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Reunited Worlds: Episodes 13-14

Hae-sung’s return is having a profound effect on Jung-won, both in her relationship with Hae-sung himself and in her relationships with others. Confusing feelings are bubbling to the surface, causing Jung-won to behave in ways that are baffling even to her. She’s changing in a lot of ways, and all for the better, thanks to Hae-sung’s joyful influence.


Hae-sung runs to meet Jung-won at the fireworks festival, but he hasn’t found her by the time the fireworks start. He looks around at the happy families and friends enjoying the festival, knowing he’s missed his second and probably last chance to share it with Jung-won.

Meanwhile, Jung-won stays with Min-joon at the hospital after his accident, knowing that he has nobody else to be with him. Min-joon wakes, sore but okay, and he reminds Jung-won that she had plans tonight. She’s reluctant to leave him in his condition, but he strongly urges her to go.

Jung-won runs to the festival, but it’s all over by the time she arrives. Luckily Hae-sung is still there, and when he learns why she’s so late, he’s genuinely glad to hear that Min-joon is all right. He doesn’t do a very good job hiding his disappointment that she missed the fireworks, but when Jung-won says he’s making her feel bad, he perks up and says it’s okay.

Jung-won decides they can still have their picnic, so she has Hae-sung set things up while she runs an errand. She comes back waving sparklers and runs in circles, then does the same silly dance she did in high school to make Hae-sung laugh all over again.

At the end of the evening, Hae-sung rides Jung-won’s bus to her stop and watches her from above as she heads to her apartment. They wave goodnight over and over like teenagers, then somehow Hae-sung ends up in Jung-won’s apartment watching a scary movie while she eats popcorn.

Jung-won mindlessly reaches over and feeds Hae-sung some popcorn, which surprises him. She offers him another bite, but this time she turns and sees the look he’s giving her. Jung-won feels the tension too, so she slowly moves the popcorn to her own mouth instead.

But Hae-sung follows the popcorn with his lips until he bump noses with Jung-won, and they both freeze. They stay like that for a long time, then Jung-won closes her eyes, and Hae-sung moves in to kiss her. Jung-won slowly turns into his kiss… then she wakes up.

What, it was just a dream?! AUGH. Jung-won smiles at the memory of kissing Hae-sung in her dream, then she shakes some sense into herself and hides, embarrassed, under the covers.

In the morning, Hae-sung goes back to the hospital, hoping to feel the pain in his chest that signals that the person involved in his death is nearby. Nothing triggers the pain, so he goes back to Tae-hoon’s mall, but he doesn’t feel anything there, either.

Finally he decides to leave, and just as he steps outside, the pain hits. CEO Cha, Tae-hoon’s father, is nearby sitting in his car, but Hae-sung doesn’t see him. CEO Cha sees Hae-sung, though, and seems to find him familiar.

He instructs his driver to leave, then gets a call from Min-joon’s aunt. He’s not interested in talking to her, but she says a police officer visited her at her husband’s funeral (CEO Cha’s former driver, and the man who took the fall for Hae-sung’s death). CEO Cha reluctantly meets with her and she tells him that the policeman — Ho-bang — was asking questions about Hae-sung’s accident.

CEO Cha offers her money, but Min-joon’s aunt says that she came to ask him why her husband accepted his ridiculous offer twelve years ago. She says she knows it wasn’t about the money and demands to know the truth. CEO Cha simply warns her to keep her mouth shut.

Min-joon’s aunt visits her nephew in the hospital and gives him a photograph of him and his uncle together. She says she’s moving to Australia, and cries with pity over how Min-joon’s mother died when he was only ten and his father refused to acknowledge him. Min-joon sweetly tells her not to cry.

Hae-sung spends the morning fixing Jung-won’s leaky bathroom sink. He sticks a note to her fridge and leaves, and he’s startled to find Mr. Mystery standing right outside her door. Mr. Mystery is full of mischief today, asking if this is Hae-sung’s girlfriend’s place.

When the landlord makes her way up the stairs, Hae-sung tries to make himself scarce. The landlord fusses at Hae-sung because Jung-won hasn’t paid her rent yet, threatening to move her things out of the apartment immediately.

In her anger, the landlord tries to shove past Mr. Mystery and trips over her own feet. He catches her in his arms and gives her a swoony grin, making her melt. When he asks if she’s really kicking Jung-won out, she stammers that she’ll just be leaving now. Ha.

