Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 2

I’m really loving the tonal pendulum of this show, which is both sadder and funnier than I expected, but so well executed in both extremes. The comedy really ramps up in this second hour, sending us on a totally ridiculous farce of a chase that has me in stitches. But no matter how outlandish the comedy, the heart of the emotion is always there, making it easy to empathize with our mermaid who’s adrift on land and our con man who’s adrift in life.



Joseon, 1598. Newly appointed mayor Dam-ryung lights wish lanterns by the sea with local children, and accidentally lets one loose too early, sending him down the shore to collect his wayward lantern. But he discovers that someone else has found it first, and is surprised to see that it’s the mermaid he’d released back into the ocean.

The old fisherman who had witnessed their parting narrates over the scene: “It is a connection that should not have been made. But they are already linked, and so that connection will continue. They will meet again.”

Hearing this, mermaid-hunter Lord Yang chuckles and interprets it as a very simple roadmap to recapturing the mermaid: follow the mayor back to her.

Back on the shore, Dam-ryung is startled when the mermaid speaks to him, and very eloquently at that. She calls him “scholar,” and says that he’d told her not to be afraid, but he’s the one who seems frightened now. He wonders how she can speak, and she says that there’s no reason a mermaid can’t do anything that a human can do.

He asks why she didn’t speak up the day she was first captured, and she says that she did—it just never reached him. In flashback, we see that she spoke in her head the moment she first saw him: “Save me.” She explains that mermaids hear each other’s thoughts, so words are unnecessary.

Dam-ryung wants to know if humans can hear a mermaid’s thoughts (uh… isn’t that what’s happening to you right now?), and she says that a long time ago, a boy loved a mermaid and heard her voice. He asks what happened to that boy, and judging from the sad look on her face, nothing good. He wants to know if they can meet again, so she tells him to light a lantern over the sea, and she’ll know it’s a sign to come see him.

In the ensuing days, Lord Yang keeps tabs on Dam-ryung, and hears that there is one odd thing the new mayor is doing…

That night, the mermaid sees a shining light up above the sea, and swims toward it. When she reaches the surface, she sees an entire ocean valley filled with an army of lanterns, all lit for her. And from the distance, Dam-ryung glides in on a small boat. That’s some entrance (also, are you steering that boat with your mind?).

He stops right in front of her, and they gaze into each other’s eyes.

Spain, 2016. Con artist Joon-jae has a rare moment of conscience and doubles back to go find the mermaid he left behind at the department store, and she reaches up with a smile when he appears in front of her holding an umbrella. He pulls her up and says he hates leaving without saying goodbye, and that’s the only reason he came. Uh-huh.

Satisfied that he said goodbye now, he turns to go. But when we cut to him in the car, the mermaid is sitting right next to him wearing his jacket and covered in a blanket. She’s still shaking, so he stops to buy her a coffee, and even blows on it first so that she won’t burn her tongue.

The mermaid mimics him gleefully, blowing into her coffee like it’s a balloon. He asks if she doesn’t have a place to stay, but she’s busy having her first taste of coffee, which starts with a grimace and ends with her sucking down the whole cup.

Joon-jae sighs that he should’ve left her back there, but with no other recourse, he takes her with him to his next hotel. He heads to the shower, while the mermaid remains in the doorway, transfixed by the hotel keycard that turns on all the lights. She gets a kick out of pulling the card in and out and making the lights flicker on and off, over and over and over again until Joon-jae finally storms out mid-shower.

He backs her up into the wall and has to reach around her in the dark to get the keycard, and the proximity makes her suddenly turn bashful. He stares at her curiously and says, “Are you… being shy?” As if on cue, she tucks her hair behind her ear, and he yelps at her to stop it this instant. Hee.

Joon-jae insists that his ideal type is an intelligent woman, her total opposite, and tells her not to mistake his random act of kindness as romantic interest. Hilariously, she spends the whole time leering at him in his bathrobe and thinking lusty thoughts, so his whole speech falls on deaf ears. She stands there for a while just tapping her fingers together coyly, while he locks himself in the bathroom.

The mermaid is startled when Joon-jae’s phone rings, and on the other end (in Seoul), CHA SHI-AH (Shin Hye-sun) hangs up with a sigh. She’s Joon-jae’s classmate from KAIST, and Shi-ah’s sister-in-law AHN JIN-JOO (Moon So-ri) asks nosily about the man she’s calling.

Shi-ah is a researcher in preservation science who deals with artifacts, and we can tell from the chip on her shoulder and Jin-joo’s comments that her family doesn’t really think it a very worthy career.

Once Shi-ah is gone, the family’s housekeeper MO YOO-RAN (Na Young-hee) tells Jin-joo that her son went to KAIST too, which I’m guessing is not a coincidence. Jin-joo doesn’t seem to believe that the housekeeper’s son could be as handsome and brilliant as his mom insists, and she says that these days dragons don’t come from Gyecheon River (an old idiom for a man who comes from humble beginnings and goes on to greatness), but Yoo-ran says wistfully that her son isn’t from Gyecheon, but “a wide, blue sea.”

At that, Jin-joo asks teasingly if the housekeeper is hiding her illustrious background. She doesn’t answer, but her look suggests that there’s more to her story.

Jin-joo is amused to hear the latest gossip that a friend of hers was just scammed, and that friend turns out to be the woman Joon-jae conned just before leaving for Spain. The angry CEO fumes at her henchmen and orders them to catch those con artists dead or alive, especially the one who pretended to be a prosecutor.

Back in Spain, Joon-jae nearly has a heart attack when the mermaid appears over his shoulder, mesmerized by the sight of a movie playing on his laptop. She climbs over the couch and all over him until he tosses the laptop at her, and he assumes that her interest is because of Kang Dong-won on the screen (and he seems a little miffed about her indiscriminate taste in pretty boys, heh).

He lets her have the laptop and goes to bed, and the mermaid stays up all night watching everything from comedies to kung-fu movies, mouthing along with certain words or mimicking gestures along the way. She’s mesmerized by a documentary about the ocean, and reaches out to the screen longingly.

When Joon-jae wakes up in the morning, he finds the mermaid still clutching the laptop with dark circles halfway down her face. She refuses to let go, and he sighs that she’s become a celebrity-obsessed fangirl (because now she’s got So Ji-sub on the screen).

Joon-jae’s con artist partner Nam-doo calls with a warning that the CEO they recently scammed turned out to be a scary loan shark, and she’s sent her henchmen abroad to hunt them down. What’s worse is that they’ve caught Joon-jae’s scent because he carelessly didn’t switch phones after the job, and Nam-doo warns that they’re probably on their way right now. Nam-doo chides him for being lax, and then asks Joon-jae to send him the jade bracelet before going on the run. Joon-jae ignores him.

The mermaid just watches curiously as Joon-jae packs up at the speed of light. He says it’s time that they part and runs out… only to come right back when he spots the henchmen already outside the hotel. He tells himself not to panic and looks around the room, eyes landing on a fire extinguisher, alarm clock, and bottles of water.

The henchmen go from room to room until they bust open Joon-jae’s door, but then they spot what looks like a bomb and everyone drops to the floor. He had time to build a bomb? The clock rapidly counts down and they brace for impact, but all that happens is that the alarm goes off. Wah-waah. They find a sheet tied to the balcony, and Joon-jae and the mermaid are gone.

It looks like they didn’t get much of a head start though, because they run hand-in-hand down the beach with the henchmen huffing and puffing not far behind. The mermaid seems to be enjoying this, unaware of the life-and-death stakes, and takes in the ocean view happily.

When the henchmen close in on them, the mermaid sends them flying into the air with a kick here and a punch there, without ever breaking a sweat. Joon-jae steals a bicycle and the mermaid gleefully gets on and throws her arms around his waist.

The best part is that she’s in a romance movie while he’s in a spy caper, and she reaches out to pluck flowers on the way and wave at bystanders, all while knocking out henchmen left and right (she mutters a few sounds, though they don’t sound like words yet). Unaware that she’s doing all the heavy lifting, Joon-jae congratulates himself on his speedy getaway, and brags to her that they wouldn’t have made it out if it weren’t for him.

They nearly eat it down a sudden slope of stairs on a sharp turn, but the mermaid’s quick reflexes keep them from tumbling all the way down, not that Joon-jae notices her stopping the bike with her hand. He leads her down on foot, and when more henchmen arrive to block their path, he tucks her into a corner and tells her to wait while he fights them off.

He’s so busy handling three henchmen that he doesn’t notice the army of goons coming from the other direction, but the mermaid cuts them off with her crazy kung-fu moves that she learned from her Bruce Lee movie marathon, complete with fast feet, sound effects, and signature thumb move.

The true comedy is Joon-jae’s lame fight intercut with the mermaid’s high-flying action-hero fight, where he kicks a guy in the nuts and manages to land ONE impressive punch, and then stops to brag to the mermaid about it with his fist in the air. LOL. City Hunter he is not. He’s missed her entire fight, and doesn’t notice that every balcony around them is littered with tattered henchmen.

His victory is short-lived though, because the lead henchman shows up with a gun. Thinking quickly, Joon-jae flips his lighter on and orders him to put down the gun. The man starts to obey for about two seconds, but then asks if he wants to die, and Joon-jae praises the leader on his mental fortitude and folds his hands obediently.

The men lead Joon-jae into their van, and the mermaid starts to run after them, but Joon-jae silently motions for her not to follow. Aw, but she looks so lost without you!

Thankfully she doesn’t listen, and instead gets on the bicycle to chase down the van. The henchmen are bewildered by her superhuman speed, and though they attempt to outrun her, she actually manages to cut them off and stop right in the van’s path.

The leader orders them to just run her over, so Joon-jae starts a tussle from the backseat and yanks the steering wheel in the other direction, sending them crashing into a phone booth instead.

He busts out of the van, somehow with the gun in hand, and jumps onto the back of the mermaid’s bike for a comically low-speed getaway. The gangsters chase them on foot, lol, and Joon-jae leads the mermaid by the hand into a maze garden. He tells her that if they happen to round a corner and spot the baddies, he’ll fight them off and she’s to run the other way.

He’s so busy bragging about his fight skills that he doesn’t notice the mermaid falling behind, where she spots the henchmen and runs right for them. The next thing we know, henchmen are flying through the air left and right.

By the time Joon-jae finds the mermaid, she’s alone, hair covered in leaves, and this time she takes him by the hand and leads him back out of the maze. He beams at her and says she did a good job finding the way out, and starts to pluck the leaves out of her hair.

