School 2017: Episode 2

I’m pretty happy with what I’m getting from School 2017 so far—it’s zippy, light, and entertaining, with just a dash of mystery to spice things up. I’m loving our main trio of students already, but I’m also pleasantly surprised by how quirky the adults are turning out to be. It makes for a well-rounded story overall, and I’m excited to hop onboard for the latest installment of this beloved series.


After sneaking into the teachers’ office to search for her confiscated notebook, our heroine Eun-ho comes face to face with a hooded figure setting off a trash can fire.

Before Eun-ho has a chance to identify him, the figure tosses a beer bottle into the flames, causing a small explosion. Eun-ho takes cover, and the mystery man (or woman?) uses a folding chair to smash open a window and escape.

Eun-ho takes a minute to get her bearings, then rushes to the window, but the culprit is already gone. Just as she notices a trace of blood on a jagged piece of glass on the window frame, the lights turn on—and in comes stern Teacher Gu with a horde of police officers.

Predictably, Eun-ho’s pegged as the prankster, eliciting a wide range of reactions from the students, from admiration to disbelief. As Eun-ho’s led away by Teacher Gu to face the consequences, class president Dae-hwi remarks to his buddy Hee-chan that it seems they’ve got the wrong person. And outside, rebel Tae-woon has a similar conversation with a friend, telling him that Eun-ho couldn’t be the culprit—there’s no way she could have done those things on her own.

Eun-ho pleads her innocence before a panel of teachers and administrators, but things don’t look good—she was, after all, caught at the scene of the crime. Though Teacher Shim tries to convince the panel that they need more evidence, Principal Yang won’t be deterred—Eun-ho’s low student ranking is all the evidence he needs to prove that she’s guilty.

Eun-ho bristles at that, arguing that all the adults who are doing bad things out in the world were once really good students. Her words fall on deaf ears, and Teacher Gu tells Eun-ho that if she doesn’t confess, she should plan to drop out of school.

Afterward, Eun-ho wails to Teacher Shim that she can’t drop out of school. Teacher Shim is totally on her side, and as he sputters about how unfairly she’s being treated, Eun-ho wryly observes that it would have been helpful for him to speak up during the interrogation.

Teacher Shim tries to appeal to Teacher Gu directly, telling him that Eun-ho’s not the type of student to commit such a crime on her own. Teacher Gu agrees—he thinks she must have had an accomplice. Teacher Shim argues about the lack of evidence, but gets chewed out by the older teacher for thinking that a teacher’s role is to serve and protect his students.

Eun-ho attempts to cool off, splashing water on her face and mumbling to herself about dropping out of school. She’s interrupted by Tae-woon, who tells her that he believes that she’s not the culprit—because the criminal has to be much smarter than her, pfft.

Tae-woon does seem to genuinely feel bad for her, and asks if she wants some lemonade. Wary of his offer, she huffily tells him to mind his own business. When she looks up a few seconds later, Tae-woon is gone, but in his place is a bottle of lemonade. Okay, that’s adorable.

The whole school’s abuzz about Eun-ho, and during some downtime with classmates, Dae-hwi’s girlfriend Nam-joo wonders if Eun-ho could really be the culprit. Dae-hwi dispassionately says that that you can’t know a person just by looking at the outside.

His remark catches the attention of guitar-toting KYUNG-WOO (Seo Ji-hoon), who pipes up to say, “Like you?” The question obviously rattles Dae-hwi, who stammers out a “What?” in response, but all Kyung-woo says to follow up is that Dae-hwi should get closer to his true feelings.

Back in class, Eun-ho keeps busy by drawing, acting like nothing’s happened. She defiantly tells her BFF Sa-rang that she’s staying in school, and that she’s going to keep drawing and go to college. Sa-rang attempts to be supportive by echoing Tae-woon’s words, telling Eun-ho that with her grades, it would be impossible for her to be the culprit. Am I sensing a theme here?

The students scramble for their seats when Teacher Gu enters the classroom, but they’re disappointed by what he has to say: From now on, all personal belongings will be subject to inspection.

A handful of students get in trouble for harboring banned materials, and they take their frustration out on Eun-ho. As a result, Eun-ho ends up in a shouting match with one particularly nasty girl named YOUNG-GUN (Ha Seung-ri), while Tae-woon watches silently from his seat. When Young-gun moves to strike Eun-ho, Tae-woon stands up to intervene—only to be beaten to it by Dae-hwi, who blocks Young-gun’s arm.

Dae-hwi threatens to call a teacher, so Young-gun backs down. But the interaction proves to be too much for Eun-ho, who rushes out of class in tears. She heads straight for her bike, but nothing’s going right for today, as she discovers that her bike is busted from her recent crash.

She wails in frustration and turns her anger on Tae-woon when she sees him approaching. She tells him to take responsibility for her broken bike, and in response, Tae-woon tosses her a helmet.

He takes her for a ride on his motorcycle and the two end up on an overlook, enjoying the view of the city. When Tae-woon asks what was so important about the notebook that Eun-ho ended up sneaking into the teachers’ office, Eun-ho answers that it’s her dream. She likens her love of drawing to the reasons why Tae-woon rides his motorcycle: “Without it, I would have suffocated to death.”

Tae-woon agrees, but adds that it’s a problem that he looks so cool while riding, making Eun-ho laugh. Grinning, she tells him that whatever may have happened today, she feels great now. And as he watches her, he can’t help but smile too.

