Age of Youth 2: Episode 7

Appearances are deceiving, though it’s easy and convenient to judge someone by their looks. As we learn more about Eun, we look past her towering height and boyish style to see her big heart and reluctance to hate. She’s still cautious and closed off, but she’s cracking open little by little. As is Ye-eun, as she learns to trust people and be kind to herself. She may still feel scared of the world, but she’s slowly relearning how to trust and accept help.

EPISODE 7: “I am the center of the universe” #scarletletter

The housemates sit around the table staring at the anonymous text on Ye-eun’s phone, which reads “Bitch” repeated over and over. Eun-jae, Jin-myung, and Ji-won silently wonder if it’s the ex, Go Doo-young, while Eun thinks about the mysterious letter. But Ye-eun makes the unexpected guess that it’s Ho-chang, which fizzles the tension.

Ye-eun shares that Ho-chang is a little strange—in how he talks, how he looks at people, how he dresses—and that he recently told her to be careful at night and not walk alone. Ji-won asks about his tone when he said it—if it was genuine concern or malicious intent—but Ye-eun isn’t sure. So Ji-won investigates and calls up her friends for more information.

Watching Ho-chang at his usual cafe, Ji-won briefs Ye-eun on the profile she’s collected: He’s a fourth-year mechanical engineering student and won first place in a competition last year. He has no friends, no significant other, and there’s a rumor that he electrocuted a sunbae who bullied him. There’s no confirmation on whether it was intentional or an accident, but no one has bothered him since. Ye-eun looks at him from afar and decides he’s a scary person.

At Oh & Park, five members of Asgard get on the elevator with Jin-myung, and they wonder why they’ve been summoned separately from the other two. Heimdal stays positive and reminds his groupmates that they should just focus on working hard, and looks to Jin-myung for confirmation. She stays silent, and Heimdal tells her “fighting!” as she walks off the elevator (aw, puppy). When Jin-myung gets to her desk, we see that she’s kept the lollipop that Heimdal gave her in her pencil holder.

The five members cheerfully greet their management team, completely unaware of the situation. The chairman and director both hesitate to deliver the tough decision and provide vague words of encouragement before the manager distributes the contracts. The members are confused, and the manager finally explains that this is a contract to terminate their current contract.

The director uses euphemistic terms to soften the blow of their contract termination and says that they’re now free to sign with another company. Heimdal asks bluntly what other company they could sign with, and the execs give no answer.

Investigative journalist Ji-won spies on Ho-chang and follows him around from the cafe to class. Afterward, she reports to Ye-eun as they watch him from the cafe window. Every day, he sits in the same spot at the cafe eating the same food and sits in the same spot in class. He doesn’t talk to anyone all day, has no friends and eats alone.

Ye-eun isn’t too impressed with the lack of new information, so she barges into the cafe to confront Ho-chang and asks how he’s doing. He barely makes eye contact as he greets her, and then she rushes away back to Ji-won. Ye-eun asks if Ji-won observed anything strange about his reaction. Ji-won confirms that he seemed bewildered, but he’s always like that anyway, so there’s no way to tell if he reacted unusually just now.

Ye-eun buys them sandwiches (to Ji-won’s delight), and Ji-won comments that Ye-eun is good at talking to guys now. Ye-eun says that for some reason, it’s easy with Ho-chang.

Ho-chang gets up to order food, and Ji-won correctly guesses that it’s 12:55 p.m.—the exact time he orders the same sandwich every day. But when he gets to the counter, the cashier informs him that they’ve run out of the classic sandwich, and it makes him fret. He gets so agitated that he paces and accidentally knocks his drink off of the table.

Ye-eun notices his anxiety and thinks back to when he saved her from her disingenuous friends. Suddenly, Ye-eun gets up with her untouched classic sandwich and offers it to him. After his initial surprise, he becomes visibly relieved. She walks away before he can say anything, but it seems like he wants to acknowledge her kind gesture. When she returns to her table, Ye-eun tries to grab the other half of Ji-won’s sandwich, but Ji-won snatches it away from her because Ye-eun bought the meal for her. Heh.

When Ji-won, Ye-eun, and Eun-jae get off the bus that night, they’re pleasantly surprised to see Eun waiting for them at the stop. Even though she doesn’t let on that she was worried, they know that she secretly cares.

As they walk home, Ji-won shares updates on the still-unclear Ho-chang situation, and Eun-jae updates them on her failed aegyo attempt. She says that she likes guys who don’t like aegyo, and Ye-eun teases that her preference is because she’s so bad at it. And plus, what guy doesn’t like aegyo?

Ji-won suggests that they ask a man directly, just as they come upon Jang-hoon doing push-ups outside their house. As the rest of the housemates file inside, Eun-jae hangs back to ask for his opinion on what kind of girls guys like. Noticing this, Eun also lingers and eavesdrops from around the corner.

Jang-hoon advises Eun-jae to just confess her feelings, but he modifies his advice when she tells him that she’s trying to win back an ex. He warns her against being overly assertive and coming off clingy instead, which would be scary. Instead, she should make her ex be the assertive one, and since men are simple creatures, she should try changing her appearance. He compliments her many attributes—pure, cute, intelligent, and even elegant—but suggests that she’s missing a sexiness.

From her eavesdropping corner, Eun scoffs at the suggestion, but Eun-jae readily agrees and thanks him for the advice. As she heads inside, she finds Eun plastered against the wall and asks what she’s doing there. Jang-hoon walks over to her, and Eun just calls him a pervert (for fixating on sexiness) and shoots him a disapproving look as she walks inside.

Eun-jae begins to research “sexy women” online right away. She looks at pictures of Marilyn Monroe, among other women, and takes notes on key points: 1. Elusive look; 2. Beauty mark under the nose; 3. Revealing clothing; 4. Femme fatale.

After her research, Eun-jae asks her housemates for their opinions on her sexy expressions… which falls flat when Ji-won tells her to go ahead and Eun-jae says she’d already done them. Ha.

