Shopping King Louis: Episode 11

Oh, Louis — what are we going to do with him? He puts on a brave face, but inside he’s such a sad puppy, and he breaks my heart. He’s having a hard time adjusting to all the changes in his life, and without his familiar support system, he does his best to acclimate. But every lock needs its key, and Louis is adrift without his best friend there to love and encourage him.

EPISODE 11: “You in My Dreams”

In voice-over, Louis tells us that he dreams of Bok-shil every night. He cries because he misses her, but he can’t go to her anymore. “My time has stopped. I promised I’d find her brother, but I can’t keep that promise any longer.”

A month later, Louis seems to be integrating into his chaebol life well. He still hasn’t regained his memory, he’s still addicted to Maxim Gold, and he has a little stuffed puppy he talks to and calls “Bok-shil.” Grandma and Butler Kim dote on him, and eventually Grandma suggests that it’s time for Louis to learn the business.

Joong-won has quit his job at Goldline, and Mr. Lee wonders if he quit because Bok-shil quit. The Goldline crew try to pry some answers out of Ma-ri, but she doesn’t know why Joong-won quit, either. She does know, however, that they’re getting a new director. Mouths drop when she says it’s the infamous Shopping King Louis, and as the only person who got five stars from him, Mr. Lee does the Happy Dance of Joy on his desk.

Louis walks in right on cue, and hilariously ignores Ma-ri’s familiar little wave. Mr. Lee nearly dies of happiness when Louis remembers his name, awww. Louis rejects the offer of Joong-won’s old office, and instead claims Bok-shil’s desk for himself.

He spends a long time cleaning the desk, while everyone side-eyes him. Mr. Lee brings him some Maxim Gold and gets a thumbs-up, which gives him confidence so that he starts bossing his fellow employees around. Oh no, they’re gonna kill him.

It makes the team nervous to have the boss sitting right next to them, after the way he harshly evaluated them before. They figure Louis and Bok-shil must have broken up, and wonder where Bok-shil is now.

Bok-shil is doing just fine, as the president of Singsingline, her new online shopping mall. Joong-won is her director and only employee, and he’s as gruff as ever, but Bok-shil knows it hides a soft squishy underbelly and doesn’t take him seriously when he snaps and growls.

She makes him a paper nameplate for his desk, but he complains that it’s all wrong and writes himself a new one. HAHA, it says “Daddy Long Legs,” which makes Bok-shil giggle, and Joong-won says it’s better than “Savior of Ginseng.” He tells her to buy him a nameplate when she makes some money, “…and make sure it has the same title!”

Joong-won allows Bok-shil to choose their first product, and she demonstrates that her choice was made with knowledge of the supplier and the potential buyers. Joong-won exposits that their new company specializes in farm products, to make best use of Bok-shil’s knowledge.

Joong-won’s mother is spitting mad that her son quit his fancy job to start up a dinky little company, though his dad defends that Joong-won always has good reasons for the things he does. They find Bok-shil alone in the new office, and Young-ae practically has palpitations when she sees his hand-written “Daddy Long Legs” nameplate.

Bok-shil tells Joong-won’s parents that she doesn’t really understand why he left everything to work here with her, but Young-ae angrily demands to know the real relationship between Bok-shil and her son.

Joong-won meets with Louis, who is not at all pleased that he’s quit his job and works for Bok-shil. He warns Joong-won not to get too close to her, but Joong-on fires back that he’ll cling to her if he wants. Louis very nearly punches him again, frustrated.

In-sung’s mom supervises while a new door and security system are installed on Bok-shil’s rooftop apartment. Mom owns the building now, and she coyly says she won the lottery.

Louis goes out to his car, and OMG, his driver is In-sung. He has a real job! Louis can hardly keep himself from smiling while In-sung attempts to act all prim and proper, but they both burst into silly giggles.

They head to the rooftop apartment, where In-sung’s mom squeals and runs right past her son to Louis, heh. No wonder, since Louis brings her gifts, and something for Bok-shil as well. Louis knows about the locks being installed, and he goes inside to check the place out.

He lays on the floor and pulls a newspaper over himself, remembering his first night sleeping here with Bok-shil. He smiles as memories run through his mind, then realizes that Bok-shil will be home soon. He carefully replaces the newspaper, and drops a few coins in his old piggy bank.

Director Baek is subdued these days, and he peppers Ma-ri with questions about working with Louis. He’s unsettled because Louis hasn’t come to talk to him, and he takes his bad mood out on Jae-sook when she tries to be comforting.

In private, Director Baek agonizes over Louis, wondering how much he remembers of the day of his accident. Again we see Director Baek hand Louis the car keys after being told not to let him drive, and he fears that someone will discover that he broke the rules.

Joong-won’s mom runs screaming into his house, then attacks him with both feet and teeth when he comes out. Dad is no help, telling his son that he’s on his mom’s side this time. Young-ae hollers at Joong-won for quitting his job, but she does manage to calm down so they can talk.

Joong-won explains that he’s taking a year-long sabbatical, to reflect on what he wants to do with his life. He tells them about meeting Bok-shil and how she convinced him to buy ginseng off the street, proving her potential as a salesperson. Young-ae demands to meet Bok-shil formally.

As Bok-shil cleans her apartment, she notices that the piggy bank seems heavier than usual. In-sung and his mom show up with food, which I suspect actually came from Louis.

Later that night, In-sung complains about still living with his mother, but she reminds him that he can’t move out or Bok-shil will find out they’re still involved with Louis. She tells him to be grateful that Louis bought the house for them, and goes over tomorrow’s menu that Louis has written out for Bok-shil. Aww, I knew he was bringing the food.

Bok-shil works until late, but when it’s time for bed, she’s haunted by the ghost of Louis and wonders how he’s doing. Outside, Louis stands on the stairs until she turns out the light, then says goodnight with a smile.

He does this every night, waiting to see her safely to bed before going home. He respects her wish to be left alone, but rain or shine, he’s there each night. During the days, he goes in to clean the apartment and add more coins to the piggy bank, and every evening In-sung and his mother bring Bok-shil “leftovers.”

Jung-ran talks to Butler Kim about how she thought Louis was still an immature boy, but he’s actually very romantic and devoted to Bok-shil. She tells Butler Kim that he could learn a few things from Louis, and asks if Butler Kim is jealous that In-sung is Louis’s driver now. Butler Kim just says it leaves him more time for her.

He asks if she’s still in touch with Director Baek, and she says that he always asks her how much Louis remembers. Butler Kim narrows his eyes, finding that suspicious.

Director Baek finally gets his meeting with Louis, who says he’s enjoying his new job. Baek asks if he’s visited Sunny Land, a Gold Group satellite company that was apparently Louis’s idea, but Louis doesn’t remember suggesting it to Grandma. That satisfies Director Baek that Louis hasn’t regained all of his memories.

He’s alarmed all over again when Louis mentions that Grandma’s stocks would have gone to him if Louis had really died, and asks if that upsets him. Director Baek slaps on a smile and says that on the contrary, he’s sooo happy Louis is back.

Detective Joo-hyuk and his partner stand over Scarface, who’s still in a coma. They still want to know why he was in Louis’s and Bok-shil’s house, but they’ll just have to wait until he wakes up to get their answers.

Bok-shil makes Joong-won an adorable name plate with the requested “Daddy Long Legs” engraved on it, shaking her head at how dumb he seems sometimes. She jumps when he sneaks up behind her, and Joong-won tells Bok-shil to come close and hold out her hand. He reaches out with a closed fist… and stamps her palm with a “good job” stamp. HA.

He jokes that she looks like she expected a ring or something, and Bok-shil affectionately calls him dumb to his face. They both laugh when he says that he’s not dumb, he’s charismatic.

Detective Joo-hyuk arrives to see Bok-shil’s new office, and Joong-won instantly goes on the alert when he sees the young, handsome man paying attention to Bok-shil. She asks Joo-hyuk to help move some boxes, which he lifts easily, and he offers to help any time she needs to move heavy things.

Joong-won barks that he should just go catch some criminals, and that he can lift anything heavy himself. He’s putting on his very best alpha-male display, but Joo-hyuk and Bok-shil just laugh at him. HAHA, Joo-hyuk hilariously mimics Joong-won’s trademark growl before he leaves. Then when Joong-won tries to sit, he misses his chair and ends up on the floor. Poor guy.

Bok-shil goes to the Gold Group building to take something to In-sung’s mom, and she hides behind a plant when Louis steps out of the elevator. She only gets a glimpse of his face, but it shakes her.

Ma-ri finds an orange rose on her desk, and she looks around the office, wondering who it’s from. She deems Do-jin too much like Joong-won, and Mr. Lee is just icky. But she remembers the orange rose that Louis had when she almost ran him over, and wonders if it could be from him. She doesn’t see In-sung peeking around the corner, grinning at her.