When Tae-woon drops Eun-ho off later that evening, she hands him a coupon for free chicken as a show of thanks. He asks if he calls this number, she’ll show up to deliver the chicken, but when she says she will, Tae-woon tells her that he actually doesn’t like chicken and speeds off, ha.

Tae-woon arrives home and is none too pleased to find Principal Yang there, schmoozing with his father. After exchanging a few terse words with the adults, Tae-woon overhears Principal Yang assuring his father that he’ll settle the Eun-ho issue no matter what, even if it means expelling her from school. At this, Tae-woon turns right back around and heads outside to smash the side mirror clean off the principal’s car.

Over dinner, Eun-ho’s mom begrudgingly asks Eun-ho how much the webtoon class will cost. Eun-ho fumbles for words, unsure of whether she should bring up the events of the day, but she’s unable to bring herself to tell her family about it.

Eun-ho paces around her room that night, wondering who the culprit could be. In a flash, she recalls a few details about the figure she saw—his dark hoodie and his white and black sneakers—and sketches out an image, vowing to herself that she’ll find him, kill him, and clear her name.

The next day, Eun-ho and Sa-rang stop every guy in the hall, comparing the bottom half of their faces with Eun-ho’s sketch of the hooded culprit. When they get to Dae-hwi, something about his face causes Eun-ho to pause, then lean in for a closer look—close enough that Nam-joo intervenes, heh.

The girls continue their “investigation,” and soon enough, Tae-woon’s their next target. Claiming that Tae-woon’s face is similar to her drawing, Eun-ho moves in to study his face. Tae-woon takes the opportunity to swoop in aggressively, getting really close—close enough to kiss her. Whoa there.

Eun-ho stumbles backwards, looking flustered and nervous, only managing to eek out a small, “Hey, you…” Looking smug, Tae-woon asks, “Your heart is fluttering so much you could die, right?” She can’t answer, so Tae-woon tells her to move, pushing her out of his way.

After Eun-ho recovers from that encounter (and squeals a little about how cool Tae-woon is), she tells Sa-rang that she’s going to find the culprit for sure—because she’ll definitely remember his lips. Sa-rang’s skeptical of this claim, as are we all.

We check in with Teacher Shim, who’s mustered up some courage to make a case for Eun-ho to the principal. But he chickens out quickly, running away when he overhears Principal Yang yelling about his inability to get rid of Eun-ho.

So Teacher Shim tries another tactic: He treats his students to sandwiches and asks them to fill out a petition in support of Eun-ho. The response isn’t very encouraging—only Dae-hwi offers to fill it out. Even his fellow teachers don’t give Teacher Shim much support, as the next day, a colleague encourages him to put an end to things and punish Eun-ho.

Elsewhere on campus, bully Young-gun, backed by her cronies, attacks a student for trying to back out of their plans to sell stolen study materials online. Young-gun’s attack is cut short when someone delivers a flying kick to her back—ha, it’s Officer Han! The girls all turn on the officer, but they’re no match for her as she proceeds to swiftly kick their butts.

Teacher Shim finds Officer Han in mid-attack and freaks out at her, um, unorthodox method of policing the school. She glibly tells him that the girls will be fine in a few days, citing her fighting prowess, but Teacher Shim is horrified and pulls out his phone to report her to her superiors.

HA, that’s when Officer Han pulls a move straight from Descended from the Sun, easily knocking Teacher Shim’s phone away with one hand and catching it with her other hand. She tells him she can’t let him report her, then warns the girls not to let her catch them fighting again.

Teacher Shim takes the girls inside for a talk, but one of the girls knows exactly what to say to quickly end the lecture. She promises Teacher Shim that they’ll return the study guide to its owner—the prickly Bit-na—and apologize, so he lets them loose. Of course, once they’re alone they force the bullied student, BO-RA, to take the blame for the stolen study guide by herself.

Bo-ra meekly returns the book to Bit-na and apologizes, but it doesn’t matter—Bit-na flies off the handle at the confession. She attacks poor Bo-ra viciously, pulling her hair and threatening to have her jailed.

Only Eun-ho’s willing to jump in to try to stop the fight, so then she ends up in a hair-pulling match with Bit-na. Teacher Shim appears in the nick of time to break apart the girls, but Bit-na’s not done yet—pulling out her phone, she puts in a call to her mom.

Cut to: Teacher Shim nervously entering the principal’s office to face some angry parents, including Bit-na’s mother. The parents demand that both Bo-ra and Eun-ho be expelled, pointing to Eun-ho’s “criminal” activities as more reason why she doesn’t belong in that school.

Teacher Shim tries to explain that Eun-ho was simply standing up for a friend, but Bit-na’s mom scoffs, telling him that in this world, students are competitors, not friends. She demands that “delinquents” like Eun-ho be removed immediately so others can focus on their studies.

As Eun-ho and Bo-ra write apology letters, Bo-ra wonders to Eun-ho if they’ll get expelled. She says that school would be better off without them, since they get bad grades and have no money, but Eun-ho pushes back, telling her that those attributes don’t make them bad people.

Dae-hwi rushes to Teacher Shim to deliver his filled-out petition in support of Eun-ho, then asks if Eun-ho and Bo-ra will be okay. Teacher Shim can only say he hopes so.

