Jealousy Incarnate: Episode 1
by LollyPip
The green-eyed monster rears its ugly head in SBS’s new romantic comedy Jealousy Incarnate. Light, funny, with interesting characters (so many characters!) and a cute premise, the show makes a pretty good first impression. There’s even a little mystery to pique your interest, and one of the prettiest love triangles you’ll ever see.
We open on four adorable cartoon creatures, controlling the Earth’s weather from their spaceship in orbit. A rogue meteor knocks their ship out of the sky, and it falls to Earth, down a chimney, and into someone’s living room as the weather outside goes haywire.
On the television, a pretty weathercaster for SBC News discusses the unseasonable heat, and we find ourselves in the broadcasting room with her. She seems very professional and confident, but we see that her shirt has been clamped together in the back to make it appear tighter, and in her ear the director tells her to stick out her chest and her butt more. Yuck.
The weathercaster’s name is PYO NA-RI (Gong Hyo-jin), and her true dream in life is to be a news anchor. After her segment, she quietly parrots the current anchors, hoping to get her own shot one day. She’s plucky and eager, and jumps in to help wherever needed once the broadcast is over. But despite her sunny nature, she doesn’t seem to get much respect.
Miles away in Bangkok, a man checks his appearance in his camera, then proceeds to film several segments about the city. He’s LEE HWA-SHIN (Jo Jung-seok), a former news anchor who’s planning his return to Korea after a long overseas assignment. [The drama’s title is a pun on his name, since hwashin means “incarnate.” –girlfriday]
Once he’s finished for the day, he heads to a nightclub, where he arrogantly admires a man’s shirt and girlfriend in Thai. He insults the girlfriend as common but wants the shirt because it’s a limited edition, and the girl slaps him across the face.
Hwa-shin ignores her completely and asks the man how much he wants for the shirt, then tells the guy that he doesn’t have the right muscle build for that shirt. The guy punches him and leaves the bar with his girlfriend, with Hwa-shin calling out to the girl that she should date a rich man. What an ass.
Na-ri goes back to the broadcasting room after everyone has left for the day, and sits behind the anchor desk. In her mind she broadcasts the evening news with her partner Lee Hwa-shin, but her little fantasy shatters when an irritated voice says that that’s not her seat. Oops.
The voice was the news show’s producer, PD OH, who’s in the control room fending off the director’s request to okay the budget for a segment filmed in Thailand. He tells the director, CHOI DONG-GI (Jung Sang-hoon), to just use the existing Bangkok staff.
Na-ri overhears their argument and eagerly volunteers to go to Bangkok as the support staff. The men ignore her until she offers to do it for half wages, then basically pile the entire makeup and hair responsibilities on her. Dong-gi scoffs that he can’t possibly do the shoot with only one staff member, and Na-ri asks to be paid in advance. Ha.
She does get her advance, and on her way out she’s surrounded by the other female weather announcers. They’re angry that she’s volunteering to do extra work because it makes them look bad, and even blame Na-ri for their own mean treatment of her.
Na-ri argues that she’ll get everything she can from this wretched job while she can, and she’ll show them all later when she’s a success. She’s told to have a little dignity, for the sake of them all, but Na-ri softly says that they’re not really announcers.
That sets off the other women, who berate Na-ri for doing as Dong-gi says when he tells her to stick out her boobs and butt on air. One woman tells her to stand up straight like a real news announcer, and Na-ri asks if that will truly make the others treat them like real announcers.
She tells them to stop picking on her — after all, they’re all just weather announcers who work for peanuts. That does seem to get through to the other ladies, and they all sulk at the truth.
The female news anchors walk through the lobby just then, and the weathercasters face off with them like rival gangs about to rumble. Na-ri makes eye contact with a group of younger anchors, and she’s reminded of her auditions, when she’d hoped to make anchor herself.
She’d been one of four final candidates: The two best would be made anchors, and the two who failed could chose to stay on as weather announcers. Of course Na-ri hadn’t been one of the top two, and the weather job had been offered to her and the last candidate. The other girl had indignantly refused the offer, but Na-ri had taken the weather announcer position.
Now the group of weather announcers bow respectfully to the anchor women, and one of the anchors (one of the duo who had auditioned with Na-ri) whispers to her superior that Na-ri pads her butt. And HAHA, it’s true, as we see later when Na-ri gratefully peels off her padded underwear.
At the end of the day, a teenager is accused of “stealing” cram school classes by not paying for the course. The attendant calls him a thief, but the student calmly argues that there were empty seats, so there’s no reason why he shouldn’t sit there. The boy starts to strip his clothes off, angrily inviting the attendant to search him for stolen goods if he’s going to call him a thief.
In the doorway, Na-ri comes upon the scene just as the student is dropping his pants, and she yells out his name, PYO CHI-YEOL (Kim Jung-hyun). She asks what he’ll do if all these girls see his body and fall in love with him, ha, and Chi-yeol looks abashed. Na-ri apologizes to the attendant, and pays for his classes while Chi-yeol dresses.
Ah, he’s Na-ri’s younger brother, and the two walk home companionably. Na-ri jokes that paying his tuition feels like finishing her homework, and Chi-yeol tells his big sister to just work hard, when she apologizes for not having a better job.
They stop to enjoy the beautiful evening, and Na-ri wonders how far it is to Bangkok. She says that when “he” left three years ago she’d vowed to go there one day and make him fall in love with her. She’d even thought about taking her clothes off like Chi-yeol. But life happened, and she never found the time.
Later that night, Chi-yeol goes outside to find Na-ri asleep on their little rooftop patio. He sweetly tells her sleeping form not to take her clothes off for a man, and carries her inside.
Over in Bangkok, Hwa-shin enjoys a gorgeous morning with exercise and breakfast, and takes a call from someone asking him to coffee. The caller is an old colleague, GO JUNG-WON (Go Kyung-pyo), who seems to handle every encounter with an offer to go for coffee. He’s heading to Bangkok on business, coincidentally taking the same flight as Na-ri and director Dong-gi.
Na-ri is so excited to be flying first class, probably for the first time ever, until Dong-gi informs her that her seat is back in coach. Ouch. Her luck improves when handsome Jung-won sits next to her, and promptly falls asleep. Na-ri stares at him as he naps, mesmerized by his good looks.
She follows Jung-won through the airport after they land, and she’s so distracted that she bumps into a man accidentally. He turns and Na-ri realizes that it’s Lee Hwa-shin, whom she’s worked with before. He recognizes her as well, and tells her to be more focused when she works with him. Ah, so they’re here to film him.
Hwa-shin is already grumpy on the way to the shooting location, unhappy that it’s not going to be in the place he planned. Dong-gi avoids his questions about the rest of the crew (since it’s just Na-ri), and to deflect, he reminds Hwa-shin of how Na-ri used to have a huge crush on him. Well that’s just awkward, not that Hwa-shin gives a damn.
