Age of Youth 2: Episode 5

Heartbreak lingers for too long, and Eun-jae is learning to deal with it the hard way. She may be pretending to be fine, but it’s not that easy to pretend the pain doesn’t exist when it decides your every move. She’s not the only one just acting fine, either, as all our housemates play their own game of pretend and hesitate to face their own realities.

EPISODE 5: “My heart is fickle” #firstlove

Eun-jae wakes up screaming, and all the housemates rush into her room in worry. Looking horrified, she shows them the text message she sent to her ex, Jong-yeol: “Are you sleeping?” They all look at her with their mouths agape, and Ye-eun calls her crazy.

Last night, drunk Eun-jae had cried while watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the movie that Jong-yeol had changed his profile picture to, and sleepily texted him. In the present, she dies of mortification.

Jin-myung shows Asgard’s music video to Ye-eun and Eun and asks for their opinion on the group. Eun says that they’re fun, like a comedy group, and Ye-eun almost seems to recognize the group but incorrectly guesses that the group is singing a folk song.

Eun-jae continues to squirm in regret, and Ji-won turns to the camera to explain the definition of “regretful drunken mistakes.” Eun-jae desperately asks if there’s any way to delete the message before Jong-yeol reads it. All the housemates say it’s impossible, except for Ji-won, who proposes a plan to break into Jong-yeol’s house and delete the message before he sees it.

Eun-jae gives up and falls back on the couch while Ji-won turns back to the camera about drunk mistakes, heh. Eun-jae yells at her to stop, so Ji-won retreats to her seat on the couch.

Jin-myung assures her it’s okay to make these drunken mistakes, but of course, she’s never made them. Ye-eun sheepishly admits that she’s made some drunken mistakes before, and Eun-jae asks if she should just send a laughing text to blow this over like a joke. They’re all against the idea except for Ji-won, which just confirms to Eun-jae that it’s a bad idea.

Eun-jae compulsively checks her phone to see if Jong-yeol has read the message. Eun says that he may have seen the notification but purposely avoided opening the message so it looks unread. She says that it’s common when people are dating, and Ji-won asks how Eun would know without dating. Eun explains that she does that to Ye-ji sometimes when she doesn’t want to reply.

Eun-jae glares at her phone again, and Ji-won pretends to flinch from the heat while she taps Eun-jae’s back in sympathy.

As Eun throws out her trash, she finds a crumpled note in another bin. She opens it up, and we see that it’s Eun-jae’s angry letter to Jong-yeol. She pockets the letter and finally responds to a string of ignored texts from Ye-ji.

Leaving the house, Eun makes brief eye contact with Jang-hoon, who’s lifting weights, and he asks if she’s checking him out. She responds with a backhanded comment that bigger muscles will make him look shorter, and they drop the formalities as they bicker.

He asks if she’s going to meet that drunk girl (Ye-ji) and asks if they’re dating. Eun asks if he’s interested in her and tells him to not get his hopes up because Ye-ji likes tall men. He teases her by asking if Ye-ji just likes tall people, and she glares at him as she walks off. Going back to his workout, he gets self-conscious and switches to lighter weights.

Ye-ji compares Eun-jae’s letter to the mysterious one and says that the handwriting does look pretty similar. Eun’s new hypothesis is that the letter was written by (not to) someone in the house. After living with the housemates, she can’t imagine any of them being that horrible.

Ye-ji points out that whoever wrote the letter would be a little strange too, and Eun defends them again by saying that the letter was probably written in a moment of anger. Ye-ji sighs and says that Eun just can’t hate people — she’s just pretending to hate her dad and her housemates.

Ye-eun folds laundry and finds a lacy bra in the mix. She asks Ji-won and Jin-myung (who gets a wink-wink from Ji-won about Chef), but they both deny that it belongs to them. They know it’s not Eun-jae’s style, and Ji-won wonders if it’s Eun’s bra. The others don’t think so, but Ji-won says that anything is possible, especially in a world where Jin-myung makes cutesy talk over the phone.

Eun-jae runs out her room to report that her message has finally been read. They all hover over the phone, and sure enough, the “1” indicator has disappeared. They wait a moment for a reply, and when none comes, they tell Eun-jae that she got blown off.

When Eun-jae worries that he’ll think that she’s not over him, Ye-eun and Jin-myung note that it seems like she’s not. Ji-won also teases her that she’s not, and gets the brunt of Eun-jae’s anger as she storms back to her room.

Eun-jae stares at the message and punches her stuffed monkey in anger. Meanwhile, Jong-yeol (who also has a stuffed monkey) tries drafting a couple of responses: “Why?” “Is something up?” But he eventually gives up and doesn’t send a message at all.

The next day, Eun-jae practices her explanation the whole way to school: “Yesterday was a mistake. I meant to send the text to my mom.” She repeats it aloud over and over, and when she runs into Jong-yeol, she says her rehearsed explanation overzealously with a manic smile. He responds curtly that it seemed like a mistake, and goes on his way.

At home, Eun-jae rocks back and forth in a patio chair, fluctuating from laughing and crumbling in embarrassment. The housemates watch her curiously, and Ji-won adopts her reporter mode: “Here in the field, we are seeing a crazy girl experiencing oscillations. We’ve brought in an expert opinion on this matter.” She “interviews” Ye-eun, who agrees and says that it usually takes half the length of the relationship to get over its break-up.

Ji-won calculates that they will witness nine months of crazy girl oscillations, and that’s when Eun-jae turns around and gives them a look. Ji-won gets the message and concludes the segment: “We will take a quick break. JTBC.” Ha!

Ye-eun receives a call from an unknown number and she cautiously picks up. Ji-won tries to eavesdrop, but Ye-eun pushes her away when she realizes it’s Kwon Ho-chang, the glasses boy from the cafe, and agrees to meet him. Ye-eun denies that it’s a date, but Ji-won asks if he’s good-looking, and Ye-eun scurries away, avoiding the question by saying that she doesn’t know what her standards are.

Jin-myung thinks about Chef and smiles, saying to herself that he’s a pretty good standard of good-looking. Eun-jae thinks of Jong-yeol and thinks the same thing. Eun thinks of a manhwa character first, which then morphs into Jang-hoon, and she quickly shakes the thought out of her head. Ji-won looks to the sky waiting for her ideal guy to appear, but no image appears, and she’s left waiting, heh.

