Oh My Ghostess: Episode 15
by javabeans
Things take a dark turn today, but with that darkness comes some answers, and also some resolution. (Also, the episode is quite literally dark, as in strain-your-eyes-against-the-grayscale dark, and frankly I could have used more resolution on the graphic front. Hur hur. But until this director learns to light his night scenes better, I suppose we’ll have to suffer a little eyestrain. I suppose it’s not too much to sacrifice in the name of dramatic conflict and payoff.)
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Soon-ae comes out of the officer’s body, and Sung-jae smiles menacingly to finally have found the rogue ghost. She tells him she’s remembered now that he killed her, and asks why. He replies that she saw something she shouldn’t have, and that it would’ve been much nicer for her to move on instead of hanging around with unsolved grudges.
Soon-ae says he’s going to have to pay for his crimes, because the truth has already started to come out and he can’t escape his eventual punishment. He moves to seize her throat angrily, but thank goodness his human body can’t touch hers. Soon-ae runs.
Sung-jae chases her down the street, but he can’t follow when she jumps into a passing bus and bellows in frustration.
A flashback to three years ago takes us back to that crucial day: Sung-jae’s on duty, and the man stopped at the checkpoint stares up at him in recognition—this is the adoptive father who’d kicked him out after he’d been hovering menacingly over the new baby. The man tells him he doesn’t want to run into him ever again, and drives on.
Later that night, Sung-jae waits in the shadows as his former family—mother, father, and their now-teenage son—arrive home. When Dad steps outside for a smoke, Sung-jae comes up behind him silently, armed with a heavy pipe. He raises it a couple times, but struggles with himself and stops himself mid-swing. His face is conflicted and tearful, but he pulls back just as Dad decides to go buy his other son ice cream.
So Sung-jae doesn’t hurt Dad, who remains oblivious to how close he was to danger. Sung-jae fights tears as he drives, and looks genuinely shocked when he runs over something in the road. He gets out and sees Eun-hee lying in the street unconscious, and at first he seems upset—but that turns to calm as he returns to the car, his face impassive. And as though hitting her wasn’t bad enough, he drives right over her legs as he leaves the scene.
Soon-ae, who’d been preparing a late-night snack to give to Sung-jae, happens by just as he’s driving away. She calls for an ambulance right away, then jots down the last four digits of the license plate. But she makes the fatal mistake of calling Sung-jae to ask for his help, telling him what she saw and the digits she remembers. That’s when she looks outside to his parked car, its license plate in clear view.
She tries to hide her sudden distress but she’s not very good at it, and Sung-jae follows her as she leaves in a hurry. She runs through the neighborhood and slips out of sight, but as she fumbles with her phone, in her distraction she doesn’t notice him until he’s right in front of her.
The next thing we know, she’s bound and gagged in his car as he drives her somewhere. As surreptitiously as she can, Soon-ae dials a number on her phone, and when the voicemail starts recording, she inputs the license plate number. Her last message to Dad.
Arriving at an out-of-the-way building, Sung-jae proceeds to calmly drown Soon-ae in a bathtub. Gahhhh, his coldness is chilling. Next he tosses her off a bridge, and her corpse is discovered the next day.
In the present, Soon-ae arrives at Unni’s home, telling her she’s remembered how she died. Unni holds her tight as she cries, then hears her story and warns Soon-ae of the danger now that Sung-jae has seen her—there’s no way he won’t try to go after her.
He happens upon Soon-ae’s father in the street, who’s carrying home a hefty amount of takeout food. Dad explains that he has a guest, and Sung-jae files this information away.
Soon-ae had instructed Bong-sun to tell Sun-woo about the license plate, so she calls and asks to see him. He heads over right away, so she waits outside Dad’s restaurant, where someone comes up behind her and claps a hand over her mouth.
Sun-woo arrives wondering why Bong-sun isn’t picking up her phone, then sees the sneaker on the ground in front of the building. Unease growing, he heads over to Unni’s house, interrupting her prayer requesting the strength to fight the evil spirit.
Sun-woo says Bong-sun has disappeared, and Unni and Soon-ae both realize who’s responsible. Unni fills Sun-woo in on everything we know, including Sung-jae’s role in the hit-and-run accident.
Unable to get Sung-jae on the phone, Eun-hee worries at home. She recalls waking up in the middle of the night recently just as Sung-jae was hiding the diary in his secret suitcase, and now she asks her mother to fetch the suitcase. The strange items inside have them confused and a little alarmed, particularly Soon-ae’s broken cell phone and the dead cop’s wallet.
Sun-woo arrives and acts casual as he covers for Sung-jae, saying that he’s working late and that the suitcase must be evidence from his cases. It’s likely to keep Eun-hee from freaking out, since she looks on the verge of a panic attack, and he joins the police in their search to track down Sung-jae.
But a location trace just takes them to an empty room where Sung-jae has left his cell phone, and Bong-sun is nowhere in sight. She is, at the moment, stowed in the trunk of a taxi, with Sung-jae riding in the backseat.
The next day is a low-traffic one at the restaurant, and sous chef Min-soo is thoroughly enjoying being the most senior cook in the kitchen. His sunbae drops by for lunch and Min-soo makes it a point to act like the boss, ordering everyone around.
But then, a twist! Min-soo’s sunbae recognizes assistant cook Dong-chul—the tough-looking one who’s been lying about his age because he’s a latecomer in the field. He’s been pretending he’s way younger and just looks old, gritting his teeth when Min-soo talks down to him. But now Min-soo’s sunbae calls Dong-chul his sunbae—and since they’re all from the same high school, this totally rearranges the hierarchy. Min-soo is now the maknae, while Dong-chul assumes the hyung position.
Unni attempts to get a read on Sung-jae’s whereabouts, as Sun-woo and Soon-ae wait anxiously. She gets a few vague clues, such as a proximity to Seoul and the sound of many children.
He’s at the orphanage where he grew up, playing soccer with the children. He’s supported the orphanage over the years, although not entirely altruistically: The car he donated a few years ago is the one he hit Eun-hee with, which bears the telltale license plates.
The director has offered him to stay in an unused building for the time being, which serves as a convenient place to stash Bong-sun. He keeps her gagged and tells her he won’t do anything to her right away: “That would be no fun.”
She looks fearfully at the little boy huddled in the room—a ghost, who flees with a gasp when Sung-jae looks at him. He draws the curtains on her and leaves, keeping her hidden in the dark.
Bong-sun tries to think of a way out of this fix, but she doesn’t know where she is. She vaguely catches a familiar scent in the air, recalling from her cooking lessons that it’s rosemary. Ah, that’s because right next to the orphanage is an herb farm.
Sun-woo has no luck persuading the cops to intensify the search or target children-dense places like schools, since they argue that they’re already doing what they can and are stretched thin. Plus, they can hardly take the word of a psychic as their only basis for investigating. So there’s nothing to be done but go out there alone, hitting up every school or day care, asking after Bong-sun.
Meanwhile, Soon-ae finds her ghost frenemy eating funeral food with other spirits, and asks for help. Ah, well that’s smart to spread your resources, and the frenemy happens upon that orphanage as Sung-jae is leaving it. She’s surprised when the human sees her, and his energy unnerves her enough that she leaves right away.
Unni prays again for the power to catch this evil ghost, and this time, she gets an answer. The lights flicker dark, and she thanks the gods for granting her this request.
Soon-ae worries for Bong-sun’s condition and says guiltily that she should have been the one to get caught instead. That’s when Frenemy Ghost finds her and lets her know that she’s found no trace of that girl anywhere, and only ran into some guy “with incredibly strong ki” who could see ghosts. Hearing his description rings a bell.
ung-jae returns to check on Bong-sun, and she begs him to think of his wife and surrender himself. Mention of Eun-hee just makes him scream at her to shut up, and he starts to squeeze her throat in a rage. Thankfully the orphanage director calls out for him, and Sung-jae quickly gags her and steps aside.
The little boy ghost returns to the room, and she tries to communicate to him, asking him to kick the phone over to her. He manages to move it after a few tries, and Bong-sun struggles to make a call. She gets through to Sun-woo, and despite her being unable to say anything, he guesses right away that it’s her, and that she can’t talk for some reason. He tells her to text him her location, and waits anxiously for her reply.
