Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Episode 16 (Final)

All good things must come to an end, and it’s time to say goodbye to our beloved Bong-bong and Min-min. Thankfully with most of the obstacles out of the way, we get a lovely, uninterrupted hour full of snuggles, cuddles, and giggles… and that’s just from Min-hyuk. If ever there was an episode that was designed to bring closure, it would be this one, and of course it’s for the one show that I don’t want to end. I’ve fought tooth and nail against time, but here we are, at the finale, and I’m not ready!

EPISODE 16: “Final”

After successfully caging Jang-hyun, Min-hyuk drives Bong-soon home. Happy that he can relax now that the culprit is caught, he starts reminiscing about the first time he and Bong-soon met at the police station. Min-hyuk mimics how she had yelled at him for lying and sighs, “I’m saying this now, but that time you were really–”

Bong-soon’s snore cuts through his words and Min-hyuk gapes to see his tiny heroine has been passed out hard the whole time. Heh, saving the day sure is tiring. Still, Min-hyuk smiles and pats his sleeping beauty, chuckling as more snores fill the car.

At the station, Gook-doo is having a decidedly less cute conversation with the captured Jang-hyun. The two glare across the table at one another until Gook-doo asks why he kidnapped those women. Jang-hyun smirks and answers, “It was fun.”

Looking truly unhinged, Jang-hyun laughs to remember how all the women begged him to save them. He continues, “They obeyed well. When I said to starve, they starved. When I said to crawl, they crawled.”

Gook-doo (and I) can’t take anymore, and he lunges across the table at him. Cap rushes in and pulls the younger detective off… only to start kicking the psycho himself. Good! Kick harder.

The next day, Min-hyuk and Bong-soon return to work as normal, and Bong-soon shows Secretary Gong her game’s bad guy (aka, the secretary’s animated doppelganger). Secretary Gong still hasn’t put it together and muses that the character seems familiar somehow. Heh, Min-hyuk smirks over his shoulder while he and Bong-soon grin at Secretary Gong’s obliviousness.

Bellowing out his trademark “Do INTEEEEERN!” Min-hyuk calls Bong-soon over for a meeting. In order to prepare her for her rescheduled game presentation, Min-hyuk and Secretary Gong put her through a mock interview. She answers the questions well and Secretary Gong even gives her a tiny thumbs up.

Secretary Gong inquires about the end goal of the game, and Min-hyuk listens raptly as Bong-soon explains that Super Bbong-ssoon saves Prince Min-min and they live happily ever after. (Hah! She named the Prince Min-min!)

Secretary Gong clarifies to ask if the two characters will get married and have children, and Min-hyuk—clearly identifying with his namesake character—bashfully giggles. Bong-soon says that maybe that will happen in the game’s sequel, and Min-hyuk again dissolves into a pile of squeals and says they should hurry up and launch the game so they can get to the sequel.

Min-hyuk and Bong-soon talk about how her father hasn’t come home for a few days now, after running away from Mom. Min-hyuk promises to take care of it, though he’s not exactly sure how he’ll bring her wayward father home. Bong-soon smiles at his assurance and sweetly ruffles his hair, calling him adorable. Her cuteness sets him off again and he swoops in for some snuggles.

Meanwhile, Mom grumps to her ladies about how she shouldn’t have to go looking for her husband when he’s the one who ran away. Mom’s friends try to delicately point out all of her past abuse towards Dad, but Mom scoffs, revealing that she never actually hit Dad: They had been pushing each other during an argument and he slipped and hit the corner of the counter. Mom yells that she hasn’t beat anyone up since she was 18, claiming that words are her only weapon.

Our crafty CEO manages to locate Dad’s camping grounds and the two crack open some soju bottles. Min-hyuk tries to steer Dad towards going back home, but Dad flat out refuses. He keeps pushing and when Dad asks what the hurry is, Min-hyuk answers, “I want to marry Bong-soon.” (Omo!) Dad chokes on his soju and Min-hyuk seriously asks Dad for permission to marry his daughter.

Min-hyuk devolves into pouting as he whines that he wants to marry Bong-soon as soon as possible and Dad’s camping adventure is preventing his future nuptials. “If your rebellion drags on, then my wedding will get pushed back!” Hah!

Dad calls him crazy and Min-hyuk agrees that he’s losing his mind without Bong-soon. Wiggling back and forth like a giant toddler, he cries, “I really like Bong-soon to death!” He even volunteers to go jump in the lake right now if Dad wants him to.

Dad can’t help but laugh at his fervor, but he seriously asks if Min-hyuk can promise to treat his daughter well. Min-hyuk giggles that that’s not a problem: “If I do something wrong, then I’d be the one who gets hit—” Dad glares, and Min-hyuk takes back the joke and earnestly swears that he will take care of Bong-soon.

Dad asks what it is that Min-hyuk likes so much about Bong-soon. He gets quiet, then softly responds, “Bong-soon is me. I feel like if she exists, I do too. And if she doesn’t, I don’t either.” Min-hyuk sincerely thanks Dad for raising Bong-soon with so much love and care, but promises that he’ll now take on that responsibility and make her happy.

Hee-ji meets with Bong-ki and reveals that she’ll be leaving for Vienna to play in an orchestra there. Bong-ki has already heard, but he doesn’t seem too torn up about it. He tells her that thanks to his sister, he’s started believing that everyone has someone they are fated to be with, and one day they’ll meet their destined person. Hee-ji’s face falls a bit and she asks if that means the two of them aren’t fated to be together. Bong-ki doesn’t say anything, but they both appear to accept that they’re not meant to be.

Later, Bong-soon strolls with Kyung-shim and tells her, “Do you know what happens when you’re fated? When you look into that person’s eyes, you can see yourself, and the me reflected in there is happy.” She calls it the power of fate and Kyung-shim jokes that she’s jealous of her and Min-hyuk. Heh, the two take a moment to note that the neighborhood has become really clean lately. Something tells me Bong-soon’s kiddos have been through there.

That night at the Do house, Bong-soon opens the door to find a slightly tipsy Min-hyuk delivering home a completely wasted Dad. After Dad gets deposited on the couch, Mom refuses to let Min-hyuk go straight home and not so subtly pushes the two young things upstairs. She glares a bit at her inebriated husband, but worries when she sees how dirty his hands are, wondering where he’s been.

Bong-soon brings Min-hyuk up to her room, and Min-hyuk grins to see her bed. He heads straight for it, asking if it’s the place where she called him Min-min for the first time, and plops down on the bed. Min-hyuk reminds Bong-soon that he brought Dad home like he promised, asking if he did a good job. She obliges him with some head pats and he gets a devilish glint in his eye.

Min-hyuk slowly pulls her towards him and says that surely Mom wouldn’t come up here and disturb them with fruits or anything, right? Of course, at exactly that moment Mom does in fact barge right in with fruit, putting a kink in their canoodling as they spring apart.

Mom grins at the pair and offers that Min-hyuk is welcome to stay the night, but a mortified Bong-soon shoos her out. Min-hyuk, on the other hand, is pleased as punch at the invitation and slinks towards his girlfriend once more. He reaches for her saying, “So now, no one will come in and bother us, right?” He leans in for a kiss… and the door bursts open as Bong-ki comes in to see his noona. Everyone freezes, then the thwarted couple awkwardly shuffles past the stunned little brother.

Heh, Bong-soon walks Min-hyuk out and he’s adorably pouty about the lack of smooches and having to go home alone. She gives him a quick cheek peck, and he giggles before kissing her back. She sweetly tells him to hurry up and go home so she can find him in her dreams and Min-hyuk pulls her in for a hug. They keep telling each other to leave first, but neither lets go of the embrace.

Oh boy, it seems that the mysterious monk Nizamuddin is actually a not-so-mystical Korean scam artist named Jo Dal-bong. Boss Tak loses his mind to learn that his beloved master was actually embezzling money from him. Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.

Now that their perp has been caught, Gook-doo’s police team has returned to life as normal. As for the infamous Jang-hyun, he is sentenced to life imprisonment with no chance of parole. He gets tossed into a tiny cell of his own and quickly loses what little sanity he has left, rolling on the floor and screaming like the crazed villain he is. Damn, that’s satisfying.

At the same time, Bong-soon folds her pink sweatshirt and puts it away in the strength cubby. She smiles and proudly thinks, “That guy, I caught him with my own hands.”

Hah! To cover for Bong-soon, Min-hyuk had to claim the credit for catching Jang-hyun, which is how he finds himself standing in front of the police station receiving a Citizen Hero award. He looks bewildered and decidedly uncomfortable as Gook-doo’s grinning station chief slings his arm around him, posing for reporters and gushing about the police force and common citizens working together.

Min-hyuk skulks away and goes over to grouch to Bong-soon about how embarrassing the whole thing is. She tuts sympathetically, but cheerfully notes, “You will have to receive a lot of rewards for me in the future, though…”

Gook-doo smirks at the frazzled CEO and patronizingly tells him to cooperate well with the police in the future, adding that he’s just been promoted to the Gangnam police station. Bong-soon gently coaxes her man away, and he pouts at his award again, stomping his feet in agitation.

The time has finally come for Bong-soon to present her video game to the Planning and Development Team. She starts out a bit rough, but in the end she does a great job and it’s well-received. As she presents, Min-hyuk gazes at her, remembering all their moments together and reliving their journey from strangers, to coworkers, then friends, and finally lovers.

At the walnut shop, Mom and Dad seem to have patched things up and happily work side-by-side behind the counter. Mom tells him that she looked up Bong-soon and Min-hyuk’s compatibility and it’s “really, really good.” (No surprise there.) Mi-hwa stops by the store and this time Mom doesn’t interfere as the two have a pleasant conversation — though she does glare. Baby steps.

Gook-doo and Bong-soon meet up and reminisce over the old days when they were still in school. He asks if she remembers the time in high school when he said he liked girls who were like flowers. Bong-soon good-naturedly scoffs and sighs that of course she remembers; because of those words, she lived trying to be delicate and fragile, hiding her strength.

Gook-doo watches her sadly then softly calls her an idiot. He tells her that he had been talking about her that day, muttering, “I purposely said it so you could her me.” Bong-soon smiles wistfully, saying she had no idea. Gook-doo turns to her and almost regretfully adds, “I would have liked every side of you.” Ooof! Where was this fifteen episodes ago?!

Taking a breath, he continues on to say that he’s glad he has someone as foolish and warm like her… as a friend. He sincerely asks her to be happy, and Bong-soon smiles back to say, “You too. Be happy, too.”

Gook-doo and Bong-ki meet up to play basketball and they have an athletic heart-to-heart, Bong-ki apologizing for everything with Hee-ji. Gook-doo lets it go, but he stops playing to ask why his friend never told him about Bong-soon’s crush. Bong-ki doesn’t understand, saying that Gook-doo had to have known about it since his sister was so obvious. (It’s what I’m sayin’!)

Gook-doo reveals that he never knew, dejectedly saying that he liked Bong-soon as well, but didn’t know it until too late. Bong-ki looks apologetic but asks, “If I’d have told you, would you two be any different now?” Gook-doo doesn’t have an answer, and Bong-ki calls for another round of play, both friends shaking off the dark mood.

