Chicago Typewriter: Episode 14

We’re right at the cusp of learning the full details of the operation that started it all, the one that brought both tragedy and hope to our young independence fighters. Fear will threaten to take root in our characters’ hearts as the stakes get higher in both time periods. Even though it feels like we’re playing a round of Russian roulette with so many lives on the line, our characters will know that the only way to face those fears is head on.


Back inside Carpe Diem, Yul picks Hwi-young’s jacket off the floor along with their group keepsake photo, folded to only show Soo-hyun. As the truth dawns on him, Hwi-young plucks the photo out of his hands, saying, “In the next life, let me have her.”

Soo-hyun rushes toward Yul and per her encouragement, they join the conga line with their comrades. Now we get to hear Hwi-young’s answer of what he wishes for should he be reborn in a liberated Joseon: “At that time, and that time too, I want to be with you… and you all.”

In the present, Seol fusses in bed, thinking she’s at home. Once it occurs to her that she’s in Se-joo’s house, she breaks into a pleased smile. Hee.

Over in the kitchen, the boys are busy cooking up breakfast: Se-joo pounds the meat while Jin-oh chops up vegetables. Hm, these food preference strike familiar. When Jin-oh tries to dissuade Se-joo from cooking, the latter reminds him that while the living makes food for the dead (at one’s death anniversary) a ghost doesn’t ever cook for humans.

Jin-oh argues that he learned a thing or two about food from watching the chefs when he and the typewriter first ended up in a restaurant in Europe, but Se-joo has lived on his own for years. Seol interrupts their bickering to ask if they don’t ever exercise to work off their late-night snack, and Se-joo chuckles that he was born with this amazing body.

Jin-oh: “I saw you doing push-ups earlier—200 of them, was it?” Se-joo whacks him with a green onion.

Next thing we know, Seol is presented with two dishes to eat. She marvels at the choice of either beef (Se-joo) or fish (Jin-oh) and ultimately chooses Jin-oh’s. The ghost celebrates while Se-joo keeps his fury in check by giving his dish to the dog.

The trio hangs out doing various activities like giving Gyeon-woo a bath, drying him off (ha, Jin-oh tries to get extra attention by possessing the dog and Se-joo vigorously pets him until he pops out), and taking a group photo together.

As the day progresses, we hear Jin-oh’s voice recite more lines of Spurgeon’s poem:

If you think of something to do, then do it now
Today may be a clear day
But you do not know if you may see clouds tomorrow
Since yesterday is no longer yours, do it now
If you have a kind word to say, say it now
For you may not have tomorrow
The person you love won’t always be by your side
If you have something loving to say, say it now
If you wish to smile, then smile now
Do it now
Before your friend leaves you

When Se-joo and Seol take an afternoon nap, Jin-oh slips away to examine the crack in his arm. He then takes out the original manuscript of Fate from a drawer and sends a copy to skeevy Reporter Song.

All three writing partners sign their contract later that day, which means they can finally get to work. Deciding to run through the information they collected thus far, Se-joo says there was a mole in their organization, but he doesn’t know who it could be.

Having recognized the resemblance between her mother and Madam Sophia, Seol believes it could be her mother, who also remembers parts of her past life.

We then flash back to the past where Madam Sophia asked Young-min why he wouldn’t keep his end of the bargain of getting her son out of jail in exchange for passing along information.

Young-min told her that the vague details she passed weren’t good enough to free her son who killed an Imperial police officer; in order to get what she wanted, she needed to find out who the group leader was.

Madam Sophia refused, but Young-min wasn’t finished with her spy duties yet. Back in the present, Seol shares how her mother claimed to have abandoned her out of fear that history would repeat itself. But Mom bounced before she could find out why, so she gave it a great deal of thought and realized where their relationship turned ill-fated in their past lives.

Turns out Madam Sophia pushed Soo-hyun to fulfill Young-min’s request of singing on stage at the charity event tonight, warning her that declining this performance will put their entire organization in danger.

Yul was firmly against the idea, though Soo-hyun argued that it was best not to raise suspicion, and being on stage will establish an alibi. Hwi-young checked her confidence in not getting caught and changed the details of their mission accordingly.

Seol leaves everyone on a cliffhanger because she doesn’t know what those changes were, and though Se-joo can’t remember either, he guesses that perhaps the key variable was changing Soo-hyun’s role in the operation.

Secretary Kang knocks at the door to inform Se-joo that Reporter Song has made headlines again by disclosing that Fate is a plagiarized publication. Tae-min’s mother flies into a rage when the phone rings off the hook and confronts her husband for lying about how they could trust Se-joo to keep quiet.

Writer Baek counters that there’s no proof that Se-joo spilled the beans himself and encourages his wife to speak to their son Tae-min. But she’s beyond reason and doesn’t believe in the idea of starting over.

Tae-min keeps his head up despite being surrounded by snickering remarks from students on campus. He’s soon bombarded by reporters, but he stops in his tracks upon seeing Ji-seok. The men sit in a cafe, where Ji-seok comments that this must be why Tae-min’s mother was working so hard at undermining Se-joo.

Ji-seok believes Tae-min has long since lost the chance to explain himself and immediately terminates his contract with the publication company. He also has a message for Tae-min’s mother: Should she dare to mess with Se-joo again, she’ll have to deal with him first.

Incensed, Tae-min meets with Sang-mi, who appears pleased that he wants to seek revenge on Se-joo. But Tae-min holds up the USB containing footage that would incriminate her and declares that he’ll be calling the shots.

Back at home, Se-joo hollers at Jin-oh for going behind his back when he sought to give Tae-min a chance. Jin-oh retorts that he wouldn’t have done it if Tae-min showed an ounce of remorse, but Tae-min didn’t. He believes that Writer Baek is also responsible for turning a blind eye toward his son, and without a true apology, neither a man nor the world can change.

But Se-joo is irritated by both Jin-oh and Seol’s mother’s attempts to bring the events of their past lives cloud their approach toward the present. Se-joo tells Jin-oh to stay out of his business and act like the ghost he is.

Seol finds Se-joo sulking in his office, promising that she isn’t here to make the boys reconcile. She confesses that she used to like Tae-min back when she thought he was the author of Fate, but as it turns out, the book’s true author was Se-joo, and she pours on the compliments in order to lift his spirits.

She’s pleased when she gets a snort out of him, and then sympathizes with how hard it must’ve been for him. She wonders why both he and Hwi-young have so many secrets and reminds him of his promise (as Hwi-young) to be honest with her. Ah, so she knows about that?

He asks if he should cry then, which is perfectly fine with her. Then he pouts, “What if I do? Will you hug me?” Stop it, you’re being adorable. She puts out her arms, ready for a hug, and he gets up to embrace her.

That’s when Seol says it’s really all thanks to Jin-oh that her decade-long admiration for Tae-min was just a misunderstanding. Well played. When Se-joo grumpily says that Jin-oh should be the one to apologize, she calls him out for being immature.

She then seeks Jin-oh out using the same I’m-not-here-to-force-you-two-to-make-up approach. Jin-oh smiles when she takes his side, and she says Se-joo shouldn’t be so upset when he was trying to do the right thing.

She tries to get Jin-oh to extend a peace offering first, but he’s determined to be the one to receive an apology. Well, can’t blame a girl for trying.

She does, however, get both men to sit down at their respective machines, though neither meets the other’s gaze. So she threatens to leave, and Se-joo and Jin-oh both clamor to stop her and agree to work. Forced to shake on it, the men extend their hands and let their fingers touch before letting go.

She proposes that everyone speak casually to one another, an idea Se-joo is quick to oppose since he provides Jin-oh with food and shelter. Jin-oh fires back, “I think differently, Se-joo-yah.” Se-joo: “Do you want to die?” Jin-oh: “I’m already dead.” Real mature, fellas.