Sometime later, Officer Han examines the CCTV footage of the suspect with Teacher Shim, noting that the culprit’s no amateur—he knew exactly where the cameras were located. Though Teacher Shim hopes this means it’s not a student, Officer Han points out that students would actually know best where cameras are located on campus.

In need of a break, Officer Han suggests a ramyun run to Teacher Shim, who of course misinterprets her intentions, thinking she’s looking for something more than a snack. In response, Officer Han walks toward him suggestively, pinning him against a cubicle wall… only to tell him, “The culprit is within the school.” LOL.

At a test prep session, a student examines CCTV footage of the culprit on his phone, then sends a message to a few others: “We need to do something quick.” Another student responds, wondering if “this” will hurt them too, and a third message encourages the rest to lay low.

The next day, Officer Han calls over Eun-ho to examine the broken window from the teachers’ office, then points out the blood—could that be the culprit’s? Eun-ho gasps as she remembers the prankster escaping through the broken window, hitting his side against the glass.

And in flashback, we see that the culprit tended to his wounds in a bathroom, then tossed the bloody tissues in a trash can.

Dae-hwi and Tae-woon face off on the basketball court, and ack, both are wearing the very same black and white sneakers worn by the hooded figure. As the boys continue their game, Eun-ho watches from a distance, eyeing each player—specifically, their sides—suspiciously.

After the game ends, Eun-ho decides to investigate a bit more thoroughly, feeling up each boy’s torso and checking for injuries. When she gets to Dae-hwi, she lifts his shirt up herself, which does not sit well with Nam-joo.

Eun-ho runs out of guys to check until she spots Tae-woon up ahead. She hurriedly catches up to him and tries several tactics to get him to take off his shirt, leading Tae-woon to wonder if she’s a pervert.

Eun-ho’s nothing if not persistent though, so she trails after him to the outdoor sink. He manages to scare her off by splashing water on her, but when she hears the sound of the hose being turned on, she stops and hides in the bushes, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tae-woon’s sides. Aaaaaand cue the slo-mo water scene!

It’s not long before he catches her staring, but ha, she doesn’t look sorry at all that she got busted. She gets a good look at Tae-woon, but to her disappointment, he’s perfectly fine, with no injury in sight.

Sometime later, Eun-ho gets called into the principal’s office, where she’s told that her case is being taken up by the disciplinary committee, and her parents have been notified. As she numbly leaves the office, she gets a phone call from a “Ms. Kim”—her mom, maybe?—but doesn’t pick up.

It’s not long before Eun-ho’s mom pulls up to the school and appears before Teacher Gu, pleading with him to give Eun-ho another chance. Unmoved, Teacher Gu just tells her that the disciplinary committee’s decision will take three months, and that it would be better for Eun-ho to withdraw from school. Eun-ho’s mom turns more desperate at this news, so she kneels in front of Teacher Gu and begs for him to reconsider.

Unable to take it anymore, Eun-ho tells her mom to get up, saying that she did nothing wrong. “I didn’t do it,” she says angrily. “I didn’t do it, so why are you on your knees?” Now in tears, Eun-ho declares that she’ll just quit school, and she cries over and over that it wasn’t her.

As Eun-ho’s mom leaves campus, she can’t hold back her tears. But when Eun-ho calls out to her, she quickly wipes her tears away and barks at her daughter to go back to class.

Teacher Gu reports to Principal Yang that they’ll have to wait for the disciplinary committee’s decision before taking any action on Eun-ho, which does not sit well with the administrator. Sputtering in anger, he orders Teacher Gu to either get her to drop out or expel her.

Meanwhile, Sa-rang solicits Dae-hwi for help in clearing Eun-ho’s name, but he deflects by telling her the principal won’t listen to anyone on this matter. Sa-rang tries Tae-woon next, asking him to put in a good word with his father. But Tae-woon ignores Sa-rang’s request, muttering that Eun-ho did a stupid thing.

Back at home, Eun-ho tells her mom that she wants to drop out of school, adding that the school discriminates against students like her who don’t get good grades. Sadly, all her mom can say in response is that Eun-ho should have studied harder, since that’s the only way to be treated with respect.

The next day, Eun-ho faces the members of the disciplinary committee, made up of wealthy moms and dads who have already made up their minds about her. Ugh, these parents are the worst.

Afterward, she sits in an empty classroom with a blank withdrawal form in hand. She wonders why she keeps being told to write things when she likes to draw.

The next thing we know, she hands a piece of paper to Teacher Gu, who then calls over Teacher Shim to pass on the document—it’s the completed withdrawal form. Teacher Shim runs after Eun-ho, but he can only watch as she walks away.

In voiceover, Eun-ho narrates, “Getting bad grades meant you had no right to go to school. But the most devastating thing, even amidst that discrimination, was that I didn’t meet a single adult who said that this wasn’t what school is about, and that it was wrong. Not a single one.”

To illustrate Eun-ho’s point, we see Bo-ra at her convenience store job, unable to stop Young-gun and the bullies as they shoplift. The bullies run into a teacher outside of the store and brazenly crack open a beer right in front of her, but unable to say a word, the teacher averts her eyes.

As Teacher Shim prepares to clock out, Teacher Gu tells him that the real world is a much crueler place than school. Teacher Shim agrees, but notes that the school is pushing kids into that cruel world much too easily.