Eun-jae tries them again, and Ji-won votes that her “provocative look” is better than the “elusive” one. Eun-jae deflates again when she realizes that they didn’t realize which look was supposed to be the provocative one, and glumly heads back to her room.

Ye-eun says she’s looking forward to what Eun-jae will wear tomorrow, and Ji-won bets that she’ll wear something totally off the mark. Jin-myung worries that none of them are stopping her, but Ye-eun says that she’ll mature through the process.

The next morning, Eun-jae comes out of her room wearing pretty makeup and a short pink dress that looks great on her. The housemates are all shocked at the unexpectedly fitting transformation, and even Jang-hoon looks mesmerized as she walks by.

Jang-hoon comments that Eun-jae must be quick on the uptake because she goes to an elite university, and Eun gets offended that he looks down on her for going to a less prestigious school. He wonders if she’s insecure about her academics, and they bicker more when he tells her to call him oppa since he’s a year older, and she gets petty and scowls that he’s too short to be called oppa.

When Eun-jae walks into class, the whole class erupts in applause at her transformation, and Jong-yeol looks surprised. Throughout the lecture (on Freud, how cheeky), Eun-jae notices that Jong-yeol is sneaking glances at her, and she smiles in satisfaction. During lunch, Jong-yeol trips over his feet and almost eats it when he notices Eun-jae again, and she looks overjoyed by his disorderly reaction.

Ji-won notices Sung-min and Pretty Junior walking together, and she excitedly trails after them to a restaurant. She watches them get seated, and Sung-min notices her spying on them. He briefly excuses himself and comes up behind Ji-won to ask what she’s doing there, and Ji-won proceeds to tease him for his interest in Pretty Junior, saying that pasta is a meal for lovers.

Ji-won breaks a sweat trying to tease him, and gets a little tired of forcing her laughter. She cuts to the chase and asks if he’s going to date her, and he clarifies that they’re just having a meal together. Ji-won asks what he’s going to do if she confesses her feelings, and he asks what he should do. Ji-won looks confused that he’s asking her to make his decision.

Sung-min changes the topic and tells Ji-won to go to the hospital to check the ringing in her ears. Ji-won says that she’s too busy to go to the hospital, to which Sung-min asks what she’s doing spending her busy life stalking him. She tells him to be grateful that she took precious time out of her busy schedule just to tease him, then skips off to her busy life.

When Sung-min returns to the restaurant, he prefaces their meal by telling Pretty Junior not to confess if that’s what she was intending, and her deflated reaction tells all.

Jin-myung’s team manager tries to delegate the job of collecting Asgard’s contract termination papers, and everyone makes excuses to avoid the job. So Jin-myung gets delegated this task, and in the bathroom, her sunbae warns her about backlash, especially with Thor, since he’s rumored to have been the best fighter at his school.

At the contract termination meeting, Thor walks in with a deathly glare—but then he crumbles into tears and begs for one more chance. The next member, Baldr, angrily blames the selfish company for false promises and for abandoning them. Ur seems more relieved and copes with the termination by saying that Asgard is a mortifying concept and that he’s glad it’s over before they embarrassed themselves. Tyr politely hands over his contract and reproaches himself for not being good enough, apologizing profusely.

Jin-myung dreads her final contract termination meeting with Heimdal, but he’s nowhere to be seen. She informs her manager that he didn’t show up and returns to her desk—where she sees her sunbae eating Jin-myung’s lollipop. From Jin-myung’s reaction, she belatedly realizes that the lollipop may have meant something special, but Jin-myung says that it’s fine.

Ho-chang watches Ye-eun in class and discreetly follows her into the hallway. He follows her to her locker and tries to open it after she leaves, but she’s noticed him trailing after her and confronts him. She asks why he’s been following her, and he gets flustered, asking if she’s okay and mumbling, “Strange text message…”

Scared, Ye-eun steps back, and Ho-chang takes out a mysterious item wrapped in a black plastic bag. He says he made it and tries to force it into Ye-eun’s hand, but she screams and throws it on the ground. The thing starts blaring like an alarm, and Ho-chang quickly retrieves it to turn it off.

Outside, Ho-chang apologizes for the loud sound and confirms that he made this for Ye-eun. She asks why, and he says that he was worried, making an illogical explanation of his mom seeing the text and being worried about Ye-eun. She can’t make sense of anything he said, and he laughs innocently that he hears that often.

Ye-eun asks to see the text, and he refuses because it’ll make her feel bad. She shows him the malicious text she received and says that nothing could be worse than that. He reluctantly takes out his phone and shows her the text.

It reads: “Do you know that Jung Ye-eun was kidnapped by her boyfriend? Did you ask what she experienced for those two nights and three days? Can you still date her even after knowing what she s? There’s nothing good that can come from being close to Ye-eun. This is a warning in your interest.”

After reading the text, Ye-eun begins to hyperventilate, and Ho-chang hurries to help, though he ends up spraying himself with water as he opens it. She takes a sip of the water and calms down, then notices that Ho-chang received his text before she got hers. He says that it’s absurd that anyone would call someone as kind as Ye-eun a bitch.

Ye-eun asks why he thinks she’s kind, and he says it’s because she gave him her sandwich (aw). He adds that anyone who’s nice to “a person like me” is a kind person. She asks what kind of person he is, and he seems self-aware as he says, “Because I’m… you know.”

Ye-eun reroutes the conversation back to his device, and he scoots close to excitedly explain its functionality. It’s a homemade taser, and he adorably says that he couldn’t test how painful it was because the high voltage scared him.

Ye-eun interrupts to say that she’s not that nice—she wouldn’t be getting these texts if she were. Just then, Ye-eun’s worried friends find her, and she gratefully takes Ho-chang’s multifunctional taser.

As she leaves, Ho-chang blurts, “That other person is bad. The person who hates you is bad. You are a kind person. You are a kind and… pretty person.” He smiles, then scurries away.

Jong-yeol finds Eun-jae studying alone in a lecture hall, and he nervously approaches her about a survey for research. She acts pretty with her wide eyes and gets up to grab the paper, but she very audibly passes gas in that moment. Her wide eyes widen in mortification, and she runs out while Jong-yeol looks shell-shocked.