Seol returns home to snap her friend out of her drunken time of mourning. Bang-jin cries that she’ll only miss Jin-oh more if she’s sober, but then bolts up when Seol says Jin-oh came with her. Just then, Bang-jin’s mother comes in and hands her a hangover cure. D’aww.

Bang-jin hurries to make herself look presentable and heads outside to see Jin-oh sitting on a bench watching a little girl cry over the balloon caught in a tree. She smiles when he uses his ghostly powers to float the balloon toward the ground.

Jin-oh walks up to her and makes a sincere apology, which Bang-jin doesn’t accept because she knows she was the one harboring a crush on a ghost. He hopes Bang-jin won’t be too saddened because he’s a ghost who could leave this world at any time, but he would like to take her out on a date to thank her for having feelings for him.

He gets flustered when she starts sobbing, worried that he’s done something else wrong. Through her tears, Bang-jin cries, “Don’t smile at me like that because it makes me like you more!” Relieved, Jin-oh gently collects her in his arms, though to everyone else, Bang-jin looks like she’s sobbing alone.

Back at Seongsucheong, Seol reassures Bang-jin’s mother that Jin-oh is a decent ghost, though she hangs on the mention that he isn’t long due to leave this world. Bang-jin’s mother brushes the words under the table and smiles to hear that her lovesick daughter takes after her own generous heart.

While Seol gets a call from Sang-mi crying about a sick pet, Ji-seok learns that Se-joo won’t take any action against Tae-min in the plagiarism scandal. He’s spooked by Se-joo’s emotional maturity and says this will get more media attention than the male stalker-fan who committed suicide.

It’s at that moment Se-joo realizes that Sang-mi was that stalker-fan’s younger sister. He immediately has Ji-seok look into what Sang-mi is doing now.

Seol arrives at Sang-mi’s home and learns that she lives alone because her brother passed away. Sang-mi cries that her pet is the only family she has left and picks up her cat, who seems perfectly healthy.

Sang-mi complains to her cat about making her look bad in front of the vet, then prevents Seol from leaving by fetching her a cup of orange juice. Insisting that Seol drink it right away, she watches Seol take a sip.

Now that Seol is knocked unconscious and her phone is out of reach, Sang-mi calls to update Tae-min, who tells her to keep Seol hostage until further notice. She isn’t too happy about being left out of the grand plan, but Tae-min reiterates that she’ll do as she’s told.

Unable to reach Seol, Se-joo leaves several voicemail messages for her and orders her to call him back. He manages to find a business card for Seongsucheong and calls Bang-jin’s mother who hasn’t seen Seol since she took a call and left.

He realizes that something must be amiss, but he doesn’t have time to dwell on it before he gets a worried call from Tae-min saying that he can’t reach Seol either. Tae-min instructs him to check his email, which contains photos of Sang-mi.

Tae-min identifies Sang-mi as Se-joo’s deceased stalker’s younger sister who threatened him because she knew everything about their pasts. He claims Sang-mi called him after the plagiarism scandal made Fate popular again, and Se-joo tells him to get to the point. Tae-min: “She’s got Seol.”

Tae-min plays up the noble friend act, saying that even though Sang-mi is trying to extort money out of him, he felt he should reach out to Se-joo because Seol is in danger. Se-joo shakes with anger while Tae-min instructs him to head to the address he’ll send alone.

He then hangs up and laughs, breathing, “How fun.” Goddamn you, Tae-min—why couldn’t you be eternally tied to a ball and chain?

Se-joo flies into action, but he doesn’t get far before Secretary Kang approaches him with new information on the case. She gapes upon learning that Se-joo is already aware of the Sang-mi and Tae-min connection.

Meanwhile, Seol wakes up in a dark room, her mouth taped covered and her body bound to a chair. She struggles against her restraints, which don’t budge. At the same time, Se-joo drives to the address given to him by Tae-min and arrives at an abandoned building.

He finds Tae-min on the rooftop and demands to know where Seol is. Tae-min says he won’t be able to save her if he provokes him and chuckles, “Seol is going to die because of you.”

Se-joo asks if Tae-min ordered Sang-mi for Seol’s kidnapping and attempted murder. Tae-min takes this opportunity to clarify the situation, saying that it’s true he was threatened by Sang-mi… but he lied about not knowing where Seol is being held.

Se-joo is prepared to do anything in exchange for knowing where Seol is, and Tae-min replies that when the news first broke out, he thought about coming to Se-joo and beg him to bury this scandal for him.

But then it occurred to him that Se-joo wouldn’t do that for him no matter how much he begged, so he’s here to prove to Se-joo that this was all his fault.

Jin-oh finds the house empty and upon seeing the image of Sang-mi on the laptop screen, a sharp pain grips him, and he can overhear Tae-min and Se-joo’s rooftop conversation. He fails in his first attempt to teleport and grits through the searing pain in his arm to will himself to teleport.

Back at the rooftop, Tae-min tauntingly says he isn’t sure if Seol is still alive and gives Se-joo a choice: save Seol by telling Reporter Song that the plagiarism scandal was a ruse, or don’t and put Seol’s life at risk.

Se-joo wonders how Tae-min hasn’t hit rock bottom yet, but Tae-min describes Sang-mi as a volatile, unpredictable ticking time bomb. As an expert in crime thrillers, Se-joo sees through the lies and guesses that Tae-min orchestrated this entire charade.

Tae-min barks at him to shut up and make a choice already, but Se-joo has the upper hand and correctly surmises that Tae-min likely promised Sang-mi a large sum of money. Down below, Jin-oh lands on the ground though he fades in and out.

Meanwhile, Se-joo continues painting the full picture of this situation: Sang-mi is keeping Seol hostage and waiting for Tae-min’s call. Tae-min tries to correct him, but Se-joo states the police will uncover the truth soon enough, then calls Secretary Kang to put a search out for Sang-mi.

Saying that he’ll save Seol, Se-joo turns his back toward Tae-min. Getting an eerie feeling, he turns back to see Tae-min standing on the ledge, ready to end his life.

“I can’t let you go this way,” Tae-min says, adding that jumping to his death is his only choice if Se-joo doesn’t take the fall for him. He refuses to come down because he can’t bear to face public scrutiny. He lifts one foot, and Se-joo runs to pull Tae-min back onto the roof.

Tae-min grabs Se-joo and pushes him aside, but Se-joo gets back up to prevent Tae-min from climbing back on the ledge. Tae-min struggles against Se-joo’s hold and throws Se-joo off, causing him to fall backward over the ledge.

And then a flash from the past of a sharply dressed Young-min assuring Yul and Hwi-young that they’ll have a great time tonight.

With that, we’re transported back to the night of the fancy party, where Yul and Hwi-young take stock of the armed guards and the donation box. Young-min greets his guests with the same words we heard moments ago and he laughs when they already notice the beautiful ladies present.

We hear Hwi-young’s voice relaying the full details of the feint operations to the team leaders. They’ll use the fact that their enemies are expecting an attack to their advantage by dispatching two teams to bomb a bank and another company that have helped the Japanese.

A battle will ensue, and that’s when they will distribute copies of the Declaration of Independence to make their cause known to the public—their first objective.

Young-min sees Hwi-young and Yul enjoy themselves and catches Yul checking his watch before the sound of explosives boom through the air. Once he’s filled in about the attack, the police commissioner sends him with the police force to sort out the situation.

We then hear Hwi-young explain their second objective: while the police are busy dealing with the bombings, a team disguised as caterers and other guests will steal the donation box and assassinate the Japanese government and military officials.

Hwi-young proclaimed that Soo-hyun will kick off their second and main objective, and then we’re pulled back to the party. Soo-hyun sings on stage, watching out for when Yul and Hwi-young slip away.

Young-min runs towards the site of the bombings when he stops in his tracks, having remembered that Yul checked his watch moments before the bombs went off. Realizing that Yul anticipated the attack, he calls back his men.

All the lights go out at the garden party, much to the guests’ confusion. Once the lights come back up, Soo-hyun is gone, but Hwi-young and Yul stand with their guns drawn and flanked by their masked comrades.