As the director sets up the location, he sends Na-ri to Hwa-shin’s hotel room to help him with clothes and makeup. Hwa-shin tells her to send in the makeup artist so she leaves, but comes right back in with her makeup case. He huffs in annoyance, but allows Na-ri to do her work.
Heh, she’s a little rough at this, and basically smacks his face with the powder puff until he begs her to stop. While she’s doing his eyebrows, Hwa-shin opens his eyes, and the close eye contact throws Na-ri for a bit of a loop. He tells her to send in the hair stylist so she leaves again, then back in with the comb. Pfft.
She gives Hwa-shin the standard Newscaster Side Part, which he gives the stink-eye, but doesn’t protest much. He asks for the wardrobe master, and this time he actually laughs when Na-ri leaves and sheepishly comes back in with a hideous suit.
Oh no, this is hilarious – the suit is actually purple and covered in sequins, with a polka-dotted shirt. At least Hwa-shin is amused at this point and doesn’t blame Na-ri, but he insists on wearing his own plain white shirt. Na-ri grows anxious and tries to take it off him, getting all grabby with him.
He fights back, and Na-ri ends up accidentally slicing his chest open with her fingernail, and getting blood on his shirt. She blots the wound with tissue, but something alarms her and she starts feeling up his pecs. Rawr?
Hwa-shin jokes that his chest is pretty nice, but she doesn’t stop, so he grows uncomfortable and tries to back away. He falls on the bed and Na-ri finally stops, and Hwa-shin jumps up to accuse her of sexually harassing him.
But Na-ri looks genuinely concerned, and she says that his chest reminds her of her mother’s. She asks if Hwa-shin is okay, looking so upset that Hwa-shin calms and lets her off the hook. But when she goes in to touch his chest again, he yells at her to get out.
Jung-won arrives at the set at the same time that Hwa-shin comes down, wearing the awful suit and shirt. Dong-gi is oddly reluctant to give Hwa-shin the script, but Hwa-shin snatches it and reads it, then groans. He spots Jung-won, waves, and good-naturedly complains that he’s entirely too good-looking.
Hwa-shin steps off the stage to greet his friend, with Dong-gi chasing after him and begging him not to be mad about the script. Hwa-shin snaps at Dong-gi, saying that he’s never liked him — in fact he hates him so much he’s thinking about changing jobs.
He even mentions how Dong-gi tells the weathercasters to stick out their “assets,” calling it distracting and unprofessional. He’s angry that Dong-gi didn’t explain to him that Na-ri was doing all the hair, makeup, and clothes, leaving poor timid Na-ri to try to explain it to him.
Dong-gi looks chastened, but he argues that Hwa-shin has to do this broadcast or he’ll end up on the station president’s bad side. Hwa-shin grumbles that he’s not refusing to do it – he’s just going to have coffee with his friend, and then he’ll decide.
Hwa-shin and Jung-won are having coffee and catching up when Na-ri runs onto the set with a bag of medicine for Hwa-shin’s cut. She grows nervous to see Jung-won there, and she shyly approaches the two men.
It’s kind of hysterical how surprised Hwa-shin is when Na-ri ignores him and talks to Jung-won instead. He grouches that he told her not to get distracted while she’s working with him, but Na-ri doesn’t even hear him and just talks to Jung-won.
Hwa-shin can’t stand being ignored, and he finally blurts that this “crew” has no discipline. He tries to pull Jung-won away, saying that he’s decided not to do this segment, leaving both Dong-gi and Na-ri calling after him.
Na-ri is soon back on her rooftop balcony, but she’s not worried about the project — she’s still thinking about Hwa-shin’s chest. Whatever she felt really has her concerned. Did she feel a lump?
Jung-won takes a flight back to Korea, and he thinks about meeting Na-ri on the first flight. After he’d woken from his nap, he’d asked her if it was going to rain in Seoul, and she’d been so excited that he recognized her that she’d blurted out, “I feel like I swallowed air and pooped a cloud!” It was her first time being recognized by anyone.
Na-ri had begged him to promise to watch her broadcasts every day. She’d said that even if he cursed her, that was okay, because anything was better than disinterest. Okay, that’s so sad. Now Jung-won thinks of that conversation, and a small smile quirks the corner of his mouth.
In another part of Seoul the following morning, a young woman wakes Na-ri’s entire building with her hollers, then lets herself into Na-ri and Chi-yeol’s place to fill their fridge. She calls Na-ri “daughter,” but Na-ri protests, and tells her that she should be living with Na-ri’s dad in China. The young woman, RHEE HONG-DAN is technically Na-ri’s stepmother, but the subject seems to make Hong-dan oddly uncomfortable.
Na-ri goes looking for Chi-yeol in the restroom and finds a small boy named BEOM sitting on the toilet instead, ha. She tells Beom to poop at his own house, and locates Chi-yeol washing on the balcony. She peers closely at her brother’s chest, then asks to touch it, but he deadpans for her to just date a man if she wants to touch a chest.
All the students in the building hop into chef/landlord KIM RAK’s car (Lee Sung-jae) for a ride to school, and Hong-dan passes out breakfast. Na-ri arrives last and they head out, with a thanks to the friendly Rak for the rides every morning, calling him Chef. Na-ri notices that teens PAL-GANG, DAE-GOO, and Chi-yeol look a bit too cozy, but they loudly protest when she suggests changing the seating arrangement, hee.
In a tiny apartment, a disheveled man sighs sadly at old wedding photos, and we see Hwa-shin also in the pictures. The man seems very worried about Pal-gang — is she his daughter?
He slips into a memory of his wedding day, and we learn that he’s Hwa-shin’s older brother. Hwa-shin had urged Hyung to reconsider this marriage, as the bride, KYE SUNG-SOOK (Lee Mi-sook), is already married to her job and he believes she’s evil. Hyung had ignored Hwa-shin, who complained that this was a mistake all the way through the wedding photos.
In Hyung’s other hand is another wedding photo, with a different bride this time. Hwa-shin had liked the second wife, BANG JA-YOUNG (Park Ji-young), who even welcomed Hyung’s daughter from his first marriage, Pal-gang, as her own child. But as they pose for the photos, Hyung’s first wife had vowed from a nearby hiding place that she would get them for this.
Back in the present, Hwa-shin finally makes his way back to Seoul, and waits by the curb for a taxi. The car carrying Na-ri and the students lets Na-ri out nearby, and Pal-gang spots Hwa-shin and bolts upright. She’s not sure, but she thinks that man looked like her uncle.
Na-ri recognizes him right away, though he’s not all that impressed to see her again. She follows him and grabs his chest, feeling him up right there in the middle of the street. Hwa-shin is so surprised he just lets it happen for a minute, then finally screams in Na-ri’s face to stop.
He wonders out loud how someone who used to be so innocent could suddenly get all grabby-hands with him like this. Na-ri insists that she’s still innocent — then reaches out to squeeze his pecs again. Pfft.
