear thief case?
And in the preview Wan Seung seems to be have a singing scene!
2 more days!
And the ending scene with its cinematography and background music is creepy...
And maybe it's just me who feel kinda annoying with Officer Hong in this episode...


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I like Officer Hong. He is like a little puppy. He is so cute. I love how he always defers to SO for opinions on the cases. He must have felt lonely now that SO is ignoring him and not taking up the cases.


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so i'm back and forth on him. at times, i think he might be incompetent but then something like the shoes and the donation boxes happen and it reminds me that he's the station's top dog for a reason.


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I love Chief Hong!! Such a cute kid even though his character probably isn't that much younger than I am. :P
But I REALLY hope he'll start working on learning to figure things out in his own in order to try to become a good police officer. :(


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If I may weigh in as a "Tunnel" viewer (lol), maybe she concluded that the case was kidnapping because she used a payphone. Who uses payphone nowadays to contact people? It's one way to not be tracked by authorities.


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But she used the pay phone to cancel her plane ticket. How pay phone = no travel, I'm not sure, but that's the conclusion Seol Ok got from the stop at the phone.


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I think it's significant she used a pay phone as opposed to her cell phone. But why not cancel at the airline counter?


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I predict that the next episode might not have Wan-seung singing, because the previews go for the next two episodes. I remember episode 5's end credits preview had him yelling out of a car, but that was nowhere to be seen in this episode.


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I'm glad that this episode gave more insight into Seol Ok, and why she is such a doormat with her mother-in-law, and how she came to be in those weird living conditions. I still think that Seol Ok will come to realize that her mother-in-law has been taking advantage of her, and I also find Seol Ok's husband strange and shady.


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I am not sure if her mother in law is taking advantage of her since those are rightfully a traditional daughter in law's duties in a house. However, I wish SO will be less of a doormat as the episodes progress, and more of her own person because she is clearly not suited to be a doormat. She is so intellectually suppressed in that household!


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I think that SeolOk wad so eager to be lart of thr family that she insisted on doing everything. And over time, her mother-in-law went from trying to stop her to expecting it of her (since she just ends up doing everything all the time) and getting comfortable with the idea of a nice, traditional faughter-in-law.

And there's many a mother/daughter out there who can testify to being taken for granted. Just because they got so used to each other (and I guess that's the case, seeing how mom-in-law thinks that she's doing all the work, heh).


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DB, we need an edit button...


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That sounds like a reasonable scenario. I cannot see any other reason why someone that is obviously pretty smart would become the family doormat.


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Yes, and the same thing goes for Ho Chul. In essence he married someone who was practically a sister and the living arrangements hardly changed at all. They just remained comfortably the way they were all those years, without spark or fizzle. I expected the husband-wife lunch to be the way it was, which sadly, is quite common where people see each other often, and get away with taking each other for granted.


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I agree, the daughter in law traditionally takes over once she comes into her husband's house. It would be more unusual if Seol-ok refused to do anything in the house. But I think perhaps the reason the mother-in-law is so cold in the present is because she may not have wanted Ho-chul and Seol-ok to marry, but Seol-ok fell in love with him as a teenager and then Kyung-suk had to give in.


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Maybe I am just too suspicious, but Seol Ok's whole marriage seems a bit fishy. She seems to have a huge blind spot towards her husband. I am thinking maybe the detective was right - she got married because she was in love with the idea of marriage, not her husband.


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For HappilyEverAfter who commented that the mother-in-law went from going from kindhearted to nitpicky was drastic, I think her nitpicky is just part of the mother's personality, but she obviously won't show it right away to Seol-ok initially. I think that the flashback bit was Seol-ok slowly interacting with the mother and the rest of the family, so there is still some distance and courtesy. Once they got used to each other and the barriers are broken, the mother becomes comfortable displaying her nitpickiness. As for kindhearted, I still think to some extent that trait is still there since the mother-in-law worried for Seol-ok's safety even if sometimes Seol-ok is taken for granted. It's a pretty human flaw of often not seeing another's worth or display outright appreciation until they are gone. The flashback also gave more background on why it will become truly worthwhile when Seol-ok opens up to the family that she want to be a part of about her sleuthing skill as we hopefully shall see whether that "family" that Seol-ok married into is really considered a family to her.


