Fight My Way: Episode 2

It’s time to learn a little bit about why our friends are living third-rate lives, and the reasons they gave up on their youthful dreams. But though their excuses for giving up on themselves may have seemed valid at the time, Dong-man and Ae-ra will be forced to admit that they’ve needlessly allowed themselves to stagnate. There can be good reasons to tell your dreams to wait, but if you make them wait too long, eventually you have to confront the fact that you have nobody to blame but yourself if your life is disappointing.

Round 2: “Whatever they say, we’ll go our way”

Three small children play beside the ocean in a small rural town. Already adorably maternal, little Seol-hee fixes little Ae-ra’s tie so she can pretend to be a news anchor, while cute Dong-man frolics in his tiny taekwondo uniform.

Seol-hee and Ae-ra argue over whether to play house or pretend news, then Dong-man makes Seol-hee cry when his taekwondo move breaks her tea set. Ae-ra whacks him in the head, then she instantly regrets making him cry and gives him a hug and an apology.

In the present day, grown-up Ae-ra offers grown-up Dong-man a similar apology for asking a favor (aww, they literally live right across from each other). She asks him to toss out some of her things, knowing that he’ll do it despite his grouchy protests. Seol-hee, who lives with Ae-ra, leaves with a suitcase in tow, telling them that she’s got a business trip.

Later, Dong-man and Ae-ra happen to leave at the same time, with Ae-ra dressed up for her frenemy Chan-sook’s wedding today. She asks if she looks successful, and Dong-man quips that she changes so fast, it’s like watching evolution. Ae-ra gives him a saucy little hair-flip, but Dong-man just deadpans that he’s losing his appetite.

Turning the aegyo up to eleven, Ae-ra pouts that she can’t help being born so pretty, and Dong-man rolls his eyes and says he’s not afraid to hit her, ha. He notices she’s carrying the plain canvas bag he got for her and offers to buy her another, which just triggers her aegyo again, so he puts her in a headlock.

Joo-man receives praise from his home shopping channel supervisor for discovering a new snack food that’s proving very popular. He finds a pair of movie tickets tucked into a file on his desk, then gets a text from Seol-hee to meet him at a particular elevator.

They pretend to be talking about work while holding hands out of sight of the security camera. In actuality, Seol-hee is handing off the suitcase she brought for Joo-man, since he forgot to pack for his business trip. He asks when she visited his desk, referring to the tickets, but Seol-hee doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

They break apart when a trio of women enter the elevator, and one of them, Ye-jin, pointedly mentions the movie that the tickets are for. Uh-oh. Seol-hee gets off at her floor, forced to leave her boyfriend alone with the pretty flirt as she overhears Ye-jin’s friends talk about her crush on Joo-man and how she’s hoping to take him to that movie.

Over at Dong-man’s workplace, his boss yells at him when an expensive piece of equipment breaks. His supervisor throws Dong-man right under the bus, lying that the equipment is Dong-man’s when it isn’t. He blames his supposed excessive drinking and invites Dong-man to just quit when he objects.

Dong-man heads to the corner to take his frustration out on the punching bag machine. He impresses a pair of little boys by unleashing his famous roundhouse kick on the machine before sauntering off with a bit of his self-esteem restored.

Ae-ra arrives at Chan-sook’s wedding, and yikes — the nicest thing I can say about her much-older, mostly bald fiancé is that he must be very, very rich. Ae-ra sits with a trio of catty girls who don’t seem very pleased to see her, though Ae-ra’s “I missed you guys so much!” seems pretty forced on her end, too.

A friend of Dong-man’s, Kyung-ku, calls him for a favor. He’s a producer at KBS, and he needs to replace a game show participant who didn’t show up, though he assures Dong-man that all he has to do is stand there.

Of course Dong-man is called on to answer a trivia question, and even though he has no clue what the answer is, the contestant agrees with him and loses. Eventually a bespectacled contestant answers a complicated math question correctly and wins, and Dong-man peers at him closely, thinking that he looks familiar.

As Dong-man enters the KBS cafeteria for lunch, a news broadcast offers more information on the mysterious woman Park Hye-ran. We learn that she’s been a news announcer and variety show host for KBS for several years, and is widely loved by her fans.

In the lunch line, Dong-man finds himself next to the winning contestant, and this time he realizes that it’s his old classmate, Park Moo-bin. But Moo-bin doesn’t seem to remember Dong-man, and in fact seems a bit alarmed at Dong-man’s insistence that they know each other.

They sit with Kyung-ku to eat, and Dong-man interrupts their work talk to continue trying to trigger Moo-bin’s memory. When Dong-man mentions borrowing his shirt for a taekwondo meet, Moo-bin suddenly remembers his love rival, but he sticks to his story that he doesn’t know him.

After lunch, Kyung-ku asks Dong-man for another favor, since he knows Moo-bin. They want Moo-bin, who’s a doctor now, to appear on a year-end winners’s special, but Dong-man stammers that they aren’t actually very close. As Dong-man is leaving the KBS premises, he spots Hye-ran walking into the building and turns his back to her. He looks nervous, almost scared, but luckily she doesn’t notice him.

Bride Chan-sook struggles to control the festivities at her wedding reception, catching flack from her female family members for not having an MC. Chan-sook whines that her MC missed her flight, so her mother orders her to find a replacement immediately.

The catty trio fuss at Ae-ra for missing their occasional get-togethers, which for some reason require a membership fee. When they offer to let her only pay half the fee, Ae-ra stiffens and asks if they’re being considerate, or if they’re implying that she can’t afford it. The women squirm at the truth, so Ae-ra gets up to leave.

A desperate Chan-sook grabs Ae-ra before she escapes and begs her to pretend to be her MC, a famous anchor from China. Ae-ra initially refuses, but Chan-sook assures her that nobody will know the difference. One look at the dress that the MC was to wear seals the deal — Ae-ra agrees, unable to resist the siren song of the exquisite gown.

Ae-ra does look amazing in the fabulous dress, and as she approaches the microphone, her confidence grows until she’s in total control. She starts the party and calls Chan-sook up to sing, and Chan-sook makes a big show of being shy even though she actually requested this.

Chan-sook is flat-out terrible, and soon all of the guests are cringing and waving for her to stop. Ae-ra ends the song and talks a bit about the bride, who goes wide-eyed with horror at the mention of their time together in a band. One of the catty girls remembers the male band member that the two fought over, and for a moment it looks like Ae-ra is going to talk about him.