Working on the assumption that Louis gave her the rose, Ma-ri asks him to dinner, but he says he can’t because he has a private lesson. He thinks she doesn’t know the word for “private lesson” when she just gapes at him, and exits the elevator shaking his head at her.

Awww, Butler Kim is teaching him to spell. He’s clearly having fun with it, giving Louis silly sentences to practice with, and he encourages Louis when he gets frustrated. Louis smiles, deciding to write Bok-shil a letter when he gets better at spelling, and Butler Kim’s expression goes strangely serious.

Joong-won’s parents get their meeting with Bok-shil, as they all sit to dinner at his house. Joong-won is worried since his mother did the cooking, and he and his dad watch nervously as she takes a few bites. Bok-shil shocks everyone by recognizing Young-ae’s obscure ingredients, and Young-ae falls for her in that instant.

Once Bok-shil goes home, Young-ae tells her husband that she plans to take the girl under her wing and turn her into the next Jang-geum, ha. She decides that Bok-shil can become an oriental medicine doctor, then Joong-won can marry her. Young-ae cackles like an evil mastermind, and Dad looks a little scared.

Joo-hyuk goes to Jae-sook’s bookstore to help her move some books, which is really just an excuse for her to leer at his muscles. After the books, she has him move furniture, but she doesn’t really have a plan and everything ends up crammed into the same area.

Busted, she looks up at him sadly, and the mood grows dramatic when it starts to rain. Joo-hyuk offers to drive Jae-sook home, and she starts to cry — awww, she’s so starved for kindness. She tearfully thanks him for being nice to her, while outside, someone watches them from a nearby car.

Louis grows concerned when the rain turns to a thunderstorm, remembering how Bok-shil always gets sick during thunderstorms because they remind her of the night her parents died. Just as he fears, she’s all alone, shivering and ill, and she can barely speak when Joong-won calls her.

Louis paces his room as the storm intensifies, knowing he shouldn’t go to Bok-shil but scared for her. He finally buys some medicine and heads to her place, but he’s seconds too late — he sees Joong-won already on his way up the steps, and stops. Louis stands crying outside Bok-shil’s apartment, hurting so much that he feels like he’s dying.

He goes back home and sits in the dark, thinking that he felt this coming. He remembers the time he told Bok-shil that he’d be sad if she liked Joong-won, and realizes that he had a feeling this might happen.

In the morning, Louis tells Grandma that he wants to go back to the castle in France. She doesn’t want to be separated from him again and begs him to stay, so he asks if he can just go for a while, promising to come back.

He goes to Bok-shil’s place one last time and tells In-sung’s mom that he’ll come back once he feels ready, while downstairs, In-sung mopes over Louis’s leaving. Louis asks In-sung’s mom to look after Bok-shil, and she teases him for nagging. He stays as long as he can, taking in every bit of the neighborhood, then wishes it goodbye.

Director Baek’s corporate spy reports that Joong-won is now working for Bok-shil, and he laughs wildly at the absurdity. With a wide grin, he decides that he likes Bok-shil very much (for getting Joong-won out of his way).

Bok-shil checks her messages, and from the initial response, it looks like her business is doing well. There’s one message titled “Goodbye,” and she opens it to see that it’s from Louis. In the message, he tells her that he’s going back to the castle, and wishes her well.

Bok-shil lets herself wish that he weren’t going so far away, and just then a package is delivered. It’s from Louis, containing two notebooks, and she recognizes one as Louis’s list of things that he likes. She flips through the list and each item recalls a memory — their trip to Busan, the rose, even thunder and lightning.

The second notebook is a message to her, asking how she’s doing and saying that he misses her. “I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. Thank you so much. I like you a lot. I miss you so much. Bok-shil, it’s time to say goodbye.” Bok-shil cries as she hugs the notepad to her chest, unaware that Joong-won is watching her from the doorway.

Instead of boarding his plane to France, Louis travels down to Busan without telling anyone where he’s gone. He takes a city bus tour, and while his mind is full of thoughts of Bok-shil, he barely notices the scenery go by.

But something catches his eye — a boy, sitting alone on a curb. Wait, is that… it is, it’s Bok-nam. He’s alive! Louis recognizes him right away and stops the bus, and runs toward where Bok-nam is sitting.

He gets right up in Bok-nam’s face and calls him by name, then grabs him in a big hug. Bok-nam doesn’t recognize Louis at first, but when Louis pulls back to say that he’s been looking for him, he suddenly remembers taking Louis’s watch and car.

Bok-nam thinks Louis is here to accuse him of theft, and he pushes Louis down and makes a run for it. No don’t do that, Louis can’t run! Oh thank goodness, Bok-nam can’t flee any better than Louis can pursue, and he leads Louis on the slowest, silliest chase I’ve ever seen.

Bok-nam hides in some bushes, which stumps Louis for a whole three seconds before he sees the back of Bok-nam’s head. Worst hider ever. Louis tries to sneak up on Bok-nam, but Bok-nam runs and tries to hurdle a bush, tripping and landing flat on his face. He slips behind a statue, and Louis can’t find him.

Louis remembers asking Bok-shil, if her nickname is “Flying Squirrel,” then what’s Bok-nam’s nickname? She’d told him it was “Slow Toad,” and suddenly Bok-nam’s clumsy flight makes so much sense. Louis decides he can outwit a toad.

Bok-nam climbs a tree when Louis’s back is turned, and he wonders how Louis knows his name. He’s scared Louis will take him to the police, so he drops to the ground and starts running again.

He’s slow, but Louis is slower, and he runs out of breath and has to stop. He takes off after Bok-nam again, but a biker comes out of nowhere and Louis reels back, falling to the pavement and hitting his head. Oh no, not again.

Louis clutches his head, then looks up to see a fire hydrant in front of him. Flashes of memories race through his mind — a dark night, a motorcycle, falling and hitting his head on a fire hydrant. Louis slumps to the ground, and everything goes dark.

Bok-shil and Joong-won take a trip to Busan to meet with a supplier, and they stop for lunch. Joong-won reminds Bok-shil of the time he walked in on her and a nearly-naked Louis in her apartment, then asks if she knows Louis went back to France. She says sadly that she got a goodbye letter, but they agree that Louis can take care of himself now.

Joong-won heads back to Seoul, leaving Bok-shil to finish up their business in Busan. As she walks to her next meeting, she passes a set of steps, where a familiar-seeming figure huddles on the ground. Bok-shil moves closer, and realizes that it’s Louis. He looks exactly the way he looked when they met, filthy and wearing that same tracksuit.

Bok-shil runs to him, calling his name, “Louis-yah!” She crouches to ask what happened t him, but he looks at her with no recognition in his eyes. In a small voice, he asks, “Am I Louis?”


Oh Show, I was counting on you not to do this to me! Now we’re back to square one, with Louis’s memory wiped a second time, his love for Bok-shil gone, and Bok-nam still missing. I’m just clinging to the hope that Louis’s personality and instinctive pull towards Bok-shil survived intact a second time, and that we can get back to where they left off pretty quickly.

But I have faith, because I just knew Bok-nam couldn’t be dead, though I’ll admit I gasped out loud and teared up when Louis saw him from the top of that bus. Speaking of which, best chase scene ever, with the silly music and both Louis and Bok-nam stumbling around like the non-athletes they are. I’m just so happy that Louis can still keep his promise to Bok-shil and bring her brother back to her — if only he can remember seeing him again.

Backing up a bit, can we get a big HOORAY for a drama hero who hears a girl say No, and then proceeds to respect her wishes? Louis has grown up so much, because even a few weeks ago he would have been following Bok-shil around and relentlessly trying to change her mind. But when she said she didn’t want to see him anymore, he kept his pain to himself and didn’t bother her anymore, at least not directly.

It broke my heart to see him going to their place to relive old memories and watching her house every night, because it reminded me of how he told her that waiting for her was the best part of his days. I don’t see his actions as disregarding her wishes — he managed to respect her, while still finding a way to satisfy his own need to make sure she was okay. And it’s kind of sweet how he and In-sung and Mom were all watching over Bok-shil, and making sure she’s safe and fed. Louis only came close to breaking once, during the thunderstorm, but even then he put her well-being above his own. It killed him not to go to her, but he understood that the important thing was that she was taken care of, even if he wasn’t the one to be at her side.

I love Joong-won so much more as a father-figure and mentor for Louis and Bok-shil than I ever did when he was a love rival. I do think he still has feelings for Bok-shil, but they seem to be evolving into something more fatherly than romantic. Louis and Bok-shil both need guidance from someone who lives in the real (non-filthy-rich) world, and I think that having Joong-won there to help when they need emotional support or professional leadership is a much better use of him as a character. I think it’s wonderful that he’s helping Bok-shil get her business up and running, allowing her to run the show while giving her advice and teaching her from the background. She really does seem to have a good instinct for what people want, and Joong-won knows that regardless of his personal feelings, she’s a business asset that he’d be stupid to let go.