At home, Eun-jae drinks a digestive aid and Eun pats her back to help with the indigestion. Eun-jae laments the timing since Jong-yeol was coming around, but Eun asks if she would be happy to date Jong-yeol with a fabricated version of herself, instead of her real self.

Ji-won comes home without Ye-eun, and worried Eun goes outside to look for her. As she walks out of the house, Jang-hoon asks her to help him with something, but she says that she’s busy going on a walk. Worried that she’s going alone at night, he follows her out.

Thankfully, Ye-eun isn’t alone and walks back from the bus stop with her two friends. One of her friends, Kyung-ah, teases her about Ho-chang and suggests that he walk her home next time.

Eun runs into them, and Ye-eun assumes that she and Jang-hoon are out on a walk together, since he’s trailing right behind her. Since she’s not needed, Eun turns around to head home… until Jang-hoon follows her, and she turns back around and tries to fast-walk away from him.

When Jin-myung arrives at work, she finds a carton of lollipops from her sunbae, who apologizes for eating the lollipop without asking. Jin-myung reiterates that the lollipop didn’t mean anything to her, but Sunbae says that her expression said otherwise. The team manager asks after the Asgard situation, and Jin-myung promises to complete the task by the end of the day.

The two Asgard members with their contracts intact leave their dorm sheepishly, while the remaining members pack up their things to go home. Jin-myung arrives at the dorm to look for Heimdal, but he’s nowhere to be seen. Apologetic Tyr says that he’ll return eventually, since he has nowhere else to go, so Jin-myung leaves her card to contact her when he returns.

As Jin-myung leaves, Thor’s mother arrives and embraces her disappointed son. Thor apologizes as he cries, and she comforts him. Jin-myung looks back at them but quickly goes on her way.

Ye-eun’s friends are waiting for her outside her classroom to get lunch together, but she hesitates. We see why, as Ho-chang comes running up like a happy puppy. Kyung-ah realizes that he’s her lunch date and expresses relief that Ye-eun has good people around her. The other friend, Yoo-kyung, watches the two walk away with an unfriendly look and says that Ye-eun has too many good people to take care of her. Ooh, suspicious.

Ye-eun and Ho-chang eat the same sandwich at his favorite cafe, and Ye-eun asks why he eats the same thing every day. He says that it’s the most delicious one, even though he hasn’t tried anything else. Ye-eun suggests that they try something new next time, but he happily refuses, heh.

After class, Ye-ji suggests to Eun that they go see a movie, but Eun gets a text and sighs that she can’t go. Ye-ji assumes that it’s Jang-hoon, but she immediately understands the situation when she sees the text. It’s a message from Eun’s mom telling her to come in for a haircut.

Eun sits in her mom’s salon obediently, but she knows something’s up and asks about her father. Her mom says that her dad begged her to sign the divorce papers, since his younger daughter is about to start school. Eun tells her to just sign them, but her mom refuses—he cheated, so he can live with that much discomfort. Eun points out her mother is equally uncomfortable, and that it’s been eight years so Dad’s new relationship must be genuine. But Mom just warns her not to move lest she cut her ear.

Mom says that Dad abandoned both her and Eun, so Eun shouldn’t be so noble. Eun thinks back to her childhood, when her dad would comb her long hair into a ponytail. She touches the back of her hair and rests her head on the window of the bus as she heads home.

When Eun gets off the bus, Jang-hoon is waiting for her. He explains that Ye-ji ordered him to escort Eun home and that she would be in a gloomy mood. As they walk, Jang-hoon tries to break the ice by asking how long she’s known Ye-ji, and hears that they’ve known each other since elementary school. When asked about her height, Eun says that she suddenly grew in middle school and that the secret to her height was genes.

Gentlemanly Jang-hoon pulls Eun out of the way as a bicyclist rides by, and Eun begins to open up. She shares that when she was younger, she thought she could decide who to like or hate, since there were clear good people and bad people then.

Jang-hoon notices that Eun cut her hair, and he teases her that she’ll become a monk soon. He suggests that she grow out her hair, but he suddenly notices that Eun is crying. He stops her, but she doesn’t explain and walks away.

Jin-myung revisits Asgard’s dorm to check if Heimdal has returned, but no one answers the door or the phone. As she leaves, she runs into Heimdal, and he freezes, then turns to walk away. Jin-myung chases him to talk, and as he runs faster, he trips over his feet and scrapes his hand.

Jin-myung catches up to him, and after handing him a handkerchief, she asks about the termination contract. He says that he lost the papers, so Jin-myung hands him another copy from. She tells him that nothing’s going to change, and he reluctantly takes the documents. She says that she’ll return tomorrow and walks away.

Heimdal sadly walks into his dark dorm and sits on the couch, thinking about all the good times shared with his bandmates.

Ye-eun cheerfully walks to school, but when she opens her locker, her face falls. We flashback to a happy scene from Ye-eun’s childhood as she narrates: “When I was younger, I was the center of the universe. I thought that when I fell asleep, the whole world stopped with me. The world revolved around me, and I couldn’t imagine a world without me.”

The paused world resumes as young Ye-eun wakes up, and she continues: “Those days, everything existed to love me.”

Ji-won happily greets everyone and walks into Sung-min’s busy journalism office as he scolds his juniors about inaccurate headlines. She’s barely acknowledged because everyone is preoccupied, so she heads out. “Since when did I realize that the world continued to function without me?”

Heimdal looks longingly at a signed Asgard poster with encouraging words. He looks at his own encouragement, his own quote that diligence will not betray him. “Since when did I realize that I wasn’t the center of the universe?”

Jin-myung is hard at work, and we see the untouched package of lollipops. “Since when did I truly realize that I’m just one of many?”

Eun-jae watches Jong-yeol chat with another girl, and she occupies herself with work. “Since when did my world revolve around another person?”