Bong-sun struggles to type in a message, and only has time to send the word “rosemary.” She manages to fling the phone back across the room before Sung-jae returns, and although he sees the last message, he doesn’t seem suspicious of her. To him, it doesn’t mean much.
Sun-woo tries to decipher the clue, and asks his team where they source their rosemary. They name a few different suppliers in the area, and then Dong-chul recalls that Eun-hee bought her potted rosemary at an herb farm near someplace she visited with Sung-jae.
Unni calls Sun-woo with Frenemy’s tip about seeing a ghost-seer at an orphanage, and that provides enough clues for Sun-woo to guess it was Sung-jae’s old orphanage. He calls in the report to the police and heads over immediately, and across town Unni (and Soon-ae) grab a taxi for the same place.
Eun-hee can’t shake her feeling that there’s more Sung-jae’s absence than she’s being told, and cries in worry. He calls from a pay phone and assures her that nothing’s wrong, and that he’s just out to think things over. She doesn’t believe that’s all there is, but tells him that whatever’s going on, she’s on his side: “Because I trust you. You’re a good person.”
That rattles him, and he hangs up on her. He drives back to the orphanage in his old hit-and-run car, but sees the police cars that pull up ahead of him and redirects his route, managing to remain unseen as he drops by the other building where he’s holding Bong-sun.
Sun-woo arrives with the police, and he sees Sung-jae speeding off and recognizes the plate numbers. He drives off in hot pursuit, and Unni’s taxi arrives in time to see and join the chase.
Bong-sun has been tossed into Sung-jae’s backseat and surreptitiously works on untying her ropes while Sung-jae’s distracted driving. She gets her feet loose first, then grabs a knife in her bound hands—and sticks it into Sung-jae’s abdomen.
Sung-jae’s car swerves into the wrong lane, then screeches to a stop right in the middle of the busy highway. Bong-sun runs out of the car moments before Sung-jae screeches off again, and Sun-woo runs out of his car to collect her. She bursts into tears while he consoles her, and then Unni’s taxi arrives and Soon-ae rushes to her side too, apologizing.
Unni hears that Sung-jae got away and asks to borrow Sun-woo’s car, determined to put a stop to him. She drives madly enough to unnerve Soon-ae (Unni: “What kind of ghost has that much fear?”) but doesn’t let up, keeping up the pursuit.
They pull over when they find Sung-jae’s car parked at the side of the road, and his blood provides a trail.
That night, Sun-woo watches over Bong-sun as she sleeps, thanking her for returning safely. He lays down next to her, patting her comfortingly when her sleep turns fitful, staying there for a good long while.
Unni and Soon-ae follow the dark road until they come to a dam, where Unni senses a dark energy. Sung-jae staggers his way up a dark staircase, just a little bit ahead of them.
Eun-hee drops the wedding photo she’d been holding in her sleep, and the glass shatters. Symbolism!
Unni and Soon-ae arrive at the top of the stairs, which takes them out into the open, and Sung-jae rushes at them with a roar. Soon-ae shoves Unni out of harm’s way, and when he rushes at Soon-ae, Unni throws beans, used for exorcism, at Sung-jae.
They knock him down, and the evil spirit bursts out of the body, ghastly and repulsive. Unni chants a string of incantations at it, and a freed Sung-jae stares in shock at the thing growling at him.
All of a sudden, Eun-hee’s loving words come at him in a wave as he recalls the happy moments in their marriage. He wasn’t entirely dormant, it seems, and he recalls the better parts of his life, including Soon-ae when she’d been alive, looking after him in her adoring way.
The evil spirit cackles and approaches him again, then dives into the body to reclaim him. It makes the body writhe and choke, and Sung-jae struggles with himself—he seems to be resisting, or at least in pain.
Getting to his feet, he sends a long plaintive look at Soon-ae and Unni. Then sighs, closes his eyes, and lets himself fall off the ledge.
He lands with a thud on the ground below, blood pooling around his head.
That’s a terrible way to go, but it’s one way to give Sung-jae a shred of humanity without fully redeeming him, which would be difficult to do at this point. I was always most curious about the rules of Sung-jae’s possession, because he seemed different from the other examples we’ve seen in the show. I don’t think his is inconsistent with the established logic of this world, but I’m finding it requires a bit of a mental workout to figure out how it all works. For one, Bong-sun and the other hosts appeared to have no memory of the times they’d been possessed, so how is it that Sung-jae seemed to be aware?
For me, the crucial detail was when Unni said that the longer an evil ghost possesses a human, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between the two. Because he’d been inhabited for years, I’m interpreting that to mean the ghost had, for all intents and purposes, made himself at home and melded with Sung-jae. We saw that Sung-jae had a dark streak prior to meeting the ghost, though one could argue that he hadn’t succumbed to those evil urges, much like the adult Sung-jae refrained from hurting his adoptive father. Just as Soon-ae was a particularly good “fit” for Bong-sun, I can see how the evil ghost felt right at home in Sung-jae, and once he’d settled into that host, he started to take over.
What confused me previously about Sung-jae was that sometimes he did seem conflicted, or almost sympathetic, and I couldn’t figure out how to reconcile that with the moments where he displayed unmitigated evil. I don’t know if Sung-jae realized that he was literally possessed, but I’m going to presume he could feel that sometimes he wasn’t himself, and that sometimes he was. And maybe he felt bad from time to time, but that evil ghost was always stronger and managed to keep Sung-jae’s better nature subdued.
So his death hits me as moving and meaningful, but not necessarily tragic, because how do you save him? It’s sad that the best thing that the real Sung-jae could do was to kill himself to take power away from the ghost, but as we’ve been told, Sung-jae’s destiny was to be alone, and maybe he just got to the end of his fate.
For a penultimate episode I would have preferred more character development and relationship moments, because as tense as the episode was, it wasn’t really big on surprises (since we knew everything already) or narrative movement. I did love seeing Unni step it up and be a badass, and ot was touching to see Soon-ae feeling responsible for the danger she’d put Bong-sun in, to the point where I wonder if she’d put Bong-sun ahead of herself. That’s a lovely bit of growth, though it’s not really explicit in the episode; that’s what I want the drama to wrap up tomorrow.
When finales are mostly driven by external conflict, I often feel dissatisfied that we didn’t get enough time to resolve our character stuff, so if there’s a silver lining it’s that we have one more episode left, and maybe tomorrow will be the day that’ll tie the emotional loose ends and give us our satisfying resolution. I’m not quite ready to say goodbye yet, but like our characters, those are the ones that pack the emotional wallops. And on the upside, our evil is vanquished (…ish—the ghost’s not really gone, is he?), so does that mean we have lots of extra time for hugs and kisses?
- Seo In-gook puts in a cameo appearance for Oh My Ghostess
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 14
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 13
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 12
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 11
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 10
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 9
- Dramabeans Podcast #29
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 8
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 7
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 6
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 5
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 4
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 3
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 2
- Oh My Ghostess: Episode 1
Tags: featured, Jo Jung-seok, Kim Seul-gi, Oh My Ghostess, Park Bo-young
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1 Ivoire
August 21, 2015 at 8:03 PM
SUSPENSEFUL! Was what came to my mind, after watching this ep. I loved everything about it, except for the weird editing, when they went from one scene (I can’t remember which one right now), to MS being in the kitchen, bossing the other sous-chefs (or giving them a hard time). That scene came out of nowhere, and for a moment, I wondered if the site I was watching the ep. on, had fast forwarded the ep. by itself. It felt jarring to see that scene. Other than that, this ep. kept me on the edge on my seat the whole time.
I loved how well things flowed in this ep. (except for that one incident I mentioned above). I am still so impressed by IJH, how well he played SJ. He really did scary so well, and yet he was also so nuanced in his acting. And then two scenes stood out for me (with SJ/IJH): 1-when he was in his car, crying, after leaving his dad’s place (I was glad to see that he didn’t kill him, after all) and how shocked he seemed, to have hit EH. He also seemed remorseful. However, that lasted only a few seconds, until the evil spirit came back into SJ’s body. IJH was great at letting us (the viewers) see that quick change, I loved it. 2-The other time was when he was on the roof, in the country side with Shaman Unni and SA. As he was sitting there, he remembered the good moments in his life, and he almost looked like he was having a few regrets (or was that melancholy? I can’t name the look he had on his face). And then when the evil spirit came back into him, he changed again. That was great.