Time slows, and one by one the leaves fall at their feet, and the mermaid smiles up at him shyly. She looks extra pleased when he holds her hand to lead her away.

They bike through town and the mermaid jumps off at the sight of children eating ice cream. She takes a cup and the vendor grabs her arm and starts yelling at her to pay, and Joon-jae gets angry with him, only to turn sheepish when he doesn’t have enough money to pay him.

While the mermaid gets her very first taste of ice cream and brain freeze, Joon-jae calls a local friend to ask for help because he can’t use any of his credit cards. They go to a seaside church to meet this friend (cameo by Ahn Jae-hong), who must be pulling off a con as a holy man, because he introduces Joon-jae as a pastor friend working in Africa to save elephants.

Joon-jae introduces the mermaid as his wife, giving this whole sob story about an accident that rendered her a little brain-damaged and unable to speak, getting appropriately choked up as he wonders when he’ll be able to hear his wife’s voice again.

Without skipping a beat, the mermaid suddenly says, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you all. The weather is quite warm, isn’t it?” Omo! She speaks!

Joon-jae drags her outside and asks how she’s suddenly talking, and she matter-of-factly states that he said he wanted to hear her voice. Ohhhhh, does he have the power to do that??

She wants to know what a “wife” is, and he says it’s no big deal, like a friend. She files that little tidbit away. He wonders why she didn’t talk all this time if she could, and she says she found it difficult until yesterday, “but I learned it all from that box you gave me.” Cut to: the mermaid absorbing an online Korean language course while wearing the laptop on her head. Hahaha.

He catches her staring at him, and she says she’s looking at his eyeballs: “The ink in your eyeballs is shiny. It’s pretty.” The comment catches him off-guard, but Joon-jae is weak to compliments, and agrees that his eyes are pretty. He repeats what housekeeper Yoo-ran said earlier about being unable to go ten steps with her son as a baby because people wanted to hold him. Then he teaches the mermaid more appropriate words like “eyes” and “pupils,” wondering where she learned such strange words.

Joon-jae and his friend “Pastor Thomas” are apparently both members of the Mensa Con Artists Club, ha, and Thomas is happy to help Joon-jae with his needs… for a price. He lays out the whole religious scam he’s got going here, and tasks Joon-jae with a performance to pull the emotional strings once the congregation has their wallets open. So Joon-jae gets up on stage and sings a song with an acoustic guitar, and the crowd is moved to tears.

After the service, the pastor shows Joon-jae and his wife to a room, and when the mermaid says she’s thirsty, he points her to a water dispenser offhandedly. When he and the pastor look back over at her, she’s got the giant bottle held upside-down in the air, and she chugs the entire bottle in one shot.

From her bed, the mermaid asks Joon-jae what love is, because that’s what he sang about earlier. He calls it something dangerous that a person like her should never do, and explains: “If you ever love someone, that’s surrender. It’s losing.” He says that she’d believe everything that guy ever told her, which would be the end, and advises her to never ever say that she loves someone.

To which she stares into his eyes and replies, “I love you.” HA. He’s taken aback, and it takes him a few seconds to recover and yell at her not to do that. Without skipping a beat, she switches gears and says she’s hungry.

While the mermaid slurps some ramyun, Joon-jae watches her and wonders if maybe she has amnesia, and tries his lighter hypnosis on her to ask about her parents. It doesn’t work even a little, and once he explains what parents are, she says she doesn’t have any.

She asks him if he has parents, and he gets this faraway look in his eyes as he says that he has a father who might as well not be there, and he wishes he had a mother. He says that’s what he’s doing—looking for his mom—and when the mermaid asks where, he says, “The end of the world.”

He asks the mermaid for her name (took you long enough), and isn’t even surprised when she says she doesn’t have one, because he’s gotten used to all her weirdness. She asks forlornly, “If I weren’t strange, if I were a person with a name, then I could stay with you, right?”

He assures her that he didn’t mean it like that, and says she’s not even all that strange compared to all the truly weird people out there, calling himself the strangest person of all. She calls him a good person and he asks how she’d know that. She answers sincerely, “My hand—you could have let go many times. You’re a good person.” This time, he has no quippy comeback to mask his reaction.

As the mermaid sleeps that night, Joon-jae gets up and slips the jade bracelet back on her wrist. He mutters softly that he’s dined and dashed a lot of times, but this is the first time he’s ever spit out what he ate. He sighs, “Let’s go together. To the end of the world.”

Unfortunately, the henchmen have also discovered Joon-jae’s plans to visit the Tower of Hercules, the place he keeps calling “the end of the world,” and they head there to intercept him.

In the morning, Joon-jae gets his cut of the scam and a car from Thomas, who’s busy trying to hit on the mermaid. But once Joon-jae is gone, Thomas finds out that his share of the money collected last night was given to the church pastor—Joon-jae told him to use it to educate poor children, lol.

The mermaid keeps hearing about this place called Seoul and asks if Joon-jae is going there, and he says yes, because that’s home. At the mention of home, the mermaid looks out at the ocean and shuts her eyes.

They reach the Tower of Hercules, and the mermaid asks why they call this the end of the world when it’s the start of the ocean. Joon-jae thinks back to coming here as a child with his mother, who told him about the legend of Hercules’s mother who longed to see her son, and the lighthouse that the people built so that he’d cross the ocean and come to her.

Little Joon-jae asked how the legend ends, and Mom didn’t answer, but said that people who part here are destined to meet again. She said it was probably because while this was the end of one world, it was the beginning of another one.

He’d carved his name into a stone there, and in the present he shows the mermaid and tells her his name, saying that it’s an honor since there aren’t many people who know his real name. She asks if people who part here really do meet again, and he figures it’s probably a lie, since he was separated from his mother here and still hasn’t found her.

They watch as Little Joon-jae runs around in tears looking for Mom and gets led away by a man in a suit, and once the vision fades, he says that his mother left without saying goodbye. Well that explains his fixation with goodbyes.

The mermaid discovers his name carved into a second stone, and Joon-jae smiles to realize that his mother did say goodbye to him all those years ago. He tells her that it reads, “I love you, Heo Joon-jae,” and the mermaid asks if Mom lost and surrendered to him. He chuckles and says she did, momentarily taken with the mermaid’s smile.

The trip down memory lane is cut short by the arrival of the relentless loan shark henchmen, and when Joon-jae cocks his gun from the tower at them, the goons bust out machine guns.

Always quick to back down, Joon-jae grabs the mermaid’s hand and they run… and run and run and run… all the way to the edge of a cliff, with the ocean churning violently down below.

They’re cornered now, so Joon-jae asks to let the girl go, insisting that she has nothing to do with this and he doesn’t even know her name. He tells her to get lost, but she comes right back to his side and says, “I’m your wife.” Oh no!

He mutters out of the corner of his mouth that she should’ve run away when she had the chance, and asks what they’re going to do now. The mermaid just glances down at the ocean, but Joon-jae turns pale and says that he’s afraid of heights AND water, and he’d rather get lightly shot. Lol.

The mermaid says no to the bullets, and before he can argue, she grabs his hand and leaps into the sea. He begins to sink almost immediately… but the mermaid returns to her true form and swims over to him, and at her touch, he opens his eyes.

He takes in her mermaid tail and suddenly remembers all the odd things about her, and how she wondered if she could stay by his side if she had a name and weren’t so strange. The truth dawns on him, as the mermaid pulls him in for a kiss.

Epilogue. Preservation scientist Shi-ah works on a collection of artifacts recently discovered underwater, and she’s shocked when she clears away the mud on a vase, uncovering a drawing of a mermaid kissing a man.


I’m really enjoying the way each episode opens on a new chapter of the mermaid’s love story with Dam-ryung, especially because it’s so visually beautiful and melancholy in tone. I’m hoping that if the past storyline is the classic tragic one, the present timeline has a shot in hell at a happy ending. Hey, it’s the first week, so why not dream big? I like getting the Joseon story in little bits, like a short fable where we get to imagine all the details in between. But even if these two souls were fated to be for the last four hundred years, what I like about the present-day romance is that they’re both actively choosing to stay together—repeatedly taking her hand and not letting go, as the mermaid keenly pointed out.

We’ve only known Joon-jae for a short time, but he seems to be breaking every rule in his book for this strange girl, without really knowing why. That repeated choice, especially the one where he returns the jade bracelet and takes her with him to the end of the world, makes me invested in the romance from the start. On an emotional level, it carries more weight than the mermaid’s childlike attachment to him, since for now it’s like she’s imprinted on him like a duckling, which is adorable but not so complex. I do think we’re in for a lot of change with the mermaid now that she knows language, no matter how unbelievable the overnight crash course is. I mean, how many videos could she possibly have watched in one night to go from Wolf Boy to Wifey? Can she also stop time?

The connection between Joon-jae’s desire to hear the mermaid’s voice and her sudden ability to speak is fascinating, because in Joseon I honestly couldn’t tell if they were sharing a mental connection and he just didn’t know it. But now it seems like Dam-ryung wishing to hear the mermaid is connected to her suddenly talking, similar to the way that Joon-jae voiced the desire and it magically coming true. Is the mermaid something of a wish-granter, or are her abilities limited by what Dam-ryung and Joon-jae want? Why? Because they saved her? Or because they love her? Or because she loves them?

I already knew in the first episode that the mermaid would be a great character, but I’m surprised to also like the con man right away, because I expected him to be more morally questionable, or to keep leaving her behind and being a slippery weasel. But he’s so sweet to the helpless mermaid and so hilariously puffed up by vanity and his nonexistent fight skills that I ended up loving him by the end of this episode. It helps that he’s so sincere and forthright with the mermaid, possibly because he doesn’t think he’ll ever see her again, or because he trusts in her innocence on a fundamental level. He’s more likable than I expected, which is a huge relief. I think overall the comedy won me over, thanks to the clever directing—both for his character, and the drama as a whole—because the emotional range is greater on both sides now, and that opens up a lot of possibilities. I’m thrilled that Joon-jae has already learned of the mermaid’s true identity, but what are the chances that he’ll get to remember that? I’d say slim to none, but here’s hoping for a magical twist to counter her magical memory-zapping powers.


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This show is honestly so campy and over-the-top so far but I’m digging it, it’s making me laugh a lot lol.

As long as it doesn’t end up taking itself too seriously I’m down.



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"I’m hoping that if the past storyline is the classic tragic one, the present timeline has a shot in hell at a happy ending."

I really like this idea, too, and am interested to see how these two different times (which seem like two different dramas right now) will connect as we get more answers to our questions and see more of what happened in the Joseon time. I kind of love the idea of having one being the tragic melo with this one being... the fantasy caper rom-com? Lol.


