The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 6

I miss the comic hijinks we had yesterday, but the melancholy tone is lovely too, and it’s a big episode for our gloomy goblin, who has to make some pretty big decisions about life, death, and the consequences for those around him. He seemed pretty dead set (hur) on the dying, but the problem seems to be that the closer he gets to death, the more he begins to want to live. Isn’t that always the way?


As Shin and Eun-tak return to their favorite restaurant in Quebec, Shin is suddenly struck with a vision of Eun-tak’s future at 29: She proudly tells Sunny over the phone that she’s traveling well and hardly getting lost, and waits for someone to join her, and Shin realizes that he isn’t there with Eun-tak in her future.

He thinks, “You and your life after my disappearance have forgotten me and come to perfect completion. I must disappear. For the sake of you, who smiles prettily. The choice I must make is ending this life.”

He imagines deleting himself from all of their memories and says out loud, “In the end I made that choice,” and wells up with tears. 19-year-old Eun-tak hears those last words and wonders why he’s looking at her so sadly.

Reaper and Deok-hwa are all dressed up, and we see why when Sunny brings a friend out for a double date. It’s all part of Sunny’s plan—she says that you can figure out a man’s true nature when he’s around his friends.

Her friend looks out the window at Reaper and Deok-hwa arriving and sighs wistfully that whoever gets to date those men must be happy. Sunny agrees with a big smile.

The mood back at home is melancholy, and when Eun-tak braves a knock on Shin’s bedroom door, he ignores it. He seems to come to a decision and belatedly comes out to the living room. Without warning he says, “Pull out the sword, now. I’m asking you.”

She doesn’t know how to respond, but he insists, saying, “I want to stop… thinking the thought that I could choose.” But… isn’t this choosing? She asks if this has anything to do with that choice he mentioned at the restaurant earlier, and looks nervous as she asks what he’s choosing to do exactly.

He says he only wants an answer from her, not questions, so she says it isn’t time yet because she hasn’t completed her research. She admits to looking him up on the internet but says there was almost no information, as if someone had gone and deleted it.

Eun-tak remembers what he’d told her initially about being the goblin’s bride—that if she discovered something about him, she’d come to resent him. She knows now that the “something” is the sword, but she doesn’t know yet why she’d come to resent him, so she knows there’s something else he isn’t telling her.

She asks, “Did you maybe do something bad, and that’s why you were erased from history?” She says that if he’s being punished for doing something bad, she’s not sure if she should pull out the sword. “Did you… commit treason or anything like that?” she asks. Ouuuuuch, of all the things, why’d you have to say that?

He instantly flashes back to the Goryeo battlefront, and then to the moment his king betrayed him. We flash for a moment to Reaper and Sunny, and then return to Shin.

He looks stricken as he says, “Yes, you’re right. It was a time where survival itself was a struggle. It was a time unrecorded in history. I used all of my strength, but I could not make my death honorable. Going forth to the king would not have made things better. But I came forward, and with every step I took, innocents lost their lives. My sin was not forgiven, and I am being punished. This sword is my punishment.”

Eun-tak listens with tears in her eyes, and Shin asks, “But even if that is my punishment, if I’ve received it for nine hundred years, isn’t that a long time?”

She says tenderly, “No… it can’t be a punishment. There is no way that god would have given you that power if you were truly a bad person. If you were a bad person, only goblins would exist, and there would be no goblin’s bride to pull out the sword.”

Her words hit him hard, and a tear trickles down his face. With a gentle smile, she reaches out a hand to wipe his tears, tears streaming down her own face as she does so.

“I don’t know what kind of existence it was, but you are being loved now, truly,” she tells him, making him cry all over again. She clarifies that by “bad things,” she meant like stealing the king’s woman or something, and apologizes for bringing up treason.

He asks if she won’t make him pretty now, which is still what Eun-tak believes will happen when she pulls out the sword. She says “Yes” and he sighs in relief until she clarifies, “Yes, I won’t.”

The tone suddenly shifts to comedic as he wonders where the conversation went awry, and Eun-tak asks if he’s thought this way for nine hundred years and cries that she feels so sorry for him. He asks if she can’t try and be a little more consistent with her actions and words, ha.

Ignoring him, she says that she’s crying because she’s sad, but that he really should shape up and put in a little effort instead of feeling sorry for himself: “Don’t you think you’re not trying hard enough to become prettier?” Lolwut. She advises him that pity won’t get him very far, so he needs to take action if he wants her to pull out the sword.

She’s still crying, amazed that his life is actually more pitiful than hers, and mutters through her tears, “I’m going to punish them all!” She suddenly cuts the conversation short to go to work, and tells him to think carefully about what she wants from him.

Flustered and not following a thing she’s saying, he asks if she wants money and jewels and a house, and Eun-tak just turns to him dramatically and says, “Is that really what I’m asking for?” “Is it that—the thing I said I could do if needed?” he asks hesitantly. “What, love?” she asks. He nods, and she counters, “Why can’t you think to buy a house with money, and fill it with jewels and love?”

He shouts at her to go to work, and she reminds him that she’s already told him the answer before, but maybe he can’t remember because warriors have bad memories. He huffs at that.

Once he’s alone, Shin wonders how she can cry in empathy for his pain but not pull out the sword, and how her thoughts could lead to what he’s going to do for her in exchange. He remembers 29-year-old Eun-tak greeting her lunch date with a smile in his vision and suddenly throws a jealous tantrum that he died and she met someone new. Ha.

Sunny and Reaper’s double date begins with introductions, and Deok-hwa tells them that his occupation is “third generation chaebol heir,” which the girls don’t take seriously at all.

Reaper hems and haws and says he works in the service industry, and that he can’t give further details. Sunny asks if he has a name today, and Reaper beams proudly before announcing, “Yes. Kim Woo-bin.” Hahahaha. *cringing in embarrassment so hard*

Sunny’s friend guesses that with a name like that and a service job, he must be a waiter at a nightclub (club servers often take on celebrity pseudonyms). She asks Reaper for his business card, and he deflates, realizing that he is yet again without a thing he’s supposed to have.

But then the girls’ attention is diverted to Deok-hwa when a quick internet search proves that he really is a chaebol. Sunny is suddenly very complimentary and attentive to Deok-hwa, much to Reaper’s ire. He grows so angry that the room starts to go dark and black smoke swirls around him in a haze, and Deok-hwa looks over at him in warning.

Reaper blurts, “I’m going to leave early,” and Deok-hwa doesn’t mind being left with the women at all. But Reaper means for Deok-hwa to say it, and commands him with his reaper-mind-control powers. Hee! Deok-hwa immediately gets up and leaves, and he does the same to Sunny’s friend, and then makes Sunny forget what he just did.

Once they’re alone, Reaper gives Sunny the jade ring. She accepts it happily and asks for Deok-hwa’s number in exchange, which makes him frown, but she says that if Deok-hwa really is who he says he is, he’s her lord. Reaper balks, and Sunny clarifies, “He’s my building landlord.”

She says she has a lot to say to her landlord, so Reaper reluctantly takes out his phone to search for Deok-hwa’s number. He fumbles with the smartphone so Sunny offers to help, and Reaper jumps back when she reaches for his hand. She thinks he threw the phone at her rudely, but he covers it up with profuse gratitude.

Sunny asks for his passcode and when Reaper says he doesn’t have one, she muses that he sure doesn’t have a lot of things. Aw. She opens up his phone contacts, which consist of: Deok-hwa, Goblin, Goblin’s Bride, and Sunny Not Sun-hee. She laughs, assuming that Goblin is the name of a store, because she knows a rice cake shop named Goblin.

Reaper comes home to find Shin popping pills dejectedly, and asks if human medicine does anything for him. Shin says he’s choosing between pills and liquor, and Reaper chooses liquor, sighing over the fact that Sunny called him a strange person because he didn’t have a business card to give her.

Shin says unsympathetically, “You fooled her well. You’re not even a person.” Reaper scowls and asks if he’s manic or depressed today, and Shin just says he’s in pain. Thinking of all the mean things he’s said to Eun-tak, he says that all the words he’s spit out are returning to him, and that it must be the consequence of interfering in human life.

Shin sighs that he grew up badly and Reaper dryly pours salt in the wound: “All you did was grow tall.” Ignoring him, Shin says he ought to know better at his age than to say things he can’t take back, wondering if he deserves to die.

Reaper surprises him by saying that no one deserves to die. Shin looks over at him with hopeful eyes, and then Reaper adds, “Except for you.” Shin glares pitifully, and Reaper feels a little bad, saying that it was a joke.

Reaper asks if something happened with Eun-tak, calling her “Missing Person,” and Shin rambles that she cried and he cried and she felt sorry for him, but won’t pull out the sword and he doesn’t know why. Reaper: “Did you cry? In front of Missing Person?” He says it’s over now, insisting that women like prickly, indifferent men, not criers. Shin: “Is that why you cried when you first met [your girl]?” LOL. Reaper looks like someone kicked his puppy and Shin tells him to drink.

Reaper tells him to stick to either looking good or showing his weaknesses in front of Eun-tak, musing that he’s not Hamlet. Shin grows nostalgic and says, “Shakespeare, that guy. All I did was say, ‘To be or not to be,’ and he wrote that masterpiece.” Reaper literally spits out his drink.

When Reaper asks if he wants to go to the hospital to get checked out, Shin asks if it would do any good when the sword has begun to hurt him. Yikes. Reaper remembers Shin wondering the other night if god hadn’t overestimated what he could handle, and suddenly opens his arms wide. Figuring it’s an emergency, Reaper asks, “Would you like a hug?” Hahahaha. Yes, please!

Shin responds by summoning his goblin sword and wielding it menacingly. Reaper retreats instantly, and Shin swings his sword around like an overgrown child.

Sunny admires her jade ring and feels that it must really belong to her. Eun-tak is happy for her when she hears that the strange and handsome man gave her a ring, and Sunny says he’s still strange, but she forgets that every time she sees his face.

Eun-tak thinks the ring must be very old, and behind them, a ghost pops up from under a table to say that her boyfriend gave her a ring once. The three remaining ghosts in Eun-tak’s ghost-girl foursome show up to beg for her help, after hearing that she helped their gosiwon friend with her request.

Eun-tak tries to ignore them, but the ajumma ghost asks if she can’t get the winning lottery numbers from the goblin so they can split the winnings, and Eun-tak seems to like that idea.

She runs home and Shin rushes to sit down and act natural. Eun-tak pours on the sweet sugary act and compliments him, calling him an example just by being him. Once he’s buttered up, she asks for the winning lottery numbers, which he says he doesn’t know. But the second she says that lottery numbers would put her in a sword-pulling mood, he rattles them off to her.

Eun-tak shares the numbers with the ajumma ghost the next day, and Shin catches her in the act. She swears that this ajumma lived a good life and deserves this, and that she plans to tell the numbers to her son in a dream.

She runs off saying that she has to study, but beelines for a convenience store instead and tries to buy a lottery ticket. The cashier says that minors can’t buy lottery tickets, so Eun-tak returns in a change of clothes and makes a second and third attempt, to no avail. Um, why not go to a different convenience store?? She tries to convince the cashier that these are the winning numbers and offers to go halfsies if he buys the ticket for her, but he kicks her out.

Shin is there to catch her yet again, and she grumbles that he seems to know everything. He says that the ajumma ghost didn’t get a chance to tell her son the numbers either, and Eun-tak says he should’ve made it possible, because he’s a struggling farmer who had a bad year because it only rained in Seoul. She glares accusingly.

Shin says defensively that he’s not in charge of ALL the rain, and that there will be no lottery winner this week, which means the pot will double next week. He says that the farmers are hardworking, good people, and that they’ll dream a strange dream from a guardian god.

Eun-tak suddenly thinks he seems very cool. He wonders why she’s happy when she can’t buy a ticket next week anyway, and she points out that she’ll be twenty in two months and there’s a new lottery every week. She points finger guns at the goblin, who tells her not to act like they know each other in public.

Eun-tak turns around to see that he was right about the winning numbers, and in the store, the cashier sees that Eun-tak was right and falls out of his chair.

The ajumma ghost thanks Eun-tak when she hears the good news, and Eun-tak asks why the gosiwon ghost isn’t around anymore. The ajumma ghost says she moved on, pointing to the sky, and they both realize that the ajumma will be moving on too. She tells Eun-tak to live well with the goblin, and they smile warmly at each other.

At home, Eun-tak sits lost in thought for a while and asks Reaper if she’ll meet god if she dies. She says she plans to pick a fight: “Goblin-sshi is such a lonely guardian god. People don’t know that at the moment they’re becoming distant with the world, that someone is pushing them back towards it. But I know. So I’m going to pull out the sword. So that he’ll be prettier, and become a shining guardian god.”

Reaper is alarmed at that (aw, you DO care!) and he’s in such a hurry that he accidentally calls her Eun-tak, then corrects himself and calls her Missing Person. He argues that she could lose her usefulness and get kicked out, but she says that none of this is hers to begin with: “Life is just borrowing for a short while and staying for a short while. Hell isn’t just in hell,” she muses.

Eun-tak thinks of all the abuse she endured from Aunt and her family, and says that she’s been so happy every day that she’s spent in this house. She says with a huge smile that she wants to repay that kindness, which is why she’s going to pull out the sword.

She doesn’t know what it means exactly for the goblin to become prettier, but she figures that if Reaper Ajusshi is cheering her on to do it, it must be a good thing. Oh noes! Take it back! Tell herrrrrrr. Reaper just cringes, feeling a pang of guilt.

Reaper heads to work, where he watches a blind man crossing the street. He doesn’t notice (or cant’ see?) Samshin Granny passing behind him. She heads to the hospital where a little girl seems to see her true face, and she gives the little girl a wink.

Granny visits a little boy who’s suffering in pain, and she puts her hand on the boy’s forehead and says he’s suffered enough, so it’s time to stop hurting now. Hm, are you saving him, or is he going to die?

Reaper goes through a particularly grueling day of work, where one woman asks to be reborn as Kim Tae-hee in the next life (to which he hands her a ticket saying that she’s 92,414,945th in line, ha), and one couple gets into a fight because the man doesn’t want to be with his partner again in the next life.

The blind man just calmly goes toward the door to the afterlife as instructed, but he lights up when he hears a familiar bark at the door. His old seeing-eye dog Happy is there, and Reaper says that Happy has been waiting all day and will lead the way. Awww.

Reaper passes his usual pedestrian bridge on the way home and picks up a discarded business card on the ground. It’s an advertisement for a loan shark, but he notes the person’s title jealously.