But mainly I’m just sitting here on pins and needles, just dying to learn all the answers to my questions, and every episode just seems to create more mysteries than it solves. I’m so excited (and thrilled for Bok-shil) that Bok-nam is alive, but then who died in that crash? How did they end up with Louis’s clothes and belongings after Bok-nam stole them? What’s the significance of Koboshi and the penguin statue and the bookstore, and what does Scarface know? We can guess all day long, but I have a feeling that the answers will shock us. That is, if Louis ever gets his memory back, both of his past and of his time with Bok-shil. He’s always telling Bok-shil to trust him, and I’m trusting him, too. I know you won’t let us down, Louis!


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When Louis cried, I cried too.
Poor my little puppy.


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I LOVE this show. It can do no wrong. Seo-In Guk and Nam-Ji Hyun are AAHH-MAAY-ZING!
Also, totally agree. That was the silliest and funniest chase scene ever. Silly potato could have just yelled Bok-Shil's name and put an end to it but then what fun would that have been lol


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My thoughts exactly regarding the chase scene??


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Nam Ji Hyun is so beautiful. I love seeing her face, especially her smule !


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She is the most natural korean actress I ever seen, ppl said SHK or KTH is the most natural actress, but Nam Ji Hyun's face is beautiful as the way she is.


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My thoughts exactly! I was screaming at Louie to just say her name and Bok Nam would stop, but it really was a funny chase! I was suddenly reminded of the nipple biting fight from 38TF suddenly!

And yes, Seo In Guk and Nam Ji Hyun can really do no wrong!


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Or even holler "Slow Toad".


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Omg I was yelling at my screen, "Tell him you know Bok Sil!" over and over again! But I'm sure that'a not the last we'll see if Bok Nam.

Ooh this episode hurt, but it hurt so good! The two places that had me sobbing like a baby are: 1 When Louie couldn't take care of Bok Sil during the thunder storm. 2 Bok Sil reading Louie's notes.

Also, Jae Sook's crush on Ju Hyuk has got to be one of the cutest things ever, besides our resident basket of puppies under a rainbow couple. It does make me sad that she has such a crappy husband. Hell, even her daughter is a bit of a brat too. I just love that Ju Hyuk is such a good guy, it makes her like him more. Plus, he's awfully easy on the eyes *sigh*


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Wae wae wae?
Why the memory swipe again?


The scene where Louie cries in the thunder storm had me done. My poor puppy, why do you have to hurt so much.


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Same here! But then I remember that this show hasn't done us wrong so far, so everything will be alright. RIGHT? ?


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This time around, he sure is pretending!! I think he regained his full memory back and will pretend to get to the bottom of the truth.
I predicted that Bok Nam will not die either!! I am so happy, who does that to the female lead's brother especially if it was the male lead. This is a light fluff drama and no way are they going to throw that s*** at us!
Love my Seo In Gukkie!


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Louis totally regained his memory and found bok nam. Then he conspired with Cha, who saw Bokshil suffer without louis, to get her to take the train so she can meet him at the train station.


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couldn't agree more!! or how much i wanted it to be that way!! i want these puppies freed from all sufferings!

btw, i think i could totally imagine louis as corgi, bokshil mini poodle/maltese, while jong woon as bigger terrier breeds. lol


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I certainly hope that he has regain his memory n not another amnesia pls. And he way he ran from the bus to BN like a small kid was so amusing !


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My friend told me similar theory. He figured that it wouldn't be right for this show to just throw another amnesia episode. Afterall, we've been deceived with similar 'a hit on the head' scene before (when Louie was hit with Ma Ri's car during an earlier episode).


The clue to the double amnesia (fact or fiction) must be in that Louis is magically wearing the Bok Nam jacket again.

Louis was not wearing it on the bus and neither Louis nor Bok Nam were wearing it in the chase.


My thoughts exactly!! As soon as Bok-shil noticed something missing from home, it was obvious her brother was going to make another appearance. That's why I could appreciate these few episodes of angst; I knew it was going to be short-lived, leading to lots of adorable missing each other moments! :)

As for the amnesia, like you, I think he has to be pretending. For one, it wouldn't make sense story-wise to have him suffer it twice since Bok-shil knows his identity this time around. All she has to do is return him to his grandmother, and they'd be right back at square one. Plus, when his head hit the ground, it showed him regaining his memories, not losing them... so double amnesia just wouldn't make any sense. So with that in mind, I can't wait to see Louie trying to keep up the facade, all while attempting to stop her from bringing him back to his grandmother's. It's going to be adorable and hilarious, and I'd bet money his butler will be in on it too!!

Soooo excited for next week!! Seo In-guk really is amazing!


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It feels real tho...he is either really gone to square one or just joking, but not pretending. I am leaning on actual amnesia, the show already smashed us head first into angst and misery.


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It's possible it's real, but I kinda doubt that it is. If nothing else, the tracksuit’s a dead giveaway. There’s just no reason for him to be wearing that if his amnesia is legitimate. After hitting his head on the pavement, he still should’ve had his money, his ID, and everything else. The chances of being robbed (a second time) of all his possessions and clothes in broad daylight, in a very public area, seems way too unlikely.

In fact, it seems like a very intentional set-up, like he’s trying to recreate their first meeting, which is why he went out of his way to get another tracksuit.

That, and double amnesia doesn't move the plot forward AT ALL and in fact, sets us back to the beginning with very little payoff. It's not like we'll get more adorable live-in hijinks if it's genuine: Bok-shil knows who he is, and has no reason to pretend otherwise, especially since she's the one who initiated the breakup. So he'd go back to his grandmother, and the only real change we'd get is Louie having intruding thoughts of some girl he can't remember while the President pushes his marriage to Ma-ri.

The only thing that could spur Bok-shil into action, is if she learned Bok-nam were alive after all. But even then, why have Louie discover he’s alive first if Bok-shil was going to discover it on her own anyway? That would be a huge waste of a reveal. Plus, that would make the show too dramatic and depressing (and reminiscent of Save The Last Dance for Me) and since this show's strength is in its humor and romance, the real-amnesia twist would make the story a little too bland and boring.

However, FAKE amnesia has the PERFECT setup. His family thinks he's in France, so after contacting them, he’ll have all this free time to fix everything that's gone wrong since he got his identity back: He can find Bok-nam, stop Bok-shil from liking Joong-won, find out why the President and Mari lied, and live the carefree life he's grown to love by Bok-shil's side. Plus, there is SO MUCH potential for humor in this setup, I don't understand why the writer WOULDN'T go this route. It would help advance all the plot-points, and give us a lot of Louie grinning slyly to himself at having thought of such a great plan. Just seeing him try to talk his way out of letting Bok-shil contact his family is sure to make it all worthwhile, and if we get to see more of him being petty and jealous, all the better!

Misery and angst is fine, but I hope the writer knows that this show shines the most when Louie and Bok-shil are together. Separating them for much longer would only steal the magic they’ve managed to capture thus far. So although it's possible his amnesia is real, I'm counting on the writer being more clever than that...


excellent explanation, but despite your (and mine) faith in Louis... it is enough to say one thing and any stupid unecessary plot device becomes possible: this is a kdrama.


I agree with you, he's just pretending!


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I don't think he's pretending, just because Louis is not... um... smart enough to be pretending. He's not Jungdo anymore, lol. I think the fire hydrant and the coming back of his memories was too much for him physically and mentally, so he lost memories again. But, I don't think it'll be for long and I think the writer can actually get out of this in a reasonable way. I'm trusting you, writer-nim!


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I would love for him to be just pretending. But at the same time I'm also like "Louis? Lying?" nahhhh I don't think that would go well...


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I agree that Louis isn't pretending. It's not necessarily because he's not smart enough. It's because he has no guile. Louis is for open and straightforward. It's not really in his nature to pretend like that. That being said, I suppose someone else could have planned it and Louis is just following the plan, but even then I think he would have a hard time pulling it off.

I think that it is more likely that all of Louis memories returned and the shock caused him to temporarily block them. This time the amnesia is because he couldn't process it all at once rather than because of an injury. If that's the case then I expect the memories will return very quickly, as his brain can process them.


@BossyPixie: But he lied to his family about going back to France, so how is this any different? He may be honest and straightforward about his feelings, but he's still a guy who's heartbroken and desperate, so doing something like this wouldn't be completely out of character. At least not in my opinion.

My guess is that Bok-Nam got away, so rather than tell her the truth and risk her not believing him, he's going to secretly try to find him himself, while ensuring Bok-Shil and Joong-won don't get any closer. Double amnesia would just be too depressing and pointless; I hope the writer's smarter than that.


@ajewel That's also a possibility. He could have been lying about returning to France. Although, I thought it was perhaps more of a spur of the moment decision because he couldn't bring himself to leave. I mean he told Bok-shil that he was leaving the country too, and there would be no reason to lie to her about that.


@BossyPixie: But even if it was a spur of the moment decision, he still left without letting anyone know. That's why his butler was freaking out about losing him at the airport... so it was still a lie. And if he can just leave like that, without letting anyone know his whereabouts, I feel like pretending to have amnesia while he's supposed to be in France, isn't too much of a stretch.