I feel bad for EH, it is going to be sad when she finds out that SJ died. I am glad that MW didn’t tell her anything about SJ’s real activities. Did MW take the suitcase (full of the other victims’ things) with him? I was curious about that. That would be evidence, for the police.
I also enjoyed (tremendously), the scene with MS, his sunbae, and DC. I thought it was funny how MS reenacted the scene MW had, when his former classmates came to eat, only for MS to be later put down by his sunbae, and by DC. I LOVED how they kept making him bow, and bow lower. That was hilarious, satisfying and MS deserved that treatment. I did not see that coming, and neither did MS, I am sure. I also loved Shaman Unni (and SA) in this ep., how determined they were to get SJ. And I never thought I would be cheering for ghosts, but I LOVED it, when SA asked them to help, and they complied (even the one girl who complained about SA). That was very cool!
Kudos to BS for always thinking about how to escape, and coming up with the rosemary hint, and later on stabbing SJ. I also loved that she remembered to push her phone away, so SJ would not suspect anything. I thought he caught on, when he looked at the phone. I really thought for a moment that he had noticed that she had sent a text. And I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that he didn’t. This ep. made so full, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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August 21, 2015 at 8:14 PM
Also, I was surprised to see that KM actually got along well with his dad (in the flashback), and that he was deeply hurt and upset by his sister’s death. He seems so aloof most of the time, it is hard to know or think that he cares (or cared) about his family members. He looked like he actually loved them. And @ GB unni, and @ Chesens, thank you for answering my questions in ep.14 recap. I only read them today (sad face), and I appreciate how thorough you were.
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August 21, 2015 at 8:50 PM
Hi Ivoire
You're welcome!
From episodes ago, I was already anticipating sadly the distress that Eun Hee would go through. This is maybe a little bit less terrible if she comes to realise that the man who ran her down was not always evil and that her last words to him may have helped him decide to choose to end the power of that evil spirit.
We are not told why he married her, but I'd like to think that somehow, the true Sung Jae wanted to make up for what he did when the evil spirit was in him.
Emotionally this episode hardly let up. I was on tenterhooks the whole time watching it. It was a welcome relief (from the stress!!! LOL!) and sooooo satisfying seeing Min Soo being put in his place. He actually annoyed me no end (I hardly recognised him in High School King of Savvy) and I wished the other chefs had tempered his ill placed self-conceit and over-lording arrogance episodes ago.
So this was more a Sung Jae episode in the end with nice touches of the other ghosts responding to a plea to help living people. We are not given enough to know if Sung Jae could ever have had a chance to reclaim his humanity earlier, if he ever had choices he could have made. It is sad to know that his life was so tainted by unloving adopted parents and evil, so that his only way out was to kill himself.
Well I don't expect the unexpected in the last episode, but I trust that it will be a good wrap up with enough resolutions for all especialy Eun Hee, Soon Ae's family and of course Chef and Bong Sun.
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August 21, 2015 at 10:48 PM
Who is MW?
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August 22, 2015 at 1:30 AM
LOL! I believe Ivoire means SW = Sun Woo. (Min Soo plus Sun Woo = Min Woo = MW.... LOLOL!). Happens to me too.
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August 22, 2015 at 11:38 AM
Dear Ms. Ivoire, how are you?.
I will try to answer your post in episode 14, Nº 3.1 about SW's zero tolerancy to the new employee: it's an attitude problem.
You see, romance apart, Bong-Sun always was a hard worker lacking in finesse and with several ailments that kept her from doing a better job (as in falling asleep while taking care of a sauce). But her attitude towards work was important. Anyone in that kitchen saw her struggling (and almost drowning) but trying to do her best, so she had the attitude to improve herself.
The beautiful lady, on the other hand, had none of these attributes so she couln't be coached since she didn't want to improve: some other person could do her work for her just for the possibility to date her.
Of course, this is just my opinion.
Happy to read you,
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2 heyitschristina
August 21, 2015 at 8:08 PM
That evil spirit is gonna give me nightmares ? ugh I had a feeling I would feel a tiny bit sorry for Sung-jae, makes you wonder if his adoptive parents were just kind to him jmaybe he wouldn't have been more susceptible to getting possessed
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August 22, 2015 at 5:43 AM
Yeah, right?? That was one freaky thing coming out of SJ. I thought it was much more nightmarish than how ghost (even evil ones) are usually portrayed in Kdramas. All the stuff in Master's Sun was pretty cartoonish IMO but that thing in SJ gave me a proper scare when it appeared!! Awesome.
I really do feel for SJ, maybe his personality/psychopathy was originaly more on the dark side but his upbringing might have tempered that if he had a happier one. It's a shame that they didn't explore it more but only give us a 'blink and you'll miss it' snippet. A shame he had to die but I couldn't see anyway around it... unlikely the legal system gonna by the 'but I was possessed by an evil spirt' line.
It has left me confused as to how much SJ was aware of his actions? He seems genuinely shocked when the ghost exited and genuinely horrified when thinking back to those people he's wronged. It doesn't look like he can see the evil ghost when it's about to re-enter his body so does he actually know he was possessed? But he sees SA and Unni in the end right? Because the thing was back in him but not controlling him?
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August 22, 2015 at 6:44 AM
I have felt for some time that this show would have benefited (in terms of quality) if it had given more time to more backstories and character development. Even the development of ghosts and evil spirits. Since this is a show about ghosts and possession, I felt it quite remiss that we never got to know more details of how the ghost world works. We had to guess our way into trying to understand things not explained to us (plots holes).
The little we received was given in an off the cuff comment or advice from shaman unni, but we found that instances of ghostly possession could happen counter to what she said as well (as in if Soon Ae found a perfect fit she would never be able to eject herself from the host).
Since Sung Jae's decisions and actions, with and without the evil spirit, are actually important contributions to the plot and conflict, he should have been given more chances to show us, who he is, was and could be. How far he was himself (unlike Bong Sun with Soon Ae in her) or how far he did not have control, memory or choices. As it was, we must commend Im Joo Hwan for being able to portray as much humanity/evil and personality as he did with the little that was given to him. :)
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August 22, 2015 at 8:24 AM
Totally agree. Im Joo Hwan rocks. Loved him since I saw him in Frozen Flower.
It took him, what? 3 minutes? at the end of episode 15, to change me from wishing SJ dead for at least 10 episodes to tearful mourning his sad fate and suicide. That's what I call excellent acting...
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August 22, 2015 at 11:26 AM
I agree, I had to watch that last part a few times, because of the expression on his face!
August 22, 2015 at 5:53 PM
Agreed, GB.
My impression from other people is that this kind of how the writer works. She (he?) has a solid story idea and good general idea of where s/he wants the story to go, but doesn't do the best job in fleshing things out. So, there are a lot of convenient things that happen, which add up.
It's still better than a lot of other writers out there, but yeah, this writer doesn't seem the best when working with the small details of things.
The impression I got was that since it was an "evil spirit" that both the host and the spirit were in control and could retain both sets of memories? Instead of the "regular possession" where the host doesn't remember anything.
It's still a little too vague and not completely fleshed out to really make sense, but it's just a thing the writer needs to improve on in the future.
Oh yeah, and again, love the work that Im Joo Hwan does. Been a fan since Tamna and loved his work in Ugly Alert and here too.
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August 23, 2015 at 1:14 AM
Thanks for the info on the writer. I haven't but I should start keeping tabs on writers and maybe follow their work. It sounds like a bit more 'work' than leisure though, so I haven't done this yet... LOL! But I must keep what you say in mind. :)
August 30, 2015 at 3:25 AM
I think, before he was just a kid wishing for his adoptive parents Love and attention. That turned into anger and jealousy, making him try bothering his lil bro. His resentment burst when he saw his father again at the check post, making him try killing him.
