Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 9

I’m so fascinated by the doppelganger mythology in Legend of the Blue Sea, and the more we learn about the connection between our two heroes, the more questions I have about the magic that binds them. What I wouldn’t give to spend an hour on Dam-ryung’s story, just to grill him for what he knows! Up until recently, I had assumed that time flowed from past to present linearly, but it’s starting to look more and more like that’s just half the story.



When Chung says she’ll leave and go back to where she came from, Joon-jae says he’s made a plan to like her. “So don’t go,” he says. She asks searchingly, “Don’t go?” He says it again so that she believes him, and a tear trickles down her face.

He reaches for her hand to take her home, when suddenly he doubles over in pain, his wounds from the fight with Dae-young finally catching up to him. He collapses right there in her arms, leaving Chung crying out his name in a panic.

As he lies there on the pavement, Joon-jae has a dream or some sort of vision: He walks into a dark room filled with mirrors, and endless reflections of himself stretch out in a row before him.

Then from the other side, his Joseon doppelganger Dam-ryung walks up, their reflections facing each other in parallel lines. Dam-ryung meets his eyes, and Joon-jae looks shocked as he stares back.

Dam-ryung is the first to speak: “Who are you?” Omo, are they… meeting each other in a dream? This is trippy. Joon-jae just asks him the same thing, and Dam-ryung answers, “I am Dam-ryung. If you are me in the next world, remember this after you wake from this dream: Everything is repeating. The connections made here continue there, as do the ill-fated connections. Protect her from the dangerous ones.”

Dam-ryung doesn’t get a chance to explain further before Joon-jae wakes up, surrounded by paramedics and a frightened Chung. He gets up and says that he’s okay now, and the relief washes over her visibly. She grabs him fiercely in a hug and it stuns him at first, but he hugs her back and says reassuringly that he’s okay.

They leave the river (phew, nothing good happens there!) and he asks if she’s still in pain from whatever was bothering her earlier. Once he hears that she’s fine now, he gets mad at her for threatening to leave at the drop of hat.

He tries to act cool as he asks where she would’ve gone: “To that civil servant?” he wonders, thinking of her merman friend. Chung says that he’s gone far away, and Joon-jae asks huffily, “Were you going to go far away with him? Did he ask you to eat ramyun far away?”

Chung clarifies that the merman wasn’t the one who cooked her ramyun, and Joon-jae only gets madder at that, thinking that there’s yet another man he has to contend with. He demands to know who Ramyun is, but she can’t very well tell him that Ramyun is pre-amnesia Joon-jae, so she clams up.

Joon-jae decides he’s going to do something about this and leads Chung to a nearby claw machine and instructs her to pick out a stuffed toy she likes. She picks the pink octopus, so he tells her that because she chose it, she can only go after that one.

He sticks a coin in the slot and lets her play, and Chung is disappointed when she nearly gets the octopus out but loses it at the last second. He points out that almost getting it out isn’t the same as having it, and that life is full of things that might or might not happen, but the deciding factor is whether she’ll give up on the pink octopus and leave it stranded in there forever. He’s really hung up on this metaphor, isn’t he?

He tells her to try again, but Chung loses a second time and decides that this game must be impossible. He takes it very personally and shouts, “If you chose it, then you can’t quit until you make it yours! Whether that’s the pink octopus or… anything!” LOL, are you the pink octopus?

She goes after the toy octopus with renewed determination, but the night wears on and Joon-jae eventually gets tired of waiting and calls it quits. She doesn’t want to give up, but he insists that this isn’t giving up—it’s taking a break. Chung happily quotes her favorite TV show sendoff: “Same time next time?” and he pets her on the head sweetly.

They finally get home and the boys are concerned about Joon-jae’s attack earlier that evening, but he tells them that he doesn’t know the man who attacked him. The glimpses of Dae-young’s face from both present and Joseon flash through his mind, and then he suddenly focuses his gaze on the TV, where the news is broadcasting another sighting of killer Ma Dae-young in the streets.

“It’s him,” Joon-jae says, and then next to him, Chung says matter-of-factly that he’s not wearing a hat today. He asks if she remembers him coming to the house on that rainy night, and she says she’s seen him once more after that too, when she was passing out flyers in the street.

Nam-doo gets goosebumps to hear that a killer has been stalking her, and Joon-jae flips his lid altogether, screaming, “If something like that happened, you should’ve said so! Are you stupid?!” Nam-doo jumps to her defense and Tae-oh glares.

Upstairs, Joon-jae paces back and forth wondering why Dae-young would be after Chung, and Nam-doo points out that Joon-jae is a target too. Joon-jae only fixates on his worry for her, and that’s when Dam-ryung’s words come back to him, to protect “her” from danger, without indicating who this woman is.

He hesitates and tells Nam-doo that he dreamt a strange dream where he’s in Joseon and wearing that jade bracelet, and he’s Dam-ryung. Nam-doo doesn’t take it seriously, figuring that Joon-jae’s dream is like the time he dreamt he was Lee Soon-shin after watching Roaring Currents. Heh. Joon-jae insists that this is different.

Nam-doo asks jokingly if he was looking into a past life, and Joon-jae answers seriously, “No, not a past life, but it felt like a different world, another me.” Nam-doo says he’s just having those dreams because he told him about the bracelet and the vase, and Joon-jae wonders if maybe that’s it. Nam-doo decides that it’s probably a good portent before a big job, and he wonders gleefully if robbing Jin-joo will be a big success.

Their target, Shi-ah’s sister-in-law Jin-joo, spends her evening calling up other moms in her daughter’s school to blackball Yoo-na, the little girl who got into a fight with her daughter. She asks husband Dong-shik why he hasn’t gotten anywhere with Chairman Heo, when she’s been devoting so much energy into buttering them up with food.

Jin-joo and Dong-shik are hoping to piggyback on one of Chairman Heo’s lucrative investments with their slush fund, and Jin-joo is a nervous wreck about getting caught before they can hide the fund away safely in an investment. Dong-shik agrees that they worked too hard to embezzle that money bit by bit to call it dirty money. I’m glad these two are played for comedy, because they’re ridiculous.

At Chairman Heo’s house, Stepmom is alarmed to see Dae-young outside her gate, dressed as a deliveryman. He says over the intercom that she needs to sign for something in person, so she goes outside to hand him a thick envelope full of money.

Dae-young says that Joon-jae isn’t an easy mark, calling him slippery, but Stepmom warns him that they’re running out of time because Chairman Dad is about to alter his will, and could leave everything to Joon-jae.

Her son Chi-hyun pulls up to the gate, cutting their conversation short, and Dae-young hands her a letter and goes on his way. Breezing over the moment, Stepmom links arms with Chi-hyun and leads him in.

He tests the waters, asking if she’s heard any news of Joon-jae, and she feigns total ignorance. Chi-hyun admits that he had a chance run-in with Joon-jae lately, and notes his mother’s relief when he says that he’s telling her before mentioning it to his father. Stepmom advises him to keep quiet for the moment—just for Dad’s sake, of course, since he seems stressed out lately.

Chi-hyun asks if his mother already knows about Joon-jae’s current whereabouts, because it’s odd for her not to be more curious and ask for details. Stepmom regroups quickly to say that Joon-jae has inflicted quite a large emotional scar on her and Dad, and that it’s not her place to step in when Dad’s not taking any action.

Chi-hyun looks half-sick with his suspicions and half-hopeful that Mom will turn it around, poor thing, and points out that Dad might feel his hands are tied out of respect for the two of them. She replies that she’s sorry that Joon-jae and his father’s relationship is so damaged (riiiight), “But don’t you like how things are for us now? If Joon-jae returns, do you think we could live like we do now?”

Chi-hyun starts to protest, but she cuts him off: “And you? Do you think you could live enjoying everything you enjoy now?” He argues that he’s just trying to protect her, but she says, “But protecting me isn’t you’re job, it’s mine.” She ends the conversation cheerily, and Chi-hyun looks after her with red-rimmed eyes.

The next day, Chi-hyun takes a call as he’s driven in to work, and appears to be working his way down a list of phone numbers.

One of those numbers gets through to Joon-jae, who takes a call while in the middle of planning his con with his team. Chi-hyun asks for Manager Nam before guessing, “Are you Joon-jae?” Ah, he must be working through Ajusshi’s phone log and calling everyone on it.

Chi-hyun informs Joon-jae of Manager Nam’s car accident and current condition, and Joon-jae immediately heads out to see him. He pauses on his way out to ask where Chung is, and gets annoyed at the boys for not preventing her from leaving the house, worried about the maniac killer on the loose.

His call to Chung goes unanswered, so he turns on his GPS tracking app, and wonders why she goes to a particular location every day.