Instead, she just relishes Chan-sook’s terrified expression, then lies that it’s a miracle Chan-sook found someone to marry because she’s sooo innocent when it comes to men. HA. She moves the party along before sitting with Chan-sook, and she snarls that she never stole Chan-sook’s stupid boyfriend — so now, they’re even.

At the table behind them, four men discuss Ae-ra, all of them impressed by her looks and poise. Coincidentally, one of them happens to be Moo-bin, though he’s the only one that admires Ae-ra respectfully.

Dong-man travels home to see his parents for his mother’s birthday, seeming upset that his mom made her own birthday dinner and wouldn’t let him take them out. His mother chatters happily about her thoughtful gift, and when his father snaps at her to shush, Dong-man quietly tells Dad not to yell at Mom.

Dad is pretty critical of Dong-man, implying that he doesn’t have much work ethic and asking how he paid for Mom’s gift. He expresses disappointment that Dong-man didn’t use his skills to become a taekwondo instructor, which feels like an argument they’ve visited a thousand times. Dong-man says that if you look him up online, articles from November of 2007 still crop up, which would scare away any potential students.

When Dad snaps that Dong-man refuses to live properly, Dong-man loses the temper he’s been hanging onto by a thread. He yells that taekwondo is the only thing he’s good at, so living his life doing something else is difficult and pathetic. But he swears that he’s never touching taekwondo again.

Dong-man admits that he’s scared he’ll want to get back into taekwondo, so he puts it completely out of his mind. Suddenly looking like a frightened little boy, Dong-man says that if Dad has used his connections back then, Dong-man wouldn’t have been eliminated, and if Dad hadn’t lost his business, he wouldn’t have entered that tournament in the first place.

His mother nervously asks Dong-man to keep his voice down or Dong-hee will hear (wait, who’s Dong-hee?). Dong-man just says that his dad should have protected Dong-hee instead of him, his lip quivering as he struggles not to cry.

After her MC duties are over, Ae-ra is approached by the three men who were noticing her earlier with Moo-bin. They ask her to have a drink with them, and though she’s a bit confused, she agrees and impresses them with her skill at making soju bombs.

The other three offer to be her black knight (to drink for her), and they express their wish to drive her home later. They insist that she choose her black knight and ride home, so she chooses the only one who isn’t pressuring her — Moo-bin. His friends tell her that Moo-bin can’t handle alcohol, but he defiantly drains her glass in one go.

Instead of going home, Dong-man ends up in front of Coach Hwang’s taekwondo gym, which has been converted into the headquarters for his soondae food cart. Inside, Coach Hwang watches a taekwondo match on television with a couple of friends. Coach Hwang is critical of the contestants, and his friends tease that he’s just loyal to his “first love,” Dong-man.

One friend asks if Dong-man is better than him, and Coach Hwang says he’s too confident, while Dong-man isn’t confident enough. Dong-man surprises them by walking in and joining them, serving them the food his mother sent home for him. The confident friend challenges Dong-man to a match, curious to see if he’s as good as Coach Hwang claims.

Dong-man isn’t keen on the idea, until the jerk smirks and says that it wouldn’t be a fair fight anyway. His pride stung, Dong-man agrees to the fight. As he gears up, Coach Hwang looks like a kid on Christmas.

When the fight starts, Dong-man almost immediately swings, which leaves him open for a punch to the face. He tries a roundhouse kick, but he’s rusty, and the kick misses as Dong-man goes crashing to the floor. Coach Hwang starts to look concerned, but Dong-man is spoiling for a fight now, so he gets up to continue.

He’s again surprised by a hard fist to the face, then another in the gut. A couple more kicks miss their mark, and now Coach Hwang looks really worried. His opponent backs Dong-man into a corner and pummels him, and all Dong-man can do is protect his face.

Coach Hwang calls the fight to a halt. Disappointed and upset, he orders them all out and mutters to himself that Dong-man has become useless. Dong-man finds Coach Hwang prepping his soondae cart and asks him for a ride home, but Coach Hwang snaps that he’s not going to sell in Dong-man’s neighborhood anymore.

Dong-man quips that he sucks, which is why he shouldn’t fight anymore, but his brash words mask an obvious disappointment in himself. In a small, hesitant voice, Dong-man admits that fighting again felt good. Louder, he adds that getting hit made him feel relieved.

Moo-bin’s friends weren’t kidding about him being a lightweight — Ae-ra pats his back while he throws up, griping that he shouldn’t have taken her drink. He says that he did it for the wish she’ll grant him in return for being her black knight, and his wish is for her to refuse his buddies’ offers for a ride and take the bus home.

When she asks why, Moo-bin confesses that at the wedding, his friends had figured out that she isn’t really a famous Chinese news anchor. To punish her, they’d made a bet that the guy who got to drive her home would win the equivalent of a thousand dollars, double that if they could get her to a motel. Gross.

After seeing the chat room on Moo-bin’s phone as proof, Ae-ra asks for a minute alone. She calls Dong-man to ask him to pick her up, which he initially refuses. But the moment he realizes that she’s on the verge of tears, he goes into hero-mode and heads her way. Coach Hwang knows exactly what must be happening, saying to himself that only “Microphone Moron” makes Dong-man act like this.

Moo-bin walks Ae-ra out to the parking lot where his friends are waiting. She refuses their increasingly insistent offers to drive her home as they point out their expensive cars like that’s all it takes to lure her in. Ae-ra takes note of which cars are theirs, then proceeds to methodically and viciously destroy at least one side view mirror on each of their cars.

Once she’s finished, she gives them her real name, telling them that she’ll pay for the repairs. She boldly warns them never to approach her again and turns to leave, but one of them grabs her angrily. Moo-bin tries to pull him off, but Ae-ra says furiously that he probably can’t get a woman into bed without money. Dong-man shows up just in time to see the bastard slap Ae-ra to the ground before grabbing her to hit her again.

Dong-man bellows a loud, “HEY!!” then starts towards the guy. Knowing what’s about to happen, Ae-ra urges the guy to run, but he doesn’t go. Dong-man runs, then launches off a car to high-kick the chair the jerk holds up into smithereens.

He slaps the jerk twice, and when he complains that it hurts, Dong-man asks in a too-calm voice why he slapped Ae-ra. He delivers a crack on the head and a kick to the knee before Ae-ra intervenes. She leads him away, but when the jerk mouths off that she deserves to be beaten, Dong-man goes back for more.

The end up at the police station with the three asses looking like they’ve been dragged backward through a rosebush. Dong-man is in a holding cell completely untouched, which is hilarious, but it does nothing to convince the policeman that the jerks deserved what they got.

