Age of Youth 2: Episode 4

I tend to have doubts with any drama sequel or spinoff, but after four episodes of pure awesome, I’m all in. Age of Youth is officially back, and dare I say, better than ever. This episode, the girls decide to kick it up a notch with the old and new guys in their lives and it is hi-freaking-larious. We’ve got awkward first meetings, reluctant interest, and some classic longing with a side of jealousy. And how do these girls get through it all? With each other, of course.

EPISODE 4: “I survived” #selfishgenes

Jin-myung goes out for a company dinner, trying to keep up with her co-workers as they down their drinks. She’s dragged into a karaoke session as well and though she seems pretty uncomfortable, she claps along anyway. Once the long night is over, she helps one of her drunken sunbaes stagger out and heads into a convenience store.

As she checks out, she catches the young cashier longingly staring at her company ID card. It brings Jin-myung back to her own cashier days, when she would do the very same thing with office workers who would walk in. After giving the cashier a small smile, Jin-myung hurries out to put her sunbae in a cab home.

The following morning, Ji-won trudges out of her room and joins Ye-eun and Eun-jae in the living room. It turns out an old friend of hers is getting married and Ji-won is super jealous that this friend now gets unlimited access to sex while she remains a virgin. Heh.

Eun-jae suddenly shrieks in terror, realizing that her department is having a get-together soon… and Jong-yeol is sure to come. She asks the girls what she should do, with Ji-won saying to suck it up and go and Ye-eun saying it’d be too awkward to go. Though Eun-jae wants to stay strong, she eventually decides on the latter.

Just then, Eun comes barreling out of her room, the most excited smile on her face, and asks the girls if Jin-myung really works for the Oh & Park entertainment company. Pfffft… Don’t tell me. She’s a fangirl?

At Oh & Park, a huge pack of fangirls are crowding around a van as idol group Asgard (of which HEIMDAL, the guy that keeps bumping into Jin-myung, is a part of) arrives. Jin-myung and Heimdal arrive as well, and Jin-myung just zig-zags her way through the commotion with him right on her tail.

While she and Ye-ji have lunch, Eun rambles on about Jin-myung’s awesome job. She starts talking about the other housemates too, referring to both Ji-won and Eun-jae as “sunbae,” clearly ruffling Ye-ji’s feathers. When Eun doesn’t stop, Ye-ji slams her chopsticks down and yells that she’s acting annoying—did she already forget why she moved into the house? Ye-ji gets up and leaves, with Eun just staring after her in surprise.

Eun later returns to the house, noticing someone’s shoes by the door and clothes lying outside the bathroom. She assumes it’s one of the girls, but when the door opens, out comes a young man—fresh out of the shower and buck naked.

This is Seo Jang-hoon (the gas station worker that Yi-na had talked to in Episode 1) and he seems totally at home until his eyes find Eun’s. They stare at each other for an awkward beat before he lets out a horrified scream and escapes back into the bathroom, while Eun just stands frozen in place.

Ji-won, Ye-eun and Eun-jae come running in, having heard the scream, and let out their own screams when Jang-hoon quickly opens the door to retrieve his clothes. The girls cower behind a still frozen Eun, urging Eun-jae to call the police.

Before she’s able to dial the number, Jang-hoon comes back out and carefully explains that he’s their landlady’s nephew and that he’s here to be her representative. His father had told him that the owner’s unit was on the second floor. Still standing behind Eun, the girls tell him that the owner’s living quarters is on the first. (Whoops.)

Jang-hoon calls his father, chiding him for giving out the wrong info, while the girls look up at Eun and praise her for her bravery. But Eun is barely listening to them; she’s still staring at Jang-hoon. And even though he’s fully clothed, all she can see is him naked. The image makes her gag and she frees herself from the girls to run into the bathroom and throw up.

Jin-myung comes home to find the girls chatting with Jang-hoon. Once everyone’s introduced, Ji-won notes Jang-hoon’s name (which he shares with a pro basketball player), and he sheepishly makes a joke about the name mocking him.

The girls notice Eun is looking a bit sick, and again, she can’t help but stare at Jang-hoon and imagine him naked. The girls stare in confusion as she gags and makes another beeline for the bathroom. Jang-hoon takes this as his cue to leave and quickly says goodbye so he can find his actual room.

Ye-eun watches him go, her gaze still a bit scared. She later tells her friends about Jang-hoon as they walk towards their cafe, where she spots the guy who had grabbed her last time, sitting in the same spot. Her nerves building back up, she suggests that they go elsewhere.

Later at the house, Eun is kicking back with a book when Ji-won heads out to pick up Ye-eun from the bus stop. Eun makes sure Ji-won is really gone and then sneaks off into her and Ye-eun’s bedroom. She searches through both girls’ desks, stopping at Ji-won’s open laptop. She presses play on what Ji-won had left running: porn.

Ji-won and Ye-eun return to the house and are surprised to see Eun standing in their room, staring at Ji-won’s laptop in utter shock. Ye-eun looks at Ji-won in disgust, but Ji-won just smiles, completely unashamed as usual.

Eun finally breaks out of her trance and runs to the bathroom for the third time today, ha.

Heimdal comes running out of Oh & Park with his clown makeup, now in his complete performance attire. He curses to see that his band’s van has already left without him. He sees Jin-myung leaving work and recognizing her, he urgently asks to borrow her phone. When she looks him up and down, he merely says, “You know me, right? I’m Heimdal.”

It doesn’t click for Jin-myung, so he explains that he’s a sub-vocalist in Asgard, the band repped by her company. Frustrated, he even sings and dances to his band’s song to get more of a reaction. But Jin-myung just cuts him off and hands over her phone.

Heimdal calls his manager and demands that they turn around and pick him up, but the manager just spits back that if Heimdal can’t make it himself, then they can deal with one less member. At that, Heimdal panics and says in a hushed tone that he’ll be over right away.

To Jin-myung’s annoyance, Heimdal follows her to the bus, even sitting next to her. His appearance gets a lot of people snickering and snapping pictures, making him extremely uncomfortable.

He mutters to Jin-myung that she should step in and tell people not to take his picture, but she sees no reason to—she doesn’t even know him. She puts her earphones in, which just annoys him even more.

Once Heimdal gets off at his stop and runs the rest of the way, Jin-myung does glance back a few times.

At the Belle Epoque house, Eun-jae rushes into the living room to ask Ye-eun and Ji-won about a movie someone posted online. The girls tell her that the movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a sci-fi romance about a man who gets his memories of a past relationship erased, only to realize that he may not want to forget after all.

A smile creeps onto Eun-jae’s face, delighted to hear that. The girls teasingly ask if this is about Jong-yeol, and Eun-jae confirms that he made the movie his profile picture. Eun, who’d been observing from the side, asks, “Didn’t you break up with your boyfriend?” She wonders why Eun-jae is practically stalking the guy online. Eun-jae gets defensive, saying it’s not like that. She starts to say something else, but Eun shoots up as soon as Jin-myung comes through the door.

Eun follows Jin-myung like an excited duckling, asking if she’s seen any of her favorite bands. Jin-myung merely says that she’s only encountered Heimdal of Asgard, earning blank looks from the girls. She tries a half-hearted imitation of Heimdal’s dance from earlier, and it hilariously takes everyone aback.

The next day, Eun-jae is too busy observing Jong-yeol to pay attention in class. She remembers what the girls had said about the romance film and how the main character had kept loving this woman despite his memories of her fading. That satisfied smile returns to her face as Eun-jae pictures Jong-yeol watching the movie and crying his eyes out.

After class, her smile finally falters when she realizes it’s time for the class get-together.

Eun-jae just can’t seem to enjoy herself during this party; her ears perk up to hear Jong-yeol talking to another girl, and when she hears them laughing, she makes a big exaggerated show of laughing at her own table, weirding out the people she’s sitting with.

What’s funny is that almost everyone seems to sense the tension between Eun-jae and Jong-yeol. They get into some outrageous drinking games and any time the attention is turned toward them, it’s immediately awkward.