Because that’s where awesome homeless fashionista squats, apparently. Chung goes to chat with her and soaks in her love advice, like how today is Day 1 of her relationship and how it’s a crucial time for her, if she wants to make Joon-jae fall for her. Chung asks eagerly for a way to make Joon-jae fall so hard he’ll never break up with her: “That’s the way for me to stay here for a long time and not get sick.”

Homeless Fashionista lays out the three phases of love: romantic love, hot love, and dirty love. She says she usually starts with dirty, but advises Chung to go with romantic, saying that it all seems like going through the motions—coffee, movies, texting, making date events—but actually, “Everything is heading for dirty.”

Chung is curious to know more about this dirty love, but Homeless Fashionista tells her she’s not ready for that; attempting it badly could end things prematurely. Stick to shooting love guns, she says. “Gun? That kills people,” Chung says, shocked. Fashionista agrees, watching a couple shoot each other cheesy hearts: “They love it to death.” Fashionista asks if she and Joon-jae have thought up nicknames for each other, and Chung tries to think one up. “Mermaid?” she suggests. Fashionista tells her to pick something that exists, since mermaids don’t.

Just then, Joon-jae’s car squeals to a stop at the corner and he jumps out, starting with the scolding right away. He stops short at the sight of Fashionista, whom Chung introduces as a friend. Joon-jae murmurs to Chung, “You were hanging out with a beggar?” Fashionista: “I can hear you.” He ushers Chung away while Fashionista insists she’s not a beggar who takes money—she’s a street person.

Joon-jae visits a still-unconscious Manager Nam in the hospital, whose wife begs him to wake up. Joon-jae tells the wife firmly that Ajusshi wasn’t drunk driving, and asks after the black box footage. The wife says that nothing was filmed that day, and Joon-jae’s mind flashes to the thought of Dae-young erasing it, which we know is what happened.

Chairman Heo visits the hospital too, but he’s there for his own diagnosis: traumatic cataract. There’s a small injury on the eye, and the doctor asks if he’s rubbed his eyes severely or accidentally poked it with something. Chairman Heo doesn’t think so, and only felt it was odd when his vision went white and blurry.

The doctor warns him to look after his health before he loses his vision entirely, and asks him to stick around for dinner. But Chairman Heo says he has a visit to make elsewhere in the hospital.

Chung waits out in the hall while Joon-jae visits with Manager Nam, and Chi-hyun comes out to greet her. She calls him “Heo Joon-jae’s family” and narrows her eyes at him before repeating her warning that she’s not going to break up with Joon-jae.

Chi-hyun laughs and says he understands, and he guesses that they must be fairly close. He asks if they’re going to marry, and Chung just says they’re still planning “many things,” leaving him to believe that they will.

She looks over at him and says that family is supposed to look alike and be warm and sweet, recalling what she learned about the word, and asks why Chi-hyun and Joon-jae aren’t those things. That puts him on the spot, but Chi-hyun doesn’t have a chance to answer because Chairman Heo walks up.

Chung asks if he’s also “Heo Joon-jae’s family,” and Dad is startled at the mention of Joon-jae. Chi-hyun is about to tell him the truth when Joon-jae steps out of Manager Nam’s hospital room, coming face to face with his father.

They’re both floored, and father and son relocate to a table where they continue to stare at each other in heated silence. Very different versions of Joon-jae’s childhood flash through their heads as they sit there: Dad remembers being chummy with Little Joon-jae and going to the neighborhood sauna together, while Joon-jae remembers being sick in bed and crying for his father, who took his new family out for dinner without him, thanks to Stepmom’s lies.

Dad asks how Joon-jae got his face bruised up like that, and though it’s obvious he’s concerned, the words come out more like an “I told you so,” for leaving home and suffering on his own.

Joon-jae scoffs at the show of concern and says, “I didn’t leave home—I left your side.” He says he didn’t even suffer much, since he felt free and unburdened compared to life in Dad’s house.

That’s a sharp blow, and Dad betrays his hurt as he asks what he did that was so wrong. He asks if treating Chi-hyun well was so bad, arguing that as his son, Joon-jae should understand. “I did that on purpose because you’re my son!” Dad cries.

“You gave up… on Mom and me,” Joon-jae answers, finally giving him the real reason he’s mad, “You threw away the time we’d all spent together, without looking back.” Dad lowers his head at that, and Joon-jae fights to hold back his tears. He adds that if Dad gave up on them and made a different choice, he should stop having regrets and move on.

Dad says that nothing in life happens the way you planned, but he’s getting old now, and he wants to settle his affairs and leave Joon-jae what’s rightfully his. But Joon-jae refuses to come back home and says, “I won’t accept anything from you, whether it’s money, or the way you live, or the way you throw people away—all of it. I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want to be connected to you. I don’t want to see you.” Augh, stop it, I’m actually starting to feel pity for your dad!

Dad looks like he’s about to burst into tears. At the very end, Joon-jae adds, “But stay healthy,” and bows before walking away. Dad calls out to him repeatedly, his vision suddenly blurring and making him squint in pain, but Joon-jae doesn’t notice and doesn’t turn back.

Joon-jae is silent the whole way home and takes cold medicine the moment they get inside, and he tells Chung, “Go if you want to. That was all nonsense, what I said about not giving up on your choice. Does that exist anywhere?” He says things were easier when she wasn’t around, and shuffles off to bed thinking of the time he was sick and left all alone as a child.

He falls asleep aching alone just like he was then, but when he wakes up, Chung is at his bedside holding his hand and trying to bring down his fever. She holds a cold towel to his head and says this works in dramas, and he snaps at her gruffly to go to her room.

She sees through his act though, and points out, “You talk like that, but want me to stay by your side, don’t you? Even if you tell me to give up, you want me to say, ‘No, I won’t give up,’ don’t you?” He immediately thinks of his father, and Chung declares, “No, I won’t give up. I’m going to stay by your side no matter what you say.”

She tells him not to be in pain over things he can’t say, and he starts to cry as he admits that he couldn’t say all the things he wanted to tell his father: “I couldn’t say any of it: That it was so hard when I left home. That I hated him but was worried that he’d look for me, so I left my phone number unchanged for a long time. That I was so lonely when he never called. That as I took the high school equivalency exam alone and went to college alone and lived alone, I missed him. I missed him so much.”

He breaks down in tears, and Chung cradles him in her arms as he sobs.

Afterwards, Joon-jae awkwardly revises history and says he didn’t cry, so much as shed a few tears, and blames the emotional outburst on the cold medicine. He says that Nam-doo and Tae-oh needn’t hear about it, and Chung assures him that she’s quick to forget. She encourages him to talk to her about things he can’t tell other people: “I’ll listen to it all and forget it for you.”

The air becomes charged between them, and he asks, “Will you really forget it all? Then forget this too.” He leans in and kisses her softly, and her eyes flutter closed. Kyaaa.

The next day, Joon-jae slaves over spaghetti in the kitchen, insisting that he’s making it for himself, while Nam-doo smirks knowingly to see him garnish the plate with loving care.

Chung gets all dolled up before coming downstairs, taking care to make her lips look extra enticing. The boys are all wowed by her beauty, and Tae-oh even snaps a picture in appreciation.

Joon-jae leaps to his feet and crows that it’s wrong to take pictures without permission, and snatches the phone out of Tae-oh’s hands. He deletes the photo of Chung, though not before sending himself a copy, ha.

Joon-jae is so distracted by thoughts of their kiss that he has to go hide in the next room, licking his lips the whole way there.

He peeks out at her talking to the guys like it’s just an ordinary day, and wonders why she’s so unaffected and he’s the only one feeling awkward. Then he takes out his phone and makes moony eyes at the photo of Chung.

Shi-ah comes by with something to show Joon-jae, and Chung glares territorially. Shi-ah insists on speaking to Joon-jae privately and shuts all the panels to the pool area one by one, while Chung follows her from panel to panel, trying to peek inside.

Shi-ah has news that a construction site dug up Joseon-era artifacts the other day, and her professor believes it to be where Dam-ryung lived. Joon-jae sits up with interest…

Joseon. Dam-ryung wakes up at his desk with a start, having just seen Joon-jae’s conversation with Shi-ah in his dreams. He paces and thinks to himself that he has nineteen days remaining before he supposedly dies, and needs to find a way to make Joon-jae believe in his existence.

He gets an idea…

…and back in the present day, the archeologists dig up something else at the construction site.

At Chairman Dad’s house, Stepmom makes a shady swap of some sort between pills on Dad’s nightstand while he’s not looking. She urges him to take his pills and rest up for his health. Ack, don’t do it, she’s probably making you blind! Stepmom suggests finding a replacement for Manager Nam, but Chairman Dad is reluctant to do so and has faith that Manager Nam will recover in no time. She can barely hide her disappointment but lets it go for now.

When Jin-joo takes her precious puppy named 500 (short for five million won) to the vet the next day, Nam-doo is there posing as a rich client with his puppy, named 900. Jin-joo is immediately curious when he says that he named the dog for the amount of money he pours into it monthly, since it nearly doubles hers, and he says it’s because he sends the dog to self-esteem training on Mondays and British etiquette class on Fridays.