Bong-soon, Min-hyuk, and Secretary Gong are all waiting on pins and needles when Dong-pyung strolls in and nonchalantly announces that he will allow Bong-soon to join the Product and Development team and create her game under his supervision. Dong-pyung jangles his wrist of silverware jewelry at Bong-soon and tells her, “Not bad,” then saunters out with a wave, leaving all three to celebrate.

As a farewell bid to Kwang-bok, we find him ranting and raving in a dentist office, irate at having to wait. Then a gorgeous dentist comes out and the toothless gangster gapes at the pretty, dropping his dentures and a considerable amount of drool. Last we see of him, he’s happily gazing up, gap-toothed and smiling at the lovely dentist.

Min-hyuk drives into the office, but nearly runs over Bong-soon’s kiddos who have come to confront the boyfriend of their noonim. The high-schoolers all gape to see Min-hyuk’s car park itself (ah, the magic of PPL) and Min-hyuk raises an eyebrow at the Bong-soon Noonim title.

He takes the boys out for food and listens in astonishment as they proclaim Bong-soon to be their leader and mentor: “She is our hope, our light, and hero! She is the eternal peace in our heart.” Pffft. The leader demands to know if Min-hyuk is serious about their noonim and wants him to promise not to hurt her. Min-hyuk just admonishes them to study hard rather than worrying about Bong-soon’s love life.

The leader tries to reassert that Min-hyuk has to promise not to hurt their Bong-soon, but the food arrives and they all dig in like the constantly hungry teenage boys they are. Min-hyuk just shakes his head at the group, at a loss for how to deal with Bong-soon’s acolytes.

Min-hyuk comes back to find that Bong-soon has vacated her playpen to move to the Planning and Development team room. He sighs sadly at the empty desk, but then he finds the note she left behind, cutely calling him Team Leader and thanking him for all he has done for her. She signs it “Do Intern.” Awww.

He looks in on the Planning and Development team and smiles too see Bong-soon happily reporting to Dong-pyung. He frowns a bit when Dong-pyung starts berating Bong-soon, but she takes it all with a smile, even fetching tossed pens and handing them back respectfully.

Min-hyuk gets called out by Gook-doo, who wastes no time in grabbing Min-hyuk by the collar and threatening him to treat Bong-soon right. (Goodness, isn’t anybody going to warn Bong-soon to treat Min-hyuk right?) Gook-doo states that Bong-soon is his friend, and while he really doesn’t like Min-hyuk, he’ll give him a chance to make her happy and watch how he does.

Min-hyuk has had enough and throws off Gook-doo’s arm and yells that Gook-doo will just drive himself crazy and die while watching. The words seem to hit home for Gook-doo and he turns away. Both boys are silent until Gook-doo, not looking at Min-hyuk, starts listing off things that Bong-soon likes, like spicy food and mountains, and how she’s allergic to peaches. Min-hyuk loses some of his smirk to realize that this is Gook-doo giving him permission and bowing out.

Gook-doo strides off, but stops to call back that if Bong-soon can’t sleep at night then he should make her read a book — that should put her out. He stalks away, leaving Min-hyuk stuttering at the punk who just gave him advice about how to put his own girlfriend to bed. He rants that he has no manners till the very end and shouts, “I can’t like him even if I tried!”

Sometime later, Bong-soon boards a bus and sees a grandpa and grandson playing her video game. As she watches them playing she thinks, “I finally accomplished my dream. Developing a game with a main character based on myself. Even though I hide as a strong woman, it was my dream to create a character based on how I lived.”

Bong-soon travels to work and continues to narrate that she can’t live like the Bbong-ssoon in her game. She comes across an injured cyclist trapped under a car and persuades the bystanders to help her lift the car, camouflaging how she actually lifts it up all on her own. Her rescue is caught on camera and the kiddos watch it online, singing the “super power girl” theme song in support of their noonim.

Unfortunately, saving innocents is time-consuming and Bong-soon ends up being late for work. She tries to sneak past Donh-pyung but fails miserably, getting shrieked at as he rages that his most strict rule is prompt attendance. Well, this could be a problem.

Min-hyuk joins the Do family for a camping adventure and everyone gets along like one big family (Kung-shim included). Min-hyuk sighs happily when Bong-soon feeds him a lettuce wrap, and even Mom and Dad get in on the cute with Mom feeding her husband.

Afterwards, Bong-soon and Min-hyuk go for a walk, and she wistfully says that she wants to protect the laughter of the people she loves. Min-hyuk cautions that her heart is in the right place, but she can’t save everybody. Luckily, Bong-soon has learned that she can’t save the world on her own, “But I really want to use this strength for good since it returned.”

Min-hyuk wonders how he managed to fall in love with such a great woman, and Bong-soon agrees, joking that she told him she was a “Femme hommtale.” He promises that he’s always on her side, and Bong-soon in turn says that she’s going to protect him too, just like the hooded girl in his painting.

Bong-soon continues to use her strength to anonymously help others… and continues to get caught by Dong-pyung for being late. She laments, “After I decided to use my strength for good things, 24 hours in a day was too short for me.” Still, she uses every spare moment to run off and save everyone, from grandmas pulling heavy carts to escaped elephants.

Her tardiness is finally too much for Dong-pyung and he complains to Min-hyuk about Bong-soon’s many unexplained absences, working himself into a tizzy while Min-hyuk just nods, already aware of the reasons behind her disappearances. Dong-pyung huffs that he can’t take it anymore and screams, “Because, I am a lady!” while leaping up to strike a dramatic pose for emphasis.

Having said (and acted out) his piece, Dong-pyung calmly states the he will kick Bong-soon off the Planning and Development Team. He sweeps out theatrically, leaving Min-hyuk hanging his head over his frustrating girlfriend.

Freshly fired from her dream team, Bong-soon shuffles into Min-hyuk’s office where he glowers at her. Secretary Gong asks if this means she’ll be working here again, and Bong-soon contritely answers that she’s returning to being an intern once again. Min-hyuk grumps that he doesn’t know if he should welcome her or comfort her right now, but Bong-soon answers that working here is much more comfortable for her and she fits in perfectly as an intern.

Grinning, Bong-soon hops up to her annoyed boyfriend and cheerfully reminds him of the last time she started as an intern and he wanted to throw a party — should they throw one now? Min-hyuk tries to stay angry, but Bong-soon pours on the cuteness, coyly asking what she should do if he’s mad at her. The guy doesn’t stand a chance and smiles against his will, wondering what’s with her today. She just keeps beaming up at him and Min-hyuk loses it, ecstatic to see his Bong-bong being so adorable.

The completely ignored Secretary Gong watches all of this and awkwardly calls out that he’ll just be leaving, then. The two are caught up in their lovey dovey moment and don’t even register his exit. Secretary Gong just shakes his head at the once stern CEO, who’s currently bouncing up and down with happiness.

Bong-soon and Min-hyuk head out together that night, keeping up a professional front as they formally bid each other a good night in the lobby. They head off in separate directions… for about five steps, then run right back to each other using their nicknames. The pair’s antics are observed by Dong-pyung and Secretary Gong, and even the office Crazy Bitch has to admit that the two are adorable, sighing that he’s jealous.

Bong-soon continues to write her story in her strength journal and Dad encourages her to keep writing and be careful as she uses her powers. Pulling her in for a hug, he tells her that he likes Min-hyuk. Dad says that even though he cherishes his daughter more than the world and he’s a little jealous that someone else out there loves her as much as he does, he’s decided to coolly approve of the two of them. Awww.

With tears in his eyes, he wonders when his girl grew up so much, admitting that it’s time to let her fly free. “Open up your heart. Live and do everything you want to do.” Both of them are tearing up as Bong-soon thanks her Dad for everything. He thanks her back and they hug again. Great, now I’m crying, too.

The next day, Min-hyuk asks Bong-soon out on a date (via a stuffy and sticky note left on her desk). They walk together under the falling cherry blossoms and Bong-soon asks when it was that Min-hyuk first started liking her. He smiles and answers that it was the first time he saw her, and then again at the police station.

Bong-soon wonders how he could have waited for her that long, but Min-hyuk responds, “I waited until your heart completely came to me. But… I was happy while waiting for you. Also, I had confidence, since we were fated to be together.” Bong-soon scrunches her nose at the cheesy line, but smiles anyways.

They walk on through the falling petals and Min-hyuk asks that they come back here next year, and the year after, and even ten years after that. The long timeframe makes Bong-soon pause and she reminds him of when they were on the rooftop and he had refused to leave her alone with the bomb. Min-hyuk had said he had to tell her something. Now, she asks him what it was wanted to say.

Min-hyuk gazes down at her and answers, “It seems like I can’t live without you for a single moment. Let’s be together forever.” He smiles slightly then takes a box out of his jacket pocket. (Omo!) He pulls out a ring and gently slides it onto Bong-soon’s finger. Holding her hand, he gives her a hopeful smile, and Bong-soon beams back, her answer in her eyes.

Min-hyuk leans down and the two kiss amidst the falling cherry blossoms. Kyaah! I am a puddle. A happy, squealing, heart-shaped puddle.

We cut to the happy couple’s wedding day, and Min-hyuk bursts into the prep room and stares at the Bong-soon in her beautiful dress, literally at a loss for words. He flutters around in typical Min-hyuk fashion, falling to his knees in front of her as she grins at him. The Do family joins them and Dad is crying happy tears to see his daughter in her wedding dress.

Boss Tak and his underlings stop by, shades on and an envelope of money for the happy couple in hand. (Jaws: “It’s clean money.”) Even Dong-pyung and Secretary Gong show up, Dong-pyung squealing and trying to take selfies with Min-hyuk. He actually punches Secretary Gong when he tries to edge in on the picture. Then Gook-doo comes in and calls Bong-soon pretty, and immediately Min-hyuk gets pissy, refusing to shake Gook-doo’s hand.

It’s time for the ceremony, and Dad walks Bong-soon down the aisle where Min-hyuk waits, looking like all his dreams have come true. Dad hugs Min-hyuk and hands off his precious daughter. The two stand before the altar, each looking like they’re trying to hold back tears of joy. Afterwards, they walk down the aisle, smiling happily at one another, husband and wife.

The post-ceremony pictures really take the cake, though: Mom whacks Dong-pyung for getting grabby with her son-in-law, Dong-pyung chucks flowers at the pair to stop Bong-soon from kissing his man, and the entire gathering reaches out in shock as Bong-soon lifts her husband up in a bridal carry (Min-hyuk grins like he couldn’t ask for more).

Time passes, and soon Mom is back at the temple, this time praying for Bong-soon to have a son, “So that our flower-like son-in-law can sleep peacefully.” Mom argues that there is no rule saying their family has to have daughters in every generation and asks that the couple have a boy so they can live tranquilly. The giant statue of Buddha (the same statue that Bong-soon spun around in her younger years) grins widely. Uh oh.

We cut to Min-hyuk racing down the hall in the hospital to join the Do family as Bong-soon is in labor. He frets like the nervous soon-to-be father he is, and Kyung-shim asks Mom again if she’s sure that Bong-soon will have a son. Mom looks anxious as she says that of course she is, then we hear the sound of a baby crying and everyone jumps for joy. Min-hyuk calls out, “Bong-soon-ah!”

