Beanie level: Noble idiot

I will never get over the fact a living person looked at a group of crows and thought to himself:
You know what would be a good name to describe this natural grouping of birds? A murder.

Not related to dramas. It’s just….. interesting.


    It is interesting. Another interesting one is to call a flock of ravens a “conspiracy” and “unkindness”.


      My personal favorite is a Parliament of Owls.


        Think that is the best name. But i am partial to conspiracy. ☺ wonder how they think up the names for the flock.


    An ambush of tigers is one of my favourites, as well as all of the above mentioned. I love animal plurals. They’re so fascinating.


      Except for Moose.
      Or Meese.
      That was a subject of many headaches in 2nd grade debates.


        Hahahaha 1 moose, 2 moose, 1 sheep, 2 sheep…
        What always get’s me is computer mice… mouses? is the plural still mice? Idk.


The following text an apparent description of me:

(Aardvark) is a hard working individual who approaches every new task with confidence, she is a great addition to the (group) as she helps all of us feel at ease and carries us along with her kind hearted demeanor.

Actually, to be fair, it is a pretty accurate description, y’know, if you just make everything the opposite. They did get one thing right. I mean, yeah it was just my name, but still – it’s nice that haven’t forgotten that bit.


    That’s a really nice description 🙂


      It’s very very very very very untrue though.

      Like, tis a wonderful description, the problem though is that it isn’t a description of me.


        LMAO. Maybe it is you and you never noticed? Or the you that people who don’t know you very well see? I have one of those. Maybe the person who wrote it was trying to fancy you up? (or maybe it is you and you never noticed)


          I am well known for not being quite of few of these traits in that place (Sarcastic, Mood Killer, Constantly Second Guessing). I actually think I might have made this person cry (on accident. I’m not that bad of a person) I asked if they got the name mixed up, but nope.


            I have been called all of those things!
            Maybe they forgot the sarcasm font?


So um…
There is a herd of cows walking down my street.
They don\’t look like they\’re being moved.

I think they escaped.

Do I.. call the police?
This feels like a fever dream;;


    are they on fire? then martians attacked. if not, they are probably just cows.


      No, they aren’t on fire, they’re just regular cows. Who are supposed to be in a field. A field further up the road. I don’t know who their farmer is either.

      Maybe they just wanted to go shopping?


        Or maybe they’re a bit bored so they went for a walk by themselves? 😆


    I think you do call the police? Right? I’m not sure but can’t they get hurt?

    Also RUN COWS RUN. Freedom is yours for the taking.


      I mean, a car vs. a stampede of cows. I’d be more concerned for the people.


        I’m not sure why I envisioned your street to have like two houses on it…and be in the middle of nowhere with very little people. Anyways sounds like it was quite the pickle there.


          You’re not far off actually.
          We have three houses, and are only slightly in the middle of nowhere.

          The thing is, the road I live on is a popular back road for seeing forests and for getting from one small town to another, so we have a fair amount of traffic. Down here, there are five cows to every person.


    They’re probably just looking for the local chick-fil-a


    What happened? Are the cows still wandering around?


      I assume that a part of the fence fell over, and the cows decided to be extra active today, so they went for a walk down the road. Truthfully, It’s not the first time something like this has happened (there was a sheep outbreak a while back.) so one of the neighbors probably contacted the farmer, and he eventually showed up in a tractor and herded them back to their barn.
      Other than the initial reaction of “Oh. There are 20 odd cows on my lawn. Da Fuq is dis?” I mostly didn’t really pay attention until they walked back followed by a tractor.


        I used to be terrified of driving on highways (I still dont love it) one day I was driving back from mn to ky and decided to try to do it without going on the highway. I ended up on top of a crest of a steep hill with a big brown cow standing at the top looking at me. I just sat there and waited for it to go away. It was nerve wracking.


To be honest, I don’t think I will be able to watch the last episode of Swoon 2017. Because then that would mean that it is actually over….
And I’m not ready to say goodbye.


    But it’s also an opportunity to go back and watch your favourite bits or to go back and watch it again!


Dramabeans Theme of the month has given me the weak excuse to listen to all of the annoyingly catchy OSTs again.

All together now:


It’s only been like three years since I’ve done one of these.