Dressed in pink, Ye-eun shows up at the cafe to meet up Ho-chang, and she looks disappointed that he’s so engrossed by his work. He stands up and stiffly waves when he notices that she’s arrived, and Ye-eun asks what he wanted to talk about. He says that he wanted to continue where they left off and starts babbling on about his lie detector app that can identify lies with solely your voice.

Ye-eun interrupts him and asks if this was really the reason he wanted to meet up. He nods innocently and belatedly realizes that he must have made a mistake, although he doesn’t know what. Ye-eun comments that he’s slow to catch on, and he laughs that people have told him that a lot.

She confirms again that he really only called her to talk about his app, then dully asks if she can leave. Ho-chang tells her yes and even bows as a farewell gesture, polite but confused.

Frustrated Ye-eun surprises Ji-won and Eun by returning home so early, and Ji-won wonders if the guy asked to go to the motel on their first date. She starts reporting to us again, but she’s quickly cut off by Eun-jae, who slams her door and tells them that Jong-yeol is going on a blind date. She asks Ye-eun and Eun to introduce her to a guy, since they all say that you get over a guy with another guy.

Ji-won asks for Eun-jae’s qualifications, and Eun-jae says any man will do, but it has to be by Thursday because she needs to have this date before Jong-yeol, which is strangely competitive. So Ji-won looks through her male juniors and picks one for the blind date.

At work, Jin-myung hesitates to rate the Asgard members, and her co-worker asks why she’s stalling. Jin-myung says that it’s difficult and looks up the group’s next performance at a rock festival, then heads there in person. She arrives as the Asgard members angrily leave the venue, and Heimdal recognizes her from afar.

Jin-myung asks why they’re leaving, and Heimdal says that their performance got unfairly cut because the group after them was short on time. He’s sad that he couldn’t show her his performance and thanks her for the porridge and medicine she bought him from the convenience store last time. He admits that it’s the first time he’s ever received a gift from a fan and tell her that she’s his first fan, making hammy faces at Jin-myung, who smiles uncomfortably to be mistaken for a fan.

Sung-min wakes a sleeping Ji-won in the library and motions to meet outside. As soon as she steps out of the library, he drags her to his office and orders her to tell the others the truth. She admits that she lied about him being exempt from military service because of his obesity and tries to lighten the situation by saying it was a joke.

One of the juniors says that she heard differently, and doesn’t get Ji-won’s hint to stop talking, saying that she heard that Sung-min was exempt for mental health reasons. Fuming, Sung-min tells them that he had a knee injury from playing soccer (Ji-won quips that he fell while missing the ball) and insists on showing the scar on his leg. His pant leg is too tight to yank up, so he almost pulls down his pants before catching himself.

Ji-won cheers for him to take off his pants, and Sung-min angrily grabs her in a headlock. A pretty junior asks if the two are dating, and they stop bickering and stare at her blankly. Ji-won assures her that they’re not, and Pretty Junior says that she just wanted to make sure. Ji-won smiles as she catches on that Pretty Junior is harboring a little crush and looks suspiciously at Sung-min.

Ji-won teases Sung-min about Pretty Junior, wondering what his charms are. She asks if he’s going to accept her crush, but he doesn’t seem interested. Ji-won prefaces her next question by making him promise not to report or sue him, then looks down at his pants and asks how he fulfills his lust, suggesting that he go to the hospital.

Sung-min tells Ji-won that she should go to the hospital because she’s been acting strangely recently. She quips that she’s always a little weird, but he means that it’s worse than usual, noting that she’s been looking anxious recently.

He asks what’s been going on, and Ji-won gets more serious as she reveals that she’s learned more about the mysterious Moon Hyo-jin. She shares what she heard about Hyo-jin transferring schools because of weird rumors about child abuse with the art teacher.

Sung-min asks if it was sexual abuse, and she confirms this. He asks how this relates to her, but Ji-won doesn’t know. But she admits that she’s scared that it might relate to her, and Sung-min watches Ji-won with a worried look.

The next morning, Eun-jae gets ready for her date and turns her stuffed monkey to face the wall. She walks out with a determined look, and when Eun hears that she’s going on a date, she comments that it looks more like she’s going to war.

At the date, the guy tries to start conversation, but Eun-jae replies with one-word responses. Conversation is stilted, but out of the blue, Eun-jae asks about how guys can meet other girls so quickly after their break-ups. She asks if guys look for similar girls to their recent exes or if they want complete opposites, and the poor guy is completely taken aback by her questions.

The date comments that Eun-jae is very different from how Ji-won described her, and after an awkward and silent date, they go their separate ways.

While reading her manhwa, Eun receives multiple text messages from Ye-ji asking what she’s doing and sharing funny video clips. Eun goes to the living room and asks Ye-eun and Ji-won if they receive a lot of texts from their girlfriends, and if it’s normal to be upset if they don’t reply. They see nothing strange about the texts, though they don’t get upset about non-responses.

Eun then asks if their girlfriends ask to meet every weekend and watch movies together, and if the friends get made if a third person is invited. Ye-eun doesn’t find the movie-going odd, but thinks that it’s more fun with more people.

Eun-jae comes back from her date, and Ye-eun asks how it was. Eun-jae says that it wasn’t good because the guy was short, had a small face, knew too much, and was too polite. (Ha, so Jong-yeol’s the opposite?) A short while later, Ji-won talks to the guy on the phone, and Eun-jae asks her to tell him that he’s probably a good guy but just wasn’t a match for her. Ji-won tells her that he said the same thing — that she’s a nice person, just not his style.

Suddenly Eun-jae looks stricken, and she asks why she wasn’t his style. Ji-won tries to point out that Eun-jae literally did the same thing, but she’s too hurt at the rejection to notice.

When Eun arrives at home, she sees Jang-hoon changing the porch light and notices his exposed belly. She quickly turns away, and Jang-hoon asks if she went to an all-girls high school. She asks how he knew, and he says that he had a feeling.

Eun asks if she and Ye-ji really look like they’re dating, and Jang-hoon says that they do. Eun says that they’re just friends, and Jang-hoon asks if Ye-ji thinks the same way. He tells her to just ask Ye-ji, but Eun says that Ye-ji’s too sensitive. Jang-hoon says that Eun seems more sensitive, not being able to ask what she wants to ask.

