Open Thread #421

Lyn – “Only You”Download ]

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Hi hi husky. We had Huskies in the museum on Fathers´ Day, they were as cute as Park Bo Gum. I was watching Reply 1988 in the evening (cause the 1980ies is the decade of my release) and all I could think about was: so this is Min´s new identity? A quiet guy in the past? I just keep thinking: "I hope Hyun knows he travelled back in time" ( which would actually be quite resourceful). I really miss those brothers. ...Growing overly attached to characters is my specialty.

Also, I think it is pretty cool that Siwon became a UNICEF special representative. Perhaps he can address the issue of children being slapped or beaten in dramas? But will he be able to while in the army...ot sure.

Sassy Go Go ending was a bit cheesy and rushed, it would have needed at least 2 more episodes. But seeing Ha Joon smiling is enough for a compensation.
I am not really into Six Flying Dragons. I watched 4 episodes, the acting is great, however I don´t care much.
Kiss Me Thai version is hilarious! kind of seamless humor that sneaks through your pores. I chuckle non-stop.

oh, and I had a lovely school group at the museum, and one of them watches kdramas. She said she is watching Gap Dong now. I found out cause someone said something in japanese, which I heard, then they admitted watching anime to which I confessed to watching dramas... then this girl goes, oh, me too! Incidental bonding.

Question: have you had trouble shaking off the image of an actors´ previous character when they start a new drama? Like the kind of weird feeling that well THIS guy got lost in a wrong drama, and watching the drama thinking "When will the OTHER characters realize they got a stranger in their midst?" Everything reminds me of you, like Tessanne Chin sings ec. (truly recommened, that song)


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Usually I forgot about an actor's previous character as soon as I watch his/her new project. I don't even have any difficulty watching two diferent project from the same actor simultaniously. Maybe that's why I was really surprised that Kim Tae Hoon's Teacher Do (angry mom) stuck in my mind for a long time that I found him suspicious in his other project even when he was being a really nice guy. Maybe it's because his character was sooo evil there, or maybe it's the fact that they dare depicted a teacher with such an immorality.


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ah, also, Dark Nights Film Festival starts this weekend and I bought 12 tickets worth 55 euros (sponsor discount for 10 from the workplace) and I´ll probably only be watching moves next 3 weeks.


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Whenever I really fall for a character played by a new (to me) actor, I always go through this stage where I'm dying to watch them in something else but also terrified to do so because I don't think I could possibly see them as anyone else. The result is usually that I eventually can't resist any longer and find I had nothing to be afraid of... And then I promptly repeat the whole process with the next guy.


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For me, it's more sometimes I project the character an actor play into the real actor. So when I watch interviews sometimes I get weirded out oh he's not like the character he plays.


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regarding your question: Yes! Some people stay stuck in one role for me, especially if they hail it. Or I have people where I have an instance reaction too. Can't remember her name, but one acress I've seen play the bitchy, hateful type of secondary leads a couple of times. And after that I can't watch her, because even in other roles I can't shake the feeling that I should (or will) dislike her.

Also Lee Jin-Wook is stuck in his character from Nine for me. Loved that drama, and now I can't see him completely as anything else.


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The same happened for me with Lee Jin Wook. He did so well in that role and it was a good role as well. He has not been in much that has compared to it. Here's hoping that he gets something good and that he can act the heck out of it.

...it's kind of my wish for all actors, really. LOL


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Sassy Go Go's ending indeed was cheesy but man, it just hits all the feels right. here. *tears*
Or maybe I'm fine with it because I don't think it was so rushed that it doesn't make sense so to me it was just fast and not really that rushed - the way I like my dramas. Yeah, it was cheesy, but hey, it's just high school. Everything there is blown out of proportion anyway - the tears, the feelings, the cheesy happiness.

You find Kiss Me Thai hilarious? I find it boring most of the time. I mean, sure, there are points in the episode where Hilarity pops up and shines like lighthouse at work in true Thai fashion but for most of it, I find it really boring; maybe because It Started With a Kiss has been done to death so I already know the major plot points and maybe because... the guy already likes her and so I'm just waaaaaaaaaaiting for them to spit it out.

have you had trouble shaking off the image of an actors´ previous character when they start a new drama?


And I don't really understand how that happens. Maybe I'm just this unfeeling robot who can compartmentalize and separate fictional character from person. Or maybe it's because the same actors don't consecutively appear in different dramas for me so there's time for me to separate them from their character.


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no is an equally good answer as yes. and the beginning ep-s were hilarious, now 7-8... dunno. not boring to me, I need something stress-free with my gastritis


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Oh, so you're still at 7-8. I've already watched (skipped? scanned? ffwd?) through to the latest eps. I agree that the beginning was fun... then I got bored. Hope it doesn't turn that way for you.


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actually, ep 9 very interesting to me, cause it is exotic. it is all been remodeled into the local culture and characters are different from other adaptation, perhaps giving more motivation for the direction they take later. it really kinda fills the gaps that other versions left


i couldn't agree more on sassy go go. so cheesy but it had me laughing, sad, happy all at once.


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I totally agree with you, Peeps - Sassy Go Go had a fast-paced ending, but not a rushed one. For once, a kdrama ending that's actually decent and not either dragging out nonsense to fill the hour, or trying to create and wrap a last-minute conflict all at once.


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Ah, i love incidental bonding.

Can't say i've had trouble shaking off previous characters. Whatever the character, good or bad, just makes me more amazed at the actors' skillz.


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Watched Whats Up straight after Oh My Ghostess - Im Joo Hwan's character left such a deep impression that he still gave me creeps in What's Up even though most of the time he sang and tried to do goofy stuffs in that show.


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"Have you had trouble shaking off the image of an actors´ previous character when they start a new drama?"

Well, generally, no. Although at some cases it does happen. I still can't shake Nine out of Lee Jin Wook. Same goes for Seo In Guk, i always attach Yoonjae to him until I Remember You and now i can't shake Hyun out of SIG. Yeah that evil circle.


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Sigh... Now that both She Was Pretty and Sassy Go Go wrapped up their series, my week suddenly feels empty.

I love the way they wrapped things up in Sassy Go Go. Not everything tied in a neat bow, since this was just a part of their journey. The important thing was they learned and changed themself to the better. I especially love the easy camaraderie between Hajoon, Yeol, and Yeondoo. Who says they have to break their friendship just because they tangled up in some triangle love? First one-sided love can be painful, but it'll also become a precious bittersweet memory, and I'm glad Hajoon knew it. I also like the blossoming friendship between SooAh and Dongjae, whether it'll develop into romance or not is for them to decide. And the parent's love story!! Surprisingly, I like the way they resolve it. None is really finale at the end, it's just that they all become a little wiser. All in all, well done, 10/10 for this amazing drama.

While She Was Pretty's ending is cute, it lack a certain punch that will make it memorable. Maybe it would be far better if they combine the last 2 episodes and wrapped things up last week. But that aside, it was a nice ride plus the leads' chemistry is seriously sizzling.


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Do you recommend Sassy Go Go?? The only actor I know and love in that drama is Ji Soo from Angry Moms. Don't know the rest of the cast so a little hesitant...


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If you like school-related drama, then I'll definitely recommend this one. Both the romance and friendship are great and it's short, only 12 episodes. Give it a try if you have time.


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I recommend Sassy Go Go highly. You can just read some of the comments (with spoilers though) to see how happy we are with this show!

It's short and to the point and leaves nothing hanging and resolves everything that needs resolving well. Is that a good enough recommendation? :)


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Yes, it's such a lovely show :) Ji soo plays a really good character.


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oops accidentally hit submit before I finish writing.
Ji soo's air time is not a lot but he really makes it count :)


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Tbh the cast was one of the best parts of Sassy Go Go. You could feel that they connected with each other, and people played their parts well (especially the two female leads). Some were better than others, but I think overall, the casting was super solid.


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I also liked how it ended, it was perfect. I feel this drama is one of those were it could continue for more season as we watch them leave high school, go to college fight, breakup,reconcile,ji soo falling inlove, more cute jealousy between our otp,searching for jobs, getting married, sigh.if someone even wrote the fan fiction I'd gobble it up.
i have to say its been a long time since I've been so into a drama,or the characters, healer and It's okay its love were the last time and strangely i think Sassy Go Go may have topped the list this year for best drama maybe its kim yeol eyesmile,i don't know.


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yeah she was pretty was true candy floss sweet at the monet you eat it the you pretty much forget about it. Good drama to make you smile and do not reget putting in the sixteen hours watching it at all.


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Hey Beanies. A question. Is the guy who sings one of the songs on Bubblegum the same one who sang "run run run away" on Angel Eyes?
I'm not good with visual recognition. (If you don't remember, I confessed that I have the condition "face blindness" when we were discussing "The Girl Who Smells." But I'm usually pretty good at recognizing sounds.
If anyone knows what I'm talking about--this is pretty vague--but it's been bugging me ever since I started watching Bubblegum--which I'm liking, by the way.


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Yes! 'Run to You' and 'Because I' are both by a Swedish artist, Lasse Lindh.


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Yes, it is the same singer, Lasse Lindh. It is Run To You, the Angel Eyes' OST.


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This is so oot but hi pohonphee!! Just want to say hi and i love reading your blog (hope it's really you and i am not mistaken you as someone else LOL)

*run away in embarassment*


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Thank you Hannah and pohonphee!


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he also sang a song that's in "I need romance 2": i could give you love. loved that!~


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Happy OT and Weekend to All!

And to those who are celebrating a long version of Diwali and are still on leave/holiday (yes I know who some of you are Heh!) again a Happy and Luminous Diwali!

For some unaccountable reason, I thought of which couple I wished I could see more of and who should come to mind but Jin Yi Han and Yoo In Na as they were in My Secret Hotel. The show was crap but their chemistry was something that kept me watching and hoping and the little of it that we got was so good. I want to see more of that and hear the way he called her name....

I also know there's a bunch of us (but not me as yet) watching the Filipino daily, On The Wings of Love and they are swooning over the OTP there. Anyone else here doing the same?

More couple ...
Joo Ji Hoon-Soon Ae, Lee Won Geun-Jung Eun Ji (sky high chemistry), Gong Yoo-Yoon Eun Hye (miss this one) and how could I leave out Ji Chang Wook-Park Min Yeong... there are many more.

Can we just have lots of couple moments with these pairs ... plot is optional! :D


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Hello unni! :)

As you may have known already, I'm from the PH and I did follow On The Wings of Love initially. I was seriously not aware of its popularity though! I'm not used to our shows being watched overseas, because you know how insufferably makjang 90% of them are. James Reid and Nadine Lustre have great chemistry, but lately I feel as if the show is doing them a disservice by riding on the angst train and noble idiocy.

