School 2017: Episode 3

The mystery goes deeper with every episode, and every character shows that they have more and more layers to reveal about themselves. Though I might get concerned if the show adds any more plot to its already loaded story, I’m happier with our young, inexperienced, and tragically misunderstood characters than I was in the pilot episode, and am ready to see this mystery resolved.


In webtoon style, we scroll through images of the mysterious, faceless X devising his earlier pranks. We then see him at work on his latest project: vandalizing Principal Yang’s car in broad daylight.

This time, however, Officer Han and Teacher Shim are ready for action. Preparing to sneak up on the culprit, they inch forward… until Teacher Shim accidentally steps on a loud branch. Oops. Catching sight of them, X makes a run for it, with Officer Han and Teacher Shim hot on his trail.

Eun-ho, meanwhile, heads home with Sa-rang when she catches sight of the chase. She immediately joins in, but X is too fast for all three of them. Just when it seems they’ve lost him, PE teacher Jung shows up and tackles X to the ground. As the others watch, Teacher Jung reaches for X’s hood to reveal…

…Classmate Duk-soo, who sheepishly confesses to Principal Yang that he isn’t actually X—he just thought X was cool and wanted to imitate him. Officer Han backs up his claims with evidence, but the explanation only angers Principal Yang further, and when Teacher Gu barges in with another X-wannabe prankster, the incensed Principal Yang hits both students with a bunch of demerits.

Principal Yang then receives a phone call from Director Hyun, who says something that stresses him out even further. He orders everyone out and summons Eun-ho to his office for a private conversation.

To Eun-ho’s annoyance, Principal Yang admits that she may not be X, but there’s still a possibility that she’s X’s accomplice, especially since X went out of his way to rescue her. Eun-ho insists on her innocence, but he’s not interested; instead, he offers to make a deal with her.

The next thing we know, Principal Yang delivers a televised public service announcement to the students. Assuring their anonymity, he encourages the students to report their fellow classmates for any misdemeanors they see, offering five merit points per report.

To incentivize them further, Principal Yang declares that the number of the students’ demerits will be publicly posted every two weeks. The ten students with the most demerits will be suspended or expelled. Um, wow.

As expected, the students are incensed by the announcement. Complaining about the principal’s irrationality, they all agree not to report each other, until the uber-competitive Hee-chan says, “How am I supposed to believe that?” Damn.

As the students file out of the classroom in heavy silence, Eun-ho whispers to her best friend Sa-rang that this might be her fault. In flashback, we see the deal that Principal Yang had offered her: capture X in exchange for reducing her demerits.

Sa-rang realizes that the demerit system is all a ploy to get the students to corner X themselves. Still, Eun-ho sighs that with her demerits, she won’t be able to make it to any college, let alone Hanguk University.

That afternoon, she meets with a Hanguk University advisor who promises that she can get into Hanguk University despite her poor grades, as long as she wins third place or higher in the webtoon competition. The only caveat, of course, is that she needs a clean student record. Oof.

That knowledge is enough to kick Eun-ho into action. Swearing to catch X and get rid of all her demerit points, Eun-ho begins to track down the witnesses of X’s appearance, starting with guitar-toting Kyung-woo.

Kyung-woo wonders why she’s so willing to catch X even though he rescued her, and Eun-ho just sighs that she has to get into college. She wonders if X was just playing with her, but Kyung-woo muses that he was probably just scared—he had likely been too overwhelmed by his own situation to think about others.

Eun-ho suspiciously notes that he sounds like he knows something, but Kyung-woo just brushes off the accusation.

Later that day, Eun-ho finds a note in her locker that reads, “Tae-woon and Dae-hwi were not in the assembly hall.” At that moment, both boys in question enter the classroom, calling her name. Eun-ho quickly hides the note behind her back, watching them with renewed suspicion.

Dae-hwi asks what the principal wanted with her, and she tells them that he’s just determined to capture the culprit. Pointedly eyeing Tae-woon, Dae-hwi notes that X must be feeling nervous—a look which doesn’t escape Eun-ho’s notice. Tae-woon just brushes off the suspicion.

Eun-ho then goes to Teacher Shim to ask where Dae-hwi and Tae-woon were on the day of the assembly. Teacher Shim has valid alibis for both, however, leaving her back at square one.

Dae-hwi, meanwhile, walks through the school and greets Kyung-woo. Kyung-woo stops him to ask a strange question: “X must have flown that drone to protect Eun-ho, right?” When Dae-hwi agrees, Kyung-woo questions his alibi during the assembly, which seems to perturb Dae-hwi.

Eun-ho sits by the school basketball courts, deep in thought, when Tae-woon comes by. They banter back and forth before Eun-ho decides to test the waters, asking whether he thinks X sent that drone to save her. Tae-woon: “You think X has nothing better to do? X probably didn’t want to be associated with a dimwit like you.” Lol.

Tae-woon runs off to the basketball court before she can retort, and Eun-ho sighs to herself: “There’s no way that guy is a hero. No way.”

Eun-ho shows Sa-rang the note from her locker, and together they begin to wonder whether the suspicion really makes sense. Dae-hwi is the model student: top of the class, student body president, and Principal Yang’s favorite, while Tae-woon is the director’s son. “Why would kids like them mess with the school?” Sa-rang wonders.