Jang-hoon asks if she’s dated guys before, meaning Eun. But Eun thinks he’s asking about Ye-ji and replies that Ye-ji’s always been popular with guys, but she’s never been interested. Then Eun teases Jang-hoon for showing interest in Ye-ji and offers to introduce him to her, and he looks amused. He agrees, since he doesn’t have much to do anyway.

Eun brings Ye-ji to a cafe and looks around expectedly, admitting that she’s waiting for someone to join them. Then Jang-hoon arrives and sits next to Eun, stealing her drink and casually putting his arm on her chair.

Suddenly alarmed, Ye-ji asks who this is. Eun hesitates to introduce him, and to make matters more suspicious, Jang-hoon touches Eun’s face in a familiar gesture. She swats his hand away, and he tells Ye-ji that Eun gets embarrassed easily and ruffles her hair.

Ye-ji abruptly stands up and excuses herself to go to the bathroom, so dazed that she even takes her drink with her. When she’s gone, Eun asks Jang-hoon what’s gotten into him. He explains that showing Ye-ji that Eun likes men will clarify matters in their friendship — whether or not Ye-ji is lesbian, she’ll treat Eun like a friend.

Eun timidly asks how he figured out her dilemma, and he says that he could just read her. She asks if he feels bad about being used, and he asks if she’s going to apologize. She grumpily refuses and gets even more grumpy when he says she’s cute.

They notice that Ye-ji has been gone for a while, and Eun checks the bathroom, only to find Ye-ji’s drink thrown in the trash. Eun worriedly calls Ye-ji and blames Jang-hoon for hurting her feelings. She says that she doesn’t like hurting people, especially people who like her. Shrewdly, he asks if she’s been hurt by someone she likes, but she simply glares at him and walks out.

As they walk out, Jang-hoon offers to carry her bag but she refuses. He asks if she doesn’t worry about him getting hurt, reminding her that she doesn’t like hurting people who like her. Then he grabs her bag and runs away, smiling like a small child.

Jin-myung tries to disguise herself in a hat and sunglasses as she watches Asgard perform at a small event for a crowd of elders. Heimdal notices Jin-myung in the back and sends her some finger-guns in recognition. As soon as their performance ends, Jin-myung walks away, but Heimdal catches up to her, telling her that it’s okay to be an idol fan.

Jin-myung notices that Heimdal is sweating profusely. He says that he’s not tired as long as he can perform and says that his sweat is actually just his passion turned into water. He tells Jin-myung to wait for him to get big someday, as hopeful as ever that he’ll get his big break. Jin-myung asks what he’ll do if that day never comes, but he’s convinced that it must happen.

Before he leaves, he asks for Jin-myung’s name to give her a shout-out onstage. She insists it’s not necessary, but he insists on it, seeming convinced that she’s just embarrassed. He runs off on his way, and Jin-myung tries to shake off her guilt.

Eun-jae runs into Jong-yeol and his buddies in the hall, and greets them brightly. Jong-yeol heads off without acknowledging her, and as soon as she turns the corner, Eun-jae watches them leave and stalks Jong-yeol’s social media to find out his evening plans.

To cover up her stalking, Eun-jae offers to treat Ji-won to drinks and takes her to a specific bar. At the front desk, she finds the room reservation under Jong-yeol’s friend’s name and asks for the room next to it. The owner tells them that they need more people, and Eun-jae assures him that more people are coming and calls the rest of the housemates.

When the housemates arrive, Eun-jae has her ear to the wall, trying to listen to the room next door. Eun-jae lies that she wanted to have an official welcome for their new housemate, and as the girls pour drinks and toast, Eun-jae remains distracted by the other room.

It’s not long before the others notice, although Eun-jae denies anything being up. Ji-won makes the connection and offers to “accidentally” stumble into the other room to figure out what they’re doing, and runs up against the wall yelling Jong-yeol’s name. Instinctively, Eun-jae pushes Ji-won away to stop her, using more force than intended.

They all realize the ex is in the next room with a date, and Eun-jae says that she wanted to know who he was meeting. Eun points out that she also went on a date, but Eun-jae says that she just did it because he was, too.

In turn, each housemate tries to offer up consoling words, only to have them backfire. Ye-eun comments on Eun-jae’s attachment, and Eun-jae snaps back that Ye-eun was worse last year. Ye-eun takes a drink.

Ji-won blames love, but Eun-jae mutters that Ji-won wouldn’t know because she’s never dated. At that, Ji-won takes a drink. Jin-myung tries to sympathize, saying that the first break-up is hard. Ji-won retorts that it must be nice that things are so clear-cut for Jin-myung. Jin-myung also takes a drink.

It’s Eun’s turn now, and she asks what Jong-yeol looks like, and whether he’s good-looking. The girls try to take their cues from Eun-jae, and first say that they wouldn’t call him handsome. But Eun-jae takes offense to that, so they quickly backpedal and compliment his tall height and good personality, only to have Eun-jae scoff again.

Exasperated, Ji-won tells Eun-jae to pick whether she wants to hear insults or compliments. Eun-jae admits that she doesn’t know and apologizes, starting to cry as she says she feels inferior and foolish. The air clears as they nod understandingly, and they raise a glass to Eun-jae.

A bit later, Eun-jae sits in a bathroom stall and looks through her photos with Jong-yeol. She wonders, “What does my heart want? First love, first break-up. Is everyone this confused? Will I forget when time passes? Will I be happy when I forget?”

Walking back to the room, Eun-jae asks herself, “Do I want to forget or not forget?” She sits down somberly, and then a guy’s voice calls out her name. She looks up and realizes that she’s walked into the wrong room—this is the next-door room with the blind dates. Horrified, Eun-jae apologizes and rushes out.

She runs into her actual room and starts freaking out. She flails incoherently, gesturing to next door, and her housemates look at her with confused looks.

Eun-jae walks home in a daze, her housemate entourage walking behind and eyeing her in concern.

Once they’re home, Ji-won tells her that tomorrow is a new day, but Eun-jae wishes for the world to end instead. She drags her feet into the bathroom, and the housemates cringe on her behalf, since Jong-yeol has to have known she went to the bar to spy on him. Eun even says she’d take leave from school if something that embarrassing happened to her.

Suddenly, Eun-jae peeks out of the bathroom with a goofy smile and toothpaste all over her face. Ji-won wonders if she’s gone mad, but Eun-jae says that he wasn’t there. In a flashback, we see that Jong-yeol wasn’t one of the guys on the date.

