2016 Year in Review, Part 1: The Bean Count
by javabeans
It’s Bean Count time! For those of you who missed its inaugural post last year, the Bean Count is a fun exercise for our staff, where we get to show our love for shows by giving them (imaginary, useless) beans, which we accrue by watching dramas. (Easiest game ever!) Each recapper earns a bean by watching a show in its entirety (or being current on a drama that’s ongoing), and then each person is free to bestow the beans on whatever shows they wish.
The Beanie Award Polls were for all of you to weigh in on your favorites of the year, and we’ll be putting out reviews from Team Dramabeans soon as part of our usual Year in Review series. Shows that get counted in this year’s reviews include those that started in late 2015 that got left out of last year’s reviews (such as Remember—Son’s War) and those that began before December and will have aired more than half of their broadcasts by the end of this year (Weightlifting Fairy, Legend of the Blue Sea). Shows that premiered this month, such as Goblin, will be included in next year’s series.
This year we are extra grateful to mary, our resident technical wizard, who turned our simple chart from last year into an interactive tool, which is clickable by recapper name and sortable by bean totals and by chronological order of show’s premiere. It’s pretty awesome! (If for whatever reason you can’t see the charts, here are unclickable versions: Beans and Pie.)
Feel free to play along and give out your imaginary beans as well! The only rules are that you must have watched every available episode of the show, and that it falls within the date parameters defined. Go forth and count, Beanies!
Remember—Son's War | 1 | |
Cheese in the Trap | 6 | |
One More Happy Ending | 2 | |
Signal | 45 | |
Five Kids | 2 | |
Descended From the Sun | 15 | |
Come Back, Ajusshi | 4 | |
Marriage Contract | 8 | |
Memory | 2 | |
Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki | 5 | |
Master–God of Noodle | 1 | |
Oh Hae-young Again | 31 | |
Dear My Friends | 21 | |
Mirror of the Witch | 8 | |
Beautiful Gong Shim | 3 | |
Police Unit 38 | 12 | |
Beautiful Mind | 12 | |
The Good Wife | 7 | |
Bring It On, Ghost | 2 | |
W–Two Worlds | 25 | |
Age of Youth | 21 | |
Jealousy Incarnate | 26 | |
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds | 21 | |
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo | 3 | |
Fantastic | 2 | |
Drinking Solo | 2 | |
On the Way to the Airport | 2 | |
Shopping King Louis | 10 | |
The K2 | 3 | |
Woman With a Suitcase | 2 | |
1% of Anything | 5 | |
The Man Living in Our House | 2 | |
This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair | 17 | |
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim | 3 | |
Legend of the Blue Sea | 15 | |
Weightlifting Fairy | 14 | |
Oh My Geum-bi | 1 |

- 2016 Beanie Awards: Vote for your favorite dramas of the year
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 11: Editors’ Picks
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 10: Sweet heroes and fierce heroines (Saya’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 9: Drama tasting notes (odilettante’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 8: Santa goes Zen (Santa Claus’ review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 7: For the responsible addict (dramallama’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 6: A sweet year of dramas (LollyPip’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 5: The fifth wheel in dramaland (gummimochi’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 4: The five stages of grief (HeadsNo2’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 3: Five by five in 2015 (girlfriday’s review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 2: Giving 2015 a hand (javabeans’ review)
- 2015 Year in Review, Part 1: The Bean Count
- 2015 Beanie Awards: Vote for your favorite dramas of the year
Tags: featured, The Bean Count, year in review, year in review 2016
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1 Rachelle
December 12, 2016 at 3:05 AM
Now I really have to watch Signal.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:02 AM
Same here! It has been in my must watch list for atleast a month now, but i didn't have time for it earlier. But now i'm going to have to make time for it.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:51 AM
It is SOOO GOOD ! I just watched it last week after dramabeans 2016 drama poll, seeing so many beanies loving it, I could not resist even if it is not the kind of drama I would go for usually. I watched over may be 200 dramas in my life, and this one, just top them all.
SIgnal is really one of a kind. A masterpiece.
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December 12, 2016 at 12:46 PM
I did the same.. I had in my list but the poll reminded me that I haven't watched one of the alleged best dramas of this year, so last week, I did a marathon.
It was really one of a kind, entertaining all the way through! Definitely recommend for anyone who didn't watch yet.
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December 14, 2016 at 2:49 AM
Funny how many of us did this! I wonder if the online ratings for the week skyrocketed! Haha
December 12, 2016 at 5:52 AM
Sleep is over rated...
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December 12, 2016 at 12:49 PM
I guess me too! I jjust nvr thought of it as a genre that I would like, but seeing those 45 beans up there, I definitely have to make time to watch it.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:29 PM
I also plan on watching Signal later during this month. this year I only finished two dramas, most of the ones i try to watch I dropped them.
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December 12, 2016 at 9:33 AM
Yes, you have to. I watched it with my flatmate who hadn't watched a kdrama in her life. She's now a convert who watches more kdramas than me, although i think i raised her standards too high by starting with signal.
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December 12, 2016 at 10:26 AM
You have to watch Signal! Otherwise, you are missing out big time!
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December 12, 2016 at 3:31 PM
That was my thought as well, exams are done in a few days. Sounds like a plan for what I'm going to do after.
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December 12, 2016 at 7:58 PM
i just rewatched it this past week. IT'S SOOOO GOOOOD.
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Martin J Simwaba
December 12, 2016 at 11:09 PM
Wish i could say the same about so many kdramas, but for a few kdrama fans like me, it's really hard to watch them as soon as they aired. The only possible way to watch a k-show is through a blu-ray disc and it takes forever for it to be released. So for me, the only way to keep up is by reading recaps and considering what i read about "Signal" i found it very interesting and recomendable. It's a must-watch drama.
Too BAD............
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December 13, 2016 at 11:20 AM
Even I will have to watch that show now.It feels to be too good
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December 13, 2016 at 10:10 PM
It's been on my watch list for almost a year...i think it's about time I tune in
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2 wapz
December 12, 2016 at 3:09 AM
So glad to find out that JI got second highest beans because when it aired I thought hardly any of the recappers were watching it besides gf.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:11 AM
3rd highest. My bad.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:15 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the 2nd place goes to OHYA..
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December 12, 2016 at 3:16 AM
Pls ignore my post, dear Wapz.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:15 AM
JI is actually the 3rd. 2nd is Another Oh Hae Young. Personally, I feel JI is so much better. I wouldn't even count it as a romcom cos it's more of a melo.
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Chukahae (축하해)
December 12, 2016 at 3:42 AM
Can I say I'm rather surprise and very happy with it?
Because I thought it got lukewarm reception in db. I'm glad it's not as lukewarm as I thought.
Perhaps it's a hint that it might win a category or at least got an honourable mention in 2016 Editors' Picks (If there will be one this year)? Fingers crossed.
Anyway, congratulation all shows.
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Chukahae (축하해)
December 12, 2016 at 3:45 AM
Sorry. * .. get an honourable .. .
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December 12, 2016 at 8:25 AM
Yeah, I'm actually so surprised and happy right now. I was hoping it would make it in the Top 5. But I never expected it to get 3rd place, especially looking at the Beanie Poll and all those What We're Watching posts. The only explanation is that, during the latter half of the show, not a lot of recappers watching it posted in that segment. I'm looking much more forward to the individual Top 5 reviews now. I honestly was starting to think it would only make it into GF's, but that may not be the case :)
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December 12, 2016 at 9:50 AM
same! I loved the show, and tbh it's MY favorite drama of the year cuz it just hit all the right notes for me. and it bummed me out that it seemed like DB and other drama fan hubs were often lukewarm at BEST about it. glad to see that's not entirely true! I feel like thanking all the recappers who gave a bean to JI. is that weird? I just enjoyed the drama so much.
I never saw Signal (it's not my sort of genre but i might watch it one day) but I did see OHYA and i thought it was a good drama but not great and definitely not one I'll ever go back to. but i'm not mad it got rated so high. when it was firing on all cylinders it was really good stuff (but i agree with julie it was more a human drama/melo with spots of humor than a romcom)
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December 12, 2016 at 10:50 AM
@Tai, I agree with everything you just said about JI and OHYA. I had the same feeling with OHYA. Thought I was the only one. Haha and no that is not weird.