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I think her mother in law is very comfortable with her to show her bad qualities without any qualms. Usually, if there is distance between you and another person, you will struggle to put on your best behavior because you aren't sure if the other will accept your bad points. Although SO wants a peaceful household, she is subconsciously putting her entire family at a distance with her secret sleuthing. It's as if she wants to be integrated into a family at the expense of suppressing her secret desires. But I don't think she is part of the family. How can one be if they have to be constantly on their guard around them and hiding their true self?


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I think Seol-ok still has the fear of losing a family and she still has the emotional barrier erected of losing her own family that was very traumatizing and thus, tried her best to cover her sleuthing activity. I forgot to mention that it will become interesting to see the family being tested on whether they are going to accept Seol-ok for who she is (I should have made that clear). But you described it shorter than me lol. Besides the mother, all three of the other family members are hiding something. I hope down the road, there is growth when all three tell the truth or stop hiding secret. In a way, this drama has the potential in creating great character development and family lessons out of a mystery storyline.


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- young Ho Chul DEFINITELY had a crush on Seol Ok. Has it actually been confirmed that he's shady? Wan Seung certainly seems so and he's definitely suspicious but I don't actually think we have concrete evidence that he's in the evil company's pocket. It'd be interesting if the show reveals that he isn't a bad guy after playing up those expectations, though I generally don't expect that much nuance from my dramas.
- Ho Soon :( With the mention of being scammed and her loading up on money, I'm scared that she's been unwittingly caught up in some kind of human trafficking ploy. Hopefully Seol Ok's inevitably epic rescue will bring their family together and she'll support her detective dream.
- Ji Won is interesting. I don't think she's actually in love with Wan Seung but she definitely gets frustrated that he doesn't follow their parents' wills the way she does. I hope (but have little faith) she doesn't inexplicably become the Catty Jealous Second Lean(tm) because omg, she wanted him all along but she's gonna give him in the very last episode because she gets redeemed for no reason.
- can you guys tell I'm tired lmao. My standards for dramas are just plummeting by the second.


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I don't know what JW's deal is. What does she get out of marrying WS? She has money and the looks to pick any guy she wants.

HS is fast becoming an interesting character. Initially, I thought she just likes taking money from her sister in law and snooping in on her affairs, but now that the spotlight is on her, I am vested. Bring it on, show!

I don't know how shady is SO's husband, but I guess as the show progresses, it will peel away at the layers surrounding his shadiness and such.


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It is a political / power connections marriage with all parties having motives other than love. CEO Ha is trying to bind his wayword son. While Ji Won does seem to have some feelings for Wan seung as it appears they knew each other growing up, she is very deferential to her law firm's boss CEO Ha. Being an Assembyman's daughter, she has valuable connections and probably expected to make this kind of marriage.


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Thanks for the recap ? Kyung Suk wanted to be a mother figure to Seol Ok, but how things played out that she became the MIL is a mystery.... Did Seol Ok and Ho Chul really fall in love or they got married to keep Seol Ok as family.... I don't think the second one is necessary... Coz already Kyung Suk brought her home to keep as her daughter.... The biggest mystery in this drama is how did Seol Ok ended up marrying Ho Chul.... Sometimes i want Seol Ok to fall for Wan Seung, sometimes i don't want to break that family ( after knowing how she was brought home and all)....


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I agree - something seems very off about the whole marriage setup. And why no kids?


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After so many years of marriage why no talk about kids? Everyone around should be making a small retort or comment there but the comments we get "don't divorce" or "He is handsome". Maybe it was "Contract Marriage". As expected Husband knows the potential of our Heroine and maybe trying to save himself by restraining her from using the capabilities she have. I want to know they have normal husband-wife relationship or not or its just a facade made to fool the society. At best, they look like friends.


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Maybe they're not interested in kids. There are couples out there who choose not to have children.

Oh, what am I talking about? This is Korea - it's totally weird that there's no push to have kids especially since Seol-ok's husband has a good job and they can afford kids.