Reason #4 why I would not be a good drama lead:

I’m not smart enough or clever enough to be in a crime drama.

If I was in a historical one, I would probably spend half of it in a prison (Caucasian) (plus the fact I would probably end up insulting the king.)

I’m not squeamish with blood, but having to take care of hospital patients seems like a whole new world I can do without.

My family isn’t dis-functional enough to be a family drama (that’s over 16 Episodes. We aren’t that functional either)

I’m generally not that much of an exciting person to hold a slice of life by myself, or even much of a romance



    Can I join you ? I’m not a good drama lead.
    Han Ye Ri did the cat’s voice it was so cute :3


      Lol I was about to mention Han Ye-ri as the kitty’s voice.
      Someone cast them in a noona romance and I’ll tune in.


      Oh! A great Idea! An assemble cast all living together in a building, and they take it upon themselves to raise a stray cat.

      Absolutely nothing can go wrong. 😈


    ah so you are a cat?


      It was more of the idea that I could easily be a lead in a drama where my ‘love interest’ is a cat (not in that way.)

      But, to be a cat is not bad either. They don’t have to pay rent!!


Well, it\’s almost midnight, yet here I am eating a bowl of cereal. I honestly don\’t know how I got the cereal, but at this point, does it even matter?
This kiddos, is how you adult properly (right?????)


    I mean, I’ve made chocolate chip cookies at midnight a few times over the last few weeks, so I’m pretty sure midnight cereal means you’re doing something right.


      I did a full chocolate two layered cake with icing and everything at around 2:00 a couple weeks back for no reason.

      Yet somehow eating cereal feel like I’m crossing the line….


        I am all about the midnight cereal. It’s what me and my brother used to do when we lived at home. And I was all about that cereal life in university; many a late night bonding session was had over bowls of cereal while sitting on the kitchen floor.

        I too once baked a mixed berry pie at 1 AM, crust and all, and then caught a 2:30 AM bus to the airport because that’s just how I roll. Also, midnight baking is how I discovered why eggs are important to baking cookies (turns out the protein is a key bonding ingredient).


          I have never bought a box of cereal in my life, so this is kind of all new weird territory for me. Also, what kind of bus runs at 2:30? or is that just my rural life showing….
          And an interesting side story, at around the same time, I too had been baking cookies and had run out of eggs, only instead of doing something like add a substitute, or put it off until dawn, I drove to town and spent an hour trying to find a place that was open and had eggs.
          And they ended up getting burnt anyway.


            I went to uni in a small town, so there was a campus bus at 2:30 to get to the airport in the closest large city a few hours away in time for 6 AM flights which was perfect for after exams when your brain was both wired and broken. You basically just slept on the bus and then at the airport/airplane and then were home.

            I too have an egg related story (actually, I have many egg related stories; much of my time in uni was spent baking). We ran out of eggs and ran to the corner store across the street from our house in PJs (a regular occurrence) at closing around midnight. So we get to the store and go up to the register to pay (looking exactly as gross and disheveled as two 20/21 y/o students look when baking at midnight on a Friday) and the sweet old lady behind the counter asks, “Are you going to a party?” We were both super confused and were like “No…” and looking at each other like “WTF?” Finally the lady tells points to my roomies head and says, “But you’re wearing a costume?”.

            Now, an important detail I need to mention: My friend had forgotten that she was also wearing The Ears at the time. The Ears were a headband with a pair of blue cat ears taped to it from a costume party some months prior and we used them in the bathroom for when we washed our face or were studying. We were so used to seeing them on each other that we totally forgot they were cat ears and it was completely normal to just wander around in them. I still have the headband to this day.


            Unfortunately I don’t have any Uni stories, mostly because I’m stuck between high school and post secondary for what will probably be an eternity, but I do have some old camp ones, so I guess it counts? I mean, oddity knows no age.

            Very much off the topic of eggs, I bought a dinosaur onesie and brought it to a camp, so I could wear it around the building and get a laugh out of the roommates I was with (There was actually a guy with a rainbow onsesie, we made quite an interesting pair), and because it was way to comfortable then it should be, I kinda just lounged around with it on during my days off.
            Well one day, a fire alarm happened, and all the staff had to immediately rush out to do a headcount check and to make sure all the kids where safe. So I had no chance to change before rushing out with my onesie fully zipped and hood up.
            None of the kids that were in my group took me seriously after that.