Over drinks with Eun-ho’s father, Teacher Shim repeats this sentiment, lamenting that the kids that are kicked out of school have nowhere to go. Teacher Shim apologizes for being powerless and unable to help Eun-ho, but Eun-ho’s dad says he’s grateful for Teacher Shim’s efforts.

Principal Yang convenes an assembly, where he proceeds to single out Eun-ho for the “crimes” she’s committed. But before he gets too far into his tirade, he’s interrupted by a loud buzzing, and the crowd gapes as they spot… a drone flying inside the building. Haha, the drone’s outfitted to look like a scarecrow of sorts, sporting a big photo of Principal Yang’s face and a black hooded cape.

Once they realize it’s another prank from the “hero,” the students react with laughter and applause, while Eun-ho breaks down in tears, relieved that her name’s been cleared.

In the midst of the chaos, a student notes the big “X” marked on the cape draped over the drone. Nam-joo remarks that the culprit must finally want to reveal his identity.

After a few minutes, the drone makes its way out of the hall, and everyone follows. Teacher Gu, however, stays behind, and catches a glimpse of a hooded figure upstairs on the balcony, working a remote control.

Outside, Officer Han and Teacher Shim split up in pursuit of the drone. Eun-ho, having caught sight of the culprit, runs off in a different direction.

Teacher Shim chases the drone to the entrance of the school, but curiously, he stops there and lets it go.

On the culprit’s tail, Eun-ho chases the hooded figure up the stairs to the roof of a building. She looks around, panting, and freezes when she spots someone emerging from a bunch of abandoned desks. The figure straightens… and it’s Kyung-woo. Shocked, Eun-ho asks, “You’re the culprit?”

Kyung-woo looks at Eun-ho innocently and tells her he’s not—he’s just there to retrieve his guitar. His matter-of-fact response leaves Eun-ho confused, and she follows him back downstairs. A few beats later, the real culprit—Suspect X—emerges from behind a doorway.

Later, Officer Han shows Eun-ho the CCTV footage from outside the auditorium, confirming that Kyung-woo was in the gym with them. Officer Han then notices something strange on another video—Teacher Shim stopping his chase—and asks him why he let the drone go. Teacher Shim explains, “I may be unable to do anything, but I can ‘not do’ something.”

Eun-ho returns to class, where she finds a post-it note inside her locker. Her eyes widen when she reads its contents, but she doesn’t have much time to react—at that moment, Tae-woon enters the classroom and calls her name, only to be followed by Dae-hwi, who does the same thing. As the two boys walk toward her, Eun-ho hides the note behind her back, which reads, “Dae-hwi and Tae-woon were not in the hall.”

Eun-ho crumples the note in her hands and eyes the two boys, looking scared, angry, and confused all at once.


Maybe it’s because I came to the show with zero expectations, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the first two episodes of School 2017. I thought the second hour was even stronger than the first, as it does a nice job of speeding us along in the premise of the story (and the mystery) while starting to show us more of who our characters are, from the students to the school administrators to the parents. The show’s plotline is pretty straightforward, and while there’s nothing particularly new about this story, the execution is what matters—and so far, I have very few complaints.

I’m already all-in on our main characters, as I like that they’re being portrayed with some nuance, and strengths and flaws all their own. It’s more interesting that Tae-woon and Dae-hwi, for example, don’t fall neatly into their assigned stereotypes of “prickly rebel” and “model student”—Dae-hwi in particular is a mystery to me, as he hasn’t gotten as much screen time as Tae-woon so far. I’m sure there’s much more to uncover about his character, and I’m curious about what’s going on behind his perfect façade. As for the adults, I’m tickled by whatever’s happening with both Teacher Shim and Officer Han, though I’m not quite sure what exactly their deal is. Officer Han seems like an oddball, while poor Teacher Shim is such a coward, but so darn sweet. Even Teacher Gu, who’s been such a hardass towards Eun-ho, seems to have somewhat of a conscience, judging from some of the reactions we’ve seen from him—maybe there’s hope that he’ll come over to the other side?

I wasn’t expecting the misunderstanding around Eun-ho’s guilt to be resolved so quickly, but I think that’s actually a good thing, as the quick progression makes for a more exciting story. While it’s clear the show’s setting up Tae-woon and Dae-hwi as the possible culprits, I’m still wide open to the possibility that it could be someone else, like Kyung-woo (I just don’t trust him!), or an underground network of students. Whoever it is, I hope that Eun-ho will have a big role in uncovering his identity, and in the process, establish herself as someone worthy of respect, both from her peers and from adults. I know that Eun-ho does seem a tad slow on the uptake (maybe it’s the way she’s being portrayed?), but I hate that everyone keeps telling her how dumb she is—that’s just not okay.

Overall, I’m pleased with the performances our cast of mostly fresh faces is turning in. Kim Se-jung is green for sure, but she’s doing fine (and giving me some Answer Me 1988 Hyeri vibes, which isn’t a bad thing); Jang Dong-yoon has managed to make an impression on me, even though he hasn’t fully figured into the story just yet. Oh, and did I mention that I’m totally smitten with Kim Jung-hyun right now? I know Tae-woon’s supposed to be the gruff bad boy of the group, but why do I find him so adorable and squishy? I love that Tae-woon’s walls are down for Eun-ho right off the bat, and their interactions this episode were both funny and fluttery—the best combo, in my opinion. Though I’m not looking for this series to focus on romance—in fact, I’d prefer that it didn’t—I still can’t be mad about a teeny bit of romance if it means Kim Jung-hyun will keep delivering these faces on camera.