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Kyung-suk brought Seol-ok home, but if Ho-chul got married, then what would happen to Seol-ok? There's no way she would be allowed to stay in the house then. Plus, she doesn't have any money for going to college, so it would be difficult but not impossible for her to make it on her own. Ho-chul seemed to take an interest in Seol-ok at first glance judging by his reaction. But because Kyung-suk talks disparagingly about Seol-ok's background, I think the two might have liked each other but Kyung-suk wanted a better match for her son.


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Favorite line: “If I didn’t know you, I’d say that you have high standards. I know your husband looks like a shriveled prune"??

I don't think Ho-chul and Seol-ok actually love each other, it feels more like friends who just decided to get married. When Seol Ok decides to leave her household will literally fall apart. It seems like she's the one doing everything.

Also did Seol Ok's parents leave her a lot of money? And that's how she could pay for Ho-chul and his sister's education? Not sure the mother in law knew about this but it might be a reason she took Seol Ok in


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I thought her mother-in-law's family was kind of well off... but yeah if she did pay for her husband and sister-in-law's education, there should be money somewhere. Laughed my head off at "shriveled prune". I felt like the marriage is more of companionship more than love between Seol Ok and her husband.

Did not expect Wan Seung to come from a wealthy family, and I also did not like that he was being forced to an engagement at the last minute.. you could have at least had someone guard him the whole time if you kidnapped him already right?


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Exactly!! And who just leaves their car keys out especially when he is a cop


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We knew that Wan-seung was from a wealthy family from the first few episodes. He told Seol-ok he grew up pampered and wears expensive clothes.


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I was thinking she sacrificed her college years to work in order to help put them through school. It hadn't occurred to me that she might have received an inheritance and spent it on their educations and possibly to help support her in-laws. :(

I really hope the mother-in-law was being altruistic when she took Seol-ok in because she was a friend's orphaned daughter. It honestly surprises me that people think she's mean, uncaring, and taking advantage of Seol-ok. Even though it's 2017 and I wish it wasn't the case, it's definitely not AT ALL uncommon even for people here in the States to have been conditioned to expect that a wife, even a working one, will be mainly responsible for cooking, cleaning, buying the groceries, rearing the children if the hey have any, etc. It'd be great if Seol-ok's mother-in-law wasn't like that, but I don't really see it as her treating Seol-ok unkindly or abusing Seol-ok's submissive attitude toward her family.


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Oh that never came to my mind. I have been thinking about the reason why the mother in law took her in, she doesn't look like that much gracious to be honest, yeah, she is still not like the typical evil MIL but still, looking at how she use seol ok to do all the household chores when it's obvious how well off the family is, they could have easily kept a housemaid or something.
The picture then and now is telling us something too yeah. People who were still nice to them then have changed drastically, only the sister in law seems like the honest one considering how her expression didn't change in all these time.
I still feel like ho chul is keeping up a face, pretending to be a good husband and all. There is a reason why wan seung is so angry with him, so may be he's involved in illegal liaisons?


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I think I remember Seol-ok having said something about needing to work part-time to supplement the family's income, so I hope there will be some explanation. I had also been thinking that they could hire a maid and then Seol-ok could take the exam and get the job she's always wanted. Plus I'm sure her mother-in-law would get a kick out of it as a sign of prestige.


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There may have been insurance money or a house to sell off in addition to her wages when she was working. Although often there is no pay out if the deaths are ruled suicide.
I think Ho chul does care about Seol ok as a member of his family. He does seem to be somewhat protective and worried about her past trauma.


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I hadn't considered SO having received an iinheritance or money from her parents, either. I also just thought, like @zombin.NATION, that her MIL was being altruistic and took SO in after her parents dies because of her friendship with SO's mom. (Altho we don't have any background on that, just assumed it was a good, caring friendship.) But I do think SO is very appreciative of her MIL taking her in, regardless of whether or not MIL had any ulterior motives. It appears SO had no other family, so she will always be thankful for the family she has. She works hard, but it's not as if her MIL is abusive or cruel to her, like we often see in other dramas. It just looks like the family treats her like a typical daughter-in-law. And it doesn't seem like she really minds - again, she is just grateful for her family. That's probably why she married HC. They probably were each other when they were younger - or at least it seemed like HC was attracted to SO. So maybe they married because it was practical, and again, SO is grateful. There is something to be said for that kind of companionable relationship, at least in this case...