Ye-eun guesses that Eun-jae thinks he didn’t go on the date because he still has feelings for her. Ji-won rattles off a list of reasons why he might not have been there (all having to do with inflamed intestines, ha), and Eun says that Jong-yeol still having feelings for Eun-jae could be one of those reasons.

When Eun sees Ye-ji at school the next day, she asks what happened at the cafe. Ye-ji admits that she was mad, but only because Eun hadn’t told her about her boyfriend. Before Eun can explain much, Ye-ji cuts her off and congratulates her. But as class starts, Eun notices Ye-ji’s fingers fidgeting. Ji-won says in voiceover: “I pretend not to know. Because if I’m found out that I know, I can no longer pretend.”

Ye-eun walks with her friends at school and notices Ho-chang walking by in the opposite direction. She slows down to watch him. Ji-won continues, “I only see what I want to see. If I see too much, I lose my way.”

Jin-myung finally goes through her ratings for Asgard, and she gives them all the low score of 1, including Heimdal. As Jin-myung walks out of work, Heimdal happily recognizes her, but she ignores him. Ji-won: “I don’t invest my interest. Because even if I do, it’s no use.”

Eun-jae lies in bed and happily hugs her stuffed monkey. “I only believe what I want to believe so I can be little bit happier.”

Ji-won looks at her childhood photo with Moon Hyo-jin, then puts the photo in her drawer. “I only remember what I want to remember. Because I need to protect myself.”

At a park, Ji-won reads on a bench while kids play in the field. As she reads, a girl approaches and, in reference to the book she’s reading — Things I Wish I Knew Then — the girl asks what she didn’t know then. It’s young Ji-won, and adult Ji-won smiles and asks, “You don’t know me, right?” The girl says yes and runs back to her friends.

Then a voice next to her says, “Pretty shoes.” Ji-won turns to the voice, and it’s young Moon Hyo-jin. In that moment, Ji-won wakes up from her nap as her book falls to the ground. She gets up from the bench and looks pensive as she watches the kids playing hide-and-seek in the field.


Each housemate sits through a drinking interview as the film crew asks questions. Jin-myung explains that being employed hasn’t changed her financial situation, because she has student debt and her mother’s debt to pay off. She drinks more as the interview goes on and denies that Heimdal reminds her of her younger brother, and eventually passes out.

Eun gets sensitive about her height, downplaying the number. She sips on soju and gets embarrassed when she’s asked if she thinks meeting Jang-hoon was fate, acting shy and cute as she responds.

The interviewer asks about Ye-eun’s standards for comfort, and she ranks them: Most comfortable is being with trustworthy people in a familiar place, then being alone in a familiar place, then being with trustworthy people in an unfamiliar place, then being alone in an unfamiliar place. If she had anything to tell her ex, she would tell him reflect on his actions and not to show up in front of her again.

Eun-jae denies that she’s smiling about her ex not going on the blind date, and the interviewer notes that she’s changed a lot in a year, like her face and personality. When asked about if she’s still hung up on her ex, she order another bottle of soju.

Last but not least, Ji-won starts her interview by wilding swinging her hair and drumming on the table. The interviewer apologizes for being late and notes that she must have had a lot to drink while waiting. But she hasn’t had a single drop, since she was waiting for their interview to start, and asks for a clean shot glass.


Ha, I love how the show is so cheeky! Of course, Ji-won is last and doesn’t even get an interview because she’s always been disregarded — for her love advice and as a character in Season 1. I loved her additions to this episode, not explicitly breaking the fourth wall but effectively doing so as a reporter of heartbreak. Even when she’s not deep in her own story, she finds a way to steal the limelight for a few moments, and I love it. She’s my absolute favorite from the show, and I think she brings so many weird crazy antics to spice up everyone’s life. While I do enjoy Ji-won’s strange self, I’m more invested in Ji-won’s full story. That eerie ending left me wanting more, and I hope we’ll get a hefty load of her story soon. I really trust the writing of this show, and I really hope that this build-up will be worth it.

Despite my frustrations with Eun-jae’s oscillating heart, I enjoyed watching the process of her learning to come to terms with her feelings. Her fickle heart can’t handle the break-up just yet, and I think she manifests a lot of the conflicting feelings that we’re unable to act upon, lest we appear to look like crazy people. She expresses the realistic conflict in love/hate/longing/jealousy post-break-up, and it definitely makes her seem crazy. But I find some purity in that. She’s so true to the raw emotions of heartbreak, and that’s admirable and endearing in a way.

I’m a fan of Jang-hoon and Eun and their bickering relationship, and I see so much potential for fun. I thought his roundabout confession was so cute, and I found Eun’s response even cuter. She has such a big heart, but she’s unable to accept love the way she cares for other people. It’s so funny that her current method of accepting love is to complain and grumble about everything, and I hope that she’ll maybe learn another way to accept compliments. But for now, grumbling fits her, and honestly, if I were her, I would continue to be grumpy and grumble to get Jang-hoon to work extra hard for my affection. Grumble grumble grumble…


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Where can I watch this? I can't find the subs anywhere?? :(


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Only indonesian subtitle is up until today in subscene. Usually someone will pick up the sub and translate it in english after bahasa indonesia version is out.


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Maybe you can try fastdrama dot co.


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Check sojuoppa dot net ...Just finished watching episode 05 there


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LOVE This site!!! They have no ads and free Eng subs ;) Just watch out for the pop ups tho -.-;


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I'm watching on newasiantv.me


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Nowhere has subs for ep5! I checked out all of the places you suggested :((


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YOOOOOOOOOOOOO YA BOIIIII DRAMAHOOD CAME THRUUUU!!!! (tho wid a weak ass game, but it still came thruuu) like i been out here for the past 3 days lookin for sum fuckin SUBTITLES, like what a girl gotta do around here to get sum subtitles? SHIII. this show got me so hooked im acting like a crack addict desperate for another hit (that sum lit writing i tell you that)

wait for me JISUNG (ji-won +sung-min) and EUNJANG (eun+jang-hoon)!!! MAMA'S COMING!!


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Eng subs are up there


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Comment was deleted


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Heimdal is low-key breaking my heart.


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In the epilogue the writer is giving the viewers a hint that Yoon Sunbae's caring for Heimdal is because he reminds her of her brother, but I feel that his daily struggle to succeed may remind her of herself. Ahn Woo-yeon was wonderful in Circle, and he is showing us here how versatile he is as an actor here.