As the baby crying echoes, we transition to Min-hyuk standing in his office afterwards, looking stunned as Secretary Gong asks him what’s so bad about having twin daughters. HAHAH! Two girls? That’s amazing. And Poor Min-hyuk. He ekes out that this is just his happy face, but he has the same look as when he was given the Hero Citizen award.

Min-hyuk calls Boss Tak — who is currently breaking ground for his redevelopment project — and cashes in a favor. Next thing we know, Jaws and his buddy are dressed up like wet-nurses and sporting matching black eyes as they dodge super baby fists and beg Bong-soon’s crying daughters to drink their bottles. It doesn’t go well.

The babies literally toss away their sitters, and Min-hyuk comes into the nursery to find the tough guys sobbing. He can barely get a word in before the two scram, and he’s left to face-palm in despair. Min-hyuk gingerly leans down to feed his daughters, cooing at his two “princesses,” but he lasts about two seconds before a tiny fist flings up and punches him right in the eye. Dang, they have good aim.

As Daddy Min-hyuk reels from his daughters, Mommy Bong-soon is busy lifting a giant water bin off a pinned construction worker. Min-hyuk, now sporting his own shiner, calls his wife and she exasperatedly reminds him not to call her when she’s working. Her frazzled husband whimpers, “What am I supposed to do when the babysitters ran away?” Bong-soon gasps to hear that they both bailed, and Min-hyuk sniffles into the phone, “What about me? What should I dooo?”

Bong-soon, wearing her pink hoodie, walks across a rooftop and surveys the city. She narrates, “The world still needs someone to fight the bad. So that our children can live in a better world.” A news screen on an opposite building reports that a terrorist has taken innocents hostage, and Bong-soon narrows her eyes.

She pulls down her hood and takes a mighty leap off the building, plunging dozens of stories and landing on the pavement like the superhero she is. She looks up and declares, “I will go. I am Strong Woman Do Bong-soon! Fighting!”


It’s over! Oof, my heart. I feel like Min-hyuk: What do I dooo? To be fair, this was a wonderful episode that beautifully wrapped up all our main storylines and provided a copious amount of fan-service in the form of Bong-soon and Min-hyuk being constantly adorable. I suppose I couldn’t ask for more, except maybe for it to never end. Is that too greedy?

I think we can all agree that this show was far from perfect, and I acknowledge that there were several things that I could have done without, the main one being Boss Tak’s entire storyline. This really was a prime example of a character forced into a story simply because they were portrayed by a famous actor. There really was no point to him aside from providing comedic fodder, and while I can appreciate that he had potential early on in the series, he completely ceased to be interesting by the halfway point. Still, I was never that disappointed by him, simply because I never really cared about him.

On the other hand, I am frustrated that we never learned more about our villain. I found Jang-hyun to be incredibly well acted (especially given that this was the actor’s first drama), but the character itself wasn’t rounded out enough. A truly well done bad guy is one that has me relating and understanding, which should then make me freak out because I just related and understood (a la I Hear Your Voice). Even though it was really satisfying to see Jang-hyun going crazy in that cell, I still have a number of questions: Why was he so obsessed with that play? Whose house was it that he stashed Kyung-shim in? What about that music box sound that the first victim told Gook-doo about? How did he even go crazy in the first place? There was just no depth to the villain, so while he was terrifying, I was never as engaged as I would have liked. Which is a shame, because Jang Mi-kwan acted the heck out of what was essentially a 2D character.

Something I was surprised to have been so affected by was Gook-doo and Bong-soon’s “goodbye.” I fully support our main couple and truly believe that they are soulmates, fated, meant to be; all that good stuff. But, my heart does hurt for Gook-doo and what could have been had they not missed their chance. He really was a good guy and could have been a great match for Bong-soon, especially given his line, “I would have liked every side of you.” Their goodbye was also so well done; it really made me feel the poignancy of two people letting go of their first loves. Contrary to what dramas teach us, first loves rarely last a lifetime, and it was great to see the honesty of what happens when you outgrow that first person and transition from loving them, to loving the memory being in love.

Still, I maintain that whatever could have been between Bong-soon and Gook-doo could not have been as wonderful as what she shares with Min-hyuk. This show was certainly not without flaws, but it gave us what has easily become one of my top five drama couples of all time. I could gush on and on about these two (and have), but right now, I just can’t believe that I have to say goodbye to them. I’m so sad to leave this world and the beautiful couple it shared with us. At least there is some solace in knowing that whenever we miss them, we can start at the beginning and watch Strong Woman Bong-soon and her Prince Min-min fall in love all over again.

Do Bong-soon, fighting!


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I love the part when Min-Hyuk tells her that he will always be on her side...


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Yes and her telling that she will protect him just like the painting in his secret doorway. I felt their relationship just came full circle. Like so many instances in last two episodes!


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It she really didn't keep her words cos she didn't protect him from their princesses. Lol


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Haha true, I can see him pouting and picking a fight on it. I wonder why no one wears helmet, there needs to be protective gear! MH should just get some tips from Bong Soon dad.


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lol i just imagine minhyuk in full football gear just to give his babies some milk

.. i'm just having too much fun imagining him as a dad lol.. like him attending their school's Parent's day on his hoverboard and designer sunglasses XD


Haha, yes and counter claiming other parents arguments on how his daughters are terrorizing their kids or how much he has to pay for damages caused - I can see him looking at his balance sheet scratching his head, lol.


MH in football gear to feed his babies. Now that is an image! lol!


I will miss Min-min and bongbong!


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I was pretty happy with the ending and drama as a whole, although there were issues throughout. I wasn't too surprised that's Secretary Gong and Mr. Oh became a couple, they had been hinting at it. When Oh threw the flowers at MK during the wedding shoot I was dying haha. I'm glad we got to see them have the fairytale wedding and have the babies they talked about. Very sweet and adorable. Although why wasn't her mom helping with the babies? Why once again were the gangster thrown into the scene when it makes more sense for the mom to handle teaching BS and MK how to raise magical babies. Arg!!! As much as I love that they wrapped it up in a adorable bow of sweetness I'm not satisfied. The side characters were an afterthought. They were so underused it was laughable. We were promised cohabitation hijinks and that never happened. Gd wasn't even a threat to the loveline, we just watched him pine. Oh my sweet agro puppy. When he was listing off all the stuff about BS to Mk or when he asked Bongki why didn't you tell me, *crack* did you hear that? Yeah that's my heart breaking. Honestly GD wasn't even in the story very much for a second lead. Everyone took a back seat to the ridiculous gangster plot. KS was a plot device and after being attacked three times *face palm* by the same guy she went away until the end. BK was only used to break up HJ and GD to motivate that love line and then he faded into the background. How much screen time did HJ even get haha also the moms "abuse "storyline was wrapped up as haha you thought she hit him? Pft, nope he fell and hit a sewing machine. This story had amazing potential to be great but it just wasnt. It had an amazing love story for sure but the drama shouldn't rely on that alone to save it.


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"Although why wasn't her mom helping with the babies? Why once again were the gangster thrown into the scene when it makes more sense for the mom to handle teaching BS and MK how to raise magical babies."
I actually thought Mom wouldn't really be bothered with such things... she doesn't seem much like the type, does she? I bet Dad was the one who had to take care of BS and get punched throughout her childhood. I thought it was funny that the gangsters had to be called to be nursemaids, though I guess I'm not even surprised that they got significant screentime (wedding, childcare duties) even in the last episode!


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In the breakdown scene when BS yelled at her mom she said that her mom always doted on her brother. So she was the mothering type at least to her son, which caused the super deep bond between dad and daughter. The mom was really invested in the relationship and wanted them to have children so to me it seemed like a good spot to add more mom being involved in their relationship. She also had bonded more with bs and has softened up so they could have carried that over and instead of the gangsters *sigh* they could have added the family. Especially when in families they do tend to help each other and it's not like they want people to know about the powers so you can't hire random nannies. But as I stated the family has been an afterthought the entire drama. The amount of screen time given to the gangster was completely unnecessary.


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I do agree with you, even if I think that it would have been less likely for MH to call Mom than to call the gangsters somehow. It would definitely have been nice to see Mom taking a role in helping out with her grandchildren! This drama obviously has a tendency to keep emphasizing on the gangsters like they're the main characters though...


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I was surprised the gangsters were even invited to the wedding, but not the high school gangsters or MH's family. I was quite disappointed MH's family didn't attend the wedding. It's like they have been conveniently forgotten for the sake of I don't know what. I can understand why the writer makes the gangsters work part time as nannies for the laughs, but I didn't think it is that funny.


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i've wondered the same too, of why Min Hyuk's family was conveniently missing, it's his wedding! His family issue was never resolved. Why create the issue in the first place if they don't want to solve it? They could just make Min Hyuk an orphan, instead of giving him a dysfunctional family with no intention of closure.


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The writer didn't know what to do, because he had invested so much time into the poop wine and the monk. So solution: pretend they never existed.


Because without the dysfunctional family, no attacks on MH, and BS wouldn't enter the picture, haha! I guess either the writer conveniently decided to make their existence moot, or take the fight he had with his father as a sign that they were never going to talk to each other again.


i missed his weirdo family too... i think it must have been the latter, lezah. after all, we never got to see much (any) of the legendary Min Hyuk's anger. this could be a part of that. currently, i'm hoping for a sequel where they tie up these loose (lost) ends and bring us more of the lovey dovey from the expressions king :)


@lezah: Frankly, I thought he did like his dad, from the private conversations he had with him alone. I didn't think the fight in the hospital means an absolute end to their relationship, more of a tantrum.


I think the writer just choose it that was as life isin't perfect and Minhyuk choose to cut ties with his family and found himself with another family in the end,one that dotted and loved him...Neverless the gangster line all over the drama was too much and could have given to other characters...


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I too, found it rather disappointing. I think the writer must have forgotten about his family. MH doesn't seem like the type of man who can just not invite his family to his wedding, even if he didn't get along with most of them.


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Yeah I would have liked more development with the family storyline rather than the gangsters but I think they wrapped that up really early on by settling the fact that it was 2nd brother who was behind the attacks and then MH forgiving him. Only after that did they really move onto the whole kidnapping subplot. The two could have been better woven together into the over plot!

Being a longtime fan of PHS, there's never such a thing as too much of him. But I like Jisoo a lot as well, so Dramaland, I'll settle for more of both of them, please! ?


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If am being completely objective, this is actually a bad drama. I can't say a show to be great when I have ff half the show myself!?
But on OTP levels, this has been as close to perfection as it can be.

But but.. I have not had enough of PHS yet, is it wrong that I want more!? :P
I am pretty sure Ji Soo will be playing lead after this.


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I still want more of Park Hyung-sik. (How greedy of me!!) But I also want Ji-soo to get a better, different kind of roles for him to hone his acting chops. I have enough of him playing angsty puppy


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More Park Hyungsik is really never a bad thing, heh. Though given that he's been playing a mischievous/smooth king/chaebol for his most recent dramas I hope to see something different from him in the next one!

And more of Jisoo could never be a bad thing either, of course (;


Yes! Jo Soo is still green, he just needs some diverse roles to build him up - be it leading or supporting.