Sa-rang’s reasoning makes sense, and Eun-ho begins to second-guess the note, thinking that maybe the true culprit sent it to her to take the suspicion off of himself.

At dinner that night, Eun-ho’s whole family joins in on solving the mystery. Eun-ho’s brother guesses that it must be “the rich one,” since he clearly has enough resources to use a drone, while Mom guesses that it must be “the studious one,” who is using the pranks for stress relief.

Dad, meanwhile, just gets upset that everyone is ignoring him instead of complimenting the dinner he slaved over. At that, they quickly shower him with praises, turning their attention to the meal. LOL, adorable.

The next day, Eun-ho catches sight of Tae-woon hanging around the principal’s office with a mysterious bag in his hand. When he slips inside, Eun-ho follows—only to find it totally empty.

Confused, Eun-ho starts to search for Tae-woon, until she hears Principal Yang sneezing and heading toward the office. Panicked, Eun-ho looks around for a place to hide when Tae-woon suddenly comes out of nowhere and pulls her behind a wall, clamping a hand over her mouth and clutching her close.

By the time Principal Yang walks in, the two are nowhere to be seen. But suddenly, the principal freezes, staring at the exact place where Eun-ho and Tae-woon are hiding. It almost seems like they’ve been caught… until Principal just sneezes again and walks out. Phew.

Safely alone, Eun-ho asks what Tae-woon was doing in there. He explains that his dad asked him to drop something off to the principal, and only hid because he thought she came in to do something bad: “If you pull pranks on our school, you’ll be punished,” he tells her with a cheeky wink. Before she can retort, he leans in reaaal close before walking out.

Just as they leave the office, however, Principal Yang and Vice Principal Park turn the corner to see them. When they demand to know what they were doing, Tae-woon quickly explains that his father asked him to drop something off. As for Eun-ho? “She just keeps following me around,” Tae-woon sighs. Hee.

He notes to the principal that there’s no way Eun-ho is X’s accomplice since she’s so dimwitted. Eun-ho scowls, but it gets the adults off their case. Tae-woon tells the principal that he’ll make sure to tell his father about this before walking off.

Outside, Eun-ho starts to complain about Tae-woon’s rudeness, until he reminds her that he just saved her skin. He wonders if he should just rat her out and get the merit points for it, and Eun-ho wonders if he’s threatening her.

Meanwhile, the principal and vice principal sit in the office, trying to decode Tae-woon’s meaning. Vice Principal Park guesses that he meant that Director Hyun wants the culprit caught ASAP, and Principal Yang smiles, noting that they’ve already cast the bait.

Alone in the office that night, a miserable Teacher Shim reviews each student’s demerits. Annoyed by the irrational system, Teacher Shim gets up to act out how he wanted to confront Principal Yang, doing a hilariously spot-on impression of each of the faculty.

Just as he starts to struggle with Teacher Gu’s character, however, the real Teacher Gu suddenly stands up from a dark corner of the office. LOL. As Teacher Shim gasps in horror, Teacher Gu finishes his lines for Teacher Shim, leaving him in mortified regret.

The next morning, the school posts the students’ demerits in public. The mood sours among the students as they realize their traitorous classmates must have reported them anonymously after all.

Eun-ho gasps at her thirty-nine demerits, while Sa-rang gloats that she has none. When the students note that even star student Dae-hwi has a few, however, they wonder who could have reported him.

Hee-chan, meanwhile, is strangely silent, and we see why: In flashback, we see that Hee-chan’s mom had told him to take this opportunity to report Dae-hwi and mar his perfect student record. Wow, lady, way to be a role model.

When acerbic Bit-na sees her thirteen demerits, however, she reacts violently, shoving her classmates and demanding to know who reported her. When everyone begins to raise their cell phones to record her outburst as evidence, she hurries away, furious.

One student goes straight to Teacher Shim to complain about his demerits. When Teacher Shim shows photo evidence of him smoking a cigarette, he’s unable to argue, and returns to the classroom in a furious mood.

Teacher Shim asks Teacher Gu why they have to turn the students against each other. Teacher Gu replies: “Once they leave school, they’ll face a cold, cruel world. We’re simply teaching them that reality.”

The smoker returns to class and immediately accuses his friend of ratting him out. When his friend denies it, the argument escalates into a fistfight. Suddenly, they notice Bit-na taking pictures of the disruption, probably planning to report them and win some points for herself.

As the fight spreads across the classroom, Sa-rang notes to Eun-ho that the school is slowly going crazy. Eun-ho shows her the latest comic in her sketchbook, which depicts a parody of The Wailing: As a crowd gathers around a guy who died from “earning too many demerits,” a crazed Eun-ho tells police officer/Teacher Shim not to be fooled. “This is all the principal’s demonic plan,” she warns.

At that moment, a hooded figure removes his hood: It’s Tae-woon, who declares that he’s the culprit, X. Suddenly, she turns around to see Dae-hwi in the same hoodie, who hisses that all that matters is merit points.

Trembling, the crazed Eun-ho gasps that they were accomplices… until Sa-rang suddenly appears behind them all, snapping photos of them not wearing their uniforms. She cackles at them, saying they all took the bait. Lol.