The officer argues that with Dong-man’s taekwondo knowledge, this could be considered attempted murder, since technically, he’s a lethal weapon. Coach Hwang shows up, having gotten a call from Dong-man. He ignores Dong-man to check the lead jerk’s injuries with glee. In an awed voice, he tells the officer that Dong-man can still break teeth and ribs like he used to, which is totally not helping.

The lead jerk throws out his family connections, threatening to get Dong-man locked up, which has Coach Hwang puffing up in his face. Ae-ra shoves Coach Hwang aside like he’s nothing to inform the lead jerk that if he sends Dong-man to jail, she’ll show up at his hospital every day to pass out copies of his dirty chat logs.

She says she’ll never stop, and that she’ll even go to his wedding and his children’s school ceremonies to show everyone what a creep he is. Dong-man can’t hide his laughter while Coach Hwang seems terrified of Ae-ra, and Moo-bin looks like he just fell in love.

Eventually, Dong-man is set free, and he trails behind Ae-ra like a sad puppy on the walk home. She rounds on him to ask why he’s moping, and he says that he’ll pay her the settlement money she paid on his behalf, knowing that was the money she was saving for her wedding. Ae-ra just barks that she’s not getting married and leads Dong-man away by the wrist.

They stop for some kimbap, and Ae-ra compliments Dong-man’s on his first spin-kick in a long while. She says that she got to hold a microphone for the first time in a long time tonight too, bragging that they’re both amazing when in their element.

Her split lip stings, causing Dong-man to grab at her mouth to check her out. Ae-ra shakes him off, so Dong-man yells at her, saying that while he may live an embarrassing life, she shouldn’t let others think badly of her.

Ae-ra demands to know why his life is embarrassing, putting Dong-man at a loss for words. Eventually he says that he’s just a lame jock, but Ae-ra disagrees on the “lame” part. She says that she’s sure he’ll make it big some day, but Dong-man mutters that everyone thinks he’s lame.

Reminding him that she’s known him longer than anyone, Ae-ra tells Dong-man to trust her. Again she says confidently that he’ll make it before standing up to head home. Instead of joining her, Dong-man reaches out and pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head on her belly.

Voice shaking, he sounds like a little boy as he says that she made him cry. He says that she fed him when he was starving today, though it doesn’t sound like he’s talking about food.

Ae-ra realizes that Dong-man really is crying as he demands comfort like a child. He gets distracted for a second and hopefully asks if he’s touching her butt, then begs her to stop getting involved with bad guys. He complains that she just cried over Moo-ki too, which earns him a thump on the head.

Dong-man lets go of Ae-ra and yells at her for hitting him, then orders her to quit letting others hit her, and crying, and breaking side view mirrors. He asks her to just hang out with him, promising to spend his time with her. It’s an achingly vulnerable moment for him, but she doesn’t understand what he’s saying, so he backs off and leads her home.


Six-year-old Ae-ra chases bullies away from tiny Dong-man, who sits in the dirt wailing. Taking his hand, Ae-ra calls him a crybaby and a bedwetter, though she adds that he’s also cute sometimes. Balling his hand into a fist, she tells him to open his eyes and promise never to cry, but instead to use that fist to punch those who try to hurt him.

Dong-man does as she says, but he vows that he’ll never marry her. Ae-ra hisses that she’ll never marry him either, then whaps him upside the head, making him cry all over again.


These little epilogues are wonderful. It’s great how they show us glimpses of Dong-man and Ae-ra in the past and how their friendship has evolved — yet somehow, it’s stayed exactly the same. I just love these two chuckleheads and their oddball friendship so much. My only complaint, and it’s really more of an observation than a complaint because I already love this show, is that we haven’t seen the Fantastic Four together in the present yet. They must all still be friends, I would just like to see it sooner rather than later. But I also understand that it was important to introduce Ae-ra and Dong-man to us properly, and I’m glad the show didn’t rush that in the first week.

I’m glad that we got to see a bit more about Dong-man’s past and why he seems so frustrated and dissatisfied with life. Putting together the clues as to what happened back in 2007, it sounds like Dong-man’s father lost his business, causing Dong-man to enter a tournament to try and win prize money, and there was a scandal. Someone named Dong-hee was also involved, and I’m assuming Dong-hee must be Dong-man’s brother. I wonder if somehow the brothers were pitted against each other and Dong-hee was seriously injured, traumatizing Dong-man. This is all speculation, but whatever the truth is, it’s enough to make Dong-man so scared to go back to taekwondo that he’s willing to give up his entire future.

Back in the romance area, I love how weak Dong-man is to Ae-ra’s tears. He seems always on the edge of annoyance with her until he hears that wobbly voice and sees her eyes well up, and then he just sees red. They’re so much like family already — he can upset her, but let anyone else try, and he’ll mess them up good. He’s just not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and he’s too thick to know that his wild reactions to anyone hurting Ae-ra are because he loves her as more than just a friend. And it was great when Ae-ra finally got a chance to show that she’s the exact same way when it comes to Dong-man — when he was threatened with jail time, she used her own brand of crazy to terrify his opponent into giving in. Ain’t nobody going to mess with either of them, not while the other is around.

This episode proved that Ae-ra is even more badass than I originally thought, and she’s quickly becoming a personal favorite. In fact, she reminds me a lot of Oh Hae-young, who was a horrible mess and knew it, but at least she owned her bad decisions and didn’t excuse them or delude herself. Ae-ra is the same way — she knows when she’s doing something she shouldn’t, or making the wrong choice, but she does it with her eyes wide open, fully prepared to accept the consequences. The way she broke each of those jerks’ mirrors before telling them that she would pay for the repairs made me love her even more than I already did. I’m not a proponent of destroying others’ property, but I can’t help admiring that it was worth it to Ae-ra to pay them back for their disrespectful treatment of her, even if it meant she had to foot the resulting bills.

Generally with friends-to-lovers romances, it’s frustrating to see how much the main couple loves each other but doesn’t realize it, but I can actually understand it in the way this show presents these two and their history. They’ve been friends for so long, it’s probably very difficult to differentiate the love they have for each other as friends and heart-siblings from the something deeper they’ve most likely felt for years without noticing. It doesn’t help that both of them are stubborn to a fault, which is at the root of their lifelong friendship but also causes them a lot of problems. Ae-ra stuck with her leech boyfriend way longer than was prudent, even knowing that she was letting herself be taken advantage of. And although it sounds like Dong-man has valid reasons for quitting taekwondo in the first place, and maybe even for avoiding it all this time, he takes it to a ridiculous extreme that only makes him miserable. Learning to let go of old hurts and betrayals can only help them as they finish growing up together, and will also go a long way toward helping them admit their (glaringly obvious to everyone else) feelings for each other.