            I think I might have had eggs that morning (yay for cafeteria food that serves the same thing every meal!) so does that count?


            The one and only year I lived in a dorm, of course someone pulled the fire alarm in the middle of the night, so I can just say there were a lot of really interestingly dressed people out on the street that night.

            But, also? I would kill for a dino onesie. My mother saw me looking at one and was like “really?” to which I reminded her that I made her get me Darth Vader flats for my last birthday (I mean, she asked what I wanted…).

            Let’s just say, I’ve been out of uni for a while (…and have finished a grad program as well) at this point, so her exact reaction when I asked for the shoes were “You’re [redacted]-years old and you want Darth Vader shoes?”

            My reply? “Correction: I want glittery Darth Vader shoes.”

            I may not be adulting right, but I do it in style.


            Glittery Darth Vader shoes? Where? When? And how much money? I am more then okay with this.

            I think the best part about pulling the fire alarm is when it happens at 4:00 in the morning, and it’s the last week of camp, so everyone is stressed. At that point, you could have walked out wearing a sombrero and a poncho and literally no one would have blinked an eye.
            It’s actually really interesting how many people take a shower at 4 in the morning though.

            It was my friends birthday over the weekend, and they’re one of the last to reach the age of adulthood, so I gave them a sippy cup attached with a note “You may legally be an adult, but you are still a kid to me”.
            The worst part was, the shop keeper probably thought I was buying it for my own kid due to certain dialogue exchanges. Oh well. Hopefully the town isn’t that small…


At this point I’ve just given up on my parents. They enjoyed Chicago Typewriter well enough, even though it took them a few episodes to really get into it, and I thought we could really have something going here.
Yet: They hated Signal after just one episode, my dad stating it being to ‘american’ DESPITE HAVING SEEN EVERY FAST AND FURIOUS MOVIE OVER THREE TIMES
They didn’t even watch the second half of the ‘first’ episode of lookout
And we just finished viewing halfway of Goblin episode 2, and they already have given up on it.
And my parents are people who say they are good judgers of films.
Maybe this isn’t quite warranted, but when literally every time I show them something new, they say “well it isn’t quite like that other show we watched”, EVEN THOUGH I LITERALLY HAD TO FORCE THEM TO WATCH THE FIRST FOUR EPISODES OF IT BEFORE THEY ACTUALLY STARTED GIVING IT A SECOND THOUGHT.

Rant over.

And I’m still pissed.
(Any idea what dramas I can show them? Or should I just give up before I explode at them.)


    Awww the struggle hahahah ok ok how about you start with what are their favorites? Tv/films then everyone can get an idea of what they might like.


      Those ARE my favorites. I’m tempted just to put on The Heirs and strap them to their seats for 20 hours so they can appreciate the stuff I’m showing them.


        Hahahah aww they’re your parents. You can’t do them like that! I meant what kind of things do they like? Like my mom loves comedy or historical she liked downtown abbey and the Crown


          My mom loved downtown abbey, my parents refuse to watch the crown.

          They’re so fickle.


            Hahahha they are!! The Crown is realllly good.
            Do you they they’d like a sageuk drama? Have you watched any you liked?


            I don’t really know any that they would be interested in, and I generally don’t watch sageuks, thanks to a couple that kind of ruined the genre for me.
            Mirror of the Witch maybe? I’ve never watched it, but it seems kinda cool…?


    Reply 1988, and 1997? Chiek Kim? Bridal Mask? City Hunter? Healer?


      Father is Strange, a family drama so Downton abbey in modern clothes. lol.


      I think the Reply series are to ‘young’ for them, mostly because by that time they were already old, I don’t know much about Cheif kim other than it is an office comedy(?) Bridal mask is to brutal, I’m not sure about City Hunter, but I don’t particularly want to watch it again. Healer… well my dad did take some interest when he viewed it over my shoulder, but it was mostly to comment that the guys are wearing makeup. Plus, the first episode isn’t really that ‘engaging’ (This is my favorite drama, don’t kill me) so they might not give it a chance, despite it getting a lot ‘faster’ as it went along.