Ye-ji waits for Eun and happily greets her. Jang-hoon also passes by, and while he bickers with Ye-ji, he and Eun only make awkward eye contact. Eun self-consciously strokes the back of her hair and glances at Jang-hoon. “Since when did I realize that there are things you can’t have no matter how desperately you want them? Since when did I redirect this resentment to myself?”

Back at her locker, we see what has Ye-eun so shocked: a photo of her with her abusive ex Doo-young, her face scratched out, the word “whore” written next to it. “Today I make another painful realization. As I can hate people, I can also be hated. Someone is hating me.”

Ye-eun falls to the ground in fear, and her friends come to her side. They see the scratched out photo and try to calm her down, but Ye-eun tears up in fear.


We get a glance of our housemate’s tombstones, though we’re left to guess which one belongs to whom. The first one reads: “1994–2061. Lord have mercy.”

The second one reads: “1997–2043. Rest in peace.”

The third: “1997–2084. Received love and loved more than anyone.”

The fourth one is an urn that reads: “1984–2025. Every moment was a fortune.”

The last one is an urn orbiting Earth and reads: “1988–2090. Lived fully until the last day.”


There are so many factors in this new season that make me love the show a little more with every episode I watch. The show has a huge advantage of having such a successful first season, where our characters were well-established, and I really appreciate how the writing for this season is taking advantage of our familiarity with the characters. The writing feels purposeful and sharp (that narration at the end, wow), and I love how Eun’s story is subtly weaving in as she’s finding her place in the house.

Learning about Eun was super heartbreaking, and I was crushed to learn that the length of her hair represents her mother’s resentment. The shorter her hair, the more resentment her mother holds. I hate the “mother knows best” attitude that Eun’s mother holds, and that entitlement seems so toxic to Eun’s well-being. Initially, I thought that Eun may have just been rebellious when she left home, but now, I’m so relieved that she left that cold prickly house for the warm loving house that is Belle Epoque. She could use more love, considering how much she cares about the people she likes.

The more I learn about Eun, the more I realize how loving she actually is. She cares so much about the people around her, and it amuses and frustrates me that she has so much trouble expressing it. It’s so clear that she cares about Ye-eun’s safety even more than the other housemates who’ve known her longer, and it shows how sensitive she is to other people’s needs and emotions. Ironically, that’s where she fails herself, as she’s unable to really identify what she needs and be selfish enough to do things that make her happy. Actually, I don’t even think she knows what makes her happy, other than her favorite idol group. She’s so clueless with herself, but there’s something relatable with not knowing yourself. Often, you are the hardest person to figure out yourself.

Ho-chang is so adorable, and I love the budding relationship between him and Ye-eun. He seems so hopelessly innocent to the point where you can’t help but love the puppy. The show can accompany all the suspicious music with his presence and I would not suspect him for a second. He’s just too pure and genuine. I’m impressed with how the actor portrays all the nervous tics and anxious mannerisms without overdoing or forcing them. He plays the character with an awareness and sensitivity to Ho-chang’s struggles, and it shows.

I wondered if the sender of the malicious texts was one of Ye-eun’s friends, the one who was balding because of all the stress. I can see how a growing resentment towards a friend can be the source of malice, even though you care about the person. There’s a fine line between friend and caregiver, and it seems like she may have pushed her friendship to the point where she couldn’t handle the burden of taking care of Ye-eun all the time. But even then, I can’t see her traumatizing Ye-eun with that photo in her locker, so I’m now very afraid that Doo-young is back. He’s a monster, and I would really hate to see him undo all the progress that Ye-eun has made so far. Go away, Doo-young!

Even with all these lovable and great characters, Ji-won is still my favorite. She wasn’t even the center of this episode’s story, but she’s always there to make a moment sparkle. I love how much Park Eun-bin contributes to this character because Ji-won is definitely a character that requires an actor’s charm. During the first season, I remember some interviews where Park Eun-bin expressed some hesitance, but she’s so incredible as Ji-won that I want her to be this character in every drama she does. Forget about the family dramas, always be Ji-won, who’s petty and excited about free food, pretends to be an investigative journalist while you’re stalking a friend’s love interest, and take precious time out of your day to follow your best guy friend on a date just to make fun of him. She’s my hero.


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Stills no explain the difference between tv version and youtube version? Why Song died too soon? Don't tell me that this drama will have a crazy ending in the end, remember High Kick 2?


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yeah that was really confusing. which version am i supposed to believe (if any)???? if it's the tv version, then it's jinmyung who dies early, but if it's the youtube version, it's most likely jiwon. and, heartbreakingly enough, the youtube version dates make more sense than the tv version dates since they actually match up to the girls' ages - but also, I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THIS, SHOW. WHY did they have to tell us this?!?!


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@mrwhite04 mention 2


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@mrwhite04 mention 3


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@mrwhite04 mention 4


Why is it Song!?? Could you pls explain!!


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at the youtube ver, this is the date ( I don't remember exactly the last year but roughly like this)
1995–2061 > the grave has cross so it means Yeeun since she always spotted as christian
1997–2043>Eun or Eunjae
1997–2084>Eun or Eunjae
1995–2025>Song (because the other one is Yeeun) AND THAT MEANS SHE WILL DIE AT 30
1989–2090>Yoon Sunbae

but the TV ver is like this one
1994–2061> again Yeeun
1997–2043> again eun or eunjae
1997–2084> again eun or eunjae
1984–2025 > this is the eldest so it can be Yoon Jinmyung
1988–2090> Song? but Song is the same age as Jung Yeosa?


but actually, if you look at Eun note at her diary about their age (that shown around ep 3 or ep 4 after Yeeun told about her date abuse to Eun), the TV ver is not true, because that's written Yoon Sunbae is 28 (which mean 89 or 88), Song and Yeeun is 23 (which mean 94 or 95) while Eunjae is 21 (which mean she's 96 or 97) and Eun is the same age with Eunjae


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youtube verison?


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@mrwhite04 mention repy recap


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I think Song might die early cus remember the ringing in her ears? And also Sung Min told her to go to the hospital to get her ears checked. I think Song might be sick or something. For me, she's the most mysterious character among the 5 girls cus we don't know what happened during her childhood that caused her to change her personality 180°.


