Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Episode 1

JTBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Strong Woman Do Bong-soon premiered this week, and it seems that many people wanted to see Park Bo-young take on bad guys and deliver justice, because it achieved an impressive 3.8% viewership for its first episode. The episode does run slightly long, but I enjoyed every little morsel, and by the end I was completely won over by this adorable Hercules and her quirky boss.

Episode 1: “Ridiculous Punks”

On a dreary afternoon, high school student AHN MIN-HYUK (Park Hyung-shik) sits in the back of a bus holding a bouquet of flowers. Suddenly, one of the tires bursts and soon the bus careens down a hill. The driver desperately tries to regain control only to discover that the brakes are broken.

He swerves to the right, barely avoiding an oncoming car, but then redirects into the path of two pedestrians standing to the side of the road.

Panicking, he stomps down on the brakes as they barrel forward, then closes his eyes, unable to witness the certain horror to come. However, when he opens his eyes again, the bus has stopped in its tracks, and all remain unharmed.

Out the back window, Min-hyuk notices a girl wearing a pink hoodie back away from the rear end of the bus. She turns around without revealing her face, and begins walking up the road.

Min-hyuk watches the girl as she leaves, fascinated. And as if sensing his curiosity, she stops in her tracks and turns back slightly toward him, when a breeze catches the hood of her sweater and begins to peel it away from her head.

Right before the hood falls away, a ringtone blares in the background, snatching grown-up Min-hyuk from his dream. He struggles to wake, and grumbles about being unable to see the girl’s face.

Still half-asleep, Min-hyuk answers the call, introducing himself as the CEO of AinSoft. A disguised, menacing voice reminds Min-hyuk that they warned him to delete his RPG game called “Albertine Chronicle,” or Min-hyuk would die.

Cranky to be roused in the middle of the night, Min-hyuk barks back that the man’s threats would be more terrifying during the daytime when he’s awake and could properly feel fear. Undeterred, the voice continues with his ominous warning, until Min-hyuk hangs up in annoyance.

That morning, DO BONG-SOON (Park Bo-young) slurps up a mouthful of ramyun. She receives a notification on her phone, informing her of her failure to be selected for a job.

Bong-soon isn’t surprised by the rejection, and immediately she studies her resume, (which is noticeably sparse), rewriting her self-introduction. She introduces herself as Do Bong-soon who lives in the Do Bong neighborhood of the Do Bong district, adding that she’s rather unique.

Bong-soon narrates her family’s unusual history, and explains firstly that she’s SUPER strong. Her strength is a hereditary trait that has been passed down to the women in her family, starting from her ancestor Park Gae-boon, who, legend has it, used boulders to crush enemy soldiers during the Siege of Haengju back in the Joseon Period. Love this.

Bong-soon cryptically adds that there is a secret that accompanies her inherited strength.

She explains that in 1862 during a rebellion, another one of Bong-soon’s ancestors used her super strength to enforce imperial rule against the people in exchange for large sums of money.

As punishment for her greed, she lost her powers and lived the rest of her life afflicted with leprosy. Should the women in Bong-soon’s family use their powers for evil and/or personal gain, then they would be punished and cursed for the remainder of their lifetimes.

Generations later, Bong-soon’s mother HWANG JIN-YI (Shim Hye-jin) ignored the warnings, and used her abilities to become a world champion weightlifter. Initially, it seemed as though the gods would not punish her since she had brought pride to her country.

However, soon Jin-yi’s success made her arrogant and selfish, and she began bullying the weak. And while her punishment was not dealt to her swiftly, eventually she lost her strength.

At her lowest point, Jin-yi met her husband, DO CHIL-GOO (Yoo Jae-myung), who was an average wrestler, and soon gave birth to Bong-soon and her twin brother DO BONG-KI (Ahn Woo-yeon).

Born minutes before her twin, Bong-soon’s first act in the world was to knock out one of the hospital staff using her abnormally strong fist.

As she grew, Bong-soon struggled with her desire to conceal her strength and her urge to fight the injustices she saw in the world. At times, she explains, she held herself back from intervening on wrongdoings because she wanted to live a normal life.

One time, Bong-soon recalls, she witnessed a creepy guy inappropriately touching a woman in a crowded subway, and instead of stepping in, she shamefully got off the train.

Evidently, life as a secret Hercules doesn’t really translate well in modern society, and so Bong-soon found herself drifting from job to job, never really fitting in.

Under her mother’s advisement, she took up farming, while her brother headed off to medical school. Unfortunately, given the physicality involved, Bong-soon found it difficult to abstain from using her strength and subsequently frightened the neighbors (and livestock).

After a series of failures, Bong-soon finally stumbled upon a job that suited her, and where she could still express her strength—being a gamer. Thus, she tells us, her current dream is to become a game developer, where she can be the main character.

Elsewhere, in a totally different income bracket, Min-hyuk flaunts his riches and free time by rolling through a park on a hoverboard. Nearby, a masked man trails him. When he notices the suspicious man, Min-hyuk abandons his board, and begins chase.

The man gets away despite Min-hyuk’s efforts, and the incident prompts him to seriously contemplate employing a bodyguard.

Nearby, an old man drives a bus full of school children, but is forced to stop because of a truck parked in the middle of the road, blocking all access.

The bus driver gets out to confront the truck driver, who is missing from the scene, when a mean-looking man HWANG HYUN-DONG tells the bus driver to disappear, while he’s still being nice.

The bus driver appears to oblige, but then tries to sneak a photo of the truck to report it. Hyun-dong catches him in the act, then proceeds to beat the bus driver in retaliation.

Bong-soon happens upon the scene and instead of dealing with Hyun-dong herself, she calls the police to report the incident. Before she can finish making her complaint, yet another suspicious man, KIM KWANG-BOK snatches her phone away and begins trying to intimidate her.

Kwang-bok chucks her phone to the ground, and subsequently breaks her screen. Bong-soon demands that he pay for the damage, but he laughs in her face. She takes a breath and asks again nicely for him to make the situation right. His reaction is pretty much what you’d expect, and so Bong-soon lets out an impatient breath of air.

At that moment, Min-hyuk turns onto that same road. He gets out of his car to get a closer look at the two gangsters harassing an old man and a young woman. Min-hyuk calls the police as well, but makes no moves to come to anyone’s aid.

Of course, Bong-soon doesn’t need any aid, just the right motivation, which comes in the form of a slap across her face. In return, she slaps Kwang-bok, sending several teeth popping out of his mouth, then tosses him effortlessly through the air.

Hyun-dong comes over after hearing the commotion, and at first ignores Bong-soon, but stops after she begins pestering for him to pay for her damaged phone. Kwang-bok tries to warn Hyun-dong of the danger, but he doesn’t understand and moves to swat Bong-soon out of the way.

Which, is the last thing he should have done, so in self-defense, Bong-soon breaks all his fingers backwards, then tries to “fix” his hand by bringing them forward again. More gangsters dressed as construction workers come out of the woodwork, so Bong-soon has to hurt them too and sends them flying into each other, but is also annoyed with how out of hand the situation has gotten.

Meanwhile, the kids on the bus have a front row seat to the entire show and begin cheering enthusiastically for what they view as justice being served. Min-hyuk watches the unbelievable scene before him in disbelief.

Later at the police station, all parties (including the kids) pile into the same room as the cops try to sort out the mess. Out in the hall, Bong-soon frets to herself, agonizing over what she will say to “him.”

Gathering her courage, she enters the room but immediately upon seeing a young detective, or more precisely, IN GOOK-DOO (Ji Soo), she loses her nerve and closes the door. She readies herself again by freshening her breath and practicing several greetings, which Min-hyuk witnesses from behind.