I also believe that he IS a good human, just that normal kid's emotions were strong in him. That day when Eun-hee's accident happened, he was not possessed. As we've seen from the previous flash backs, he's surrounded by evil spirits, as Bong-Sun's by ghosts. Both are weak, one by resentment + bad love + fear, one by weak will.
If we watch closely, we can see that, after he runs over Eun-hee the first time, he stops, it was genuinely an accident. And then, at that moment, his fear making him open to the evil spirit and then he becomes cold.
Also, In his last moments, he was not remembering the memories from the times when the evil spirit had taken over,judt those GENUINE moments he had with the family - Eun-hee's last words, her trust made him conscious for a sec - his eyes are proof, those family moments when he just ate too much of bread when Sun-woo was there, and more - all are the points of his life, where his original self shined - his true self, they cam back.
That's why I felt so bad when he decided to die like that. I understood, but still sad. If you take him minus the evil spirit, he was not all bad, just needed someone near him to tell him that he's good and he's loved. Just like the medium unni was to Soon-Ae. If he'd just met Eun-hee before that.. :-(
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August 30, 2015 at 4:04 AM
I guess, he met Eun-hee AFTER that...YAY! :-)
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August 21, 2015 at 8:12 PM
i can't believe this drama is so close to ending now! :( what will i watch next?
thanks for the recap btw!
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4 JournoGirl
August 21, 2015 at 8:16 PM
Sung Jae (Im Joo Hwan) really sold that repossession bit at the end. The movements were so unnatural. He's a great actor. Maybe he can lead another rom com next. Tamra the Island is still my jam.
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August 22, 2015 at 2:28 AM
I have to agree with you that Tamra still is on my favourite list. Have you watched The Technicians/The Con Artist with Kim Woo Bin? He's really good as the villain there as well.
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August 22, 2015 at 2:26 PM
I watched Tamra at the behest of kdrama viewers lol. I think Im Joo Hwan was seriously the best thing about that show. He's such a solid actor!
He really impressed me on this show as well. I wish he'd been given more to work with though because all he really got was repetitive scenes of him being a "creeper" when there could have been so much more.
Had they hinted at the dichotomy between Sung Jae and his evil ghost more, it wouldn't have left so many questions at the end. Because now I just want a full episode where we delve into Sung Jae and what his life was like. Like what was real SJ and what was possessed SJ? How much was he able to remember? Has he been fighting this ghost or just sitting aware that he lost large blanks spaces of time around the time people in his life died? How much has he been able to process? Or was the ghost suppressing him whenever he got too close to the truth. What was EH to SJ? To the ghost?
Argh! I did like how fast paced this episode was but it definitely needed a supporting half hour to really explore SJ.
IJH would have knocked it out of the park! He already took like 3 minutes of screen time and stole the whole episode!!
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5 haydee
August 21, 2015 at 8:21 PM
I don't like this episode. I dont know why. Maybe, because the usual running around in catching a criminal. So generic.
And your right DB, it is soooo dark.
The romance part is below par form the previous episodes. I need more from BS and SW.
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Jon G.
August 22, 2015 at 1:35 AM
The whole show has tendencies to be a bit disconnected at times. The comic relief scenes with the sous-chef have absolutely no connection with anything else. In this episode, they borderline mood whiplash. (Other comic relief subplots seem to be inconsequentially dropped, like the shaman and Chef's mother. The only contribution from that was a little bit of work ethic dilemma for the shaman.)
However, for the "criminal" subplot, I really liked this episode. Yes, it was a lot of running around, but I personally felt much more intrigued by this "case" than by many others in more crime-oriented shows. Because it still managed to be character-aware instead of just suspense-driven.
Usually, there are two types of "catch-the criminal" sequences:
(a) super-genius gambit pile-ups
(b) plot-less action sequences
Here, the writer still knows that she is not writing an action or crime show. She passes the opportunity to squeeze out over-the-top suspense or action.
Instead, the writer tries to find a scenario that makes use of the individual traits of the characters but still has a somewhat natural flow to it.
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August 22, 2015 at 6:00 PM
Agreed, Jon.
I wonder if the problem is the director/editor?
He has a good eye for what he wants, but then seems to put them together in ways that are sometimes incongruous.
Loved the flow of how Soon Ae was able to marshall her ghost friends and Bong Sun was able to stay sharp and not just be a damsel in distress in the chase, though how she got kidnapped was kind of lame.
I agree that the writer does know s/he's not writing an action/crime thriller. I still wish s/he would pay attention to the little details like how ghost possession works, why would Bong Sun be so stupid as to be out and about when she knows that Sung Jae was a problem (confirmed by Soon Ae!).
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6 sogazelle
August 21, 2015 at 8:26 PM
Im Joo Hwan...oh wow...wow wow ...what a fine actor....He actually made me cry!!!
I have become sort of desensitized after watching so many dramas, and crying for a killer???? what!!!! even though I knew that he was possessed by an evil spirit?... No way...
but IJH acting was so mindblowing on that rooftop scene that I started bowling my eyes off without realizing it and I just have to give a bow to this actor for his amazing talent!
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August 21, 2015 at 8:36 PM
if you want to cry for more killers try out I Remember You..if you haven't already.. :) btw totally agree Im Joo Hwan was amazing especially in this ep..had my crying too!! All I could do was stare at his body on the ground in the last scene feeling just awful and so sad for him..gah. And his stare at Soonae right before he let himself fall..omg. sooooo many feels from that. wow.
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August 21, 2015 at 9:55 PM
Yeah, this is who we are now,we sympathise with villans,i don't know how they are doing it but they keep pulling at the heartstrings. Min really pulled them tight though. I didnt even want him to go to jail,i just wanted him to be loved, adored and act cute with his brother. I have to remind myself he killed so many.same goes for Queen of ambition which i recently watched, i cried hard for that terrible human being she was too pitiful.stop it dramas i want to not be confused and cry for the good guys like before.
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August 22, 2015 at 1:29 AM
Yeah.. So sad the writer had to kill him. It might be best for him. But somehow i think why couldn't they (the writer) give him second chance, poor him... all his life was soo dark, at least Eun hee really loved him. Can we save him with Eun hee's love and make him a better person... Hiks...
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7 Gaelicmaiden
August 21, 2015 at 8:31 PM
Thank you very much for the recap!
May I just say how kickass the women in this episode were? From Unni's Fast and Furious driving, to Soo Ae getting information (yay for a reappearance of the ghost frenemy!), to Bong Sun's resourcefulness and quick thinking, despite being terrified. So awesome, all of them.
And yes, I do hope next ep has more hugs and kisses. I definitely think there should be at least one good one between Sun Woo and Bong Sun. After all, they haven't had a real one, yet! Or at least, one where Bong Sun didn't come in at the tail end of it.
Sniff. I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye to this show, yet.
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8 Lizzie
August 21, 2015 at 8:32 PM
I love love LOVE this ep! I know it was different but really for me I have understood this show to be about Soonae and her grudge which misinterpreted got her into that chep/bongsun triangle..and the effects that had on herself and the other two, helping them grow as individuals and closer together..so I am all for these final episodes dealing with Soonae's grudge and those close to her..not that I do not want to see sweet moments from bongsun and chef.. I am hoping for a finale that drags me through the feellllsss..I am so not ready for Soonae to pass on.. I really want them to make me cry like a baby. Show you can do it!!! ;))
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9 blo
August 21, 2015 at 8:34 PM
This episode was okay. A lot went on but I wasn't particularly impacted by the death of Sung-jae. He's not someone I ever grew to care about, although I did appreciate he had that brief moment of flashbacks. Neither did I find much interest in the whole kidnap and rescue scenario. I agree. I am glad that the final episode can be devoted to the different relationships. Not just for SW and BS, but also for SA and her family. So there will be no excuse if any gets left unsettled.
I totally screamed when BS stabbed SJ while he was driving. That is a quick way to get into a head-on collision.
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August 22, 2015 at 6:05 PM
Heh, totally agree blo.
Though I think Im Joo Hwan did an awesome job portraying his humanity and the abrupt shifts with the possession.
This episode HAD to happen before we go back to the more loving and lighter stuff, hopefully.