A representative decides to ease the tension with karaoke and Jong-yeol goes first with Lee Moon-sae’s ballad “Old Love.” As Jong-yeol sings, Eun-jae takes every single lyric to heart, as if he’s talking right at her. Fire in her eyes, she scolds him in her head for having the audacity to be “angry” or “sick of love.”

Eun-jae is up next and she chooses So Chan-whee’s “Tears” as a way to respond to Jong-yeol’s song. She energetically dances about with her tambourine, singing that he should forget her and move on.

She gets really into it, though Jong-yeol hardly ever looks up from his table. She then reaches the last line of the song, “I love you,” and her confidence deteriorates right on the spot. Oy, the secondhand embarrassment is strong on this one…

Somehow, the two survive the night and see that their friends leave safely in cabs. The end up the last two on the sidewalk, and being alone with Jong-yeol actually seems to zap all the energy out of Eun-jae. He gently asks if she’s okay and she nods, her mind drifting off to a memory of him offering to walk her home.

Jong-yeol tells her to get home safely and again, she nods, her eyes full of swirling emotions. They go their separate ways, on different buses, both looking completely drained from the night’s events.

As they lean their heads on their respective bus windows, it’s clear that they’re both pretty miserable with the way things are.

Cut to: Ji-won having the time of her life at her friend’s upbeat wedding. She also uses this opportunity to ask some of her old friends about the mysterious Moon Hyo-jin from her childhood photo.

Luckily, the bride remembers Hyo-jin and the fact that she’d transferred out of their school. She leans in to whisper the reason, though we don’t get to hear it. Whatever it is, it wipes the smile right off of Ji-won’s face.

Eun sits outside the house, conflicted about sending a text to Ye-ji, who’s still angry with her. Jang-hoon walks out and freezes at the sight of her, especially since her eyes go directly there. Before he can get a word out, she moves past him and hurries inside.

Jang-hoon then heads up to the roof, where Ye-eun is hanging up laundry. He runs over to help her and she instinctively flinches away. Jang-hoon doesn’t notice this and continues to hang her laundry, mentioning that his father had already told him about the girl who’d been assaulted.

He voices his worries that his unexpected grand entrance might’ve really frightened her. And now he thinks that her vomiting was triggered by him. Wait, what?

Ye-eun looks up in surprise. She realizes that Jang-hoon has Eun mistaken for her, but she doesn’t correct him. She just listens as he continues to say how bad he feels and how he wants to help however he can.

He asks her what he can do and Ye-eun seems to look at him with new eyes. She sincerely thanks him (which only confuses him) and shuffles back down to her room. As she stares at herself in the mirror, Jang-hoon’s words sink in and perhaps even soothe her nerves.

Ye-eun builds enough courage to revisit the cafe, and sure enough, the boy with glasses (whom we’ll come to know as KWON HO-CHANG) is sitting in the same spot. He’s surprised to see her again and doesn’t really know how to react. Ye-eun cautiously asks why he took her from her friends and ran the other day, bracing herself for his answer.

Ho-chang looks up, stammering, “T-They were your friends?” He stands up, mortified, and apologizes for his misunderstanding. Because of Ye-eun’s expression reminding him of his own when he was bullied, he’d assumed that she was being bullied as well. A little calmer now, Ye-eun admits that she was feeling attacked in that moment.

Ho-chang smiles, glad to know that he’d been right after all. Ye-eun quietly says that it’s not exactly something to smile about, making him flustered all over again. So she changes the subject, asking what he’s always working on. He beams at that and begins to explain the programming he’s been doing, but Ye-eun has to cut him short when she notices two of her friends waiting outside.

Ye-eun tells him he can show her later and his expression changes to one of hope. She thanks him for saving her that day, a small smile on her lips as she gets up to join her friends. But Ho-chang goes after her, hoping to get her phone number since she said “later.” She hesitates at first, but seeing the expectant look on Ho-chang’s face does get her to give her number.

During Sung-min’s meeting with his news underlings, Ji-won keeps making snide comments until Sung-min has to drag her out. He suggests she start looking for a job instead of always butting into his meetings, but she pouts that she doesn’t want to. He sighs and asks if anything came out of her friend’s wedding then—did she find out about her past?

Ji-won starts hearing that bizarre ringing sound as she remembers what her friend had told her: Hyo-jin had transferred after some strange rumors had spread. Apparently, the art teacher had claimed that Hyo-jin drew a strange picture. A naked picture. However, Ji-won only tells Sung-min that Hyo-jin transferred and nothing more.

Eun starts getting worried when Ye-ji misses school. And with Ye-ji gone, the absence of a friend really seems to weigh down on Eun; she walks home a little more down than usual. While on his bike, Jang-hoon sees her and catches up to her for a much-needed confrontation.

She tries to wave him off, but he demands to know why she’s been acting so weird around him. Eun: “After seeing that, of course I’m going to feel bad.” Jang-hoon: “You think I showed you that because I wanted to?” He continues that in this case, he’s the one who should feel bad. He catches her staring there again, but she covers her ears and hurries off before he can say any more.

The two arrive at the house and stop to find a veeery drunk Ye-ji huddled on the ground. Eun tries to get her up, but Ye-ji just shoves Eun off and angrily slurs that she’s been acting so annoying lately.

Seeing no other option, Jang-hoon gets Ye-ji on his back and carries her inside as she shrieks at Eun, “You’re all I have!” Once Jang-hoon carries her past the rest of the girls and into Eun’s room, Eun tells him to get out.

He doesn’t get a thank you from her, but he does get a fist-bump from Ji-won, who notes that it’s nice to have a man in the house. Back in her room, Eun looks over Ye-ji as she starts crying in her sleep, “You keep changing! Don’t change! I like you so much…”

Ye-ji wakes up the next morning, the horror washing over her as she remembers what happened the previous night. She moves to jump off the bed but stops at the sight of Eun fast asleep on the floor.

All the girls are still asleep, so Ye-ji tip-toes her way to the front door. But first, she takes one last look around, imagining what it would look like if all the girls were up and bustling about.

She can even imagine Eun there, smiling as if she’s a part of the Belle Epoque family. Something about that image softens Ye-ji’s expression and she finally turns to go.

The first thing Ye-eun does when she wakes up is gather all of the dark and baggy clothing she’d been wearing outside the house. Ji-won, Eun-jae, and Eun are watching her as she throws the clothes out, so she happily states that they don’t have to pick her up from the bus anymore. Understanding what this means, Ji-won and Eun-jae smile at their friend’s sudden progress. Eun doesn’t look so sure though.

Eun is happy to see that Ye-ji has returned to school. They’re able to smile at each other freely and even link arms again. Although, Ye-ji does wish that Eun would leave the house, saying she gets a bad feeling from that place.

That night, Ye-eun steps down from her bus and we see that she is back to her pink, girly style. She makes her way down the street, ready to head out alone, only to freeze at the sight of a man nearby. The image of her ex-boyfriend flashes through her mind and she immediately pales and takes a step back.

Eun finds Eun-jae passed out on the couch after having one too many drinks. (More Jong-yeol woes?) She hears Eun-jae’s phone beep with a new message: It’s Ye-eun and she can’t make it back alone. Eun tries to shake Eun-jae awake but it’s no use. So Eun just throws the phone down and heads back to her room. Ack, no! Don’t just leave Ye-eun like that!

Ye-eun sends texts to Ji-won and Jin-myung as well, but they’re both too busy to come get her. Unsure of what else to do, Ye-eun just stays put at the bus stop.

Jin-myung is still at work and she studiously keeps her head down, even when a co-worker clearly wants to vent about something. Jin-myung pretends not to notice, so her co-worker vents to another colleague, and Jin-myung thinks to herself, “I always measure my distance so that I don’t get closer than necessary… so that nobody can get closer than necessary.”

After work, she stops by her usual convenience store and has her usual run-in with Heimdal. They ignore each other this time, though Jin-myung does take notice of Heimdal not being able to pay for all his items. Her thoughts continue, “Keeping at a distance is self-isolating. Keeping at a distance is lonely. It was my survival strategy. I lived like a fenced-in horse. I survived that way. And I will survive that way.”