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Beautiful location in Spain, hv to commend them for that. The Joseon backstory is really poignant. Just wondering who pushed LMH's boat to that grand entrance or is it being pulled by ropes? I'm really getting a lot of My Love From the Star here just in reverse. Since I started with Korean Dramas, there's only Surplus Princess who went the mermaid route but that went kaput for some reasons and it was somewhat forgotten. Maybe coz they dared to change the story by forming a love line between the other guy and the mermaid instead of the dreamy prince played by Song Jae Rim. Jo Bo Ah as the mermaid.
Fast forward to 2016. Jeon Ji Hyun decided to play a mermaid being the Queen of Hallyu she gets the be only mermaid in Korean Drama history, nobody will come close.
So, is she the same mermaid from the Joseon era? What a long time to wait ..
Love the cameos ..the pretty ahjummas who played LmH 's mom in Heirs and the one who played Cheon Song Yi's mom in My love from the star. Our favorite hyung from Reply 1988 Ahn Jae Hong. And then there's the underwater kiss, what a beautiful shot. 'Nuff said. Waiting for the next ep.


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I also think the same thing, is the mermaid 2016 the same as in Joseon? How come the Joseon mermaid speaks and the mermaid 2016 didn't until now?

So, from what I've seen mermaid 2016 didn't know any humans so far and didn't know their languages and she never been on land before (first time getting legs). Even if the Joseon mermaid was speaking to the 'scholar' mentally (we don't know yet) she seemed to know about the ways of the human world, she seems to be more aware of it while the mermaid 2016 is not and is shown that she is quite wild (a fact that she never was in contact with the human world before).

For me it wouldn't make sense for her to be the same mermaid. So I would guess that they are different mermaids. Maybe the 'scholar' and the Joseon mermaid were tragic lovers like Romeo and Juliet? Joon-jae and the mermaid 2016 might be reincarnated because of the Joseon tragic fairytale, those two were given a second chance to change courses and be happy together in the modern world.


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I guess the alternative is that she was traumatized by past events and has amnesia. Why not? If we have mermaids, we might as well throw in amnesia in the mix.


I am guessing the modern-day mermaid is a descendant of the Jose on one. The Joseon one must be pregnant with the town head and gave birth to descendants that have feet whilst on land.


i think that its a diffrent mermaid. and at first i thought that it was joon jae who was the descendant of the mermaid since his mom said that his origin is from the wide ocean.
but when you said that the mermaid is a human hybrid i thought otherwise. still its ep 2 so a LOT of possibilities!

at the vase discovery in the epilogue. i was really intrigued how it looked EXACTLY like joon jae kissing the mermaid (hopefully we get her name soon and not just call her mermaid all throughout or maybe we could for a change Kdrama?) underwater... and that vase was just unearthed right? a joseon era vase that has a picture of a modern man kissed locked with a mermaid underwater? somethings fishy...


I laughed so hard during the boat entrance. Did they say "We have a beautiful location to tug at their hearts, the pretty lanterns to distract them and The Power of Lee Min-ho to blind them. They will NOT notice that no one was rowing the boat. trust me!"


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@rue I think youve won these comments hahaha! no i didnt notice. that scene took my breath away though. the music too add that!


Oh, and I just wanted to express how much I love JJH's character. SHE IS A TOTAL BADASS. In her own way. And hilarious. And just so much fun. This whole drama is so much fun so far.

I like how we're seeing more in this episode of her kind of... genius side? What with how rapidly she learned the language and everything. I hope we learn a bit more about how her brain works, or at least what else she can do. Right now it seems Joon-jae is the brains and she is the brawn, but it also seems she has her own brand of intellect that could match his.

Also, the whole scenario with Joon-jae saying "If anyone comes after us it's okay, I'll totally beat them up--" and then she goes on to whoop a bunch of asses while he is just talking about how great he is... HA. I love it. That's, like, one of my favorite cliches/tropes/whatever.


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The bit that cracked me up with that scenario was, he said, "If we see the bad guys, you turn around and run!" Then she sees bad guys, and does exactly what he told her to do. She turns around and runs . . . right at the bad guys.


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I'm loving this show. I have so many questions so far, but I'm sure they will answer as episodes goes by.
I loved the second ep for it's funny but also sad moments, and even though the show has so many plotholes (many unrealistic, stupid and impossible things, but I won't complain much since it's ABOUT a mermaid lol), I find the intellect mermaid quite real, mermaids are said in folk stories to be extremelly intelligent, and like dophins can communicate via 'minds' sort of. She is not human, so I find it believeble that she learnt how to speak korean from the laptop over night. She still doesn't know many words like Love, Wife, etc...but at least she was able to learn how to communicate.


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I am so jealous of her language-learning skills. What I wouldn't give to be able to learn Korean overnight!


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I think I'm officially addicted to this drama, the hour flew by. I can't wait for the main couple to reconnect in Seoul and for their hijinks to continue.


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Same. I had to pause it a couple times and was like how am I this far?


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I really, really, really wish I could absorb the Korean language overnight by wearing my laptop over my head and running dramas for 8 hours straight. Sigh. Stupid human weaknesses.


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Hahahah, that scene cracked me up so much. I can imagine all the jifs and memes that are going to come out of the scenes with The Mermaid climbing all over LMH to watch kdramas on the laptop, and watching kdrama all night hahahahaha.


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What's even more funny is , she's sitting there all glorious with lights all around, and that solemn expression, like she's some ruler about to pass a decree....with a laptop on her head! LMAO!!


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LMAO that entire laptop scene is like every Beanie ever! Yes, we learned Korean from watching dramas all night, lol.


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I actually started watching kdramas because I was trying to learn Korean and then became addicted to them.

In the 6 months of watching, I've actually learned a LOT! Way more than studying on my own. And it really helps with pronounciation. I was at a party recently and said something in Korean to someone (who's Korean) and they told me I had no accent. !!!

(for example, we are taught "chohsong hamnida" is "sorry" but NO ONE says it like that! It's more like "chohsongmneeda" and "kamsahmneeda" not "kamsah hamnidah")

That being said, it really helps to know how to read in Korean.

I figure I'll be fluent in a few years of watching kdramas, heh.


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She actually said sumimasen in Japanese when she pushed the man on the bike, so she can speak languages.


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Lol, i heard that the second time i watched it.


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he did teach her that phrase in ep 1... something about pretending to be from a different culture when doing something embarrassing, so as not to be a disgrace to Koreans. d=


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I loooooved that bit! JJ taught her to say "Sumimasen" (sorry in Japanese) when she does something wrong so she isn't a disgrace to their country (Korea). When she said that in episode I laughed so hard!!!


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I love that part too although that idea was borrowed from an American movie the fifth element starring Bruce Willis and Millard Jovovich. That female character immersed herself with watching television programs to understand human language and she also has powers to fight bad guys. She also asked what love is all about. But I like the JJH funny version.


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By far, it's been a fun drama. Good God, I love JJH here more than YFAS.


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I just found my new drama crack. Here I go again squealing and giggling and gushing over how hot oppa looks and how awesome this drama is. An hour just flew by and I m left wanting more!


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Ikr! How am I going to wait 5 days?


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Maybe we only have to wait till Sunday?

DB says they're airing longer directors cuts of ep 1 & 2.


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Great recap! So far, loving this show!


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Okay, I'm in! If only for the pretty however I'm liking where things are going.

Re: the kiss. Looks like we're in for some amnesia folks! As fast as that was in kdrama rules I couldn't help but think about that tidbit that a mermaid's kiss can erase someone's memories. That's too bad because then every time they kiss he'll forget her?


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If I'm not mistaken, the fisherman said the mermaid can choose whether to erase a person's memory or not.


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I doubt he's in danger of his memory being taken. The fisherman said a touch could take memory. And Joon Jae was fine after the rain hand hold.

Could a link be set instead of taking memory? I swear they act sweeter after the simplest touch. Could it be a nudge from their subconscious and a link the mermaid in 1598 planted?


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"The mermaid in 1598"

So, there are two different mermaids, right? At least I think so. Both Joon-jae and the mermaid are incarnations of their past selves.
Otherwise, how come the very elegant and reserved mermaid from 1598 goes nuts over...well, everything from candies to lap-tops, has to learn Korean all over again and to top it off it took her around 400 years to discover the bracelet's powers to give her legs. I'd say our present mermaid is young and immature, though learning very fast.


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I say 'mermaid from 1598' because they are so different. I'm not sure how much stock I'd put into double reincarnations. But just as easily could be.

I think it makes a lot of sense for her to be the same mermaid.

1) the elegant, reserved mermaid was in the water. In her pond, if you will. Acting calm in your territory isn't difficult. And she had time to think about everything she did.

2) Candy, laptops and such are new. If we're going with 'she's had limited contact with humans for 400 years' she's pretty much a 1600''s person coming into our time period.
I'm guessing even 1598 mermaid wouldn't know what to do with a laptop. And freak out.

3) Perhaps she picked up Korean from observing the others. Two options. She observed through years of watching.
Or she picked up verbal language in the 14 hours she was captured. They talked around her plenty. It could have been the exact same as 2016.
As for relearning Korean, she could have avoided human contact, as most would after that experience.
She could have avoided contact that wasn't with a reincarnation of LMH. She could have not seen an reincarnation for 250 years because that was the age of discovery and travel.
Or she could have moved to this ocean of the 'last surviving mermaids' several decades to over 150 years ago.
Mermaids hear each other telepathically. But in what language? The last of their kind group could be global. Maybe mermaids don't speak through words so much as images and possible vocalizations. She could have forgotten because she hasn't used it in a very looooooong time.

4) I don't think the bracelet gave her feet. I don't think the bracelet had any power, but I did see a good theory about it bringing the storm.
It didn't seem to me like she was discovering the bracelet so much as finding it in its last hiding spot. I mean how would a Joseon bracelet get to Spain in 400 years? I know the oceans shifts but probably not that much. I think it's been hers for hundreds of years and sometimes she takes it off. Where else would she put it but under a rock form that is memorable?

I need more solid proof that she is a reincarnation. Because right now we have two pieces of evidence that would suggest she is.
1) she doesn't have parents - first and last of her kind or the incident 500+ years ago is kinda old/traumatic enough to erase over any period of time
2) she owns the bracelet!!!

I think her reaction to the name would be a huge clue.


My thoght exactly... She looks like a different mermaid from the past. The past mermaid was elegant and wise. You can sense that she is an old soul.
Current mermaid is so comical, just like Ariel the mermaid. More of innocent and playful. What happens? Does something happens that erase her memory along with her character?