And yes, while I admire BS's resourcefulness in trying to escape, I kept thinking that's a really good way to get into an accident when she stabbed SJ.
I had some images of SJ swerving the car after being stabbed and it falling off the side of a cliff and both SJ and BS dying in it....
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10 Lori
August 21, 2015 at 8:35 PM
Why did I cry so hard when sungjae fell? The sadness in his face right before he fell. It was just so tragic. ?
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August 22, 2015 at 12:44 AM
me too! I felt bad for him at the end. But as javabeans said, there was no other way.
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11 kit
August 21, 2015 at 8:42 PM
I liked this episode, though the tone suddenly shifted, and it seems jarring to think a couple of episodes ago, it was all about sex sex sex. I do wish there had been some changes in the middle episodes - it would have made me love the drama 100% rather than stewing in frustration over the character 'development' - but oh well.
I do applaud all the actors and actresses in this 120%.
The colours in this episode really were ... dull and so it wasn't particularly comfortable/nice to watch in some parts. But I did think after Sungjae drove over Eunhee and he checked her, the tell tale black wind swooped into him. Maybe I saw wrong, but probably not, because it's then his expression become stony and he drove over her again.
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August 21, 2015 at 10:53 PM
Yes, i saw it too. There's a black wind came into him that time. At first, he looks so confused and scared but after that dark wind came into him, his expression suddenly became cold and like "oh i don't care with this body"
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August 22, 2015 at 1:58 AM
yep i definitely saw the black wisps of the evil spirit too. he got possessed the moment he ran out of the car and started panicking about what to do. :( that made it a hell of a lot harder to not root for some kind of redemption for him. T^T
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August 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM
Yes I'm glad I'm not the only one, there was a black wisp of smoke that overcame him. It was all because the screen was too dark most of the time lol
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12 Ainos
August 21, 2015 at 8:48 PM
Thanks for the quick recap Javabeans!! This has made one of my top Kdramas. Kudos to the whole production team and actors for making it so good. It is not without its flaws but they are overshadowed by all the good parts. I can't believe we only have one more episode left. But good thing my Bias Seo In Guk makes a cameo. That should make it a sweeter ending. :)
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13 growingbeautifully
August 21, 2015 at 8:52 PM
Thank you JB for a succinct recap. It's been great reading you!
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14 curiousink
August 21, 2015 at 8:53 PM
Saw the same thing here: the evil spirit went into him and that's when he returned to his car and ran over EH.
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15 Lemon
August 21, 2015 at 9:07 PM
I dont like this episode, lots of things doesnt make sense. Like how concidentally she manage to find some weapon to stab sung-jae and the fact that sung-jae doesnt kill her immediately unlike his other victims because shes the main actress of the drama. It just ruin the drama for me on how unrealistic the ending turns out, and felt like its a typical drama ending.
Also this ep doesnt explain why sung-jae marries the sister too. :(
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August 21, 2015 at 10:56 PM
It was shown in last week's ep why he married her. Well, the real SJ, at least. It doesn't really explain, but he seemed to have fallen in love with her some time after he saved her from jumping off the balcony when she was hospitalized after the accident. Also, its SJ. It wasn't coincidence that BS found the knife in the back of the car. He probably had it there all along and was probably planning to use it on her. And he had no reason to kill her immediately since she wasn't much of a threat to him. The reason he kidnapped her and held her hostage was because she had ties to SA.
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Jon G.
August 22, 2015 at 1:17 AM
Well, he explicitly stated that he wanted to use Bong-sun as a bait for Soon-ae. It doesn't make much sense to kill your bait, does it? He should have done so after the orphanage was raided by the police, but even there, the original instinct was correct: Take her, get out of there, and then kill her. He never got away because of the car chase.
That part makes sense from an in-character perspective. There are many coincidences, like SJ coming just in time to see the police for example.
What didn't make sense to me: When SJ lost his original hostage, nobody but Bong-sun knew that he was injured and Bong-sun probably doesn't know how badly he was injured. What would be SJ's next move? Get a new hostage. Who? Well, how about his own wife? Too bad she has no idea about it and nobody, including her own brother, bothers enough to tell her anything.
About the weapon: Well, we've seen SJ before. He's not particularly subtle in where he puts his tools and evidence. Putting a bag with tools and knives under the backseat seems very credible for his character. He's not the most intelligent or cautious person in the first place, he is more of a reactive mass-murderer. He was in a rush when he fetched Bong-sun. When Bong-sun started to get rid of her bonds, he was fully occupied in the car chase. To me, while it was a bit coincidental how it worked out, it still was well within his character.
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August 22, 2015 at 6:37 AM
I dont quite understand about SJ taking his wife as hostage. BS escaped and he's injured pretty badly, his mind must be only thinking about running away. well, if he's not injured, and if this is a makjang and has a few more episodes left, i can see him going home and take EH as his leverage for escape. SJ and EH backstory will definitely be a hell of a mysterious dramatic romantic horror makjang. i'd love to watch that.
and about the weapon, i agree with what u say about it being credible to his character but watching BS and her being brave and all and keep on trying to escape, it would be more interesting and badass to see her got a weapon from her own accord, like broken glass or bits of broken wood from the cupboard or something. it goes well with the suspense too. but oh well.
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Jon G.
August 22, 2015 at 7:57 AM
(1) Nobody knows that SJ is heavily injured. Bong-sun might know, but she was busy having a well-deserved mental breakdown.
(2) Nobody knows how many episodes are still left. It's not like SW thought: "Should I call my sister that her mass-murdering husband is on the loose and maybe headed towards her? Naaa, it's the 15th episode, there's no time for that ..."
(3) Nobody knows the SJ/EH backstory from SJ's point of view. Nobody knows that SJ would probably not try to hurt EH. Heck, even I'm not really sure about that.
From SW's perspective, Bong-sun somehow got away and SJ is getting away in his car. SW knows that he lied to his sister about SJ, he clearly must have thought about that before. He might have thought that SJ was busy with Bong-sun, but now he isn't anymore and his sister is very likely in lethal danger.
Of course, from a viewer's perspective, we all know this is not going to happen, but SW has no means to know that.
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August 22, 2015 at 2:36 PM
Re: the hostage situation. I think he would have eventually drawn to that conclusion but at this point his immediate goal was to regroup somewhere abandoned. He wasn't expecting SW to chase him after he got BS and he wasn't aware that Unni and SA were following his trail.
In terms of his kill habits- yeah he's an arrogant ghost that kills on reaction. He does premeditated killing but he's not meticulous about covering his tracks. Up till now he's really relied on SJ's reputation for being overcompensatingly "nice" so that the attention is never drawn to him.
I'm a little curious if SJ's love for EH was the reason why she was the one person that the ghost never got around to being able to kill. Like with everyone else he's taken care of loose ends. But EH is his biggest loose end and he's never managed to finish her off and be done with it.
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16 Nemo
August 21, 2015 at 9:22 PM
Brace yourself guys. Seo In Guk is coming next episode
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17 SuziQ
August 21, 2015 at 9:30 PM
Good CG on the evil spirit that consumed Sung Jae. Real scary! Good thing I didn't watch it late at night....
My logic questions are..How come Bong Sun couldn't untie her ropes in the house closet, but she could untie them in the backseat of the car? Also, finding a convenient weapon to stab Sung Jae too?
I wonder how they are explain his death to his wife with all that suitcase of incriminating souvenirs of this other murders?She must be gullible.
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August 21, 2015 at 10:14 PM
I think the scene showed chains at the last that were restraining BS
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August 21, 2015 at 10:59 PM
If I remember correctly, her hand is behind her back when she was in the closet. It's harder to untie her rope because of that
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August 21, 2015 at 11:19 PM
I think, BS couldn't untie in the house closet because her hands were in the back? It's harder than when she was tied in the car because her hand were in front of her. The weapon I think that's from SJ's bag or something and BS saw what's in there. You know, BS is clever and see everything thoroughly from what I watch this entire episode.
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August 22, 2015 at 1:16 AM
Plus, what BS untied was the rope that bound her feet, not her hands. She ran out of the car with her hands still bound, until Chef untied her hands for her.