Back in reality, Sa-rang returns Eun-ho’s sketchbook and tells her to use Issue, her favorite idol, as the protagonist next time. As Sa-rang drools over Issue’s photo in a magazine, classmate Duk-soo calls Eun-ho out to weed the school garden to cut their demerits.

As Eun-ho and Duk-soo weed the garden, Dae-hwi comes by with some cold drinks. They gratefully accept, though Eun-ho voices her suspicion for the sudden kindness: “Is this because you feel guilty about something?”

Dae-hwi starts to look nervous… until Duk-soo throws an arm around his shoulder and tells Eun-ho that he and Dae-hwi are close friends. Dae-hwi quickly agrees, though Eun-ho looks unconvinced.

In Teacher Gu’s class, the class recites the poems that they’ve written. Eun-ho’s poem, titled “This is All Because of X,” consists of a list of oppressive school policies and events that have occurred due to X’s threat. She growls that she’ll kill X when she finds him, looking pointedly at Tae-woon and Dae-hwi. The boys just smile to themselves at her antics.

At the bell, Teacher Shim comes by to give Dae-hwi the school’s master key. Surprised, Eun-ho asks why he gets to use the master key, and he explains that he has to go into a lot of rooms as school president—both he and the vice president have one.

Filled with suspicion, Eun-ho follows Dae-hwi after class, only to find him meeting up with Nam-joo for a kiss. Omo! Eun-ho ducks around the corner, trying to watch past her embarrassment, when Tae-woon suddenly appears over her shoulder, out of nowhere. He asks what she’s doing, and a flustered Eun-ho drags him away before they can get caught.

Dae-hwi and Nam-joo, meanwhile, aren’t having as romantic a time as it seemed from afar. Before Nam-joo can kiss Dae-hwi, he pushes her away, leaving her humiliated. Exasperated, she demands to know why he’s dating her, and he responds: “Because you’re pretty.” Well, that’s nice.

Nam-joo, of course, hardly likes that answer, and turns to leave. But this time, Dae-hwi stops her and kisses her gently on the forehead. He amends his answer: “I’m dating you because I like all the things that you have. Including your pretty looks.” Nam-joo wonders what he means, but we don’t get an explanation.

As they walk back together, Eun-ho asks if Tae-woon has had his first kiss yet, clearly self-conscious that she still hasn’t had hers. When Tae-woon nervously stutters that of course he’s had his first kiss (lol), Eun-ho just sighs that she should hurry up and have hers, too.

When Tae-woon (jealously?) demands to know whether she plans to kiss Jong-geun sunbae, Eun-ho retorts that it’s none of his business before stomping away. Hee.

As Eun-ho prepares for the Hanguk University art competition that night, her family adorably takes turns bringing her snacks and beverages, trying not to distract her and telling her to do her best. Even older brother comes by with some allowance money, and she laughs at their overreaction but thanks them for their sentiments.

Sa-rang watches performance videos of her idol Issue at the bus stop when Kyung-woo joins her. When he asks what she’s looking at, she shows him Issue’s performance, gushing over how talented he is—only to hear Kyung-woo give a detailed critique of his performance in return. Sa-rang scowls and moves away from him on the bench. LOL.

At school, Sa-rang tells Eun-ho that she’ll be leaving school for another civil service exam, this one a whole three days. At that moment, Teacher Shim enters to announce that they have a new transfer student.

Sa-rang’s jaw drops as she sees who it is: Issue, her favorite idol. Is this a daydream? As Issue introduces himself to the class as Kang Hyun-il, Sa-rang practically drools all over her desk.

Eun-ho prepares to go to the art competition when Tae-woon comes by, calling her a dimwit and telling her not to forget anything. She begins to complain about his immaturity, always making fun of her… until she realizes her bike chain has broken again. Tae-woon tells her to take the bus instead, but strangely, Eun-ho tells him that she can’t take the bus.

Eun-ho then turns to Tae-woon, suddenly singing praises about his kindness and maturity. Tae-woon doesn’t budge, however—not until she asks nicely and calls him “oppa.” Hee.

Eun-ho must relent offscreen, because Tae-woon gives her a ride to Hanguk University. In her nervousness and excitement, she hurries off without taking off her helmet. Tae-woon watches her run off, grinning to himself. Aw, he’s such a goner.

Bit-na goes to Teacher Shim to find out who reported her, saying that the photo evidence against her might have been faked. Teacher Shim entreats her not to start doubting her classmates, but when the other teachers in the office loudly begin to gossip and blame Eun-ho as the cause of the school’s current drama, it’s too late: Bit-na has heard enough.

Bit-na returns to the classroom to confront Eun-ho in front of the whole class. She announces that the demerit system is Eun-ho’s fault, and that she and Principal Yang conspired to get the students to catch X themselves.

The class immediately starts blaming her for their marred student records. Dae-hwi steps in to remind them that there’s no evidence, but to Eun-ho’s shock, Bit-na tells him that she heard it from Teacher Shim himself. Yikes.

That afternoon, Eun-ho sketches in her notepad outside when a trio of third-years passes by. They demand that she take responsibility for the risk she put them under for college admissions. When Eun-ho insists that it’s not her fault, they snatch away her sketchbook, holding it out of reach.