Hwi-young announces that they are here to fight for Joseon’s independence and will assassinate those who stand in their way before opening fire on the crowd.


Oh boy, Jin-oh has to be there to break Se-joo’s fall, right? Right?! Because if Se-joo suffers from a concussion and subsequently a bout of amnesia in our finale week, I will seriously throw my mouse at my screen. So don’t you dare mess with Se-joo, drama gods! I won’t have it!

But if this episode is any indication, it seems Chicago Typewriter won’t waste any screen time dwelling too much on any outlier plot points than driving the main mystery forward. For instance, we never got to see Jin-oh’s date with Bang-jin, which I thought would’ve been wonderfully sweet, particularly after she found out that he was a ghost. Every drama viewer knows that at this point in any given series, one blissful day is always followed by deep tragedy. So when our trio got to spend some quality time with one another, I braced myself for impact, knowing that whatever dramatic fallout that comes next would hit us head-on.

I personally wasn’t too thrilled about Seol being kidnapped, only because it seems like dramaland’s third act conflict of choice, and Tae-min’s villainous plan was full of holes. Did he, as a man who outright stole someone else’s writing, honestly think that he could outsmart an author known as the Korean Stephen King? He may have sounded like a noble frenemy looking out for Seol over the phone, but the moment he drew Se-joo out to an abandoned building… I mean, come on, Tae-min, did you not expect the tables to be turned? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe you can take a page from Young-min in terms of how to be a better baddie (although is Young-min still better at being bad if our good guys knew he was a spy?).

Moving on, while it was adorable how Seol tried to get the two boys in her life to reconcile, I am on Se-joo’s side when it comes to the Fate plagiarism scandal. Se-joo has long since put his past behind him, and as terrible as Tae-min can be, Se-joo’s decision in moving on leaves Tae-min with a choice. Even though Jin-oh feared that Tae-min would choose a path of evil, he failed to consider that there was also a chance for redemption for Tae-min as a person sometime later in his life, even if it was on the deranged pet abuser’s deathbed. So while we do get a narrative conflict when Jin-oh helped expose the manuscript to the public, I do hope that the story’s underlying message isn’t to teach one’s enemies a lesson by doing something they would do.

As of this moment, my attention is drawn to the night of the grand assassination plot in the ’30s, because that’s where the core mystery lies. My mind is still trying to wrap around how Jin-oh says he doesn’t remember if the operation was successful because he could’ve died before then, but then we see him in that final shot on stage, his gun pointed at high-ranking officials. We’re so close to figuring everything out with Joseon’s Robin Hood and his merry men. Why isn’t it Friday yet?


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Hmm I'm feeling the strain now.. the present storyline isn't capturing me, it feels sort of forced and out of the blue. The bickering between Jinoh and Seju is feeling juvenile and pointlessness and I don't get why Seol entertains it. I find myself just wanting to return to the 1930s storyline, but that in itself suffers from feeling just like a highlights reel without a lot of depth. Hopefully the writers can bring it all together in a satisfying way for the final stretch.


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I feel you. There are many things I like about CT but I can't pretend that plotwise it's very light. I think with all the things we have been revealed with it could have been wrapped up within 3 episodes. I don't know if anybody feels the same way I feel but I keep wondering why the acting in this show seems very superficial -from the supporting roles to the main roles I think their actings could have been much deeper.. Dunno if it had been designed to be so or not.. but sadly I am not very invested in the show though it shows the potential to be much better than this from the very beginning.

Despite all that I still like the show though.. I just somehow hoped it to be much better and deeper than this.


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I have to agree with you, much as I love their friendship in both timelines, the present storyline with the stalker girl and Tae Min's pathetic attempt for some kind of vendetta against Se Ju has become less, less interesting compared to the '30's storyline. Hoping for a great finale next week 'though.


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Yes, the 1930s is more interested becos all of them work for the great cause, to get independence for their country and not be under the control of the Jap anymore ! Whereas in this present life, it's just about some revenge over one's brother who committed suicide becos he is cracked and obssessed with a well-known writer and another not-so-good writer jealousy over the well-know writer...it has become more materialistic kind of thing in the present life as compared to the great patrotic and love for their country in the past lives....


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I'm trying to justify the writer -that although the kidnapping looked cliche- the writer made SJ confronted TM so that he would fall off the building which would trigger his brain to recall the memory of his past life. Having been the cohabitants, Seol and Yool have shared their own past stories from their POV, but Se Joo hasn't yet because he didn't remember much from his POV (except for the kiss). He saw himself in the past because Yool took him there or told him, but he didn't recall much. I just wish the writer could find the better way to create this plot.


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I still couldn't adapt to the sudden introduction of the stalker girl - it felt like an obvious plot device. But since I love the show so much, for now I'll just shut my brain whenever she's on screen LOL. I'm currently in the mood of just enjoying whatever's left of CT, and the emotions played in recent episodes were so, so good that I'm willing to ignore the glaring plotholes haha. I'll probably rant about them in the last episode though.


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I agree that the emotions played in recent episodes were really good - like my-chest-feels-so-freaking-tight good, but the plotting has also gotten shakier with the stalker girl, Jin Oh going against Se-Joo's wishes to reveal Tae Min's plagiarism, and the kidnapping. I would have much preferred that Tae Min kept possession of the draft and just gone mad from paranoia that there is another copy somewhere.


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Like you, I didn't adapt to the stalker girl either. I don't really get the purpose of her character in the show when everything could have been done by TM alone. It is just distracting us from the main story line.


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I feel that way as well but I think it's normal because the background in the 30's with the fight to free Korea is in a way more interesting than the peaceful background of South Korea in 2017. And they all forgot their memories while 2017 is the present with nothing to forget and everything to build.


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Episode 13 and 14 felt disconnected that I wondered (entertained myself) whether this episode was written by a ghost writer. LOL. The most important parts are just in the beginning and ending. I ffwed the middle part.


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I won't be surprised if that turned out to be the case. LOL! ?


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Ha! That could be the case XD


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I feel the same way. I'm entertained, but I keep wishing that the story had been about the 1930s fight for independence and the sacrifices that had to be made to gain independence.

The present day conflicts seem kind of manufactured.

I also didn't like how Jin-oh made the decision to take the Fate first draft away from Tae-min and sent it out to Reporter Song. It's NOT his decision. He had no part in writing it and it's not up to him to play god with someone else's decision and another person's livelihood.

If you think about it, all he accomplished was to drive Tae Min to commit more crimes. So, he was the impetus for the bad things happening in the present tense scenario.

But because it's so far out of character for someone to choose to be judge and jury of someone else's life, it all feels like it's a plot device to drive the conflict in the present time. The 1930s conflict feels much more real, but it suffers from being highlights instead of a fully fledged story in its own right.

Oh well, only another week to go.


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I liked the connection between 1930s and the present and role past reincarnations should play on present lives, but I wish the present day conflicts were more internal conflicts rather than external ones. I was mad at Jin Oh for revealing Tae Min's plagiarism. Hwi-Young was always the leader and commander, so I don't think get how Jin Oh can just think he knows better than Se Joo on how to handle this. He doesn't know about Se Joo's family dynamic (a blindspot in the writing?). And while Se Joo seemed at peace to let "Fate" go, it couldn't have been a decision that was made lightly.

And this is considered a huge meddling in human affairs which shortens the amount of time Jin Oh has here in the land of the living. And now Seol's in danger.


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IMO, JO in episode 14 was out of his character. He seemed to be a wise and reliable person in 1933. I wonder why the sudden change.


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Very well said.


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I understand Yoo thought it was unfair that TM got all the credit for Fate that SJ wrote, and how cowardly TM was for not confessing to the truth. However, I agree that the truth was not his to reveal, but SJ's. Yoo seemed to be the one bounded by the past, thinking that TM was the rat like he was in the 1930s. I like how SJ gave the manuscript to TM, a sign that he was giving TM another chance at living his life and also that he had moved on with his life and no longer bounded to the past.