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Who's born at 1984? Whoooo?? ?


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Yoon Sunbae is the oldest.

1994–2061. Lord have mercy. Yi Eun
1997–2043. Rest in peace. Giant Eun - but so young (comparatively)
1997–2084. Received love and loved more than anyone. My guess is Eun Jae
1984–2025. Every moment was a fortune. Jin Myung

1988–2090. Lived fully until the last day. Song


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I honestly don't think that it's Ye-Eun's ex-boyfriend that is behind the text messages and the photo on the locker. He may or may not have an involvement in the events but one thing is for sure: Ye-Eun's balding friend, Yoo-kyung, is behind all of this.
1. Ho-chang received the warning text about Ye-eun a day before she receives the text saying "Bad B*tch". On this day, Ho-chang have been looking at Ye-eun and when she finally approaches him, he asks her to be careful, which have lead to number 2.
2. Ye-eun received the "Bad B*tch" text message a day after she finally had the courage to approach Ho-chang and ask him why he's looking at her like that.
3. The day that Ye-eun had a lunch date with Ho-chang, her friend showed a veeeery weird behavior. The day after that, she saw the photo of her with her ex on her locker.


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For a second I suspected maybe Yoo kyung is bipolar.. so it explains why she did it if she really did it


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I think she's jealous of yeeun. Yeeun choose many wrong decision , yet people still love her. Maybe yeeun's friend thought that even when she did all the right thing, people still doesnt love her. And when hochang comes and will take yeeun away from her, i think she doesnt want to lose yeeun. Thus she created a dangerous situation so she can protect and beliked by yeeun.
Lol that's all in my head


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Ah.. that might explain her sentence "She has too many good people taking care of her"


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I felt a strong Reply 1997 feels when Sung-min looked at Ji-won and asked her what he should do!


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aaaa didn't think aboout it earlier


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Sungmin, stop looking at her like that and just confess!!! It's episode 7, don't make us wait for another season!


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Me too! I instantly remembered: "Please, don't make me date her."


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Wooow you are soo fast!!

And I'm so in love with HochangxYeeun couple, I could replayed their scene over and over, it has cutie moment and also healing moment

I'm really tearing up when Hochang said to Yeeun that she's the kind girl, that other person is the bad one (and the new ost is also goooddd I searched it for 3 hours just to know the song , Kang Asol - 나의 대답)

its really ironic that Yeeun's character and story is the least I'm looking forward last season, but this time her story and character development became the most anticipated for me

and yeah I have to agree with you, Lee Yoojin nailed it with his Hochang role he played it at proper way not too much or too plain,


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Lee Yoo-jin is so perfect for this character that in my own fantasy I imagine that he has always been Writer Park's first choice to play the role but JTBC wanted to cast a popular idol instead (and of course in my fantasy at this point Writer Park can do no wrong!)

What a touching gift Ho-chang made for Ye-eun! He was absolutely adorkable when he was showing her how to use the device, but also a little disconcerting how much delight and glee when he tested the high-voltage taser!! ⚡⚡⚡

I am loving this Asian MacGyver with Urkle sense of style!


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Urkle! Yes! There's a bit of Urkle in him for sure - especially that bit about him electrocuting his bully-sunbae, wether it was purposely done or not haha...


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Lol. I'm so glad you wrote this....because that is totally what I imagined too. Lee Yoo-jin is so right for the role, that he must have been involved in the audition process already (much like Ji-woo was with Eun-jae). And, after seeing his performance, I can only think that he just wasn't chosen because he didn't have as much popularity.


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I didn't care much for Ye-Eun last season but absolutely love her character development this season too!


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Why on earth did they include these tombstone epiloge??


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To make us dying in anxiety I guess... ?


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i know right, why would they DO that?!?! especially if they're going to reveal that someone dies only eight years later - why would the writer play us like that?!?!?!


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At first, I didn't want to pay attention to the epilogue since it's somehow depressing. But someone will die in 2025 :( I couldn't stop myself from doing this.
Belle epoque girls age order :
Jinmyung > Jiwon >/= Ye Eun > Eunjae = Eun
Here it goes :
“1984–2025. Every moment was a fortune.”
“1988–2090. Lived fully until the last day.”
"1994–2061. Lord have mercy."
“1997–2043. Rest in peace.” / “1997–2084. Received love and loved more than anyone.”
I'll live the conclusions up to everyone... #facepalm #runaway


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OMG! The worst thing is it makes sense? The writings on the tombs match the person's characters so well. But I didn't need to know this! Why would they put up their death dates on there??


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Ikr :(


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I was really sad seeing the 1984-2025 tombstone because it had to be Jin-Myung's. That's very young to die.... :(


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They made a mistake with the dates. Like it's not bad enough. Jinmyung is 29 so she was born in 1988. The YT version changed 1984 to 1995... *sigh...


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actually, I think they made a mistake with the dates. The youtube version shows 1995 instead of 1984, and that makes more sense since jinmyung is born 1988 and jiwon is born 1995 according to my research.
So yeah, Jiwon is probably the one dying young ㅠㅠ


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No one talks like that about my gurl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(wow, I actually feel my heart ache...show what ya doin' to me to be this invested in a fictional character?)


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I checked the YT version and yes, there are some date difference. 1984–2025 become 1995-2025 and 1994–2061 become 1995-2025. So Jiwon and Ye eun are the same age like they supposed to be... But "Lord have mercy" match Ye Eun better so you're probably right... And this is unacceptable.. Ssong is too precious to die young :((( None of them should die young... The epilogue supposed to be funny but what is this T T


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i hate the fact that 2 are going to die in their 40s... seeing as I have just passed the 30 mark it is quite depressing.


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I'm really in love with Eun and Janghoon to the point i watched the raw and keep rewatching their scene... [SPOILERS] i'm going crazy waiting for new eps just to watch them.. please God help me...


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okay, but the real villain of this story is that jerk that ate Jin-Myung's lollipop. like, who DOES that?!


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Nah, the real villain is low blood sugar, and this villain haunts me throughout the day.


