Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 6

It’s not hard to fall for a hero like Joon-jae, who’s in pretty deep now and not even trying that hard to deny it anymore. He’s gone from being reluctant to help her to being reluctant to admit he likes helping her, but it’s plain for us to see, and that’s what I love about these kinds of scenarios: that the character thinks he’s attuned to his feelings, when we know better. Muahaha.



Joseon. Dam-ryung rides furiously back to town, after hearing that Lord Yoon and his gisaeng partner are going after the mermaid.

It’s Dam-ryung’s sidekick who gets to Se-hwa first and ushers her out of the house, thankfully. So when gisaeng Hong-ran charges in with her entourage in tow, the room is empty. Hong-ran vows to show what she can accomplish when she puts her mind to it. Nothing good, I’m sure.

Dam-ryung’s sidekick leads Se-hwa to a cave, then sighs at her willingness to trust a stranger, not having even known who he was. He identifies himself as Dam-ryung’s friend, defining the word as “someone who, even when a person says unbelievable things, believes him. And if that person loves someone, he helps protect her.”

He instructs her to stay while he fetches Dam-ryung. As he leaves, he comments to himself that he can see why Dam-ryung was captivated.

He doesn’t get very far when Lord Yoon’s henchmen spot him, and they chase him through the woods and along a rocky cliff. The friend loses his footing, falling down to certain death.

Dam-ryung arrives home to see the place ransacked. Heading out, he scours the snowy forest searching for Se-hwa, while she waits in the cold cave. Finally, his torch goes dark.

In Seoul, Joon-jae waits at the top of Namsan Tower, not knowing Chung has been hit by a car, or that she’s being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

Joon-jae’s stepbrother Chi-hyun, the driver of that car, follows to the hospital. She was found without ID or a phone, so the hospital hopes she will wake and identify herself.

As Joon-jae drives out of the parking area, something catches his eye—the flyers that scattered when Chung was hit, which he’d seen her passing out. He finds a cell phone on the ground and calls 1 on speed dial. Sure enough, he’s on the receiving end of that call.

He starts calling around to ask about accident victims, but is told that the snow has caused so many accidents that it’ll take time to track down the information. Hit with a wave of panic, he remembers all the times Chung sweetly showed him concern, and starts going from hospital to hospital, asking after a young woman with long hair and white skin who’s very beautiful. No dice, though.

Chairman Heo sends his close subordinate, Manager Nam, home to fetch a black tie for a funeral. His wife (Joon-jae’s stepmother) is expecting him and hands him the tie, saying that her husband just called. But when Manager Nam delivers the tie, the chairman belatedly realizes he forgot to call his wife to cancel dinner. The discrepancy strikes Manager Nam as odd.

The chairman arrives at the same hospital that Joon-jae does, though they don’t see each other. Joon-jae tears into the ER, fixated on finding Chung—and this time he does.

Taking in her scratched-up, unconscious form, he approaches looking stricken. He checks Chung’s temperature and yells at a nurse for not looking after her. The nurse assures him that Chung checked out fine, but when rechecking, it’s clear Chung’s vitals have worsened and doctors are hurriedly called.

Joon-jae stands by helplessly as the doctor begins defibrillation. Scenes of Dam-ryung and the mermaid flash by—in Chung’s mind, it seems.

Chung flatlines, and Joon-jae is overcome with emotion as he takes hold of her hand. More flashes of the past depict Dam-ryung’s meeting with the mermaid, her release into the sea, and their handclasp afterward.

And as Joon-jae clasps Chung’s hand tightly, her eyes flutter open.

She calls his name, and he looks up with red eyes, staring in disbelief. She tells him she dreamt a dream: “You took my hand. You saved me.”

At home, Nam-doo guesses that Joon-jae went clubbing after kicking out poor Chung, sighing that Joon-jae learned bad behavior from him and has become “an even worse guy than me.” When Joon-jae calls, he picks up with a grumpy, “What do you want, Worse Guy?”

He flatly rejects Joon-jae’s request to dummy up a fake identity with health insurance coverage, but the instant he hears it’s for Chung, both guys jump up to comply asap. Aw, Tae-oh’s budding puppy crush on Chung is pretty adorable.

Now that Chung is awake, she’s loving this evidence of Joon-jae’s concern and confirms multiple times that he was worried. Discomfited at his own reaction, Joon-jae tries to act like it’s just because it would be a huge inconvenience if something happened to her, but that doesn’t dim her giddiness at all.

He insists that he’s scolding her for not looking at traffic when crossing the street, only to get slapped upside the head by Nam-doo, who scolds him for scolding. (Tae-oh glares like an angry puppy.)

Nam-doo takes care of the paperwork with the manufactured documents, and overhears doctors talking about Chung being a goner and how shocked they were that she came back.

Meanwhile, Chi-hyun talks to the police, and since he tested negative for drunk driving and reported the accident immediately, they feel confident he can settle the matter without much fuss. But when he turns, both he and Joon-jae are startled to recognize each other.

Joon-jae stiffens to realize that his stepbrother was the one who hit Chung, while Chi-hyun says she was the one who darted in front of him, calling it an inadvertent accident.

That phrase flashes them back to their adolescent years, when Teenage Chi-hyun had insisted he’d accidentally broken Joon-jae’s framed family photo. Teenage Joon-jae hadn’t believed it, pointing out that the way the glass shattered indicated that he’d thrown it on purpose. But their father had just scolded Joon-jae for keeping the photo (which included his mother) instead of getting rid of it, as Stepmom wanted.

Then after Dad had left, Chi-hyun had smirked tauntingly and Joon-jae punched Chi-hyun, knocking him down on the shattered glass. Dad had rushed to Chi-hyun’s side, knocking Joon-jae down on top of the glass too, then slapped his face hard. He’d ushered Chi-hyun to the hospital, while Joon-jae was left with untended cuts.

So now, Joon-jae faces Chi-hyun with cold eyes, saying that Chi-hyun doesn’t have “inadvertent accidents.” He deduces that Chi-hyun was doing something sneaky and asks if Chi-hyun has been investigating him—and did he hit Chung on purpose? Joon-jae guesses that it was his brother who put a tail on him the other day—either that, or Chi-hyun’s mother.

At that, Chi-hyun’s face freezes, although he feigns skepticism: “Why would she have you followed? Like you’re anybody?”

Joon-jae replies, “I’m my father’s real son.” Score a hit. Joon-jae dismisses Chi-hyun to go back to acting the faithful son to his dad.

It looks like those words sting Chi-hyun, but when he answers a call from his father, it’s Joon-jae’s turn to look bothered.

Joon-jae watches from a distance as his father and stepbrother head home together, stepping away just as Manager Nam gets a glimpse of him.

Chung gets her leg wrapped and is wheeled to her bed. She asks if she’s meant to live here now, and thinks of Shi-ah’s definition of marriage as living in one house with someone you love and taking care of each other. Indicating the other patients, she asks, “Am I marrying these people?” That gets strange looks, and when she asks the old man next to her if they’re married, his wife glares at her.

Chung sighs, “I’m so happy! Today I marry here, and later I’ll have to marry Heo Joon-jae!” The doctor notes that she should be given a brain scan. Tae-oh, meanwhile, steps aside and sighs to himself that she’s cute.

When the meals are wheeled in, Chung watches the trays being distributed and licks her chops, particularly at her neighbor’s jjamppong (seafood noodle soup). But she gets bypassed, and the nurse informs her that she gets no food because of potential surgery. Chung misunderstands “no food” as some sort of dish name and says that it sounds wonderful; she’ll be pleased to have her no food right away. Learning what that actually means, her face crumples.

At home, Joon-jae lights up when Chung calls, although he’s careful to sound indifferent. He has to hold back his laughter at Chung’s melodramatic reaction at being forced to fast.

Chung says in despair: “When I close my eyes, they wander in front of me. The jjamppong. I can’t sleep… because of the jjamppong.

Joon-jae puts in a call to the hospital, reasoning that there’s no reason to go to such extremes, saying that she’ll go out of her mind if she doesn’t eat.

In the morning, Joon-jae hovers outside Chung’s hospital room, sneaking a look inside to see her reaction when she gets her special jjamppong breakfast. He smiles as she dives into her food, then asks himself why this makes him so pleased.