Nam-doo reports back to Joon-jae about his first meeting with Jin-joo, and says that he’s already spread rumors to the Gangnam broker who feeds Jin-joo and her friends investment tips.

That broker tells the group of rich ajummas that a big fish in the investment world who owns a 57-story building in Dubai is working on a new development project in Singapore and just came back to Korea because his fiancée lives here and he can’t be without her. The broker says he’s currently cleaning out every store in Gangnam with that fiancée, and Jin-joo gets a glint in her eye.

Joon-jae is supposed to play the part of the real estate mogul, and he asks Nam-doo who’s supposed to play his fiancée. Someone hobbles over to them awkwardly in a pair of heels… and Joon-jae turns around to see Tae-oh dressed up as a woman. Oh noes. Now I can’t unsee that!

Nam-doo: “He’s pretty, but that’s a stretch, huh?” Tae-oh grumbles that it was a bad idea and hobbles away, and Nam-doo smoothly suggests Chung for the role, as if he just thought of the idea. Joon-jae says no, but Nam-doo argues that he’s always stuck to her side anyway for safety reasons, so they might as well bring her along.

Nam-doo explains to Chung that the little people inside the TV are actually people shooting a drama, and Chung surprises them both by saying that she already knows they don’t live inside the TV and it’s just a drama. Joon-jae pets her affectionately and calls “our Chungie” very smart, and Nam-doo mocks him by petting Joon-jae on the head. “Our Chungie?” he repeats with sass.

Nam-doo explains that they’ll be shooting their own “drama,” in which Joon-jae will play the role of a desirable rich man, and Chung says that in the dramas that’s always the executive director character. She’s happy to join in and loooooves it when Nam-doo tells her that she’ll play Joon-jae’s fiancée.

Joon-jae finally relents and says that Chung just has to not do three things while they’re there: Don’t speak, don’t laugh, and don’t eat. She’s fine with that except for that last one, and Joon-jae promises to buy her ice cream and cake afterwards. Chung: “I’ll see you, and raise you a sweet and sour pork.” The boys both gape at her nimble use of gambling terminology, and Joon-jae says with a smile, “Call!” Nam-doo leaps off the couch with an excited cheer: “Let’s go spend some money!”

They weren’t kidding around, because Joon-jae and Chung strut through a department store with bodyguards and Nam-doo in tow, and they just start buying everything in sight.

Jin-joo kicks up a fuss when her appointment to use the department store’s VVIP lounge gets canceled in favor of a more important client, but her jaw drops when she sees Joon-jae and Chung arrive with their entourage. Joon-jae says to the clerk, “My honey doesn’t wear shoes that have touched the ground once before, so we’re back.”

Jin-joo immediately recognizes Chung from her daughter’s altercation with Yoo-na, and then gasps to hear Joon-jae mention Dubai. She puts all the pieces together and guesses that this is the real estate mogul, and lights up to recognize Nam-doo, who’s there with them. She calls him “900’s daddy” and he acts surprised to run into “500’s mommy” here.

Nam-doo explains that he runs an investment company and he’s hosting a very important guest who came from abroad, and acts further surprised when Jin-joo lists everything she’s heard about the Dubai mogul “CEO Kim” and his fiancée. Nam-doo makes her swear to secrecy, and Jin-joo reels in excitement from the discovery.

As they walk out of the department store, Chung struts like a diva but whispers into Joon-jae’s ear that she’s hungry and would like some ddukbokki and soondae. As they head out, Jin-joo stops Nam-doo one last time to ask if it’s possible for her and her husband to have dinner with his client.

Nam-doo acts like it’s a tough request, but then adds that “CEO Kim” did mention in passing that he wanted a home-cooked meal since it’s been so long since he had one here. Jin-joo jumps at the opportunity and says that the “female Teacher Baek” (referring to the celebrity chef of home-cooked meals) lives at her house.

She’s referring to her housekeeper Joon-jae’s mom, of course, and happily tells this to her husband and Shi-ah that night over dinner. Shi-ah says it smells fishy and asks if this guy isn’t a con artist, but Jin-joo says she’s already confirmed the story that another friend went all the way to Dubai to try and meet with this CEO Kim and got turned away. She says that he’s the real deal and that even if they threw millions at him, they’d have to beg to be included as an investor in his business.

Shi-ah says that’s Scamming 101, making people believe that something is competitive and desirable so that they rush to invest. Jin-joo and her husband’s excitement deflates, and Jin-joo invites her to dinner with CEO Kim then, so that she can see for herself and make sure he checks out. Uh-oh.

Shi-ah gets interrupted by a phone call, and she sounds surprised by the news.

As Joon-jae and his crew drive home, Nam-doo praises Chung’s acting skills and Joon-jae says proudly that Chung is very smart and quick on the uptake. Pfft, well they say love is blind?

Chung says she was happy to help Joon-jae do good work, and then as they pass by the claw machine in their neighborhood, she says that people told her that the owner of that claw machine is a con artist. She calls the con artist a bad man, and suddenly all three boys start to fidget in the car.

Nam-doo says, “Not all con artists are bad men. Some con artists are less bad men who con worse bad men.” Ha. She argues that con artists still fool people though, and Nam-doo asks if she’s never lied to anyone or kept a secret. Chung grows quiet and instinctively fidgets with her necklace.

Joon-jae snaps at him to cut it out, and Nam-doo thinks that Joon-jae is being weirder than usual and more protective of Chung. He asks if there’s been a change in relationship status that he doesn’t know about, and at the same time, Chung answers “Yes” while Joon-jae says “No.” Awkward.

Joon-jae is saved by the bell when Shi-ah calls, and he asks to be dropped off to go see her. At the museum where she works, she explains that they uncovered something that was uncharacteristically well-preserved—sealed and buried on Dam-ryung’s estate, almost like he wanted it to be found generations later.

As they approach the room, Joon-jae asks to go inside alone, and steps through the rows of ceramics and other objects found at the dig. As he nears a scroll that’s been hung up on the wall, lightning strikes overhead and all the lights suddenly go out.

Joon-jae takes out his lighter and approaches the painting for a better look, and is shocked at what he sees: a portrait of Dam-ryung, who shares his face.


Joseon. Dam-ryung racks his brain trying to come up with a clue to leave for Joon-jae to confirm his existence. He comes up with the idea to have a portrait drawn, and asks the artist to take extra care with it: “It is a drawing I need to keep for a very long time.”


I didn’t expect this show to mix Signal with The Little Mermaid, but I’m loving what the communication between Joon-jae and Dam-ryung adds to the story. Now it feels like it’s up to Joon-jae to save Dam-ryung’s life, and with the ability to see each other in dreams and leave each other clues, it opens up the past storyline in a very interesting way. Now it’s not just a cautionary tale or a sad version of history that keeps getting repeated, but a past that can be fixed actively, and that’s exciting. It’s as much a big advancement for Joon-jae in the present as well, since Dam-ryung can provide him with crucial clues like who’s evil and should be avoided, not to mention the big bomb that Chung is a mermaid.

I’m really starting to wonder if Joon-jae is right about them living in parallel universes rather than being reincarnations of each other, but time and space seems to act in two contradictory ways between Dam-ryung and Joon-jae: Past-to-present is linear when it comes to artifacts, as the vase and scroll were dug up centuries later in Joon-jae’s time, having aged appropriately. But then Dam-ryung and Joon-jae seem to be communicating in parallel timelines through their dreams, which are two-way (at least I think so), and Dam-ryung’s survival seems to hinge directly on what Joon-jae learns in parallel time, day by day. That makes me think that they’ll end up holding the keys to the other’s survival, so I hope that more dream conversations are on the way. Do you think if they time their naps perfectly, they can hang out all the time?

I do enjoy the capers in this show, but this one is particularly entertaining because we’ve established Jin-joo’s character as a rich snob who’s particularly deserving of a comeuppance, and that helps make the whole scheme really fun. Then of course there’s the added tension of how all our worlds are about to collide because of this one con, making me antsy to skip forward to the big dinner at Jin-joo’s house. Joon-jae already reunited with one parent faster than I expected, though I guess I wouldn’t call Dad and Joon-jae’s reunion very successful, given how neither of them could say what they really wanted and left angrier than before.

I loved Joon-jae’s whole rant about the pink octopus representing a love that you shouldn’t give up on, because at first it just seemed like a roundabout way to get Chung to choose him among all her suitors and pursue him alone (it’s even funnier because octopus legs are a metaphor for dating around and keeping all your options open), but then later it morphed into his ideal of love as the opposite of Dad’s. Dad did the one thing he can’t forgive—giving up on the person he chose to love—and he’s so twisted up about that abandonment that he’s grown up into someone who chooses not to love because he doesn’t want to be a quitter like his father. I don’t think he’s actually worked that out yet, but it says a lot that he’s asking Chung not to give up on him. It meant more that he trusted her enough to cry and share his dad trauma with her than to make big declarations and future promises, but I’ll take those too, because there are only so many times a girl can kiss and forget, right? If only he knew the extent of the relationship between the lip-locking and the actual forgetting.