I'm guessing he probably called them soon after (off-screen, before getting the tracksuit), and we'll have lots of fun pretending-to-have-amnesia shenanigans to enjoy while his family thinks he's safe in France. That's my most fervent hope anyway. ;)


I agree. A gang of dumb teenage girls outsmarted Louis. He bought a light saber to keep BS safe from a serial killer. The boy isn't very bright. Plus, he's honest. He says what he feels. I'd find it really out of character if he let BS continue to mourn for BN while he pretended to have double amnesia, even if he had a reason for it. IDK I'd prefer the double amnesia, to be honest.


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I don't think he's pretending either. If he was, how would he know that Bok Shil was in the same town? And I'm puzzled as to how he managed to wear that jacket again...


I honestly think fake amnesia is likely *because* it's so extreme, ridiculous, and funny. It seems like the sort of "genius" plan he'd come up with while patting himself on the back for being so clever LOL.

As for Bok-Nam (sorry, I replied to a different comment by mistake, so this is a repeat): I think he got away, so rather than tell her the truth and risk her not believing him (or suffering/worrying while he's still lost) Louie's going to secretly try to find him himself, while ensuring Bok-Shil and Joong-won don’t get any closer.

I absolutely adore amnesia storylines (which is why I was a huge fan of Save the Last Dance and Prince Turns to Frog), but I feel like double-amnesia would be too depressing and pointless in this scenario; I hope the writer is smarter than that.

@crazyahjummafan: He's pretty well-informed. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tipped him off... maybe his butler when he called his family to tell them he was alright. As for the tracksuit, that's why I think he's faking. Really, what are the odds? If he lost his memory in the park, he should've still had his ID and all his money on him... there's just no way he was completely robbed twice, clothes and all. Not in broad daylight.


It's possible, but that still doesn't explain the tracksuit. Plus, if he was willing to lie to his family about returning to France, why can't he lie to Bok-shil about suffering from amnesia again?

To me, the fact that he's *not* portrayed as smart, is why I think he's faking it lol. Because really, that's a super dumb idea, but it's just silly and desperate enough to make it in-character for him LOL.


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About the track suit, remember we have been told time and time again that "everyone" has that track suit. So, he could have gotter it literally anywhere.


@BossyPixie: True, but that still doesn't explain *why* he's wearing it. The first time he got amnesia, it was dark and it appears an entire biker gang was involved. This time, he's in a very public place, in broad daylight. Even if someone did find him passed out on the sidewalk, I doubt they'd steal his clothes too...

It seems like an intentional set-up to me, like he's trying to recreate their first meeting.

Of course, I could be wrong, but my fingers are crossed!!!


It looks like Louie have guilt,
It calls Freudian theory of neurotic Misery, I think he can't resist all of his suffering of memories, he show us that he would have headache if he gained his memories back, but it is not headache anymore, he can't resist it and he used to block his suffering of memories


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I don't think he's pretending, because pretending would mean he's too mean. Bok-shil looked so devastated when he didn't know who he was -- would he deliberately do that to her when he could instead tell her "Your brother is alive! I just saw him!"

And then they wouldn't need any noble idiocy to keep them apart.


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That's what I am saying. A trick like that just seems so out of character for Louis. I think he would be more likely to run right to Bok-shil saying that he found Bok-Nam. He would tell her trust him, like he always has. Plus, this time he has all kinds of resources to use, unlike before.


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i noe right! i was seriously hopping that this drama wont take that route, but sadly it did. oh dramaland, why do this to us. this memory thingy is just an overplt. i hope it wont take onother 10 episodes for louis memory to come back again


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Wowwwww..... Awesome drama with lots n lots of love all around...... most stupidest villains...... cutest puppy hero..... lovely and bright heroine..... warm and funny 'daddy long legs'?.... sexy detective..... loving ajhumma and hyung/oppa.....
This is the best drama ever......

Seo In Guk never dissappoints..... But with Sang Hyun oppa.... This cannot be better.... ???


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I guess they had to grow up at some point, but their innocence was part of their charm and it's sad to see that go.


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The best will be that they grow up, be responsible and more mature in their ways yet still remain innocent and cute in certain way, that will the best of both worlds I think :)


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And they've still managed to keep that innocence even as the accept the responsibility that comes with being an adult. I appreciate that.


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Oh my, thanks LolliPip for your recaps....your recapping is fast for this drama :) I have not watch this episode and find myself reading it first...haha, this week's episodes were so sad....let's hope that he have not lost his memory the 2nd time and have more happy scenes and more mystery being revealed next week.....


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Been waiting for the recaps. I couldn't wait to say how much I appreciate this writer's works, who's never out of stories lol. There were some really silly but laugh out loud moments like jung won's mom, mari's mom, and with the funniest chase scene ever...but still bok nam doesn't know how good louis is with all the chasing, considering he has been a pro at this by making all the training sessions with his butler back at the castle in France.
But I do think that louis is feigning the amnesia act since that's the only way he can stay with bok shil now, also I have this hunch that butler kim is his partner in crime at this. But seriously I don't want any more memory loss drama, and though I think the writer is immensely creative in whatever he/she pulls off, but I want bok shil to acknowledge louis by now, considering it has only been one way act till ep 11, and louis had been pouring his act of kindness and care towards her. I want louis to act like a grown up for at least two episodes straight and make bok shil realize what he is to her.


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There are so many scenes of Bok Shil missing Louis, Pinning for him, reminiscing on happy memories. She really does care for him. She took him in and has acted like a mother tolerating his tantrums, silly acts and childishness ( that's why we love them). She has cried so many times during this separation.

I think this is a good learning period for both of them. Just comfort your self by thinking of how glorious their reunion will be!


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Ha! The show makers were true to their words when they said that this show was nothing groundbreaking but was simply a warm hearted story of people coming together and learning to navigate the world with the people they meet and they relations his they form.

The show has stayed true thus far. We have, Cheabol, Candy, Second-lead, AMNESIA, cooperate machinations, plotting second-female lead, noble idiocy, DOUBLE AMNESIA, mistaken identity and much more. I love it!!!

Was it @ObsessedMuch who said the show just wanted us to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride? I agree, let's go!!


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Not my words, but I remember agreeing with this comment in a previous thread. And I did say something similar.

So agree with your comment, the story is nothing ground-breaking but it has this beautiful charm to it that you can't help but fall in love with. I love how they have taken these stereotypical tropes and have overturned them somehow.


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Actually, I think it would be hilarious if they had TRIPLE AMNESIA, just to rub it in. There are enough episodes left to do that. Although I don't think many besides myself would find it amusing.


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Thanks for the recap Lollypip! Wednesdays and Thursdays have become my favorite nights of the week, between this show and Jealousy Incarnate.

I love pretty much every single thing about this show. The characters are silly but I care about them so much. The story is ridiculous but I am totally invested in it. The show is so funny but also moves me to tears and makes me feel right along with the characters. Just like Lollypip, I reacted strongly when Seeing Bok Nam - gasping out loud and then cheering that he was alive. Then giggling at their silly chase (and laughing again at its description in the recap). Did anyone else have a feeling of impending doom about a truck of doom showing up toward the end of the chase? I am glad it was only a bike of doom! Oh - and don't get me started on the animations and sound effects. ❤️❤️ What a great show.


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The two moms never fail to make me laugh!

Joong Won's Mom getting heart eyes for Bok Shil and her points literally filling up on screen lol.

And then poor Director Baek's Wife and her crush!!

But seriously, that Detective is beefy!!


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That detective definitely looks fine!

And the moms are the best, I did not get second lead syndrome with Joong Won, but is there such a thing as second lead's mother syndrome? cause as soon as those hearts started to fill up, I was sad that Bok-shil will not end up as her daughter in law.
Director Baek's wife deserves better, and I am rooting for her and the detective to get some noona romance going!


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I had the same thought about the detective and Ma-Ri's mom and the detective. I don't think that the detective is interested though. I found it just so sad that the offer of a ride because she has no umbrella was enough to move her to tears. I actually think that she is like Louis in a lot of ways. She's naive and honest and just wants to be loved. I think that given a chance Louis and Bok-shil could become very good friends to her.


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Your comment made me realize that I like all the moms in this show. Maybe first time ever in a drama?


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Whoa, I think you're right! I'm trying to remember all the mothers I've ever seen in dramas and I haven't liked any of them... Darn, SKL really does switch up all the common tropes!


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The director's mom, with the funny cooking, just came off a turn in Monster where she played one of the most evil characters ever. She screamed like a demon from hell, and conspired to replace her husband's high blood pressure meds with fakes so he got so sick he had a stroke! So for her this is one of those career-repairing, typecast-preventing roles.


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What about the moms in the Reply series, especially Reply 1988?


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Came here to comment this.