Mr. Mystery takes Hae-sung to lunch, where Hae-sung asks how he made enough money to pay for his son’s hospital bills. He says he’s frustrated because he wants to make money to help his family and friends, but he can’t get a job because he has no ID.

Mr. Mystery tells Hae-sung that he was born in 1910, and that he was a ginseng digger when he was alive. One day he found a very big, very old wild ginseng in the woods, and he left it there and came to Seoul to find a buyer. But his boat capsized as he was crossing the Han River, and he drowned.

So when he came back to the world of the living, he went back to check on that ginseng, and found it still there and even bigger than before. He dug it up and sold it, making plenty of money to pay his son’s hospital fees and Jung-won’s debt. He tells Hae-sung that he wants to give what’s left to him, insisting even when Hae-sung tries to turn down his generous offer.

At the restaurant, the waitress tells Jung-won that there are two scary-looking men waiting for her, and Jung-won guesses that it’s the loan sharks back to harass her. She goes to confront them, and they tell her that they recalculated what she owes and discovered that she’s paid them off completely.

She’s skeptical, but they hand over her promissory note and tell her to rip it up. Jung-won tears a tiny piece, then more when they urge her to continue, then she gleefully rips it to shreds. The loan sharks say that they never have to see each other again now, and quickly get out of there. Jung-won falls to her knees, excitedly shrieking that she’s debt-free.

The loan sharks find Mr. Mystery and Hae-sung waiting in an alley and report that they did as they were instructed and told Jung-won that she’s paid them off. They assure Mr. Mystery that he’s paid off her debt in full, and he dismisses them. Hae-sung bows low and thanks Mr. Mystery, who grins that he’s just repaying Hae-sung’s kindness by settling the debt Jung-won incurred in order to pay his grandmother’s hospital fees.

That night, Hae-sung and Jung-won go for a walk, and she tells him that her debt is clear. He pretends not to know about it and congratulates her, enjoying her excitement. She walks backwards in front of him, saying that she feels like only good things have happened since he came back, but then she trips and falls on her rear.

Hae-sung rushes to her as she crouches on the ground, her shoulders shaking like she’s crying. But she’s just laughing because she found a coin, repeating that she’s having such good luck these days.

Jin-ju calls Jung-won to invite her and Hae-sung to hang out with her and their friends, so Jung-won lies that she’s working late. Jin-ju rejoins Ho-bang, who’s ranting in the store about Tae-hoon and Moon-shik joining them. Awww, he was hoping for some alone time with Jin-ju.

Jung-won wants to see a scary movie, and she makes a point to say she wants popcorn. HAHA, she’s trying to recreate her dream, isn’t she? Unfortunately, Hae-sung can’t get into the movie without ID, so Jung-won suggests they watch a movie at her place.

They make popcorn, and Jung-won tells Hae-sung to turn out the lights. When Hae-sung sits down, she scoots over so she’s practically sitting in his lap — okay, she’s totally trying to recreate her dream.

Hae-sung enjoys teasing Jung-won for being so scared, and she mutes the sound to lower the creepy factor. They hear voices outside the front door and realize it’s their friends and, oblivious to Jung-won’s plans for the evening, Hae-sung jumps up to answer the door.

Jung-won grabs him, slinging one arm around his neck and clapping a hand over his mouth. They go stock-still, their faces mere inches apart.


In a whisper, Jung-won confesses to Hae-sung that she told their friends she’s still at work. Outside, everyone settles on the landing to drink and eat snacks, and poor Ho-bang is so frustrated at having his plan to be alone with Jin-ju thwarted.

Jin-ju goes inside Jung-won’s place for some kimchi, and luckily Jung-won thought ahead and dragged Hae-sung to hide with her behind the TV. They crouch together, nose-to-nose, until Jin-ju leaves again, which is when Hae-sung finally notices that Jung-won is right there in his face with her arms around his neck.

Jung-won jumps back, and Hae-sung says they should show themselves, as they listen to their friends eating and drinking outside. Heh, every time Jin-ju loses a game, Ho-bang tries to kiss her as her “penalty.”

Hae-sung gets a cramp in his leg and stands up, but Jung-won yanks him back down when Jin-ju comes inside again. There’s another moment of awareness after Jin-ju leaves, and Jung-won remembers her dream and puckers up. But Hae-sung doesn’t even notice because of his aching legs, and he begs her to let him stand up. Oof, I’m so embarrassed for you right now.

Suddenly they realize that it’s gone quiet outside, and they assume their friends have left. They move to the couch where Jung-won apologizes for lying, but Hae-sung gets hot and decides to go out for some fresh air.