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Lol, I was all set to hate her. But I like people who go out of there way to make up for things, when they realize the other is upset about it. A whole bin of lollipops, a coffee, and a sincere apology was plenty for me to forgive her. It's sad, but I've put up with a lot of people who do much less after doing something thoughtless like that.


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So many ships, so little time!

I love how to writer makes each friendship/relationship so unique from the other ones surrounding them, yet totally relatable and relatively believable!

Ji-Won & Sang-Min are just SO adorable, especially the slow-burn from friendship to (hopefully) relationship!

And I totally believe that Ho-chang is the sort of person who Ye-Eun can feel safe enough to open up to.

Eun and Jang-Hoon....so cute, I can't even....


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sometimes i feel acute compassion for sungmin, because i, like him, am constantly trying super hard to find even a whisper of a hint that jiwon might like him back. come ooon jiwon!! :'(


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Hehehe, hopefully he can find solace in the fact that a girl doesn't invite him to go on trips and take time out of her day to stalk him for no reason.

Keep carry the torch and nurse that fire, Sung-min. You got the entire village of shippers cheering you on!


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There are soo many of us we've invaded jtbcdrama's youtube channel and watched their scenes 500 times and basically overtaken the subs there ?


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500? I am losing count, as well as losing track of my own sense of reality..........


Now I have this picture of us shipper villagers marching Sung Min, holding his torch, to Ji Won ceremoniously and chanting "Kiss kiss kiss kiss." It's all very cultish guys. But I'm still on board. ;)


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Our wishes will be fulfilled.


Kissueh! Kissueh! Kissueh!

Killing her softly with kisses, Sung-min. We will let you get away with murder.


the ending narration for this episode is my favourite out of all the episodes so far. so heartbreakingly relatable. :(

weirdly enough, i'm still very indifferent to jinmyung and heimdall's storyline though, and find myself tuning out in their scenes. i don't really feel anything for heimdall other than a vague sense of sympathy, and jinmyung feels like she's reached a standstill in terms of character growth - i don't know if it's just me, but i still don't really know where their story is going tbh, and every time the drama turns to them, i start wishing it'd go back to the other girls' stories.

BUT i'm really enjoying ye-eun and ho-chang's dynamic - it's just as i'd hoped for and imagined, hehe. i love how ye-eun is showing signs of helping ho-chang venture outside of his comfort zone, and it's so cute how unassumingly and earnestly ho-chang believes in ye-eun and her kindness.


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Haha! I feel the same with Heimdall!!


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You're right. I was wondering what was missing with Yoon sunbae's story - it's stagnant. She was the strongest (mentally) and the most hardworking last season and just watching her made me want her to get the best ending ever (which, Yoon Park <3 ) but now it's a standstill. Sigh. She's a great actress so I feel for this loss deeply.


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I agree. The Jinmyung and Heimdal scenes have pretty much been the same. Heimdal says some stuff or smiles. Jinmyung takes it all in and reflects. I wish they had revealed that she sees her brother in him earlier. And then spend more time with her being a big sister to him. I had fantasized about her being an idol manager, which is like totally not a job you'd expect Jinmyung to take on. Anyways, I hope somehow she'll pull through for him!


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I've felt that Jin Myung's plotline has been a little stagnant too. But I kinda think it's fitting for where she is? Like she spent so much of season 1 just fighting and fighting to get by that now that she's finally reached her end goal of getting a job it's like, now what? I feel like it's the first time in a while that she's gotten to stand still and just absorb her surroundings and the people around her, which is what I think they're trying to do by showing her growing sympathy towards Heimdall. I'll admit that it does read weaker compared to the other girls stories. But not everyone is dealing with something extremely onerous at every point at their life. It's only when life's not that bad that you can worry about the smaller things, hence Eun Jae's main "conflict" being her ex this season.

Maybe I'm also just grateful that her story is lighter this season, because LORD her s1 arc was heavyyy. I also know that this writer can throw a real wrench into things when need be, so we'll see what happens...


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I watched both episodes raw and replayed scenes in the JTBC drama youtube account, yeah tell me how i'm in too deep. Lucky I could catch most of the words yey for learning Korean!

Anyway, this episode is lacking some Vitamin Song but she makes sure that her little presence is not missed. I love that Sung Min is not leaving us confused anymore, he super positively likes her. And Ye Eun, how much do I love that she's warming up to a dorky yet genuine guy, who cares for her sincerely. That homemade taser!


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Hehe, I'm there with you on stalking JTBC's YouTube account...


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Yes! Sungmin's sending out the feelers already, i love it. I think he does know that Jiwon is still oblivious and he's taking it slowly but. I do hope he'll get impatient and tell her directly (next week pls), because I don't think Jiwon will be having any romantic realizations about him soon. :(


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That's definitely the routine now because of the situation we have with the subs.

Raw➡️Youtube(countless of times) ➡️ DB for recaps ➡️ finally full subbed ver ???


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woah...you're right. That is exactly what I do.
Raw>Youtube(countless of times)>DB for recaps>full subbed

then go back to Youtube to watch my favorite SsongSungCouple.hahaha


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Hehehe... We got lucky somebody has subbed in JTBC Youtube account, mostly for Song and Eun's scenes.

But I'm glad that DB recap it super fast. So, DB is definitely helps clueless viewers, hehehe.


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This episode really made me cry for Eun!! She is such a pure soul who could not hurt anyone!!! She doesn't speak much, but cares about others so much to the extent she forgets about herself!!! And that's why I love JangHoon!! I am satisfied that he will give her all the love she deserves.. He is also so much like Eun in some ways!!! The way he followed her when she went out late!! Responsible and protective!! This is the kind of person Eun needs by her side!!!


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My heart broke for her. She's been living 8 years as her mother's pawn and feeling abandoned by her cheating father (that feeling is partly..mostly?...generated by her vindictive mother). And her father seem to living in some proximity to her, so she always has the possibility of seeing her father, his new family, and the little girl who supplanted her. I hope she gets to grow her hair as long as she wants by the end of the series, though I think she looks cute with the short hair.