Bong-soon enters again and timidly walks across the room unnoticed until Gook-doo calls her over, making the gangsters recoil in fright.

With hearts in her eyes, she dreamily stares as Gook-doo as he enters her information into the system. He’s terse with her, and seems immune to her moony eyes (and heart beams), but they’re clearly close since he knows her address from memory.

He reads to her the story he’s compiled of the incident, including a full summary of each of the gangster’s injuries. The more Gook-doo reads, the more depressed Bong-soon gets, and he concludes his retelling by asking her if what he said makes any sense at all.

Bong-soon tries to explain herself, but she struggles to find the words. Gook-doo adds that the testimonies of kindergarteners aren’t going to help her avoid prosecution for excessive use of force, especially since nothing they have told him makes any sense either, so she’ll need a more credible witness.

On cue, Min-hyuk walks in to refute the entire narrative, and chides the schoolchildren for making up stories. He attributes their imaginative storytelling to watching too many superhero movies and dismisses them.

Gook-doo warns Min-hyuk of the consequences for lying to the police, and then asks Min-hyuk as an eyewitness to explain how the gangsters got injured.

After a pause, Min-hyuk reveals that the gangsters beat each other up. At that, the entire room erupts in outrage, and one of the kids reaffirms that Bong-soon caused all their injuries.

Thwarted, Min-hyuk moves to discredit the boy by showing him a book, and asks him to read the title. When the child can’t, Min-hyuk restates his argument that children are filled with fanciful ideas implanted into them by unrealistic movies, and cannot be trusted since they can’t even read.

Min-hyuk’s reasoning convinces one of the detectives, and though Gook-doo wants to know the full truth, his colleague suggests that he let Bong-soon go since her involvement in the current story is preposterous anyway.

Min-hyuk leaves the police station with his secretary, SECRETARY GONG, and calls out to Bong-soon who is also on her way out. When she glares at him, he wonders aloud why she isn’t expressing her gratitude for his help.

Instead, he’s dumbfounded when she asks him why he lied to the police. He argues that he helped her avoid prison, but she shoots back that as a man he should not have sat back while a woman was taking action. She asserts that he should feel embarrassed for the way he acted.

As she walks away, Min-hyuk’s eyes follows her steps with an incredulous glare. Secretary Gong offers that she has an unusual way of thinking, while Min-hyuk groans to himself, but then suddenly remarks that she’s “super sexy.” OH MY. This is the best.

From the car, Min-hyuk watches Bong-soon ride off on her bicycle, the wind catching in her bouncy hair, and the memory of her strength makes his heart pound (probably).

At her parents’ walnut shop, Bong-soon arrives after hours of delay. Her mom asks where she’s been, but when Bong-soon answers vaguely, she takes it as an opportunity to grumble about her daughter’s failures at being employed.

In a hospital, a class of medical students gather around to marvel at an X-ray of a hand. Their professor explains that all the patient’s fingers were dislocated, then put back in one motion, which could only have been done with great strength. Bong-ki, who is in the group, listens uneasily, seeing his sister’s tracks all over the X-ray.

We flash back in time to 1997, to an incident where the twins were kidnapped. Little Bong-soon tried to get the man to release them, but when he refused, she kicked open the car door for them to escape.

The man chased the twins down with his car, but Little Bong-soon used her strength to stop the car in its place, wrecking it in the process.

Back in the present, Bong-soon crushes walnuts one by one between her fingers. She warns Bong-ki not to breathe a word about the gangsters to their mother, but he’s only worried that she may lose her powers.

Bong-soon dismisses his concerns, since she reasons that those guys were bad, but she escapes to her room where she can be alone with her anxiety.

The next morning, as soon as she wakes, she hurries to check her appearance for signs of decay, and is relieved when she looks the same. She then tests out her strength on a spoon, just to be certain.

Min-hyuk rolls through his office on his hoverboard, then sits down to read resumes for his new bodyguard. He flips through a few before Bong-soon’s image invades his mind, and he tells his secretary to find her.

However, they encounter an obstacle in the form of Gook-doo, who refuses Secretary Gong’s request for Bong-soon’s contact info, because it’s not allowed. Apparently, Gook-doo’s commitment to doing things by the book and upholding justice runs deeply within him. On one of his cases, he arrested a sleazy assemblyman (by dressing up as a prostitute), only for a prosecutor to ask Gook-doo to let the man off the hook as a favor.

Once Gook-doo declined, he was reassigned to his current precinct in the quiet town of Do Bong, working as a detective in the violent crimes department in unit 3.

Min-hyuk visits the police chief to get Bong-soon’s phone number and to get the skinny on Gook-doo. The police chief is close with Min-hyuk’s father, and the implication is that the reasons for their relationship aren’t exactly noble.

The chief warns Min-hyuk that while it is impressive that he was able to build a successful business on his own, having useful connections is necessary at a certain level.

Later, Secretary Gong meets with Bong-soon to interview her for the bodyguard position. He explains to Bong-soon that Min-hyuk personally recommended her. She interrupts Secretary Gong in order to lay out all the reasons she won’t be working for Min-hyuk: One, she thinks he seems shady and/or unstable, two, she’s more of a cerebral type (lol), rather than a physical person, and finally, she has another company in mind that she wants to work for.

Bong-soon swiftly concludes the meeting and gets up to leave, when Secretary Gong blurts out the details of her compensation package. The numbers are enough to make her stick around to ask more questions. She’s immediately suspicious of the offer, wondering why Min-hyuk would want to pay her so much.

Her mind speeds through several scenarios and even guesses that Min-hyuk likes her, or worse, is stalking her. She tells Secretary Gong that she finds the fact that Min-hyuk prefers a female bodyguard over a male bodyguard to be the strangest aspect of all.

To assuage her, Secretary Gong whispers something about Min-hyuk into her ear, but unfortunately we are excluded from the secret thanks to a loud car horn.

Almost as an afterthought, Bong-soon asks for the name of the company. When she learns it is AinSoft, her demeanor changes entirely and suddenly she’s eager to meet Min-hyuk.

At the walnut shop, Mom and her friends discuss their intentions to protest a planned redevelopment in their neighborhood, when a stylish woman enters the shop, whom the women identify as Gook-doo’s mother, JUNG MI-HWA, a writer.

Mi-hwa orders a few pastries from the register, and Bong-soon’s father compliments her latest book, while Mom and her crew mock Mi-hwa’s posh attitude from behind. Mi-hwa smiles appreciatively, then reveals that she heard from Gook-doo that Bong-soon was down at the police station the other day.

Mom races home to confront her daughter and accuses her of being a thug. Bong-soon tries to defend herself, but her mother jumps in to remind her of a time when Bong-soon’s grandmother had beaten up a person, then was punished with terrible diarrhea for a month. This world’s karmic law is cracking me up.

Bong-soon promises that she’s totally fine, and shares the fact that she’s finally been blessed with a job. Mom eyes her unconvinced, but says nothing more on the topic.

During dinner, Bong-soon receives a call from Gook-doo, who tries to warn her to be careful of those gangsters. He brusquely lectures her on getting home early, but when she tries to tell him about her job, he hangs up before hearing.

Floating on cloud nine, she giggles to herself as she thinks of Gook-doo. She’s so caught up in her happiness that she rolls off the bed, causing the entire house to shake.

In the morning, Bong-soon arrives at AinSoft to meet with Min-hyuk. He eyes her resume and is amazed by its emptiness. He asks why she wants to work at his company, and she simply replies that she heard it’s a good company.

