The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 2

Our goblin isn’t used to anyone getting an inside peek at his life, but suddenly there are humans and reapers invading his space left and right, forcing him to let people in whether he likes it or not. Those connections turn out to be pretty crucial, both in making me care about the story, and showing us the very human and hilarious side of the goblin—the one who’s 935, going on 20.


After declaring that she’s the goblin’s bride, high-schooler Eun-tak follows the goblin through a door… and ends up in Canada, where he’s just portal-jumped from Seoul. Goblin Kim Shin jumps and marvels at the human girl’s ability to follow him here.

She says that she’s made up her mind—if he’s got powers like this, she’s going to marry him. “I love you,” she announces with a giant grin.

He’s taken aback by the sudden declaration, and she teases that he’s putting on an act like he’s never heard those words before. She points out that he’s not actively turning her down. Shin tells her to stop it, but she’s having too much fun at his expense and decides they’re going sightseeing. “Think of it as our honeymoon,” she says as she leads the way.

Eun-tak runs through the streets like a kid in a candy store, zigzagging her way through shops and sights, making Shin dizzy and exasperated. She prods him to tell her that she’s acting very natural and not at all like a tourist, and he doesn’t bother replying.

Shin notices how happy she looks inside a store filled with Christmas decorations, but when she asks him to take her picture (showing him how to use a camera phone like he’s eighty, ha), he doesn’t even look at her as he snaps the picture.

Eun-tak loves the falling autumn leaves, and says that the ones on the ground are a red carpet laid out especially for her. She asks him about a strange street sign with elves on it, and he says that it’s a fairy-sighting district. Eun-tak tells the goblin that he must be very happy to meet a fairy like her, reminding him that she’s Tinkerbell. He tries to temper his scowl and ends up twitching.

She reaches up to try and catch a falling leaf, and starts to tell him that if you catch one on its way down… She turns around and bumps into him, standing there with his arm sticking straight up and a perfect little maple leaf in his hand.

Eun-tak tells him to throw it away, because if you catch a falling autumn leaf on its way down, your love with the person you’re walking with will come true. He accuses her of making that up just now, and she insists that it’s true, just like catching a cherry blossom leaf and making your first love come true.

He asks why she wants him to throw it away when she said she loved him earlier, and she asks again if he’s a goblin. He denies it and asks why she was trying to catch a leaf then, and she says she thought of herself as walking with that oppa over there. “Oppa?” he asks incredulously as he turns to see a handsome young man leaning against a tree.

Eun-tak snatches the leaf out of his hand and runs over to the handsome oppa, only to run back twice as fast, gasping, “Canadian ghost!” Shin just goes on his way, and she has to double back after him.

Eun-tak complains that Canadian ghosts are way scarier because they speak English, and then realizes they’re in a hotel lobby. She gives him the side-eye and says that he shouldn’t be bringing a high-schooler somewhere like this, and Shin comes back with a deadpan “You said you were going to marry me.” He tells her to wait in the lobby while he goes out for a while. She panics about being left alone, and guesses that he’s going to meet a lady friend.

Back in Seoul, the grim reaper meets with a reaper hoobae—also a man in black, with a black hat. He hands our Reaper a black file on a missing person and asks how something like this happens, since he’s never personally encountered a missing person before.

Reaper says that it’s the whim of the gods, which humans mistake for miracles, and what reapers call missing persons. He adds that his case is particularly complicated, since the missing person never had a name, and the hoobae reaper sighs sympathetically about the paperwork involved.

Hoobae reaper complains about reapers having to pay rent and eat when they’re hungry and sleep when they’re tired, finding it unfair. Just then, a woman enters the coffee shop and starts to argue loudly with a man, accusing him of hitting her with his car and trying to run. Reaper dons his hat and heads back to work.

He tells the man and woman that they’ve just died in a car accident, and takes them to his mystical tea shop, where he offers the woman tea that will let her forget everything in her past life. She asks if she has to drink it, not wanting to forget how much she hates this man, and Reaper advises her to: “Oblivion is a consideration from the gods.”

The man asks where his tea is, and Reaper says he should remember every bad thing he’s done, especially since this isn’t the first time someone’s died because of him. We rewind to the snowy night when Eun-tak’s mother was hit by a car when she was pregnant with her, and see that the hit-and-run driver was this man.

Reaper tells the man that he’ll come to regret this moment when he couldn’t drink the oblivion tea, and then he’ll remember why he couldn’t have it, and realize: “That there isn’t one moment you can turn back. And that you are already in hell.” Reaper describes the pain that he will endure, his body torn into shreds daily and nothing but regret on his mind, forever and ever. Satisfied at the man’s future in hell, the woman drinks her tea in one shot.

The man grovels on his knees, but the Reaper points up at the sky at the capricious gods, since it’s out of his hands. He says he knows one person who lives in hell with all of the memories of his past life intact. Reaper says that person probably begged for forgiveness countless times, as we cut to Shin standing in a cemetery in Canada. “But it was no use, because he still stands in the center of hell,” Reaper concludes.

Shin stands at the graves of the Yoo family members who have served him for nearly a thousand years. Shin narrates, “I have buried the young grandson of the grandson of the grandson who left Goryeo with me. There was a time when I thought of this life as a reward, but my life was a punishment. I have never forgotten a single death.”

We see that the young boy who left Goryeo with Shin, Geum-sun, survived the shipwreck (thank goodness), and that he grew up into a young man, and then grew old.

Shin also suffered immense agony from the sword that remained lodged in his heart, and despite his desperate attempts to pull it out and end his life, he could never remove it.

Back in the present, Shin puts flowers on Geum-sun’s grave and asks how he’s been. Shin says he’s been alive all this time, but hasn’t been at peace. The camera pans over to the headstone next to Geum-sun’s, a nameless grave which has a picture of Shin on it, for one of his past identities. Ugh, I can’t help but think it’s where he’d want to be buried when he dies.

Eun-tak waits in the hotel lobby, and finally decides to head outside. She walks up to a nearby park, and discovers Shin at the top of the hill. “I’ve found you,” she says to herself with a smile.

She doesn’t make her presence known, and remains at a distance watching Shin among the graves. She picks up a dandelion and blows the wisps in his direction, and they reach him all the way down the hill, though he doesn’t notice.

It isn’t until dusk that he gets up, and he’s surprised to find Eun-tak there. She notes that his grave is the only one with no name, and asks if he always has to leave the places he’s lived. She asks how many times he’s done so, and he says he’s never counted.

Eun-tak bows at Shin’s grave and introduces herself, addressing the Shin who “died” in 1801: “I’m going to be your bride in about two hundred years,” she declares cheerfully. Shin: “No you’re not.” Eun-tak: “I guess not.”

She says that ajusshi will still be handsome two hundred years later, though his personality is a little mean, and assures him that he “grows up well.” As they walk back, Eun-tak asks if he lived a long time here, and Shin says he’s left and come back, again and again, and that this was the first place he landed after leaving his hometown. She thinks it’s a pity that he didn’t buy the land that the hotel was built on because it could be his by now.

He stops to look at her, and she wonders if maybe the hotel really belongs to him, suddenly very eager to get on his good side. He asks if she isn’t late for school, and suddenly Eun-tak’s face goes pale as she asks what time it is in Seoul. At the thought of her homeroom teacher’s wrath, she whimpers, “Should I just live here? Illegal immigration is better than being tardy, right?”

He leads the way, and they step from nighttime in Quebec to daytime in Seoul. Eun-tak says she slept well, since it feels like it was all a dream. She knows it’s time to wake up now and asks for Shin to forgive her for anything she did in Canada, saying that she was just so excited.

At school, Eun-tak’s nasty teacher assumes that she isn’t bothering with her schoolwork because she can’t afford to go to college anyway. Eun-tak insists that she’s going to college, and the teacher reacts like she’s being defiant. Who certified you, lady?

At the bus stop that night, Eun-tak takes out her Quebec guidebook and flips through the pages wistfully, and pulls out the maple leaf that Shin caught.

She thinks of Shin as a radio DJ says, “When you’re coming home on a rainy night, what is it that becomes your umbrella? A voice that answers when you call, a memory of seeing the same thing at the same time, the first time you matched someone’s pace. Does someone come to mind? Yes, it’s that person. I’m sending you this first song.”

Shin returns home and orders Reaper to follow him for an urgent matter. Reaper warns that it’d better be really important, otherwise he’s dead, and Shin counters that this is a matter of life and death for him.

With that, he storms out the front door and exits into that garden with the buckwheat flowers. Reaper goes out the same front door… but ends up on the front stoop of the house. They both stand around waiting for the other in different spaces, and then Shin goes back the way he came and comes out of the house again.

Reaper finds the whole thing curious, and Shin mutters to himself that the kid managed to do a thing that the reaper couldn’t. Reaper gets competitive and demands to know who did what that he couldn’t do, and says they’ll do it again.

He presses himself up against Shin’s back, saying, “I’ll stick really close this time,” and Shin practically jumps out of his skin. Shin dismisses the reaper as nothing but a monster and tells him to get lost.

Shin’s “nephew” caretaker Deok-hwa arrives and asks Reaper if everything is going well in the house, and if it’s not too humid. He reaches out for a handshake, and Reaper leans away from him, making sure not to touch.

Deok-hwa wonders what to call him, since he can’t keep addressing him as New Tenant, and decides on Last Room Uncle, since he’s got the room at the end of the hall. He asks Last Room Uncle to do him a favor and lie to Grandpa about living here, because Deok-hwa knows he’ll be in trouble for renting out the house.