She says that it’s probably nothing, but she needs to have a little talk with him. She tells him not to be scared, which trips some macho switch in him, and he gets all indignant that he wouldn’t be scared of anything pertaining to her.
He makes a natural assumption and asks, “Do you still like me?” He says that that’s the thing he fears most.
Back at the news station, Dong-gi prepares for the second round of recruitment teasers, but PD Oh is more worried about Hwa-shin’s return. As it turns out, both of Hwa-shin’s brother’s wives work at the station, and Hwa-shin’s arrival is bound to ruffle some feathers.
Though they seem capable of ruffling on their own just fine, as the two ladies in question run into each other on the elevator, and oh no, they’re wearing the same suit. They squabble about the suit, then first wife Sung-sook makes a veiled insult about “hand-me-downs,” and I don’t think we’re talking about clothes anymore.
Chef Rak arrives back at the apartment building to find someone being loaded into an ambulance. It’s Hwa-shin’s brother, and Rak learns that he fell down the stairs. Rak jumps into the ambulance, and Pal-gang is called out of class to go to the hospital.
Her father undergoes brain surgery for a massive bleed, and the doctors say there’s a chance he may be permanently brain-damaged. Rak suggests that Pal-gang call her mother, but she angrily snaps that she doesn’t have a mother.
Back at school, both Chi-yeol and Dae-goo jump up simultaneously to go support Pal-gang. Their teacher warns that the whole school average will drop if their number one and two students miss an important exam, but their friend is more important, so the boys go anyway.
Hwa-shin gets all cleaned up and heads back to the SBC building, and he tries to scoot past Na-ri, who’s waiting for him in the lobby. She calls out that the recruitment teasers will air soon, and he pauses.
Sung-sook and Ja-young go to PD Oh’s office to watch the teasers, and everyone sits up straight when Hwa-shin’s teaser comes on. It’s pretty much just a montage of him dancing furiously in different parts of Bangkok, and really looks like a hilariously bad music video.
At least it seems to be the intended theme, because Sung-sook’s teaser is next, and she’s dressed like a rapper from the ’80s, ha. Ja-young’s is equally embarrassing, and at the hospital, Pal-gang watches the clips of her family members dancing for a job, and asks if they’re having fun while her father might be dying. Furious, she throws her phone and cracks the television screen, screaming, “Bring my dad back!!”
Down in the lobby, even Hwa-shin admits that Dong-gi did a pretty good job with the teasers (with the exception of the purple suit, of course). He looks around but doesn’t see Na-ri, then suddenly her hands creep from under his arms to cup his pecs.
He pulls her around behind the television and asks what the hell she’s doing, and Na-ri says again that his chest feels like her mother’s. “You… might have breast cancer.” She explains that her mother and grandmother both had breast cancer, and she gets checked frequently, so she knows what it feels like.
Hwa-shin reminds her that he’s a man, getting loud and angry. He yells that her mother and grandmother were women, and adamantly pounds his chest: “I’m a MAN!!”
My first impression of Jealousy Incarnate is very positive — it’s shaping up to be a cute and quirky show with interesting, layered characters. The only problem is how very many characters there are, and how quickly we were introduced to them, because I’ll admit that I’m still confused about who many of them are and how they relate to each other. I’m trusting that further episodes will help once we see people in more context, because the show didn’t seem too concerned with being clear about characters’ relationships and hierarchy. But aside from some befuddlement over the characters’ roles in the story, I found them all pretty likable.
I particularly feel for Na-ri, who seems to be an overly eager people-pleaser who is willing to lower herself in hopes of someday making her big break. Unfortunately, that’s not going to get her respect or a better job, so I’m looking forward to seeing her come into her own and learn to stand up for herself. Right now she’s meek and overly solicitous to her superiors, hoping to wiggle into their good graces by being accommodating and offering to do all the grunt work. But it’s backfiring on her and causing her to actually lose respect, especially when she does as she’s told even when it’s wrong, like sticking her chest out on air. I think that the most telling moment was when she’d said to Jung-won that nothing is scarier than disinterest — to Na-ri, even negative attention is better than nothing. That makes me profoundly sad for her, and I just want to hug her and tell her that she doesn’t have to kowtow to people just so they’ll like her.
Hwa-shin, on the other hand, is already a big jerk with very few redeeming qualities about him. He even seems to revel in insulting people. I’m sure we’ll be given some reason for his behavior like a traumatizing past or an absent father, but it’s going to have to be pretty sympathetic for me to fall for it. But then Hwa-shin also genuinely seems to like Jung-won, and he wasn’t even mean to Na-ri when she was clearly fumbling with his makeup and hair, and he didn’t blame her for that terrible (OMG so terrible) suit. He even stood up for the sexist way that the female weathercasters are treated, and for that alone I want to give him a chance. He’s a conundrum, but Jo Jung-seok plays him with his usual deft touch so that instead of being off-putting, Hwa-shin’s contradictions just make me want to dig down deep and find out what makes him tick. (And honestly, I can’t even imagine how he kept a straight face every time Gong Hyo-jin was grabbing his pecs!)
As for the plot, it seems pretty simple — girl likes boy, boy ignores girl, girl meets new boy, first boy grows jealous. But sometimes simple is just fine, and I would be completely content to spend twenty-four episodes watching Hwa-shin eaten up with jealousy and Na-ri learning to stand on her own two feet. The show does seem to be tackling some meatier issues like cancer and broken families, and I do think it would be interesting to see a man like Hwa-shin deal with something “unmanly” like breast cancer. I’m just not sure the show needs it, but with so many episodes ahead of us, at least there’s plenty of time for both lighthearted fun and some deeper themes.
- The forecast looks sunny for Jealousy Incarnate
- Three’s a crowd in SBS rom-com Jealousy Incarnate
- Cameras roll on set of SBS rom-com Jealousy Incarnate
- News bites: June 18, 2016
- News bites: April 16, 2016
- Go Kyung-pyo considering Jealousy Incarnate
- SBS wins the battle for Jealousy Incarnate
- SBS, KBS fight over rom-com Jealousy Incarnate
- Gong Hyo-jin, Jo Jung-seok for KBS rom-com Jealousy Incarnate
Tags: featured, first episodes, Go Kyung-pyo, Gong Hyo-jin, Jealousy Incarnate, Jo Jung-seok, Lee Mi-sook, Lee Sung-jae, Park Ji-young, Seo Ji-hye
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1 nurii
August 26, 2016 at 11:38 PM
Wow. Lollypip, Y U NO rest?
here's a glass of cocoa...
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Marcellina Chiazor
August 27, 2016 at 12:56 AM
Do you need cookies with your cocoa Lolly pip or Lemon cake?
You are really doing a great job Lollypip. Thank you for the Recaps.
I liked the first ep but I was A lil uncomfortable with the chest grabbing. It was funny at first but after getting repeated, I felt uneasy.
I guess it's understandable why our lady did that.
As for the 2 ladies( Sasook and Jayoung), I wanna know their back story.