Ji-soo DOES do Kicked Puppy exceedingly well, as demonstrated in this episode. Yup, my heart broke for his character and for his criminal under-use in the series. As for PHS, MORE. I NEED MORE. He's too adorable for description and giving LJS a serious run for his money as favorite puppy actor in my book!


i need that new LJS drama stat to help ease my minhyuk withdrawals =0


Don't forget to mention all that PPL they managed to force in the last episode. I'm surprised they didn't have Subway lol. I have to say that the last episode was all that great for me. It felt like they rushed everything from MH + BS's wedding to GD finally saying his true feelings. While watching his scenes with BG + BS all I could think was "I feel so bad for you but aren't you a little late in saying your feelings? You've had years to do so and you never took advantage of that." I feel like he would've had a chance if he was a more thought out character.


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wasn't all that.*


I agree the ending definitely felt rushed. They wasted so much time of useless gangster fighting and hospital antics and the dumb temple scenes that all the important stuff either got left out or jammed into the last episode. Gookdoo should have said all of this as soon as he and heeji broke up. He didn't even fight for bongsoon. He was barely even a second love interest.


Am pretty sure GD's scenes in final episode is only because of fan demand for closure. If we let it have their way, we would have more gangster/nizammudin scenes.

They just did not care enough to flesh out any character more than a few lines, but the cast that managed to tap into it and make the weak writing shine - is the show's biggest plus.


Fear not. Look for Subway in CT, hahaha!


@rentenmann Nah, at least the Subway in CT is a good PPL, though.


Maybe Subway was too busy in Chicago Typewriter to make an appearance...


Agree it was late, but I think ji soo killed it in that scene. It was super touching. I also agree with the other commenters that this drama was far from perfect- what makes it perfect is the cast, esply the three leads. Also totes one of my top OTPs


Now we will never know why GD kept changing one girlfriend after another, but never made the move to court BS, even though he liked her back then.


I completely agree with you on needing to be objective. I have NEVER fast-forwarded so much in my life!! I fast-fwd'd through the last 6-8 episodes !!! on the 1st watch too ! that's a whooooole lot !

Great Main Couple, yes, but nope! I can't actually recommend this kdrama to anyone.


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The beginning of the series, Episode 1, had the best opening 20 minutes of any drama series, ever! The rest of it..... What did I watch? A romantic comedy or a torture thriller? What an unfortunate blend of genres! I would have been quite happy to watch just a fluffy rom-com about a girl with a super power. But to throw a heavy-handed torture thriller into the mix was like watching two movies spliced together. Every time the torture scenes or the torturer came on, I fast-forwarded. I refuse to watch that. -- The rest of the series was not without a few problems. However..... The actors? Everyone did a fantastic job. No point in even naming them. They ALL did a fantastic job! The chemistry was great! Cuteness overload. Cute cute cute!!! ----- Note to the writer: Next time, leave out the graphic torture scenes in a rom-com! Since a conflict was needed in order to demonstrate Do Bong Soon's super power, it was enough for her to go up against JUST the gang of gangsters, and to show their bumbling defeat. That would have kept the series light & fluffy. No need to bring in a torturer. That was overkill.


And here I am left wondering how did that that man get pinned beneath that water bin.. that way! Really? if at all a crane was used to lift the giant bin and he got struck unaware when the bin slipped from crane, atleast the crane man would have known? It's like someone deliberately put him there, so that BS could save him !

That said, I should also say that I am an official die hard fan of the show despite all it's flaws! And I don't think it's overrated.


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haha I wondered the same! Give it to the show to be illogical till the end, lol


I just have 3 regrets about the show

1. No scene of Gook do with his mom ( was looking forward for a scene till the end!)
2. Jang Hyun not beaten to pulp by Bong Soon or Gook do( no I am not violent, but after all the horrible scenes of him abusing the women, I wanted him to get a taste of it).
3. The adorable school gang not being their for Bong-Min's wedding.

Those are some very small regrets. Otherwise I just love love loved the drama. After so long I squeed, laughed, cried and got moved by a show. Was in a slump after Jealousy Incarnate. And the ending was really gratifying. I really wanted to see a powerful Bong Bong baby and min min suffering because of her. And they gave us two!! Gold !!!!


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Yes, this! I don't understand why there isn't a single scene of GD with his mom, but there are so many pointless scenes with the high school gangsters and BT's gang. What a waste!


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Now that you mention it, I totally forgot about Gook Doo's mom. It's like she was just used to get in between BS Mom and Dad lol


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I didn't understand it either. Must be the first time that a drama has zero interaction between mother and son!! Thought GD would have at least dropped by the walnut ship once with his mom?!?! Not sure why. I wanted to see a loving relationship between them cuz Jisoo hasn't really had any positive parental figures in his dramas besides Page Turner.


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Thank you for the recap ????now, off to read!


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Min Min and Bong bong should be included in the next Dramabeans top OTP List!!!

Seriously, this drama left me wondering when's the next time I'll be squealing again for a kdrama couple. T T


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I'm ready to do a Shopping King Louis and Weightlifting Fairy marathon to replace my sweet tooth OTP cravings while I surf YouTube for more OTP SWDBS clips.


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ditto :) although i doubt there's a way to actually not miss Park Hyung Sik Oppa! the other two are nice dramas, but they can't compare to my weekly dose of honey dripping eyes and amazingly distracting Adam's apple of PHS Oppa ;)


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LOL! I just did a Weightlifting review....after ep 16. I needed the fun and delightful with all these other heavy dramas going on.


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while I adored the OTP, their adoration for each other was very unbalanced. Min-hyuk obviously was giving 1000% more than she seemed to...


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Yes, actually His DEVOTION to Bong Soonie was beyond. Haha. I was also waiting for a moment when Bong Soon would be the one doing those facial expressions. Park Hyung Sik just brought his A game acting on this one.


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This is something that annoys me too in kdramas..many a times I just feel like only the guy adores and love the girl.. or other way around (or may be I am too dumb to comprehend their unexpressed love.. whatever!) it was after a long time, when I watched "healer" that I felt kdramas can have OTPs who equally adore each other.. there must be many that I am missing.. but as long as the girl can't even properly kiss the guy, I can't say that their adoring each other is balanced. That disqualifies many OTPs from the list..


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100% behind you on this one!


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Me too! It's like they take the whole "woman should be modest and not too effusive with her affections" thing way too far. This is one reason Queen In-Hyun's Man is pretty much tops of most of my OTP lists. Girl wasn't shy about seeing what she wanted and trying to get it!


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also on the list of the most virulent second lead. ahh... what might have been if timing was on their side.


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THE FEELS! They are so cute!


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Who else's heart cracked for Gook Du by the way????!


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?‍ That basketball scene had me in tears.


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Me! Me!
It doesn't help that I've always thought of GD in a positive light, and when he told BK that he had liked BS too... my heart just shattered.


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He's such a good guy but never gets the girl ! ?


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It's like the beanie prayers to let Ji Soo get the girl never really happens.


I totally cried for him. My heart broke


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Mine did! I couldn't help crying at their goodbye scene. Why did they have to make him cry?

And in the pic second to last just look at him look at her!


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jisoo acts the best in emotional scenes but i find him quite stiff at others.. i hope he'd continue to improve though because i have faith in him as an actor


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I couldn't help but feel bad for him. They're close friends for a really long time that when he did fall for her, he is too wrapped up in his own feelings to notice that Bong-soon also like him. He must felt like their closeness clouding his judgment about Bong-soon's feelings. So that even when she expressed her love so obviously, he would continue to deny it for fear that he was just being delusional. If only they have that honest conversation a bit earlier...


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Mine really did. I thought back to how much the character was disliked by so many for so long. That was a well-done arc and it ripped my heart out.


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Anything with Ji-soo in it this episode had my heart in shreds. He finally was allowed to show his Kicked Puppy skills here!


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am i the only one who wished to see a proper heartwarming Min Hyuk - Gook Du bromance till this final episode? after watching their getting-drunk-and-snuggling scene, i had always hoped for more than their frenemy relationship, but they kinda got stuck at fighting for the same girl when Gook Du wasn't even a proper second lead in the love triangle! but since there are a lot of things this drama didn't get right, i'll just let it pass and keep my fingers crossed for a better-written-edited-and-directed sequel! is it too much to ask for more of the happily-ever-after-like episodes?


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Bong-soon SMASH!

Bong-soon’s pose at the end of the drama is a classic Hulk stance. I have to believe that the writers are secret Marvel Hulk fans. She is an adorable, pint-sized, pink gal Hulk. She is the strongest female lead both literally and figuratively, but somehow never once lost her femininity. The poster gal for Girl Power!

The entertainment value of this drama was so high that pointing out the several plot holes and other minor flaws seems petty. It is a drama to be watched and enjoyed and forgiven for its imperfections. It has a super hero without a super ego, who is in fact a super working mother and also does not wear spandex. Marvel eat your heart out.

The twin daughters was a stroke of genius. Min-min, should have been careful what he wished for because he got it in spades. Seriously, he must be the happiest man on earth. He got his dream girl and two daughters as a bonus. I would venture to guess that he is going to be the safest man on earth. You know they are both going to grow up to be Daddy’s girls. A loving wife and two adoring daughters who can stop buses with their bare hands, lift elephants and crush walnuts. If he can just survive their infancy he has got it made.

My only real complaint was the absence of the teen “gang” at the wedding. I realize it would have been silly to invite them, but I kind of missed their fan boy antics.


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Ahaha! The twin daughters, lol. Just perfect. My only lament is not getting to see the whole family together just once!


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you know, when the time comes, minhyuk is so gonna be THAT dad. every time a boy dares to hang around his girls he'd be like FYTE ME lol


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Yes I so wanna see that scene. It sounds so good in my head and am sure it will be super awesome on screen.


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LOL! I can see it now....totally giving the boyfriends a bad time.


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bahahaha yes!!!


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And yes also when some bad guys come to trouble them, dismisses the three girls of family to pick fight with MH and I could see his girls beating them up, lol.

Imagine how many times MH would be getting police awards for everything his daughters would end up doing!


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I had this sudden thought that BS reminded me of a Powerpuff girl (especially the theme song: fighting crime... trying to save the world...) when she was going around town helping the weak, hah! And now with 2 twin daughters they can be a complete trio.
... I'm sorry for the lame thought though I just had to say it. LOL!

I find it quite amusing that Baek Tak got invited which means that at least he's more important than MH's family. By the way is it just me, or did the wedding scene look strangely devoid of any guests when they were walking down the aisle? It looked like a really dark hall that was empty.


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I am proud to stated that I can name the three Powerpuff Girls. They are Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles. Bubbles is my favorite.


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Maybe they just hold a private wedding. After all, Min-hyuk is like the celebrity of the business world, right?? Just imagine if the news of how special the bride is (and her family, for that matter) leaked out, the journalists would have a field day.


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Oh no no, I mean to say, it didn't even look like Baek Tak/her family was in the wedding hall somehow! Maybe it's just a stereotype that wedding halls are always brightly lit with a lot of clapping guests, haha!
(PS, is it just me, because I don't get notifications anymore when someone replies to my comment?)