They seem to be the words he wants to hear, and he immediately welcomes her aboard.

She broaches the topic of most importance, which is why he needs a bodyguard in the first place. He doesn’t beat around the bush, and says that he has “many enemies,” but promises that he’s not a bad guy. She smiles and pretends to believe him, but her eyes are hard.

Bong-soon moves onto the second most important topic, which is her benefits package and company perks. She’s disappointed when she learns that they don’t offer free yoga, but he promises her that as his bodyguard she’ll get things others won’t.

She asks if she’ll get “stop motion,” and they exchange several wide-eyed, meaningful blinks before Min-hyuk realizes she meant “stock options.” He’s unprepared, and admits that he hasn’t considered that as part of her compensation, so she expresses her disappointment.

The meeting isn’t going quite the way Min-hyuk had imagined, so suddenly he drops to the floor, puts his elbow on the coffee table, and requests an arm wrestling match to measure how much Bong-soon should be paid.

They assume the position, and Min-hyuk is initially insulted with how much she looks down on him, but then immediately takes up her offer to use both his hands and his entire body. He turns red in the face trying to use all of his strength, but she won’t budge an inch.

She ends the bout after a few attempts, and Min-hyuk retreats to a corner to nurse his convulsing hand and contain his whimpering. Bong-soon comes over to comfort his ego and asks that he keep her secret, but overall he’s pleased (albeit embarrassed) by the results.

Secretary Gong joins the two in Min-hyuk’s office as Bong-soon signs her contract. Between words, Secretary Gong makes disbelieving faces at Min-hyuk for what he considers a crazy arrangement. Therefore, Min-hyuk suggests that the two chicken fight, and he’ll give his car to Secretary Gong if he wins. HA.

The deal is too enticing to turn down, so the players face off and stand on one leg, with the other leg bent across their pelvis. Before they begin, Bong-soon requests head protection so that Secretary Gong doesn’t die. Thinking quickly, Min-hyuk orders jajangmyun for them and pays the deliveryman extra to keep his helmet.

Wearing his helmet, Secretary Gong reconfirms that he’s getting a car for enduring the humiliation of competing against a girl. With gusto, he charges at Bong-soon, who then reluctantly raises her knee ever so slightly. The movement is enough to send the secretary hurling across the room until he slams against the wall, creating a tiny crater with his helmet.

After a few seconds of shock, the secretary begins crying, and is eventually sent to the ER on a stretcher.

Alone with Min-hyuk, Bong-soon tries to iron out the specifics of their arrangement. She cautiously asks if she could one day be transferred to another department, if she does well.

Min-hyuk argues that he doesn’t know if she qualifies in other areas, but he supposes he could give her a chance. For the meantime, she’ll also act as his secretary since, well, Secretary Gong is otherwise occupied. When he’s out of sight, she practically waves her fists at him for his rude attitude, but keeps her eyes on the prize.

That night, as she walks home alone, she senses a presence following closely behind her, but when she turns there isn’t anyone there.

Later in the night, Gook-doo drops by to give her a taser to use in case of an emergency. He keeps the exchange brief, but Bong-soon tries to extend it by asking how things are going with his girlfriend. Before he can answer, his girlfriend calls, so he waves goodbye to Bong-soon.

Elsewhere, a young woman walks through Bong-soon’s neighborhood at night, where a hooded man follows after her. Unlike with Bong-soon, the footsteps grow louder, and soon the man chases her down the narrow paths, until finally he grabs her.

The next morning, Gook-doo and his team learn of the woman’s murder.

Meanwhile, Bong-soon meets Min-hyuk in his office, and is surprised to see a creepy image flashing on his computer screen with a bloodied skull, and the word “KILL” written in red. Min-hyuk explains that it’s a common method of attack from his IT enemies.

Finally, he’s ready to tell Bong-soon what has been happening lately that leads him to believe his safety is at risk. He explains that he’s been followed by various people, and received threats.

He adds that he wants to catch the perpetrators himself because he doesn’t trust police officers, and asks for her help. He offers that if they can catch them, then he’ll let her move departments and develop any game she wants, which she agrees readily to.

From the news, they learn of the woman’s murder, and then Min-hyuk’s phone rings. He puts the call on speaker for Bong-soon to hear. It’s the same distorted voice that threatened him earlier in the episode, and so Bong-soon listens as her new job begins. The voice says, “Don’t ignore my warnings. You can look forward to what will happen next…”


Honestly, my expectations for this show were sky high. However, since we’ve all been burned by promising shows before, I tried to rein in my hopes. But after a wonderfully wacky opening episode like that, how am I supposed to be reasonable now?

The pint-sized, female Hercules paired with the physically unimpressive, baby chaebol was the premise we were promised, but the show managed to dig a bit deeper into that setup and give more layers to otherwise familiar archetypes. I was enthralled by Bong-soon’s family gift/curse, and thought the show created such fascinating lore to explore. I’m already itching to know more about the rules.

Speaking of those rules, from what we’ve been told thus far, it seems like the women (even with generations of examples) struggle daily to accurately define what is and isn’t acceptable behavior according to the higher powers than gave them this ability. Conversely, those gods appear themselves to be somewhat capricious in how and when they administer their judgment. Like does arm wrestling with Min-hyuk count as using her powers for personal gain? Or does she need to be more flagrant about it, and the act needs to be self-initiated? Like will karmic punishment only be enacted when the person displays a corrosion of their morals, rather than say, like isolated slip-ups that end up hurting people, as with Bong-soon’s grandmother and the diarrhea incident? I’m thinking that the curse concept is a method to keep the women honest rather than altruistic. Because clearly Bong-soon isn’t punished if she ignores wrongful acts committed in her presence, like with the case of the molester on the train.

But then, will Bong-soon receive punishment for hurting Secretary Gong, or is that considered an accident since she did try to restrain her strength? I didn’t realize the potential for how hilarious those punishments could be until hearing about grandma’s diarrhea, and I have no doubt that there will be many more. Bong-soon’s fear of her curse will likely result in some interesting clashes between her and Min-hyuk, when deciding what she will and will not do as his bodyguard, for the sake of his safety.

I already love Min-hyuk as a character, but I also I have no idea what to make of him. He’s so weirddddd. Like delightfully (and hilariously) eccentric, but also a profoundly strange individual. He recognizes that he’s no match for Bong-soon, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to take her on anyway, if only to test her unbelievable strength and unrivaled cheekiness. I expected Park Bo-young to be all kinds of charming, but Park Hyung-shik really snuck up on me, and his portrayal of Min-hyuk is an unexpected delight, especially since I hadn’t seen anything of his since Heirs… That said, I like being wrong about actors because that just means I can get back more than I invested.

Regarding Min-hyuk’s interest in Bong-soon, it’s probably safe to say that he finds her intriguing and wants to know more, but I doubt that interest translates to romantic love just yet, or even lust. He probably thinks she’s fascinating, and how could you not? However, I do expect him to fall for her first, and while she’s still in love with Gook-doo—I already can’t want to see what he does.

The tone of the show is something I do (just a teensy bit) worry about. It’s clear the show understands where its bread and butter is, which is of course comedy, but with the murder-mystery and cyberthreat plotlines ramping up, I hope the show retains its off-kilter vibe and doesn’t try to take itself too seriously. I’m all for character arcs and development (and actual plot!), but I already love these characters and this world, so I want to stay in this tone and hope it’s not a bait-and-switch.


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I am so happy! This show has such a good start and I haven't laughed like this since forever. So cute <3.


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How can a show be so perfect?


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Also YES!


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Agreed! They know how to utilize comedy well. This is one drama I don't mind using weird CGI effect.