@Purple Owl

Regarding parents. Aren't mermaids born from sea foam or something? I took her words not having parents something like that. Sure, we have to wait for further explanation.

Regarding new technological gadgets and stuff, sure, with no previous contact with such things, it can send one over the moon. Still, she behaved similarly with shoes and clothes and I have harder time to believe that she doesn't know how those items are used.

As for the bracelet, she does own it, but there's no inclination to believe that she has had it for the past 400 years. Maybe as an heirloom (?), though she seemed to pick it up like its a pretty thing she just found. Maybe the bracelet doesn't work as a charm to turn her tail into legs, maybe it really summons the storm as you said, but she was damn surprised that such thing can happen at all (I mean, hur, legs).

Overall, I think what makes me believe that she's the reincarnation of the past mermaid is simply how NOT reserved she is around humans. I think the mermaid 1598' wasn't afraid of humans, because she knew of her abilities, but she would for sure keep away if she could help it. I felt like she knew what humans ARE, the mermaid 2016' seems to have no preconceived ideas about them. What do we have here then, a mermaid with amnesia? Amnesia that has lasted for 400 years at that:D

Anyway, let's wait for more information.


I actually feel like she's the same one. We haven't really seen enough of the past mermaid to contemplate how she'd be under circumstances where she wasn't poked and prodded by people and threatened to be disected for oil.

That being said I feel like she's the one who has lost her memories and seeing Lee Min Ho now vaguely reminds her of their relationship in the past which can explain why she's so trust worthy.

Maybe she purposely came to him in the first place thinking that he could help her regain them or something? I mean I get the vibe that she's way smarter than she looks and she'd purposely played helpless the first time they'd met to warm him up to her.

After all judging by everything there was no way she'd have not noticed the bracelet being missing or for the matter of fact know exactly when to literally say the worst thing possible as if she's purposely defying him so that she can stay with him.


Here is another theory, this probably is the earliest but the coolest: The mermaids timeline flows backwards.

As in the mermaid right now is young, doesn't know Korean or anything about the world but the mermaid back in Joseon has already met Lee Min Ho in the present and fallen in love with him but since time flows backwards for she's older and wiser in Joseon.

This can explain why she's got this melancholy feel for him in the 1500's and he's the only one she asked to save her. It can also explain how she already knows Korean too!

It will be really, really cool if the show manages to pull on up on us and give us the tragic ending in present time only for them to get the happy ending in Joseon where the mermaid is already in love with him.


Gah. Jeon Ji Hyun makes the show. She's so good. And! Thank you, Show, for reigniting my love for LMH. Fingers crossed!


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Wowww Lee min Ho's visual is no joke!!! ??????? The last scene was the BEST!! Love it!! The kiss scene in water had a 26.74% real rating, which is so impressive. I am so happy that they didn't spoil the kiss scene in the preview. I was taken aback!!
This drama makes me DREAM!! Reallyy the fantasy elements in the drama are so captivating. The ost and all those mysterious soundtrack are awesome. PD-nim is doing a very good job!! ?? I have so manyyy questions about the drama. There must be A LOT up in Park Ji Eun's sleeve. The mermaid story leaves a vast field of creativity for the writer.

The bike scene where there bubbles around them was SOoooo good!! I guess this drama has a lot of women viewers who are so drawn into the magical and fantasy scenes.

PS The last scene is really killin mee, I have been rewatching ❤?????

PSS I think these first episodes are about how Chung and Jun Jad grow on each other and get to know each other. After that conflict begins...????


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I'm glad the kiss wasn't spoiled as always. Really wasn't expecting that in the 2nd ep. The surprise and the amazing shot made it epic. *though, like where did she go after dropping him into the water?* I was expecting her be holding him as soon as we went underwater. Her swimming to him instead was very pretty.

I hope the coming conflict doesn't end the funny.


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I thought the apparent kiss was her giving him breath as he seem to lose consciousness for a bit.
The mermaid probably had to shed her clothes before she could swim to him with her tail.


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I really wish there were more Joseon scenes or that this was a historical drama. That's the best and most captivating parts of this drama so far between the leads. The modern parts aren't doing anything for me. This episode felt like a tour guide video for Spain or a CF movie. Jeon Ji Hyun is gorgeous and on point as usual, but Lee Min Ho is lackluster.

I think the story will pick up next week or at least I hope so because the plot is very thin right now.


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You know what I want to know? Why that ancient vase seems to have a man in modern dress on it.

Is there going to be time-travel? Are mermaid memories non-linear?


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"You know what I want to know? Why that ancient vase seems to have a man in modern dress on it."

Oh my god you are right i did not even pick up on that


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The man in the vase looks like a mermaid too.


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Not sure about that - unless mermen have pockets, which is a kind of gross concept when you realize they'd be flesh pockets. Bleh!


real time, dynamic vase magical painting


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I was thinking prophecy but this is good too.


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I wish we had a 'like' button here..

prophecy is definitely easier to work with.. u cud be right...

who knows if mermaid only drew it


Prophecy would be the most logical explanation, though I kind of hope it'll be more creative.


Oh man, that would totally explain why she already spoke Korean in Joseon but had to learn it in 2016. What if she's traveling backwards in time, and modern day is when they first met? O_o


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Oh, no. That gives me Doctor/River feels ?


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Interesting theory. I thought of that too. But it doesn't explain the jade bracelet having Dan Ryung's name engraved on it.
Purple Owl's theory about prophecy is more plausible. A very vivid prophecy down to how the shirt and trousers look like. :D


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Oh, I didn't think anyone would agree.

It may seem overly vivid but visual prophecy tend to be more detailed than spoken ones. The prophet drew as they saw it. If it was a merperson who did the art, on land after the vase was made, they might not have question human clothing. Could the art be from a different time than the vase?

I'm guessing the vase goes back to 1598. To make the Hye Sun, Minho, JI Hyun connection stronger.
Omo what if it's not a prophecy. Did Dae Ryung get a kiss? Did a merperson witness it, as it seems to be from an underwater perspective? Did it represent the reasons merpeople and landpeople shouldn't mix?

I didn't have many questions after watching the episode. Y'all bring them to my attention.


@Bunny - yeah, it is beyond me to logic out how one character travels backwards while everyone else travels forwards...
I agree that a prophecy, perhaps combined with rebirth or amnesia (to explain her personality and tail colour changes) makes more sense.


@Purple Owl

I'm with you, the vase probably does go back to 1598. At any rate, a fully fired and glazed vase is not easy to decorate, so the painting and vase come from the same era.

I'm going to venture a guess that the present day kiss has a very practical purpose (giving him air? Protection? Memory erasure at least of having seen her in mermaid form?).
I wonder if Dae Ryung also received such a kiss - to save his life and/or to make him forget.

Or maybe the people on the vase are LMH's parents..?

Data! We need more data!


Exactly. I can't stop thinking about that vase.

Gah. I have sooo many question right now. Next week can't come sooner.


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I was surprised too and then looked at above screenshot.

What if he guy is also a mermaid? They intentionally didn't show much.


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Ya like bella was meant to be a vampire and was so pale looking despite being from the desert..

The 'sparkling' *eyeballs*
ep 1 they would have mentioned it tons of time.. sure that has some role to play


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Never thought I'd stand up for Twilight, given I've only seen the first movie. But I'm deeply invested in fantasy.

According to vampiric lore in Twilight universe, at least what I know of it, each vampire has a mate. A person who is perfect for them.

Technically Bella wasn't born for Edward. She could have lived her life, never met him, never be stamped his mate. However once they did, the "best" solution was her becoming a vampire.

Bella was never destined or meant to be a vampire. No more than Esme seeing as she was engaged when Carlisle met her and stamped her as his mate. He didn't do anything about it but knew his mate was out there in the world with another man. Until her life was on the line and she was changed. Being the mate of a vampire doesn't mean you have to become a vampire. I mean, it's like safer in the long run but it didn't have to happen.

So yeah, LMH could totally be a mermaid without much foreshadowing. Though there has been a lot of merman foreshadowing if you're watching for it. Even before the eye comment and vase.

P.S. there was no stamping done in Twilight, to the estimate of my knowledge. I just couldn't think of a clearer way to say that.


@Purple Owl..

don't know how else to respond to your query since it doesn't show reply option..

I wasn't referring to the mate theory.. in fact i am not sure if there is a mate theory in twilight..

What I mean is.. with or without edward, vampire is what bella was meant to be... author draws attention to her paleness time and again, and other characteristics.. which as normal human being were out of place (no tanning despite being from a sunny area) but as vampire fit to the T..

Similarly, without regards for JJ, LMH could be a merman.. because maybe he is a hybrid kid..things like that


About the mate thing in twilight they sort of implied it by saying her blood tasted /smelled especially sweet to Edward more than any other human ever, there was also the imprinting mentioned in twilight though it was in regards to the wolves.i personally felt that in that world everyone had her /his destined mate.Example Jacob was all about Bella but when her daughter was born, what he felt for her shifted to her daughter and he explained, it's like he only loved Bella because Renessme (tressme ?)i don't remember her name had not yet been born but was still apart of bella. If that makes sense.
I agree the author made it very clear in the beginning Bella never fit in anywhere, or in any aspect even while in Arizona and then to where the cullens lived they said she was pale which i guess is not normal since i assume (dunno the whether in Arizona ) it's a hot sunny place.


There is a scene where this lady calls up LMH and these 3 ladies are sitting together.
The ahjumma talks about his son as a "very wide and blue sea". What does that say about LMH totally being a possible Merman. Who is this ajumma..!? are they related?


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maybe another W LOLLL like the scene happening and its printed on the vase LOL


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that vase painting bit reminds me a lot of W, with things happening in manwhorld getting drawn into the manhwa lol


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The vase is very mysterious. An ancient vase with a modern man on it, quite intriguing. Can't wait for the show to give us an answer.

However, I don't know if it's just a show thing or it includes what korean society views. But how come Cha Shi-ah family and sister-in-law thinks that being a science researcher for artifacts (it seems she is in the conversation and restoration departmant) an unworthy career? I was shocked and quite sad/mad at the same time. I'm an archaeologist myself and it shocks me sometime that some people don't care about human past, our cultural and history.

And besides that, Shi-ah isn't just a regular researcher, she is in the laboratory for science that deals with chemicals, so she needs to have great knowledge of chemistry and biology (we call here biochemistry).


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Money, I'd guess. Some honorable careers come with low salaries, and degrees are expensive, so it's a pretty common reaction worldwide.