I really like how Jang Hoon was probably the first to immediately see that Eun is a very sensitive girl inside.

This episode also made me like Yeji more. Yeji was pretty irritating -and the actress takes on a lot of "unhinged irritating gal" roles. But I do like how even though she has feels for Eun and is scarily protective and possessive of her, she sort of respects Jang Hoon and Eun's supposed relationship. I had expected sabotage. I also like how YJ and JH snipe at each other, sort of like how Eun and JH does. JH seems totally fine with Eun+YJ being sort of a package deal. He's confident enough to handle them both.


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I haven't read the recaps, so based on the subtitles, I didn't quite understand Eun's story, but I really love the theme of hair in her storyline. It became crystal clear in this episode why she keeps her hair short.


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When Ji Won realizes that she loves Sung Min and how important its for her, it will be epic


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I still don't understand the reason behind the delay in Subs in many sites for THIS DRAMA.. Sung Min-Ji Won... i wish their relationship blossoms soon..


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NETFLIX is the reason


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We should be glad we're getting eng subs at all. There's only one fansite who subs it in their language (Indo) and 1 or 2 fans who translate that back into English.

All the other sites are just taking the subs from that source.


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I have so many friends from autistic spectrum for whom every tiny change in their routine can be totally devastating and they cannot function. Ho Chang doesn´t seem autistic but he is anxious and clings to his daily habits like a lifebelt.


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I read him as spectrum, too, but not fitting anywhere exactly


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His character description on the jtbc official site actually does cite him as autistic.


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Ye-eun's story is rapidly evolving, I think I know who the letter writer and text sender is... and I can't believe how good the writing was to totally throw us off the trail until now!

There's so much raw emotion in this series, I feel for all the characters some how... Seeing Eun and Jang-hoon interact is such a treat and seems like Eun is finally slowly opening up. I'm super curious how Jin-myung will resolve the problems with Heimdal.

I just want Jiwon to realize how important Sung-min is to her. Seems like she's buried those feelings so deep that she can't recognize them at all anymore under all that humorous cover-up. LOL @ Eun-jae, she was doing so well it seemed and then...*bodily noises*. Nothing should phase her now after all the embarrassing things she has gone thru. (and I don't even wanna acknowledge those urns ;-; I don't wanna think about them passing at all, especially as early as 2025?!?!?!)


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Ji Won can't accept her feelings, maybe because her trauma, and the jokes are her defense mechanism for everything.


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Although show has not given much screen time for the Asgard boys, it was such a poignant scene when they were summoned to the conference room. They have been conditioned to be respectful toward everyone, respond to everything with almost robotic upbeat cheeriness, and the confusion that washes over their faces was heartbreaking for me to watch.

Writer Park follows it with a great exit-interview scene to show how each person deals with rejection differently. I could understand all the boys' various reaction despite knowing nothing about them individually. It was especially painful to see Tyr blaming himself for not trying hard enough to be kept under contract.

Writer Park is really an extraordinary writer. Despite how much I pity the Asgard boys, neither can I fault the company for letting them go since after a boyband a product that needs to make money. Certainly I wish that Oh & Park would handle the termination with more grace, but 5 years is a long time for the company to invest in something that is proven to be unprofitable. I love that instead of making them typical villainous buffoons, Writer-nim did show how uncomfortable and guilty the employees were facing these boys.


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I feel like we we had had more insight into the life of the band they would have been like a male fersion of the Belle Epoque housemates. but this drama is ruthless in a way that it shows all the wasted efforts. in the end you´ll die some day, don´ t fret for anything temporary.


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That last boy broke my heart too. All the other boys (trying to move on, releasing anger, feeling relief that they've done their best but it's over...) they all somehow accept that they did what they could and it was out of their hands. But the last boy was blaming himself for something he had no control over. T______T


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This made me think of all those idol groups that never quite make it and all those trainees. I feel like once you've spent your teens and early 20s trying to be an idol and failing to make it, then what's next? Getting selected to debut in an idol group is already a rare chance. What are the chances of debuting again?

Tyr's and Thor, the one that everyone expected to be trouble, broke my heart.


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What a heartbreaking scene. This really speaks volumes about the writing, directing, editing and music. What other full length dramas about music/idols weren't able to do, this short scene managed to perfectly express the idol experience. Loved it.


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I'm even more teary-eyed when the mom comes and picks up Thor. The failed idol experience..broken dreams..sniff


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The epilogue is a fake! Song Ji won did it to mess us up. Song Ji Won always does stupid pranks! Lalalalaala I can't hear youuuuuuu~~~~.


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Yes! Yes! Yes! She had to fake her own death while doing undercover investigative journalism into all the serial murdering in Dramaland. Her epitaph "every moment is a fortune" is a description of her life after 2025 -she and Sung-min entered the witness protection program and they live happily ever after!!!!! (This is my version of the story, and no one can take it away from me, NO ONE!!!!!)


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A big part of me also wanted to interpret the year of death on the Song Ji-won's urn was fabricated be fabricated due her lying personality.


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Lol, yeah, because Ji-won is always either lying or convinced that something bad is going to happen to her, I'm just deciding that she lies about having a premonition of herself dying in 2025 and gets the urn made herself in advance.


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Perfect! I also don't mind 7 more seasons to find out what happens in 2025, as long as nobody from Belle Epoch dies (and Sung-min, and Jang-hoon, and Ho-chang, and Heimdal, and Jong-yeol, and Chef!)


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*laughing* hehe, it's her "terminal illness."

*serious* oh noooo, what if...


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I love this theory! I'm crossing my fingers and praying, please let this be a Song prank!


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to me, watching age of youth is basically: time to get a girl crush on Every Single Female Character whether it is season 1 or 2


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can i just say, eun is just pure girl crush material the cold outlook warm interior + dominating height, eunjae (esp season1) was really the embodiment of sunshine and rainbows, ji won is just super cool and i wish i have as much confidence as her? (- her dirty thoughts) senior kang also has the cold words but ultra warm heart personality, combined with her vulnerabilities and all, and senior yoon just manages to pull off the cold and determined on getting far in life, hard worker character while being cutesy at the important moments (yoon park!!!)