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August 27, 2016 at 2:25 AM
Bring it on ghost, uncontrollably fond and now this. I want to give Lollipop a massage with free snacks. Good thing bring it on ghost is on its final week.
So far enjoying the show. I love gong hyo jin so was expecting to like it. Glad I am not disappointed.
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August 27, 2016 at 5:37 AM
LollyPip, you need a good, relaxing vacation after all of these recaps. I'm totally down for paying for the whole trip. Seriously.
It looks like this show is going to be pretty fun! I'll stick around through recaps for now...
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August 27, 2016 at 6:34 AM
How about a massage from some very handsome but very gay men? I know a long list.
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Flightey Gazelles
August 27, 2016 at 11:19 AM
Lol. Why do I think I know the name(s) of who is going to be on that list?
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2 Yoyo
August 26, 2016 at 11:52 PM
My Chef, My Flower Boy Next Door and My Master's Sun all in one show, I couldn't be happier ???
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3 Yoyo
August 27, 2016 at 12:02 AM
Ah, Jealousy Incarnate, be still my heart. I never thought you'd be as fun to watch. I don't know how to describe this show; maybe it's cheesy, it's complicated, it's hilarious, it's otp, it's weird, it's predictable, it's light and crazy. For now, I like what I see and hopefully those 24 episodes would be worth it.
Somehow this show reminds of flower boy next door, pasta and pinocchio. Though the first episode felt a little bit all over in terms of its storyline, the characters were fun to watch. Hope they pick up the pace and but continue with the cheesiness and the wackiness, because who doesn't want a good laugh?
Thanks @lollypip for the recap. Glad to see you guys recapping this show.
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August 27, 2016 at 6:35 AM
It's 24 episodes long??
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August 27, 2016 at 6:54 AM
Yes, that's what the network announced.
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4 KDaddict?JCW
August 27, 2016 at 12:13 AM
I super love all the leads, but I've doubts that a story this fluffy can be good over 24 eps., unless the writer has a lot up their sleeve that we don't know about. How many 24 ep dramas have been good?
The writer's sense of humour is not my cup of tea. I don't find it funny when Gong Hyo Jin as the weather girl is made to stick out her bum all the way to the East Sea, nor do I appreciate the humour of her squeezing JJS's breasts to check for cancerous lumps. And they continue to 'milk' his breasts for laughs thru ep 2! That in itself gets me worried. Of course if you still find that funny after several repeats, then it's no problem.
What woman in a professional field would do that to a co-worker, sb higher up the pecking order at that, if not for the explicit purpose of seducing him?
So her mom had breast cancer; how does that translate into her suspecting that he might have it too and proceed to squeeze his breasts at his protest???
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August 27, 2016 at 1:06 AM
Yeah, the workplace sexual harassment disguised as a gag was not something I appreciated. Though at least the scene with the other weather girls after makes it clear they consider it gross too.
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August 27, 2016 at 1:09 AM
Also, not sure where they were going with having our hero make that crack about shirts and we WANT him to be unlikable even beyond the standard arrogant-kdrama-hero thing?
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August 27, 2016 at 2:39 AM
This writer has much to learn about making an asshole male lead that people can still like. That scene at the bar made no sense at all to me.
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August 27, 2016 at 6:36 AM
What made it strange is I've watched enough muti lingual dramas to get a sense that his accent was HORRRIBLE...I could be totally wrong though.
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August 27, 2016 at 7:06 AM
Thai is my native tongue and you're right, his Thai was horrible. I had to watch that scene a couple times to get the jist of what he was saying.
August 27, 2016 at 2:58 PM
I completely agree with you. I tried to understand the point of that scene and couldn't come up with anything. I'm happy the character redeemed himself when he complained about what the weather forecast girls are asked to do with their body
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August 27, 2016 at 4:41 AM
That scene was SO WEIRD... and so cringey! Even worse than the frequent spontaneous breast exams.
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August 27, 2016 at 7:00 AM
Well the tshirt dude was a cameo by a Kpop star (BamBam from Got7), for me with that context it was a little less awful. Still pretty awful tho, especially when it so easily could have been funny.
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Lord Cobol
August 27, 2016 at 2:35 PM
Yes, that bar-scene obnoxiousness by a lead was the kind of thing that normally makes me drop a show.
Not sure if I'll bother with the next episode or not.
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August 27, 2016 at 2:34 AM
Yeah, the jokes seem a bit too banal for my taste. It's lacking zaniness.
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August 27, 2016 at 3:12 AM
i get uncomfortable everytime she groped his chest- no matter the reason, that's just straight up harassment imo. imagine if the genders were switched, i doubt anyone will be able to laugh it off
i was excited for a new GHJ drama but so far, everything is just meh to me. i'm more interested in her brother at this point lol
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Sanchita Suman
August 27, 2016 at 3:36 AM
I completely agree with you. I cringed every time she did that! Even though I like cheesy fluffy dramas but the writing is making its cheesiness insipid for my taste.
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August 27, 2016 at 7:37 AM
I know this maybe reaching conclusion but sometimes I imagine the reaction if the groping is the opposite, from the male to female,
I understand that SK is a touchy culture but breast is just not funny in many way,
some scenes is actually missed for me because I don't have many laugh or funny impression, it just a good filmed scenes
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August 27, 2016 at 9:00 AM
I'm having secondhand embarrassment with what she's's never okay in my book to touch other person specially without cringey.
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August 27, 2016 at 2:45 PM
Bless you!
It was really uncomfortable to watch.
I am giving this drama another chance for the extremely likable second male lead, but if it continues on this track, then I am dropping it like a hot potato.
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August 27, 2016 at 6:21 PM
Was the weather girl treatment supposed to be funny? I didn't think that's where the writer wanted it to go. I think the way all of the characters talked about it and how it even happened in the first scene shows the writer's disinterest in the idea that weather girls are just attractive. That was a solid and meaningful intro to me.
While I understand the dislike for the chest "joke" I don't share the majority opinion. She didn't intentionally touch his chest with a scheme. She was helping tend to his wound. Which I don't approve of if the person minds, but he didn't seem to mind. Then, she got crazy focused out of concern. Not how a character should be written or act. But very human.
The first touch to tend, I was like "oh, classic the person can't tend to themselves and need so much help" scene.
The second touch, I laughed from shock and was like "what is this girl doing?"
The third time, I was like "oh no, it can't be. Can men get cancer there? I guess so, I mean it's part of the body."
I was so wrapped up in her figuring it out before needlessly bringing up. Like when she asked her brother to find out.
Maybe this makes me a terrible person but I wouldn't be surprised if I did that, out of distraction not hearing his protest. I mean it's a serious topic. And I don't think the man on woman flip works, because it's much too different.
Then again, I didn't think it was played for laughs after the first time. But that's just my opinion of course.