Tae-woon swings by at that moment, grabbing the sketchbook out of their hands. He tells the sunbaes to back off, reminding them that he owns this school and that his family is rich. Suddenly recognizing him as the director’s son, they scurry away before he can make good on his threats. When Tae-woon returns her sketchbook, Eun-ho takes it and leaves without a word.

That afternoon, Eun-ho opens her locker to find one of her sketchbooks sopping wet and ruined. Holding back her tears, she turns to look at the kids in the classroom, but they just coldly stare back at her.

Clutching her ruined sketchbook, Eun-ho storms to the principal’s office to tell him that she wants to accept his deal: “If I catch X, you’ll get rid of my demerits and even write me a recommendation letter.” Aw, so she never agreed in the first place. Principal Yang grins delightedly, happy that she’s come to her senses, and readily accepts.

Tae-woon waits for Eun-ho at his motorcycle that afternoon. He starts to tease her as usual, telling her to feel free to thank him for rescuing her. But to his surprise, she tells him that she’s not thankful. She glares at him: “Just wait until I catch X. I’ll kill him.”

Tae-woon stands at his usual lookout spot, staring at a watch around his wrist. In flashback, we see that Dae-hwi, Tae-woon, and another boy named Joon-ki used to be inseparable friends, and all had matching wristwatches to symbolize their friendship.

One night while riding their motorcycles together, however, Joon-ki had gotten into a fatal accident, leaving Tae-woon traumatized. Overwhelmed by emotion, Tae-woon begins to cry, walking dangerously close to the ledge.

Meanwhile, Eun-ho puts a bouquet of flowers by the road where Joon-ki died. Hm, was she close with him, too?

Dae-hwi seems to have the same thoughts as he reads an old news article about Joon-ki’s accident. Behind him, the calendar marks the day as the first anniversary of Joon-ki’s death. He pulls out his own watch and cries silently.

And we also see that in X’s mysterious hideout, a photo of the three former best friends is surrounded by candles, like a small vigil.

Director Hyun finds Tae-woon riding his motorcycle to school in the morning and angrily reminds him that he’s forbidden him to ride it. Tae-woon, however, just retorts that nothing will change the way his father acted back then and storms away.

That morning, Tae-woon comes to school to find his bag and watch fallen on the ground. He picks up the watch to find the face shattered, and infuriated, Tae-woon begins throwing chairs around the classroom, demanding to know who did it.

Annoyed, Dae-hwi yells for him to shut up—before seeing the broken watch in his hand. Recognizing the watch, a storm starts to brew between Dae-hwi and Tae-woon, and they order the other students to leave. The class files out immediately, and although Eun-ho tries to turn to talk to Tae-woon, a classmates grabs her arm and pulls her away.

Alone together, Dae-hwi asks if he feels like he’s atoning for his sins when he wears “that thing” around. Incensed by his language, Tae-woon begins to cry, and the fight erupts into blows.

As they wrestle each other across the classroom and their faces get bruised and bloody, Dae-hwi calls Tae-woon a coward. Tae-woon says he’s going to destroy it all, and Dae-hwi assures him that he’s been wondering how to destroy this “rotten school” anyway. Tae-woon retorts that the other kids would be interested to know what Dae-hwi has done, and Dae-hwi counters by calling him a murderer. Oh my gosh.

Eun-ho follows her classmates out, but is too worried to just walk away. She rushes back to the classroom, and when she opens the door, she finds Tae-woon and Dae-hwi at each other’s throats. Horrified, Eun-ho screams: “Are you guys crazy?!”


My gosh, that fight scene was brutal. While I initially thought the show’s uneven plot and direction was sloppy, I now find myself appreciating the “rawness” that stems from it—a sort of innocent naiveté felt in the inexperienced but genuine performances of its young cast, the wide yet believable emotional spectrum that varies across its many diverse characters, and, of course, scenes like Tae-woon’s and Dae-hwi’s passion-fueled fistfight. I’m not saying that the plot or characters of School 2017 are realistic by any means—but by harmonizing its inexperienced youths (both in its characters and its actors) with a breezy, heartfelt world, the show successfully and continuously creates emotional character moments that shine through each scene.

As a result of that, we are able to understand and root for our characters because they are young and inexperienced, rather than feeling annoyed by their “immature” problems—which is something that the School franchise has always excelled at. Even hateful and over-competitive Bit-na, for example, is more understandable than annoying, and the fact that all of the students are turning against each other—instead of recognizing that the principal is the true problem, as we do—feels tragic rather than stupid.

This isn’t to say that I’m ready to put my faith in the show just yet, however. While I thought that this episode redeemed many of its flaws with its best moments—Eun-ho and Tae-woon’s adorable interactions, Kyung-woo’s and Dae-hwi’s suspiciousness, PE teacher Jung starting to help Teacher Shim’s side in small gestures—many parts of the episode also felt jarring and poorly executed. For example, this episode alone very suddenly brought up a couple of new (and pretty major) storylines, like Tae-woon and Dae-hwi’s relationship with a heretofore unmentioned dead classmate or Sa-rang’s unhealthy obsession with an idol. Certainly, the show has been foreshadowing these plot points in small doses, but adding this very heavy serving to an already loaded plate felt narratively overwhelming.