After Heimdal leaves, Jin-myung adds the rest of his stuff along with hers and runs out to catch up to him. She wordlessly hands over his bag and walks away, leaving him somewhat confused. His expression is unreadable as he goes his own way.

Another man walks by the bus stop, causing Ye-eun to hunch over, on the verge of tears. Just then, someone stops in front of her and Ye-eun slowly looks up to see that it’s Eun.

Eun explains that Eun-jae was unable to come, hoping that Ye-eun is okay with walking back with her. Ye-eun looks more than okay with that, letting out a small “Thank you.” Eun lets Ye-eun hold onto her sleeve as they head home together.

The next day, Jin-myung sits in a company meeting, where the CEO explains that Asgard keeps losing them money and that they might have to dissolve their contract. She decides to put it to a company-wide vote, in which everyone must participate. Jin-myung stares at the band’s picture on the board, her gaze zeroing in on Heimdal as she narrates, “I had to keep my distance.”


The phones of all five girls are laid out in an orderly display, showing off their online profile pictures and as a result, their unique personalities.

Jin-myung’s picture is a shot of several meerkats and captioned “Survival.” Ye-eun’s is a cheery old selfie with the affirmation “Be positive in yourself first.” Eun-jae’s is a baby photo and her caption reads “You were born to receive love.” Eun’s is a shot of a simple sun hat: “Nobody knows.” And Ji-won’s, of course, is a meme-famous Chihuahua with the line, “Isn’t it funny?”


I can’t even begin to express how pleased I am with this show so far. Oftentimes, drama sequels can feel somewhat detached or separate from the original, but here, it just feels like a straight continuation of the show we fell in love with last year. A lot of that has to do with the show keeping (most of) its cast, but a majority of that has to do with the fabulous writing. Thinking back, I feel like the reason Season 1 was a little all over the place is because this writer had so much to say beyond the original 12 episodes and she just couldn’t squeeze it all in. And now she has an extra 12 to work with, meaning much more wiggle room. I wanted that wiggle room for Ji-won and I’m glad we get to see that with this interesting Hyo-jin storyline.

I have a lot to say about the boys and what we’ve seen of them so far, so let’s dive right into it: The girls still have this mysterious aspect to them, but I really like that the boys are given their chance to be a little mysterious too. Sung-min is wonderful as always and Jang-hoon is a welcome edition (his scenes with Eun killed me), but I was actually surprised to realize that I was most intrigued by not-so-popular idol Heimdal. Since he was technically introduced in Episode 1—pictured as the son of the serial killer’s captives at the vacation house—I’m curious if any of that will be brought up again. It has to be, right?

The serial killer plot was super funny, but it obviously wasn’t funny to his parents. I wonder if that one night influenced how he is today; despite being ignored by his fans and even his band, he surprisingly takes it like a champ. He just accepts the punches like he’s fine as long as he stays where he is in the industry. That makes him a very interesting character, but I’m still wondering why he’s here. Since Jin-myung seems to be dating her beloved chef from last season, adding this new love interest just feels a bit random. But I trust that it’ll all make sense when we get the full picture.

Ironically enough, my favorite couple from last season has the least of my attention here. The maknae couple’s plotline, while funny, is actually getting under my skin a bit. I really wish the two would just sit down and talk about all the unsaid feelings, but both seem too hurt or too resentful to even think about talking. Eun-jae has all the confidence in the world when she’s off to the side, watching Jong-yeol pout, but once she’s standing right in front of him, she becomes soft again. My guess is that she’s not sure how to feel and rather than letting herself be vulnerable, she’s choosing to puff out her chest and be tough. And while I think it is best that Eun-jae and Jong-yeol figure this out on their own, it doesn’t make the viewing experience any less frustrating.

Last but not least, we have Ye-eun’s love interest Ho-chang, who I find very cute and endearing. I like this duo a lot because their traumatic pasts give them the potential to understand each other on a deeper level. That little promise of “later” was so sweet because both seemed so happy to have taken a small step to what may be a new friendship. I was afraid of the show dumping Ye-eun into a new relationship as a quick way for her to heal, but I can see that this storyline may be much more than that. I think this will result in some great character development for the both of them.

Ye-eun made a big decision to get back out in the world, and I believe it was those interactions with Jang-hoon and Ho-chang that gave her the reassurance that she could do it. It gave her a boost of courage and inspired her to go big. Unfortunately, the road to healing can’t always be done in leaps. It takes many, many small steps. It takes time. She can’t return to the old Ye-eun just like that—in fact, she can never really return to the old Ye-eun. All she can do is move forward, at the pace that feels the most comfortable. And thank goodness Eun was there to help her out. With Eun, we got to see the human behind the thirst for revenge. She’s observing the girls to find her “culprit,” but she’s also observing them and learning to like them. And who can blame her? These girls are pretty darn lovable. So while she may not like the idea of it now, she’s already showing signs of a true Belle Epoque housemate.


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Am I the only one who can watch Ji Won be inappropriate and flirty with Sung Min all of these 12 episodes and still love every moment of this show?


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Yes! I just love everything about Ji-won...both the writer's characterization and Park Eun-bin's portrayal make this character seem real with lots of layers that I cannot wait to see the reveal. How awesome and refreshing we get a heroine in Dramaland who is not embarrassed talking about (and watching) sex!

I just squeal with delight when I see Ji-won having the time of her life at her friend's wedding despite feeling jealous when receiving the invitation. Just awesome.


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Nope, you're definitely not the only one. I luff them so much together, I felt so spoiled by 4 OTP scenes in ep. 3!! Watching their journey from besties-to-lovers is going to be so squeeworthy!!


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EEEeeeeee! I can't wait! I love how comfy they are with each other! <333


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Nope, you're definitely not the only one. Ji Won is so inappropriate and I should hate her, or at least not like her this much lol. But Park Eun Bin is sooo adorable. And Sung Min is like the reality check Ji Won needs. Moarrr!


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I'm sorry to ride on your comment, but, can anybody tell me what Sung-min is currently doing? His scene in the meeting room confused me.. Is he working in an office, continuing studies..? Since Ji-won keeps coming to his office.


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It seems like he is already working. And Ji-won comes to hang out at his office because she's unemployed.


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I thought they're not graduates yet? Ji-won is on leave but job-hunting so maybe she's in that pre-senior stage where you have to get an internship.

Sung-min was critiquing their hoobaes' work so I think he's still in school maybe serving as editor-in-chief or something of that newspaper they've been working at from Season1 and seems to have earned a prestigious award last episode..?


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He's a graduate student, I'm pretty sure they were having a party for him when Jiwon passes out in the club but I"m not 100% sure. In the u.s grad students (I think for phd, not masters) sometimes/usually work as teacher aids or even instructors as a part of their program.


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I just realized I responded to the wrong comment lol, but he's a grad student, probably working on his phd/doctorate. They mention it at the club when jiwon passes out iirc. In the united states grad students usually work as teacher aids & instructors as a part of their program which explains why he's still at school & has his own office space. My undergrad major adviser was actually a master student in my program lol.


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Oh my gosh! I think I am most excited about Ji-won and Sung-min. ??? I'm shipping them real hard. And please show, give them more screentime ??? i love how he's so annoyed with her yet he's always there for her. I loved that pool scene in the previous episode. That was hilarious. Shows a lot how much Sung-min is willing to go through just to support Ji-won's craziness ?


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I just want Ji-won to jump Sung Min already! Or vice versa! Rawwr!


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They really nailed it with Ye-eun's arc (so far). I was ready to throw a fit when she dumped her dark clothes and went "back to her old self" just after a friendly convo with a guy, but that bus stop scene where she was so happy until she was not... :'(


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Feeing is mutual! I let out a huge groan when I saw her tossing the clothes and my hands were way up in the air with eyebrow furrowing snark: "what? that's it? that's how this is going to be conveniently resolved?"