But their friends are still there — they’ve just upped the difficulty of their drinking games by playing them silently. Jung-won and Hae-sung step outside just as Ho-bang is getting slapped for trying to kiss Jin-ju again, and everyone screams.

HAHA, Hae-sung and Jung-won jump back inside, then they realize that looked stupid, so they go back out like it’s no biggie. Their friends demand an explanation, so Jung-won feigns a headache and goes in, totally throwing Hae-sung to the wolves. So much for loyalty.

Later, Hae-sung leaves with their buddies, and Jin-ju turns to Hae-sung with a suspicious look in her eye. His friends all leap on him at once, beating him up before running off. So cute.

The next day, Hae-sung finds his youngest sister Soo-ji fuming after a fight with Young-in. The subject of their disagreement is Hae-sung’s idea of the siblings all having a meal together, but Young-in refuses to be in the same room with Hae-chul. According to Hae-sung, Hae-chul had the same reaction.

They go inside to talk to Young-in, who tells Hae-sung that six years ago, Hae-chul stole the only thing she owned of her birth mother: a gold necklace. Hae-sung promises to make Hae-chul apologize, but Soo-ji backs up her sister. She also refuses to see Hae-chul, because he abandoned them and left the sisters struggling to survive alone.

Hae-sung goes to see Hae-chul at work, confronting him about stealing Young-in’s necklace. Hae-chul doesn’t deny it, but he also refuses to see Young-in, saying that an apology now won’t solve anything. He admits that he’s a huge jerk for what he did, and he yells that someone as horrible as he is has no right to even talk to Young-in.

Hae-sung reserves a gorgeous dining room for five, taking Young-in and Soo-ji. Hae-chul shows up (yay, Hae-sung convinced him!), and Young-in turns to glower at Hae-sung angrily. Hae-sung asks her to just listen to Hae-chul, but she and Soo-ji get up to leave.

Hae-sung manages to convince the sisters to stay, and Hae-chul hands Young-in a bankbook. He says it’s not much, but he’s been depositing whatever was in his pockets at the end of every day for three years, hoping to repay her someday. Young-in opens the bankbook and sees that it’s true, and that Hae-chul has accumulated the equivalent of more than three thousand dollars.

He says that he didn’t know the necklace had so much significance, explaining that his daughter had just been born when he stole it, so he was desperate for money. But he refuses to make excuses and just says again that he’s sorry.

Young-in obviously didn’t know she has a niece, and the fire goes out of her eyes. Hae-sung goes to the door to beckon to little Gong-ju, who walks in carrying a cake. She takes it to Young-in and chirps an adorable “Happy Birthday!” to her aunt. (I’m totally not crying right now, not at all.)

Completely disarmed, Soo-ji asks Gong-ju’s name, and Young-in blows out her candles and thanks her niece. Hae-chul and Hae-sung look on happily as Young-in, Soo-ji, and Gong-ju share a big hug.

Tae-hoon approaches Young-in later at work, and he hands her a used newspaper to “take care of.” She goes to throw it away, but she feels something inside. She pulls out a jewelry box with a note on it wishing her a happy birthday. Inside the box is a gorgeous necklace, with five circles of diamonds on it (aww, are the five circles for the five siblings?).

Min-joon arrives at work to see his father and his wife outside with Tae-hoon. It’s CEO Cha and his wife’s anniversary, and Min-joon listens incredulously as CEO Cha fawns over Tae-hoon.

Once seated, Tae-hoon calls over Jung-won to meet his parents, and he asks to meet the chef she’s spoken so highly of. Unaware of their connection, Jung-won takes Tae-hoon upstairs to Min-joon’s office. Of course Tae-hoon doesn’t recognize Min-joon, having only seen him once as a small child.

Tae-hoon goes back downstairs to find his father gone from the table. Min-joon runs into CEO Cha outside the men’s room, and the two go outside to talk. Jung-won is in the storeroom, and she accidentally overhears CEO Cha asking Min-joon not to tell Tae-hoon that they’re brothers.

Min-joon snaps that CEO Cha doesn’t let people say what can’t be known, and he neglects those he doesn’t need. He tells his father that he has no plans to tell Tae-hoon they’re brothers, but he makes it clear that it’s by his own choice, not because CEO Cha ordered it.

Back in the kitchen, Jung-won can see that Min-joon is upset and preoccupied. Tae-hoon’s table orders a special dish that is usually served by the chef, but Jung-won insists on serving it instead, making the excuse that it’s her friend’s table. Min-joon gratefully allows her to do it herself.