One of the thing I already love about this drama is how they went full campy with her power and the humor. If you want to be comical, just go all in, otherwise you'll end up with weird all over the place tone like some dramas. And also the visual! It's so colorful and clear, I feel like I watched a comic book come to life.


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Is it normal to be obsessed over a drama with only one episode? I had a great laugh-out-loud moments thru out this eps. PBY is so cute and amazing with her portrayal of Bong Soon, and Hyung Shik, I never found him this adorable..♡♡

I watched the premiere press-conf and Hyung Shik was totally sweet towards Bo Young, he was smitten by her and some fans already sensed a major crush on his side :)))


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I love that the show knows how crazy it could be and went all out! It's like watching a comic show when I was a kid, albeit the real killing spree going on in the middle of the show.


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Bo is a little power house. Terrific actress!


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oh so cute


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I know right! I like the little cutesy sounds they insert during the scenes. And I've been totally captivated by Park Hyun Sik, I've never thought I'd love his character but his so interesting and quirky. His small comments really make a difference. Ji Soo is awesome as always. And Park Bo Young is perfect. This is probably the first drama where I will be having a hard time deciding who is the best fit for the heroine! I can't just seem to pick one!


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They've done a great job casting this show. Park Bo Young was always going to be a home run, but Park Hyun Sik's nutty little quirks are incredibly entertaining - line delivery and facial expressions are all making him much more interesting to watch. Also, why is he so good on that rollerboard!?

Ji Soo's characters have always had a high emotional quotient to them (angry! tortured! sweetly goofy!), so it's really interesting to see him in a completely buttoned-up role where he's not emotionally involved at all. He's not exactly cruel to Do Bong Soon... he just really doesn't view her on a romantic radar. Like, at all. In fact their friendship is incredibly one-sided, not just the crush. He's not a bad person, but it's clear that Bong Soon is investing much, much more into every single element of their interaction.

Also, has she somehow managed to keep her superstrength from Gook Doo throughout their childhood and young adulthood? That's interesting, because her family knows, her best friend knows, the neighborhood punks know, she's on-call for bullied children... and yet Gook Doo doesn't know?
Or is he so incredibly bullheaded that he's explained away her participation in every single superhero event she's gotten caught up in? Or is she really that panicked about a guy she likes knowing she's Hercules?

And then of course there's Min Hyuk, who may not be in love with her as a girl but is most definitely in love with her as a puzzle. He's totally unfazed by her ability to overpower anyone in his vicinity, and seems oddly thrilled by it. Though honestly, I kind of wonder if Min Hyuk doesn't have any friends and part of his eagerness to attach himself to Bong Soon is that her physical power balances his financial and social position in his brain - like maybe he truly thinks of personalities like inventory in a video game and she just happens to be strong in charisma and power, but he's got wealth and intelligence, so together they make a perfect team. Lonely gamer-logic.


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"I kind of wonder if Min Hyuk doesn’t have any friends and part of his eagerness to attach himself to Bong Soon is that her physical power balances his financial and social position in his brain – like maybe he truly thinks of personalities like inventory in a video game and she just happens to be strong in charisma and power, but he’s got wealth and intelligence, so together they make a perfect team. Lonely gamer-logic."

I love your analysis here. +1000000


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This is far better than how I imagined it would be. The characters are interesting. The directing is spot on. And can we talk about the background music and sound? It's perfect.

I especially like the way they introduced Ahn Min-hyuk. His reaction to that terror call in the middle of the night was both funny and sobering. You could tell from the way he was more annoyed at his disturbed sleep that that was such a frequent occurence. And suddenly his perpetual amused expression and his view of life as a big game seems more like a mask. I can't wait to see his reaction when both Guk-do and Bong-soon finally breach through it.

P.S. Heh, how cute is it that Bong-soon called her brother oppa, while he called her noona?


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I actually hope the killer story line doesn't linger on through the drama. The tone is just a little odd because of that. Otherwise I really am liking this show right now.


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I feel like the killer storyline will linger on, and be a major part of the story. I am more convinced of this because I have also watched ep 2, no spoilers but prepare yourself it really is creepy and disturbing.


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Agreed. I honestly wasn't expecting that side. I went into this thinking it was gonna be all cuteness and comedy but... Like yeo I was scared.


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Yikes... and great. ?


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yeah it was the one off putting part of the drama just killing off a woman like that and episode one too, I can understand they want some sort of off set to the wackiness but it seems rather too much just thrown in there like that. And the fact it episode one dose seem to indicate it going to be an ongoing thread to the show, as well I image some sort of karma thing with the male lead father and his dirty dealings, guess it depends on how many episodes the drama going to run for as to what they can or will fit in.


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The way they are telling the story is a bit off. It's like the writers had already finished writing a light fluffy rom-com and decided to integrate a serious drama into it. Seriously, if you edit out all the serious stuff (mostly in episode 2), you'd still have a coherent fun rom-com. lol


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I haven't watched ep 2 yet, but I thought the killer story could actually work well inside this comedy. I thought it would be borderline cartoonish and too flat without anythg substantial as as a sub-plot. It could work if it's well-written. For example, in the Let's Eat series, while being a comedy they always insert a suspense/thrill plot that really works at balancing the show. I really liked it and I hope they will be able to do that here.


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I'm with you. I'm always on board with a dark element hiding under some fluff! I only watched this first ep and I love it. I'm so in. Since they already squished the dark edges I liked in another recent drama that I no longer enjoy (you know who you are you bastard) I really hope they keep it in this one.

On another note. Ji Soo. My love is the second lead AGAIN. Ugh. I don't actually ship his character with Bong Soon at all, and I think Min Hyuk is ADORABLE and I'm totally on board with all this going down- I am just SO READY FOR JI SOO TO GET THE GIRL!! ONE DAY! ;__;


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I cannot remember the last time a drama that I looked forward to hasn't burned me in some way! I also love that the setup that I was looking forward to: Bong Soon being the bodyguard of a quirky CEO didn't take 2 or more episodes to develop. Not to mention the fact that it went beyond what the trailers indicated and had more thought out world than I expected. So.....LOVE....:D


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This show has forever ruined me.

Red lacy dress = Jisoo


I know I know it wasn't his legs or his butt or hourglass figure but it was funny.

And I'm enjoying the sound effects and music as much as the funny exaggerated facial expressions.

Can't wait for the next episode!


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Red lacy dress = Jisoo

Haha.. I didn't expect it to be ji soo at all in that scene! This show is hilarious. I am loving the comical vibe of the show so much.


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Lol! Ikr? Me too! I was feeling so awkward and uncomfortable when "she" started doing body waves and dancing outside the room, but then it turned out to be Ji-soo and I just busted a gut. Lawl, so random.


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Forever ingrained in my mind now though I know it's really not him. hahahaha!


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Why is Jisoo prettier than me ?


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Why does Ji-soo have a sexier bod than me?


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Ji Soo breaking girls' hearts everywhere- from body envy! Lol.

I'm sure this is not what his manager had in mind when he did this role. ?


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Ohmygaah... I fall in love with the sound effects and music. It's perfectly matched each and every scene. It's the first since Jealousy Incarnate.


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Sound design is so often mentioned on Drama Beans and there it stays. I wish DB included Sound Design/OST in their end of year awards.


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Yes so true, I'd love to read a list of good Sound Design & OST. There has to be some producers you can def rely on.


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The legs/figurre wasn't Jisoo? I am not too sure, since it's my first time watching him in anything and so I am not familiar with Jisoo, but I think it was. Or at least that is what they had implied while watching the clip of the scene during the promotional special episode 0...