I have never been so happy seeing someone so scared on screen....now I have so much faith in the direction of the writing. Sorry Writer-nim for ever doubting you!


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They're portraying the aftereffects of the trauma in such a true-to-life way. The writer is giving a lovely, sensitive touch in the way this subject matter is being handled.


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agreed! loved the bus stop scene - watching ye-eun almost in tears because of fright was obviously gut-wrenching, but it really shows how the writer's handling her trauma with respect and sensitivity.


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Same! I was like, no, this can't be happening. Just like that? And then the bus stop scene. That was beautiful.


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i actually started tearing up at the bus stop scene i could really feel how terrified ye-eun must've been


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Eun fangirling is, borrowing Sailorjumun’s word, hi-freaking-larious! The next best thing is Yoon Sunbae doing a little idol song and dance. I am glad we get to see the some lightness from both of them this episode. And come on Eun! My reaction if I see Kim Min-seok naked in front of me would be closer to fangirling than gagging!

I am loving the fact that even though all the male characters are definitely good looking (this is dramaland afterall), the visual for pairing is a little more unusual: tall girl with short guy (Eun & Jang-hoon), the girly girl with the nerd (Ye-eun & Ho-chang).

The mention of one of my top 5 movies of all time Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind just makes me love the writer even more! Come to think of it, sci-fi romance with amnesia plot….why isn’t there a K-drama adaptation for this, or maybe a better question is how many K-drama sci-fi romances with amnesia plot are inspired by Charles Kaufman’s wonderful writing?

I also wonder how deep the show is willing in its exploration of Ye-ji’s now seemingly evident same-sex attraction toward Eun?


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i'm really curious about how they're going to handle ye-ji's crush on eun too! i like how eun seems to be well aware of her crush, and how blatant ye-ji seems to be about it too, but how it doesn't really affect their friendship.


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It's kind of ambiguous actually. Many female friendships are like that, aren't they? Speaking from personal experience - My closest friend in university and I were exactly like this, and then we got into fights and I threw a very embarrassing, jealous fit exactly like this, when she started dating her now-finacee. Haha that scene made me cringe for a whole lot of reasons. And now we're back to being close.


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i didn't really know if ye-ji was actually flirting or if it was just their dynamic in the previous episodes, but then she said "i like you so much" in this episode, and idk, i felt like that was supposed to be a confirmation of her crush LOL. but it's true, there definitely hasn't been an outright confirmation that it's romantic attraction on ye-ji's part haha.


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I wonder how Eun really feels, though. She doesn't seem to be into Ye-Ji in that way, but that doesn't mean her sexuality is clear-cut. She still wears androgynous clothing (which I love). Also, throwing up at the sight of a penis is pretty extreme. No matter how conservative society is, these are all college girls in their 20s. She was already sick the first day, but she also threw up at porn a day or two later. That's a pretty intense physical reaction to the sight of the male organ, just saying. In any case, I hope the show addresses it beyond a few jokes. I'd hate for them to just play it off as a gag (ha! no pun intended, but it happened anyway!)


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I also love her androgynous style that is so rarely seen in Dramaland, hopefully there will not be a mid-season makeover.

If her gagging reaction is only played for comedy, that would be a regrettable misstep in the writing in my opinion. I thought it would actually be much mor interesting if that would be Ji-won's reaction - that she can watch all the porn in the world but seeing a penis in real life would trigger the opposite reaction. This could be nicely tied in to the mysteries of her story this season.


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I'm guessing Eun is asexual rather than prudish.


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Not too sure about the same-sex attraction though. I think Ye-ji is just jealous that Eun now has other friends. At least that's what I got from that morning after scene when Ye-ji was about to leave Belle Epoque and imagined how things are with Eun and the other girls as she looked around the empty house.


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I thought so too, that ye ji is pissed at eun, since she actually 'wants it for herself'. But then was jang hoon saying something to her regarding eun at the preview? The preview wasn't subbed so I couldn't fully understand what the conversation was about. But she sure looked flustered.


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Haven't checked it out yet (at work) but YESSS I'm so excited for Jo Eun's softening towards the other Belle Epoque roomies and the introduction of Jang-Hoon. So jealous of all you Beanies that have seen the ep already!


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The scene between Eun and Ye-eun(ha, they have the same name) at the bus stop had me in tears. I love it.


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Eun, Ye-eun, and Eun-jae. I have to concentrate extra hard when reading these recaps so I don't get confused, lol.


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Me too! One Eun too many?


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same! it was one of my favourite scenes this week. the fact that eun voluntarily made her way there to the bus stop without being asked made me so happy, because it shows how much she's softening towards her housemates. and the way she so hesitantly said "if you're okay with me" when offering to walk her back - i almost cried LOL.


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This show is so good and such an easy watch! Ji-won's mystery storyline is intriguing but I have a bad feeling she is going to find out something not so pleasant. I definitely think she played a role in what happened to Hyo-jin but maybe finding the truth will calm her outlandish ways and her compulsion to lie.


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I feel the same about the Hyo-jin mystery. Ji-won is my favorite housemate but she's the one who has had least growth so far. It's going to be painful watching her.


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Totally agree! I feel like her character in season 1 was used as comedic relief to the other girls heavier storylines, I think this season she will be the one going through some heavier stuff and hopefully growing from it ?


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I also feel the same way. And I think that experience has also led to her 'lying' - sometimes people lie to avoid reality or a horrible experience they have gone through?

What has me intrigued is that she doesn't seem to remember much of her childhood, which is unusual. She doesn't even remember that she has never written a diary... or has she, but her mother has thrown them away, because of something painful that had happened? She can't remember her elementary school whom she's taken a photo with. If it was a kindergarten friend, I can understand if she can't remember, but this photo couldn't have been taken more than 15 years ago. My children in their early twenties can remember their elementary school friends pretty well, so I find it odd that she can't. Seems like she has tried to wipe out those years.
Another thing that I find odd, is that she even suspected her father of sexually abusing her. Did she forget her childhood days with dad?


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it's possible that ji won'sly


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it's possible that jiwon's lying habit wasn't a recent thing and in the past she jokingly spread some rumour (or maybe she saw a glimpse of something, thought it was someone scandalous and told ppl without thinking) and she's the reason why hyo jin moved away and the reason she lies or has a weird aversion/interest in sex is related to the rumours she spread.


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I'm thinking this is a huge possibility


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I thought Moon HyoJin drew pictures of people getting hit rather than naked people? The english subs aren't out so i'm watching the chinese subs so maybe something got lost in translation?

Ahh I'm so sad this is only 12 episodes :-( It's the only thing I'm watching in the midst of this drama drought ?


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Something definitely seems to have gotten lost in translation with these subs, because I read that Moon Hyojin left school because the art teacher drew pictures of HER naked.


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yeah, i'm a little confused about the translation of that part too.


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The first 2 eps had me a little worried that perhaps my expectations were too high for season 2 but eps 3 & 4 have assured me nope this is still a fantastic show. I really find the writing of Age of Youth 2 still great as the first season. I am so glad that Jo Eun's demeanor has changed and she seems normal now. I like how they all get along together now and seem like housemates. I am looking forward to see the way all their lives pan out in this short but super sweet series.


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'she’s [Eun] already showing signs of a true Belle Epoque housemate'

Yesss, and I love she's transitioning so fast! 12 episodes are so short for this gem, and we don't have time for housemates to hate and be hostile towards each other. More cute womances ahead!


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Heimdal's the one who's going to make JinMyung grow, show her how to live among people and not just those she knows. Because right now, she isn't.

Well, I think so. I see myself in her. I used to be very self-sufficient and wouldn't bother with people beyond the mere surface greetings or beyond interacting with them just to get what I need. But that makes a hermit who won't get out of one's comfirtable shell. And that means one loses a lot in life.

I'm not sure there'll be anything romantic between them (well I hope not! I'm a Chef-JinMyung shipper, heh), but JinMyung needs an indefeatable, poor puppy stranger like him to grow. They may make each other best friends yet.


