Seven Day Queen: Episode 13

Rock, meet hard place. They each have what the other wants, but interestingly, their toughest opponent isn’t each other, but the woman they love—the strong-willed, steel-hearted woman who is determined to somehow protect them all, from each other and from themselves. History and fate aren’t on her side, but damn it all to hell, I’m rooting for her anyway.



In the pawnshop hideout, Chae-kyung reels from the discovery of Yeok’s rebellion chart and her legs give out from shock, which leads to another discovery: snail shells scattered on the floor. She remembers Nanny saying how heroic the Snail Brides were to feed starving people and root out corruption—things she thought the king ought to be doing.

And then she spots a note describing how her father would be won over to their side by marriage—marriage to her—and begins to cry. Oh nooo, why would you put that in writing?

The crew comes back after burying Seo-no’s father and panics to find the front lock broken. They race downstairs, but the hideout is empty and it doesn’t look like they were robbed. Chae-kyung hides behind a curtain in the corner, and she gasps when she hears Yeok’s voice as he joins them.

Yeok is quick to notice her hiding spot, though all he can see is a woman’s hanbok peeking out. Thinking quickly, he pretends to see someone running out the door, and they all give chase. Once the coast is clear, Chae-kyung walks out.

But what she doesn’t know is that Yeok has stayed behind, and is hiding to catch a glimpse of their snoop. He’s startled to see Chae-kyung emerge from the corner, and his face twists up in agony when he realizes that she’s seen the note about him marrying her to get to her father.

Chae-kyung doesn’t get very far before collapsing in the street, and with tears streaming down her face she asks Yeonsangun in her thoughts if he knew all of this and sent her to be a spy anyway. She wonders if he really meant for her to kill Yeok with her own two hands.

Back at the hideout, Yeok lies to his crew that it must’ve been a petty thief who broke in. They’re surprised when Seo-no returns so quickly after burying his father, but he says there’s work to be done.

Yeok goes home in search of Chae-kyung, but when she isn’t there, he worries about where else she would be headed…

Sure enough, Chae-kyung is at that very moment walking through the palace gates. She stops when she hears Yeonsangun interrogate a pair of ministers for leading the charge against the former vice minister of war based on accusations from the Snail Brides.

They plead on their knees, but Yeonsangun raises a sword and cuts them down viciously without a moment’s hesitation. Chae-kyung stumbles back in terror, and thankfully she manages to hide just in time before Yeonsangun looks up in her direction.

As Chae-kyung walks numbly through the streets, she narrates in voiceover, “After discovering the betrayal of the one I love, for the first time I have come to face the real world that I never knew.”

She looks around as innocent villagers are torn from their homes, and comes to grips with the fact that the king has turned into a tyrant. She calls herself a stupid girl, and she doesn’t even notice Yeok until he calls out for her.

She looks up at him, but her vision suddenly goes blurry and she faints.

Yeonsangun gets a report from a spy who saw Chae-kyung bust her way into the pawnshop (of course he has spies watching his spies). He’s pleased to know that the suspicion has begun, and he says that Chae-kyung will come by very soon to see him, and orders the minion to watch the pawnshop and be ready.

Myung-hye shows the queen dowager the note she found in Seo-no’s father’s pocket, saying that the late king’s will is inscribed on a woman’s body. The queen dowager rules out the late king’s concubines, knowing that he would’ve chosen someone who would be of help to Yeok, not a woman who would want her own son to be king instead. Great, now everyone and their mother is looking for The Girl with the Secret Will Tattoo.

Nok-soo hears that the queen dowager has learned of the tattooed woman, and worries that their side will be at a disadvantage if the woman supports Yeok. Secretary Im isn’t concerned, since it’s not like they need her alive to see her body. Yeesh.

Chae-kyung stirs awake in bed and pretends to be asleep when Yeok comes in. As he wipes her fevered brow and tries to feed her medicine, Chae-kyung thinks to herself that she can’t watch Yeok die twice, or let him die by her hand. She vows to change his mind about the coup before anyone finds out.

When she turns away from him and refuses to take medicine, Yeok reaches out to touch her face and thinks to himself, “I was selfish. I knew you would be in this much pain, but I was greedy and wanted you anyway.” He sits by her side and tends to her all night long.

And in the palace, Yeonsangun sits up all night waiting for Chae-kyung to come see him, but she never comes.

In court, Yeonsangun announces that the vice minister of war will not be exiled; in fact, he will be reinstated and promoted to minister of war. The officials argue that Minister Yoo is deserving of punishment, and that the people all know of his crimes by now. But Yeonsangun says this will prove to the people that those flyers are lies and the king is the one who tells the truth. I… don’t think that’s how it works?

Yeonsangun dares anyone to use the Snail Brides as evidence to argue with him, because the second they do, he will consider it contempt and treason. He singles out Deputy Commander Park and asks if he has any objections, and takes issue with running into him loitering at a pawnshop when he should’ve been working.

The king sentences him to probation and tells him not to come to court for the time being, or to step foot inside the palace unless he wants to make it permanent. It’s personal and everyone knows it, but no one can make a peep.

The Snail Brides convene at the pawnshop without Yeok, who’s still tending to Chae-kyung’s sickbed. Seo-no brings in more reports of corruption and argues that they can’t just wait around being afraid of what the king might do next. They sneak Deputy Commander Park out through the new back exit they’ve dug out, and the king’s spies are none the wiser.

Yeok gets updates from his crew via secret messages hidden behind his front stoop, but they just tear him up inside because all he can think about is Seo-no begging him to hurry up and become king to save the people, and Chae-kyung’s devastation at learning the truth about him. He breaks down in tears not knowing what to do.

Chae-kyung finally feels better and gets dressed to go outside, and now every servant who passes by has become a spy in her eyes. She smiles to see Nanny, who says that Yeok took care of her night and day to get her fever down, and jokes that it’s unfortunate he didn’t collapse from the exertion.

Yeok fusses at her for being outside in her state, but they both clam up as court ladies approach. Thinking that they mustn’t be suspected in any way, Chae-kyung takes his hand sweetly and leads him inside, acting like a happy couple.

She says that this house is filled with palace servants, and the only person she can trust is Nanny. She says warily that she wants to be careful about what they’ll report, but Yeok sighs and says wistfully that this doesn’t suit her. He says that her charm is in acting on what she believes to be true without compromise.

Chae-kyung says that she can’t live that way anymore and looks at him for a long beat before adding, “We’re married now. How can I protect my family if I stay innocent forever?” He seems terrified and hopeful at the same time as he asks, “Are you saying you will protect me?”