Glad BossyPixie already did :D


*facepalm* How did I forget the Reply moms? Love all of them.


Came here just to say it was surprising hearing a Chinese track play (other than the snippets on Reply 1988 or cafe bgm on dramas) on this episode. Had no idea there was a Cantonese version of Cranberries - Dreams.


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Last episode had Teresa Teng's song that was basically the theme song from Comrades, Almost a Love Story. It's good to see directors watching films from other countries and referencing it well. In this case, I wonder if it's the director or writer.

I'm thinking he referenced scenes from other films as well. Maybe I just didn't catch it because I don't know the original film.


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The writer is certainly paying tributes to some Hong Kong movie classics. Firstly, Ep 10 is entitled The Moon Conveying My Heart with scene where Bok Sil reminiscing her time with Louis outside that TV shop with Teresa Tang's MCMH playing in the background, channeling the ending scene of Comrades Almost a Love Story. That was one big popular hit in Korea that some years ago a remake into a drama was planned. Then Ep 11 is entitled The Person in My Dream, the song by Wang Faye from Chungking Express. Further, Wong Kar Wai's In the Mood for Love was referenced in a scene between the Butler and the Grandma's assistant. A lot of meta is going on here.


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It really isn't that surprising. Korea has what they call a "Wong Kar Wai complex." Hong Kong films were really big in the eighties, early nineties in Korea before the domestic market got bigger. A lot of Korean directors who were young at the time are heavily influenced by Wong Kar Wai.


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I was "Why doesn that song like Cranberries? My God, is that a cover version?" So it really is a cover?


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Thank you! So it was in Cantonese! I knew it didn't sound Korean, and definitely not English!


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This director really surprises me with how he uses music. I like how every episode has a theme song that's relevant to the development of the characters/story, and now he references Chungking Express with the remake song Dreams by Faye Wong. It's cute that it's a reversal here with Louis (guy) secretly taking care of her (girl) home while she's gone.


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wow, a Wong Kar Wai reference! how did I miss that?


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First Louis, then Joong-won and now Joong-won's mum! I think from now on, the ability to make people fall instantly in love, simply by being delightful and sweet and sincere shall forever be known as the Bok-sil Effect.


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Don't forget our detective too!

JW was right - why are the buys always swarming around Bok Shil like bees to a flower!!


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I think Louis just pretending to be amnesiac this time, maybe he just wanted to replay his besf moment with Bokshil only this time they find Bok Nam together (in this case, I think Louis catch up with Bok Nam and explained everything to him already).

My heart goes to both of them so much in this episode, especially during storm, when Louis cries under the umbrella. Awwwwa these puppiessssss!!


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I don't think he's pretending to be amnesia, I'm sure he's half amnesic and half remembered ..his head was hitting on the ground pretty badly furthermore his memory is still no fully recovered.
I guess in the next epidode he is back to be amnesia but his heart feels sad when he saw Boksil ????
You can watch the ep12 preview


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Thanks so much for the quick preview!

I actually think it makes me even more suspicious of his memory loss since he wasn't so emotional the first time around. Plus, his reaction to her name is so strong, it's hard to believe he doesn't remember her, especially that close-up after she hugs him. It looks like he's experiencing something familiar he's been desperately missing... though I suppose that could just be human kindness lol.

Fans seem pretty split down the line though, so I'm excited to see what's really going on. Next week can't come soon enough!!


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My heart just hurt so much watching louis watching bok shil from a distance. Wah! It felt like dying too. Huhuhu.

Recurrent amnesia is actually pretty common in times of stress for people already with head trauma, but I am very curious why he's wearing the same tracksuit.

...Or is it the same tracksuit? Maybe Bok Nam saw him fall near the fire hydrant and decided to give him back his original tracksuit because Bok Nam thinks THATs why he's following him.

I need to see the puppies back together cause I cant take this pain anymore.


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I also think it is the no, 1 tracksuit.


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I also think it is the No. 1 track suit & if Bok Sil will recognize it, She will have this hope that Bok Nam is alive (HE IS!) and will therefore not distance herself from Louis anymore but instead, be by his side helping him to recover. No other good way than to gain his memories back through Bok Sil's warm love. Our lovelt puppies, please come back soon!


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Okay, I would LOL if that's Louis' original tracksuit.

I can see why some think Louis is pretending, but he's just so earnest and simple, I can't imagine it.


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My guess is Louie must have went ahead and screamed Bok Sil in his pain, which stopped Bok Nam on his tracks. Bok Nam goes back to him, but he loses his memory by the time he wakes up. Bok Nam gets nothing from him but because he mentioned Bok Sil's name, Bok Nam will decide to keep him until his memory comes back. I'm thinking being a beggar at the train station must probably be the first memory snippet back so he's trying to recreate it (as he did with all other things) to check if he can gain any more memories from it. Then Bok Sil found him...

I take comfort in the fact that they ended this episode with a scene of Bok Sil already finding him.


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Am I the only one with the mental image of his #1 Louis Ssaton tracksuit carefully folded and quietly waiting for the return of his owner in some chest drawer in his closet-room back in the chateau in France? Louis left so suddenly upon a word of his grandmother who had fallen seriously ill and might even pass away. I can't imagine him packing the tracksuit to take with him to Korea in such a situation.


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Anyone seen Doctor Strage? His tracksuit has probably it's own mind, and wanted back to his owner.


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besides, it is a number 1. It hurt its´ pride to see him wearing a numberless tracksuit.


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LOL, you just gave me a mental image of #1 sniffing at him, the next time it's worn by Louis, and going like "what other suit have you been wearing? With whom did you cheat on me?" like jealous dogs or cats who excessively sniff at you when you come back from petting some other animals.


and growling...


oh man now I am imagining this: Louis chooses the numberless tracksuit over Number One. Number One is heartbroken and stands under Louis´ window with an umbrella and leaves a little notebook the way Louie did: I miss you... I want you to spill ramen on me... I want to soak in Maxim gold with you... Louie, I guess I´ll fold now.


I say let the tracksuit and the pink sweater from IRY fight it out. Or rather SIG and the tracksuit and the sweater. You know, which comes off first wins :)


Speaking of sweaters, has anybody noticed the royal blue sweater louie was wearing? will it please be added to the list of sweaters Seo In Guk should auction out?


Your imagination is so funny... then maybe someday mbc will air a drama about louie and the number one tracksuit.. ^^


I'm pretty sure I looked like a schizophrenic while watching this episode. I went from guffawing in mirth one second to aww, so sad and tearing up the next sooooo many times in this hour. I love them for it! I can't even start with listing all the funny things and sad things here. Time to make a list... That'll keep me busy while I wait for more episodes next week!


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I can't with this drama!! Every episode continue to surprise me with every twist, n I have to say that I enjoy every second of it! I literally downloaded this episode RAW at 00.23 this morning, just because I couldn't contain my curiousness... Kudos to the writer n cast! I have to say that when I watched the scene with Louis' memory notebooks, I was sobbing like a kid when NJM's hands start trembling... And that letters!! Ugh, I thought that that love letters from ep 9 were amazing and then this episode happened! *Sigh* I love this drama so much...


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LOL, I love how joong won's mom is pretty much the opposite of the typical k-drama mother-in-law. The Go Jang Geum was hilarious.
I don't think louis really lost his memory, tbh. His expressions looked off, like he was trying to hold back tears and not give himself away when he met bok shil again. idk.


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Joong Won's relationship with both Bok Shil and Louis basically reminds me of that one Arrested Development scene goes like:

Gob: I have feelings for you.
Tony Wonder: I have feelings for you.
Narrator: The feeling was "friendship," but neither had ever experienced it.

I like his role as cantankerous mother hen much better than I ever liked him as a second lead.


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Quoting Arrested Development ---> ????


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I love this.


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so basically Louis is a puppy, Bok Shil is a squirrel, Bok Nam is a toad-disguised-as-a-tree-climbing-monkey on the run, and Joong Won is the circuc director who tries to control this mess.

Show, why? It doesnt make any sense at all. the chase was SUCH a good scene and Louis hugging Bok Nam in relief was SO Louis. And if the second memory loss was done just to bring Bok Shil to Louis again and demolish that wall, ok, but... how are you going to juggle this now?

I am kinda starting to get annoyed at the cop. He just about let Bok Shils´ happiness down the drain and now he is playing some kind of greek champion here. cmon.

they do want to kill us with pretty and dapper men though. Bok Nam is a total hunk! prettiest siblings ever


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ok, so let´s keep our head cool and not get angry at the show, Louis still has the most dapper hairstyle and suit of all heroes. And let´s see the positive for the sake of Bok Shils´ happiness: though the situation seems just a replay of the original, there are distinctive differences:
Now, Bok Shil already has all the knowledge about Louis. They dont have to find out who he is or where he lives.
We do not yet know how much Louis remembers of his encounter with Bok Nam. Perhaps that´s the last thing he remembers. He might even know exactly what happened to him, save for his name and family.
what now...

ahh ok I can´+ t do this, I can´t be positive about all the hurt the show is causing to the little baby animals. f*** you, show.