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August 27, 2016 at 8:45 PM
i think a rational person would talk out her concerns after the first time instead of saying "your chest feels like my mom's" and groping him over and over despite his protests. i mean, what could he infer from that? i thought she meant that he has some hormone imbalance that cause him to grow womanly breasts or something
but then her groping won't be 'funny' so obviously that's why the writer went this way
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August 27, 2016 at 11:06 PM
I feel like "a rational person" is the qualifier here. This isn't a rational topic for her. There are more than point blank rational or irrational people. Regularly rational people have irrational moments and irrational people have rational ones. Idk what he was to infer from thay. But that wasn't on her mind. She was too concerned with her thoughts.
I don't want it to be one of those things where people who have experienced it fight because we're all different after all and I'm probably not the only one with this story. But maybe it's because my mom died of breast cancer (not that I get checked every 6 months, whoops). I seriously doubt I would be rational if I noticed a tumor in my female or male acquaintance. And it was all in the circumstance. He was fine with her touching his chest until she got weird about it. I would freak out, getting highly focused, not want to freak them out but act super weird in the process. I think her actions make loads of sense. Minus the company attack because that was the most harmful way she did it.
Like I said though, I didn't see the joke there or with the weather girl topic. So maybe I missed the cues that made it a joke or my history is clouding my judgment.
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September 22, 2016 at 5:03 AM
Agreed. I understand why she would react that way and I think it is an important issue to raise Breast Cancer happens to both men and women, it is quite interesting to see the take on the man's perspective on breast cancer. I'm enjoying the show, and I really love GO JUNG-WON (Go Kyung-pyo) character. I am going to have second lead syndrome in this drama and maybe a few tears for him. WAAAHHH!
August 28, 2016 at 3:31 PM
+1000 Purple Owl. I feel ya.
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5 Meroha
August 27, 2016 at 12:18 AM
I have been waiting for this! Thank you Lollypip!
At first, I was having second thoughts with KyungPyo here (His hairstyle is one thing to be blamed. LOL) But then he enters the screen, and talk and ah.. That deep voice. He really looks like a chaebol. *_*
I just watched ep 2 and decided to stay. I think this drama is really going to be fun.
It's bright and can be gloomy at the same time.
And, fighting Pyo NaRi!
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6 Nami
August 27, 2016 at 12:37 AM
What a nice 1st ep ! I watched the 2nd and it keeps getting better ! Looks like I found a new addictive show??
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7 blueribbon
August 27, 2016 at 12:45 AM
I like the main actors seriously I was waiting impatiently for this show but to be sincere I don't really know what to think after the first episode. Maybe it's not my type of humor but I found myself saying more than once "What the Hell" and "What the F--- i'm I watching" I sincerely hate situations in k-dramas were the heroine can't just simply explain things and it leads to awkward situations, in this case the fact that she kept touching his chest. I guess it's just not my type of humor I kept cringing at those scenes. I mean how hard is it to explain what is wrong, I just hate characters like that. I wanted to like it I really did but I don't know..., I guess I will just wait, hopefully her character changes. Thanks Lollypip :)
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August 27, 2016 at 12:55 AM
Oh and by the way when I was saying those things for some reason I was laughing, it was probably second hand embarrassment. XD
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August 27, 2016 at 6:25 AM
Feel the same !!! Throughout the all episode I was like "what the **** is happening ?" That was one hell of an UFO episode! I did not understood the dynamics of the lead / did our heroine flush her brain in the toilet?/ will there be some kind of storyline, a red thread or will the drama be a no-brain, fluffy,wayyyyy over the top drama ?/ wth with the two red ajummas&the uncle ?! /.what kind of ending scene was that ?!/ ..... I REALLY love gong hyo jin and this is actually the only reason that will make me commit to watch episode 2... But I already feel hopeless... Really did the authors drink while writing the drama ?!!
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August 27, 2016 at 4:49 PM
I honestly thought I had missed an ep when I started watching because it was so all over the place I stopped my episode to check I was watching the first one.
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August 27, 2016 at 3:02 PM
When she kept groping his chest I had a feeling it was about breast cancer and was also frustrated that she did not tell him why she kept touching him.
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8 Nanda
August 27, 2016 at 12:54 AM
I always confuse between Lee Mi Sook and Park Ji Young...and this drama isn't helping. Haha
It's amazing that the daughter look similar too!
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9 pogo
August 27, 2016 at 1:04 AM
I had an honest moment of 'wtf' with that animation at the beginning - wasn't sure whether I was accidentally watching the ads before the drama instead of the drama itself lol.
It's remarkable how consistent Gong Hyo-jin is with her dramas, and this looks like it could be a fun ride even if we had a few bumps in episode 1 (The super-yellow filter for Thailand? I honestly thought they were having a flashback). And it was cool that the gang of weather girls I initially thought were about to bully her, were actually just trying to get her to stick up for herself/rep them better.
Had no idea weather reporters were so looked-down on at Korean broadcast stations, though. You learn something new every day.
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Flightey Gazelles
August 27, 2016 at 1:23 AM
Me too! I thought it was a respected segment especially with stations creatively spicing it up.
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August 27, 2016 at 1:40 AM
While I agree that in some countries weather reporters are specially sexualized when they are women (in most cases against their will), I mean look at Mexico and some Latin Countries, I wouldn’t just believe a drama to portray things in a realistic manner. Remember some of the situations are fictional you may want to do some outside research if you really want to know what goes on behind the scenes.
If you look some reports have actually come out and weather reporters are actually mad at the way this drama is portraying them.
Sorry for the double post I guess I hadn't pressed the reply button. The first reply just became a regular post instead of a reply.
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August 27, 2016 at 2:03 AM
Obviously no one is stupid enough to rely on dramas for a true-to-life depiction of any profession, we've seen enough medical and legal drams to know that.
The surprise is that weathercasters are considered 'less than' or not on the same level as other reporters at Korean broadcast stations - enough to make a drama with that premise, even if the details are exaggerated.
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August 27, 2016 at 2:56 AM
The super yellow filter has been bothering me since the trailers. It somehow makes it seem if the show is pretty old.
Plus I guess they went a little overboard with the animation and symbolism in the first episode. The second episode gets better in every way; the pace, introduction of characters and their back story and subtle symbolism that I actually liked (for e.g. the green and red lights thing).
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August 27, 2016 at 4:58 AM
Yeah, there was the yellow filter and also they overdid it with their pore-reducing lighting tool... all the actors' faces are so blurry! I wondered if they were making fun of themselves with that scene at the beginning.
I personally enjoy seeing the texture of people's faces, and lines contribute to expression, so I wish they went easy on the lighting!
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August 27, 2016 at 7:04 AM
I don't know about in Korea, but the fact that there is a term for weather girls certainly points to a time in the past when weather newscasters in the US were like that. It's only more recently that they became meteorologists. So I can accept it as an anachronism and that doesn't bother me so much. It could be just at her station that they're still doing it the old fashioned way.