Chung calls to tell Joon-jae of her special meal, and he curtly says he’s busy and hangs up. He walks off smiling.

That smile fades when he comes face to face with his father’s aide, Manager Nam, in the lobby. The ajusshi chides Joon-jae for cutting off contact and hands him homemade tea that he knows Joon-jae likes.

He fusses over Joon-jae in a fatherly manner, and it makes Joon-jae think back to being a young boy, crying over his mother. It was Manager Nam who had offered him tea (aw, young Nam is Dam-ryung’s faithful Joseon friend) and comforted him.

He’d told Child Joon-jae that he couldn’t bring his mother back, but that he’d protect him. Joon-jae had snapped, “Who are you to do that?” Manager Nam replied, “I’m Joon-jae’s friend.”

Then, years later, after his father fussed over his brother and left Teenage Joon-jae with a bloody arm, it was the ajusshi who came to tend to his cut. Joon-jae had declared then his intent to move out and find his mother, living with her in a grand house of their own: “So you look after Father, Ajusshi.”

Thinking of that declaration, Joon-jae muses that ajusshi kept his promise, while Joon-jae has yet to fulfill his. Manager Nam explains that the chairman is looking for Joon-jae, and that he’s started to put his affairs in order. Joon-jae requests to be left out of those affairs.

Manager Nam says that this is how family is—that it’s difficult to say you miss them, or that you’re sorry, but that his father does want to see him. Joon-jae just excuses himself. In the distance, keeping close tabs is hit man Dae-young, disguised as a patient.

Chung tunes into her drama with her neighbor ajumma, just in time to find out who the secret father is. The ajumma shocks Chung by guessing correctly before the revelation, and explains that it’s obvious that it’s the chairman, just because that’s how it always is.

Then ajumma accurately predicts everything in a typical scene of a rich mother trying to buy off her son’s girlfriend and flinging water in her face. Chung is astonished, and the ajumma’s explanation makes her conclude, “If you don’t take the money envelope, will you get hit with water? I can’t get hit with water. I’d get into big trouble.”

That leads to a discussion of the rich mom not being able to accept the girl as family, and the meaning of family. The ajumma points out that everybody in this room is family, taking care of each other when they’re sick. Chung says family is like those pastries shaped like fish: They look alike, and they’re warm and sweet.

Nam-doo fills Shi-ah in on Chung’s accident and marvels over how un-ordinary she is, and how she revived immediately when she could have died. Shi-ah wonders if she’s a zombie, recalling how Chung bit her, and Nam-doo advises her to get vaccinated just in case.

Shi-ah complains about Joon-jae continuing to act the guardian after he’d kicked Chung out, and Nam-doo explains that Joon-jae thinks she has something to do with his lost memories from Spain. Nam-doo’s guess is that Chung’s a chaebol with amnesia, and the explanation for her hardy health is because she spent a lifetime eating expensive herbal medicines. Shi-ah guesses beggar.

Chung wheels herself outside for fresh air, where she spots a woman holding a sign accusing the hospital of malpractice, demanding the truth of her daughter’s death. The hospital’s deputy director chews out security for not getting rid of the woman and orders his lawyer to go after her for every possible offense.

The kind-hearted security guard gets berated and slapped around when he tries to stand up for the lady. The deputy director reminds him who signs his paychecks and threatens to cut off his food supply—and, well, that sparks Chung’s temper.

With an ungodly scream, she launches herself at the deputy director with a foot to the face, and sends him flyyyyying to the ground. She’s horrified that he’d make a man starve, saying that an empty stomach is a fearsome thing.

That gets her in trouble with the hospital, of course, and the deputy director is all ready to sue. A doctor asks for an explanation, and Chung tells him it was “give and take”—the deputy director kicked the other man, so she returned the deputy director’s kick.

The deputy director accuses her of trying to scam the hospital for money and calls for his legal team, threatening to “feed her bean rice” (a euphemism for sending someone to prison). Chung whispers to the doctor: Is bean rice tasty?

As Chung leaves the meeting, she finds the protesting mother waiting for her, who’s sorry that Chung got into trouble on her account. The mom tells her about losing her sweet daughter in a simple surgery, crying that if she’d known she’d be gone so soon, she’d have done more for her daughter while she was here. Her guilt keeps her up at night, thinking of everything she couldn’t do for her child.

Chung listens sympathetically, then offers to share a secret with her. “I can erase people’s memories,” she says. “If you want, I will erase them for you—the memories making you sad. If you don’t think of your daughter, it won’t give you sadness or pain.”

The woman thinks of all those happy times she spent with her daughter, all the way up to the surgery that killed her, and surprises Chung by declining, saying that she’ll keep her memories until she dies.

Chung asks why, and the mother replies that it allows her to love: “Rather than being unable to love my daughter because I can’t remember her, it’s better to live remembering her, even if it’s painful.”

The boys watch footage of Chung’s flying kick with amazement, and wonder what to do about the deputy director’s threat to sue. As usual, Joon-jae disavows intent to help, and this time Nam-doo bluffs that he won’t help, either.

That wasn’t what Joon-jae was expecting, and you can see him thinking up a way around this as he reminds Nam-doo of how important manners are to him. So while he’s totally fine to ignore Chung’s predicament, it’s the rudeness that sticks in his craw. Ergo, “Let’s swindle this rude jerk.”

The team gets to work setting up the con, which centers around the hospital director’s son, who is arriving from the States to assume a management position. With the director out of the country, it’s crucial for the deputy director to get in good with the son.

With a few well-placed hacks, the team is able to substitute Joon-jae in as the son—an irritated son who had to wait at the airport because the deputy director didn’t send anybody. He’s dressed like a pop diva with major attitude, and the deputy director bows and scrapes in apology.

Joon-jae borrows the director’s phone to call “Dad” and complain about his poor reception, making the deputy director sweat even more. In reality, Joon-jae swaps devices before making the call and hands off the deputy director’s phone to Tae-oh.

At the airport, Nam-doo picks up the real director’s son and takes him on a roundabout drive around Seoul with a bunch of wrong turns. Tae-oh hacks his way into the deputy director’s locked office, then into his devices to find his private files. He finds the surgery records of that protestor’s daughter, which have been modified to cover up a mistake.

Meanwhile, Joon-jae lets the deputy director take him on a tour, at which point he starts sniffing in distaste. He pinpoints the source of the disgusting odor as the deputy director himself, and suggests that there’s something foul about him.

He means figuratively, and soon sits him down in front of a pile of evidence about his corrupt activities: malpractice, bribery, embezzlement. He threatens to send this evidence to the press, and Tae-oh readies to do so with one press of a computer button. “He has a hand tremor,” Joon-jae warns.

The deputy director offers to pay him off, but Joon-jae decides he’d rather have the man pay it off in good deeds, starting with letting go of Chung’s kicking incident.

Next, he has him apologize to the security guard he kicked. Lastly, he makes the deputy director approach the protesting mother and hand over her daughter’s surgery records. The deputy director admits to the mistake and the cover-up and informs her that legal will contact her regarding compensation.

Joon-jae waves at him from a distance, confirming that he’s complied… and then Tae-oh hits Enter anyway. “Oops,” he says. “A mistake.”

Chung chows down on dinner and tells her roommates that she likes the hospital and the food. When the doctor comes by to check on her condition, she confirms that she’s fine.

He informs her that she’s ready to go home, and Chung looks at him in dismay, thinking she’s being kicked out again. “Is it because I eat a lot?” she asks. “It must be. Can I not eat and not go home?” She laments to herself that she has no home to return to.

Just then, Joon-jae’s voice calls out, “Let’s go home!” He stands there all back-lit like a romantic hero, and Chung cheers up instantly, running over with no sign of pain to her broken foot.

Joon-jae asks the doctor if she’s really okay, and the doctor has to figure that since Chung is completely healed, there must have been a mix-up in the test results when she was first examined in the ER.

As they drive off, Chung asks Joon-jae when the next first snow will fall. He laughs that she’ll have to wait till next year, since it only comes once a year, and Chung says disappointedly, “Then I won’t get to see a first snow.”