After work, Jung-won invites Min-joon to have a drink with her. She tells him that she accidentally eavesdropped and heard that her friend Tae-hoon is his half-brother. (How sad, Min-joon didn’t even know his brother’s name.) She’s surprised when Min-joon says he’s glad she knows, because now he has someone he can bad-mouth his father to.

He says he wants to give her a gift to thank her, then takes her to a claw machine where he brags that he can get any stuffed animal she wants. Jung-won points out a teddy bear, and Min-joon proceeds to lose the game over and over.

Eventually he gives up, covering his embarrassment by blaming his failure on his medications, but Jung-won decides to give it a shot. She gets the teddy bear on the first try as Min-joon pouts adorably. Jung-won gives him the bear, which is dressed as a patient and even has the same bandages as Min-joon, and he takes it with the cutest bashful smile.

He walks Jung-won to her bus stop, where he thanks her for keeping him company when he was feeling alone. He sees her onto her bus and waves goodbye, looking about as lovestruck as he could possibly look.

On another bus, Hae-sung and Mr. Mystery talk about Jung-won. Hae-sung says that he likes her a lot, and that he thinks she likes him back. But he adds that strangely, he feels like he shouldn’t like her. Mr. Mystery asks if it’s because he doesn’t know when he’ll have to go back, and if he worries about hurting her when he goes.

Hae-sung says yes, so Mr. Mystery tells him not to worry so much about tomorrow, or what other people think. He changes the subject and starts to rattle on and on about foods he likes, as Hae-sung turns to stare out the window.

Suddenly Mr. Mystery stops talking, right in the middle of a sentence. Oh no. Hae-sung turns back to him, but there’s only a small note left where he was sitting. Mr. Mystery is gone.

Hae-sung gets off the bus at Jung-won’s stop, and he stands there with tears in his eyes until Jung-won arrives and finds him. Hae-sung turns to her and breathes her name, then gives her a heartbreakingly sad smile.


Wait, no, I’m not ready! I’m not ready to lose Mr. Mystery, I love him so much, and I’m not ready for Hae-sung to lose the closest thing to a father he’s ever had. I’m definitely not ready to face the reality that Hae-sung’s time is limited. And it scares me how it happens… Mr. Mystery was just here, and then gone. Will Hae-sung just disappear with no warning? Hopefully he’ll be able to feel it coming like Mr. Mystery did, and get a chance to say his goodbyes first. But for now I hope Hae-sung takes Mr. Mystery’s advice to heart and says and does what he wants while he can, because the only thing worse than his leaving again would be if he left with regrets.

Hae-sung and Jung-won really turned up the heat in this episode, and I love that it was Jung-won who felt the effects of the sexual tension the most. It makes perfect narrative sense, since she is the adult in the situation, chronologically. And as a woman myself, I really appreciate it when the heroine is the one staying up late at night thinking about kissing and whatnot, instead of a show trying to pass off a grown woman as being all innocent and virginal. It’s Hae-sung who seems very immature in this arena, at times, the way he sometimes registers the tense moments and sometimes misses them completely even when Jung-won clearly feels them.

But as much as I love Hae-sung and Jung-won together, I also like her with Min-joon, who seems so much like the man Hae-sung would have grown up to be had he been given the chance to grow up. I’ve said before that Min-joon is very like Hae-sung — mature, responsible, kind, and thoughtful — and if this were just a drama about Min-joon courting Jung-won, I’d be the captain of that ship. I love how their friendship is developing, with respect and genuine caring, and how Min-joon never pushes Jung-won or tries to make her do something she doesn’t want to do, either personally or professionally. He supports her in her career and always lets her make her own decisions. I even love that Min-joon has those adorable awkward moments, which keep him from being too perfect. Even though he’s jealous, Hae-sung appears to like and respect Min-joon as well. If it’s true that Hae-sung won’t be able to stay with Jung-won, then I think he’ll be comforted to leave her with a man like Min-joon, who will treat her every bit as well as Hae-sung himself would if he could.

And I’m starting to think that that’s how things will turn out, because everything in the show seems to be foreshadowing it. It’s telling that when Jung-won and Hae-sung were trying to meet for the fireworks, Fate or the universe or whatever stopped them and made sure Jung-won was with Min-joon instead. In fact, there are a lot of hints as to how Hae-sung’s story will end… there are the obvious hints like Mr. Mystery disappearing once his purpose for being back is fulfilled, but there are a lot of smaller clues that make me think that Hae-sung’s time in the living world will be short. Even the necklace that Tae-hoon gave to Young-in felt like a message, with the four smaller circles flanking a single large circle, which made me think of Hae-sung and his brothers and sisters.