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Girlfriday, have you eventually found how to bind time? This recap is so fast, you are fantastic!


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I want a pink octopus stuffed toy.


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But not from that machine. It was not working properly. Haha!


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As soon as we are done with all the claw-machining in This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, we get a claw machine here !? Is the claw machine industry trying to out-PPL Subway?
If so, they better stop suggesting that the machines are rigged :)

This Week My Wife Will Have a Pink Octopus?
Legend of the Deep Blue Claw Machine?


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That's what even I thought. Lol! Hahaha...


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Don't you forget Doctors, it tops them all ! There was A claw-machine in the hero's appartment ! You can't beat that xD


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The Pink Octopus Living in the Claw Machine
On The Way to The Claw Machine
Pink Octopus Hunter
My Sassy Pink Octopus

(Sorry, can't help clawing my way through the deep blue puns.)


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I've always wanted to play this game...!

Oh my Pink Octopus!

Flower Boy Pink Octopus

You from the The Claw Machine

Pink Octopus Run

Pink Octopus Fairy

The Master's Pink Octopus

Doctor Pink Octopus

Pink Octopus Man

Pink Octopus, The Claw Machine and Me


7 First Octopuses

Operation Pink Octopus
Octopus Proposal

Remember - Claw for Pink Octopus

Answer me Pink

Pink Octopus Lovers

Moonlight sucked by Pink Octopus

Octopus House

Secret Octopus


They looked SO good as fiances, though. Her hair and her outfits were on point. The whispering about food was a great touch.


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In those scenes, all I could think was.. How glamourous JJ is..
Don't think most of the oft quoted top SK actresses have even half of this urban charm..

She can give HW actresses a run for money..


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I agree... it's like old Julia Roberts-level chic-ness... all those shopping scenes in Pretty Woman...and how she turned out afterwards ! Breathtaking!


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Actually, more than their "modern pairing" I would love to see them as mermaid and mermen !!!! WOuldn't it be the best happy end EVER ! They could just keep on living and loving each other for eternity !


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It would be less painful...thats for sure.


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It seems funny to me to think that HJJ had punished his own father in a previous drama named City Hunter. Hahaha!

PS: LMH and JJH looked so beautiful in those high class clothes.

Can't wait to see how the dinner meeting would end up with so many revelations.


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But what was that lilac overcoat? Really? makes me think of the fluffy pink cardigan in Heirs. LMH just say no!


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It is supposed to be OTT to match that persona from Dubai. Sometimes there is a point to their costumes. Not everything can be chalked up to LHM's personal taste.


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Agreed, @KDaddict

It's actually supposed to be gaudy and showy. Remember that rich son avatar that HJJ had taken in a previous episode?

It should exactly look ridiculous just to show the OTT-ness!

I read on a forum somewhere that LOBS is trying to mock the common norms followed in dramas (like evil-mom, that all male leads are directors (as said by SC today), etc.) and this is what rich spoilt brats are always dressed as (in dramas).


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You know, HJJ's best buddy has been wearing some pretty loud clothes, and nobody says a thing. If LMH were to wear any of them, it'd be all over DBs again. LOL.

As for the norms, KD wouldn't be KD without them. If ppl hate them so much, there is always J dorama.


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I really like the cloth Nam Doo is wearing, anyone knows what brand are they
The ones with crown embroidery...etc


Supporting Male Clothing Syndrome?


To me, that brings the laughs! How can one not 'see' the con artistry behind such loud and showy dressing! Hahaha !


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I agree! It's like the loud outfits you'd recognise pimps by in American shows! :-D


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The link I watched it from had terrible subtitle than went on and off, so THANK YOU for the quick recap <3


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my first impression was that they were trying to mix Faith in.. instead of signal


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This show starting to get more fun episode by episode for me. Glad that finally both man able to communicate through dream.
Hoping he will meet longer next time.
Can someone explain to me why his memory did not get erase after the kiss?
It is because he love her or what?


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The mermaid has a choice whether to remove memories or not and it's not an automatic thing that happens each time they kiss. Just like at the end of the previous episode, both Dam ryung and Sae Wa kissed and he told her not to remove his memories. In this episode, it seems like Dam ryung still has his memories.


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When the mermaid initiates the kiss, it could lead to memory loss.
But when the other person does, it's fine.
The same thing happened even in Joseon.

Thank God for that otherwise everytime they would have kisses, HJJ wouldd have had amnesia.


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Remember in last episode's epilogue where Dam Ryung asked Se Hwa not to erase his memories? Also that other episode (the hospital scene) where the mother told Chung that she'd rather remember her moments with her daughter even though they were painful? I think it has to do with your choice and the mermaid's intent.


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This. Mermaid intent.

But I couldn't help replaying the kiss scene as
"Will you really forget it all?.... Will you forget this too?"
"No, but you might."


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I have a feeling Chung intentionally wiped her own memory of the kiss when Joon Jae said, "Then forget this too." Maybe that's why she acted nonchalant the day after?


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I wondered same too...

But I think possibly she is nonchalant cos she is not in denial about her love for HJJ whereas HJJ keeps trying to hide how he truly feels...and goes and moons at her picture behind-the-scenes...the buffoon! Lol


Chung said that loving was the easiest thing in the world for her, so I don't think that she would be embarrassed or find it awkward that they kissed. Just something else that highlights the differences between their characters.


I think any actor who kisses JJ will either suffer amnesia or get knock out cold due to an allergic reaction( claw machine from another star).


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I am glad about the two way communication too but I just hope that the badies can't use the same connection.Oh the woes of a drama lover! As soon as I see a good thing my mind instantly jumps to what could go bad...


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two way communication between HJJ and KDR


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Thanks girlfriday for such a quick recap!!

This episode was fantastic. There's so much to love about it:

- Joon-jae's first conversation with his dad
- Joon jae opening up to Shim Chung and her telling him she can keep all his secrets and forget them. Min Ho really displayed those emotions powerfully
- Their first genuine kiss!
- Joon jae cooking then secretly admiring her photograph
- Joon jae and shim Chung working together, which is a nice throwback to first ep when they went shopping together too and now Shim Chung is so well adjusted
- most importantly, the intriguing connection between past and present

I would really hope that the show explains why is it that dam ryung and JJ have this special connection and I hope it's rooted in some bigger purpose other than just for the sake of romance! Nonetheless there's so much to look forward to!

More thoughts on this episode here: http://wp.me/p7U37n-1dD


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Those are all included in my fave parts about this ep. Too.

The parallel universes are such a lovely thing about this show! A lot of explanations would come in handy... I m so curious where they are going with this too...


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I am loving the character growth in Joon-jae and Chung but especially Joon-jae. He is still adorably awkward when it comes to facing his emotions and feelings but that's just the added cherry on top. I felt so bad for his Dad but I understand why Joon-jae is angry. He feels like his Dad completely abandoned him and honestly I feel like it's that evil stepmother has a lot to do with it.

And this whole parellel timeline plot is very interesting. I like where it's going. I just wish we got more of the Joseon storyline instead of little glimpses. I want to know what's going on on their side too. Supposedly he dies in 19 days. And where did the mermaid go? Did she leave him?


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Great observation about the different colored tails.

My theories:
1. Both DR and SW survived the shipwreck but when DR grew old and died, SW naturally died too...OR
2. Both died and reincarnated as the modern day OTPs.

I don't think SC is SW as she doesn't display any prior recognition of JJ, unless her memories were taken away by another mermaid...


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I really don't think they are the same person (mermaid). Their personalities aren't the same at all.


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DR didn't grow old though... he was 27 when he kicked it... sad .. .


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Did they say how he died? Maybe they assumed he died at sea?


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im late to the party but i JUST noticed sehwa and chung have different coloured tails. sehwa's is gold and chung's is silver. :O


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Yeh!!! I just realized it too, is she the reincarnation of se hwa or shes a millennium old mermaid.


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@SBS if you could air that wall kiss in Jealousy Incarnate you could've let LMH and JJH have at least some lip movement in this one. They looked like they straight up fell asleep with their faces attached.


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Hahahahaha, your comment had me laughing. Actually, it may not be SBS. If you've watched MLFAS, the first few kiss scenes were very innocent and simply lips touching. It wasn't until later that they kissed passionately. I think it's the writer's concept, which I don't mind at all. It shows relationship growth. Rather than kissing passionately to begin with, their relationship will gradually become more passionate and so it will translate well into kisses. :) that's only my assumption hehehe.


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Did they ever kiss passionately,
I thought the feels were just from the character set up and audience involvement..
but in terms of actual lip movement.. not so much!