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As for Jin Oh revealing the plagiarism, I also was uncomfortable with his choice to do that. But the more I thought about it the easier it was to see possible reasons he might have had. For one, just minutes before he made that decision, he had been citing the poem:

If you think of something to do, then do it now
Today may be a clear day
But you do not know if you may see clouds tomorrow
Since yesterday is no longer yours, do it now
If you have a kind word to say, say it now
For you may not have tomorrow
The person you love won’t always be by your side
If you have something loving to say, say it now
If you wish to smile, then smile now
Do it now
Before your friend leaves you

He may have believed that Se Joo's "Fate" was a part of the rightful history of Se Joo.... sort of like a part of him, or his creation, that someone had stolen. Jin Oh knew that on his own, Se Joo would not bring that "lost child" back to himself, so Jin Oh might have felt it was his duty as a friend who loved him, to bring that creation back to Se Joo. I don't really think that malice or revenge was the issue at hand. I just think Jin Oh wanted to give back to Se Joo what was Se Joos. I don't think Jin Oh would have done that just then if he wasn't afraid that he would be gone before he had a chance.


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I was hoping that I was the only one who felt that way. I usually read recaps and comments to get a different perspective and so I was saddened when I saw that you all's opinions echoed mine. I just hope the reveal of the spy satisfies me because if it turns out to be a random character like the stalker girl, I'll be sorely disappointed.


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Lights go off. Lights come on. HY & SY in combat mode. My jaw drops. Satellite Love starts playing. My heart tightens in my chest. Mind is tangled in an incoherent mess.

Amazing. Just amazing!


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CT always has the best cliffhangers <3


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Yess! This is officially my favorite!


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Legit holding my breath in awe at that final scene. I love our rebellion leaders!


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Can't believe it's almost over... can't they do a season 2 in case Hwi Young and Su Yeon survives? But ye.. i think it's not the same without Yul. But.... :(


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Thank you for the recap gummimochi!

I have no doubt that Jin-oh is going to save Se-ju, he did reach there but I'm worried that he used every bit of his energy to do so, and that only means that he'll disappear soon, my heart isn't ready for that, not yet!

I understand both Se-ju and Jin-ho's concerns when it comes to the first draft of "Fate", to Jin-oh, Baek Tae-min is nothing but a traitor, I do agree that with Se-ju that he didn't have the right to punish him if he himself decided to give him a chance, I think it was this that tipped Tae-min to the darker side, kidnapping Seol, really?! But I still think Se-ju was a bit harsh on Jin-oh, I don't know this ghost just breals my heart!

Waiting for next episodes to come, to get the mystery behind Jin-oh's death and all to unfold!


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Really hope Jin Oh block's se ju's fall - but will that mean Jin Oh may disappear?! since he is already fading and cracking?!? Noooooo


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Yeah I suspect he's going to have to nearly destroy himself to break his friend's fall.

It's like .... the main couple are going to be set unless something out of the blue shows up in the past life memories to drive them apart completely. (I suspect she shot Jin Oh but for some legit reason like to conceal the identity of the true resistance leader...) The one we're worried about is our ghost friend.


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This episode is a testament to how good Chicago Typewriter is at switching from happy to sad to hopeful to thrilling. Just enough to keep you on your toes and throw your emotions out of whack.

That said, I'm going to miss it all when it ends next weekend!


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Similarly to Tunnel, both have happy to sad touching moments, to thrilling moments to funny moments....there's a whole lot of difference emotions from these two kdrama !


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I'm one of the few who haven't seen Tunnel yet, but I'll put it on my growing list of dramas to watch!


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Yeah you should watch it. It's awesome !


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Oh boy, Jin-oh has to be there to break Se-joo’s fall, right? Right?! Because if Se-joo suffers from a concussion and subsequently a bout of amnesia in our finale week, I will seriously throw my mouse at my screen. So don’t you dare mess with Se-joo, drama gods! I won’t have it!



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Of course, JO will save SJ. It's a common knowledge, nothing surprising.


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yes, there's always a reason why he could hear them talking and teleport over to that building where SJ fell from....


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I was surprised he never used his Ears Super Power before. LOL


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I know this is not so important, but I sincerely wonder if a ghost that fades out is called... a ghoster? Will he be more unseen to those who cannot see him already? ? Kidding aside, I agree with @gummimochi that what Jin-oh did with the Fate draft was disrespectful of Se-ju's choice. It didn't seem to serve anything except push Tae-min's character into more baddie category.

Anyhoo, why did I get Goblin vibes during the bickering and cook off? I half expected to see floating plates and utensils next. ???

But the 30s arc, deym. As soon as the lights went back and the Joseon Youth Alliance leaders and members stood on stage with their guns at the ready, my heart exploded again. ??


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I wonder why Yul didn't get reincarnated, is it becos his blood flows into the typewriter thus his soul got trapped or what? maybe his grudge at dying in such an unfair and mysterious way (somebody shot him from his back....so who is the one, even the victim don't even know who it is who had killed him....)


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Even though the camera angles don't seem to point to it, I still have to wonder if he had committed suicide to avoid getting captured by the Japanese. I've seen 2 kdramas - one of which was Goblin- where suicide seems to lead to not being able to move on and amnesia about the cause of death.


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that poem that Jin Oh keeps reading is so poignant, and sad :s I love the trio and if and when Jin Oh has to leave I will cry buckets.


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Tae-min has just been going in an uncontrollable downward spiral these past few episodes. It just infuriates me that both he and his mom refuse to admit their wrongs and are pathetic to the very end.

"Did he, as a man who outright stole someone else’s writing, honestly think that he could outsmart an author known as the Korean Stephen King?"
Seeing Tae-min's state and his willingness to die on the spot if he didn't get his way, I strongly doubt he actually thought anything through and was acting out of pure rage. Maybe it didn't even occur to him that he'd definitely lose.


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At this point, I don't really even care about Tae-min. He's like a big manchild having a tantrum because his friend stole back the toy he had stolen from him. Blehhh. Like mother, like son I guess. Not that the father's any better. I prefer his past life as the spy. At least there, he had more purpose to his life, right? ?


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Like maybe he spends more time writing than wallowing in self-pity, stalking Se Joo and Seol, and abusing cats (seriously, where the heck is Baek Seol?!), he can write something. After Fate, he still managed to get some novels published and was recognized enough to become a professor. So he must have some talent?


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now I'm freaking out over Baek Seol's whereabouts I hope she's okay O__O

I'm sure he has talent, but his writing is no where near SJ's level, as pointed out multiple times. If he tried, he could probably write something great but he's too busy living under SJ's shadow and depending so heavily on Fate for his popularity.


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To be honest, I never thought TM would jump off the building. He loved his life too much to end it. He was merely trying to guilt trip SJ with his life into helping him with the Fate fiasco.


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I don't necessarily think he loved his life, since he basically spent all of it in a jealous rage over SJ. I'm sure guilt-tripping was a part of it, but I think he was genuinely ready to die if he didn't get his way, since he is a spoiled child.


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The most eye-roll worthy moment in this episode was when Tae-min's mom said Se-joo dared to repay them with grudge. Like she has the right to even say that. -_-


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My favorite scenes from this episode:
- When Yul possessed the dog and Se Joo tried to get him out
-The last scene when they are dressed in black with their guns pointed

From the preview I thought Tae-min intentionally pushed Se Joo down the building, but it looks like it's an accident judging from Tae-min's expression. But I guess you can never trust him..

I'm worried about Se Joo's and Yul's lives. (well I guess Yul's already dead but you get the point)

On a side note, why does there have to be a "damsel in distress" situation again. WHY


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It was also hilarious to see Se Joo and Yul act so childish. I was kinda mad at Yul for the whole thing about "Fate" but I guess I kinda see his point. But Se Joo's perspective makes more sense to me.