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On Dong Man: I'm so, so curious as to what happened in November 2007. I'd originally thought maybe he'd accidentally seriously injured someone with his kick, but after his conversation with his father, I'm not so sure. He got eliminated from something? PSJ gets me with his tears all the time, and when DM said that he couldn't continue with taekwondo because he was so afraid that he would want to do it again. I imagined that suppression, how badly he must have wanted to do it, and how it must hurt to force himself not to, and my heart broke for him.

On Ae Ra: KJW is devastatingly charming when she's holding the mike, or maybe I'm just biased. (I love her!) I honestly felt so angry with the doctor trio (who are they to decide that they get to mete out "punishment" when they'd been the disgusting jerks in the first place?) that I kind of cheered silently when she broke their mirrors and they got beat up.

Overall, this episode made me really want to root for AR and DM, for AR to realize her dream of being and announcer, and for DM to want to get over whatever emotional burden he has. I honestly love how they're always there for each other no matter what. They may bicker, but when DM realized something was seriously wrong, he wasted no time in rushing to where she was, and that honestly touched my heart. And that hug at the end? Agh.

The other 2 characters kind of took a backseat in this episode though and somehow I didn't find myself missing them at all, which may be the only iffy thing I feel about this show.


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I felt that too. You really root for AR and DM but totally forget about the other characters. They really have shown us enough for us to care yet. It's a weird balance that I hope they sort out soon. Otherwise we'll get so far in the drama that we won't care enough by time we really know them because we're to absorbed by our leads. Or so I feel that would happen.


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It felt off that there were no signs of a present relationship between the leads and second leads when they have that solid friendship back then.


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Actually the two girls are living together, so there's that. But I agree, that there wasn't enough four-way friendship interaction for me either. Am I a terrible person for only noticeing that after the episode was over?


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It actually gives me hope: that the angst will come from the secondary characters, and they'll be focused on later, instead of unnecessary crap shoehorned onto the OTP.


oh yes! thanks for reminding me, totally forgotten that already. hopefully the next ep would give us more interaction with the fantastic four


I am dying to know what happened to On Dong Man! I think I missed a lot since I was kinda half focused when I was watching ...

I am loving the the friendship and banter between two leads.

I'm sure as the show progresses, we'll see more of the four friends ... I do think that there wasn't a lot covered in the first two episodes.


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I have a feeling that Dong-man and that other fighter fixed a fight way back in 2007 so that Dong-man could get money for his sister/brother/family.

Maybe all the blame went to Dong-man afterward because Dong-man had the biggest name at the time.

The MMA world is perfect for him because they are more forgiving of shaky pasts.


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DM and AR's friendship feels so real to me! That's definitely the highlight of this show so far.
-Way to go AE for standing up to her catty friends, and doing it in a smart way.
-Aww, I wish CWS was in this for longer than just a cameo. I'm really liking his character.
-Okay, I can't handle AR's awesomeness with the cars, and DM's awesomeness in sticking up for her. I know we've talked about how violence isn't the answer, etc. etc., but I was cheering them on so hard.
-And that look DM gave AR when she chewed out those guys at the police station. I love how he lets her stand up for herself without trying to insert himself into the situation unnecessarily. He will stand up for her if she needs it, but he knows she's perfectly capable of standing up for herself too.
-I seriously could go on and on about their friendship and the way they comfort and encourage each other, but I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record, haha. I'm so excited to see more of their relationship and to see it develop throughout the show!


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Me too, me too. I love, LOVE their friendship! It touches me in the most unexpected ways, even though I was expecting them to be really close. They give me the complete fuzzies, and I would watch this show if only just to see their friendship blossom into more.

I didn't know that Park Moobin's character was a cameo! Now I'm kinda disappointed because I found myself really liking his nerdy, shy character. I'd hoped he would be sticking around more!


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I really love their friendship and how they always support each other and be there whenever the other needs them. They are just very relatable. I can imagine someone like them living across my house, or sitting beside me in class, living their life as best as they can.


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Is CWS really just a cameo?? That's a little sad..


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I know!! I've liked him ever since I saw him in rooftop prince hehe. His character here reminds me a little bit of when he played Hogu kekeke.


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"The way she broke each of those jerks’ mirrors before telling them that she would pay for the repairs made me love her even more than I already did. "

Agree with you on this, Lollypip, and thank you for the speedy recap! I've to admit that my mind went "ouch" the moment she broke the car mirrors, because she would definitely be on the losing end if they called the police (especially more so because the doctor trio are assumably rich/influential), and she's not in a position to take on hefty repair bills, but I liked the concept that it was important enough to her to repay their jerk-titude and stand up for herself, more so than the money itself. She's such a badass and I love how she went all "cuckoo" and scared them into settlement. I really like her so far!


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She was awesome. However, the one thing I didn't like is that the police didn't seem to care that the man had hit her. That man should have been in jail too.


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My mouth said "ouch!" and I wondered, did she use the same foot to kick in all three car mirrors? Because ... I'm old and I know you can't do that, after a certain age you'd have to switch legs to keep yourself from a broken bone ?


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only in Kdramaland ?


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Lol. Yeah at least switch between your healthy.


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Legs. It's missing "legs"...


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Okay! I love this drama so much!! The characters are so relatable! ???


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Ps: I so agree with you about Ae Ra and Oh Hae Young! The way she was treated by her schoolmates and the way she answered is just like OHY!!


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Yes! Finally a good rom-com with no chaebol, geeeniuses, or serial killers!


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Ae-ra was practically glowing the moment she grabbed that mic and I was in awe watching how easily she commanded everyone's attention. Now I really want that girl to achieve her longtime dream because I know she has the ability to make it come true. I like the fact that it isn't an unattainable dream, it just something that fall by the wayside while she was busy living her life. And looking at how happy she was at the stage, I bet she'll do a great job as an anchorwoman. After all, someone who loves their job is bound to be great at it.

I really appreciated her spunk and sass. When she knows she is right, she won't back down and let other trampled on her. She isn't afraid of calling other people out of their BS, and has a way to say the truth in a blunt way that sometimes makes people uncomfortable. (Like that scene when she was drinking with her 3 school friends) I feel like I live vicariously through her because God knows how many times I want to say those things and confront people directly if only I have the courage to go through with it.


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I reaaaally really love AR as a female lead. She's so good at standing up for herself and being a good friend, and I too feel like I'm living vicariously through her since I only wish I could say and do the things she does.


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That's how I feel about dramas that depict real life working people with real dreams and problems: we identify so much with the characters that it is liberating to see them stand up for themselves instead of getting beaten uselessly for the sake of Cinderella plot.