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December 13, 2016 at 1:47 AM
So much love for JI on the chart? Wait, I am on dramabeans right? *Looks over to the address bar* Why, yes indeed I am! ?
Wow!! This is awesome. As everybody here said I thought too that the response from db was lukewarm for that show when it was airing. (Except for girlfriday. Thank you for loving the show gf!) But now I am elated to see them give it some well-deserved love. Oh, I think my heart is going to explode with all the happiness..?
Thank you to all DB staff who gave a part of their precious beans to JI. This is indeed a lovely surprise. Sarangheyo ! (*Bring to your mind the picture of a radiant Eun-Tak saying it to the Goblin at the end of ep 1. That’s how I am saying it to you guys.) Sarangheyo!! ❤??
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December 12, 2016 at 3:48 AM
Actually I'm surprised it got so many beans. I mean, from What We are Watching section, it seemed like only GF talked about it till the end. I thought the other recappers dropped it in the middle when the love triangle got really messy (though personally I love all those messiness). So I'm happy and a little hopeful that maybe it will win something in Editor's Pick this year.
*Crossing fingers
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December 12, 2016 at 4:05 AM
I kinda thought Moonlight Drawn by Clouds would be second, everyone practically raved about it all through its run.
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I Quit
December 12, 2016 at 4:21 AM
Comment was deleted
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December 12, 2016 at 8:54 AM
"Moonlight Drawn By Clouds was cute and well acted but I just couldn’t get totally into it until the end"
Really? I had the opposite problem, haha. I surprised myself so much by how much I got into MDBC during episodes 1-14. Then, right when the show started to falter in its last 4 episodes, JI came into my heart and completely took over so that, by the time MDBC ended, I didn't really miss it all that much. Funnily enough, the beginnings of MDBC and JI had that same effect on W towards the end. JI was the only show (out of these) to come out unscathed, with none coming along to steal away my attention.
(Btw, I thought your comment was implying that you started to get into MDBC more towards the end of its run. But I just realized that you might have meant you never got into at all. Still, I already wrote my comment so I'm posting it anyway, lol.)
December 12, 2016 at 4:59 AM
I loved MDBC and followed it until it's end here in DB. A lot did like and enjoy it. MDBC was a good drama (well-acted and well-executed), but it's not amazing. I think it's 5th rank is right where it should be. It did have a great community that followed it until the end here in DB hence the tons of comments in episode recaps. I think the rave you read had something to do with the YeongOn OTP and the actors because Bogum and Yoojung did so well in it. As for the drama itself, it was good but nothing stellar.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:13 AM
Oh and also I think the love for Moonlight is more reflected in the Beanie Award polls. This Bean Count is limited to the DB staff, while the polls are for the beanies and which dramas they liked/loved. :)
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December 12, 2016 at 9:55 AM
yeah i figured it'd beat out JI too (and others) and tbh I didnt get the hype with MDBC? like no shade, everyone has their own taste. but i was more bored than not and dropped it by the third week (i think ep 5 or so). So I'm glad again to be wrong.
off topic a bit, but this was kinda of a sad year for sageuks in general if u dont count Six Flying Dragons (which started in 2015). tho my friends who saw Flower in Prison seemed to like it just fine. i never got around to it myself.
meanwhile Moon Lovers was a MESS and i found MDBC a tad bland. here's hoping all those sageuks premiering in January can make up for the year prior.
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Lily left the valley
December 12, 2016 at 1:08 PM
I tried to stay with Flower in Prison, but the pace was killing me and I didn't have a lot of free time this year. I like a lot of the actors in it, though, so it's on my list of shows I want to try to finish after we close and then move into our new-old house.
SFD was included with last years' awards, but I see your point about sageuk representation.
For Moon Lovers, the whole various versions was a mess, and it only added to other bits of ugh decisions the drama dealt with as it was. Still, it was worth it to me to hunt down the variations and sit through them all even if my Korean is still baby level at best.
I dropped Moonlight when it was revealed he knew she was a she before the kiss. That just killed the momentum and gravity for me--waiting to reveal it the episode after made me feel like the PDs were all "Haha, it's ok, he knew she was a she," which left a bad taste in my mouth.
It's a shame that Book of Corrections didn't get much mention. It definitely isn't a fluffier romantic fusion which many seem to like (*cough* Moonlight), but I have been enjoying it as I've had time to watch it.
December 12, 2016 at 12:28 PM
I think MDBC was one of those "in the moment" kind of dramas where you get swept up while watching it but doesn't really stay with you later on or you start seeing it's weaknesses months later.
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December 12, 2016 at 1:10 PM
You said it @aigoo! Yes, I was completely swept up while watching MDBC, and thought the OTP were the cutest I've seen, but yeah...upon looking back, it wasn't anything that stayed with me.
December 12, 2016 at 9:51 AM
Another yay for Jealousy Incarnate!
I am one of those that haven't move on from JI train, in fact I am currently rewatching this after finishing King 2 Hearts, Oh My Ghostess (rerun), Time Renegade, and My Love My Bride.
I too was underwhelmed by the lukewarm response from DB recapers but glad to see that I was wrong! This show is really a hoot and JJS is a rare gem.
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December 12, 2016 at 11:03 PM
I also haven't moved on from the JI train. Last week's episodes of Legend of the Blue Sea did not help either.
I'm planning to sit through you're the best lee soon shin (despite warnings given by some dB viewers). I am mad for JJS. He's pretty much killed my brain cells I'd watch anything with him.
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Martin J Simwaba
December 13, 2016 at 12:28 AM
I don't know and i don't care if it's second or third, as long as it is not above those positions(2-3) it's fine with me because its actor "Jo Jung Suk" already qualified to my top five kpop favorite stars. How about that?
Way to go
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3 neener
December 12, 2016 at 3:10 AM
This is too cute to handle! Awesome job ?
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4 Narina
December 12, 2016 at 3:11 AM
It really looks COOL this year!! Good job making it this attractive guys..specially Marry.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:55 AM
Yep ! BRAVO Mary !!!!
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December 12, 2016 at 2:54 PM
You're a friggin' geeeeenius, mary! RIm would be SO proud of you ?
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5 meowingme
December 12, 2016 at 3:14 AM
First and foremost, like, uwoow, an interactive infographic about kdrama? This must've taken some serious effort *clap hands*
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December 12, 2016 at 8:43 PM
Secondly, after playing with the chart for a while plus going to 2016 reflection thru drama list, my measly 9 beans will be divided equally for Pied Piper, Marriage Contract, Bring It On, Ghost & Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-Ki, with the extra odd bean for the last. After all is said and done, those drama with the lingering good memory got them beans.
There are dramas that I was devotedly crushing on (to the extent of watching raw at 1 a.m) but went to the "huh" territory in the middle or the end and made me mad, like Lucky Romance, OHY, and MOTW; there are dramas where my interest just petered out for some reason, like on Squad 38 & JI, but all in all, have no regrets for those that I've watched!
Well, maybe except if there's a chance to change MOTW's ending tho...
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6 Narina
December 12, 2016 at 3:15 AM
I'm disappointed to see 'Oh Hae-young Again' getting so many beans than Age of Youth, Dear My Friends or W-Two Worlds though, as while the start was good, it had a big drop in narrative quality and character development....just my personal opinion though :)
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December 12, 2016 at 3:43 AM
I personally agree with you, but that opinion too applies to W-Two Worlds for me, because the back got a bit messy when rules kept on being bent and everything became more complicated, but that's also a personal opinion. Personally I also prefer age of youth and dear my friends.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:50 AM
W-Two Worlds was conceptually the most interesting drama out this year, but it had an even steeper fall in the plot/character department in its second half than OHYA.
Still a good drama, but that was more down to the acting (Lee Jong-seok and Kim Eui-sung) than anything else.