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whoa!! I'm still 1st..haha :D
after 2nd episode, i'm starting to suspect everyone..from our leads to the class-teacher, even that one guy who is always with Tae-woon and keeps asking questions naively (my intentions tingle on him)..also as i commented in the 1st episode, Kyung-woo (Ji-hoon) is still my primary suspect for the leader! I tell you..that rooftop sequence is just a cover-up..
But it definitely was not him in the class..seeing how he didn't care what happens to Eun-ho there..its possible that That member is neither of our leads too..so maybe that's the 'questions' guy??


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Maybe somebody's revenge seeking hyung or oppa, who was kicked out of the school unfairly???? Hehehe.


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Also just thinking about it now gets me thinking, if the plot is well written then that means Seo Ji Hoon's, Kyung Woo, would have to be one of two things which is number 1: been out of breath if he was running away from her or teacher Shim. Which he didn't seem to be...


Number 2: he is in on it or covering for who he thinks is in on it.

Unless of course he was taking a nap on the roof top before retrieving his guitar case and didn't see the dark clothed man with the cape styled drone and remote control in hand. Lol!!!!


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so let me eat my own words and say that Kyung-woo might actually be the one who got hurt because
-he got them shoes too(unfocused on though..purposely)
-the guy leaving the bathroom has a black watch/bracelet on his left hand..when later you can see both Dae-whi and Tae-woon's wrists empty but Kyung-woo is wearing a black bracelet..but on his right hand though
-that guy's back silhouette and walk is mostly similar to Kyungwoo's
and..he (smilingly) hesitated a bit when Eun-ho checked his sides...
Ohh!!! I can't wait for the revelations!!
also just saw the preview for ep3..and there's another reunion coming for Seo Ji-hoon (from Legendary Shuttle)..


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I am not sure but I think the shoes are part of the uniform for the guys.


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nah~some others were wearing something else...
and i can't believe someone disliked me being 1st..hah!


ep 3 preview by kbs world tv - eng sub



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I liked the episode 2 a lot more, I think it was more down-to-earth, and the episode knew how to balance between funny and more serious moments, in fact the drama is not remembering me of School 2013 or School 2015, the pace, the sense of injustice but some light and hope and the characters is reminding me of Sassy Go Go.
I actually very looking for the next episode.


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Yeah, I am getting Sassy Go Go! And Angry Mom, vibes, and I like that. Sometimes 5 minute teacher soliloquies can be a bit much although I can still rewatch 2013, I often skip the good will intention speeches of the teachers for the more reluctantly brazen revenge seeking Park Heung Soo scene stealing machine!!!


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It reminded me of Sassy Go Go from the get go. Which is really not a bad thing considering that Sassy go go is one of my all time favorites.


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Oh Mori! Stop looking like that!


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I love it!! In general the show's a lot more romcom-y than i expected, but that just made me like it even more, oops.


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I loved the prank this episode, off the hook funny. Which suddenly makes me think of how the Scream franchise first started out as the rules of horror flick and what a mockumentary about the rules would be like to film, and then it seem liked it unintentionally became a relatively good psychological master mind plot of whodunit?

Let's hope that we won't have any fatalities in the School franchise which we so narrowly missed in both 2013, attempted suicide by fall off a building, and 2015, hey did someone actually drown and die?, I think that style thing is more suited to dramas like Angry Mom, which was so much of what I like in dramas, so I will take anything as long as it's drama!!!


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As i said in 1st recap heroine is good one. Both heros are alright but story is terribly executed. Scenes are so cringy. Scriptwriter deserves some rotten tomatoes.
Dae-hwi is the most interesting character.


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I love the zaniness of the teacher's and officer's growing relationship, and in this ep I was surprised by how touched I actually was by Eun-ho's unfortunate situation. To me, this is striking some universal chords of the high school experience, and I'm really enjoying it.


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So... Who is the second lead? I need to know guys. I can't let my heart get broken by this series again.

I CAN'T!!!


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So I'm not the only one who has no idea who the first lead guy is!? I'm just going with the flow on this one.


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I'm actually impressed that I can't tell. I didn't expect that level of comparative subtlety in this kind of drama. I like that the personalities of the mains are already multi-faceted enough that they resist immediate classification.


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I like not being able to tell too and I like not having to box them into first or second male lead.


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Pretty sure its Taewoon (Kim JungHyun).. They had a separate teaser before the drama starts of them walking outside school's staircase and smiling at each other. Heart fluttering scene btw.


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Where can you watch that teaser, honestly YouTube is not helping at all :D


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I want to know as well!!
First, I want to say it's Tae-woon and then next, I want to say it's Dae-hwi. I'm just as confused as you are and I'm surprised that this installment of School has made it really hard for us T_T


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I've got a pretty good track record when it comes to shipping - in twenty years, I've only been wrong twice - and I'm thinking Eun-ho/Tae-woon is probably end-game. So ship without fear, my friend. If I'm wrong, I'll compensate by making you a video full of drama dream-boats holding cute kittens.


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I am going to hold you to that promise...