And i wasn't and aren't expecting much in LOTBS either.. because it seems JJ doesn't do such scenes much

She must be like the dream actress to work with/kiss for these younger actors no? I am sure these folks would have been in junior high when sassy girl came out


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Hmmm... I guess it depends on the level of "passionate" we are talking about lol. I think they actually had quite a few passionate kisses, or one at the top of my head. I consider the kiss scene at the end when CSY is walking the red carpet a decently passionate kiss. Lol.


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@Outfromlurking you're right about MLFAS, I watched it recently, it had a lot of kissing but JJ kept her mouth closed or didn't reciprocate KSH's way of kissing, up until the last one (there was another one in that island but the camera zoomed away so I can't confirm) but my jaw literary slacked at that red carpet kiss, oh boy, and when I saw the BTS you could see tongues involved (LOL) I don't think it's the writer, but I think it's more JJ, LMH is the only second domestic actor she got to kiss (her first kiss was internationally with Hugh Jackman), and LMH I think is in aw and afraid of trying more, maybe towards the finale we can have one real passionate one


Gianna Jun has kissed Hugh Jackman?!


Ahh... makes sense. in YWCFTS, it was the scene at the cruise ship and the 15 second thing kiss...


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i think u right,kissing passionate now wont feel right ,so hoping there will be better kisses later on


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I don't know why this kiss scene made me giddy but it did... I agree it was a chaste kiss and all... but I guess I was just happy to get one finally



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*whines* But it's booorrriiiinnnggg... *sulk* *sulk*

I don't need actors to be frenching each other to feel passionate. Age of Youth had a good example of a chaste kiss that still felt impactful. Pancake kisses like these just feel awkward and out of place. Like...that's not how human faces work?!

Maybe I'm shallow...but kisses are important!


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But damn the kisses in Producers!

The wrong kisses between wrong people were all good and the (supposedly) right kiss between the right couple were just so...forget it!

Only KSH was lucky to kiss all co-stars.


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Yes please!

Those were delish!


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I think their underwater kissing was better but couldn't beat the hotness in The Man Living In Our House. Hmm even the kissing scenes in W were more exciting ....

Thankfully, the banters and JJ's jealousy and protectiveness are interesting to watch.


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I think that's why we had the scene with the street lady earlier on explaining the three different kinds of love. There's a progression. We can't get to "dirty" right away, there are six seven episodes to go! :)


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They should have had 4 stages so they could talk about option 4.


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That's four fingers...



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So they could have a +19 concept romance?.. ;)


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Just for future sake,

don't even bring this up in goblin thread :P


I think about the W option 4 everytime I see or hear an actor/actress asking about another option. Mentally, I say, "Well, there's always Option 4..."


LOL @EZ. I'm afraid that now we have to :D


I just re-marathoned W two days ago, so I this I am seriously loving that this came up.


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*sigh* And obviously still not caught up on sleep from the marathon either.

Oh for an edit button.


Ohhhh can we progress straight to dirty?

According to the wise one, all roads lead there anyway

Damn LMH is a great kisser in drama. we need to see better lipwork bro,
Ha ha ha


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What does 'dirty' love consist of anyhow?


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I think that either JJH or LMH would have objected to a hot kiss. In such a case the director should have requested the camera man shoot from angles (Top/far-off/backside etc) that would least expose their unwillingness.


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my guess is that shim chung need to will it to erase the memory


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this is the best series ever for me


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Glad I'm not the only one to get a Signal vibe. Of course, with year-end polls & reviews going on, a lot of us have Signal on our minds.

Guess if you are clones/reincarnations/doppelgangers, you don't need a radio & batteries.


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My God, Lee Min Ho, you are good at the crying, you are. I just love it when an actor is able to really build up to a moment of overwhelming emotion and then let it out in the open. Vulnerability is such a hard thing, isn't it? We're always told not to cry, not to show our weaknesses, not to fall apart in front of others and once we grow up, it's so difficult to open up again and to be that fragile again. We spend our entire life learning how to build walls and tearing them down is always such a daunting task. Am I being judged? What is they turn away from me? What if they don't like me if I'm not at my best? So much time spend trying to hide or control how we feel, swallowing it down and keeping it in check. And the fact that good actors can tap into that messy interior pool of human rawness and share it with the world will never cease to amaze me.

Do you remember Lee Min Ho in Boys Over Flowers, how he was frustrated with his mother and how the tears were building up at the same time his anger did? I don't think I'll ever forget that scene. It was so beautiful. It was actually the first time I was able to get past the hairdo (sorry!) and take real notice of the person underneath. I often wondered if that was a one-hit kind of a thing but after today, I'm pretty convinced that the man is just really good at his job.


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His crying was so raw and emotional, so real and deep! Simply putting it, it was beautiful and well executed. Praises to him as an actor!


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I totally agree, that scene was fantastic. I almost found myself crying as well.


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Agree with all the comments here that his crying scene was really powerful. It was so touching. I haven't been fully invested in his whole family backstory yet, but that scene alone drew me in already.


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To be fair... he did try to cover up his total breakdown with Shim Chung afterwards hehehe


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Hats off to lmh, didnt know he was capable of such raw emotions. I was really moved.


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When Jin-joo & her hubby were talking about their slush fund, there was a specific mention of the National Tax Service. Almost made me hope for a visit from them and a cameo by someone from Squad 38. With all the other cameos going on, why not?

Speaking of taxes, a Korean paper ran an article today saying in part:
"The National Tax Service released the names of 16,655 individuals and companies that owed more than 300 million won ($257,000) in taxes for 2016 as of November."
"The NTS said it was able to collect or seize the personal belongings of high-profile tax evaders last year worth nearly 1.5 trillion won. It has requested that justice authorities ban 3,753 tax evaders from leaving the country and filed criminal charges against 199 tax evaders and civil charges against 280."



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I'm liking the show since last week's episode because I'm slowly finding less dots to compare it to YFAS.


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Can someone tell me did Lee Hee-joon (Nam doo) really play Yisun in the movie "Roaring Currents"? I know he's not the main Yisun, but like a younger Yisun?


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You made me curious, so I checked, and it wasn't listed on asianwiki if he did.


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I think Nam-doo literally meant that he dreamt of himself as the admiral after watching the movie.

It reminded me of OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN when lawyer Jin-sang told his best friend Do-kyung how he felt about his imposing sister, Soo-kyung: "I respect her, the way I'd respect Yi Sun-shin." That is, not very romantically, and outranked by a martial artist who could beat him to a pulp.


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Sure, it's just that the way they do so many in-jokes in K-dramas it would be completely plausible if that actor had actually been in the movie.


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They've already had several in this series, so it wouldn't have surprised me either.


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Dam-Ryung is the most romantic character I've ever come across ?


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I couldn't agree more! His determination to be with SH and to protect her transcends beyond time and space. I love how he is trying his hardest to tap into HJJ's subconciousness and to bring him to awareness. He is pleading HJJ to wake up and realize, to protect his love. There is no love deeper and stronger than his.


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And he's even trying to make HJJ and SC stay together and is trying to fix the jackass character of HJJ as well.


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Now if only the parallel universe premise would operate to keep him alive!

Oh my Dam Ryung!


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So I did not have time to read the comments for this episode or the comment section for last episodes (damn exams, they can be soooo demanding), so I would not know if this has come up.
But I am wondering where shi-ah, nam-doo and tae-oh fit in the past timeline. Have I missed something cause I have not yet seen them in the past.


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No they haven't shown up yet


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Thanks @vas140030 m. As I began to wonder why such important people in HJJ's life are not present in the past timeline, I started second gussing myself thinking i have missed something. Good to know I have not ;)


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even the step brother..

infact me thinks... it would be revealed that brother saved/help DR in past.. and that would kind of illuminate LMH present to know for real that the boy is on his side.. and a real hyung..

family reunion


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It would be great if it happens cause it seems HJJ could really use some family love and support.
Also, I cannot help but be wary of nam-doo. He appears to be the crooked one of the bunch and I cannot help but feel he is going to screw up through his self-serving ways and motifs. And I mean beside this latest project he suggested that is going to blow up in everyone's face.


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I'm still not quite hooked on this show, but I'm having fun watch it get better each time. I just hope the backdoor plotting doesn't get too melo, although the sageuk is sort of setting that up to happen.

I am feeling a bit off about how they broke the then/now pattern they had set up. I hope the change is meaningful in the long run, and not just thoughtless.

Random thoughts...unhappy first to get them out of the way.

If Dae-young turns out to be Chi-hyun's Dad, I might throw something. I almost want to find out how the stepmom and Dae-young are connected asap so hopefully I can forget I ever had that thought.

Along those lines, if she convinces Dad to hire Dae-young as the replacement driver/et al and no one realizes he's an escaped killer who is in the media ad naseum, I may need to take a break from the show.