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Omg couldn't agree more with this comment "I feel like I live vicariously through her because God knows how many times I want to say those things and confront people directly if only I have the courage to go through with it.". This is why I LOVE badass female characters - they show me a life I don't have the courage to live!


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These recaps are so fast!

I'm really enjoying the show. The characters really shine and I especially love Ae Ra! Kim Ji Won is nailing her awesome badassery! I'm glad she's getting more chances to shine. I feel like she's so underrated!

Really excited to see how they grow. All for dramas with great character development! :)


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I am officially in LOVE with this show! They are #couplegoals. Their relationship makes me smile just remembering scenes after I watched. Even my 6 yr old son has taken to watching just the ending scenes with the kids and asks me, "mami whats next?". lol


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I'm loving Kim Ji Won!! She's so good! And omg @lollypip yesss her character does remind me of oh hae young! So messed up but badass I love it! These type of characters feel very authentic to me. Loving this show so far! Thanks for the recap LollyPip ?


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I love that she can be so composed and elegant but also really gets into the physical comedy as well.


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I know right! the transition is so smooth and natural.


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I was in stitches when she said that she's crazy and she'll follow him for life with those chat messages. I'm surprised at Kim Ji Won's comedic chops


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That one liner was pure gold. Those men knew that powerful connection is nothing in front of her crazy blackmailing (which 100% true), and that they would lose too much if they let her do that.


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Never know Kim Ji Won have that in her. This police station scene and aegyo scene make me laugh so hard, I can't help but fall in love with her. Ae ra is a crazy beautiful ball of charm.


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That scene was priceless! I was like "you go girl!" :D :D


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This show is hitting all the right notes for me. I adore the cast and their struggles. The friendship between Ae Ra ad Dong Man makes me laugh and smile. He may not realize it, but that "Hang out with me!" was totally a confession.


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I felt the same way about the hang out with me comment.


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Right! He was practically pleading with his eyes when he said that. So sweet!


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I was so into AR and her cool character this whole episode that I forgot about the second couple until you mentioned it lol, I really didn't miss them.

She was a badass in the police station when she shoved the coach and threatened that jerk to follow him to the rest of his life if he didn't drop the charges.


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Sigh, I just love Park Seo Joon so much.
I loved when the three catty girls were impressed so much with AR to want her to MC their own weddings. She doesn't have to be an announcer, she can be a success in other ways with a mic in her hand. I'm glad to see that DM doesn't have to become a MMA superstar, he can become a taekwondo instructor and be a success as well. Although I expect the show will get us closer to their dreams cuz, you know, it's a drama. I'm very intrigued by the story of DM's father and what happened and Dong Hee, it sounds tragic.

I want to call out their apartment building, I've never seen anything like it in a kdrama in all its mint green Art Deco glory! Its really unusual. I hope it becomes a bit of a character as well.


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According to the character description on the official website, Dong Hee is Dongmang's younger SISTER who is 12 years younger than him. Also, she's acts cold to him because she feels guilty for his sacrifice, but she is actually his number one fan.


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Thank you!


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I really love their apartment building, too! The style of this show is so different than in others, and that building adds a really interesting touch.


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Aw what lovable wackos. I replayed their morning walk together and the end scene over and over and over. I just feel as though I've been waiting to meet these characters. Whether he's putting her in a headlock or hugging her like a little boy, gahhh, I just love them.

And I totally didn't expect this, but they made me cry already. I just felt so horrible seeing Dong-man's spirit so defeated. And clearly Ae-ra becoming a blubbering mess and his "Can't you speak properly?" is a recurring thing and I love it because it both makes me laugh and makes my heart ache. I love that she's so strong that she will almost never break down with anyone but him. The end hug proved that he's just the same. So it already gets me in the gut whenever they support each other.

This episode made me realize how much I've missed Hwang Bora. She's hilarious. I can't help but fall for character here too. She perfectly encapsulates that friend that you can't stand most of the time, but can't help but care for when all is said and done. And how much do I love the sweetheart Choi Woo-shik's character turned out to be? Tell me they aren't cameos. If they are, can they be recurring?

That said, they did have more screen-time than the second leads this episode so I hope that becomes more balanced next week. I just really want to see the Fantastic Four together soon. I love the feel of this show so I don't really mind the show taking it's time to introduce our leads' struggles and their relationship first. I like how it feels like their lives have really been going on all this time and like I've just been dropped into their world. The characters are so delightful that I want to stay to see them fight whatever struggles that come their way!


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I feel you @chandler. My heart broke so much seeing Dong-man so dispirited. Especially at that part when he said that he couldn't help but see his life as an "embarrassment". Oof, that was so well delivered, it got me in the guts.
Idk, but there is something about how Park Seo-joon portrays painful emotions...he's so good at showing us that they're bubbling on the surface, and that he can barely hold it together. It almost comes off as emotionally-restrained, but then there's a crack in his demeanor, and oh boy does it get me every time!


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That's something I really appreciate about park seo joon,that part really got me, how he feels embarrassed with his life, how his just living day by day trying to survive, it just hit close to home tbh and then that argument with his dad, telling him he should have protected both him and his little sister instead of him having to do it as a teenager. His so defeated inside and it's sad despite him being so cheery on the outside.


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Same, @chandler. I didn't expect to cry already watching their struggle. But it all just felt too real that I really want to give them bear hug and tell them that everything is going to end well.


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I love LOVE PSJ when he's being mellow, a lot more when he's chanelling super-bright dimwit like when he was with his blind date, sometimes he can get a bit over the board when Dong Man becomes Mr Sunny but thank goodness there isnt too much of it.

Also, PSJ and KJW have really good chemistry - all that skinship, give me moar!

On another shallow note, it's ridiculous how good looking are both of them. They say that pregnant women should be looking at a lot of pretties so the baby will come out pretty too, and this is the right drama to binge watch while I'm pregnant ?


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Hahaha! I binge-watched SO MANY dramas when I was pregnant that I seriously thought my baby was going to come out speaking and understanding Korean instead of English. ?


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I have to agree with your comment about Hwang Bora. It's always a treat to watch her, and I can reliably depend on her to deliver the comedy. I'm startled to realize she's actually been around for very long, from Sly And Single Again to Arang to My Girl as Lee Da-hae's friend. Plus, I'm always down with frenemy-ish girlfriends, as her character is in this drama. I'm with you in hoping that she and Choi Woo-shik's character can have extended cameos. They're just so great!


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She was awesome in Ms Temper Nam Jung Ki too


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They feel so perfectly lived in, like every nuance and the epilogues are icing on the cake! And man, I do adore my bickering couples.