He’s caught off-guard when Sunny approaches, and he’s so panicked that he throws his hat on and makes himself invisible. Sunny naturally thinks of him when she’s on the bridge, and complains out loud that the jerk isn’t answering his phone, and wonders what his deal is.

Reaper just watches her with a stricken expression and thinks, “I’m a grim reaper.” He thinks sadly that grim reapers must act on command, but Sunny interrupts his thoughts by suddenly announcing that she’s going to kill him because her pride has been wounded. She calls him right then and there, but ack, his phone rings out loud and she can hear it.

He doesn’t even notice at first because he’s so transfixed by the ring on her finger, and scrambles to shut his phone off. Sunny gets scared and looks around, accidentally slipping on an icy patch. Just as she’s about to fall, she stops, suspended in mid-air.

Cut to: Reaper crouching below her, holding her up on his back. Well that’s awkward. It terrifies her and Sunny goes running, leaving Reaper to watch her go with a long sigh.

Sunny runs into work and asks Eun-tak between heaving breaths if she believes in ghosts, and Eun-tak glances nervously at the two ghosts standing near the counter before saying that that would be absurd.

Sunny brushes off her strange encounter and remembers to tell Eun-tak not to come to work for the next few weeks, to focus on her college entrance exam. Best boss ever.

Shin sits at home contemplating what Eun-tak wants from him, and then recalls her saying that she’d like him to be happy while she was living there. He wonders if that’s what she wants, thinking it a tricky thing to do.

He waits outside the bookstore for her to pass by, and as she walks toward him with her head buried in notes, he thinks to himself, “Life walks to me. Death walks to me. As life, as death, you do not grow weary as you walk to me. Then all I have to say is this: I am not sad. It is done if I say this. It is done…”

She sees him and is a little touched that he watched her approaching for so long. She asks if he sees anything different in her now, remembering that he said he couldn’t see her twenties and thirties before. Shin lies that he still can’t.

He says that usually he can see a person’s fortune and misfortune, but with her he can’t. She figures that it’s because she’s a missing person, and prefers to think of it positively, that she gets to determine her own future.

She stills wishes she could know how she’ll be when she’s twenty and thirty, and Shin says, “You’ll grow up just like this—prettily.” She jokes that she can’t be pretty every day and probably has an ugly day or two. He counters that it could be an ugly month or two.

As they walk, she asks if he has particular rules for the people he becomes a guardian to, and he says no—he just chooses based on his mood day by day, and tends to help children more than adults. He explains that when he was at his most distant from the world, a child was the first person to reach out a hand to him. He flashes back to the moment the little boy who looked just like Deok-hwa asked to serve him back in Goryeo.

Eun-tak asks why he saved her mother when she was an adult, and he says that he was weak-hearted then because he’d had a drink, plus, the person her mother was asking him to save wasn’t herself.

Eun-tak is suddenly overcome with tears and says, “That you were the one who answered her cry to be saved—it just seems like such a miracle.” She cries happy, grateful tears and he stares at her for a long moment before raising a hand to pet her on the head.

She smiles and then says he’s not supposed to press her head like that, but caress the hair softly. She shows him by reaching up and petting him on the head, and he’s just lost in the moment for a while, looking into her eyes.

He comes out of the reverie and pulls away brusquely, saying that today must be one of her ugly days. Sigh. And you were doing so well!

She runs after him in a huff, but her mood lifts when they get home and she discovers that Shin put up a Christmas tree for her. She tells him that she was being selfish before because she thought he’d kick her out if she pulled out the sword, plus she thought maybe he’d become prettier and meet a prettier girl.

She stops to ask, “Aren’t you going to say you’re not?” Shin: “Do I have to?” Ha. She announces with a smile that she’ll make him pretty, because if he’s making the request, it can’t lead to a bad result. She asks where they should do it and he panics.

“Today? Right now?” he asks. She rolls up her sleeves right then and there, and Shin hurriedly pretends to answer a call while running out of the house.

He goes straight to Reaper’s tea room and asks for liquor before sharing the big news. Reaper asks if Eun-tak knows what pulling out the sword means, and Shin says no, adding that he’s worried because she likes him a lot.

Reaper doesn’t buy it, and Shin argues that Eun-tak asked him to marry her as soon as they met and said, “I love you,” putting him in a really awkward position. “She has no reason not to like me,” Shin points out.

Reaper counters that there are plenty of reasons, like their enormous age gap, and says the second she goes to college she’ll meet a gazillion young, good-looking boys. Shin: “What, that 900 years? So what?” Pfft.

Reaper tells him to stop shortening his age, saying that he’s 939, but Shin says he’s actually got an early birthday, so he’s really technically a year younger. HA. Both boys actually start laughing at that.

Shin says this is better than liquor and then says wistfully, “She’s the only one who can make me die, but she keeps making me live. It’s funny, isn’t it?” Reaper reminds him that he lived well before meeting her too, but Shin thinks it’s strange that he can’t seem to remember that.

He lies in bed that night remembering every time Eun-tak ran up to him calling him Ajusshi, and he says aloud, “Stop calling me. Stop calling me, Ji Eun-tak. Let me go.” She calls him for real outside his bedroom door, but he doesn’t answer.

She lingers in the hallway, and Shin leans against the door from inside his room.

Eun-tak gets a visit from Aunt’s loan shark gangsters after school, and though they start to harass her about Aunt’s debt, they don’t get very far before picking a fight with each other. Ha, because Reaper Jedi-mind-tricked them to fight till they die?

Grandpa’s secretary comes up and asks Eun-tak if she knows those loan sharks, and says offhandedly that he used to be one. He offers her a ride home and calls the police to report the loan sharks, who still bicker even at the police station and admit that they don’t know why they keep fighting.

On the drive home, Eun-tak launches into an awkward speech about how nice Deok-hwa oppa is and how responsible and frugal he is for a chaebol. Secretary Kim asks for an example, and she actually can’t come up with anything, and just apologizes. Secretary Kim is unruffled, though he cracks a little smile at her humming to fill the awkward silence.

Eun-tak is annoyed when Shin ignores her as she comes home and then again all throughout dinner, and asks Reaper about Shin’s mood as they sit and peel garlic. Reaper says Shin can’t remember the past, but says he doesn’t know anything beyond that. She doesn’t believe him, and he just threatens to call her name three times and she stops pestering him.

Reaper says these days, the dead follow when you say their name only once, and Eun-tak says it must be difficult work. He points out that missing persons are what make his job truly difficult, and Eun-tak sweetly offers to peel all the garlic herself. Reaper offers up, “The Goblin has an early birthday, so he’s actually a year younger than his age. That’s all I can tell you. Do well.” Pwahaha.

Eun-tak asks why Reaper found her at age 9 and then again at 19, and he offers up a little grim reaper secret, that people are most at risk at the time just before completion (meaning at ages ending in 9).

He stares at her intently and thinks to himself in voiceover, “At 29 you will also meet a grim reaper, even if it isn’t me. That is the fate of a missing person. There must be order in this life, and 9 is the closest incomplete number to 10, the complete number of the gods. With this too, do well.” To her, he just lies that he had a good dream the night before he found her. Gack, is she not going to live past 29?

Eun-tak finally corners Shin and asks why it seems like he’s mad at her. He says he isn’t mad but answers acerbically, “What are you? What are you, to call me so loudly? Why do you keep bewildering me? Why do you keep confusing me? You should have pulled out the sword when I asked. That is your worth.” Ouch.

Hurt and confused, Eun-tak says she agreed to pull out the sword, and he’s the one ignoring her. She says that she doesn’t have all the time in the world like an immortal, and that they should just get it over with today.

But he says, “Tomorrow, not today. The weather is too nice today. I’m going to go on a walk with you.” Tomorrow comes, and again he changes his mind and says tomorrow, not today, this time because the weather is too bad. The day after that he says, “Not today, tomorrow. Just one more day.”

Grandpa is heartbroken when Shin tells him his plans, and Shin thinks of his right-hand man in Goryeo who had served him faithfully and plunged the sword into his heart while crying, and of the queen who had died because of him.

He hands Grandpa the old scroll painting of the queen and asks him to burn it, saying how much he regrets not being able to find those he is still indebted to. Shin asks him to look after his young bride and make sure she will always eat well and learn well without him, and says this is his final request of Grandpa.

With tears in his eyes, Grandpa says respectfully that he will accept the command, and Shin takes both of Grandpa’s hands in his warmly. Augh, stop saying goodbye!

Next, Deok-hwa stares at his new credit card in disbelief, and Shin tells him to live freely, and that this is the prize he’s giving him. Deok-hwa says he didn’t do anything to deserve a prize.

Shin pets him on the head and says he grew up well, and Deok-hwa blurts, “I love you.” Ha. That makes Shin smile, and Deok-hwa just beams at his card, unaware of what it all means.

Then Shin tells someone in a grave tone that he left the deed to the house. He says that once he’s gone, the mark on Eun-tak’s neck will disappear. “Erase her memories, so that she doesn’t hate herself,” he asks.

Suddenly Reaper answers in a fuzzy voice over the phone, “What? Speak louder, I can’t hear you!” LOL. They’re on a video call, and Shin tries to get Reaper to put his headset on, but Reaper shouts, “It’s away from my ear now! I see your face!” Shin just hangs up on him.

Eun-tak contemplates Shin’s behavior the last few days and the things he’d said: “I like walking with you,” and “I like coming to get you.” Even now he sneaks up on her and says, “I like looking at you.”

She asks why he’s being so nice to her all of a sudden, and then asks for his hand. He holds it out to her, and she traces a hanja into his palm and asks what it means. He tells her it’s the character for “listen,” and she thanks him and says goodnight.

He stands there with his hand still outstretched, more affected by the moment than she realizes.

Eun-tak just runs to her room and writes down the meaning of the final hanja, ready to decipher what she has written down in her notebook. Oh, is this from Shin’s journal? Please say it is. She doesn’t get very far in translating it though, to her frustration.

Shin sits in his room for a long time just staring at the hand that Eun-tak held, and then brings gifts to her room. She opens them excitedly, and he tells her that it’s the 5 million she wished for, and things that she’ll need once she’s twenty and going out with her college boyfriend.

She asks why he’s giving her these things, and he just answers, “Today. The sword.” She agrees to pull the sword and then asks, “Is there love anywhere in these?” indicating his presents.

It takes him a while to answer, but he says “No,” and she says she was just asking.

They go through a door and end up in his buckwheat garden, and Eun-tak runs around and asks if the flowers he gave her were from here. She says she remembers their meaning, and he says again, “Lovers.”

She asks if this is a special place, and he calls it “My beginning and end.” He asks her to pull out the sword now, and Eun-tak pulls out a notebook first to say that she wrote a few things down that she wants him to agree to first. It’s a contract (we don’t get to see the whole thing), and at the very end it asks him to listen to her summons on the first day of snow each year, because she’ll be waiting.

Shin thinks back to a conversation he had with Reaper, when he said he was planning to die before the first day of snow. When Reaper asked why, he said, “Because I don’t want to ruin her first snow.”

Shin signs Eun-tak’s contract readily, and the moment he does, it begins to snow. Eun-tak looks around in amazement at the earliest first snow she’s ever seen, and realizes that he’s causing it. He says he’s sorry that it’s selfish, adding, “But I wanted to have a memory like this.” She says they should hurry up and make him pretty, and he agrees that it’s time.

Eun-tak asks for his final words, and Shin says, “The time that I spent with you was blindingly bright. Because the day was good, because the day was bad, because the day was just so. All the days were good. And whatever happens, it’s not your fault.”

She asks worriedly if he might actually turn into a broom, but he laughs and says that won’t happen. Reassured, she says she’ll pull it out now, and reaches for the sword, which materializes before her.

Shin closes his eyes…

But when she tries to close her hands around the sword, it vaporizes and she can’t grab it. She tries again and again, but it just keeps ghosting on her.

Shin asks if she’s using all her strength, but Eun-tak says she can see it… but she can’t touch it. His eyes go wide and he starts to say that she’s not the goblin’s bride, but she cuts him off to say that she’s more thrown than he is right now.

He demands to have the contract back so he can burn it, when she suddenly says, “I know what it is. It’s that, I know it. The prince in the fairytale, the prince with the curse! That!” “What?!” he asks. She grabs him by the collar and yanks him toward her. “A kiss,” she says, as she gets on her tiptoes and plants a kiss on his lips.

Shin’s eyes grow wide, and all the snow starts to fly up to the sky in reverse.


Huh, is she not the bride? I’m still operating under the assumption that she’s being honest about seeing the sword, but it’s definitely curious that she can’t seem to touch it. At this point it would be worse if she weren’t the goblin’s bride—it would negate all the she-is-life-she-is-death angst, so she has to be. There must just be some other rule in play that they don’t know about. Maybe she’s onto something with the kiss, not the kiss itself, but the idea that true love is a factor. I’m hoping it’s something else though, because Shin mentioned regret about not repaying his debts before dying. The ghosts linger in this life because of their unresolved grudges, so I would think that the goblin is no different. Maybe seeking out the innocents who were brought to death because of him, or even taking revenge on the king will resolve the century-old grudge lodged in his heart. Maybe he has to make the sword materialize before the bride can take it out?

This episode felt really long today, mostly because Shin and Eun-tak kept changing their minds about the sword-pulling, and I’m a little weary of the back and forth on that. I mean, I obviously don’t want the goblin to die! I just don’t know why that conversation had to happen about a hundred times over the last four episodes, because if it repeats enough times, you have us wondering why he doesn’t just live or die already.

I think Goblin’s reason for wanting to live is actually clearer at this point than his reason for dying, so I felt like the back and forth actually made it seem obvious that he wanted to live and made his subsequent decision to die a little like just giving up. I thought there should’ve been a bigger change in him when Eun-tak made him cry with the big emotional declaration today, that he couldn’t be that bad a person because her existence alone is proof that this life is no punishment. It made me cry, it was so beautiful, and I finally felt like I got an emotional connection between them that wasn’t just based on a pretty moment on a pretty day. In this conversation she becomes his hope and a sign that even he deserves life—because why give him a bride if he deserves eternal suffering? I just found it sad and frustrating that he reverted to choosing death anyway when there’s her way of interpreting the whole goblin-bride relationship.

Now that we know a little something about Eun-tak being more vulnerable to reapers in her plus-nine years, I wonder what it has to do with Shin’s first vision of her future at 29. We don’t know yet why he got to see a glimpse of her in that moment, but based on what we learned from Reaper today, I don’t think the reason is a happy one. I’m sure that Reaper has his rules about not sharing his trade secrets or interfering in matters of life and death, but in any case, it’s sweet that he wishes her well even at 29. I find his growing friendship with Eun-tak adorable, since they’re the normal ones who have to deal with he moody goblin roommate and have bonded over it. Reaper is just adorable with everyone, really, and I hope for the comedy’s sake that he stays as bumbling in his romance with Sunny as he has been.