I agree with the couples you mentioned! Especially the 2nd and 3rd ones.


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I mean the 4th one! Oops. Although I do love GY/YEH as well. Hehe.


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Hi @GB! @Omomo!

Oooh, Gong yoo - YEH sits on the top for me among those you mentioned! I can still imagine their sizzling hot chemistry *blush* Of course you already know how I loove JCW-PMY, and I just recently found a gem that is Lee Won geun from SGG, he's only 22 (or 21?) for heavens sake (makes me feel like a perv but I don't care lol). His and Eun ji's are so adorable, but for me, LWG and Ji soo couple are the winner! I can basically see them flirting at each other when the camera was not focusing on them! And speaking of...

@Omomo, don't you feel like making another banner? LOL I would love love seeing one with those two besties, Yeol & Ha joon! Pretty pleaasee... hihihi


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Hi! Oh, but I already made one for our brotp. It's on the headers thread - comment section. :)


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Hello GB Unni,

About this “I also know there’s a bunch of us (but not me as yet) watching the Filipino daily, On The Wings of Love and they are swooning over the OTP there. Anyone else here doing the same?”

I would vouch for On the Wings of Love. James Reid and Nadine Lustre (the main leads) are doing a really good job in that drama. And yes, their chemistry is really good. And it is not only in the romantic sense, but in almost all the scenes they are in together. Most of the other supporting actors and actresses are quite good as well. I really like their veteran actors and actresses, who are also doing a really good job. What I noticed though was that the cameos are done by either really poor actors, or people who are not actors at all. Compared to Kdramas, the production value of this drama is much lower, and the PPL not as much either (which might explain maybe the quality of the production value). Also James Reid, in some of his scenes and shots, reminds me of a (slightly) younger Nickhun of 2 PM.

Another reason why I really like that drama is that it deals with a lot of very important issues (imho). Issues such as Immigration, fear of being deported, and the actions one takes (or is willing to take to avoid being deported), abandonment by a parent or by both, death of a parent (and how that affects the children) and there is some violence (not a lot). There are the issues of Overseas Foreign Workers, pursuing one’s dreams in a foreign country and the drive behind it, illnesses, betrayal, romantic break-ups (and how they affect those involved, and their families), poverty, friendships, how a community comes together to help one of their own in need, responsibility felt by older siblings (or siblings in general) towards the other siblings, the strength a family brings, etc… I also love some of the characters, like the female lead’s mom who makes some great sacrifices for her family, and some mistakes that end up affecting her and her family. I personally feel that she is a great character with a great arc. I hope that the writer will handle her story well, and the development of her story.

I also love that I get to listen to Tagalog while watching that drama, and now, I am very curious and interested in that language. I would also love to visit the Philippines one day. @ Omomo, maybe I could meet you then. Also, @ Omomo, yes, the angsty and noble idiocy were dragged for too long, even I became tired of it. However, things change in ep.67, thank goodness for that.

Re: OTPs, I really loved the 2nd OTP in Mask, I thought their acting and chemistry were top notch. There is the OTP of OTWOL, Healer, Three Days, and I can’t remember the other OTPs I like right now. Oh yeah, LDW and the female lead in Bubblegum, and KMM and the same actress in King of Dramas. I have more, I just can’t remember them right now. Have a wonderful weekend!


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Hi Ivoire unni! Tagalog is not that hard to learn. If you ever decide to visit I'll gladly give you a tour! ;)

All of those issues you mentioned are actually a staple in Filipino dramas, but OTWOL is the first to truly to tackle on the topic of OFWs (overseas Filipino workers), and I think that's why it became a runaway hit. (Of course, aside from the otp's chemistry/local popularity which is also a main factor.) It's something that hits very close to home for many Filipino families.

Oh, I agree with the terrible cameos! But we're known for doing it every single time in our shows. It's like they just grab a random passer-by from the street and have them deliver lines lol. You'll be surprised to know that OTWOL actually tons of sponsors, but they're not shown as PPL; they're all on the mind-numbingly long commercial segments between gaps. I'm positive that the network that produces OTWOL has the money to raise production values, but they just don't bother to and I have no idea why.

James does kind of look like Nichkhun! Must be the babyish/boyish face and pretty eyes.


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*actually has tons of sponsors


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Hello Omomo,
And thank you for your response. I have to go have dinner. I will be back later to respond.


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No prob!


@ Ivoire and Omomo, GO GO!

Hello! and I'm so pleased to read you here!

It seems that international drama watching is giving us the travel bug. We will want to go and see the countries in which our favorite shows have been filmed, and better still, to see the filming sites if possible.

Wouldn't it be great to travel together? :)


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@GB unni - I've lost count how many times I said to myself that I want to go to SK every time I watch k-dramas!

And yup, sure is! :D


@Wifey was contemplating on an SK trip with a few Beanies for Healer's 1st anniversary. Now she's buried so deeply that she only rarely drops by Healer recap to say hi.

My mom told me that my brother's wife was such a fan of Dae Jang Geum (I think) that she actually traveled to SK for a locations tour. My mom thought that was nuts and totally a waste of money.


I wonder if they having those kinds of tours that can be booked from my place... specifically kdrama shooting locations tours. That would be cool!


I'm surprised that a Filipino drama is being discussed here. I'm Filipino myself! And I watch On the Wings, not religiously though.

@Omomo you're spot on on the makjang! This is a staple in our dramas. And the shows draaaaaaaaaaag on. So I usually just start a show, stop in the middle and then start watching again when its about to end. Heeheehee...


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@chesens - Lol same here! It gets kind of annoying how our shows get multiple extensions, and the plot tends to meander into 25 different directions. Case in point: Be Careful With My Heart. That started out good enough, but then look how it went on and on and on until you just want it to end already! OTWOL looks like it'll be following BCWMH's footsteps. :/


Hello everyone! I usually don't write on the OT cause I'm always too late (I tend to sleep all day on Friday after I come home from school, 12th grade is so tiring)

Now that Sassy Go Go and She Was Pretty ended I have no idea what I'm gonna watch TT. I only gave I have a Lover and Love Me If You Dare now. What oncoming dramas are you looking forward to? Nothing has caught my eye thus far.

Speaking of Love Me If You Dare is anyone watching it? It's my first Chinese drama and I've been pleasantly surprised. I looove it! The female lead is smart and honest (I love how she's so blunt with the male lead) and she's actually using her head. I feared she's gonna seem useless next to our geeeenius criminal psychologist but she's been pretty helpful and competent so far. As for the male lead, he's so weird I started to find him eandering xd. Maybe because I see a lot of myself in him. I really like the cases too, the first one with the serial killer was really creepy but that's how I like my mysteries to be. As for the second one it gave me an Agatha Christie feeling with the small circle of suspects and how he gathered them to reveal the murderer. Seeing the male lead's thought process is really interesting. But hands down the best part about this drama is the car! haha

As for Sassy Go Go, I'm gonna miss it sooo much. Honestly I haven't given much attention to Ha Joon during the series but I thought this was definitely his episode to shine. I felt so proud when he stood up to his father I actually cried. I also loved the gummy bear scene and his "If he cheats come to me" comment at the end haha. This drama reminded me to make the best of my remaining high school days and treasure the friends I've made here. It's going on my faves list for sure


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Yes!! I'm watching Love Me If You Dare!!!! Currently on episode 6 - started it last night and CANNOT stop watching!

This is my first Wallace drama and wholy crap, is this man even REAL. I'm in awe every time he comes on screen, he literally looks like a greek god. And I love how the female lead actually has a brain, talks back to the male lead and is her own true self...she's a normal chick with a smart head on her shoulders...anyway, loving the drama!


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I am loving "Love Me if You Dare" - it is by far the best CDrama that I have ever watched (with the few other CDramas I've seen, I've usually ended up dropping or fast forwarding through them because they were either long, boring, or both). LMIYD seems to be a big leap forward in production values, and the leads' chemistry is off the charts.

Anyhow, for those of you who like dark suspenseful romantic mysteries, you should check it out! It's on Viki.

There's an Australian blogger that is translating the novel to English...seems to be keeping on par with the episodes, or perhaps a little ahead. There are things already that have been edited for the TV version, especially in regards to the most recent case. But the show is following really close to the novel's plot.


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Hello guyyss! Count me in too in LMIYD team! ???

Like Mina, this is my first c-drama after a very long time (I used to watch c-drama on my TV during my school days lol.)..


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I'm watching Love Me If You Dare and really liking it.


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I'm watching LMIYD as well! The title caught my eye when someone mentioned it in last week's OT, and I caught up to the most recent episodes in two days lol.

In terms of Mainland Chinese dramas, I'm usually the period/historical drama junky. They do those better anyway, compared to "idol" dramas (which if I want to watch, I'll go watch Taiwanese ones). So I was really pleasantly surprised at how well produced LMIYD is as a modern drama. Not to much it has two of my favourite Chinese actors of all time, so I can't complain at all.

But yes, Andy is hands down the best character ever. xD They've been decreasing his scenes is the last few episodes but I wish they'd bring him back hahaha. I know it's all PPL (Audi is the main sponsor) but I love it nonetheless.


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Thanks to the comments..i was initially hesitating to watch this but now i am big fan..Logical and Funny and Cute...Just had the feels of good romcom mashup with the Sherlock series..(that BG tune playing )
Loved OTP n' their chemistry. And Andy is gem <3

Can anyone suggest any good C drama as I have dropped most of them by 4 or 5 episodes..And this drama made me rethink my conception!!!!


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Obvious PPL but do I love it! Kdramas need to take a lesson. If they all did PPL like this I really wouldn't mind


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I'm probably going to try Love Me If You Dare, too. I've been hearing some great things about it and I've been trying to find more Chinese dramas.

I'm also probably going to try out Oh My Venus just because Shin Min Ah and So Ji Sub's chemistry looks really good and I want to see how they portray the topic. I want them to delve into body image issues and society's beauty standards, but I might be setting myself up for frustration by having moderately high hopes that it'll be more than weight loss + couple fluff.


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I am really enjoying Love Me If You Dare as well. It is the first Chinese drama I have watched and have been pleasantly surprised by the high production values. I find the main characters very intriguing and like how independent minded the lead female is even though she is young. While I wait for new episodes to be released I watched another Chinese drama, Shan Shan Comes to Eat, on a Viki Fan Channel. While this is a more typical romance between a young “Candy” and an older rich man I still found the characters and story compelling enough to marathon it over the weekend. I liked how the secondary actors got all the showy couple scenes while the main couples’ scenes were simple, private, quiet conversations. The very essence of romance is looking into your lover’s eyes and communicating what you feel.