She argues that marriage vows already include that promise, just as he—calling him “husband”—will protect them too. He takes a step to close the space between them and puts a hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

Then he suddenly turns to the doors and yanks them open to catch Eunuch Song eavesdropping, and Yeok commands him to leave because he and Chae-kyung are going to sleep together tonight. Oh my.

Eunuch Song scurries away and starts to jot things down in his spy notebook, only to be caught on the other side by Nanny, who demands that he hand it over. She tries to grab it out of his hands, but he’s too fast for her and runs off.

Yeok awkwardly offers up the excuse that newlyweds using separate bedrooms isn’t believable. Ha, are you using her let’s-put-on-appearances plan to get her to sleep here? He says that ordinary newlyweds outside the palace are supposed to share a blanket and not want to leave the bed.

Chae-kyung says that her idea of newlyweds is a husband who brings his wife a basin of water in the morning and carries the heavy things when they go shopping at the market, and holds his wife tightly until she falls asleep.

Yeok smiles at her tenderly and puts his arms around her as he says, “I will hold you tightly until you fall asleep, so stay here tonight.”

Yeonsangun stays up yet another night waiting for Chae-kyung to come, but she doesn’t. He sits there all night in their meeting place until the candles have all burned out, and by the time he stumbles out in the morning, he’s drunk and wobbly on his feet.

The queen dowager and Minister Shin happen to be crossing paths as Yeonsangun comes upon them, and he asks with an edge to his voice if they’ve become true family now that Yeok and Chae-kyung have married.

He asks Minister Shin if he’s known along that he would stand on Yeok’s side and think treasonous thoughts, and Minister Shin protests. But Yeonsangun gets worked up and says if that’s not the case, “How can Chae-kyung be so quiet? She said we were family! She once offered to share in my punishment so I would not be hurt! But now she has gone blind.”

He stumbles past them and only gets a few feet before falling to the ground. The queen has just arrived and rushes to his side, and Yeonsangun embraces her desperately. He begs for her to hold onto Minister Shin and Chae-kyung, calling them and the queen and their son his only family, and his people.

The queen dowager expresses concern over the king’s growing suspicions, but Minister Shin says that if Yeok remains true, it will end as merely unfounded suspicion. The queen dowager bristles and asks if he finds Yeok so untrustworthy that he’s investigating him, and Minister Shin points out that he’s investigating the Snail Brides, not Yeok. Ack, did you just incriminate your son? That was dumb of you.

She realizes the slip and covers up by saying that she doesn’t know what he’s formally investigating and was referring to general suspicion. Minister Shin pleads with her to help Yeok and Chae-kyung be happy, pointing out that she called them fated to be. He remembers that the late king said the same thing when Yeok and Chae-kyung were children, and muses that their fate began long ago.

Yeok wakes up next to Chae-kyung in the morning and smiles to see her there, and they each take turns watching the other sleep.

The queen dowager thinks over Minister Shin’s words and recalls Chae-kyung’s parents bringing her to see the late king when she was just a baby, along with a priestess. She wonders why she’d forgotten about that until now.

Chae-kyung takes out the note of the king’s promise to grant her a wish and calls for Eunuch Song, and by the time Yeok returns home with medicine for her, Nanny tells him that she’s gone to the palace to see the king.

Yeok runs off in a panic, and meanwhile Chae-kyung takes a deep breath before using her key to enter the secret meeting room in the palace.

Yeonsangun gets drunk and tells his head eunuch to go preside over court in his place and sit on the throne, but then Eunuch Song announces himself and Yeonsangun races out of there to meet Chae-kyung.

He’s relieved that she’s come at last, and though she’s terrified thinking of how mercilessly he killed those ministers the other day, she asks if he’s been waiting for her long. He asks if she means how long he’s been coming to this room, or how long he’s been waiting for her. “A long, long time,” he says, his voice taking on a gentler tone.

He eagerly prods her to tell him what she saw at the pawnshop, but she says she saw nothing, and his face twitches in anger. Chae-kyung says she realized she needed to ask him something before accepting his royal order, and asks when he began to suspect Yeok.

Yeonsangun says he knew the moment Yeok returned that he intended to exact revenge and take the throne because Yeok believes that he ordered his death. Chae-kyung asks if Yeonsangun really gave the order, and he says, “Yes. I killed him. Even if I didn’t kill him directly, every night I stabbed him with a blade. I hoped that someone, anyone would kill him in my place.”

Crying, Chae-kyung says that he didn’t really kill Yeok, but Yeonsangun argues that even now he’s just waiting for the justification to kill Yeok with his own hands. She asks if the brothers can’t make amends because this might be their last opportunity, but Yeonsangun counters in a sad, small voice that if he does, she’ll forgive Yeok too and live happily with him. Augh, what a heartbreaking way to declare your feelings.

He says that she’s barely begun to suspect Yeok and he’s finally managed to drive a wedge between them, and he refuses to stand by and let them become happy again. He spells it out for her plainly—that he cares more about driving Yeok and Chae-kyung apart with hate and resentment than he does about making amends with Yeok. “That way… that way…” he begins, but he can’t bring himself to say out it out loud.

Chae-kyung understands what is left unsaid, and with tears spilling down her face she kneels to the ground and hands him the note he gave her years ago, promising to grant her a wish.

Yeok has been racing through the palace in search of them, and finally arrives outside the door and orders Eunuch Song to move aside. He listens just as Chae-kyung asks for Yeonsangun to grant her wish and allow her and Yeok to move to the countryside.

Yeonsangun snarls as she says this is the only way for all three of them to live at peace, and that Yeok promised her he would move. Yeonsangun shouts that there’s no way Yeok would do that, when even on his wedding day he went out in search of their father’s secret will.

This is first that Chae-kyung has heard of the will, and Yeonsangun freely tells her that their father left a will ordering him to pass down the throne when Yeok comes of age, and that he had it inscribed on a woman’s body. Chae-kyung goes limp at those words.

Yeonsangun draws his sword and demands to know what she saw at the pawnshop and whether it was evidence of treason. She denies seeing anything, but he lets her know that his spies saw her walk out of there in a daze, and demands the truth.

Yeok knows she’s out of excuses, and bursts into the room to say that he’ll answer instead. He steps between them and grabs the sharp end of Yeonsangun’s sword with his bare hand, using brute force to pull it up and away from Chae-kyung, not caring that his hand is dripping with blood.

The brothers stare each other down with murderous glares, and Yeok breaks away to bring Chae-kyung to her feet. Yeonsangun can’t stand to see them like this and swings his sword angrily at Yeok. But to both boys’ horror, Chae-kyung sees it first and steps in front of Yeok, arms outstretched to protect him.