Eun-tak returns to the same door that led her through the portal, and pleads for Canada to still be on the other side. But it’s no longer a portal and she just ends up in the restroom, where fairy godmother Samshin Granny (still in her beautiful young lady guise) is washing up.

Eun-tak doesn’t recognize her, but Samshin Granny takes in her appearance and asks if she’s a senior, pretending that it’s the tired eyeballs and the uniform that were a giveaway. Granny hands Eun-tak a bag of spinach and tells her to share it with her family.

Eun-tak is met with more abuse when she gets home, and Aunt snaps at her to hurry up and cook them dinner. Eun-tak sighs at the empty fridge and remembers the spinach, so she rolls some kimbap.

Her cousin comes running out to tattle on Eun-tak when she discovers the Quebec guidebook in her bag, and Aunt whaps her over the head repeatedly with it, accusing Eun-tak of planning a getaway with Mom’s insurance payout. Eun-tak cries that it’s just a memento.

Aunt is distracted for a moment when one cousin goes to cut the kimbap and cuts her own finger instead, and then the other cousin takes a bite and immediately starts to choke. Aunt runs over to her kids, and Eun-tak grabs her guidebook and dinner before running out the door. She sits outside trying not to cry, alternating between mouthfuls of kimbap and wiping her tears away.

Shin lies awake in bed going over what he knows about Eun-tak—she has the ability to summon him and can follow him through portal doors, but she can’t see the sword in his chest.

He wonders what she is, and then suddenly remembers her “I love you” and says aloud in his formal old-timey speech, “Moreover, if she meant those words, it is most vexing.” His foot shakes and his teeth rattle, and he finally darts up in bed and declares that curiosity always defeats dignity. Ha.

He tosses dignity aside and shows up in the street where Eun-tak is pacing back and forth. He stammers that he’s very busy and acts like he’s totally put out that she summoned him here, and Eun-tak says she really didn’t summon him this time. Cue awkward silence.

He lies through his teeth that she called him here, and asks if she wasn’t thinking about him just now. He looks nervous as he waits for her answer, but she confirms that she was, and Shin runs with it.

Eun-tak asks if merely thinking of him will summon him too, and Shin mumbles that the rules aren’t really clear, but he’s very sensitive to these things. He asks the nature of her thoughts about him, and Eun-tak says that she thought she’d be happy living in Canada, and that made her think of him.

She says that he was wearing expensive clothes and might even own that hotel, but she’d wondered why he looked so sad. Shin doesn’t answer, and instead asks why she’s pacing around so late at night. Eun-tak says she’s waiting for her family to fall asleep. Shin walks with her for a while and says that he’s walking to digest his food, so she shouldn’t misunderstand. She points out that he’s said that three times already.

Across the street, Eun-tak’s mean-girl classmate sees them and texts her friend to say that Eun-tak is with a man in his thirties, who must be her sugar daddy. She gets ready to take a picture of them, when suddenly the car door she’s standing behind shoots open and knocks her off her feet. The girl is about to complain to the person inside the car… except there’s no person inside. Shin doesn’t even glance her way, and the girl runs crying home to mommy.

Eun-tak continues her job search, and walks inside yet another chicken shop (the help wanted sign at this one says they’re looking for “someone who will be like family”). She’s immediately struck by the beautiful woman sitting inside the empty restaurant—this is SUNNY (Yoo Inna), who tosses her hair expertly and then asks if Eun-tak wants chicken to-go.

Eun-tak says she’s here for the part-time job, and Sunny tells her to sit, though she says that she can’t remember the last time she’s had a customer. Sunny is a bit odd, only half-listening to Eun-tak and mostly sighing over and over about how she can’t remember the last time someone ordered a chicken or asked for more radish.

Sunny asks direct questions like, “Are you poor?” and when Eun-tak says she’s a senior in high school, Sunny just says it must be nice to be young. It’s like she has no linking logic between her thoughts, and Eun-tak can barely keep up with the changing conversation.

For no discernable reason, Sunny declares that today will be their Day One, and gives Eun-tak the job. Eun-tak leaps from her chair, overjoyed, while Sunny just sighs dispassionately over the lack of customers for the millionth time.

Eun-tak clutches her new nametag happily and thinks about Shin, calling out to him in her thoughts. She whirls around expecting him to show up, but he doesn’t, so she resorts to lighting a match and blowing it out.

Shin appears before her, steak on a fork, mouth hanging open mid-bite. She marvels at the expensive food he eats, and he asks if she can’t call and make appointments like a normal person, and think of him. He means for her to be considerate, but she changes the meaning and complains that thinking of him didn’t work this time.

Eun-tak adds that she’s interested in promising the future though, and says again, “I love you!” Shin bites into his steak and stomps off.

When Shin returns to the house waving his fork in the air, Reaper watches him warily and decides that he must be crazy. Reaper goes through a whole ritual to climb into bed that night, but it’s ruined anyway when Shin bursts into the room and frightens him.

Out of breath, Shin asks if this outfit is better than the one he was just wearing, and Reaper can’t tell that he changed clothes at all. Neither can I, pfft. Shin holds up a book and asks, completely straight-faced, “Does this book go with this outfit? She’s going to keep summoning me, and no matter when or where, I want to appear smart and flawless.” Hahahahaha. This is the best.

Reaper asks who this person is, but Shin just tells him to focus and imagine that it’ll be the outfit he wears to leave this house in, and suddenly Reaper perks up and gives him an enthusiastic two thumbs-up.

Shin moves on to modeling CD vs. record, wanting to know if it’s better to go with classical or k-pop. Reaper bursts his bubble by saying that kids listen to audio files nowadays. Shin doesn’t even get past the door with his giant paintings.

Shin creeps up onto Reaper’s bed and pulls back the sheet, marveling at how he sleeps like a dead person in a coffin. Reaper wails to be allowed to sleep, and then we fade to morning, when he wakes up with a granny sleeping cap on his head and a flower-print blanket. “I’m going to crush him,” Reaper grinds out.

Shin chuckles to himself, and Reaper comes out to collect his laundry. He grabs a pair of underwear and starts to sing the children’s song, “The goblin’s panties are strong. The goblin’s panties are smelly~”

Shin warns him peevishly to cut it out, but Reaper continues and wonders what you’d have to do to your panties for there to be a whole song about it. “Was it manly?” Reaper leans down to ask. Shin screams at him to stop it, and Reaper just pleasantly returns to folding his laundry.

Nephew Deok-hwa comes by to check on Uncle Shin on a stormy day, and finds him curled up in bed and looking so defeated. In a very dramatic tone, Shin reverts to his formal speech and tells Deok-hwa that it’s time for him to hear the truth about his family and Shin’s tragic fate. Shin tells him not to be surprised, and then takes a deep breath and says, “I am actually…”

“A goblin?” Deok-hwa interjects, stealing all of Shin’s thunder. Deok-hwa says he’s known since he was six, given the whole I-summon-you-gold thing (in traditional lore, a goblin has a magical stick that he uses to summon gold at will).

In flashback, we see Shin sitting before piles and piles of gold bars that he made appear. Little Deok-hwa knew then that Shin wasn’t his real uncle.

Back in the present, Deok-hwa says stuff like this is why he couldn’t possibly not know… and we cut to his view of Shin, floating in the air like a genie. Deok-hwa worries about him accidentally showing his magic in front of others, while Shin is focused on one thing: the fact that Deok-hwa has known he was a goblin since he was six, and has used banmal with him all this time.

Shin floats higher and higher, and lightning strikes in the sky. Suddenly scared, Deok-hwa tacks on a little jondae at the very end to appease his uncle.

At the chicken shop, Sunny is happy at the sudden rainstorm, given that there are no customers anyway, rain or shine. Eun-tak is downcast because she doesn’t have an umbrella, and Sunny offers her one of her many umbrellas, and tells her not to bother bringing it back.

Eun-tak lights up like she’s been given something precious and Sunny finds it odd, but that’s because she doesn’t know about Eun-tak’s horrible selfish umbrella-hogging family. Sunny heads out for a break and advises Eun-tak to play hooky while the boss is away, and Eun-tak looks positively smitten with her.

Sunny goes to get her fortune read by a shaman, who sighs that she’s an orphan with no luck, and warns her against a man in a black hat. Sunny just hopes that the man in the hat is very handsome.

Shin stops Reaper on his way out, and Reaper says he’s headed to the dry cleaners, indicating the “dry clean only” tag on his hat. Shin says, “I’ve felt this every time, but that hat is a very good plan… to look ridiculous in front of the dead for the last time.”

Reaper huffs but says the hat is how the dead recognize him, and also how he prevents the living from seeing him. Shin: “It’s a good thing the living can’t see you. It would be very embarrassing.” Lol, the hat jokes.

Shin is pleased at getting the last word, and then proceeds to sit there with his smartypants props, just waiting for Eun-tak to summon him.

Eun-tak puts a protective coating on her autumn leaf to give as a gift, and her friend calls it old-fashioned. She says it’s okay because she’s giving it to someone old, and when her friend asks if she has a boyfriend, Eun-tak calls it a thank-you gift for helping her get a job.

Eun-tak blows out a match and says that she has a present for ajusshi. But when she looks up, it’s not Shin, but Reaper who’s there to see her. She reaches up to her neck and says she forgot her scarf, just like the last time she saw him.

That’s confirmation enough for Reaper that she can see him, and he stands in her path and says it’s no use denying it. He notes that it took him ten years to find her because she moved (uh, can reapers not use the internet?), and she asks if she’s supposed to die when she’s only nineteen.