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December 12, 2016 at 10:56 AM
W, Another Oh Hae Young, and even Moonlight Drawn by Clouds all had fantastic moments, but I had serious problems with the way they ended. Cheese in the Trap seemed universally panned for its ending, but I would argue the other three I just mentioned were equally bad. W totally wasted its fun concept by focusing on the arbitrary mechanics of the two worlds, contradicting itself, and then making it all about the romance, which was never well developed to begin with. Oh Hae Young was funny and fresh until the heroine became a desperate, lovelorn fool over a guy with the personality of a rock. Moonlight Drawn by Clouds was endearing and engaging until the lighthearted banter turned into drawn-out angst and history was completely jettisoned in favor of a trite, unrealistic ending. However, I can understand why the shows received so many beans, and I enjoyed them for the most part. I am glad Signal, Jealousy Incarnate, Dear My Friends, and Age of Youth were popular. I think Police Unit 38 and The Good Wife were among best series this year, as well, though I guess they weren’t as popular.
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December 12, 2016 at 11:39 PM
Yes, I'm with you on the latter parts of W, OHY and MDBC. W in particular. Whatever its faults, Cheese in the Trap was so much fresher than all three and the only one I would re-watch among these if only for the brilliant OST.
December 12, 2016 at 4:23 AM
it's probably the hype that raised my expectations for the drama, but I never found it as an amazing drama even from the start. I shipped the female lead with her ex boyfriend so much and I don't like her pushy attitude or whatever you call it. She has problems that are not even problems HAHA I liked her parents though~
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December 12, 2016 at 12:41 PM
The revenge to the point that somebody's life got ruined turned me off with the drama OHY. I don't think i will like the guy no matter what the explanation in the end. The mere fact that they did it leave a bad taste to me.
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December 12, 2016 at 4:47 AM
I think the second half is such a let down because there is many gimmick scene, But ovealll it's a solid drama and the narrative is still on point, it's just many gimmick scene that favour our OTP scene that it's suffer to develop the narrative smoother. And Eric performance is such a letdown and ruin the whole 2nd half, because the scond half is supposed to focus more on his character and his conflict. but acting wise he is not deliver BIG time. imagine Park Do Kyung is played by Im Joo Hwan for example!
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December 12, 2016 at 8:16 AM
As much as I love Eric (he was so good in Discovery of Romance!) I kind of have to agree. For me it was partially his performance and partially his character I just couldn't connect with. Seo Hyun Jin just completely stole the show.
Im Joo Hwan really deserves better roles.
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December 12, 2016 at 8:21 AM
Oh please. Eric did awesome job that I could not imagine anyone beside him as Park Do Kyung who gave superb chemistry with Oh Hae Young plus play such a less charming character of lead male ever in korean drama. Eric turns park Do Kyung to someone has more attractive using his own persona objectively.
Park Do Kyung is stiff-emotionless character. What you want him supposed to do?
Praise your favorite as you want but don't putting down other actors.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:58 PM
I don't think Eric's acting as a let down in the 2nd half. It's how the character going back & forth with his own internal fight that makes his character frustrated. Same with the Hyunjin over doing the temper tantrum part. All in all, OHYA is still enjoyable. Would be better if there weren't the 2 episodes extension.
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December 12, 2016 at 4:05 PM
the 2nd half was supposed to focus on Dokyung but character wise, he's still a reserved & conflicted man. His character wasn't meant to become drastically different than the 1st half. The writer made Dokyung submissive to Tae Jin to pay back his mistake. Acting wise, it stays consistent with how his character supposed to be.
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December 13, 2016 at 5:45 AM
It's funny when you put the fall of the 2nd half on Eric's shoulders when his character & acting stays the same as from the start. Where was the letdown from his acting in the 2nd half? As others pointed out, even though the 2nd half gave more focus on Dokyung, but his character doesn't get big makeover to make him show more emotions than the 1st half. You might be frustrated with the internal struggle of a man thinking he'll die soon so should he love her without hesitation and if he should tell her he'll die soon or keep it so she won't be burden with the worriness. As with most Rom-Com dramas, these noble idiocy is frustrating. And with the 2-episode extensions it's a letdown in the 2nd half, not his acting. Putting down someone to praise your favorite actor/actress is meaningless.
Im Joo Hwan would be better if he were Park Dokuyng? Wishful thinking, but how about the drama might not have the same chemistry as it did^^? And from the PD & lead actress's accounts, Eric also gave some good ideas during OHYA filming.
It's not perfect story wiswe, but OHYA is still an interesting drama. Love the cinamatography, the casts' chemistry & bonding.
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December 12, 2016 at 4:48 AM
Same here! I did not like OHYA. I couldn't just emotionally connect with lead actress. But loved AoY and Dear my friend. I think these two are underrated dramas of this year.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:10 AM
I agree age of youth, dear my friends, and underrated my wife is having an affair is better than oh hae young. heck my personal fav uncontrollably fond is not even given a mention. lol
but i think oh hae yung again deserve a praise though it's for me over appreciated.
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December 12, 2016 at 8:18 AM
Why because your favorite drama got less beans? XD. Everyone has their own taste so please respect them.
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December 12, 2016 at 8:47 AM
I am not surprised by the popularity of OHA. But I personally couldn't stand the female lead's tantrums, to the point that it left me an unpleasant memory of the drama.
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December 12, 2016 at 12:50 PM
I did enjoy the drama but I'm not surprised to see it up there but personally the drama started strong but towards the end, I felt let down with the female lead's behaviors and the fantasy aspect of it.
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December 13, 2016 at 6:12 AM
Agreed. I could not stand her tantrums. No matter how hard I tried to understand her, I just didn't get her...and I got angry instead lol. The story was interesting though, so I'm still hoping I can pick it up later.
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December 12, 2016 at 9:55 AM
I am actually more surprised that my top 3 dramas this year are the same as the bean charts (maybe JI as #2 and OHY as #3 but I love both) because these 2 dramas def didn't make the top 3 favorite dramas in last week's votes.
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December 12, 2016 at 11:32 AM
Same here! I'd probably put Age of Youth at #3, and move OHY to #4, but still super satisfied with the top 3 dramas. As long as Signal and JI are there and Age of Youth is in the "Top Five" (lol, since three are tied for 5th).
Now just recognize both Jo Jung-suk and Jo Jin-woong for Best Actor at the Editors' Picks, and all my dreams will be realized!
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December 12, 2016 at 6:28 PM
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December 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM
Yeah but how many DB staff saw AoY and DMF to the end? I only watched AoY and thought it was good stuff but I never saw DMF (and wont cuz i dont like crying lol). and i feel like that always influences polls like this either for staff or just fans. a drama can be the best out there but if no one saw it no one will vote for it you know? Plus AoY could be really heavy at times, and if you're counting enjoyment as a criteria than yeah AoY would rate lower cuz it was /good/ writing but not always a pleasant watch. often very hard for me cuz of how real the girls' issues were.
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7 tej
December 12, 2016 at 3:16 AM
Javabeans liked Scarlet heart more than Louis and Beautiful mind? Whyyyy?
Huh.The bean count really tells it to you as it is
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December 12, 2016 at 4:42 AM
Answer: Lee Jun Ki
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December 12, 2016 at 10:03 AM
why do people think Beautiful Mind was that good? it wasnt that good lol. ML was ridic but it was p entertaining at least. and nice to look at. just not very good by the end. (or arguably by the middle haha....leaving out the outlier of ep 11 ofc) Louie was very cute and I liked it but I alrdy forgot about most of it haha. It's not the sort of drama that sticks with you imo. ML sadly will stick with me if only because of how insane the fandom on tumblr was over it. I still can't escape from it. I had to unfollow people. lol
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December 13, 2016 at 3:43 PM
excuse me but beautiful mind really is 'that good'. thanks
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December 12, 2016 at 5:43 PM
I was more expecting the bean for ML from Girlfriday, not Javabeans.
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December 13, 2016 at 3:45 PM
simple because a whole bunch of young guys
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8 redfox
December 12, 2016 at 3:16 AM
ah, but there´s a twist. you got conned. you only thought you were giving beans to different dramas, but Police Unit 38 took them all. Your beans have been fully paid.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:58 AM
I love this comment so much
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December 12, 2016 at 3:58 AM
PU38 just grew its own beans and took them all, no need to wait for any of us to give it to them ;)
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December 12, 2016 at 4:19 AM
Good one, redfox.