Yeonsangun ends up slicing her in the arm, which stuns him more than anyone. Yeok blocks him from trying to go to Chae-kyung and check on her, and when Yeonsangun growls at his impudence, Yeok growls back, “She’s my wife!” Dayum.

She tells them both to stop and stumbles past them, and Yeok runs after her. She tries feebly to push him aside, but he won’t have it and just picks her up to carry her home, leaving Yeonsangun shaken and alone.

As Yeok carries her out of the palace, he tells her never to go see his brother on her own anymore because it’s too dangerous. She aptly points out that Yeok is more dangerous… but then she switches to metaphors and says he’ll fall if he keeps going like this, outwardly referring to him carrying her.

He counters with his own doublespeak that she should just hold on tightly then: “No matter what happens, don’t let go of me. Hold tight.” Aww.

Yeonsangun seethes at the memory of Yeok calling Chae-kyung his wife and blocking him from going to her. When Nok-soo asks if he wants to examine the next group of women for a tattoo, he tells her to do it without him and then requests for Myung-hye to be brought to him.

Nanny is so alarmed at the sight of Chae-kyung’s wounded arm that she yells at Yeok for letting her get injured, and nobody tends to his bloody hand.

After Nanny has bandaged her up, Chae-kyung checks to see if any spies are nearby and then undresses to look at the tattoo on her back, suddenly afraid that it’s something far more dangerous than a curse.

When Myung-hye arrives to see the king, Nok-soo leads the latest group of half-dressed court ladies out of the room, and Yeonsangun greets Myung-hye with a sword to her throat. He says it’s Myung-hye’s fault what happened today—that Chae-kyung was injured because of Yeok, which is her fault because she’s the one who saved Yeok’s life.

He declares that she’ll have to pay the price, and slices her on the arm in the same place Chae-kyung was cut.

He says that for every question she can’t answer, he’ll cut away a piece of her clothing, and when none of that remains, he’ll cut her skin, and then take her life. Holy crap.

Yeonsangun asks who the leader of the Snail Brides is, and when she says she doesn’t know, he cuts away her outer layer of clothing and muses, “I wasn’t particularly interested in your naked body, but if you continue this way, it can’t be helped. It looks like we’ll become very close today.”

His smile turns manic as he says, “Do you know why I haven’t killed Yeok yet? Because it’s fun.” He calls it funny to see Yeok shaking in fear not knowing when he’ll be killed, wearing a mask to try and fool him just to survive. He says that since Yeok has provided him such enjoyment, he’ll make sure to repay that in his death by torturing him, tearing his flesh, and hanging him like food for a wild beast.

Myung-hye comes home badly shaken up, and she hurriedly starts packing her things with a look of determination on her face.

A palanquin stops outside a large tree and Chae-kyung steps out and asks if this is the place that people call the Divine Tree (which are the same characters tattooed on her back). The man says the 200-year-old tree is believed to chase away demons and grant wishes, and there’s even a headstone there erected by the late king.

Once alone, Chae-kyung approaches the tree and addresses the late king in her thoughts, asking why he left her such a heavy burden, and how he would have her choose a king. She digs near the headstone and uncovers a box with a scroll inside, and Chae-kyung thinks, “I’m just a woman who wanted to live an ordinary life.”

In the morning, Chae-kyung is surprised by the sudden arrival of the queen dowager, whose first order of business is to punish a suspicious girl who was lurking outside the house. Ack, it’s Myung-hye, dressed as a peasant girl. I don’t like this at all…

Chae-kyung recognizes her from their time together in prison, and lies to the queen dowager that the girl was with her when she lived in the country and that she called her here. Nanny makes a quizzical face but doesn’t argue, and Chae-kyung saves Myung-hye from being turned in, or so she thinks.

Myung-hye gives the queen dowager a surreptitious glance before heading away with Nanny. Great, what this house really needed was another spy. Myung-hye asks Nanny for a job as a servant hoping to live here, and Nanny is wary about taking her in if she’s been in and out of prison, wondering if she’s planning to take advantage of Chae-kyung’s generosity.

The queen dowager tells Chae-kyung that she’s here to have the doctor examine her because the date has been set for her and Yeok to sleep together (members of the royal family were required to follow auspicious dates set by fortunetellers for conceiving an heir), and Chae-kyung wonders to herself if the queen dowager knows about her tattoo, and is pushing for this because of the will.

The queen dowager puts on a sweet act and says that she wants grandchildren, and urges Chae-kyung to address her as “mother” from now on because they’re family. Chae-kyung complies with a nervous smile.

Myung-hye sneaks into Chae-kyung’s room and starts to dig through her things while cleaning, and stops when Chae-kyung comes in. But this time Chae-kyung gets another good look at her and remembers the other time she saw Myung-hye’s face, on the night she kissed Yeok. Oh thank goodness you remember! Don’t trust her!

Myung-hye bows to the ground and asks Chae-kyung to let her be a servant here, and Chae-kyung narrates, “Everyone began to lie to me in order to find the secret will from me.”

Yeok comes home just then and freezes at the sight of Myung-hye, who greets him as if they’re meeting for the first time. Chae-kyung looks back and forth between them warily.


There are a lot of things I’m willing to let slide, but if Yeok lets Myung-hye live in that house and spy on them, I will be so mad. Not to mention the fact that he’ll be in deep trouble, considering that Chae-kyung already suspects Myung-hye of being a past lover. I’m less concerned about Myung-hye snooping around for the rebellion and more upset with what Chae-kyung will assume is a betrayal of their wedding vows. But maybe I should have more faith in this couple, who have thus far managed to avoid all the other glaring misunderstanding pitfalls around them and chosen to trust each other above all else. I just hate the idea that Myung-hye is in their bedrooms; the house is creepy enough with all the palace servants lurking in every corner and reporting their every move to the king, but she’s invasive in a new way.

Even though we knew it was bound to happen soon, it was a bittersweet moment when Chae-kyung shed her innocence and was suddenly awakened to the king’s tyranny and Yeok’s treasonous intent all at once. She’s always faster on the uptake than anyone gives her credit for, and I was impressed that she immediately looked for reasons why Yeok would want to be king, and opened her eyes to what kind of king Yeonsangun has become. If she had lived a less sheltered life, she’d probably have come to know these things long ago, but she’s only ever thought of Yeonsangun as her family. I found it so sad when Yeok saw the change in her immediately and regretted having her lose her bold, fearless innocence. But I don’t think there’s any going back for her now. I see why Yeok thought he was being selfish by marrying her, because he knew this day would come, and he’d be the reason she changed and carried a burden in her heart.