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I kind of love this noona/dongsaeng dynamic between them. It's evident that Heimdal is desperately trying to make her proud.


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Okay, weird question. But does anyone know what Asgard's song is (or sounds like)? I can't help but think that the sound sounds REALLY familiar and it keeps getting stuck in my head lol.

Also is anyone else really annoyed with the new Eun Jae? I think the actress is good in other roles but this role just does not fit her imo. I keep thinking of how Park Hye Soo would act it out instead and it's taking away the fun :/ Plus her smile is a weee bit creepy lol


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Me too... I tried so hard to love her, only to fail miserably.. T^T
I can't stop imagining what if Park Hye-soo doing the scene instead and feel even more annoyed. I feel like my cute naive Eun-jae is ruined somehow.


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I think it's a bit difficult to judge because the writing is actively taking her through some very different character beats.

Everyone mentions the cute naive Eun-jae, but fail to acknowledge that even Park Hye-soo's version could be a brat sometimes, albeit a lovable one. So I feel like this one that's been through a breakup isn't as far off as many make it out to be, but that could just be me.

I think I've also just accepted that Ji-woo's never gonna feel completely the same. Even the show has accepted that and cheekily points it out all the time, to my amusement. I'm guessing that this character was always supposed be different after the time skip, what with going through her first year, first relationship, etc.

I'm not saying it doesn't still bother me, but the girls have committed so hard to making me believe it, that it admittedly doesn't seem to be nearly as hard for me.


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I feel the same way. It is difficult for even the best actors to take over role with previously set expectations of how the character should act and look. I do love that the show is constantly poking fun at it.

Even though this episode I feel that there is just a little too much screen time dedicated to Eun-jae, I like that her story is focused on her post-breakup struggles more than the family murder story line last season. All the awkwardness and agony seems really true-to-life and is (at least for me) a painful but significant part of growing up in the age of youth.


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@kimbapnoona that's the thing. Eunjae is integral part of the story, even the first episode of season 1was completely dominated by her scenes/ story, so when we have to see her most of the time in every episode, it does take a toll on the enjoyment effect. Like in this episode too, her story dominated over the others, but somehow her smile and expressions are so unlike eunjae that it's hard to 'not see her as a completely different character and not eunjae.' I'm not trying to diss the actress, but the drama makers should have known better. If park hye soo carried on, I'm sure she would get mad in her own way, I mean the characteristics of Eun Jae would still be there. I think we also saw her feistiness in season 1, so it's not like it's something totally new.
Anyway so I wish the writer shifts the story bit more to other characters maybe, just for the viewers's sake. I am curious though, if Park Hye Soo will return if there is a talk of season 3 lol. Pray to God that she does!


I completely agree with this. I tried really hard to like the new Eun-jae because it's understandable that a new actress playing the same character is always hard

Even understanding that though I think they should have cast someone else with a similar vibe to the original Eun-jae, like a lot more of that "fresh" and young vibe... I think they needed a character like that to balance out the extremely strong/in-your-face personalities of all the other housemates


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Critical Beauty by Pentagon (6/10 members are playing as members of Asgard)


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Ooohhh.. thanks for this!! I went on Youtube right away to search for it and you're right. It's a catchy K-pop song, although Asgard's version seems a bit more toned down with regards to the electronic mix sounds.


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I've said this before but I think the reason why I'm not that invested in what's happening between the new Eun-jae and Jong-yeol sunbae is because she doesn't feel like the person that he fell in love and had a relationship with. So whether or not they figure this out and get back together or move on peacefully, I'm like meh whatever. She's not the Eun-jae that I know. She feels like a different person, so all that background story and goodwill that Park Hye-soo and Shin Hyun-soo created in Season 1 just melts away, if you know what I mean, it's hard to explain.


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What I'm thinking is that I don't want them back together in Season 2, I want them back together in a Season 3 with original (I'm sorry, but honestly) Eun Jae, Park Hye Soo. I do disagree that the character would be the same level of (for a lack of a better word, and, again, my apologies) annoying regardless of who was portraying her, the original actress took Eun Jae's bratty beats and made them lovable -- creating a real, layered person rather than one-note wide-eyes.


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Ji Won has been my favorite since season 1 and she continues to be. I was one of the people who were quite disappointed that we didn't get to tackle her story in S1 but still was satisfied with the Show. Now that we've got S2, can't wait to see more of her and together with Sung-min, of course.

Eun-jae oh Eun-jae, I first didn't mind how she was handling her break-up but that scene at the bar and how she replied to each of the housemates' way of consoling her. She crossed the line and I don't feel sorry for her at all.


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Ji Won is my favourite too! And I'm 100% on board with her and Sung Min!!


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I'm currently watching all their scenes in YouTube ?


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Personally for me it's quiet realistic, one of my friends who I always thought was sweet hearted and innocent (she still is haha) - went incredibly moody after her first break up. She would lash out at everyone, and make snarky comments. It took a while for her to settle down though, but it was nasty.

Ji Won and Eun Jae are still my favourites, followed by Eun.


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If that's the case I wish it'll be over next week.


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Have faith in the writer :)


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Don't worry. I have a hundred percent faith in the writer.


"She crossed the line and I don't feel sorry for her at all." - Well, yeah, but I forgave her when she apologized pretty quickly.


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I thought I would also forgive her after that but my inexperienced heart towards break ups is not forgiving yet. ?


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Ji-won and Sung-min are my happy pill these days. I am shipping them real hard ???


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i'll confess that while i liked jiwon in season 1, i didn't love her like a lot of people did, mostly because i felt like she'd been shortchanged and relegated to the sex-crazed comic relief friend role. but i like her a lot more in this season now that we have a more fleshed-out character arc and backstory, and i'm super glad she's getting the focus she missed out on in season 1. i really enjoy that we're being given more glimpses of cracks in her veneer and hints of vulnerability - those tiny moments where you can see that she's adding layer upon layer of joke to hide her restlessness or unease. which is why i especially love that it's sungmin who constantly picks up on these moments and calls her out on them so that she can talk them out with him - it shows that he really does understand the way she works, and sees through her cheery carefree facade that most people don't bother to look past. their friendship is so cute. :'(


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OMG this is very true! While I ship Jiwon & Sungmin so much, I appreciate their friendship the most above all. It's fun and amazing to see that Sungmin knows all her quirks and tolerate them pretty well, he gets annoyed at her, but lets it pass somehow. Like sometimes, Jiwon smacks his butt like it's nothing, Sungmin will get mad/annoyed but then they can continue their conversations as if nothing happened. And the fact that she shares things with Sungmin that she doesn't share (yet) with her housemates speaks volumes.
Sometimes, I wonder how they became close friends (it'd be amazing if the drama shows a little flashback or encounter). I know they're in the same club, but I wonder what made them close. It's totally not easy to tolerate such weird girl like her especially for a first timer ? I'm glad the second season shows more depth for her character.