And yet, it’s no comfort to know what will probably happen, that Hae-sung will most likely disappear once he’s reunited his family and solved the mysteries from the night he died. His being back only proves how much his family and friends need him, but I guess that a large part of why he returned was to show them that even without him, they can still be happy and together. It’s just so difficult when we have a character who is so essential, and so influential in the lives of everyone who knows him, to imagine how they can ever be okay when he’s gone. His death broke all of them in some way, and his leaving is only going to break their hearts all over again.


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Arggghhhh, the pain is so real in this show.....


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Yeah, I was not expecting to have emotional investment in this. Show had better take responsibility for it's actions! ?


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I’m actually starting to feel chemistry between Lee Yeon-hee and Yeo Jin-gu, so that’s nice. My heart was beating along with Jung-won’s whenever he got close to her!

Min-joon’s character might actually be charming if he was played by a more charismatic actor. Ahn Jae-hyun just really doesn’t cut it for me.

Also, man, I shed some tears at the end of this episode. Right after Hae-sung talks to him about not wanting to hurt Jung-won when he eventually leaves, Ahjusshi leaves. It’s perfect and heart-wrenching and I feel so bad for Hae-sung. I can tell that the ending of this show will be bittersweet, just like that scene (except hopefully more so, of course).


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I agree with everything you said. Their chemistry is getting better, and gah even if it was just a dream sequence, YJG's gaze made me melt. I can't blame Jungwon for doing her best to to make that dream happen even if it costs ditching a night-out with their friends. LOL That's why it's more hilarious when they get caught.


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Saaaaame lol. That whole sequence was very funny, although I find it super hard to believe that Jin-ju didn't see them when she was in the house, especially when she thought she saw something and was looking around lol. They were not being that stealthy behind the TV!


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It means I may be the only one who cringed when the two seemed to kiss and sigh in relief when they stopped.
I remember though how much noise there was around here when the same happened in Goblin. The age difference is more or less the same. However Kim Go-eun is 26 and Yeo Jin-goo is 19. He is a true professional and a veteran, so I am positive that he would have done it all the way, if the script required it, but only the thought made me uncomfortable, especially - most probably - because he is so young.
I am not obtuse and I understand the story and that the characters were born in the same year. Story-wise, I would love the kiss to happen. Actually it should have happened by now. But my obstinate mind keeps reminding me - he is 19. If the situation was reversed, what would be the trend of thought?
(I really hope that my comment doesn't hurt anyone, it is just a point of view and I know that may be people out there being in the exact situation that are probably happy. But they are in love, not under contractual terms and conditions.)


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If you are opposed for the actor's sake, I can understand. However it's not like he hasn't filmed a passionate kiss with a noona before. His "make any woman scream" kiss in Potato Star was when his was 15 (16 Korean) -- playing a 24-year-old man. It certainly was met with a lot of criticism. However he expressed his understanding that the plot called for it. He's also had some kisses between then and now, all noonas. If he's fine with it, I'm fine watching it.


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It's totally fine and I understand your point of view in this. As for me though, YJG already turned into an adult last year, and this is a job for him. He is now perfectly capable of understanding the things his work entails.

It's one thing if he was still a minor... tbh, like @geliguolu said, he's done something so much more when he was just 15-16, and that's something I was absolutely uncomfortable with. Why did they have to make him play a 24 year old at that age anyway? You could tell they got a lot of criticisms for it because things were totally toned down afterwards (and it even went on to the rest of his works that followed).

I think the thing with Kim Goeun though, is that despite her being an adult irl, is she was playing a minor kissing an adult man.


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He'll be 20 on Sunday, so he's definitely not a minor. The six year age difference is pretty minor compared the majority of kdrama pairings. I guess chemistry is subjective though because I'm still not feeling it.


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Tbh I thnk both YJG and AJH are super cute in this show, so my heart flip flops around throughout the episode. So cute that JW tried to recreate her dream scene though! She's adorable.

Aghhh it was so heartbreaking, that last scene! Ahjusshi's sudden departure just made it all the more clear to HS that JW would be really, really hurt when he eventually leaves. HS himself was heartbroken when he'd only known Ahjusshi for a short while (granted, the two formed quite a strong bond), what more JW? I like happy endings, so I'm really trying to prepare myself for a bittersweet ending. T_T


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To be fair, the only time I've ever enjoyed AJH was as JJH's brother in YFAS. I just find him so dull and expressionless.