I was all prepared for the race to discover Chae-kyung’s tattoo, and didn’t expect the twist that she’d find out what it meant first and find the secret will herself. I love that this heroine takes her fate into her own hands and doesn’t sit around for things to happen to her. She’s taking on a huge risk now that she’s the only one who knows where the will is, but in one move she’s rendered the tattoo obsolete and bought herself some leverage (and moved the plot along!). The question is what she’ll do with that hot potato now.

This show always gets a burst of energy when the brothers clash face-to-face. It’s enough that I almost want it in every episode, except then I probably couldn’t handle the emotional stress, and poor Chae-kyung would probably pass out halfway through every episode. It was just so refreshing to see them argue without putting on appearances of civility, because let’s face it—they know the subtext and can dance around it all they want, but they both know Yeok is after the throne and Yeonsangun wants Chae-kyung’s heart, and that they’ll die before giving up what’s theirs.

Yeonsangun’s tragic downfall, of course, is that he doesn’t see that Chae-kyung’s heart doesn’t just transfer to him if he defeats Yeok—it’s her love to give, not anyone’s to claim, and driving a wedge between them won’t make her come to him. But it still broke my heart when he confessed it to her thinking it would happen that way. He’s so twisted and wrong (and so scary when he lashes out at other women as stand-ins for Chae-kyung), but his jealousy and heartbreak feel so real in the moment when he’s standing in front of her and too scared to admit that he wants her love, or unable to go to her side confidently the way Yeok does. It’s like he never even considered the idea that she might love Yeok enough to trust him no matter what, because that’s not a love he’s ever known. I can only imagine how deep his jealousy will grow when he learns how unwavering their love has become.


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Can we just appreciate how good PARK Min young's acting is ? I felt the raw emotions from her eyes alone ! I'm so glad her character has so much autonomy and independence -- she's going to take things to her own hands !


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i second this


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Omg yes! She's the whole reason I watch this drama anyway. What a wonderful performance.


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Absolutely Yes!!!


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This is her best perfomance IMHO! I love how she can portray many emotions flawlessly. She's living the character.


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Moon Chae Won, Seo Hyundai Jin and now Park Min Young... another saguek queen is born! I'm not sure but I believe this is her first one? Sungkyungkwan not included


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She was also in Time Slip Dr. Jin I believe. But it's best to pretend that drama never happened...


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Yes, she is wonderful. Her performance in this drama has been eye-opening for me.


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Oh, please I just want Chae Kyung to be happy because that's what she deserve. One of greatest heroine ever!


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I feel so bad for Chaekyung... everyone is using her for their own advantages when all she wants is a normal life as a woman ? Queen dowager is really fake, I'm positive that she's part of the team that dethroned Chaekyung at the end.

I really want to know what the heck happened to MH with Yeonsangun, pretty sure he said something about having a "close/skin relationship" with her by the end of the night, I really hope he didn't rape her, that'd be terrible.


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I love that Chae Kyung is no longer innocent from the truth. She may not know everything thats going on. But she knows enough that she will be careful for her family's sake (Yeok).

That scene between the brothers. Finally, Yeok stood up to him and its for ChaeKyung's sake. I love it when he carried her home.

I dont like that MyungHye has sneaked her way inside the house. It is very invasive and I hope Yeok kicks her out.


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Park Min Young/ Shin Chae Kyung is so satisfying as the titular "Seven Day Queen". The character is the true meaning of feminist even in Joseon setting. She is strong, bold, she used her brain well and she's good with sword! No wonder they used the SDQ as the title.

Watching SDQ is truly "Loving even if it hurt" for me. I know the ending, I know it'll hurt, but I loved it.

I'm singing praise for this drama and have influenced every one to watch it!


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Chae Kyung is such a smart though tragic heroine! I love how this show doesn't drag the plot of finding the secret letter unlike other shows (*cough* ruler: master of mask *cough*) and Chae Kyung was quick to deduce that her tattoo meant the location of the will. But at the same time, it was saddening to watch her lose her 'Chae-kyungness'. I missed her adorable smile ?


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I was waiting for this recap! Thank you girlfriday!

It was a riveting episode. The plot moved along at a good pace - with 7 episodes to go - what else is going to happen? I can't wait. This is one drama I should have waited and binge watch at one go.

The leads all had their own pains. CK finally realised that she is collateral damage but she is not taking it lying down. Yeok knew it was naive to want it all - the throne and the woman he loves - he wants it all the same. Yeonsangun is a hateful yet pitiful character. LDG should be in more sageuks! His twisted confession of love was so sad. Shin family are his people - any betrayal from them is unthinkable - almost as if they are his last line of defense before he falls into complete madness.

PMY's acting has gotten to another level. So glad they casted all three of them in this drama.

On a completely irrelevant note - had PMY been the female lead in Moon Lovers - the pain would have been excruciating given the richness of the original novel.


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I feel bad for Chae Kyung that both Yeonsangun and Yeok tried to protect her but they both hurt her in their own way. How can it be so tragic between them!
Lee dong Gun really did a good job with Yeonsangun. I feel his pain for one sided love.
I saw the preview for the next episode and pray to dramagod, "can we have more happy Yoek and Ck moment?" My poor heart cant handle all of these.


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I have never felt such deep physical reaction right before I push "play" for a new episode. I have been looking forward to 7DQ all week but yet so ambivalent about watching it when it is finally available. Even after reconciling with the pain it is bestowing upon me while watching the story unfold, the passing of each minute then brings the new feeling of regret that I am inching toward to the end of the show.

Is there such a thing as winning and losing all at the same time when it comes to viewing dramas? Sigh........


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Hahaha, I love how your wish eventually morphed into an all-cap stream of consciousness. My brain an hour finishing the episode is still "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."


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I agree about that physical pain. It's crazy. I also watch this late because I try to deny to myself that I want to watch the new episode. "I don't want it. It will be painful!" But then I'd decide to watch it the next day, after hours of convincing. It physically hurts my heart to watch this but it's so good, I can't stay away for long.


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A round of applause for my girl crush.. Park Min Young. It feels like this episode is entirely for her to grow. She's not naive. She just a pure soul want pure love. I remembered the scene where young SCK asked for friendship... if this is the truth about Lady Shin... she is a really an interesting character. But mostly the historical record are about politics. I cried when she cried. It felt like watching a person named Lady Shin cried. She's quick to realize that queen dowager wants to use her.

Possible spoiler:

It's true that she will be dethroned. But i believe it's the best for her to run away from palace politic. After all his mother in law does not like and her parents will be no longer around her.


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Thoughts on being dethroned. I think she will request Yeok to dethrone her. She will tell him that she is "letting him go". Or another option will be instead of executing her for being part of the family that comitted treason, Yeok will request for her to just be deposed, he will promise never to see her again and marry Myung Hee in exchange for her safety.