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I'm enjoying the Joseon scenes but I'm so glad it's not a sageuk. I'm craving merpeople stories and sageuks aren't my go to style.

I get what you mean about it being a CF for Spain. But I feel that way about dramas that take place in Korea and I felt that in DotS. I hope this drama lives up to those in my personal treasure box.


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Does anyone know which part of Spain that was?


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Barcelona! And other places in Catalonia. Even though most of the people seem to be speaking español, lots of the writing on buildings and on the police car has been in catalán.

I'm studying in Spain next semester, but in Madrid. When I visit Barcelona, maybe I'll have to look for some of the filming locations!


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Oh, but Tower of Hercules is in Galicia.


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And they ate the spaghetti in La Coruña, which is also in Galicia.


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Oooh I didn't notice that! Maybe some other parts were also filmed in Galicia, then.


I just returned from Catalonia. As I sat there watching I recognized a few of the places they supposedly ran through while trying to escape the goons, and I was distracted from the already-thin plot by marveling at this show's enormous budget (they went to *so many* places just to film a running-away scene???):

Steps where mermaid beat up the gangsters: my guess is Girona old town, or somewhere in Barcelona
Shopping mall where mermaid got abandoned, Arc de Triomf, place with Ice-cream: Barcelona
Castle overlooking beach: Tossa del Mar
Tower of Hercules: Coruna


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Your guesses are right. They have filmed in Cataluña (Girona - the old part of the city, the Cathedral and so on, Tossa del Mar, Barcelona and other areas of the region) and in Galicia (A Coruña- the lighthouse - and Lugo - the beach where they jumped).

the info appeared in the Spanish newspapers, so it's easy to know where they filmed. They brought more than 100 crew members to film and one friend of mine was actually present on the Lugo beach (emergency staff in case some accident happened).


I do not know what part it takes place. Though I do know quite a few of them love Spain! Did they get those 'I love Spain' shirts for free or discount for buying multiples of them?
Nonsense aside-I love this drama.=)


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I also liked those scenes more. They looked so beautiful and have large emotions involved,.

Comedy is just ok ok and rest was Bike ride of town.


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Lol at the superfast bike chase with the van and then the snail's pace with the baddies running behind. Did she run out out of steam from the earlier fast pace? Or didn't want to embarrass the bad guys?

Every so often there are scenes like this where I go "wait, huh?". But I end up laughing so much, I don't care too much about the logical inconsistancies.


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Right?! Her slowing down didn't make much sense to me.

Maybe it's because she had her goal and didn't see the point of using her strength. And she wasn't thinking much about the life or death aspect until the cliff-gun scene. But wouldn't Joon Jae ask her to use that speed? Maybe he did at some point. Who biked into town after the maze? I know he's pedaling in town but she lead him away from the maze.

I'm thinking the cycling was super strength rather than super speed because she doesn't run fast. Girl has amazing stamina though! I'd never make it to the first bike scene, let allow running all over Spain.


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My thoughts on that is that she runs slow to match his pace.


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I like LMH more here than JJH. I feel she keeps getting stereotype roles and half of the episode went away just by showing her hijinks...Compared to that the conman's role has a wistful charm ...and I loved how he switches between a buffoon and a charming man who doesn't shy away from taking risks.
What I do feel is that these days dramas don't come up with much of content..so it's hard to stay interested after two or three episodes. I have picked up a couple of dramas past some months only to leave them after several episodes. The interest doesn't sustain...and part of the blame goes to the redundant story lines and recycled characters. So I do hope they don't circle much around the odd characteristics of the mermaid since we would rather like to see something fresh,new or an innovative concept, and right now it is kind of all over the place.


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"What I do feel is that these days dramas don’t come up with much of content..so it’s hard to stay interested after two or three episodes."

I cannot agree more. This looks so much that sort of drama - I am at most mildly curious because of JJH but can't muster energy to watch it.

I also strongly feel that K-dramas need to move away from the "visual" mania and give us something more real. Some of the old dramas feel more realistic and still hold up because they are not that addicted to making everything pretty - to the point of one being jaded and sickened by it - at the expense of plot and emotion.


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'I also strongly feel that K-dramas need to move away from the “visual” mania and give us something more real.'
Exactly..it's more about polishing up every thing and less focus is on the story...simplicity stands out barring the barrier of stardom of the actors ....so obviously the question remains whether we could go back to watch these two dramas two years from now. From time to time I've replayed some of my favorite dramas.but I don't remember any drama I would like to go back to ..from the past year. ..except one or two. I miss the old KDramas as you stressed on..which had more emphasis on the story above anything else...which made me hooked to KDramas in the first place. But obviously who am I kidding...hallyu waves keep rising..do with more demand the quality would keep falling...and I fear one day it will be somewhat imitating the lacklustre Hollywood productions.


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*watch these dramas.


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I sometimes hesitate to praise old dramas because it might seem overly nostalgic and things were better before kind of patronising:) But I truly do think that the late 90s/2000s was the golden age of K-dramas. Even some uneven dramas remain in one's memory because they had "heart", there was something genuine and sincere about them.

Winter Sonata is not really my kind of drama but watching it you know why it along with others kicked off the Hallyu wave. With the likes of DOTS you know that a reasonably addictive plot, loads of visuals and forums like these to discuss themes and more so the pretty will keep it afloat for two years before the next such drama comes along. Ditto LotBS. Along with the broadening of the appeal of Hallyu I think it also reflects changes in Korean society (tbf also seem elsewhere- as you say in Hollywood).


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Unfortunately, K-drama is becoming just as cynical as Hollywood. I have seen some trailers of new C-Dramas that are coming up. They look exceptional. China may over take Korea in few years.

They need better quality writers in Korea.


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Oh my, which C-Dramas? I haven't watched C-Dramas for a long long time and I'm itching to watch a good one - if you have any good trailers to recommend, please let me know.


sojuboy, their focus on the C-market seems to have ruined many a K-drama though. They probably need to get back to their roots.

Many C-dramas seem to be historicals, fantasy etc from what I gather. A yearning for the past and the unreal says a lot about a society, either getting hyper nationalistic or escaping from the present day....or maybe just a bored society :)


This drama is cute cute cute but if you want one with meaty content, watch Romantic Doctor Kim. Silly title for a serious show. These shows are polar opposites in tone - which makes them great fun to enjoy in the same week.


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Agreed - both are on my favorite show list.


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Agree about Romantic Doctor!


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I can't say much on the actor front as I've only seen JJH in YFAS and don't see the similarities. As for Lee Minho, I think he's doing better with the comedy aspect than ever before. Other than Faith, I've seen his dramas from BOF *first rama, I know!* to now.

As for the roles If anything, I'd say his role is a stereotype. Not that he is typecast but the is the year of the conman. This one isn't much different, perhaps not as cool without his team. But he has what every con man needs: confidence, eloquence, power over his aura, persuasive abilities. Basically he's just a con man.

Whereas our mermaid is exploring a different world. It's not like going different country. It's like being Jane from Tarzan. I'm borrowing from the Disney version for this analogy. But what would the movie and follow up series be without Jane's human blunders?
Another example would be if we became mermaids and were assigned to a pod. How would we be adapting to pod life: obeying council decisions even though you know it will only lead to a Krypton like diaster, hearing voices in our head, echolocation, hunting for food?

As a mermaid fan, I demand another episode in Seoul with hijinks. A mermaid out of water media should always include hijinks. This drama has checked off that standard. They can fade away after that, into 1-3 mentions per 2 episodes. I mean, she doesn't even know what subtle, polite hostility is and I'm pretty sure Hye Sun will serve it up soon.

I disagree on dramas lacking content. I do writers and crew lost steam though. But I like knowing the formula and am mostly interested in when, how, and why the tropes will come? And especially how the particular character will deal with it. To me using fictional people to engage in tropes and life is the content writers have as soon as they think of a plot and began character outlines.

TL;DR not a summary but apology. I referenced media so much. And might be biased as a writer kekeke. Forgive me.

Sumimasen - crazed lobster suffering from mermaid overload and withdrawals ?


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Sorry mary. I was so sure I saw the closing for the bold.


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Try watching jealousy incarnate, or heart to heart, they are amazing if push through the first few episodes. They start slow but turn out the best in the last year.


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This drama has actually exceeded all the hype and expectations I had for it. I'm pleasantly surprised. 2016 is doing pretty well for dramas I think :)


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Bike tour through the city: a great getaway strategy that also doubles as an enjoyable afternoon date ?

JJH has me in stitches. She's SO good. I'm actually surprised that I'm liking the campier bits of the drama. I respect when a show isn't afraid to not take itself seriously. I do hope that Joon Jae eventually clues in on her supernatural strength. I want him to be both terrified and awed.

I like the duality we get by having both the past and modern storylines. We get tragic star-crossed lovers in one half, and a Bonnie & Clyde-esque romcom in the other. I pretty sure that even if Joon Jae remembers seeing her fish out, he'll probably rationalize it as some near-death hallucination. Either way, I'm liking the off-kilter comedy and the rapport that these two seem to be developing already. I just hope she gets a name by the next episode!


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waiting to watch what happens when she meets the other two con man..more hillarity will ensue i guess and cant wait for that :D


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I have a theory you know how the mermaid was said to be able to remove a person's memories from touching what if it's not removing but absorbing the memories therefore she could absorb a language too. Think about it.
I honestly love how campy this show is sometimes we need campy and hilarious in this cold winter


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both leads are doing perfectly good.they come together beautiful in both acting and visual.if the story is going to give us little bit of whatever the writer has up it sleeve to give us a well good story told at the end of the day am all up for it.so far so good.


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Am I the only one who finds herself smiling at the memory of the episodes long after the episode ends?

So far so good. Writer-nim, pls keep up the good work. I remember heirs started out with promise but I couldn't even finish the series. On the other hand, JJH has never disappointed me so I'm hopeful.


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Just how good is the battery in that laptop ?


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My thoughts exactly. 8+ hours of streaming video with no charger? Impossible.


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What about him holding the umbrella over her head, yet it wasn't raining on her side.


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I'm curious. There are a lot of mixed reviews on this drama but on Dramabeans all the comments have been overwhelmingly positive...


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The only place I have seen negative reviews is NB and that site hates Lee Min Ho and anything that is popular.


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The top ranked Korean article of the drama is filled with negative reviews and Koreans love JJH, NB users echo those comments, and I'm seeing the same thing on Baidu as well. From my perspective, I'm only seeing positive comments on DB and kkuljaem. I guess I should probably watch the first two episodes to see how it's like myself.