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Thanks for the super speedy recap, @lollypip! I love all the things in this episode, even though I do wish our second leads had more screen time. As other commenters have said, weirdly I didn't find myself missing them too much because there was other nice meaty stuff going on, like with the Dress and Ae-ra hosting and of course, the cars scene (and everything afterwards ?). But I definitely want more of Seol-hee. I don't understand why the relationship with the boyfriend must be kept a secret. I mean, six years? And she still has to endure seeing a lady trying to ask her man out to her face. I can't wait to see her grow.

I want to find a friend like Ae-ra. Scratch that, I want to be like her. More than being such a cool person to be around, above all else, I wish I had her fortitude. The ability to just stand up for yourself while knowing when to pick your battles is something I always struggle with, but she makes it seem almost effortless. Love love love.

It's so great though that she continually drops her defenses when Dong-man's around, and she's the one restraining him from causing too much trouble because she knows he's got her back and she's protecting him right back. I love the push and pull of their relationship, and how with a few words of encouragement, after the rough day they've both had, he just breaks down and tears up, and the show of vulnerability which showcases the trust and respect between them just really gets at me. Especially the last thing he says, about getting her to spend time with him instead, is so great because it could be a confession but it doesn't have to be because their level of closeness is just that much. Arghh, so great. Next week can't come soon enough.


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Workplace relationships are frowned upon, even if it started before said employment.

There are jobs that some women will take to put them in a better position to find a husband (even here in the US--I once worked at a management consulting firm where it was understood that all the women in the graphics department were there to find a husband. The department only hired women, never men, and the marriage rate of graphics to consultants when I worked there was about 35%. This is also not unlike "pursuing a MRS degree" in college). The idea being that the woman will quit once they are proposed to/marry, therefore eliminating the conflict. It seems to me that they are using that stereotype for the movie ticket character.


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Kim Ji Won and Park Seo Joon are awesome.....


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this show really brought out the aegyo. who knew how a chokehold could still look so cute?


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I am trash for this drama & it has made me fallen even more in love with KJW.


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Maybe 2 years later, they'll be in that same position in that last screen-cap but this time, DongMan'd be complaining about her being so fearless and worrying about his little baby in there.

LOL, my imagination runs too fast.


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Oh! So it goes both ways?
In the first episode it was her feelings for Dong Man that were obvious. And i thought it would take a couple of episodes for Dong Man's to show, yet he showed them sooner and i loved it. They're even now.
For a moment there i thought Moo Bin posses a great threat for our cute pair of friends, but now i think otherwise.
Thanks @lollypip for the recap.


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haha so true...but i keep wondering who's gonna confess first!


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Same. At first I was like please don't let her be the first one to fall in love, then I realized that she was already in love with him and I was like please don't let it be one-sided and it turns out it's not haha. Park Seo-joon is winning me over again, I love his character here so much.


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Lol true, after this ep, I'm like this two knuckleheads are in love and don't even realize it.


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Actually, I do think that both Dong Man and Ae Ra are aware of their feelings for each other, just that they don't think it's mutual and have chosen to hide their feelings and protect their friendship instead. Perhaps it was a matter of timing. Ae Ra was clearly excited at the taekwondo match when Dong Man threw his uniform and she caught it thinking he was confessing to her. Then Dong Man in this episode tried to convey his real feelings but changed his mind later.

I love the both of them together. Theirs is a relationship that nothing can break.


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I totally agree! Though I wonder how they made it this long without realizing it out since it seems that all of their friends seem to have figured out their feelings as well. They haven't exactly been subtle...


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Props to PSJ and KJW.... that conversation at the park KILLED me. When DM offered to be AR's "playmate" my knees totally turned into jelly... GAH how is this only ep 2? How do I wait an entire week???


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Can't Moo-bin stay?


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I was cheering for Ae Ra went she took control of the mic and felt so proud with her trademark hair flip! She is goals for exuding confidence on stage. When I saw Dong Man fight for her (literally), I was smiling from ear to ear. Looking forward to follow their budding romance and please have more friendship scenes...I'm a sucker for friendships.


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It's such a relief that after watching the first two episode, I can say that Fight My Way has (hopefully) liven up to the expectation! Woot woot! I'm so scared that after all the hype of its teasers, the drama would turn out disappointing, but now it doesn't matter anymore, I can safely say that I LOVE my Monday fix!


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This is literally my new addiction apart from suspicious partner... Too many great shows coming out at the same time whew


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That's my problem as well?


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Agreed! A wonderful problem to have.


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Omg. Kim Ji Won's aegyo was gold! I watched it at least 3 times!

I love this drama is hilarious but has the little emotional beats to get your heart! The best types of rom-coms!


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It was so cringey but I laughed so much. Kim Ji-won is another actress I'm glad is growing into a fine woman. I love how she cries trying to describe the situation between her ex and the ajhumma to Dong-man, it's too hilarious.


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I laughed in the middle of the night watching her aegyo and Dong-man's reaction and replay it somemore :))


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Thank you for the recaps Lollypip! I too also felt AR was like OHY, except because the tone of the drama is different, it's like watching OHY with more comic components. Kim Ji Won is so good here!

Ah, I did feel in the first episode that DM seemed to like AR as more than a friend. While she calls him when she "needs" him, he always goes to her and does what she asks. He is so devoted to her, yes, he needs to realize what it is/means. But I think he might actually be aware of his feelings, but because they have stayed as they are, friends, and she has been dating, it's always stayed in the back seat. I wonder if he has loved her all along, but either circumstances or timing were never right. He is single, and even though that mysterious/divorced woman seems to be a part of his past, maybe it ended because he didn't love her so she married another?? Or was it the scandal/traumatic event from 2007? We can speculate so much, I'd hate to see them going in circles, if she reappears in his life when AR realizes her deep feelings for him...argh...please don't let another 10 years go by! Anyways... whatever it takes.

What I really appreciate in this drama are the friendships. CS can be so annoying, but she and AR had such sweet moments in this episode, you understand why they are friends, and that even though they may bicker, they can appreciate each other. Even the little group of girlfriends seemed quite snobbish, and probably just are, but can recognize and appreciate AR's talents. I guess in life, you do have all kinds of friends!

Ah, but Park Seo Joon was so good here, I almost cried in the scene with his father. And the last scene, he is so vulnerable. He does need his spunky AR to be next to him. Now that she is free of the leech, I hope she will have time for him! He so needs her!