      And as for father is strange, I don’t think my parents would sit through that. It’s to long, and probably not something they would find interesting.


        Dear m friends? older cast and very good.


        Omg I love how well you know your parents taste


          I’ve lived with them the majority of my life, and we generally watch movies once a week. Plus, in recent years I’ve gotten more into film, so I’ve joined their discussions after about their thoughts on the film.


            Plus they are brutal with their thoughts on the Kdramas I show them, so I kinda have picked up a few things.
            And heartaches.


            Forest of secrets?? Also awesome family time 👏🏽👏🏽


            Uhhh, no.
            It’s a really good drama, but if they didn’t like Signal, there is a huge chance that they wouldn’t like this one. I could give it a suggestion, but I doubt it would hold much weight.

            And yes, yes it is. Especially during bad movies (the huntsmen being the more recent one), that is a good time all together.


    I feel ya. I try to suggest shows to my friends and they don’t even give it a second thought even though kdramas can be just as good as or better than their Castle/Bones/Dr. Who shows.

    Maybe try Tunnel (has the past sequences like Chicago Typewriter and action like Fast and the Furious (well not like it but it has action…)) or Healer (has that human element to the action and humor)


      My parents actually don’t like those shows that you mentioned above. I tried getting them into the whoverse, but they shot it down very quickly.

      I was thinking about Tunnel, but my main worry is that they will have the same reaction to it as Signal which they didn’t really like, and I’m just going to assume they don’t like high tension.
      I might give Healer a try, but it does take a while for it to get really moving, and plus the romance may be a bit much for them, even though it is the Best.Thing.Ever.


        Yeah, that’s a possibility. It’s hard to find a k-drama with an awesome first episode. It’s not that that the first episode is bad, but the way k-dramas tend to be structured, you really have to see the first few episodes to really get the feel of it.

        Maybe…I Remember You? It’s suspenseful, but not overly so. Do they like comedy? Chief Kim is a bit wacky, but good.


          I remember you? As in Hello Monster? I don’t particularly remember the first episode being that intense, but my memory is a bit shite. I’ll add it to the list though. And I don’t really know much about chief kim. Like how exactly is the comedy, and would it be to much for newcomers like my parents.


            Yes, it’s also called Hello Monster. I’m trying to remember too because I think they start out as kids and it’s a bit tense with the psychological stuff going on, but not too bad?

            It depends on what kind of humor they like. It skews more to the Jim Carey/Steve Carell kind, but it does have more heart than their usual stuff and it’s not like 24/7 wacky humor.


            Oh! And isn’t there D.O as the psycho in the first bit? Plus there is a good bit of mystery throughout with the identity thing, and I liked the ending from what I remember… but I’m worried they might think it’s ‘To American” (Don’t ask, I’m convinced they’re insane)

            And my main worry about Cheif Kim is that the humor won’t be their style. Like, my dad loves puns and dark humor, but both parents have a more “mature” type of humor (not that kind) so I don’t know if it would seem to ‘young’ for them.

            Disclaimer: My parents are not 100 year old people who sit on the front lawn waving their cane at people who walk across their lawn.
            Mainly because they do not have people anywhere near them.


            I usually don’t like wacky humor but it worked well in Chief Kim. You might want to see it first though to really get the feel for it before suggesting it to your parents. You might be right that the humor isn’t quite their taste.


            I’ll give it a go. From clips I’ve seen on the interweb, I’ve found it funny, but I find a cat trying to get through a glass window the the most hilarious thing ever, so I’m not sure if I’m quite credible with that ^^


    I can hear ur voice? Sageuk: 6 flying dragons? Queen IN Hyun’s man?


      I don’t know if they will be interested in I can Hear your Voice, but I’ll add it just in case.
      Queen InHyun’s man too, but to be honest, I don’t think they would be too interested in that.
      Isn’t 6 flying dragons like 50 epsiodes? I personally have nothing against that, but we watch tops 2 episodes a sitting which only happens one or two times a week, so that would take us months to get through.


