Beanie level: The Goblin’s underpants

Live Up to Your Name Epi 9: 😰💔😫

Where is Epi 10??? *grabby hands*

Ahhh this addictive desperation for the next episode:
I’ve missed you 😖

And yet, maybe not ?
Just give me my new Episode NOW!


It’s one of those weeks where I’m so tired, I can’t wait for it to be over.

But I managed to pen my thoughts on Live Up to Your Name Epi 7-8 which is the bright spot in my week!



My comment got swallowed for moderation and I re-read it, but the only thing I realised was that I made some mistakes in grammar.

Is the moderation monster now a grammar nazi too?? 😱


    You probably happened to make the same mistakes as those *interesting* comments by bots!


    Comment was deleted


    I have had this happen more and more lately as well. I swear I think we are the same person living separate lives on opposite sides of the globe sometimes!



Live up to your Name isnt the only kdrama where the heroine saves someone with a tension pneumothorax.

W:2 Worlds did too! Yeon Joo saved Kang Chul from one in Episode 1!


Watched Live up to your name, Dr Heo and enjoyed it!
I think my slump is over! *yay!*

And I started my Medicaps again!
Hello dramas, goodbye sleep and social life! 😝


      Good stuff. Kim Nam-gil’s portrayal of the good doctor and his expressions are also one of my favourite aspects of the show. He really sold the fish out of water bit.


        I loved the scene where he went up and down the escalator. 😂😂😂

        And by the end of those scenes you could see he was in sensory overload and his brain was almost in meltdown mode. 😂

        Loved it!


          Min was a combination of fish out of water and his own apprehension. When the guy collapsed outside of the nightclub and he approached the crowd crawling. That for me was daebak.


            Someone said they were gonna start counting the number of days till he bathes 😂😝?


            OMG. Ok, this will sound bad, I know, but on the hospital bed I was thinking, this guy must smell bad. Why haven’t they given him a change of clothing yet? On a positive note, he can do his hair to look respectable. lol


            In real life, he would have totally stunk. Lol. I had a patient once who had a psychiatric problem and who refused to bathe- she hadn’t bathed for weeks. You could smell her from meters away. We spent really long just convincing her to have a bath ?


    Yayyy, just watched the first episode and I liked it too. Looking forward to your comments and medicaps. 🙂


      They are up on my blog already (see link above) but I’m waiting for the DB recap too. Want to see what everyone else thought of it.

      I’m totally in love with Yeon Kyung! Girl is hot, and sassy and capable and still has a good heart underneath it all. Plus, jumping into thigh high boots effortlessly just after fainting?? #goals! 😝


      Oh shoot that bit was in Episode 2. I don’t think it’s much of a spoiler but I’m sorry!

      I liked Episode 2 more than 1, so go watch!! ❤️


        No problem. We got a good glimpse of her personality from the first episode. I’m already liking her character.

        Gonna watch the 2nd one tonight! ^^


    “Medicap” …… Heh! I love this!

    I’m currently not watching this drama (although I’m trying to fit it in the schedule!) but I’m liking the idea of reviewing the medical accuracy, or lack thereof.


      It’s not too bad! The traditional stuff is of course exaggerated and (in my opinion) highly fictional, but the modern day stuff is decently accurate.

      Anyway I tend to notice that the first few episodes of medical kdramas tend to be the least accurate since they are trying to build the story and catch viewers, not get bogged down with medical details.


Since I’m excitedly waiting for Live up to your name to be subbed, and for the recap of Manhole, I think my drama slump may be officially over!

*throws confetti*



For the foodies here:
My Choux au Craquelin – French Crunchy Cream Puff. Filled with Vanilla Cream (A whole vanilla pod went in!)

1st attempt! Husband says is as good as the famous store bought one✌


Anyone else watch Strongest Deliveryman?

I just cant get into it. I like Kang Soo (GKP’s a Puppy trying to be a Rottweiler) but don’t like the bullying from Dan Ah. Why so mean? 😣



    Comment was deleted


    I’m not clicking with the characters yet, either, at least not how I warmed up immediately to the Fight My Way leads. I think they went a little overboard with Danah and the chaebol guy (I can’t remember his name), so right now they still seem like archetypes rather than people to me.