He looks over in surprise, asking if she plans on being elsewhere next year. Clearly he must have assumed she’d still be around, and this thought dampens his mood.

Chung asks what kind of love would make people still want to remember it, despite it bringing pain. Joon-jae looks at her intently and once more hears the whispered words from the beach, “I love you.” He shakes it off.

Then he gets an idea, and tells her although that the first snow is over in Seoul, it’s not over in other places. He asks if she wants to go there, and she readily agrees.

Nam-doo requests copies of medical records and presents the requisite agreement forms. Am I supposed to find this suspicious? Because I’m a little suspicious.

Manager Nam informs Chairman Heo that he met Joon-jae—and once again, the conversation in the car is being eavesdropped on by Stepmom. Manager Nam says that Joon-jae isn’t ready yet, and promises to try again. Stepmom doesn’t look worried, and in fact almost smiles.

The chairman thanks the manager for always being there for him, and asks him to be sure to get Joon-jae to see him—he has a lot to say to him. After dropping off the chairman, Manager Nam catches a glimpse of his black box and discovers a small device attached to it. Immediately, he suspects Stepmom.

A tap sounds at the window, and he finds hit man Dae-young grinning down at him. He holds a screwdriver in his hand. Gulp.

Joon-jae takes Chung to the ski slopes and tells her he worked really hard finding a place that had the most snow. She gawks in wonder.

He takes her to get fitted for snow gear, and gets a little starry-eyed when she emerges looking like a model in a ski catalog. He even gets a little jealous when she attracts stares.

He kneels down to help get her boots on, and suddenly has a flashback of slipping a shoe onto her foot while in Spain. He can’t quite place it but notes the familiar sense of deja vu.

On the slopes, Joon-jae starts to teach Chung the proper basic snowplow, only to have her speed down the hill ahead of him before he can tell her how to stop. She doesn’t understand his shouted instructions, and while it’s only a bunny slope, she’s well out of control and in screaming in panic.

Joon-jae takes off down the hill after her while she screams his name, and manages to overtake her. Skidding to a stop at the base of the hill, he throws aside his poles and faces her with arms outstretched. He catches her head-on, and they fly backward and tumble on the snow.

They roll to a stop and sprawl on the snow, and Joon-jae starts to laugh, telling her he just saved her life. She agrees, and he takes that as his cue to ask her to do one thing for him.

Chung asks what it is, and he leans up to look her in the eye. Saying that he needs to check something with her, he asks her to say something.

“What words?” she asks. He answers, “I love you.”

And then, snow starts to fall.


In the hospital, when Chung says family is like warm sweet pastries, the drama-watching ajumma adds that family isn’t only about good things. She’s in the hospital after overworking to help repay her son’s debts, for instance.

That’s when Chi-hyun requests to speak with her, and as they sit down in the hospital cafe, Chung warily eyes the glasses of water that are set before them.

Chi-hyun apologizes for the accident and checks that she’s okay, explaining that it was a surprise to realize she knew his brother. Chung’s eyes widen, and when he reaches for his water, she snatches it away and gulps it down. A waitress refills the glass.

As an expression of apology, Chi-hyun takes out an envelope, and Chung looks panicked as she snatches it out of his grasp and tucks it away. She steals his water again and shoots him a glare, making him wonder what’s wrong.

“I don’t want to get hit with water,” she says, “so I took your money envelope. But I can’t break up with Heo Joon-jae. Heo Joon-jae’s Family, I love Heo Joon-jae!”


Aw, what a sweet, satisfying episode. Heo Joon-jae, you big ol’ teddy bear! It was endlessly entertaining to watch him take care of Chung from afar yesterday, but today took things up a notch; he may not be entirely self-aware yet regarding his feelings, but he’s definitely working his way there.

Putting Chung in danger was a quick way to bring out his protective side, and I like that the fantasy aspect of the show lets us mess with medicine in narratively convenient ways, like flatlining Chung and bringing her back. I suppose a non-mermaid could have flatlined too, but there’s a pretty poetry in how it happeend, where she can believe that it was Joon-jae who brought her back and not something so unromantic as science. Also, it contributes to the mystique of the mermaid, since we’re still learning rules about their existence and how they function.

I really liked that flash of raw emotion we saw when Joon-jae thought she’d died, and that look in his eyes when she came back. I like that it scared him enough that he didn’t lie when she asked him to say he was worried about her, and I suspect it will play a large part in his reaction to what sounded like her plans for departure. It was only the barest mention, but he was definitely rattled at the thought that she might not see the next first snow with him, and he didn’t even try to feign disinterest. I like when emotions are prodded into this uneasy territory, where characters are dropped in uncharted waters rather than clinging to warm, safe denial. Keeping a character off-balance keeps his reactions honest, and I love peeling back those protective layers to get to what’s real at the center.

I’m also appreciating the multiple threads that are coming into play, revealing deeper connections between characters and timelines. Dam-ryung’s friend (and Joon-jae’s ajusshi friend) is a good example of this, and presents something of a tragic figure; it feels like he’s the one who quietly helps in the background, his love for the hero going overlooked or underestimated, possibly even bringing him suffering. Dam-ryung’s friend fell off a cliff trying to help him and is very possibly dead; in the future, the ajusshi has been a fond protector figure for years, and may fall victim to a scheme whose ultimate target is Joon-jae. (I wasn’t actually that worried about ajusshi until I remembered the cliff fall at the beginning, and it’s the parallelism that bolstered the moment with extra peril.)

Most of all, I think what I responded to the most in this week’s episodes was seeing Joon-jae taking big steps forward and showing more of himself, because he’s the one with all the walls, the self-defenses, the fake identities and cover stories and escape routes that keep everybody at arm’s length, ready to bolt anytime it seems they might hurt him again. No doubt it’s all rooted in his heavy parental issues, and understandably so. It was cute watching the mermaid fall for Joon-jae, but not necessarily emotional or moving, because it just seemed obvious that she would. Maybe even inevitable. She’s something of a “pure” character in that she’ll love once and only and sees the world in black and white with little nuance. She loves or she doesn’t. She was going to love Joon-jae no matter what, so she did right away.

So it’s more interesting to see him be the one being changed by her, because it means something significant when he breaks a long-held rule for her. He’s the one who has issues with love, so it’s just that extra pinch of poignant when he’s the one who experiences its effects.

Not that she isn’t important, of course, seeing as how she’s quite necessary to the whole process. Never tear them apart! (Can one make a rom-com without an angsty separation? Surely it would be worth a try.)


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All I could say is the epilogue has so funny, I can't!


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Lol, ikr!? This entire ep was so funny and entertaining, but that epilogue was the cherry on top! You could tell the actor was trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness. Hahaha!


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THIS! parts of this episode actually had me laughing out loud... can't remember the last time a drama had me doing that! & the epilogue was the time i laughed the hardest.


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The brother's face was absolutely priceless!


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He looked completely taken aback and at sea (pun intended)


I rewatched the scene thrice just to stare at his reaction...hehe!


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I laughed so freaking loud at this epilogue! I'm sure my sleeping roommates are pissed. But I couldn't help it!


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I'm cracking up just thinking about it!


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The look of horror on her face when the waitress refilled the water she had just gotten rid of!


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I know!!!! She just glared at her for refilling little bro's water ammo. Hahahaha, I love it!


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I wonder why Chung was looking so traumatised when she was facing Chi-hyun, because it's not in her nature to doubt human beings? And where did the line "But I can’t break up with Heo Joon-jae." come from? Chi-hyun never asked her to break up with him right? I'm guessing that she probably met his doppelganger in his previous life, and that he tried to "separate" her from Joon-jae then. Maybe?


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If you rewatch the scene between her and the middle-aged lady who broke down the drama cliches for her you'll understand why she reacted that way.

To cut the long story short: she was interpreting Chi-huyn's visit exactly as K-drama cliches: the moment he announced he was JJ's 'family' she thought he was there to force her into breaking up with JJ, because that's how a rich guy's 'family' (aka mom) often tells the poor girl to do in a K-drama.


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According to the drama she had watched with the lady in the hospital, if the girl doesn't accept money, it means she won't leave the guy, which means the lady, who was giving money, will throw the water at the girl.