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Agree. I love their friendship more than anyone else's in this show. I admire Sung-min for putting up with a gurl like Ji-won. And I so love that we're seeing more of her this season. I always felt bad about her being sidelined and not considered all this time.


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Remember when Eun-jae used to worship Ji-won and look up to her with shiny eyes back when she's still a newbie? It irks me a bit that now she just keeps disregarding her at every turn, and why, just because Ji-won has been forever single and therefore doesn't have the qualification to give love advice? Our Eun-jae has changed indeed. She's acting crazy but I admit that her reactions are somewhat realistic for someone fresh off a bad breakup and I feel for her when she said she doesn't know why she's acting that way.

It looks like Yoon sunbae and Heimdal are going to be a noona-dongsaeng pairing, like literally brother and sister with no romantic prospect. She saw in him the little brother that she had to let go, and was giving him the support and attention that she couldn't give her own brother. I actually like this development because I thought they have zero romantic chemistry together.

On the other hand, Eun and Jang-hoon are super cute. Jang-hoon is a wise, observant little man, and he will be a great help to Eun in navigating between friendship and love because now she seems a bit confused in drawing the line (as in the case with Ye-ji too).

The burning question I have now is how come Ji-won feels nothing whatsoever towards Sung-min? I mean despite (or perhaps because of) her constant flirting, I'd say that Sung-min is the one who's always a bit flustered when she gets far too close in his space, while Ji-won is only doing it for funsies. And she doesn't seem that bothered too when the junior reporter is showing some interest in Sung-min.


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I will love the writer even more if indeed Yoon sunbae and Heimdal pairing will be a supportive noona-dongsaeng dynamic since she already has a romantic one onscreen last season. It would really add much depth to the growth arch of her character exploring her sense of agonizing lost of her brother.

I think Ji-won's traumatic past perhaps is affecting her to disconnect with her own true emotions despite all the big talks. I cannot wait for her to recognize that despite his surface grumpiness how caring Sung-min really is toward her.

And seriously Ji-won, you might be emotionally stunted, but you have eyes!! I think all of us viewers can picture Sung-min in our mental bubble as the standard of haaaawwwt!


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Yes it's about time she notices him noticing her. Her housemates don't even realise that she's battling her own demon because she's always been putting up a cheery front; and Sung-min is the only one who can feel her anxiety. He's a good (and hot) friend, who'll make an even better boyfriend.


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Sung Min would make such a great boyfriend for Ji Won. They are really too cute together.


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Ji Won really nailed it in an early ep when she mentioned kids who went through surgeries as children getting fixated on playing doctor - kids who are exposed to sexual situations and sexual abuse can definitely express those same hypersexual tendencies as a result. In fact that's one of the main warning signs that a child is being abused: acting out sexually in a way that is out of sync with their age.

I'm glad Sung Min is around for her. He clearly rolls with her weird and she's about to hit one hell of a bump in her road, so it's good that he can already see through her brash/provocative/joking surface layer. Very rarely do I understand why guys in real life hook up with crazy, but I'd make an exception for Ji Won.


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Sometimes you just don't recognize your feelings for another person until they are literally staring you straight in the face. I think Ji Won just doesn't realize how much she cares for him, but I'm positive if he was suddenly gone, she would take notice and a little lightbulb would go off over her head.


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Aaaaahhhh we are already half way through the season this past weekend! There is so much story to tell with every Belle Epoque housemate and I savior every funny moment and interesting interaction between our wonderful ensemble cast.

I can watch them going about the world for a long time to come and I resent the Dramaverse for only giving us 12 episodes. JTBC, I demand that you announce the coming of the third season NOW!


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12 episodes is not enough! these girls deserve 16 at least! But maybe that's the charm of AoY? short and poignant~


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I liked the clarification the epilogue gave us about Jin Myung and Heimdell ~ it makes sense that her story this season is dealing with the aftermath of last, finally getting a job and being in a position to be there for someone as a big sister, which she felt like she didn't get after her brother got sick. I really enjoy that Heimdell reminds her of her brother, as it lets us know more about her underneath her cool exterior.

I think it's interesting where they are going with Eun's storyline, at first I thought it was a same sex pairing, now it seems her story is about ignoring your own feelings by dealing with other people's.

Ji Won is still so interesting ~ does she fear that she started the rumors about Hyo Jin all those years ago? I was re watching clips from first season yesterday and noticed the ringing in her ears and calling out for Hyo Jin, then denying it. Hmmm....


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The writer is giving us such a wonderfully drawn-out character in the new addition of Belle Epoque. I love that Eun is tall and androgynous and that the writer will delve into her insecurities of looking different with her pairing with a shorter guy Jang-hoon.


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I'm living with my shorter partner like for 9 years , it's funny we don't know the exact date of our first knowing each other ( that's why I don't get the thing with 333days anniversary, when you're in love days passes extremely fast), but we remember it well and he is shorter than me - not so much only 5cm,I'm only 175cm- and he'd noticed it only once (it was our 2nd year of relationship) when we were looking into the mirror by the entrance of our house and I was laughing that his ego prevented him from seeing reality. To be more comfortable on our first date I walked by the road and he on the edge of the pavement, because while embracing me his hand was so heavy on my shoulder, I didn't like it, but he didn't notice it.

I love Ji Won. I think jealousy will open her eyes. I hope it won't be too late.


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Eun Jae is bugging me BIG time. Can i just have 20 mins of jang Hoon and Jo Eun before anything else?


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I am up for it!


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The English subs aren't out yet but reading this made me understand the episode on a whole new level. Thank you for the recap, dramallama!