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I love these episodes especially when Hae Sung's friends gather in front of Jung Won's house and how they're shocked that Hae Sung and Jung Won were in the house. Their friendship is so amazing, after 12 years leaving high school, it's still strong as ever. I also love how 3 of Hae Sung siblings are finally reunited. Young In, Soo Ji and Gong Ju group hug is the sweetest. ?


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Btw, can I low key ship Young In and Tae Hoon? They kinda look good together.


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I thought the same thing. I think it's gonna happen. ?


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I just finished Ep 15-16 and it's totally happening <3


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Sometimes, I think HS is being too "forceful" when trying to get his family members back together, because it might come across as almost naive to think that just because they're family, they should be sticking together. Especially when he jumps to all sorts of conclusions about Haechul. But my heart just melts when all the misunderstandings are resolved and everyone smiles at each other with tears in their eyes. It's very heartwarming.

I think Tae Hoon has a not-so-secret crush on Young In and it's cute! But I LOVE Ho Bang and Jin Joo, and how Mishil's theme always plays eerily in the background whenever she's around giving him a death glare (so many years on and that OST is still being used lol).


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I think it's a mix of a lot of things, he really is supposed to be naive since he didn't have the chance to grow up like the rest of his siblings and I think he's forcing it now more than ever now that he found out he actually has a time limit. He also felt ultimately responsible for his siblings drifting apart when he died. So yeah I agree he is being a bit too forceful about reuniting his family but I also see his reasons behind it.

IKR~ when Gongju came in with the cake... T_T My heart..


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Bringing his family together is a purpose that he came back. of course he's going to be forceful. He has a limited time. And he's still a 19 year old. so can be quite naive


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I think he's understandably rushing their make up, but not doing so naively. His time is limited but there's also the confidence that he knows his siblings well. As sad as he was, he let the other bro be. However Hae-chul needs to be scolded to reflect on his wrong and he knows he will eventually make it right. And Young-in is stubborn but not unforgiving, she will accept apologies if someone just gave it. Rather than being forceful, I see HS as simply a catalyst to their repair their bond.


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Got to give it to Jungwon who tried really hard to recreate her dream with Haesung. Also the part where they finally get caught omg, so funny. They thought everyone already left, but they were just silently playing a game. And then everyone was just so shocked when Haesung and Jungwon came out, then they went inside again and immediately went out the house once more to pretend like nothing happened.

But Ahjussi though. T_T He was like a father figure to Haesung the whole time they were together, so even if they spent very little time together, it's still so sad to see him leave. And he left without any goodbyes, he was gone just like that..


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I'm gonna have to search YouTube for the Jung-won scene trying to recreate her dream. Looks like it was hilarious!


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This is one of the scenes. :) There are also lots of clips on ig, just go to the tag of reunited worlds.


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Also it's sad how Haesung was clearly aware of the moves that Jungwon was trying to pull, but he also knew that he wasn't sure how much time he's got left so he just pretended not to notice. :(


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When Jungwon was puckering up for a kiss, Haesung was staring directly at her for a few seconds, before saying he couldn't stand the cramps anymore.


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...Well that bit of information just made a funny scene that much more heart-wrenching.


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He totally saw it! But pretended as if he did not see, probably not to give Jung won hopes that may not fulfill. aww so sad..


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right there with you. Hae Sung knows but pretending coz he may leave any minute.


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oh no, i hadn't realised until you said. This makes it so much more heartbreaking :(


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Thanks @lollypip for the recaps as always. This episode was good enough and I absolutely loved that Jung-won is beginning to fall for Hae-sung all over again.

Just some random thoughts and observations.

They wave goodnight over and over like teenagers, then somehow Hae-sung ends up in Jung-won’s apartment watching a scary movie while she eats popcorn.

This made me chuckle a bit. That "somehow Hae-sung ends up in Jung-won's apt" is exactly how I felt. How did he end up here now all of a sudden? lol.

Jung-won looks super cute in that picture where she is ripping the promissory note.

They make popcorn, and Jung-won tells Hae-sung to turn out the lights. When Hae-sung sits down, she scoots over so she’s practically sitting in his lap — okay, she’s totally trying to recreate her dream.

Hehehe. So true.

Hae-chul and his daughter provide for some of the more heartwarming moments in this show.

I would have quoted @lollypip entire comments section because that's pretty much how I feel about the show and where it's going and that kinda sucks.