What Chung does is that she accepts the money thinking that her action would mean that Chi-hyun won't throw the water at her anymore. But according to the drama she watched earlier, accepting money means the heroine has to breakup with the guy, which Chung won't do, even if she accepted the money.

Maybe Chi-hyun could be there in Josean era and I want him to be there since Josean era actually tells us how a person in modern times is.


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There was a scene at the hospital where Chung was watching some tv drama with the ajumma who was also hospitalized. In the drama the main female lead was offered money to leave the main guy (supposedly rich stereotypical drama hero). She refused and got thrown a glass of water on her face. The ajumma told Chung that happens always (in dramas) which is why she was wary of Chi-hyun when he told that he was family and gave him the envelope etc. I guess the scene didint seem important enough to add to the recap, but without it the epilogue doesent really make sense ;D


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It was in the recap though...


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You're taking this too literally. It's supposed to be a joke about makjang dramas that she watched in the hospital with that ahjumma lol...i.e., rich family member giving money to poor girl so she can stay away from the rich son


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I think you skipped a minute or seconds while watching this drama that's why you did not understand the epilogue. a seconds or so actually pays a big role in dramas.


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IKR! Ahahahahah! It's like she wanted to tell the waitress.... What the hell was wrong with you?! why are you refilling the water?! And the brother's face! AHAHAHAHA


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It's really funny and all but this thought pop up in my head again because of the whole 'water splashing' thing: This mermaid can't take a bath while she's on land. How many days has it been? Sorry, slight OCD here. Hahahahaha


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Maybe, a bathtub could help her!


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Been wondering the same. In Spain and in Seoul...how did she clean herself?


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I quite sure that she did take baths: she just needs to lock herself in, bathe and then wait for the tail to turn back again into a pair of legs.


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Aww.. I love this episode! It makes me laugh and cry almost at the same time. And the BGM are wonderful..I've been waiting for the recap, like for 30 minutes I keep pressing the refresh button to read the update for LOTBS. thanks. Cant wait till next week.. Lyn's song becomes more beautiful after watching ep 6. Ooh my feels.. I so in love with this couple


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Thank you for the recap. I love the epilogue the most ! Makes me laugh :-)


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"Disgusting. Shit. " LOLOLOL so hilarious. Junjae ya you're so cute. I fall in love with Lee Minho (again). He did it again to me T.T


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lololol.. junjae's fur coat like a pop diva plus has major attitude when he's pretending to be director's son.. This scene is hilarious. Junjae is love..


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Need to make a Fone call but my Sell phone Baddery is dead hahahaha love his hilarious english XD Disccusting Shiet!


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That line was insanely hilarious! Such a diva!


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Am I the only one who heard him say "discorsting" each time though? xD


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Haha... His accent made it so funny! I was literally Laughing out loud, I had to watch it several times.... can't get over how hilarious it was!


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I know right! Lee Min Ho's accent is cute but pretty cringy at times to be honest xD


@Binnie I think he was intentionally going for the heavy accent as he was supposed to be acting out a guy who has come back from abroad.
Infact in recent times LMH's english has improved considerably.


No, you're not the only one! Hahaha
I wonder how many times did he practice that line? And still...the whole expression sounds a little broken
So funny, though


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LOL nailed it!


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Not gonna lie but I was never a LMH fan!

But this is love. I am officially in the LMH-fanatic-bandwagon now!

This role is tailormade for him and he is effortless in his portrayal, considering that he's sharing the screen with so many great actors and is under a lot of pressure.


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There were some photos of a "fat" LMH floating around 10-12 months ago. He had put on weight and looked round, w a double chin, almost. He explained the heavy schedule of pulling late late nights and his overworked liver that led to bloating. It's hard being an idol actor. And then in anticipation of this drama, he had to shed the weight come hell or high water. Sure big money is involved, but it isn't entirely an easy life. So it's good to see that all that hard work has paid off in this role that he plays well and gets much love for it.


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Omo, is that so? I had seen his pics a few months back and people were literally tagging him as "Kris Jenner lookalike" on forums and posts and making fun of him, I swear. It did make me feel really bad. But, this was the reason?

If this role does become a success for LMH, we will all (LOBSters) be happy for him. He HAS worked really hard, but it looks effortless. And this is not only my observation, several people have observed this.

Also, although he nosedived in Faith and Heirs, he is the guy who brought me to K-Drama through Personal Taste and to many, as well, through BOF.


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I liked him in BOF and PT, but City Hunter did it for me! haha


Yeah I've seen him comment a lot on his face looking "fat"(or even sometimes his nose being fat" before and I feel bad for actors. Like give the guy a break, he doesn't have to be perfect and fit 24/7 for fans.
I'm glad he's getting the appreciation he deserves because I genuinely like his roles a lot...when they're not shitty high school drama characters. He's definitely a hard worker and seems to take his acting seriously. I find him really charming and love how well he pulls off the boyish charm and rascal behavior without overdoing it.


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It's actually interesting when people say that because I have always thought he's been good even in dramas I couldn't stand to watch (BoF I made it through half an episode and thought I might watch it bc of him...but couldn't bring myself to do it :| )

I've always liked that he's a pretty solid actor with decent comedic talent to keep me engaged. Plus one of my fave dramas is City Hunter.

But yes, I agree, I'm thoroughly enjoying him in this role! I'm glad to see a LMH drama I can watch again after the travesty that was Heirs.


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I couldn't watch more than 2 episodes of The Heirs, his Kim Tan role didn't impress me , and Park Shin Hye's acting was a little too bland and plain to me.


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He is a great actor, no doubt. But not the "greatest", something that I always feel Kim Soo Hyun has achieved for himself, but Lee Min Ho, due to bad luck, couldn't, although he was loved equally.

Maybe because KSH was lucky in his drama choices. He has 2 of the most popular dramas in the entire Korean history under his belt (Moon embracing.. [not my fav though] and My Love..)

I like LMH as a person. I love him for his looks and humblesness. But this time, I love him as an actor as well.


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OMG that entire scene ("hand tremor", their faces, LMAO) is pure gold.

Lee Minho should always and forever do comedy, this is stellar!


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It was about time people acknowledged LMH is doing a good job in here.

The expression he gave when he thought Chung was dying. The scene where he proclaimed his love in the snow ? made me fall in love with him all over again. I think JJH is bringing out the actor in him by being competitive.


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It was all the good parts of Goon pyo from boys over flowers, fur coat and all, without the angst.


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And without the extremely curly hair and cynicism.

However, GJP was love too. Although, I think, HJJ is taking over that for me.


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The Engrish, especially that line and facial expression to the deputy director, was so freaking hilarious!!! ROFL


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Lee Min Ho being over-the-top and tongue-in-cheek Americanized is quite literally my favorite thing in this episode, and there are A LOT of good things about ep 6 (and 5, tbh).

I think at one point, after "disgusting," he said, "ffff" as if to say, "fack."

I watched the whole scene twice, back to back! Comedic gold, I tell ya!


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I love the epilogue scene !! LOL
It should happen as twist on makjang drama

and I agree with you javabeans
the connection between past and present including people around Joon Jae and mermaid makes this drama more interesting

Thank you for the recaps


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I absolutely love the parallels between Past and Present and they're so poignant with how it frames the episode and how it foreshadows event s in the main timeline. This makes me more excited to see Nam-Doo and Shi-Ah in Joseon because it may reveal their true intentions.

I wonder if their previous incarnations are subjected to their fates from Joseon. In other words, please don't kill Ahjussi!

And finally, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME SUNG-DONG-IL!!! You were my father! YOU WERE THE NATION'S FATHER! His faces are killing it in this role (all puns intended).


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I *think* we have already seen Joseon Shi-ah, as the bride that got left on her wedding night in the first week. It's hard to tell under the wedding make-up, but I compared that scene to Shi-ah's face in the cake-eating scene, and I didn't see any differences that couldn't be make-up & costume.


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That's what I'm suspecting too. Not that I did comparison but because she looked older than the age Jinyoung gives off in the flashbacks. It seems like she's a closer age to modern Shi-Ah than Jinyoung. If that makes sense.