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and I think this is still Ingukkies´ best role ever. I even started Kings´ face (totally a blueprint for Moonlight in some ways) and he gives it his all. he makes everything endurable.
so no matter the events that may come I am just in for that cause he makes Louis EXIST.


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Here, have a cute Louie/Bok Shil music video to counteract all the angst. :D



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Louis killed me in this episode.

Talking to his stuffed puppy, Bok Shil
Laying his head on BS's old desk and laying down in the apartment with the newspaper.
Learning how to spell.
His goodbye to BS. This show is so absurb at times, but those moments ground it in something so pure and sweet.

Mr. Lee is adorable.
Louis' reaction to Ma-Ri cracks me up.
I like Louis' relationship with In-sung's mom.

The chase scene OMG. When Louis fell over that fence, I was done. SIG should win an award just for Louis' "run."


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@Mei These are all EXCELLENT examples of what makes the show special. It is the multitude of little moments, kindnesses and honest feelings that make it pure gold.

I would add one small thought about Louis's relationship with In-Sung's mother. I believe that Louis has become In-Sung's de facto brother. And both "boys" are competing for their mother's attention. It is the sweetest case of sibling rivalry to have ever existed.


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The scene a couple episodes ago where Louie and In-Sung were competing to lay their heads on the mother was hilarious. I haven't seen BTS for it, but can imagine all the actors cracking up.


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All the above and JW's mother moments + Mrs. Baek megacrush on Detective Nam and Detective's visit to Bok Shil's new office.

This show is just too funny!


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I feel like those were all plot fillers but I can't say I didn't enjoy them. I'd like to see more of the detective story arc--with--bok sil, but I'm guessing that he'll be the type of 2nd lead that would give Louie a run for his money (imagine the fan wars).


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Love reading the recap of this show and getting a 2nd good laugh. The chase scene with Bok Nam and Louis was so slow and no wonder they replayed scene on what was Bok Nam's nickname.

If he was faking his amnesia why do it all the way in Busan, who is going to notice him there?

Anyways, i hope the show has better answers next week.


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deep breaths...


such a brilliant episode where you're laughing one minute and feeling melancholic the next, and then they ruin it all in the last two minutes by putting us back in square one. at least she knows what to do this time. btw bok-nam seriously lost my sympathy this week, i was trying not to think of him too negatively all this time, because of you know speak no ill of the dead and all that. But not only is he alive contrary to all beliefs(though i guess it was foreshadowed a bit) he played apart in Louis losing his memory AGAIN! at this i'm hoping he's just run over by a bus and put in the morgue as another John Doe.

The only way to salvage this would be if he's pretending, but that doesn't really coincide with Louis' character. Well just have to wait and see what happens. Please writer-nim don't betray my faith in this show!!!!!!!


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maybe the notes Louis wrote, Bok Shil, show him, will.... I think I lost. direction. my head gets dizzy when think I.


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I swear I'm in love with seo in guk from watching this show. Omg! But show, why double amnesia!? Come on, we don't have enough episodes to go through this again. I hope you all are right about him pretending and doing whatever it takes to be close to her and keep his promise. And I love the moms in this show too. They are the comedic relief and it works for me.


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Idk why but reading your recap Lollypip while listening to Monsta's Tiger Moth, the accoustic version, really breaks my heart that I can't stop crying. Louis oh Louis, you just miss your Bok Shil so much that it kills your world. When he cried in that stairs on that raining night, feeling devastated not able to reach Bok Shil, my heart just broke.

This episode sealed the deal to me that this drama is wonderfully crafted and acted. I thought when my puppies are separated this drama will lose its magic. But NO, this drama, and Louis still sold it to me so damn well. Watching Louis loving Bok Shil from a far is truly beautiful and heart breaking at the same time. That moment when Louis watched Bok Shil got into bus from across the street, oh my heart! Who doesn't want to be loved in such a caring and tender way as Louis.

Seo In Guk oh Seo In Guk, I don't know if there's any praises left in my vocabularies to be given to you. Your Louis is so perfect that I can't get enough watching all your scenes. That crying on the side of the street scene in ep 10, I must have replied it like 10 times, and still craving for more.

Wednesday please come soon. Bok Nam, you little slow toad, come to your sister SOON!


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And I cried reading your comment. Because it reminded me of the scene where he cried. Seo In Guk really gives his all, in every frigging scene. I am just so proud of and in love with this boy!


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I guess I was the only one annoyed by the chase scene. While cute it was also just silly. Louis could have easily mentioned Bok Ship's name. For a character that does nothing but think of Bok Shil, I find it odd that he didn't mention her AT ALL! We know Louis can be a bit off but that seemed way too out of character for me. Just seemed like a plot device so Louis can lose his memory again. If he really has. I hope he remembers everything now and is faking it because I need answers!

And I KNEW Bok Nam was alive! I was thinking a few weeks ago that he probably was scared and ran away and the show confirmed it for me when Bok Shil went back home and saw the jar open. Thank God. Now there is no more reasons to keep sad puppy from away from her.


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he was going to, but Bok Nam did let him close enough!


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This boy needs to wear a helmet at all times.


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Yeah he always knocked his head into the hard surface :(


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LOL. True.


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LOL. I second this!


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or he can just invent a soft pavement material and cover every single pavement in Korea with it.


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Haha! That in addition to his patchman costume and we've completed the superhero look with a light saber as his ultimate weapon.


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Rest assured, he would buy the best helmet there is.


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Or get two people to follow him around everywhere with giant mattresses to catch him whenever he falls.


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skid free socks and other toddler accessories might be good too ;)


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Since nothing is predictable on here am just gonna make the wildest guess, how about Mari's mom as the villain? U know the stupid/innocent looking ones are usually the guiltiest?!! just throwing it out there!


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it has already been thrown since 3 ep ago but I dont think this is the case


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This drama should be called "Shopping King Amnesiac Louie".


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thanks for the recap...Lollypip
Ahh there's no preview this time....
The possibilities is Louis really got the second amnesia or Just pretending.
if he really got amnesia again maybe bok shil will call Luis family.Or will she keep him for herself and take care of him..hehe
if louis just pretend...bok shil will know about her brother(oh yeah).....but why he did that....to find bok nam he could just use his power.and call her maybe.....or he want to make a surprise for her.......
haha this is why no preview is so frustrating for me......
btw I miss na ottokaji momen writer nim they're so cute.


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Yes. They know what they are doing to us. It would be hard to put together a preview without telling us whether the amnesia is real or fake, so the preview had to be sacrificed on the altar of leaving us hanging for a week.


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But, but... there is a preview. Well, sort of an episode extension. It was posted on instagram after the live watch.



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oop. wrong link. it's this one


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Thank you for the recap. I'm having some thoughts about the mysteries that are still left. Last epsiode, when grandma was with Bok-shil, I got the feeling that she was speaking from experience about it being too painful to see someone for both people. Perhaps there is someone we haven't seen yet who has a history with grandma. Perhaps it is a family member we haven't met yet, and maybe that person caused the accident that killed Louis' parents.


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One of my favorite things this episode was everyone growling like Joong-won. That's great!


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sighs..... our puppy cries once again and the hearts of millions of SIG fans are shattered to bits

The ending of this drama is in the heads of everyone, but I will have to say, I adored this episode because of the growth that we can noticeably see in Louis.

How can someone look so sweet, babo-like, mature, and sad all at the same time????? SIG you are the death of me... With his new swoony hair, he shows instances of maturity that automatically breaks as he smiles and shows his goofy, babo character. I think we can see all of this especially in the scene where he is getting private tutoring for his spelling.

Louis: When I master spelling, I'll write BokShil a hand written letter. (Looks to Puppy Doll) Of course I won’t give it to you, BokShil (sad smile)

My heart really broke at this moment.... His pure heart for BokShil is so clear yet his longing and maturity in drawing that line between them is so....perfect.

By the way, for all the non-Korean speakers. The memory notebook with notes to BokShil starts off with horrible spelling and as it progresses to that last pages of, "I really like you", "I really miss you", "BokShil, it's time to say goodbye" his spelling is perfect. (Granted he went back on his word) Louis was finally able to write his (finalish) letter to BokShil.

I now have made a list of things we need to really get answers for:

Koboshi (Why does Louis call the puppy doll BokShil... huh? HUH?)
penguin music box
treasure chest hidden under wooden boards
Sunnyland (what is the significance of this place?)


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Oh thanks for the info on Louie's notebooks. I was wondering if there was something more to it than just simple messages.


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No problem!!! Our SKL production team has really taken care of even the little details <3


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Oof. I'm so sad all over again ?


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Louis poor head! It's been knocked about so much....no wonder he can't remember anything.

I didn't think this funny, cute yet endearing show could make me cry, but the scene where BS was reading the notes Louis gave her was so sweet and well-done.