Especially in this episode, it feels like School 2017 is trying to juggle too many themes at once. Perhaps the show will be able to resolve them all satisfyingly later, but I’d much prefer it if the show would focus on one or two subjects in a more complex, meaningful way. Reconciling the death of a classmate, dreaming of becoming a webtoon artist, understanding the problems of privilege and entitlement, and idol hijinks all seem like large and infinitely explorable but tenuously related themes, leaving me with whiplash whenever we suddenly move onto another subject without warning.

Still, I am enjoying School 2017 more and more, especially since we’re being led by an adorably likable heroine. Even aside from Kim Se-jung’s consistently entertaining and endearing performance, these past couple of episodes have shown a strong improvement in her character (especially without Jong-geun sunbae interfering with her dream).

In addition, I personally really dislike the enemies-to-lovers trope, which is why I’m loving Eun-ho’s personality as a bubbly, positive girl who is naturally friendly with everyone. I love that all of her interactions, not only with Tae-woon and Dae-hwi but with the rest of her classmates, are relatively friendly and undramatic outside of the demerit problem, and I can only hope it’ll stay that way despite the resentment she’s currently receiving from her class. Eun-ho truly seems like a good girl who just wants to draw and have a good time with her friends at school, embroiled in this drama that she didn’t ask for. Now that we’re past the setup, I’m rooting to see all of my students kick some authority butt and emerge victorious with their dreams.


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i also feel that the plot wasn't seamlessly joined with each other. i mean suddenly there's an idol enrolling and no fan outbursts? even the unknown Namjoo got fans taking pictures and bringing gifts. Also, i hope they show the part where the watch broke first, then the brooding scene of tae woon on the dangerous high place, so we know the watch is precious. the scene on was too sudden and its jarring


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also, is it just me or Tae woon look exactly like a young Yoo Ji Tae?


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And Dae-hwi looks like Kim Soo-hyun in some angles.. especially during the 'kiss' scene with Nam-joo, if you look at the upper half of his face and eyes.


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+1! Dae-hwi does look like Kim Soo-hyun! ?


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and kim se jeong looks like nam bo ra from side view, and like yoon seung ah when she smiles


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you are absolutely right! been wracking my brain trying to figure out whom he looks like. it's kim soo hyun!


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The scenes revealing Daehwi and Taewoon's past friendship was very compelling as a standalone sequence, but it just came out of nowhere and I was so confused. I've been wondering about the introduction of Issue too, because he didn't appear again, so I definitely agree with @hanshimi that there's something strange about the introduction of subplots.

My favourite parts of the episode are Teacher Shim's impersonations (his nasally imitation of Grim Reaper Teacher!), Taewoon sliding into the scene where Eunho was tailing Daehwi, and the unexpected insights from Kyungwoo. I need to see more of this strange free-spirited sharply-observant boy, pronto!


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I really like Kyung-woo. He is that friend who seems like a happy-go-lucky guy, cares more about his guitar, but unexpectedly observant. He is wise in an understated way. And I can't wait to see more of his scene, giving insight and prodding his friends to really think about their situation at school.


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I think when the Suspect X storyline wraps up we'll see more of him! He has a detailed character profile on the School 2017 website, so he's not a minor character ^^


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There are several standalone scenes that look good and are entertaining but when all put together they all lose value.
That Impersonation + That comic strip scene were hilarious.
Kyung Woo is your usual side character who is good at observing others.
Eun Ho the heroine and The actress shine brightly.
Daehwi stands tall alone.
Taewoon is dependent on Eunho for any significant presence.
Editing is pretty bad and so is scriptwriting. Writer copies scenes from easier school shows but still can't pull anything at all.


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I don't think it came from nowhere, whe had those hinches from the begining and it's only episode 3 so they need to tell the story of the main characters. This school series remind me of my high school days when in one last year so many things happend that it looks like this - every day another subplot came up and it finnished how it finnished - even I fell in love with that bad anarchist boy of the class at the end without intending it. He turned completly otherwise in his college days like Nietsche himself, became a christian and is now a very famous psychiatrist and I still consider him as a very good friend even if we have no occasion to see each other. The evil teacher was my class teacher (Phd of chemistry and biology), nobody liked her, she never believed me that I was suffering from awfull pain while my ladies days (I gave a birth to a baby 2 and half years ago and it was exactly the same pain I was suffering from those days) and didn't approve to go to my grandfathers funeral. I was preparing myself for the fine art university exams, finished 11 (they took first 7 and told my to come next year). It's so funny that this series is like "madeleine de Proust" for me...


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Teacher Shim's impersonation of the staff members was just spot on hilarious!! ?


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Also, I don't get the point of Officer Han. She's really not doing much. She may as well have been another teacher at the school. I get she's a badass police officer who can knock down a couple of bullies. But I really wanna see more of her trying to actually catch the culprit instead of just running around the school with the teachers...in her heels no less!


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lmao I also see no point of her as police officer. Better make her a one of the teachers who are having a completely different personality than Teacher Shim.

Han Joo Wan is really good in impersonation's scenes and it reminds me of one professon in Drinking Solo ?