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August 27, 2016 at 11:11 PM
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August 27, 2016 at 10:04 AM
I feel like I've seen that a lot in tv shows and movies, that weather reporters aren't respected as "real" reporters (or sometimes the conflict is that their meteorology backgrounds aren't respected among "real" scientists) fwiw I'm from the US and can think of a few examples from US shows
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10 randomblah
August 27, 2016 at 1:28 AM
Chef-nim doing some funky dancing while wearing Psy's costume...what am I watching???
Cartoon aliens and lotsa groping...what am I watching???
The cast of Youth over Flowers (Iceland and Africa), two of them obsessing over shirts...what am I watching???
Does cloud poop smell like poop?
I'm so confused. But I want more.
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11 blueribbon
August 27, 2016 at 1:37 AM
While I agree that in some countries weather reporters are specially sexualized when they are women (in most cases against their will), I mean look at Mexico and some Latin Countries, I wouldn't just believe a drama to portray things in a realistic manner. Remember some of the situations are fictional you may want to do some outside research if you really want to know what goes on behind the scenes.
If you look some reports have actually come out and weather reporters are actually mad at the way this drama is portraying them.
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12 HPfangirl
August 27, 2016 at 1:57 AM
I love Ko Kyung Pyo! I first saw him in FBND (I loved that drama), than in Potato star and in reply 1988 and I'm really happy he is getting more recognition. And the actor who plays GHJ's little brother is love too.
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13 inxomnia
August 27, 2016 at 2:01 AM
I've been keeping up with this drama so far and whilst I like the male leads and at times I do find Pyo Na Ri positively quirky... she also seems a bit like a pushover, which isn't really a trait I adore in a heroine. But I'm willing to ride it out because I do see moments where she can stand up for herself. I can already sense that I'll have a love-hate relationship with the character.
The male leads so far are only pretty, but the show hasn't really given them much substance for me. I love JJS as Chef-nim and I'm glad to see glimpses of him here when he's irritated, but I really don't see enough character here and nothing swoon-worthy yet... but that's probably because GJP is currently set up as the nice and perfect second lead so far. I mean, he's likeable so far but also pretty flat as a character.
I know I sound a little critical and don't get me wrong, I'll probably still follow the drama but I think I just had higher expectations. I mean, my current guilty pleasure is Cinderella & Four Knights, simply because it is pure fluff but at least it owns it unashamedly (with all the OTT sound effects). Whereas with JI, I wanted this to be like Master's Sun or Best Love, but I'm not feeling it yet.
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August 27, 2016 at 6:38 AM
I'm hoping the length of the show will allow for her to develop beyond the obvious foolishness. We'll see what the writer can do with some really good actors.
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August 27, 2016 at 10:35 AM
Comment was deleted
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August 27, 2016 at 11:24 AM
You know what got me it's the actresses portrayal of her in the last scene of episode 2...god damn is she good. In that moment you got so much packed into two lines. I got shivers.
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14 olaide
August 27, 2016 at 2:46 AM
Thanks for the recaps
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15 beansoverflowers
August 27, 2016 at 2:52 AM
I love it. I thought I could really like it in the first ep, and the second sealed it for me. The breast thing makes more sense by the end of the two episodes - his obsession with shirts and chest in the bar, and hers too. I already adore Nari's brother, and I actually like the obvious love triangle that's being set up between the three generations. They're all linked to each other in a way that would only be possible in a kdrama, but I can see how it would work. I'm not worried about the length of episodes anymore either, I think, they really do have a lot of intertwining plots. But really, the acting is what's making this show. The directing is interesting - some a bit too off kilter for my taste, but generally works quite well.
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16 ches
August 27, 2016 at 2:53 AM
wow im surprised that people are enjoying this i guess im in the minority when i say that the first ep was a mess.
im not very impressed or interested in the setup and characters. jo jung seok is basically playing the same character as the one in OMG and it just all feels so meh to me.
i do love the camera work even though the editing feels a little off at certain scenes
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August 27, 2016 at 11:42 PM
Nah, it was a bad episode. People r just kinder to shows starring their faves, I guess.
I didnt like it but Ill watch for a few more for 2 very special men lol.
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17 wapz
August 27, 2016 at 3:05 AM
This dramas story is pretty common and usual but the humor can be winning at times. And that is fitting for the timeslot or day perhaps as we have heavy W on wed and thu, JI light quirkiness matches with the heavy and balances it.
Though I still wish that ep 1 would be better. Many people are put off with it. It seemed all over the place. Ep 2 got better. I personally like the show and will keep on watching it but why don't writers, producers and directors make the first episode more presentable? After all the first impression means a lot. For me especially the first few minutes of the first episode determine if I would watch a show or not. It is usually those shows who start off good that are able to acheive good ratings. And how often in kdramas do we see bad first episodes and they later improve (or sometimes not) but are they able to acheive better ratings when the first episode didn't make a positive impression. I wonder why do pds don't pay attention to such an obvious thing.
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August 27, 2016 at 6:04 AM
It is very rare to have a bad first episode. Usually shows lure viewers by starting off good and then sadly begins to lose focus, fresh ideas and stamina in the 2nd half.
Maybe this show wants to go it the other way,... nowhere else to go but up?
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18 Coco
August 27, 2016 at 3:15 AM
Ep 1 is all over...I kept asking myself what the heck is going on...that bar scene is wasn't funny at all.
Groping of the chests was also overdone.
However I do love GHY's fashion!
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August 27, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Exactly. The bar scene didn't make sense at all. It was as if someone just threw the scene there for no reason and he got punched in the face. The end!!!!!
It was just ridiculous.
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August 27, 2016 at 10:04 PM
Re:GHJ's fashion. I love love loved every single outfit she wore in this episode. I want them all in my closet, and would put them in my regular rotation.
In episode 2, however, SPOILER I didn't like a single thing she wore.
I vote that for the rest of the drama, GHJ gets things out of the episode 1 side of the closet and leaves the episode 2 side alone.
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19 tae tae
August 27, 2016 at 3:40 AM
don't want to be negative person but I read some where some weather announcer were not happy how they were portrayed.I can understand them I know it's drama still for every job there is some one who like doing it they aren't news anchor wannabe.down grading there worth like bowing down to other it pretty much can offend any one.other than this the drama is good.kind of refreshing. I thought every body knows breast cancer happen to both sex at least a very educated news anchor has to be aware.
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August 27, 2016 at 11:26 AM
I was fairly surprised by this as well. Most weather announces in the US are meteorologist or work with them when producing for weather segments. There is still a lot of weather girl stereotypes but they do a pretty thorough job.
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August 27, 2016 at 4:45 PM
Exactly I was surprised that they're essentially portrayed as second class citizens when tbh their jobs seems much harder
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August 27, 2016 at 11:18 PM
What confused me is why she's wrong everyday and possibly only her. Where does she get her information from? Does her station have meteorologist or is it just the weather reporters out floundering alone?