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@lezah The DB staff is working on the notifications


I also found the wedding scene (while cute) quite weird. I mean apart from there not being any guests there was also no officiator. I also really missed grandma and since MH made up with his 2nd brother I would have thought at least he would be there...? No? OK...

As many have already stated this show is far from perfect, but what made it a good show is that we were addicted enough to hang around to the end which is more than many other shows manage. Now there only needs to be an episode cut with all the gangster and most of the police scenes cut out and we would have an even more enjoyable show.


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I am disappointed that MH's family, especially his second brother isn't at the wedding. Isn't his second brother his best friend in the family? Shouldn't he be invited to the wedding? After all, MH has already forgiven him for the stalker incident. Maybe the writer has too many characters on her plate, she forgets about MH's family.


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Yes, i noticed the difference in the way the "wedding aisle walk" was filmed. It was probably just a raised platform used in the filming. I tot the hotel would have sponsored the venue and setup. No budget for tens of extras??


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I'm surprised Poop Bottle didn't put in an appearance seeing it's such an important character in the latter part of the show.


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i was kinda reminded of the Twilight wedding when Edward and Bella imagine themselves to be alone surrounded by empty benches. that would be easier to digest than thinking that Min Hyuk's family and most of the characters who were given so much importance the whole time were missing on their wedding!


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I could be *completely* wrong here, but it doesn't seem like the officiant is an important part of weddings in Korea? Or at least, if there's a "western" ceremony (with the white wedding dress and tuxes and aisles and all) and a more traditional one, the western version doesn't feature an officiant. Instead, it seems like there's an MC who announces everyone?

*All information here gleaned exclusively from watching Kdramas. Please correct me if I'm wrong!


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I read that the director is a fan of The Hulk so it's no surprise to see some inspiration from it thrown in the drama.


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The Noonim gang should have crashed the wedding for sure, especially if they are as as big of fan boys as they're made out to be through the series. I would have loved to see them enter the per-wedding photos area screaming for their Noonim and begging for photos!


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He got his dream girl and two daughters as a bonus. I would venture to guess that he is going to be the safest man on earth. You know they are both going to grow up to be Daddy’s girls. A loving wife and two adoring daughters who can stop buses with their bare hands, lift elephants and crush walnuts. --> now I really want a sequel ?


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Yessss to a sequel..! Now I can't unimagine the prospects of how cool their family will be in it after reading all the fanfics!.. Min Hyuk and the 3 power puff girls.. wow!!! let us allll put a request for a sequel.. but ask a decent co-writer to join the team.


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Aww it ended! This was such a cute drama :D Though I didn't really enjoy some of the comedic moments (like the gangsters / the monk) I think the highlight was really Min-Hyuk's devotion to Bong-Soon!!


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I am quite certain of this. These two having their super over-the-top cringe-cute fests = one of the best things in this world. No couple makes me say that. Seriously, these two are just so much fun, sometimes I need to pinch myself to make sure they're real (what's that? they're just characters? I don't know what you mean...).

I'll miss all the laughter and tears they brought me. The drama may not have been perfect, but this couple is gonna keep me coming back for years to come.


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I really am going to have re-watch some of my favorite recently-ended shows to compare the cute OTPs and see if they're just as awesome as these two.


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"These two having their super over-the-top cringe-cute fests = one of the best things in this world. "

I had to watch the last 4 episodes with their adorable scenes on mute, it was so over-the-top-cute & cringe-worthy! I was dying of 2nd-hand embarassment and YET! would promptly rewind and rewatch several times! <3 <3


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Thanks for the recap. I can´t believe it is over. It was such a lovely ending. So cute. Everything about this finale was adorable. What a great feeling to send this lovely couple into their deserved happily ever after. I will miss them so much. And I guess I have to say sorry to the mom. Guess she wasn´t as terrible as we thought.


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What will I do with my life now? The thing is, I didn't know I could like PHS/PBY more than I already did, but this drama proved me wrong. But that's more of a testament to how the characters in this show carried it through 16 episodes, rather than how good the plot was. (I have this burning question: Did BS power up after giving birth or what? She can jump off buildings now? LOL.) My favourite scene in this episode: "Days feel like years without her, especially at night" *slaps himself* HAH! I also loved the celebratory dance that MH, Secretary Gong and BS did after Team Leader Oh approved the project. MH looking so proud of BS when she was presenting was also an aww moment. E16 was a fanservice episode, which I won't complain about, really. (Won't say no to more kisses and cutesy scenes).

(1) Final thoughts: This show was an unexpected lot of fun, because I came in expecting only fluffy, cohabitation hijinks. While I'm not usually a fan of darker plots, I appreciated the insertion of the kidnapping subplot. I think the writer wrote the main characters well, and I like how mature she made the relationships. I'm always up for limited angst/noble idiocy/separation. And how MH was so accepting of BS being special? He didn't try to hold her back from doing anything she wanted to achieve.

The writing:Even though the show itself was not as well written as we would have liked (BS having terrible work ethics, insanely large amount of filler time that took away from developing the actual plot, inefficient policemen that made me tear my hair out... I didn't think the homosexuality/Mom cowing Dad in a relationship were extremely offensive to me though), it's still dramaland and sometimes closing an eye/or two can make shows more enjoyable anyway. I loved this show (or rather, its characters) a lot, and when I think back, I won't remember the bad writing - I'll remember the adorable squeal-worthy moments, the warm family moments, and our beloved CEO Ahn with his melty eyes. And I think that's all that matters.

(2) On Gookdu:This was a nicely wrapped up episode, pretty paper and ribbon and all, complete with a wedding and kids. (Poor MH, left at home with the 2 little monsters, hah!). Everyone got a nice conclusion, and my heart went out to GD who up til the last moment, really displayed his maturity by wishing her happiness and reminiscing with her. My heart panged when he said "we are friends". One notable thing is that GD and BK left the "if I had told you, would things have been different?" question unanswered. I've always been a believer that the "one true love" doesn't exist - if GD had realized his feelings earlier before MH ever came into the picture, BS could have had a happy relationship with him too. But the point is, he did too little, too late, and when he realized that, he graciously backed off. I think he learnt a lesson that stepping back to realize your feelings and then...


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Realized that the second half of my comment is missing..

... I think he learnt a lesson that stepping back to realize your feelings and then having the courage to take a step forward can change a relationship.

(3) On family:I've never really nitpicked on the portrayal of Mom because it wasn't such a huge matter to me. I thought it was a realistic portrayal of her parents, to be honest (ie, no point in being offended). Especially now that the domestic violence issue has been cleared up. Not every couple needs to/can be as mushy and sweet as our main couple, and we've to take into consideration that Mom and Dad have been married for at least 26 years. I thought the BBQ scene of the whole family eating together was heartwarming and sweet. The relationships in this show make me so happy. It also showed how MH was accepted into the Do family (he's never had a good family experience) and clearly Mom and Dad adore their son-in-law - though who wouldn't adore him? (Notably, MH's family wasn't at the wedding, not that anybody minded).

(4) Overall:Finally, I thought this show did best in the acting/casting of actors. Honestly, I loved the acting chops of all the main cast characters. Needless to say, Hyungsik slayed with his eyes, and PBY brought life to BS. I won't forget Jisoo, my poor puppy! I really applaud Kim Won Hae for his portrayal of 2 different characters. He was amazing! The actor who played KJH (not sure about his name) also portrayed him so well. Thank you, cast and staff, for an amazing run.


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Hah. That scene when he slapped himself got me in stitches.


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Me too!


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It was one of my favourite scenes from the last episode that didn't make it into the recap


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i love how minhyuk made Dad's runaway stint becomes allll about him and his thwarted wedding plans lmao. like "you can find yourself however you want, just do it after i got married to your daughter" XD that's just so egotistic yet he's so endearing i can't get mad at him.. plus he actually got Dad to relent and come home lol

i can totally see how he became CEO at that age with that kind of persuasion skillz lol


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Oh gosh, yes! He made it all about himself, HAH! It was totally "you can do whatever you want so long as you're not in my way of my grand scheme of plans to marry your daughter". Way to go, attacking dad where he's weak! We know Dad can't resist a man who just wants to be good to his beloved daughter. ;)


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Yeah her jumping off the building made me laugh out loud. Give it to the show, to be inconsistent till very end with no logic or reason :D

Even though the writing was bad, am conflicted about it. Because till end, it stayed inconsistently consistent. And all characters somehow managed to get hold of my heart. And also the storyline of Bong Soon starting with feeling unlucky about her powers, to hesitantly indulging in it, to embracing it and loving herself - it has been such a great arc. And like murasakimi said in last recap, she remained the central character and everyone else were on side. I love that, so many shows start off with a woman as central character and end up messing sidelining them.

Bong Soon had a pretty great character arc, she was never perfect because I remember not liking her character at all at start. And then by end, she is still not perfect but she loves herself and see herself as awesome - and am loving her now.

Writing is a bunch of contradictions in this drama. This show should have just been co-wrote with someone else. It would have made ton of difference.


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Yes! I wrote a similar comment in Comment 17 below so I won't repeat it. I think she had a brilliant character arc, and you could really see the growth in her character as she became more confident of her abilities and her "specialness", learning to embrace it. I was neutral toward her character at the start, but she really grew on me.

I guess good thing about the writer is she can be consistent (consistently illogical, hah!). This show definitely has bad points and good points. But the thing is, I guess I've come to terms that no show is "perfect". It boils down to the fact that I enjoyed watching this a lot, bad writing and all, so I guess that's that!


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Yes as I remember JB saying somewhere, as you watch more and more dramas, you stop caring on how good a drama is objectively and just focus on what the drama makes you feel.

And I agree with her, any drama that gets me excited enough to pull me from the real world - is good enough for me, lol.


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In the end, it's a show about relationships, isn't it? That some relationships work, and some don't. MH and BS are one of the lucky ones, their relationship deepened and strengthened from that one step first taken by MH. GD's relationship with BS is a bittersweet might-have-been, of what might have happened if he hadn't hesitated, if he had been bold enough to take the plunge, to take that first step, and approach her even if he thought she only thought of him as a friend. BS's brother and HJ's relationship floundered after the first step, that spark of interest waned off, and both parties weren't really interested in carrying on...theirs was a relationship that couldn't stand the test of time. And BS's brother's offer of the wrap to GS in that scene could signify the start of a new budding relationship between friends who have known each other for years, no sparks here,more an easy, comfortable relationship where both parties are so comfortable with each other they kind of ease into lovers...at least I hope they do! And finally, BS's parents are finally reconnecting with each other after such a long trying marriage. It's all about taking that first step, and whether that step leads you to a rich, fulfilling relationship, remains to be seen and would depend on both parties and the variables that come with the passage of time.


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"It's all about taking that first step, and whether that step leads you to a rich, fulfilling relationship, remains to be seen and would depend on both parties and the variables that come with the passage of time."

Love this, it was very well said! Especially appropriate given MH's confession scene ;)


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am I the only one who DID NOT feel sorry for GD in this episode? I mean, HOW could he NOT have noticed she liked him? HOOOOOOOW?!?!?
and I was just as irritated as Min-hyuk when all these random people were coming up to him with their 2 cents on his relationship with Bong-soon. "Be good to her" "be good to her"... dude!! back off!


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Yeah it's like they expect him to treat her badly. Guy sure knows his way around a relationship, people!