“People die at nine, and people die at ten. That’s death,” Reaper says. He can sense someone protecting her though, and asks who it is this time. They both look over, and Shin is standing there.

Eun-tak runs over to Shin in a panic, but instead of hiding behind him, she covers Shin’s eyes protectively and tells him not to meet the grim reaper’s eyes. He looks at her intently, and then lowers her hands and pulls her behind him.

Reaper asks what he’s doing, and Shin says he’s interfering in human life and death, which Reaper calls a big mistake. But before he can say that Eun-tak was supposed to die, lightning and thunder roar overhead, as if Shin is displaying his anger. Shin shoots him a thought telepathically, and warns Reaper to be careful, or else he’ll start to concern himself with Reaper’s life and death too.

Eun-tak suggests a quick getaway and tries to pull Shin along with her, only to bounce right back. Shin says that Reaper can’t take her, even if he’s been searching for her for a hundred years: “No reaper can take someone who said she’d marry a goblin, and before a goblin’s eyes at that.”

Eun-tak’s eyes widen, and she quickly tells the reaper that she’s the goblin’s bride. Sirens sound nearby and Reaper has to get to work, and suggests talking to both of them about this another time.

As soon as the reaper is gone, Eun-tak lets out a shaky breath and says she knew Shin was a goblin. He says he lied about it because he thought he’d never see her again. “Who knew you’d come inside my door, where no one has ever followed me in before?” he asks. We’re not talking about portals, are we?

He says that the truth wouldn’t have mattered because she’s not the goblin’s bride, and Eun-tak asks with tears in her eyes what she is then, when ghosts tell her she’s the goblin’s bride and reapers tell her she should be dead. “What am I?” she asks.

Shin says it’s not his concern and she gets angry at that and accuses him of lying because she’s not pretty enough to be his bride. But he says readily, “You’re pretty. I’ve lived over nine hundred years. I’m not looking for someone who’s pretty; I’m looking for someone to discover something about me.”

He says she should consider it a good thing, because if she had been the bride, she would’ve ended up resenting him a great deal. He says he’s telling her the truth now because he wants her to stop summoning him with false hope, and says that he’s leaving this place soon.

She starts to ask where he’s going, and then declares that she doesn’t care, and she never wanted to be his bride anyway, because she’s only nineteen and she’s not crazy. She starts to walk away and then turns back, but he’s already gone.

At home, Reaper asks if Shin is going to die at last, but Shin says it’ll regretfully have to wait, since Eun-tak can’t see the sword in his chest. Reaper points out that she might not see it yet, or that he might have to be naked first, though he seems concerned about the girl’s age. Then let’s not joke about the nakedness!

Reaper wonders why Shin is protecting the girl if she’s not the bride, and Shin just tells him to let her live since she’s already skated by. But Reaper’s not about to have a missing person on his watch, and says he can’t live with a goblin that’s messing with his work. Shin welcomes him to move out.

Eun-tak decides to read up on goblins, though the only place she can really do that is in children’s books. A little girl comes by to ask Eun-tak why a big unni like her is in the kids’ section, and Eun-tak calls it a background search on her boyfriend. “It’s like Facebook-stalking. You’ll do this when you’re older too,” she explains.

The little girl asks if her boyfriend is a knight on a white horse, and Eun-tak sighs that it’d be nice, scowling at the pictures of goblins on her books. She gets angry thinking about Shin’s words to her and decides that she doesn’t care anymore, and sticks her maple leaf in one of the books and leaves it at the bookstore.

But as soon as she’s gone, a hand reaches out for the book she left it in…

At home, Shin gets up in excitement when he smells smoke, thinking that Eun-tak has summoned him again. He stands up to prepare himself, but then nothing happens. He turns the corner to find Deok-hwa smoking, and he quickly puts out the cigarette and says that Uncle smoked and quit once too. Shin shouts that it was it was 350 years ago.

That night, Reaper comes out wearing a sleeping cap again, thanks to Shin, and asks Deok-hwa what’s going on in the house because it’s suddenly moist and cloudy inside. Ha, this must be what Deok-hwa was referring to with the humidity, because Shin is literally hanging out with a dark cloud hanging over him and glowing a fiery blue.

Deok-hwa asks Uncle to quit before it rains in here, and Reaper deduces that he’s thinking about a girl, most likely because of a marital spat. Deok-hwa is shocked to hear that Shin has a girl and that she’s nineteen, but his only concern seems to be whether she’s pretty. Shin gets mad at Reaper for blabbing in front of the kid and calls him a grim reaper in front of Deok-hwa, whose eyes widen in alarm.

Deok-hwa advises Shin to just man up and apologize if he hurt a girl’s feelings, and suggests showering her with gifts. Shin responds by tying him up on the stairs like a hostage.

Goblin and Reaper head out of the house at the same time, and Shin ends up tailing Reaper all the way to Eun-tak’s house. When Reaper says she isn’t home, Shin accuses him of killing her. Reaper gets wholly offended at the notion that reapers kill, while Shin says it’s also rude to enter people’s homes with your shoes on.

Reaper asks huffily if Shin told Eun-tak to move, and Shin says she moved on her own, satisfied that Reaper can’t find her now.

Eun-tak stays the night at the chicken shop, and comforts herself by saying that Aunt’s house was never her home anyway.

Suddenly remembering something, Eun-tak runs out to the street in search of the ghost that called her the goblin’s bride, and she asks how the ghost knew. She takes her to another ghost, who tells Eun-tak about the night that the goblin saved Eun-tak and her mother. She realizes then that she’d never have been born if it weren’t for Shin. Meanwhile Shin watches over her that night, but keeps his distance.

Eun-tak’s aunt goes charging into Sunny’s chicken shop (momentarily stunned by her beauty, ha) and demands to know where her precious niece is. Sunny doesn’t bat an eyelash at the rude aunt and calls her girlfriend in a fake accent and asks if “oppa” still beats up anyone, man or woman. Aunt goes running instantly, and Sunny’s friend asks if she’s gone nuts.

It turns out that the reason Aunt is so obsessed with Eun-tak’s bankbook and insurance payout is because she has loan sharks after her for debt, and when they hunt her down at home, Aunt swears that Eun-tak’s mom had a hefty insurance plan, but she just doesn’t know where Eun-tak is hiding the money.

The gangsters simply find out where Eun-tak goes to school, and haul her into their car, kicking and screaming.

Over dinner, Shin asks Reaper how he can afford twenty years’ rent on this house, and Reaper says he’s been collecting the money that loved ones leave to the dead for the last three hundred years. Shin thinks it’s quaint to save money, bragging that he has lots of gold, and Reaper sends Shin’s steak flying out the window. Shin laughs and says he just threw out a plate from the time of Louis XIV.

The fight escalates to the point that everything on the table is floating in the air above them, knife and fork hovering close to each of their heads.

The loan sharks rip through all of Eun-tak’s belongings in the car, in search of the bankbook. She notices the driver lighting a cigarette and leaps forward to blow out the flame, but she misses and the lighter falls to the floor.

The loan shark says that either Eun-tak or Aunt is lying and raises a hand to hit her, and when Eun-tak ducks for cover, the goblin’s mark on her neck starts to glow. Shin can sense something amiss and suddenly drops everything.

In the car, the loan shark tells Eun-tak to remember where that bankbook is, because she ought to know that taking a young girl into a remote area can only mean bad things. She screams and begs for help.

Suddenly the car comes to a screeching halt, and one by one the streetlights go out, surrounding them in darkness. And through the fog, two men appear in the street, strutting towards the car in slow-motion, perfectly backlit by a full moon.

Eun-tak looks up to see Shin and the grim reaper, walking side by side to come save her.


They came together! I mean, I’m obviously glad that Shin came to save Eun-tak, but I’m so much more excited by the fact that goblin and reaper came together. This is the start of a beautiful friendship, and so many buddy cop antics down the road. I can’t wait for Yoo Inna to get in on the hijinks either, because her character is so weird and perfect for the deadpan reaper. But it’s the goblin-reaper relationship I like most so far, because they’re so delightfully petty and childish, but with the power of gods and centuries of life under their belts. It’s also helpful that they’re not so familiar with each other, because it’s an easy way to learn about the two types of mythical beings if they’re testing each other’s limits and getting into pissing contests, over everything from underwear to Eun-tak’s life and death.

Storywise, it’s great to have reaper and goblin at odds over the bride, but it’ll be an even richer conflict if the reaper gets to know her as a person too, and stops seeing her as just unfinished business. The reaper’s presence also adds a nice bit of tension, because I find it curious that Eun-tak isn’t afraid of Shin at all, not even a little, but her reaction to Reaper is very different, and I liked what we saw when the three of them were together. It must just be a winning combination to have goblin and reaper together in any scene, because the three-way bromance with Deok-hwa is great too. I died laughing when the goblin’s brooding turned out to make actual clouds—this kind of metaphor made literal through the goblin’s supernatural powers is what I like most about the show, because it’s funny, but it’s built into the mythology, and isn’t just wordplay.

I’m really glad that the mythology feels rich and full, because I tend to find many of Kim Eun-sook’s dramas written purely around the one glory moment (as in the heroic entrance through the fog, which we’ve seen from her before). But goblins and gods and reapers make for a world with instant life-and-death stakes from the start, and I’m captivated by the lonely lives of these immortals who are stunted by very human emotions. I like the idea that the drama is really about lonely immortals being less lonely with friends, and still having very human needs at the end of the day—everything from rent money, to food, to friendship, to love. The everyday humanness of their lives is what makes the characters endearing, despite their epic powers. You might be an almighty god who can smite thy enemy, but you still become a neurotic little boy in front of a girl who piques your curiosity, and you still seek fashion advice from your roommate for what to wear when she calls. I thought you were cool, goblin, but now that I know you’re not, I think I might love you.