But I must say that I'm frustrated with the ending. Every time Louis gets a knock on his head, I keep thinking that his memory will be back, but it doesn't. Last week, when he remembered how Bok Nam stole from him, I thought, "Good! He's finally got it back!" and then today, I thought he would surely regain his memory, and what does the show do? It brings us back to square 1.


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I have a theory about Kobokshi.
I think that Louis and met Bok Shil when they were little. I think that BS was kind to him and even played with poor lonely Louis. But she had to go home and he heard someone calling her name...however, it was rather noisy, and he misheard it as Koboksi. When he had the dog, it reminded him so much of BS, he named it after her. Even now, he names the stuffed dog after her, only this time he got the name correct.


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Considering that 95% of kdramas have childhood connection, I second this. I'm also thinking that considering they both have no parents, there's probably a connection as well


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Awww, that would be so cute!! I hope this turns out to be true!! :D


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Maybe it's because I can read Korean, but when I saw the words "I miss you" written vertically during the scene when Louis's memory pads were delivered to BS, I was thunderstruck.

Do you see Gobosi in there?


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What is Gobosi? Do you mean Koboshi? So does "I miss you" have "Koboshi" in it? I don't know Korean at all, as you might have guessed.


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in the mixed up order bo go si(p) da - I think? (I am only just learning...)


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I am gonna try and learn Korean too. It is just too frustrating to wait for subtitles!


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Korean English Pronunciation

보 Bo
고 Go
싶 Sip
다 Da

Yes, Gobosi is the name of Louis's dog that died 4 years ago. I think the more accurate spelling is Gobosi rather than Koboshi because Ko will be 코 in Korean.


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Thanks :) There is a definite connection between Gobosi and Bok Shil- first love and all that!


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oooooh that's possible. plus the fact the he's so poor in spelling, it could be that he's dyslexic.Then, shuffling Bo Go Ship to Go Bo Shi is totally possible.


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This is so awesome, I'm glad my brain isn't as sensitive as Louis' or I'd have amnesia just from the shock of this theory.


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Right? It all ties up with his special ability to "talk" to rare items. It might be a long shot but aren't people with peculiar abilities prone to have dyslexia? *shout out to the comment that tagged Louie as the Einstein of shopping! I think Einstein himself may have hadsuch pecularities too.


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I just want to put out there that whenever we see slow puppy Louie, just remember SIG's acting prowess...




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Thank you for this. Made my day! Seo In-guk is FLAWLESS.


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Thanks @cookiecuttr!

That is just super! Have been impressed with SIG since i first saw him in "The Rascal Sons' a few years back.


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Awesome. How have I not seen this video before?


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Hahaha this made my day! Thanks @cookiecuttr! How had I missed this!?
It clearly shows how different Yun Jae and Louie are as characters!


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HAH! This made me lawl so hard.


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This is gold!


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OMAYGAH That's Kim Seul-gi and Prof Jin-yi from Drinking Solo!


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I know!!! I was so surprised to see Kim seulgi!!!


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Thank you for the recap Lollypip.

After hours of marathoning amounting to sleepless nights, I have to admit: the ending of this episode really disappointed me. After the agonizing result of Bok-shil finding out about the presumed switch between Bok-nam and Louis that fateful night, and due to Bok-shil's partly grief-induced, partly nobly-idiotic decision to distance herself from Louis, I was hoping to see the two resolve this painful knot and learn from the process. I have to say I felt cheated from the hours we spent watching Bok-shil and Louis' relationship develop and the faith this garnered in us that the two would get back together regardless of this tragedy the moment Bok-nam was revealed to be alive. Yet still, I accepted Bok-nam being alive given that it seems there's a lot more to the story than we thought...so I accepted this new revelation in the story.

But then we were given amnesia. Again.

We all have our individual tolerance levels. I am usually quite forgiving of character flaws and choppy story developments, especially when stories manage to pull it together in creative ways...but latent amnesia at a point in the story when you want to begin resolving issues...its just...I can't. I am out of out of words for how annoyed I am.



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Haha.. You can pretend all you want, but Louie is sure to pull you back in next week. And I don't think it's double amnesia at all. That's just a good cliffhanger, and we will see the rest of the story next week.


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I reaaaally hope so ObsessedMuch!!! I am counting on some interesting story development on this issue! After I saw that ending and after getting over my twitching annoyance with the possibility of another amnesia twist in kdrama, I thought perhaps the writers were tricking us to believe it was. I am hoping for something interesting...like some rare recurrent symptom of brain disease or head trauma that causes retrograde amnesia. I dont know something different...pleaase drama!

Since this is my first comment on this show after marathoning and catching up, I realized I neglected to mention how much I appreciate this show and love the feels it makes me feel.

Louis is so sweet and charming (and handsome), and thats not all he is. Despite wanting to slap him across the face for being so dimwitted and useless sometimes, I love him for his simplicity and sincerity in actions. He is not perfect, nor smart (well, linguistically, apparently, a genius, and a king at shopping) or hard-working, or going to mature easily, but he is pure in his ability to love. I love that about him, and how the show has managed to make us love him by demonstrating how well his positive attributes compliment Bok-shil's personality, who is someone who loves to receive love in exchange for taking responsibility...well, for everything (we know thats not healthy in the long-run). Its been a hilarious, beautiful, heart-warming and heart-rending journey so far. Not to mention the pace of the story-telling, the comedic development of the supporting characters and villains, the editing and background music (although I wish they would play Tiger Moth a little less frequently since I love it so much and don't wish to tire of it) all executed beautifully. It has all made me love a story I am surprised to love this much.

Now I guess its up to me to have faith in you show. *putsonworriedsmile*


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Don't worry too much! We're putting our faith that the show will pull through right beside you!!


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Okay, Fighting!


Oops! I'd give it one more episode if I were you. Wouldn't you want to know a wee bit more before giving up?


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Lol not giving up. That was me expressing my frustrations...but I'm hooked in too deep to give up now ;)


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The song in this episode was "Dreamlover" and the next song coming up is "Realty". So Louis pines for his BS whom he can only meet in his dreams in this episode but his dreams become his reality in the next episode. ;-)


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Ooh. This is definitely going to happen!


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Ok - did NOT speed on my way home yesterday but must admit - i did honk at a couple of cars for them to drive faster or get out of my way.

I hope the show is trolling us about the second amnesia - double amnesia is HARD to SWALLOW for me.

I am really curious to see the show tie all these loose ends in the next 5 episodes - but give us more of the cute and funny please.


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Lol! Now while driving, I will think about this as a possibility for why people drive the way they drive: maybe they have a drama they have to watch or a drama recap they need to read.

And you just made me realize this is only a 16-episode drama. *pouts*.


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I came to watch this weeks' episodes already expecting it to be all CREYS. But then I watched, and I swear I looked like a mad woman. Giggling like a madman in one scene (In Sung and Ma Ri are meant to be together LOL) and then bailed my eyes out in another.

Seeing him crying in the 10th episode when he just got back from Bok Shil's house already broke my heart. And then I had to see him crying in the stairs as well, this time he was hurt even more, I just CAN'T. I feel like I want to go into my laptop's screen and engulfed him in a great big hug :((((

About the ending of this episode, I initially thought that this could be another case of traumatic amnesia, and then my friend shared his opinion that precious bb Louie was just pretending. At first,I can't believe it, with Louie being a cute, silly and naive puppy, where did he learn the art of pretending? However, as I have already stated before that Louie could be the mastermind behind his own car accident (a seemingly impossible notion but oh well..) then it wouldn't be impossible if he regained his memory and try to fool people, but for what reason? That is something that I'm very eager to find out sooner rather than later. Another thing, did anyone notice during the scene when Hot Detective Nam was going to walk Ma Ri's mom home, there was this man inside a car, watching them from outside Hongfranc library. Could this be another clue?


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Thanks for the recap LP!

I was struck by image/aura of Nam Ji Hyun in this episode.

I noticed that she looked different in this episode - and then realized that the light/bright aura that she/BS had in the previous episodes was missing and that the sad aura really made her looked different - somewhat older - not the young-looking kid when she was bright and happy.

Even though when she was laughing at JW being dumb - she still had the sad aura around her.

A great testament to her skills!


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Shows like Shopping King Louie are the kind of shows which compelled me to become a kdrama addict in the first place. It just serves everything in the right amount. Love, angst, funny, stupid, adorable- everything is given in measured ways. I never feel that the writers have stretched a scene/storyline for longer than necessary.

Plus that love. Ah- I wish I had someone who loved me the way Louie loves Bok Shil. It is unadulterated, pure love. The scenes where he just stands outside waiting for her to go to sleep, cleaning her house, adding money to the piggy bank, and his helpless crying when he can't help her during the thunderstorm- were all very heart-touching moments. SIG is killing it as the lovelorn puppy who can't do what he wants to. And I completely agree with LollyPip- finally a kdrama hero who doesn't take a "NO" lightly. He is following her rules in the best possible way.