At least we got the big sword-pulling question out of the way for now, seeing as how she can’t, and they can stop arguing about whether she will. I just don’t even want to hear about that anymore until she’s better informed and understands the consequences of sword-pulling, because it seems unfair to put something like life and death in her hands and not tell her about it. We did get some good character stuff as Shin was wrapping up his affairs, even though we obviously knew he wasn’t really going to die—he can’t, with ten episodes left to go—but I enjoyed his goodbyes to everyone. Plus, we even got to see Reaper start to grow fond of Goblin and be sad that he’s going to die! I was pretty touched at that, though I wished he’d go the extra step and tell Eun-tak the truth about the sword. I mean, you’ll never get your Reaper-Goblin hug if Shin climbs those eternal stairs!


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Been waiting for the recap. Thanks, girlfriday! *now off to read*


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Best scene today is when Shin and Eun-tak patted each other's head. I love it. And when the reaper saved Sunny from falling? It's hilarious. LOL.

I think the rule is for Shin and Eun-tak to be truly in love with each other first, before she can pull out the sword. Maybe it's part of the punishment for Goblin, to end his eternal life by separating from his one true love? Shin is totally falling for her now, he's conflicted choosing between life or death. But Eun-tak is still far from loving him. That's why she couldn't grab the sword. She still hasn't really become the Goblin's Bride.


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I think that first dokkaebi should experience life with her and so they fall in love and when that happens, that would probably the time that Eun-Tak would be able to draw the sword out :O


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Eun Tak can't touch Goblin's sword yet because she's still a minor. Forgive me Lord.


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Lesson learned. Don't read comments at 3am. You might find ones like this. ??.


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It should be after 12 am. Cause I read it at 1.18 am n I know how it felt. Totally, lesson learned....


Based on your name. I have a nagging feeling that you're from the Philippines. Lol.


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GAHAHA them innuendos. Ye Gods will not allow an immoral love happen.


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Does "sword" in korean mean the same thing as in english? I'm curious if it was on purpose, or a freudian slip.. or if it's just english speakers thinking it? LOL


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Only KES herself can answer that.


Omagash!!!! I'm crying with this comment! Best.One.Ever.

I'll just roll around laughing for a few more hours....pwahaha..!


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I'm slow, forgive me lord. Please tell me girls what's the joke.


I’m slow, forgive me lord. Please tell me girls what’s the joke.

"Sword" can be a sly reference to a penis. So, no touching the adult man's sword, miss high schooler!




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a very pointed comment haha!


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I think she needs to actually MARRY him to be the true bride...just my two cents!


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that was awesome


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or is it because of her age? I don't know much but being twenty is a big thing in Korean culture, right?


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It's the time one becomes an adult and that's why Shin gave her the perfume,mostly one gives perfume to young women who become 20...She becomes now a women,feminine...


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That's what I've been thinking too. However, I wish that the plot would involve something deeper and unexpected? KES already did something similar in Secret Garden with the whole true love and committing a great sacrifice, in order to make everything right again.

Though the Goblin and his bride is the main plotline, I find myself more interested and curious with the huge price that the Grim Reaper and Sunny have to pay in connection with the ring. Is it just a rehashing of the angst of their doomed past love? Or will it involve the Grim Reaper remembering his past sins, which leads to him sacrificing himself to allow Eun Tak to live as he feels that he has to do that to atone for unjustly killing Kim Shin's family/friends back then.

Watching this drama reminded me of Arang and the Magistrate with the whole grim reaper, missing soul running away from him, reincarnations, past connections that run deeper than what we know. I completely forgot what happened in the end though and I'm so gonna rewatch it while waiting for new Goblin episodes. In the delusional hopes that it'll shed some light on how Goblin may end. HAH.


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I guess we were right from the beginning. That just seeing the sword is one thing but having to pull it requires another (love maybe).

I think they both have to give something for it to happen. The sword seems to represent all the burden that he has been carrying for years. His resentments, grudges, hatred and sought for revenge.
Obviously it's very much related to his past life and that's why the people around him are reincarnations from his past. He is being given another chance to make things right (forgive and be forgiven) before he can be at peace.

I hope there is more to Eun-tak's part than just loving him unconditionally. Her existence was the answer to his prayer (thank you granny).
(Don't troll me here Kim Eun-sook, give me more).


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@Kiara - "Her existence was the answer to his prayer."

And he was the answer to her mom's prayer for her. She asked if someone would save her baby and goblin did. Nice poetic symmetry between them.

And he is living when he should be dead, and so is she.

And him saving her life is a reversal of how he got cursed, i.e. taking life.

Love this story.


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That is so true. He saved her and in return she will save him.


So sweet and pure


I think you're right about both of them having to truly love each other in order for her to pull out the sword, which is oh so cruel. ???


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I have been thinking that ever since Sunny touched the jade ring that perhaps she is the goblin's bride; especially when the granny said they both would pay a heavy price for it in the end. I also think the grim reaper was someone from the goblin's past, perhaps the king. There has to be an antagonist which makes me think it's the magical granny. Has anyone figured out who she may be and what is her purpose?


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I think Magical Granny is a Fate. she always wears red, she is manipulating some things. I think that the red scarf is important too, as Eun-Tak is always wearing it. She controls Goblin- she is his fate.


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Also, Eun-Tak's mom told her to wear her scarf to go see Magical Granny.


Good catch Jen! I think you're right about the scarf. She has had it for a long time. Why would her mother remind her about the scarf? Hmmm. you got me thinking :-)


I thought of another theory. You know how Eun Tak inexplicably can see and interact with ghosts? How she thinks it's connected with being the Goblin's bride?

I think it is because she is the Goblin's bride. And now we see progressions in this part of Eun Tak's character and what makes her so special. It seems that she's also a vessel for those wandering souls who cannot move on because they haven't resolved their deepest sorrow yet (words from the ajhumma ghost). And once she helped them, they were able to to meet the reaper and move on.

So what if the reason why she can't pull out Goblin's sword yet is because Kim Shin haven't resolved his deepest sorrow yet? Which explains his strange relationship and destiny to meet Grim Reaper if the theories about GR being the adult king that Goblin never saw.

So in essence, his bride is not only created to pull out the sword. His bride is created to be his salvation. To resolve all his unfinished business and end his millennia of bitterness and sadness.

That is why she is life and she is death.


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Oooo I like this theory.


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Oh, I agree with this theory


Double ooooo - I like this, too!


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I like this theory as well. I think your right! Thanks for sharing the connection you made between her being a bridge for ghosts to move forward. I was beginning to think she wasn't the goblins bride. Now I'm wondering if the people he needs to settle his debt with are already with him; meaning the grim reaper and Sunny. Is it possible their the reincarnated king and the woman he loved. I can't wait for the next episode to see what they come up with about why she can't pull the sword out.


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Group hug everyone!
Friday can't come any faster for us. Hahaha


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Hahaha btw tomorrow is Friday..


Best theory ... :)


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I thought because she ( the goblin bride ) isn't wearing a ring from the lady who is death in 1st episode.

I don't know, but my sense is tingling to the ring. it's the thing that goblin bride need, to pull out the sword from his chest.


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I shared a similar theory too. Nice to know other people are also suspicious about that ring. I can't quite wipe off the images of that ring.... Hmmm.... Why is that??


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She's definitely the Bride. Because she can see the blade. My guesses are

1) She should know the whole story and be "willing to do it". A sort of sacrifice. It's not an easy task. You're killing somebody. So she has to know.

2) That she should be an actual bride. They should be in love to each other. But that's painful. I know.


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Well, I think that's the rule too. That's why ET keep trying to understand the chinese worlds. She has to know the impact first before deciding to pull out the sword.

And the actual punishment for goblin is: they need to love each other first. And he has to end his life in the middle of happiest moment of his life.. Sad..


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Now that's truly a punishment. Having finally found someone worth living for and finding the beauty and purpose in living and appreciating life only to be taken away at that moment.

The moment that Shin and Euntak shared when both got teary is wonderful. It was a spot on delivery both from GY and KGE. And when it turned to a comedic moment I was like "dammit KES!" lol


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Im also real scared that I'm so attached with the characters already omg! Haha. We better have to get through all of this! Hahaha. Thanks for the recap!!


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But like he said isn't 900 years punishment enough ... I legit cried when he said those lines ... And then they turned it into comedy .... Loved it . best scene of the episode .

Though I wish tvn would decide on one length of the show .. Sometimes is 1 hr, 1.30, 1.20 etc ... All of varying times .. What is happening ????


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And don't forget that scene when Shin was saying goodbye to Grim Reaper...

Grim Reaper really ruined the mood there. LOL.


Me too! I also don't like the varying running time. And I do think an hour is enough for each episode.


I'm in the 1h 30min camp! I love watching al the characters so much that I wouldn't really mind if they just put a lot of fluff into each episode haha. By that, I mean cohabiting hijinks. Just not the "Will she?" or "Will she not?" flip-flopping about the sword-pulling and goblin bride.


I could watch 1:30 of this show per episode. Fill extra time with the goblin and reaper coming to grips with the 21st century! I love that!


Me three. I don't mind 1.30, I can watch it all the day.


the "meandering" pace is the reason why I love the drama actually. I love that I don't have to feel rushed, and can just relax while watching the drama, and still feel. I love the feeling of having time to savor the feeling of the moment, be it beautiful scenery, laughter, pain, shock. Personally, it's relaxing but with strong emotions. I love it.


I'm bearing a 'more the merrier' wish regarding goblin.

Tbh I think I can even enjoy a one hour long episode featuring nothing but Gong Yoo's visuals and perfectly pronounced English at this point. Nothing will go unappreciated ?


I can't agree more about ET not able to pull the sword yet, but at the same time I wonder if he will need the forgiveness from the Queen (Sunny) forgive the King (Reaper) and the love from ET.



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The queen was the one who told him to defy the king's order. I don't think he did anything wrong to her that needs her forgiveness.


Agree on this one! As he was just waiting to end his life it does not really seem like a punishment...ok, he witnessed friends passing while he immortal but I think that is a punishment he could handle. This is more difficult...he needs to love his life with her, be happy, wish to have a future with her...only then it would turn into a real punishment, having to loose it all.


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I don't know about what Kim Shin can endure, but I can tell you about my personal experience. I lost my young stepbrother when he was 13 due to a rare illness (affected his development). It was one of the most painful thing I've endured. I've also cracked two ribs and my left femur during a ski trip, and I can say with absolute certainty I'd rather crack my legs and ribs every week rather than experience that kind of emotional pain once more. I've become much more subdued due to the experience. I used to go out a lot more than I do now.
I'm sometimes relieved from the memories, but the pain never goes away. You don't forget it, you can just be distracted by it. One of the reason I watch dramas. It's been almost 4 years now, but when the memories come back, the pain still feels fresh.
When my parents divorced, I felt so lonely and was ready to go into myself. My life with my step-family was as I expected it to be. More lonely. One thing that was unexpected was... I didn't expect to love my step-brother but I couldn't help it, you know? He was the one who made me feel less lonely, even more so than my mother. We had 6 years difference in age, but we connected. I could relate a bit to the story in Legend because I knew what Lee Minho felt. I was a bit less neglected than his character, and had a good brother, but I still felt so lonely. His death, even though I knew was coming months in advance, still hurt me so much. So much.

Given my experience, I don't think Goblin could ever get used to death. Especially since he spent much more time with the Yoo's than I ever did with my brother. I only saw him for a few years.


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thank you for sharing your story. it shouldn't have been easy.

I lost an uncle a couple years ago. I wasn't close to him, but it was still a bit traumatizing. It made me realize for the first time that I would have to experience this again, one day in the future, but with my parents, and perhaps even my siblings. I never had that morbid thought before. Now, that I know, it makes me dread it so much. I almost wish I didn't have to, but that means I would die before them, and my poor father would definitely literally let himself die of grief if that happened. Sigh. Deep sigh.

Experiencing death of someone you love definitely changes your whole perspective. It's cheesy to say this, but my uncle's death changed me too.


*hugs* thanks for sharing Nana.


Especially since he spent much more time with the Yoo’s

U've struck the crucial point. As we've seen with Deokhwa, the chaebol family's purpose seems less about serving, and more about giving companionship. Kim Shin probably views like a hybrid children and brothers, or at least friends. He saw Deokhwa grow up, and Deokhwa is constantly hanging around him, with his home-shopping (lmao), and everything. They're the only humans he has interacted in a meaningful way for a sustained amount of time for 900 years. Probably why his social skills need some serious polish. Pffft.


*Hugs* Fighting Nana!

Love how the show deals with life and death with humor. As much as I want to treat it as just another drama something kind of hit home and relatable.


Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss.
I did not want to downplay that part of his punishment. It is for sure hard to see family and friends leave this life and leave you behind. What I wanted to say in my previous post is that Shin comes from a time and place where death was something people were facing daily as he was a warrior. He probably saw countless of his soldiers fall in battle...that is why I think that is a punishment he can somehow handle better as it was something he was already used to, somehow.


Sorry about your step-brother Nana.


They should be in love to each other. But that's painful. I know.

That's why it's called as punishment, right? Because it's painful. ?


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Yeah... there's a reason why it's called Goblin's Bride... not "The Sword Puller" or "Goblin's Killer" or something like that, right?

They have to fall in love first to make it more painful for Goblin.

Gah... Their God sure is really cruel.


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Good point, that's why it's called "Bride" instead "Killer" or something. Lol.


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Or maybe it's Shin's regrets and newfound longing to live that makes the sword ghost out on her?

While I enjoyed where we got to eventually with the sword pulling, it felt pretty meandering and the progression of events didn't make much logical sense now that I'm thinking about it. As much as I like this show, I've started noticing loopholes and watered down arcs, and I hope the story tightens up because we're still only at the beginning.


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This: the first line of your comment. It's what I believe is the case. The sword-as-immortal-life became a punishment because Shin was tired of living so uneventfully. But now that he no longer wants to leave, really, the sword is re-turning as a reward. His decision to leave is no different than any other decision--some of them are made and carried out accompanied by profound regrets. So if his heart tells us he's not ready to go, the sword better not make his departure possible! (I guess we'll find out if our speculations are correct should the sword cause him pain in the coming weeks. *praying to ALL the gods*)


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I think so too and like girlfriday I think that Goblin has things that remain unresolved before leaving or be allowed to live a human life, which are taking the forms of the Grim Reaper and Sunny. I do not think that the Grim Reaper appared at the same time as the Goblin's bride for not.