Loved it that BS while afraid, did not allow that fear to paralyse her. She could still think of ways to help herself. :-)
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August 22, 2015 at 3:13 AM
@Suzi Q
Yep just like what Audrey said, Bong Sun has her hands tied in chains to a pole sos he couldn't move them.
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August 22, 2015 at 8:26 AM
Also, SJ used a chain and a lock. He needed a key to unchain her in the room. Guess he tied her hands in a hurry before he ran off with her.
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18 klava
August 21, 2015 at 9:34 PM
After seeing the evil spirit, i need to pray before falling asleep. So dark,felt like i switched to horror without knowing who would believe if shown this episode that omg was a romcom.
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19 rhiaa
August 21, 2015 at 9:41 PM
Ah, Im Joohwan. Props, kudos, and all other informal praises I can sing. The way that his whole body changes from shock and sniveling to stoic and indifferently murderous when he found Eunhee? Amazing.
As to why he married Eunhee, I do believe he loved her. For the evil spirit, it would be easier to cover up the hit and run by just killing her, but he could not, because Sungjae did love Eunhee. This lends some credence to the thought that it was not the evil spirit controlling the human entirely, but that Sungjae was there, too. My theory is that the evil spirit took advantage of what was supposed to be an unfavorable situation to him, and married her to keep tabs on his prior crime, and then get rid of everyone and everything that could point to him as the culprit.
Thank you for the recap, javabeans! Hearts and unicorns and rainbow showers to you!
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August 21, 2015 at 9:42 PM
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August 22, 2015 at 6:49 AM
yasssss! Im Joo Hwan is just everything amazing! i really hope the last episode will give more insights of him and EH. more kisses and hugs of BS and chef are great but just writing off SJ without saying a bit more than this episode will feel a bit dry.
but Im Joo Hwan!!! that darkness and innocence and tears and his peaceful expression right before he jumped. gosh. i totally feel him when he kills himself so that he wont be controlled by the evil spirit anymore but the spirit wont just die (again) with him, right? the thought him dead but the evil can keep possessing others is just tragic. but at least he wont be suffering anymore.
IJH, i hope you keep on soaring after this drama. do well!
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August 22, 2015 at 7:57 AM
Yes, that big sigh at the end; I wonder if that was an ad lib or a direction? Either way, wonderful, wonderful! Which also just describes Im Joohwan in this episode, really. I also hope that he gets more recognition after this!
It's really tragic that he thinks that the only way to save the others from himself would be to kill himself. It's as if he believes that he won't be redeemed anymore, and he's just giving up, which is such a shame when we see the glimpses that show potential for his redemption (in an admittedly far off future).
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20 Chris
August 21, 2015 at 9:41 PM
He gets out and sees Eun-hee lying in the street unconscious, and at first he seems upset—but that turns to calm as he returns to the car, his face impassive. And as though hitting her wasn’t bad enough, he drives right over her legs as he leaves the scene.
Didn't you see the evil spirit possessing SJ when he realized he ran over a person? Then he gets panicked and maybe weak for the evil spirit take over his corpse. So the evil spirit ran over her again.
This explains WHY SJ would go after EH in the hospital - maybe there he was himself, not possessed, feeling guilty for the hit and run and trying to make up for hurting EH.
Imo the evil spirit is always by his side, and sometimes takes over his body, other times he gets out and SJ remembers (?)
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21 whatsthescenario
August 21, 2015 at 9:42 PM
OH MY GAWD!!!! This epi was just creepy and scary AF!!!! (sorry, but I've rarely been so scared in a kdrama). The whole evil spirit thing was just a bit much on a Friday night around midnight. hahahaha. WOAH!
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August 21, 2015 at 9:58 PM
I get you.let's pray.
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August 21, 2015 at 11:33 PM
Lol I feel you! I literally finished the episode around 11:30/12:00 at night and had to wait a bit for the effects of it to wear off O.O
Yes let's pray!
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22 panshel
August 21, 2015 at 9:42 PM
I knew he would throw himself off the roof, but does that kill the evil spirit? If the host dies, the ghost dies? I was expecting Unni to do more to get rid of it and certainly not let it go back inside of Sung Jae. This whole thing gave me Harry Potter flashbacks -- Unni chanting Wingardium Leviosa and out pops a Dementor who turns into Voldemort. I was surprised he couldn't choke Soon Ae, since I figured if ghosts are able to touch animate objects, evil ghosts should be able to touch inanimate objects. Besides, Unni can touch Soon Ae.
Soon Ae called Bong Sun during the day, but Bong Sun didn't call Sun Woo until nighttime? Then idiotically waited for him outside like he told her not to? Where was Dad, and why weren't Dad and Kyung Mo worried she had not come home? I commend Bong Sun for stabbing Sung Jae and escaping from the car In. The. Middle. Of. The. Highway., but man, she could have died in a car crash even before Sung Jae kills her. Another shining example of incompetent cops. Both Sun Woo and Unni's taxi peeled away from the orphanage, yet nobody turned around to look or realized the suspect had drove away.
I so wished Joon and the assistant chefs pressed Sun Woo for more information until he confessed Bong Sun was kidnapped. They're family, for goodness' sake. I wanted to see them instantly abandon the restaurant to search for their Bong. I loved how all of the ghosts banded together to help. Loyalty transcends death. The little boy ghost was so cute kicking her phone to her. Finally Min Soo gets knocked down a peg.
I'm glad today focused on Soon Ae as Kim Seul Gi, and I can already see a waterfall of tears in the final episode when she has to leave. Now that the mystery surrounding her death has been solved, we need closure on the "mystery" of whom Sun Woo likes (both). A big thanks for the recap, javabeans!
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23 Funfair
August 21, 2015 at 9:57 PM
1. I am still stuck on Grandma ...Major Shama for years did not have a vision that her only relative - granddaughter was kidnapped, tied up for days with a demonic bad spirit ...hmmmm. Why was her character introduced????
2. Brother finds out that Eun-hee's husband runs over his sister - crippling a professional dancer - and he still trys to protect her image of her husband????
3. He finds the suitcase full of evidence that brother-in-law is without a shadow-of-doubt the killer, pscho, hit-and-run driver...and he doesn't clue his family in (Mom nor Sister) ...at the very least ...warn them not to let him back in the house.
4. I love Chief but the rescue scene with picking her up and collapsing on a busy two-way- street ...initially in front of his jeep ...I forget for a moment this is drama...but I was thinking that they are going to get hit by ongoing traffic ....really...can someone see a couple sitting in front of his 4-by-4????
I was moved and conflicted about psycho's backstory and I'm glad that the writer did not allow him to kill his adopted Dad. I admit - for me that humanized him a lot.
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August 21, 2015 at 11:30 PM
1. It's where Bong-sun got her ability to see ghosts, that's her whole point.
2. That wasn't protecting his image, that was protecting Eun-hee. She looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown, telling her wouldn't have accomplished anything.
3. I don't think he thought Sung-jae would be coming home. I suppose he could have told him mom, but would you trust her to keep quiet and not freak Eun-hee out? I wouldn't.
4. People in K-dramas hang out in the middle of bust roads all the time, they practically live there.
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August 22, 2015 at 1:36 AM
Hey.. Nice answer. They practically live there.. Kekeke
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August 22, 2015 at 1:58 AM
+ 1 ? @ Sajen
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24 Audrey
August 21, 2015 at 10:12 PM
Okay, I'm going to try this again--- dumb site refreshed itself from an error before I got to send what, to me, is a very important idea. Sun-jae (IJH) totally killed this scene (no pun intended) and all without words. Given that sometimes he seemed himself and sometimes was definitely possessed, his character was following the "rules" of possession as already set forth with BS and SA---if they did not communicate one to the other, what had happened when they switched out, they were left in the dark about the occurrences when they were absent. In SJ's case, his awareness was always fragmented about the goings-on of his alter-ego, the Bad Dude. Again, sometimes he was himself, then not, but previously there was no recognition, no understanding of what was actually happening with him. In this last scene he finally grasped the enormity of his split-life and what it meant to him as a person and the people he cared about and who cared about him. The flashbacks were important for him to realize what mattered most to him, what gave him humanity---and were so very vital, because it gave him the strength, at the end, to do the only thing he could do to save the remnants of himself, by denying the demon the chance to ever use him again. Extreme pathos and outstanding valor, at the end. And all conveyed, without words---so bloody awesome and so very real. Please watch that final scene again--- and see what IJH really meant and felt.