      I didnt watch FMW so I can’t compare but I CANNOT STAND Chaebol guy- they made him way too stereotypical. And therefore annoying and unrelatable.


      With the FMW kids I warned up to them immediately and wanted them to succeed in reaching their goals. With these guys I feel something for everyone. I’m not connecting with the characters yet but I’m interested enough to keep watching. Except for Dan Ha. When she comes on the screen I feel a mild distaste. I hope that in the upcoming eps I can start to like her.


    She is really unlikeable. I love badass female lead and I don’t mind flawed character either, but I don’t like when she use her skill at the wrong place. Kicking a guy at his private place is just a big no for me, especially when you are not being threatened with anything.


      YES> this is how I feel also. She is so…. prickly and manipulative. and for no good reason too! I love how she is great at martial arts and i liked the scene where she taught the groper a lesson, but urgh they went overboard when she started abusing her “power” by her kicking both Kang Soo and the other guy in the balls.

      I need a good rom com. Why is there no good rom com at the moment???


        I just don’t find it funny. She is somewhat a relatable character, but I think the writer is trying too hard to make her look so fierce or maybe too cool. I like male lead and second leads especially the second female lead. The second male lead is still annoying lol. I’m going to see at least until next week to see how it goes.

        I hope Age of Youth 2 will be great. I prefer low key romcom where the characters are not too loud. Have you tried School 2017? It is not amazing drama but it gives me a good feeling.


      For me its this plus the fact that she did it in both episodes and pretty much walked away from both encounters smirking–the clear winner.


    I liked it. Maybe because I haven’t seen a good rom com in a while. Dan ah learned a few things in life the hard way without anyone’s support (mostly family) that’s why she’s feisty. Although the first hit to KS was uncalled for, maybe she thought he was one of those swindlers (?).

    Anyways, I’m liking it despite having small heart attacks whenever their doing a scene on the streets. #TruckofDooms


      haha. there have been many many accidents in the drama already! Though the TOD seems to appear off screen. XD

      my brain understands why she is so feisty and head strong and fierce, but somehow my heart can’t relate to her, because its like she has taken it overboard. I especially didnt like how she beat up that Kung Fu noodles guy (can’t remember his name! And actually i felt that whole scene was quite pointless) and how she went into Kang Soo’s room and then blackmailed him. Those 2 things pushed it across the line for me at least. The epilogue and her scene with her bro helped a bit but somehow I can’t sympathize with her enough for me to excuse her behaviour. 🙁


        Yea, but the TOD is still there and it could happen anytime 😆

        That’s too bad. Hope you can find a good rom-com somewhere. I’m not watching anything aside from this till Age of Youth 2 comes so can’t recommend one as of the moment.


    I dislike her, it is mainly because of every scene with Kang Soo. She is at faults 70% of times and blames poor guy.
    It is also annoying me that she is good at fighting, I mean, she has absolutely nothing to do with martial arts, she is working whole day, so when did she find time to become so physically strong?
    I wish kdrama writer’s would realize that female lead could be strong/cool/awesome without hitting someone


      For me its not so much that she blames him its that she reacts physically and then everyone around her cheers like she’s done something great–when she’s just done something awful.


    Watched it, but still not that invested yet. The Danah character was kinda overboard, too rough and tough. That I still can’t root for her. Jingyu’s the extra typical chaebol.


Sharing my kdrama addiction:

My Liar and his Lover OST arrived! Hee! 😆



    More pictures here!
    It’s too pretty not to share! ❤️


    I’m so green w/ envy <3333 Lucky <333


      Awww don’t be. I’m here sharing the love so more can enjoy!

      It was really worth the wait, because I thought about it long and hard before buying it. But I found a good deal online and I waited till I had a voucher to use 😝 (I’m such an auntie that way) So both this and the Chicago Typewriter OST came up to total $33 USD including shipping! Which I thought was pretty worth it.


        totally worth it, it’s making me want to order it too. Hee.