ANd I think there is also something about the Goblin loving enough to sacrifice ( not his life, since it is supposed to be a reward) in the modern time to redeem for his selfish and prideful actions that sealed the life of people who loved him.


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"I think so too and like girlfriday I think that Goblin has things that remain unresolved before leaving or be allowed to live a human life, which are taking the forms of the Grim Reaper and Sunny."

That's one of my theory too. That maybe he needs to straighten things out with the reincarnations of King and Queen.


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Perhaps he needs to forgive and be at peace with himself before he can be released from immortality. I foresee angst coming up against Reaper. My heart won't be able to take it.

I think grandma is the Almighty.


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Juliesean, I agree with you!

I, too, am thinking the removal of the sword is actually in his hands. His bride is there to lead him to forgive himself and lose the self pity. Once he sees the sword as a blessing rather than a curse, his immortality will be ended.

I also think Grandma is God.


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I agree with you. My theory is that Goblin's sword is a figure of speech which symbolizes the anger, remorse, revenge and what-not that he feels from the time he was betrayed by his king. His bride will help him remove his "sword" and thereby free him from the curse of immortality full of sadness and will let him live a mortal life.

I fervently hope that I am right because I desperately want Goblin to have a happy life. He deserves it after being betrayed and living 939 years in misery.


I have no idea why Shin thinks she can pull the sword out just because ghosts call her the bride. She's not a bride, in any sense of the word, and particularly not in a 900-year-old sense of the word (not that I'm expecting them to have to have sex before she can pull the sword, but context!).

If they get married on paper or in the more old-school sense, then she might be able to do something about the sword. She's ahead of the curve in at least thinking that there could be a conditional element like a kiss.


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Shin doesn't think ET can pull the sword because ghosts call her the bride. Shin thinks that whoever can see the sword is his bride and can pull it because she can see it. I believe even the Grim Reaper can't see the sword stuck on his chest. Only the Goblin and his bride can see it.


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She can also summon him, and follow him through doors. Nobody else could.


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Yes, it begs the question, "What makes a bride a bride?"

Is it love?
Is it sex?
Is it a marriage certificate?
Is it fate? Destiny?
All of the above?

Hmmm...lots to ponder.


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That's true too. I thought that it's unfair for her to undo a curse that she doesn't fully understand the outcome. It has to be something that she is fully aware of and wants to do with her heart and all.


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Maybe she has to be the bride...meaning they have to get married...the dress, the ceremony, all that and then...the sword!


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I think she should be an actual bride. And that she should fully know what she is doing by pulling that thing out.


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This was my thought, too. The truest act of love would be for Eun-tak to pull out the sword fully understanding the actual repercussions of it, giving the goblin she loves the death he wants--or doesn't want (not sure which direction the show is taking). I think Shin himself is undecided too.

Right now, Eun-tak is under the impression that pulling out the sword is for some sort of aesthetic purpose, and I highly doubt the high deity or deities would allow that to slide. Cheating is not allowed in the universe ;D


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This episode was sad. It was SUPOSSED to be sad and I was ready to be sad.... My heart aches for you dear goblin... I almost cried when you were saying your goodbyes but then someone had the nerve to ruin the moment by forgetting to bring his earphones to video cam.

How dare you made me laugh when I was ready to bawl my eyes out, you Kim Woo Bin impostor! Also Mr. Goblin, why are you asking love advice from the Grim Reaper of all people?? He's more pathetic than you!


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That's the thing about Kim Eun-sook writernim. She doesn't like letting her viewers wallowing in angst for too long.


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I laughed so hard when he burst out Kim woo bin ??
And then he goes and gives love advice LOL


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I'd love to know KWB's reaction to sharing a name with the Grim Reaper! This show is a great mix of melancholy, and crazy funny. :)


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I can imagine how embarassing it will be for him when he comes back alivee after all those goodbyes! ? Goodluck trying to get the house deed back from Reaper. Haha


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Lol... U're right. I can't wait next episode.


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Which was a good thing the Reaper didn't actually hear about the house deed being bequeathed to him. lol.


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OMG! you're right !they are gonna have a big fight about house deed!


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I'll have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the humour cutting through several of the really emotional scenes. It kinda left my heart both breaking and re-healing :P

Can only imagine it wouldn't be easy to pull off as writer or actor.


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Among Eun-Tak's suggestion of 3 Bins (Hyun Bin, Won Bin, Kim Woo-Bin), reaper chose Kim Woo-Bin because he wants to be in the same kin with Kim Shin?

or it is just simply the kim woo-bin promotion from KES because he is one of her former casts?


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For me, it didn't matter which Bin the reaper choose because it will still be funny no matter which name.


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"He instantly flashes back to the Goryeo battlefront, and then to the moment his king betrayed him. We flash for a moment to Reaper and Sunny, and then return to Shin."

What is the reason behind the flashback of reaper and sunny????

TeamDB! You are all awesome!



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I think that's an error in editing? I can't see the connection. lol.


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No way, the deliberation the goes into this drama would never allow that. My guess is that everyone's theories have been right and the Reaper and Sunny are actually the reincarnations of the king and queen.

You have to have committed a grave sin in order to become a reaper right? The king's sins in cutting down Shin and killing Shin's family (Shin's sister, his own wife, included), would definitely qualify. Plus that Jade ring. And the weird supernatural Grandma's ominous words about how they'd pay for the rings later on.

It all adds up to impending sadness and gloom when the truth comes to light. I would even go so far as to say that that split-second edit confirmed this theory but we won't know until it's confirmed.


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I agree that Grim and Sunny is reincarnation of King and Queen. But the flow of that sequence is a bit off to me. I even replayed those scenes but it looked like an editing mistake to me.


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Yeah... that editing (particularly the extra focus on the king's face and then Sunny's face) almost made it seem like Sunny was the king. But that can't be right... can it?


Definitely a weird editing choice. Or (an ironic indirect) fourth wall break in the odd choice to confirm viewer suspicions. But their hints so far with Reaper/Sunny, ala King/Queen, were pretty heavy-handed. So it's rather unnecessary.

On a separate style point, I do think the show is pretty poor at dialogue and pacing. The OTP at least showed some though not great chemistry in E6. Honestly I get why KES gets some flak. Though she plays the ratings game well, she tries really hard for her characters to come off a certain way in the story, making the story ring odd and false at times. Instead of having really strong characterizations that drive the narrative.

I'm likely going to fall in the camp of either dropping or fast-forwarding my watch. I've become LDW's fan and he's pulling GR in such a nuanced yet fun way. They really need to up the ante soon with his storyline - the secondary leads are really getting sidelined.


@anya same here. I'm about to fastforward all main couple moments, they're making overall story so typical and poor. I never was fan of Lee Dong Wook, but he manages to steal the show and catches attention even when he's silent third wheel in main couple's scenes. I do like all leaders, but they should do something with secondary leads screen time. Even Deok Hwa is more entertaining to watch and to find out about him then endless same scenes of leading couple. As well I want to see Grandma story.


Mentioned this in last week episodes: when the reaper saw the ring he started crying. When queen died she shed tears.
The reapers personality fits more in line with the queen . Sunny is strong and forward more like the king.
This is my guess the show keeps throwing out these hints in each episode. The writer has used gender swap before.


I noticed the flashback too! I agree that the scene made me more determined that Reaper & Sunny are reincarnations of the King & Queen.

But... I noticed some time in one of the earlier eps, someone mentioned that the Reaper was 300+ years old (am I right about this?).

If so, wouldn't that put him waaaay off the timeline from the Goblin, who is 900 yo... I mean 939, no, 938 yo XD


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The Reaper didn't say he's only been a Reaper for 300 years. He said he's been collecting the families funeral offerings for 300 years. Maybe prior to 300 years ago, offerings didn't involve money and were only food and incense.

As for who was the King and who was the Queen, we keep getting mixed signals. When the Reaper was doing his administrative paperwork, he signed his name "Reaper Kim." Kim is Shin's family name (hence, his sister, the Queen, would have been a Kim as well). But the promotional materials/cast descriptions identify the Reaper as "Wang Yeo." Wang is the Korean word for King.

Naming conventions aside, I still think the clues dropped so far point more definitely to Sunny being the reincarnation of the King and Reap being the reincarnation of the Queen.


but then YeoWang means queen. lol. it could go either scenario...


@Leenie: it hink reaper signed as Reaper Kim because Kim is a very common name in Korea, like John Doe.


I agree that Reaper and Sunny appear to be reincarnations of the King and Queen. Sunny is an interesting character. When we first see her, she's just a girl who is bored with life. But the depth of her ennui goes far beyond simple boredom. It could believably be the result of waiting lifetimes for some resolution or justification of her unfair death. I want to see where her character arc goes.


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My take is Sunny is the queen. In the press conference, Yoo Inna did talk a bit more about her character, and described Sunny as having a direct/straightforward and strong personality. Plus the various clues (Sunny feeling like the jade ring belonged to her) and character name of "Kim Sun".


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nah, not an error, they meant to do that, it was just weird and random and thus, felt extremely out of place. we all know what they were getting at, but it was so random it felt forced and pushy. haha, cue eun tak's catchphrase to shin: "y'know what i mean, right?" like the show's nudging and winking at us abt one of the main theories in the show.


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I think so too. If I correctly remember, in the beginning of one of the episodes there was a character/actor introduction where an image of the dying queen preceeded Sunny's image. That may be a clue that Sunny is the queen.


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The king and queen are definitely sunny and the reaper. Only thing is after the goblins flash back they go from the kings eyes to sunny face ALSO she exudes the kings tendancies "my pride is hurt,should I kill him?" The kings pride was hurt too and we know how that ended...just saying.


I also wondered about that. Is it because they are the reincarnations of the king and the queen and Shin knows somehow?


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"What is the reason behind the flashback of reaper and sunny????"

Oh... I'm pretty sure, NONE of us has any idea...



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Was wondering the same. I mean it is obvious those 2 are the reincarnations of the king and the queen...maybe the scene was there for all the people that did not catch that yet...


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I'm also guessing Sunny is the king. The expression on Sunny's face and the king's face was the same.. But Grim Reaper ?? I'm not conviced that he is the queen


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someone ever says that maybe the king is sunny and the grim reaper is the eunuch.. so that's way the granny told us that both of them will pay the heavy price.. confusing it's true.
we just have to wait more episodes to know the truth


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But what's with the ring though. Plus the Grim Reaper said he's memorised by Sunny's smile... Did the Eunuch love the King and was jealous of the Queen? Hence he plotted to destroy the Queen and anyone associated with her which leads us to this present day drama angst. Though if that were the case, it'd be a really juicy plot. I'd watch that.


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The reaper's name is Wang Yeo. Only the kings of Goryeo carries the Wang name. I don't see why the writer would make it more complicated than that.


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I meant that the Wang clan ruled Goryeo from beginning to end.


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Ah, the Goryeo Wangs and their massively inbred lineage. Gotta love 'em!

Though if we're going by historical timeline, Munjong was ruling when Shin died in 1082 and he himself died at the age of 64 in 1083. So not exactly the flower boy teenager we saw in the Goryeo snippets heh, which is why I'm glad they're going with a fictional king for this one haha. They get to play around with their version of history with so much more leeway and not end up like the weirdness that MLSHR was sigh.


I am so glad too that they are going fictional with the Goryeo part of the story especially when it's not a full sageuk.

Did you notice the Goguryeo flag at the entrance to the king's palace? I wonder why they were not using the Goryeo flag instead.
Maybe they borrowed the wrong flag from KBS? lol


No I didn't! But hey at least they made the scenes epic enough, which is more than enough to me. No storming of the palace with fifty men is good enough in my book hahaha.


Yes it was pretty epic! I almost entertain the thought of Gong Yoo in a sageuk.


I mentioned this a little earlier, but the comment fits better here, so forgive me for repeating myself...

The promotional material identifies the Reaper as Wang Yeo, however when he was doing his Reaper accounting paperwork he signed the forms as "Reaper Kim" (Kim being Shin's family name, and therefore his sister's family name as well).


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There is more questions when it comes to the reaper as reincarnation of the queen than answers.

The reaper said before that he doesn't know his real name. He obviously does not remember. He is also wearing a crown brooch on his black jacket.
Why would the queen become a reaper? What did she do to deserve such a punishment?


IIRC, in a previous episode it was stated that a lot of/all reapers just use reaper Kim, as like a common name to sign off with. they don't use their real names. hope that helps (:


Here's my issue with the theory, You become a grim reaper if you've sinned a lot. What possible sin did the Queen commit that she is being punished so severely??


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Sunny is not a reaper. She is reincarnated as a human because she wasn't evil.


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That's my take. Doesn't mean I'm right.


What I meant is, Sunny can't be the king. Because the king has committed more sins compared to the queen. He ordered his general to kill his enemies and later killed is general and his wife out of his own jealousy. So, it makes sense if he is punished as a Grim Reaper in his after life.
It also makes sense that Sunny is the queen as her name is if I am right Kim Sunny, right?? What if she is descendant way down the line of the Kim family and an incarnation of the Queen.


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There is always a possibility but I'm with you here.


If Sunny is the king, then what is it that she's waiting for? I mean she mentioned it a few times in some episodes that it seems like she's been waiting for something all through her life but she really can't figure out what it is she's been waiting for.


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I don't think Sunny is the king. Apart from reasons cited by other beanies, I believe the drama/PD/writer would not dare to present us with a gender-changed reincarnation. That would add a whole new level of complexity. MOst importantly, the idea might not be well received by the audiences, especially in an Asian country like South Korea.


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I can't believe a 1-minute side story of a long-dead dog waiting for his blind human in the afterlife made me cry more than the whole episode of Goblin dealing with his impending death. Had to compose myself for a minute there, Happy. Good dog.


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same omg, i burst into tears at the dog side story, but completely tuned out when goblin was saying his last words to eun-tak.


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That dog scene had me ugly cry up a tornado


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same here.

similar to how I felt with Scarlet Heart, I want to massively edit some of the screenwriting for Goblin, though with SH I wish I was in the production editing room. lol


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Tear for dog galore

-and I'm not a crier
-nor am I a animal person in particular.

-It's kind of interesting than that the man's blindness remained after he crossed over. I'm use to the idea of infirmities disappearing in the afterlife.