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Exactly. Her being another teacher wouldn't have made much difference. I would've loved to see her as a badass teacher lol

Oh yeah he was hilarious!! I remember he did a lot of scenes from famous dramas and I would crack up laughing!


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Badass teacher? Yesss!


Was her having an umbrella some kind of satire of goblin or so? I'm talking about her introduction scene, the fire sprinklers went on and she was perfectly prepared holding an umbrella. Maybe just cause it looks cool in the scene? Otherwise maybe slightly suspicious.


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Yea wasn't there a Goblin ost playing in the background? I don't quite remember, but I thought of Goblin too!
Why was it suspicious?


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I just want officer Han to wear practical shoes lol


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LOL yes. Why is she even in that school again?


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I am agree with you. I read on the internet that she being demoted to the school because mishandling the case.


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Why is she even in this drama? She serves no purpose at all. She just here to be the love-interest of that male teacher? What's with she running around here and there? did she made any contract with X? Or She and X are running partners? or both are models of same shoe brand?
This show has no logic at all.


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He was so good with those impersonations! ???


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Hahah I replayed that scene so many times already! ?


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You're gonna love episode 4 for sure.


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Loved ep 4! It isn't often that a show gives so much away by episode 4, yet the development thas ( thus + that ) far in the show still leaves you guessing, but how can that be? It is not adding up, will it add up cohesively?...so that we can have a cult following of this rendition of School?


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I know this school tried to prepare the students for the cruel outside world, but they practically just shoved those unprepared students to a similarly created situation without telling them all the important things. The goal is good, but those teachers forgot that they need to teach them about compassion and friendship and trust and all other things that they couldn't learn in outside world when it's already too late. It's not the students fault, really, if things escalated quickly, if they don't show an ounce of respect to their teachers, if students just become more arrogant by the day. When you always tell them to "trample before getting trampled" because it's easier to say that than trying to motivate them properly, of course there would be tons of trouble following. The school literally just asking for it.

On another note, I love Eun-ho. She is compassionate, but she isn't utterly selfless, which makes her more real. She cares about her friends and sometimes jumps in to defend them because nobody else want to do that. Not out of duty, but just because she doesn't want (or maybe can't) turn a blind eye. She also didn't do a grand gesture, just small and unexpected one. Like when she told Bo-ra that it seems unlikely for her to steal someone else's book. She didn't state it vehemently or anything, just a quiet observation that shows how much she trust her friend and care about her.


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I didn't personally feel narratively overwhelmed. The general plot thus far has been pretty straightforward and simple. This felt like a layer of development they decided to save until after they'd introduced the main characters and mystery, and it deepened my interest by deepening the show's world. In mystery stories with detection aspects, introducing all the layers at once feels unrealistic and narratively contrived. To me, this felt more like a mystery structure I can appreciate, where clues and character motivations take time to slot into place.


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I do like the presence of the subplots/ scenes not directly related to the mystery, but I think the way they are introduced/ inserted in terms of editing can be jarring at times.

Maybe it's not that they need to keep everything for after the Suspect X storyline wraps up, because that's too linear, but it feels like they could use better weaving together.


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This drama is getting interesting! Especially with the broken bromance. I can't wait to see them reunite again as best friends though it's highly unlikely to happen anytime soon. As much as I always hate the school system in the past School series, this is the first time ever that I hate it so much to the extent that I feel like punching the Principal's face as he's way too annoying. I hate how he manages the school, it's too absurd with the whole exams and demerits-merits thingy. Anyway, I'm excited to know what the student-idol will play a role in the school. I know it's only subplot, but I'm interested. As for the leads, I'm not ready for any love triangle now because I love both boys and I want both of them to be happy and reunite soon.


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My problem is about the system of this school, are they given the freedom to set such system? I believe this is not some private school, so if it is public school, there must be some standard / rules to follow. Demerits-merits system is fine for me, but the way they implementing it is way too ridiculous.


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I assume it's a private school considering how Tae Woon can get away for everything just because he's the son of the school's director. Yeah, if it's a public school, I don't think they can just easily make their own rules. From how they are trying to make their school grades the best in Seoul, it must be private school, so that they can attract more parents to enroll to the school. Idk, it's just my assumption.


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Private school is supposedly to be expensive, so how did Eun Ho gets to go there considering she is not from a wealthy family and she's not that smart either lol.

Anyway, I'm not going into this plot deeper. Because I have decided not to pick on everything in this drama ?


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Private schools in Korea are expensive. I think it is clear that there are students in that school that could never afford it. Private schools are also very selective in their admissions process. Hard to imagine some of those students would pass an admissions committee. Also, if I was paying for that school and they were handing our demerits like that, I would pull my child out of the school. Knetz have already called out the show for being unrealistic, so I just think it is a fantasy public school were things happen that normally wouldn't happen in the real world.


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Yes, I think we can just assume that these plot details are played up for dramatic effect.

When I watch dramas, I usually take everything with a grain of salt, except some details I know are reflective of real things that happen (e.g. in Fight My Way, the difficulties Aera has breaking into the market when she's applying to be a TV announcer because of her inadequate CV and her age).