    Ohhh it’s so pretty! I love Korean CD and DVD packaging, it’s so aesthetically pleasing and some of the designs are super clever and cool


      Yup! I’m a sucker for packaging as much as I am for the product. 😆


        Hahaha that’d be me… I regularly go on packaging design binges on my pinterest. Can’t afford to buy any CD’s though rn 🙂 🙂


    I am always amazed & amused by the number of likes whenever The Liar and His Lover is mentioned. 😀


    It’s adorable! Aww I listen to Crude Play and REALLY wish they had their own show and were a band. SIGH <3


Ohohoho! Leveled up to Goblin’s underpants! Woot!

Just in time after my delicious dream last night of Gong Yoo. 😍

He kept smiling like this at me and I was in heaven! ❤️❤️❤️


    Gong Yoo ❤ Oh and congrats 🎉 Take care of the underpants well 😂


    Congrats fellow underpants 😀


    Oh, fantastic! Congratulations!

    I’ve been needing help in, um, this Goblin area so glad you’re on the team now! 😆


      LMAO. I’m always ready to help be Goblin’s underpants! Hahahaha.

      How did they come up with these level names?? 😝😝😝


    What a wonderful dream you had!!!! HAHA! Congrats! 🙂


    Congrats 🙂


    That dream seems just about amazing ❤ Congratulations and make sure those underpants are in pristine condition for our Goblin 😂


    Congrats 🙂
    Its so nice when our oppas visit our dreams 😍


More Age of Youth 2 goodness! ❤️

This is a seriously adorkable one of them shimmying away and having fun! 😆

Nice to see the gals again!





    Cute cute cute! But but but where’s chepeu~??? 😰

    Haha @ Choi Ara looking up and down at her partner, tho. Oh dear, this is gonna be fun.


    Oh they’re all cute puppies I want to protect them :3


Drama Medical Newsflash:

If you have a piece of metal/wood sticking out of your chest- DO NOT let your colleague just yank it out in the car, no matter how good looking he may be. 😝



Am enjoying #CriminalMinds.
(Lee Junki is hot. *ahem*)

Episode 2 was better than 1 but I am enjoying the backstory. I just hope Moon Chae Won gets more chance to be badass.


    What’s the tone of the drama like? One of the PDs (the drama has 2) recently stepped down from the drama due to ‘creative differences’ so I’m wondering if that will have an impact on the tone, editing and directing of the drama


      The editing was a bit choppy in episode 1. Much better in 2. It’s a procedural, has some darker moments as they chase the bad guy(s), with some lighter moments thrown in, though I’m not feeling the lighter moments because they involve the other characters who I feel are trying to hard to be quirky that it comes across as fake.
      Basically it’s not as gripping as say, Voice where they went all out with the thriller vibe. This one is much less intense than that.
      Hope that answers your question?
      And yeah I heard about that too, and I hope it won’t affect the quality of the production.


Also, Criminal Minds! YAAAS!
I know what I am going to be watching tomorrow!



    You’re back!?! *doing happy dance in my office* 💃


It’s only been 3 days, but by golly, Dramabeans I’ve Missed You!

And it’s really nice to be back.

Just in time for me to start Falsify! Nam Goong Min Oppa! #Plsbegood


    Welcome back! And look, no downvotes! 😀


      Hee. I know not everyone minded the down votes but yeah, I’m not missing them much XD


    Hey there! Welcome back! ☺


    Even though you wrote (and I clearly read) “Nam Goong Min Oppa,” my eyes deceived me into thinking that was Lee Jun-ki oppa, and I was like, “Omg, he’s in a drama w/ his gf?!”


      Maybe you saw the pic above and your brain joined up the two? Lol.


        That’s definitely what happened, yes, since his gf’s in the poster next to Namgoong Min. Haha.


Won’t let downvotes or accusations bring me down. I know that’s not what I meant, so I’m telling myself not to be upset. If I’m sad or leave DB, then hate wins.