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opheliadrowning -

This is interesting indeed. Thanks for sharing.

Hopefully we'll be treated to a very pleasant surprise!


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Having major second lead syndrome for this. Professor Han is so good looking and he is so misunderstood here! Arrgh they should give him more parts, I watch this show for his scenes only hehe. And that stupid Director, cannot stand him at all.

The Merchant Gaekju
Oh boy they left us on a cliffhanger and expect us to wait one week for the next episode. Gosh.. I know Bong Sam won't die but I need to see what happens to him!

The Village
Not as exciting and thrilling as I would like it to be. How many episodes is this? And I dont ilke it that the viewers know of things long before the characters in the show do.


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Prettysup ~

I'm enjoying Merchant Gaekju too. What a cast.

Poor Mae-Wol, not only gets rejected after confessing her love to Bong Sam, she's hit by lightning !


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Yeah poor MW, cant wait to see how is she going to start her revenge! But I guess she still have a soft spot for BS so she may not have the heart to do it.


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I have to catch up on Merchant. Seems like it'll be fun.

I don't mind viewers knowing -- or seeming to know-- something before the characters. And generally, it's like most of half we know isn't even true. There are more red herrings in this village than on a holiday dinner table.


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I wish someone was recapping Merchant. I'd really get into it and it's always more fun to watch it with other people.


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You can find recaps of the Merchant here:

For discussion, there is a Merchant thread on the soompi forum here, with many ideas from a lot of people!


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Thank you so much. I'll check it out this weekend.


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Hello Beanies!

I know this is long overdue but I still cannot get over Healer so I'm currently spreading the good virus to my close friends hahaha someone will be having a few sleepless nights hihihi

Haven't watched anything this week since it's been a crazy start at university. Life sucks but with drama on my side, I think I can somehow survive. Haha


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Healer is a wonderfull drama. Though it always leave me wanting to go on a freerunner adventure.


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I wish I could spread that virus. I first have to get them started on watching kdramas though.


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Hi @neener_Healer!

Welcome to the Healer Club! There's a lot of us here! My love has not died down and it's really been a while because I was part of it, live!


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Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well today!

Watched this week:

Hwajeong - Finally, finally finished this. ....... Poor Inu.  I really did feel saddened for what happened to him.  His parents certainly didn't deserve to have him as their son.

Six Flying Dragons - 4 episodes in and I'm completely hooked.

Village: Secret of Achiara - Still watching in bits and pieces.  So much so that it's almost half-way through and I still don't know all the characters' names.

She Was Pretty - Really, really enjoying this.  It's fun .... and funny.

That's about it for now. ........ Everyone take care and have a great Friday!


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The only character name I know in the Village is Yoona coz its the same as SNSD gal whom my daughter likes lol... All the others, I refer to them as the teacher, the policeman, the half brother, the art teacher, the stepmother, the father, the pharmacist, the cut hair student etc.


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prettysup -

Oh, so it isn't just me doing that.



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I realized during last week's episode (9) that one of the characters is Kim Hye Jin just like the main in She was Pretty.
It made watching the last few episodes of She was Pretty a little funny for me imagining KHJ from SWP going to Achiara for a "break" and running into trouble.


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I always give nick names to cast! (okay it's often cause I''m bad at nameS) Like Jang Geung Suk is forever "leader" after his role in You're beautiful


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Oh my! Isn't Dragns the best. All that villainy... Been missing evil old guy villainy because i've been so glutted with second lead female villainy. Nice to see evil raised scheming eyebrows.


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Wow you've finished Hwajeong! Applaud!

I stopped at 22, sad and mobbed.
Is it 22-40/50 worth the first round when GH still in empire?


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Happy Friday to all!

Continuing my Jdrama quest, since my first post in #411, so far I have watched
Second to Last Love
Long Vacation
Inconvenient Benriya
Mr. Brain
Kimi Wa Petto
Princess Jellyfish
Hotaru no Hikari
Love Shuffle
11 Nin mo Iru
99 days with a Star
Mahoro Ekimae Bangaichi
Zettai Kareshi
Najuna Hara Chan
Second Love
Ishitachi no Renai Jijou
Disappointing Husband

I also watched taiwanese drama In Time With You and you're all right, I liked it better than The Time I've Loved You. I adore Ha Ji Won, but her portrayal was a bit off. In the end, she seemed to marry Choi Won as a default choice in a way.

I'm still open to suggestions. Categories: Romance, Rom-Com and or quirky comedy


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Soratobu Kouhoushitsu with Ayano Go and Aragaki Yui. It has comedy on it hihihi and a little romance.

Rich Man Poor Woman. That's one of the good rom coms in Jdramaland.


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Whatsthescenario ~

Try Kekkon Dekinai Otoko and Nodame Cantabile


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Second Nodame. That was my gateway drug introduction to dramas.


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Atashinchi no danshi (quirky)
Hana Yori Dango (SO much better than the Kdrama version, but more violence)


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YEs to atashinchi no danshi and hana yoru dango! Not seen otomen myself *thoughtfully strokes imaginary beard*


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Atashinchi no danshi! Omgod those were the time I love Jdramas the mostt


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Summer Nude
Last Cinderella

You named a couple I haven't seen, I'll check them out!

happy viewing :)


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N No Tame Ni is amazing imo. It's sort of a mystery/romance drama though romance is not the focus. I watched it a few weeks ago and it's the best drama I've seen in ages. I practically watched it all in one day (and I never do that anymore) because it was so addictive. It's a real emotional rollercoaster.

Definitely Soratobu Kouhoushitsu. I love that show to pieces.

It's currently airing, but there's also Otona Joshi, which seems very cliched at first glance but the script is fast-paced and I really like the characters and the banter? I kinda dropped all the currently airing jdramas I was watching bc I got bored of them but this one is really enjoyable.

Other enjoyable rom-coms: Rich Man, Poor Woman, Zenkai Girl (so sweet), and Pride (with bonus Kimutaku).


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Still watch SK from time to time. It's just full of warmth.

Will probably go back to Jdramas now that there's just a few Kdramas to look forward to.


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Whatsthescenario ~

For a quirky film try Ai to Makoto , (For Love’s Sake ).

It's a musical about high school love between a candy girl and the bad boy.

Might have to watch it again. It's a visual treat.


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Oh dear...you must watch Buzzer Beat and Rich Man Poor Woman - both are so so good!

Also adding One Litre of Tears (get your kleenex ready, such an amazing drama) and Bambino!


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Oh God, 1 Ltr of Tears.. I weep 1+++++ litre and used up all my kleenex on that night I marathoned it.

Another heart wrenching-tugging-twisting series is Fuyu No Sakura (winter sakura), I Give My First Love To You, and Honey and Clover. The casts, the story and cinematography are awesome. Highly recommended.


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You should try HANA YORI DANGO!!! It's definitely my favorite Asian drama of all time and my Hanadan favorite adaptation (followed by Taiwan's Meteor Garden and then SK's Boys Over Flowers)

also, HANAZAKARI NO KIMITACHI E (also my favorite Hana Kimi adaptation + the second lead from HYD, Oguri Shun, is the main here)

this isn't romcom but if you ever watch Hana Kimi and fall in love with the leads, you should try OUROBOROS (action-mystery + Oguri Shun and the second lead from Hana Kimi lol)

oh well since I'm on an Oguri Shun roll right now, might as well add RICH MAN, POOR WOMAN which is also gooood!

also, ITAZURA NA KISS: LOVE IN TOKYO (hah, another manga adaptation with different drama versions from Taiwan and SK) Oh men, Furukawi Yuki + Honoka Miki = my heaaaaart cannot take it. They're so cute together (and the height difference omg), it still amazes me how can they have a 10 year age gap. Yuki speaking in English is also a highlight, lol.


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Yes, Hanakimi( Hanazakari no Kimi tachihe) was really fund and many youngish actors in this drama later became quite known, such as Ikuta and Oguri and evn Okada Masaki.

I just finished Tamioou and it was fun to watch. You might find this drama a bit predictable and cheesy but it is hilarious in Japanese. I actually like Endo Kenichi who body swapped with Suda Masaki. I guess the popularity of Suda Masaki was firmly established with this drama. However the hidden popularity goes to Takahashi Issei who played the main secretary for the PM. He has the face of Kabuki actors(classically refined face) yet once he opens his mouth, he is rather foul mouthed without expressing no emotion on his face. The audience seemed to enjoy the way Takahashi portrayed the secretary.


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there lots of good japanese drama around just stay away from majisuka gakuen 5 that finish resently it ok to watch the first two of the series though.


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You might also like nobunaga Concerto worth Oguri Shun. Oh, and last year I watched Tumbling, a cheesy but heartfelt college sports drama, great fun! Currently watching samurai Sensei which I am enjoying too.


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Tumbling was totally an unexpected treat. It shouldnt have worked, but it did. it is crazy how japanese dramas can show the most random things and take it so seriously you have no space to ridicule anything no matter how crazy it is


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If you liked Date, you should give Saikou no Rikon a try! It's a quirky, smartly-written romcom with a great cast. I'd also like to suggest Legal High; it's from the same writer of Date and shares the same unique sense of humor.


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I also seconds these ideas everyone mentioned already, definitely my favorite Japanese dramas:

N No Tamei Ni -just watched it and yes so addictive, I couldn't stop watching. And the ost is astounding as well. @Emma

Rich man poor woman, one of my absolute favorites, and oguri shun is so wonderful beyond words :)

Pride, was so beautifully acted and written, also another favorite :)

Buzzer beat is great, and addictive

1 litre of tears is exactly like the name, very heartfelt and sad story.

Boku no Ita Jikan - for Miura Haruma, such an amazing actor, I love him, cried so hard here.

Kimi no todoke - just watched it over the weekend I LOVED it, it was really cute and beautifully acted :)


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I like your list, I've watched almost every thing you've recommended. I also watched Boku no Ita Jikan for Harum because i loved him in the last cinderella, i cried buckets and got depressed for days.its a great drama. I'd most recommended RIch man,poor woman I've watched it 4 times including the special, so much chemistry, it's only fault is its misleading name.
I didn't like buzzer beat thought, it was pretty meh but watchable.there is a Japanese drama i don't remember the title that translates whose title translates to Alice in Wonderland set in a hospital, mystery, suspense, it was great.
Shitsuren choclatier is also okay but don't watch it if you are a lover of chocolate, i gained 5kgs watching this drama,i even got so tempted watching it that i left my house at 11pm in search of chocolate.
Has anyone watched bloody Monday, how is it?