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December 12, 2016 at 4:36 AM
I'm giving all my beans to you lmao. If PU38 was conning me, I'd happily be conned xD
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December 12, 2016 at 5:05 AM
38 Task Force had so many Beanscoins that it donated most of them to other shows.
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December 12, 2016 at 7:07 AM
that´s highly likely.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:56 AM
Omg you made me cry tears of laughter. How I miss PU38! That was a lovely little show. It'll always have a place in my heart :)
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December 12, 2016 at 6:58 AM
You know what Police Unit 38 did after receiving so many beans right??? It threw them over the roof top of a high rise so that the other shows got some too! :D
But the main question is - did Signal go back in time and steal some of those beans before Jung Do was able to throw them??
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December 12, 2016 at 12:36 PM
and not only these beans. The team got carried away and also took all the Beans of Wisdom and dropped them from a highrise. Smart move, I say.
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December 13, 2016 at 4:54 AM
Ooh and the beans of wisdom helped bring some much needed sense to people all over the world! And with wisdom, they brought laughter and giggles. And then, all was well with the world.
The End
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December 13, 2016 at 5:48 AM
Oh, lol you two. You're completing each other..
December 13, 2016 at 9:52 AM
I just read "and that was the end of the world."
December 13, 2016 at 8:48 PM
@redfox Exactly opposite of what I was going for!
@Gaeina Lee :)
December 12, 2016 at 9:52 AM
You only THINK Police Unit 38 took them all. Actually, they packaged them in boxes, hauled them up to the top floor of a high rise, and dumped them all into down town Seoul. (Where citizens happily caught them and are munching on the sticky sweet goo-ness as I write this.)
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December 12, 2016 at 9:53 AM
Rats. I wished I'd read ObsessedMuch's comment BEFORE I posted mine.
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December 12, 2016 at 11:30 AM
All great minds you see ;D
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December 12, 2016 at 12:30 PM
*stands under that highrise*
drat, I didn´t bring my beanbrella.
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December 12, 2016 at 11:58 PM
Here... here..
I'd bring a basket huge enough to catch the showering beans and share some to Louis and Boksil.
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December 13, 2016 at 4:57 AM
Now that's what I would have loved.. but I love how many beanies are giving their beans to Louis and Bok Shil.. they really were cute enough to be showered with beans ?????
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9 Kdramaluvshassey
December 12, 2016 at 3:17 AM
This is nice. I swear I could interpret this all day. Its so interesting to see how many beans each of you gave a show. So happy Signal got the most beans. Gumimochi gave ten of her beans to signal. Thats love right there. One beans to signal, one to age of youth, and the last to the good wife.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:45 AM
Before I saw the chart, I was thinking: "gotta give some precious beans to Signal in case people forgot about it."
And then comes gummimochi with her 10 beans. LOL That's more than all my beans put together!
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December 12, 2016 at 8:44 PM
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December 13, 2016 at 4:52 AM
I keep rereading to see, am I missing it? How were beans alloted? Does each DB staffer have a certain allotment of beans or was it a rating system like you guys gave it 4 out of 5 beans?
I'll try reading the header one more time...
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December 13, 2016 at 4:55 AM
Ok in the first paragraph, sorry I'm just really tired. Instead of accruing beans while I watch dramas, I'm just accruing sleep debt. :(
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10 maryxiah
December 12, 2016 at 3:18 AM
All my beans go to Moonlight. And I'd like to think I have thousands of them.
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11 Aly
December 12, 2016 at 3:21 AM
"Signal" was really THE BEST drama ever.
But since it aired right at the beginning of the year it set the bar way too high for every other show.
It also goes to show how a truly good drama can't be forgotten.
I mean, there are dramas I watched LAST MONTH and I already forgot completely. They didn't leave a trace in my mind. And then there's Signal, which aired almost a year ago and it left such a deep impression.
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December 12, 2016 at 4:23 AM
"It also goes to show how a truly good drama can’t be forgotten. I mean, there are dramas I watched LAST MONTH and I already forgot completely. They didn’t leave a trace in my mind. And then there’s Signal, which aired almost a year ago and it left such a deep impression."
+100000000000000000... ?
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12 pogo
December 12, 2016 at 3:22 AM
I have ten beans to give (lowest number of shows I've actually finished in a year since 2012, oop) and here's how they go:
Age of Youth - (led to ugly crying)
Police Unit 38 - (for being thoroughly conned, and also for bucking kdrama lead conventions and actually just going with two male leads)
Oh Hae-young Again - for Seo Hyun-jin
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - faulty but still shredded my heart even as it made me want to tear my own hair out..... Lee Jun-ki deserves it.
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13 gadis
December 12, 2016 at 3:27 AM
Woah... Bean Count the upgraded version. Gotta give it to DB for making drama-watching experience into something veeerrryyy special. Haha..
Let's see...
I only have 13 beans this year (short drama like Page Turner and Becky's Back included), so I'll give it to my 3 precious and crack shows.
Jealousy Incarnate: 0000000
Signal: 000
Marriage Contract: 000
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December 12, 2016 at 9:36 AM
We have the exact same same fav shows! yay! although i would have given more to signal
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14 Mariko.Ogata
December 12, 2016 at 3:27 AM
Signal is one of the best dramas this year, although I'm a little sad that another one of my favorite dramas "Memory" isn't getting enough attention. That drama leaves viewers a huge punch in the gut, making you cry and at the same time afraid of the reality that such an illness exists.
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December 13, 2016 at 3:55 AM
finally!! someone said it.
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December 14, 2016 at 2:05 AM
Have you watched Memory as well? That show isn't getting the attention it really deserves. I hope people would give it a chance.
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December 14, 2016 at 3:24 AM
Ikr. I'm quite surprised that no one is talking about it.
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December 14, 2016 at 6:24 AM
chickachunga is crazy about it. She made me watch it too! I liked the acting and the directing and the story, I just didn't love the lead lawyer as a character. He did some stuff that frustrated me so much. But I appreciated his journey.
If I graded the show objectively, it would have scored high points, but there's no criteria for giving beans. And since I had so few of them (8), I just gave it to shows I loved.
15 celine
December 12, 2016 at 3:27 AM
So cool and pretty. Reminds me of Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans. hehe!
It's truly interesting to see the differences in taste for kdramas.
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16 Dorotka
December 12, 2016 at 3:28 AM
This is such a fun! :--)
I think the biggest surprise for me is how Romantic Dr got only 3 beans while Legend got 15... my personal preference would be the opposite ;--)
Though perhaps even more shocking is the realisation that despite having baby twins and suffering from lack of sleep and total exhaustion I still managed to watch a lot of dramas :--)))))
PS And Signal deserves all that love.
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17 kanz
December 12, 2016 at 3:28 AM
Ah pretty bad I didn't watch Signal and PU38 till the end, I can't count them as beans...
Well here's my watchlist this year (completed dramas):
1. Descendants of The Sun
2. Oh Hae Young Again
3. W-Two Worlds
4. Uncontrollably Fond
5. Come Back Ahjussi
6. Legend of The Blue Sea
7. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo
8. Mirror of The Witch
9. Ms Temper and Nam Jung Ki
10. The K2
11. Cheese In The Trap
12. Page Turner (does it count?)
13. Night Light
14. Entertainer
15. Madame Antoine
So I have 15 beans.. and if I could I would distribute those beans as such:
DOTS - 1
Entertainer - 1
W - 2
OHYA - 2
MOTW - 2
CBA - 2
The K2 - 2
Ms Temper - 2
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18 Gnome
December 12, 2016 at 3:30 AM
Aww, I know cheese In the Trap didn't have the best end episodes but the first 14 or so were so good that it's been one of my fave dramas of the year even with the ending. Sad to see it only get six beans OTL.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:15 AM
i think we are the only one who appreciate CITT and find it's not a failure drama, not even close. it has some flaws, but the majority opinion exageratethe it so much.
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December 12, 2016 at 9:50 PM
I loved it too! But i agree that the first 14 episodes were the best
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19 lazielizard
December 12, 2016 at 3:36 AM
My 40 beans go to: Signal, Age of Youth, Dear My Friends, The Good Wife.