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Oh, but I am smitten with this show. I feel like Dong Man is already aware of his real feelings for Ae-ra (his broken just hang out with me! at the end of the episode) and he was holding it in because she was with her jerk of an ex. Or maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve her as more than a friend because he's living a "third rate life" and he thinks that she deserves more than he can give her?

All I know is: I could not watch Dong Man in the ring. I knew that he was going to lose (hello! He was fighting a trained and active fighter when Coach said that Dong Man hadn't touched his gear in 10 years) and the jerk he was fighting was going in jealous because the Coach is biased towards Dong Man. Within a few seconds of that "fight" he had to know that even if Dong man is/was good once upon a time he hasn't fought in a long time. He was wailing on Dong Man because of his stupid jealousy of Coach's preference. I wouldn't be surprised if sometime down the line that guy got in trouble during a fight creating a scandal of his own for fighting dirty or something.

As for the other couple--I wonder if there's a no dating policy at their work place? And if there is I wonder why she didn't move to a different job (his seems slightly higher up the food chain than her customer service representative job, and it can't be that hard to get another customer service representative job)? Or, how long have they both been working there? I only ask because it can't be fun/easy to be with someone for 6 years and have to hide it. Also, did she go on the business trip with him? Was there no business trip and they were taking a trip together?


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When you abandon your dreams for too long, they tend to become rusty. It becomes harder and harder to get where you once used to be and this realization has hit Dong Man pretty hard this episode.

The first two episodes have been slow going, but I like where this is going so far. There's a lot of potential for the cute - I just hope we don't get served a crappy love triangle in there. That would be so blah.


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I for once don't think main leads are in love with each other (at least Dong Man), they have been best friends for 20 years, I would have the same reaction if someone tries to hurt my friend (unfortunetly without using Taekwando), it wouldn't exactly mean that I have romantic feelings to him/her.

On another note, can we copy Ae-Ra and give her to every drama lead who was too good for female lead? I just love her that much


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Honestly, I think we may be rushing a wee bit to make them "in love". They have been best friends for all their lives, they've kinda sorta tested the "crush" waters and never been on the same page at the same time and now they are each other's biggest fan and strongest supporter. I think they've each got the "spark" tamped down pretty far under years of "I'll never marry you!" and "how's your girlfriend, no really I do like her" and stuff like that. Of course when one really needs the other, everything gets dropped just as it would for a sibling. I just can't wait until we see them each in viable relationships with other people and how that changes things ? Oh baby!


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Choi ae ra is so badass! I didn't expect her to kick those side view mirrors. I am so happy we are getting amazing female leads, between her and eun bong hee , I am a very happy woman!

Their friendship is to die for! Knowing and being friends with someone for 20 years is like amazing! Usually once one part of your life Is over ( like school, college), you will stay in touch with your friends but it won't be the same like seeing them everyday and sharing everything with them. I tell this because, I graduated last year from college and started working now and I am barely able to meet my friends. There is something comfortable and familiar about meeting friends who have known you longer that you don't have to pretend to be anyone else than who you are now. Its like what you said last recap, LollyPip, when you meet someone new, you tend to hide some part of yourself, so its not the same like meeting old friends. So, I think all of us should atleast have one or two friends who have known us for a long time, so that we ll able to remember us as who were before we became a working professional , or mother or wife. Sorry for the rant here. :P


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Ae-ra honestly made me swoon. Multiple times​. I feel a fast she-crush coming. Thanks entire scene where she was confronting those jerks, both in the parking lot and in the station- I couldn't stop clutching my heart.

Ae-ra, you can be my MC any day.


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thanks for the recaps LollyPip!

I love this show - the characters are funny!

I ROFL when i saw that DM saved Ae Ra in his phone contact as "error" (Ae Ra sounds like error!) - too funny!

Wonder if DM and AR know that SH is dating JM?

Now i have something to watch on Mon-Tue (including The Lookout/Guardian).


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Lol i know! At first I was like, oh no why is there an error in the connection, how if Ae Ra can't get a hold of Dong Man?
Oh wait, ae ra, error, igedit!


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Where I come from, some people like to use chairs to reserve parking lots.

Not kidding.


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Wut?? Why is this here?! Wrong thread! Should be to @Lilly below!


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I caught it. :) That's kind of amazing to me, really, but I guess it's like when it snows and folks put a chair in the spot they dug out marking it as theirs.


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Gosh this episode flew by! I was so surprised to find it finished. It was hilarious and bittersweet. I guess I can say that this kdrama is one romcom with more true to life elements than I've seen in a romcom in a long time. Both Dong Man and Ae Ra are struggling to find their place in this world. They are both not innocent or naive, yet not jaded and cynical, not hardened by the world yet. What a happy balance!

And that scene where DM hugs AR just gets me. Nothing beats having an encouraging friend to lean on when the world gets you down. I love, love both of them. I love the 2nd leads too but want to see more of their interactions as a foursome. I think I'm going to fall in love with this drama.


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Did the doctor trio think she needed to be punished because she was impersonating/ standing in for the actress? To me that seems like a little bit of twisted logic.


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ahh I wish Moon-bin was a permanent character!! I relate to his nerdy/shy personality so much :) I could definitely see a character arc for him learning how to stand up to others too ~


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I have only 6 words to describe this show, THIS SHOW IS SO FRICKING CUTE! That is all.


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When he threw his gi top (I think in the first episode), I honestly thought it was a freudian slip that he over threw it even if the "intended" target was the one he declared his intent to then. I think even then he already knew where he heart lay, but everyone is telling him this other woman is the better choice, and given their "I'll never marry you" childhood exchange, he may have long felt she would say no if asked even to date.

I do think when we find out about the announcer ex that she may have left him the same way her boyfriend felt it was ok to cheat on her because they both were tired of the other constantly being an obvious receiver of attention. Her ex even described DM the "not boyfriend friend", to his older girlfriend in the car after that scene. (At least that's how it translated in the sub I watched.) So I think it's obvious to everyone but them how the lead couple feel for each other--including to both their exes.

The only thing that annoyed me in this ep was the chair in the parking lot. Where the heck did that come from? Did the guy keep it in his back seat or trunk just in case he needed it? XD


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Hahaha exactly, there was just a chair there in the parking lot, of course! I laughed when that appeared. Maybe Korean Hiltons just keep them around their lots for those popular post-wedding fights?


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Yeah, the appearance of the chair in the parking lot was completely random!


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This show is a GEM! The story, the acting, the music (so well queued), the pace, the emotions ... you name it! Crossing my fingers that it stays this way or better! ツ


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I love this show so much already!! And what I lovethe most (other than the amazing characters and chemistry) is that it's and ode to anyone that has ever had big dreams only to not achieve them later on. It's never too late to try, it's only late if you decide it is!