I find Yeok to be weak actually. I'm liking his character less & less. It's like he's always easily swayed by others. I feel bad for CK because everyone around her just wants to use her. Yeok married her partly out of love & partly out of ambition. YSG views her as his property & wants her to act as his spy. Then there's the queen dowager who is only using her until Yeok becomes king & dispose her after.


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Well history says he is the king who is easily swayed but I do hope this drama will not totally depict him as such


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Jungjong didn't ascend to the throne on his own, which made his position as king fundamentally weak since he was at the mercy of the actual masterminds of the coup. The historical Yeok seemed like the kind of guy who'd rather live in quiet solitude with his loving wife than be king but was forced into the position and could no longer step away.

Yeok in this drama is proactive, but his political position is inherently weak as well. He needs allies and supporters to become king, but allies like Minister Park are too important to be dismissed yet too ambitious to be contained.


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I am now wondering why Chae Gyung loves the prince. Is it just based on a past child infatuation? It seems like it is, since Yeok has changed in her eyes and she wants him to be what she thinks he should be. Yes, she wants to protect him from the Crazy that is the Palace, but I can't help but feel that she desires a different man that she thought could be within Yeok. In my experience, again that is already a difficult road ahead. I know why Yeok could love her.


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The most horrible irony would be if she and Yeok agreed that she would leave the throne after a year or so and go live outside the castle. He might not want that as he realizes he will become a puppet king and needs support from his loved ones, but he gives in since he knows CG will wither and die in a place like the palace.
Then the Queen Dowager and company killed her family and framed her to get rid of her, because they did not know she would willingly step down. Even worse if the QD, like I suspect, gives her medicine or treatment to make her infertile.

And when Yeok talks to his mother when all is said and done, he tells her this - that CG was going to leave the castle anyway - and says that she is no longer the mother he thought he knew.

But that is just my guess, though. It will be interesting to see what will bring this journey to an end.


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Whilst my logical mind is happy at the turn of events and the way Chae-kyung not only unmasked her husband but the king, I feel really bad for this girl. Seriously, now I'm shouting ‘Oi! What the eff do you have that you think you can have this girl eh?’ They've given her nothing but heartbreak and distress!!! Chae-kyung take Nanny and go back to Geochang. Become a monk or a nun or whatever just leave that crazy family with their twisted family tree. Go to China or Japan or wherever. Just leave and be happy girl. Those two morons don't deserve even a hair strand of yours! PLEASE.

Methinks that now that the show has taken Chae-kyung's naiveté out of the way and any ounce of civility between the brothers have been vaporised, they are now free to unleash the madness and the tyranny of this Yeonsangun which quite frankly, though already mad, was just bubbling at the surface and not full-on mad tyrant. When that happens, I am not quite sure how anyone can think of themselves as safe—even now when his madness is just a preview it is already borderline cardiac-arrest-inducing, jeez, how much more when it goes full-on? Seriously, who can actually sleep soundly during those times?

The thing about Myung-hye's appearance is that if Yeok lets her in the house, it would confirm Chae-kyung's notion that all the people around her are ganging up on her only to find the will, if Yeok doesn't let Myung-hye inside the house, it is as if he is trying to hide something when Chae-kyung already knows that there was something between Yeok and Myung-hye that she saw. If the Queen Mother was trying to win Chae-kyung's trust, this was a very shoddy way of doing it.

As always, I love love love Nanny—Ha! The way she fussed over Chae-kyung's cut and berated Yeok! And her tiff with Eunuch Song! Heh. Like I said before, don't they dare put Nanny in harm's way!!!


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Nanny is really the fairy god mother and she is my second girl crush after CK!


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Your comment is my favorite thus far! Absolutely love the way you said it.

Talking about twisted family tree. Haha. I couldnt agree more.
That tattoo can get in the way though.


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My heart goes out to Chae-kyung ? she just wants to live an ordinary life with her husband ?


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The Girl with the Secret Will Tattoo ---> Thanks for making me laugh @girlfriday ! I need that after last night's heart-wringing episode, lol


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Min Young cries as much as Ga Eun but the effect is so different. GE just cry for the sake of crying, Min Young cries make you hurt so badly


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There is no comparison. I don't think it's fair to compare the acting ability too although I think MY is simply brilliant as Chae Kyung.


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Kim So-hyun is usually an effective actress, but she's hampered by poor writing and character development. Park Min-young, who's already talented on her own, is elevated by excellent writing and directing. When Ga-eun cries, it's frustrating because she's such a useless character and the context of her crying is lazily written. When Chae-kyung cries, we're heartbroken because we see that the situation is truly difficult (and well-written) and we root for her because we've seen her power through some truly sticky stuff before and we know she has it in her to make it.


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compared to who??... KSH???...is this an insult???... LOL....
Come on people, there's a huge difference!!.... KSH acting style is just to open her wide and that's it: happy, sad, mad.. all in one!!.. LOL...
PMY's acting is brilliant, effortless... (even let's say their on the same batch or generation), but still.... I'd say, this is just a simple math..
KSH is only 5%
PMY is 100%... one digit vs 3 digits makes a lot of sense.... Sorry, bcoz somebody brought this up.... LOL... peace!!


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Be more clear, it is the actress or the character that you want to compare?

If it is the character, it's true Cha Kyung is better than Ga Eun. Credits to the good writing & direction as well, aside from Park's good acting , otherwise it is potentially to go downhill as well regardless excellent acting or not.

And tbh to compare these two actresses who are not from similar group seems unacceptable for me, although they started their acting career from around the same year.


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people understand and connect to chae ryung bcos the drama/storywritting helped us know her story and struggle and how much she has suffer plus she is the figure of the story adding her good acting and direction ofcourse she is a winner BUT if all is fair GA UEN character wasnt well written so was the entire story ,her back story was vegue for u to really connect and the centre of action and attention was yoo seung ho..........so as real people i disagree ksy is a great actress too especially for her age but character wise yes chae ryung is better


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character or the real actress wise... I see a huge difference!!.... good writing or poor writing, nothing's changed... age difference or not....KSH is a lame actress for sure...


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Character-writing and directing are important in the drama, if the writer & PD sucks, no matter what amount of talent the actors won't be able to elevate it beyond their own abilities. Case in point: my favorite actress Moon Geun Young, who usually holds her own well and had the best performance in Painter of The Wind, was quite bad in Goddess of Fire due to writing that made us viewers cannot connect to her character at all. I even hated Lee Sang Yoon in that drama because he seemed cannot act at all.
Kim So Hyun and Yoo Seung Ho are two talented actors. But in Ruler: Master of The Mask the two just look like two mopey teenagers.