There are a lot of "what was that all about" moments, but ok, I can forgive this drama. Eun Ho is such an underdog that I can't help but root for her :)


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"Before she can retort, he leans in reaaal close before walking out."
He needs to stop doing this because my heart is weak in this kind of scene. I can't wait to see both of them having their first kiss, of course with each other ?

The fight between Tae Woon & Dae Hwi - I feel their pain. This bring back some feeling from School 2013 at least for me. I am rooting for these two to clear up their misunderstanding. Both them are torturing themselves and I can't bear to see it.

Anyway I'm glad Tae Woon at least show his vulnerable side to Eun Ho. "Take off your helmet. Be mature" - Is this his first text to Eun Ho? Auw. I need Eun Ho keeps texting him and sending his all kinds of emoji / sticker ?

I hope we at least have settled who is the OTP, because I don't want this drama to keep dragged on that part of love triangle because there are clearly other things which are more interesting.

Sarang is so cute - so the new student is the real Issue?? I hope she will be a successful fan! But I ship her with Kyung-woo. heh

This show is not by any means an amazing show, and I don't think the production intended it to be. But it's still has it heart and that's what matters in this kind of genre.


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Sarang can be a successful fan, just be friends with Issue. I'm ready for my 2nd couple, more Sarang & Kyung woo, please ?


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LOL she might turn out from a fan to an anti fan ???


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Is it me or does anyone feel like Teacher Shim looks more like Park Bo Gum? His face looks so similar to PBG.. Plus, he is handsome and kind too.. They could easily pass of as blood brothers.

I am liking the show, despite the bumpy storytelling and direction.. Loving Eun Ho and Tae Woon's interaction. I could sit and watch their scenes for hours. They look so good together.


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The BTS is good too ? Thank you KBS for being generous.


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Oh yes the BTS! ?❤️


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No, you're not alone. I've had that thinking since the first episode! They kinda look similar, but of course, PBG is young and handsome compared to Teacher Shim. But yeah, the similarity is there.


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I've only caught up to the first two episodes and I'm getting Jo Jung-seok's vibe from Teacher Shim. It's like the actor Han Joo-wan is channelling JJS's speech and mannerism, and it was quite obvious in School 2017 because he didn't do this in his previous projects. Is it just me?


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Oh, I don't see it the same way like you did. I only watched him in Joseon Gunman, Hwajung and Blow Breeze but those characters are diffferent from Teacher Shim since in this role he needs to have some comical part here while being a timid and naive.


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Idk about anything else, but Taewoon and Eunho's interactions had me sold. They're so cute together, on and off screen :)


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I know me too!! Kim Jung Hyun is doing the bad boy role so well!. My heart skips a beat every time he comes on screens!! <3


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Ah, shoot. I made a separate comment instead of replying to this.

True! He's good with his bad boy acting and even better with his emotional scenes. Can't wait for this boy to rise!


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Although there are some issues with this show, I just love the amount of heart in School 2017. It's a little something that I really need after all those thrillers and emotional rollercoasters <3


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I just love the amount of heart in School 2017.

I think that's what keeps drawing me in, despite the show's flaws. I'm also watching Reunited Worlds, which is panning out better in terms of writing and directing.

But somehow, School 2017 is the one that has me hooked, scavenging for clips and behind-the-scenes and looking up next week's teasers (why do they never release it together with the Tuesday episode?!). It's the show I Iivestream even though I can only understand about 60% of the dialogue.

And I think it's because of the way the characters are written. The plot may be like "whaaat" at times, but the feelings of the young characters get to you, and you keep wanting to learn more about them and see them growing together with each other.


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My thoughts exactly! Couldn't have been said better!


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I have to admit I'm not sure how they are going to make use of the plot with Unknown X. Are they going to spend the entire 16 episodes playing hide-and-seek with X, because I feel that it's becoming repetitive.

Rather than X, I enjoy the classroom interactions and the relationships that the characters have with one another so much more :") I think the drama could do without the murder plot, and focus more on the school system & all the students' lives. I think we can all see a little of our past selves in the students, and it broke my heart to see the way the students treated one another because of the system, because it's unfortunately relatable. I feel like each of the students have so much potential to have their own side storyline and I hope to see that being more developed.

I'll see where the plot with Unknown X goes, but I hope we get to see more of these interactions between the students because that's what gives the drama heart for me.


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I meant the drama could do without the unknown identity plot. Not sure why I wrote murder HAHAHA :") time to stop watching thrillers.


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You are forgiven, although that would be interesting. A little too scary for School, but I can see how Principal Yang would either be the villain or victim, or both in that version. For instance him quitting his job right now and everyone being relieved but then he goes missing, lol I really want peron(s) X to get rid of him.


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Seriously automated spelling checks never do as they are told... Hehe


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I really hope the X plot ends and they have some more problems to consider. Like school 2013 had, the one who used to bully students, then the bully had a sad past on their own, then the bully had a change of heart, then the two best friends, who went from friend to enemy to frenemy lol, the girl who had nothing to live for except studies, and the teachers who had a short romance of their own, all these short stories got merged together beautifully. I am looking forward to all the students and their own realization at the end.


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Dear School 2017, I didnt warm up to your first 2 eps, but Tae Swoon has pulled me in. But please, no more additional plots.