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mighty proud of SJ for not letting the past (1930's or the present past) cloud his judgement. i'd like to say he has really matured immensely but the cooking showdown is a testament that he still has a long way to go.


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Exactly!!! Poor Seol, seriously. I feel this is the appropriate time to insert that line from Hercules: "I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day." She'd better be kicking some serious butt in the next episode.

I'm so happy that they ended on that scene, where the alliance was in control and carrying out their plan successfully! I wouldn't have been able to bear it if things had gone wrong and then we had to wait for a week to see what happened next. That parting shot with them on the stage was fantastic ?


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Damsel in distress just felt so unnecessary.


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I've never seen Hercules, but now I want to, because of what you quoted. d=


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Such an underrated Disney classic. It's got it's flaws, but the songs are great and some of the one liners are pretty amusing, such as the one Kip shared. :)


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I also thought that Tae Min intentionnally pushed Se Joo after watching the preview. Well now I see like you that I was wrong but I couldn't help wondering if he was happy about this turn of event. That would make him a super bad guy but well


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me too, but judging from his facial expression, I don't think so, maybe he didn't thought of killing him but if SJ die, I guaranteed that TM would be happy too....


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The dog possession scene was hilarious. At first, I didn't know where Yoo was when he disappeared from the scene, but when SJ began to take over the job of drying the dog, I realized what it meant and burst out laughing. I love how the writer inserts funny moments like these.


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Most of the show's humor hits well, and I appreciate that it's often more subtle. I literally had to rewind and watch the scene again because I was confused as to why Se-joo seemed uber pissed all of a sudden and where Jin-oh had wandered off to. Then I realized... >_<


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Jin Oh breaks my heart. I know the characters keep teasing him about the fact that he's a ghost and needs to act like one, but he's the character that feels the most human to me. He cares so deeply about his friends that he'd do anything for them. He even cared enough for Bang Jin who he barely knows to go on a date with her! I think finding out who killed him will end me...


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I felt bad for him the moment Se Joo told him that he is a ghost so he should act like one. I know he did not mean to say it like that but still.


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I, too, think Yul shouldn't have went over Sejoo's decision regarding "Fate." If he had let Taemin off the hook, the outcome could have been different. He could have realized his mistake in the end and perhaps even regret it.

Nevertheless, I do get where Yul is coming from. For him, it's not a past life--he's still living that life, not having been reincarnated and able to start anew. That said, I really wish he would have a happy ending--as Sejoo's and Seol's son in the future or something like that. Just please give him happiness


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I agree, Se Joo has decided to forget and move on but now it became our cute ghost is the "petty" one who decided that TM should be punished...as what Se Joo said before to Yul, past lives is past lives, present lives is present (don't mix them up together)...I think as a ghost who have not been reincarnated, Yul still bears a big grudge towards TM who in his past life is a Jap spy and now another villain who stole other ppl's work, so both have perspective, I'm not saying that Yul is wrong to expose the initial copy of "Fate" but if I were Se Joo, I would also do not want to carry such hate and anger (like how Se Joo was at the beginning of the drama), and just move on with my life and better still, to not to have anything to do with that selfish Baek's family....


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*both have different perspective


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Oh gosh, I don't even know what to feel. I know summer's coming and it's freaking hot but oh my, I'm sweating so much. I'm that hyped! It really feels like the final week and I'm not ready yet!

I'm kinda bummed that they didn't show Bangjin and Jinoh's date. Are they going to show it as a flashback when Jinoh finally moves on to the next life? I wanna see it but nooooooo, I don't want him to disappear. OTL

Just going to listen to the OST until Friday comes.


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Bang-jin to Jin-oh, "Don’t smile at me like that because it makes me like you more!”
isa: same, girl, same.

And since I cannot handle at all whatsoever the way this episode ended I'm focusing on something incredibly petty. I was a bit sad for See-joo when Seul picked Jin-oh's breakfast instead of his. She had just picked Jin-oh's orange juice over See-joo's water the night before. And, when we finally get to see a bit of couple cuteness she's mostly there to tell him to go make up with Jin-oh.

Like I said, its petty. But, it can't be easy to have the person you're into constantly choosing someone else over you. Even if the other person is a ghost. Shrug.


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Yes, I agree, his smile is such a killer....*literally melts*


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I noticed she picked Yul's instead of Se Joo's too (the drink and the breakfast)....I wonder why, is it just her preference, since both gave her two different choices of drink and breakfast or ???


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I think this is Seol being kind-hearted again. I think she knows how much it would suck for Jin-Oh to have her continually choosing Se-joo over him in terms of food AND love. Plus, Se-joo, no matter how much he gripes and sulks about it, can totally take it whereas our lovely ghost is the opposite - he'd smile, showing he understood but his heart would be broken.

So, although Se-joo has Seol's heart, Jin-Oh has her stomach!

@raitei044 - I LOVE the idea of Jin-oh coming back as their son - can you imagine Mother's Day in that household with Seol constantly choosing him over Se-Joo?


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oh ya I think you are right :)

I think most beanie here like to have Yul reincarnated to be Seol and Se Jo's son....then that 'competition' for Seol's affection can continue ....hahahaha


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Orange Juice vs Water is sort of a no-brainer. But I think while Se Joo is her bf, Yul is a guest, so it would be more polite of her to choose Yul's dish.


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I know, that scene with Bang Jin was made for all Jin Oh fangirls, haha! And Jin Oh helping the child with her balloon was too cute, the writer was a bit cruel with Bang Jin (and us), making her liking him more only to say goodbye soon.

And I don't think Seol choosing Jin Oh's breakfast is really a problem for Se Joo, he's just a bit hot tempered, but he knows Jin Oh is not real competition after all, and that Jin Oh does not have much time left with them.


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I wondered about Seul picking Jin Oh's offerings too but my thought was either

1. She's trolling Se Joo or
2. Jin Oh is more sensitive and in tune to Seul's preferences while Se Joo is still awkward and fumbly and would likely choose something that HE would think was awesome and amazing but that Seul might not prefer.


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Obviously she's trolling Se Joo. She loves seeing him pout. lol


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And so do I. ?


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Hahaha they know what viewers want too!


I think she is trolling Se Ju, and Jin Oh knows it from them both laughing when Se Ju storms off


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I can't wait to know the next episode. Actually, I was wondering is Jeon Seol really become antifan? Becus I could not see acts of an antifan. Kinda confused there becus in drama description, she was supposed to turn into antifan.


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I second this, maybe they have a typo in their drama description, should be "fan" but became "antifan"....LOL


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tvN stupid marketing team ruined the drama's image right before it even began airing. They tried to lure the teen audience by making Seol look like that of cliche rabid fangirl instead of emphasizing the independence fighters story. They got burnt now by CT fans protests.


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I read about the drama description, and I was like "hmm, I'm not attracted to it"...but affter reading some comments here in DB, I thought it might be nice, so I went onto watching it and I was hooked from epi 1 ....


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that's why drama description is always very important ....viewers read it and from there, it is one of the factor that will made viewers to whether to watch it or not...I think their drama description for CT is too bland and understated, and so doesn't attract many ppl's attention...


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The whole fangirl thing was very misleading, tvN needs some better marketers writing their copy. I tend to pick dramas I watch due to general/overall plot description and the actors and writer involved. I won't necessarily pick up a show based on its description alone because they can be misleading. Chicago Typewriter appealed to me because of the author characters and the actors themselves. I totally didn't expect the whole 30s mystery -- but it turns out that aspect we weren't expecting was totally up my alley!


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I recall cringing at CT's first teasers. Bad move, tvN, bad move.


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I can't wrap my head around Heo Young Min/Baek Tae Min... Sometimes he seems to be brilliant, sometiimes he seems so stupid.... But that guy wants to be comfortable in his life without any sufferings/pain, let it be the past or present.... But I dunno why I couldn't bring myself to hate him... May it's because of Kwak Shi Yang.... I like him so much that even seeing him bad here doesn't make me hate him.....
And about the first draft of 'Fate'.... I am perfectly on SeJu's side... If I were him, I would want to stop involving with TaeMin and family even if I were to give up something that means so much to me... SeJu wants to end things with TaeMin once and for all... But what JinHo did may seem to be the right thing to do, but that just starts things over again.....