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Yeah i believe you should watch the show yourself and decide.

For me the drama is not taking itself too seriously so i am also not taking it too seriously and i am having fun.


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Me too..
I love watch fun and not hard to think kind of drama for passing my night after work all day...
I love this drama make me smile and laugh alots


i Just checked KKuljaem and all the top comments from the top article is praising the drama.

It seems NB only translated the negative ones again


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Not true. The top comment was praising JJH's beauty while also pointing out that the plot is immature. In fact, I've already read those comments since they were already translated in Baidu. Some negative comments which were more highly ranked then got pushed down though. Reviews are also negative at Koala's... Atm DB is the only anormaly really.


yeah, there isnt a good word of mouth, most of the positives im seeing are on JJH beauty or the visuals. and people arent even being hateful per se, most are saying the first two eps felt like like a long CF, thin plot, boring etc not hating on the actors or are extremely harsh like with scarlet heart. and i went through the NB are they were pretty tame compared to similar situations with other dramas

tbh im hoping the story picks up next week, cause im not hooked and if im not by ep 4 then im probz drop it. i mean the kiss part seemed to get a high rating, so i think next weeks ep will get even higher but the story needs to pick up or else more bad word of mouth. but we shall see.


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True... NB has always been a house for Minho haters, and we expected that... Thankful for those who appreciate the drama...


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That's not true. NB translates comments by Korean netizens, so it has nothing to do with NB's own Disqus commenters. Also, the first episode comments were very positive but the second episode comments weren't.

I agree with them that the second ep was terribad.

It's like the show wants to be funny like Shopping King Louie but it just falls flat.

It's like DOTS, except with even less plot and even more cliches.


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It is a fairy tale- based on a fairy tale.


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what does NB stands for?


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NoBody? Heol. I don't know either and I thank you for asking that ?.


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NB is Netizen Buzz (someone answered it in the comments below)


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Yeah it has mixed reviews... when u check the other sites its mostly negative... for me, its kinda slow... so basically its the screenwriters fault.. but suprisingly when I watched the 2nd episode, its kinda funny, I laughed a lot on the chasing scene when jjh kicked and slapped the chasers while strolling on a bike ahahahahH!! I kinda have low expectations on this one so I just take it as it is, just enjoying jjh's presence, and another thing, im really loving her voice, why is it so seductive hahaha... lmh is also funny, just wish that we'll see more of the plot nxt week.... pls. Dont waste the brilliant cast...


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Plus ratings in Korea have been high (positive).


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Ratings doesn't always means good quality (subjective), but I think the story will go on a safer route since it's also marketed to China (hello, DOTS) so the ratings will be steady all throughout.


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For me I'm not watching this drama for best plot whatsoever. I'm just watching this for the sake of pure entertainment and if JJH's character is not played by her, and played NY some mediocre actress, this drama won't be a fun ride. LMH is good but it's JJH made me watch this, just like MLFAS. ☺☺


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I'm waiting for CTH's cameo before I'll decide to start watching this drama. I also watched MDBC because of CTH's cameo in the first episode, and attempted to watch until the fourth episode before I stopped watching.

I'm honestly not a fan of LMH's acting, but after seeing some clips on IG, JJH's quirkiness sort of appealed to me so I'll try to watch this despite mixed reviews. I let go a lot of third quarter KDramas. I just don't feel the concepts except for W which was okay despite its disappointing ending. So I'm a little bit hesitant whether to start watching this because I might just not be in the mood to watch anything right now. hhh


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Is that possible to wish that JJH say nothing for the whole show? Shes amazing with her actions but when she starts talking, the whole new illogic things that in questions. last episode: how did she walk out the shop without paying? no security tag? this episode: who help her to dress, even with bra, lipstick, two pieces for dress. Does LMH magically has some woman clothes in his closet? how rich is it of a conman to stay in that hotel? how can she switches between video as normally it has to be relate topic.

is this lmh is the same with the lmh in the past. she can survive time because she is a mermaid, how about him.


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Same here. Some of the plot fails to gives us logic, but I enjoy it anyway... I like the comedy the most.


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This show is barrels of fun. I love now that she's started to talk and love even more how they speak in banmal to each other. It is so cute seeing his heart reluctantly waver when she makes off-the-cuff remarks like "saranghae." Even though it was not his in the first place, I still found it sweet when he returned her bracelet. This is the second time Jeon Ji Hyun has no name. After The Girl, now she is The Mermaid. Thanks a bunch for recapping, girlfriday!


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I like both leads but there is no story here. The first episode is barely watchable and the second is pure stupid. Seriously how is this a good show? City Hunter was good.. Faith was not bad. Heirs was terrible. This one is.. whatever..and JJH, Girl.. you should go back to do movies.. why are you wasting your talent here...

I felt I was watching an awkward cartoon.. They try so hard to make you laugh but I just don't find it amusing at all.. cheesiness is way over the top..

I know I must be offending a lot of people.......


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jeez u do know that is 2 episode in but not the whole drama right,ur comment is funny in a way, i think u r taking this drama way too seriously it entertainment people enjoy.


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The drama isnt taking itself seriously and i guess you are.

maybe this is not your type of drama.

or maybe you just find it bad, we all have different taste


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I think the show has a niche kind of humor. If you feel like you're not "getting" it, it's probably just not for you. Don't worry about it.


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It's not offensive to dislike a particular dramatic tone, like cheesy.

Spouse and I are in the process of buying a home which has been stressful due to our schedules and it being our first time. So right now, the over the top nature of many of the scenes is perfect for me. I need some good laughs, and the direction certain scenes have taken are still funny as anything even though a few would normally make me roll my eyes a bit. If the more downbeat scenes were closer to a melo range, I'd want to throw something at my screen. (And I'm bracing myself for when this may come.)

There are other times when shows like this would not be as enjoyable, but right now it's the bees knees.


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me too, not into this drama


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Yeah I agree, I watched episode 2 thinking how will they stretch this out into 16 episodes. Then I forgot that I don't have a very great tuning in track record with LMH, I don't think I've watched a LMH drama from start to end aside from BOF.

Also I can't see Sung Dong Il as a villian (if he is one for the drama) I keep seeing him on default as the Reply series Father lol. I'll watch a few more episodes but right now I'm thinking if it's the chemistry that is lacking, the story or both. Finger crossed I don't have to speed watch the next episodes.

Although I thought Weightlifting Fairy was going to be a complete filler drama, it's turning out to be a rather good catch :) What a reversal.


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Same. I'm reading the recaps because I'm curious about what the beanies think of this show, but I can't bring myself to watch it. I'm just not compelled enough.

Maybe it just really isn't my cup of tea.


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It's okay for not like it..here in DB you can choose whatever drama you like.
I Belive here in DB no one say bad things just because they don't have same taste in drama
I like this drama and i don't like doctor strange .


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which site is NB


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i'm pretty disappointed by the lack of plot in this episode. the first episode didn't have much either, so i was hoping for more with this one. i was actually a bit bored—there was just a lot of fish out of water stuff (but spectacularly done by jeon ji-hyun), lots of running around, and i don't know. i just wasn't pulled in.

it doesn't feel like park ji-eun either. usually she's been good at pulling you in from the get-go.

the good: the joseon stuff, the ocean scenes are STUNNING to look at. i'm a bit biased because i love the ocean almost more than i love myself, so any shot with the sea in it just wrings my heart. but that's all there is so far. a lot of pretty, but no plot. for me, that's not acceptable by the end of a second episode of any drama.

lee min-ho is just serviceable for me. his acting is nothing to write home about, and i honestly can't get behind how much his face has changed. it's become so feminine, ajumma-ish looking. it REALLY irritates me that he messed with something that was great to begin with. he was so handsome in BOF and personal taste!

but jeon ji-hyun is worth watching. it's impressive how much depth she manages to bring to a character who has been mostly mute so far. thankfully her character's not a repeat of cheon song-yi, though it's a similarly zany, unique kind of character that only jeon could bring to life. truly impressive.

hoping next week's episodes are better.


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i think there is nothing wrong with lee min ho face he is aging so definitely he will change a little and i think the acting is very good so far more than serviceable


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I agree, he just lost some weight, evidently on his face, but the bathroom scene, where he looked at his face in the mirror, he was so handsome...


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Artists are mortals too, and mortals age.

Nothing is wrong with that.

I think both LMH and JJS looks great in this show, and they acted well too. I was laughing and smiling and panicking in the span of one hour. It was really good.

To add, I found it very peculiar that some ppl find this drama 'all visuals and no content'. What's with THAT?

I have found the Joseon scene captivating and mesmerizing, while the modern scene is just the tip of an iceberg, it's just beginning, and perhaps will have sth to do with the Joseon opening. It's interesting!

Wait, what? Some ppl dont get it? That's okay. Perhaps it's just not their cup of tea. Just dont sneer at ppl who likes it. It is rude. I dont really like DoTs as well, but I wont bother hanging in DoTs cafe to sneer. I just start watching shows that I do like, and comment on them. It's better, especially if one cares so much about staying youthful.


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i will never understand why some people are so hell bent against seeing negative comments. some people really seem to take them personally. this is the internet. you have the right to express your opinion—so long as it's done respectfully.

i think as long as you've actually watched whatever show you're commenting on, you have the right to express your thoughts, positive or negative.

personally i appreciate all (respectfully expressed) opinions, regardless of whether i agree with them or not. it may not change my own personal opinion, but often it provides me with a fresh take or perspective, which i genuinely appreciate.

i think there are plenty of people who stick around watching shows that they end up not liking. the reasons are probably varied. sometimes you know a show is bad, but it's addictive or there are still good things about it (like a certain actor) that keep you sucked in anyway. sometimes a show starts off well, but fizzles out and you're in too deep to get out, and might as well see it through. but my point is, you've watched it, you've invested your time into it, so you have the right to express yourself.

i don't know if the bit about "sneering" was directed at my comment, but just because someone expresses a negative/unpopular opinion doesn't necessarily mean that they are "sneering" at those who liked it.



Not yours. It's intended for much earlier comments.

You only said that one of the actor's face is serviceable (which is not directed towards the drama, but the actor).

(Even so, it was kind of harsh, dont you think? Imagine if you are in his shoes.)


I totally agree.=)



Sorry, I didnt pay attention to where I hit reply button. Obviously it was meant for earlier comments.

In reply to yours, btw, I agree! But my favorite was when he pretended to be the prosecutor. So handsome in white shirt. Then again, white shirt does make ppl more handsome. But I guess in LMH's case, he looks better there because of his hairstyle too.