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Bloody Monday is not bad. I haven't finished it though. I've started twice but have yet to finish. It's on pause for me, but I'll finish it at some point.


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@klava, I totally agree about buzzer beat, I liked it in the beginning but I find myself rushing to finish it and get over with in the end. Nonetheless it was enjoyable. Pride on the other hand I loved, the chemistry was more believable, but also slowed down a bit in the last 2-3 episodes. The good thing about Japanese dramas they are short, which is nice :)

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RICH MAN POOR WOMAN. I discovered oguri shun here, and became obsessed lol. I've watched it and the special multiple times, so I know what your saying. I rated it a perfect 10 For the amazzzzzzing chemistry. ;) http://mydramalist.com/dramalist/TurkishRose

Have you watched ouroboros for him? I heard great things, haven't started watching it yet, but waiting for a push.

Lol about the chocolate addiction, that's one drama to avoid then ;) I'll try to find that drama you recommend alice in wonderland, since you seem to have similar tastes like me :D

@cat I've had bloody Monday on my to watch list forever because I love haruma so much, but haven't watched it yet.


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I know what you mean! I'd get hooked on an actor and I'd have to watch all of their shows but I have to be in the modd for certain themes.



I've watched everything on your list except for:

Boku no Ita Jikan and 1 Litre of Tears (which is on my list but haven't been in the mood for the heaviness).

Everything else you've mentioned I am a big fan of and have watched it all.

Have you and what did you think of:

Bara no nai Hanaya (J)
Strawberry Night (drama rocked, special was funny and the movie -- wowie) (J)
Mozu (J)
Doctor's Affairs (J)
Cruel City (K)

These are some that I am a fan of. :)


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Okay, found your #411 post and for the categories romance/rom-com or quirky...

Fake Couple (currently airing - I am enjoying it more than I expected)
Mei-chan no Shitsuji (manga - right up the funny)
Love Revolution (Loved it so much that I went out of my way to purchase the DVD and the soundtrack from overseas)
Long Love Letter

TW Drama:
Marry Me or Not (currently airing - deliciously funny)
Mars (older but it's true romance, no evil second leads - intense OTP - these two eventually dated after filming together on this set)

I should have tons more but these are what I can think of right now. Enjoy!


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MARS is my absolute favorite Taiwanese drama, so amazingly acted, the story is so breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL plus vic and Barbie's chemistry was nice both on and off screen.

Totally recommend this drama

And don't forget the ost :)


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@❤TurkishRose❤ , indeed! Mars has a spot in my top list of favorite Asian dramas. I heard wonderful things about it and took me a while to finally start it and when I did, I couldn't stop. In Time With You is up there as well. And if Marry Me or Not doesn't slip in terms of plot advancement/character development then it is a good contender as well. :)


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Nice list!!

Try out Pride, Good Luck, Engine, Priceless (yes, I'm a KimuTaku fan!!), Kurosagi, Hero..... They're a lot of fun!


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Give these ones a shot
. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (Perfect Girl Evolution)
. Nobuta wo Produce
. Osen


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Hello everybody,happy weekend.
Currently the only drama i've been watching is Reply 1988.
I had promised myself that i wouldn't get too invested in the Husband mystery this time and just lay back and enjoy the show,but too late...my emotions are already getting swayed from one guy to the other.
Also Hyeri is doing a pretty good job even though i was one of the skeptical ones when her name was announced but that has nothing to do with her being an idol and completely to do with her acting in "Hyde,jkyle and me". god,i hated that entire drama-waste of Hyun bin. I think its a part of Reply's tradition now,being wary of the female lead but being pleasantly surprised.
Tonight's the 3rd episode,will have to wait patiently for the subs now. :(
Also:To my fellow Indians here (If there are any),Happy belated diwali. I hope you all had a great time.


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I did the exact same thing I'm already rooting for a couple and we are only two episodes in. Also per wiki this drama suppose to have 20 episodes I'm sure they are going to be many twists and turns. But I am loving it so far and reply series always makes me root for the female lead which is very surprising for me.


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Haappy Belated Diwali :D


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Hello beaniesss! It is Friday again ?

I am in the middle of watching Return of Happiness.I am loving it so far, esp when the female lead is a strong and smart character ?

I finished watching GIANT, one word - FANTASTIC! Great plot and casts, u will never get bored in any episode.

I HAVE A LOVER : how I wish it will have 3 episodes this week, to replace one episode which was canceled last week. ? glad that ChoiJinEon will find out that current YKDG is HaeKang. But what will happen with HK? Seok Ah u better not doing anything stupid and become like your sister. Speaking of which, KangSeolRi is really get on my nerves with her shameless face n act. can't wait for this week!

LOVE ME IF YOU DARE : my love for this drama is getting more n more. Unfortunately yet to catch up on latest episode. Will do so tonight or early tomorrow morning. ☺

SHE WAS PRETTY : glad it is ended this week. I'm still not watching the last episode, but my sincere wish that Hwang Jang Eum will do melo in her next project. I can't bring myself to like her in romcom, even i did enjoy SWP.don't know why I feel quite irritated at her sometimes. But I really love her in melo.

OH MY VENUS : homai the teaser is cute. The chubby ShinMinAh is cute, and it is exciting to see hotties in here ( I referring to SoJiSub and SungHoon!) Yeayy ??? counting days ?

My next list for marathon (long dramas) are Flames of Desire and Nirvana in Fire ? but will not start it soon.


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Sera, now I understand why you fancy WH so much. Never watch his drama before, I love the other W, Chung not Huo. But after a day marathoning 8 eps of LMIYD, he is growing on me. Man, he sure is oozing his awkwardly-geeky charm there.

My fave scene is when he was presenting his brilliant ideas: "Taking efficiency and practicality in mind, come and move in with me." *LOL* ~ How could I refuse? ^^

Do you like to read C novel too? I would suggest you read The Best To Have Met You", it eases my crave of slowly creeping in and sizzling romance.


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Gaeina, to be honest, Love Me If you Dare is actually my first c-drama after a very long time? I first click on LMIYD on dramacool because I saw a pic of handsome guy lol. It is WH. ??? u can call it Love at the first sight. Ha ha ?

But I really love this drama.besides everything u said, I think this is one of the most realistic drama in term of acting that I have seen. No exaggerating from any actors, the leads are looking so natural in acting. Not only fan girling over WH but I love the female lead too.I am glad that my first c-drama after a very long time turn out to be this good. Plus, crime investigation drama never disappointed me☺

Err I never read c novel. Is it any English translation? I will check it later when I have a time. ? for now, besides LMIYD I started watching Return of Happiness, x sure if it is Taiwan or C-drama. But it hooked me up.


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Since my chinese is so meh, only limited to greetings and counting, and swearing hoho, I read the English translation in here: https://hui3r.wordpress.com. Peanuts the owner of the blog has translated many C novels there, if you want to check it out.


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Where you watched Giant eng subbed? Thx ^^


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Dramafever has it. Depending where you are, Viki might have it as well, but not in the US (at least not on mobile).


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You will love Flames of Desire. Haha. Shim Eun Kyung rose to become my number 1 top actress on the list. Mishil is nothing compared to her in this drama


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Highly recommend Nirvana in Fire on your list. Tight writing, spectacular cast and acting, beautiful directing, fantastic editing, and an added bonus of hilarious and swoon-worthy bromance. ^-^


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There is no escape. I cannot get out. Just when I think I've finally run out of material and can get away from hunting down literally everything he's been in that's subbed and isn't 130 episodes, he shows up on Running Man and drags me right back down again. I'm talking about Im Joo Hwan, of course, and I'm here to report that I have now surrendered and started Ugly Alert. (What have I done?) There's just something about him that is incredibly addicting - I seriously cannot get enough, and I only discovered this guy three months ago. And maybe it was going from Jang Jae Heon to Choi Sung Jae to Park Kyu in very short succession, but I am now a slave to his tear ducts, so these have been three tear-filled months, I have to say. And yet I still crave more.

In between crying over Im Joo Hwan, I've also been enjoying Village and Cheer Up, the latter of which I'm so sad to say goodbye to but so happy to have watched. Probably one of the better dramas I've watched this year - I loved everything about it, but especially the fact that it gave us an adorable, super-supportive central romance without ever losing sight of the strong central friendships. The level of trust that grew between Yeol, Ha Joon, and Yeon Doo was such a wonderful thing, and I loved that it remained at the top in importance throughout everything else. I also loved the message of forgiveness - because Soo Ah absolutely didn't deserve it, and that's what made it so beautiful, and it empowered her to then extend the same to other people. I would have liked to see more of Dong Jae's story, but was satisfied with what we were given with him. As a huge VIXX fan, it makes me happy that N got to play such a lovable character that many people seem to have really liked, even if he didn't have as much screen time. (And I can't resist adding: VIXX have a new album out! If you're at all interested, go watch their new MV "Chained Up"!)

Okay, now back to another episode of Ugly Alert...


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Omo! Another Im Joo hwan fan!


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I feel you. I got so addicted to Im Joo Hwan after OMG so I gave in and watched Ugly Alert. I think I watched up to episode 71(?) continuously for a week. I stopped to get myself together but my momentum got messed up, I couldn't go back. lol


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:) for IJH


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I did exactly the same... am watching the 47th episode :) How're you finding it?


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I just finished watching AM 1994!! gahh i know i am 2 years late. i kept avoiding to watch it due to fear of hearbreak cause by chilbongie fever and disappointment of it not living up to AM 1997. but surprisingly i really really like AM 1994!! mayyyybe a tad bit more than i liked AM 1997. which i thought impossible because let's face it, AM 1997 was amazing. I love every single one of the characters especially oppa-yaaaa!! I can't get him out of my head. gahhh

And because of that i decided to check out AM 1988. I'm liking it so far I have to say. Jung Hwan definitely grabs my attention and I'm also loving how close the gang are. Hyeri definitely improves her acting though. I'm rooting for her to get everything she wants already. haha.

I am so behind SWP. Kind of losing interest a bit.

I'm also watching Jdrama Okitegami Kyoko no Biboroku. As an avid detective/mystery drama fan, i have to say the cases are a bit flat but Gakky and Okada Masaki are just too cute for words! hahah

Another Jdrama i'm currently following is Okashi no ie. A breezy slice of life drama. There's no big plot or anything but there's just something about this drama that feels serene and calming for me.


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Answer Me 1994 was just dreamy. Gah! I may rewatch it, feels like a good time of year to do that.