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20 Sobsob
August 27, 2016 at 4:07 AM
Go kyungpyo didn't have a face for the second lead i think, its so rare to find a chaebol with that hair in dramas,
The story was very hillarious, i'm never watching this kind of series with kind of 'thing' like this,
did this drama is beat UF for the rattings?
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August 27, 2016 at 7:39 AM
the 2nd episode beat UF in rating
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August 27, 2016 at 11:27 AM
I beg to differ. The fact that he doesn't look like all the second lead makes him all the fresher for it.
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21 loophole
August 27, 2016 at 4:28 AM
The whole chest grabbing was funny at first, but it became so uncomfortable to watch later on, I wanted her to cut it out already. Its just weird.
I love Na Ri tho, she works hard, she tries to stay positive about everything when nothing good is happening. I hope to keep watching
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22 Nina Chikovani
August 27, 2016 at 4:57 AM
Love the cast, but the only character I care about at the moment is Na-Ri's younger brother.
Whloe drama I was wondering why KBS and SBS were fighting over it.... It's not bad, it is simply not good? Over the top in every aspect?
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August 27, 2016 at 11:28 AM
It's got all the signs of being mushed together network notes filled mess that gets carried by evolving writer/decent director/stellar cast into something better then it should be.
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23 indie24
August 27, 2016 at 5:06 AM
Honestly, I felt that the first episode was all over the place. Some scenes that were meant to be funny were not funny at all. They seemed forced with no clear context with the story. I'm a big Gong Hyo Jin fan and I haven't been disappointed in any of her dramas and I am hoping that this would not be the first. Thankfully, the 2nd episode was a great improvement and l am keeping my fingers crossed that the plot and how the characters are portrayed will be better with each new episode.
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24 adinda
August 27, 2016 at 5:28 AM
Maybe i am the one who already think how Nari's expression when she touch LHS's chest for the first time is a bit weird, i mean i have a suspicion about that because i've my self check too for possibility having breast cancer every day by my self. In my country its call SADARI, when u need to examine your breast by yourself with touching all the part. However, in second time she touchs his chest i already feel something is going on and i guess NaRi has trauma about that. And i got the answer at the end of the episode. Maybe i am GHJ's bias but everything just happen same based on my own experience and i can see it from her expression. I mean i think the way she touch his chest, her expression is different with someone who has a will to do sexual harrasment. But sure from some people's point of view its not polite. And some people find its funny.
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August 27, 2016 at 11:20 PM
Same! I can see why people find it wrohg. But I don’t get how it was a joke.
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August 28, 2016 at 3:00 AM
I knew from the get go that that was going to be the purpose of the groping... I just find it strange regardless... It was just such a random arc? Same with the fight over the shirt in the Thai bar... like wut?
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25 Peach
August 27, 2016 at 5:38 AM
This felt very disjointed and very confusing for a first episode for me. I'm pretty sure I understand zero of the crazy family tree that's going on. There's so many characters, it almost seems like a weekend drama. I'm very worried how they're gonna fill 24 episodes with this. I love, love the cast, but I'm a little disappointed.
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August 27, 2016 at 6:50 AM
I think the show is doing the classic overload in the first few episodes. Hopefully it narrows the focus as time goes on so that each thread gets good attention.
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August 27, 2016 at 7:43 AM
I was thinking when they announced 24 eps that it needs to be like a weekend drama to fill that much time. Most weekend dramas do well the first 30 eps and then drag to 50. So I had the opposite reaction from you, lol, I was relieved there were so many characters so that they could fill the time given.
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26 bigmomma12345
August 27, 2016 at 6:31 AM
I enjoyed the first (two) episodes - they were funny and strange all at once. The three leads are terrific actors and zi am already intrigued by their characters. I am especially curious about the friendship between the two male leads.
I liked how the episode was filmed too. They have some really long, one camera shots that I thought were impressive (like the one early on at the end of the broadcast).
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August 27, 2016 at 6:39 AM
I think they are finally taking some cues from different directorial traditions. Kdramas tend to have some distinct camera motions and this is veering away form it a bit. They have real establishing long shots!
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27 nAEE
August 27, 2016 at 7:02 AM
I'm loving the first ep now and decides to stick with it. It is weird and funny at the same time. It reminds me of a movie from Taiwan, Cafe. Waiting. Love. Its a lovely weird & funny movie, with a lot of characters and stories all over the place, but somehow the director was able to connect all the characters & stories beautifully in the end.
And the younger brother, i thought I'm going to have third male lead crush. Is this a noona-crush? Can we make it more complicated by making Na Ri and his younger brother not biologically related? Haha. I'm fine with whichever route we're going.
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August 27, 2016 at 11:30 AM
Oh god yes! The actor playing the brother is just right. He's just stiff enough to make him attractive but not so much that you can't see yourself mushing his pretty face.
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August 27, 2016 at 11:38 PM
Had the same vibes about the younger brother! Or maybe they're just really close and we're just the corrupted ones :P
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28 aegiomma
August 27, 2016 at 7:13 AM
I was totally cringing when JJS was speaking Thai, and I don't even know how Thai is supposed to sound. Go Kyung Po is just too baby faced for me to really buy into him as the second lead. And what's up with that haircut? I guess it's nice to see some variety in Korean actor hairstyles, but it seems really odd for his character. But I still enjoyed it, and will continue watching until I get bored. I love Gong Hyo Jin as always.
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August 27, 2016 at 3:04 PM
He had to shave it for a film I believe. I felt so bad for him during the Baeksangs when everyone was making fun of his weirdly shaped head ?
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29 Sancheezy
August 27, 2016 at 7:19 AM
1) Go kyung Po is so refined, damn his attractiveness just hit the sky
2) I find the show just okay, tbh I just don't understand what supposed to be funny but I understans the story and I freaking love the high school trio
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August 27, 2016 at 11:32 AM
I think the humor is just falling flat in general despite the attempts. GKP is like third in my list (SIG, YSY, then my GKP)
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30 blnmom
August 27, 2016 at 7:49 AM
I just finished watching YOF Iceland, so I was super psyched to see Sanghoon even though he's an ass here, somehow it escaped me that he would be in it. I didn't have high expectations for liking this, but I really did like it. I really like all the actors and characters and side characters, and I laughed out loud a lot. I guess looking back on it, this episode was disjointed, but somehow that didn't register with me while I was watching.
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31 Pam
August 27, 2016 at 8:20 AM
I find the main female character is annoying in touching guy breast chest
The way she is bothering him so disgusting
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32 iamdeb
August 27, 2016 at 8:34 AM
Go Kyung-pyo in that haircut is my new type. He looks so dang sexy!!
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33 purpleowl
August 27, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Lollypip, you're such a lifesaver. I really wanted a forum to discuss but memtion it because you're all doing so much already. Especially you, I can't believe you've got 3 shows now. I hope you're getting rest. I'm glad for your sake that Bring It On, Ghost is ending soon. And UF is winding down.