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which part in first week did shi-ah appeared in joseon time??


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i'm loving the parallels between joseon and present day too. they're being filmed and transitioned so beautifully! i love that we open in joseon every episode and it slowly draws the parallels into the present. not super big LMH fan, but he's so lovable in this one! JJH is also as cute as ever! <3 and is sung dong il gonna be in like every drama ive been watching this season?!


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"Discursting shet."

HJJ's English is easily the highlight of this episode for me. Lol.


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Yes! And his exaggerated engrish also reminds me of Song Cheon Yi's "unbelievable!"


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Lolol I'd forgotten about this!


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Her epic "Sawry"!


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this scene and the epilogue scene makes my day ROFL


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Yes! ???


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The epilogue was pure gold!!! As soon as you see the glasses on the table you knew what was going on in her head. I swear I kept laughing long after the show ended.?


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I couldn't stop laughing at this scene, and it's way past bedtime here. My neighbours must be wondering why I come home and laugh like a mad person two nights a week XD


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This comment is Good! Same !


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Lol...i meant to say 'Gold*'


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Btw, does anyone else think that StepBrother is evil, under a fake-caring demeanour ?


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I was wondering the same. As a kid, he was shown to smile at Joon-Jae's expense, and there's clear dislike there, but he DID prevent his mother from obtaining Joon-Jae's house location and asked his father not to mention Joon-Jae too often. The question is if that was self-interest or kindness. I'm really hoping he isn't evil, but all signs are pointing to the opposite right now.


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maybe there's something happen that makes him change


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I have that feeling as well, there's something definitely dodgy about him, we'll have to wait and see.


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I think he's faking it only in front of HJJ. He's fine and kind in front of everyone else because maybe they don't concern him much.

But there's a missing puzzle piece between him and HJJ.

Either he's kind and he's trying to help HJJ or he doesn't want to see HJJ around so that he can be the "only son".

But then, what was that cruel smirk in the childhood flashback? Did he change when he became an adult?

I am really confused.


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Maybe he's trying to protect his mom, or trying to seem like the bad guy so that no one suspects his mom. Cos when Joon Jae mentioned his mom he got visibly nervous


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That seems sensible to me, actually.

But I don't think he's 100% good/kind/innocent. Maybe, he's not as bad as his mom.


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Hemmm... My gut tells me that he's somewhat similar with Cheon Song-yi's best friend who's played by Yoo In-na (can't remember her name). He's sly, hypocrite, jealousy-ridden, but still redeemable and won't go far to the point killing people like his Mom.


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I agree with this theory!


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Maybe he's just trying to protect JJ? Faking his nastiness in front JJ when he was young in order to drive him out of the house, so that his mom won't be able to kill him (maybe in the past, he found out his mom's plot to kill him, so he did that to drive him away?)

I think the character will be a redeemable one. Hopefully they don't make it the super evil step brother


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This seems legit.


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Good points Catherine,
I'd rather see the stepbrother as a second lead, a romantic rival rather than an evil lead. He does seem to be amused at Sim Ching's gestures, and


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This is what I was thinking too.


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Awww :) This drama's the only thing that can make me laugh these days :)


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Me too, friend :)


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I honestly never thought I'd enjoy the comedic elements of the show this much but they are all working very well for me. I really found the Sim chung's antics in the hospital very funny and that epilogue was just comedy gold!

I am not sure I am looking the reincarnation links between the past and present world because it's starting to seem all too convenient and I truly hope our characters get to exercise more agency and break free from the cycle of the past repeating itself in the present...

Shared more of mine and my wife's thoughts on this week's episide here: http://wp.me/p7U37n-Vf


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Disgusting. Shit.

OMG so hilarious hahaha I fall in love with Junjae. Lee Minho doing his magic once again T.T


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Every episode gets better! I also like how JJ does not consciously deny his growing feelings for SC. He just acts according to his emotions, and later questions why he did them in the first place. That's adorable!

JJH and her SC is love but LMH and his character has been getting better too :)


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Oh my gosh I'm just belly laughing all over the place! For me, this drama just does EVERYTHING right. The hilarity, the sweet, fluttery moments, the emotional moments, and even the cheesy moments are uniquely awesome because they are so self-aware! It's like, you know you are laughing with the dramamakers, and then you can get caught-up in the sweetness on top of it.

How about that quotable family=bunggeoppang metaphor?!


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I love this show <3 I love Lee Min Ho <3 and I love Jun Ji Hyun .<


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This episode was probably my favorite episode because of Joon-Jae and, more importantly, because the plot didn't drag. There was a really nice parental coherence weaved throughout, and the characters are starting to question Chung a little too. I love it when identities are thrown into question and can't wait to see what's in that X-ray of Chung.


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Na. doo.

I have been anticipating some suspicion of Chung for some time now....good to finally get there!


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I am loving Hoe Jun Jae So much ❤❤????? He is so cool!
The last scene is amazing!! ??Love How Hoe Jun Jae swiftly and cooly stands wide open arms infronna Chung. So romantic. The Scene where Jun Jae act as the son of The Hospital's president is SO HILARIOUsss ?????????? Lee Min Ho'd comedy is light and natural and on point. It is suitable for his character.
I personally don't like the Hero in drama be ridiculousy and exaggeratly comedy.


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I love how he keeps breaking his own rule of thumb. He decided to protect her first, putting his own safety second, and just stood there with arms open wide even when she told him to move aside. And even better was the part after when they laughed together. I guess now they have both saved each other's lives in this timeline. ^^


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Omo, yes! Thank you for mentioning his rule on safety. I didn't even think of it.


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I loved how he pointed the rule out several times already to educate her--protection rule twice and worrying rule once. Yet he's been very protective and worried about her. I'm not sure if it's cuz he's never encountered someone so innocent and clueless about this world. Not to mention, all those times when she tried to protect him and showed concern for him. As a result, it's somehow bringing out his protective side instinctively and he seems to have trouble leaving behind those who can't fend for themselves. It bothers him a lot, and then add in the falling in love factor, and he's just totally done for. XD


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My brain all episode "Lee Minho, no Jeon Ji Hyun, but Tae-Oh, aw Lee Minho, yassss JJH,wow Shin Hye-sun, no its Tae-Oh. Minho, Minho wins it all."

In the end it's probably JJH's episode for me.

Off to read the recap. Thanks, jb!


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Omo, no I forgot. The episode belongs to Junior and that perfect cameo by Park Jin Joo


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I was gonna say This! Junior was really Good! Raw emotions in his tears really tugged at me.


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When he comes on screen I totally forget that he's Got7 eomma and I just think he's Lee Minh of the past.

I was so annoyed with that scene that my brain kinda switched off for the brother's excuses and the dad. I only heard Jinyoung. And then when he teared up the scene was sold!


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That cameo by Park Jin Joo looked like she walked straight outta the Jealousy Incarnate sets..Totally swag Haha..She is my favorite Nurse now!


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Well, we found out what the mermaid thinks of painful memories.

Why, ahjussi, why? I didn't place him as the Joseon friend. I low-key hate this show! ???


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Tae Oh was great this episode though. He got lines!!!! Shock horror. Haha 'Oops. Mistake'' And his facials. On point.

(P.S. I don't wanna be annoying so don't take this the wrong way but Junior officially changed his stage name to Jinyoung, his birth name... and prefers to be called that, just thought you should know... fact of the day etc.)



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Tae-oh's freeze on the leg machine made my life. Puppy love is best!

No problem. I haven't been full-time ahgase in a long time. For some reason I thought he changed his birth name to Junior, which was super weird to me, but to each their own. I'm happy to hear it was actually his stage name that changed. Though 2 acting Jinyoungs will confuse me at some point kekeke


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Oh yes. He's just adorable.

I don't really follow GOT7, I just happen to know that fact haha
Hahahaha that would be weird, although I do know of people called Junior, legit, like that their name, but no, just for all intensive entertainment purposes Jinyoung is Jinyoung :P
Oh yeah, they joked about that actually, when he officially changed it haha. There are a fair few Jinyoung's in the business!! (Including JYP, the owner of the company Got7 is in... why do I know that? Gosh... why am I sharing that... ANYWAY so Tae Oh... right?) :P


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'Disgustinggg..shit..' haha love it!