I THINK GD was just... too caught up in his own feelings? Like he wasn't sure if she liked him back, but he really liked her and he didn't want to lose the friendship. So in a sense I think he might have put up barriers? Trying to distance himself from her, but at the same time being unable to stop worrying - and it manifested in a lot of shouting, telling her to do this and that, etc. I think it's possible that he might have been really oblivious, but I can't believe nobody told him, hah!


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I agree. It's weird that he didn't confess all these years? At all?? Especially when she never had any boyfriends. What bad timing?? He was simply blind.


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The MH slap was so funny that I had to rewind to rewatch a few times. =P

Poor GD... I agree with your viewpoint. If he had realized and acted upon his feelings sooner, he would've had his chance. But he was too hesitant and too late, and time just wasn't on his side. But he learned a good lesson and I'm glad he didn't turn out to be a clingy second lead. Very mature and gracious of him to understand where BS's heart now belongs and let her go.


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I will miss them!
Indeed this show wasn't perfect but this OTP was the cutest. I've already rewatched many times MH and BS fall in love and I will continue in the future!


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i cheered when ODP fired bongsoon lol.. she's still a terrible employee. speaking of ODP, i really like him this episode


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Hah, ya! I was thinking, babe, you can't seriously be coming into work late everyday just because you need to save the world like Clark Kent, and still expect no consequences. Kudos to ODP who acknowledged her presentation/game potential, and then later fired her because of her terrible work behaviour. Fortunately for BS... Ceo AHN can't exactly fire her. He's completely wrapped around her little finger haha!


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i like that we've been shown the competent and trustworthy team leader side of him this episode, yet not loosing his trademark flamboyant-ness. it makes him so much more rounded as a character


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Yes I was pretty unsure about the character when they first introduced him. Didn't get why we needed him but he quickly became my favorite. I actually didn't ff his scenes in last few episodes!


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Yes! He's a complete diva and 300% flamboyant (I have to say I love his lace choker and how sometimes it's just completely skewed and off-centre, it's hilarious), but they also show him to be a competent team leader. I can't remember exactly but either MH/Secretary Gong also mentioned before that he does work well, if I'm not wrong? (That's probably how he became Team Leader, though, lol).

Agree with @divyrus too! I actually looked forward to his scenes because he was always hilarious, even if he served no "real" purpose in moving the plot onward.


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I always laugh when he is with min-hyuk. Because even though min-hyuk is the boss in here, he can't seem to beat ODP up. He can't voice against him. ? and yes, that lace choker. I love it too..


Same, I like that Dong-pyung, for all his dramatics, never gave Bong-soon a pass at work because she was just such a terrible employee. I believe she'd have turned out well at work under his guidance, but shame the drama never allowed that development to happen.


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If there was a time when I looooved ODP, it was indeed in this episode. He put his personal feelings aside and praised her work. and then she goes and screws it up (yes, yes yes, for the ultimate good, but...) so bam! He fired her!
and I mean, when she showed up late the 1st few times, he DID try to explain the Ainsoft work culture to her, about how they're flexible etc. and yet...
ah, DBS... I love her still anyways. she's so cute!


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We've got Crazy Dog and now it's Crazy Bitch. ?? When will we get a Crazy Puppy?


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Honestly this ? close to starting a petition for a spin off about bong bong and min mins, super babies


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I would be totally on board that!


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Yesssssss! At the end I was thinking "SEQUEL! SEQUEL!"
It could totally be done.


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I'm going to force myself to imagine that the last scene of the series is when they kiss under the cherry blossom trees after he gives her the ring....fade to black, cue credits.

Otherwise, the actual ending just leaves a lousy aftertaste in my mouth. Did the wedding have to be buffoonish? Where was Bong Soon's grandmother during the ceremony?

Did they have to show the baby girls giving their father Min Hyuk a black eye?

Goodbye Strong Woman.

Final word, if the lead couple doesn't win one of those end of the year awards for "Most Adorable Couple" then there is no justice in the universe!!!


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I think given the comedy aspect of the show, the wedding wasn't really expected to be beautiful and elegant. (Though you're right, I didn't notice that her Grandmother was missing, actually. Perhaps it's because she was only around for 1/2 episodes). I'm neutral-ish on the wedding, because I was just happy to get a nicely wrapped up ending.
Though what's wrong with the baby girls giving MH a black eye? I think they did that to mirror how BS totally punched her dad in the eye when she was first born. It's just a crack of humour to show how his life is going to change 100% now, having to take care of 2 kiddos who can't control their strength yet. Yay for appa-daughter boxing bonding sessions in the gym!!


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Oh, I hadn't realized it was BS's father that got punched in the eye when she was born! I thought it was the doctor. The. I agree about the mirroring.

I like your idea of the father-daughter gym training sessions ?


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Thank. You. Because they could've ended with the engagement and I might have actually liked the last episode... but they didn't so then I just got annoyed...


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awww glad it ended beautiful. love the babysitting part haha! I am so proud of Bong Soon to finally use her power and not hide it. Though I was a Gook Doo fan at first I was satisfied that Bong Soon ended up with Min Hyuk. Congrats Min Min! <3


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Thanks for the recaps!

I fast forwarded through most of the episodes for months, but quite happily sat through most of Episode 15 and 16.

I would say this was honestly a terrible show, with most of the plot threads being quite useless. Nothing came out of the adult or teenage gangsters. Minhyuk's family troubles promptly disappeared. Our main villain derailed (in an ineffective manner) and couldn't even stick to his goal, therefore not even being a fun (and cruel) psychopath.

But the veteran actors acted the heck out of their (terrible) roles, Dongpyung has a fantastic wardrobe, and our leads had the charm to carry their characters. Minhyuk is basically every girl's dream, especially when they're annoyed at their own boyfriends: a great listener, adorably honest about his feelings, takes initiative with the relationship, supportive, good to her family, bright and effusive. There was no real trajectory to his character though.

Their relationship was definitely sweet cotton candy or like falling cherry blossoms. I did marathon Master's Sun this week though (thanks for the free pass, dramabeans and viki!), for something with more substance.

All in all, this drama cemented Park Bo Young's place as the cutest actress in Korea (though I would lean towards Kim Seul Gi), and Park Hyung Shik's leading status. Hope Ji Soo takes a different sort of character next. And it's a good reminder that there's always place for fluffy romantic comedy (thrillers) :3


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Dongpyung and Minhyuk both had fantastic wardrobes, I loved seeing the different things they wore! (Really can't say the same for BS, however... but leave it to PBY to still look decent in those clothes.)

I didn't really think about MH's character arc until you mentioned it! I wonder if it's because he just seemed too... perfect from the start? We got a few really emotional scenes from him and he's shown himself to be a really awesome person through and through, but I agree that there's not been a ton of development on him. On the other hand, we did sort of see BS "mature" from a girl who had an unrealistic dream while hiding her superpowers to someone who worked hard to achieve her dream of developing a game, and decided to use her superpowers to do good. We also saw GD transition from a really rigid, stern cop who acted really recklessly to a... quieter and more toned down individual who realized how important it was to work as a team/take the initiative to chase the girl.

I'm looking forward to Man To Man next, actually! I hope the writing for that one will be better.


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@beansoverflowers and @lezah

MH has got the least character development to be honest. He was a lonely, weird, crazy, good human and excellent CEO at start and at end, he just ends up being the same with not being lonely anymore. He has gained love. But its odd how I never thought about it, PHS is extremely charismatic and charmed our socks off. He has been the most engaging character/actor from start to end.

I really hope he lands a great drama as leading man in the big three. He deserves it!


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Dongpyung really shone as a side character in the last episode! I actually REALLY liked him!


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I definitely agree that this was objectively an awful show in terms of pacing, character development, and plot resolution. It really speaks to the talents of the actors that I still enjoyed it as much as I did, because if you step back too far this was such a hot mess of a show, haha.


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i agree with this so much. this show was saved by the leads' chemistry and good writing of the rom-com banter. but everything was such a hot mess. but here i am, knowing that full well, and ready to rewatch every DBS-AMH moment a million times. ??


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There is something 'satisfying' about the Master's Sun, that I can always rewatch it.


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I fast-forwarded through the last half of the show. on the 1st watch. and I never looked back to watch the scenes I had missed. I simply rewatched what I liked. which is sad, because there never seemed to be ENOUGH time spent on what I liked...

a hot mess of a show saved by the main couple only.


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You know it's true love when you decide to overlook the plot flaws and just enjoy the show. I will miss this drama a lot!


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Same! It's far from perfect, but I fell in love with this show like how Minhyuk fell in love with Bongsoon!


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True love indeed. Thank goodness for Min min's twinkling eyes!!!


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Thanks for the recap! Overall, a lovely finale that tied up quite a few loose ends. I liked Gook-doo's send-off, nicely done and with a thoughtful, wistful vibe. In another timeline, he and Bong-soon could have worked out, and I did like his development in the later episodes, but the difference was that he wallowed in his feelings while Min-hyuk took action and wore his heart on his sleeve.

Another sweet moment was Dad and Min-hyuk's bonding scene (I kinda got what I wished for, haha). I liked that it was Min-hyuk who found Dad and they had a heart-to-heart talk. If there was anyone who would understand Dad, it would be Min-hyuk. I'm just glad that in the end, Min-hyuk gained a family who loves and adores him as much as he adores Bong-soon.

The wedding was nice, though I felt it was a bit unnecessary - I'd have been happy just to see Bong-soon and Min-hyuk date happily, and transition into the next stage of life and work at their own time instead of somewhat rushing into it. Also, I didn't quite like the drama having Bong-soon ditch work to play saviour full-time - ultimately, I think this trivialises the efforts and process to get her into the Strategy team, especially when I think she would have made a good game developer under Dong-pyung's guidance, and still be able help people in her free time. The role reversals also got a bit too heavy-handed for me, and of course some storylines could have been dispensed with completely.

Still, it's been a fun drama to watch and I really liked the chemistry between Park Bo-young and Park Hyung-shik. Hope to see them team up in another drama!


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Agree that it trivializes her efforts to get into the department! Like "it's my dream to become a game developer", then she puts in effort into it, develops a game and actually gets ODP's approval... And ends up sort of becoming the town's superhero. While I don't dislike that fact, I would have been just as happy watching her flourishing in the strategy department and then helping the weak after she gets off work. And also being a Mom who's present for her children, because that's really important too. Superheroes have got to balance RL and work - that makes them really, really super!


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"Superheroes have got to balance RL and work - that makes them really, really super!"
that's just your average working moms lol, they're the RL superheroes


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Definitely - I've always thought of my parents as superheros! Would have been nice to see BS taking care of the kiddos and fighting crime!


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I actually liked that fact that her super powers overshadowed her 'dream'. Because to me, I always felt the dream to be a game developer was just to escape from her feeling cooped up all the time. About hiding her powers and having to live in denial.

After 16 episodes, she has embraced who she is. She knows what she wants. And even if she has become full time game developer giving it priority, it still would have made her feel cooped. Because, out there, helping people is what she really wants to do. What she has always wanted to do, but just was never able to accept to herself or control her powers.

In workplace, of course it is very unprofessional and all the work ethics issues we already put forth. But this is such comic book-esque show that I dont think anyone cares about it in that universe.