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Is the drama will be 1 hour and half every week or just for this week?


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My guess is that it was just specially long for the first two eps/premiere week bc they released news articles abt it telling us abt the 90 min eps beforehand and now the rest of the eps are gonna be shorter than that


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I will comment and then ignore it. Can someone- some of you must like home designs- tell me why we need the whole lot of candles jammed up together on a suspended railing. Like do I have to google a medieval hall to see why?
And where in Seoul did they find such a house with such high ceilings and an European look?


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It seems like an impractical modernised version of a medieval chandelier. Probably a prop to make the scene look more mysterious and grand.


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After observing the ceiling in closer design, I realised the candles are there to accentuate the ribbed ceiling. Take a closer look at the scene when the two of them are eating before they did that power walk down the road.


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Lol, power walk! ?????


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It's obviously a set made for the show.@ck10z
* I'm really having hard time waiting for a week to watch the next episode. Damn this hasn't happened in a long time. I've been goblin-fied.


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Yeah you and me both idk what to do other than go on w my life and patiently await the next eps


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I plan to come back here and read comments as they come up while I wait for next eps. And watch other dramas airing, of course.


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Ha, that's exactly what I've been doing. ?


I've never liked any of Kim Eun-sook's dramas but I'm cautiously optimistic about this show.


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I tend to like KES' shows that most people dislike (SG, Heirs--mostly because it got a lot of negative comments lol) but hate her overhyped productions (DOTS). I actually wasn't going to watch this even if I liked all the cast and super adore KGE, but I thought I'd give it a try since my expectations weren't that high to begin with (and because I found KGE to be super cute in the 6-min long teaser).

My only concern at this point is Eun-tak's character development. Because that has always been this writer's weakness (well aside from the thin plot and those cheesy "moments"). Her male characters have always been likeable but her female characters turn into these weepy, annoying teenagers after the first half. Really hoping that isn't the case this time *crosses fingers*


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Maybe... MAYBE.. because Eun-tak is an actual teenager in this one, the opposite will happen and she will show growth and maturity in the second half.

Am I being too optimistic here? Ha.


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Mindy, from your lips to the drama gods' ears lol ?


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my speculations from the episodes and the trailers so far -

sunny is the queen's reincarnation & the grim reaper is the king !


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Uh... oh... never expecting that. But indeed I have speculation about Sunny and the Queen (recall the trailer when the Reaper met Sunny, I remember it's the jade ring -the Queen's ring- that Sunny hold)...


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Fell in love with the first episode, and the second one just drew me in hook, line and sinker! I've missed Gong Yoo and it's certainly good to see a bromance between him and Lee Dong-Wook. And to top it all off, Yoo In-na <3


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Been reading recaps since 07 but it has been a while since i made a comment here. I think KGE is doing well as ET....but not too sold on the chemistry yet. But she is acting with Gong Yoo, he can make me believe he is in love with air if he wanted to


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But she is acting with Gong Yoo, he can make me believe he is in love with air if he wanted to --- AMEN! Haha.


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Oh that last line! ???


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Why did the Goblin settle in Quebec (east side of Canada) when British Columbia (west) is nearer to Goryeo? So he and the little boy traveled to Quebec by land?


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Given how long ago it is that Shin arrived in Quebec, and the fact that present-day Grandfather is making arrangements for him to move to Nice for 20 years, I'd bet that he first went to North America via France... to what was then the colony of New France. He would have sailed up the Saint Lawrence River. Quebec City was established in 1608, but travel overland from the West Coast wouldn't have been feasible back then with the Rockies in the way. Vancouver, British Columbia, wasn't incorporated until 1886 and the extension of the Canadian Pacific Railway... way too late for Shin to arrive, much less be interred in Quebec in 1801.

My money is that they traveled by merchant ship from Korea to Cathay to Europe, and/or overland via the Silk Road. Or did Shin and his servant use a portal?

Actually, I can't grok the dates. If Shin is 935 years old, the opening scene took place ca. 1081AD. That's prior to the First Crusade, and more than half a millennium before Quebec was founded. I mention the Crusades because it was medieval Western European exposure to Asiatic spices and other trade goods during those conflicts that later prompted voyages of exploration that "discovered" the Americas.

Even if the Yu family all live to be centenarians, how does the original grandson, Yu Geum Sun, live long enough to land in New France?! Does extended contact with a friendly goblin confer long life?

PS -- Re: Shin's 1801 tombstone in Quebec with the oval porcelain portrait. I seriously doubt such portraits existed back then, but if they did, they would have been hand-painted, not photographic, as photography was still in its infancy. One of my friends is in the family monument business, and I've seen samples of the oval portraits at her office.

Otherwise, the prop tombstones in Quebec look pretty realistic for the time period, compared to real ones I've researched for my ancestors in Maritime Canada circa a couple of decades later.


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Wow you are well-versed in geography.


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Thanks. World history and geography were two of my favorite subjects. I know just enough about both of them to get myself in trouble, so I have to look up the dates. Genealogy combines the two in a very personal way. ;-)


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Wow thanks for your insight. Makes sense that way.

Umm can you share your input about the Quebec graves? Is it normal in Quebec to have random graves on a hilly area wherein a lot of people regularly hang out? Or are the graves visible only to the Goblin, ET, spirits, etc?

I find it weird when ET saw the Goblin by the hill, there was suddenly a lot of people around, a couple was even kissing. Like jeez how can they even think of kissing when there are like 5-6 graves a few metres away O_o

The Goblin is lucky that the graves haven't been vandalized over the years, or dug up to make way for commercial establishments.


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he could have relocated graves u know?


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Here is my take on what happened BTS:

* the director did not want to shoot the scene in a graveyard (too dark, too sad for the atmosphere he was going for)
* the prop department was happy that they only had to create a couple of gravestones
* the hillside is part of a public area or park and the director kept it that way because he wanted a romantic background - having the Canadian extras kissing and dating


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Hi, looks like production used a memorial park:

There was quotage that implied Shin owns the nearby hotel, maybe the park is under his protection too., in his verse, lol.. xD


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The "where" & "how" of his locations can be explained away by his door-portal ability. The "when" is the stumper. Time travel??? A few centuries of him & his servants living somewhere else before he moved to Canada? A huge promotion by Canada/Quebec that persuaded the show runners to just go there anyway and hope nobody complained about troublesome stuff like history & logic???


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I thought he could not teleport with someone else in tow (even the grim reaper can't follow him).


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Maybe he can bring them if he wants, and he was surprised because he didn't bring ET and she just came anyway? That would explain some things... but then why were they on a ship in the first episode? Did he not know he could teleport yet? lol


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Omg what have I done now I'm dreaming of a montage where Shin is a brand-new deity and getting used to his powers and accidentally doing magical things and surprising himself. Someone pls give this to me drama gods *blows frantically on 10 candles*


LOL @Hella omg #waant too!! Shin learning hs new guardian powers..


Just curious, if the streetlights all turned off, how come there are backlight behind those two when they walking towards the car.

Did I miss something?


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from carlights


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Goblin magic?


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The car still has its headlights on.


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But aren't they walking toward the car?


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Yes, right into the path of the headlights, I believe.


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a. Goblin's property to enhance that dramatic walking entrance (I mean, he can pull out sword and gold, so, having that backlight following his back won't be a problem)
b. Another car's light. Perhaps it's on its way to grab some subway?


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I actually rewatched the episodes because I couldn't get the show off my mind. How am I supposed to wait 1 weekk for the next episode TT

The production team has been raving about the chemistry between lee dongwook and yoo inna so much I can't wait to see their scenes!!


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Since Eun tak is a high schooler and the goblin in his 30s
there will be no kissing ? I heard korean audiences are conservative about this sort of thing.

Thats why they should have made her older so that we could get full skinship including the nekkid bit


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No kissing rule works when actress is underage. In this case KGE is 25 so I don't think there would be a problem


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Lol, even the nekkid bits!? Haha, now THAT'S really stretching it! ?? I mean, I know the Grim Reaper brought it up, but hehe, that's too scandalous~! But no worries, whether or not they do a time jump (pls do it!), I'm sure we'll get more skinship.


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This is tvN, a cable channel. Anything can happen.


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Will TvN become the HBO of Korea? Stay tuned...


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Thanks for the recap.

Please help.

When Lee Dong Wook deepens his voice it reminds me of another actor. I think it's someone famous who's been in a drama this year but I don't know who it is.

Can anyone tell me who it could be?


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KIM MYUNGMIN at least for me lol LOVE Kang Mae aka AnSeoNi!! ;P

* Beethoven Virus & King of Dramas <3


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What a rich, beautifully shot and produced drama. Love the fantasy element. Manga comes to life. Dark and romantic. Love this. Next week can't come soon enough.


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I think I'm going to have my heart ripped out by the goblin's melancholy love, I can just feel it! And how much do I love the Goblin-Reaper relationship <3

But I still have the question on why do Ji Eun Tak has to be a high-schooler? To execute innocence and purity? Hmm. I wanna get fully on board of the ship so bad!


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Yeah, there will have to be a time jump soon if there's to be any romance that isn't creepy.

Oooo, what if she has to be older, or "of age," in order to see the sword? Swords have always been those phallic extensions of masculinity in historical dramas, so maybe she's still too innocent and pure to see such horrific things yet. (Even though she sees ghosts all the time).