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"I'm not sure there'll be anything romantic between them (well I hope not! I'm a Chef-JinMyung shipper)"
Me too! I love this OTP. And I too hope that there'll be nothing romantic between Heimdal and Jin-myung. I simply can't feel any romantic chemistry between them. She not only looks older, but is also more mature than him...and so far, it's JIn-myung helping him, albeit relunctantly. Is this going to be the reversal of her relationship with Chef, where he used to help her?
I hope the writer leaves her with Chef - I love their chemistry and Yoon-bak was so swoony in season 1. I was, and am hoping for a long distance relationship between these 2, with Yoon Bak making a cameo at the end?


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i'm constantly surprised by how much i relate to jin-myung, because she's been flying under the radar a lot this season since she's on a completely different path to the rest of the housemates, and i'd forgotten her tendency to keep to herself and repress her feelings. but that voiceover about never getting closer than necessary was so relatable to me, and i'm so glad that the writer has such a strong handle on her characterisation.

i'm really hoping that her relationship with heimdal just ends up being a very cute platonic one too!


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What I'm liking so far is that we don't know where the story will go between these two. We were made to believe that there is a love line since Yoon Park did not return. So far I'm guessing if there will be anything romantic, it will be one sided. (this is going to break my An Woo yeon-shaped heart)


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I suspect it'll be a professional + friends relationship? As she helps Asgard do well?? And at the end, there will be love! ^^
(Sorry - I wasn't really on the Chef ship. Plus, Ahn Woo Yeon!)


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i feel like his 'immaturity' is perceived rather than who he is. his persona makes him out to be this puppy dog child but i think that's his coping mechanism. if he's bright and cheery and kind of full of himself no one will see how fucking dead he is inside (which sounds like an exaggeration but i genuinely don't think so) plus i think making him an idol makes him appear more immature especially bc idols normally have that image when compared to regular civilans. i think when we start learning about him and his past and who he is under the clown makeup (lol) he'll seem more mature.

and the dramalover in me wants a romance just bc he's so different than the chef that i think he could give me the butterflies that the chef's plot didn't give me, but i don't think he could match the emotional support the chef gave. plus him being an idol leads to a whole lot of cliche fanfiction writing if they end up together


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Wow, before you pointed it out, I didn't even realize that this clown makeup could as well be the metaphor of how he feels. He realizes he looks pathetic and even his "when I get famous" sounds directed more to himself than anyone else.
When you are at the lowest of your life, your reaction is one of two, you either distance yourself from people (as JinMyung did in first season) or try to act as if it's not that serious and it doesn't hurt your sunny persona. Often it is interpreted as being immature.


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Yes, I agree that he's putting on a front. And that's why he needs her too. Their relationship is symbiotic.


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I never thought that Eun character would be a fangirl, and seeing her as one is just so funny!


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She's surprised me when she was squealing (TWICE !) like that. Such a true fan girl at heart :) I already like her with her tsundere trait, but this side of her has made me like her character even more !


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i laugh so hard every time she lets out a squeal. it's so cute omg.


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It definitely makes her ten times more endearing. For the first 3 episodes, I was just left wondering "What is the deal with this girl?" But this episode with her fan-girling over idol groups, random vomiting and awkward reactions to Jang-hoon, and sincerely helping Ye-eun without being asked just managed to make Eun so loveable. This is the episode that made her the official Belle Epoque housemate.


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That scene with Ye-eun and Eun was so heart-warming. While she suspected Ye-eun as the most likely to be the recipient of the letter, I thikn maybe this will change her mind. They did quickly mention another girl who only stayed for 1 month (in ep 3) so maybe it will come back as something important (or not...). Seeing Ye-eun gain some confidence, even a little bit is also nice to see, I think the writers are showing her process really well. Eunjae and Jong-yeol are seriously stressin' me out, just tell us what happened already! Also, I feel like maybe Jin-myung and Heimdal won't be romantic interests at all? Maybe Jin-myung sees how hard he's trying or his tough situation and will want to help him? I like the idea of a non-romantic relationship somewhere here since we know Jiwon and her friend are destined lol~ Jiwon's storyline worries me a bit just cause I don't want her to have a painful past, she deserves better :(

Also, while Eun may not have feeling for her friend, I feel like her friend might? She's always trying to get Eun to treat her as something more it seems like. I'm wholly invested in these girls' next chapter!


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"Since he was technically introduced in Episode 1—pictured as the son of the serial killer’s captives at the vacation house..."

WHAT? I totally missed that detail.

Anyway, what to say about this show? Honestly, it might be early, but I'm gonna say that all my fears going into the second season have been allayed. This totally feels like the show I fell in love with last season and I'm so happy about it.

Eun-jae is still such a great character for me, even with the new actress, and her creepy glee over the Eternal Sunshine subplot was hysterical. I'm loving everything with Ji Won this year. Everyone feels so fleshed out and I'm deeply invested in all their stories already. I love how much more we have to discover about everyone despite already living with them for a season.


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Yeah, I didn't see it too.. I must re-watch Ep 1 ! [ Or maybe all 4 episodes while waiting for the new episodes this week :) ]


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yeah, around when you learnt the guy was a serial killer, the camera panned to the mantle or wall where a family picture was and you can see hemidal there (but tbh i had first assumed it was the nerdy guy)


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I only noticed because I just finished watching Circle before starting Age of Youth 2. ^___^ But we'll take any excus--- err... justified reason to rewatch AOY2 episodes.


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I love, love, love this season and all the girls, but... Eun-Jae is just not doing it for me this time around. I don't know what it is. Clearly, each actor has their own interpretations of a character but sometimes it feels like a whole new person. I think a lot of the sympathy I had for Eun-Jae left with the original actress, and now her character is annoying to me. It's funny, I forced all my friends to watch season 1 on netflix and they said Eun-Jae was annoying. I defended her with all my heart back then, but if they said the same thing now I'd just go, "....yeah."

tl;dr she's gone from one of my favorites to literally my least favorite part of each episode. She's still cute though.


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I think the actress has a harder job because it's the second season so naturally the character has gone through a progression, but coupled with the new face it makes her seem like a new character. The Eun Jae now makes sense to me as the Eun Jae we saw in s1 a year later, but I can understand why other people would have a harder time adjusting.


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I feel same. :) I see this Eun-jae as a normal transition from last year's Eun-jae. She already had that hilariously whiny, passive-aggressive streak to her, it was just hidden by her timidness because (1) freshman, (2) I-might-have-killed-my-dad problem.


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This is true. I understand the natural progression of her character and, in theory, am on board with it. But I can't help but feel like Park Hye-Soo made Eun Jae more sympathetic. I'm probably still having trouble letting go, but sometimes I feel like the current actress is doing an Eun-Jae impression instead of actually inhabiting the role. Then you add into that her frustrating storyline and *kanye shrug*


I'm not a fan either :/ It helps if I just pretend she's a new character. Past eunjae was quiet, innocent and reserved, this season she feels more like an uptight stick up her a** kind of girl. I really really hate her plotline, I get that its a nice lighthearted story arc for the show but its boring and something we see in so many dramas already. Last season her focus was moreso on her past and her character growth from a shy, lonely, passive-aggresive teenager into someone who learns how to open up her heart and move forward from her past. She felt more real and fleshed out, this season she's just another heartbroken kdrama girl. I also hate to say this but the actress also looks too old to be playing a 19-2 y/o girl...


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The actress is 20 yrs old though..