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I'm good for it. ^_^


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I usually also have a good instinct on that but the one time where I kind of thought it might be otherwise was....school2015 sooo still a bit wary here. I'm rooting for Tae-Woon though.


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If you don't mind me asking, what were the two dramas that you got it wrong?


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That is what I would also like to know -at-, for fear of hidden links, ajewell? What two ships sank? My guess would be School 2015 and there is an underwatched SBS drama that I dare not mention by name I had in mind, circa 2012, but who's judging? However I ship Taewoon as our lead and Eunho as that leads girl, too, lol!!!, but I would like to see those cute kittens so it is okay if the 3, TW, EH and DH also just remain friends....


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Sorry about the late reply, I had no idea people had responded!

I was wrong when it came to Reply 1988, and Perseverance, Goo Hae Ra. Against all odds though I got School 2015 right, so I was one of the few untraumatized by that drama lol.


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ah yes, those two got me too...I was so taken aback by how wrong I was with Reply 1988


I think based on teasers and how it is usually be like from the introduction during the first script reading, when they be the guests for KBS Weekly Ent - Eun Ho --->Tae Woon ---> Dae Hwi.

Maybe it is safe to say TW is the male lead.


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I really like that part of the drama. Both guys are at equal footing. Having a designated second lead already makes a drama predictable. Even though we suspend our disbelief for the sake of the story, we all know at the back of our heads that the second lead doesn't have a snowball's chance at getting the girl.


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I have never seen any of the previous school series, but I am completely on board for this iteration. I am hooked on Tae-woon and Eun-ho's interactions, they make me laugh and sigh at the same time because of how cute they both are together!


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Whoa!!!! This is a strong start and as said by others I did'nt know what to expect from the show so these 2 eps caught my attention.
This show is both light and serious at the same time. Students from all over, face these crucial moments where they have to study hard to determine their future and with every passing year the pressure seems to increase and in turn bully them.
Going to watch School 2017 to see how it is different from its previous series and what new its going to deliver.
Good luck??


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I love it so much. Episode 2 made me laugh & cry. That scene with Eunho & her mom on the teacher's office was so heartbreaking, i literally cried. Sejeong so good at that scene.

I am Team Daehwi but find Eunho and Taewoon interaction heart fluttering on the second episode. Looking at the teaser for ep.3 it seems Daehwi and Taewoon were friends back then reminding me of School'13. So that means we'll get bromance + romance love triangle in this franchise, not complaining though. Cant wait for next episodes.


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I love the part where Eunho's mom beat the crap out of her outside their house/restaurant. I thought I was seeing flashbacks of my own mom. lol


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I can't resist a tsundere taewon. ??
My heart is so weak


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These two episodes have set an amazing base for the show. There are the light-hearted moments, the dark and mysterious moments, the down-to-earth and real moments.

The whole situation involving Eun-ho made me tear up and I felt my heart break. I wanted to go through my screen and just help her and prove her innocence. Since the beginning of my drama watching career, I've always felt a pull towards school dramas. It's a fairly authentic representation of what school is for high schoolers and the problems they face. So far, this drama is just that with a touch of mysterious hero/vigilante (<-- maybe).

I love the encounters between the teacher and officer. Their interactions are so cute and funny to watch, that it just makes me really happy for some reason lol. Other than Eun-ho's sad parts, she was spectacularly funny and strong in the episode. I felt so much second-hand embarrassment for her, I felt like curling up in a little ball and had to pause every 5 seconds LMAO


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The drone was awesome!


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I checked out this drama with no expectations as well. I didnt even want to check it since I feel old for school drama. But surpringly love it. I like TaeWoon right off the bat. The rest warmed up to me on this episode.

I didnt recognize Ha Seungri as the bully until I remembered that she was also in this show. This is another project with both her and HeeChan. I liked them a lot in Twenty Again. So it was a surprise and also a credit to her acting skills that i didnt recognize her right away. So I am also watching out for her storyline.


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Han Seungri is definitely a good actress, she is probably the most experienced one in this drama since she started her acting career from when she was child. I hope she will not be typecasted in a mean role because girl can offer more.


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I agree. I have only seen her in Twenty Again and Chief Kim. She has played different roles on those dramas. So hopefully she will not be typecasted. And hope to see her character have more scenes in this show.


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Episode 2 was much better and I really felt for EH as she tried to claim her innocence. The parents were really hard to watch. I can't believe there were so many bad parents. Usually you see 1 or 2. I do wonder who sent that post-it to EH and why they sent it in such a mysterious manner. Why does that person want EH to suspect DH and TW? Who could be investigating X? I wonder if it's possible that the X that EH saw that night could be that wimpy kid with the cramps?


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Only cop lady, Han Su ji, and teacher Shim, seem to have had the sense to look over security footage before, but cop lady Han could have been wanting some reactions from the ex culprit, Eun Ho, and thus made up the note and sent it to her and sent a similar note to the other two boys she already cleared. And that is why they showed up to her at once, unless they both want to know what she found on the roof top where the drone ended and the assailant seemed to have disappeared.

But the wimpy kid clenching his stomach like that made me think that maybe he is the one who got cut, maybe he isn't such a wimp after all?


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"Maybe he is the one who got cut,..."

Oh! :o never thought of that, interesting.