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I was still traumatized by Lee MinHo in Heirs. I hate him there, much like I dont really enjoy his Gu JunPyo (I'm sorry to All BBF and Heirs fans out there). But I like him here and my worried seems to be fault. he gives me the feel of his Jeon JinHo character in Personal Taste. And for me that's when I started to like him :)


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Totally agree with you!
I wasn't impressed with his role in BOF, but Jeon JinHo in Personal Taste totally got me hooked up


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Another thing I think this drama does markedly well is show Joon Jae falling for Cheong a second (or third, depending on how you look at it) time.

It's actually made easily get over the fact that his memories were lost. I hardly mind it at all, in fact I mind it a lot less than JJ! The fact that he's seeking those lost memories, the fact that these little slips of déjà vu keep coming in, and the fact that he is clearly falling for her for all the right reasons all over again together are so satisfying! It's just perfect. And by the way, I keep falling for SC all over again with every seen too.

Side note, the way the writers, directors, producers, and actors of Legend of the Blue Sea are handling the thematic conflict of "lost memory of a beloved" (it is crazy that that's actually a thing!) is so flawless that it makes me think back to W: Two Worlds. I literally never got over the loss of Kang Cheol's first memories in W. The story lost my deep investment with what was referred to as the entry of KC2.0. While I would have most loved a full return of memories, I was also holding out for some little shreds of memories to come back to KC, and if not that, to at least be able to witness him completely falling in love with Oh Yeon Joo again. To me, it felt like he found out he loved her and decided "Let's do this, gonna love you again....starting....now." in a very detached and dispassionate way. That's how it felt to me at least, I know others disagree. But I certainly couldn't pinpoint a moment when he fell in love with OYJ for the second time. I felt that I was told, but not shown. In Blue Sea I see it with every look Chung gives Joon Jae and every swoon, sigh, and smile she brings out of him. It's so delightful it's like fizzy lifting drink. This drama is joy. So happy that we have lots more sweet moments ahead. :) <3

Disclaimer: Whatever is about to happen to Ahjussi Chief Nam is not included in the sweet moments aforementioned :-O :*(


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Totally agree with you about W: Two Worlds. I actually dropped the show before that happened, but when I read up on it later I was glad I did.

I do think the show is handling the memory loss thing very well, but I have to admit that my heart does still mourn the memories Joon Jae lost in Spain. The crazy circumstances they got in together bonded them so quickly and solidified their connection so well (he was ready to take her to Seoul!!!). He's definitely letting some walls down now which is nice, but without the context of their relationship in Spain and the gaps in his memory, he still has a reason to keep his guard up around her.

I do though, love the theme of choosing to keep on loving someone in your memories even if it hurts (the show definitely has an "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" thing going on...and I know they're gonna use it to hurt us like hell in the future...)


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It cracked me up that the romantic moment of snow falling is revealed to be produced from a snow machine just off the ski course.


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Me too!


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I noticed that too, but accepted it because it's common practice at ski resorts (not just for drama shoots). I choose to believe that the falling snow happened along with the snow produced from the snow machines.


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When she kicked that dude and when she asked if prison good is good, I looost it.
Comedy gold.

I feel like my old crush on LMH is coming back, I forgot why I used to like him for a while.


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Haha the beans in prison - that had me in fits of laughter and of course her scene with the stepbrother was hilarious. In fact, I was wondering whether the stepbrother would appear for a proper apology, which he did.

Yes I used to like LMH until he started dating Suzy. Taken.


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I keep going on and on, but there is so much I loved!

I loved Tae-O. his facial expressions said a thousand words and the one word he did say was...well, kyo in itself!

I loved JJH in that snowsuit!!!!

And of course I love the ongoing theme of shout-outs to kdrama clichés and people like us beanies!


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That epilogue made my night! Thanks to ajumma for her crash course on k-drama cliches. I was wondering when Chi Hyun was going to visit Chung to at least apologize. I desperately want Chi Hyun to be good. He may have been a demon child growing up, but I don't want him to be evil like his conniving mother. It is so weird to see Lee Ji Hoon call himself "hyung" to Lee Min Ho even though they're only one year apart.

I was honestly not that moved by Joon Jae's "I love you" because I don't see it as a real confession. He may subconsciously mean it, but in that situation, he was only trying to confirm his hazy memories. I love him for calling the hospital and demanding they feed her, though, then pretending he doesn't care while standing outside her room. A tsundere indeed. I'm proud of Joon Jae for pulling a con without hypnosis for once.

On the other hand, Tae Oh's "gwiyeowo" made my heart skip a beat, but mainly because it's one of the few times he's ever talked. No, don't kill Ajusshi!

A big thanks for recapping, javabeans!


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Everytime Tae-oh is on-screen, I am glued to the TV and whispering for the puppy to speak. Hee! They're all just too cute.


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Cute cute cute episode.
For once I did not feel the comical antics of the mermaid slapstick at all.
I laughed so much especially the high kick scene ("The Miracle of Shim Chung") and the skiing scene. They were gold.
And LMH...... his Joon Jae is so adorable and his English ascent is so darn cute.
Finally, I am hooked.


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I am not a huge fan of his, or rather was. But Heo Joon Jae.....is....love. Fantastic portrayal, LMH!

I can't remember when I don't find an episode amusing because of JJH. She's a born-superstar! So glad that I am her fan now.

This episode was so amazing. I am officially hooked. Period. Can't wait for the next week's episodes! But how will I wait?

PS: That water-money scene ALWAYS reminds me of Secret Garden. ALWAYS!!!


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PS: That water-money scene ALWAYS reminds me of Secret Garden. ALWAYS!!!

Yes.. That was the most hilarious water-money scene ever between female lead and rich male lead's mother.

Joo Won'd Mom: *takes her cup and throws water at Gil Ra im*
Gil Ra Im: *easily dodges the water*, and she reasons it out,saying she has fast reflexes.
Gil Ra Im again: offers her cup of water to Joo Won's mom for a retake like in the dramas.
Joo Won's mom:( exasperated) What kind of woman you are.

One of the bestest korean dramas.


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OMO, piery...thank you so much for making me recall. Thanks, hun.

SG is my fav drama.

Haha, ikr? It's a golden scene. Till date, there are so many scenes of SG that are repeated, copied or inspired from.


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Wow. finally met a person whose favourite drama is SG. It is my fav too. Never knew that it would be so special when i started watching it, during the time it was airing. But the drama got everything perfect to the point.

And yes, till date, many of the scenes of SG are inspired from.

Last night i watched Laurel tree tailors shop, and in that drama actually, the actress who played Joo Won's mother is also in the cast, playing yet again a rich woman , evil AND Funny at the same time. She was about to fall, and her daughter's crush( the boy that her daughter likes) help her and she falls in his arms, and the SG ost is as the bg music. I laughed so hard at that scene. And it is so funny, because it is Joo Won's mom.


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Omo, really? Many people love SG. In fact, SG has always been in the "Must-watch dramas" list for international audience as well.

I absolutely love SG. I can watch it any time. In fact, it is my only drama that I have watched more than 2 times and it makes my heart flutter.


When Joon Jae was disguised as the director's son, all I could think was: "Jun-Pyo, is that you?" xD


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Hahaha...yep...i just kept thinking "...ladies and gentlemen Gu Jun Pyo has arrived! "


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i feel he more like GD from bigbang


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Hehe! Wow...you are right!

That's GD's look from BIG BANG's BANG BANG BANG MV!

Gunshots*** banger banger bangerrr! Lool


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HAHAHAHA, I see both of them in that scene! Then JJ's English had me dying. I had to pause to see straight again. Same with the epilogue. So fun!


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Lol yes! Especially with those crosses. I was like "HJJ, it's chaebol not idol" ?


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It's awesome how he arrives dressed and talking like a pretentious ass and everyone assumes he's legit... while the actual son shows up in an unassuming suit at the airport!