My new fav ice cream flavor!
🍦 = ❤!


    woah woah woah, now. Downvoting has gone to far and people doing have lost their ever loving minds. Bullying (and thats all this stupid downvoting poppycock is–bullying) is not ok! Don’t let the jerks get you down! Don’t be sad and certainly don’t leave DB because of bullies. If DB won’t do away with the downvote button maybe there’s a way to make a notification like xxo just downvoted you! like we get notifications when someone comments or follows us.

    Now, I’m not sure if I’ve talked to you before (my memory is faulty like that) but you seem delightful and you have awesome taste in icecream and I’m 100% sure that you’ll be missed. So…bully’s can kick rocks.


      Thanks so much @isthatacorner ❤️

      Unfortunately I will need to remove myself from the thread-that-shall-not-be-named and take a hiatus from DB for a while for now I’m getting downvoted for being upset that I got called ignorant, condescending and ludicrous. I need to be as angry as them and protest as loudly, for my feelings as a human being to count. If they can get offended by a Korean drama being portray on TV about their culture/religion, how do they think I feel when I’m directly attacked like this?

      Ah well. I will miss DB and the other lovely Beanies such as yourself. I’m sure my goldfish memory will ensure I’ll be back here before long and have forgotten all this sadness! ❤️ Thank you again for your kind words!


        Well, you do your selfcare because its the most important thing. And I hope that the DB staff are taking note of the shenanigans going on and are coming up with a plan to fix the nonsense. Bullying should not be tolerated. At all.


    Awe! Who would do this to one of the most thoughtful beanies around? Just remember that we are all strangers together, and none of us really matter that much, even yours truly. 😜😘


      Thanks babe! Have a good week ahead! I’m taking a break for a while so may not see or reply any comments for a bit. Happy drama watching!


    I haven’t checked out that thread since the recap was first posted but I feel sorry that the calm and friendly atmosphere at Dramabeans is being turned into a war zone there!

    Please don’t let the downvotes get you down… we haven’t talked much but I do know that you always have the most well thought out comments and your gifs of Moonlight are legendary! Plus the LAHL beanies have a special place in my heart!

    So please cheer up, ignore that thread and continue to be your awesome self!
    Oh and prepare yourself for an onslaught of sweet icons (the wonders of typing on phone)


      Awww thanks obsessedmuch! I’m drowning in sweetness! Hehe.

      Im just a bit sad, because DB is just that little bit tainted for me now. I wish the bosses would say something or do something to stop this but it’s not like a comment- you can’t moderate downvotes. And if upvotes make us happy, surely it’s not surprising that downvotes do the opposite? And sadness never is good in a online community built on sharing love for kdramas and squeeing over Oppa.

      So I’ll be on break for a bit, so I may not reply or see comments for a while. But I appreciate the love! ❤️


        Sure.. I understand the need to keep yourself away from DB for a while… take a break but come back for sure! 🙂


    Awwww, I’m saddened to know you’re stepping away from DB, but I respectfully understand your need to do so at this time. I’m hopeful that your time away will not be long. Please know that you’ll be missed. ….. After a period of time that you deem necessary, please come back and join us.


      Thanks korfan ❤️ I just need to decompress. And since the OP hasn’t bothered to reply to me and I’m still getting downvotes despite my apologies and explanations, I’m quite ready to have my break.

      I won’t stay away for too long anyway. I love kdramas and the Beanies here too much. But I need to stop getting upset every time my downvote count goes up 😣

      Happy drama watching in the meantime!


    I’ve no idea what happened here @michykdrama but I always find your posts thoughtful, interesting and sensitive so try not to take it to heart. I’ve picked up a few down votes for saying I liked an actor or actress or thought they would do well in a role. You are well loved on dramabeans so please come back soon.


    Don’t worry friend <3. You are one of my favorites here! It's people like you that keeps me around.
    I'm definitely beating @Sera The Ms Temper by 40 downvotes lol.
    It doesn't bother me but I do understand that it's something negative which gives negative/sad feelings.

    Cheer up! Hopefully we'd get another "Doctor Kim" or "Moonlight" to fangirl over.


      *hugs* @kiara
      Here’s to more open and friendly discussions on DB! <3

      Are you going to watch Falsify?
      Or Criminal Minds?
      Or Manhole: Feel so good? (This title is terrible though, can I just say…. LOL)

      I'm thinking I'll be checking out these 3 next.