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Same here! AM1994 somehow has a stronger impression on me than AM1997. Probably the tugging of the heartstrings of Chilbong v Trash Oppa. I love both of them equally.

Because of my love for AM1994 I'm now live-watching AM1988. Hyeri is certainly doing a decent job! And I know this isn't his breakout role in any way, but I'm really rooting for Go Kyung Pyo to catch more eyes in this show. Always loved him in his previous roles, especially Flower Boy Next Door and Cantabile Tomorrow. He seems to excel in goofy-type roles.


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So, on the last open thread I posted my top 3 dramas of the year (healer, omg, i remember you) and mentioned that I watched Yong pal until episode 10 and its coming close to my top 4.

Did anyone saw my comment and sneered? Because my love for this show went downhill so bad at the second half of the show. What a waste of good show.

I havent watched Joo Won before so at least the show now gave me reason to watch Tomorrow Cantabile and Gaksital.


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Oooooh, Gaksitaaaaaa~lll.
That drama is soooo great, you won't regret it. And Joowon is definitely superb there.


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*did anyone SEE


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I still have yet to watch Gaksital. Might marathon it to reward myself after i finish the bottleneck in my computer. I'm wanting to see his new movie Fatal Intuition. I've gotten a bit attached to him now.


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Prepare to swoon over Cha Yoo-jin!


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You have to watch GAKSITAL, highly recommended for joowon :)


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Immortal Song 2 – One-year Anniversary of the late Shin Haechul – very moving and emotional, the performers were overwhelmed with emotion; his widow and two young children were present. http://kshowonline.com/kshow/4056-%5Bengsub%5D-immortal-song-2-ep.221

Shaolin Clenched Fists ep 1– a group of entertainment celebs join monks for training in Shaolin Martial Arts. Very cool. I’m worried for CNBlue Lee Jung Shin, though. I know UEE will come through.

Because It’s The First Time – “There was a cat!” Haha. This drama just keeps getting better, it is way more solid than I thought it would be. Gosh, the friends in their mourning blacks for Ga In, I bawled for a group friendship that goes so deep.

I really enjoyed the combined feel and flow this week of Bubblegum, Because It’s the First Time, She Was Pretty, Sassy Go Go, Reply 1988, and 6FD for the kdrama factors that make me feel so satisfied. Kinda brought back that original feeling I had watching kdramas for the first time a couple years ago. Looks like their gonna keep ‘em coming, too, happy! 


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Hey Beanies, happy weekend!
My weekend will be very busy, alas. :(
On the plus side, I finally found a drama to enjoy, after month of looking and waiting. Thanks, Bubblegum! Sometimes it does feel a bit like an artsy/indie film, but overall, I'm loving the Coffe Prince feel (in the sense that it lets characters breathe) and the music. I adore those candy-coloured coats on Ri-Hwan, too! On paper, this sounds like your average friends-to-lovers/dating agreement drama, but what elevates it for me is the rather natural way in which characters go about doing very K-dramatastic things. I hope I don't get annoyed with this one, fingers crossed!


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There's some very thoughtful direction going on and thoughtfully written transitions-- like the art gallery to the beach. I'm really enjoying it on those craft levels, which usually I only appreciate in really out there action sequences in dramas. I hope it continues as they move past their initial episodes lead.


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Going through Sassy Go Go withdrawal. None of the current k-dramas are holding my interest :(


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Hi Beanies!
I'm trying out chinese drama. Have watched Bu Bu Jing Xin - got completely sucked in! So addictive! My fave prince is 13th prince. He's such a modern character stuck in a period drama.

Could someone recommend similar drama? I like period drama, pretty costumes. Is Nirvana on Fire any good?


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13th prince (along with 14th) was my favorite too.

I have heard Nirvana on Fire is good. I haven't stared it yet, but plaing to do so as soon as I have time.


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I would also recommend "song of the dessert" (think that was the drama's name) It starts the same female lead from Bu Bu Jing Xin, and the original novel is written by the same person.

(the novel also uses realife events like bbjx, but in the drama they change the names and such, to get around Chinese rules on historical dramas)


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I didn't think I'd like "Song of the Desert" a lot but I did. I thought Eddie Peng wasn't a good actor but he proved me wrong here.


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Try to watch Too Late To Say I Love You, it was set up in early 1900 era, during warlord era. You'll love the leading actors in no time and the heart tugging love story they wove over 12+ years span.

I've dl NIF but haven't start it yet. The comments are good so far, so it must be then.


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Nirvana in Fire is awesome. I checked it out not really expecting much (it's heavy on intrigue, light on romance), but I got totally hooked. The main character is truly brilliant (played by Hu Ge), and his group of good guys are individually and collectively wonderful. The bad guys are truly scary, very smart opponents. And the female characters definitely hold their own in both intelligence and skills. NOT a comedy, but has some hilarious moments to break up the tension. Highly recommend!


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Will second this! An amazing show, beautifully filmed and well acted. Lengthy , but never dragged. Loved every episode and ever character!


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Yes, Nirvana in Fire is excellent. Already crowned the best C-drama of 2015 in both critical acclaim and popularity. Unless the highly anticipated Legend of Mi Yue overtakes NIF in ratings and acclaim. NIF is probably The Best C-Drama of 2015.


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Hi beanies camper!

These days I've been into weekend family dramas & makjang, I dk what light had strike me tho lol.
Is so not my cup of tea for years. And to find new genre to pigged into my laptop. Oh god.

All About My Mom
Anywan watching this? I speed up a bit in btween, now in ep24. Formulas all familiar. A poor struggled family w/ several kids, some succeed it some not making it. There's chaebol and social class issued, first love or obsessed in-law, etc.. But why I still loving it? haha.

The 3 main couples are def very cute in their own way, I love 3 of them, and their stories keep me engaged for sure. Eugene & Lee Sang Woo got the sparks, but I love the first son HyeongKyu & his weird secretary. They both 2sides of coin, one is too self conscious too worked up for his lives, one is too weirdo living in her bubble. And Oh Min Suk is very handsome ^^!

And the gem couple is the maknae story, Hyeong Soo & Chae Ri. At first, Chae Ri is total nuts and very flat spoiled brat type, but she warms it all when her life start encounters with maknae. She has a golden heart. I really really love her interaction with Hyeong Soo's parents, and she sided them if anyone ever look down at her oppa's family. Haha.

Sassy Go Go
Show, you broke my heart 3 times harder when you stop at 12. Yes.
I love this drama, it'll stay in my heart for very, very long time. One of the best "unique, one of kind" drama for me. The strength of this drama def the cut'-out-noble idiocy and stupidity of kdrama normality, they go for abnormality and against all the odds. And the PD maybe put this big motto and said, okay so writer-nim and pd-nim, I want my drama to do this.

And to create this motto, they pull out the best of everything for what a dream-drama could be : The best mutual understanding friendship & equality in main couple, the best 2nd male lead (ehem ok that's arguable), the best resolving case in school drama, and all school drama goals is right here. And, one of best quoting I could never forget : to survive in school, you should have a best friend that can help you, and an adults that you can trust for no matter what.

Their web-relationships from teacher-students, parents-kids, kids to kids, first love moment, students & school, and between the kid and their inner struggle, are all shown up in 12 eps, they uncover it all one by one, even not until the main core, is close enough to make me smiles & warm, sad & heart-wrenched, laughed & giggles, angry & devastated, and at the end of it, this show gives me the most coziest, heartfelt feeling inside, even it's fall now. <3 *


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I didnt watch AAMM for past few weeks.hehe the story kinda cliche and expected,but supprisingly we will still enjoy it.

I also watching Geum Sa Wol. Planning to catch up soon


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I've found that once one gets past the "oh gee, another cliche" gasp when one begins a drama, then the story slowly becomes unique in its own way. It's kinda like lisening to country and western. At first each song sounds alike but after a while, they take on their uniqueness. Am really liking All about my mom. Seriously fun and good watching cool man become the kind of mom who hurt her own heart back in the day.


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@sera WH : Haha of coz u stop AAMM, you enjoy wallace huo too much already lol. I hope will start watching LMIYD, but the glimpse 1st scene is so weird.

@Carole : Yeah, after the cliche gasp, and simply watch them at relax mode, it's very endearing and actually give us what've missed in usual short romcom drama.
How many eps they plan to?
you mean cool mom is it?


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yeah. I meant Cool Mom. I really should proofread after i type. It's a 50 episoder, i think. Cause it's a kbs family weekender.


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All About My Mom:
Am still enjoying the show - love all the young couples and also Mom and Dad - i have been saying to myself for the last 10 episodes that Kim Kap Soo needs to win the FATHER OF THE YEAR award! His character is just a super nice Dad and Hubby (to a noona wife at that too!). His character here is just soooo endearing.

Things are kind of getting to a head - hopefully this weekend - a birth secret will be revealed; JinAe will show her bad-ass side to the petty CEO/future MIL; Hyung Gyu will end the ex-hubby terrorizing of his new love; Mom and Dad will shelter ChaeRi now that she has run away from home!

Sassy, go go:
School genre does not usually grab my attention - but i decided to watch this from 1st episode for Jung Eun Ji whom i think is adorable; and also for Lee Won Geun from i 'discovered' when i watched Wild Chives from the beginning and of course Ji Soo from Angry Mom and Chae Soo Bin whom i just saw in Bluebird House.
The Gang did a GOOD JOB of the 12 episodes - there were fun!
Special shout out to Teacher Yang and Coach Nam who we last saw in Unkind Women - they were cool teachers!

She Was Pretty:
Enjoyable - no need for deep plot thinking.

This is an unusual show - but love most of the characters - looking forward to see what is their motivation and back stories.

Now that we have gotten the backstories of the main characters - let the showdown between employees and employers BEGIN! This show is very interesting!

Throwback Thursday:
I have started to watch Ojakjo Brothers!

Waiting for:
Oh My Venus and Sweet Savage Family.

Now that the holidays are coming - i have start my checkout the wishlist to see what i can binge watch over the Thanksgiving Holidays!

Have a Happy weekend catching up on Kdrama, Jdrama, Tdrama and Cdrama - Beanies!


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I am behind on Awl, because I have so much research to do about estonian boat refugees and DPs during and after WWII. I really want to catch up though. I liked the first episodes.


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@redfox - what is DP?

I have actually learn very interesting facts and also truths to the way employers attitude/thinking towards the workers from this drama so far.

I really am not sure how employers and employees are strike a good medium - it is a very tight rope to walk.

On one end if u don't have checks on the employers - they will abuse the workers - poor health, injuries and deaths results.