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Yes, I definitely think she has to "grow" to be able to see the sword. I think it will happen only towards the end, as in a climactic moment when something epic happens.

They'd probably have to go through a wedding ritual, consummate their marriage for that one night only, then and only then can the sword be pulled out. He dies, at peace finally, and she lives on with his goblin baby.


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That's too bitter(sweet)! It's very likely, but I don't want him to leave her! I like to think that once the sword is pulled out of him, he'll just be a mortal again and live out the rest of his life happily with Eun-tak. This is not going to be easy, but I'm hopeful for a happy ending.


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See, that's what I always thought. He would meet his bride and then he'd stop being immortal, that is, he would grow old and die in the natural course of things. I certainly never thought it meant she would murder him on the spot. That would be weird and jarring and narratively unnecessary. Then again, with this writer, you never know.


Literally every time Gong Yoo smiles, I have to pause the video and squee. This is overwhelming.

And I was a bit wary about Eun Tak in the first episode, but somehow I really liked her in this one. Over the top and acting 'cute' she may be, but her desire for to somehow have purpose, in whatever way it matters somehow just struck a chord in me. I really hope she and YIA have a great friendship - in a different universe, I'd absolutely ship them.

Speaking of teaser, it looks like there will be a time-skip. Since they mentioned her age multiple times, do you think he'll come back when she's grown up a bit?


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It's very likely! A lot of people are suspecting/predicting a time skip based on the previews for episode 3, but my concern is that the storyline and characters were just introduced so it seems too early to be fast forwarding to the future before we address some issues, like her wicked aunt's family and her job at the chicken shop–she hasn't even settled in, yet and I'm not expecting her to be working there in 5-10+ years... unless she is? But then what about everything else? Are they just gonna skip over that and fill us in through flashbacks? Idk, I just can't imagine it yet, despite wanting an appropriate and significant time skip, as well.


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I was wondering about that too!Part of me doesn't want to see a time skip that conveniently gets rid of all the familial conflict AND leaves us without the wonderful cohabitation bromance between Reaper and Goblin. The other part of me hopes that there is a bit of a time skip so that ET matures a little and is more woman than girl. I'm curious to see what happens!


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Oh, the dilemma... We'll just have to wait and see, Julia! ???


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This is gorgeously shot but I don't think we need Sungjae'character and Kim go Eun's here,
sungjae seems to be not important and eun tak is not good at acting, it seems out of place


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Honestly though, don't you think it's too early to dismiss those 2 characters? You've only seen 2 episodes. Give it more time I suggest because this is a drama and the producers and the writers can't pack everything in in 2 days worth of broadcast.


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I admire ur level-headed response Camille. I was going make replies to one comment when I saw all the comments that person made and realised I would fall into the trap of getting provoked for no reason. I'm not particularly good at responding to confrontation in a level-headed manner. :D Ur better than me, kuddos. :D :D


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lmao leslie. good job. i have no problem with getting into arguments. in fact i enjoy them. its fun having ur points tested against other sides. but ur right, best ignore blatant aggression. lmao.


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Oh lol thanks. The commenter seems done with the characters though, what more can we do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol


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Couldn't agreee moreeeee


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ofc but they seems didn't worth much this 2 ep,
I would change my opinion when they become better but no, they didn't do much this 2 ep,

even when you removed them, the character's left still unique and interesting than them,


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There goes everything about plots, character development and camaraderie, angst and romance in the dramaworld....but okay, whatever floats your boat.


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I am LOVING this drama! Please, please let it keep the magic going past the first few episodes. Of course I'll watch Gong Yoo no matter what, but I'd love for the drama to retain the great chemistry and fun already set up here between Gong Yoo and Lee Dong-wook, as well as between Gong Yoo and Kim Go-eun.

As for the elf/troll crossing sign in the park in Canada: I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Weird, supernatural happenings taking place in that area over the years? Must be fairies, elves, trolls, or . . . goblins? :D

Currently watching two other dramas while starting Goblin. I would have thought Legend of the Blue Sea would be at the number one spot for me, but no. It's dropped to number three. Will Goblin surpass the incredibly charming weightlifting fairy Kim Bok-joo? I can't wait to watch more and find out!


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As for the elf/troll crossing sign in the park in Canada: I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Weird, supernatural happenings taking place in that area over the years? Must be fairies, elves, trolls, or . . . goblins?

Grim could really bust Shin's chops by installing a garden gnome and a couple of pink flamingos in the yard... as revenge for casting aspersions on his chapeau.


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OMF, pink flamingos in the yard? HAHAHAHA, that would be awesome. What else could be done to his garden?


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The elf sign reminds me of the angry owl warning signs in Oregon a while back



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This is purely speculation on my part, the fact that Eun-tak didn't see the sword (yet) possibly because she really isn't the bride. The mark on her neck could be a mark left by Shin because he saved her life when she was supposed to die, and interfered with her fate, so in that sense, he marked her as his when he gave her life. But the ghosts misunderstood this and thought Shin saved her because she was special and could be the bride he was looking for. Seeing that he saved her and has this connection with her through life/death, I think that's what caused her to be able to summon him and follow him through portals. I'm not ruling out that Eun-tak could really be the bride, but for now, I think she isn't it. The bride though, could be a person that Shin comes to love, instead of a destined person, and that maybe how Eun-tak will eventually come to be his bride.

Well, I'm just babbling what comes to mind. But I'm lovin' the bromance in this. Hope to see more of Lee Dong-wook and Gong Yoo petty fights!


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Good point! Instead of the belief that there's already someone out there who's destined to be his bride, his bride is really the one person that he truly falls in love with, all on his own accord and not by fate. Interesting!


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It would be a great plot twist if she really isn't the bride.


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That's what I think too, she can go through his doors because she has some of his power running in her blood, from the time he uses his power to save her.


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Anh! Long time no talk! How are you? Have you ever gone back to Moonlight's recap thread? If you do, and still misses Moonlight, join our Kakaotalk chat group! https://open.kakao.com/o/gxUBqgp


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I've been busy with real life lolz, but still tried to scneak in some dramatime plus I've read your fanfic for moonlight :) It was awesome.


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That would be an interesting plot point!


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I want the reaper to be his true savior.. an angel of death & a guardian of souls.. can love grow in such dark roots? xD


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Does anyone know the English song at the end (before "Stay With Me" played) when the goblin and grim reaper were slow-walking toward the car? Is it part of the OST?

The only song they've released is "Stay With Me," and that's not part of it. This is killing me!


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That part before the actual song starts is absolutely beautiful! I keep replaying those few seconds. Haven't found it yet, though. I'm hoping they release more songs soon.


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It's called "Never Far Away" and hasn't been released yet. Super excited for when it hits! It's definitely the "theme" for this series, it's the song that immediately reminds me of it.


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I will say that what I've found most effective in this drama is the use of the soundtrack. I'm a firm believer that a soundtrack can make or break a drama. In this, every song seems perfectly placed for dragging the most emotional reaction out of me. (And I'm obsessed with "Stay With Me.")

I shouldn't be surprised given the writer, because DoTS did the same thing, but, wow, I'm impressed and thoroughly hooked just based on that alone.

I also don't mind all the slo-mo. I think it adds to the cinematic quality (quote "epicness") of the drama. But then again I also loved all the slow-walks in DoTS.


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Great recap, thank you. I am a little confused. I has been established that the only one that can remove the sword is the Goblin's bride and, we even saw that flashback of Shin's struggle and failure at removing the sword from his chest, right? So, during that drunken Shin gold summoning flashback scene with little DH, how come the sword was not in his chest but, in his right hand (he was leaning on it)?


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Ooooohhhh good call and good eye but I think that may just have been another sword his special gold making sword ha

I just find it fascinating that there's a gigantic sword stuck in his body but we only see it when they want us to see it so like how is it invisible most of the time?


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That....is a really good point! Didn't even catch that! Maybe he had another one made to look like the one stuck in his chest?


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His sword is stuck in his soul. its material manifestation could be conjured up like during the ship wreck?


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Makes sense actually.


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Yup, seems legit to me. I noticed it but thought similarly to you.


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Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for putting it into words and explaining it, Diana! So sad for the Shin... ??


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I believe this is the case too. He can conjure up the physical sword at will, the first time was when he killed the eunuch, but he can never dislodge the figurative sword on his body. Conjuring up the sword is one of the perks of having a sword stuck to one's body


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I noticed that, too. It seems to me like he can remove the sword at random...there was a scene, I'm not sure in this episode or the previous one, where he was pulling on the sword in his darkened room and howling in agony, it was like he was trying to pull it out but couldn't, and yet there are other scenes where the sword magically appears in his hand, seemingly without any effort. Maybe he can pull it out, but he can never get rid of it, it goes back inside his body once the task is done?


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Really love the visuals and special effects of the drama and the bromance! Not feeling the chemistry yet between the two leads, but I feel this drama has lots of potential. Eager for next week to come


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Thanks, girlfriday!

Your recap and commentary help me understand and enjoy the fine points of the drama. It's great fun to see Gong Yoo and company. Looking forward to revelations of backstories...


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Show, you're my crack drama right now. You have my heart, please don't break it (*prays to the deities and hopes Gong Yoo comes instead)


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Should we all blow matches and pray to Gong Yoo to show up?


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they are so weird. the reaper, the goblin and now Sunny, she is such a daze.

if we are going for excess, it should be even more outrageously ridiculous and insane. gear up the weird and we are sailing


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Am I the only one who was curious about that goblin children's song?? Suddenly, I really want to hear the whole thing!!