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Because one upvote isn't enough to express my feelings: "Tae Swoon" +10000


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Tae Swoon ???


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Tae Swoon is my main reason XD


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Thanks to the recappers for School 2017.

I am glad I was on TW's team from the start, although it might be for another reason other than shipping mains. The bad boy image in this drama I must say is not just reserved for TW. As DH and even Kyung Woo, because why does he just show up everywhere?, seem to fit the image quite easily when their teachers and admirers are not looking closely.

I am glad that this drama has ended on high notes in both ep 3, the TW and DH fight, and I will not mention my emotions yet for ep 4s ending other than that to say I jumped and screamed and almost said fighting for the first time....


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Anyway looking forward to see the other parodies next week. lol!


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Where was the parody from LOL? That was hilarious. Now I want to watch this drama :D


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Actually am through with episode 4 but am still confused on who is student X


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Such a fangirl moment when TW yelled after EH about her helmet - Mori!! Yes that's you!
No confidence in how the OTP is going to turn out but yeah just gonna be so dead.


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This drama has not even reached it's third week and I already miss Tae Woon and strangely enough the second person I miss is Kyung Woo, whenever he shows up on screen and leaves us wanting more of his presence, awwh why is he written so discreetly at first?...

Hopefully Dae Hwi will hit me more painfully in the heart than all other second leads ever did, later on when we understand his view on the backstory of the bromance that went oh-so wrong!!!


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Maybe someone or a group trying to make The school's original hero look bad deliberately.

Eun Ho has her mind set on a hero who stands alone, someone lonely and depressed, and so to her the reveal of who it is and that she actively seeks out to find out. Is going to make her trust said hero and believe in his heroics, however bad hero looks.


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The heroine is the Star of this drama. I simply adore her <3
And, of course, the way Tae-woon looks at her..makes me smile like an idiot <3 <3


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You are not only one LOL


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I can kind of see the pacing/plotting issues, but I am still loving the show. I think the plotting problem is stemming from trying to explore the backstories of so many characters, so it doesn't really bother me. I do think the broken bromance should have been shown/hinted at much earlier - there were just a few scenes of them sneering at each other but that could have been over anything.

I think the characters are where the show shines, and most of the actors are doing a great job. The heroine is sweet but also not a doormat, and Tae Woon is just precious. I think my catnip is for grumpy, tortured souls who are sweethearts to their love interests. Teacher Shim is also adorable, those impersonations were hilarious. In fact, I'm also warming up to the gym teacher and the mean-looking teacher with the stick. The female teacher is horrible and the principal is of course a monster. I'm excited to see where the show takes us!


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Awww prickly Tae Woon is smitten with her.? this show is slowly capturing the pieces of my heart (left by 7DQ).
I said I will not watch this show but here I am.


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I love how evev on though they pick on each other they come off as good friends.


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I feel like I'm really in high school... Tae-woon and Eun-ho's chemistry is so cute I really hope they can find X together.


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I love this show.... I always love school series, and no exception for this.


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New idol
New back story...
What's going on...?
What kind of sick school is this btw. -_-


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Can't wait for more of the model student Kyung Woo, or should I say...the model good looks of Seo Ji Hoon. I like how he looks the best in this drama compared to the others he has been in. And his mysterious ways is making me want him to be the 3rd guy-lead but it looks like he will be but just suited to Sarang.

So here goes nothing..., Eun Ho and Tae Woon And Sarang and Kyung Woo.


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The fight scene between our male leads was so hard to watch. I am soooo curious as to what exactly happened that night a year ago, since it seems as if there's more to it than what they're telling us. The intense and jarringly raw emotion in both of their faces was so real it felt as if they really were just going at it. I'm so excited for the next episode it's killing me!!!


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show is getting little boring. i dont care its zillion silly characters like teacher, cop lady, stupid head of the school. hope they focus on main roles. school 2015 was so interesting and i was smitten with every episode.


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I pretty much love any scene with Tae-woon, especially him sliding in out of nowhere. I can ignore a disconjointed plot since the show is still getting its footing. All in all, I'm just enjoying the ride.


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I came to watch school 2017 because of said idol (rowoon) and was actually surprised that he was a new student rather than just a idol-student who was bad at attending class (since it would give more connections that way, no?)

That being said. I hope the show focuses on one thing (even if it wants to deepen each character, I hope it improves on not making it all over the place). I'm rooting for Taewoon (mostly because he has so much expressions and is fun to watch)


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I am actually fairly happy Kim Yoo Jung turn down this program. She's too well known to convince me of that rawness i am feeling now that this school series required.

It's the program with School 2015. Kim So Hyun was too well known. We go in with expectations of who they are.

I don't know Kim Sejeong well, except for her Ahjusshi voices, but to me, she's doing very well. I am feeling all the correct vibes I am supposed to be getting.


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I just caught up with the show. Like Tae Woon & Eun Ho's flirty banters. Lol the part about TW checking if EH is going to do the kiss or wrestle with Jong bird..omo, it sounded so wrong when his friend said it, has a bird, raising a bird, haha.


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These school dramas make Korean teachers look like completely assholes with the exception of a few, which I am sure is most definitely not the case.


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