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Haha, yeah, jokes aside, I think that was an actual lady's body because it just looked too slender and feminine... unless I'm wrong and Ji-soo could really pull off as a smokin' lady from the back. Lawl.


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Pretty sure they used a girl for that lead-up scene and then switched to Jisoo when it was the body waves and dancing. You can see Jisoo's figure and legs in that dress during the special episode 0. =P


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Ji-soo in a red lacy dress and blonde wig is a gift that I can't unsee lol.

I love everything about this drama so far, the leads are nailing it and the production values are A++, even the cheesy special effects!


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AHHH I finally found a drama to watch after WLFKBJ!!!

I love Park Bo Young so much!! She is the personification of cuteness omg even her voice is so cute!! I smile everytime i see her!!!! (Is this too much fangirling lol). Hope this does great!!!


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Nope not too much!! I have been squeeing about her all episode! She is adorable.


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I'm not really one for aegyo, because to my Western sensibilities, it just seems like rewarding grown women for being helpless*, but OH MAH GAHD...Park Bo-young is my one exception to this rule. I could watch her aegyo all day...she is just so cute!

*I realize that men perform aegyo too, but in the overall highly patriarchal context of Korean culture, where women are "supposed" to be helpless and in need of a man to take care of them, it really bothers me when women do it.


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The lead guy in Tomorrow with you can REALLY do guy aegyo. I can watch HIM all day :)


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Your criticism of aegyo is a bit insulting . . . It's not a big deal, and it doesn't have a deep cultural context or meaning. It's just to be cute and funny. Both guys and girls do it all the time, not just girls.


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Hi @minnie.

I am sorry for being insulting. I acknowledge that, as a person from a Western culture, I don't fully understand the purpose of and intentions behind aegyo. It is really difficult for me to watch women do it, for the reason I expressed above, but I fully admit that my interpretation of it is probably wildly off.


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God knows I love Ji Soo and wish he'd get the girl just once but SLS I won't be contracting in this drama.

I'm so far up the MH-BS ship, nothing short of an unexpected hurricane could bring me (and the ship) down. My research into who the main characters are to guide my shipping habits have never let me down so far.


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Everyone should watch Sirius, a KBS Drama Special where Hyungshik plays both twins. He did an amazing job. I like this show, although I didn't expect the strength to be this kind of SUPER strength. I thought she was going to be a little stronger than all the men, hee.


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Yes, he definitely caught my eye as a promising actor in Sirius, and he's proved himself to be pretty solid in other roles since then, but I think this may be a breakout role for him. I'm so glad we get to see him in as a leading man who's hilarious while mysterious. It's delightful!
The show had a song start, and I'm surprised how completely on board I am already :)


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Oh, Sirius was cray good. I kept on crying inside bc I couldn't handle the pretty and the plot combined. PHS is consistently good since I first saw him in Nine, so I'm a bit possessive. Lol.


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It was Sirius and Nine that got me fully on board the 'watch this boy' train for Park Hyung-shik.

anyone who can hold his own playing twins and against Lee Jin-wook playing the same character, is definitely one to watch! I really feel like a proud noona watching him steal the show as a second lead and finally step into leading roles, good job!


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I did just that after reading your comment. What a great mini-series! What little screen time PHS has is utilized so well. The first thing I ever saw him in was a MV or two with ZE:A, once I'd discovered his bandmate from watching Misaeng. Then I saw him in Hwarang, watched more MVs, and am sooo glad for the reference to watch Sirius. I have yet to watch him in High Society, but that may change soon to see him during the week while waiting for more Strong Woman episodes!


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This show is sooooooo funny...
I love Do Bong soon and her boss already.
Never thought Ji Soo can be so pretty hahahahahaaaaa... But I don't like the way he treats Bong soon -_-

And then someone was murdered and now I'm suspecting everybody.


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As far as what ep1 have shown, Gook Du isn't sending any mixed signal. It is obvious that Gook Du cares for her as a friend and not anything beyond that. Bong Soon's crush for Gook Du reminds me of how I admire some of the seniors in my school. Just an infatuation,some called it as "happy crush"


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Gook-du doesn't treat Bong-soon badly at all, he just treats her like a close friend and not a girlfriend.

It's pretty obvious he cares for her, just not int the way she wants (and also he looks like a rather literal type and she doesn't seem to have ever told him she likes him that way).


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Actually, I kinda like the way he treated her so far. No mixed signal from his end, while she totally head over heels. He is firmly a best friend (and also a bit like strict older brother).


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I agree. I don't see a mix signal either. He's certainly protective of her like a big bro kind.


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Im so happy for the cast for the impressive ratings!!


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Yay my drama dry spell if over! This show is so cute and funny, I literally had tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard


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Show, you had me at plus alpha.

Hyungshik's reactions were so funny during the whole stop motion/stock option conversation. Dying laughing.


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His blink-blink did-I-hear-that-right expression was so hilarious.


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Yeeeessss, that was so funny! Once he said what she meant to say, I was howling! I've been giggling over it ever since!


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Same! I replayed it many times and still crack up mainly because of Min Hyuk's lost expression hearing the "stop motion" & his disbelief after realizing it is "stock option"
match it up with Bong Soon's innocent look! LOLOLOL these two!!!


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I am intrigued by each of our main characters and full of theories and anticipation for what the rules for Bong Soon's powers are and how she'll avoid breaking them. But, jesus, this editing. It was so jarring, especially at the end. I hope it was because they needed to get the setup out of the way. I hate to think we'll be jumping from scene-to-scene the same way in every episode.


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Good to see that someone else was also jarred by the editing at the ending. I hope this is not a spoiler, but there was some abrupt editing in the second episode too. I really like the drama otherwise and hope the editing doesn't become an issue! /crosses fingers/

murasakimi, would you be continuing to recap this drama or is this an one-time-first-episode thing?


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I was also slightly jarred by that ending but when I watched episode 2, that same scene flowed so much better that I got over it. Overall, I can live with the odd ending as long as they follow it up well in the following episode.

This drama was so adorable. They hit me hard with the laughs (Park Bo Young, you charming bundle of tiny goodness) and they also managed to creep me out when necessary. I'm still wondering whether the neighbourhood attacks and stalking of Mi-Hyuk are connected but I'm fine with waiting for what the show brings.

On the other hand, Park Hyung-shik surprised me. I am loving him in this wacky role and it helps that his character is so special (and pretty). The supporting actors are also really great at the comedic parts ^^

Can't wait for next week!


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Episode 2 also has some weird editing at the start, I hope it's not an issue as the drama goes on.


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My absolute favorite part of the ep was when Min-hyuk said that he found Bong-soon "sexy." I found it super refreshing and swoonworthy. Loving this drama so far and especially how Min-hyuk doesn't seem insecure/intimidated by Bong-soon's super strength. Did not expect the setup for the scary killer storylines (esp in ep 2) but I am totally charmed by PBY and PHS!


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I had the exact same reaction as the secretary and actually had a spittake. Was NOT expecting that.


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Yep! I had the same reaction as his secretary, too, but I also laughed and clapped loudly because it was so unexpected and cute that he thought that of her after she was so curt with him. I love it when the guy falls first.


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Same here. That line totally tops my list of most unexpected line in drama.


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I think that ever since his life was saved by the girl in the pink hoodie, Min Hyuk has had a thing for strong women. *fufufu*


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Exacctlyyy!!! I just dieed sqquuealling over HyunShik's "So damn Sexy"

He's so damn sexyyy!! How come there isn't more squealing over him in the comments?! Sooo sooo adorable!

Looking fwd to many more squeals through this series! PHS finally gets a good lead role after the disappointing Hwarang..!