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Se Ju wants to put things behind him, but it is an unresolved question. Burying something doesn't always mean becoming free of it. And, frankly, even for Tae Min, this was a chance to come face to face with himself, and deal with his act. We saw he didn't have the courage to do it on his own - he sort of needed a push.


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Tae Min is still living off 'Fate' and the lifestyle it gave him. He gave a go ahead for its 5th print and he feels no guilt at all. He was about to steal the draft when he was caught. He and his father allowed his mother to persecute SJ for no good reason.

I think Jin Ho acted like a friend.


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Yes he is living off 'Fate'.... But involving with him is only going to put SeJu and Seol in danger and trouble.... Bringing the fact out to the world is not going to resolve anything.... Whether the world knows whether 'Fate' was written by SeJu or TaeMin, it doesn't matter..... It was still written by SeJu... Nothing can change that fact... And TaeMin cannot live off 'Fate' forever.....


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For all of you who say that "who knows, Tae Min could maybe have redeemed himself"... His father told him to come clean, Se Joo also told him to do it, but he showed no such intention. I don' t know about his deathbed, but such a twisted person cannot be left roaming free, deceiving people.
I gave up on him from the time of the cat incident.


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Was telling my colleague that ironical, both villains have cats as their pets (Tae Min and that stalker's sister)....LOL...and our protagonist Se Joo have a pet dog !! Reminds me of cats' and dogs' war with each other ! LOL


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Yup! He might have had a chance for redemption, tbh, but it's been slim to none for quite some time. Mostly he bores me? I think the show is more forgiving than I am.


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Me too. He was mainly using the cat to get closer to Seol and not because he likes the poor animal. It's bad enough that he plagiarized SJ's Fate but it's even worse that he is not even contrite about it.


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I kinda pity their cats who have to be the villains' pets...hahaha.....


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Yep, tolerance zero for cat abusers. People that hurt helpless animals this way must have an evil soul.


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I am fully satisfied with this drama up until this episode. So show, jebal, please please give a decent and satisfying ending for my puppy ghost. ?


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Because my puppy ghost has gone through so much in life and afterlife ? I cried when he went to Se Ju instead of Seol even if he was already having a hard time because of his diminishing powers. ?


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I hope that he won't vanished completely, and please get reincarnated...maybe as Se Joo and Seol's son in future...that will be hilarious to watch :)


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Yul reincarnated as Se Ju and Seol's son --> I've been seeing this suggestion around and I think it'll be hilarious. Whtever it may be, for as long as he doesn't just disappear into nothingness, I'm good with that ?


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Since Tae-min is basically a useless, trashbag of a human being I kind of want Tae-min to fall into some sort of coma and then Yul can possess him and our trio can live out the rest of their days together and Bang-jin can have her happy ending. Yul is even a writer. Even a talented writer unlike the plagiarist trashbag Tae-min. And then, when all three (four if you want to include Bang-jin) die they can ALL be recreated this time and live happily together.

Oh, and Tae-mins mom would ultimately spend the rest of her life locked away in a rehabilitation center because she keeps screaming that Tae-min isn't her son. And she'd be right. And writer Baek would finally have a son he can be proud of! Happy ever afters for everyone.


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Like how HwiYoung asks Yul to give up Soo Hyun in the next life, I think Jin Oh may ask that Se Joo give him Seol in the next life.


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Don't know, it might be too much to handle, haha! Our puppy ghost needs to move on at some point. Also, Seol does not seem romantically interested in In Ho, it's just friendly affection from her side. I like more the idea of In Ho reincarnated as their son, that would be a sweet way for these friends to meet again and be together.


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And I have this theory about why Yul was shot like that. And I'm actually hoping I got it wrong. Because if my theory is correct, I'll need to eat pizza and ice cream after watching CT. ?


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I'm curious about your theory ;)


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That Yul died in Hwi Young's place. ???


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That's what I'm thinking too ???


that's a good theory...that's why he had the watch beside him...maybe to impersonate him as the leader and got killed instead of Hwi Young being killed....


That's sort of my theory too, and in both timelines he will sacrifice himself for his friend ?


If that would be the case, it would be history repeating itself considering that Yul really did get killed because he took Hwi Young's place by pretending to be the boss to save his friend.


I was telling my friend too, that what Yul did (by exposing the raw copy of FATE), is actually pushing Tae Min to the edge, he now became kind of unredeemable .... Se Jo has decided to let it go and move on but Yul ended up is the one who can't let it go and decided to punish TM which to led to the latter's extreme measures......

Oh I love our Gwang Woo cameo scenes....that doggy is so cute, did anyone see when Gwang Woo ran away from his bath, he nearly slipped and fall....haha, I missed this cute doggy so much, the next best thing is when Yul decided to possess Gwan Woo when Seol was drying him....that was such a lol moment ! I could never get sick of the trio and also the two guys trying to get the affection of the lead gal...who would cook such two different cuisine of breakfast for me?? Gwang Woo has the next best thing of having the breakfast that Se Joo cooked !!

Sad that our ghost really seemed to be vanishing soon....I think he would save Se Joo from the fall but I think our cute ghost will suffer the consequences of it instead....

Now that we know that Mdm Sophia is the mole, I think maybe Seol is the one who shoot Yul misunderstanding that he is the mole or maybe as one of my colleague said, maybe Mdm Sophia is the one who shot Yul.....

Last mystery is on how Seol and Se Joo died in their previous lives, did they all sacrifice themselves or ..... ??


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That slip by GyunWoo is totally not scripted! Will miss this big furball so much once the show ends. Laughed out loud at Se Joo scrubbing him so hard when Yul possessed him


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He is one big fluffy furball....so suitable to our Se Joo....in my opinion, both are so compatible...haha

oh ya that scene that Gwan Woo nearly slipped and fell....he must be like "damn, I hate baths! and why is the floor so slippery!!?"


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Kudos to the show, as I pretty much enjoy the cliffhangers of almost all episodes. This show might have some choppy editing, but it has given us some really beautiful and heartfelt cliffhangers that just know how to pull our heartstrings. You had me at those cliffhangers, and going into the last 2 episodes, I hope they stay as good!


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I wish for another kiss between our OTP at the end of the drama ....hehe is that too big a wish to wish for ? ;)


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That hugging moment was totally adorable too!


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Ditto! Especially the endings of episodes 13 and 14, really awed me. They know how to convey the feelings of the characters across perfectly that you just can't help but be moved. And the OST! I know everyone and their mother has been singing its praises, but it really is that good. I know I'll be keeping them long after this drama is over.


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This is the first time that i actually downloaded the whole soundtrack. it is that good.


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yes, the OST is so nice too...very suitable to the story !!


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I don't think it necessary that JO sent the Fate manuscript to the trashy reporter. Him taking back the script from Tae Min was already wrong coz he didn't have the rights to do that without SJ's consent. He just made SJ look like a hypocrite in TM's eyes. And what's up with that all of sudden Superpower Ears, Show? Anyway, it's nice seeing HY trusted SY to carry an important role in the big mission. I wish this episode revealed more about that mission instead of the "bromance" bickering. Jin Soo Wan writer nim, please get your grip for the remaining 2 episodes.


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You are right....I commented smth like that too, but I don't know how to put it correctly...yes TM thought that SJ is such a hypocrite....at first he said he didn't mind and hand the script over, but then Yul took it back secretly, so TM thought it must be SJ hiring someone to take it back and then Yul exposed the script...all was actually done by Yul but since TM doesn't know his existence, he thought it was all masterminded by SJ...that made TM hate him even more and he was pushed to the edge to try to hurt SJ by kidnapping Seol...