Honorable mentions: Drinking Solo (but only the Students, Jinyi/Jinwoong couple), This Week My Wife Will Have and Affair (minus Yoonki), Jealousy Incarnate (it made me laugh every ep &JJS:)
ps. mary is a genius. that is all.
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December 13, 2016 at 5:59 AM
Can I get to 40 by Dec. 31?
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20 fay17
December 12, 2016 at 3:37 AM
Girlfriday gives signal only two beans. Whyy?
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December 12, 2016 at 3:38 AM
*I mean Javabeans.
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December 12, 2016 at 4:45 AM
She probably knew the rest of them were going to give it a lot so she put more towards other shows. They mentioned last year when they started this that it's not just about which dramas you enjoyed most but also taking into account how many beans you think the others would give a show.
For example, JB gave This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair 5 of her beans, but that doesn't necessarily mean she thinks it is more than twice as good as Signal. She just may have been worried that Wife wouldn't get much love and knew Signal was safe. ;)
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December 12, 2016 at 5:27 AM
Oh! Was a bit shocked to see that javabeans gave so few of her beans to Signal. I guess this explains it.
I remembered how girlfriday gave most of her beans to Reply 1988 last year but this year, there's none like that. I also think that there are a lot of dramas worth the watch this year. It's a good thing that the love is spread throughout.
Thank you dramabeans for always making our Kdrama experience lovelier. ❤︎
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December 12, 2016 at 11:20 AM
Yes, it could be her way of highlighting a very underrated show. I mean, how many recappers or DB readers even watched This Week My Wife to the end? Probably very few, yet those recappers who watched it seem to love it enough that this show somehow ends up pretty high on the total bean counts list. This why I love this rating system.
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21 Growingbeautifully
December 12, 2016 at 3:48 AM
Wow! Wonderful job mary!!! Thanks DB. Love the interactive sorting and the clear bean count when we click on each of the DB staff. And it's so pretty too!!!
I have only 10 beans this year:
Signal - 3
PU38 - 2
DOTS - 2
OHYA - 1
Marriage Contract - 1
1% - 1
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22 anon
December 12, 2016 at 3:48 AM
Signal is winning the votes as well, runner up is W-2 worlds.
I expected moonlover or moonlight were the favourites based on high number of comments but now I realised number of comments here does not equate popularity.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:53 AM
It's possible to be more passionately into a drama that you don't think is the best of the year but still find plenty to say about, than a drama that wins unanimous praise but may not be as interesting to discuss.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:10 AM
I could not finish moonlover or moonlight, I didn't get the hype and why they were so popular, I thought something wrong with me but it turned out I was not alone?. I love W despite many people loathed the ending, I liked it a lot!
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December 13, 2016 at 12:51 AM
@anon - I finish moonlight, but I didn't really enjoy the story. It felt lackluster, without any real plot. However, I have to say that Park Bo Gum did a great job in it. I didn't watch Moon lovers, just read recaps. Haha.
But I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. While I initially despise W's ending, I have come to understand that it wasn't as terrible as I thought. In a way, certain things made sense and most importantly, the leads got their "happy ending"... It could have ended up in a black hole and I'm certainly glad it didn't. =) W is still one of the more innovative dramas this year.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:24 AM
Yeah, I think the Bean Count is supposed to be more indicative of how much you love a show, rather than of how good you think it is objectively. I'm actually still surprised MDBC didn't do better since many seemed pretty passionate about it.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:15 AM
By that logic, Moon Lovers and Moonlight definitely would be the best dramas this year.. But as you said the number of comments doesn't equate quality.
I'm the very few people who can't finish Moonlight, but I enjoy Moon Lovers and some people probably are the opposite of me. That's fine.. We're united by dramas anyway so it doesn't matter if your preferences are different as long as we can continue our healthy, positive way of discussions here.
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December 12, 2016 at 10:08 AM
that's exactly it. W may have been pretty flawed by the end but I had endless things to say about it. and it was easily the most high concept and narrative-ly ambitious drama of the whole year. that's worth commenting on imo. it's too bad it faltered so much by the end, i still enjoyed it and finished it but it def didnt uphold its earlier quality but hey we cant all be Signal can we? lol
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December 12, 2016 at 6:09 PM
I think comment's number doesn't make the drama to be the top list,
I really like MDBC but not a lot of people comment and most of the comment is about how satisfying it is, I don't think the comment for MDBC is that high,
Still MDBC is one of saeguk I would recommended for people who is not familiar with it and have a hard time with saeguk politic genre + their long format,
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23 Vicky
December 12, 2016 at 3:54 AM
Wow! What a revelation! Finally, we got to know which Kdrama was most "critically-acclaimed" after all. My super favorite Kdrama, W (4th in ranking and just one bean behind JI), got a much higher number of beans compared to DOTS which got quite a high rating from the viewing public in Korea. Yay, for this! So HAPPY!
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December 12, 2016 at 6:26 AM
still find DOTS is better than W. at least the acting is way better. what's wrong with Han Hyo Jo? she is so bad
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24 annyeong
December 12, 2016 at 3:59 AM
are rewatches included in the count? I rewatched 5 dramas this year haha
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December 12, 2016 at 4:12 AM
nvm only dramas shown this year are included in the count. I have 17 beans!!!
W–Two Worlds ﹆﹆
Jealousy Incarnate ﹆﹆
Signal ﹆﹆
Age of Youth ﹆﹆
Police Unit 38 ﹆﹆
The Good Wife ﹆﹆
Bring It On, Ghost ﹆
Shopping King Louis ﹆
Drinking Solo ﹆
Descended From the Sun ﹆
Come Back, Ajusshi ﹆
other watched dramas:
The K2
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
Beautiful Mind
Oh Hae-young Again
Remember—Son's War
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December 12, 2016 at 4:19 AM
oh shoot not included in dramabean's list are the ff dramas so my total number of beans should have been 22!!
W–Two Worlds ﹆﹆﹆
Jealousy Incarnate ﹆﹆﹆
Signal ﹆﹆
Age of Youth ﹆﹆
Police Unit 38 ﹆﹆
The Good Wife ﹆﹆
Bring It On, Ghost ﹆
Shopping King Louis ﹆
Drinking Solo ﹆
Descended From the Sun ﹆
Come Back, Ajusshi ﹆
Page Turner ﹆
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds ﹆
Oh Hae-young Again ﹆
dramas without beans
The K2
Beautiful Mind
Remember—Son's War
Lucky Romance
Uncontrollably Fond
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December 12, 2016 at 5:37 AM
There were lots of shows in the internal list but we don't put 0 beans in the chart. Otherwise it'd be too long >__< Here are all the shows in the list. If it's in the list, it means at least one of the staff watched. It's still possible that there's a 2016 show not in this list because none of DB staff finished it. Remember—Son's War Cheese in the Trap Moorim School One More Happy Ending Madam Antoine Signal Neighborhood Hero Five Kids Descended From the Sun Come Back, Ajusshi Marriage Contract Mrs. Cop 2 Pied Piper Goodbye Mr. Black Memory Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki Vampire Detective Neighborhood Lawyer Jackpot Monster Entertainer Master–God of Noodle Flower in Prison Oh Hae-young Again Dear My Friends Mirror of the Witch Beautiful Gong Shim Lucky Romance Police Unit 38 Doctors Beautiful Mind Wanted Uncontrollably Fond The Good Wife Bring It On, Ghost W–Two Worlds Age of Youth Cinderella and the Four Knights Jealousy Incarnate Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Fantastic Drinking Solo On the Way to the Airport Shopping King Louis The K2 Woman With a Suitcase 1% of Anything The Man Living in Our House This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Entourage Legend of the Blue Sea Weightlifting Fairy Laurel Tree Tailors Oh My Geum-bi Second to Last Love Blow Breeze All's Well WIth a Happy Home Yes, That's How It Is Jang Young-shil
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December 12, 2016 at 5:40 AM
Oops the line breaks won't show up...
Mermaid Scribbler
December 12, 2016 at 8:48 AM
Awesome job Mary!!
December 12, 2016 at 9:03 AM
Oh, yeah, Madame Antoine. Is it possible to give negative beans?