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August 22, 2015 at 12:35 AM
Having said all the above, I do have to admit to a moment's trepidation about that last blank look on SJ 's face---just before he dropped over to crash to his death. Yes. I think horrid demon is still around---and I somehow expect him to surface, and try to use SA, to tempt her--- to bribe her with life with Chef, and a continued existence on this earthly plane. If this does happen in the last episode (and I would be surprised if it doesn't), it still doesn't take away from the sacrifice that SJ knowingly made in his last moments. From the brief previews, we already know BS will offer herself for possession by SA one last time, for a likely farewell to Chef, but I actually foresee one last battle for possession, in which Sun-ae fights the demon and wins, because she understands and values the love between Sun-woo and Bong-sun and because she loves them both. I guess we'll see tomorrow night how the last chapter plays out, but I don't think it will play out as simply sweet and saccharine as most folks are thinking; the demon is still out there and, I believe, will make a last-ditch stand to try and win.
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August 22, 2015 at 2:26 AM
Got a dumb question---how did SJ get BS in the trunk of a taxi and no one the wiser? I will forgive this based on what followed; but really?
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August 22, 2015 at 3:16 AM
@ Audrey
Yea I was wondering how he fit her into the back of the trunk too. Maybe he shoved her into a suitcase and lifted her into the trunk since she's "pea-sized". Guess it's a small plot hole we'll have to ignore for now.
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August 22, 2015 at 10:43 AM
Yes, was wondering the same thing. Being pea-sized, Bong Sun can fit, but for SJ to do it without taxi driver noticing something strange. Unless he had evil effects on the taxi driver, or taxi driver is oblivious.
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25 kikidee
August 21, 2015 at 10:26 PM
side note: He doesn't just turn to calm when he ran over Eun Hee, that was the weakness opportunity the evil spirit needed to take over. The little black cloud swoops in and suddenly he was calm...then ran over her again just to be a dick.
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26 halfmoon
August 21, 2015 at 10:43 PM
I'm super impressed by the actor playing SJ.
Great acting!
The little boy ghost was super cute.
And could we have a final kiss from start to finish between BS and Chef ? I don't think there was ever one so far.
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27 earthna
August 21, 2015 at 10:43 PM
I watched this in the morning, cried so much, and now at 10:40 PM, my eyes still hurt. So far, so good. One more episode, writer-nim. Please, please, please!
I just had this thought. It would be nice if Sunwoo takes Kyung Mo as an apprentice and teach him how to cook. Then, he can salvage the restaurant and finally have a job while also helping Dad. That would be so cute. :3
Ugh, I have work tomorrow for 8 hours and I don't want to watch this in the morning or I'd have a really swollen face when I get to work. Whatever we'll get tomorrow, I'm sure I;d be crying lots. Thanks for the recaps, javabeans!
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28 Michelle
August 21, 2015 at 10:45 PM
You forgot to mention that while SJ was distraught at accidentally hitting Eunhee, he was possessed by the evil spirit again. Because if you noticed closely in that scene, there was a misty black cloud that lingered around him before it went inside him, which then made him apathetic to what he just did.
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August 21, 2015 at 11:23 PM
Yes! I noticed that too!! :D
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August 22, 2015 at 6:04 AM
I wonder if it is the same evil spirit that's following him through life and waiting for opportunities when he is at his weakest, i.e after he got beaten as a teenager, when he hit Eun Hee, or completely different spirits? If that thing has already taken possession of him as a teenager (ep. 9), I can't see it leaving, so why the black swirl after the car accident?
If the spirit was taking him over periodically, surely by reasoning of how SA takes over BS body, SJ would have noticed blackouts. If the spirit was in him permanently, there shouldn't have been any doubt when he planned to assault/kill his adopted father.
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29 earthna
August 21, 2015 at 10:47 PM
Oh! And the evil spirit was so well made. Reminds me of the spirit of the level 4 akuma in D.Gray Man.
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August 21, 2015 at 10:50 PM
SJ back story was justified and brought depth to the characters with good writing and realistic acting which is commendable. Also love how all the characters contributed for searching BS. even though restaurant guys would have been good help but it was way troublesome to explain the whole situation knowing their typical mindsets (honestly except one all the others are idiots ). Though they are many flaws in logic (see other comments) it was satisfying episode. You can't expect them to cuddle & kiss each other when the situation was so serious(that would be just idiotic). Can't wait to see SIG in next ep. Loved this show . Sad its ending.....
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31 pancchi
August 21, 2015 at 10:52 PM
I liked this epi. Sung-jae creeped me out at the start but had me crying for him in the end. And i think his soul never left his body and kept a constant fight with the evil spirit. I dont think he would have killed the baby it was a momentary impulse. He saved a boy from viewing a dead body then eun-hee from suicide. But it was still sad to see him killing himself to get rid of evil spirit but that spirit will have another host. This can be taken to mean one more thing- that we should not entertain negative thoughts, he was possessed after his murderous instincts. Bong-sun because of her lack of self-confidence. Even the second lead in Master's Sun had something similar. Which reminds me SIG cameo could be eun-hee' future love?!
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32 jessi
August 21, 2015 at 10:52 PM
i loved that episode... although a lot of it was stuff that we as an audience could have pieced together, i still liked seeing it being played out. the scene where Sung Jae kills Soon Ae.... so chilling and sad.
also at the end when Sung Jae takes one long look at Soon Ae, it was almost like he was apologizing to her. I know his death had to happen and there was no hope for him, but I still found the whole situation sad.
can't wait for the final episode!
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33 sargevee
August 21, 2015 at 11:05 PM
Ok wait... Did I miss something in past episodes? I swear he didn't use to see ghosts until last week! Now he can see any ghost?
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August 22, 2015 at 1:56 AM
Yes this was strange. Previously, Soon Ae was around him and SJ could not see her. Now, he can.
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August 22, 2015 at 3:17 AM
I thought it was because Soon Ae was never really in front of him that he couldn't see her. All the times he met with Soon Ae, she was either hiding or possessing Bong sun?
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August 22, 2015 at 5:09 AM
I'll have to re-watch, but I had the impression that she did walk around near enough to be seen and he did not see her. But I cannot recall which episode though. :)
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34 sargevee
August 21, 2015 at 11:18 PM
And we have an episode with a cameo of Seo In Guk! Looking forward to that!
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35 Sajen
August 21, 2015 at 11:32 PM
That preview has me worried. Please show don't do anything to Eun-hee or Soon-ae's father.
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36 OMG it's Healer ?
August 22, 2015 at 12:49 AM
This episode truly is an episode dedicated to Sungjae. What made it so sad is that the real him loved SoonAe. We could tell in the last scene, but later after he killed SoonAe (obviously evil ghost doing) he was loved by Eunhee and in turns also love her too. His story is so pitiful.... I literally cried a lot in this episode!
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37 Aigoooo
August 22, 2015 at 12:53 AM
After watching the preview, it looks like the writer granted my wish and Bong Sun will lend her body to Soon Ae one last time so she can properly say goodbye to chef (while on a day date). Also looking forward to Seo In Guk's cameo and I predict he would be hit on by possessed Bong Sun, making Chef crazy jealous. lol Not looking forward to the whole Dad medical issue though. It's too late to bring up last minute problems. I just want the finale to be fun, cute and maybe a bit heartwarming.
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38 agoodheart
August 22, 2015 at 1:16 AM
I don't really get why people were looking for Bong Sun instead of Sung Jae when she disappeared. I mean, she was kidnapped by Sung Jae, would they expect him to let her roaming freely around for people to see? I thought it would make more sense if they looked for Sung Jae and his car, or both Sung Jae and Bong Sun.
And the scene at the orphanage. Of course Sun Woo had to bring the police there then went ahead following Sung Jae all by himself. Like... Couldn't he give a short shout out to them so they could stop frightening the unrelated ones and chase the initial target together plus probably protect him if something happens?