On the other end of the spectrum when workers demand too much - then business can suffer and all lose.

Looking forward to this week when Lee Soo-in is going toe-to-toe with Gaston!

Special shout out to Yesung - my fav voice of Super Junior!!

For his acting debut - he is doing a pretty decent job!!

Fighting Yesung!!


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DP is a "displaced" person, who was forced to migrate from the home country (not fleeing of their own will). In our case it was more complicated when one occupation was replaced with another and many estonians had no other option than to leave on the ships of german army, cause even being in bombed-down Europe was better than the communist terror. They had intended, mostly, to escape in a boat by themselves, to Sweden, which would have made them refugees, entitled to ask for shelter, but the boats were old. most had been destroyed, thus the germans caught on. So... it is very interesting, but very stressful as well. '


Yeah, Dad Dong Chul should gets an award, without him console his broken heart Jin Ae, bcm bridge from his wife to reach their kids, to become just friends to his maknae kiddo, and taking side to Chae Ri.

But I couldn't ignore their filial kids also, and the wife who is always soft heart inside but iron plated mouth also very precious.

Birth secret of? I never identify any plot for this?
I hate the ex-gf of Hyunjae, she's so full of it can't take it.

I pile Awl for later. No touch Bubblegum, I'm huge fan of JRW, but not LDW. :(


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Birth secret of Mr Fixit, who is really Chae Ri's oppa.

Agree about all of your comments on this show.

I really love the lawyer and secretary. Every time she comes on screen, I am amazed at how beautiful she is. Which strikes me as funny since its not like there is a shortage of pretty people in dramaland.


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Hi beanies!
Happy friday! Got my result for my dissertation this week. I passed! Still a bit lower grade that what I'd have liked. But I am happy with it. Means no more homework for me! Though nothing makes you more depressed than reading the feedback.

Been a bit busy this week with working (yay) still not full time (*sad*) I got told this today at the place I was working "You know.. we do have a possition advertised here and here. Think about that". Which I take to be an indicator that at least I'm doing a good job. No reasons not to apply (especially after a comment like that), even if I that's not what I am educated as.

Behind again. Planing to start properly:
-nirvana in fire
-sassy go go go(?)
-Okitegami Kyoko no Biboroku


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oh my!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Am so happy for you and proud of you!!!!


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Congratulations Manin! Your dissertation was a successful one, and you worked hard for it - do celebrate!

I hope you enjoy the dramas you have lined up <3


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Manin -

Hi! Late response from here, but congratulations on passing! Yay!! That is certainly good news to hear after all that intense work.

Now, time to finally enjoy those dramas on your list. Happy viewing!


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I commented on Love Me if You Dare earlier in the thread, but just to reiterate...highly recommended!

She Was Pretty - ended with a whimper, but at least it was a sweet ending for our leads.

D-Day - I'm really only watching for the leads' relationship right now. That, and the inevitable fall of the crazy power hungry hospital director.

Sassy Go Go - I am NOT typically into high school dramas, but I enjoyed it.

Glamorous Temptation - I continue to be concerned about the length on this one. Right now things are pretty repetitive with the hero and/or the heroine living through some kind of threat each episode. Kidnappings, being thrown in jail on trumped up charges (I think the count is two for him and two for her), being stabbed, etc. The hero and heroine should just take her mother and her child and disappear. But, that would be common sense, and of course that would end the series at like 12 episodes! If for some reason the heroine gets married to the older politician guy, I will skip a bunch of episodes of the show till that plot twist is resolved.

Bubblegum - it's a cute show, but important to recognize it as a character-driven show, not a plot-driven one. I'm kind of losing interest because of that.

On the TW side...Taste of Love is ok, but Marry Me, or Not? gets my #2 vote for best lead couple chemistry right now, after Love Me if You Dare.


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I was worried about the count on Glamorous as well. I don't mind the "double attempt at murder" stuff. This is one murderous bunch of people. Am just hoping the station doesn't shrink the episodes. I'm still upset about how they shortened that other drama I was getting into. Forgot the name..something about friend chicken magnate and secret sauce.) I'm trusting the writer of GT will do wonders and heart-stopping horrors for our lovebirds. And now that we have so many characters in the mix, a lotta stuff could make the 38 episodes original. We shall see.


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Yeah I feel the same about bubblegum, but not just because it's a character-driven show. I'm usually interested in this kind of shows. I also feel that there is something off with the male lead character. I don't feel his character!
I don't know if it's a performance issues or the way they write it. Which is a shame since I actually like the actors.

The only drama I'm currently interested in is Reply 1988. I've watched all reply series. Loved the first one, didn't like the second one at all just saw a few episodes then couldn't finish it, and it seems like that I will love the third one if they continue doing what they did in the first two episodes. I cried watching episode one, hyri may not be the best actress but I'm in love with her "character" so much, it is different than the first two seasons female lead characters. She's not aggressive but reasonable, down to earth, and so kind to her parents. I love her so much.


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Can't believe Sassy Go Go's finished. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, but omg did I love it. The show definitely had its flaws, but it had a way of making me forget them and instead left me with the stupidest of smiles on my face at the end of every episode. Yeon-do was an amazing character - she's just so honest and bright, and I loved her burning sense of justice. The best part for me was that the people around her realized that, and appreciated her for it. Yeol, of course, was her number one fanboy, and I think that's what makes him one of my favorite male leads. He just likes who she is, and watching him get caught up in her and her quest for justice was so much fun. I can't even express how much I loved the two of them together. Even before they became a couple, they felt a lot like... partners. Even though Yeol's a lot smarter and more cunning, strangely, it never felt like he had the upper hand. That may be because Yeon-doo can hold her ground well, but whatever it was, I loved their dynamic. I remember thinking while watching that if all of these other k-drama couples could communicate half as well as Yeol and Yeon-do did, the dramas really wouldn't have much to fuel them. I realized just how much rom-com dramas rely on misunderstandings or a lack of communication between the leads to keep the fire burning.

Other dramas:

Bubblegum: It's cute, but I genuinely have no idea where the story is going. I've caught up with episode 6, and I have to say I really didn't see the direction they decided to take coming. To be honest, I don't really care so long as they can keep the friendship the focus of the show. Ri-hwan and Haeng-ah are the best together, and if the writers decide to infuse the show with unnecessary angst intended to keep them apart, I will be so, so disappointed. Shout-out to the supporting cast as well. Tae-hee, Ji-hoon, the weird manager sunbae - they're strange as far as secondary characters go, but they add a different element to the show. The second leads I'm more meh about. Yi-seul always wears the strangest expressions, and I honestly have no idea what goes through her head most of the time. Suk-joon is still pretty detestable, but I have to say I hate him less now.

Because it's the First Time: cute! So much cute! I remember people complaining abut Minho being cast as the lead, but I find him great here. This is the first I've seen him in anything, but he plays the role really well. It reminds me a bit of Sassy Go Go with all the youthful dilemmas, except a bit more realistic. The love triangle (square? pentagon?) hurts my head a little, and I do wonder how the show is going to wrap it all up. I'm always a sucker for the best-friend couples so I'm hoping the show chooses that route.


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Yi-seul always wears the strangest expressions, and I honestly have no idea what goes through her head most of the time.

For me, I imagine her to be thinking "Lord, I'm still living? Whyy? Why won't you let me go?"

To me, she's a girl who's sick and tired of her life (her mom? her "not-elegant/pretty/beautiful-ness") and isn't looking forward to anything. I hope she finds something to want (other than RiHwan) that can and will brighten her up as she actively chases it.


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I agree, there are moments where her insecurities are obvious, and it's a little sad to think that she won't end up with Ri-hwan when he seems to be the only thing she really wants.

I think it might just be the actress - I keep thinking back to that scene from an earlier episode where she told Haeng-ah she couldn't bring the DJ's dog into the clinic. She looked angry, but also like she was about to cry? Her expression seemed out of place, and I've noticed there are moments (especially when she's speaking to Haeng-ah) where her expression just doesn't seem quite...right. I don't know if that's her take on the character's personality, but I feel disconnected from her when I feel like I should be feeling sympathetic for her (if that makes sense?)


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Hmm, dunno. To me, she's just so sick of life that she doesn't even bother with expressions. Y'know, it's as if other people's heartbeat would register as strong, certain beeps on the heart monitor and different events would make it go fast or slower or harder... etc. Hers seems to me like it just goes: *blip*.............*blip*.............. with very weak as small beeps. It's like her feelings are monotonous.

That scene with HaengAh and the dog - YiSeul just looked mildly disgusted and so, so, SO done. To me, she's constantly exasperated and frustrated. She looks like she feels so trapped. She looks so emotionally dead, like as if the flowers and birds that she walks pass will wilt and/or die.


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Even before they became a couple, they felt a lot like… partners.

That is so true. It's also why Yeol and Yeon-doo work so well as a couple - they genuinely connect as people, apart from the attraction. And a shared belief in the value of friendships is a pretty great foundation for a relationship. Of course, they have chemistry in spades, but that alone wouldn't have made them this awesome.

I wish I liked Bubblegum more, I liked the dialogue in the initial two episodes quite a bit but found it far too slow for my liking.


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I just have to say it -- I adore Bubblegum. <3


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I wish I had millions of dollars so I could fund a drama. I don't know what it would be about but I would demand that Kim Sae-ron, Kim Yoo-jung, Kim So-hyun, Jung Eun-ji, Chae Soo-bin, Jo Soo-hyang, and Kim Hee-sun be at least the main cast if not the only cast.

I miss Sassy Go Go already.

I like The Village, Because it's the First Time, and Answer Me 1988 but I don't like any of them as much yet.

The Village- Just as I start to really get into it starts to slow down. I'm no longer sure Hye-jin was murdered.

Answer Me 1988- Hyeri is not Jung Eun-ji, nor Go Ara, but she is not ruining this drama, like I believe a lot of people feared. I'm so glad the Answer Me series and this edition in particular focuses on friendship I was able to see things that were similar to what I remember during my youth in the 90's in the previous two installments but I turned three in 1988 if they focused on culture I'd find this harder to relate to. I hope this does well enough to warrant one final series set in 2000 which is what I've wanted since 1997 ended.

I wish I liked saeguks so I would watch Six Flying Dragons.


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ooh, i hadn't thought of Hye Jin NOT being murdered. I like the irony of someone killing a person who was already on her last legs.


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That's what I thought of the whole time though. No one in Achiara seems to know what the heck was going on or what went on with HyeJin. There's just a heck lot of speculation and wariness between people which is odd if any one of them were ever the direct killer of HyeJin.