While the development of Ji-won and Sung-min's relationship is my most favorite relationship this Season (Eun-jae and her Sunbae + Jin-myung and Chef was my favorite last season ++ Ye-Eun and Yi-na's relationship!), I can't help but be snatched by Eun and Jang-hoon's loveline! And can we talk about Jin-myung and Heimdal's sibling-like relationship that makes us go Awwww?


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I am loving Eun!! She is such a kind hearted girl who was hurt by her father!!! She just cannot hate anyone!!! I am waiting for JangHoon and Eun to get together to see how they work as a couple despite their differences!!
I belatedly realised how grateful I am to the writer for not introducing JiWon-Sungmin as a couple when they started season 2!!! Thank You so much Writer-nim!! It would be a great loss for us!!!


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It is ridiculous how much I anticipate Ji-won and Sung-min's scene each episode....and the writer is rewarding all of us shippers (I think it may be fairly to say all of us ARE Ji-son/Sung-min shippers) next episode!


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hahahha same! it's so funny to see how Jiwon and Sungmin's videos are the ones with the fastest increasing (and larger) number of views in JTBC's Youtube page hahaha

And Eun and Jang Hoon's relatioship is the cutest!!!! They are both just so cute, I can't avoid to squeal whenever they are together


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I don't expect eun and janghoon become my second favorite couple after jiwon and sungmin. But they are seriously so cute together, fluffiest.


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I'm so happy that the show is taking Ye-ji's possible crush on Eun seriously! As a bisexual woman who once crushed on my straight best friend, I'm so, so tired of seeing shows/dramas trivializing or out right dismissing women's romantic feelings for other women, especially if other they're friends.

I can understand why Ye-ji is reluctant to tell her feelings to Eun, because I've been there. Confessing your feelings to your best friend is hard because you have to contend with the possibility that your relationship will change profoundly. For lesbians, you also have the additional pressure of homophobia especially in a conservative society. I didn't confess to my best friend because I was afraid she would be disgusted with me, and even my silence ruined our friendship, because I was paranoid that she will find out.

I hope Ye-ji and Eun can have a happier ending.


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Thank you for your sharing your story. Kdrama has a long way to go in depicting homosexuality with sensitivity. As matter of fact I have not yet seen a nicely done same-sex attraction plot line ever since Reply 1997. I am thrilled that so far AoY2 is portraying Eun and Ye-ji's complicated friendship and Ye-ji's romantic feelings so far wonderfully.


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I also love that what started off as a misunderstanding about Eun being a lesbian because of how she looks like a guy has turned into an exploration of gay people and how they are perceived in Korean society. With the girls reactions in the beginning and then their understanding that fear of the unknown is just that. Fear of the unknown. When they make an effort to better understand people their perception changes to one of acceptance.

I love that they are actually tackling this issue with their friendship and how complicated such things can be. It's refreshing to see a drama tackle complex issues without being preachy about it.


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I really love that Eun Jae freaked out about Eun because she thought she was a lesbian, and the reason for her fear and irrationality was just because of lack of exposure. She acted like a fool because she fell for all of the lesbian horror stories and church-talk.

Meanwhile Eun is the one treating Ye Ji like a valued friend and whole person: she's aware of Ye Ji's feelings and is trying so hard to draw the line without insulting or damaging Ye Ji. Because once you get over the gay panic, you realize that this is no different than your guy friend crushing on you.

Ji Won is the most entertaining character, but I think Eun is my favorite storyline. Between her possessive lesbian best friend and her miniature secret boyfriend, Eun's life is just sort of surreal. She already feels like a full-time giant and now all of her romantic options are yet another step down the "obviously not the standard social expectation" path. Girl has a complicated life!


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Eun is so pretty I stare at her too much. Love her character and her style too


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Now it sort of make sense how they make Jinmyung with a new partner for her story. I think instead of a lover, the dynamic would be a brother-sister one. Because it's just so weird how they still show Jinmyung being in a good relationship with Yoon park's character then thrown somebody in just like that (not to mention how could they sink my ship just like that?). And idk but all theor stories are interesting except Eunjae's tbh. It's frustrating and annoying at the same time, and the different face didn't help it feels like I'm looking at a whole new Eunjae.


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I think the writer is spot on with Eun Jae's feelings post break up and her actions.

I kind of went through something similar and looking back at it now I always think of how crazy I acted/how mean spirited I became but with a grain of salt...it was also a period of time where I felt the most unworthy and unloved, and so I did crazy things, came up with a million and one theories in my head just to make myself feel a little better, and feeling so insecure and unworthy, drove pretty much anyone who told me otherwise or tried to console me away.

I think what Eun Jae's going through may seem crazy or over the top but when you derive a lot of your self-worth from others and someone breaks your heart like that, it's really hard to pick yourself up and brush it off.

I think the journey here is for Eun Jae to develop self-love and to build herself back up bigger and better after completely breaking down - she's hardly acting herself right now because well she doesn't get who that is right now when her boyfriend is no longer in her life.


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I am loving the Jo Eun story line. To me at first she was an unlikable character because of her negativity and grumpiness but now she is turning into a lovable character as we are getting to know her through each episode. I feel like she has the most character development and will change the most throughout this season like Kang Unni did in the first one. Also I can totally understand Eunjae and her difficulty with the breakup but its hard to warm up to this story line because I feel that I completely missed out on the part of them being a couple together and actually seeing the hardships of the relationship and why they broke up. Just hearing about it doesn't make me connect with this story line.


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Dear dramallama, when Ji-won asked for a different shot glass at the end of her interview, I think it is pretty clear that she is actually asking for a bigger shot class, not a cleaner one :) Judging from her character and her love for drinking, at least that is how many people interpreted lol


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I'm deeply impressed with myself at how much I understood without subs, my Korean has improved huzzah. Well, the listening portion of it.
Eun and Jang-hoon are my straight-up favourite pairing. I love it so much. Jang-hoon is so sweet, and every time he casually calls Eun cute, I laughed hard.


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So many thoughts! I'll probably save my many words for Ji-won, her backstory, and all the awesomeness with Sung-min for the next recap because it's too hard for me to separate the details right now.

Whether romantically paired or not, I really do love all the boys featured in this season for being as distinctly different as the girls and for not completely falling into the mold of typical love interest. There isn't even enough time for every girl to have a full-blown romance so I was never really worried anyway.

But it's such a relief to be able to see signs that Yoon Sunbae's draw towards Heimdal is such a sweet, unromantic one. I love their interactions, especially for what they bring out in her. This sort of arc definitely suits them much more.