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Nah, I'm totally squealing over him and just trying to contain it. Otherwise, my comment would be a super long reaction for every wonderful expression he made during those 58 minutes.


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The best part of him is that he looks sexy even he's playing weak. Like at the arm wrestling bit.

I love his style too. Who else can make a yellow jacket look so good?


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And how unfair/awesome is it that EVERY screen shot of him is beautiful? There is no bad camera angle for this person.


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Perhaps because some already squeed enough (including me ofcourse!) everytime park hyung shik make an adorable/sexy/serious expression. Our quirky CEO isn't being left behind with our spanky heroine. That "Ugh, damn sexy" will make a good GIF lol


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Haha! Need that GIF asap!! I have already replayed that scene sooo many times... Ugh..So damn Sexxyyy! ^_^


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Yes! I loved that! And then when he bit his finger as he was watching her bike away...unf.


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Why doesn't this blog have a "Like" or more accurately "Squealing along" button for comments?!


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That would be ...Awesome!!

*squeeling along and pressing that "squeeeeealing button* ???


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Ugh, when he did that, I lost it. Had to pause because I was temporarily braindead.


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Love it, love it, Love it! How cute is Park Bo Young? And how sexy was Ji Soo in a dress!!!


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That was quite the awesome thing, Jisoo in a red dress, HAHAHAHA. I've found so many fun moments in both episodes so far, even with the creep-tacular elements. I'm on board for the whole show. I find that I have unreasonable expectations for this show, but I think and hope they'll be met!!


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As i watched the show, i got reminded by a translated post on a korean portal of how the op's friend got bullied and went into depression due to her short posture, i think op mentioned that the friend committed suicide bcs of this too.
So, to other people with physical complexes (whatever forms they are), i hope by seeing how versatile park bo young is as an actress despite her limitations.. even how she manages to turn that into her asset, inspires us all that there is only so much limitations can do to restrain what could possibly become of us! I hope this doesnt offend people in any way though:)


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WHY MUST THERE ALWAYS BE RULES? Why cant the dramagods just give people powers without weird rules and regulations holding them down? :(
Park Hyung Sik... You Have Won My Heart Forever!


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Without rules there would be chaos, CHAOS I TELL YOU! lol. I speculate that she would have a difficult choice to make that would result in her breaking the rules and sacrificing her power to save her love or something sappy like that. That way her decision carries more weight.


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So, so excited to have a drama to fawn over here at DB again! Have been on a drama drought post WLFKBJ. Park Bo Young is one of my favourite actresses and I love allllll the k-drama tropes in this one - spunky heroine, quirky male lead, who likes the hero for who she is first, despite her crushing on another (hella cute) dude, cohabitation hijinks...

I can't believe it's only been 2 episodes and I'm already so smitten. I can already imagine I'll have another k-drama drought after this one ends.


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I'm actually quite surprised how popular this show is with the beanies. When I saw Boong Soon in action I was reminded of the anime show "One Punch Man." She is absurdly strong. It would be interesting if she were pitted against someone that forces her to try a bit. While I'm not totally sold, I'm willing to see where this goes.


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I was iffy after ep 1, but am sold after ep 2. At least, I'll watch the next few episodes to seal the deal. :D


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It helps that it's one of the few dramas at the moment that is filling the romcom niche the best and is mostly light-hearted and not so heavy. Even other comical/funny dramas like Chief Kim, or Introverted Boss have the workplace/office drama as a plot driver. TWY is also a bit more sentimental/mellow. Everything else seems more sageuk, angst, melodramatic.


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I'm surprised about the level of love from other beanies too! I definitely enjoyed the episode and found it cute & funny but in my opinion the special effects could reallyyy use more work and the editing was just plain weird in places. I see a lot of potential though, even with the mitch-match vibes going on between cute & thriller. I'm staying for the to find out how things develop for the OTP!


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Yay! Thanks for recapping..

Got one more episode of hwarang to go before i can start on this.. haha another drama with PHS :D

Watched the preview and those short vid floating around.. Seems really good.. Wasnt expecting her strength to be the superhero type though (does it make her invincible and always win.. or there will be a day that comes where she loses all her strength haha)


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There are so many reasons to love this drama and I've found another one in the form of this quote that the CP gave in a recent interview: "the message that we hope to convey through this this drama, using the outward actions of DBS as a metaphor, is how, just as DBS is strong but her actions are limited, the women of our society are not able to have their abilities properly recognised".


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Oooo...I like this! Do you happen to have a link to that video?

Also, if JTBC wants to just keep producing dramas with unconventional, nuanced, strong female heroines (this one and Ms. Tember & Nam Jung-ki come to mind), I am ON BOARD with that!


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Episode 1 did not disappoint! I am already so excited for the next episodes to come! I stayed watching Hwarang for Hyung Sik and now I am so happy he is the lead here!! ?❤


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I loved the concept of this show, and I am so glad it's living up to all my expectations (and more!) I love how Min Hyuk appreciates and is already head over heels with Bong Soon., and with a plausible reason not just "cos the story says so" And despite loving side-burn-less Ji Soo to bits I am glad Hyung Sik is gonna get the girl this time!

Having said that I am coincidentally loving the other story about an exceptionally strong hero. Can you imagine if Hong Gil Dong met Do Bong Soon and what their super strong babies would be like lol ??!!


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I just can't guess what height they would be. Either super tall or super petite.


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About your last paragraph: Well now I'll have one more thing to occupy my time as I wait for the next episodes. Thank you, @ Lime Chilli!


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Hey, what about "Dong Soon" couple and their super human strength babies, but for that drama to work they are gonna have to work in some Subway and time travel in there! Add in some flower boys, mermaids and goblins and there you go tvN I got your next project all lined up lol.


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Thank you Drama God for bringing this drama!! This might be pulled me off my drama slump-mode these days.

It hilarious!!

I'm dying at Min-hyuk's discrediting that cute little kid, Gook-do's red dress as well as (utter funny) chicken fight. Poor Secretary Gong, he didn't stand a chance.

And I never knew that Park Hyung-shik is this puuurrrdy. Maybe his portrayal of AMH really did it. Add Park Bo-young to the mix....its sizzling!!

Hope this will continued to good drama *fingers crossed*


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Min Hyuk discrediting the kids was just a precursor to how weird and strange he really is haha.


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Let me add Min Hyuk's odd view about life "life is a game & game is life. Nothing serious about it" He also doesn't trust cops. I love quirky min hyuk & I wanted to know what makes him view life this way.


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The best premiere in recent times,that`s for sure. Thank goodness for PBY,and PHS,and JS. They are cute,cute plus alpha!!


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I'm so glad to see Hyungsik so soon after his last drama ? That said, he and Boyoung are adorable together, and I can't wait for Jisoo to be in the shenanigans!

Also, based from the premise, I expected to find Minhyuk to be a weak-willed character, or at least somebody physically incapable of protecting himself. I'm extremely glad though that he seems to have been written as somebody who has TRIED (like when he chased the masked guy - it was rather careless albeit a bit brave), and had been trying to catch his own killer, but obviously he needs help from someone stronger than him.

Props to the whole crew! I'll watch out for this! Thanks for the recap!


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Everything you said plus alpha!


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Is the plus alpha going to be a /thing/ while this show airs


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Definitelly, it's the new swaaag.


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Finally a drama i can get excited about!!! the editing still weirds me out sometimes like the way it fades out and cuts to another setting... kind of old school? but watching park hyung sik and park bo young together completes my life. i just finished ep 2 and lets just say it only gets better!!!