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I think the writer of Ruler got amnesiac along the way and forget that Kim So-hyun's character (Ga-eun) is the female main lead character instead of Hwa-gun (Yoon So-hee) ?


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I have no idea how, but this riveting show has me on the edge of my seat from start till finish, week after week. It also has the uncanny ability to tenderly break my heart - Yeok crying helplessly, Yeonsangun's almost poignant confession to CK, CK's awful realisation that she's a mere political pawn - and then hold it together for long enough with fleeting moments of happiness to break it all over again.

Due to a slight (okay, huge) YWJ-bias I feel I've underappreciated LDG's range thus far. But he really and truly impressed me today with his confession scene where he went from psychotic to relieved to tender to pleading then livid, all in the space of less than 5 minutes. I finally see the error of my ways, and will promise to love them both! If only that was an option for our poor CK... ?

And @girlfriday, hats (gats?) off again to you for your amazingly speedy and riveting recaps - keep them coming! x


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You put into words how I also feel about this drama every week. The 3 lead actors are really slaying our emotions. That scene in the library until Yeok was asking CK not to let go left me in awe of their acting abilities. Even the dialogues and music were on point. It may have a sad ending but the it so worth the watch.


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YSG's confession scene had me in pieces. CK brings out the best in him but with Yeok in the picture - YSG quickly realised that he loves CK in way that he didn't even know he was capable of. She is family, a friend and confidante all rolled into one - someone who sees the good in him when few could. LDG nailed the complex emotions so so well. YSG could have easily been a very two-dimensional type of villain - but this is the best portrayal yet.


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I just started this drama over the weekend, and while I breezed through the first eight episodes, it became harder and harder to continue because of how tragically twisted and painful their lives were becoming :(

I initially found Chae-kyung's naivety/innocence slightly grating, but then came to love that part of her. The loss of that innocence in this episode was thus both welcomed and mourned, but I love how she now, at least, knows that everyone's out to use her for their own ends. Definitely rooting for her 100% and hoping she'll find a way to make it out of this... even though history has proved otherwise. :(


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Chae-kyung is hands down my favorite heroine of the year. She is (was) pure-hearted and innocent, always believing the best of others. But she was never stupid and never passive. She always took control of her fate and never let others make decisions for her. As much as it broke my heart to see her world crumble this episode, it was so... empowering to see her take action, to seek answers on her own. As much as I love Yeok and appreciate Yeonsangun's character, it's Chae-kyung who is the hero of this story, and she shines brighter with each passing episode.

PMY better get some acknowledgement at the KBS Drama Awards. She deserves it.


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Yeonsangun & Yeok = IDIOTS

Chae Kyung= my hero rn

Ok can CK and the nanny just go live by themselves in the countryside and like start up some awesome village or smth and get away from these lying idiots who keep hurting her. seriously tho if Yeok allows myung hee to stay as a servant i am gonna be PISSED and yeok's already in my bad books rn. *hmphhh*


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Ahhh all Chae Kyung wants is to live ordinary life with the one she loves. ? I feel so bad for her, I just want her to be happy, but we all know that she's going to be the Seven Day Queen. I think the royals are all selfish, even the late King for using Chae Kyung to be the messenger and put her in a tight spot. I love that she has her own stand, and instead of waiting for people to do something about her tattoo, she already took an action about it.


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I think the show’s title should be changed to Bad-ass Queen or Queen Chae (like Queen Bey) :P

But seriously, Park Min-young owns this show. We were briefly shown the tragic fate of her character in Episode 1 but for us to be invested in her story despite knowing the heartbreak that awaits her, we have to give props to the actress and the rest of the production team for engaging the viewers consistently.

And I feel that this quote from Olivia Pope’s (Kerry Washington) character in Scandal aptly describes Chae-kyung’s love for Yeok: “I don’t want normal, and easy, and simple. I want painful, difficult, life-changing, extraordinary love.”


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Ok, this episode really made me feel sorry for Yeonsangun, even when I know how bad he is. He just… waits in the library for nights, expecting CG to run (into his arms) and admit she was wrong about Yeok, just like he said. He becomes worse and worse, but at the same time more pathetic as the smile he has on the first night reminds me of a child waiting for his parent to come home from work and play, only to realize they won’t come. While he is infatuated with CG as a woman, it is obvious that he projects a lot of family warmth he missed growing up onto her. And when we finally got to see Yeonsangun and the queen interact, even if it was while he was in a daze, it was powerful and sad.

CG’s continuous trust and love for Yeok becomes more and more heartbreaking as we see just for far she is willing to go for him. Because you could be forgiven to think that their love could survive ANYTHING at this point. Only we know, we know that in a year’s time, the limit is reached and CG, whether sincerely or in a moment of rage, will hate Yeok and try to kill him. But considering how loving and family-oriented she is, it makes sense that only the brutal death of her family would finally put her over the edge.

I really feel sorry for both CG and Yeok. CG when she realizes how ignorant she has been to the people around her and their true natures, and Yeok when he realizes how his selfishness causes people around him so much pain, and puts him between a rock and a hard place. At the end of the day, all they want is to be together, but that damned coward of a former king had to screw it up.

However, there are times like this I really wish 7DQ had gotten more episodes instead of Ruler: Master of the Mast. I think Ruler would have heavily benefited from having less episodes to waste, so they would, like 7DQ, skip over needless drama and go from point A to point B without stopping by point AY and AX on the way. While part of 7DQ’s charm is that it is fast-paced and do not waste much time, I do think they would have managed to make it work with four-six or even ten extra episodes.
At least, I know how the series will end (somewhat, who knows what twists they will do to history), but I do not watch the series to see how it ends, I watch it to see the journey, to see the characters’ journey and how they get to that ending. It helps that all the characters so far seem to have a reason to be there and act the way they do, even the two-dimensional Im, and that the actors are doing a good job at providing chemistry and emotion with each other.
If they had more episodes, they could go more into these background characters and what drives them, as well as their relationship overall with each other. What does the queen think of Nok-Soo? Where are the crown prince? What exactly is Yeons' relationship with the queen? I feel, rather than having more episodes to fill as filler, they would have more episodes to explore, which is a huge difference.

I wish we...


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The scene with the three of them in the library pretty much sums up why the show remains a compelling watch. The brothers are so intense! And Chae Kyung has always been so earnest, it's no wonder both are drawn to her. Though I wished she just burned the will when she found it, so she could go live happily ever after with her prince, I know it's probably best I wait and see on what she'll actually do with all the information. After all, she is earnest AND smart. She's got this.

You have my trust and love too, Chae Kyung-ah! Fighting!!! Can't wait for episode 14!!!