    Princess Man, You From Another Star, Misaeng, Police Unit 38, Stretch but Master’s Sun, Liar Game, (what about medical dramas?), with older heroes, maybe History of a Salaryman, Beethoven Virus, IRIS, Last, Giant, Bad Guy


      Oh jeez. A lot of dramas. Okay. Let’s do this.

      I don’t know much about Princess Man, but didn’t that have a lot of angst? I don’t really know about it enough, but I’ll do some looking around and maybe add it to the list.
      You From Another Star is very romance centric, which I don’t really think they are a huge fan of.
      I heard the first couple episodes of Misaeng are really depressing, so I’m not sure they will really want to continue watching it after seeing that. It’s on my to watch list, but I’ll put the option out there.
      Police Unit 38 is actually a drama I was going to eventually suggest, as I told my mom the premise and she seemed pretty interested.
      Masters Sun: Well.. my mom herself is a jumpscare at every jumpscare. She sits beside me, and if anything pops onto screen, she shouts and jumps. It’s actually really startling. If I showed her masters sun, my ears would probably be bleeding 15 minutes in.
      I think they might find Liar Game to similar to Signal (?) but it does seem interesting enough to give it a try.
      Beethoven Virus maybe, my mom loves music.
      I’m not sure about IRIS… it’s like a secret spy thing, right?
      and I don’t know enough about the other ones to form a cohesive parental opinion.

      And as for medical dramas…
      Should I just show them Blood? (MWUAHAHAHA)



        History of a Salaryman is a humorous drama wacky a bit like Chief Kim and Jealousy Incarnate, but very well acted and many people loved it.I meant Bad GuyS (not Bad Guy). Last is a similar genre, with excellent reviews.

        Also Nice Guy. It’s a bit Makjang but starts off pretty gripping. Makjang are a great way to hook someone because they have that addicting quality. That’s how dramas like Baker Kim Tak Goo rose up the ratings like that, and they click well for the older generation.


          Nice Guy is by the same people who did Secret, right? And didn’t it have the Male Candy and the girl who was really cool but then eventually lost her memory and thus her personality?
          Makjangs are great entertainment, but I think it is a bit too soon to introduce them. Baker Kim Tak Goo, doesn’t that have Yoon Shi-Yoon??
          I know almost nothing about that drama, but I am now going to force my parent’s to watch it, because Yoon Shi Yoon is freaking amazing (how many episodes is it though? because I doubt they will do anything with more than 20.)
          History of a Salaryman I will check out, and I know literally nothing about bad guys, other than I always mix it up with Nice Guy.


            For medical dramas, I suggest New Heart or Romantic Teacher Doctor Kim because they are known to have hooking qualities.
            What about Kill Me Heal Me? or other dramas dealing with psychology It’s ok It’s Love?
            For makjang as millian suggested (I like them. Baker has 30 ep? but they’ll breeze by), another one that’s good quality is Woman of Dignity.


            The opening of KILL me heal me is… really… really… rough.
            Plus I don’t think they appreciate the bad boy as much as I do.
            I’ll add It’s Okay it’s love onto the list, but I don’t think they would be that into it.
            And seeing as I also have to watch these too, there probably won’t be any medical dramas. I… just can’t watch them. I tried Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, but… well.. Blood (the show, not the liquid) just sort of killed the majority of the genre for me. Which really sucks.

            I know very little about Woman of Dignity, but as I myself stated in some previous post here, I don’t think they are ready for that level of… makjang.


    Maybe start them on movies? That’s how I get my hubby to watch with me sometimes.
    Comedy: Runway Cop (slapstick/potty humor) / Whatcha Wearin? (VERY RAUNCHY)
    Action/Comedy: The Thieves
    Action, Historical: The War of Arrows
    Heartbreaking: Silenced (aka The Crucible)


      We actually had the Thieves for a bit, until my dad got rid of it.
      Funny what timing is.

      Runway cop, I’m not sure as they aren’t really the type to laugh at potty humor (They spend their time in highclass society drinking tea and talking in posh british accents (this is a joke))
      Whatcha Wearin: My dad kinda likes raunchy, but my mom is super against it.

      And I have never heard of the other two.
      Do you know anything about Age of Shadows?


        Nope, sorry.
        There’s that newer Lee Min Ho film, Bounty Hunter. Dubbing not so great but at least the beginning was funny (haven’t been able to finish it yet).