If Dad is seeing the doctor, wouldn't whatever stepmom's swapping out with his pills show up in bloodwork? *side-eyes the writers*

If "our Chungie" starts calling Joon-jae a pink octopus as his nickname, I think I will have a hard time breathing, I'll be laughing so hard. He's sort of two of the tentacles, right? She might not, though, since she was warned not to pick animals.

I am still having way too much fun enjoying the self jealousy bits. I hope they keep them light touches and don't overdo them too much. I'm glad that he thinks he now has YET ANOTHER guy to worry about. I wonder if there will be another cameo later where Random Cameo X Guy will approach and ask her to go have ramyun and Joon-jae comes out of wherever the writer sent him for the send up, just in time to hear the request, and goes bananas on the guy. She'll then of course explain, no, he's not the ramyun guy either. :D

I didn't watch Signal, but as to the parallel timelines, that's more Queen In-Hyun's Man to me. It does have some Faith vibes, though, although it's not the exact same character dropping clues. I never re-watched Nine, so I don't remember the rules exactly though I vaguely recall there was also a bit of "the timing has to be right".

Doesn't Shi-ah know they are cons? I'd think she has to, given her apparent co-conspirator relationship with Nam-doo. Since she dislikes her SIL so much, will she choose not to blow their cover, and it will be up to Mom's appearance/taste of her food to upend their scheme? Or will Mom conveniently be sick/have to be elsewhere, so their paths won't cross yet again?

Lastly, when Joon-jae finally yells at her about why she's been so cool about the kiss, I can't wait to see his face when she reminds him he told her to forget about that, too.


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Do they always do blood work for eye exams? Even then they may only be looking at specific metrics.


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I think they stopped the then/now pattern to demonstrate that it ISN'T just then and now. Dam-ryung is able to communicate with Joon-jae and affect the future, Joon-jae might end up being able to somehow change the past. The characters are meeting and it makes more sense for Dam-ryung's visions/dreams of the future to happen while they happen in the future rather than at the beginning of the episode. I guess you could say their worlds/timelines are colliding, in a way.


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Regarding the blood work, it won't detect the poison since they are not looking for it
Plus, she could be using a poison that can't be detected or traced... with her high evil meter, she probably does but again it would be convenient later when the plot call for her being caught


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Lily, I love your idea about another cameo showing up as Ramyun Man and obviously it has to be Kim Soo Hyun, right? Wouldn't that be a blast?

I also wonder about Shi Ah knowing whether they're cons or not. I also don't really get why when she calls about her work, Joon Jae seems to run right off in response like he did this time. We know he blows her off as a potential gf so what is this sort of work-type relationship?


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Unlike you I really felt nothing but anger at the dad. Especially after the flashback of JJ crying in bed for his dad when he was sick. That was horrible. And then how his dad didn't call even once when he ran away? Talk abt worst father of the decade right there. I really don't care if his new wife was spinning golden yarn straight from heaven, that's his son that he just completely ignored. God, it rips my heart apart.

Side note, I hated that kiss. It was just so....stale. Not really what I was expecting esp since very recently I remember seeing someone basically eating a girl's face I just don't remember who (nothing will ever touch the kisses in Marriage Contract though). Also I really hate the way Shi-Ah talks out of the side of her mouth whenever she smirk-talks. It just really gets on my nerves (I know it's a super arbitrary thing but I hate it anytime it happens)


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Maybe step-mom did something with the phone so dad couldn't find joon-jae even though he was looking. Like she told Dad he was sleeping even though he was sick.


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Haha, stale kiss. It's more like a lip press than a kiss. You think it has more to do with JJH being a mom now and prefers fake kisses? This reminds me of Faith kiss. The BTS showed how KHS told the director that they will just lip press, and when LMH moved his lips, she reacted like she was surprised. It also reminds me of Heirs where rooftop koss is not real and closet kiss was real.. it was the director's choice.


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If I was in JJ shoes, I would not forgive the dad or it would take a really long time.
But I can't understand his refusal to inherit, it's his right and especially after his dad negligence...


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If the pain is deep enough, you want nothing to do with that person. Not even money.


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I hope we get more cool scenes where Dam Ryung and Joon Jae are talking to each other! That scene was awesome. I can't wait to know more about how this will play out.

Also, Chung has learned so much it's amazing! And I love that she's learned a lot of what she knows now from dramas! Lol! I love how this show is always mentioned dramas and all of their cliches and everything.


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The drama references are cracking me up, too. It's the same in Goblin with Grims and his "I saw this in a drama" lines lol.

I love when writers do stuff like this. Like when you read a book and the characters talk about reading books. ?


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Haha yes! In books that is amazing as well! I hope they keep doing it through the rest of this drama haha


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It was just hilarious to me that dramas taught her how to be the perfect OTT glamour girl for the arm-candy-in-the-department-store shopping spree, omg ?


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"Everything is headed for the dirty"

Ha! I love Homeless Fashionista Ahjumma!!
Reminds me of that Chris Rock joke about how the whole dating process: the meet-cute, the dates, the getting to know the likes&diskikes and all, is just a cover for the mane-de-main, The SEX!!!
Like its an asessing exercise to find out if the uhm...Tango will be a smooth or rough one. Or awkward.

So dating is just a pretext for sexual compatabitity.


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That kiss was really bland, I was hoping it'd have more emotion or passion to it since there was a bit of a buildup. With a lame kiss like that, I'm pretty sure she's definitely "forget" it


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I know right!!?? LMH crossing his legs and no emotion whatsoever. These two are not selling any chemistry, at least to me. I agree the comedy scenes are hillarious, and each of them separately, are doing a good job. But together?? I'm sorry, i don't feel it.

I was annoyed by this and thought, maybe it's me, I've watched so many dramas, I cant feel the emotions anymore. But then, Goblin came along, and OMG, that one is pulling all the right strings. So on the one hand, I'm happy I can still feel overwhelmed by emotion when watching Kdrama. On the other hand, I'm dissapointed with LOTBS, the story is ok, very intriguing so far, comedy hillarious at times, but main leads together... meh so far..


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But I dont feel the chemistry between eun tak and goblin.. mehhh .... I only watch for the bromance - goblin n reaper..they have better chemistry


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I know what you mean, I love the bromance too!!! And Goblin E,t we are slowly getting there. What I mean is that I can feel the emotions a lot more with these two than leads in LOTBS.


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How can you didn't feel anything for Goblin though? Even if you think the writing is not deliver, the scene definitely is!


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The story has gotten better but the chemistry between the leads is meh. Better in the sageuk portion. The kiss was sorry to say...so lame.


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it's more about their acting is so DULL than their chemistry issue. They are dull, separately and together. AT Least lee Min hoo is giving more acting effort. There is no passion, and real emotion.


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Jeon Ji-hyun's acting is... Dull? I know some people don't love her like I do but people usually state the reason as being because of her OTTness, which is the exact opposite of dull if you ask me! I can see her romantic chemistry being dull, though. But not her acting in general.

I can kinda see that with Lee Min-ho, though. I don't find him dull but as an actor he is quite understated and somber, especially compared to Jeon Ji-hyun.


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Her acting is great but as you say, romantic chemistry is not coming along.


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she is both OTT and underacting at the same time. Watch her in a more quite moment when she is supposed to emoting, watch her deeper moment, she is just stand there with no real emotion whotsever it's so dull...


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JJH is the main reason I watch LOTBS! If not for her superb acting, what's supposed to be hilarious won't be hilarious, what's supposed to be innocent and naive won't be so innocent and naive. Every one of her parts is well executed with right voice tone and action.

If not for JJH, this drama won't do so well with just LMH and another female actress.

However, I do find fault with her clothings and makeup. Except for the chic dressing for the shopping spree, her ordinary day wear and makeup are in bad taste.


Not only is BLUE SEA emitting vibes of SIGNAL and FAITH in this episode, it's also reminding me of Park Do-kyung's visions, premonitions, and audio hallucinations in OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN, which prompted interesting discussions of Mugyo in the recap threads. I'm thoroughly enjoying this latest wrinkle in the plot.


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Oops... up too late to see straight. Posted before I was finished writing. #30 is complete.


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Of course Sam Cheong didn't feel awkward about the kiss because it wasn't their first kiss. It's the second time, only that Joon Jae didn't remember it.


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that kiss was so so...i'm hoping that as the story builds up, the kissing part will too.

lmh, you are the best kisser in drama land for me, please please make use of it. just go for it.

i want to see some serious lip locking, tongue sucking dirty love director nim.


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I enjoy watching lotbs so much that i didnt feel bad at all while watching the kiss scene because if it was jj's fault, i can understand since she's married. Thanks for the recap.....


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Not only is BLUE SEA emitting vibes of SIGNAL and FAITH in this episode, it's also reminding me of Park Do-kyung's visions, premonitions, and audio hallucinations in OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN, which prompted interesting discussions of Mugyo in the recap threads. I'm thoroughly enjoying this latest wrinkle in the plot.