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Park Min Young/Chae Kyung is the MVP of the show! I know other leads are giving their best shot but I'm terribly happy to have a drama knows how to portray a strong female character without making her a warrior or a fighter.

I thought I'll watch another 3 episodes with Yeon tauntingly tries to show Yeok 'betrayal' to Chae Kyung but this show wastes no time. Now I'm curious how did they end up in the beginning of epi 1after seeing how great their bond in this episode.


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I know i should root for the "good guys" here but aside from ChaeKyung and Yeok i really hate this so called good guys especially his Mother and her allies....Also in a twisted way i quite adore Yongsangun,he is so fun to watch,even if he is bat crazy...I would have really enjoyed seeing him win over that Queen Dowanger and her minions...


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Haha, you pinpointed why I think sometimes people find it isn't always easy to root for Yeok. He, himself, has been through and sacrificed so much for Chae-kyung and Seo-no before and I want to get completely behind him. But with his Mother's people backing him up, while subtly threatening and monitoring our couple, it's just hard to completely support his efforts when you fear a time will come when he won't be able to keep them in check. I'd loveeeee more scenes like the one with Seo-no to make his conflict feel more grounded in what matters.


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Lol I almost feel guilty for sympathising with Yeongsan who's clearly a few marbles short, but damn is his ruthlessness a joy to watch. The way he tortures those around him in that sadistic manner is both frightening and fascinating at the same time. Hats off to Lee Dong-gun for embracing the crazy and playing Yeongsang with such layered complexity. His speech and facial expression depict lunacy, yet we're still made to sympathise with his tragic outlook. I sure in hell wouldn't wanna give the guy a hug, but I would love for him to find some sort of solace, even if it comes with his demise.


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I'm like,i should fully root for Yeok after all he went through yet i trully trully want Yeonsan to torture and wipe out that Queen and her minions so badly that i forget for seconds i'm actually rooting more for the "bad" guy here to win...I actually feel like u bad for me wanting Yeonsan to be the victor and being all happy when Yeok plans fail even if i know Yeongsan won't last long...


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"Yeonsangun stays up yet another night waiting for Chae-kyung to come, but she doesn’t" boii just keep waiting til the end of your short life


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From what I have gleaned from the wiki, on the day Yeonsangun was deposed, Yeok was going to kill himself because he thought that his brother was finally going to kill him. He was dissuaded by his wife. I didn't get an impression that Yeok was instrumental in deposing Yeonsangun and history is of the opinion he was weak.

I'd really love if the show stays true to its title and can't wait to see Chae Kyung step up her game even though it is the last thing she wants.


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"There are a lot of things I’m willing to let slide, but if Yeok lets Myung-hye live in that house and spy on them, I will be so mad."
Honestly, same. He better not. I don't want Chae Kyung feeling betrayed of her feelings in addition to everything else.


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this drama is the best think to ever happen to me this year and by farr the best chemistry since i started watching sageuk..will love it looong after it ends


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I feel so much sympathy for chae gyung when i think of how much she trusted Yeok and willed herself to stay loyal to him even when in her bones she knew that he was lying to her! that is what is so heartbreaking in their relationship. Yeok's ambition is more important than chae gyung, i don't know why he doesn't admit it.
i felt that Chae Gyung wasn't trying to show the king that Yeok was trustworthy, she wanted that proof for herself. She doesn't trust him.


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i understand yeok...he cant tell his wife the truth bcoz she will be in a tight spot since her family is loyal to the king and she is loves yeok and making her choose him will kill her family and her choosing her family is equal to killing him hence the current situation...............also telling her early on would have made her an accomplice by association just by having that knowledge alone..................i wish the happiness till the last epi


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When Yeok said that he was being selfish when he chose to marry CK, I totally understand him. He is intelligent and he knows that being King will be the best for his people but then he can't contain his love for CK and even though it will harm both of them in the end, he chose to have that short-lived happiness. I think that's what you do when you're truly in love.


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It is Chae Kyung who bleed by his sword but he is the one that felt more pain, I can almost felt sympathy for Yeongsangun in that brief moment before he go crazy and use his sword on Myung Hee (not that I didn't enjoy it of course!) How come he blame Yeok for taht when he is the one holding the god damn sword. I am torn apart between the two brothers, but for sure my heart will always with our strong heroine


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Yeonsangun does have a tendency to blame other people when he's doling out the pain during his fits of crazy.


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I think because he knows part of him uses CK and like it or not she is a victim of all this situation...If he continues to act against him he hurts her with his actions...CK is far lucky he has a weak spot for her because if not she would have harmed and tortured her way long as a side effect of Yeok actions...Once he married her they became one,her knowing or not of his plans,in Yonsangun's eyes he is plotting to dethrone him and everyone by his side is a enemy that should be get ridden...


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Confirmed. I love torturing my heart by watching beautiful yet sad-tragic drama. Gosh. I'm indeed a masochist. But, how can I stop watching the beautifully acted drama by wonderful actors? My heart ache for them, and I can't wait for the next episode. I can't wait for another round of twists and knots.


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True. I love everything about this drama. Be it romance or angst or politics, everything is done right!


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Could the King be any more obvious that he is into Chae-kyung. He even called her family in front of his wife and then tries to help her and looks all sad after he almost slices of her arm.


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the moment SCG unearthed the box containing the letter, i was like, "Geum deung ji sa, anyone?" LOL.. yes, i watched SKKS like a million time right until that scandal (sorry i have to bring it up)

anyway, PMY is truly at her best in saeguk..

and im not the only one wincing at that palm slice in the library, right?


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Daebak! Thank you @girlfriday for the recap!

I almost forgot that the new maid's name is Myung Hee. In some ways, Hyung's action (lashing it out on her) did triggered her to become more desperate/daring. With her in the house, things will get more complicated, on top of the already complicated household.

Btw, that scene where the king waited for Chae Kyung in the royal library night after night was really heartbreaking for me. I mean, if he's not a despotic king (think: Park Bo Gum's role in Moonlight, shall he became king), that action alone would be touching and swoon-worthy. But this one breaks my heart. No, it actually pulled my heart to all different places because: 1. he did that because of his feelings for Chae Kyung (however twisted his train of thoughts were), 2. Chae Kyung does not love him, but she loves the very man he wants to destroy, 3. He is despotic. Even if he met Chae Kyung on the first night he waited, we wouldnt want Chae Kyung to spill the beans, at least not to him, because then Yeok&Co. will die. 4. The king was right about Yeok being treacherous. Being stood up in that library means that he will be more convinced that the whole world, even CK that he loves and trusts is on the traitor's side, and not on his. Ouch.


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Thanks for the recap!