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I don't know why, but some of the scenes between Hae-Sung and Jung-Wong are so cringy for me at this point...maybe it''s supposed to be like that but...
Still enjoying this drama though haha


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I agree, I'm just not convinced with this noona romance. Hae Sung looks like Jung Won's dongsaeng to me which is why I find it quite awkward when they kinda have sexual tension behind the TV.


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Agreed. I haven't seen any of the behind-the-scenes for this show, but isn't it weird how sometimes there can be Hott chemistry behind the scenes but in front of the camera there's hardly anything. Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo in W would be the perfect example. Their BTS were so cute, but in front of the camera I felt very little.


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But there are happy couples with such age differences (woman being much older) The bummer here is Hae sung is some one who came back from being dead.


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Yes, my grandmother was 15 years older than her husband ??


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15 years feels like too much of a cultural gap for me, but sometimes it works. Six years feels like nothing though.


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This episode was one huge roller coaster ride of emotions but I wouldn't have it any other way. I laughed at all the Ho-bang/Jin-joo moments, then I squealed at the almost kiss, damn those two are turning up the heat. What age difference?! Then from the moment Young-in and Soo-ji found out they were aunts till the moment little Gong-joo walked in with the cake, I was a huge mess of feels. Then the moment Min-joon's dad's family walked into his restaurant my heart broke for him so much, then the end where ajhussi disappears and Hae-sung goes to Jung-won crying just killed me completely. I am so in love with this show.


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how do we see the articles by a particular writer (sorry off topic)


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Totally loved these episodes! Jung won was so cute in this. She's like super happy. But for hae sung things have started to get more complicated and somewhat sad. His smiles are forceful sometimes. I can't even describe what he must be going through since he knows now that he has to leave soon. My heart breaks for him. Anyway Hae Sung and Jung won really had some cute moments in this one!


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I predict a full confession from Hae-sung to Jung-won as the start to the next episode. Ugh, that's gonna break my heart just reading the recap. ?


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and i totally get the fact that the show is totally trying to convince us that Min Joon is a perfect suitor to Jung won. So i guess he'll get the girl at the end.


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I agree... but I'm out when that happens or becomes the obvious foregone conclusion. I really like all the other characters but AJH's portrayal of Min Joon does nothing for me.

I drop dramas much more readily than in the past, and Min Joon's Great Love is not the show I signed up for.


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I will still be watching this for Jin Goo! But anyway Min Joon getting jung won is quite obvious now so i hope they kind of surprise us with a whole different ending :D


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Seriously. All the promo said it was a strange love story between an 18 year old boy and a 31 year old woman born in the same year... and while yeah, that's weird, I just haven't felt any sparks for Min-Joon and Jung Won. I'm in denial, I refuse to believe he'll get her in the end. I just refuse.


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I dropped Cinderella partly because I thought he was the lead. I hope I make it to the end of this one.


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I'll admit, I was squealing during Jung Won's dream sequence. I much prefer the chemistry between Hae Sung and Jung Won to whatever is there between Jung Won and Min Joon.

With Jung Won and Hae Sung, I always get the sense that there's so much emotion swirling between them. Every moment feels loaded, be it them laughing, comforting each other and just enjoying being with each other. Both Lee Yeon Hee and Yeo Jin Goo are doing a really good job cause they are making me ship it really hard, even when I know that the consequences are going to be painful.

That being said, I did really feel for Min Joon this episode. His father is gross. And somehow always makes it seem like Min Joon is at fault for just existing. That's like pouring salt on a raw wound.

I appreciated the scene between him and Jung Won at the claw machine. God knows, that's a fellow who needs a little happiness in his life.

Also, I really like seeing Jung Won so happy. You finally get the feel that she's comfortable with where she is. And I love the fact that we are seeing the first stirrings of attraction. Our girl is finally living. <3

I loved the little moment between Tae Hoon and Young In. What a cute way to present his gift!!

I think my favourite moment in this episode though was the quasi-reunion and make-up with all the siblings (ignore Young Jun). This was what Hae Sung has wanted from the start and this what his siblings have needed, family they can rely on. Ngl, I teared up when Soo Ji and Young In hugged little Gong Yoo. Such a sweet moment. Another thing I really liked was how Young In also played a part in raising Soo Ji. She didn't have much herself, but she committed to raising Soo Ji the best she could with whatever little she had. Same as how Hae Chul is doing with Gong Yoo. I feel like Hae Sung had a impact on them, with respect to taking care of people and owning up to responsibility. These sibling things are what I have been waiting for!