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TM already felt calm when SJ gave him the "Fate" script. He was mad to SJ when JO took that script away, but he remained calm since SJ has promised him that he wouldn't tell anyone including his father. But he went nut after JO sent the script to the tabloid reporter, and thought that SJ's words and manners earlier were just bullshit.


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The independence fighters having fun gathering moved me. The trio having happy moments together made me smile from ear to ear. The duo psycho's scheme are just stupid. I'm quite disappointed with this episode. After the Show threw red meat namely Joseon Alliance BIG Mission in the last episode to us, I thought this episode would tell more story on how these independence fighters carried and succeeded the mission. I was so thrilled anticipating the Joseon Alliance finally doing their big mission only to find the unnecessary and stupid kidnapping story in the middle of episode 14. I wished that this episode focus more on the 1933 scenes than the duo psychos. Anywho, badass Hwi Young still looked sizzling hot even with his mask on!


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The happy moments of our Joseon Youth Alliance. I feel like years later after this show is over, I'm still going to feel that ache of seeing how these young people lived life so passionately. I think past and present coming together is great, but I think at this point in the story, no one can blame them if they focus more on the 1930s. Like Jin Oh is fading away! Don't let him disappear into nothingness before he finds out what happened to him!


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I don't want Jin Oh to disappear. But could his disappearance mean he gets reincarnated? Because that wouldn't be so bad...


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That's what we hope so !!


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I want him reincarnated as Se Ju and Seol's child! And that dog he possessed could be his actual pet, and Se Ju and his son would still fight for Seol's attention (not in a romantic way though)


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Chicago Typewriter had me at gunpoint (ep. 1ending when seol pointed the gun at se-joo's stalker). That was one hell of a cliffhanger that i replayed that secene more than 10 times and still got goosebumps everytime.

I Don't really know what I was getting into when I first watched this. All I know is Yoo Ah In, Yoo Ah In's charismatic and soothing voice, and Yoo Ah In's superb acting. A strong heroine (sharpshooter at that!) and our friendly ghost (haha) as the second lead. But I'm sorry Yul, I never had second lead syndrome with you, it's Hwi Young all the way. I just wish you peace and happines :)
The 30's scenes are always amazing to watch. Super love their outfits and Yoo Ah In's hairstyle.


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Haha, same here. Team Seo Hwi Young/Han Se Joo represents XD


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me too... I was captivated by the ending of epi 1 and wanted more....and I'm greedier...I want both Se Joo and Yul....LOL :P


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The scene where the lights goes off then come back up, Hwi Young and Yul on the stage, guns drawn with a Hwi Young's v.o. fight for Joseon's independence... goooosssebuuummmmpppssss


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does anyone know the name of the song Ryu Soo-Hyun performs? it's really catchy and nice!


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“Wind” by Park Dan Ma. Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GpJUGTJWoc


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With 2 episodes to finale, I just hope the writer didn't kill Seju.
The mistery of Yul murderer is not yet to reveal, somehow I predicted that Heo Yong Min or Madam Sophia killed Yul and maybe Soo-hyun shot down the murderer.
But hey, so many thing happen in this 2 episodes!
I just wish they don't mess this up and gives us a great ending!


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That's a good prediction.....maybe Soo Hyun shot down Mdm Sophia after Mdm Sophia killed Yul....since she is also rather close to her as her comrade, she naturally would feel sad and her hand would tremble (as what carried onto her present life)....


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Good point! Then it would make sense why Seol was born as Madame Sophia's child -since they have a stronger connection and grudge.


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Rmb that Bang Jin's mentioned before that ppl who are your enemies in your past lives would be reincarnated to be your children.


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*Bang Jin's mum


Maybe it was Soo Hyun who killed Yul because something Madame Sophia said or did. I don't really want it to be like this, but that would explain why Seol is so traumatized with guns.


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That last scene... *goosebumps*


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Yay thanks for the recap!

I've had so many nail-biting moments when the show seemed to throw red herrings of discord among our band of friends, and I'd kinda love to put all that behind me when the show finally ends.

I'll be sad to bid goodbye to their awesome friendship (especially in the 1930s era) but like what a lot of other beanies have said, the modern day storyline is really getting draggy already.

I know it's inevitable that Yul has to go into the ether, but I hope he'll at least get closure on his story, and to have a proper farewell with everyone. Please don't just disappear after saving (cuz that's for sure, right?) Se-joo!

One major question for everyone: In this episode, when Soo-hyun is discussing with the resistance group about whether to perform at the party, the subs I got on Kissasian made it seem as if Yul addressed Hwi-yeong as boss. And there were a few other men in the room apart from the three of them. But I don't remember Hwi-yeong ever outting himself as the decision maker/leader! Did I miss a scene?


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Don't know for sure. I watched in vicky and that part had yet no subs.... ?


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I love it how to Jin-Oh life is all about "Carpe Diem", both in his previous life and in this ghost-being, so to speak. He may be the only one who tries to get the most of the limited precious time he has.


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It is such a fitting name to the whole story. I love how he takes the meaning really to heart and lives (even in his death) to the fullest and doesn't wallow.


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Not forgetting he was the boss of Carpe Diem....


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How was that already episode 14? I don't want to say goodbye yet to this marvelous story. I feel it still has so much to offer. Can't we just not end it yet? Please? I just love looking at is so much. The set, the symmetry, the colors, the pretty actors, the 30th clothing style.... I want to keep looking at the pretty.


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Actually the setting is similar to olden Shanghai (china) in that era too....the outfit as well.....


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One of the reasons why this show got me watching episode after episode would be because of Se Joo's house and Seol's bedroom- all those bookcases just took my bookworm heart away.


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Hmmm Jin Oh, what you did there was a no-no. Apologize! Hasn't Bang Jin's mom already told you not to meddle human being? You will redeem yourself by saving Se Joo's life with that remaining energy. And Seol, please, you're supposed to be a badass girl. I trust you'll find a way to free yourself. Writer nim, please make the 1933 scenes as the center stage as we're heading to the end of the Show. Hwi Young, have I told you lately that you're frikkin hot wearing a mask?


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Even when he covered his face and we can only see his eyes and ahem, his hair, but those eyes! Those hair! *fans self*


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At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Yoo Ah-in dressed up as Hwi-young is one hot human being. ?


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If broken record sounded this good, I would risk my superpower ears to listen on repeat.


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5 minutes coming into this episode, I already teared up hearing what Hwi Young wish to have once the achieved their independence. And when Yul finally found out of his friend's feeling towards Soo Hyun, the remarks made by Hwi Young "In the next life, let me have her" totally hurt me so damn much. I feel like I wanted to scream at Hwi Young on how he shouldn't gave her up just like that, but again, that sentence also clearly indicates how much he loves Yul and willing to sacrifice anything for him. ???

Perhaps that gives the reason why Jin Oh doesn't really interfere on the relationship between Seol and Se Joo, regardless how painful it was to see the girl he loves with someone else (albeit his bff)


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I couldn't watch the whole episode because it it not fully translated, at least in vicky! ?. I always liked to watch first the episode and then read the recap, also the trivia.... I will have to wait until tomorrow


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So, I'm just gonna mention my theory for what happened in the past before next week ~ I think that Tae Min, having seen Yul check his watch for the explosions, decides that Yul is the leader, and Yul pretends he is, which is why he is with Hwiyoung's things. Yul is killed, keeping the secret for the sake of the revolution. I think So Hyeon might be the one to kill him, not out of choice, but either accidentally or forced to by Tae Min in order to protect the revolutionaries. I think Hwiyoung might be heavily injured, hence Yul and Sohyeon making the best decisions they can to protect their leader. That may be why in the next life when we meet Se Ju he has such a burning need to be productive, he still feels the weight of their sacrifice and wants it not to be in vain.

Other theory: I wouldn't be surprised if Hwiyoung is also killed, even before Yul. And Yul was sitting with Hwiyoung's things because he was now the leader. And he was attached to the typewriter because he felt he failed in protecting his friends.