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Boy - I sure could use that EDIT button someone else suggested... ?


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Right?!?! The only time my phone ever makes bizarre insertions, alterations, and auto-corrections is when I'm trying to comment on this site. One time I deleted a comment because I couldn't edit, but all that does is replace the comment text with with "this comment has been deleted," which I think is even worse than just having typos.


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I don't think Seol-ok inherited a lot of money. The mother-in-law made comments about her lack of status when talking about Seol-ok to her friends. Even Ho-chul's family doesn't seem to be too rich, but they might have been more honorable from generations back.


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so now that we know seol-ok probably didnt marry ho-chul for love, and ho-chul is probably now a husband who tends to neglect his wife; can we move on to wan-seung and seol-ok's romance? :)


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What? Chief kim??


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Things just keep getting interesting and I can't wait to see where this goes. Thanks for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap! :D

I really enjoyed this episode, for the most part.

Having to see that poor little boy at his mother's service was so heartbreaking, but I was cracking up when "Earnest Cop" was taking notes as though Bathhouse-Over-Duty Cop was giving the best advice in the world, and also after Wan-seung kicked that mannequin.

I also really started to feel sorry for Wan-seung after his dad showed up (after having to take a moment to remember whether or not he had already made an appearance, or if I was thinking of another currently airing drama).

I had to pause and literally take a breather to calm myself down because I was so angry to learn that the sister-in-law has been stealing from her family, and "borrowing" so much money from people who trusted her!! Now I know get why she didn't want Seol-ok to find out that she's been seeing someone. I always thought she was a brat but this was such a shock to me.


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I loved that Earnest Cop moment, too! He was earnestly taking notes, am I right? That sister-in law moment was pretty shocking, but we don't know much about her character. So far they have done a good job of leading us to think one way and then surprising us with something else. For instance, Kyung-suk and Seol-ok, how we thought Seol-ok and Ho-chul didn't get along, etc. I was reminded of how Sherlock (BBC) deduced the contents of a handbag from picking it up, and Seol-ok made similar facial expressions trying to remember it.


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Chief Joon Oh is the most adorable puppy. I know! I know! This isn't a rom-com but Chief Joon Oh's smile makes me wish this was a noona love rom-com. ??


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couldn't agree more!! soo much cuteness! haha


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Me too. Every episode. However, I'm shameless enough to ship Seol-ok with both Joon-oh and Wan-seung. *cough*


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I first noticed Lee Won Geun in Sassy Go Go,and he was just adorable in that drama. (For a high school drama, it was well done.) Everyone commented about and just fell in love with his "Smile Eyes." ???


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Me too! If WS doesn't exist, I would be shipping SO with Officer Hong. Sigh!


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Forgot to mention that I don't know how I feel about people not thinking an underwear thief is that big a deal. :/


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Well, when you're used to chasing drug smugglers, catching a panty-perv is a rather disappointing turn of events. It also uses a different set of skills than Wan Seung is used to employing- you can't really reach out to local crime circles and get someone to squeal on the perp snatching women's panties from rooftops.


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Yes, that bothered me too. It wasn't that funny, because police worldwide do tend to ignore these stalking behaviours and dismissing women's discomfort too often leads to something worse... :/


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the picture she showed Wan-seung online have a price tag of 67,000 Won, or about $60 USD? Isn't that a rather expensive piece of clothing to go missing? It's not like it was a $5 T-shirt or anything.


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For a minute there at the airport I thought I was watching Girl Who Smells Smells.

(Lucky she wasn't on the restaurant case)


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And here I thought it's supposed to be Wan-seung who has a super good nose for fishy things. So we have a team who is darn good at smelling, figuratively and literally..?