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Although I have the feeling that this drama will be in my watching list, I was not head over heels on this ep too. I can see your point on the first few paragraph that they seem to be spending too much time on going here and there (swimming, cycling, or simply running) while they could have used those time to explain other things.

I also agree that the common expectation for kdrama is to setup a solid background story by second ep, (but since some dramas get their background story solid in 4 ep, I think what they have accomplished so far is acceptable. See here, we've got:
- Our mermaid meeting handsome town head in Joseon era
- Town people's story about mermaids, who can erase memory, who marry human, mermaid oil, etc.
- Town head wanting to meet our mermaid again, and not because he wants to mine her oil :p . Continue to modern days:
- Our mermaid is on shore, and getting legs
- Our mermaid meets our con man, the kind of con man who is not entirely happy being a con man
- Our con man seem to like her (perhaps this is why they spent so long cycling)
- Our con man jumped off the cliff with our mermaid, and got a lifesaving kiss from her too.)

Not too bad, right?

Looking forward for next week.


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i'm replying to your clarification from above here, since it wouldn't let me post a follow up remark.

i appreciate the clarification. i just wanted to clear up my comment about lee min-ho being "serviceable."

i meant that lee min-ho's performance was serviceable—not that ONLY his face was serviceable. which would have been saying a different thing entirely.

what i meant was that i didn't find him particularly great or particularly bad. he was just that—serviceable. every show needs a leading man and he filled the spot here. i'm hoping i end up liking him better in future episodes, but quite honestly, he's disappointed me in almost everything he's done since BOF. everything seems so bland in comparison to what he did as gu jun-pyo. but that's just me.

i haven't written this show off entirely, but the writing definitely didn't live up to my expectations at all. it'll be interesting to see where it all goes.


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In the scene where she asks what love is, there is a banner above the bed with the verses in 1 Cor. 13 that describe love. Which is very fitting, but of all things, it's from the English King James version. How... odd. How many Koreans watching this show know 16th century King James English?


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Yeah, I noticed that. I thought my eyes were tricking me.


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The location they are in has an abundance of English speakers from the way the dialog has gone in two episodes. Just because it appears to be a Korean only church does not mean that the Koreans cannot read English. If they live there and it's one of the languages, there's a much higher chance they will learn it over time.


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It was surprising to me to see the King James Version in Catholic Spain. Why not the Vulgate? Oh, because no one reads Latin any longer.

PS: Thanks, girlfriday, for the recap! I'm enjoying this romp...


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I love the recap and made me realized a lot of things, a lot more clearly now, I should say...the chemistry is adorable. It was not forced thru, u would really feel how indifferent at first LMHs character to JJH coz he really finds her so weird and the fact that he doesn't want responsibilities, until his heart was warmed by her charm little by little... I'm totally loving the story, its pace, is just exactly on point, never a dull moment...???
The underwater scene, btw, was excellent !!!


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Oh! It's a team recap. JB and Girl are back?! So excited.

I adore our heroine's abilities ??


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I had something in particular to say. It was intellectual about language, abilities/the force, and the possibility of Joon Jan being half merman. However, I can't remember so I'm going with my superficial comment.

I really do not like the one piece mermaid look. I was excited as I don't recall it ever being done. But here it's just not right. Idk why?

Maybe it's the overuse of glitter. Or the formula of her tail. Or the color. But I know the strapless is a no for me. A halter or off the shoulders would have been a great addition. And drop back with a sweetheart neckline with a Klingon window would be edgy without being blatantly sexy.

This look like a evening gown that was turned into a tail. My last complaint about it. Possibly. Can't sign off if we see a few of the other last and they have variations. Especially if the variation is more my style.


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I do too!!!. Love JB and Girlfriday recaps!


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Even though I don't want to compare this to "My Love from the Stars" yet, because it is still early, but so far I find JJH and LMH lacking chemistry. There is a cute playfulness between them, but there is no sizzle or spark there. JJH had more chemistry with KSH (their chemistry was evident from the first episode, whereas with LOTBS I only feel a bit of chemistry between them in the historical portion of the story).

Also while the hijinks are entertaining to watch, like I mentioned before it just feels too campy and cartoonish. I'm not feeling the story so far, but I like the whimsy (whereas with MLFTS I was captured from the start). Hopefully they will tap into the heart and emotion of the story soon, and there will be some depth. I will watch more and hope that this gets better.


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I think the instant chemistry in MLFAS is because JJH and KSH had done a previous project with love interest. There was a established rapport. And it was expected. Here it looks new and building. I know we shouldn't be able to tell from good actors but I noticed.


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"....(also, are you steering that boat with your mind?)."

That got me spitting soda all over my lappy. ???? I can't also help but noticed that and just thought/delude myself that an undercurrent is pulling the boat forward. Hahahagaha


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He is Magneto...of Wood.


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If this comment is not in beans of wisdom, I will eat my hat.

Funny! Woodneto!!!


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I spill my coffee reading your comment.



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I laughed so hard at that comment, i almost peed myself, followed by 'I love girlfriday'?
Honestly i didn't notice it, iwas just blown away by the beautiful scene.


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Although i think half of this episode, or maybe even three quarters were just filler, the chase was so funny that i'm going to overlook that fact.
I have more questions now, but hey its only episode 2, we still have a long way to go. The mermaid its awesome and he is great too (i love his vanity because its not close to being egocentric), so no complaints for the moment.

The mermaid gave me so much Leeloo vibes (from the fifth element) in this episode.

Thank you for the recap!


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Just have to say, the Joseun scenes are too beautiful! So magical, its unreal. Love them.

LMH looks good in that green( Army green? ) cooperate shirt.

Am glad girlfriday is recapping this.

And here I am again, reading the recaps before marathoning the whole show. I said I wouldn't do that.


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I don´t connect with this drama at all. maybe cause it seems to have not decided yet, whether it wants to be a campy comedy, a romance, action or fairytale. it is like an art student after 6 allnighters in a basement studio, babbling something about castles and gangsters and mermaids on a bicycle (in bad english) while playing with a lighter. I kinda want to call some professionals... with a straight jacket. calm the poor drama down let it have a drink of water, then have it write its ideas down or draw a picture to see if >I can figure out any clear design.


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LOL, great description


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Great description.

I was connected from the first handhold on the boat and in the sea. And the tone change is well done in my opinion, no brain whiplash.

I hope you connect with it soon. I love reading your comments for drama that you dive *pun intended* into.


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Couldn't even finish eps 2. It's pretty but that's it. The show doesn't like me .cry.


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This is exactly my thoughts T.T I love the scenery, it's so beautiful but plot wise I don't know..

i'm watching episode 3 right now while browsing the internet because I really don't feel any loss if I miss anything.


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Ha! MCA...Mensa Con Artists ...that was my biggest laugh in this episode! Also loved the mermaid glued to the laptop with dark circles under her eyes after binging all night...a subtle nod to all of us k-drama addicts!


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I hope subway ain't a sponsor this time..

i don't want to see

a) Subway work better than worms in fishing
b) Subway being introduced to marine kingdom, or being the reason mermaid finds her home back, or for the man to become merman, or for any other reason besides.. being hungry in spain/seol and grabbing one while on the job


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Aren't you (equally) afraid of a Quiznos appearance?


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I have a weak heart.. emotionaly vulnerable..

Can't be as mean to the new kid on the block.. they are what 1 drama old?



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I am glad that I decided to watch this series.

I think we just need to give it some time to set in. What's the rush after all? 20 episodes is more than enough.

What amazes me is the fact that Lee Min Ho and Jeon Ji Hyun seem to have put in all their efforts in the drama. They don't want to shy away from putting cent percent effort. This is also true for the writer and PD.

For me, 2nd episode was relatable. I guess, it's true for all drama addicts there.

Yes, there are so many unanswered questions, but that is what will make us come back to the drama, right?

PS: I love the epilogues that we get to see at the end, and it is Park Ji Eun's speciality.


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Fun theory time: I'm calling it now he's may be half mermaidan.
(Clue #1) Remember in the scence in the bathroom where he was checking his self out. His eyes changed color, hazel; light green or light brown. One of the things about watching tv shows on streaming sites is that you get freeze the frame. This would could also explain why he is inclined to do hypnosis. Maybe it's one of his mermaidan abilities. Yes one could say from reasoning abilites as a con man he can study a person facial expression and body langauage and conclude whether or not they have a weak mind but he still has the ability to mesmerize people with eyes while he attempts it.

Clues#2 The writers hint is forshadaowed when the maid who I think is his mom and a mermaid mentions the ocean and her son. Her description was filled with longing and very detailed. If so how did his mom stay permanently on land? and is that vase in the end scence possibly his mom and the dad. The person there was in a modern business suit next to the mermaid.

Clue #3 In the scence where our lovely mermaid mentions how shiny and are pretty his eyes are. I dont think the writers were just using that moment to have our lovebirds or lovefish or is it lovemers?.....?Stare into each others eyes.
To sum it all up= The mermaid in her recognizes the merman in him.

I know I read some where the writers wanted an orginal mermaid story
So the rules here are going to be different.
What do you guys think of my theory?


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Fam, i believe your theory, to be more specific i hope your theory is right because that would make me enjoy the show even more


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I don't recall exactly when it occurred, but there was something about his Mom that made me flash on her being a mermaid -- which might account for her sudden disappearance from the Lighthouse of Hercules.

On the vase, I noticed the man's modern clothing... and like your idea that it's Mom and Dad. Or is it a porcelain prophecy foretelling Joon-jae and the Mermaid?

I love it... an half-merperson who's afraid of water.


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Yeah you could be right that vase could be something from the past fortelling about the two of them.


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Definitely could be something to it, licia. My ears definitely perked up when the mom said something about the deep and beautiful sea, as if she was from there, or her lover was, and then she disappears where land ends, sea begins.

I'll have to watch the mother scene again. It was out of context for me so I don't know now - was it supposed to be present day?

Here's one other theory. The boy looked about 7 to me. What if every seven years, the mother has to return to the sea to the father, and/or vice versa? I dunno, I guess I just hate the idea a mermaid has to give up the sea if she loves a human. He should have to give up the land for her, too, turn about. Both of them like Persephone, spending half the time on land, half on water.


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I have other things to say about your theory. And it's 3 am, idk how I'll wake up for OT. Anyway, be back to share.

But I hope there is support for your theory. I need more reprises of Abmoz aplenty.


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This will make the story more interesting. Right now, I dont get the plot. I want plot stat.


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I came up with the same things...