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Ahhh, those abs scene. I love that how Ra Eun Ho is so determined to find the culprit and she innocently looks at the boys' abs without any other intention. As of right now, I love both boys, Tae Woon and Dae Hwi. Both are interesting characters. I love Tae Woon for his bad boy vibe, and I also love Dae Hwi for his sweet smile.


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That scene got me hiding under my blanket out of second-hand embarrassment lol But, I have to say, that was an interesting "shower"/water scene; the first I've seen like that.

I love both boys as well and I know that in the end I'm going to feel heartbroken because of one of them :(


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If you watch one of the Answer Me shows, there is that similar shower/water scene.


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That was an iconic scene in Reply 1997 since that was the first time Yoon Jae kissed Shi Won.


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(My formatting got messed up eek) Praying on every eyelash I drop that the main trio will not be a love triangle. Please just give us friendships, frenemies and bromance in spadefuls!

I have a niggling feeling that the Daehwi/Taewoon setup is deliberately misleading. The evidence that points towards Daehwi seems too obvious, and he also lacks the motive. That short scene of him getting home in Ep1 suggests very strongly that he just wants to climb the socioeconomic ladder and get away from his mother/ home. So it doesn't make sense that he will jeopardise his efforts by risking getting caught. He has good grades and is well-liked for sure, but he doesn't have the social backing to get out of trouble.

More than the who, I'm curious about the why. What will this plotline tell us about the character(s) behind the incidents? I'm also wondering where the story goes after this. When the big reveal comes, then what? Since the show chose to take on the Suspect X plot this early on, I'm hoping it doesn't drag the mystery out, because I'm going to need more character moments to connect better with the show.


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I start to running out of Kim Jung Hyun videos on Youtube right now..


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Everyone seems to be a plausible suspect in this case. The themes covered in this show is a cause for concern though, emphasising on a darker light. The school scene seems so conniving and cruel, nothing like how an education system should actually be.


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Things are getting interesting. Hope the horrible teachers & principal & disciplinary committee & the mean girls get a lesson (idk when that day Will come).
For now I'll sit back & enjoy the show without bothering about any ships or mysteries.


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I too, loved 2nd episode better than the first. All the students and their provlem feel humane. How, DH is not the normal model student, his family(mom) is a mess and he not top student who is a jerk. TW is not usual Jjang/jerk. He just a kid who doesn't like school and he has a babo sidekick! ??
EH is such a typical sunny but not so bright girl that we always got in high school drama, let see how the plot makes her diff from Deoksun, Yeondo and many other.
The mystery hero/avengers is a nice plot, if they stay with average story, problems of student without any other side plot, this series just scream to be compared with School 2013.


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Could it be that the 'culprit' is really a group of students & not just one? I'm getting this feeling that both DH & TW are both part of this 'group of students' but they have encountered some sort of misunderstanding thus, the mysterious remarks/looks they both are giving on each other.


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There was a friend of their's that is no longer in the picture, if this friend was transferred, then I am guessing that he or his other friends still at the school, minus TW and DH, are really mad at this (-2) boys. Which is why they are reframing them and feeding information to the old suspect which just happens to be spunky, Eun Ho, who would stop at almost nothing to clear her own name. Probably an indirect test on loyalty.


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It seems like the two guys have a past and based on the picture, there was another guy. I wonder if something happened there that caused a rift in their friendship or are they pretending to be distant to one another because of a revenge plot.


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This time I am gonna act matured and not cheer for any of the male leads bcoz school series has got a crazy way of pairing the leads..... yes... i still suffer from second lead syndrome in school 2015..


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Ikr, I'm always salty about School 2015 whenever it's brought up. But with School 2017 I don't feel compelled to ship either pairing. (Although I hope Dae Hwi doesn't fall for her and get hurt.)


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ahh i've been waiting for the recaps! thanks! i've been wanting some simple, light, coming-of-age youth kdramas for a while now, so i was super excited for school 2017 this week. i can't say i'm entirely impressed with the story - it feels a little too recycled, with too much of school 2013's sledgehammer delivery of social commentary, but with a lot less of school 2013's heart. what does make it enjoyable for me is the cute eun-ho/sa-rang friendship, the endearingly bumbling teacher, aaand of course, the interactions between tae-woon and eun-ho. I'm so relieved that their chemistry feels so natural and easy - i attribute that to kim se-jeong's screen presence, which feels super natural and bright. Also, kim jung-hyung should totally flex his comedic muscles more LOL - did anyone else see his sheepish butt wiggle move thing when he saw dae-hwi step in to help eun-ho before him LMFAO. So cute.


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did anyone else see his sheepish butt wiggle move thing when he saw dae-hwi step in to help eun-ho before him LMFAO. So cute.

I actually made GIF on that and shared it somewhere. Even his microexpression is a comedic gold! I fall for him since then ?


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I saw that too, I think TW was supposed to portray, darn there goes goodie two shoes again, meaning DH, but it just came off as darn wiggly-wiggly! So funny!!! Nicely spotted, too. Love to view that GIF.


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I'm laughing just remembering it. ???


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I hope that this school series touches on the lives of other characters and we see them grow too because somehow i feel that a school is not about one particular incident or person... its about how the lives of many touch the lives of the rest and form memories where everyone is a part and carry those memories when they head to the world!!!
Dear show please dont make this show all about eun ho taewoon and daehwi... i want the other students stories however mundane it may be....