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i wonder what's her job desc as an intern now that she's been kicked out of the P&D team XD making new games?

though logically, after having twin daughters she might not be working anymore. heh her husband's rich enough


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I respect your opinion on this and am all for Bong-soon finding herself, but not at the expense of others or something (as it is, I'm wondering if Min-hyuk would ever function properly as Ainsoft CEO again). Helping people is lovely, but there is no conflict in her working and helping people at the same time. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing solution, and part of growing up is finding a balance in life that works for all parties concerned. I just think her poor work attitude throughout this drama, and making no apologies for it, has made a mockery of what it takes to work at Ainsoft, or indeed anywhere else. Even in a comic-book-esque show, that's poor characterisation and shows lack of growth.


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I cant disagree with what you said. You are 100% right. @junny

Her work attitude is not something to appreciate and it was one thing which didnt make me like her at all at first. I guess she is just that person who really does not care much about hard work or ethics or doing things the right way. I guess MH falling in love with BS, endeared her to us more easily.

As of MH functioning as proper CEO again, I feel once they get married and settled - it will be back to as normal as it can be. Marrying and working together in same place never works out very well, lol.
Now that I think about it, imagine having a martial fight and it blows up in office.

In hindsight, we should be glad she got fired and her full time job is being superhero. She can be advisor or creative consultant for Ainsoft now and then - because despite her bad attitude, I feel she does have a niche at spotting game trends that tend to be missed by majority of market watchers. In gaming, sometimes its the most obtuse and weird game that gets hit rather than the ones well made and well thought of. I can see her unconsciously giving new game ideas as she goes about saving the world.


That's an interesting thought, actually! I never thought her dream was about hiding her powers, I just thought that it was her dream because she really loved to play games (spent all her time playing Ainsoft's games in the PC shop), and she wanted to make a game about herself as the main character because she wanted to be a "super girl", at least in a game if she couldn't be one in real life. (But regarding this, now I see that yeah, it could have stemmed from the fact that she couldn't be a super girl IRL.)

Granted that it's a comic book-esque show, I obviously cut it a lot of slack with how unrealistic it is, but I guess I'd hoped she would be able to balance saving the world with her other dream of becoming a game developer, rather than throwing one out to focus on the other!


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Yes we all would love our heroines to be perfect and be super awesome. But I guess Bong Soon is just not that person.

I really did not like that she came back after getting fired to flirt with MH so much. I mean she knows he is wrapped around her finger and felt she is just using it. That was the only scene where I did not like their cute antics at work - I did not bother about it so far but this last one kinda bothered me a little.


I think she actually says this in the drama (while she's riding the bus and watching the grandpa play her game with his son) - that the reason she wanted to make her game was to be able to live vicariously through it and not hide her strength, even if it was in a virtual world. It would make sense for her to move on now that she's chosen to use her powers, and I personally liked that touch! Sometimes we grow out of our dreams, or find out that they were more of a means to an end than anything. BS found that she could accept her powers in real life, and so she didn't need to make games anymore. I would've liked to see some growth in her responsibility career-wise, but I think this scenario is just as realistic.


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Riiight? I felt her having to quit work to become full-time superwoman disappointed me for multiple reasons, the most important of which is that given her personality, its likely she'll become consumed with the task without finding balance with other priorities. Not how I want to imagine a superhero I want to look up to.


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Awe man what about grandma and Min Min's family at the wedding - that part was a huge let down!


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I agree about grandma being absent. It was a huge disappointment. However, I have to disagree with Min-min's "family". After his mother's death, Min-min did not actually have anything that even resembled one. Fortunately, he has an AWESOME family now.


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It was never clearly stated, but after the fight in the hospital Min-min seemed to reject his father's offer to take over. I think their absents from the wedding symbolized that separation.


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I know right! I was a bit disappointed that they just left us hanging on it. That storyline just completely disappeared.


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And yet we have all the endless gangster scenes and the extra fake monk scenes as well. We can do without the fake monk, and the storyline won't be the worse for it.


Was the last time we saw minhyuks dad when minhyuk got super upset in the hospital? If so- that's def a storyline that never got cleaned up...


OMG yeaa I was really hoping to see Min Min's dad! And I hadn't realized Granma's absence till now. Wow, little details like this keep pointing out to me how bad this show has been, and yet I thoroughly enjoyed it! What madness!


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Now where do I begin? How do i collect my thoughts because right now I am still feeling mindlessly giddy! IDK WHERE TO START BUT LIKE --- AHHHHH THAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST SATISFYING ENDINGS I'VE EVER SEEN !!!! But at the same time I am SO sad that this drama has ended & i've been delaying watching this final episode for the whole day because I just can't imagine my weekends without SWDBS. :( but all good things must come to an end and I must say that i'm very happy about this show! Our Minmin & Bongbong couple is giving me a heart attack and has turned my brain into mush. Their chemistry is like MAGIC! I gotta admit that there are aspects of the show that's flawed, but the romance is definitely on point.
&& also I kinda felt bad for Jisoo (is it just me or is this the most pitiful second lead role, in the way of how he didn't get the girl, he's ever had?) but only in this final episode. Other than that, I'm for our Park-Park couple all the way!! I lowkey want them to date in real life because if I didn't know any better I'd really think Hyung shik is in love with Bo Young for real. His longing gazes are killing me.
ALSO I am just so happy about the wedding and the twin girls (because srsly it's so rare for dramas to give us that) BUT I WANA KNOW WHO TOOK CARE OF THE TWIN GIRLS WHEN THE BABYSITTERS QUIT?? What happened after that? I know I'm satisfied about the ending but I seriously want more. I'd be happy to watch a sequel focused on Bongsoon and Minhyuk's married life and how Minnin's raises their twin girls while Bongsoon's out fighting crime and kicking ass.
And lastly can we talk about how awesome and great Bongsoon is?? This show really is ultimately about her. I love it when she's in love, i love it when she's insecure and human. But I love it most when she completely embraces her powers and uses it to help people. That part when those high school gangsters start a kind of hotline service for Bongsoon is super funny but also great! Now she can be a real superhero! I've never been the type to wish I were a kdrama character, but now I just want to be Do Bong Soon (maybe 50% because I also want a Minmin, and 50% because she is awesome). Heehee.
Thank you JTBC for a great drama! Definitely one of my all time faves and fave couples of all time. ❤


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Thanks for the recap! I think I will remember this drama for cute romance (and that's about it). Working with PHS and JS, Park Bo-young said "Atmosphere was great. Both of them were younger and I liked the feeling of taking care of younger brothers for a change." She thought there were too many kiss scenes and even asked PD "Bong-soon has never dated before, can she really have these many kiss scenes?" She also said there was no kiss scene written in wedding, but PD asked them to do it. I guess PD knew what the viewers wanted(the ratings!) and expected from this drama. Good job


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Ooo really!? The PD is better than the writer then :D

He knew what we wanted. And I dont really get this, just because a person never dated before doesn't mean they won't when they start to date. All the firsts are gonna be little awkward and unsure, but slowly as you go, you get the know-how and all lovers act the same, hehe. :D


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Yes, and if your boyfriend looks like PHS....WELL....!!!


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I mean why does she not want to kiss him all the time :P


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you gotta pry me off of him with a lynch


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??? all the replies to this comment are killing me. love it.


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PD is a shipper like the rest of us! =)


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My hope now is that someone writes a fanfic to better flesh out the story. I thought I was satisfied on the first watch through but I need more.


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yes calling all the awesome fanfic writers! Humble request please!? *puppy eyes*


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What am I going to watch on the weekends now? I enjoyed this show and the OTP so much. This is the first time I saw Park Hyun Sik and I will make sure to watch his future dramas. He might be an adequate replacement for Seo In Guk while serving :).

The OTP is one of my favorite OTP's in dramaland now. Sure, the dramas wasn't perfect and you could cut almost all scenes with the gangster squad / students and wouldn't miss anything. Nevertheless it was a fun and very enjoyable experience and I will miss it.


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Regarding Mom's storyline, I think the writer tried to highlight some important topic as in: how equality doesn't mean woman take turns beating up a man, how someone's past misdeeds usually cloud people's judgment, and how dangerous unfounded suspicion actually was. It could be an interesting and thoughtful topic to be explored, but unfortunately, they completely missed the mark.

Aside from that and the not-so-funny comedic scenes, I enjoyed this finale eps. Though to be honest, I think the overtly long epilogue was a bit overkill. But it just small niggling. What really important is: Ahn Min-hyuk is definitely going to be my new lead male goal.


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poor daddy minmin.. he's definitely in for a lifetime of beating. he's gonna be minced meat when his girls reached puberty lol.. all those hormone-induced tantrums *shudders*
on the flip side he'd also be the safest man alive, with 3 bodyguards haha.. you know who'd make a good nanny? Grandma!


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Yes! Grandma as nanny would be awesome!

But sheesh... they didn't even have her at their wedding ☹️


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I marathoned the last 3 episodes and gosh darn it- Min Hyuk and Bong Soon are super adorable, and it's kudos to the Park- Park couple!

My favourite episode was actually 14 (and I made gifs to immortalize the moments forever!) but certainly there were so many cute moments all over every episode including the proposal.

I wish the writing had been better, the bad guy fighting trio formed sooner, but certainly what I will take away from this is that Park Hyung Sik has the swooniest gaze and Park Bo Young is awesome and cuteness personified! I will definitely be looking out for their next projects. ❤

? Superpower Girl!! ?
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon I will miss you!


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gotta hand it to the writer though, she's really really good at poignant,romantic moments. i can't believe that 2 small sentences on a couch or the hero taking a step closer to the heroine (they're not even touching!) could twist my insides that hard lol


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Maybe this writer should team up with another writer for her upcoming drama. She is clearly great at poignant, sincere romantic moments, but not so good at others. It will be a good practice for kdrama in general to have a writer team handle one drama, instead of just one person responsible for it.


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Though I wonder how much of it is her writing and how much are their improvisations. Even without leads, other emotional moments also do land well even though they are rare. For example, Bong Ki and her dad talking about Bong Soon.

I guess she should just stop writing comedy.


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Oh man, yes! The "one step closer" scene was really memorable for me, and probably one of the best "confession" scenes I've watched. She's just good at this whole romance thing, but errr not so much at the other aspects.


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YES! And I would add the - 'Please love me' couch scene to my most memorable. That coming right after their fight and with her losing powers, it was so raw and vulnerable.


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Yes. She should just stick to rom com and not try to dabble in thriller and slapstick comedy at the same time. A better thought out plot and character development should have been higher on her priority list than trying to squeeze in another cheesy or slapstick moment.

Because you are so right when it was good it was so good but then I got jolted out of the feels so many times by random scenes (gangsters I'm looking at you!) that it actually made me love the show just that bit less. But I think it boils down to her amazing luck at getting the Park-Park couple. Lesser actors would have seen the show a complete flop, because we wouldn't have gotten those amazing charged moments bursting with chemistry. And then what would we have been left with? Sadly not much.


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I have never been in love with such a flawed problematic show. And am so sad to let it go! Despite all its problems, it has been such a break for me every week. It has put a big smile on my face as I squeed along with our leads.