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Yes, I thought that was interesting too. I was surprised by it, but I liked it for some reason. Happy was the happiness he needed, more than sight! <3 <3 <3


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Me too. That scene and the one where one of the ghost's mum visited her room for one las time and opened the fridge. It's quite funny how we are able to connect with the extremely short scenes with characters we haven't even gotten enough time to form an attachment with. Given the emotions and circumstances are realistic and relatable. I'm trying but I just can't connect with the Goblin and his bride's angst. I understand the reasoning behind their angst, loneliness and longing but I just can't feel or connect with those characters and their feelings.

I wanted to be into the Goblin's last words to Eun Tak but I was just screaming at my screen for Eun Tak to just finally. pull. the. freaking. sword. out.


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I think it depends on your experience, definitely. I have less memories of my mother taking care of me, so I watched the fridge scene with sympathy, but also with envy. And I couldn't empathize with it much. However, I know the feeling of loneliness very very well. Too well. It makes me relate with Euntak as I have with no other characters (and to a lesser degree, but still a great one). In some scenes, I don't even need the next line, or to see her expression to know exactly how she feels, and why she reacts in the scene the way she does. It's uncanny.


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That ghost is the ghost of a recently died girl but we saw her together with other ghosts before.This means that she died not so recently :-)


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Me too! And its not just tears, i bawled. I even get teary eyes now.


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That scene earned my dog a totally undeserved hour on the couch.


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Add in anything about dogs and I will ugly cry until the cows come home. They are my kriptonite!!!


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My first pet ever died earlier this year. I wept at that scene.


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My dog died almost 3 years ago, every time I talk about her I can't help but shed tears. That scene with the dog gave me hope that I can see her again....


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I certainly did not see Happy coming.


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I've been watching too many kdramas, and they're all running together.
Every time a character sheds a tear, or you all mention crying over the dog, I want to check for pearls :)


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This comment made me lol!


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Haha imagine all those bags full of pearls.


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Aww Happy had me bawling my eyes out too


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You're not the only one. I had tears in my eyes both with this side story with blind man, dog and Reaper and in ep5 with ghost, her mom, ET and Reaper. Suddenly I have cried from both scenes and they have overshadowed all useless angst of Goblin who doesn't know what to do with his life. I want to see more such tearful scenes in the future episodes. It balances random and typical romance.


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Oh my gosh, YES. HAPPY!!!!! That was the most beautiful part of the episode.


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I had no idea KES could be this funny. LOL.


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I know right! Major depature from her previous dramas.


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I was on the verge of tears when Eun-tak and Kim Shin were crying with each other, then I started laughing so much even though Eun-tak was still crying.

And Kim Shin being all emotional... then Grim Reaper/Kim Woo Bin (LOoooL) couldn't hear him because of his phone. LMAO.

And then he was about to die, but ended up with a kiss because of the prince theory.


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I think choosing GY and LDW plays a big factor to make those scenes extra funny. They are so good and their comedic timing is so on point.


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My thoughts exactly! +1000


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Hm.. Grandpa’s secretary seems like an interesting character.. or not?


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I find him absolutely HILARIOUS. He's so savage when it comes to dealing with Deok Hwa. And then when he saw ET getting ambushed by the shark loaners and then casually admitted to having been one himself... they'd better provide backstory, or else!!


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And the loanshark are hilarious. Fighting because one of them stepped on his shadow. I can't even. Can they even be loansharks now since they fight all the time,or even earn a living for that matter.


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His delivery is so deadpan! I especially loved that cute little wink he gives Euntak when picking her up from school :)


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More of Grandpa's secretary, please! First noticed actor Kim Byung Chul earlier this year in Shopping King Louis (as employee Lee). He shines in both of these roles.


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hmm, different actors. The grandpa's secretary was the one in police unit 38, but the one in shopping king louis played eunuch in this drama


I don't have a good feeling everytime I see him....
He is the minister in Goryeo who told the King that Shin is a traitor.
He looks nicer here but... Hopefully he has already paid for he's previous sins, but you never know...


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No, he is not the minister (eunuch). Different actor, with similar facial shape. This particular actor as secretary was in the drama Police Unit 38.


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If we're talking same actors, the beautiful grim reaper has the same face as the female minister or servant behind the eunuch during the sageuk portion.


Oh, now that you are saying it starting to make sense.
Minister/Eunch is played by the one in DOTS.
Haha they look too alike to me. I guess I can't be a witness to a crime. I might get someone innocent in jail!:p

Thank you Dive for explaining!


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Like the rape case of how to make a murderer... I'm bad with faces too. ;;


I also thought they are the same actor. LOL!


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Two different actors.

The actor who played the eunuch in Goryeo is Kim Byung-Chul (who also acted in "Shopping King Louis").

Secretary Kim is being played by Jo Woo Jin, who was also in "38 Task Force."

You might be confusing the two because you've seen both of them play opposite Seo In Guk (and maybe have some sort of subconscious association)?


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They kind of look similar and I think that's why some are confusing him to be the reincarnation of the king's evil eunuch.


Eunuchs were the king's servants. They did not hold government post. He couldn't have been a minister.


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My guess is that their LOVE for each other is stopping the sword from being drawn out from Shin's body. Deymmit I want a happy ending on this one.


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Forget all ships. King and Queen. Goblin and Bride.

I'm shipping Chaebol and his Card.

Most. Poignant. Reunion. Of all time. I think I teared up. teehee.

(Yes, I'll just ignore the fact that he double-timed his ONE TRUE LOVE during the same scene with his "Saranghaeyo" to Kim Shin. I believe their love will survive that setback.)


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lol max

the actor is amazing.. he fits the bill of a bprankster


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I overlooked him in the first couple episodes, but he's been growing on me. I almost feel his struggle for his card.

Lord of the Card: Fellowship of the Card. ...


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I LOVE the actor. First time seeing him, and I'm going to check out his works after this. I didn't watch School 2015 because of the comments on the ending, but Ill have to now. XD His scenes don't require much acting depth, but I've been impressed with how detailed his acting was. I've been making gifs of the episodes, so I could appreciate all the minute change of expressions. :) All actors are so good!

@Claire He could film his own Me Wife have an affair this Week, ft Deokhwa, Card, and the Maserati. Hee. Goblin can come as his first love cameo.


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You should watch him in We Got Married Season 4.. Yook Sungjae & Joy Ep 144-188


Episode count is 376 - 420


Lord of the card. LOL.

May preciousssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I wonder if now that he hasn't died, the Goblin will be taking back the card? He's going to need it, you know:

"The end of excruciatingly long Immortality...

...there are some things money just can't buy.

For everything else, there's Mastercard."


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ermagerd!!!! best comment!!! LMAO.

I wouldn't be surprised if we happen to see some kind of credit card PPL in the future. Discover, Visa, Mastercard, AA better prepare to fight each other to land on Deok-hwa's hand. XD




LMAO. We've got a new "cc couple" in town.


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I was trying to figure out where I heard the term "cc couple" before.... finally remembered! It's something I heard on korean variety shows "college campus couple" or something... tho u probably mean it like credit card couple or chaebol-card couple. LOL.


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Wow! So many theories & speculations going around here, my head is spinning.

I am just enjoying this highly entertaining k-drama with brilliant script-writing & superb acting all round. I enjoy every minute of it.

It is a tale of love & forgiveness & i believe the goblin's bride is the goddess of love. I just love Eun Tak's character; she is bright, cheerful & witty despite her tragic life story. I think KGE is doing a marvellous job here. Even the Grim Ripper has mellowed after she moved into the goblin's house. And the goblin just melted under her spell.
I believe the goblin's bride holds the key to love & forgiveness & all will be well & all of them will become mortals & live happily ever after.


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I think I'm growing korean accents too.. 'the carddd'.. it keeps reverberating in my mind.


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LOL. Me too. I mentally pronounce "carddd" the same way, with an accent and prolonging it.


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Haha ! That scene was so perfect. Just love it whenever DH onscreen. His love for his card is so pure.lol


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Oh the things he's willing to do for his card.... Such dedication, such love!


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He said his cc card is more important than his life... T_T


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Judging his prioriies... kkkk.




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Is it gif exchange time?? kkkkkk

then here's mine...


"I Love u" saranghae-o. what a cheater.... kkk. Card is going to be mad.


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He looks so confused. He knows he's a bad boi who doesn't deserved his card from Goblin Santa. ^___^




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Seems like there's a limit on gif number links? ;; ;; ;;

Gif exchange...




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And uri Grim reaper / Kim Woo Bin agrees!



Speaking of Grim Reaper, did u know the "Sajatech" ticket for Kim taehee he gave to the woman comes from "Josung saja" meaning Grim Reaper? ^_____^

Sajatech kim taehee ticket kekekeke


;; wrong gif for "And uri Grim reaper / Kim Woo Bin agrees!"

makes no sense w/ wrong gif.

Gif of Uri Grim Reaper agrees w/ Lee Dongwook in. ^___^



pwuahaha. this thread. <3

I think all 3 of the men know how handsome their looks are. :) you can't go around looking like sherlock with long coats and rolled-up collars and not know ur cool. :P


I loved that pat Gong Yoo gave Sungjae. Your caption of "the one that needs to be protected at all costs" makes me fangirl even more! ㅠㅠㅠ

It reminds me of that time during Goblin's press-con when Lee Dong-wook or Gong Yoo (I couldn't recognize the voice talking to Sungjae) recommended Sungjae sang his newest title song 기도/I'll be your man (Pray), and after Sungjae sang it, Dong-wook and Yoo-nim were clapping like proud Papas attending their child's kindergarten's show. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Gong Yoo's smile was so bright ㅠㅠㅠ His cheekbones went to heaven. And Kim Go-eun and In-ah also clapped like seals, and Go-eun gave Sungjae finger hearts. So cute ㅠㅠ


@koalabear Yes, jeoseung means grim reaper. 저승 (jeoseung) means hell, and 사자 means lion separately. So Sajatech on the ticket means liontech, but it's really funny because we know it refers to our Grim Reaper~~~


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Found a clip with the first part. Interviewer asked for cute, and I think the audio is clearer. I think Gong-yoo is the one who talked to Sungjae~~~

Gong-yoo is such a fanboy! ~~~ Cute~~ He even said later in the press-con to buy many many BToB new album. ㅠㅠㅠ He's Kim Shin to Deok-hwa even in real life. ㅠㅠㅠ


@Minah LOL. Here's a more HD clip. You can see Gong Yoo literally flush after clapping.

He loves it! LOL.


MWUAHAHAHAHAHA. Proud Papa bears the two of them. :D :D :D

There was this comment in one of the recap about a potential script with LDW & GY playing gay dads... Here we go. We got to see what it looked like. :D I want to say LDW = dad, GY = mom. But then, LDW stood up, and that's more like a mom, but dads do it too.. ah, IDK. LMAO.

KGE was also like a proud sister. That table was like the embarrassing family you drag along during your school plays. LMAO. Screaming and clapping before he sang, and after. Tsk, tsk. :D :D :D


Lee Dong-wook's company uploaded a behind-the-scene clip of the double-date. At the end, the way LDW's gazed at Sungjae is making my heart flutter <33333



that was not the press-con, but the drama-talk v-live. jeoseung saja means grim reaper btw. :)


Oh my Goblin is practising(?) that head-patting thing with poor DH..how did I miss that..haha


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Poor Deokhwa didn't know he was being used as a guinea pig for Goblin to use on Euntak later. <3


I think Goblin has real affection for Dukhwa, since he has the face of the first child who helped him. I guess he doesn't show it until he thinks he's saying his final goodbyes.


@Moment I think Nan & Dramaninja know about Goblin's affection but joke.
Goblin watched Deokhwa grew up, so he has affection sure. He lets Deokhwa hang out with him all the time, he doesn's have to. So he has affection even if Deok hwa exhasperates him. Fond of brat :D


He had great comedic timing. Last episode's "Samchoooonn!" made me laugh. He has great funny cuts. But I am wondering what the heck did he and the Red Goddess talked about when they first met.


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My favourite is still the scene from episode one where he was tied up. So funny ㅋㅋㅋ But I also like where he said "Heol daebak" when Gong Yoo said he quit smoking 350 years ago. And where he described Lee Dong Wook as "Pale face, red lips, weird clothes... [Lee Dong Wook appears] I thought he was a celebrity." ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

There is a theory among Korean fans that Deok-hwa might remember his past lives, and knows about Samshin and more. http://m.cafe.daum.net/ok1221/9Zdf/598146?svc=cafeapp&sns=cafeapp


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That moment when I wanna read that daum fan theory but I can't cause it's in hangul. And we all know how magically Google translator translates.....


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basically a recap of all the things Deok-hwa said in passing he shouldn't have known, and that he might have skipped on drinking to erase his memory.

there's another theory about how Deok-hwa is the king reincarnated, which explains how he ended up serving Kim Shin to repent himself, but still uses banmal. :/


I remember Yook Sungjae said during the press conference that he wanted to have a love line in the drama. Now he is creating his own.
So much chemistry between him and the card.


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Oh my Shin... you had me dying of laughter. I'm expecting my Kim Woo Bin to come to me any minute now. LOL.


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Clever u... OM-Shin.. Shin means god.. OMG. Hahaha. :D


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Deok hwa & his credit card...

Ship where the relationship makes perfect sense in the drama. Motivation = super clear. Hahahaha.


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lol their relationship definitely makes the most sense so far in the drama. tho u can argue it's still dysfunctional. poor Card was overworked so much it had to take a break from its Chaebol. let's hope Chaebol learnt his lesson, and won't overwhelm Card as much now, and leave Card some space in their relationship. hehehe.


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tvn can make a drama out of that. an overworked card, struggling to keep up with her husband's spending. or jtbc would be a better fit. :D


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If jtbc picks up the drama, the card will have an affair.


My card will have an affair this week with Louis! LOL.




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Louie would understand Deok Hwa's relationship with his card the most. I think Louie and Deok Hwa could be bff


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I would give up a whole year's salary for that drama to happen. Reunion of the foxes brothers <3


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I'm rerunning all Goblin episodes and having a Gong Yoo's drama/movie-thon this weekend.
Off rerunning ep. 6.


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I have so many queries..

1. Why did GR jump on his feet when ET mentioned she is ready to pull the sword.. and GR literally told her to rethink the decision if she loses her usefulness..

Was he being caring towards goblin (doubt, because all through the ep and in preview he is supporting his decision), or was he caring for ET (that would be a HUGE development)

2. Sunny falling flat to awesomness of GR ( wasn't expecting this.. but zhemistry ain't that sizzling together..)

3. Awwww... what you gonna do what you gonna do.. bad boys bad boys ( poor poor goblin.. and the snow going up.. up up in the air)

4. God's cameo has become imperative.. how do you save ET if every 10 years death will come knocking on the door, how do you save Goblin.. who is neither dead nor alive, how do you save GR who is dead and in love with a human?