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Am a bit stupefied after this ep, as was going in with the expectation of sleuthing couple and somehow ends up with family drama, complete with gangster chaebol o_O


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Speaking of possibly dysfunctional relationships, it’s high time I mention Ji-won’s attachment to Wan-seung. I thought it was funny last week when she had reacted so nonchalantly to Wan-seung exclaiming that he would never get married to her, but abducting Wan-seung and then thinking that she has the right to be angry at him over her “hurt pride” really says something about how entitled she must be as a person. Perhaps part of the problem is due to CEO Ha and Assemblyman Jung letting her think that Wan-seung belongs to her, but it’s a bit frightening how she plows forwards with her plans without any consideration for Wan-seung’s objections.


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I dont think she's doing it out of possesiveness but under duress from CEO Ha & probably her father.

Even that scene when she found wanseung escaped it wasn't injured pride more like a troubled expression


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Why do I say that if you observe carefully the show has dropped some hint.

For instance last week when she


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proposed an open marriage where both parties were free to date smacked of forced desperation.

In the lift scene she looked intimidated by Ceo Ha.

When Wanseung who created an uproar upon being kidnapped quieted down upon seeing his father. It suggests he knew what the situation was.

Lastly as a woman it's my belief that no self respecting woman would force a man to marry her in that despicable way unless she was completely delusional. We're prideful that way.

And ji won is smart and capable.


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I don't think she was under duress. Part of the reason she is pushing forward with the marriage is probably because of the good connections it entails, another she does have feelings for WS - not the passionate "I will love you until the end of time" kind of love, but nevertheless, she does like him as a man - and lastly, probably, she just wants to get married. That's why she can be so nonchalant about everything, including WS's reluctance to get married to her.


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I agree with your take on it, though she also seems to have a major sense of entitlement. Likely due to her upbringing.


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Thanks for the recap.


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is there any possible romance between WS and SO?? Somebody tells me! TT strangely, i want them to be together enough to be a couple... they kinda make a good shipping... but all of this family and husband make me wonder which direction this show gonna take.
I dont want WS goes to that CEO girl tho.


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It depends on what plans the writer has in store for SO's husband. If he continues in the same vein as we have seen him now, I don't think we will be seeing a divorce any soon. However, if he turns toward the dark side, then yes, the possibility of a divorce is in the cards.


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I don't know, I see more of a bromance vibe from the two of them (I know she's not a bro, but that's just the best way I know to describe it). I think caring partners- he'll freak out when she gets in trouble, hug her desperately when he rescues her, but there won't be kisses. They get into each other's personal space so easily, but I don't think this show will end with them tied up romantically.


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I just want to thank HappilyEverAfter for recapping this show, it is the only one I am addicted to at the moment; however, I do have a friendly suggestion. While the recap is wonderfully (lovingly?) detailed, it doesn't show a lot of your personal reactions in the moment. One thing I really enjoy in these recaps is seeing how you guys react to key moments in comparison to the way I do. For example, I really was looking forward to see how you would react to the scene where Wan-seung is sneaking out by stealing Ji-won's car. Personally, I was cheering. So, again, thanks and here is to hoping that we see a bit more of you in these recaps...


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Looking all suave in his tux with his bouquet? A little 007 action going on? How does Seol Ok not think he's handsome?!


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His attitude might have something to do with it. :P I know personality often affects attractiveness in my eyes.


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I just want to thank HappilyEverAfter for recapping this show, it is the only one I am addicted to at the moment; however, I do have a friendly suggestion. While the recap is wonderfully (lovingly?) detailed, it doesn't show a lot of your personal reactions in the moment. One thing I really enjoy in these recaps is seeing how you guys react to key moments in comparison to the way I do. For example, I really was looking forward to see how you would react to the scene where Wan-seung is sneaking out by stealing Ji-won's car. Personally, I was cheering. So, again, thank you and here is to hoping that we see a bit more of you in these recaps...


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Thanks for the advice Onion 316! I'll keep your suggestion in mind for when I find parts that really fit it. I thought that was a great scene too -- got a few chuckles out of me.


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This episode we get to see why Seol-Ok lives her life like this....and it makes sense. My next question is what about her hubby?