I couldn't help but wonder how many times Tae-O has been roped into playing a fake girlfriend during earlier scams. He looked pretty cute, actually -- aside from the lurching around in high heels. Lucky for him that Chung was there to save him from such a fate. My feet hurt just watching him. ;-)


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But Tae Oh looked really pretty, wobbling aside. How did Nam Do manage to rope him into crossdressing, even if just to see that it would work? I mean, that kid's glares could kill, how he agreed to do something this embarrassing is beyond me. But I won't complain, after all, I got to see pretty girl Tae Oh. LOL.


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the longer i watch the drama, the more i could see the gap between JJH and LMH acting level..JJH seem to overpower LMH with her own style..sometime i could see LMH is shy and not natural when delivering his part..*amazed with jo jung seok even tho he's only cameo


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Interesting. I've been enjoying that they're so evenly matched. Especially in a show like this where they each have the opportunity to shine without trying to upstage each other. LMH was the straight man to JJH's comedic antics in the early episodes. Then LMH got the opportunity to ham it up with the jealousy and tap into the melodrama with the daddy issues. I love them both!


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Agree with you 100%! I find these two equal and very compatible!


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Lmh n jjh are doing good job


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It's funny the way you say that JJH is overpowering LMH in acting but all knetz can talk about is how great LMH has been for the past 6-8 episodes. In fact, he is getting praised for acting double roles and having the acting skills to construct and create two very different characters in one drama. I love JJH and LMH equally. Hate to see that LMH never receives credit where it is due.


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Its sad to see some people discrediting him when obviously he is doing just fine. Tsk tsk


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Am I the only one who's been seeing Jin Joo's husband as Oh Jung Se? I couldn't remember his name so I had to wikipedia him in a convoluted way (The Man Living in My House > lead actor, whose name I conveniently forgot > that Nine drama they were on > Oh Jung Se). I knew they weren't the same person, but they looked much too alike for me not to think they were related. But Blue Sea's is Lee Jae Won and the other one is Oh Jung Se. But I swear they could be cast as brothers and I would've thought they really were. Like David Lee and Park Jung Min in D.O.'s Pure Love.

Image: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSG4DsK0CHgkirQTpBIPEPV0E2678J5QdgTsueIq2gwkyutWho4YgsguzD-jg


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I thought same too...

Ooo. Thanks for clearing that up!


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You're welcome. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


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I'm not sympathetic to the dad (other than he's being poisoned via med switch of course). You have to be a mighty dumb ass to overlook that your new wife is a 2 faced shrew who's going all wicked stepmother to your son while fussing and laying it on thick in front of you. For that matter, why he split from the first wife is still a mystery but he was probably seduced by the new wife and his marriage wrecked.

At least the step brother is using his natural talents for shadiness to get a clear picture of what's going on.


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I still don't get why that people let that s**t happen ?

Why would anyone LET their home be wrecked?

I guess some people are just weak human beings

Daddy-o doesn't get a pass from me at all


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And I really hope step brother Chi Hyun double-crosses his mom... cos there is only so much true evil one can ignore! And so far, his Dad has been such a disappointment.


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I hope so too. Otherwise, what's with him being all suspicious? If he ends up supporting Evil Mom, that would be veering off the direction we've seen him walking toward. He's been such a good son with Dad and good guy with Chung that he doesn't deserve jumping on to the evil boat with Evil Mom and Killer.


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laughing at the criticisms of LMH's acting, he is doing more than fine, there is a reason why JJ is becoming another lovely and iconic character for him, many people even before the drama aired, were already saying JJH was going to overshadow him, but i don't see it, sure she is great, but she is not carrying him whatsoever, he is doing just fine, and happily, most knetz agree, they love his acting in this drama, anyways......

Saw episode ten, holy crap things are getting even better, can't wait for next week


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Love them both. I admire LMH for dealing with the pressure of expectations and doing a fantastic job.


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Can someone clear my doubt?
1. How can Shi-ah take Joon Jae to see the items recovered from excavation? Doesn't he need some passes to visit the place that houses the archaeological findings?
2. Shouldn't the findings be confidential until the official announcement to public? How can Shi-ah share the information with JJ casually?
3. I know Shi-ah is romantically interested in JJ, so she is revealing about those findings to JJ, as he is interested in Dam-Ryung's ancestry. But how will that lure him to her? She is not that dumb to share everything, so what is the motive behind all this?


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1. To get in his good graces cos she likes him...to score some points with him.... Yeah. He probably needs some passes ...but part of her points are that she would practically break the any and ALL rules for him...in her warped mind. And he would love her for it! Becos she knows he has an interest in these types of stuff. But mind you, all her roguish actions are rather working in Shim Chung and HJJ"s favour nonetheless. Talk about Catch-22.

2. Refer to 1.

3. Refer to 2.


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Thanks, affie. That helps me understand this better, I must have missed him sharing much of his interest in Dam Ryung with Shi Ah but you're so right- she'd jump on the tiniest clue to get JJ's attention.


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I am sorry but i disagree with you,as some one who felt jjh was going to overshadow him in this drama and thought he was horrible in heirs,i have to say that lmh acting improved so much in this drama and apart from the first two episodes Lee minho has been holding it down nicely and jjh is not overpowering him in anyway.
That crying scene alone deserves a lot of applause,let's give praise when it is due.


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In reply to @Chester


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They each get a chance to shine with their different characters.


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That kinda issue of 'JJH is overshadowing LMH' also emerged during YWCFTS back then. Since she was paired with KSH, her younger co-star, people said that she seemed to perform better than KSH.

However, this issue was then faded away itself since DMJ character was unique and managed to steal viewers' hearts. Their chemistry is so great that people finally forgot about the issue. They just completed one another. In the end, they both also won Daesangs and many awards in some awards ceremonies, proving that they both shined brightly, not overshadowing one another.

So, whether JJH outshines LMH or not can also be seen after the drama ends. If they both get the similar reception in the upcoming award ceremonies, it can also mean that they are fine, not overshadowing one another.

Why are those awards the parameter? Well, JJH - KSH or JJH x LMH are both popular stars. These days, most awards are based on popularity. If we can use KSH - JJH as an example, I think it also applies for LMH x JJH.


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Lee Minho can't make the reluctant romantic man interesting like Kim Soo Hyun did and just comes off as dull and uninteresting. Dude is the second coming of Hyun Bin. Limited acting range and not able to cary a drama on their own. Normally dramas who are character driven rather than plot driven are said to be the more quality watch but damn LOTBS is so tiring to watch even Jun Ji Hyun can't compensate with her camera charisma and comedy antics.

LOTBS just feels like a discount YWCFTS. But it can't get me invested because the characters don't manage to capture you in. Everything about it feels so superficial and dragging. It can't manage to create the lingering feeling YWCFTS did so you get the feeling that everything is dragging without direction. The writer should have thought more about her plot since her this time her leading man can't compensate with character creativity and chemistry with her female lead. The double time lines are not interesting enough to warrant most of the screen time being face cfs of their leads.


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After a little shut-eye, I recalled two productions with reincarnation themes hinging on dreams and memories of Joseon. Both tie in nicely with LOTBS. I enjoyed how both of them unfolded. Even with iffy subtitles, the film was very touching.

SNOW LOTUS, aka LUCID DREAM on Netflix, is a 2015 SBS drama special in 2 parts. "Lucid Dream" is the name of the computer gaming company started by the protagonist because of the dreams that plague his sleep, and his attempts to change their outcome.

The 2010 film TRY TO REMEMBER is entitled HAVE WE MET? in Korean. The film references the story of Won-yi's mother, whose heartbreaking letter to her deceased husband was found with his mummified remains in a 450-year-old tomb discovered on a construction site in Andong in 1998. Javabeans reported its release, which prompted me to read up on the archaeological find. The real-life "Letter to Won's Father" took me apart at the seams. Dam-ryung's portrait may do likewise, especially if it is accompanied by a letter or an inscription...

I'm really liking this plot twist in LOTBS.


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I am watching and I am laughing along but nothing lingers after i turn off the show :|


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I agree, but... maybe I'm alone in this, but there are actually very few dramas I think about when I'm not watching it or commenting on Dramabeans. So I don't hold it against LOTBS. I'm pretty good at putting a show away after the frame freezes, haha. Even if I had a good time while watching it.

There are exceptions, though. This just doesn't happen to be one of them.


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This is exactly me.

While I watch it, I'm having fun and laughing but it takes me forever to get enough motivation to watch the episode - also I have to rack my brain for 5 minutes to remember what happened in the previous episode and once I'm done, I completely forget about it.

I see this more like a sitcom, with some very thinly planned undercurrent plot.


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Yes, I have to remember to tune in each week.