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While I liked Eun Jae and Jin Myung so much in season 1, Ji Won and Jo Eun are my top 2 favorite characters this season

It's quite hard to relate to Jin Myung character post her job recruitment, but then she went and stole my heart once more with this scene

I always measure my distance so that I don’t get closer than necessary… so that nobody can get closer than necessary

I feel you, Yoon sunbae.. you are literally me in my workplace

Keeping at a distance is self-isolating. Keeping at a distance is lonely

That's how I feel.. But unlike Jin Myung, that's not for my survival strategy, it's just how I function :)


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The writer is really smart to give us a drama with realistic touch, and the production team made it more perfect. I like their choice of smartphone for each girl. I'm tired to see dramas where everyone has the same exact smartphone no matter how rich or poor they are. So, A+ for AoY ! :D


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Same here. I relate so much to what Jin-myung said. My greetings are always polite and cheery, but that's about it. I never feel the need to share what's going on at home or in my personal life. I thought that I needed to keep business and personal separate for one reason or another. I've always kept my distance and purposely so, that when my co-workers are busy chatting and laughing about something, I'm still huddled in the corner, head down, doing my own thing with a poker face on. I am very aware that I'm isolating myself, and that my colleagues probably think I just don't want to open up. But I just can't help it. I am Jin-myung.


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I'm seriously loving this drama! I think I'm enjoying it even more than the 1st season, and that's saying something cause the 1st season was awesome. Everything about it just works.


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I don't really get Eun. She finds an anonymous letter, accusing someone of being horrible, yet unrepentant. The letter is hateful ending with dead threats, and she goes to the extreme of not only believing the writer but also trying to take revenge for him/her? She was convinced that one of them is guilty, not even considering that it's just a one-sided opinion? And maybe the ravings of a mad man or a juvenile mind?


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*death threats


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I honestly don't know how to explain this without sounding offensive. I think it's because Eun has felt this extreme hatred towards her father. She somehow sympathizes with the writer because she know how it feels. But that's the reason why she's "investigating" to know if the writer's feelings are "justified". Or to put in another way, to know where the writer is coming from. It does not justify the writers threats in anyway. It's a scary piece. Eun just needs answers and only after that she will act. Whatever that is, we don't know.


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It's a distraction from her painful, conflicting feelings about family.

She wants to hate her Dad for being happy but she also remembers her Dad being a good father to her. She wants to hate her mom for not acting like a mom to her. But at least her mom stayed, unlike Dad.

It seems she wants to hate them both and then hates herself for not hating them 100%. So instead of figuring out how she feels, she shoves it away and tells herself that she's doing something Very Important by solving the Belle Epoque mystery. Death threats about people you don't know or care about are less painful to figure out than pesky feelings.


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i know a lot of people were wary about having so many guys in this season, and how that might shift the focus away from the girls, but i gotta say, so far i'm pretty happy with our cast of male characters. it's got to be the most varied and charming bunch of guys i've seen in a kdrama yet. jongyeol and sungmin we all knew from season one already, but ho-chang is such a sweetly enthusiastic little nerd, and seems like the perfect kind of guy for ye-eun to simultaneously dote on and boss around, and janghoon and eun have so much chemistry together that i've replayed their scenes least five times already. strangely enough, i'm least interested in heimdal so far, but i feel like i'll be 100% onboard once they really start to get his and jinmyung's story going.


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also, i was rewatching the previous episodes earlier, and did anyone else notice all the background stuff going on in the first episode during jin-myung's airport scene?? while she's on the airport travelator, you see eun's friend ye-ji right in front of her, and then when she walks out into the terminal, behind her there's a man parodying that korean politician (kim moo-sung??) who became meme famous for pushing his suitcase away to his staff without looking. i almost died laughing when i noticed it HAHA.


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OMG I just checked and you're right! HAHAHAHA


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HAHAHA thanks for this gem. I went back and checked and was so amused. How did they think of inserting that scene?


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Yeah, I get what you mean! So far the writing is still pretty much based on the girls, but the boys are fitted in perfectly without hampering the flow of the story.


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So far I'm liking Jang-hoon the most out of the new boys. His rooftop conversation with Ye-eun shows how sensitive he is to others' feelings, and he just seems like an overall genuinely good person who wants to do the right things.

Heimdal is currently so OTT but I can see that he's hiding some insecurities and has a desperate side to him as well. Ho-chang is just OK I guess, I wish the character was better acted because now he seems a bit bland. Jong-yeol is very different from before, he's a lot more sombre and moodier. I like him better when he's a cute, energetic squirrel.

Sung-min was my favourite from season 1 and well, he's still the constant in Ji-won's life. I love that his exasperations carry on but now we see him being more supportive and caring.


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jang-hoon is my favourite so far too actually! he just seems like a really friendly, decent guy who gets along well with everyone, so the fact that he's so indignant about eun's treatment of him is extra entertaining to watch.


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I couldn't stop laughing when Eun-jae was singing and Jong-yeol's friends were like, "didn't she use to be good?"

Though Ji-woo's voice is sweet, Park Hye-soo's is amazing!! You need to listen to her sing Lee Hi's Breathe.


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I caught that too. This episode is also the second time Ji-won has said "Eun-jae's changed" since the start of the season.

I like that the show pokes fun at it. ?


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I wonder if we missed other reference or if the show is just starting to poke fun at the new Eun-jae.


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She really is amazing ;______; S1 Eun Jae was my favourite...and if I'm quite honest, if Park Hye Soo was still portraying her, I think that fact would remain for S2. :(


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i have this gut feeling that the rumour that spread about hyo jin that made her move came from none other than our liar jiwon. it's possible that when the bride told her, she probably told her what the rumour was and maybe that triggered a memory. either intentional or she saw something and misinterpreted it before spreading false info, jiwon must've caused what happened to hyojin and maybe she blocked out the guilt and is only now coming to terms with it as memories are resurfacing slowly. it might also be the reason why she lies and have an aversion/interest in sex. i fear the worst and that maybe jiwon witnessed an assault or, slightly better, witnessed something consensual and spread it around without realizing how negative it could've been? maybe that's too dark.

it's possible that sung-min reacted to her saying 'fancy-shoes' the way he did bc it was a story he was working on for grad school or a news article he read?

also: there was a moment in ep.3 where i thought that maybe all the 'lies' jiwon keeps telling about being fatally ill was foreshadowing to her actually being fatally ill with the ear ringing and that it was going to be a boy who cried wolf situation. thankfully it looks like it's going in another direction


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omg maybe. suddenly it reminds me of Oldboy.


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The same thought popped in my head, let's hope Ji-won keeps her tongue


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I really liked Season 1; I was pleasantly surprised that Season 2 is even more well-executed than that, and still with the same touch of warmth and sincerity that made it shine in the first place. I feel as if I'm seeing my friends on screen, and I want them all to have a happy ending.


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Ji Won's scenes are always a pleasure to see, even when I think that the ringing is really troublesome (as much as her lies, really); I don't remember well but in the end of season 1 didn't she said like in wonder Hyo Jin's name? I don't really know if her lost memory should be worrying or not because nobody seems concerned about that and I mean one person maybe doesn't remember everything that they did at eight but I think that you would know if you ever had a diary or not o what you wanted to be when you would be older (one of the other girls that were in the wedding didn't remember either XD).
Am I the only one that thinks that Ye Ji feeling for Eun aren't just friendship? Besides, this may sounds crazy but I think that maybe she is the one that wrote the letter and this is the reason that she hates the closeness between Eun with the girls? (Beside jealousy, obviously)
And, this may sound crazier but what if Ye Ji is Hyo Jin but had to change her name for what happened on third grade? And she blames Ji Won for it?
This is probably a really unpopular opinion but I kinda ship them (Eun & Ye Ji) more that Eun with Jang Hoon.
Anyway, I love Ye Eun's arc, and that wasn't a miraculous recovery of her trauma and her scene with Eun was heartwarming, same with the one with Ho Chang, I think that he is adorkable and I really hope that he and Ye Eun can found happiness together (I don't even mean in a romantic way, but I am okay with that too).
Another super unpopular opinion is that I am okay with the possible relationship between Jin Myung and Im Dal (I found them really cute, and I awwd when she bought his grocery) maybe because I was never really into her relationship with Chef, and I kinda like her more this season (it's not that I disliked her before but I just liked the other girls more).
Oh, can we talk how adorable is fangirl!Eun? I luff her... her reaction toward sex? phallic members? I don't know is a bit weird, I mean she was reading yaoi manga in the living room last episode so she's not especially shy, I don't believe that is really distaste of nude boys (I mean, she IS probably gonna end up with Jang Hoon so...); I could write it like a quirky reaction to meeting a nude boy in front of her but she had the same reaction to porn so probably she was really stomach sick? Whatever, quirk or not I love her.
And lately, Eun Jae... she was my fav last season and the maknae couple was my OTP but now... well I feel like she has changed (no pun intended). No changed in the notorious way that Ye Eun did and is no really so much her face is more how she acts; she seems a lot more hot head, heroine of romcom that original!Eun Jae I don't really know how to explain it and it's not like I don't like Ji Woo acting, I've liked her in everything that I saw her before and I kind of like her here too but she doesn't feel like the girl that would be capable of maybe killing her father, the one that was the responsible one between...