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ok. i am hooked by this now.. so many questions..
firstly , i wonder who is the person creating suspision for Tae-woon and daehwi and why send it to eunho..i will not be surprise if the 'hero' was the one who sent..
second, still confused as to who is the main guy between taewoon and daehwi..
third , the 'hero' question


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I agree that the 2nd episode was better than the 1st. There were quite a few scenes that i enjoyed watching in this episode like when Eun hoe and Sarang were trying to match the lips of their classmates to the culprit and when eun hoe was trying to look at bodies of the boys to see if anyone had an injury. The interaction between eun hoe and tae woon were really cute. Eun Hoe's crying scene in the teachers' office was done really well and Sejeong definitely showed potential to be a great actress in the future. They haven't showed much of the 2 male leads but it seems like they were good friends in the past judging from the teaser for the 3rd episode and i'm sure we'll see more of them from ep3 onwards. Looking forward to the rest of the series.


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i am getting more&more interested in class president. Seems i am gonna be having second lead syndrome bad this time.


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If Show wanted us to suspect Kyung Woo, they never should have shown him in the auditorium. Even before Eun Ho watched the CCTV footage, we clearly saw Kyung Woo laughing with the other students over the drone. Suspect X truly is a hero single-handedly clearing Eun Ho's name, but it ought to be a piece of cake for Officer Han and the school to figure out who's the culprit -- easy, who wasn't there today?

Despite their falling–out, I predict Suspect X is a tag team between Tae Woon and Dae Hwi. But I hope there's a twist and Suspect X is a student yet to be introduced like RoWoon's character. I love how everyone seemingly knows about Dae Hwi's facade -- at least Kyung Woo does. Teacher Shim needs to grow a backbone and stop being so naive. I can't believe he threatened to report Officer Han when she was the one who saved the victim. Officer Han would even be in the right to arrest the iljins. Thanks a bunch for the recap, @chocolatte!


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I don't think it is a tag team between Daehwi and Taewoon, but I have a feeling that Suspect X and Black Hoodie maybe different persons.


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Maybe an unsuspecting tag team between, TW with DH. Where one is doing it to make the other look bad.

I am on TWs side from the beginning though (if he is the originator of dark clad X), even if his reasoning behind being the unintentional school hero was initially benign, even childish, for example getting back at director Hyun, aka daddy dearest, for everything.

TW may be getting a kick out of being poorly ranked at school too.


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i think in her situation i would be wondering who the heck left the note there... ??


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Oh, I wouldn't have that much problem with it focusing on romance at some point actually....I just hope that I wouldn't be rooting for the wrong one then and that the other plot points wouldn't be completely forgotten.


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This show is my only current watch list. And I love it.

I think Teacher Shim lacks of screen presence quite a bit. I would like to see it improving in the later episode. The sport teacher is more charismatic than he is tbh.

Eunho x Taewoon is so cute. I hope I can get another dazzling ship like Kim Yeol x Yeongdo from Sassy Go Go. Please don't betray me, shoooow!!! You are great, so don't be another Dream High, I beg you! (Jinguk x Hyemi shipper here)

I really really love Taewoon's swoony vibe. So far, we haven't seen him actually committing crime (... or prank), except breaking minor rules and getting special treatments from teachers. But he is emitting aura like a total bad boy. And poor girl like me is into bad boy. (Oouuch I miss Kim Woobin)


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I also fall for Tae Woon since the very first time, his charm is too much for me


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I came to School 2017 with nothing to expected, just want something light (Forest of Secrets already drained my brain too much haha). And School 2017 is perfect for me. I admit the setup is a bit exaggerated since i work at school and been itchy to complain about things but i'm easy to let go things, and that helps me enjoy this show so much.

Wanting to know the hooded figure mystery is what keep me hooked the most. i love EunHo x Taewoon interactions so much!!! And the girls bonding.

And i have to say i love the teachers so much, not their characters but actors that portrayed them, but i have yet to feel much for Shim saem. But i would love to see him growing as teacher. I love the principal (he's funny to laugh at), PE teacher, and even Mr.Gu. he's a great actor!

*but i'm still not satisfied over the policewoman kicking the kids. Violence is never good to girls especially. This make me dislike her character, but i still like her interaction with Mr.Shim


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Well, I watched this without any expectation, but I turned out to like it very much (even, mostly because I fall in love with Tae Woon charm XD). Honestly, I think the story is a bit too much, like "is that really happen i real life?" I am someone who always in school, I found some similar situation, but the rest is too fictional. But beside that, I like the rest of the drama. I like the characters, the actors and actresses's acting, the youth vibe in the drama.

About the students X, I have two things. First, I think that maybe it is the homeroom teacher. You know, he can't say what he thinks about the school system, maybe he use that way to against the system. Second, I think it is both Tae Woon and Dae Hwi, they also have grudge against the school.

Or... I just read it on you tube, some say that it can be Joon Gi, that he still alive.

I have already watched the newest episode, and can't wait till the next week.


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Lol I didn't even wanted to watched it cuz I watched school 2015 and it becomes so boring in the middle so I stopped watching it now I was talking with my sweet class fellow she told me to watch school 2017 and I watched it right away when I arrived home LoL and I am dying it is so amazing bless her(.)


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What I don't understand is, why don't they just conduct a DNA test with the blood on the window glass shard if they really want to find the culprit...?


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