        Lol @ Manhole. I agree.

        I will definitely try Criminal Minds first :). Hope there is humor mix in with all the serious stuff.


          Not much humor sadly, or rather I felt the attempts at it were a bit forced. I’m LOVING Junki but not so much the other characters- IT computer lady and Genius double doctorate guy come across as too forced to be fun. But hopefully will get better in the coming episodes.
          I’ll be sticking around cuz I’m in love with Lee Junki. 😍


Amusing (and yet sad) that a comment asking people to be tolerant can get downvotes. And no one bothering to explain why or discuss.

@javabeans pls pls reconsider having the downvote button?


    It is sad, and I can’t believe someone downvoted Javabeans! Downvotes are becoming so ridiculous, I just can’t!


      It’s not the fact that it was her who was downvoted, but the fact that what she said wasn’t downvote worthy at all. I mean she apologized for crying out loud! And tho DB is not really her personal site any longer (it’s too big now) but she still is (one of) the boss so she can damn well do whatever she likes as long as it doesn’t harm people.

      And if people disagree then jolly well explain, since it’s not obvious to the rest of us why, and don’t hide your displeasure behind a button.


        Exactly what we’ve been saying about downvotes all along! Don’t just hit a button and run, explain, discuss and argue! I’m an Arab Muslim Hijabi girl, yes, the topic is sensitive and it hurts to see us being degraded like that but Javabeans has nothing to do with it, plus she apologized for it, why downvote that?


          Really glad you are proud of who you are and not letting what happened upset you too much. I’m sorry for your hurt and how insensitive it must have been. I don’t condone such insensitivities at all, but I must admit I’m equally saddened by the angry response to it here. Especially when a lot of it is directed at people whose only “mistake” is to not vocally and loudly display their anger towards this event. Like me. People have this “if you aren’t with us, you are against us” type of mentality which is upsetting.

          All I ever wanted was for everyone to take a step back, stop making it personal, and just breathe. We all are human. I respect my Muslim friends very much so, and I hope that Korea learns to not be so insular, but certainly anger and resentment towards them seems to be more harmful than peaceful explanations of why it hurt.


            Thank you! I’ve already talked about this the other day so I saw no point in repeating myself and wasting my time and energy on the recap thread, people have a mean way of twisting your words whether you’re with them or against them . The level of ignorance is baffling but then being all worked up about it is not going to help! I was actually really surprised to see the downvotes in the recap thread, and like you said people need to understand that just because someone is not siding with you doesn’t necessarily mean they’re against you, it’s sad really! Some people are respectful when explaining their POVs but some are plain rude, I do understand where that is coming from because that’s the hurt I feel too but I really wish they take a moment to think before talking!



            Yup! I got more downvotes and was accused some nasty things, but oh well. I’m going to go eat some ice cream! Won’t let the downvotes or comments ruin my day. Hope you have a great week ahead too! ❤️


    I got downvoted for saying that I thought downvotes should be saved for spoilers and trolls. If you don’t like someone’s opinion you can simply not up vote. But I guess my statement was too controversial.


      Erm no I don’t think it’s very controversial. But I think people have been very downvote happy lately. *shrug*

      I admit the first downvote upset me the most, and now I’m less affected tho it still does sting.

      I have a feeling the way the site is programmed is limiting whether they can remove the downvote or not sadly. Or maybe it’s too much work? So unfortunately I’m almost resigned that downvotes are here to stay. 🙁


I’d like some of what Ha Ji Won has been drinking. Or eating. Or bathing in. She’s 39! She looks amazing!
Her abs! Her hair! Her skin!



Since I’m in a drama slump I’ve been working hard at baking! Lol. So sharing the food porn.

A strawberry mousse cake with a yummy crunchy chocolate base! ❤️

#firstattempt #homemade


Finally finished watching the Jmovies of Liar and His Lover and Side Story- I’d recommend it to all Kdrama Liar and his Lover lovers! Made me appreciate the Liar universe just that bit more.