December 13, 2016 at 4:54 AM
Good job Mary! I watched all on this list except Second to Last Love(just a few more eps to go) All's Well WIth a Happy Home Yes, That's How It Is. And watched many more -old dramas, C- and J- dramas- all about 100 this year. This year was great- I loved too many and agree with DB bean votes in general but I also loved Piped piper (and short one like Baek Hee has returned and Page turner).
25 sweetcandy
December 12, 2016 at 4:17 AM
1- W
2. Signal
My ultimate dramas of the year. I don't have beans to counts lmao!
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December 12, 2016 at 7:42 AM
the two best dramas honestly, you have impeccable taste!
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26 nchoe
December 12, 2016 at 4:18 AM
I really want to watch Age of Youth, but I hate watching completed drama lately.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:25 AM
It's only 12 episodes! So it requires a bit less time than most completed dramas :)
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matcha and the beer
December 12, 2016 at 9:33 AM
I only watched the first episode since months ago and didn't have enough courage to watch the rest. But I'm getting curious coz people keep telling me to watch it
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27 Katherine
December 12, 2016 at 4:30 AM
I'm just over here very happy to see MWIHAATW getting some love ! lol. *it even beat out DOTS*
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28 Lessa
December 12, 2016 at 4:36 AM
This is the prettiest jellybean pie I have ever seen! :D
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December 12, 2016 at 6:03 AM
So I only have 11 beans, but I think this will do...
Signal: 6
W: 3
Hihi. This was fun few months. No more additional dramas for me until May 2017. :D #boardexams
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29 maya2825
December 12, 2016 at 4:40 AM
I have 10 beans to share, my picks would be :
Signal 000
1 % of something 000
Age of Youth 00
Yeayy for Signal getting much love, it makes the waiting for Lee Je Hoon to be back on screen next month extra special <3<3
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30 solace
December 12, 2016 at 4:49 AM
Here are my beans. I've completed 22 dramas this past year (I'm shocked to be honest. In between work and obligations... like how lol)
1 Cheese in the Trap
2 Signal
3 Descended From the Sun
4 Marriage Contract
5 Oh Hae-young Again
6 Mirror of the Witch
7 Beautiful Gong Shim
8 Police Unit 38
9 Beautiful Mind
10 The Good Wife
11 Bring It On, Ghost
12 W–Two Worlds
13 Age of Youth
14 Jealousy Incarnate
15 Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
16 Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
17 Drinking Solo
18 Shopping King Louis
19 The K2
20 1% of Anything
21 Doctors
I'm gonna count Page Turner. I can't not count it. That was a precious drama.
And to distribute...
Signal - 3
PU38 - 3
OHYA - 3
W - 3
The K2 - 2
1% of Anything - 2
Jealousy Incarnate - 2
Age of Youth - 2
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - 2
Ok that was hard. 2016 gave us a lot of great dramas. I can't wait for next year for another wonderful drama year. I hope. *cross fingers*
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December 12, 2016 at 4:55 AM
I forgot to add Lucky Romance and Uncontrollably Fond. So that should be 24. Here's the final distribution:
Signal – 3
PU38 – 3
OHYA – 3
W – 3
1% of Anything – 3
Jealousy Incarnate – 3
The K2 - 2
Age of Youth – 2
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds – 2
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December 12, 2016 at 5:12 AM
????....wow you had a lot of time!!
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December 12, 2016 at 6:47 AM
Lol not really. It's a matter of lack of social life and lack of sleep to be honest.
No, seriously. Work is too much so I de-stress by watching dramas. It really helps. Specially, since some of my workmates also watch dramas like me. We talk about dramas in between work. Hee
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December 12, 2016 at 5:03 PM
Wow love your list- and you really watched ALOT
Here's mine- and boy did i sacrifice alot of slp to squeeze these in
1. Age of Youth
2. Another Miss Oh
3. Beautiful Gong Shim
4. Bring It On, Ghost
5. Descendants of the Sun
6. Fantastic
7. Lucky Romance
8. Marriage Contract
9. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
10. Shopping King Louis
11. Something About 1 Percent
12. W Two Worlds
Short/ Drama Special/Web-drama
13. Page Turner
14. Go Ho's Starry Night
15. Thumping Spike 2
Currently watching
1. Weightlifting Fairy
2. Legend of Blue Sea
And my bean distribution
Age of Youth - 2
Another Miss Oh - 2
Bring It On, Ghost - 2
Descendants of the Sun - 1
Fantastic - 2
Shopping King Louis - 2
Something About 1 % - 4
W Two Worlds - 3
Go Ho's Starry Night - 3
Weightlifting Fairy - 3
Weightlifting fairy is still airing but if it goes the way i hope for and maintains the 'heart' itsa bean count will go up
Looking back there's sth about Go ho's story that i really like and very memorable
There's a few dramas that i havent watch enough episodes so cant give any beans yet:
Moonlight drawn by Clouds
Jealousy Incarnate
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December 12, 2016 at 5:07 PM
i forgot my beans for Page Turner- 2
(could have been more if only Ji Soo gets So hyun)
So total beans given - 26?
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31 mary
December 12, 2016 at 4:52 AM
My math was wrong. I had 9 beans but only gave away 8...
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December 12, 2016 at 4:59 AM
Awww..Your bean was stolen!!! :(
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December 12, 2016 at 5:40 AM
:O Yang Jung-do probably stole it. He can keep it.
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December 12, 2016 at 5:51 AM
And then probably grow it himself till he has too many beans to count.
He can give those to other underrated shows out there. ;-)
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December 12, 2016 at 10:11 PM
yeah, he did. he gave it to an orphan child whose father is unjustly in prison to plant and grow into a magic bean stalk. The child went up and lost his memory though.
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December 12, 2016 at 9:06 AM
Haha, creating a complex online interactive bean chart -- no problem. Counting to 9 -- needs work.
Thanks, mary, for all your awesome contributions to DB this year! I nominate you for Minion of the Year. ???
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32 samantha1
December 12, 2016 at 4:55 AM
I have watched so many dramas this year but managed to finish only these:
Cheese in the Trap
Come Back, Ajusshi
Oh Hae Young Again
Mirror of the Witch
Age of Youth
The Good Wife
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds
On the Way to the Airport
This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair
The K2
1% of Anything
I have 12 beans. I would distribute them into:
Signal - 000000
Oh Hae Young Again - 000
Age of Youth - 0
The Good Wife - 0
This Week, My Wife will have an Affair - 0
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33 mindy
December 12, 2016 at 5:02 AM
I only have 6 beans this year. Which is actually the exact same as last year. I still binge watch lots of dramas from previous years and watch Jdramas, though. :) But I tend to drop dramas before the end unless I really enjoy them.
I give my beans toooo:
This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: 00
Oh Hae-young Again: 00
W-Two Worlds: 0
Legend of the Blue Sea: 0
Disclaimer: I have not see Signal yet!!!!! I know, I know...
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34 graey
December 12, 2016 at 5:06 AM
I'm very happy that Signal is getting all the love it deserves. 2016 was a good year for me and dramas
I managed to earn 17 beans(somehow lol).
Im giving four beans each to...
Dear My Friends - for breaking my heart into a million pieces and then fixing it with an incredibly warm hug
And Age of Youth - for being everything I never knew I wanted
Two beans for...
Jealousy Incarnate - The romcom that was my perfect match
And Signal - For touching my heart with a walkie-talkie
A bean each for...
My favorite underdogs - Pied Piper, Squad 38, and Ms Temper
My odd love - Lucky Romance + Junyeol blinds me
Anyways, a year of watching dramas wouldn't have been as fun without DB. Thanks to the DB staff! And Mary did a wonderful job with the Bean
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35 Upptownsala
December 12, 2016 at 5:09 AM
I tried to watch many dramas but only Signal and Jealousy Incarnate that managed to amaze me until the end. So my beans go to the two dramas (although honestly I want to give more beans to JI because I keep rewatching JI all the time, maybe because the genre is romantic comedy, or maybe because I love Jo Jung Suk so much)
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36 jellybine
December 12, 2016 at 5:14 AM
I was here when the bean count last year but didn't really appreciate it but now I do!