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Second you on Yoon sunbae relationship with the Chef. Although I know the Chef really loved her and did anything to help her in season 1), but I feel like something is off and incomplete. Maybe because Yoon Sunbae was heading to China after her brother funeral. And now both of them are in long distance relationship.

If the idol is meant to have romantic relationship with Yoon sunbae, we'll see how the writer will make it happen.


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I hope the writer would not drag Eun-jae and Jong-yeol's breakup for too long. Eun-jae's attitude is really getting in my nerves, though I understand that one might feel snappy when the other person is coping well after the end of a relationship.
On the other hand, Eun is more intriguing than I expected. She is like an onion: she has lots of layers and it feels as if a layer is peeled off from her in each episode.


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yeah, the more i watch this new eun-jae, the less i like her, which is a little disappointing because i actually had a really good impression of her in the first two episodes. i don't know if it's purely because of the actress and her portrayal, but eun-jae's singing scene in particular got on my nerves because she just came across as petty and childish - and not in a charming kind of way either. i just want someone to tell her to get over it and stop sulking????? i sympathised a lot with first season eun-jae and thought she was quite endearing, but this season's eun-jae just has me rolling my eyes a lot of the time, and i do feel like it's at least partly due to the change in actress. ah well :(


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The new eun jae is ruining it for me.. the old eun-jae and jong-yeol were my favourite pair and now this wired wide eyes over the top acting by the new actress is ruining it for me..
also can we get more clarity with jiwon (or more jiwon-sungmin), they are draging her plot way too much.. there is way too many secrets with her..she is the reason am watching season 2!!


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I can see where you're coming from. Park Hye-soo was a lot "softer" in her portrayal as Eun-jae, that we just totally buy her character as the timid, innocent freshman who sometimes blows up. The one that Jong-yeol found adorable, fell in love with and wanted to protect.

Ji-woo, on the other hand, both her facial features and expressions are "harder" so the end product is a slightly different character. Her tone is similar, but still there's something off. You could say that a better actress would've been able to mimic it perfectly (like what Park Bo-young did to mimic Kim Seul-gi's speech and mannerism in Oh My Ghostess).


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I have so much to say about the drama that I better say nothing at all lol. But will still summarize how I feel about the show so far--
- season 1 still beats this one for me
- I still miss the original eun jae, and agree with sailor jumon, her story with sunbae is starting to wear me out too. They basically have nothing new to offer, while season 1 eunjae was not just about romance, but lot more about her personal conflicts, her equation with all other girls. The new eunjae still trying to fit into the void she left, and her presence is missed big time.
-- Also have to disagree with sailorjumon regarding which one is better. I do not think that the story was all over the place in season 1, rather it was a stand alone version, and each girl was so complicated and mysterious with their own background story, that the show could be called a mystery drama, almost. Where as this one is still more about comedy, and less mystery. So far what I've seen is the continuation of the season one characters, but that mystery factor, the richness is missing.
- Having said that, I love this season too. Apart from eunjae, and the girl who was bullied, I'm intrigued by the new girl, jin myung and song ji won. We finally got a glimpse into song ji won's life, and I am curious to know whether there is anything dark behind her happy go lucky persona. Her story with sung min is beyond adorable, and I hope we get a full closure on their arc this season. Don't disappoint me, show!
- While I did love the chef from season 1, heimdal is strangely growing on me. Part of the reason is he's so different from jin myung! The chef was also bit of an aloof type like jin myung, and while he gave her the much support that she needed since she lacked it in her life, but she was still herself, and I wonder if the relationship helped her grow. She was still confined in her own closet, without allowing anyone invading her boundaries. Heimdal so far has been trying to break that shell by trying to do things to puzzle or confuse her or make her disconcerted. And that's something I am very much looking forward to. While she kept saying, 'keeping a distance is isolating oneself', but she still took a step and bought drinks for him. So maybe Heimdal will make her see her weaknesses, which so far no one was able to tell her in a straight forward manner.


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I love it. I don't think i can say anything that hasn't been said already. I'm incredibly worried about Ji-won - I can't shake the feeling that her forgotten past has something to do with sexual assault. I like Ye-eun a lot more than I did last season already, and I'm glad that whilst she needs people to lean on right now, she is attempting to stand on her own again. Eun-jae is frustrating me endlessly. I kind of adore Eun, she's me in a nutshell. I don't think we've gone deeply enough into Jin-myung's story yet for me to have a lot of feelings about her, but I'm sure there's time.


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Agreed (with Ji-won & Ye-eun's part)! I too think Ji-won might have witnessed something terrible regarding Hyo-jin :( If that is so, I'm worried her discovering the truth will affect her personality, i.e. she could become traumatize, passive, etc. I wanna talk more about her, but I guess I have to wait for the upcoming episodes.

Regardless, I'm glad this season focuses on her character a bit more than the past season.


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Still late to the recap as I had to watch epi 4 with eng sub first. But thank God the subs are quite fast for epi 3&4 and hopefully it will come out faster next episodes.

Ye-eun and her struggles to overcome her trauma made me sympatized more with her. However, Han Seung-yeon's acting skill is not that good to portray such complicated character. If someone with the same as level Han Ye-ri or Park Eun-bin skill was casted, this kind of role can be done much better. She was good in last season because before she got traumatised, her character wasn't so complicated. Nevertheless, I'm already invested with her story and her acting isn't that bad so I won't complaint so much.

Seems like Eun-jae is taking Ye-eun's spot from the last season because she is being annoying so far lol. I don't really care what happened between her and her sunbae, that I was wishing her screentimes with her Sunbae are reduced, until they talk it out. I think Ji-woo is doing well as Eun-jae, but suddenly it feels Eun-jae has changed from last season. Maybe the period of one year influenced the changes.

I think the ones who are still feel familiar are Yoon Sunbae and Ji-won. Yoon despite of now has started working and her appearance has changed, but her personality still the same. Same goes to Ji-won. But maybe there will be more development and things happen in this season and I'm so ready for the ride!

I love Eun and how she started to feel closer with each roomate. I'm looking forward some of her bonding time with them. She looks genuinely happy with them although she still put some distance. But she in epi 4 is better than in epi 2!


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Although Eun-jae got my nerves, but I tried to put on Eun-jae's shoes when I was in her age. Growing up, most of us were just like that. Instead of talking about it, we tend keeping it inside and thinking with our own perspective, which are really wrong. What's really happening might be true and might not be. But her situation because of the breakup is actually in-tune with Eun-jae timid personalities. I remember in Season 1 when she was mad with Ye-eun because YE ate her jam. Instead of talking directly to Ye-eun, she kept it herself (however at the end, she said it to YE, and it's too late because the jam was almost up). So, I can't actually complain about her and JY.


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I feel the same way. Although I share many Beanies' feelings wishing that they will talk openly, I like that the writer is exploring all the post-breakup awkwardness not just between the two of them but with the entire circle of friends. I even really like the reason for the breakup -that their feeling toward each other had changed. Everything feels really relatable and true-to-life. I wonder if their plot line will focus how they work through this difficult juncture of their relationship or just learning how to be friends when two people are no longer involved romantically.


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I LOVE THIS SHOW. I'm sorry I am unable to say anything more intelligent than that. Thank you for the recap and for putting into words all the feels of joy, laughter, and emotion this show manages to evoke from all of us.