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They so remind me of myself five years ago and of millennials' problems after college in the US generally. Does Korea have a similar group?


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Welcome back (to my arms), Park Seo-joon. You don’t know how ecstatic I am to see him at his best again. His Go Dong-man is so next-door neighbour, so relatable, and it’s to PSJ’s credit that he can make normalcy this swoon-worthy. I’ll take Dong-man over any unrealistic third generation chaebol anytime, because if you can wear a simple white T-shirt plus jeans and still look like a million dollars, then you’re hot, full stop. Kim Ji-won’s performance is also so winning I just love her. She has won my allegiance since her turn as an aspiring singer in the underrated “What’s Up” and I’m so glad she finally gets a chance at a leading role and makes the best out of it.

As for Dong-man and Ae-ra, I totally believe that they have a 20 year friendship with their comfortable rapport; and coupled with their unshaken support for each other, I haven’t seen a more perfect for each other couple from the get-go in a long time. He has her back, and she got his. This drama reminds me of “The bottom of 9th inning, 2 outs”, one of my favourite friends to lovers stories. If these two can keep up with the explosive chemistry, and provided that the story doesn’t go haywire half-way through, Fight My Way is a sure candidate for best rom-com this year. Manse!!!


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I was going to suggest to commenters above that they watch "9 End" if they can't stand the wait between episodes for Fight My Way. It's the cutest.


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He makes tshirt looks so hot ?
And it's so cute that he tucks in his tee / trainer jacket into his training pants.


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Very good 2nd episode. I really like the rhythm and the interactions. The mystery about DM past is also intriguing. He must have hurt his brother or something happened to the brother that caused DM to compete and maybe cheat/agree on a specific outcome? If he really injured someone it would be weird that he still raises his hands against other people, no?
I like the little scenes about them as kids. Very funny indeed.


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Two episodes in and I`m already in love T______T Please be still my heart.

So so so in love with Ae Ra! I love that we have yet another strong heroine in a drama. I hope she stays that way throughout the series. She doesn't take crap from anyone who treats her like shit, and at the same time, she knows her limit. She calls out for help when she knows she cannot do it on her own, and that is when her hero comes to the rescue in a heartbeat. Ae Ra has her fair share of saving Dong Man, and I loved how he smiled secretly behind the bars when she threatened the guys if they refused to let him go. They got each other's backs and they're not ashamed to ask for help. The epilogue where it showed that it used to be Ae Ra who shooed bullies away from him was such a big contrast in what they are now - Dong Man, who has become much taller shooes bullies away from her now. So can't get over them.

I wish Moo Bin will fall for Ae Ra and that's when Dong Man will realize his true feelings for her. I think Hye Ran is going to be Ae Ra's turning point since she's back in the picture again. So can't wait for that moment they realize they're into each other!


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I know violence isn't the answer but every slap On dong man gave that creep filled me with happiness. I actually couldnt stop laughing the entire time .This episode confirmed it for me, I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!!
I love both leads,the female reminds me of oh hae young and jang mi from marriage not dating, and i loved them so i have high expectations.I hope my heart isn't in pieces at the end of this.


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Mini Ae Ra and Mini Dong Man are sooooooo adorable!! ❤️❤️❤️
The little actress is awesome. I like her.

I really love these two characters foreals. We can see them tease each other and bicker, but they don't do it constantly. We can already see how close they are and how much they care for each other.

I don't mind that we haven't seen the Fantastic Four all together yet. More time for us to learn about Ae Ra and Dong Man is good.

Glad you mentioned OHYA, @lollypip! One of my faves. Both OHYA and this drama feel so real and relatable. ^^


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I feel like the are both pretty thick when it comes to their feelings. I read a k-netz comment mentioning how dong man and aera act more like boyfriend and girlfriend. And I do agree with that, there have been little moments where you think, are they feeling something more before they quickly shut it down. They just don't realize it. Also that women that dong man avoided is apparently his first love, I wonder what happened between them for him to be like that. Did she break up with him? Was there a falling out? Does he stilll have feelings for her? Was it one sided from dong mans side?why is she interested in him again when she could have anyone she most likely wanted considering dong man isn't some rich guy, with status or connection. Also it's true we haven't seen more of seolhee and joo man, though that's likely to change next week,it's clear his not ready to commit to a marriage even after 6 yrs, I'm looking forward to their story as well. I love the little flashback scenes at the end and through the eps. It's great seeing their past selves.


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In some alternate universe, I'm kinda wishing we could get a love story between Kim Ji-won's character and Choi Woo-shik's. He's so adorable and so beta-male that I can't help but root for him to get the girl. Or is it just me?


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SAME! I want him to get his own arc where he learns to be a little more assertive. Haha. Was quite disappointed when I learned his character wasn't sticking around for the duration of the show.


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Totally adore Choi Woo Shik.


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I'm in love! ? I am absolutely loving this drama and KJW is so beautiful, my eyes feel purified whenever I see her on screen! But more than the pretty, pretty, pretty visuals, I am also loving the characters, especially Dongman and my girlcrush, Ae Ra.

Its so easy to see that both Dong Man and Ae Ra are special -- they shine so brightly when they do what they love but somehow, they lost their way and had to settle. I am looking forward to their journey to get or live their dreams and passions and yes, also to finally realize that they love, like in-love love, each other. KJW and PSJ's chemistry is ???-- I am hoping we don't have to wait like 10 episodes later for a kiss!

Is anyone else also awww-ing over Park Moobin? Is it true he's only a cameo??? I really like the character! He's a smart doctor, a nice gentlemen but his awkward nerdiness is such a nice foil to Dong Man's brash, not-so bright but big-hearted athlete! I was actually thinking I wouldn't mind Moobin being the second lead!

I am also interested in Sulhee and Jooman's relationship especially now there's a hot coworker hitting on Joo Man -- omo, if he accepts her advances and breaks Sulhee's heart, I'd want Sulhee to do this image transformation and make him realize his mistake!


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I concur. It is to Choi Woo-shik's acting ability that he is able to turn a small cameo role to someone that we all want to be the second lead. Knowing his real life close friendship with Park Seo-joon makes me wish that we could have a reel life bromance between these two. They play off each other's chemistry so well even when they're supposed to be frenemies in the drama. I hope it would be an extended cameo that can add impact to the story.


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I am loving Cho Woo Shik. Hope he comes back with leading role soon. He totally won over me as Hogu and i am a fan. Park Seo Joon is so good to. He is back the Park Seo Joon i fell in love with. Let me just erase Hwarang from my brain.


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