This year.. (I can't believe this!) I have 26 beans!
Signal - 5
Jelousy Incarnate - 4
Oh Hae-young Again - 3
W - 3
Age of Youth - 2
Something About 1% - 2
38 Task Force -2
Mirror of the Witch - 2
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - 1
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - 1
Shopping King Louie - 1
Am I stressed this year? Well, let's just say I'm crazy about Kdramas!
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37 immawish
December 12, 2016 at 5:26 AM
And I'm proud of myself that i have watched 7/10 of top 10 mehehe.
Aaaanyway It's my first time actually trying to do this bean count and I have 11 beans.
Signal and OHY Again definitely get 2 beanies each, no explanation needed tbvh.
Age of Youth got 2 beanies for being awesome, 38 Police Unit also got 2 for slick and conning plot. And I'll give the rest for This Week My Wife will Have an affair for the approach of reality (AND BOYOUNG <3 JOONYOUNG thank you dramagod!), Moonlight for giving me that butterfly in the stomach, and One More Happy Ending for Girls POWER!
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38 missjb
December 12, 2016 at 5:33 AM
I think, I'm the odd one who love what people dislike and some show I don't like but the mainstream like
Underwhelming for me:
- Signal - good acting from the lead to supporting cast with talent PD-nim (despite my underwhelming to Kim Hye Soo who is the weakest link between the three main lead). the first 5 episode is so exicting. But once we know what's the writer's want to led us, it's reduce the excitement of watching it.
- W - bad acting and PD what' with obsession with fast editing ?
- Legend of The Blue Sea - Park Ji Eun make Kim Eun Sook look like a novelist. and the lead seems doesn't even give their heart into this, it's shown from lackluster performances from the lead. They are not giving their all.
-One more happy ending - I swear I can't bear watching the whole 1st episode, It's that bad. and I'm watching it because of Jung Kyung Ho >.<
- Drinking Solo : Why Park Ha Sun, why you are become the lead in this? after your good performance in two weeks, your pick project has never been goo.? I hate the writing. But it gets good rating, so I'm glad for PHS
- Come back mister ajusshi - why I'm watching this bad drama? I don't even know
after all, our summary watching a drama is subjective and I'm one of them.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:10 AM
Dang! Which dramas did you LIKE this year?!
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December 12, 2016 at 7:05 AM
You must be liking DOTS right? just guessing
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December 12, 2016 at 8:50 AM
Just because they don’t agree with you, doesn’t mean that they necessarily liked DOTS. And so what if they did? Is liking/disliking DOTS some sort of measurement for being cultured? I swear some of y'all have some superiority complexes. Btw, I do agree with the OP, W was sort of ’overrated’ by ifans, if you can put it that way. Signal’s biggest issue was LJH’s acting imo.
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December 12, 2016 at 7:55 AM
I might be the only one with this opinion, but to me Park Ha Sun was the weakest character of Drinking Solo. Otherwise the show would have gotten more beans from me.
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December 12, 2016 at 3:55 PM
No you are not the only one. She is the weakest for me too, to the point that I become annoyed with her.
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December 12, 2016 at 8:40 PM
Same here. I love underdog stories but in this drama, I love the Ha Suk-jin and all the younger boys. She's not likable most of the time.
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December 12, 2016 at 8:57 AM
Lmao I agree with you, except for Signal, where I find the biggest issue was LJH’s acting (I think it fits Sageuk better tbh).
And LotBS, I honestly thought I’m the only one getting disinterested by seeing lackluster performance. LMH just being the same, playing himself and JJH is basically carrying that drama with her acting. Oh, and I might also add some other dramas/actors that were put into exalted position by the intl. fandom, but I think I’ll refrain for now...
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39 sw33tnshie
December 12, 2016 at 5:35 AM
Signal! Yes, i would have given all my beans there too.
For the shows that i did watch, I'm glad that it has the same high ratings. For other shows with high ratings that i didn't watch, I'll add it to my list.
There are 2 shows that i dropped and I see that it's not listed here at all.
My shows and ratings.....which would most likely differs from everyone else (from 1-5)
Moorim 4
Signal 5 - I'll watch over and over if i can
Happy ending 3
Descendants 4 (have my reasons)
Marriage contract 3.5
Goodbye mr black ((drop @ ep 4))
Oh hae young 4 ((slow watch d/t extension..lost points))
Mirror witch 4.75
Beautiful kong shim 4
Wanted 4
Doctors ((drop at ep 4?))
Task force 38 4.25-4.5
The good wife 3.75 - would have gave it more but i can't focus on lawyer shows
W two worlds -4.75
Cinderella -4
Jealousy 4- too long
Louie 4.5 -
1% 4.25
K2 4
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40 Afii
December 12, 2016 at 5:58 AM
Oh i really love this kind of post ???
If i have beans i'll give all to signal since this the only drama that i finish this year. I've been planning to watch JI but distractions just keep coming sigh. Now maybe after all test and stuff, maybe i'll start JI and the pacific. Oh hey but goblin is still running and i just started to catch brooklyn 99. And oh my... introvert boss is on its way.... sigh... i don't like more than one drama in a week cause i'll lose focus and mixed up the stories and imagination... so many good dramas so little time...
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41 mistyisles
December 12, 2016 at 5:59 AM
I thought I'd have more than 15 beans, but several of the ones I watched this year were either re-watches or ones I picked up after having missed them in previous years (mostly the latter).
So, this year I watched:
Goodbye, Mr. Black
Legend of the Blue Sea
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds
Moon Lovers
Moorim School
Page Turner
Pied Piper
Remember: Son's War
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
W - Two Worlds
I've agonized way too much over how to distribute, because I'm way too indecisive, and so I wound up having to spread them fairly even:
Moonlight: ***
Signal: **
W **
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo: **
Pied Piper: *
Moon Lovers: *
Page Turner: *
Legend of the Blue Sea: *
If I had one extra bean (which I don't, but if I did), I'd divide it between Moorim School and Wanted. Moorim School because it was not good by any means, but I enjoyed it; and Wanted because it gave me Ji Hyun-woo as Detective Cha Seung-in and that has to count for something. (I know. I cheated. Sorry. [Not really.])
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42 amaimikan
December 12, 2016 at 6:09 AM
These graphs made me want to write a scientific journal about kdrama. With complicated statistical method and such. (majoring in statistics)
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43 Nanda
December 12, 2016 at 6:14 AM
First of all, thank you mary!!
My 2016 resolution was to watch more kdrama and I think I did just that because last year I only watch less than 10. This year, I watched 40+ dramas.
My total beans is 26.
1. Age of youth - 5 beans
2. Oh Hae Young again - 4 beans
3. Jealousy incarnate - 3 beans
4. Signal - 3 beans
5. Memory - 2 beans
6. MWWHATW - 2 beans
7. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
8. 1% of anything
9. One More Happy Ending
10. Drinking Solo
11. Oh my geumbi
12. Neighbourhood Lawyer Mr Jo
13. Romantic Dr Kim
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December 12, 2016 at 6:20 AM
Woah.. I wonder how did you manage to watch 40+ dramas a year???
For me, even watching 10-20 dramas a year is admirable.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:41 AM
To be honest.. I fast forward a lot for those completed past dramas.
I'm a full time family caregiver, I have to wait a lot. I spent waiting time with watching dramas. My mom undergoes dialysis like Kim bokju father. However her condition is not as good though.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:31 AM
I watched 12 previous year dramas. I dropped about 10 dramas which I don't count as beans. I have about 5 dramas I have not gone pass 4 episode that can't be count as beans.
And yeah. I have a lot of free time. Not sure about next year.
Wait. I forgot doctors! Ahhh. So one bean to Doctors.
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44 questions987
December 12, 2016 at 6:20 AM
So I know this is bad but I couldn't remember if I saw a good quarter of these dramas or not. Like marriage contract no clue I had seen it until I saw a soompi article on the couple potentially being nominated best couple.
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45 Chandler
December 12, 2016 at 6:28 AM
Ahhhh, this was hard to do this year! I remember it being much easier last year. It can only mean I had a great year in dramaland! The best since 2012 :) For that reason, there are several beanless shows that I actually enjoyed quite a bit, but I have so much love I want to give to certain shows that it just can't be helped.