5. Very intrigued and interested in GR backstory- what are the laws there.. how do you wipe out memory (tea).. why wipe out memory.. and how do you get it back (probably by touching people and seeing himself in their lives.. but wait he can't because neither sunny nor goblin saw his adult face)

6. Goblin said he has to pay debts to two more people but hasn't found them yet - Queen and the man who put the sword in.. We know where Queen is.. but where is the man? - Manager/Seccretary?

7. Is lady in red GOD? but then why would she have to worry so much abt GR to save ET.. she is boss.. so she should have managed ET's affairs.. permanently instead of this rigmarole

8. Lady in red appears as granny to all kids (young ET, kids in hospital, boy on the bridge). And I guess when we saw her change into a young woman on the bridge it was basically effects of child growing up ( gorwns up see her as an enticing woman ? )

9. Could secretary be god - in the background - too confident for a secretary- with this mysterious aura..

10. Could we get some awesome celeb cameo as god?

11. I love everything, i laugh I cry at the drop of a hat.. and i am still curious abt the story.. THAT IS HUGE..for a drama to be so obvious and yet all failing to predict the outcome

12. They held to 6 drama rule for 16 ep drama - i kept wondering the entire time.. its time for kiss.. BUT how will they.. and then WHAM!!

13. Preview.. awesome!

14. GR:
1st meeting - no phone- can't connect with Sunny
2nd meeting - no name - can't connect
3rd meeting - no business card

Poor lad.. has some real big problems


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10. Celeb cameo as god: g.o.d joon hyung would be cute, because well, god.
And he was lee dong wook "roommate" too


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1. I definitely think it was an instinctive reaction because Reaper doesn't really want Goblin to go.

7.8. Lady in Red is Samsin Halmoni. I think old lady is her true form.


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So Ji Sub for God cameo!


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Oh, you've ruined me now... I have to see this!!


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I want Ji Sub as God too.


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1. yes, GR is starting to care for Goblin... he does not seem to have friends outside of his profession. Since he was the king he probably feels some kinship towards Shin.

5. he lost his memory when he passed...like every other human but he was not sent to the afterlife but to be enlisted as a GR to atone for his sins. I think the only one that could give him back his memories is Granny (she must be Fate or some higher ranking entity).

6. I think his second in command will show up later on in the story and probably with the same face. Just a feeling on my part...

7. Maybe she is Fate or some higher ranking entity. She knows the laws of being a GR (GR was looking for a nameless soul but ET already had a name so he could not take her etc).

9. nah....he is just an ex con man that is very perceptive.

10. yes, Morgan Freeman has to do it!

13. oh yessss!!!

14. He does. But I think it somehow follows the path from ancient times where meetings between crown prince and princess where all connected with specific rules.


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#5 - I'm not Korean, so unsure if they share this understanding, but in ancient Chinese mythology, souls that are ready for reincarnation are given a 'tea of amnesia' to erase memories of their past life - this is so that they can can 'start afresh' in their next life (supposedly this also explains why no one can remember their past life/lives).


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So in 2 months (next Lunar New Year) she'll be twenty. A legal age in Korean. So i think they will start the full-on romance by then. I just hope that she won't be wearing a highschool uniform around that time. I don't actually mind. I just want to lessen the complaints. Haha. JK.


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I don't mind the uniform, I just want her to stop calling him ahjussi, my blood boils when she calls him that, why can't she just call him by his name he's supposed to be her husband.


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Calling him ajussi is like calling an oppa, oppa.. Except, he's an ahjussi. So she calls him ahjussi. He might be technically her groom or groom-to-be, but not husband in the strictest of sense. Besides, some couples in Korea still address each other as "name-ssi" even after dating, and he wasn't the most open about his name or gave indication she could use it freely.


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She's being polite here like u said. He calls her "you" this, "you" that, at least, she calls him ahjusshi, a bit like "sir," but lighter.


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I understand where Grapes is coming from. Oppa and Ajusshi has a big difference. Ajusshi are for bigger age gap.

This is coincidence but if i remember correctly. During Big (starring GY) presscon, a reporter asked how Suzy refer to GY. She called GY "ajusshi" and the whole venue laughed. ???


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It's not like he's going around calling her Euntak-ah either...


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This part confused me. Her birthday is Sept 13th...so how can she be 20 already in 2 months?


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She will turn 20 this coming Lunar New Year. That's her Korean age. In Korea (and some parts of asia), everyone will be a year older on LNY.

The Sept 13 is her actual/international age. Which is just 18 yo.


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ok. thanks for clarifying :)


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In korea they become older in new year not in the birthday


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I'm guessing they need to get married first? For her to pull out the sword? Or did I miss some scenes in between that I wasn't paying attention?
Love this drama. I am sorry for my blah..?


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was waiting.......... tq gf...


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This episode, like ep 5, made me laugh and touched me at the same time. The previous episode, I teared at the girl ghost part, when the mum comes in and opens the fridge and the camera pans behind and the girl ghost is sitting on the bed, looking so sad. Cried like a baby. This episode, the blind man part made me cry, when he opens the door and his dog is there, barking, and the Grim Reaper says, "He's sorry he had to go first and leave you behind.." omg, so sad. I wept.


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I love the interaction between the Goblin and the Grim Reaper and something tells me I am going to suffer when the truth or if the theory floating around about the Grim Reaper being the King turns out to be true. I have a feeling I am going to suffer more with that separation than with the one that will most likely happen to our main couple in the future.
I kind of saw it coming that she had to become his real bride to be able to pull the sword but that just seems cruel. He will have to fall in love with her then he will be able to die, it seems that he is going to have to choose between her future and his feelings for her. I do wonder though why they brought up the aspect that when she no longer serves a purpose, being the Goblin's Bride, she will disappear because she is not supposed to exist in the first place, it kind of reminded me of W. But then the Grim reaper mentions that she will die at age 29, will we get a time skip to that time?
From what I have read some people are uncomfortable with her age so maybe a time skip would be the ideal and I wouldn't mind if it meant getting a more intimate romance, and no by this I don't mean sex scenes, I mean a more adult romance. I have to admit the kiss in the end of the episode was kind of awkward but I didn't mind it much knowing that she is still in high school and the fact that it is her first kiss.
I absolutely love the Grim Reaper, he is so adorable when he seems so lost about using a phone. Thanks for the recap girlfriday :)


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First kisses are always kinda awkward, are they not :)

What I interpret the Grim Reaper as saying is that she will be visited by a reaper at that age, but not necessarily taken away. If she somehow manages to escape with the protection of Goblin or Grandma, she'll be off the hook until she's 39, and so on.

The bromance may yet prevail... Remember how Goblin told the Grim reaper that regardless of who he used to be, Goblin's view of him would not change?


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I'm loving how our web of character relationships is getting increasingly intricate and delicate. Eun Tak's conversations with the Grim Reaper are so cute, and I can't wait for Sunny to find out that Eun Tak is roommates with the Grim Reaper!

The writer really amazes me with her attention to detail; the whole 9 rule of the world--how it's just astray of perfection--was so fascinating and made so much sense. I also find it interesting that the Goblin's vision of her was her at the age 29! I wonder which grim reaper she met, and if they're still friends.

This episode, per usual, was a whole roller coaster of feels. During that scene where both of them were crying over his state, I started crying too... until she was like "nah" and I almost cried laughing. The ending was the most rollercoaster-y, though. I was all prepared for tragedy, and then when he was like "are you not applying enough pressure", I lost it. And THEN THE KISS HAPPENED and I died.

Oh, and, I've never loved PPL as much as I loved the one in this drama. It's so obvious but so casual as well. Get that money, Goblin!


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"Are you not applying enough pressure?" I laughed at that one. Like, hellooo??! We're talking about an invisible (to other people), non-materialized sword here! LOL


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For the first time in a while, I'm actually rooting for PPL. It's amazing what clever writing can do. LOL.


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This one-and-a-half-hour length per eps is seriously killing me. I don't have the attention span required for it.

That issue aside, that kiss scene felt like come out of nowhere. It surprised me not in a good way. Rather than swooned over it, it left me mostly thinking "Huh?? Wait, why did we end up in this scene??"

Sure, those two have great chemistry, but there was no real build-up that inevitably lead them to that. I know that it was an in-the-spur-of-moment kiss, but surely there should be something, anything, that made us anticipating that moment before. But it just felt out of place for me.


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Hahaha. That kiss is more comical than romantic, and I think it was meant to be that way in the first place.

And of course, it came out of nowhere. None of them (Eun-tak and Shin) ever thought that the situation would turn out that way. Eun-tak was panic and it's not strange that the first solution she could think of was kissing Shin... just like in Frog Prince story.


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Like what you said, after rewatching it, I thought it really was meant to feel a bit out of place. As long as they take care of the aftermath well, I think it would be okay.


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It's like the first kiss scene between Kang Chul and Oh Yeon Joo in W when YJ was panic cannot go back to her own world so she chose to kiss KC. Hahaha
I think ET also feel the same, she's a bit panic when she can't pull out the sword so she thinks the frog prince/cursed prince story and kiss him out of the blue.


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exactly! it was the last resort and the only thing she could think of atm bc she couldn't grab/pull the sword, shin was freaking out and demanding to take back the contract, she was like "what the heck! wait, maybe this is like the princess and the frog where the princess kisses the frog and he turns into the prince--you, the goblin, can turn pretty if i kissed you!??" so that's where the random kiss came about. it wasn't meant to be romantic, but frantic and last minute possible solution to a problem--or so eun tak thought... ahahaha i can't wait to see their reactions immediately afterwards!


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If it was goblin stealing a kiss from ET people will be throwing a fit because of her age but because it was the other way 'round it becomes forgiveable


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Can't the Goblin and Eun-Tak just live a long and happy life together and pull out the sword when she is about to die?


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I really like this!! But coordinating a synchronized death might be hard?

Like what if truck of doom suddenly mows her down because *tragic kdrama fate*, all before she gets to pull, and Shin's left with sword for all eternity? That'd be sad. He'll be the last man alive to greet invading alien overlords A.D. 2500.


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What if goblin's bride isn't actually a human but an alien? At least she can stay on earth for 400 years.
*the girl who came from the star 2.0: goblin's bride.


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Beautiful ? Someone phone TvN and sell this script


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Hahahaha!! did not think of the white truck of doom scenario...yup that would be a problem :-)


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But it is not an easy choice to make to choose that life, knowing he will always look 30+, and she will look older, and that between them will always be the understanding that she will have to kill him, and he will have to die by her hands. It's a choice the two could make, but one that needs a lot more deliberation, and with the understanding from both that they love each other enough to go through that. Right now, they don't even know if they love the other, and certainly don't know the other loves them.


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i was thinking the same thing!!

just love each other and live happily dammit.

pull the sword 60 years later.



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If they try that, she won't end up pulling it when she's about to die. It will be when...
...he forgets their anniversary
...he notices a wrinkle
...he answers wrong to "Does this dress make me look fat?"


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Hahahahahaha!!!! yes!!!!


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Ahahaha, good one!!


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It's almost like he is pain more when he starts to feel something for her. Imagine the pain if he fell in love with her for real.
I think he needs to add massive dose of painkillers to his meds lol.


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I kinda think so too.. like it's a metaphor for heartache.


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urgh this episode was extra hard for me to get through. on the upside though, i'm growing extra fond of bumbling reaper and his budding romance with sunny. also, i hope reaper never learns how to use his phone forever LMFAO.


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I feel the same way as GF. This episode felt long and I tuned out for some of the time, but then completely focused when the episode reached its last quarter where it got interesting and hello for major development.

So it seems seeing is not equal to pulling the sword. But it makes for a very interesting plot point just exactly what will allow her to get a hold of the sword and pull it out. That is something I am really looking forward to and how Grim and Sunny are connected to Shin (those flashback and close ups of the three after each other gotta mean something right?).

I was quite surprised to find out that Euntak is turning 20 in two months. Didn't she just celebrate her birthday? I know we're not following a day to day set up but it still feels somehow fast for me.

Looking forward to the next episode. Thanks for the recap GF!


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In Lunar New Year, they got a year older. That's why Korean's age always a year ahead than us.


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About the birthday, isn't it that Koreans celebrate / age on new years Eve or something like that? Hence him being one year younger because he was born early in the year. I think in Reply 1994 all of the group celebrated getting one year older when the year turned.


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So here's my take, there's 2 kinds of concept and people kinda mix it too
1: when you are born, you already 1 years old, so it always
The current year - Your birth year + 1

2: with new year or lunar new year
---If your birthday is before lunar new year, your Korean age would be calculated as :
The current year - Your birth year + 2

---If your birthday is after lunar new year, your Korean age would be calculated as:
The current year - Your birth year + 1

in the 2nd case I actually don't understand where is the middle grounds
I always thought that early-born(the one that will add 2 years from the International age after chinese lunar new year) is from Oct - mid february
and March - to September is the one that just add 1 year,


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Is there any reason or interesting story behind this strange concept?


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This is just my understanding so I hope you can add or correct me if I am wrong, ^^

1- I think it because they counting the soul as in fetus is already the child, something that already there so when they are born as in baby they already 1-year-old (summed it up to 1),

2- for the lunar system,
I think it because it correspondence that you are living in an era like you are living in your 1st year, 2nd to the 10th year and not so much into your growing period,
as the example,
you are born in 2003,
so 2004 is the 2nd year that you are born, means that you already there for 2003 and 2004, you have 2 years that you lived and witnessed,
so when the new year comes, you already enter the new period of your existence,
but they used it mostly with lunar calendar and their 1st month is around February

well that's how I see it


Thanks a lot for your explanation ^^

I'm still curious about one thing though. When deciding whether someone has reached their legal age or not, which age system do Koreans use?


Nchoe. I think their legal age is 20. So it's like 18 too.


I am (mostly) guessing that the concept of "age" is what is different.

Age in the "western" conception is how long an individual has been alive. So it is related to a "self" centric model of thinking. So being one year old is having been alive for one year.

Age in the Korean context is this is the number of years that you are alive in. So when you are born, this is the first year that you existed. The individual is placed in a "community" of people who came into existence for that year.


ET international age is 18

In Korea, Your age is 1 the moment you were born. ET was born later part of the year (sept 13, 1998). So by Lunar New Year 1999. She's already 2 years old. When in fact she's just 4-5 months old. That's why in a couple of months (LNY 2017) she's already 20. Which is the Korean Legal Age.


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Ah yes! /slaps forehead/ I actually know about how Koreans calculate their age differently and about turning a year older by LNY. For some reason it slipped my mind and actually thought that the time line moved fast, so I got confused. Thanks for clarifying (and others who replied as well).