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I don't see anyone mentioning about this here... or maybe that I just saw it wrongly... BUT, isn't the letter written by Ye-eun's ex? I remember he was writing a letter in jail (I think in the last ep of season 1) and I'm pretty sure it was a letter to Ye-eun. And if I'm not mistaken, he did write "I will kill you". But if I'm wrong, please correct me.


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The ex was writing several letters from the jail. The letter supposed to be YE ex asking for her apologies (as someone told him to. And that person asked the crazy ex to re-write as the letter didn't sound sincere). But not sure if the ex wrote threatening letter in addition to apology letter.

But if this episode the writer wants to focus on Ji-Won, it's possibly that the letter is for Ji-won, and possibly there's a tight connection with Moon Hyo-jin.


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It's a set, I like the new girl! I mean, I did like her since ep 2, but now I'm fully invested on Eun. She's slowly to like all her sunbaes and the scene of her coming for Ye Eun at the bus stop is really touching. Anyway, I really wanna know Ji Won's backstory, but I'm kinda afraid for her.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's not feeling for Eun Jae. I think if Park Hye Soo's still playing Eun Jae, I might feel sad for her when there's a flash back to show the differences of how Jong Yul treated her back then and now. I just can't feel their story because in my mind, I still feel like she's another person no matter how much I keep reminding myself that Eun Jae now is the same person as Eun Jae in season 1. I tried so hard to notice the similarity vibe of old Eun Jae and new Eun Jae, but it's a bit tiring though to keep that mindset most of the time.


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I really like Eun, and I'm willing to support whatever track the show takes regarding her and Yeji. Her jealousy seemed more like a lover's than a friend's (they remind me a lot of my highschool crush on one of my besties).

I think Yoon sunbae recognises a part of herself in Himdal. He's similarly lonely and struggling though he is dealing with it in a way opposite to hers. She can't help but get drawn to him. I liked chef but I have no problem if the show goes for a relationship between these two.

Ji won reminds me so much of myself, in all her frankness and inappropriateness. She's so unapologetic for who she is. Her obsession with sex/intimacy seems to have darker roots and I'm bracing myself for some childhood abuse back story. Maybe she witnessed something she shudnt have at a very young age between the art teacher and the classmate.
Eunjae and her ex are the most boring, simply because their story seems so predictable. It would be more surprising if they didn't get back. Dont have a strong impression about ye euns story yet, but I'm awaiting next week eagerly.


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I kinda want Ye-ji to confess her love to Eun already but I'm worried that their friendship might become awkward since Eun obviously does not swing that way. I think it would be really great if the girly one in the pair was the lesbian, that would do something about the stereotype that all lesbians are butch.


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I think it would be really great if the girly one in the pair was the lesbian, that would do something about the stereotype that all lesbians are butch.
I'm also wondering if this is what the writer was going for.


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Is it too much to ask for more Ji-won ❤️ Sung-min scenes? I can watch them flirting all day. They are my favorite this time around. Last season's maknae romance is now wearing me out. I mean, can they just get back together and then we can have more screentime fot Ji-won and Sung-min ?❤️?


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Yes. I agree. I've never seen this actress in anything but Park Hye-soo's natural agyeo and her somewhat baby-face made Eun-jae adorable while her constant whining and pouting might have been annoying. This actress does not have that naturally innocent aura about her so it looks very forced when she pouts and complains and that in turn makes the character really annoying. Eun-jae was one of my favourites in the first season. Watching her go from girl who could barely complete a sentence in front of anyone else a to girl who becomes outspoken enough was one of my favourite things, this actress is not doing it for me. I feel really bad that I keep comparing both actresses and both performances, but I can't help it.


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I love love this show...can I demand a season 3 already? Honestly, I think I could watch a 100 episode daily drama on the lives of the girls at Belle Epoque house.

Ji-won - Can you be any more inappropriate? I died laughing at all the shenanigans practiced on poor Sang-Min. Dude has his work cut out for him. There may be a childhood abuse story going on there which will explain her obsession with sex. Not looking forward to that but hope she finally gets to the root of her flashbacks.

Yoon Sunbae - Love her to pieces. When she tried to mimic Hemidal's (horrible stage name by the way) dance, I loled so loud. So is she really dating Chef? What happens to Hemidal? Whichever way it goes, I would be fine with the direction. Yoon Sunbae needs someone like Hemidal who is so bubbly to the point of weird to really get her out of her shell. Am sure he thinks she is now a fan of his or something, lol...rude awakening awaiting him.

Ye-Eun - I like her more in this season. She is trying to overcome the trauma which is not an easy thing to do. I like the pairing with the nerd guy at least he would probably just want to talk about his game for now while she learns to start speaking to someone from the opposite sex again. Baby steps!

Eun-Jae - Our Maknae is all grown up with her first breakup. I really want to know why they broke. I think it was probably just a misunderstanding and she probably never communicated how she was feeling. The actress is doing her best at portraying a character that was already well loved by the audience and I wish more people would cut her some slacks. I like the growth in the character - how she is no longer easily rattled by what the other roommates say but she still needs to say what is on her mind.

Jo Eun - I wasn't too sure what to expect from her but wow, am loving her addition to the housemates. Watching her fangirling over idol groups makes her so relatable, it is cute. Her scenes with Jang-Hoon are so hilarious. I want to see more of them bickering. The way she has warmed up to the housemates is so endearing that I hope it isn't short-lived. However misguided her quest for revenge, I think we will be seeing a lot more positive developments on her part.


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I was disappointed by the first 3 episodes, but now I"m super invested into the subplots. I love that the writer is potentially building up on tough societal issues you usually don't see in dramas. It looks like jiwon has some sort of sexual trauma related to her childhood; I like that its a natural progression of s1 and not something that came out of nowhere because it was obvious there was more to her than comedic relief. They're really emphasizing how much of a perv she is, so I hope their going where I think it is. They also keep subtly implying that yeji might have romantic feelings for eun which is interesting considering korea's history of homophobia, but also reflective of how much more open-minded the new gen is. So far they've also been killing it in regards to ye-eun's recovery, I honestly expected them to brush the surface but they've been delivering. I miss her cute outfits from s1 so I'm kind of glad she's out of her dark clothing phase, but it was such a nice touch. The only plotlines I don't really care for are yoon sunbae's & eun jae's. We're still early on so I'll hold out hope that they'll be more than just fluff pieces, I'm fine with eun & ye-un fulfilling that lighthearted role.


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I don't like who everyone is mad at the "new" Eun-Jae. I mean it really isn't the actress (Jiwoo's) fault. Park Hye Soo had to leave because of scheduling conflicts and she is taking a part in a new movie. I also agree that the new Eun-Jae isn't as good as before, but just enjoy the show!


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I finally caught up! Love love this season despite some changes.

Kang Uni was one of my top favs so I was very apprehensive about the newcomer. But now I love Eun so much that I feel bad I don't miss Yi Na, haha. She's now my favorite of all the girls.

Eun Jae was the cutest in Season 1 but I can't say the same for the new Eun Jae. I'm not saying she's a bad actress but she's giving a totally different feel to the character. Not her fault and I guess we can't do anything about it.

I must be the only person who didn't feel that much for Ji Won in Season 1. I still can't get the character but at least this season, I am more interested in her story.

For the couples, I am most excited for Eun and Jang Hoon. He's so cute I want to squish him. Eun's mental picture of him naked with the pixelated area down there was so darn hilarious.


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Does anybody have this feeling that ji won was sexually assaulted and maybe that hyo Jin girl witnessed it but the person who sexually assaulted ji won managed to get her kicked out of the school. This explains why ji won fainted when she was about to have a one night stand and when she blanked out when he touched her. It probably reminded her of what happened but since it was traumatic her brain erased the memory.


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The song that Heimdal sings, it's been stuck in my head for two darn days! Can someone please take me out of my misery and tell me if it's an actual song because I'd really love to listen to the whole song! Thanks in advance~


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in this episode?
Critical Beauty by Pentagon (they cameo as Asgard, 6/10 members)
and this is the song he was rapping on episode 3.


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