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Hello all:

Hoping all is well. We're having one of those weirdly warm falls but hey, I'm happy about that. Been stuck in the house more than i want. Between being invalided from the stupid fibro and having way too much work to do, I haven't been outside much. And now one of my favorite ESL students is moving to CA where her hubby will become a professor at UC Davis. I am so sad about it. I really like her.

Other than that, all is well. Been trying to eat more raw foods but I'm just looking forward to exploring this new India Curry House up the road.

Ooh for those of us who need a heavy dose of the joyfulness that is jung il woo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWk3dq3y_S4

re: Dramas
AWL -- I think this drama is teaching me how to fight, and to fight period. It's like a lesson in ..well, The Art of War. Thanks for recommending it. And yeah, Ji Hyun Woo is an actor whom I highly respect. Both he and Jee Soo Hyuk seem like they are fated to do great things in art.

Flying Dragons -- Looooooooove me some gravitas. Oh my! I am so in for the long haul. Love the romance too. I've seen so many shoehorned love stories and so many suffering female waifs in sageuk but this one totally works for me. Totally loving our Sambong, our wannabe swordsman, our righteous prince, and our wounded swordsman-storyteller. Our female flying dragon is angry and powerful and smart without seeming like a caricatured female badass. (is there ony one woman female dragon in the mix? I've been wondering who the 6th dragon is.)

All About My Mom -- Oh my gosh! I am so waiting for Cool Mom to get her comeuppance. Please, drama, remember "turnaround is fairplay!" My mind is just going wild with possibilities!

Achiara -- Has there ever been a village so full of secrets and evil? If someone has fabry disease in the village, wouldn't there be a record of that? Dead or alive? Is everyone in this village related? Am not sure why heroine hasn't checked on her own relatives...second cousins etc. Or have i forgotten? Isn't this also her hometown, as well as Hye Jin's?

Glamorous Temptation -- Oh my! That ending of the 12th episode! Major joy! But I do wish our heroes had had a chance to luxuriate in their love for each other before they were outed (or spied upon( by Miss obsessive. I keep hoping Miss Obsessive is pregnant by rape (and feeling horribly about that but hey...) I am loving the equally-obsessive rapist hubby. He is such a wild card. I don't see any divorce coming anytime soon. Am just glad that the hero and heroine have learned that they shoud trust each other no matter what else happens in the upcoming 38 episodes. No chance Eun Soo is really Il Joo's twin sister? Or some baby switch occurred? Just a resembance.

She's so pretty -- well if that wasn't the sweetest, corniest, cheesiest ending! Totally loved it even when i was rolling my eyes.

Have a great weekend, all.


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The 6th dragon is Moo-hyul. There is only 1 female dragon.


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the poster seems to say that general yi seong is the sixth dragon...or at least one of the dragons. That's the one i was missing, it seems.


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1. Lee Seong Gye (eps 1)
2. Jung Do Jeon (eps 2)
3. Bang Won (eps 3)
4. Bang Gi (eps 4)
5. Bong Yi (eps 5)
6. Moo Hyul (who is not a dragon yet).

Makes sense for Seong-Gye to be the first since he was the first king of the new Joseon.


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All About My Mom : Dahhh, I hate Kim Min Sook always taking this kinda bitchy big headed self centered over valued assy bossy female potrait in her weekend/makjang drama mostly, but it means she is good in it?

I love the scene when after she left from first visit to Jin Ae's house,(that's when Jae Ri is around lol cutting her first fruit), Jae Ri is bitching about Cool Mom's super ass attitude when inspecting her son's living place to Hyeong Soon, Jae Ri said
"the cool man is so nothing, i don't like her way looking at ommuni and ahboji" haha damn cute


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so good, yes! I love that the half-siblings are connected, even though they don't yet know they are. They get along like bro and sis already.


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Sorry to hear the fibro is getting you down, Carole! I hope you feel better soon.

I tried the first couple of episodes of Awl, and you're right about the fact that it seems to 'teach' the viewers - but that does start to wear on me sometimes, because where Misaeng was often philosophical, Awl can occasionally feel preachy. I don't know if that problem was solved in later episodes, but I gave this one a rest.


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I don't mind the preachiness, because there's passion to it and maybe it's about educating the genera korean audience. The thing it's teaching me specifically is how to fight. The Art of war. I'm so dang non-confronational at times and this drama is showing me how to confront. Silly but apparently i needed this in my life right now. Maybe it'll help in the fight against stress as well, which is a big fuel for fibro.


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Ok, so Sassy Go Go was amazing. I couldn't help but compare it to School 2015. I think in both, the antagonist aka Soo-ah and So-young didn't get the ending that was needed. They kinda got saved without a real redemption, which I guess I'm willing to sacrifice for a happy ending. Also, my second lead syndrome wasn't that bad as it was for Sung-jae (I'm still not over that)

She was Pretty ended pretty well although if they had discussed that Zeigarnik Effect again where his therapist had said it's not true love but unfinished business. I guess the actions just talked for themselves though.

Hoping to start Bubblegum soon, although with some comments I'm seeing on here I'm not so sure anymore. Same goes for D-Day.


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School 2015 really disappointed me as the second half of the show ended up all about the couples and they wasn't much of a storyline. Most people had second lead syndrome as he was the only character that was written and portrayed well. Also eunbi as a character disappointed me (even though I love the actress).

Sassy go go seemed more like school 2013.


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I agree, Eun Bi never confronted So-young and I felt like that was needed.
School 2015 was the most recent one I watched, so that was the first comparison that came to mind but as far as bromance and teachers it was more like School 2013.


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I also was comparing them as I felt that school 2015 had a huge potential with great actors to portray a student-teacher or student-student which they didn't. Whereas sassy go go did that really well also I was actually rooting for the main couple even though I love jisoo.

Eunbi was bullied so badly that she considered suicide yet she never confronted so young. Also at the end of the show I felt eunbi had no identity of her own she seemed to be living as eun byul e.g. in her house, school with her friends and guy she liked.

Sorry for the long rant by comparing them I realised what could have happened on school 2015.


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To be honest, in School 2015 So-young got not so much as an official reprimand for her behaviour, and it took Eun-byul coming back and getting in her face to scare her straight. And even then, she refused to show remorse and Eun-bi let her off the hook for it. At least the other kids found out how awful she used to be, though?

I actually think Sassy Go Go handled it much better - Soo-ah actually was punished for her actions, humbly accepted it and admitted her fault (she wasn't defiant like So-young), and no one let her off the hook by trying to take the high road - they saved her as much for their sakes as hers, but she had to earn that trust again. Some people think she wasn't punished enough, but she would have taken a zero on her exam in addition to the community service.


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Hi everyone! Just wanted to share something I recently love since I usually find great recommendations from this thread.

If anyone is in the mood to read, is a mature YA fiction fan, and fantasy genre lover, then I highly suggest you pick up Sarah J. Maas's A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES.

It's written based on a combination of Beauty and the Beast, faery lore, and dashes of classic Nordic and Scottish tales.

I was so drawn into the story I read it 24 hours. Can't remember the last time this happened to me.


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Thanks! I'm always on the search for something new to read (even though I have something like 10 books I'm reading at one time haha). I'll check this out..is it online or do I need to purchase it from somewhere?


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Kay, you can purchase the ebook from Amazon.

I've been getting back into physical books so I was hugging that giant hardcover for two days lol.


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I really need to watch love me if you dare and Thai version of full house. But I can't I'm having exams?Wait dramas till I finish my exam....


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Does somebody know where can I watch sandglass with eng subs except for Dramafever? Plus if anyone has already watched it, is it really tear jerking? I mean i really want to watch a good thriller, suspense drama but one that doesnt go in the melo side. I've wanted to watch Giant too but its too long and i do loose interest in long shows, so I might catch it up later. Or any good suspense, thriller suggestions? Are there any good shows in the same genre as City hunter and Healer? They alongside Misaeng and King 2 hearts top my list of Kdramas.


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More or less same genre :
Inspiring Generation (tbh I didn't finish the show, but the chilhhood version is quite good
Yong Pal (although not really recommend from ep6 onwards, 1-6/8 is good),
The Chase (CH's step's dad is in it)

You can try Incarnation of Money, eventho not exactly fiction-hero saving the world, but the main lead is kinda saving his family's name or somewhat. Is having revenge plot like CH as well. This one is good^^


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Thank you so much for the suggestions. I did see Yong pal. Couldn't continue it beyond episode 8. Will surely check out Gaksital and Incarnation of money.


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Sure. Let me know after you touched them. See you next OT>


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You might like to check out Time Between Dog and Wolf and/or Cruel City, they're both full of suspense and great performances in my book.


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Love love Cruel City/Heartless City - killer soundtrack as well!


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Does somebody know where can I watch sandglass with eng subs except for Dramafever? Plus if anyone has already watched it, is it really tear jerking? I mean i really want to watch a good thriller, suspense drama but one that doesnt go in the melo side. I've wanted to watch Giant too but its too long and i do lose interest in long shows, so I might catch it up later. Or any good suspense, thriller suggestions? Are there any good shows in the same genre as City hunter and Healer? They alongside Misaeng and King 2 hearts top my list of Kdramas.


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For the "Sherlock" fans: Rejoice!!!

Season 4 Special to be aired January 1st 2016 in both UK and US.

"The Abominable Bride" Victorian Era Woot Woot!



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I'm all kdrama-ed out at the moment (will probably have to use episodes of Answer Me 1997 to ease myself back in) but I have so been looking forward to the Sherlock special. I just hope it isn't as anticlimactic as the Big Bad of series 3 and how they dealt with him.


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I think it's going to be really good. Can you imagine Sherlock as a proper Victorian era gentleman? I can't wait to see that lol.

Rumor has it that it's based on "The Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle" a Christmas story and this special was originally set to air on Christmas day. You know that right?


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Thank you! I saw the prequel to ep 3 with added bonus.Never caught it before.


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shoot,season 3 I mean.


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It's been too long. I'm so so happy that we'll get to see it soon.


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OMG! Can't wait!!!!!


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Thank you. Trying not to burst.

I need new seasons of Sherlock and Endeavor soon.


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Yay for fellow sherlock fans!!
Honestly i am gonna be excited no matter what stories they will tell when it comes to BBC's version. but am i the only one who doesn't like Watson in mustache? That hideous, hideous mustache ugh


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Better on Watson than Sherlock lol. I can not picture Cumberbatch with one of those. He doesn't look good with facial hair period.


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Now i picture Cumberbatch with mustache ugh, good thing it stays in my head XD So true, facial hair is no no for him.


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Still enjoying Six Flying Dragons and Awl.