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In traditional Chinese/Korean system, if you are born on the last day of the year, you can be 2 YEARS old when you are 1 DAY old.


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she will be able to touch the sword once she loves Shin back, i guess


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"Butler Yoo, I want that portrait of my sister back,"

"Nauri~!! But I've already --- I thought you were going to -- *weeps*"

"Oh never mind all that. There's been a muck up. Divinity wants me to chase down killer buses and teenaged baseball players next week."

"Nauri, take your bride and move to Canada. Better drivers there. But do not venture south of the border, where vampires have monopolized the business of rescuing girls. Also, there's a spray tan president who'll deport you for having entered illegally through a magic door."


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The first thing came across my mind when Eun-tak failed to pull the sword is...

"He'd better be hurry to take back the deed in Grim Reaper's room... or he'll lose the house to Grim Reaper for real"


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hahaha but he was more concerned with the one he signed for Euntak. hahaha! He may have to confiscate Deokhwa's CC again because he'll surely be a pain to him with his spending. hahaha! Things did not go the way Shin imagined. Not single one.


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Yeah... the contract, the cc card, the house, the painting,

He sure must do a lot of un-doing... hahaha


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Eun-tak could make a good Guardian, seeing how nice she is to her Ghost friends even though, being poor and busy as a high shooler and part-timer, she's not in position to help others.

Maybe Deity could recruit her to become a Guardian too like Shin... and they can live happily forever and after as Guardian couple.


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What if the goblin's bride is someone the goblin truly loves and loves him just as truly?


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My take on why he wants to die

1. He's waited for so long. It's been his entire life goal. Hard to change that mindset.

2. Not dying now when the opportunity comes seems risky, given that life is unpredictable. Who knows if the opportunity will get away.

3. He's sick of a life of loneliness and pain. Witnessing his loved and loyal ones grow up, protecting them, grow affection for the Yoo family, then watch them die, one by one, again and again. Never to forget their death, never to forget the pain that goes with their death, and never forgetting that this is his punishment.
Plus, occasional pain from sword.

4. He doesn't want to do it later, when it's more difficult for both him and Euntak. Euntak still has a life ahead of hers, which he saw. He needs to free both of them from this "destiny" as soon as possible so that she can go on and live her life, independent from his fate.

5. He could continue to live and grow a relationship with her. But one, he doesn't know that she likes him yet. Two, even if he likes her, he probably doesn't think of himself as her boyfriend. He FEELS the feelings of a boyfriend's (jealousy, attraction, concern, etc.) but in his mind, he's still a goblin. Not someone who has ever experienced normal human life since his death. He's not used to forming life plans (besides from finding his bride) with having a family, living together, etc. They can't grow old together (physically), she can have a normal life with anyone else. If the relationship can be stopped before it goes too far for him (and for her), it would be better.

Shame for him that it's already too late. Haha. It's not as if you can control falling in love. Poor him.


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Also, until they figure out that they have no choice but to love each other, they will try to find any other solution but be together as a couple, I think. You don't voluntarily sign up to be in a relationship where you are literally the death sentence of your boyfriend, and have to live with that guilt and worry all your lives together. You only do it because you've fallen in love and have no choice.


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I see where you're coming from, but I see it in reverse.

He felt he couldn't love her when he believed she was the Goblin's Bride (because he'd have to heart-wrenchingly leave her), but now that she was unable to pull the sword out, he may actually feel free to love her in a way he couldn't before.

The Catch 22 (which neither of them realize) is the possibility of her ONLY becoming a true Goblin's Bride once they DO love each other.

Cruel fate.


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Yes to Catch 22.

This "catch" is making everyone act bonkers.

But in this drama, bonkers feel sane and truly funny.


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Totally. I can kinda relate to the "I've come so far I can't give up my goal of dying" logic that gnaws at him.

But I didn't think about #5. That's really really sad. It sounds plausible though, when we see how hesitant he and GR are about starting relationships/friendships with humans.


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Besides, after seeing ET's "future" through the eyes of the waiter, he is choosing to die because he believes that he chose to die. A type of circular logic, if you will.


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this ep has been an emotional roller coaster.. for the first scene when he talked about his past, it was sad but turned funny.. same for the last scene..


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The eps have been enjoyable but I am waiting for the Grim/Sunny sl to really get going if speculation is correct Grim= King and Sunny= Queen, I am waiting for the angst and drama that will happen once it is revealed for me its the most intriguing storyline as there is still so much to know about what happened in the past also how will Shin react?


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Since 4th episode when we got to see Eun-tak pulling out the sword, I was certain it wouldn't be that easy, there must be something like a certain qualification she had to do before she could pull the sword out. I mean, although she's the bride, there should be a clearer explanation what you should do to be the goblin's bride, the bride? Hm, should they really get married? I don't think it would be that far, but still, something that defines 'bride'.

And actually, I've been craving for a fight, the though one. Look, Shin has that shining super cool sword, it shouldn't be wasted. Can we hope for a villain, so that Shin can use his sword in another real battle (not the old ones). I want him swinging his sword in not just showing off tone.


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Why do I think reaper deliberately didn't call Sunny's name correctly because of the '3 times' rule? But Sunny's not her real name right?


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I didn't think about that! That's a very good point...

And I suppose that he deliberately calls ET , the " Missing Soul", for the same reason.


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I don't think this is the case since Grim Reaper called Eun-tak by her name once in this episode.


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But he said it should be 3 times, right?


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He said that grim reapers used to need to call the dead three times but the dead now answer after one call. Scene where they are plucking the garlic.

Anyway I think it's just the reaper knowing sunny's actual Korean name being sun hee. I don't think Korean parents name their kids sunny- it's probably just an adopted name


Right, GR called ET by her first name in the heat of the moment, realized it, then corrected himself by calling her "Missing Soul" right away. He could have realized his "mistake" (of saying her name) and wanted to avoid doing so 3 times (in a row?)
Well, that's how I perceived it...


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No... GR has confirmed that he only needs to call the dead person once in garlic peeling scene.

But now that I think of it maybe, he needs to call her full name. He only said "Eun-tak" not "Ji Eun-tak".

So there's still a chance this theory could be right.


Who else cried when they showed Happy, the dog waiting for his/her blind master as he/she feels sorry for leaving him behind? The dog was loyal even in the afterlife. We do not deserve dogs, I tell you! T_T

The intercutting of scenes of Goryeo times and modern times were a bit odd. Obviously they are hinting something here. Plus I'm starting to think that Samshin Granny might be the god they are all looking for. She's omnipresent and looks omnipotetent as well. She's like the mover of things, guiding people to what should be.

But wow in 6 episodes, 10 months have already passed and ET will turn 20 in 2 months.

Sadly not much Deok Hwa scenes this episode. I love it when he along with KS and WY are in the same screen because it will definitely be a hoot. I also miss the running gag that he's always left hangging for information.

You know what will make the drama lovelier? A dog. KS should adopt a dog and all of them can pamper it with love. Okay that's just wishful thinking as I'm still affected by faithful and loyal, Happy.


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"I also miss the running gag that he’s always left hangging for information."

Me 2, me 2222. :D


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I also think the halmoni is god. One thing that GR said to Shin, or shin to GR that, god doesn't give his glimpse to them but humans get to see him very easily. So, may be they have no idea that god is watching over them too. Only without their realization. I also have been reflecting over what ET said to Shin when they were crying, that it can't be his punishment when there is a bride in the picture. Also I noticed how the halmoni is somewhere in the picture with shin or reaper. So, that means god knows the torments they are going through right? And it must be his way of watching or checking how Shin is passing this afterlife, [gifted/ cursed by god]. So, he saved his bride's life, [there goes one good deed], and then he made that boy's life memorable, [so he goes to heaven], so just like that there are many things that he will do / needs to do, so god can finally forgive him maybe?
Notwithstanding the length [ though I love it, I feel the writer has so many things to say, which becomes a bit messy if she tries to boggle it down within one hour, so the one and twenty min air time fits in quite perfectly imo].
So, what I wanted to say is that, never did I imagine to get so many life talks aka lessons in a kdrama. One moment they are laughing and next they're reminiscing their past, sad over the guilt, conscience or heart breaks which is just like real life. We make jokes about our pains and headaches, we laugh on the outside but the smile is just to hide the gravity of our scenarios. So in some way, the goblin is just like us, only it has been nine hundred pretty painful and lonesome life for him.


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In the credits, she's credited as "Samshin halmoni," a known Korean deity from folklore, in charge of fertility (she helped "create" Eun-tak in episode 1) and fate. I doubt it would turn out she would be considered supreme god or Grim Reaper would not talk to her like that. He seem to know who she is.


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Right. It would be like calling the tooth fairy, santa claus, venus, demeter, etc "god."


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I don't particulary care for animals. I never had a cat or a dog. But yes, that scene choked me up.


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You don't care for animals? I never understand any child of this earth not having a sense of kinship with other animals. But at least you felt something and you may not be a socio...


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forget a storyline .. Can we just have an episode of gong yoo reciting poetry ? ... He says all these Romantic lines that sound like poetry and I just want to keep hearing his voice ..


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Another beautiful poem!!! Are they Korean poems?!? Just wan to make sure lol


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He's killin' the narrations and recitations in the drama. I could listen to his voice read poetry every single day. So soothing. hehe!

I do love hearing him say English words. Yesterday was "Play Store". Today it's "tree". /swoon


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GAH! That koong koong line kills me every time!


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...*fans self*... whew. hm. mmm. yes, well. *breathe, remember to breathe*...


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Ahaha yes! I loved the random bits of English he throws out. You have no idea how many times I replayed him saying "play store." ? Now if only we can hear Kim Go-eun show off her Chinese-speaking skills! ??


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Someone is even using his 'play store' as a their notification tone.


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Omg, really!? I'm at the dentist right now and don't want my phone to blast out random Gong Yoo English, but I can't wait to check it out! Ahaha.
A fan on entertainment weekly's gorilla date asked him to record a special wake up call (w/ her name!) for her and he did!! Gah, I'd die if I had his real voice talking to me and might happily wake up early. Haha


I know right. I kept rewatching his recitations.. that deep calm voice..so soothing. Its like chocolate for the ears..Plus his english pronounciation is so good.


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I love that part when he told ET the specs of his new phone...hahahahaa!


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Ahahaha yes! And she's all like, "why'd you memorize that? ... weirdo."


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I am in luff with this show. Even if its meandering and there's loads of push and pull, somehow in this instance I find it riverting and poignant study of the characters. Am I finally understanding the KES allure where the plot isn't developed tightly but the setting and the mood is the point???? Also gold stars for the PD every ep he/she saves some parts from being overly cheesy because it's shot so beautifully. Actors A+. The world building in this show with God and the lesser gods is great too. Hope it can sustain this for 10 more eps


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The director's last work was DoTS, and I think he's outdone himself with Goblin. KES must be so in-sync with him to work together again. I love his choices of shots and ambiences. Keep up the good work, PD-nim!


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I just realized that the director did DOTS just now as well! As you've said, he really outdid himself. DOTS was prettily shot but the cinematography in this moves me


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He said during the press-con he got tricked into this drama. It was supposed to be a fun, small, no-stress project. It then snowballed into an even more difficult project than DOtS. :D


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I feel the same. It's one of those dramas where I enjoy the scenery, the company and the mood and music that I don't mind simply being in it and absorbing the melancholy and beauty, and observing the relationships and story slowly build. I don't feel this way for most dramas, but this one, I can't get enough. I like their walks and talks and they're enjoyment in being with each other as they ease each other's loneliness. There's definitely plenty of mystery and story being told, so for me, I don't feel like it's too meandering and slow at all.


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I need that Goblin plush ASAP.


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to be very honest, I think I am just so over the idea of if she is the bride or she is not without actual hints and substance that they could know it,
they seem like don't trust each other, they all doesn't want to tell the truth to each other,
the problem is the viewer knew all of that,

if we knew that in just 1-2 ep, I am okay but like 6 episode and still wonder if she is the bride, come on!

I am gonna get hate for this as always but this is exactly what happen in Descendant that we know what it the end goal and everything in between is just a repeated filler that not gonna last long if they keep asking the same question to the viewer,
will they be together or not and will he died or not,
it's tiresome and it mask itself by the beautiful long shot,
honestly what I find in the story is,
she is not the bride - trial - she is the bride - trial - she is not the bride as the main uninteresting story,
while other parts of goblin is about something good to spend the time,

Probably just me but the ep getting boring each time, or at stall of the same thing
it's like I knew all what they say or the gonna do, it's all about hint and if she is the bride and what to do after itfor long and round conversation,
but I just gonna see if the comedy can make me laugh, or the panorama can make a good wallpaper, or some side character that actually executed well,


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She is the bride no question. I don't think there is going to be a back and forth of is she or she not.

I'm feeling the stalling too, maybe because some parts are getting repetitive. (Yes we know, let's move on show).


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I also felt this episode was stalling... not much happened until the last 5 minutes. I'd have no problems if we got character development in the meantime, but it was hard for me to follow Shin and Eun-Tak's thoughts: 'I will pull it out, but not now...who are you and why do you confuse me...it was nice walking with you...' Characters, can you be consistent in your actions and words? lol (but then they wouldn't be so human).

Therefore, the best way for me to understand this episode was actually through Hamlet. Hamlet took his time trying to decide what to do, just as Goblin is going back and forth. But then Hamlet took action. I hope we can see the plot move forward more in the next episodes.


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Oh, I agree with you. I didn't watch DoTS, but watching Goblin I totally get the criticism. My problem with Goblin is that we started out with a great premise, but we're now six episodes in and the show have made very little progression. I'm starting to get impatient too; the more they drag the story, the less I care. It has become style over substance. The only so much a beutifully shot scene can do to make up for the lack of content.
I hope that changes in future episodes, so I'll keep watching for the potential.


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There is only ***


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You're entitled to your opinion but I want to say that if you like the show, it's not just "beautiful scenes". The pauses or slow motion or panoramic scenes are beautiful but to me, they are done poignantly with a purpose each time. They stir my emotions, give me food for thoughts, provide chances for me to appreciate characters's facial expressions and understand things from their perspectives.

Therefore, every scene to me is entertaining thus far. Beauty is a great bonus.


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I have to agree with you here. It's why I love Japanese dramas over Hollywood movies. In Hollywood movies, you get too much action and talking heads. In (some) Japanese movies/dramas, it feels more like life... like life passing by slowly, and you get to watch it unfold. And you're taken along with each look, each touch, sparse words. Really, it makes me appreciate real life more.