I am not even referring to "love". There are a lot of dramas I dislike intensely but they still pull something from me that makes me think about how much I hate so and so or how so and so annoy me, and I look forward to next week so I can hate more lol

But this show, nada. There isn't a character that I love, hate, detest, adore etc. Everything is juuuuust on point and it's crazy for me to complain about it being on point but here I am. It's like the Pleasantville of kdramas lol


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did anyone else get spooked when dam-ryung appeared in joon-jae's dream? maybe it was the fact that i was watching in the dark late at night or something, and also i'm a scaredy cat, but something about that sequence definitely spooked me. enough so that i got up and turned on all the lights!

it took me awhile to put my finger on what other show the whole past-present thing reminded me of, but i finally landed on signal too. i guess it's interesting, but signal already did it with a splash (har har), so i feel like i already know where this is headed.

i think we're in deep enough now that i can definitively say that i'm nowhere near as crazy about this show as i so firmly thought i would be when i first heard of it. it's hard to pinpoint just one thing—i feel like it's a mixture of writing and directing and not being able to connect with the male lead.

i feel like there's a tendency with this show to skip a lot of "connecting" scenes. meaning, sometimes it abruptly jumps from one thing to another without properly explaining what happened in between. such as when chung swam for 3 whole months to reach seoul. all we got was a quick (campy) scene of her waving goodbye to her mermaid friends.

a lot of the humor tends to fall flat for me too—i think this may be more of the directing or acting. because on paper i could see that this is the writer's brand of wit, and it's definitely worked for me before, but i rarely find myself laughing and i can't figure out precisely why. humor is subjective though, so i may be in the minority.

... and, i think i've finally given up on expecting more of lee min-ho in terms of acting, seven years after BOF and waiting for him to show that same level of intensity (at least from what i remember) that he displayed there. he's not bad, but he's not good either.

this show also reminds me of reply 1994 in a way. the same sort of crazy anticipation, but overly long scenes and not-so-funny humor made 1994 a bit flat and not as well edited as 1997. LOBS isn't a sequel or part of a series, of course, but i feel like it tends to go on a bit too much sometimes. not enough action or good humor, so some of it feels like filler too. whereas YFAS, i rarely thought a scene was useless...

this is NOT a hate comment!


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I think I stopped expecting Lee Min Ho to be anything other than Lee Min Ho acting. He's charming and cute and a decent actor. Most thrive to hit this mark, few surpass it.


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Yay crazy street Ajumma came back!

I loved it! This show is so good as a whole.

I love LMH's showing! He is acting so good!

In fact so awesome! I'm very glad I'm watching this show .


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This was a very enjoyable episode and like girlfriday I'm loving the Dam Ryung-Joon Jae encounter across time. This show might prove to be a slow burner, as the stakes rise in both past and present.

Things I'm happy about:
1) Mermaid is learning (I get an extra kick that she gets her life lessons from dramas).
2) Her innocence and honesty clearly affects people around her: 'aren't you supposed to be warm and friendly if you are family?' 'con artists still lie'.
3) Lee Min Ho's acting range is on full display, from bumbling to angsty to love-you-forever. For those that thought JJH overshadowed Lee Min Ho, I would disagree. He'd going a good job. Reminds me of why I loved him in Faith.
4) Previously the show did seem similar to My Love From the Star = girl meets alien, guy meets mermaid. However, this episode firmly marked something new for me. Before we had scenes from Joseon book-ended onto each episode... now, with the time-travelling/bending element both are colliding and affecting each other.
5) I for one don't need hot kisses (yet). In fact I thought it was much more romantic that HJJ opened up his heart to her and confided his daddy troubles. That spoke louder than a forgettable kiss.

Verdict: I don't spend all week dying from anticipation of the next episode (thank you Goblin for torturing me all week), but this show is turning out to be better than I expected. Keep it up show! Or I will weep useless non-pearl tears.


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That is not a hate comment? seriously?
I don't even know why you are still watching this drama when all u do after watching Is complain. I think I will skip your comments continue to skip your comments starting from today because I am tired of reading them and it pisses me off badly.
The drama is doing well.Jjh and Lee min go are awesome. There are so many things happening at same time.
Yes, Lee min ho is not a good actor to you but to me and a million others,he is.
And you can stop your hate on Lee min ho,its getting tiring.


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The above comment is meant for @Saranga.


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Thank you for saying what I wanted to say. Let's just ignore people who love to hate the drama but yet, have not stopped watching at this point. I find it ridiculous how someone can watch 9-10 episodes of a drama they hate and even come on to comment about how they're not feeling it or feeling the actor. Simple, just drop it then. It's certainly contradictory.

In my opinion, JJH and LMH are both doing great!


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i watched all the current episodes, enjoyed what i enjoyed and didn't enjoy what i didn't and said so. as long as i watched them all, i have every right to express myself.

you have no right to try and muzzle comments that you don't potentially agree with; all you have to do is ignore and move on. then this comment section wouldn't be such a juvenile war zone each week.


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thanks for taking the time to inform me that you will be skipping my comments from now on. that's exactly what you SHOULD do if you don't agree with a respectfully worded comment, if you are unable to respond like a mature human being. but for the record:

i never said i hated the drama. i said it hadn't lived up to my hopes, and this was the first time i'd commented so. were there comments written by me, that you've read recently, that i'm not aware of?

up till now, i'd been reserving full judgment and giving the show more than enough time to find its footing. 10 episodes in, i decided how i felt about the show and was ready to write a comment about it. i still like it well enough; but it's definitely a disappointment in that it didn't meet my expectations of what i thought it would be.

tip: stay away from the comments section if you can't handle opposing viewpoints to the extent that you feel compelled to write immature responses to them.


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@sept,many fans of the KSH-JJH pairing had a thing against LMH from the get go, specially some KSH fans.... I'm just happy that the overall reception of Minho's character and his acting has been very positive, he is acting with an actress who is at the top of her game, yet he is not overshadow by her, if anything in the last episodes, his character is the one that is shinning the most.

If this drama has any criticism, it has been because of the writer, as far as the acting, everyone is doing a great job, so keep it up LOTBS team!!!


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This show is great! I just finished episode 10! It was definitely the best of the episodes thus far. I am so hooked onto this drama!

I don't understand the comparison between this drama and MLFAS. I get it, same female lead and same writer. But the overall story and underlying message is so different. The way the story is executed is also different. The comparison of this drama to MLFAS is basically a comparison like, "this romantic comedy is so similar to all romantic comedies." Well duh, it's a genre, they are similar in some ways but the difference between the two is much greater.

Also, I am simply amazed at how some people like to say that JJH carries the drama. I love her and I think she is doing great. But does she overshadow Lee Min Ho's acting? I'd have to say no, they are both equally shining.

"LMH not being able to shine next to JJH but KSH was able to..." Lol, Get out of here. KSH was great. But same goes for LMH. By the way LMH's HHJ and KDR are all the rage of this show in Korea. If he is such a bad actor, then what about those millions of koreans who are simply blown away by his great acting in this drama? You have to consider also that in Korea, JJH is much more loved than LMH. So for them to praise LMH left to right is quite a site. After the first few episodes, all Knetz really talk about now is how amazing HE is of an actor.


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Why are some fans of a certain actor comparing lmh to him,if you don't like lmh why bother watching this drama i mean this is the 9th episode already go re-watch your fav's amazing drama or something.
I don't mind criticism when it is done right but in this case it is just a rabid fan girl trying to pull down others and by the way episode 10 is out and it is the best episode so far!


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and one more thing, if you have a bias towards ywcfts & KSH, chances are you are not going to give this drama a fair chance anyways, what is the point of watching this if you don't like the leads or the story? move on to something else


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@Zizou ''He comes of as dull and uninteresting" I know we are all entitled to our own opinions but come on,are we actually watching the same drama or are you even watching?
As much as you Yfts fans want to compare they are both different dramas no need calling lmh and wow even HYUN BIN bad to praise your almighty Ksh,your comment is filled with bitterness calm down a little because unlike what you wish Lee min ho is actually doing good in this drama.


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Lee Minho is tolerable and but nothing more or less. Wouldn't call him outstanding in his role as Joon Jae/Dam Ryung. The script is written for his character to be awesome but for me he simply can't convey it.

It feels like Lee Minho acting a scammer/Joseon mayor role rather than naturally flowing over the character on screen. So dull and boring can exactly be what some are feeling.

With Kim Soo Hyun all his roles feel natural and authentic. And when had Hyun Bin showed any other range than arrogant chaebol in his dramas? Even though he is above Lee Minho in terms of acting.


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you should consider checking out worlds within if you want to see hyun bin act something besides an arrogant chaebol jackass. haha. he did really, really well in worlds within, though i think some people might find it dull since it's a bit more slice-of-life than a traditional drama format. but it's one of my absolute favorite dramas to date.


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Lol, comparison is the sure fire way to generate more comments to a lacklustre drama without much discussion points


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