LOL, as much as I hate it, you can't even put Sung-min in that category either yet, because the little awareness that he has may not be enough to combat his resistance and Ji-won's obliviousness for a while. It does seem that Ji-won is used to him constantly turning away any advances no matter how encouraging she is, so him actually going for it could be the key to finally pushing her out of her comfort zone in their relationship. Still, a part of me wonders whether they'll be held back like they were last season, lol. I want them to get together so badly, but I'd kind of laugh if they couldn't make it out of the friendzone after all.

He hasn't gotten a lot of screen-time yet, but I'm loving Lee Yoo-jin. I would never be happy for the scandal that led to this, but, I admit, I can't picture anyone else in this role. I really like the way they are slowly building up the interest between his character and Ye-eun. That could be partially because of the catch-up they've had to do in filming, but I like that they aren't overplaying it or rushing it. He has such an earnestness and sweetness to his smile. And I enjoy how oblivious he is to certain social 'rules', hehehe. So endearing and just what Ye-eun could use in her life right now.

And, okay, I am so onboard this love triangle between Eun, Ye-ji, and Jang-hoon. I find the dynamic super interesting, but I'll have to wait until next episode to get into it because it's much more fleshed out. I can't get enough of the chemistry between Eun and Jang-hoon. I love how assured and comfortable in his skin he is. HAHA, actually, just as I said with Ye-eun, this is just what Eun needs in her life, since she clearly feels insecure with who she is right now. I just love how clearly amused and endeared he was by her not even realizing he could have been asking about her having had a boyfriend in the past. They have such an adorable dynamic already and I can't wait for more.

Thanks for the recap!


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[Spoilers deleted.]


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I really like this show. I like all the characters, but Ji-won really needs to have a real story. The hints we're getting of her past have got me making assumptions that I hope I'm wrong about, but I WANT TO KNOW!! Thanks for the recap!


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Ah I'm here I could not resist the pull of age of youth 2 in dramabeans (but that's because of the subs, which is another story--). And ahhh jiwonxsungmin this is your season i love it!! It's amazing how he's the only one who understands her inside out, but has still stayed despite her quirks. Or is it because of her quirks? He's the best, and I'm thankful that Jiwon has him by her side because this season's going to bw difficult for her, i think.

But more than that, this is jiwon's season. I love that we finally get to flesh her out as a character, and I'm very curious where the writer is going to bring her. I love her--is there any way not to??


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The epilogue for Jin-myung was great, the question about whether she sees her brother in Heimdal totally sets the tone for the rest of their interactions in my opinion. While it's clear she feels some sense of concern about him, it's more because she is reminded of someone she couldn't take care of (her real brother due to his coma). I think this is why she can't help but be worried, even tho she doesn't want to get more entangled. Eunjae's been running around so erratically this whole season, the second hand embarrassment was strong in this ep lol. I can def relate to her indecisiveness tho.

I'm loving Eun and Jang-hoon's chemistry! I did feel like her friend was kind using their friendship almost like a pseudo-relationship, but i'm glad they added this storyline to the plot because it at least acknowledges the idea of non-hetero people in a not negative way. Seeing Eun settle into the Belle Epoque house is great :)Ye-eun's story is moving slowly, but I think that's good since it's not just throwing her head first into a new romance after her trauma. Speaking of trauma, Jiwon's full-story feels like there's something dark and sad waiting around the corner. They way they are portraying her memories (or lack there of) feels really authentic. Season 2 still has that original charm :)


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Literally tearing up because I can't find eng subs still.
Why is this happening??? T T
The only drama I am watching is this one and.. and.. TT


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I know it's frustrating! Why they didn't invent an aplication of simultanious translation yet? Anyway it was bought by Netflix like season 1, that's why nobody can publish subtitles before official screaning...


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Ji-won is officially my favorite character around here ? She's too adorably weird. I am LOLing hard at her weirdness. And gah, I am shipping her and Sung Min too hard! ???

So ok, I still don't quite understand the deal with Eun and Ye-jin. So is Ye-jin jealous because she likes Eun (as not just a friend?


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I feel like it's very obvious that Ye-ji is in love with Eun.


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Just like everyone... I'm looking here and there and everywhere for the subs *sigh*


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I think Ji Woo is doing a good job as Eun Jae. It's not easy to take over a beloved character, but I hope Ji Woo manages to learn lots and hone her craft as an actress. I realise she does that pouty "whine" that I think Park Hae Soo created for Eun Jae the character. She speaks with a pouty "whine" when she's trying to justify her actions for example. The way she does breathless excitement also reminds me of the Eun Jae from season 1. So I give her 2 thumbs up! You go girl! I miss Park Hae Soo, but I like Ji Woo too! Eun Jae the character gets to be played by 2 actresses, that's pretty cool.

Maybe some people aren't too keen on Eun Jae's story this time because her relationship with sunbae has turned sour. It isn't an exciting, thrilling first love anymore. Especially since they were so cute in season 1. But hey, it's real life. Stupid misunderstandings happen. I don't think Ji Woo the actress has anything to do with it. Eun Jae and Jong Yeol sunbae also haven't had much screen time together so I guess people can't understand how their relationship soured. Well, they BROKE UP, so obviously they're not going to be spending time together, and hence not much screen time together.

I'm loving all the scenes with Sung Min and Ji Won. I replay their scenes so many times!!! SQUEEEEEEE to the max!!!!


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Does anyone know the song playing at the end of this episode while Jiwon narrates?


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I have mixed feelings about Eun not being queer. I'm sad because it's was an opportunity to shed light on the LGBTQ community which is always overlooked, and the butt of every joke in dramas (*cough* SWBDS). I'm a bit annoyed that Ye-ji was written to be so "clingy" and then got upset when Eun did not return her feelings. But, I guess, it's also nice that Ye-ji's queerness was not seem as gross or comic to Eun and Jang-hoon.

On the other hand, I'm glad that Eun does not look like the stereotypical feminine girl. Tall, tomboy, sarcastic - it's great to show that these women are also desirable, fun, beautiful (becuase they are!!).

So, yea, mixed emotions...


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I Just love this scene.. Drama love..

Sung Min: You are weird these days
Ji Won: I am always weird
SM: Yes, of course but you look anxious these days..

A person who can see tears behind the smile.. I just love Sung Min & Ji-won's chemistry in this..


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