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Watching Heo Joon-jae in denial regarding his feelings for Chung is pure gold. He is absolutely hilarious! I am glad we got to focus more on him these past couple episodes. While I enjoy watching Chung's fish out water (or should I say mermaid out of water) antics, I love peeling away the layers of Joon-jae! And Tae-oh. His crush on Chung is so freaking adorable. I loved when he jumped up so quick when he realized she was in the hospital. I need more of that!

I was glad we got to see them do another con too. I love when they do cons and I hope we get to see more! Especially if the next target is going to be Joon-jae's Mom's employer. That is going to be messy. And fun!

And I wouldn't trust Nam-doo as far as I could throw him. He is sneaky and I don't know what his deal is with Shi-ah...


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What I like about this episode was that it suggested that Chung hasn't felt deep love yet. I thought it was super strange how deeply she fell for Joon-Jae in such a short time, and I'm glad the show is FINALLY making a distinction between her attachment and love(especially familial love).


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+1! That's a great point. It has me thinking about Mermaid families and the overall mythology that this show presents. We know Mermaids may not have parents in the traditional sense, but we've seen other mermaids with Chung. Maybe because they're always linked telepathically, they are unable to view each other as distinct, separate, autonomous individuals and so that level of altruistic concern (like that of a mother and her newborn) is absent.

But I'm so glad that Chung is developing a real family and home.


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Yes. This!

Shim Chung will finally be able to make the distinction!

Her love now is just so pure and untested... She doesn't even really know how much love can hurt! That it isn't always rainbows and unicorns... Even within families...

I have a feeling she is really gonna learn soon...


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Argh! The age switches keep making me miss the past & present counterparts of characters. First it was the gisaeng/stepmom last episode, and now Joon Jae's precious Ahjussi. I didn't even realize he was also Dam Ryung's friend until this recap. Why are they the only character's that aren't the same age in both time periods?

You make an interesting point JB re: it being more significant for Joon Jae to start falling for Chung than vice-versa. I love Chung's naiveté and organic reactions to everything around her, it's what makes her so extremely endearing, but the "inevitability" of her falling for him does kinda..."cheapen" it almost? It's as if she doesn't really have a choice in the matter, and that doesn't really give her a lot of agency.

On one hand what she does feel is the rawest, most pure form of love there is—and that's beautiful to watch. But you also run the risk of it seeming like "kiddie" love rather than something more profound. I'm interested to see how/if the writer will address that...


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"Argh! The age switches keep making me miss the past & present counterparts of characters. First it was the gisaeng/stepmom last episode, and now Joon Jae’s precious Ahjussi. I didn’t even realize he was also Dam Ryung’s friend until this recap. Why are they the only character’s that aren’t the same age in both time periods?"

My thoughts: The gisaeng and the friend died earlier and reincarnated first in present timeline and by the time, Dam Ryung is reincarnated as JJ, they have grown up and hence no longer be around the same age as JJ? And possibly there are several other reincarnation between Joseon era and present Seoul.

I'm curious to know about the little girl story, and how it will drive the plot going forward


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My favorite episode yet! Thank you JavaBeans for the speedy recap?


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Oh, that jjamppong nurse is the nurse from jealousy incarnate.

I fall in love again with Lee Min Ho


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It's been six episodes, and I still don't have an inkling who Shi-ah really is or what her motivations are. Does she really like Joon-jae, or is she angling for something else? What is her deal with Nam-doo? Are they secretly related? Are they scheming against Joon-jae? Seriously, drama, get on it.


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I'm curious about that too, but I can hardly make any complain since there are so many other wonderful things happened in today episode, enough to make me forget about that for a while.


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Nam ahjussi please don't die, when I saw that he was the friend from the past I was happy he was alive, but now what?
Dear killer if you kill ahjussi then you are "Dizgursting, shet"


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Aigoooo... That evil step mom and step bro... You both can have daddy and all of his money...

Uri Joon-jae is very competent and capable of making a living on his own... heck, he'd probably end up richer than his daddy...


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Why did Chung say that she can't see the snow next year? Don't tell me that she's gonna die because of her transformation or something.

And what's with Nam-doo? What's on his mind, really? He's so sweet for always taking Chung's side and worrying about her, but I'm still feeling uneasy about him. He doesn't seem trustworthy. When is his doppelganger in Jeoson going to show up? I need a clue...


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I keep anticipating the reveal of the Joseon Nam doo! I'm thinking we will find out in that timeline that he's a bad guy. I wonder if all the present characters have Joseon counterparts? Argh, next Wednesday can't come soon enough!


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Nam Doo is certainly going to betray Joon Jae by revealing to the world that Chung is a mermaid and will probably try to sell her off for money along with Shi-ah.

Maybe Shi-ah was Dam Ryung's wife.


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I'm inclined to agree with This!

Shi-Ah could very well be the Joseon Wife and Nam Doo could be someone also interested in exploiting the mermaid back in Joseon Times.


Thank you very much for this recap, JB!

I so love this show, it's just so cute and funny!

I'll just forget about some of the cringe-worthy scenes like "disgusting shit" lol, or defibrillating with clothes on. It's all good. A panicking JJ was just so endearing, Chung giving the deputy director a high kick was just so satisfying, Tae-oh being overwhelmed with Chung's cuteness that he actually had to leave the room was just so cute. This show really is entertaining!

I was just thinking, when Chung offered to erase the mother's memories, I was like, how? She's not going to kiss the mother is she?

When I saw the young version of the driver as Dam-ryung's Joseon friend, I was like oh nos, you are so dead, but I didn't know it will be this soon, which is just sad since he was very affectionate to JJ, and sad that he wasn't able to relay to his boss about his suspicions on his wife. Nam-doo also makes me feel suspicious. What's with this guy? He seems to be the type who can easily be a traitor when lured with money.

The last scene was beautiful. I mean there's always something appealing to the eyes here, whether it's a sky filled with paper lanterns or these two tumbling on a ski slope. I just love it but then, of course, we didn't hear Chung say "I love you" in the end of the episode which is just so unfair (to wait for another week, sigh, I know it's the cliffhanger, but still unfair).

And the epilogue, oh my! I know I will see that scene again when it was being watched by Chung with the ahjumma on the telly, but I didn't know how it will turn out. OMG! That was, indeed, priceless! Hahaha!!!

Oh and you bet that there will always, always and always be an angsty separation. Now that you've mentioned it JB, I wonder if they could really make it possible without it. Wouldn't it be nice to have fluffy cuteness galore until the end? But well, we all know that a story without a conflict is not a story, so otoke? Like what true kdrama addicts time and time again do, we'll just brace for the torture while loving it like some twisted masochist fools that we all are! Also I'm thinking, I actually don't mind angsty Lee Min Ho. I think he's best with angsty really, don't you think?


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Loved the episodes this week. I'm so glad I stuck with this because it's getting better with each episode. JJH, as always, nails it and LMH is starting to grow on me. I'm really liking him in this drama. Counting down the days till the next ep. I'm excited!

P.S. Am I the only person who screamed when they showed the protesting mother? It's Kim Yoon-jung's mother in Signal! Even in this drama, she was holding up a sign ㅠㅠㅠ I'm starting to think that writernim is a Signal fan because she had this actress as well as Oh Yeon-ah (gisaeng -> young stepmother / evil nurse in Signal) on the show.


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Nope, not the only person who noticed it was the mom from Signal! I saw her and was like -- deja vu?? It took me a moment but then I realized where I'd seen her before. I'm also enjoying the evil antics of the gisaeng. Loving the Signal cast members in this show!


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Again...i finally fall in love and live again...this show is pure gold....love this show..


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Can one make a rom-com without an angsty separation? Surely it would be worth a try.

I'm trying to recall if She was Pretty was able to do so. It wasn't that angsty as I recall and the angst was more between the friends than the couple.


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Loved the episodes this week. I'm so glad I stuck with this because it's getting better with each episode. JJH, as always, nails it and LMH is starting to grow on me. I'm really liking him in this drama. Counting down the days till the next ep. I'm excited!

P.S. Am I the only person who screamed when they showed the protesting mother? It's Kim Yoon-jung's mother in Signal! Even in this drama, she was holding up a sign ㅠㅠㅠ I'm starting to think that writernim is a Signal fan because she had this actress as well as Oh Yeon-ah (gisaeng -> young stepmom / evil nurse in Signal) on the show.