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Girlfriday, where did you get the screenshot of ET and Goblin both reaching up for the maple leaf (Goblin is just about to catch it). It's main photo for this article. Did I miss that while watching the drama?? But I rematched that scene multiple times and didn't see it!

I think Moon Lovers has made me paranoid about dramas having different versions for international and Korea viewers...


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I was wondering what you're talking about because that scene was clearly in the episode and thought you meant you missed the entire maple leaves walk, but now I understand that you're talking about that specific screenshot above. I found the scene (https://youtu.be/yQMBmsrKBMA), but you're right, that particular screenshot isn't shown in the final cut. Instead, it cuts to both of them up close when he caught the leaf. Interesting... maybe girlfriday watched a slightly different version of the episode?


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So weird! Seriously can't find that one shot anywhere, not even in the teasers/trailers. Scratching my head.

Thanks for checking, Van!


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You're welcome, Julia! ? That's definitely an interesting find. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go rewatch some of my favorite moments. ??????


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Hey Julia, I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about different versions with this one (fingers crossed!). The screencap is from Eun-tak's flashback, when she's thinking about their Canada date at the bus stop.


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ermagerd gf reads comments???? this feels weird, like getting a visit from kim shin. goddess gf descends from recaps to bless comments section kind of feeling. lol.

I'm unfortunately watching 4 "versions" regardless. raw. viu subs. df subs. Viki subs. in that order. I'm thinking of dropping df subs though bc it's bad. more interpretation than translation. plus questionable business ethics. I'll see next week. :)


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ROFL sonia. Not too far off. Soompi called JB&GF superstars in their interview. And another interview called them gurus. Another called them guardians of the galaxy. So goddess fits. Hee.

I doubt she reads all comments. Probably just skims through them. For one there's too much, for another, she said in an interview she's actively avoiding reading other people's writing: http://kore.am/dramabeans-duo-spills-the-beans-on-k-dramas/


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And sonia, you're right to drop Dramafever's subs. I haven't watched that site but saw their clips floating around on instagram and their subs are sometimes way off and often incomplete.


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I don't think Dramafever subs are "way off" but I do agree the leave out lots of subtleties and details, probably for speed's sake.


Thanks, Girlfriday! I'm surprised I didn't catch that later in the episode. Just means I have an excuse to re-watch the episode...for the 4th time.

Thank you for the (always) awesome recaps!


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Ahhhhhh thanks for letting us know, girlfriday!


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I wonder if there will be an explanation about it later . In episode 1, we saw Shin pull out the sword and cut the boat. But in episode 2, he can't? o_O Thats what im confused about.


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thank you for the recap!! :)
I'm loving this drama so much!! :D I'm loving Goblin and Grim Reaper's interactions the most!! they are hillarious around each other being too childish and petty but they can can give me goosebumps when they are against each other: when Kim Shin instracted Grim Reaper to not come close Eun Tak or he'll start interfering in his life and death too!! that was a great moment!! and now they are teaming up to save Eun Tak!! Oh My!!! can't wait for to see more of their new bonding !! :D
I'm loving Eun Tak's character!! she's alway trying to look cheereful but she's just trying to live on hoping for the day she'll find and know the reason of her life and she's too happy and excited that she finally found it by finding the Goblin that she was always told that she's his bride!! I'm sure that her love diclaratons aren't really out of love but because she loves the idea that Kim Shin is there for her whenever she asked/needed him and that's something she never had and she can feel some happiness and feel safe around him and that's something she only felt around him!! we're still not in "I love you" phase in their relationship but it's a lovely start for both of them getting interested into each other and feeling new feelings they're experiancing for the 1st time!! I love the moment she run to Kim Shin to cover his eyes protectively so he won't make an eye contact with Grim Reaper out of fear for his safety instead of seaking his protection and that made me love her more and picked our Goblin's interest in her even more!! :D


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Without any real basis, except for the opening credits, I'm hoping/guessing Sunny is the reincaration of the queen (image of queen crying/dying followed immediately by YIA in opening credits). Literally this has no basis but a girl can dream lol!!!


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I think the same but all because the Queen ring, in a scene between Sunny and reaper she has the ring, which is the same but wil need to see ep1 again but I think the same one that ET mother took from the old lady, if it is how it end it with Sunny?

Wonder who is the old/young lady really is in the world of goblin and reapers.


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I do believe that the old/young lady was explained earlier in a recap. She's supposed to be Samshin Halmoni, a bit like a fairy godmother in korean folklore. I'm really enjoying her character and fingers crossed for more screentime and random vegetables!


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I thought that the chicken shop was going to be called "Pure Sexy?" I suppose that changed upon entry of Olive Chicken as a sponsor?

I really like Yoo In Na's character in this so far! She was much more quirky, cool, and funny than I expected.

And how about the hat=mockery? That made me smile so much after seeing people rip the hat to shreds (figuratively) in the Reaper's trailer post's comment.

I'm loving how this drama can be so epic, sombre, and serious, but also self-aware and comical at the right moments. <3 the antics.

Loved that final scene!


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Ikr? I did a double take when I saw "Olive Chicken," but it is what it is. I'm just glad the ppl isn't getting out of hand, and is trying hard (and mostly succeeding) to be subtle. I really appreciate that. "Pure and Sexy Chicken" or whatever would've been hilarious, though, and would've probably garnered more customers.

That final scene was EPIC. Love love love it!


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Oh also, I remember Sunny claiming that green ring from Shin's bride-to-be in a trailer. Could that be a cursed item/source of bad luck for her shop??? Perhaps the ring has to get to Eun Tak and then she can see the sword??? Perhaps he has to love her before she can see it???

So much intrigue!


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omega love little Deokhwa!! The child actor is just adorable! here snippet of him, he's plain hilarious and cute: (skip to 1:33)



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So cute <3 It's adorable that both that little boy and the adult actor said the same thing. <3 Probably on purpose. <3


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I finally caught up with these 2 episodes and I am in love. I had high hopes for this new drama and I am so happy that it is even more interesting than what I thought.
All 4 characters seem interesting and the conflict reaper-giblin is hilarious! I really like it. I have to say that at the moment Goblin met and exceeded my expectations...way better than LOTBS.


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I see huge difference when reading the comments here and dramacool . It seems that most of the comments in dramabeans is like when I was in college when we are analyzing a certain play, story or a poetry in my literature class. That every character, scene, dialogue, music and all angles are being scrutinize under a microscope!

Some are even saying that the main lead is so giddy, too cheerful and talkative! For the love of God she is 18, same reaction I will have if I'm 18 in the presence of a handsome man, that will make me so wacky not knowing what to do what to say reaction!

My sister keep on telling me not to read the comments here because it takes a way the joy of watching the show! But I still do find it fascinating and mind bugling
some of the comments, feel like reading from a magazine or paper review. Must be some intellectuals, and smart people to discern and figure out things that I can't notice nor see!Really impressed my only beef is where is the enjoyment if you are only noticing the flaws! For me this drama far exceed my expectations! I'm having a ball watching it! Discovering Korean Drama has been a great stress reliever for me, my job is stressful enough! So be happy and be entertained !


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For every "intellectual" comment nitpicking a drama, you'll have another "intellectual" comment giving arguments to counter it. It's both the charm and curse of DB. lol.

Reading comments on here, my conclusion is, as much as one wants to be objective, or at least appear objective, personal feelings tends to cloud objectivity anyway. We're all pseudo-intellectuals discussing opinion at the end of the day. If we like it, we like it. If we dislike it, we dislike it. Arguments might budge our point of view a bit, but gut feeling plays a strong part how we perceive things. Our mindset going into the drama shapes how we perceive things so changing the mindset is key. In the end, it's human nature to rationalize our opinions, not to mention confirmation bias, etc. It's all opinions in the end, so the discussion can go on endlessly. It can both be fun if you're in the mood to engage, or draining if you just want light entertainment out of drama-watching.


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"pseudo-intellectuals" lol. I don't want to admit it but it's pretty much the truth. Like you said, we all form an opinion, then rationalize them to make arguments because, well they're opinions and taste. Haha. I think many on here are like me, people who just like feeling deep and thoughtful. Dramas are simple enough that we can build a mountain of thoughts on them, with people from different backgrounds being able to relate you know? Because dramas are so simple, the themes can be all-encompassing and it's easier to feel deep if you know what I mean. Writing essays is a good way to exercise the brain, but the themes are not rocket science so even if you're not the brightest bit, you can still participate in it. Granted, I'm so projecting here. I mean, I would be lost in a discussion about quantum field theory or Plato, but drama, love, heroes? The level is low enough I don't feel stupid discussing that and can pretend to feel intelligent and complex too. Haha. In our defense, overanalyzing is fun but I admit, not for everyone.


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To quote Dukhwa "Huuuuuul."

I didn't realize this is what I'm doing until you pointed it out, Neverland! Pfffft.