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Eun IS pure girl crush material! Her hair, her height, her girliness that's hidden, the way she is with all her friends and the girls of Belle Epoque is just <3


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This episode had all the feels ❤️

I never thought I would like Ye-eun too much but this season her character has grown on me so much. She's become a lot more kind and perceptive of what other people people are feeling. Han Seungyeon also has gotten more natural in her acting. Side note I think it's her girlfriend , Yoo-kyung, that's sending those creepy texts and not her ex.

Lee Yoo-jin is killing in this role, his social awkwardness is so natural and I feel anxiety anytime Ho-chang feels uncomfortable. I don't think I would have felt the same same way if Onew played the character because in all honesty his crying scenes in DOTS made me laugh, which is the opposite effect I should have had.

As for Eun, her character is *tears* ? the abandonment she feels from her father and how she quietly looks out for Ye-eun. Also from her tearful reaction when Jang-hoon asks why she doesn't grow out her hair I feel like it's related to her father and her mom's toxic reaction to his cheating.

Heimdal's situation is sad but it was his fellow group mate that made me tear up. When he acknowledged that it must be hard for Jin-myung delivering the bad news and also when his mom picked him to leave the dorm ? This made me feel for all the idol groups that don't make it IRL

Last but not least, I'm glad Sung-min shut down that hoobae real fast! He just needs to hurry and confess to Ji-won


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you're so right about didn't expect that I will loved Yeeun so much this time!

Me too girl!

And I can realize (just like another Belle Epoque girl) why she's adressed as really cute and popular among boys, her lovely act makes people adore her (and I think also drove some jealousy *cough* to another girl *cough*)


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it's really amazed me that 2 of my least anticipated character (Yeeun and Eun) became the most loving character for me

Eun is just really lovely, she knows that its dangerous for Yeeun to walk out at night so she just picked her up without even asking!


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We need more guys like Sung-min. There are a lot of clueless men in kdramas who just don't get it when a girl is macking on him and let it get too far.


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IKR, Seung-min is a rare character in dramaland but relatable in real life. Although most of the times he protests what Jiwon has requested him to do something or to accompany her somewhere, he ended doing what Jiwon asked. He also genuinely worries about Jiwon.


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That tomb stones are really confusing, n i even don't know they have 2 version ???????? and i think the one that terrorize ye eun must be the BALDING friend,until now i'm still rooting for eun and janghoon and also jiwon and sungmin sunbae,hopefully their love WILL GROW SOONER THAN LATER ??????


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I teared up at Ho-chang's "you are a kind person because you are kind to someone like me". ??? Ho-chang, I love you already!

And had to watch that one and only Sung-min Ji-won scene twice because gaaaahhh they are soooo cute!!! Can we have more of them the next episode please??? ???


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On hochang: I agree re the actor's portrayal. He makes hochang feel real (do the articles say that he has savant syndrome? Are we given anything official?); the nervous tics aren't overdone--they're seamlessly interwoven into his character. And I'm thankful that he's there for yeeun, and hopeful that she'll stay good friends with him, at least (because the yeeun of old would not have even looked at him).

Ah i love this show. :)


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I know we were sure that Sung-min likes Ji-won but now it's definitely official! He likes her! It might take some time for JW to know her feelings for him,which I cannot wait to happen. She will finally have someone to think about and not just stares into space.

As for that epilogue, someone should clarify the dates! If they made a mistake during the broadcast then the YouTube ver would make sense?? Ugh. I know eventually we all die but I want them to continue living inside my head after the Show ends. ?


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I'm enjoying this drama a lot, so much I'm even watching it raw.

Ji-won and Eun (plus their other halves) are my favourites. The only one that bores/annoys me is Eun-jae.


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Ji-won, Eun, and Ye-Eun are my faves this season. Last season were Jin-myung, Yina, and Eun-jae. I'm glad that I can rotate my faves and that I have the chance to favorite everybody. Seems like Eun-jae is the comic relief this year, like how Ji Won was the comic relief last year. And now this year, Ji Won has the foggy-memory-mysterious-past issue that Eun-jae had.


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can i just say that i'm really glad the actor replaced onew??? he's perfect fit. i've been so suspicious of ye eun's friend from eps ago. sungmin and jiwon are so cute together but i hope that her childhood trauma gets solved. i really don't know where eunjae's storyline is going but i just skip it now...


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I loved this ep! Each ep gets better and better. I wish it would stick around for a longer time. I want more time with the Belle Epoque crew!


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*sniffs* Will I ever get through one of these ending narrations without crying? The answer is no.

I actually laughed out loud at the epilogue thinking that Ji Won had for real ordered her urn to be launched into outer-space, because, of course she would . But then someone mentioned the dates & one of them dying young and my brain turned off cause' nope, don't wanna think about that.

I really do agree that having a previous season to work off has really helped to tighten the writing. I also feel like the show is funnier than ever while still tackling the darker topics broached in season 1. At this rate, I'm honestly truly hoping for the possibility of a season 3. It feels like some of these actresses have found their role of a lifetime in this series. And I'd love for them to get reprise them (and get that $$$) for many more years.


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Was so disappointed sungmin&jiwon had just one scene this episode sobs. Saw the preview and hopefully ep 8 has more of them! Was rewatching season 1 and feel like sungmin is even more attractive in season 2 than 1... Waiting impatiently for the subbed ep 8 to be out! also find yeeun's friend very suspicious but her worry for yeeun in the last scene seems real. Heimdal never rlly captured my attention, I think the Asgard storyline only was interesting when tyr was apologising ... and can't help but feel bored with eunjae and jongyeol's storyline too


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I'm really enjoying this season. That ending narration was gut-wrenching and the epilogue left me terrified, because it looks like one of the girls will die in less than a decade. It could be any of them, but I don't want it to be any of them! Oh, show, you lift me up and tear me down!

But seriously this season is so great! Thanks for the recap!


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Comment - test 1.


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