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Chung's "kilig" face when she found out that Joon Jae was worried for her is so adorable.

Love love this episode. Cant wait for more "kilig" moments!


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FINALLY i feel like i'm seeing the writer's style emerge. meaning, this episode was mostly quite fun. why were the first four episodes so different and rambling!? i'll go back sometime and skim them to try and put my finger on it.

i'm intrigued by the kid who plays young joon-jae. first off, he looks like a cross between kim soo-hyun and kang ji-hwan. expressive face. seems like a decent actor for his age; he brings a weightiness to his performance that's certainly hard to find in an actor his age. i'm guessing he's what, 15? 16?

i too loved that joon-jae didn't deny that he'd been worried about chung when she woke up after he thought she'd died. that was such a great scene, a great moment for his character.

i'm happy that the drama seems to be improving/finding its groove, though i still wish for a redo of the first four eps!


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Right about the actor playing young Joon Jae being similar to Kim Soo Hyun.

I paused the screen to check whether KSH did a cameo(Though it was highly unlikely for one big star to play as a younger version of another big star.)

Kudos to whoever acted as young Joon Jae. His crying was so touching.


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the childhood counterpart of the male lead is played by Jinyong from idol group Got7. he is actually 22 years old. he is definitely one of the better idol actors.


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The kid is named Park Jin Young. He does look kinda like KSH and he debuted as Junior in kpop idol group GOT7. They are a cool group with lovely young love concepts in their very uplifting and soulful music for the most part. They also have great choreography...lol.

They are signed to JYP entertainment and Junior is named so for having the same name as their CEO. He is the second eldest in the group tho...despite his Cutie patootie face. He is actually 22.

But I'm sure he is playing Joon Jae at around age 15 to 17 in LOBS.


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dang, i thought he was underage. and i had no idea he was an idol.


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Cursed pedo-noona feels!

By God, he is legal!

Hehe! I've liked him since they debuted in 2013


lol I can't help but laugh cos Jinyoung is 22


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Truth be told tho...he does look younger than his age... Maybe...he's playing an 18 year old JJ...considering him wanting to move out and all.

Anyway Jin Young is bae. Hehe! He does some of the best aegyo I've ever seen from any idol group.


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*facepalms* hahaha. i can't believe he's 22! maybe it was the joseon garb, but he looked 15!

i knew i'd seen him somewhere before, but i didn't connect him to being an idol at all. thought he was a kid actor.


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Jinyoung was also in Dream High 2 which I personally loved. He was in When A Man Loves with group leader JB. My Beloved Eun-dong playing the middle version in the story.


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So glad people are really admiring Jinyoung's acting! Hopefully all the positive response will encourage him to take on more acting roles in the future. Jinyoung may turn out to be one of the better idol actors out there!


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All these past and present links made me wonder about Tae Oh's self in the past. This taciturn puppy, who speaks when overwhelmed. It would be so downright hilarious if he were the playboy of the century in Joseon. All seducing and talkative, geez.


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I had no idea that I needed to see this until you mentioned it. Make it happen, writer-nim!


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What if... preincarnation Tae-oh is an actual puppy?

I'd laugh so much if his Joseon era counterpart is a puppy that Dam-ryung had which bonded with Se-hwa until it became loyal only to her.

This also explains why Tae-oh doesn't talk (much) in modern times.


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This is so possible! Did you just guess the cutest reveal that's about to happen. haha


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I almost screamed when the Joseon story was over, why so short?!!! Ngl that's what i'm looking forwards to most. Idk but the otp in Joseon era just appeal to me more.. It's just more touching and captivating, I really want them to have a happy ending somehow. even though it's deemed to be doom and that the modern otp will have the HE. but still so far i find the modern otp too fluffy and i've yet to feel attached to them. The last scene made me cringe a little because it's soooo freakin cheesy!
Beside that the exchange between Chung and that mother is kind of foreshadowing? Chung has learnt about how some would rather remember their loved one even though it hurts than forgetting everything. But when it comes to JJ, Chung will think he'd better be not remembering her at all than waiting for her, cause she'd hinted she's gonna leave ..


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“Rather than being unable to love my daughter because I can’t remember her, it’s better to live remembering her, even if it’s painful.”
I felt the foreshadowing here, too. The PD said this would be a sad drama. I'm worried that our couple won't be together in the end.


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"The PD said this would be a sad drama."

WHAT??? Whyyyyy :((((

But then, the PD of Moon Lovers also said that their show would be a happy drama. Let's just hope all PDs lie about their shows, eh?


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Maybe she is deliberately misleading us.Coz it would be such a wasteful watch if they just got reincarnated to be separated again.
I thought this show was all about, 'When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it'(Paulo Coelho) stuff! Don't you do this to us PDnim


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everything is possible in fiction drama, so lets hope.


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I want a compilation of all the epilogue scenes in this drama. Tonight's episode epilouge is the BEST! I knew when she was asking all those questions about the drama cliches of water throwing scenes, she is so going to use it on someone else. She would definitely redo that kind of scene.

Tonight's episode was better than previous episode. The show actually is both on different extremes. Hilarity, light romantic scenes on one side, and dark , thrilling factor on the other side. All those Chung's hilarious antics in the hospital, made me laugh out so loud. On the other hand, the moment, when the hit man/killer on the loose, tapped on the car's window, it was like i got dragged into a crime thriller drama like signal. It was scary as hell,

Seeing the re-incarnations of all these people, is really interesting.
Dam Ryung's friend reincarnated as younger version of JJ's father's secretary. It is nice to see that in both of the times, historical and modern times, he was the one who helped Dam Ryung. He is loyal to his people, no matter what.

I am curious on the X-ray and the other scans of Chung. Because, i think, there really might be something suspicious which might be caught by that conman friend of JJ. I am in high hopes that he will definitely help Chung, if he ever comes to know her real identity. But the woman who is sticking like glue to JJ, is bad news.


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I want to adopt Tae Oh.! Such a cutie he is. I want to see a scene where he really blabbers a lot, because he rarely speaks a word or a two in all of these episodes. But him being mute all the time, is also good. I love whenever he glares at JJ , for making Chung's life miserable. His puppy crush on the mermaid makes me go AWWWWWW!

He is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.


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This drama is like reading fables as a kid, teaching morales that differentiates us a human by being compassionate. In each episode there is a message subtly interwoven into the plot without being preachy.

Ep 1: " I like waiting. It means my friend doesn't want to see me hurt and good things are to happen. "
Ep 2 : " Love is when you surrender/lose to that person. "
Ep 3 : " If your earning money 24×7, when will you have time to enjoy. "
Ep 4: " I don't capture pictures in cellphone. I capture it in my heart. " (Making memories)
Ep 5: " Promises are made to be kept. "
Ep 6: " You want to remember loving even though it hurts. "

This makes me realize that in trying to survive the rat race in the modern world, we all forget to live and enjoy life.


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This! ❤


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Yes! One of the subtle charms of this drama.


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I love these lessons in each ep!!


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Wow :) I love it!


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Don't you dare hurt the secretary, he already had a tragic death :(


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I refreshed this page before bed to read the recap and it wasn't even here yet!

Thanks so much for this lovely recap!

I watched the ep. Raw and scrambled to watch the subbed one about 5 hours later ...whereupon I repeatedly watched all my favourite scenes...

Chung watching the drama and getting all those lessons from Ajumma
JJ admitting he was worried about Chung
Chung getting melodramatic over food
Tae Oh's crush becoming more apparent (I cooed when he had to leave the room cos he was overwhelmed...haha)
JJ as William Choi.... ROFL!
The ski slope!

So much pricelessness in one ep.!

But I'm also concerned over;
Whether the stepbrother is on the dark side
What lengths Nam Doo will go to for a quick buck
Shi-Ah's real deal
How long Chung can survive out of her natural habitat
How JJ s family dysfunction is gonna get resolved with minimal makjang and heartache

Hooray to no 'amnesia' trope after accident!

I miss my little girl who reads mermaids minds!

And oh funniest epilogue by far... I was still laughing in the shower!


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Lee Min-ho & Jeon Ji-hyun make a wonderful comedic couple. ?


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