This show just has a way of executing every conflict so well each episode, knowing just what to give in character development and pacing. Each time the acting, directing, writing comes together seamlessly to deliver everything with such beautiful precision and depth that the audience is left, wrecked and feeling all the same emotions (lol, well, at least, the awesome Beanie audience here). It results in everyone on these recaps voicing my feelings exactly, because this is the kind of show that knows just how to effectively get the response it needs and I love that. Every now and then I come across shows that make me feel like I need to explain why I love them. This doesn't mean I love those shows any less, just that I know that they're rough around the edges or lacking in some way, despite whatever factors that have me adoring it. This is not one of those shows. I love it so fully that sometimes I don't know what to say other than I love it (because if I get started on some of the conflicts in this I could go on forever...). Last week I completely lost a few of my several ongoing, long-winded, emotional comments on the recap due to internet issues and had to give up, lol!

Park Min-young has very subtly been impressing me as much as the boys since the beginning (even with Lee Dong-gun's powerhouse turn) so this episode's amazing performance didn't necessarily come as a surprise. I've known for a while she's had it in her. But, ahhhh, I still found myself tearing up with pride a little bit, just seeing her get the chance to display the impressive extent of her range with such a wonderful, bad-ass character, one that forges her own fate amidst all the odds stacked against her.

After Healer ended, I've always really wanted to see what she could do with a role that placed her first. Don't get me wrong, I actually think Healer allowed for a lot of focus and growth on all characters, besides the titular Healer and I would never change a thing about it or Chae Young-shin (I just wanted 20 more episodes of their capers together at the end, heh!). But, still, I wanted PMY to be the one the drama was named after for once, partly because Healer made me see that she could do something great with more female-centric material. So when Seven Day Queen was announced with her and the very PD that had my desiring this kind of drama/role for her, it was pretty hard to tamp down my expectations. I'm glad the show has proven that I didn't have to. It's completely exceeded expectations. Now I just need to worry over what it's doing to my heart...


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Park Min-young has very subtly been impressing me as much as the boys since the beginning (even with Lee Dong-gun's powerhouse turn) so this episode's amazing performance didn't necessarily come as a surprise. I've known for a while she's had it in her. But, ahhhh, I still found myself tearing up with pride a little bit, just seeing her get the chance to display the impressive extent of her range with such a wonderful, bad-ass character, one that forges her own fate amidst all the odds stacked against her.

Yes!! I was seriously happy as punch to see her improve so much as an actress. And this episode seriously showcased her talents. Every single one of her facial expressions spoke to me, and can't be an easy feat. Loved reading your comment @chandler *thumbs up*


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*that can't be an easy feat*


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It's nice to have a drama centered around a female character that doesn't seem like it is trying too hard (if that makes sense, lol). This show is just so lovely, and I love how human and real and emotional the interactions among our characters are. I just love all the little details that help add to that realness and depth. And I love that both members of our tragic couple, while not completely honest with each other, are not left in the dark. They are both intelligent and they are both struggling to find solutions to the increasing problems around them. Gosh! How many times did I use the word, "love?" LOL


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*I love Yongsangeun, I hate Yongsangeun, I love Yongsangeun, I hate Yongsangeun...*

This could go on for a while!! But damn, I don't think anyone can play ruthless and pitiful King like Lee Dong-gun!! The guy is amazing to watch. I've just caught up with this show (marathoned it over three days in fact, heh), and have enjoyed every single episode thus far. The tragic tale is as heart-wrenching as it is thrilling. I loved Park Min-young in Healer, but I'm loving her even more in this!! She's playing her character with so much spunk and heart.

Many thanks for re-capping, girlfriday. I've gone back to read all the previous recaps, and comments, and needless to say, I loved every single one. A total blast to read! Ah, and thanks to all the beanies for writing such great comments! x


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For a moment, I felt for sorry for Myung-he when she was taken to the King and humiliated. I admired her sheer courage in protecting Yeok (although she might have her ulterior motives in the end) as her hard expression never wavered as she was forced to confess by the King. I thought, "Her being the Queen in the end might not be so bad." But still, I'm rooting for CK.


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Yeonsangun and Yeok's encounter are truly the best scenes. I love how they taunt each other wittingly. I just admire the actors giving life to these characters.


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Oh god. The emotional stress this drama gives me is beyond imagination yet I still come for more. It's just so good, pain and all.

I really dislike Myung-hee but I just got to give it to her. The King almost killed her and right after coming back home from that, she already thought up a new idea to screw things up? Wow. I'd be running for my life if I was her. Ambition is indeed scary. At this point, I don't even think that she likes Yeok. She wants him and the throne.

On that point, Yeonsangun is the same. I don't think he loves Chae-kyung. He just sees her as Yeok's possession that he needs to steal from him. He does have an attachment to her but I guess he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings. He doesn't know how to own his emotions so he tries to release them outwardly as violence.

It also makes me sad that Seo-no is now eyeing the rebellion more than ever. He lost a part of him with his father's death that he can never regain back.

So glad Nanny is here to bring us a bit of laughter.


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It's interesting how we have different opinions about Myung-hee. In the first episodes, I was only able to see pure ambition from her but in this episode, I was able to feel her unrequited love for Yeok. I feel bad for her now.


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Really interesting! When we saw her helping Yeok stand up when he had a nightmare, I really felt bad for her and I thought she loves Yeok. Now, I think the opposite! Interesting how the human brain works.


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I absolutely love this drama. Every episode is better than the next, and there is never a dull moment. It has the perfect mix of politics,romance and angst. The actors all have great chemistry and their acting is continuously on point!


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I am all for rooting for Chaekyung in this drama. And I love how she's not the typical damsel in distress compared to other female leads. She's one strong independent woman - she gets to choose how she handles everything and not be swayed by others.

I have so much respect for Lee Donggun's portrayal of Yeongsangmun. His acting is so spot on that we could see his transformation from one caring man for Chaekyung to a jealous man smoothly. His transformations from one to another scares me too.

This drama keeps me in my toes everytime I watch each episode, just like when I watched The Princess' Man (which is one of my fave too). I just love tragic Joseon love stories.


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This drama's plot moves so fast without sacrificing the quality with the story (looking at you, W). You'll miss a lot of things if you miss one episode. I especially love the moment when Yeok feels so conflicted about his goal to be the king and his love for CK.


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PMY's acting in this episode was out of this worlddd. You can truly tell the emotions she is displaying through her eyes.

Can't wait for the next episode! And thankyou girlfriday for the recap <3


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well, i don't wanna hear again people call park min young isn't a good actress. Her acting has got better since healer and now 7dq is her peak performance. i say this bcs i always see negative comments about her whenever she got cast in drama. hul


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