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Yeah, my money's on HwiYoung being dead. Initially I thought he was just the brains behind the operation, but after this episode, seeing him masked and armed, he was in the front-lines as well. So it's quite likely that, being the leader he is, he would have done everything to protect Yul.


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That means that Yul's memories only go up until the point they were alive and happy together. Maybe he's trapped in the typewriter waiting for his friends because he refused to acknowledge they were dead?


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So I finally figured out why I wasn't getting any notifications. I think. Hope it works now. Back on topic though, no matter how much I hate Tae-min for what he did to the cat, I am loving the actor.


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Well, it's only 2 episodes to go and CT has me crying a river for Jin Oh and company, and dying of curiosity about what happened in the 30s.
I just can't come up with a good theory: it is easy to imagine reasons why Yul could take the place of Hwi Young at the typewriter, but why did his soul get trapped in it? unfinished business, did he commit a sin against their friends or was it an unjust death that left his soul in pain? After watching him all these episodes I cannot believe he betrayed anyone. My best guess is that Su Hyeon indeed killed him because of a misunderstanding and this is why his soul couldn't rest in peace; this is why he cannot recall what happened, because it is too sad. So I think Jin Oh will save Se Ju and disappear, Se Ju will remember everything and tell Seol, and she finally will do whatever it takes to make peace with Yul and send him to heavens or better, reincarnation ? because the world needs more of his sweetness and general gorgeousness. ❤️


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Me too! I feel for Jin Ho!

You know, the shaman lady did mention that in the next life you are born to parents who have sinned against you. So it's possible that if Su Hyeon did indeed kill Yul, then he'll be reborn as her kid.


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Sorry, I'm a little bit late. After finishing this recap, like gummimochi, my immediate reaction was that they better not make Se Joo have some kind of amnesia where he forgot everyone and everything during his fall. That would not help the story at all. Hopefully though, Jin Oh will figure some way to save him since Seol is a kind of detained at the moment. Although I did not especially like that scene, I think it is very possible that the writer meant for the fall to trigger Se Joo's memory from the past, that fateful day. At least, that's what I think the purpose of the fall was for. But to be honest, I think this Tae-Min/Sang Mi conflict with Se Joo is starting to drag out, and is not as interesting/taking up time from the plot in the 1930's. Kidnapping Seol was not the best idea especially since Tae Min's plan had so many holes. He was better as Young Min in the past. Furthermore, I love those little moments in the present timeline between Seol, Se Joo, and Jin Oh. Seol sincerely tried her best to help the two boys reconcile although they both only did it for her. I think that Se Joo was right to give a Tae Min a choice at redemption, but then Jin Oh did know that Tae Min wasn't really going to change, so I'm kind of stuck in between their decisions. As this series is wrapping up, let's hope that they have a great finale to clear up our questions.


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Oh my... now I watched the whole episode, even with some scenes without subtitles and, oh my gosh... this is intense! ?
I mean, of course, SJ cannot die in the present, can he? Seol cannot die either.... she is the main lead!
but I anticipate Jin oh disapearing after rescuing SJ, saving his life. He will have used all his energy left... and I will cry. ????

Now in regard to the 30's attack/revolution... I don't know korea's history, but I anticipate also that this independence movement failed, tragically for our heroes. But there will be an epilogue saying that thanks to many like these revolutionaries, Korea eventually became free from the Japanese power...
I know this is all fiction, but it is very sad to know that such character have always existed in different regimes, and have died as well.... somehow as heroes, and their cause has been forgotten.
In the heat of the moment they where there, but suddenly not anymore.
Personally, I don't believe in reencarnation, but in the resurrection.
I am glad to announce: most of these people, just and unjust (so it is been said in the Bible) will come back to life, to have a second chance.
Whenever death (being in fiction or even more in the real life) makes me suffer, I remember the promise of eternal life and the resurrection of our beloved ones. This thought allows me to keep on living.


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It doesn't explain how stalker girl found out about the original Destiny writer, does it? I have found the storyline pretty consistently compelling...maybe not as tight as a drama like Healer, but at least every episode reveals more of the underlying mystery. No, the plot doesn't show the range of depth of emotions the main actors are capable of portraying...but Se-Joo's emotional walls from both lives working against him..it does show him thawing out gradually. There are very few dramas that don't have something they should have cut out. Less episodes=less add money. Most dramas could trim out 4 episodes and keep to the main story line more. This is still one of my favorite dramas---with a great plot device to tell two stories.


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Stalker girl must have found out about Faith's original writer from her brother, because her crazy stalker brother always told her about his research on Se Joo.


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Thanks for the fast recap again! I will admit at the ending I was flabbergasted - how could they leave us hanging like that? I keep reading comments that this new storyline with Tae Min and the stalker girl kidnapping Seol was unnecessary but I beg to differ. How I see it is this:
Se-Jo is not going to die - Jin Oh is going to save him somehow. He has to do this as a way to use up so much of his power and finally leave. I mean, how else is he going to depart? Yes it will be very sad and I'm not looking forward to it. But he will get to redeem himself after the stupid act of taking the script to the reporter.
Seol will be fine too - they aren't going to hurt her. I mean, come on these are the last two episodes - they won't hurt Se Jo or Seol. Okay that is my hopeful wishing.

I've loved every episode of this show - both the past and the present. I like how they are interweaving the stories as a way for all of them to make some kind of peace. I'm probably not making sense, but for me this is just how the kdramas work. Even if Se Ju does end up with amnesia (I too will be pissed if that happens) he'll recover quickly.
I've loved the quiet moments of telling the viewers to seize the moment and live now - this is all we have. Friday can't come soon enough!!! When it's all done, I'm going back through all 16 episodes, and binge-watch the whole show at once. *she says confidently because she has no life!*


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I like CT so far cz the actors actresses were good and i really like all this reincarnation and entangled twist. Well, I hope the ending is better than my expectation. Looking at the below comments, lots more dissatisfied viewers than positive one...

What if what happened in present is actually a replay of the past? Wouldn't that be ill-fated repeated itself?

Whoever that shot Yul in the past...will end Yul's spirit in current.
Whoever that Su Hyeon shot in the past...Seol will shot someone in current.
Tae Min pushing Se Joo in current...Young Min will pushed Hwi Young in the past.

Just saying.

Am looking for to weekend cz of CT!! Please do not disappoint me, Wan Jin Soo-ssi!!! I have faith in you!!!


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Late to the party, because real life has been busy.

I get what everyone is saying actually because sadly the conflict from the past is far overshadowing the present day story, plus there is all that delicious angst of unrequited unfulfilled love between Hwi Young and Soo Hyun that isn't there in the present day. So I can't properly have my heart wrenching 1930s moments because it gets lots amongsts the fluffiness of the present day. I teared up during the part last episode when Hwi Young told Soo Hyun to come back safe- and I really want that feeling to come back!

Because sadly the present day conflict just isn't epic enough to move me- Tae Min just needs to grow up. His character sadly is too one dimensionally evil- he went off the rails this episode for sure. Not to mention his Mommy dearest, who surely has a screw loose. Am I the only one who, when she told her husband that "she would never forgive him" thought- so what? You don't deserve no forgiveness lady! He should have dumped you long ago. Go get a job and a life and stop messing around with other peoples.

I do do hope next week brings together the past with the present and answers all our questions, and gives me the epic heart wrenching but sunshine-after-the-storm kind of ending I really want. Please dramagods! Please!

Now excuse me, I just downloaded Secret Love Affair and it's calling my name- I need my Yoo Ah In fix till Fri/Sat comes. ?


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Me rewatching SFD lol


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gumm it wasn't until you put it out there, that i began to crack up at the idea of amnesia. it's so funny to even imagine this happening with just two episodes to go. drama gods are that cruel (still not over R88) so now that you put it out there it just may happen. thanks for the recap and laugh.


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