I didn't really notice the other clues.. but was hung up on his 'sparkling' eyes being mentioned thrice in one episode

Mom telling her boss
JJ mentioning it
LMH repeating his mom's words

Like, harry speaks parseltongue and didn't realize...maybe LMH can hear mermaid's thoughts and not realize... so he saved her in joseon..

Mommy or maid.. may actually be a mermaid.. and is on land because for some reason mermaids in ocean are dying right?..but then she has to be million of years old...given JJ was alive 500 years ago and looks younger than mom..

otherwise why would mom bring her son to end of the world where a new world begins to bid her farewell.. cud have done it at McDonalds.. after buying a happy meal for her beloved son


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Heol? that would make the story more interesting.


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I think you have an excellent theory. I didn't even notice the change in eye color.


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I´m loving the drama so far. I don´t see the fuss of the progress on the plot. I think the writer is doing a fantastic job.

The cinamatography, setting and scenry is good. The comedy is gold especially while they were riding the bike it had me on the floor.

Lee Min Ho is actully doing great as always and perhaps the most underrated over-achiever I have seen in Kdramaland. He always manages somehow to over-achieve but ends up finding himself under appreciated and kind sucks tho to find yourself in that situation because you are not doing anything wrong and achieving hits after hits. The man is truly worth of the love that has come his way so far in his career. It would be nice everyone went out of their way to give him his true credit and basically giving credit where it is do. LMH is definitely wild card and everything interesting fella by it´s own right. The sad part being that this is perhaps his last drama for awhile since his enlisting. But it has been a great 8 yrs with him since he got into our lives in Boys over flowers and perhaps got into ourlives little to much where we know him as our neighbour which has taken away some of the mystic. Great lad and above great actor


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This comment


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This drama is just it! Can't wait for more.


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If they do go the route where he is also part mer, I wonder if his fear of water was because he was kept away from it because he might change to tail.

I'm still not convinced she learned Korean from kdramas ala Splash. If her telepathy isn't truly word based, she may have had to relearn what she knew in the past--if in fact she is the same mermaid. I'm still not convinced she is, and am laying my bet that she's an ancestor as well.

I still think this show has potential to be more, even though I'm enjoying it now.

It took me a bit to realize that the makeup except for her lips (which even those were a tone lighter this ep) seems much more subdued and natural than other moderns. It might be more obvious to me because of the Everchanging Guyliners in Moon Lovers, but in a way I think it lends an additional air to innocence to two characters that may still be innocents deep down despite what they've lived through. (I remember her hiss at the fish in the police station tank. That was fairly aggressive, and talking about fear of sharks.)

I hope they continue the short earlier era bits. They remind me (though in a more serious tone for historical) of the scenes they often did in Taming of the Heir. Taming wasn't purported as a reincarnation history per se, but the campy side story was hilarious and a nice addition, like when they showed cartoons before the main movie.

With the introductions of more secondary cast (particularly the restorer and the connection with mom), I think they're taking their time to build this world and stitch together the connections within, which I'd much rather than the just after the episode 8/9/10 kiss that really is the love kiss entrances of plot influencing characters, and villain-we've-never-seen-before-who-is-worse-than-the-villain-we've-dealt-with-since-episode-1 sorts of things.

As to LMH's look, I am seeing the change as well, and it's a little disarming. Even my spouse who watches occasionally over my shoulder more often than entirely with me had a hard time identifying LMH. But as soon as I said who it was, he said, "That's why he seems familiar."

I am liking his character representation in the past more than the present so far, but I think perhaps he's still trying to own the nuances of the modern character. In the first episode, it felt like he was trying to do one of the non Seoul accents when he was himself instead of one of his identities, and it felt off. I think this episode, I caught that maybe once or so, but if he's still doing it as often, it's not as obvious.

I hope I'm not the only one who, despite the fact that it was probably to get him to breathe, was thrilled to see our heroine initiate lip lock first, and not while drunk.


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so funny reading the comment on various web site.i guess u either for the drama or u r not for it .those who enjoy it is a treat to watch n those who dont can try something else.


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Oh, and which beanie asked for LMH shirtless this episode in ep 1 comments? I'd go back and check, but it's way past my bedtime.

It's not often that the Drama Deities deliver so quickly...


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God am loving this show both actors have great chemistry I love this than mlfs oh and jjh I am not a fan before but now consider me one and also a big applaud to the PD you are so talented and also to my number one crush lmh you did a good job, I was seriously taken aback that you can do comedy without being awkward or looking so forced anyways lobts I wish you luck fighting


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I thought he did fairly well with comedy in Boys Over Flowers when he keeps getting surprised and affronted with Jan Di, or thinks himself such a big schemer, and is always getting his metaphors wrong. I remember laughing at him quite often.


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The visuals are stunning esp. Spain and the Joseon era. It just feels though this episode is a filler, lots of running around. I hope it gets better.


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I liked this episode! Much more fun than episode 1. Tonally, as soon as she started to speak, things started becoming more interesting for me too. Episode 1 led me to believe we'd be dealing with a total dingbat, episode 2 showed that she's incredibly smart as well as incredibly strong.


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Okay, the jade bracelet belonged to Lee Min Ho's character in Joseon. You can just see it when he's sitting down to dinner and his sleeve slips up. It was dated to 400 years or older, and the mermaid retrieved it from what seemed a shipwreck (maybe?), so I'm making an assumption that the Joseon Min Ho was killed in a shipwreck.

Also, when he steals it from her, he's stealing back what was formerly his! So "Dam Ryung" that's printed on the bracelet will be connected to him. Is it his name? Or something else...


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Anyone from Spain? Where exactly did they film? Very nice locations.... the cities and the coasts... all I could think about is how many extras they flew there to film all those silly chase scenes. I want to be an extra, and travel there for a holiday! Eee!


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i'm not from spain, but the scenery was so effing stunning in the first episode that i had to know where they filmed. i did a bit of googling in korean and it appears they filmed in girona. i'd never heard of girona before, but it looks beyooootiful. it's certainly high up on my travel list now!


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Scroll back up someone mentioned specifics of the locations, i remember reading Catalonia and Galcia.


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Oh and Barcelona


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Hello! I am new writing here despite having read recapps from time to time for the last four/five years so first I would like to give a big thank you for all the hard work that’s being made with the recapps and the news.

After watching the first 3 episodes I have to say that I am liking this drama but above all, Jeon Ji-hyun. I have laugh like a loon with some of her scenes!!

That being said, @kles I am Spanish and I have to tell you that the locations in this drama are all over the map; i.e. on episode 1, they go out the police station in Sitges, Catalonia but the street they cross later is in A Coruña, Galicia. Mainly you can see places from both these places, Catalonia and Galicia. In the first you will find the castle/hotel where they spent a night. It is called “Castillo de Santa Florentina” and it is a medieval castle form the XI century. From Galicia, where I live, the Tower of Hercules is in A Coruña and the cliffs at the end of the episode (and the beach at the beginning of episode 3) are from a place called “Praia das Catedrais” (Beach of the Cathedrals) and is a Natural Monument. I was there this summer and then in the news in September, they said that celebrities from Korea were filming there….I was so very excited!!

I hope that this information was useful even though is more than a week late ;-)


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ur assumption is on point


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There's one thing bugging me. I feel that the nernaid in Joseon era has completely different character. She was elegant and wise in how she converse. But present day mermaid feels too comical. Even when I get that she has this fish out of water situation, the way she handles new things are not what I expect from her. Also when she talks, it is completely different. She goes back to her Joseon character, that is full of wisdom, before going back being comical.
I know that it is written that way to build comedic situation, but I guess it's a bit too much.
On the other hand, LMH does comedic in a more subtle way, not going overboard, which I love. He puts the right amount of comedic timing, imo


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Oh yeas, for once I even thought that the nernaid might be the descendant of Joseon mermaid and Dam Ryung, since the two mermaid from the past and present seems to have different personality, but then she said that she has no parents, and there goes my theory.


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This was the main thought on my mind when I was watching episode 2. The mermaids do not seem to be the same person - their characters seem quite different.

At the same time, we have not seen very much of the 400-year ago mermaid. The 400-year ago version of Joon-Jae is himself quite elegant and solemn, and I wonder if the mermaid matched his character. The modern incarnation of Joon-Jae is more comical and again, if maybe he is pulling that personality out of the modern mermaid.

But yes, I completely agree with your questioning. We are either seeing a different part of the mermaid that we have not yet seen in 400-year ago mermaid, or this is a new mermaid with different personalities.


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What I feel is Joseon Era mermaid is following the character traits of Do Min Joon in MLFAS whereas modern era mermaid is following Jo Bo-Ah's Surlus princess avatar minus the keen knowledge on pop-culture and smart phones and since no Song Jae Rim, no obsession over apple butt either. So, they can't be the same mermaid. It has to be a different incarnation of the same mermaid or can mermaids have amnesia too. I mean mermaid or not, its k-drama, amnesia is perfectly possible scenario. Maybe that storm, when it landed her in shore, hit her way to hard in her head so its temporary amnesia of sorts. That's my self-explanation so far.


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Loved the episode. Was really funny. JJH is hilarious and very good playing this character. She is making the mermaid truly interesting. LMH is funny as well and I like the fact that the mermaid was able to change him without even noticing it.
I guess they are both reincarnations. Should linked together fated to meet again. I assume they were unlucky in their past lives so maybe they could be Luckier this time.
He will probably forget about her because of the kiss. Wonder why she ends up following him to Seoul since he already gave her the bracelet.


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Oh. Alright then. Now this episode got me invested. I didn't really know what to say after episode one, other than JJH is awesome and some parts were promising & directed with a lovely touch of whimsy. Overall, something felt off though, that is, until the hilarious chase scene this episode. Then everything seemed to click for me. The show is definitely going for outrageous comedy, but it's just so fun and heartfelt that it's hard not to get swept along.

Absolutely LOVE all the OSTs they played in this episode, much more than that love story song!

One of my worries after ep 1 was not connecting with LMH like I used to in his City Hunter, Personal Taste days, but for the first time in a long time, I actually connected with and enjoyed his character this episode. Probably because the "us against the world" sort of relationship building between the leads is just my kind of thing.

That said, I still think this drama has a lot to improve upon, especially in establishing a concrete story. I also watched MGIAG again not too long ago and I have to say that I still think I prefer Miho. It's just that her fish-out-of-water (or I guess, in her case, fox-out-of-painting?) moments + her wonder and joy at everything played out in a way that endeared her more to me. My comparison will stop here because I obviously love JJH in this role. I just wish we had a little more insight into her mermaid, but I'm sure that will come soon now that her voice can be heard :)


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