I am loving each episode so far. It lets me stay in each and every moment with these two. In fact, it's whimsical but I won't mind more walks, more fetching-with-umbrella, and so on with these two. :)


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One of the reason I love this drama is it gives me almost the same experience during its walking scenes, going to the park, etc. like one of the favorite Hollywood films of all time:

Before sunset/Before sunrise/Before midnight.
(Must-watch, especially the first 2)

No "plot," just two people spending time together and enjoying each other's company and thoughts. And we get to be in the moment with them. It's a beautiful and relaxing feeling. Uplifting even.


BEFORE SUNRISE!!!!!!!!!!!! Best film ever!!! although, Before Sunset comes close. I don't want to admit it's underrated, since it spawned two sequels, and got rave critics reviews, but it's sooooo underrated!! It's more like a niche film.
I don't recommend it for people who are sensitive though... the language is not completely clean, there are about 1 or 2 instances where swear words are used.

I get what venson said about the walking scenes (particularly in this episode) giving me a bit of Before series vibe. More like Before Sunset than Before Sunrise though.


No “plot,” just two people spending time together and enjoying each other’s company and thoughts. And we get to be in the moment with them. It’s a beautiful and relaxing feeling. Uplifting even.

I know it's boring for others, but I love it!! I love the feeling of getting immersed in the moment. Rather than uplifting, I would use the word healing, or calmly cathartic. Gripping, without being stressful if you know what I mean. I don't watch dramas for plot anw. Fav of min often have no or minimal plot (like Answer Me 1997), and if there is, most of then are simple to figure out (like Another star, Healer, etc.). Been there done that kind of plot. I think of plots more like excuses to allow characters to interact. When there's a new plot for me like Goblin, I'm less interested in the actual plot, than in how the new environment (goblin, etc.) will allow me to see new kinds of scenarios and interactions in the forever-told tale of love.


Comment got cut...
New kind of scenarios in the old tales of bromance. It's old, but it's new with flying forks and goblin songs. In the end, I don't care that much for plot as long as I get to see meaningful interactions, whether fun or moving or sizzling.
I can see though that if people aren't like me and watch dramas, disappointment is normal.


Thumbs up @Maru!


just passing by for a shoutout 2 before sunrise!!! now, yall are making me want to rewatch it all over again. XDDDD never gets old. our kim shin is nothing like jesse though. XDDD


I love the lingering scenes and the quiet moments that let the story breathe before moving on.
What irks me is the excessive use of flashbacks - the same scenes from Goryeo are used in the opening sequence and during every episode. I think perhaps the one time that it was used differently was when it cut between the flashback and Reaper/Sunny in this episode.


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Goblin's bride means that they have to love each other unconditionaly, right? Maybe she has to see him in pain, begging him for help and he needs to want to die, have no regrets to leave behind... He was kind of betrayed and he needs to fix the relationship between his sister and her king, that he will cherish her not making her die without a wink. There is so much to be fixed, he can't be so selfish like the last time when so many innocent people died. For one soul he killed how many he has to save?
Why everybody imagines the Deity a man to be? He took a form of butterfly once next time it could be a "fairy grandma"... She gave the dying boy his health back.

I've never seen LDW so handsome as he laughed about the age of Goblin.


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Goblin’s bride means that they have to love each other unconditionally, right?

Quite likely. Or maybe it means an actual wedding.
Or... it could mean she has to get jealous when he is out late and he has to complain about her cooking.


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oh wow, you're describing my parents irl.


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They're already like a married couple though when Eun-tak told him to find out what she wants and insisted that she already told him.


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what if eun tak pulled put the sword in the buckwheat field? and goblin disappears?? how is she going to go back?


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I was worrying about that at first too! But later decided that maybe he assumed Reaper would show up and bring Eun Tak back... and wipe her memory at the same time.


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But reaper can't go there for some reason. If he wipes her memory that's mean she is going to the afterlife unless she is the exception to the rules.


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It's not that the reaper can't go to the field, it's that he can't follow the Goblin through his portal to the field. He can just teleport.

Reaper has wiped memories of living people before, including the murderer who got caught with a dead woman in his car, and told him he saw a boar crash. And he told his date to forget about Deokhwa and her friend left because he told them to.


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Oh, and the loan sharks too.


There is actually no one there. Seems like a place for Goblin only with the exception of his bride imo.


I thought his mind control doesn't work on Eun Tak? There was a scene in ep 3 where he tried to convince her she can see the sword telepathically, ad it didn't work.

I was worried about the buckwheat field too, I mean what if it was outside the country and then Eun Tak will be stuck as an illegal border crosser!

I assume he will slip her the tea to wipe her memories, but I wonder how he can be selective which memories to wipe..


He speaks out when he controls people. What he was doing with Euntak was telepathic communication, but she doesn't seem to be receiving it like Goblin can.


Is it really drama or a math-quiz? Why is it leaving us with so much questions.


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Ha, yes I was always left with more questions than answers after math quizzes XD


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Typical of fantasy dramas.


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She's destined to be the bride, that's for sure (that's why she sees the sword). But because she's still a minor, she couldn't actually marry goblin even with parents' consent, as she's already an orphan. So my guess is once she comes of legal age, elligibly to actually get married, she can be his actual bride, then she will be able to hold the sword. I speculated this after the lotto ticket scene..

Thinking about it, the show never really explored about her father...? I wonder who he is.


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I keep laughing and crying for this show. I like Gong Yoo but now, love. He ages so well and has grown so much as an actor.


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Yes he ages so well! Gorgeous and sexy.


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This episode went in circles: when he asks her to pull out the sword, she refuses; when she finally agrees, he pushes it to tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow. I think the reason why Eun Tak can't touch the sword is because she is not officially the goblin's bride. As in, they must marry and truly love one another before she is permitted to end his life.

The flashbacks in this drama are excessive. This episode would have been much shorter without the fifteen minutes of flashbacks. However, the seemingly out-of-place flashback to Reaper and Sunny's first date during Eun Tak's treason accusation must confirm the theory that they are the reincarnated king and queen.

Happy's reunion with his owner had me bawling. Animals get me every time. I hope I get to see my dead pets when Reaper takes me to the afterlife.

Thanks a bunch for the recap, girlfriday!


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When I saw Happy my face was raining. It made me remember my dog. RIP Obi Wan


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Much as I love this drama, I could do without the flashbacks too. I don't see why they need filler when the episodes are already so long.


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Thanks for the recap.

The show is awesome.

The absolute right blend of heartfelt and funny.


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Is the +9 age high risk really a thing in Korean folklore, or were they just having fun working in a reference to the drama "Plus Nine Boys" ?? (especially since Yook Sung-Jae was in both)


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The +9 thing is very much part of korean folklore. Even before " Plus nine Boys' this reference or quote of being 9,19. 29,39 have been included in some shows. It is really weird and interesting at the same time.


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It's a Buddhist belief. Lord Cobol, you have been making funny swipes at married life. Just know that i 'get' you. .


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I think reaper is the king and sunny is the queen. Because the ancient ring connects them.


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Perhaps the contract is the reason she can't pull the sword out of his chest.


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Exactly my thoughts! Kim Shin signed his name at the bottom saying he'll be there every first snow when she calls for him. The bride has sponken :)


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*spoken (how do we edit posts here?) :)


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Huh maybe Eun Tak is the reincarnation of his second in command who stabbed him in the first place, which is why she could pull it out.

Maybe like in the past, Eun Tak should know that by pulling the sword out, she'd be killing him, and it's her understanding and her choosing to let him die is one of the requirements for his curse to break.


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He was so loyal to Shin. I want him to be reincarnated and accompany him to the afterlife.


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Am glad somebody mentioned this guy. He was shown and Kim Shin said something about "not yet finding people he is still indebted too", that means he HAS to make an appearance, yea? It could even be the grim reaper, for all we know. All this reincarnation puzzles! Thought this is a melo, then lots of comedy so is it a rom-com; but now think maybe this is a detective novel...


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Thank you for the recap! This is really one of my favourite shows of the year and I find myself waiting much more impatiently for this every week, than my "current" other shows (Man Living in our House, and Legend).

But I guess by this episode some of the flaws in the plot start to surface. GF, I totally agree with you about the sword-pulling banter getting a little tired. I love love Eun-tak, but I thought she should know by now that there's more to it than the "look prettier" excuse that Shin gave her. I thought she was just playing along with him! I'm surprised she's taking it at almost face value (she knows there's more but thinks of it as pretty harmless) and didn't have the urgency to do deeper research. Or spotted all those "last words" / "last gifts" he's been doing.

I do think she really is the bride, because to switch gears now to someone else would feel really weak. I just hope it's because of rules like true love or first kiss instead...

"Maybe seeking out the innocents who were brought to death because of him, or even taking revenge on the king will resolve the century-old grudge lodged in his heart. " I think resolving grudges and finding peace might be a good way to tie things up, but I really hope it doesn't involve revenge, because if Grim Reaper turns out to really have been the "reincarnation" of the king, it would be too tragic for their frenemy bromance to turn into real hate. /=

Plus, isn't Deoh Hwa supposed to be real quick on the uptake? The kid found out at age 6 that Shin was a gobblin! Shouldn't he have figured out the goblin bride story by now? Why isn't he more suspicious of the sudden return of his credit card everything?

I guess what's really carrying the show is the actors' comedic timing and chemistry. I'm the kind who thrives on spoilers, but the reason I still watch the show is because I feel the need to see for myself their deadpan bickering, those beautifully melancholic expressions, those wtf-just-happened bewilderments, and Eun Tak's sunshiney smiles.

That's probably why I don't mind too much when sorrowful scenes (Eun Tak and Shin crying over his punishment, Shin's mopey goodbye video call to Grim Reaper) turn comedic, because the actors pull it off so well.

Also wanted to mention that I LOVE THE LIGHTING for this show. All that soft natural light is so dreamy. Surely something so painstakingly produced should have a properly thought out plot overall, RIGHT?

By the way, can someone explain the logic about how, Shin is younger by one year because he was born earlier in the year???

Another thng I've been trying to find is... way back when a previous episode ended with Eun Tak's kidnapping as a cliffhanger, there was a trailer that showed her asking Shin to extend her gratitude to the Grim Repear. But I don't remember watching it in actual episodes... did it get cut? Have I just not been paying enough attention?


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It's a bit of a leap to go from knowing there is a goblin and a bride, to the conclusion that his uncle will die after meeting his bride. His uncle is always changing his mood from depressed to manic so it's not like he can figure meaningful deductions from his moods.
Plus, the arrival of his long awaited prize should be enough diversion to keep him from thinking about other things besides his preciousssss card.


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Also, about Deok-hwa or Eun-tak doing research... it's not like the sword and death of Goblin are well-known (if at all) stories among humans. Not even ghosts who have lingered for a long time know the details.


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Eun-tak said so before... she can't find any sword-related in her research.


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sword-related info


Eun-tak is pretty smart in figuring out Goblin's past. She does her research and didn't find much on him and came to the conclusion that he must have been a traitor because he is being erased from history. There is nothing written about him and yet his merits would make him an important historical figure.

"She asks, “Did you maybe do something bad, and that’s why you were erased from history?” She says that if he’s being punished for doing something bad, she’s not sure if she should pull out the sword. “Did you… commit treason or anything like that?” she asks. Ouuuuuch, of all the things, why’d you have to say that?"

This whole conversation was gold. Despite being branded a traitor in his past life she believes that he wasn't a bad person because the Gods made him a Goblin and gave him power for a reason. He saved his mother and gave her life.

I think think her asking Shin to extend her gratitude to the Grim Reaper was written in her letter. The one that she mailed from the hotel in Quebec.
I wonder if they cut it or maybe it'll show up at some point. That would make reaper's day lol.


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There are hidden elements regarding Duk Hwa -- things that have been dropped into the story without our having an explanation (yet):

1). Kuk Hwa and the Samshin Granny (disguised as the lady in red) met early-on, and we've yet to discover how that conversation went.

2) Duk Hwa was following ET for some undisclosed reason, well before they actually met face-to-face. The arm that reached for the book in the bookstore (the one she had placed the leaf in) was wearing the same sweater that Duk Hwa was wearing when the Goblin caught him smoking in the hall.

So....it seems as if he was putting on an act when he acted like he didn't know anything about her when they first "met" -- as well as pretending surprise when she ended up having a connection with the Goblin.

There's something there. He's more of an "insider" and will most likely drive the plot more than we're giving him credit for.


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Huh! Interesting observation. I'm going to eye Duk Hwa a little bit more suspiciously from now on.


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In Korea babies are 1 yr old on the day they are born...I think Kim Shin meant that in Canadian sense (because he is also a Canadian).So that makes him a year younger :-)


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annyeong chingu @osmanthus_tea!

regarding your question on the age thing, i think it was answered in thread 23.1 hahahhaha ^^


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For my part, I find both Kim Shin's and Euntak's indecision believable, and even realistic. I would find it more unbelievable if he was decisive about going to his death and parting with Euntak forever. I deliberated for a longer time on which college to choose. I even paid deposit to one I didn't go to because I was past the deadline for decision making.
Euntak was fairly decisive after she figured she wanted to help him to thank him for all that he's done, and after she put aside her fear of becoming useless.


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Do u think the numerous meetings on the bridge is just location convenience, or does it have a more symbolic meaning? Like Deok-hwa/Grandma, Grim Reaper/Sunhee, Grandma/mom, etc.


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In ancient Chinese folklore, dead people need to cross a bridge before they head to afterlife. A grandma will be waiting for the dead with a bowl of tea which will erase all their previous memories. Perhaps the bridge is a symbolism of the in-between of life and death in Korean folklore as well?


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Ok, finally Sunny's chicken restaurant has customers coming in.

Now whenver i think of the these things, all i can think about is this drama.

1. Rain : whenever it rains, i feel like goblin is depressed.
2. buckwheat flowers : even buckwheat noodles will make me think of Shin and Eun tak.
3. Sword : I will always now think, whenever any place sword is mentioned, i will always imagine it as stuck in someone's chest
4. Grim reaper : I cannot imagine anyone but Lee dong wook and his beautiful face and his black attire.
5. Red scarf : gives u Eun tak feeling
6. Autumn leaves
7. Candles : I will now blow off a candle, thinking a goblin would appear by my side.


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Lol @ buckwheat noodles. OMGGG!


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mmmm makes me want to cook some.


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Gah! Same here! I keep thinking of this drama throughout the week. I can't stop thinking of GY's different facial expressions and i so love watching him that i keep repeating the released episodes. I want it to be Friday and Saturday everyday.....LOL!


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