    This is quite difficult because there is the very real danger they will spoil your favourites for you. (I still remember, Dad.) My daughter started me watching k dramas and our tastes do overlap although they aren’t exactly the same. I was already watching 1N2D with her and she was telling me about Faith which she was watching so I joined in. Then we watched Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Pasta and Cheese in the Trap together. I watched City Hunter, Healer, I Hear Your Voice. She recommended Coffee Prince, Angry Mom and Master’s Sun and she told me to look at Dramabeans for the recaps where I also discovered the Ratings section so I found a lot more dramas that way. Good luck!


      I go to the ratings section to find what to look for watching next. Especially if I’m in the mood to watch a really really bad drama (which actually does happen. Sometimes I just like hurting myself in that way I guess).
      And thank you for the luck! I’m going to need as much of it as I can. Plus duct tape.


So one of my friends was complaining to me about some chick who she is close with apparently uninstalled instagram or something like it to get room for a gaming app.

Meanwhile, I am sitting here having uninstalled literally every single social media outlet to make way for the Drama watching apps and Oppa Pictures. (If I don’t update within the next few days, it’s probably because she found out, and in a fit of rage threw me into a dumpster)

Here, have a picture of an Aardvark as I try not to be found out ^^


    Um, can’t you still access Instagram through a browser? ‘Cause that’s how I do all my social media. Ain’t nobody got room for social media apps when there’s drama apps ….


      I haven’t used instagram in months, so I really couldn’t tell you. But they way she was telling me was like the girl ran over her cat or something…


    Seems to me like you have your priorities in order.

    However, if your friend does find out, I suggest the old “My phone deleted it randomly” excuse. Works like a charm. Though it helps if your phone is the grandmother of a dinosaur like mine.


      Unfortunately it’s a new phone, which they know, and the only problem with it is low storage space, which they also know. I ended up shutting my phone off so she doesn’t notice, but the danger isn’t over.


        Legit. Maybe the “My new phone is clearly possessed and keeps deleting apps” excuse will work? Or, if you spend any time with small children, “Oops, one of the kids must’ve deleted it” is always excellent and no one questions it.


          I’m sticking with “Oh no, the phone died, and I forgot the charger at work”


Good morning everyone! It feels great to get up at the crack of- IT’S 10:30???

Anyway, here is a little cute to get you through the next couple hours~


I live in a rural spot (AKA A lot of farmland) and as I was driving into town, I saw that there was a taxi… in a farm field…. driving.

I’m not saying it’s not hard to get lost in the countryside, but I think at some point when you’re on the same side of the fence as cows you’ve definitely gone too far.


    LOL. Them’s city folks for ya.


      I supposed they got confused by the lack of signs that are normally plasters everywhere in the city. Or forgot how to read a map.
      I drove back and he wasn’t there…
      I’m actually Slightly worried about him. I think another taxi went to rescue him though.


    Maybe they were doing doughnuts… 😛


      But it’s a taxi…? Are they even capable of that?
      Plus of they did, the farmers would probably definitely Murder them for screwing up their fields


        Sure, if you were a good enough driver. 😛
        A taxi might get stuck though…
        Idk the whole thing is pretty weird. Perhaps they wanted a closer look at the cows? I really don’t know but I bet there’s a good story behind it haha


          I wish I had the ability to see where the taxi went so I can track down that driver and be all like “so, exactly how did that happen”.

          Also, the taxi was like a old caravan which you would have to be a racing God to do a donut in. Not a middle aged grumpy redneck.


            Will it forever bug you… why the taxi was in the field? haha

            Oh. How was it still in service then?!


            This ain’t exactly a high tech city, in the winter months its probably one of the newer vehicles on the street ^^


    The secret of the crop circles is finally uncovered.


    Ok, so, like in the field rather than around it??

    I hope the taxi reached its intended destination.


      In the smack dab middle of the hay field, just finnished passing through the cows from the looks of it.