I'm sad the ahjussi is gone. So abruptly as well. It was so nice to see him take Hae Sung under his wing. It pains me to think that Hae Sung is going to leave that way as well. I'm not ready!!


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Its time that yeo jin gu got his own drama where he is not killed, cloned, made a tragic prince, a foolish king .....
Just give the poor guy a drama where he can act his age, go to college, eat ice cream and not get a reason to be a noble idiot. I could watch that drama all day long..


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He never was a foolish king though. Yeongjo was a one of the greatest kings in Chosen :P


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Orange marmalade.... oh wait, he was stuggling quite enormously in that too. Nvm, director's cast him expecting complexity so we will have to live with that XD


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At least he got the girl in Orange marmalade!


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He always gets the girl. He just has to die once or twice for it to happen. XD


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So the glass is half full! Hehe


I think HS saw JW's pucked lips. He's 19, not 9, so naivety is a far stretch. I don't think he's oblivious to the sexual tension, just chooses to ignore it for her sake. He says it's getting hot *wink*. He thinks his time is limited and starting a romance will hurt her more at the end. JW has been teasing him since high school. In their teenage years he was concerned she will be labeled a whore. So he knows what's going on in her head. And remember how he reacted to mini-Hae Chul's statement of kissing some little girl? He's a premature "we need to talk" father figure who will put chivalry before impulses.


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Yeah totally agree!


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Can Min-joon stop being so adorkable? I could watch his 'cool guy moments' fall apart forever. I think the same, that they are going towards this kind of ending and feel kind of awful about how okay I'm with it. Still, I'm not ready to send off Hae-sung at all. He's just such a sunshine, to both his family and his friends.


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Ahjusshi! :( You disappeared just like that. Thank you for dropping by!


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These episodes are such a huge improvement over the prev ones. That ending really got me. Have sung must be feeling so guilty as well as shocked, to think he was taking ahjussi lightly and it turned out to be his final moments. Life is just like that, you never know how much a moment holds.

Also I finally get the chemistry between the leads, it's cutely sexy. The touching and hilarious friend and family moments aside, another reason I found I enjoyed it so much is because min joons was featured so less, and the moment he came back I started skipping scenes. He's cute but just not that interesting.


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Hoping for a diff ending. Aside frm solving who killed him and the bully and getting his siblings together is that Hae-sung came back to "fetch" Jung-won. Soo-ji will kinda need a donor... *farfetched right?


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This episode was a double- whammy of super touching moments for me. I actually shed a tear at Gong-Joo's entrance to her Young In Imo's bday lunch, and was just far too distraught at Ahjussi's departure, for many reasons. Btw I can shed a tear for maybe 1 out of every 10-20 dramas I watch, but this show got me two weeks in a row!

Love the friends and the secondary relationships too.

Love both male main characters, but of course our high school (almost) sweethearts pair is the one I'm rooting for.


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The way Mr. Mystery went was heart breaking, one minute he was there, the next gone.
I think Hae Sung leaving like this will break Jung won again :(
The show is really playing with us, as MJ is spending as much time with JW as HS is. I like both of them but HS pulls my heart more. I guess I'm a sucker for tragic Love lines.

Mystorytheory: The boy who was killed discovered Tae hoon's father talking to Min joon and their birth secret and was blackmailing him, Young jun might have overheard this as well. A tussle broke out and the boy was killed then father saw HS and ran over him?


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"Later, Hae-sung leaves with their buddies, and Jin-ju turns to Hae-sung with a suspicious look in her eye. His friends all leap on him at once, beating him up before running off. So cute."
That is a very heartwarming scene for me... I so love it that Hae-sung have so much loving and loyal friends :)


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My heart aches when Mr. Mystery left! I love him already! Why does it had to be this sad??? When Hae-sung's gave heartbreaking smile, knowing it'll surely happen to him anytime soon, makes me wanna cry T_T *sob*


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I am totally loving this drama. Once in a while, low key soul feeding drama like this comes and i am so happy for it. I am loving Hae Sung and Jung Won coz i am sucker for high school romance and first love romance. I am also liking cute story between Tae Hoon and Young In coz i like chaebol male vs poor candy tropes haha. i am also all for melos. Hope they experience amazing love together and maybe die together or somehow Hae Sung remains on this earth for another 50 or 60 years? Then disappear with Jung Won's saying she is gonna join him soon or something. If Hae Sung goes by the end of the drama while he is young, i am gonna be so sad.


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This drama is also beaking my heart.... why? WHY???? ??????
I love these characters, why cant Hae sung not stay????????
? i am so sad!


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