I knew there was a reason I was so addicted to this place. It's one of the few places where I can pretend to be more intelligent and complex than I am. Pffft. When I hang out with my brothers' friends (not often Thank God) I've got say I always feel stupid. They're from an elite school, you see (like top 5 or top 3 of the world elite -_-). Their discussion, mostly science or politics, tend to spiral into alien language within 20 minutes you see. Or at least alien language for me, it goes all over my head. >_<

When I go to youtube, I can't feel intelligent either because most people there don't even pretend to have intelligence. Now that I think about it, this place is the only place I know where both the topic in conversation - ie dramas - is simple enough and doesn't require knowledge or education except for life experience that smart or stupid people alike can feel comfortable and capable enough to discuss it in depth, and where people are willing to. The rare place where I can feel like I'm writing something smart because the subject is so easy. ^_^ That or feeling proud after solving elementary equations but dramas are much more fun imo. Pfffft. We all like to feel good about producing something intelligent and complex right? Even if it's just pretend? ^_^

Sure, there's things like comics too where you can make a mountain out of a molehill, but not my cup of tea. -_-"""


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Well, it's kind of obvious... it's why stuff like pop music, dramas, television shows, comic books, games, mangas are extremely popular and serious topics like maths, science and more bores most people to tears, as substantial as they are.
Anyone can discuss dramas. <3 But not anyone has the literacy to discuss philosophy, or the iq to understand maths concepts. Hell, even the simple topic of global warming is a concept too complex for a large chunk of the population to grasp and believe or whatever. XP
It's the reason why I love dramas so much. It's basic enough that we can all get behind them to share our life experiences. <3 History is boring. Maths is too complex. Physics is a puzzle. Biology is gibberish. Philosophy is all talk. But dramas, on the other hand, everyone can get behind and understand. It's not elite. <3 Although I wished sometimes people would at least be well-read about politics a bit. I mean, what happened to informing yourself politically being a civic duty? In my birth country, we took that principle seriously. But then again, to be informed politically, you need to be informed on everything else XP How can you discuss politics intelligently if you don't know squat about history, science, philosophy and ethics, etc. How can you decide whether or not some research budget is necessary if you don't know what the research is for? XD But I digress. XP What I wanted to say is basically this. There's a reason why Kim Kardashian has millions of followers and millions reading about her life, and the nobel prize winner in medicine barely has people know his name.


I actually appreciate most of the comments on here because of the college-like analyzing you mentioned. For the most part, it feels like a mature group of people getting together to discuss and share their opinions and feelings about the show, rather than just throwing out simple and oftentimes vain comments. I mean, that's fine too because ppl are entitled to their opinions, but I enjoy and appreciate the discussions we can all have with one another about the drama–specific scenes and moments, he characters, the OST, etc.

I'm part of the Eun-tak/Kim Go-eun Appreciation Club (let's make that an actual thing), so I'm thoroughly enjoying her character and thinks Kim Go-eun's at it again and owning her character so much. I don't agree with most of the criticism about her/her character. I just accept it as to each their own, shrug and move on.

I'd be much more peaceful to just watch the show and not read comments about it but I honestly love checking in on everyone's thoughts on the show/episode and see if anyone had the same reactions as me. If yes, I have another person to gush over my favorite parts with and if not, I wonder why and may ask questions. It's also nice when someone points something out that I could've missed and/or didn't understand when I watched it on my own, so yeah, that's also why I enjoy and appreciate either javabeans and/or girlfriday's short side comments in the recaps.

I'm so happy I have K-dramas in my life and honestly can't imagine my life without it.


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I agree with you completely. I'm in a field and in a milieu where practically no one else enjoys (or even knows about) K-dramas. But it makes my life so much better. Fortunately, my sister shares this passion.


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Where do I register to join the Kim Go-eun Appreciation Club? I want to be a gold star member. I love her lol


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I want to register tooo, can't imagine another eun tak besides kim go eun ??
I am totally biased here ?


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But the comments and the environment on DB actually make Drama-watching interesting and not just a mindless activity. I'd much rather read the insights on here than 100 of the same comments talking about how handsome oppa is or how beautiful unnie is like the comments on DramaFever. Part of a community centered on actually discussing a show is that you will find people who disagree with you, but that shouldn't take away from your enjoyment of the show. I think that websites like DB are good for strengthening your own opinions. Sometimes it's good to read opinions contrary to your own. It solidifies your own beliefs. You don't have to agree with anyone!


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hear hear!!


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Go Gong Yoo go!!! 2016 is certainly shaping up to be quite a year for him! I am honestly so excited about this drama and despite all my upcoming finals, I can not wait for next Friday to arrive. The bromance, the mood, the directing, the set locations and designs, pretty much everything has me very much hooked. Its always fun to read through the comments to see everyone's take on the episode and I myself find myself on the fence about Kim Go Eun. I do feel that she got the short end of the stick right now when it came to characters but I don't doubt that she'll be pulling out all of her acting chops when the inevitable angst hits and I will be preparing my tissues for when that happens. Right now I have noticed quite about of criticism towards her acting. I do admit it may be a bit cringey to some but Eun-tak is still just a teenage girl and even when you look at little Eun-tak with her mother, she was always a rather bright and bubbly girl. Currently, she has no other outlet to release her cheerfulness except with Shin, someone who understands all that she sees, someone that does care about her despite his protests, someone that is surprisingly her one source of reliability when it comes to showing up for her (if I could summon Gong Yoo with matches, let's just say my smoke alarm would be going off a lot). This is a girl who says that 'happiness' wasn't in her life's dictionary but finally experienced such happiness when encountering Canada for the first time, therefore I really do find her character quite consistent when she's bouncing off the walls (well, the streets of Quebec) and am really enjoying watching her interactions with our dorky goblin :)


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Funnily enough, I don't think she got the short end of the stick in terms of characterization. She has the most background story besides from Kim Shin. Her character is deep and complex, maybe more than all the others, Grim Reaper and Goblin included. Grim Reaper just wants his job done, and peace off-work. Goblin wants his curse off, and mourns the one he loss. She's the one who is both cheerful and sad at the same time. People were complaining about her character being typical but I've seen characters like Kim Shin or Grim Reaper in dramas before too. They don't actually scream new to me.


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That is a really fair point, I guess the folklore characters are always a bit alike every time they pop up in dramas. Eun-tak definitely does have a well developed background but it's not necessarily new that the main female lead experiences cheerfulness and sadness, case in point, lots of other Candy characters often go up and down due to their less fortunate backgrounds but go through life with their cheerful outlook. Nevertheless, I am really enjoying all the characters a great deal :)


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Oh, I meant that her dual sides expressed complexity comparatively to other characters. That part was a comment on complexity, separate from the originality point.

I agree that her personality is not particularly original (though I don't remember the last time I've seen a high school character like hers), but neither are the others. Kim Shin is the typical Darcy (or tsundere I think? ^_^) you see in dramas, and Grim Reaper, the straitlaced grump. ^_^"""

My point is 1. she hasn't done anything actually bad or particularly stupid given her circumstances 2. she's got relative complexity compared to others, both in background story and personality 3. her personality might not be original but neither are the others. 4. Conclusion: liking or not liking her is a matter of taste because you don't like her kind of personality, or voice or whatever, not really about the other things mentioned 1-3 ^_^


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A bit late to the comment game but here goes...

Lee Dong Wook was the only reason I started to check out the show - a remnant of My Girl days. Gong Yoo never attracted me before but I think he has aged well and in this show, his character is pretty adorable to boot.

The dark and light moments are balanced out well so far and I hope the show can carry the same tone throughout. For once, I don't mind the close-ups, these people are gorgeous!

Things to look forward to:

1) ET to put on a few years! The actress is good and they've put her at the tail-end of teenage years but it's bit of a stretch at times for her to portray younger. Maybe that's why some viewers are finding her teenage "vibe" a bit out of sync.

2) Grims and Sunny! I can't wait for them to meet, she is very cute. LDW is also getting better with age, I heart him! I think the reason Grims couldn't find ET for 10 years is because of his amnesia.

3) That pesky little goblin minder, hahaha....he's adorable. I hope he gets some "lessons" from sexy Grandma...hahaha.


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3) I agree. Loved your way of expressing it "that little pesky little goblin minder" <3 I love both versions. That little boy impressed me so much with his acting as the ancestor with maturity beyond his age, and the disdainful imp of a descendant. Two completely different roles. That kid is going far if he decides to be an adult actor too. And the adult version gets the best lines hands down. He doesn't appear much, but he has the funny lines in all his scenes. It cracks me up how he continues to use banmal to his "master" even after the goblin revelation. <3 His informal sorry "mian" after getting caught smoking had me chuckle. It's almost like he's acting like the hyung even though his "master" is centuries older. XD I'm going to check out the other dramas for those two actors after goblin for sure (I might need to learn their names first but details XP)


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Yook Sung-jae is the adult actor!!! He's a member of BTOB :) IIRC the only two dramas he has been in have been School 2015 and Village: Secret of Achiara.

I saw School 2015 and he was honestly the highlight of it. I'm not sure I would recommend the drama to everyone but if you like Sung-jae it would probably be worth it. He isn't the main lead (sadly) but he's just so charming! Kim So-hyun is in it, too, so it's worth it to watch it for her as well. If you like mysteries and school dramas you might enjoy it.


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Woops, he was also in Plus Nine Boys! Haven't seen that.


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I just rewatched the scene where the two grim reapers are talking and the younger one asks if he's seen the new recruit, the pretty one. Hmm, could that be the owner of the chicken place?


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Where do I sign up for Eun-tak/Kim Go Eun Appreciation Club? :)

For me, I relate to her character more.

She's young and alone. She's trying her best to survive without parents, friends, or any affection or support for that matter. Honestly, I find her brave and wise beyond her years.

I really felt for her when she was breaking down and questioning things with Shin. She has been suffering alone for 10 years, with only ghosts and loneliness for company. Ghosts who have been telling her that she's the Goblin's bride. I guess it gave her purpose. And somehow, before meeting Shin, she's already resigned to her fate as the odd one who is destined to be the Goblin's bride.