And I don't think it is double amnesia. I agree that Louie is too pure to lie, but did you notice the way Louie looked at Bok Shil in the last scene. I interpreted it as him recognizing Bok Shil and then saying that last line. He can put on an act if it really is something that might help Bok Shil.

This episode was full of adorable moments again and I specially loved that Mr Cha's growl has become a "thing" that everyone copies!

Thursday, please come soon.


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*gasp*...I didnt think of that as a possibility.



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You are reading my mind! That love that Louis gives BokShil should be the envy of all of us... to be loved in such a way and the gazes Louis gives BokShil even from a distance (or to the BokShil Doll) makes me melt with happiness.

I also will be going off now to rewatch the episode... I mean scene ;)


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A few episodes ago, I would have thought it was pretend too. Remember that one preview with Louie wearing a suit (which turned out to be JW's) looking serious, introducing himself as not JuST Bok Sil's boyfriend? Back then I thought "well he's more refined, he's definitely got his memories back". We know how that actually panned out... This drama has the most conning previews, and SIG will always have JungDo con skills when it comes to his acting so yes, I'll chill. It's never what I expect.

P.S. I think the ep 12 preview was genius. it was soooo simple, more like an extension of the last scene in ep11 but it does the trick of anticipation so well.


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I just checked the preview and you are right! It's such a simple preview but it makes me anticipate the whole scene even more. It's like they just gave us the beginning of the next episode and left us wondering how we can get our hands on the next and next and next scene fast!


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Except they probably haven't finished editing their material by now. Gaaaah! I'm so excited for next week!


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Ok the thing about Mr. Lee asserting himself at the office? He actually is a manager. He's either Ma-ri's second, or else he's actually her boss and has been browbeaten this entire time.

I thought the Handsome Detective Nam Joo-hyuk fanservice was HILARIOUS. I think he was genuinely sad when he realized that the bookstore owner was just wanting concern (not even just thirsting after his hotness).

I'm really concerned about Louie, he's been hit in the head too many times. He may have some permanent brain damage at this point. People's brains aren't like old fashioned TVs that need a hit because the tubes and wires are loose.


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Haha "concern". Funny how that word makes the Baek Mom more ahjumma sounding especially from the detective's perspective, but actually she has the hots for him. hahaha. Mrs Jones much.


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I think people are underestimating Louis if they think Louis is incapable of putting on a show. He's the Einstein of Shopping, if you will. Einstein was a genius that may be born once in a millennium but supposedly couldn't even think of putting on boots or using an umbrella when it rained. Louis also shows moments of brilliance when it comes to shopping, but a man child in many other respects. He surprised me with all his knowledge of marketing and products. He was the one who came up with the idea of Sunnyland, which is a mega Shoppertainment Mall Park Gold Group built after Louis gave his grandma the idea. In other words, I don't put it past him to catch the baddies in this drama in his unique way.

I don't think the scene where Louis goes "you are not upset that you have to split MY grandma's shares with me, are you?" to President Baek is there for no reason. He got a whiff of something and is after something, I think.

BTW, as everyone knows SIG is a brilliant actor. He said the reason Louis twitches his hands like that is because he's suffering from subconscious insecurity his amnesiac state brings. I mean to look at his hands carefully in the next episode to see if he twitches them or not.

That said, the thing I feel most curious about right now is who was watching the bookshop and JS and Detective Nam that night of storm?


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True. After reading some comments and realizing the possibility of Louis faking this bout of amnesia, I never doubted his intellect, but I guess wondered if he was capable of deceiving to such extent...idk. Was never one for the whole "deceiving for one's own good" method. But I guess he may indeed make use of his hidden talents to help Bok-shil in this way...which would be more interesting than him actually losing his memory again!


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"He said the reason Louis twitches his hands like that is because he’s suffering from subconscious insecurity his amnesiac state brings. I mean to look at his hands carefully in the next episode to see if he twitches them or not."

He said that??? It was the first thing I noticed for this character. SIG tries to associate mannerisims and habits to each of his characters. Lee Min Seok's high pitch voice tones, excessive blinking in contrast with Jung Do's cool, soothing voice. What he has kept for Louie is this sweet smiling face with a light tiny head bounce, but I didn't see it coming that he'd associate Louie's "spirit fingers" to amneisa. oooooh, this guy has extreme attention to detail! He always manages to make me fall in love all over again, every time. Without fail.


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I also am trying to believe in Louie. He's more than just a cute puppy for sure. Also, I think he started to smell something fishy about Director Baek that he even brought up about Director Baek not recognizing him when they met at Gold line just when he was delivering porridge for BS. And yes! That man who watch JS and Hot Detective from afar, is he just some random guy or a spy?

About SIG, wow he really could do wonders with his acting chops. I just finished Reply and could tell that he does try to put diferent touches to every character he portrays. With Louie, I initially thought the hand twitches are just some eccentric habits, I never would've thought that he actually did some research on it. I thought that he might've watched Mr.Bean movies and referenced the hand twitches to Mr. Bean LOL. Idk, I think in some scenes he resembled Mr.Bean so much, especially during the scene when he danced around the beach with BS. Aside from that, Louie also twitched his eyes sometimes, was it part of amnesiac signs too?


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YES! We all see Louis' post amnesia, this lovable and immature kid. But whenever knew Kang Ji Sung before the accident. We knew he was sheltered and overprotected but there's also the fact the he has excellent knowledge in shopping and marketing. He can even speak 10 languages. He maybe a man-child but we still don't know who Louis is.

As for Louis's mannerisms, I agree. SIG is really brilliant. You can see a stark difference between pre and post-amnesia Louis. The way he walks, runs, and stands. Let's all pay attention to body language next week!


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That is really great acting. Not only on facial but also on body language. So funny when he ran like a man-kid to Bok Nam from the bus. Hahaha.


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It looked like a wave-run. he looked so flimsy!

I love you SIG.


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The fact that there was no teaser makes me hope that that is because this is going to quickly resolved, and maybe that he's actually fine and just messing with Bok Sil.

Is it a coincidence that he ended up going to the same place where Bok Sil was, and how has he ended up in that jacket again?


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You can watch the ep12 preview here


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1) I'm going to frakking MURDER the damn amnesia trope in Kdramas.
2) This better have a good resolution or I'll break something. (an overreaction perhaps, I'm supposed to not react to these kinds of things, but you know, I don't have episode 12 yet so I'm feeling things... ok?)
3) Beeeeeannnies! Does anybody know if Faye Wong's Cantonese version of Dreams by the Cranberries (used at 00:23:25) is on Spotify?


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How does SIG do it? He sure know how to pick a drama. I've seen every drama he did as lead. I only missed The King’s Face. Every single one was different and I loved them all. I wasn't into the romance in King of High School, because of the female lead, but other than that, awesome.

I am going to miss hime so much, when he leaves for the military.

P.S. Any particular reason to recommend The Kings Face other than SIG? He is usually enough but I am not much into Sageuk.


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I'm afraid not. That sageuk was sad and although historically on-point, it was too historically on-point bordering boring but the details of that drama were equally well thought of and it was good perhaps, especially Gwanghae's growth as a man. But while I like documentaries, I couldn't bring myself to connect with the characters or the love line so it was a miss for me as piece of fiction. Don't get me wrong, it was good in its own way. Just not for me.


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I am liking it so far though. mainly cause of Ingukkie, but also to spot similarities between TKF and Moonlight. It is like a more teary blueprint for Moonlight. king going crazy, crossdressing, traitors daughter... the devotion Ingukkie shows to his character is again just unbelievable. what, is he a werewolf? a were-person? just mutating into someone else?

but I...cant really explain. maybe the show reminds me of our domestic movies tonally something familiar about the style and the sageuk talk doesnt... oh, I know, the court officials dont cry as obnoxiously as in most other sageuks. thats it. you know, those please reconsider bla bla bla phrases


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In Guk's acting skills were once again stellar in that one. In that drama, the term "99 faces of SIG" was born. and the action scenes too.


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and he is a true swindler from time to time there too. pretending his arm can´t move so Ga Hee can feed him Hahaha sneaky bastard.


Oh no, I need something to fill the SIG shaped hole in my heart, after Shopping King comes to an end. That will be really difficult after watching Squad 38 and that this almost back to back. Nooooooo.


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Have you already seen Reply 97 and King of High School?

In King of Highschool, I didn't have a problem with the lead actress or the age gap issues(suspension of belief and all that) so I was able to highly enjoy that drama.


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Oh and there's also the amazing I Remember You. So glad I enjoy all of SIG's drama overall besides the fact of him starring in it because it makes rewatching them so doable. Will be a long two years without him in dramaland though.


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I've seen it all. I remember you and yield 1997 multiple times.

I didn't have a problem with the actress or the age gap in King of high school. But the character was so socially awkward and her mannerisms were just so strange. I wanted to jell at her walk straight. Combined with her clothing I just didn't see how they could fall in love.