I have to appreciate PBY and PHS for taking on the role with so much commitment and sticking to it loyally till end. They gave their best and made it so much better than the writing. I really hope they are back soon with new projects on own or together! And both of them deserve grittier and meatier roles next time - that lets them stretch their limits and grow as actors.

Thank you Show. Goodbye! :(


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The writer read the viewers comments of making a full fluffy episode for the puppy couples only, so our wishes came true in the last episode, with wedding and the twins we had a nice finale, we couldn't ask for more!


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they are too cute to let go. can I haz a screensaver?


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I cried so much!
This was such a good final episode. Don't wanna say more right now, because I'm still hung up on it :'(
Anyeong Min-Bong <3


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Park Hyung Sik break out drama.


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kudos to PHS and the writer for making minhyuk such an iconic character. there are so many unique things to remember him by- the trademark swag pose, the fashion, the melty gazes, the flailing lol

i'm still really curious whether the swag was written in or was it another of PHS ad-libs (like the Do Inteernn opera. i died when i found out it was ad-libbed. he's as weird as minhyuk).

i hope some kind beanies who has the chance to meet him will ask him this for me XD


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Me too!! When I found out it was ad-libbed I died. Maybe it's because of his experience in musicals but literally how did he think of doing that? I wonder if the finger snaps are also ad-libbed? Because BS did it once in the last episode too. He's such a adorable weirdo even IRL, I bet.

He's actually coming to my country for a fanmeet and I really, really wish I could meet him but I doubt I would be able to win tickets... plus errr my beginner level Korean wouldn't quite cut it. I might be too busy swooning!


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Did you notice that PHS actually slipped and almost fell when MH and BS were happily leaving work at night, under the loving watch on Secretary and Dong-pyung??!
I laughed so hard and rewatched that several times!


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I noticed! I was like woah woah what happened there? Like it seems completely impossible to ad-lib a slip, so I wonder if it just so happened that way and they just decided to use the scene!


Yes, Min-hyuk was quite a memorable character and I suspect the actor had something to do with it. To start it off, Min-hyuk IS well-written. But PHS became so engrossed in his character and kept adding on the small minor details to his character. He's a method actor to the bone (yes, you heard that right - sorry to disappoint fellow PBY and PHS shippers).


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Yes I agree. I have to take some credit away from PD and the writer here since I believe most of the charm likely came from Hyung-shik and Bo-young's talent in acting. While their characters may have been written prior to handing Hyung-shik and Bo-young the wire frame, I believe the little details added by the two as each literally became their respective characters were what made them so special. I actually believe that that is likely the reason the PD/writer heavily marketed the last few episodes to fans of the OTP, because their talent had made the show so unexpectedly famous. Kudos to the actors man. Such a huge fan of the two of them now.


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That's so cool that he adlibbed the singing part. Could you please share where you heard about that? Thanks :).


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If I remember correctly it was in this video:


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Thanks so much :)!


It would not be a Bong Soon wedding without Min Min being the one carried bridal style. Bong Soon's underlings weren't at the wedding. Hopefully busy not cutting class for once.

Haha I got my wish but even I wouldn't have wished for them to have two little monsters...I mean angels.


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The drama wasn't perfect, but goodness did it make me laugh! I'm going to be sad not to have Bong Bong and Min Min to look forward to every week from now on .


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I love this drama. Yeah, I'm agree that this drama may be not a perfect one, but I think the refreshing story plus the main couple's charm cover everything.
Is it only that I am lost about Minhyuk's family in the end?
Just like Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, I also think I am attached to the main couple. Bong-bong and Min-min lovey dovey is so cute. OTP. And this drama is so refreshing.
Park Hyung sik and Park Bo Young (Park-park) chemistry is amazing. Will miss them.


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Nooo I missed Min-hyuk's family in the end as well. I was really hoping for some resolution with his abeoji, since they heavily emphasized Min-hyuk's upbringing and the impact of his family's presence in the beginning of the show. Why showw whyy??!


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Agree with you. We want to see at least he's getting along well with his father.


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It runs in the family! BS's mom had twins too.


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I had to watch MH getting punched in the eye over and over again by his princess. LOL!!!!


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i wonder what he'll say about the shiner if he has to attend a meeting the next day lmao.. "the vacuum cleaner attacked me"? XDD


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*Cue confusing glances from his employees "The CEO personally vacuum-cleaned his house?"


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Thanks for the recap DB.
Surely, I will miss this couple, Min Min and Bong Bong so adorable together. It's so long that I'm not laughing this hard just watching a show. I fall in love with how Min Min and Bong Bong looking each other, like there is a warmth air that flow in my heart.
looking PHS in this drama make me so happy. I'd watch all of PHS's drama and glad that he grow to be better in every character that he play, from small character until he can land this lead role. He really deserve this popularity. And of course PBY always slay in any character, that is her charm, and I really like PBY.


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Despite the weird and weak story line of the crime and the police, I love this drama for its cuteness and giggles. I'm happily death by giggle, until the end. Poor Min Min with eye bruised whined over the phone to his wife is simply cute... ? Thanks for the recap CandidClown!


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I enjoyed MH's whining over the phone too. I never imagined the day when MH would be at his wits' end, given how clever he is.


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This was a great ending and I really enjoyed it. The story wasn't always perfect, I still don't get why did we have to have the gangsters, but when cute it was REALLY VERY CUTE!

Thank you for all the recaps.


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PBY and PHS OTP chemistry completely saved this drama from being a hot mess. Every scene that did not have them in it was sooo unfunny. They should have gotten rid of the gangsters and highschoolers and spent more time fleshing out the main villain.

Chalk another drama for Jisoo not getting the girl. Better luck next time dude.


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I am also disappointed the writer didn't manage to flesh out the story behind the villain. The villain became more interesting as the story progressed (kudos to the actor's skills), but unfortunately, the script did not go beyond the two dimensionality of the character.


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Gosh!!! When will we find another otp as cute as them?? It is not a perfect drama but the otp made up for it. I love how MH told dad that his days are Long without BS and even longer at night. Lol I would have loved some trajectory about his family, they weren't even present for his wedding!!! Instead too much fillers from the gangster and monks and kiddos. I'll miss Min Min and Bong Bong. Can they get together for real ?!!!!! I love that they sat together watching the last episode in the wrap up party. And even hugged !!! And his possessiveness when they were cutting the cake. Jisoo was the 3rd wheel even in real life.


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Poor Ji-soo. And I thought at first Park Bo-young was the third wheel between those two guys.


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Quite happy about how the show wrapped up. We got some good fanservice and they allowed us to see their wedding and their twins :)
Btw, am I the only one that found a huge resemblance between Park Hyung Sik and Lee Jong Suk when he styled his hair differently for the wedding?

All in all, the couple cuteness and PHS were the only things worth a watch for me. I will look forward PHS' next project. I'm missing already his cuteness and his beautiful eyes. ❤️


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I had Hyung-shik's resemblance to Jong-suk cross my mind when I pondered about how pretty they both are. They are both a) prettier than most girls, and b) prettier than most of earth's population. So yea, I see the resemblance!


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This is actually the first time my heart doesn't ache for Ji Soo as a second lead. Bong Bong and Min Min make such a good pairing, so so cute!


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Gook Doo's scenes slayed me. TT___TT His confession scene with Bong Soon about his past remark was bittersweet. He looked so emotional. But I didn't tear up until his moment with Min Hyuk when he roughly informed him about Bong Soon's allergies and likes/dislikes, etc. ;-; The other time I teared up was Bong Soon's time with her father. It felt like he was letting her go be independent like a bird leaving the nest.
Overall, the finale was pretty good. It did not show any scenes about Min Hyuk's family, but whatever. They were included in the first half of the show and then ignored for the rest of the duration. I preferred seeing more of Bong Soon's family anyway.
Bong Soon's and Min Hyuk's romance was the best part of this drama. I wish the writing had been better and I was kinda dreading the finale, but the final two episodes were enjoyable. I'm glad I watched this show overall. The lead couple and their romance was a good enough incentive.


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Great episode. I laughed so much near the end. The wedding photos were hiliarious but the twin daughters take the cake. Poor Min-min has to suffer twice of what his father-in-law had LOL. Well... lets look at the bright side, at least it wasn't triplet daughters. Imagine 3 babies coming out of the tiny Bong-soon >_<


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I loved the fluff of the last episode but maybe it was even too much. Poor Min Min ending up with a black eye. I would have preferred to see mom & dad helping out with the babies as they already had experience in it. Using the gangsters was just too much.
I think it was a pity that Bong Bong lost her dream job. Would have been nice if she could have managed to do both and saving the world just on the side instead of going to look for things to do and people to save. Will miss this couple. It was a refreshing drama with finally some kickass woman in it and with the guys not as main characters. I also loved the fact that Min Min was the first to fall in love and that he still supported Bong Bong in anything she did while he waited for her to love him back. All 3 main characters did an excellent job. Cannot wait to see what they will do next. Park Hyung Shik is really talented and I did love all his crazy antics (his Michael Jackson's poses when opening sliding doors were hilarious!)! Hope to see Ji Soo as a main character in his next project. Really want to see him take centre stage. Park Bo Young always super talented and lovely. Soooo cuteeee


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This drama made me squeal so high and I've squeezed all of my pillows to death. Ahn Min Hyuk's reactions to Bong-bong is me every episode! Gonna miss my babies every weekend.


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I could barely form a coherent sentence after this finale, partially because of the adorableness and partially because it can't be overrrrrrrrrrr. I don't think I've stopped sobbing since Saturday. This show had such a great, feel-good sendoff that I was crying happy tears throughout the entire thing - and I'm not a happy crier. While a part of me was sad that our main trio didn't stay a team past episode 15, I was so proud of who BS became throughout the course of the show. She didn't completely change and become a perfect person, but she recognized her strengths (literally and figuratively) and chose to follow that path. I actually liked that thread of letting go throughout the finale - BS didn't make it on the planning and development team, but she found something else to do that made her feel fulfilled. She and GD got closure on their not-so-onesided loves, and BK and HJ realized they weren't right for each other and moved on. I loved how realistic all of those little beats were. I'm gonna miss this show so much - now off to go cry some more and hopefully move on myself, haha.


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so now bongki's free to move on to kyungshim, my second OTP in this show lol


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I thought they would make such a cute couple too! I was happy with my two OTPs coming through in this finale - BS and MH, and JH and a prison cell lol.


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I am not sure why, but I find the conversation between BK and HJ to be quite touching and mature in an understated way. HJ was interested in BK, was brave enough to give it a shot, found they couldn't work out and decided to call it a day and move on. That's what life is all about, taking chances and moving on when they don't work out, not wallowing in self pity and thinking what could have been.


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Late comment but I can't help but agree. I feel like Hee Jee was bashed quite unnecessarily by the audience, when she was actually quite a real (true to life) and likeable girl.

Bong Soon and Min Hyuk were the comic book, fantasy couple, and Hee Jee and Bong Ki were the contrast - a take on real life relationships.


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I will really miss this series and loved the ending. I am sure to re-watch...more like binge-watch.

And I will look forward to other dramas Jang Mi-kwan will act on because you're right, he was really good for a role that didn't have much depth.


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