Until now, we see that he cares for her. He went straight to the precint to get her, wait for her without complaint, let her out of his car without protest and even go back to pick her again. For average husband, Seol-Ok would get some beat up. Look at HeeChul's mom, for example.

But then the lunch scene, though he's deep in his own thoughts, we can also sense his indfference toward his wife. Really wonder how exactly he feels.

I love the chemistry between the 2 leads and I think Kwon SangWoo looks so hot in this drama.


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It's kind of icky- it's a sibling relationship. It's like he's picking his sister up from a meeting, but ignoring her at lunch, because he's just doing his duty to a family member.


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I like the character development of Seol-ok. It is starting to come together and I can imagine how SO and her MIL began their relationship as one of benefactor and orphan, but then how it could change once SO and Ho-Chul began liking each other. I am sure the MIL never considered SO her family's equal. Hopefully SO will take the "forever-in-your-debt" glasses off and re-engage the family on more equal terms (though really hard to change the dynamic of a family relationship).
I do not get Ji-Won's character at all~I guess this is part of the mystery that needs to get unveiled but the actress does not do a good job of revealing any deeper thought or emotion than what is written in her lines. I see that Wan-Seung clearly does not like her or trust her- but Ji-Won's character shows nothing back. I also feel this way towards Ho-soon, I am not that keen on her character or her issues that I "care" that much about her kidnapping. Hopefully, the next episodes will more fully develop Ho-soon's character that I feel something for her...


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"I am sure the MIL never considered SO her family's equal." You have brought up a good point. I am also wondering if SO's mother-in-law sees SO as an equal. Yes, she isn't the typical evil mother in law that you see in dramas. She worries for SO, and trusts SO enough to let her venture out on her own for long hours. But I also have this niggling feeling she treats SO as someone beneath her, more of a maid? Their conversations always revolve around household chores and the duties SO has to fulfill as a daughter in law. When is the last time they have a conversation about SO herself or SO's friend, for instance? Does the mother in law even know anything about her friend? Does she ever profess interest in her friend?


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You have a point there, like when the mother-in-law was saying something about how Seol-ok doesn't have a college education, money, or come from a prominent family. :(


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I don't care about Ho Soon as a person, honestly, she just makes me angry. She has no direction in life, spends money on expensive designer bags, gets swindled by men constantly (even though she's a psychology major and should be able to read people better)- and yet the family (Seol Ok) is paying for her to get a PhD while intelligent and driven Seol Ok gets stuck marrying out of high school!


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I like Seol-ok's devotion to her family. I see why she acts like that towards them but on the other hand, it seems like they have dismissed her. She can't be honest about enjoying being a detective and when she explains how she feels, she gets ignored. I wanted to smack her husband for not listening to her. She was agonizing over her decision to stop investigating and he wasn't even paying attention to her.


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I thought the scene where the husband was not even bothering to pay lip service to her when she was talking was just sad. Perhaps the beginning of a wakeup call for her?


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Mystery queen started to speed up in its plot. Wan seung and ajumma duo is so cute and interesting.


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It was so amusing seeing Earnest cop dutifully taking notes whilst Slacker cop was giving his over the top explanation. What a lovely little detail. Also proteas! As a south African that made me smile :) jiwon did really cross the line from amusing to wtf. I'm glad wan seung got out of that. Was funny seeing him chasing after seol ok when he had been so adamant she needed to be ignored. Poor joon oh really does seem heart broken. Also i am also surprised by kyung suks drastic personality change - hope she didn't have an ulterior motive to taking seol ok in. I do wonder if ho chul and seol ok got married by agreement, perhaps in return for looking after his family he would give her the family she always wanted?


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This drama has definitely helped to fill the SWDBS sized hole in my drama-heart. The wait to Wednesday is so long!


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I was wondering how the family was able to afford all the expensive things in their house, like the fridge with the massive LCD screen, at least $3,000-$4,000, and they all have new Samsung smartphones ($800, close to 1 million won), and it makes sense now that we see Ho-chul takes bribes from law firms. But I wonder why Seol-ok didn't know about this before?


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