Today has been fairly exhausting, all social and physical activities, and very little rest (or internet). Actually, I haven’t watched a single Drama episode in two days because of life (I am barely surviving someone send help), but during that time, I re-remembered something about myself that I had somehow forgotten in my current situation of solitude;

Reason #3 why I would not be a good Drama Lead:

I have very little tolerance for bullshit and miscommunication. In a situation in which someone isn’t telling me something, I get rather irritated and will quite possibly lose my temper. And if someone is trying to send me on a wild goose chase and pretending they aren’t, I will lay that person straight.
If, for example (And I’m totally not taking this from recent personal events. Psh. I’m a professional) , Drama Person A tells me that Drama Person B has said some bad things about me, I will go up to Drama Person B and ask them why. If it turns out that they weren’t then I will go back to Drama Person A and confront them about it. If they then say that I “misunderstood”, then Drama Person A is going to have a tumble over the side of the boat.

(Also, hello 300th comment.)


    You’re awesome @aardvark. I wish I had some of that in me.


      Aw shucks thanks.

      Truthfully, it’s more of like an explosion of rage then the Actual being awesome, but I shall take the the compliment regards 😆


I just woke up and I already know I’m not going to sleep tonight after heating this.


    I like its creepiness but I feel like Disciple Jo is going to come out of the screen LOL


      I feel like I am going to look out a window, and he is just going to be standing there… smiling… shudder


    This is creepy good. Very very good. The whispers give me goosebumps. I thought at first they were only happening in the beginning and end. Apparently, they are done in the full song. Does anyone know what they are saying in that chant-like whisper. The entire thing is delightful to my ears and soul, just like the drama.


It’s been a while, so here are some facts about Aardvarks you do(n’t) need to know!

If you go to your nearest dictionary, the very first word you are most likely to find is ‘aardvark’, however the word itself is not actually English, so therefor it is cheating. What it’s english name actually means is “earth/ground pig”. But saying “Aardvark” is so much cooler, so let’s just forget about that fact.

How about this:
The aardvark (Orycteropus afer) is the only species in its order. It is literally like no other animal on earth.
Take that Anteater! That will teach you and your fluffy tail for getting confused with me!


Okay Viki, we need to have a talk.
I get it, you’re seeing someone else now, but that does not give you the excuse to kick me out and pretend that I do not exist. We agreed that I would still be able see the kid- eer shows. I never betrayed you, and yet you betray me. I thought what we had was more than this, but apparently not. So, I will leave first and enjoy my time in this apparent black hole that dramas cannot reach.
This Content is Not Licensed for your Region


    The sentence that I hate the most
    “This video is not available/licensed in your country”


    Pro tip?
    Get the Hola VPN ad don. You can change what country a site thinks you’re browsing from. And thus, I can use Viki.


      Thank you ☺️
      Screenshot this tip… will used it later if I find the same problem


        You’re welcome! It’s become a bit of a life saver! I can watch things on Naver now too haha


    I really want to know if there is a magical region that has all the content licensed. If there is, I want to move there. 😜


    You may already know this but just in case, you can request videos that you want them to license in your region. Here’s the link:


      It’s not just that, it’s shows I have seen before, that I have watched even earlier this year on this site, and they are no longer available.


Reason #2 why I would not be a good Drama Lead:
I am not a romantic (outside of dramas). When given the choice between the money or the boy, I will choose the money.
Because love don’t feed mouths.
However, I dislike hurting the people I like feelings’, and I’m also not that stingy about pride, so I’ll probably actually take the money and my man.


So you remember that Psycho student from Lookout?
That’s HeeChan.
Just give that guy a couple more episodes and he is going to be throwing preschoolers off the roof.
//School 2017


My thoughts of School 2017 Episode 12:
Pterodactyl Screeching


My thoughts on Bride of the Habaek:
Gray Water.
Definition: the relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances.

At the beginning, it wasn’t bad, but they put it through to many things and dirtied it.

It’s definitely water, but I have given up on trying to drink it


Nothing kills a drama quicker for me than mediocrity.
Generally, even if the drama is bad, they still throw some enjoyable craziness at the viewers that keep us watching for about one more episode. But when the drama continuously throws crazy trope after crazy trope, the trope themselves lose their spark themselves become boring. They become the very thing they say they are not, they pretend they are not. And the only way to illude you to that is to make sure you don’t think while watching it, to make you keep thinking something is happening when it is not, because when you do it becomes nothing but a pretty looking eggshell with nothing inside.