Does anyone know where to download raws of Youth Over Flower in Peru? I'm thinking of subbing it but couldn't find a downloadable raw.

@Daehoney I finally watched Memories of Murder! I watched it with my finally and we all liked it (My Dad complained after watching because the killer wasn't found and I told him they haven't found him in real life too) Thanks for recommending it!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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Now you are all ready and set to watch Cho Jin-Woong in "Signal."


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YES! January just can't come any faster!


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Whoa I didn't actually have intention to post anything on OT this week but this got me. Yeay! Memories of Murder is a great movie! I think the only reason the culprit is not known is because the murderer is also not known in real life. If you watch the case it's really amazing. They collect hundreds (or thousands?) fingerprint but none of it matched. The scary thing is that it hasn't been long; the last murder is in 1991 if I'm not mistaken. The murderer can be very much alive now, living among others peacefully, unless the only reason the murder stopped was because of his death.
Anyway, MoM got a powerful ending. I love when Song Kang Ho stared into the camera with a mysterious look.
Bong Joon-Ho is an amazing director. You should watch hia other movies. They got a unique characteristic that can make you recognizethe director's style easily.


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Yep. I read about it and omg the horror. Apparently there are more recent cases that they suspect as the murderer's doing as well. They had all these theories like maybe he went out of the country and that gives me the chills.

I will definitely check more of his works. Thanks so much!


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Earthna you can download raw Youth Over Flower in Peru from dramacool or dramanice.
Good luck in subbing it! I have watched Youth Over Flower in Laos, though planning to watch the one in Peru. Anyway, I'm always grateful to every subber out there for their hard work. They make my drama obsession possible, I can't imagine my life without them :)
Thank you!


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Thanks! I did download it from dramacool but their logo is there. I contacted them regarding using the video but I haven't heard from them yet.

Me too. 7 years ago, when I first got into KPOP, I thought that subbers are the best people in the world (I still think so). I told myself that if I ever learn Korean, I would sub shows that don't get subbed so yeah.


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Nirvana in Fire is over and I've rewatched with subtitles so I have to let it go.

Currently I'm trying to force myself to watch the final two episodes of She Was Pretty and Sassy Go Go.

My remaining dramas I'm watching are Six Flying Dragons, Love Me If You Dare, and D-Day (on FF)


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Trust me when I say there is a "country" of netizens who share your same sentiments. Also watching 6FD, seems to be the only thing I can digest without fast-forwarding or dropping entirely. Heard Love Me If You Dare is great, so I'm waiting for more eps in case it's addicting.

Hoping I can spazz about another drama soon. Maybe Legend of Mi Yue can cure me of my NIF withdrawal.


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Oh one thing that has been on my mind all this week!

Drama: Awl
Actor: Ahn Nae-Sang

I watched Awl because of the story it portrays and Ji Hyun Woo (that is one TAAAALLL good-looking dude!).

But i have been so pleasantly surprised by Ahn Nae-Sang who plays Goo Go-shin, the labor attorney/counselor.

He is really rocking the short, salt-pepper haircut and in many shots - looks like a hot ajusshi!

I have seen Ahn Nae-Sang is soooo many dramas in the past and he typically plays the villain/bad-guy/schemer/back-stabber characters.

However, i saw a turn in his character portrayal in Yoona Street drama from 2014. He was not a perfect character - but a good one in that drama.

He continues with his 'character rehabilitation' in this drama - Awl! His is a very interesting character!

Fighting Ahn Nae-Sang!!!


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SASSY GO GO IS OVER AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF :( I'm even dreading the little thumbnail of Yeon-doo going from the 'In Progress' to 'Recently Completed' box, sigh. And I don't feel like watching anything else, the withdrawal symptoms are severe. But at the same time I'm really happy, because the show was just that good. It's not often that a drama comes along and upends all expectations by being not only good, but great - and it did prove that a young cast and a high school setting are no barrier to that greatness, and the right actors just help it along even more.


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Hello, everyone. This is my first time commenting in Open Thread but I just need to vent over how empty I feel now that Sassy Go Go is over. For the first time in my life I looked forward to Mondays.
After a week of so of rewatching it in bits and letting go, I'll probably pic up Because It's the First Time based on all the recommendations. It looks cute and I want to check out Park So Dam, that girl's been in a lot of movies lately.
Am also watching Bubblegum, and so far I like it, though I have no idea where it's going. At least I'm sure it won't be The Time I've Loved You 2.0


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hey there!

I watched the first couple of episodes of Because It's The First Time, it seems cute but web dramas tend to never keep my attention. Though I love Park So-dam, she's so cute.


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Hi, @pogo! Just wanted to thank you for all your comments and insights on the Sassy Go Go threads. They ---along with @Omomo's and some others-- made my drama-watching a hundred times more enjoyable than it would have been otherwise. Tho I still would have loved this show to death, the experience is always best when shared.


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@rosiemontgomery - Aw, thank you as well! <3


@rosemontgomery - this is late, but thank you too! And yeah, dramas are always better as a shared experience - especially when they turn out as well-loved as Sassy Go Go.


Anyone who's not on team jung hwan on reply 1988,I could do with some drama consoling tonight. Irrevocably want her to be with sun woo ,but that's not happening is it.

I've felt like they are using the same recipe over and over again,that it felt trite by this time.So much that we can guess each and every action whenever anyone takes a step in any direction.Wonder if I'm the only one who feel this way.


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my internet was down until yesterday but i finished SASSY GO GO and was fairly satisfied with the ending (kind of rare to be honest with korean dramas).

i was also up until 2am rereading about the casting news and recaps of Pinocchio because obviously i'm having LEE JONGSEOK withdrawals. when is my favorite actor going to pick up a new drama or movie? i need him back on my screen. anyone else feeling this way?

other than that, so excited to watch ANSWER ME 1988. i seriously love all the characters already and this is one of the shows that just makes me excited to see how the story unfolds.



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Happy week-end everyone. Is there an infographic on the Answer Me series? Can you share the link? I really like to understand the characters' connections before diving into this new drama. I am not good with names and like @prettysub and @korfan in this thread mentioned above, i can recall roles more than names. Thank you.


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He was the Dad in High Kick 3


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Well, finally finished TW drama . I enjoyed it but the ending seemed a bit rushed. Really liking C Drama . just gets better and better . I love the changes that they have made with the characters and the main couple has so much chemistry! I read online that the next project from this production company (who also did ) is going to be a. That should be interesting since Thailand actually have a royal family. I watched another Thai drama that got a lot of buzz called with Eng subs on YouTube. It was total fluff rom com set at a college and the OTP were so cute together! It's short and sweet at only 9 eps.
Looking forward to


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Not sure what happened with my post so reposting. Sorry for any confusion.
Well, finally finished TW drama Moon River . I enjoyed it but the ending seemed a bit rushed. Really liking C DramaLove Me If You Dare . Kiss Me Thai just gets better and better . I love the changes that they have made with the characters and the main couple has so much chemistry! I read online that the next project from this production company (who also did Full House Thai) is going to be a Thai version of Goong/Princess Hours. That should be interesting since Thailand actually have a royal family. I watched another Thai drama that got a lot of buzz called Ugly Duckling Perfect Match with Eng subs on YouTube. It was total fluff rom com set at a college and the OTP were so cute together! It’s short and sweet at only 9 eps.
Looking forward to Oh My Venus .


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it's another friday.. not much to say but I wish I wasn't addicted to dramas.. its so easy to use to block out rl. Anyway hope everyone is well and have a nice weekend.


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tehee, just saw a commercial for a phone service pack on Viki, that was filmed on our submarine in the museum. LOL. they sneak everywhere...


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Hey Beanies
I just finished my final exam and need some drama watching to relax, can you recommend dramas prefer light, romantic possible thriller minus the creepy dramas, it would be perfect if it follow short format like 20s and Noble my love.
N.B : i watched almost all the dramas recaped here.


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there is the TOP web drama Secret Message..tho I really can't comment on how good it is since I haven't watched it.. Because Its the First time is another web drama I believe..also haven't watched it.. I wish I had more recs but I don't watch many short format shows.. but you never know they might be good!


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Try looking up "Her Lovely Heels" and " The Thousandth Man". They are both under 12 epsiodes.


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Hi, Dramabeans! Thank you for your wonderful work amd great weekend! Sorry for bothering you with question, but when are you going to release Bubblegum episode 5 and 6 recaps? I'm dying to read your thought on what is happening there.
Sorry once again for being impatient


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For those Beanies in France, I really hope you and your families are all okay! :(


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? 🇫🇷 ?


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Europe's natural leader is hurt but terrorism and fascism will never prevail...

Nous sommes tous Français!!!


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Thank you for your support - I guess I'm going to stay home with my kids for the next few days...


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Because I am soooo addicted to I Have A Lover now, I am quite feeling depressed when I have to wait another week. And grrrr at SBS for putting up false hopes last Sunday, and they just aired some kind of baseball... Arghhhh so they can compensate by airing Eps 22, 23 and 24 this weekend. Choi Jin-eon is genuinely worried for Hae-kang. The way he cares for her is almost 100% already, he does not actually care if she is Hae-kang or Dokgo Yong-gi. What matters is that THIS WOMAN is dear to his heart. Hae-kang has her life at risk, be it as Hae-kang or as Dokgo Yong-gi. And wow what a hot doctor Dokgo Yong-gi has ey?? Can we all agree than Kim Hyun-joo is hilarious whenever she says "Zhang Ming. I'm Zhang Ming!"

The waiting just can't be prolonged. And because I'm waiting --

Can somebody suggest a drama similar to Last Scandal?? I mean the vibe and tone of it all? I am srsly running out and it's a huge problem.


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Well, the two male leads of Last Scandal have a new drama starting this week called Sweet Savage Family, it looks pretty funny. That might work.
9 End, 2 Outs gave me similar feels to LS, if you haven't seen it yet.


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How about the scandal-shocking incident from the same writer? It is different (not so much on romance) but I enjoyed it very much.


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I'm having a serious withdrawal symptoms from Sassy Go Go that I don't think I can watch any other airing dramas, I'm planning to only watch Running Man and Superman Returns for now. And because it's weekend, I'm going to rewatch Sassy Go Go all over again.

Ahhhhh no more hunting SGG's previews on Saturday and waiting for a new episode plus watching it online on my phone at dawn just so I can start my day with big grin on my face then squealing (or fangirl-ing) with my friends afterwards, reading recaps and commenting (plus squealing again) a few days later.


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Anyone watch CW's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? Such an unexpected delight off of CW of all places. The hilarious dance numbers people!


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