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Park Hyung Sik is so babetown, I was making heart eyes the entire time he was on the screen ugh I adore him!!


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"Babetown" hahaha I am so going to use this word from now on. Golden.

And yes I agree 100x. He is utterly "damn sexy".


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He looks like he had a nose job. Any thoughts?


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i think if he did, it was when he was pretty young. it looks a tiny bit bigger here:

but here looks the same as now to me:

more amusing to me is the fact that he seems to have removed his birth mark really young! regardless he's so adorable...


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I've watched PHS here and there back in his ZE:A days, the only noticeable change I see in him is his teeth. It's kinda why he looks so much more polished than before, to me at least.

He got it fixed somewhere in between "What Happens to My Family" and "High Society".

Then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZXtCL0pyCE
Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdJBmWtBxoY

He even advertised for the dentist LOL! The video's subbed in Chinese, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3-TGoDLDR4


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I used to be an orthodontic assistant, which makes me really notice teeth. In Sirius, they were pretty, but a little off in alignment. Now they're gorgeous! He's too pretty for words. Add to that his ability to dance and sing? If he's really brainy to boot, then we've never had a chance. Not that I'm intending to complain!


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this drama definitely has dark undertones that i wasn't expecting HOWEVER even after watching episode 2 i'm convinced that this is the balance between light & dark that introverted boss is trying (but failing) to achieve... & that do bong soon may just be able to pull it off!
as a crime drama fan but also someone who appreciates fluffiness... i'm already obsessed with this drama...

this drama already broke the jtbc record for viewership ratings so it's not a bad start~^^


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I especially agree with this it has the right amount of dark and fluffy that introverted boss couldn't achieve


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Actually, after episode 2, I really wants to watch detective drama with them as the lead. Love their interaction and banter, with Min Hyuk as the brain and Bong Soon as the brawn


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This seems like the best female character in kdrama ever, but lets not be so hasty yet. This show is perfect. I like crime part too, I hope it will be done well. Can't wait for cohabitation hijinks


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I already love this drama and its crazy antics!

Does anyone know the name of the food Bong Soon and her family were eating in this ep? It looked like rice with something! Thanks!


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I believe it was bibimbap.


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Its rice mixed with whatever side dishes you have left in the fridge and some sauce of your preference!:p


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So is it something like the Philippines' sinangag (bokkeumbap in Korea) or a bibimbap?


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From my limited knowledge of korean cuisine learned by looking over my mom's shoulders, the main difference between bokkeumbap and bibimbap is that bokkeumbap the ingredients (including the rice) is lightly fried/stir fried together, while bibimbap the ingredients are just mixed together. But same ingredients can be used for both, or as Chocopie wrote, the ingredients are "whatever side dishes you have left in the fridge" in "ome sauce of your preference."

And as for what Bong Soon and her family had, it's bibimbap because she just mixed, not stir fried, the ingredients.


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Thank you for this information! :)


Thanks so much for the quick recap, murasakimi, on a Saturday yet! I forgot to say that earlier in my excitement, sorry. (Heh, auto-correct tried to change your name to Mussolini. Glad I proofed this before submitting.)


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"Elsewhere, in a totally different income bracket...."

I laughed out loud. Great recap. I am definitely checking this show out. I love Park Bo-young because of "Oh My Ghostess" and Park Hyung-shik because of his dancing ?


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Haha, I chuckled at that line too.


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This show, OMG!!!! Got off to a running start, really fun, and by the end of the second episode, I'm hating to know it's gonna be a week before I see any new material. Nooooooo!


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Oh, Park Hyung-Sik, you had me at "so damn sexy". You looked at her like she was the sun and you had spent most of your life underground and I am now 100% in your corner.

Jisoo, you'll get the girl one day. I promise. If the drama gods don't make you first lead, I'll volunteer as tribute! XD


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Really loved the first episode. It made me LOL in a few places even though I saw all the trailers.

One small thing I was thinking about while watching... Bong-soon's past job failures can't all be attributed to her strength. Sometimes she just needs to have a more positive attitude. There are no perfect jobs in the world =/


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I've been missing Park Hyungshik since hwarang ended and seeing him with one of my favorite actresses Park Bo Young is like receiving two gifts in one. I loved all the wackiness and unrealistic fighting sequences that Bong Soo was in loved with and Min Hyuk is so funny and strange ahhh I love characters that have so many fun things about them.
They're handlings the mystery aspect of this really well while still maintaining the comedy aspect of it I can't wait to see the rest of the episodes~


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I just realized how my knowledge [and awareness] of the Kdrama world and actors have improved because I have zero idea that Hyung-sik was in Heirs.

I enjoying the characters already :) I'm looking forward to knowing more of Ji Soo's character since I saw very little of him in this episode.

Bong-soon's family is really entertaining. I love how her mom is so strict with her and sometimes looks down at her but simply because she's worried of how she'll live (a kind of) normal life despite her strength.


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I know Heirs is a mess and all but I doubt he would have turned you off there.
Check this out :D : https://youtu.be/xU1EZ_Z0_UI


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Hahahaha- Park Hyung Sik was the runaway surprise for me in this drama. Both Lee Min Ho and Kim Woo Bin's characters were driving me crazy, so it was nice to have a couple characters like Myung Soo keeping me sane. I thought he was so charming.


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This is my new crack! Just one episode in and I know I'm in for the long haul. I loved Ahn Min Hyuk's introduction. I totally see myself in him. Once, the resident ghost in my apt started up the radio at 3:00 AM and I remember cursing and ambling mid-sleep to put it off. The next morning I couldn't believe that I lived through that. (I've moved, by the way, if anyone is interested.) So I fell in love with AMH right away.

And I also see myself in Bong Soo, because for the life of me, I cannot introduce myself. I swear, nothing comes to mind. My daughter has an assignment for an essay "why my mother should be on the cover of people magazine." (Teachers are cruel.) The content of her essay so far: My mom cooks a killer salmon. (C- if she's lucky, I tell you). I don't even eat Salmon forget about cooking it.

Anyway, back to the drama, I cannot remember the last time I was this excited about a drama. PHS has given AMH a crazy, off-kilter attitude that I absolutely love. And PBY is genius. The slapstick comedy bits are not overdone and the mystery will keep me from being bored of a plain romance, though with these characters, I wouldn't mind a plain romance either.

Ji Soo, so perfect. I hope he gets some girl at the end, but not Do Bong Soo, Coz CEO AMH deserves her.


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so she pay the phone three years.. OK.. i wouldn't complain again about poor heroine and her expensive phone after this episode..

OMG!! everyone's so cute!! but i find myself fall more and more deeply in love with park hyung shik..


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It is good that the show addresses either intentionally or not, her expensive phone. We will not be complaining on how she got one considering she's unemployed. I find it funny that Bong Soon fights the thugs mainly because she wanted them to compensate her phone (awww, poor bong soon! she saved for that!) and not because she wanted to save the driver ajhussi.
Entering to this show, I actually thinks Bong Soon is a hero who will save someone whose treated unfairly. But I do understand that she have limitations & she can't act like a hero all the time.


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I find it funny that Bong Soon fights the thugs mainly because she wanted them to compensate her phone

This was actually the one thing that bothered me about the episode. Why didn't she step in to stop that guy from beating up the ahjussi? It seems clear to me that that would have been a good deed and therefore wouldn't have gone against the rules.

I know she had tried to call the police to have them take care of it, but then she wasn't able to because the other gangster took her phone, and so that other gangster was beating up on the old man for a really long time! It seemed really careless and selfish of her not to put a stop to that.