Jealousy Incarnate- 000000
Signal- 0000
Age of Youth- 0000
Oh Hae Young Again- 000
This Week My Wife will Have an Affair- 000
Police Unit 38- 000
Drinking Solo- 00
Dear My Friends- 00
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo- 0
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds- 0
W–Two Worlds- 0
Shopping King Louis- 0
Shows w/zero beans, in order of enjoyment (since I can't spare beans for them, I must give a hierarchy):
1. 1% of Anything
2. Marriage Contract
3. Mirror of the Witch
4. Oh My Geumbi
5. Beautiful Gong Shim
6. Legend of the Blue Sea
7. Beautiful Mind
8. One More Happy Ending
9. Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim
10. Ms. Temper and Nam Jung-ki
11. The Good Wife
12. Fantastic
13. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
14. Come Back, Mister
15. Five Kids
16. Cheese in the trap
17. Descended From the Sun
18. Lucky Romance
Oh and I'm combining Page-turner & Go Ho's Starry Night to give one more bean to JI. Because I love JJS just that much.
How I ever watched this much this year, I will never know. Lol, I think half the shows on the Beanless list were finished while I worked out/cleaned, so I can feel good about that. But still...
Perhaps, time to go read a book for a change? Lol.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:58 AM
Oops! I have to take Fantastic, Ms. Temper & Nam Jung-ki, Five Kids & Come Back, Mister off my list. I still need to finish the last few eps of these.
(This makes me feel better about myself, honestly.)
Revised Bean Count:
Jealousy Incarnate- 000000
Signal- 0000
Age of Youth- 0000
Oh Hae Young Again- 000
This Week My Wife will Have an Affair- 000
Police Unit 38- 00
Drinking Solo- 00
Dear My Friends- 0
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo- 0
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds- 0
W–Two Worlds- u
Shopping King Louis- u
(Lol, I felt too bad taking the last 2 off so each gets 1/2 a bean)
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46 divyrus
December 12, 2016 at 6:29 AM
okay there are so many dramas I dropped in middle. But I have still got 11 beans.
Shows I watched and the beans:
Weightlifting fairy ####
Shopping king ####
W two worlds ##
Police unit #
Oh Hae Young again
Cheese in the trap
Gong Shim
One thing I can clearly understand, my heart belongs to Bok Shil and Bok Ju!! <3
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47 vas140030
December 12, 2016 at 6:34 AM
I'll have 8 beans (which I thought was a lot until I read some of y'all's comments) and I have to say:
Signal - 4
Marriage Contract - 4
It's really sad to see Marriage Contract so underrated when it's one of my fave shows period.
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48 decherry90
December 12, 2016 at 6:37 AM
I'm so happy about the bean result...
just if they could include Goblin in this >,<
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49 rlg07
December 12, 2016 at 6:45 AM
W was my absolute favorite.
I really liked Shopping King Louis.
And I still need to see Signal.
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50 ObsessedMuch
December 12, 2016 at 6:53 AM
Wow! This post made me realize I really wasted (invested?) a lot of my time on kdramas this year! So the following are the shows that I watched (yes I am a little embarrassed that I made myself go through Remember, Antoine, Entertainer and Doctors) (Also, thanks for the list of shows in an earlier comment @mary )
1. Remember—Son's War
2. Cheese in the Trap
3. One More Happy Ending
4. Madam Antoine
5. Signal
6. Descended From the Sun
7. Come Back, Ajusshi
8. Marriage Contract
9. Entertainer
10. Master–God of Noodle
11. Oh Hae-young Again
12. Beautiful Gong Shim
13. Lucky Romance
14. Police Unit 38
15. Doctors
16. Beautiful Mind
17. Uncontrollably Fond
18. Bring It On, Ghost
19. W–Two Worlds
20. Age of Youth
21. Cinderella and the Four Knights
22. Jealousy Incarnate
23. Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
24. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
25. Fantastic
26. Drinking Solo
27. Shopping King Louis
28. 1% of Anything
29. This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair
30. Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim
31. Legend of the Blue Sea
32. Weightlifting Fairy
33. Entourage
34. Page Turner (does it count)
On the plus side of watching so many shows?? Well I have so many beans to dish out! :D
So, if any one is interested, my oh so many beans go out as follows:
Shopping King Louis - 7
Police Unit 38- 6
Weightlifting Fairy- 4
Legend of the Blue Sea- 3
Moonlight Drawn by the Clouds - 3
One More Happy Ending- 2
Signal- 2
Jealousy Incarnate- 2
Descended From the Sun- 1
W- Two Worlds- 1
Age of Youth- 1
Drinking Solo- 1
Uncontrollably Fond 1
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December 12, 2016 at 6:02 PM
Haha, I thought my 24 beans was alot, I'm impressed.
My shows and bean count are as follows:
1. Shopping king Louis - 00000
2. Oh Hae Young again - 000
3. One percent of anything - 000
4. Signal - 00
5. Beautiful Gong Shim - 00
6. W - 2 worlds - 00
7. Jealousy Incarnate - 00
8. The man living in our house - 0
9. Marriage Contract - 0
10. Legend of the blue sea - 0
11. Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim - 0
12. Age of youth - 0
13. The K2 - X
14. Woman with a suitcase - X
15. Gogh's Starry night - X
16. Cinderella and the four knights - X
17. Neighborhood Hero - X
18. One more happy ending - X
19. Lucky romance - X
20. Doctors - X
21. Entertainer - X
22. Goodbye Mr. Black -X
23. Madam Antoine - X
24. Uncontrollably fond - X
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December 12, 2016 at 8:58 PM
I realized I might we winning if there was a poll on "Who watched most dramas", or at least coming in second! Also, I forgot to count Splish Splash Love (though I dunno if it counts!) Plus re-watched many other old dramas (I am looking at you- King of High School, IRY, Reply 1997, Reply 1988, Producers, Master's Sun, etc. etc.)
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December 13, 2016 at 2:04 AM
Yep, I'm the type to re-watch old dramas too (currently re-watching Pinocchio for the umpteenth time :)) If they all counted, I wouldn't even want to know how many beans I'd get in a year.
When my sister and I started watching dramas in 2012 we finished one every 2-3 days. while it's slowed down a bit, I still get through them too fast.
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December 13, 2016 at 4:47 AM
Oh Pinocchio was amazing! I think I watched some of its episodes when I was waiting for more episodes of W in the beginning! Lee jong suk and park shin hye killed me with their chemistry there!
And I understand the whole finishing dramas in 2-3 days! Sometimes you can't stop yourself from finishing the whole show! I have had many swollen red eyes because of that!
But hey, I guess I am atleast obsessed with a good thing ?
December 13, 2016 at 4:51 PM
Whenever the weather is cold, I feel the urge to watch Pinocchio again. SUCH a good one. I first watched it when I was waiting for W to update, too. (I am new to dramas, but uh...rapidly catching up here.) The nice thing about joining the obsession now is that there are already so many excellent ones to choose from--and you don't have to wait for next week's update.
December 13, 2016 at 6:10 PM
It's funny that you mention the weather getting cold, because where I live it is the start of summer and starting to get hot!
@Rig welcome to the obsession :) I kind of miss those days of marathoning dramas you haven't seen before. but I don't have the self-control to not watch new ones until they have finished so I usually end up waiting each week, re-watching older ones while waiting for new episodes.
But there are also good points about watching current dramas, it's nice to feel the community with the comment sections of the recaps, and I find that I never used to be able to drop dramas, but when you have to wait a week between episodes I find that I naturally stop watching dramas that don't hook me as much.
December 13, 2016 at 9:18 PM
@rig Welcome to the crazy life! Winters really are the best time to watch kdramas. Their clothes make me wish I was filthy rich and could afford such awesome clothes! But then again, I don't need them as our winters aren't that cold..
@AussieGrl I miss the crazy marathoning of shows too! But now that I have finished all the good old ones, I do prefer the excitement that comes with live watching a show! I can see how much I love or hate a show when I have to wait a week for it! With marathoning, I used to end up watching the not-so-good-ones just because I could! :P