I don't know, I felt a bit frustrating watching this episode. Im Joo Hwan nailed it, though.
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Jon G.
August 22, 2015 at 1:42 AM
Yes, SW not even trying to inform the police was quite a jarring slip. I know what the writer was trying to do, of course:
The heroes must face the villain alone, without the police. But if they don't call the police at all, they are stupid and that's not what we know about them. Hence we must separate the heroes from the police.
However, a much better option would have been: The police arrives at the orphanage before SW gets there. It's not necessary for him to come in convoy with the police at all. SJ is on his way back and passes SW. SW now has to decide whether to inform the police at the orphanage, make a phone call or run after SJ. Now, the option to go after SJ is much more realistic.
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August 22, 2015 at 1:52 AM
? Good idea Jon G.
If you ever decide to take a break from academics, you might do a stint as writer-director and make a pretty good show yourself. :)
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August 22, 2015 at 2:45 PM
I think at that point SW is acting on instinct. We've already seen his frustration at their slowness to react. Had he wasted time trying to get a cop's attention long enough to let them know SJ had just driven away he would've lost him potentially.
So his first instinct is to make haste and chase the car. I doubt he's even thinking about how he's even going to confront SJ and get BS safely away.
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August 23, 2015 at 9:30 AM
I think it's because the cops wouldn't have believed him.
They all work with SJ and see him as a fine, upstanding police officer.
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39 jazza
August 22, 2015 at 1:16 AM
Wow. Im Joohwan is an amazing actor. This episode makes me sad for Sungjae. I hope after this we got to see IJH in a new drama as lead.
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40 danydanybobany
August 22, 2015 at 1:21 AM
Ok, we have to start from the beginning: this is a drama and like most dramas you have to let slip a few things for the story to progresses. Of course there are levels, dramas that overlook just a few things to dramas that are plain ridiculous and without logic.
I love this drama but i'm not totally blinded by it so i think im being unbiased when I say that the writer,director and the whole production have made a good job with the logic and the rules of the world within the drama. But some times you have to look at details, remember things that were said in other episodes or just little moments. For example,other had mentioned it and I saw it too: after Sung-jae ran over Eun-hee the first time, he is freaked out, but then a little shadow gets inside him and he changes.
Of course its not perfect, i know that there are plot holes, coincidences or things that are too convenient or sudden (i didn't knew that Bong Sun could talk through her mind with the ghosts), but in general i think they did a good job.
Also, thumbs for Lim Ju-Hwan. He was awesome. I felt bad for Sung-jae. Non possessed Sung-jae wasn't an angel but he had a hard childhood and not very good adoptive parents. It's not justification but maybe with another family and more loving parents the story would had been different. The thing that infuriate him the most was some one saying that he was bad, son when Eun-Hee told him that he was good i could see why he married her and stayed with her. Its not the most healthy base for a relationship, but she needed him at the time and he could show his goodness to some one, so they cared for each other.
Thank you for the recap!
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41 growingbeautifully
August 22, 2015 at 1:48 AM
I've just got back after being out and it's such a pleasure coming here to read everyone... you lovely lot of commenters! I was laughing out loud and nodding my head at the things you noticed. It's great having you all along for the ride!
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42 Snake
August 22, 2015 at 2:14 AM
Whoohyeah we get some action here. I did wish the fight between Shaman and Sung Jae was a bit more elaborate since the evil spirit would likely have powers as well and it's a bit anticlimactic to have the spirit be forced out just by throwing some stuff once.
I'm sad that Sung Jae died. But at the same time, it is the only way to redeem himself. It's not exactly going to pass in court that the one doing the evil deeds is an evil spirit. The only problem I have with him killing himself is that wouldn't the evil spirit just get out and find another person to possess or does the evil spirit go down with him?
I wonder what the last episode is gonna be about. Am I the only one hoping that Sung Jae goes down on the last episode? Most of the conflict was pretty much resolved in here. I did wish that the mystery had deeper plot twists in it. I was hoping for some twist that Soon Ae isn't actually dead and just went astral projection or something about the identity of the evil spirit. It's pretty much inferred by most near the beginning that it was Sung Jae who ran over Eun Hee, then killed Soon Ae because she witnessed the crime.
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43 astromantic
August 22, 2015 at 2:35 AM
This episode gets a big fat HMMMMMMMMM from me (not great, but also not bad), but the last scene was some powerful stuff. Shoutout to Im Joo-hwan though.
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44 Helenya
August 22, 2015 at 2:38 AM
Umm, if the police could track SungJae's phone, why couldn't they track BongSun's? Iffin she turned it on to send the text, a track would have registered that. Just sayin
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August 22, 2015 at 5:07 AM
I did not think it was Bong Sun's phone since Chef did not recognise the number ... but we are not told.
I had actually expected that Chef would have told Bong Sun that he would get that phone (Sung Jae's 2nd phone?) she called him with tracked. But instead he did the solo hero thing and figured it out and then only told the police.
But it's strange that the police listened to him and brought so many cars with them just based on that one clue. Or maybe they did double check on the location of that mobile phone first? Since we are not shown (it becomes a plot hole) we will just have to go with it and guess. :)
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August 22, 2015 at 11:04 AM
From the subs I saw, Chef was getting into his SUV and told the cops to trace the text he'd received from BS.
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August 22, 2015 at 2:42 PM
@August Actually on dramafever the subs said he'd text them the address.
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45 Dreamer
August 22, 2015 at 2:46 AM
Wow!! thanks for the recap and it's always been awesome to see and read your recap JAVABEANS.... i haven't seen the episode yet but i am keeping myself away just for sunday to watch 2 episode of ghostess togather... :) but i can't stop myself open your recap post... :) but you know i have to go back now or else i will acknowledge all the material of episode before watching it... then it will be no fun.. what a drama ghostess has turned out to be! DaebaK!!! lOve U AlL!!! :D
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46 Nanoo
August 22, 2015 at 3:18 AM
I think I would be scared for the entire episode and suddenly Sous Chef appear on screen :D
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47 Nessie
August 22, 2015 at 3:32 AM
This epsidoe was so intense for me, I loved how there wasn't necesarily a big fight scene but it was still filled with adrenalin. We all knew the big image of EH's hit and run incident but not the details. It was great to finally see it all, and witness the full horror of the event.
In the end BS & SW are to an extent outsiders in relation to death of SA. So I found it very fitting that SA & Shaman unnie are the ones to end him. Loved that there was not much talking needed between BS & SW, just a moment together was all we needed.
I'm not suprised that SA's dad gets hospitalized from shock, to be honest what parent wouldn't, I mean you've been hanging out with your murderer for the last three years! I think it'll be a minor incident he would get better, or else it'd be a horrible twist to end the series.
The OST is quite nice, everyone should give a try. Thanks for the recap!
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48 coby
August 22, 2015 at 4:12 AM
Sung-jae made me cry too. Wasn't expecting to cry but I did... I was waiting for him to say sorry but those eyes were enough. I can't remember when was the last time I cried for a villain.
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49 J
August 22, 2015 at 4:27 AM
just a few things to add!
"He gets out and sees Eun-hee lying in the street unconscious, and at first he seems upset—but that turns to calm as he returns to the car, his face impassive." - I think it is also important to note that at first he seems upset UNTIL a gush of black cloud (evil spirit) came and took over his body before his face changes to impassive.
"Sung-jae returns, and although he sees the last message, he doesn’t seem suspicious of her. To him, it doesn’t mean much." - He may or may not have saw the text. It was not shown to us what he saw on the screen. We know that he picked the phone up there's one sound of phone click and he looked over to see bongsun staring at him. I personally feel it seems more like he wanted to check his phone but noticed bongsun is staring at him, not covered like he usually kept her. so he went over to pull the covers over her.
I also really love it when unni is taking over the wheel with soonae, she said "If anyone dies, it'll be me. You won't die again" Her sense of humour even in such an intense scene?
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50 light
August 22, 2015 at 4:34 AM
Really heartbroken. Just heartbroken. Crying for everyone. Really tough scenes as well. Hope the actors find an inner peace soon.
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