And here comes said Goblin. All handsome and rich and mysterious. All grumpy and stingy too. She experienced things she hasn't even dreamed of before. In her 19 yr old mind, she saw that life as the Goblin's bride doesn't suck at all. She can escape the misery that is her life now.

So when she got rejected, gosh the tears. It brought about all her insecurities. Ghosts say she's the Goblins bride, Grim Reaper says she should've died, Goblin says she's of no value to him. So what is she?

OMG. I just realized how deep I am in now for this drama.



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Idk, but I've just been handing out cyber red scarfs and bouquets of buckwheat flowers to new members, so welcome to the club! ??????

Your breakdown of her character is really spot on–I agree with everything you've said. We're in so deep, there's no way out, so let's just enjoy the ride! ?????


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Yaaassss! I got accepted! :D

Thanks @Van. Here's to giving our girl the boost she needs to deal with the mythology and paranormal matters with as much vigor and enthusiasm as she can.

And I look forward to more lovesick and hopefully possessive Goblin in the next episodes. There's something about lovesick divinities that is just SO. CUTE. hahaha


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HEE. ? You're very welcome and thank YOU for supporting the lovely Kim Go-eun. I'm so glad we have each other to support and appreciate the charming, charismatic, beautiful and talented actress. So yes, *CHEERS*!

Omg, based on the preview for ep 3, I think we're definitely gonna see more of the lovesick Goblin! Ahahaha. There were a couple of scenes of him just laying his head down on the table or leaning against the wall saying things like "idk where she is, she hasn't been summoning me." ?? He was SO CUTE waiting for her to call him and when she didn't, I was bummed right with him! He's such a softy and he's already smitten with her, omg. I don't blame him though–she's adorable. Gah, I can't wait to see more of them together! I just can't get enough. ??


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So happy this has a good plot. I was really worried because of the writer but so far am loving it. Plus it has a lot of actors I like - Gong Yoo, Kim Go Eun, Lee Dong Wook, Yoo In-Na (even the girl from Liar Game and the young lee bang won from SFD). The first 2 episodes lived up to my expectations for a fantasy story and were so beautiful to watch. This is the first hyped show I have enjoyed this year...hope it keeps getting better.

All I want for Christmas - less cheese and more meat for the story, chebal. I am scarred by the amount of cheese in DOTS.


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Hahaha +1

I never made it to the end of that drama. I'm glad that I like this one.


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Great 2 episodes! Can't wait for Friday!

Why do I feel that Granny is Fate?


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Ok, I have a couple of questions!
What is going to happen when the pride takes the sword out of his body?
Why does he want to take it even he knows that he's going to die?
Is he going to die right away or lives like a normal human and die when it's time for him to die?


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We don't know what will happen except for the oracle that everything will turn to ash, and that he will find peace.
He wants to die because death is solace to his torture. He is constantly tormented by all the crimes he did (the thousands of death he killed). A spiritual sword is lodged in his chest. But most of all, he witnessed the death of loved ones and never can forget about them. He witnessed all his loved one die from his human times. Then, the family of servants died one after the other for centuries while serving him. He saw them grow up from a child to an old man, and then died. He probably raised a few. It means he feels like a parent to them, or they at least feel like family. There's a saying that a parent should never witness their child dying. Imagine having to witness your family dying again and again, cursed to never forget their death and the pain.


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Thanks for the recap, GF!
Must be hard work finding the BEST Gong Yu screencaps.
You have to keep looking at every single frame to decide.

Nobody fills out a turtleneck like GY.

I loved the scene where ET got all handsy with Shin, and he didn't seem to mind at all.

And, KES, thank you for a story with a sweet and magic premise, a female lead that I like, some not-so-cheesy dialog and a lead male who is confident but not an ass. Was that so hard? I should expect to have one of the leads pulled back from the brink of death in the final eps, but I will not complain about that!


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I agree with all of your points! Especially about the leads. I love them both.


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Handsy? ? When did she get handsy with him? Hahaha. He's already softening up to her, though! What a nerdy little softy! He's awesome. And so is she.


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I love this show already! This show and B1A4's comeback are making me a happy bird this week. Yey!!!


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By the way, I may have missed it but in the "modern" period, are we supposed to be in 2016 yet, or earlier?


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Yes, we are in 2016. 1998 was when ET's mom got saved by Shin. Then there's the scene where ET's mom died on her 9th birthday, so that would be 2006/2007. The next jump was 10 years later and ET is 19, so 2016. ?


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I also like the rekationship between the goblin and the reaper. Even though the story might have a sad endibg i think I will watch this drama. Thanks for the recap.


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If there are >1 reaper, are there a bunch of goblins too??


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Goblin's got no game hahaha

I love this show. I've always liked Gong Yoo but this show made my liking blossom into full-on love. I'm surprised (but not put off, as I expected to be after reading comments) by Kim Go-eun's character. Is there going to be some sort of time jump? It seems to be a waste of a great actress if they're just going to ask her to do something that practically any idol could pull off.


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I'm in love!! The first episode caught my attention and made me curious about this group of misfits but this one made me fall in love with them and become invested in what will happen to them.


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I haven't read through all the comments, so I don't know if someone has already talked about this, but the Goblin's predicament is hurting my heart. I thoroughly enjoyed both episodes, but I've been emotional and weepy all day.

Imagine not being able to forget a single death. When they say 'forget' I assume they mean the ability find closure from or benefit from the passage of time and distance from the death. That means every person that the Shin ever loved who died is fresh in his mind as if it just happened. My grandfather passed away in 2011 and I still feel a pang in my heart sometimes. Some days I'm just sad and I don't quite remember why, and then it'll hit me in a gentle wave. But when it first happened, that wave was a tsunami. I can't imagine feeling the force of that emotion day after day, year after year, for 935 years.

No wonder he goes to visit their graves and sits with them for hours, lost in thought. No wonder he lives by himself, even though he clearly loves company. No wonder he shuts people out and tries his best not to meddle in human affairs. Humans die, and he's left behind to mourn.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry into my pillow again. The cruelty of it all...


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Stop, now you're making ME cry, too!!! :(

Stories like this are honestly my kryptonite. Well, I have many kryptonites when it comes to things that made me feel really emotional, haha, but there is something so cruelly sad about an immortal life. It just gets to me.

I used to be a HUGE Doctor Who fan and the whole idea of a centuries-old being who has to suffer through seeing loved ones die throughout their lifetime is quite similar in both of these shows.

For anyone else who has watched DW:

In fact, after watching these first two episodes and being reminded of Doctor Who in a way, I looked up how old Rose Tyler was when she met the Doctor and... she was 19! And yet people didn't seem to have an issue with it from what I can remember. Don't get me wrong--as much as I love the developing relationship between Shin and Eun-tak, her age and just how youthful she looks compared to him does make me a biiit uncomfortable. But I wonder why I and many other people didn't feel the same with the Doctor/Rose. Granted, Eun-tak is 19 in "Korean years" and internationally she's 18, but that's not a very big difference. Is it because she is still in school (albeit an about-to-graduate senior) and Rose was out of school? Hmmm.


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goodness sakes people making an issue whether she is 18 or 19 or 25, she would still be a baby compared to a 900-year old even when she turns 70 so what´s the bloody difference? I do wish the girl wasnt so hung up on what others say to her, she is almost an adult, it is up to her to decide what she is. she better find some sense of responsibility for her own life soon. I don´t give a fuss about her age, but I am annoyed that she acts more childish than her age.


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She's acting beyond her age though? I'm in my second year of med school and my peers and I are still not that confident about who we are or what we do in life. We have a path ready-drawn for us and it's still difficult to have certainty. We sure pretend to know, but we don't really. We still have trouble finding out what we truly want to do, or who we should be, without being affected by the words of others, from parents to family and acquaintances commenting on our lives and future. Shrugging off what others say is easier said than done. I'm not even sure I can shrug off internet comments sometimes. She's pretty confident for a teenager all things said. She didn't have anyone to instill that confidence in her growing up. No parents, no caring family, no teachers or friends. Just ghosts telling her she will be the goblin's bride.


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*waves* Hello, fellow DW fan!

Doctor/Rose is my forever OTP, & yeah, same age diff (at least with up to Ten/Rose): 900+ immortal timelord years & 19+ mortal human ones! Ehh, maybe not being a student ~did have smth to do with it.. hehe.

On a related note, I often pondered a theory that when Rose accidentally made Jack immortal, it affected both of them- her intentions being to save them both- but would only be noticed in an actual encounter with death.. & she'd been quite fortunate to not have any since, lol. Still can't over Jack's fate tho.. 5 MILLION years! Yowza!!


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I'm confused about the sword that's embedded in him: I notice he can wield it like a weapon when he wants to strike, like when he went on his revenge rampage after he was resurrected and during the scene in ep 1 where he cut the ship in half. So I was wondering what happens after he wields the sword? He sheaths it back in his body? He's walking around with that sword impaled inside his body, am I right?


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I think so and we'll have to go along with this haha. I guess he can use it but at the end of the day, it's stuck to his body and he can't remove it for the purpose of dying. It's probably on his chest the whole time and only he can see it and his bride (later on?).


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We came up on page 2 with the theory that the sword is spiritual stuck in him, but he can conjure its physical manifestation at will. Just a theory at this point.


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Omg, loving this drama so far! I esp. love the part whenever the Goblin and Grim Reaper appear together in their bickering scenes, so childish, so funny~~!! And when you add Sunjae, I mean, Deokhwa together, it's perfect!

I find it easier to stand Kim Go Eun in this drama than in Cheese. Maybe she's ok of an actress after all? Hmmm


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