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I came to see if the recap was up and it was! Glad I could come squeal with all of you because I love this show so far. It's weird, quirky, and hilarious! I love Bong-soon and Park Bo-young always makes me love her characters right off the bat. I am sailing on the Min-hyuk and Bong-soon ship already. I like Gook-doo and I think her crush on him is adorable (the hearts, omg) but I like how cheeky she is with Min-hyuk. Also he speaks her language because I had no clue what stop motions were but he figured it out! lol


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Stop motion! I loved how seriously she says it. That whole interview scene itself was amazing.


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She was so serious! That scene was the best!


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"Also he speaks her language because I had no clue what stop motions were but he figured it out!"

Agreed. One more reason to ship these two adorable people. ?


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Gook Doo has a girlfriend? Boo! Before that reveal, I totally felt Gook Doo liked Bong Soon back. So is there a breakup in the near future, or is there no love triangle in this show? I wish Gook Doo at least knew about Bong Soon's superhuman strength seeing as how they're high school friends, although that would nix his heart-fluttering taser gesture.

I like how Min Hyuk says whatever's on his mind and thought he was totally in his right to use banmal with his bodyguard. He was very sweet to cover for Bong Soon, and I assumed he was going to offer her the job on the spot. Wouldn't it have been faster to chase after his stalker on his hoverboard? "Stop motions" cracked me up.

Thanks, murasakimi, for the recap!


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I am loving this. I am also getting similar vibes as The Girl Who Sees Smells, which is a good thing. There is the comic book/animation vibe coming from the directing, a girl with super powers, a straitlaced male, and a murder mystery. Can't wait to see more!


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The Girl Who Sees Smells vibes! Actually, that came to mind after ep. 2 cuz of the creepy crime suspect, but will save for next recap's discussions to avoid spoilers.


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boyoung unni is really jjang!!!?


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I love the comedic moments in this episode. I love Park Bo Young's cuteness and the way that she portrayed the pint-sized power keg that is Bong Soon.

I do have a bit of a hang up over some editing and scene continuity issues but I'm willing to let it go for now. Bong Soon and Min Hyuk's interacti9ns have definitely won me over.

Can't wait to see how the story will progress moving forward. Keeping my fingers crossed that this drama will be able to retain and improve its viewership shares.


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I'm so happy, this first episode exceeded my expectations and they were already pretty high after seeing those cute teasers! This drama is like the perfect rom com with some good crime plot involved.

Park Hyungsik continues to impress me, if nobody told me his primary job isn't acting I wouldn't have known. I can already feel the chemistry between him and Park Boyoung, isn't she the cutest??

I find it funny that Do Bong Soon's dad here played Pa-oh from Hwarang lol


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It looks like we have three time-travelers. Woo Reuk apparently decided to lose his musical skills and became a gangster. Pa Oh retired from wrestling and opened a walnut tart shop. And King Jinheung still retains his higher-up status as CEO of a gaming company.


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Thank goodness they time-traveled into a delightful drama, and left the mess that was Hwarang behind! ^^


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I'm still watching too many kdramas....

Hooded guy in alley reminded me of hooded Introverted Boss.

When the girl in the alley screamed and nobody heard I was wondering where super-hearing lady from Voice was when we needed her.

Disguised voice making threats sounded just like every other disguised voice making threats. Does the disguiser make everyone sound the same (where's super-hearing lady again?) or do they just have one guy to make those calls in every show?

And of course the bus at the beginning reminded me of the Vehicle of Doom in every show ever.

Bong-Soon's mother's name is Hwang Jin-Yi - character played by Ha Ji-won in a series I haven't seen but have heard of. And does everyone know about the commotion involving a certain other person taking the name of a Ha Ji-won character ?


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"And does everyone know about the commotion involving a certain other person taking the name of a Ha Ji-won character ?"

Huh maybe. I did feel some subtle commentary with the sleazy assemblyman case and AMH not liking the police.

Or maybe it is because I have seen too many of the recent Korean movies with social commentary in them ( like The King)?


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Does anyone know a safe place I can download this & Sensitive Boss? I'm not sure which dramafire or any of those have been guaranteed not to have viruses.

Major change of circumstances and streaming from Viki & Dramafever are out of the question. And my technology does support DF Superstar offline downloading ? which I found out today. There goes my year subscriptions. I'm sad not to add to revenue. Maybe I can look into buying my favorite drama. Wait, I don't own a dvd player. Must look into a laptop.

Thank you!


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I think Kissasian, dramacool & dramanice are safe - mostly.

Watch out for sites that offer a choice of servers that includes "openload". Openload has sent me malicious adds more than once. Avoid at all costs. But dramanice & dramacool seem ok as long as you use their other servers.

Dramafire used to be/seem ok, but later they served up nasty adds and they are dead to me now.

(Did you maybe mean your tech does *not* support superstar downloading??)


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Yes, I meant does not lol

I usually stream with kissasian for show the main sites & apps don't have. I downloaded 1 ep for each show from there. It did say openload with various sizes. Was that bad?


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I always watch and download fron Kissasian.com. because of the good quality video. About the viruses, so far my laptop is doing well. Maybe you need good antivirus. Heee I dont know much about these things, since Viki or Dramafever are not accessible in my country. Therefore free drama sites are always my option.


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Thank you for the suggestion of antivirus. And for the personal account.


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Install adblocker on your browser to avoid malicious spyware and clickbait ads


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Thank you for the suggestion.


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I juse folinseed the first episode. Time for the recap now.


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Thanks for the recap, murasakimi! Was waiting for the recap and so happy to see it. Must reply before heading to bed... XD

Honestly, I had very high expectations for this show since it's got my fave Jisoo and I love Hyungsik and Boyoung as well. The teasers were all so funny and cute, so I was really anticipating this show to fill my drama drought. After watching ep. 1, it did not disappoint!!

How awesome is our spunky heroine and quirky CEO!! And they even had an encounter during his high school days!! I think over time, he will definitely realize who that pink hoodie girl really is. I love how he finds her assertiveness sexy. And her super strength is no joke! I think the show handled those comedic super natural moments quite well. It's funny, yet not too overboard that it'd be cheesy.

I love the righteous Jisoo as well. He really nails this character. The way Bongsoon looks at Gookdoo... Well, not too hard to understand why and I'm sure many feel the same way. LOL

I like how Minhyuk is confident in himself, and is actually turned on, not off, by Bongsoon's strength. There's something I wanna comment about in relation to WFKBJ, but will save that for ep. 2 recap. I was expecting Minhyuk to hire Bongsong on the spot outside the police station, so I was surprised to see him think of that later. The whole arm wrestling was too funny. Poor Secretary Gong! That whole flying back into the wall scene was hilarious, especially when viewed from Bongsoon's perspective. Getting the helmet from the delivery guy was brilliant.

I love the whole ancestors history as well! Funny comics drawn plus punishments ranging from leprosy to diarrhea to powerlessness... It's very interesting and draws us into the world of Bongsoon, who's gotta be on guard to not abuse her power, but who has internal turmoils when it comes to serving justice.

I like the twins where one got the brains and the other got the brawn. That hospital scene with Bongki was pretty funny when he realized who was behind the interesting X-rays. But the childhood scene was touching to see when his noona saved him. Bongsoon's birth story was amusing as well.

I really quite like the balance between the light and dark moments. Since Gookdoo is a detective and he got assigned to a violent crimes unit, it'd only make sense if the police have crimes to solve. Otherwise, they'd just be watching TV and twiddling their thumbs all day. I want to see Gookdoo being a good detective and even rising the ranks despite his principled nature because of his determination, acute sense, and skills.

I love this drama and I'm already looking forward to next week!!


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