I don't know what I want to mention about the first episode. I want to avoid spoilers. And really just wanted to say thank you.
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34 Ami
August 27, 2016 at 11:31 AM
I loved it! It was all over the place, but the characters just pull me in, Hwa-shin is a jerk but there where moments where I felt like, hm maybe he's not that bad? And I am an absolute sucker for leads who start off jerks and with time they get put in their place and the growth! The growth that can happen is so great, I'm going to stick with Jealousy for a while.
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35 wensley
August 27, 2016 at 11:52 AM
I was intrigued by the potential of this show. It has a strong cast...but I couldn't even make it through the whole episode. The humor didn't resonate with me and actually made me feel uncomfortable in some ways. The bar scene was really odd and the weathergirls ganging up on Na-ri and then being put up against the anchorwomen just made me roll my eyes. I don't know, this show doesn't feel authentic to me and it has too many things that make me question what I'm seeing so I can't immerse myself in the world and characters. I'll keep an eye on the recaps here to see if it gets better I guess.
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36 Kii
August 27, 2016 at 12:36 PM
Like many others, I found the first episode kinda all over the place and was seriously pretty confused with what was going on, especially with regards to the house and the relationships between those characters! But then episode 2 resolved that a lot more, and will probably keep me watching for one more week to see if it picks up. :)
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37 chi
August 27, 2016 at 1:25 PM
I don't know if this drama will be my cup of tea despite loving the main actors, but the transitions were awesome.
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38 cinnamon
August 27, 2016 at 4:01 PM
GHJ's character here reminds me of hers in Hello My Teacher paired with Gong Yoo. She's just perfect in portraying such pitiful character.
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39 bex
August 27, 2016 at 4:43 PM
I'm a little concerned about this drama like the humour is very out there and its almost distracting because its falling completely flat for me, the pooped out a cloud line had me cringing. I also don't like that we weren't given the context for GHJ's crush like I have no idea why she likes this guy or even how they knew each other three years ago I feel like that needs establishing so we can see the turn of feelings more clearly. So far we're told she likes him but I don't see a huge reason why so I'm not really invested in their relationship.
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40 Dreamer
August 27, 2016 at 6:39 PM
Nari touching HwaShin's chest multiple times without his consent is sexual harassment! It's not funny. Men do get sexually harassed too but this drama just normalized it and people actually "laugh" at it because they think it's funny. What if a male touch a female's chest because he thinks she has breast cancer? Is it still funny? No! We call that sexual harassment! I can't stand the double standards that this drama has! I don't care if Nari thinks he has breast cancer or if she's concerned about his health. It doesn't matter what the reason is. She shouldn't be touching him after he said no. This is the fault of the writer.
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41 Andy
August 27, 2016 at 7:09 PM
Ok, the fact that I enjoy the 1st ep despite everyone against it is fine as long as i got Gong Hyo Jin back on the screen. I actually like how they cover the sensitive issues such as sexual harassment n etc in a lighter note. It suits the drama genre. The way they potrayed thw giant elephnat issue which is the breast cancer & those who are prone to it is such a reality. Thats how most men would definitely react presented with the probability of them having breast cancer, it would affect their ultra ego. And the scene where the 2nd lead make GHJ will appreciated just by a little recognition was so sweet. Thats so how we are in real life. Looking forward to next eps.
On the other hand, does anyone know the song playing during the scene when GHJ and her brother walking home from his tuition class?? Tq
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42 dramafan100
August 27, 2016 at 9:07 PM
I love JJS. I really enjoy his acting. I also find GKP very cute. Have enjoyed everything he has been on. I have never had an opinion about the female lead. She has never been memorable to me.
I started this show for JJS and I kind of love good love triangles. Since I liked both male leads, this was a good fit for the fluffy stuff I like.
But, I got quite offended by the writers sense of humor. I did not find anything funny about what writer thought was funny. I saw no point in him being a jerk to random strangers in a bar. It was extremely stupid. And I definitely found nothing funny about weather girls sexual harassment jokes, and I found her grabbing his chest all the time extremely distasteful. So, yeah, I did not like that at all.
But, I loved the sweet moments between second male lead and female lead and I found the jealousy factor very cute. I also found this random group of people making a family in an apartment also intriguing.
I will stay for a few more episodes to see if they do some good changes to our female lead character. At the moment, I am not finding her to be anything - just a doormat really and that is never fun to watch for me.
Not interested in male breast cancer - not sure why it is part of the plot. But would love to know why the guy is a freaking jerk and who all those people are.
I am especially looking forward to young romance - between that teenage girl and the cute high school boys.
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43 Amilia
August 27, 2016 at 10:18 PM
I kind of appreciated that this show was all about Jealousy. That it's not just the standard love triangle. I mean, the main love triangle is there, but it's nowhere close to being the only exploration of jealousy in this show. We've got at least 2 other secondary romantic triangles going. We've got the weather girl/anchor rivalry. We've got the internal rivalries and jealousies between the weather girls. And between the anchors. And between the anchors and the reporters. And the list goes on.
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44 jen
August 27, 2016 at 11:19 PM
watched the first 2 episodes and im not satisfied, sorry, story is a bit weak for me.
if not for the actors i wont even watched this one.
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45 Livii
August 27, 2016 at 11:33 PM
The 1st ep was totally disjointed and unfocused. Also, this was the first time I'm watching any of these actors & this was not a good introduction. I dont know if GHJ's character has some social anxiety or impairment to make her act that way but it was really off putting. And JJS is just set up as a jerk with a past who will remodel himself later on. Yawn.
Only thing I liked/ogled at were Go Kyung Pyo and GHJ's dongsaeng. Yum. Its weird, despite disliking much of it, I watched the 2nd ep cuz d characters have some strange allure. GHJ def improved in the next one. She has plenty of charm. Male lead does nothing for me though.
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46 Inggg
August 28, 2016 at 6:05 AM
I realllyyy really need to know the song when nari with her brother walking together after paying his tuition. Dying of curiosity.. Even Siri doesn't know the answer ?
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August 29, 2016 at 8:39 AM
yup me too wanna the song title
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September 3, 2016 at 7:42 AM
Did u already know the title of the song?
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47 LaLaLa
October 8, 2016 at 3:18 AM
Does anyone know the soundtrack played when the girl in uniform throws her phone to the television? It really sounds good. Thanks!
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48 H. Aruna sharma
October 28, 2016 at 9:10 AM
I am not please if the episode 20 is the final one. It was so well directed with simple background n good script overall. I dont know how ryo nari love story end n how her professional life just doesnt end nicely. Through hwa shin help she might be easy enough to be news anchor but the fighting spirit somehow vanish in end . It was a good but ending part is not what i have expect
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49 babojinni
November 17, 2016 at 11:30 AM
TBH watching episode one, I don't know but I can already tell when the two main characters meet, that Hwa Shin was at least somewhat interested in Na Ri, and that jealousy incarnate would most definitely live up to its title. haha just a little gut feeling I have.
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